Lie down comfortably (clothing should in no case restrict your movements; it is better to have bare feet). Salt has an amazing ability to absorb information. Why does confusion arise?

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) V early XIX century, the French Academy ruled not to consider works containing descriptions of stones falling from the sky: it seemed to scientists that all descriptions of meteorites - “heavenly stones” - were a figment of fantasy, ______ stones had nowhere to fall. (2) This is a very dangerous path - to deny everything that has not yet been explained. (3) Denial of the existence of the incomprehensible has more than once hampered the development of science.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Science denies what it cannot explain, trying to avoid dangerous paths.

2. At the beginning of the 19th century, the French Academy decided not to consider works containing descriptions of stones falling from the sky.

3. Resolution French Academy the refusal to study meteorites is just one example of how the denial of the incomprehensible hindered the development of science.

4. In the 19th century, all descriptions of meteorites - “heavenly stones” - were considered a figment of fantasy.

5. Denial of what has not yet been explained has repeatedly hampered the development of science, which is confirmed by the decision of the French Academy on the refusal to study meteorites.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

2. nevertheless

4. because


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word FRUIT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

FRUIT, -a, m.

1. Part of a plant that develops from the ovary of a flower and contains seeds. Single-seeded, multi-seeded. Juicy fruits (fruits, berries). Dry fruits (beans, pods, nuts, acorns). Ripe, unripe n. Edible fruits.

2. The human (animal) body in the womb (female). Fetal development.

3. translation, what.Generation, the result of something. The fruits of reflection. P. many years of work. P. negligence.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.


more beautiful



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. For the interior decoration of a room, it is very important for a designer to choose the right colors, that is, to make a GOOD color choice.

2. The international meeting once again confirmed the EFFECTIVENESS of the work of Russian diplomats.

4. A leader must be a charming, bright, INTEGRAL person.

5. The new aesthetics that emerged in the work of avant-garde artists RADICALLY changed the previous Greco-Roman ideas about the artistic value of art.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

fresh CAKES


less than FOUR HUNDRED years old




Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) L. Obukhova talks about the first cosmonaut of the Earth in the article “Favorite of the Century.” 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) The athlete's legs should be slightly bent while holding the tow rope. 2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate
C) Thanks to the available sources, literary scholars have come to the conclusion about the real fact of awarding M.Yu. Lermontov with a military award for participation in the battle of Valerik. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) One of the facts of the biography of A.P. Chekhov, which recently became famous, was the construction of four rural schools at his own expense. 4) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
D) Each of those who visited the international film festival in Moscow saw the best domestic and foreign films of the year. 5) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
6) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

warm up




fall asleep


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr..despondency, pr..hail hurt, to..give

un..take, n..tear off


o..give, set



take over



key.. howl


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.




getting to know each other


Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

1. Dahlias that have (NOT) HAPPENED to bloom are killed by early frosts.

2. A (NOT) BRIGHT, but pale moon hung over the city.

3. There were (NOT) vacationers in the park next to the hotel.

4. Timokhin looked at his commander with fear and (NOT) BELIEF.

5. (NOT) lingering at the door, the guests immediately entered the hall.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. An amazing creature - a cat! She often goes (TO) MEETING danger. (C) DIFFERENT from other animals, this animal is unusually patient and hardy.

2. Sparrows are engaged in catching caterpillars (B) FOR three weeks until the chicks grow up, and when they fledge, then (B) FOLLOWING their parents they will get their own food.

3. The bays of Lake Onega have a completely unusual shape. One of them is (IN) THE SIMILARITY of an elephant’s trunk, the other appears to many tourists (IN) THE VIEW of a huge crayfish’s claw.

4. The hero of Moliere's comedy Don Juan appeared in the play as a complete atheist, (YET) witty, fearless and irresistibly attractive, (NOT) LOOKING at his vices.

5. (C) Throughout the entire evening, the trills of SOME kind of bird were gently ringing in the garden.


Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) NN is written.

And thick milk pouring from a clay (1) jug, and a lush loaf in a skillfully woven (2) basket, and a sliding napkin written out (3) by the artist in all details and with special expressiveness.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Increasingly, angry and cold winds blow and tear off the leaves.

2. Poetry glorifies either the majestic distances or the inexhaustible scattering of stars.

3. I wish I had given this cigarette case to someone a long time ago, but I don’t dare!

4. In the distance he saw a village of five or six courtyards.


The wind (1) rustling and rustling in the birch forest (2) ran across the fields (3) covered with white flowers (4) absorbing the aromas of herbs.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

The ethical quests of Leo Tolstoy (1) of course (2) still retain their significance. Now (3) in my opinion (4) it is especially important to make Tolstoy’s principle of moral self-education publicly available.


Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

In one of the bays Pacific Ocean(1) a giant squid was discovered (2) the diameter of the eye (3) of which (4) is equal to a quarter of a meter.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Gulyaev was a strong man (1) and (2) when he returned to the Urals (3) the brilliant glory of a millionaire followed him (4) to whom everything was available.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

Residents of Ufa could observe an unusual natural phenomenon last Sunday.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) The city is burning. (2) Not even the city, but the entire coastline throughout the entire distance visible to the eye. (3) It’s hard to even say whether it’s a fire. (4) This is something more.

(5) This is probably how the taiga burns - for weeks, months, for tens, hundreds of kilometers.

(6) The crimson swirling sky, the black silhouette of a burning city, as if cut out with a jigsaw. (7) Black and red. (8) There is no other. (9) Black city and red sky.

And the Volga is red. (11) “It’s like blood,” flashes through my head.

(12) The flame is almost invisible, only in one place, downstream, short jumping tongues. (13) And against us, crumpled, like paper cylinders of oil tanks, fallen, crushed by gas. (14) And from them flames - mighty prominences break away and are lost in heavy swirling fantastic clouds of lead-red smoke.

(15) As a child, I loved to look at an old English magazine from the period of the fourteenth war. (16) It had neither beginning nor end, but there were amazing pictures - large, full page: English Tommies in the trenches, attacks, naval battles with foaming waves and destroyers ramming each other, funny, like whatnots, floating in air "Bleriot", "Farman" and "Taube". (17) It was difficult to tear myself away.

(18) But the most terrible thing was the huge, shudderingly gloomy image on the two middle pages of Louvain burning from the German bombings. (19) There were flames, and clouds of smoke that looked like cotton wool, and running people, and destroyed houses, and searchlights in the ominous sky. (20) In a word, it was so scary and captivating that there was no strength to turn the page. (21) I redrew this picture an infinite number of times, colored it with colored pencils, paints, small crayons and then hung these pictures on the walls.

Did you know that each day of the week is ruled by a certain planet? These planets have both positive and bad influence. To reduce the negative impact of the day and increase the positive impact, you need to carve out just 10 minutes in your schedule. In general, every day has its own special ritual.


This day is ruled by the Moon, which makes a person eccentric, excited, and sometimes pushes him to senseless, thoughtless actions. Remember what they say: “Monday is a hard day”?

In order not to regret later what you did on this day, do the following: Pour 1 tbsp into two small cotton bags. spoon of salt and tie these bags tightly. Lie down as comfortably as possible, relax, place one bag of salt 10 cm above your navel, and hold the other in your left hand. Immerse yourself in pleasant memories, forget all the old grievances and past troubles.

Salt has amazing ability absorb information. A bag of salt that lies on your stomach will relieve you of insecurity, and the one that you hold in your hand will help you improve your relationships with others.


This day is ruled by Mars. Therefore, your endeavors and plans may be hindered by conflicts with others, which this warlike planet pushes people into.

To avoid this, do this: Pour 1.5 tbsp into two small bags. spoons of salt and tie them tightly. Take one bag in your left hand, the other in your right. Place the bags to your temples, sit comfortably and focus on your planned activities, meetings, negotiations, mentally speaking out your wishes, imagining the ideal development of the situation.

The salt that you keep at your left temple will save you from envious people, the salt at your right temple will help the successful development and completion of your planned business.


Mercury, ruling this day of the week, gives mutual understanding and favors the successful completion of affairs. However, it can also present you with unpleasant surprises and contribute to the emergence of problems.

Salt will help minimize this danger and help improve relationships with others: pour 2 tsp into two small bags. spoons of salt and tie them tightly. Lie down as comfortably as possible, place one bag of salt on the middle of your forehead, take the other right hand. Relax and talk to yourself about what you need to do that day.

The salt in your hand, having received information, will remove obstacles from your path, help you achieve your goal, contribute to making a profit, and thanks to the one that lies on your forehead, your senses will sharpen, you will gain the ability to foresee possible options developments, learn to intuitively avoid problems and avoid pitfalls. After this, you will gain the ability to avoid dangerous situations, to happily avoid them.


The ruler of this day is the wise and always helping Jupiter. It gives people intuition, but sometimes it also confuses relationships. To ensure that there is no room for problems and omissions in your relationship with the person you are interested in, do the following:

Take two bags, pour 2 tbsp into them. spoons of salt and tie them tightly. Sit comfortably, place one bag on the crown of your head, and squeeze the other in your hands and hold it against your forehead. Focus on what excites you most about this moment, and say it all mentally.

Salt on the crown, having absorbed the information, will tell you something extraordinary, but quite real solution, and the salt that you held against your forehead will help you avoid possible troubles and problems.


This day is ruled by the beautiful Venus. On this day, she gives people love and pleasure, but, alas, cannot protect them from quarrels and conflicts.

Salt will again help avoid them. Pour 1.5 tbsp into two bags. spoons of salt and tie them tightly. Lie down comfortably and place them on your stomach: one bag - on the palm of your hand above the navel, the other - on the palm of your hand below the navel. Relax, don’t think about anything, try to enter a state of absolute peace.

Salt placed above the navel will relieve nervousness., protects from stress; salt, which lies below the navel, will concentrate sexual energy and increase potency.


It seems to be a day off, but it is ruled by a strict teacher, Saturn, who can ruin all your fun.

On this day, all kinds of negativity reign, but today you can normalize the energy balance of your body: Again, take two cotton bags, pour 1 tbsp into one. spoon, in another - 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and tie the bags tightly. We lie down as comfortably as possible, place a bag of 1 tbsp on the crown of the head. spoon of salt, and the other bag - just behind the big toes. Relax, try to forgive all offenses, do not think about the unpleasant and annoying. Complete peace and humility!

Salt on the crown of the head will restore peace of mind and energy balance; salt between the big toes will relieve obsessive thoughts, despondency and melancholy.

The spelling of some verbs in the imperative mood depends on the processes of alternation of sounds in the root of the word. In this regard, questions arise about how to pronounce and write such words without making mistakes. For example, which of the verb forms is correct: lie down or lie down?

In Russian, the form of the imperative mood of verbs is formed from the stem of the infinitive, in which alternation of root consonants [zh] and [ch], with [g] and [k] is possible: run - run, run; cut - cut, cut; oven - bake, bake.

This alternation occurs in the root of an imperative verb lie down, lie down. This form is derived from the stem of the infinitive of the imperfective verb lie. It differs from the form that is similar in semantic meaning, but does not have alternation of root consonants lie down, lie down formed from the infinitive of the verb go to bed.

Since the alternation of root consonants during the formation of the imperative mood of a verb does not always occur, in speech instead of the correct form lie down, lie down it is often the wrong version lie down, lie down. Another mistake is made in the letter: the soft sign is lost.

Understanding the differences in the way verb forms are formed lie down And lie down will allow you not to mix orally and writing these options are wrong lie down.

For comparison and memorization, you can use the following examples:

Right wrong
Lie down

Lay down next to me.

Lie down sleep: tomorrow will be a difficult day.

Lie down make yourself comfortable and go to sleep.

Lie down on the sofa, you will be more comfortable on it.

Lie down next to me.

Lie down go to bed early: tomorrow will be a difficult day.

Lie down make yourself comfortable and go to sleep.

the site gives the following recommendations on the use of forms of the verb lie down and lay down in speech:

  1. Imperative form of plural verb lie down in Russian the only correct one. The use of this verb in the form lie down is a gross speech and spelling error.
  2. Incorrect version of the verb handicap lie down arises by analogy with the imperative mood of the verb lie down.
  3. Verb form lie down formed from a stem in which there is no alternation of consonants –zh-/-g-. Form lie down is formed with alternating root consonants.

Lie down comfortably (clothing should in no case restrict your movements; it is better to have bare feet).

Relaxation before entering the astral plane.

Quick relaxation

1) Lie down comfortably (clothing should under no circumstances restrict your movements; it is better to have bare feet). You can cover yourself with a light blanket.

2) Close your eyes, watch the thoughts that arise in your head. Don’t chase away the mental images, let them do what they want.

3) Create some pleasant idea (remember something or fantasize a little). If unpleasant visions continue to appear in the future, do nothing. Don't try to get rid of them by force of will.

4) Bending your legs in a “U” shape, pat them from bottom to top and back - this will relax your muscles.

5) After taking a deep breath, hold your breath. Without exhaling, draw in your stomach and press your protruding lumbar vertebrae to the mat on which you are lying. Fix this position (lie like this until it becomes a burden for you). Exhale and relax completely. Lie still for a while. Repeat this exercise three times.

6) After inhaling, hold your breath in your chest for as long as possible. After exhaling, lie down in a relaxed state (do not forget to start breathing again, but do not influence your breathing, let the body breathe on its own). Repeat this three times.

7) After inhaling, hold your breath and, crossing your arms, hug yourself by the shoulders, squeezing them as tightly as possible. Once you have enjoyed it, exhale and relax. You can leave your hands in the same position. Lie down for a while.

8) Continue holding your arms in the “hug” position (if before this you were lying with them stretched along your body, then return to the indicated position). With your knees bent, if it is more comfortable, sway from side to side. After pampering yourself in this way, unclench your arms and, remaining in a lying position, feel relaxed.

9) Don’t rush to finish relaxation (this general rule for all similar techniques). Lie as long as you want. Then stretch, as if after waking up from sleep, and, slowly opening your eyes, slowly sit up.

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