Feta love addressees. Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet.

One of the outstanding lyrical poets of the 19th century is Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, the topic of love has been fundamental. This author has a love theme sounded in a new way. Although Saltykov-Shchedrin and wrote in the 70s, that none of the poets will not dare to sing roses and Solovyov, but became mistaken. But as it were, whatever Fet wrote, the topic of love in poems had an autobiographical attack.

The first love of the poet was Maria Lazich, a girl-idleness. Their feelings were strong and high, but the pair was not destined to be together. The girl knew that the poet would never be her husband and before his death she wrote "I am guilty, and not he!". Historians believe that the girl committed suicide. Of course, the poet felt indirect guilt, the severity of the loss of him, as a result, Dwymiria appeared in his works. Contemporaries noted that everyday life Athanasius Afanasyevich became more calculating, cruel and cold. Love experiences, which poured in the rhymed stiffs of Fet, the theme of love in his poems - it was already an interesting world, where the poet could be in unity with his beloved.

The poem "Son" The poet also devoted Lazich, the image of his beloved woman was a moral judge of his life. Poem autobiographical, in the lieutenant Losev, the reader can find out Afanasia Afanasyevich, and the house in which he became becoming his prototype in real life In Derpte. In these rows, we can see that the love of Mary in the heart of the poet is still alive:

My path is over. You still live
Still love in your breast so much
But if you boldly, honestly you will go,
More brightened in front of you road.

But not only this girl devoted the poems of Fet, the topic of love arose in his works thanks to other women too. For example, in the poem "shine night" the poet is recognized in his feelings for Tatiana Andreevna Kuzminsky (Maiden's name Bers):

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying

The piano was all revealed, and the strings were trembling in it,
Like my hearts for your song.

Tatiana was the sister of Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy, once in the evening the poet heard, as she sings Bers and was delighted with her voice and singing. As a result, it was born this heartfelt and lyric work.

It is still worth remembering the work of "whisper, timid breathing", which Fet wrote, the topic of love is revealed here without image lyrical hero. This technique helps imagine a beautiful couple, for example, Romeo and Juliet. What is interesting, there is not a single verb in this work, the poet used only calling proposals, so in the thoughts of the reader grows a chain of phenomena and items:

In smoke puffur Purple Roses,
Gleam amber
And lobsia, and tears,
And dawn, dawn! ..

Without a doubt, the best works of this Russian poet are poems about the beauty of women, about mutual love that fills the whole soul with happiness. Whatever condition was experiencing Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet, the topic of love in his poems passed the subtlest shades of mental life.

Whisper, timid breathing ...

Whisper, timid breathing,
Truck nighting
Silver and Krakhanye
Sleeping stream.
Night night, night shadow,
Shadows without end.
A number of magical changes
Cute face.
In smoke puffur Purple Roses,
Gleam amber
And lobsia, and tears,
And dawn, dawn!

What is happiness: and night, and we are alone!

What is happiness: and night, and we are alone!
River - as a mirror and all glitters stars;
And there ... the head Zakin-ka and look:
What depth and purity above us!

Oh, call me crazy! Nazova
Than you want; In this moment I will be weak
And in the heart I feel such a tide of love,
What I can't be silent, I will not know how!

I'm sick, I'm in love; But, suffering and loving -
About Listen! About Understand! - I do not hide passion,
And I want to say that I love you -
You love you one and wish you!

I will not say anything ...

I will not tell you anything
I am not alaring you whit
And that, I'm silent to heal,
I will not dare to hint for anything.

All day sleep night flowers,
But only the sun for the grove will go,
Disclosed quiet sheets,
And I hear the heart blooms.

And in the patient tired breasts
Veins moisture night ... I tremble.
I am not alaring you whit
I will not tell you anything.

Old letters

Long forgotten, under the light layer of dust,
The features of the cherished, you again in front of me
And in the hour of spiritual flour instantly resurrected
All that long has long been lost soul.

Burning fire shame, again there are eyes
One credulity, hope and love,
And sincere words fading patterns
From my hearts to the las are chasing blood.

I am convicted of dumb witnesses
Spring soul of my and dusk winter.
You are the same bright, saints, young,
Like that terrible hour when we were forgiven.

And I trusted treacherous sound -
As if outside the love there is something in the world! -
I boldly pushed your hand written to you,
I condemned myself for eternal separation
And with a cold in the chest, it was started at the far path.

Why, with the former smile, the dying
Whisper to me about love, look into my eyes?
Souls do not resurrect and voice all forgivers,
Does not wash these rows and burning tears.

At the dawn, you do not bother her ...

At the dawn, you will not be it,
At the dawn, she sleeps sweetly so much;
Morning breathes on her chest
Brightly breathing on the lines of lines.

And the pillow is hot,
And hot tedious sleep
And, drawing, run on the shoulder
Spit ribbon on both sides.

And yesterday, the window is entering
Long, she sat for a long time
And watched the game on the clouds
Which sliding the moon.

And the brighter the moon played,
And the louder than the nightingale,
She walked all pale
The heart beat the hurts and the Higher.

Because of the young breast,
On the laboctions so morning burns.
Do not be whatever you are her, do not be
At the dawn, she sleeps sweet so much!

If you love, like me, infinite ...

If you love, as I, infinitely,
If you live love and breathe,
I put my hand on my chest carelessly:
Hearts of Beani under do not hear.

Oh, do not consider them! in them, the power of magical,
Every gust is overflowing to you;
So in the spring by the healing jet
Holds moisture hot jet.

Pey, give up moments happy, -
The thrill of bliss all the soul will trimmed;
Drink - and do not ask with an inquisitive,
Will the heart runs out soon, cooled.

I came to you with greetings ...

I came to you with greetings,
Tell that the sun rose,
That it is hot light
On sheets fluttered;

Tell me that the forest woke up
All woke up, the branch of each
Each bird was fixed
And spring full of thirst;

Tell me with the same passion
How yesterday I came again,
That the soul is still happiness
And you are ready to serve;

Tell me from everywhere
I am merry on me
What I don't know what I will
Sing - But only the song is ripening.

Do not leave me ...

Do not leave me
My friend, stay with me.
Do not move away from me:
I'm so gratifying with you ...

Closer to each other than we are, -
You can't be closer to us;
Cleaner, less, stronger
We do not know how to love.

If you are before me,
Sad head inclluding, -
I'm so gratifying with you:
Do not leave me!

No, I have not changed. Until old age

No, I have not changed. Until old age
I am the same devotee, I am a slave of your love,
And the old poison of chains, express and cruel,
Still burns in my blood.

At least the memory and tells that between us grave,
At least every day delirious to another, -
Unable to believe I forget me,
When you are here, in front of me.

Whether beauty flashes other for a moment,
I feel about it, I know you;
And tenderness I am heard the blow
And, shuddering, I sing.
February 2, 1887.

Only meet your smile

Only meet your smile
Or a look caught your more beautiful, -
I don't see you love
And your beauty is beloved.
About the singer in charge they say
Like a rose in love with a trell
Praise inexlessly he is happy
Above his fragrant cradle.

But silently, pyshn-chista,
Young garden lady:
Only the song needs beauty,
The beauty and songs are not necessary.

When dreamily I am devoted to silence

When dreamily I am devoted to silence
And I see the meek queen of a clear night,
When the constellation is closed in the embroidery
And sleeping at Argus will begin to climb the eyes,

And close to the hour already tremed by you
And the wait is increasing with a minute,
And I am already crazy and dumb,
And each sound of the night embarrassed scares;

And impatience sucks sick breasts,
And you are one, sneaking, looking around,
And I hurry in the face of a wonderful look,
And I see clear, - and quietly, smile,

You tell me "Love!"
And I try to tie a missing speech,
Breathing fiery breathing catching
Whole hair fragrant and shoulders,

And I listen long, how are you silent, - and me
You put out all for Passion Lobzanya -
About Friends, how happy I, how happy I am quite!
How to live I want to New Svidanya!

Oh, I will be a long time, in the Night's silence mystery ...

Oh, I will be long, in the Night's silence mystery,
Cunning tinted your, smile, gratitude gloom,
Fronts obedient hair thick strand
From thoughts to cast out and call again;
I breathe deeply, one, no one visible,
Dresses and shame of the blush,
Search Although one mysterious feature
In the words that you uttered:
Whisper and correlate the former expressions
My speeches with you, filled confusion,
And inxication, in the mind of the mind,
The cherished name to wake the night darkness.

Long dreamed of cries of your screams ...

Long dreamed of cries of your screams, -
That was the voice of resentment, impotence of crying;
Long, for a long time I dreamed of that joyful moment,
I missed you - an unfortunate executioner.

Passed the year, we knew how to love
The smile bloomed, sad sadness;
Yielded the year - and I had to leave:
I carried me to an unknown distance.

I gave me a hand, asked: "Mop?"
A little in my eyes I noticed two droplets of tears;
These sparks in the eyes and cold trembling
I am in the sleepless nights forever suffered.

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying ...

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying
Rays from our legs in the living room without lights.
The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it,
Like my hearts for your song.

You sang before dawn, in tears is exhausted,
That you are alone - love that no love is different
And so I wanted to live, so that, the sound is not rone,
Love you, hug and cry over you.

And many years have passed, tearing and boring,
And in the quiet night your voice I hear again,
And blows like then, in the sighs of these sonor
What are you alone - all life is that you are alone - love,

That there is no disorders of the fate and the heart of burning flour,
And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,
As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug and cry over you!

Yesterday I walked around the hall lighted ...

Yesterday I went on the hall lit,
Where long have we met with you.
You are here again! Silent and confused
I unwittingly dropped my head.

And in the dark anxious consciousness
Old days I differed hardly
When whispered insane welders
And spoke insane words.

Familiar handles Tommy
Standing. In the eyes of motion and flowers -
And it seems, flying under the sound of your favorite,
You whispered Krotko: "What are you?"

And the sounds are well, and those well
And I feel - the head flares,
And I whisper insane welders
And tinker insane words.

A.A. Feta is a sophisticated lyric that endowed with an exceptional sense of beauty and ingenious giving. The main mood of Feta poetry is the mood of the mental lift. Eustion by nature, love, art, memories, dreams - the main emotional content of his poems.

Love theme for feta is especially significant. The feeling of a woman becomes for the lyrical hero all-consuming. Love makes it possible to experience an inexpressible delight. However, the peculiarity and power of the love lyrics of Feta - not in the psychological portrait, not in an individual characteristic. The poet does not seek to recreate the image of the beloved woman. He is not interested in the people themselves, but their experiences. In verses, only the moments of feeling are given, there is no development. The poet records the moments of a love novel. In the poem "What per night! The transparent air is shoven ... "The lyric hero per hour of date was only languishing the consciousness that he was loved, and he did not like:
You waited, you craved a confession -
I was silent: I did not love you.

But from the last date everything changed:
But now, when I tremble and MLEMU
And, like a slave, your eyes catch,
I'm not luge, calling you your
And swearing that I love you!

Fet does not try to explain this sudden change, follow the feeling changed, it only compares two contrasting experiences.

The main cycle of love poems Feta is dedicated to Maria Lazich. Their romance ended with separation, which soon followed the death of the girl. Memories of this tragic love eventually did not lose for feta of their acute. Therefore, in most of his love poems, the verbs are used in the past time. The lyrical hero lives the past, memories, "was tenderness." In the poem "No, I have not changed. Until old age ... "He admits:
And the old poison of chains, express and cruel,
Still burns in my blood.

The feeling for a untimely gone beloved woman continues to give inspiration:
And, shuddering, I sing.

As any true poetry, Feta poetry generalizes what the poet survived. In his verses about love, there is a large world of experiences, characteristic of each person. So, the poem "shone the night ..." - not only about Feet's feeling to a cute young T.kuzmin, but about high human love at all. In meaning, this lyrical play can be divided into two parts. The first two stains are memories of the slope of the love sense of the lyrical hero. The third and fourth stanza are about his new meeting with her beloved and about the return of lost happiness. The poem "shone the night ..." gives rise to bright paintings in the imagination. The darkened living room is presented, behind its windows - a garden full of nightlife, lunar radiance. Magic music and a wonderful voice sounds:
The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it,
Like my hearts for your song.

The poetic story about the history of love is striking with liveliness and emotionality. It is no coincidence that the poet uses a lot of verbs. In the first part, they are used in the past time, but the second is in the present. This gives a lyrical narrative dynamics, poems accurately accelerate, the emotional tension increases and reaches the apogee:
That there is no disorders of the fate and the heart of burning flour,
And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,
As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug and cry over you ...

The last four lines are musical, emotional, and semantic completion of the poem. This is the last and highest point of the lyrical plot. Feta has together and "sobbing sounds", and love, and a woman. All this is the phenomena of the beautiful. Believe in beauty, sing it - the high happiness of the poet and higher goal His creativity.

Another famous poem feta about love is "whisper, timid breathing ..." This miniature is about the beauty of nightlife, about love, feeling the finest, inexpressible strong. There is no image of the lyrical hero in the work. This technique contributes to the creation of the feeling that we have a poetic story about the love of Eternal Romeo and Juliet. The poem is built on some calls. There is not a single verb in it. Before us grows a peculiar chain of objects and phenomena, which are called one after another: whisper - timid trouble - TRELLY OF SOLOVYA, etc. But this work is still possible to be called substantive and real. The objects in the poem feta exist in themselves, but as signs of feelings and states. And these peculiar symbols cause certain associations from the reader. So, roses, singing nightingry, night light - all this attributes of a romantic date of lovers. Gradually, from sounds, the breath of the night, the reflections of the stream arises a "cute face" in his "magic changes". A date with your beloved happiness and sweet suffering: "And lobsias, and tears ..." Long, all night, meeting and heart intimacy are completed by an inexpressible delight: "And dawn, dawn! .." last words It sounds not in a number of others, but allocated. Dawn is not another phenomenon, but a "strong" metaphor and "strong" ending. In the context of the poem of the dawn - the highest expression of the feeling, the light of love. "Whisper, timid breathing ..." - the work is very beautiful and trepidate. It is one of the best samples of Feta love lyrics.

The best poems of Feta - about the beauty of women, love, reciprocity, about what fills the soul with happiness. These works entered the Golden Fund of Russian Poetry. They are striking emotionality, light sadness and joy, a kind of transmission of the finest shades of spiritual life.

This essay was written by teachers and was included in the "Square-2003 from Bobych.spb.ru" for the final examination of the literature.
The theme of love is one of the components of the theory of pure art, the most widely in Russian literature reflected in the verses of Feta and Tyutchev. This eternal theme of poetry nevertheless found his new refraction here and sounded somewhat in a new way. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote in the 70s that now no one will be perfected already singing Solovyov and roses. For Feta, the topic of love, on the contrary, was the fundamental all of his work until the end of life.

The creation of beautiful poems about love is explained not only to the divine gift and a special talent of the poet. In the case of fet, it has a real autobiographical background. Inspiration for Feta was the love of his youth - the daughter of the Serbian landowner Maria Lazich. Love them was so high and restless, how tragic. Lazic knew that Fet never marries her, nevertheless her last words was exclaimed: "It's not necessary for him, and I am!" The circumstances of her death are not as clear as the circumstances of the birth of Feta, but there is reason to believe that it was suicide. The consciousness of the indirect guilt and gravity of the loss painfully feta throughout his life, and the result of this was dwermin, something is akin to Duloyemic and Zhukovsky. Contemporaries celebrated coldness, calculation and even some cruelty feta in everyday life. But what kind of contrast it amounts to another world of feta - the world of his lyrical experiences embodied in his poems. All his life, Zhukovsky believed in the connection with Masha Protasovoy in another world, he lived with these memories. Fet is also immersed in his own worldAfter all, only in him is unity with her beloved. Fet feels and beloved (his "second I") is inseparable merged in the other of being, really continuing in the world of poetry: "And at least life is destined to me without you, but we are with you, we cannot be separated." ("Alter Ego".) The poet constantly feels spiritual proximity with his beloved. About this poem "you depressed, I still suffer ...", "in the silence and darkness of the mysterious night ...". He gives his beloved a solemn promise: "I carry your light through the life of the earth: He is mine - and with him a double being" ("Tomstantly prisoner and in vain ...").

The poet speaks directly about the "double being", that his earthly life will help him transfer only the "immortality" his beloved that she is alive in his soul. Indeed, for the poet, the image of the beloved woman throughout his life was not only the perfect and long-term ideal of another world, but also the moral judge of his earthly life. In the poem "Sleep", dedicated to Maria Lazich, it feels especially clearly. The poem has an autobiographical basis, in the lieutenant Malla is easily recognized by the Fet itself, and the medieval house where he stopped, also has his prototype in Derpte. The comic description of the "Church of the devil" is replaced by a kind of morality aspect: the lieutenant fluctuates in his choice, and he remembers a completely different image - the image of his long-dead beloved. He turns to her for advice: "Oh, what would you say, who cannot be called with these sinful thoughts."

Literary critic in his research indicates the compliance of these strings the words of Vergilia to Dante that "as a pagan, he cannot accompany him to heaven, and Beatrice is given to the satellites." The image of Mary Lazich (and this is undoubtedly she) for Feta is a moral ideal, the whole life of the poet is the desire for ideal and hope for reunification.

But Feta's love lyrics is filled not only with a sense of hope and hope. She is also deeply tragic. The feeling of love is very controversial, it is not only joy, but also flour, suffering. In verse, there are often such combinations as joy - suffering, "the bliss of suffering", "Sweetness of secret torment". The poem "At the dawn, you are not boudes" everything is filled with such a dual sense. At first glance in front of us a serene picture of a girl's morning sleep. But already the second quatrain reports some kind of tension and destroys this serenity: "And her cushion is hot, and hot tedious sleep." The appearance of "strange" epithets, such as "tedious sleep," indicates not to serenity, but for some kind of painful state, close to delight. Then explains the reason for this state, the poem comes to the climax: "She became all the pale, the heart beat the hurts and the Higherck." The tension increases, and suddenly the last quadruses absolutely changes the picture, leaving the reader in bewilderment: "You will not be like that, you don't boot her, at the dawn she sleeps sweetly." These lines represent a contrast from the middle of the poem and return us to the harmony of the first lines, but already on the new turn. Calling "Do not be whatever you" sounds almost hysterically, like a cry of the soul. The same impulse of passion felt in the poem "shone the night, Moon was full of garden ...", dedicated to Tatiana Bers. The tension is emphasized by refrain: "Love you, hug and cry over you." In this poem, a quiet picture of the night garden is replaced and contrasts with a storm in the soul of the poet: "the piano was all revealed and the strings trembled in it, like the hearts for your song."

"Tomitative and boring" life is opposed to the "heart of burning flour", the goal of life is focused in a single gust of the soul, even if she burns her down. For Feta, love is a fire, like poetry - the flame in which the soul burns. "Nothing whispered to you at that time: there is a man burned out!" - Fet exclaims in the poem "When you read the painful lines ...". It seems to me that Fet could also say about the flour of love experiences. But once "burners", that is, having survived real love, the Fet nevertheless is not empty, and he has retained the freshness of these feelings in memory and the image of his beloved.

Somehow Feta was asked how he could have been able to pi-grant in his years of youth? He replied: by memory. Good says that "Feth is extremely strong poetic memory," and results in an example, the poem "on the swing", the impetus for writing which the memory of 40 years ago was written (the poem was written in 1890). "Forty years ago, I swung on a swing with a girl, standing on the board, and her dress was cracked from the wind," writes Fets in a letter to Polonsky. Such a "sound detail" (good), like a dress that "rubbed from the wind" is most memorable for the poet musician. All feta poetry is built on sounds, overflow and sound images. Turgenev talked about Feta, which is waiting for a poem from him, the last lines of which will have to be transferred only to the silent shelling of the lips. A vivid example is the poem "whisper, timid ...", which is built on some nouns and adjectives, without a single verb. Commas I. exclamation point Also transfer the magnificence and tension of the moment with realistic concreteness. This poem creates a point image, which, with close review, gives chaos, "a series of magical", elusive for the human eye "changes", and in the distance - an accurate picture. Fet, as an impressionist, based on its poetry, and in particular the description of love experiences and memories, on the immediate fixation of their subjective observations and impressions. Thickening, but not a mixture of colorful smears, as in the paintings of MEE, gives a description of love experiences the culmination and limiting clarity image of beloved. What is she?

"I know your passion for the hair," says Grigoriev Fetu about his story "Cactus." This passion is repeatedly manifested in Fetov's verses: "I love your Long", "Kreman's Fleece", "heavy knot of braids", "straight fluffy hair" and "braids with ribbon on both sides." Although these descriptions are somewhat common, nevertheless, a pretty clear image of a beautiful girl is created. A little different Fet describes her eyes. That is the "radiant eye", then "real eyes, insane eyes" (similar to the poem of Tyutchev "I knew the eyes about these eyes"). "Your gaze open and fearless," writes Fet, and in the same poem he speaks about the "thin lines of the ideal". Favorite for feta - moral proud and ideal. She has great power Above the poet throughout his life, although already in 1850, shortly after the death of Lazich, Fet writes: "My ideal world has been destroyed for a long time." The influence of the beloved woman on the poet is felt in the poem "for a long time dreamed of cries of your screams." The poet calls himself a "unfortunate executioner", he sharply feels his guilt for the death of his beloved, and the punishment for it was "two droplets of tears" and "cold trembling", which he in the "sleepless nights suffered". This poem is painted in Tyutchev tone and absorb Tyutchev's drama.

The biographies of these two poets are in many ways similar - both of them experienced the death of the beloved woman, and immeasurable longing for the lost giving food to create beautiful love poems. In the case of Fetom, this fact seems the most strange - as you can finish the girl, and then all your life write about her sublime poems? It seems to me that the loss made a deep impression on Feta that the poet survived a certain catharsis, and the result of this suffering was the genius of Feta - he was admitted to a high sphere of poetry, all his description of the favorite experiences and the feeling of the tragedy of love is so strong on the reader because That Fet himself survived them, and his creative genius enjoy these experiences in the poetic shape. Only the power of poetry could convey them, following the Tyutchevsky saying: the thought is spent there is a lie, Fet himself repeatedly talks about the power of poetry: "As I am rich in mad verses."

Feta Love Lyrics makes it possible to penetrate into its secular inclination, and, accordingly, the aesthetic views, as the good, "in solving them a fundamental question about the attitude of art and reality." Love, as well as poetry, in Feta, belongs to another, otherworldly peace, which is the roads and is close to Fetu. In his verses about love, Fet performed "not as a militant preacher of pure art in opposition to the sixties, but created his own and self-protected world" (good). And this world is filled with true experiences, spiritual aspirations of the poet and a deep sense of hope reflected in the love lyrics of the poet.


Many schoolchildren with difficulty distinguish the poetry of Feta from Tyutchevsky creations - undoubtedly in this guy of the teacher, who has impressed correctly to present masterpieces of two meters of Russian literature. I assure after this article about interesting Facts From the life of Feta, you will follow Feta to distinguish the poetics of Afanasia Afanasyevich from Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, I will try very briefly!

In the poetry of Tyutchev, the world is represented by cosmic, even the forces of nature come to life and become natural spirits surrounding a person. The motifs in feta work are more close to reality (landing). For us, a description of these landscapes, images of real people, love Feta is the same sophisticated feeling, but the earthly and affordable.

Mystery of the surname Poet

As a child, A.Fet experienced a shock - he was deprived of the noble title and his father's surname. Real surname Writer Shenshin, his father is a retired Russian Rothmist, and the mother is the German beauty Charlotte Fet. Parents met in Germany, where they instantly spinned a stormy novel. Charlotte was married, but completely unhappy in marriage, her husband loved to drink and often raised her hand on her. Having met the noble Russian military, she fell in love with him, and even maternal feelings did not prevent the reunification of two hearts - Charlotte had a daughter. Already in the seventh month of pregnancy Charlotte escapes to Russia to Athanasius Sheenshin. Later, Shenshin will write a letter to her husband, but in response, he will receive the telegram of obscene content. After all, the lovers committed a non-Christian act.

The future poet was born in the Oryol province, in the metric book he was recorded by Afanasiy Sheenshin. Charlotte and Shenshin had happened only two years after the birth of the son. At the age of 14, Athanasius was recognized as illegitimate, he was returned to the surname of Fet and refer to the "foreigner". As a result, the boy loses his noble origin and the inheritance of the father's father. Later he will restore his rights, but after many, many years.

Fet and Tolstoy

The works of Lotman meets the mention of one unusual case from the life of two great writers. In the card games in those days they played everything, especially loved to chant (but now not about him). So, the game process was quite emotional, in the impulse, players tearned and threw cards to the floor, together with them and money fell. But it was considered indecent to raise this money, they remained lying on the floor until the end of the game, and then they were taken by lackeys in the form of tips.

Once the secular sieves (including Fet and Tolstoy) played a card game, and Fet was bent, so as to raise the fallen appliance. Everyone was a bit strange, but not to Tolstoy, the writer fed to his friend to highlight the candle. There is nothing shameful in this act, because Fet has played for his last money, unlike rivals.

Fet wrote and prose

In the 60s of the 19th century, Fet began work on prose, as a result, two prosaic compilations were published, consisting of essays and short sampling stories.

"We can not serve" - \u200b\u200bthe story of unhappy love

With Maria Lazich, the poet met the ball in the house of the famous officer Petkovich (this happened in 1848, when the sun was mercilessly at the border of the Kiev and Kherson provinces). Maria Lazic was charming - high, slim, dim, with a drain dark thick hair. Fet immediately realized that Mary for him like Beatrice for Dante. Then Fetu was 28 years old, and Maria - 24 years old, it was all responsibility for the house and younger sisters, because she was a daughter of a poor Serbian general. Since then, the entire love lyrics of the writer is dedicated to this particular young lady.

According to contemporaries, Maria did not differ in incomparable beauty, but was pleasant and seductive. So Athanasius and Maria began to communicate, write each other letters, hold joint evenings in the discussion of art. But once overclocking her diary (then all the girls had diaries, in which they rewrite favorite poems, quotes, attached photos), Fet noticed the music signs, under which there was a signature - Ferrenz Leaf. Firth famous composer of that time that toured in the 40s in Russia, met Maria and even devoted her musical work. First, Fet was upset, jealousy smeared on him, but then when he heard the melody sounds great for Mary, asked to play it constantly.

But marriage between Afanasi and Maria was impossible, he does not have the means for existence and title, and Maria at least from the poor family, but from the noble. The relatives of Lazich did not know about it and did not understand why Fet communicates with their daughter for two years, but does not make sentences. Naturally, rumors and speculation about the Feta and immorality of Mary have gone around the city. Then Athanasius said his beloved that their marriage is impossible, and the relationship should be urgently stopped. Maria asked Athanasius to just be near without marriage and money.

But in the spring of 1850 it happened terrible. In desperation, Maria sat in his room, tried to gather with thoughts, how to live on how to achieve an eternal and unreasonable union with her beloved. Suddenly, she stood sharply, why the lamp fell on a long siny dress, in a matter of seconds the flames covered the girl's hair, she only had time to shout "Save letters!". Relatives put out the fire of madness, but the number of burns on the body was incompatible with life, after four painful days, Maria died. The last words were "he is not guilty, and I ..". There is an assumption that it was suicide, and not just a random death.

Marriage of convenience

After years, Fet marries Maria Botkin, but no longer due to strong love, but by calculation. In his heart and verses, the image of high and black-haired Mary Lazich will forever be preserved.

How Feet Title Returned

The poet took several years of service in the infantry troops to achieve officer ranks and get a nobility. He absolutely did not like the army way of life, Fet wanted to engage in literature, not war. But to regain their legitimate status, he was ready to endure any difficulties. After the service, Fetu had to work for 11 years of the judge and only then the writer was worthy of getting a noble title!

Attempt of suicide

After receiving the noble title and the generic estate, who achieved the main goal of Fet under some kind of pretext asked his wife to go to visit someone. On November 21, 1892, closed in the office, drank a glass of champagne, called the secretary, dictating the last lines.

"I do not understand the conscious multiplication of inevitable suffering. Voluntarily go to the inevitable. November 21, Fet (Shenshin) "

I got the stiletto for cutting paper and put his hand over the temple, the secretary managed to pull the stiletto from the hand of the writer. At this point, Fet jumped out of the office to the dining room, tried to grab the knife, but immediately fell. The secretary ran up to the dying writer, who said only one word "voluntary" and died. Heirs the poet left after herself.

The highest achievement of late Fetovo poetry is his love poems, undoubtedly the most unusual and most passionate love poems written by a seventy-year-old man. In them, the Feta method - to use in poetry only their own depressed emotions - won a brilliant victory. They are so saturated that they look like a quintessence of passion. They are much more difficult to translate than its early melodies, and I do not decide to quote here the examples that Professor Elton leads in his fetal report. But these verses belong to the most precious diamonds of our poetry. Love theme for feta is especially significant. Fet considered it the main topic of poetry: "Elegant sympathy, established in his all-job attractiveness by nature in nature in order to preserve species, will always remain grain and the center that every poetic thread appears" (letter Polonsky). Meanwhile, Turgenev, a thin connoisseur of Feta lyrics, wrote to him: "All your personal, lyrical, love, especially passionate poems - weaker than others: exactly you have been composed, and did not exist on the subject of the verses." What actually has in mind Turgenev? Apparently, the fact that with a thin disclosure of soulful experiences Fet does not give individual images of women. Fet paints feelings, experiences, but not those who worry. However, this can be said not only about women, but also about men, - first of all about the lyrical "I" poekh feta. This is a very generalized "I", almost having individual signs. We can say about the subject of poems feta that it is a person passionately loving nature And art, observant, who knows how to find beauty in everyday manifestations of life, etc., but to give a more specific - psychological, biographical, social characteristic, we cannot.

In solitude, I'll forget if

Eyelashes Lee Dream Sends me like a dream -

You, you again went in front of me,

My spring days Siagan is surrounded.

All that is destroyed, but in the poor heart is alive,

That the abyss between us is gaping legally,

Unable to keep the soul of my impulse,

And again I'm with you - and you have light.

Not for you idol changeable and brag

In hearty blindness from the dust, I create;

I am this Dal Mila: in it - the ghost is constant

Again, clean, I stand brighter before you.

Neither baby tears of my, nor a soul flour sickly,

I can't blame no female weakness,

To the shrine, they strive to the fortune-free

And terrified your image of your shore.

This is one of the rare poems in the Russian poetry written by a man from the face of a woman. The consciousness of his sinless coexists in it with the consciousness of his shame. The brightest, irresistiblely enthusiastic to the memory of young days is what causes a loose meal and horror shame. The ruined idol again and recreates and turns into dust again. The poems are written on the face of a woman, but in their tonality they are close to verses, inspired by the memory of Lazich, - and you can think that these verses are inspired by the poet the same experiences. Bright, clean, sinless - these epithets are naturally in the mouth of a man who mourning the woman ruined by him than in the lips of a woman who recalls their youth: they would give out complacency, self-love. If so - here is a creative experiment: Fet imagines the Maria of the remaining alive, represents the feelings that she experienced, mentally referring to him. There is something like that in other poems:

At least the memory and tells that between us grave,

When you are here, in front of me.

And dream of me that you got out of the coffin,

The same you flew off from the ground

And dream, dream: we are also young,

And you glanced, as before I looked.

("In the silence and darkness of the mysterious night ...")

We take a look at the early poems of Feta, which contemporaries seemed to be "Geniyevsky". Here is a poem, each of the three storage begins with the words: "I'm waiting ...". Waiting, of course, his beloved, - but it is not said right. At the end of the second stanza, waiting tensions increase:

I hear heartbeat

And thrill in your hands and in the legs.

In another poet of that era, the voltage would be allowed by the arrival or commissioned beloved; Feta has an end to another:

Star rolled to the west ...

Sorry, Golden, sorry!

("I'm waiting ... a nightingale echo ...")

There was a sharp impression of fragmentation, deliberate overannance. It is unrequited for a beloved girl - here is more than an ordinary topic for lyrical poem. But how does it develop her Fet?

Ah, child, tied to you

I love free!

Today you are, my baby,

Ded to me in the star crown.

What is the sparks these stars!

What kind of meek shinny!

You yourself, my baby,

What a bright creation!

The image of the queen of stars pushed out the topic of "gratuitous" love and broke the poem "in Geniyevsky".

Fet loved Maria Lazich, but neither feeling nor the consciousness that he met a woman who could understand him and highlight his life with his love, could not defeat the convictions of Feta in the fact that he would finally perish, marrying the idleness ... Feta love retreated Before prosecuting. Yes, and was his love by the love, which is able to give genuine happiness to love and beloved? Was there a Fet in generally capable only for such love, which disturb the imagination and, sublimating, is out of his work?

Il is a passion sick lick

And the heat of the night will catch in sight?

Roman ended with separation, which soon followed the death of Lazich, burned from the matches carelessly. It is possible that it was disguised suicide.

The memory of this tragic novel was not lost to the feta of its acute, and a number of wonderful poems is associated with this memoir.

That grass that far away on your grave

Here on the heart, than old it is, the fresh ...

Words about the coming indifference were forever forgotten. The image of Mary Lazic in the halo is trusting love and the tragic fetter fetter fetter fetter fastened, this image inspired him to death. From his feather, the words of love, repentance, longing, often amazing on fearless frankness were broken. In the "Evening Fires" there is a whole cycle of poems (not highlighted formally in the cycle), dedicated to the tragically lost beloved of the adolescence of Feta Maria Lazich. Eternity, invariance, constancy of love for her poet, his living perception of the long-gone person act in these poems as a form of overcoming time and death, separating people.

Long forgotten, under the light layer of dust,

The features of the cherished, you again in front of me

And in the hour of spiritual flour instantly resurrected

All that long has long been lost soul.

Burning fire shame, again there are eyes

One credulity, hope and love,

And sincere words fading patterns

From my hearts to the las are chasing blood.

I am convicted of dumb witnesses

Spring soul of my and dusk winter.

You are the same bright, saints, young,

As at that terrible hour, when we were forgiven.

And I trusted treacherous sound -

As if outside the love there is something in the world!

I boldly pushed your hand written to you,

I condemned myself for eternal separation

And with a cold in the chest, it was set on a long journey ...

("Old letters")

You all understood infant soul

Tho, I gave a secret force to me,

And at least life is destined to keep me without you,

But we are with you, we can not separate.

These are not - and I'm not afraid of the coffins,

I envy your silence is yours

And, not judging by neither stupidity, no malice,

Mostly soon your nonsense!

("You depressed, I'm still suffering ...")

Long dreamed of cries of your screams, -

Long, for a long time I dreamed of that joyful moment,

I missed you - an unfortunate executioner.

I filed a hand to me, asked: "Going?"

A little in my eyes I noticed two droplets of tears;

These sparks in the eyes and cold trembling

I am in the sleepless nights forever suffered.

("For a long time I dreamed of screaming of your screams ...")

Although there and says that there is a grave between us,

At least every day delirious to another, -

Unable to believe I forget me,

When you are here, in front of me.

Whether beauty flashes other for a moment,

I feel about it, I know you;

And tenderness I am heard the blow

And, shuddering, I sing.

("No, I did not change. Until old age ...")

Feta love lyrics feed more memories and dreams than a direct feeling. In most love poems, Feta verbs are used in the past time. In the present time or in the imperative inclination ("Do not avoid; I don't pray ...", "I'm sorry - and everyone forget to the cloudless hour ...", "Do not blame that I am confused ...", "Love Me! As soon as your humble ... "and others) verbs are predominantly given in the love poems of the last decade. In the period 1882-- 1892, in the seventh and eighth dozen years, Fet writes especially many love poems, and they are almost first talking about the present, and not about the last love, facing their beloved, and not just to the image of the same beloved. It would be possible to talk about the second love cycle of Feta, if it were known to whom it was addressed, - at least one woman or a few women who caused a sense of love in the poet, even whether new experiences were fixed in these verses or and and Old creatively moved from the past. For some poems, the latter is hard to accept, - so lively they draw the peripetics of love relationships, - but Fet's self explained their origin so, and several poems devoted to the theme of the former young feeling preserved in the old man's memory: "V. S. Solovyov "(" You are amazing that I still sing ... ")," dilapidated, semi-flower grave ... "," Everything, everything that is, and before it was ... ". The last poem begins as:

Everything, everything is mine, what is and before

In dreams and dreams there is no time of the shackles;

Blessed dream soul did not share:

There are no senile and youthful dreams.

As long as the breast of the earth

Although I will barely breathe

All the thrill of life young

I will be wounded everywhere.

("I still love," Tomorrow ... ")

E. V. Yermilova subtly notices about the senile love verses of Feta: "... This is all the same sense of love in life, in her eternal beauty, aware of the poet on the outcome of years with even greater sharpness." In essence, the same fated itself said:

Only meet your smile

Or a look caught your more beautiful, -

Not you love love i nooo

And your beauty beloved

For Feta, love is the only content of human being, the only faith. His nature itself loves - not together, and instead of man.

Fet and Maria Lazich

The greatest love of all the life of Feta was Maria Lazich - daughter of the poor Kherson landowner, a girl-idleness (real name of the girl / Serbian origin / became known only in the 20th century: in his memoirs, Fet calls it everywhere by Elena).

With Maria Lazich Fet met in the fall of 1848, when it consisted of military service and leaning with his regiment in the Kherson province. Love was mutual, and the relationship lasted for several years. However, Fet, referring to the poverty of Mary and on its own material vigilance, refuses marriage, believing that marriage will become an obstacle for his career. "I do not get married to Lazich, and she knows it, and meanwhile begins not to interrupt our relationship ...

It is proud of the love knot ... which is more delaying, the tighter I delay, but I have no spirit and strength to cut the sword ... "(From the letter).

Maria Lazic had uncomplicable musical abilities: the famous Hungarian composer and Pianist Ferrenz Leaf during his stay in Russia heard her game and wrote a farewell musical phrase of extraordinary beauty in the album of Mary Lazich.

Maria Lazich became the heroine of love lyrics Athanasius Feta. When Fet met with Lazic, she was 24 years old, and he was 28. Fet saw in Mary Lazich not only an attractive girl, but also an uncomfortable cultural man, musically and literary educated.

The calculation is guided by Fet and in his relationship with the beloved Maria Lazich - having loved Maria Lazich, Fet, however, broke up with his beloved. Disrupted the reason, he did not decide to tie fate with a poor girl - a noverant woman. Such a feature of Feta manifested here: in everyday life, his practical reason prevailed over the feeling, and in verses, the feeling, immediacy, the involvement was dominated over the mind.

Maria Lazich turned out to be a close feta in spirit - not only in the heart. But she was the same poor as Fet. And he, deprived of the state and a solid social basis, did not decide to tie his fate with her. Feth convinced Mary Lazich that they need to part. Lazic agreed in words, but could not break the relationship. Could not and Fet. They continued to meet. Soon Fetu had to leave for a time. When he returned, it was waiting for a terrible message: Maria Lazich was no longer alive.

Lazic died tragically under mysterious circumstances. Since then, its image will go into his poetry, giving lovers confessional, tragedy. From now on, Fet will remember this love all life: it will create a cycle of confessional poems dedicated to Lazich.

As Feta told, in that tragic hour she lay in a white kisin dress, read the book. Located and the match threw on the floor. The match continued to burn. From her caught a kitchen dress. After a few moments, the girl was all on fire. Save it failed. Her last words were: "Save letters!". And she also asked not to blame anyone who she loved ...

After the tragic death of Maria Lazich to Feta comes to the full awareness of love. Love is unique and the only one. Now he will remember all his life, will speak, and sing about this love - high, beautiful, amazing verses.

... that grass, which was away on your grave,
Here on the heart, the older it is, the fresh ...

This misfortune imposed on the life and creativity of the poet an indelible imprint. Poems in which she is present, sheed tragic and longing. Together with Maria Lazich died and his ideal, which was now only in verses - memories of her.

From now on, his love lyrics will feed dreams and memories (alter ego, etc.). There are no psychological portraits in these verses - Feta is interested in the experiences of people, but not the people themselves ("What's the happiness: and night, and we are alone!", "What for the night! Transparent air is shoven ...", " I will not say anything to you ... "and others).

The poem "No, I have not changed. Up to the old age in the deep ... "does not describe and does not show that it is addressed. But from the lines of poem, we understand that it is devoted to Maria Lazich.

No, I have not changed. Until old age
I am the same devotee, I am a slave of your love.

We see that by the end of the life of Maria Lazich remained his only love.

The masterpieces of love lyrics dated 50, 60s, 70s, 80s are devoted to memory about it. ("An irresistible image", "old letters", "in the silence and darkness of the mysterious night", "You have depressed, I'm still suffering," "I have dreamed of screaming of your sobbing", "No, I have not changed. To the old age in the deep ..." other).