When there is a call to the army. Exceptions in the timing of the call

More than 30 thousand recruits in the Moscow region will receive summons in the fall of 2017. However, not all of these young people will join the ranks of the recruits.

Conscription campaign in the Moscow region

The autumn appeal throughout Russia began on October 1 and will last until December 31, 2017. In 2017, about 134 thousand citizens of the country will be called up for military service in Russia. The Moscow region is planned to be called up for military service in the autumn conscription in 2017, which is 200 people less compared to last year's figures. According to the military commissariat of the Moscow region, this year 80% of recruits from the Moscow region will be sent to the military units of the Western military district. The department also noted that the indicator of suitability for military service in the Moscow region is. The conscripts, whom the commission recognized as partially fit for service, most often had diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal system, eating and metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases, and mental disorders.

Currently, 67 draft commissions related to municipalities are working in the Moscow region, and. The latter carries out leading and supervising functions, including in terms of medical examination of conscripts.

Today, there are several options for obtaining a deferral from military service: for health reasons, for studies, for family reasons, replacement with alternative service.

For health

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Mikhail Vlasov In total, there are three categories of conscripts, fit for health for military service in the Armed Forces. The other two categories can be unofficially referred to as "degrees of unfitness," since with their assignment, the conscript is freed from military duty.

Category "A" is given to those conscripts who do not have any health problems. There is also an internal division into subcategories "A1" and "A2", where the first is assigned to conscripts with absolute health, and the second - to those who were seriously ill or suffered a serious injury before, but then fully recovered. Usually conscripts who have received the "A" category are sent to serve in the elite units of the troops.

Category "B" suggests that the conscript has minor health problems. Inside it is divided into 4 subcategories (B1-B4), according to which the most suitable type and type of troops are recommended for the future serviceman. For example, the B2 subcategory will be given to recruits who are suitable for service on submarines, surface ships, and can also become drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery installations and engineering vehicles.

As for the "B" category, it is assigned to conscripts who will not do military service in peacetime due to serious health problems. Violations of the central nervous system, respiratory, hearing, vision and other pathologies. In addition, this category is automatically assigned to conscripts whose weight does not exceed 45 kilograms, and it is also issued with a height of less than 150 centimeters. The conscript immediately receives a military ID and is credited to the reserve. However, in war time he will be conscripted to recruit units of the second stage.

Category "D" provides the conscript with a temporary reprieve for health reasons for a period from 6 months to a year. Fractures of limbs, concussion and other injuries may be grounds for issuing such a category. After the grace period expires, the conscript undergoes a second medical examination, which determines whether he has restored his health.

The last category - "D" suggests that the conscript has very serious health problems. For example, it could be HIV infection, recurrent stroke, or absence of a stomach. V this case a military ID is immediately issued with a mark that it is completely unusable. In addition, the corresponding mark will appear in the passport.

If a conscript assumes the presence of diseases that lead to restrictions or make him completely or temporarily unfit for service, then he first needs to go through. If the presence of the disease is confirmed, then all certificates and test results should be saved, which in the future will become documentary evidence of the presence of pathology. With these documents, the conscript is required to arrive on a summons to the medical board at the military registration and enlistment office and receive a category of validity. The decision of the medical board can be appealed in court.


Source: Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow Region According to the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", citizens who have not yet completed their studies in the programs of the main general education... If a high school student is 18 years old, he will be able to complete his studies and pass exams. Graduates of schools are granted a deferral until October 1 in the year of graduation, but only on condition of successful passing the exam and obtaining a school certificate.

Many students decide to continue their studies in technical schools and colleges (after the 9th or after the 11th grade). The postponement applies to the entire period of receiving the average special education... In this case, the educational institution must have state accreditation, and the draftee himself must study on a full-time basis. Such a deferral is provided only once: if a graduate of a technical school wants to get a higher education and continue, he will first have to serve in the army or prove to the medical board that he is not fit for service.

The same rules apply to university students. To obtain a deferral, state accreditation of an educational institution and full-time education are required. The deferral will also be extended if, after completing the bachelor's degree, the student immediately enters the master's program. Further, you can also get a deferment if you enroll in a full-time graduate program.

A second postponement will not be given if the recruit decides to get a second higher education under the bachelor's or master's programs.

In the event of expulsion from a university, a conscript will not be enlisted in the army only in one case - if he is expelled of his own free will, and upon re-enrollment, the total period of his studies does not increase. If a student was expelled due to academic failure or for any other reason, he will be drafted into the army.

To get a deferral, a student must contact the dean's office of the university for a certificate with the following information: the date and number of the enrollment order, the date of graduation from the higher educational institution, the current course of study. This document must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office, undergo a medical examination there and wait for the permission of the draft board to grant an extension. If the conscript is going to study abroad, then it is necessary to come to the military registration and enlistment office and write a corresponding statement. In this case, it is required to have documents on admission to a foreign university with you. In case of a positive decision of the commission, the conscript will be removed from the military register. After that, he will not have to fear that he will be taken into the army when he comes home for the holidays.

For family reasons

Twice a year, in all cities of Russia, local military registration and enlistment offices open their doors to conscripts. The traditional event is held twice a year - in spring and autumn, which is why it is called a spring and autumn call.

Dates of the conscription period

In 2017, the call will take place from April 1st to June 15th inclusive. For 106 days admissions committee will carry out a medical examination of young men, and issue conclusions on the suitability or unsuitability for urgent service (for more details - safebilet.ru).

Higher students educational institutions who graduate in 2017 also receive a summons, but they are eligible for a deferral until August 31.

Duration of service

If from any sources you have heard that the military service in the spring conscription will last for 1.8 months, then you should know that this information is incorrect. As before, the fighters will be in service for one year.

Availability of innovations

The main innovation is to provide each recruit with a special travel bag - a small handy bag with the most necessary bath accessories. In addition, changes will be made to the daily routine of the fighters. They will now have a few hours of rest during the day. As before, you can serve in a scientific company, but for this you will have to go through a selection, which is carried out on a competitive basis.

Exceptions to the rule

If for the bulk of the population of Russia, the spring conscription begins on April 1, then for citizens living in remote northern regions, it starts only on May 1. In order to find out whether your area falls under these exceptions, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the relevant paragraphs of the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation. The end of the conscription period in these regions of the country also falls on June 15th.

For teachers, there are their own terms of the spring conscription period: May 1 - June 15. In the fall, education workers are not called up for obvious reasons.

Citizens carrying out agricultural activities in accordance with applicable laws, in the spring are not called up for military service. For this category of people, conscription begins on October 15, while the rest of the population begins to undergo a medical examination from October 1 on the first.

Nuances and main components of the draft period

The first and most important stage of the call is a medical examination, according to the results of which the further fate of the young man is determined: he either receives a referral to military unit or a delay of six months.

As practice shows, the military summons are handed to conscripts immediately after passing the medical examination, and the conclusion on the health status of the fighter is drawn up later. This procedure is gross violation current legislation and a decision on suitability or unsuitability can be appealed in court.

In addition, there are cases when a young man is summoned to the medical board outside the terms of the call. If you received a summons in winter or at the very beginning of spring, then you do not need to react to it, since it has no legal force. Even if you nevertheless responded to the summons and passed a medical examination, according to the results of which you were found fit for service, then with a military summons handed over to you, you can also go straight to court.

Spring conscription started in Russia on April 1 and will last until July 15. For 3.5 months in the Russian army will call 142 thousand young people. The corresponding order was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the beginning of the conscription campaign, we tell in our section "Question-Answer" who is entitled to a deferral from the army and what changes have taken place.

Who will be given a respite from the army?

The list of citizens who are entitled to a respite from the army remains the same. But there are changes that have affected the students of secondary education institutions. Now young people can easily get a profession without reference to age, and then go to serve.

Previously, schoolchildren who entered technical schools, lyceums and colleges after the 9th grade received a reprieve only until they reached 20 years of age. If they began their studies after the 11th grade, then they could count on a deferment only if they reached draft age in the last year of study.

Will the duration of alternative service change?

No, it will remain the same. Children who decide to serve, for example, at the post office or in a neuropsychiatric boarding school, must work 20 months. In accordance with the current legislation, it is allowed to undergo alternative service, within which conscripts get the opportunity to work at various state-owned enterprises, while such work counts towards the total length of service.

Recall that the spring conscription in 2017 starts on April 1 and ends on July 15. The Fall Call will begin on October 1st and run until December 31st. The term of service of conscripts in 2017 in accordance with the current legislation will be 12 months, regardless of availability higher education and graduation from a university with a military department.

Who is eligible for a respite from the army?

The types of deferrals from the army are regulated by Article 17 of the Law on Military Duty. A later passage of service can be counted on:

Persons who have been declared temporarily unfit for military duties within the framework of conscript service for health reasons;

Persons in whose support and care are close relatives, in the presence of the following factors:

* the need for constant care;

* lack of full state support for disabled relatives who are supported by a person of draft age;

* absence of other persons whose duties include the maintenance and care of disabled relatives;

* the presence of a conclusion of the federal medical and social expertise on the need for constant care for a person who is supported by a citizen of the Russian Federation of military age.

Persons raising a child without a mother;

Persons with two or more minor children;

Citizens of the Russian Federation, under whose guardianship are minor incapacitated relatives (brothers and sisters) in the absence of other persons who are responsible for their maintenance;

Citizens of the Russian Federation with a minor child and a wife who is 26 weeks pregnant or more;

Citizens whose family has a disabled child no older than three years;

Persons who are candidates for deputies of the legislative assembly, heads of municipalities and citizens elected to these positions. A deferral from the army is granted for the term of office;

Persons working for public service in bodies:

* ministries of the interior;

* customs control and inspection;

* control over the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic drugs;

* state fire service;

* criminal-executive (penitentiary) system.

Citizens of the Russian Federation passing full-time form learning in educational institutions with state accreditation for mandatory educational programs and programs of higher vocational education(primary, secondary, higher education);

Postgraduate students of accredited and state-licensed universities during the period of receiving full-time postgraduate professional education;

Citizens who entered the service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation after graduation.

The deadlines for the autumn conscription in 2017 are approaching. How to get a reprieve, how to prepare for army life, what a conscript should know and be able to do - this is what my article will be about. Read to the end, and then you will know everything about the autumn call.

Dates of the autumn draft 2017

The conscription dates will remain the same this year. The military registration and enlistment offices will hospitably open their doors on October 1, and draft events will end under New Year, 31th of December. This means that you can be invited to the medical examination and taken to the service strictly within this period of time, not earlier and not later. Nowadays, violations in this regard are extremely rare, but just in case, remember: the call at “non-conscript” time can and should be challenged in court.

So, you have magical protection from the military registration and enlistment office until October 1. But this does not mean that they cannot invite you to clarify some data. If you see a summons in the summer, don't panic. Most likely, you will need to come to the military registration and enlistment office and report the data that they lack, or they are lost.

How long will the conscripts of the autumn draft 2017 serve?

For a year, rumors have begun to circulate that the deadline will be extended to a year and eight months, or even up to two years. Do not believe the rumors: while the Ministry of Defense does not plan to increase the service life, and the 2017 conscripts will wear ankle boots for exactly 12 months, like their predecessors.

Innovations in the army - a quiet hour, socks and ... hand cream

This year no innovations were introduced, but if you are not aware of the innovations of recent years and still think that conscripts are winding up footcloths, then I have a lot of good news for you! Of course, it will not be mom-tied socks, like, but it's better.

  • The soldier is allowed to have a mobile phone and call his relatives. Officially - on weekends, but in fact it happens that they are allowed to use the phone more often. At the collection point I was even given 3 SIM cards with free calls to Russia. I talked about this in the article, do you remember? How could you not read it? Read the march step by step - you will know what to expect.
  • The retreat time increased by half an hour, and after lunch the soldiers are given a "quiet hour" to sleep and rest. Almost a pioneer camp, yeah.
  • You will go to serve in a new fashionable uniform, which has even been nicknamed "office". Where does this name come from, and what does it look like new form, I tell and show in the article About hand cream, too, there, and about many other bonuses.

There are still many innovations, I will not list everything, otherwise the article will turn into "War and Peace". If you have any questions - do not hesitate, ask in the comments. I answer to everyone.

Autumn appeal 2017 for university graduates

If you have a fresh university diploma on your shelf, then there is good news for you: instead of compulsory military service, you can go to the army under a contract. True, contract service lasts two years, but it has many bonuses compared to the term.

The pros and cons of the contract, how much they pay and how to enroll in Syria, I tell in this article.

Many university graduates have heard about scientific companies and hope to get there. Indeed, recently 12 so-called scientific companies have been functioning, where more than 600 servicemen are serving. However, the competition there can reach 25 people per place, and the percentage of "soldiers of science" is only 0.2 of the total conscripts. Therefore, if you crack Pentagon passwords at your leisure and dream of serving in a scientific company, then get ready for a careful selection.

How many soldiers will go to serve in the autumn draft 2017

The draft plan is signed by the President of the Russian Federation, and the regional commissariats are guided by these numbers, forming their lists. Last year 152,000 people were drafted in the fall. In total, 623,000 lucky people received the summons, but of them 471,000 people, that is, more than 75%, received a deferment or exemption from the draft.

Interestingly, the number of conscripts decreases every year. If in 2009 more than 300,000 children left to serve, then in 2011 there were already 218,000, and last years the number of those leaving for the duty station hovers around 150,000. Why is this happening? Firstly, now “children of the nineties” are subject to conscription, and as you know, at that time the country was going through significant upheavals, and rare families decided to have more than one child.

That is, it turned out to be a demographic failure - in other words, there is no one to call on. The second reason is the increase in the number of servicemen on a contract basis, and this cannot but rejoice. In my opinion, the future belongs to the contract army. However, the Ministry of Defense does not plan to completely abandon the draft, at least not yet, so you have little choice: either serve a conscript or go for 2 years under a contract.

Who is eligible for a deferment in the fall draft 2017

If you are not counting the days until the call, but on the contrary, are looking for ways (legal, I hope) to stay at home, then I have a useful article for you. Read it and check it out: maybe you won't go to serve this fall? By the way, many of the reasons for postponement are not as widely known as having two children or a Ph.D. So I advise even the "seasoned" to read the article: you will definitely learn something new.

What diseases are not taken into the army

If you are waiting for a summons in the fall, but do not plan to go to serve, because there are health problems, then you urgently need to go to doctors and collect a medical history, if you have not started doing this yet. Not sure if they hire you to serve with your diagnosis? Check it out on the Disease Schedule. What is the Schedule of Diseases and how to use it, I tell in the article

Hazing and hazing in the army - do they threaten autumn recruits

Many guys are afraid of bullying, but with the transition to a one-year service, "grandfathers" in the old sense of the word disappeared as a fact. Today, hazing in the few parts where it exists is, as a rule, a threat from the national "community". If you have been reading my blog for a long time, then you know that I do not go to extremes on this issue. I don’t think that in the army a soldier should be treated like a crystal vase, but I don’t support those who consider it normal to be beatings, humiliation, and extortion of money.

Read more on this topic in my article. There I also give the phone numbers and addresses of organizations where conscripts and their relatives can and should contact in case of problems during the autumn draft in 2017.

Once again: I do not support snitching and do not believe that the army should be a resort. Many guys will find it helpful to learn how to look after their appearance, take care of things, work physically and take responsibility. However, if you witnessed how the dignity of a person is being humiliated, his rights are grossly violated, and arbitrariness is taking place, then such facts should be brought to the attention of the prosecutor's office. This will help us make military service in the RF Armed Forces better.

How to roll away from the army

To serve or not - everyone decides for himself. I decided to serve and did not regret it. The army gave me a lot, I looked at a lot with different eyes. I expressed my opinion on this topic in the article Read, and perhaps this will help you make a decision.

Decided to mow and run? You will definitely regret it. Not only will the civil service and, in general, any official work be closed for you, since employers must submit lists of persons liable for military service. You will not be able to get a passport and travel abroad. You will start to shudder from knocking on the door and calls from unknown numbers. It's worth it?

If I haven't convinced you yet, then read this article. After it, you will definitely decide whether to mow or not. Then don't complain that I didn't warn you.

Just in case, let me remind you that according to Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a "draft evader" can be fined and even go to jail.

  • The amount of the fine is up to 200,000 rubles.
  • Arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months.
  • The prison term is up to 2 years in prison.

I hope I have answered all your questions on the 2017 Fall Summons. If something remains unclear, then write in the comments - I will answer quickly and to the point.

Do we have those who are to be called in the fall? Check in in the comments. As Kitten Woof said, "Let's be afraid together." In fact, not to be afraid, of course, but to share useful information and support each other. Good luck and good service to everyone!

Military duty is mandatory in our country for all youths of draft age. Conscripts are selected twice a year, in autumn and spring. What will be the spring call next year, and how it will differ from the past. Army of Russia 2017, will the service life and draft rules change? How to apply for contract service and what are its advantages. War Duty Exemption Rules.

Spring 2017 appeal

For most young people, spring is a time of worry about military duty. Today on the Internet you can find a large number of rumors that speak of an increase in service life. Many sites post information that now conscripts will serve 1.8 years.

According to the statements of the official representatives of the Ministry of Defense, these rumors do not correspond to reality. In 2008, the Russian president signed a law according to which conscript service lasts 1 year. The term has been extended only for those who go to contract service, they will stay in the army for 2 years.

The new 2017 spring conscription begins in accordance with the military service law on April 1. On this day, military enlistment offices will begin to accept conscripts for a medical commission. The spring call-up will last until July 15.

Also, the law determines that the residents of the north begin to distribute the summons to the military registration and enlistment office from May 1, and the guys from the countryside can receive a reprieve until autumn if they are engaged in sowing work. Also, according to the law, those guys who have successfully passed the exams at the institute for a bachelor's or master's degree can get a deferment.

And if a young person works in the field of education and is a teacher, according to the law, he must be called up in the spring, because after the start of classes in the fall they will no longer be able to call him.

Changes 2017

From 2017, every soldier entering the conscript or contract service will receive a bag with personal hygiene items. It will contain shaving and manicure sets and other little things.

Also, among the innovations, one can single out changes in the regime of the day of military personnel. Now, according to the order, every soldier who enters compulsory or contract service will sleep during the day.

However, the most important change in 2017 was the redistribution of employees. Now the bulk of the military will be those who serve on a contract basis. The Russian Ministry of Defense plans to increase the number of contract soldiers to 90%.

The transition to a contract basis, in the opinion of the authorities, will make it possible to create a truly professional army, where the bulk of the soldiers will serve not under duress, but at the call of their hearts.

The ministry also said that the level of comfort and safety for conscripts has been significantly increased. Discipline is strictly controlled, and any attempts to return "bullying" are suppressed. The soldiers are provided with the best food and high quality ammunition.

Today the armament of our army meets international standards. Young fighters can get acquainted with the most modern weapons systems, master the work with them and fully prepare to defend their homeland in a military conflict. General mobilization in our country in 2017 is not expected. The size of the Russian army will not exceed the average.

Is it possible not to serve

For various reasons, today more and more young people do not want to join the army and are looking for ways to avoid conscription. The conscription law states that there is a legal way to get away from military duties.

The military service exemption rules state that military duty can be avoided by studying at a university with a military department. If you entered such a university, you will not need to go to the army, because on military department you will master drill, listen to a course of lectures on military affairs and work out the prescribed hours at the training ground. Upon graduation, you will be awarded an officer rank. How long is the military department? Training at the military department provides 450 hours of training.

You can also get a military rank by working at some state-owned enterprises that provide the army with weapons and ammunition. Having settled down to serve in these organizations, you can get a mark in your passport about military service.

Will there be a general mobilization in Ukraine

If in Russia there are no special changes in the spring conscription, Ukraine has already made a number of amendments to the law on conscription. Now young people from 20 to 27 years old will serve in the army in this country. In this case, the service life depends on the existing education. Raising the draft age is due to the fact that every soldier must consciously join the army. At the same time, conscripts will not serve in the war zone. How many guys will go to the army of Ukraine? The number of conscripts in Ukraine has not yet been calculated.

The second major change in the Ukrainian army is an amendment to the law on the possible extension of conscription in the event of a threat of a military conflict. When will there be a conscription in Ukraine? In 2017, the spring conscription in Ukraine is expected to last from May 5 to June 30.

However, today the country has a law according to which the president must issue an order on the timing of conscription a month before the end of the year.

How many serve in Ukraine? The service life will be from 12 to 18 months.

Let us recall that a few years ago the RADA had proposals to make the transition from military service to a contract basis. However, today the government of the country declares that in the current situation, when the country is constantly under the threat of a military conflict, refusal from military service is inexpedient.

According to the military, if conscript service is canceled, if general mobilization is necessary, people who are absolutely illiterate in military affairs will join the ranks of the army. They will not even be able to hold weapons in order to defend their homeland, and there will simply not be time for their training in the context of general mobilization.

Of course, military duty in Ukraine implies more difficult conditions than those of servicemen in Russia. However, according to the government's statement from the US reserves, Ukraine in 2017 will receive material assistance, which is intended to improve the uniforms, food and weapons of the Ukrainian army.

Of course, all of us are concerned about the issues of military service. This applies to both ordinary guys and those who decided to join the troops on a contract basis. They are interested in the service life, the state of the armament of the army, the provision of soldiers and others important questions... The situation is complicated by numerous rumors about the extension of the service life, but you do not need to believe everything that is written on the Internet. Look for answers to your questions from official sources.