Like the real name of Hitler. Biography of Hitler Adolf

Historian and TV presenter Leonid Mlechin took up the rays of the biggest mysteries Adolf Hitler

On the shelves of even a small bookstore, there will probably have several books telling about fascist Germany And Adolf Hitler. Another one was added to them - "the biggest mystery of the Fuhrera, written by a famous historian, a writer and TV presenter Leonid Mlechin. Why is interest in this historical figure (By the way, tomorrow - the birthday of the Nazi bonsid number one) is so persistent? "Isn't everything known about Hitler?" We asked the author.

There are in world history of personality, whose crimes are so incredible that they will always attract attention. I tried to give answers to many questions, but there are things that can not be understood all the same. The researcher to some extent it enters, however, it often pushes to the false perception of the scale of personality.

Actually, as the identity of Adolf Hitler was a complete insignificance, but the scope of his atrocities such that they as a powerful lens turned his figure into the gigantic. Under this optical effect, Hitler was often attributed to the qualities that were not in him.

- So, the final understanding of Hitler has not yet taken place?

All German archives relating to the 13-year period of Hitlerism were immediately open after 1945. A huge number of books are written, but imagine, and to this day, in the same Germany, more and more new works come out. So I just read fat treatise About the German economy of the times of Nazism. For the first time in 60 years, detailed explanations are given to the same way the third Reihu, with sufficiently scarce resources, it was possible to create a powerful military machine and threaten to almost all of the world. This is an inexhaustible topic.

- And what is the "biggest mystery of Hitler"? Did you reveal it?

Tyne has a lot of furera. Starting from the mystery of his origin: after all, who was his grandfather, still finally not clear. Most likely, in his family took place incest: the father married his own niece. He all his life hid it hard and was afraid that the truth would come out. Another mystery is the relationship of Hitler with men and women, its crushed homosexuality, fear of intimate intimacy with the opposite sex. As a result, there was a complete breakdown with himself and the insult to the whole world around. It seems that the only person to whom Hitler experienced feelings, including sexual, was his own niece of Gheli Raubal, who committed suicide in the 31st year.

All these particular and would not have much importance, if it were not in nature, in the fate of his country itself. But the biggest mystery is how this person was able to completely subjugate to himself a whole state, to master the mass consciousness of the people so that this nation would rush into the furnace.

- Recently, we were taught the stories differently: historical materialism, the struggle of classes, the movement of building to the ranks. And now, it turns out some personalities And their intimate life can drastically affect world history?

Yes, I think the role of personality in history turned out to be much more significant than we had once assumed. She is just colossal! I dare to argue that if, for example, Adolf Hitler died at the front in the 17th or 18th year, no national socialism would not have. There would be ultra-right parties, something else, but 50 million people would stay alive! It is born for a dozen years earlier or later, and everything would have happened differently. Hitler coincided in that very historical point With the sentiments of the people, caught the wave.

- You have depicted young Hitler as a man of ordinary, weak and compacon. At what point did the metamorphosis happen and the Führer appeared?

The whole chain of accidents leads it to this. There is a version that the turning point was the episode at the front of the First World War, when, after gas attack, Hitler was in the hospital. The doctor who treated him from blindness discovered that the eye defeat was not organic, but rather neurotic. And then, not without the help of hypnosis, the front doctor inspired Hitler a special faith in himself.

The second point occurred when Hitler, being at the meeting of the little Bavarian Party - and was held such aslets in the beer, "began to speak. Surrounded by absolutely insignificant marginals, he suddenly felt the gift of the demagogue. He began to clap, and he fulfilled confidence.

In a word, the mass of random circumstances was in the fatal sequence. He should not have come to power. If the Weimar Republic had long been extended a couple of months, the Nazi wave would take off. And it turned out that a number of politicians who played their own games, trying to drown each other, opened the path to the top.

- Is it really so accidentally? After all, fascism by that time was already in Italy, similar regimes took over in other European countries.

But in Germany there was a special situation. After the First World War, the Germans held a huge insult to the whole world. And false resentment and search for external enemies are extremely dangerous things for any country.

"By the way, in Russia, which suffered most of all in the war against fascism, today the skinheads are laid down, beat people of other nationality. Where did we get this infection?

There is no paradox in this. Germany was needed for cure two decades and the huge stress of society, primarily the West German intelligentsia. She wrote new textbooks, created a new spiritual climate. The country has learned lessons. Even the current chancellor of Germany Merkel, born after the war, and seemingly free of responsibility for crimes of Hitlerism, speaks of the historical fault of the German people. It costs a lot.

For Russia, how strange it will be not a great Patriotic War It was not anti-fascist, it was a war for the homeland against the occupiers. The exposure of fascism, his ideological roots did not occur: because Stalin's mode was largely similar to it. It is clearly visible on the example of the GDR, where, as in the USSR, this "vaccinations" was not done. It is not by chance that the ultra-right in the current Germany is almost all of them from its eastern lands. I hope the rapids of the biggest secrets of Hitler at least one step will bring all of us to the extraction of historical lessons.

The name "Hitler" before our country was associated with something negative. Nobody even really knew when Hitler's birthday. And to congratulate it with another date, it would not come to mind.
But there were young people who so wanted to congratulate Hitler that they even had a climb. It would seem what Hitler from this joy? But only those who have something to ask them are asked. The rest shave to sleep so that the head of the summer rested, the fall was ventilated in the fall, in the winter, the hat on it was better, and the spring would be happy to be happy.
It is for such people that we publish the biography of Adolfa Shiklgrubran-Hitler. For the first time in Russian, by the way.
Brief biographical certificate

Little guitle was born in the territory engaged in the Germans. But it did not make it a fascist. Initially, Gitley stole a childhood. It happened like this: the guitle was forced to go to school, and after school to walk back and on the way to go to the store. But it did not make it a fascist. Although it bothered strongly.
Then, Gitley stole adolescence. One beautiful girl (not Eva Brown, but more beautiful) did not want the guitle taking her with his youthful mustache. Gitley immediately appeared a set of cockroaches. He began to be afraid of people in solid shoes with newspapers in his hands.
To overcome this set of Gitlah went to the army. There he stole his youth along with the ports and photograph of a naked woman (perhaps mother or sister).
This guitle has not suffered and became a fascist. In addition, he added the courageous letter "ER" to his rather harlomb and turned from Mämli Gitley in the Hitler's Fuhrer.
At that time, the fascists in Germany had little, and Hitler was easily mediated among them, having broken the second German fascist and two anti-fascists. From this point on, fascists in Germany became four.
Adolf offered to friends wonderful fascist names: Athos, Portos, Aramis and Hitler. All wanted to be Hitler, because the remaining names seemed like frogs.
But Hitler was already Adolf himself. Then he came up with her nicknames for friends: Borman, Schatorsman and Tea. On Borman, somehow agreed, but Schamman and the torture remained without the owners. I had to pull out stranded for good people The names of Goebbels and Himmler.
The borman was offended here. He would have known that later would throw such zyanka names as Goebbels and Himmler, did he agreed on almost a Jewish border? I had to take back "Borman" and give the NZ - the sonorous name "Goering".
Finally, all the procedural issues were resolved and Hitler, Goering, Himmler and Goebbels (sounds great, right?) Could go and get drunk in Munich Beer.
It was there that these four "GE", as they called others, decided to conquer the whole world. And not with the help of a smile or some song "Yesterday", but truly: with the help of SS divisions, Panther tanks and Messerschmidt aircraft.
When the money ended, and the desire to drink beer was still left, friends ordered the bartender to pour them into debt. The Martial Barman refused and in the program of angry fascists, an item about special camps appeared, where such bartenders would contain and above them could be given all sorts of nasty there. The humiliation is different there ... so that you can take and pinch the bartender for the nose or put it to a shorter, and if he, the reptile is so clever, it will think about it, then burn it in the stove.
About this program was immediately reported by Bartender, but for some reason he did not believe, did not sell the bar and did not leave the country. But he had such an opportunity for another fifteen.
Nobody gave rags on the header immediately, and they cursed: they took and came to power. What did you buy the people? They took and promised that the people would not work anymore. The people really liked it, but the question arose: and who will then work? The answer to the move was invented by Goebbels, they say, others will work. And Borman added "nations". Himmler clarified that they are specifically for this not today will conquer.
And indeed, running forward, let's say that the peoples of Europe have won surprisingly quickly. They immediately began to work on the Germans and only asked them not to kill them.
But with Russian everything came out more difficult. First, very much on the Germans are similar - they also do not like to work. But unlike the Germans, they love to drink not beer, but vodka. And drink vodka as much as the Germans of water in the morning after beer.
But let's return to Hitler. In the heyday, he was graduated from a rocky love for Eve Brown (translated: to a primitive brown woman). I must say that Eve was not a beauty, but Hitler did not say that. And when he understood it, it was difficult to get rid of Eve. I had to poison it. By chance, along with Eve, Hitler poisoned the dog, herself and let the water in the Berlin Wasti-valued Metropolitan named after Hitler.
For some reason, I decided that Hitler was so upset due to the fact that the war lost. Fascists because of such trifles are not frustrated. And even more so, in vain because of this are not etched. At most: replace the name, appearance, and in Argentina.
No, there is an ordinary household error in the poisoning of the wife.
In general, the life of Hitler was so boring that when she broke off, he just managed to say: "Halt!" And that's it. There was even nothing to remember. Only a stupid animal desire, so that everything continues to all halt and money. (C)

Propaganda depicted Hitler as a person who came to the story from nowhere. There was no family in this myth, no one had to know about her. His consolidated brother Alois held a beer in Berlin, a summary sister of the angel watched the house, his sister Paula was engaged to the killer, one nephew fought on the side of Hitler, the other was fighting against. This family had a lot of secrets. Modern research Explain why the dictator hid his origin. He was just afraid that it would make it vulnerable. But who were his relatives? What did Hitler think about his relatives who they considered him?

Mother Adolf Hitler

Clara Pelzl was born in the peasant family in Walldfirertel (Austria) in 1860. Girl's father - Johann Baptist Pelzl, Mother - Johann Hutler (Gutler), daughter Johann Nepomock Huttlera. Hitler - the father of Adolf Hitler - was an illegitimate child, whom his mother's husband recognized only in 1876, when it was already 39 years old. Johann Georg Huttler, who always wanted to have a son, adopted a child, but in childhood Alois constantly lived at the uncle (on other information - grandfather) - Johann Nepomock. It was his efforts that the Aloisa Son of Johann George occurred. When adopting, the surname changed to Hitler. So, Clara Hitler and Alois Hitler, as a result of which the Nazi dictator appeared on the light, had to each other relatives.

Family Clara Pelzl

Clara had five brothers and as many sisters. Almost all of them died with young. Only the sisters of Johann and Teresia lived a relatively long life (48 and 67 years, respectively). Johanna was not married, there was a humpback, died from the coma because of diabetes. Adolf Hitler auntwoen visited most of his condition. Teresia Hitler (Schmidt) married a rich selinine and continued the genus. The rest of the children of Johanna Baptist and Johann Hutler died as a child or in a very young age: Johann, Franz and Maria lived less than a year, Izifef - at the age of twenty-one, Anton - at five years old, Carl Boris - a year and a few months, Maria - in four years.

Acquaintance with Alois

After graduating from school, the Biography of Clara Hitler brought it into the house of Alois, where she got a housekeeper. The girl was then only thirteen years. Aloisa also had to count only on thirteen. He escaped from the house and settled the student of the shoemaker. Five years later, he fell into border guard, quickly moved through the service and soon became the senior inspector of customs in the town of Brownau. Soon, Alois Hitler was inherited by the company. He married a woman who was fourteen years older than him. The spouse divorced him when Alois started his mistress - Fanny's kitchen (Francis) Mathswellsberger. Then Alisa attracted the sixteen-year-old Clara, but he was combined with a marriage with Fanny, who gave birth to two children - the daughter of Angel and the son of Alois. Two years later, Fanny died.

Marriage Alois and Clara

Alois Hitler entered into contact with Clara at the time when officially was married with Fanny Matsellsberger. To marry her, a man had to get permission from the Vatican, because formally Clara had to him a blood relative. Local Catholic Bishoprosis did not give permission for this marriage. By this time, the relative of Alois, who was older than twenty-three years, was already pregnant. She regularly attended the church, conscientiously performed her duties around the house. Clara Hitler could not overcome the status of the maid, in which he came to the house of Alois. Even years later, she called her husband "Uncle Alois."

In the first years after the wedding, Clara gave birth to two boys and one girl, but the children died in infancy. Gustav Hitler died in two years and seven months, and his sister Ida is twenty-five days after his brother at the age of one and a half years. The third child of the married couple - Otto Hitler - lived only three days. Two children died within one month from diphtheria. Otto died of hydrocephalus. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. Biographers write that love Clara Hitler to his son was unconditional. He was born after the death of three children, so Clara, most likely, after childbirth fear and anxiety, which could cause a strong blow to Adolf's psyche.

Surviving children

In total, Clara Hitler had six. When Adolf was almost five, Edmund was born. In early 1896, Powl's daughter was born in the family of Hitler. Edmouth died at the age of six years from chickenpox. Alive only Adolf and Paula remained. They were the only native brother and sister who lived to adulthood. (The photo below) worked in Vienna Secretary, and after the dismissal began to receive financial support from his brother. At the request of Adolf, she took the invented surname Wolf and worked out from time to time. Wolf - it was a nickname Hitler, which he used in the twenties for security purposes. Paula was the only relative of the head of the Third Reich, to which Hitler was tied all his life.

In the last days of World War II, when the defeat was inevitably, by order Martin Borman Paul was transported to Berchtesgaden. Then Paula was forty-nine years. In May 1945, Hitler's sister was arrested and interrogated. Later, she returned to Vienna, some time lived on his own savings, and then worked in the art store. Since 1952, he cared for former members of the SS and survived from the close range of her brother in Berchtesgaden. Paul died in 1960 at the age of sixties four years. She was the last of those who lived then the closest relatives of the Fuhrer.

Other relatives

In the family, Clara Hitler and Alois were brought up not only by their native children, but also his son Alois Hitler Jr. and the daughter of Angela Hitler from Fanny Matsellsberger. Clara brought up all children. At fourteen years, Alois Jr. escaped from the house because of the conflict with his father. After that, Father's tyranny went to Adolf. The future dictator was thinking about shooting from the house at eleven years. Angela (in the photo below with her husband), Senior Summer Sister Adolf, lived with his family until 1903. In 1903, she became the wife of Leo Raubal, the Inspector of the Tax Service. She gave birth to Son Leo, her daughters and elfrida.

Obviously, Angela had with his step-old brother a good relationship. She moved to the capital of Austria and after the first world, began to work as a manager. During the long ten years, she did not know exactly anything about the life of Adolf, but in 1919 he had a contact with the only sister. In 1928 (eighteen years after the death of his first husband), she moved to Berghof, where he became a housekeeper of Hitler. Some researchers believe that Adolf had sexual relations with his nephew gels, which in 1931 committed suicide.

The same angel itself did not approve the relationship of a consolidated brother with Eve Brown. Their relationship was finally spoiled when Hitler gave Angela day to pack the suitcases in 1935. He accused a woman in the fact that she helped Gering to acquire land opposite his plot in Berchtesgaden. Hitler finally broke the warm relationship with angel. He did not even attend her wedding. In 1936, Angela Hitler married Martin Hammich, the German architect and the Director of the School of Construction. During World War II, Führer again contacted his sister. She was an intermediary in communicating with other family members.

Further the fate of the angels

After the bombardment of Dresden, the head of Nazi Germany transported the One-Soncing Sister to Berchtesgaden to not capture her soviet soldiers. He allocated her 100 thousand Reichsmarocks, and in his will guaranteed an angel a monthly retirement in the amount of 1000 Reichsmarocks. Angel very highly appreciated his brother even after the end of the war. She stated that he knew nothing about the Holocaust (like Hitler). Angela Hitler was sure that if Adolf knew what was happening in the concentration camps, he would stop it.

Death Clara Hitler

In 1903, Alois Hitler died. In the morning of the third January, he went to the tavern to drink a glass of wine in the habit of habit, picked up a newspaper and felt unexpectedly felt. Soon he died either from myocardial infarction, or from hemorrhage into the lungs (there are several versions). Two years later, Clara Hitler sold their home and moved to Linz. Paul was then five years old, Adolf - fourteen. In 1907, Clara Hitler put a terrible diagnosis - breast cancer. Soon she was laid in the hospital "Merciful sisters" in the town of Linz. At the beginning of the year she made a heavy operation that continued for a whole hour. After eleven months, the woman died. The cause of death Clara Hitler is cancer.

Mystery of Hitler's nationality

The opponents of the myth on the Jewish origin of the leader of fascist Germany operate in a mass of facts, some of them can be attributed to the category of fudge. However, these rumors really need to build on something. Suspicious and the behavior of the Fuhrer, who prevented the announcement of his pedigree after the arrival of power and even destroyed the documents. Back in 1928, the Berlin police proved that Grandfather Adolf Hitler was a Jew. Researchers from Harvard came to the same conclusion in 1943.

What is the nationality of Clara Hitler? Analysts believe that the Jewish blood of Hitler in the father's line, but only Syphilis could pass through the mother's mother, who caused the death of many infants, as well as brothers and sisters Clara. The godfather and his home doctor Adolf was a Jew. Even to lower the issues of nationality, the leader of Nazi Germany was born as a result of incest. There is information that his sister had a mental illness, aunt suffered from diabetes and was born a humpback, the son of another aunt is a hunchback with speech defects.

The future Führer of the German people, the leader of the "civilized Arie" race, was born in the center of Europe, in Austria, in the town of Brownau on the Inna River. His parents are 52-year-old Aloiz and 20-year-old Clara Hyler (nee Pelzl). Both branches of his family were from Valdfirl (Lower Austria), a remote hilly area where they were engaged in the hard work of the community of small peasants. Aloiz - the son of a wealthy peasant - instead of going on a laughed path, made a customs officer's career, advanced by the service staircase. Alois, being illegal, wore the surname of Shiklgrubeber until 1876 - the last name of his mother, until he officially changed it - because he was brought up in the house of his uncle Johanna Nepomock Hydler - on Hitler. By April 1889, when his son was born, Aloiz was married for the third time. It was a pretty promotional burgger who received more than a decent state retirement and in the arted life on the city manner, hardly copying the "Lord's" lifestyle. He even bought himself a manor near the town of Lambakh, even though not a large, but the landowner (later, aliza, however, was forced to sell it).

Neighbors in one voice recognized his authority (it was difficult not to recognize the authority of an amphibious and noisy Usach, who always who went to the official Mundire). Adolf's mother was a quiet, sowing woman with a serious pale face and huge careful eyes. She was, as they write about her, some scored. True, "scored" here you need to understand two: as an argument in family quarrels, Aloiz did not hesitate to give the will to the fists. And the reason for the quarrel could become anything. In particular, the displeasure of the retired customs officer caused the fact that Clara could not give birth to his son. The presence of a descendant of male was for alion by the moment the key. Adolf and his younger sister Paula were born weak, subject to the mass of various diseases.

There is a version for which Hitler's father was half a Jew, and Adolf Hitler himself was a Jew on a quarter, that is, Hitler flows Jewish blood, and in this regard, he simply does not have the right to pronounce anti-Semitic speeches. It should be noted that Adolf himself was born as a result of the bloodstand, since his father Aliziz Hitler married for the third time on a woman (the future mother of Hitler), being with her in relation to the second degree. So, Adolf Hitler, one of the most frequently printed historical characters of the last century, entered this world, having received inheritance from parents not too good health, but but a clear reason and inherent in peasants perseverance in achieving the goal. It is this persistence that has become the cause of its highest take-off and the deepest fall.

Early learned to read, he quickly mastered the father's library and honed the ability to tell the ability to tell the history of history. The oratorian art of the German Fuhrera is rooted in his distant childhood. However, not only oratory - Right from childhood and has become a world famous symbol of the swastika. For the first time, he saw a swastika, or "Cross Hang", at the age of six, when he was singing in the choir of boys in Lambah, in East Austria. She was introduced by the former Abbot Hanga as the coat of arms of the monastery and was carved in 1860 on a stone slab above the bypass gallery of the monastery. Designed by personally Hitler with a swastika in 1920 became a banner of NSDAP, and 1935 - state flag Nazi Germany.

Adolf stand out among his comrades in perseverance, referring to the leader in all children's games. Moreover, the love of telling stories and the tendency to leadership almost led the future leader of the Germanic people to the church career. "In the free time from other occupations, I studied singing in a choral school in Lambah, - he recalled on the pages of My struggle." This gave me the opportunity to often go to the church and directly to intoxicate the ritual ritual and the solemn glitter of church festivals. It would be very natural. If for me now the position of Abbot became the same ideal as they were in due time for my father was the position of village pastor. For some time it was and it was. But my father did not like the oratorical talents of his Drakuna-Silishka, nor my Dreams about becoming abbot. " The thoughts about the spiritual title attended not only Hitler, he dreamed of the church hierarch in his time and Joseph Goebbels - the nearest gytler candidate. Their dreams, the church, beyond any doubt, would acquire the wonderful, selflessly loyal servants, and the world - who knows! - Would have cost without the Third Reich.

However, soon the dream of the future associated with the church left Adolf Hitler, a dream came to become a soldier. The younger classes of the basic "people's" school Adolf defeated without difficulty. But, after graduating the basic classes, it was necessary to choose a gymnasium or real school to continue their studies. Naturally, Aloiza Gymnasium has not like to do. This, first, would be quite expensive, and secondly, in the gymnasium they taught a lot of humanitarian objects, a completely unnecessary official on public service. Therefore, Adolf began to attend a real school in Linz, here his successes were very ordinary. The children's dream of a military career was slightly fishered, and her place took the desire to become an artist. This thought, supported by a good taste, hard hand and the ability of the draftsman, brought the Hitler for a long time. But his father was against. It's one thing - able to draw, and the other - to quit everything for the sake of an unclear future that the artist awaits!

Alois Hylder was heavy on hand and soon put on the course of the cams, when other arguments ended or he turned out to be too drunk to resort to them. So, the contradiction of the father, Adolf put himself completely real danger: in the signing of Aliza did not look, where he hits, and did not commend the power. In Germany, a sensational find was made: a diary was discovered, written by the younger sister Adolf Hitler - Paula. The diary testifies that Brother Paula was an aggressive teenager and often beat her. Historians also discovered memoirs written by a joint brother Hitler by Alois and a summary sister angel. In one of the passages, the cruelty of Hitler's father was described, whom Alisious was also called, and the way Adolf tried to protect his son from constant beatings; "In fear, seeing that the father can no longer restrain his unbridled anger, she decided to finish these tortures. She rises to the attic and closes Adolf with her body. When Adolf Hitler was 13 years old, his father died suddenly from the apoplexic strike.

Adolf somehow retired before the release in a real school, and began to prepare for exams on the certificate of maturity. But here the misfortune happened to him: he was running with the inflammation of the lungs and, at the insistence of doctors, for a long time was forced to avoid serious loads on nervous system. The next year, Hitler did not work for recovery and did not study. However, he went to Vienna to find out about the opportunity to enter the Academy of Arts, signed up in the Society Library national Education, I read a lot, took the lessons of playing the piano. His life in that year would be completely benevolent, if it were not for the overshadled all circumstance - a strengthened Mother's disease, after the death of her husband. Fearing that by leaving Linz, he will no longer be Clara alive, Adolf refused the thought to do in the fall at the Academy of Arts and remained with his mother. In January 1907, she had an operation, and although on the recognition of the attending physician it could only delay the death, Clara assured the Son that her condition was consistently improved. Adolf, reassured by these assurances, again went to Vienna, Lelia's dream - finally the real artist.

Hitler passed the exams at the Academy of Arts. "When I was announced that I was not accepted, it affected me like thunder with clear sky, "Wrote Adolf on the pages of My struggle. "Dejected, I left a beautiful building on Schiller Square and for the first time in my short life experienced a feeling of disharmony with himself. The fact that I now heard from the Runtime of the Rector regarding my abilities immediately as lightning lit up those internal contradictions that I semi-consciously experienced before. Only so far I could not give myself a clear report, why and why it happens. In a few days, it became quite clear to me that I should become an architect. "It is interesting how subjective could this evaluation could be. When in 1919, the paintings of Adolf Hitler - watercolor landscapes and portraits, written by oil, - showed a large sign of painting Professor Ferdinand , He made an unambiguous verdict: "Absolutely unique talent." And how did the story turn around, do the rector of the Academy similar conclusion?!

But soon Adolf was not up to architecture. He was forced to return to Linz: his mother was at death. In December 1908, she died, which was a huge shock in Hitler's life. After the death of Mother Adolf went to Vienna again. Thus, the childhood of Adolf Hitler can not be called "golden sometimes" - a heavy hand, a despotic father, scored, intimidated mother, a dream of a church career ... and dreams that are peculiar to weak, closed, but smart children - about justice, best Life, On the right laws, as well as the ability to adapt in combination with fanaticity in achieving one-time achievement. That order that, after many years, installed in Germany, has roots originating from childhood.

After a short time, he managed to find a job "by profile": "In 1909-1910, my personal situation has changed somewhat. At this time I began to work as a drawer and watercolorist. No matter how bad it was in relation to earnings - it was still thumbs up From the point of view of the chosen profession, now I was no longer returned in the evening home deadly and unable to even take a book. My present work went parallel to my future profession. Now I was in a certain sense myself Mr. His time and could distribute it better than before. I painted for earnings and studied for the soul. "It should be said that Watercolors Hitler were bought quite actively: he was still good by the artist. Even those who nominated themselves by his political opponent and did not have to praise at least some of his manifestations, recognized Pictures of young Austrian significant achievement in art.

One of the reasons for Hitler's desire to become an artist or architect was the desire to enter the class of the ruling world, in the elite and to God, to continue and exceed the case of the Father, raised from the peasants to officials. In the Vienna period, the political addictions of Adolf began to develop. Probably anti-Semitism Adolf also comes from Vienna. On the one hand, Jews in Austria-Hungary did not love and despised. This anti-Semitism on the household level was a sign of Hitler since childhood, was an integral part of the existing world for him. On the other hand, when Adolf moved to Vienna and tried to make an artist's career, he could not help but notice what influence and what financial capabilities are focused in the hands of unloved and despised Jews. This contradiction could, of course, become the source of its anti-Semitism.

After a few years, the Vienna Hitler's period ended. The hopelessness of his position in the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, multiplied to all growing nationalism, pushing Adolf away from Austria, north, to Germany, Hitler moved to Munich. Another of the reasons who prompted Adolf to leave Austria was that he came to be a time to be called into the army. But he did not want to serve as Austria-Hungary. He did not want to fight for the Habsburgs, preferring to Hohenzollers, did not want to serve together with the Slavs and Jews, considering the only decent service for the benefit of Germany. By that time Adolf felt no longer Austrian, but German. Be that as it may, the verdict of the Austrian Commission on disreams to the service did not prevent him from the first days of the First World War appear on the German Certificate Point and join the Volunteer in the Bavarian 16th reserve infantry regiment. The career of the artist was completed for him, and a career of a soldier began.

The first combat baptism of Hitler (October 29, 1914) was accounted for the days of one of the brewing battles of the First World War. The German army rushed to Lamaneus, then, to embrace France from two sides, however, on the path of Germans, experienced British parts had a stubborn and, as it turned out a little later, successful resistance. The expense of the victims in the 16th Bavarian walked on hundreds of people. In this battle, the part lost his commander and acquired sad fame, but many of the survivors were presented to the award for courage. He was awarded the Iron Cross of the Second Degree and Adolf Hitler.

This reward, oddly enough, before the presentation saved him life. When the list of the soldiers presented to the award was discussed, the soldiers were exposed from a staff tent to the street - there were only a colonel and four commander of the mouth. A few minutes did not pass, as an artillery projectile hit the tent. All those who were killed there were killed or injured, Hitler, and three of his comrades remained unharmed. It must be said that Adolf was distinguished in war, among other things, an extraordinary luck. It described several cases when he obeying an inner voice or coincidence, avoided death. One of these cases, he described in conversations with comrades, dining on the front line, he seemed to hear the inner voice that commanded him to go to another place. "I got up and stepped out 20 meters, taking my dinner in the bowler, again sat down and calmly continued my meal. I barely having been there, I heard an explosion in that part of the funnel, which I had just left. Crazy pomegranate pleased exactly where I only What dined with her comrades. All of them died. " The ability to feel the danger on the subconscious level and effectively to avoid Hitler demonstrated and later, during numerous attempted his life.

Survive after the first terrible battle, Adolf received the position of connected between the headquarters of the regiment and the best positions - became a scooter - messenger on a bicycle. The commanders assessed him as a person of a conscientious, solid and calm, somewhat ne-war species, which was little different from their comrades. We fell very fell very soon in the "label" of a nutty. The silence of Hitler's silence seemed too unusual, his habit, when there was no affairs, with a missing appearance to dwell in thought, of which it was not to eat any forces. However, from time to time he became extremely word and broke out long tirades, almost speeches on his thoughts. In most, they were talking about his concern for victory, about the enemies on the other side of the front and enemies in the rear. At Hitler, the Kaiserovsky propaganda strongly affected the international conspiracy against Germany.

Hitler believed in the "theory of impact in the back" - in approval, which at the same time with enemies, opposing Germany, openly, there are also conspirators, tapping her forces from the inside. He seemed exemplary soldier who came out of the pages of a patriotic calendar or agitristist. Naturally, about hot love for him, fellow soldiers could not go and speech. They considered him sick on the head by the Efreitor, dreaming of earning another stripe. He paid them the same: an intelligent, Puritan obsolent adolf was hard to fit into their environment - he shocked the barmented humor, drove talk about women and brothels into the paint, so for a long time Adolf remained lonely, strong friendship did not connect him almost with anyone . However, it is in no way detract from his courage and merit. There are cases when he saved the commander of the regiment, literally pulling him out of the enemy machine gun from under the fire, managed to grab the English patrol alone, dotted to the German trenches of the wounded fragment of the Root, under the fire reached artillery positions, preventing the shelling of his infantry. True, you can believe far from all the stories that have come out of those times. Let's say, the case entered in the readstatology of the Third Reich, when Hitler alone disarmed fifty French, - clean water Fantasy from the category of domestic textbook stories about Lenin and inklinitsa.

But, be that as it may, in August 1918, he was awarded a rare for a soldier award-iron cross of the first degree. In the view to the award, it was written: "In the conditions of the positional and maneuverable war, he was an example of composure and courage and was always called by a volunteer so that in the most difficult situations with the greatest danger to deliver the necessary orders. When all lines of communication were broken in heavy battles, the most important Messages, despite all obstacles, were delivered by appointment due to the tireless and courageous behavior of Hitler. " For four years of war, he participated in 47 battles, often turning out in the peckelet itself. By the way, over time, his bravery and ability to avoid meaningless danger in the nate, the authority among the front-line fraternity was avoided. He became something like a regimental talisman: fellow soldiers were confident that if Near Hitler - nothing happens. It should not be noted that it was great to hit him in the head, predicting the thought thoughred since childhood about his chosenness, inherent in all the too developed and therefore alone children and young people.

Similarly, it was strengthened during the war years and his confidence that the inner conspiracy still exists. It happened during his stay in the rear in the fall of 1916, when after easy injured in the thigh, he was directed to Lazare under Berlin. In the rear Adolf spent almost five months, and, according to his own confession, it was not the best time. The fact is that by this time the general, united by the German enthusiasm on the war somehow hit, the war turned into a phenomenon of a purely habitual and already, honestly, stuffed asking as a consequence, which is very characteristic of military time, a diverse surfaced to the surface The human "foam" is the excreted naming, with contempt relating to those who rot in the trenches, mortgagors of life - Sons of rich parents, political agitators of the affected sense. The mood of the soldier who arrived for a short time from the front is excellent described by Erich Mary Remarik in the novel "on West Front Without change. "For a person like Hitler, located entirely under the influence of front experiences and military propaganda, this picture was supposed to be simply shocking. Social democrats caused his own revolutionary agitation, despite the serious position of Germany. Their, and therefore, the Jews, Hitler and considered the main perpetrators of what is happening. However, soon the brave corporal with the wrong wound returned to the front; staying in the rear was in his burden. In addition, the main thing that he had dreamed of, was the victory.

In early 1918, Germany dictated its conditions in Brest-Litovsk, and after a few more than a month concluded Bucharest treaty With Romania. The depleting power of the power of the war on two fronts ended. Who knows what the victory would be turned in Germany in the First World War? It may be that the National Socialist Party would not be based at all or, being founded, and would remain a small extremist circle?

But Germany's forces were already undermined. There was not enough resources, the front chuckled blood without reinforcement. The offensive froze. Be imperial military car more flexible, this moment could be chosen to conclude a truce on no less favorable terms than in Brest Litovsk. Or find additional reserves, carry out a total mobilization and win the war, to the victory in which remained steps. but german command Promedlilo, and, realizing that this is the first and, perhaps, the only chance for the counterdard, Anntan in early August 1918 passed into the offensive. At the end of September it became clear that if not to conclude a truce right now, the war would be played. The transition from waiting for a quick victory to the doomes to defeat greatly hit all over Germany.

Adolf Hitler got under the blow: this situation was just a shock for him. Nevertheless, he did not fold and continued with fanatical stubbornness to hope for a miracle, that Germany will nevertheless be able to get out of the war. However, to finish the war forced him to confuse the circumstances: in battle on Ipre, on the night of October 14, Hitler fell under the shelling gas shells. A few hours later, he almost land, he felt the strongest torment and pain in his eyes and, naturally, was sent to Lazare. In this climb, he met the news of the end of the war and the fall of the monarchy. On November 10, the Lazarean Priest said the wounded that the revolution was happened in Germany, the republic was established and a truce was concluded. Officer of the General Staff of Germany Heinz Guderian wrote in November 1918, his wife from Munich: "No more than our beautiful Hermann Empire. Scoundrels are taping everything into the ground. All the concepts of justice and order, debt and decency seems to be destroyed. I only regret that I don't have a civilian dress here, so as not to show the crowd to power the shape that I wore with honor of the twelve years. "

The war ended with defeat. Together with her, it came to the end that the length of time, during which Adolf Hitler remained a man, although politically oriented, but not seeking personally involved in political games. The defeat of Germany crystallized in it - small, nonsenselan, but, in principle, a very middle little man - those features and aspirations, which made him Fuhrer, leading the most famous totalitarian state in the world. But it would not be so important, do not give him the fate of the conditions in which he was able to apply these features to apply and aspirations.

Do not be allies so frightened by the tightened war, they are not strive, they forever neutralize Germany, most likely nothing would have happened. There would not be a chain of political crises that led to the authorities of Hitler, nor "Black Reichsber" nor the Second World War. However, the members of the Entente, setting the requirements for the loser side, leaned with a stick, turning the opponation of reparations and partial demilitarization in the form of reparations and partial demilitarization into the shameful execution. Germany, and without that depleted war, was robbed. The inconsistency of the volume of working capital and their provision generated hyperinflation. The sharp, literally single-time closure of military factories, the reduction of the army and the fleet splashed into this market that was unprepared to this market that unemployment exceeded all sorts of limits. Announcements "I am looking for a job of any kind" have become commonplace, a criminogenic environment aggravated over measures. This, however, is understandable: on the street, hundreds of thousands of embittered healthy men turned out to be in almost no livelihood, professionally able to hold weapons in their hands. The country is still quite recently strong and rich, turned out to be plunged into poverty and lawlessness. Territorial losses attached strength to nationalist sentiments, which were reborn soon in hatred to all "not the Germans". Instead of a safe, exhausting country, the backyard of Europe, the allies created let the weak, but truly leuting the enemy waiting for its hour.

In order for this time to break through, Germany lacked very little - the force capable of taking power and achieve the goal - revenge. This is this situation and immersed with Adolf Hitler's head - the retired corner with two stripes "wound", twice the cavalier of the Iron Cross, the owner of the diploma "for courage in the face of the enemy," man, not too lucky, hot-tempered and stubborn, read-in-talent The artist and a good hearing who possesses his eyes on the world. On the world, who did not like him at all. War left a deep mark in his life. She finally gave him the goal to which he was striking all the time. After the defeat deepening for Germany, Hitler returned to Munich. Hurried by the revolution in Germany and the rise of the Weimar Republic, he appealed to political activityTo simultaneously confront the Versailles Agreement 1919, and the new German democracy. Since he was still listed in his old regiment, he was instructed to spy on political parties.


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Adolf Gitler. In the twentieth century, this name became synonymous with cruelty and inhumanity - people who experienced horrors of concentration camps who saw the war with their own eyes know about whom. But the story gradually goes into the past, and now there are those who consider him their hero, create a halo of the "romantic" fighter for freedom. It would seem - how can the winners of fascism in the side of the defeated? Nevertheless, among the descendants fought with Hitler and those killed from his army, there are those who are today, on April 20, celebrate the birthday of the Fuhrer, as their holiday.

Still on the eve of the 60th anniversary great VictoryIn 2005, some documents exploring and talking about Adolf Hitler, diaries and memories of the people around him were found and published and published, several strokes to the portrait of the dictator were found.

People should not know who I am from what family I am!

In Germany, the Hitler's sister diary was found - Paula. Describing the earliest memories of your childhood when she was about eight, and Adolf is 15 years old, Paula writes: "I feel the hard hand of my brother on my face." New information about Powle itself appeared - it was originally considered only an innocent victim, but as it turned out, the sister of the Fuhrera was engaged to one of the most sinister doctors of the Holocaust engaged in Euthanasia. Researchers have reached the Russian interrogation protocols, from which Paula Hitler was engaged to engage in Erwin Yekelius, responsible for the murder of 4 thousand people in a gas chamber during the war years. Weddings did not happen only because it was banned by Adolf, and after a while Yekhelius was actually tried in captivity of the Russian army.

Historians also found memoirs written jointly by Hitler's collaborative brother by Aloge and a consolidated sister of Angel. In one of the passages, the cruelty of Hitler's father was described, and also called Alois, and how Adolf's mother tried to protect her son from constant beatings: "In fear, seeing that his father could no longer restrain his unbridled anger, she decided to finish these tortures. She Closes the attic and closes Adolf with his body, but can not evade the next strike of the father. She silently suffers this. "

25 tablets per day + injections \u003d perfect dictator

It is known that Hitler worked hard about his health. His personal doctor was Professor Morel, a famous Berlin venereologist, is one of the few people who trusted the dictator. According to eyewitnesses, Morel had almost hypnotic influence on the Fuhrera and his patient was extremely pleased with the work of the Liebe Medica.

There is information that Hitler acted over 25 different tablets per day. Morel constantly made him anesthetic and toning injections, first, if necessary, then for prevention, and after some time the injections became a mandatory part of life.

The Führer, concerned about his appearance, constantly took pills for weight loss, followed by anyone.
"Care" about health became truly Mania - even the vegetables that Hitler fed on, were grown on special plots of land. It was filled to free from bacteria, fertilized especially clean manure from particularly clean animals. Everything was carefully checked - the dictator was afraid that it could be poisoned.

Exploring all these "precautions" post-war physicians came to the conclusion that Hitler's organism for the year was old for four to five years.

It is likely that new facts of the biography of Adolf will soon appear. On the eve of Hitler's birthday, Germany announced their consent to make publicly available Holocaust archives. These documents contain data on the fate of more than 17 million victims of Nazism.

Until now, this information could only use employees of the International Red Cross, they helped people look for relatives who miss during the war. Now declassified archives will be available to scientists and former concentration camps.

Perhaps these data will still be able to open their eyes to those who dare now create his cult.

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Material prepared by Internet Based on the information of the Agency RIA Novosti and other sources