Unique projects of saunas in the world. Enjoy Your Bath! The most unusual baths of the world

Sauna for walrus, terms in Baden-Baden, Budapest baths on thermal sources, Rzhevskaya steam room and other baths around the world, in which it is worth it. At different stages of its history and in various places of their habitat, humanity has found about the same ways of unhurried, but very effective rejuvenation, recovery and at the same time just rest. The main components of such a recipe - couples and hot water. Seasonings are a variety of: birch and other brooms, massages, scrub, whipped soap foam and other, discharged from the region to the region, additions. For those who, after the steam room, feels like a new person every time, Forbes magazine has drawn up a list of the most remarkable baths of the planet.

Bath Gellert (Budapest, Hungary)

Where: H-1118 Budapest, Kelenhegyi út 4 in the territory of Budapest is 118 thermal sources. There were still ancient Romans in them, and in the XVI century, the first Hammams appeared with the Turks here. But the glory of the European capital of the pair was brought by majestic bath complexesBuilt already at the beginning of the 20th century. And the most famous of them - Gellert, masterpiece of Budapest AR-Nouveau, opened in 1918 at the foot of the Hill of the same name on the banks of the Danube. Doctor at the entrance, marble columns, high arched arched arches, stained glass windows in the lobby, mosaic in bathing and pair - here are all the signs of a big style: no wonder about the gellert say that when you bathe in his pool, then it seems that you take a bath in the cathedral. At the lower level, a hammam with eucalyptus ferry, a sauna with ancient clock and three bathing - with cold, warm and hot water. Here, for a fee, you can order a massage, mud baths and other healing procedures. The floor is higher - the very "cathedral" pool with a sliding roof, the view of which reminds of Roman terms: on the perimeter it is looking for a two-tier colonnade with the gallery at the top. In the 1930s, during the reign of Admiral Horti, the best balls in the city were rolled here: the pool was covered with a glass floor, and an orchestra was located on the gallery. Now there are only palm trees in the tubs and a cafe where you can drink a cup of coffee with the Balsam "Unicum" or just a glass of Tokaysky. And you can go out into the courtyard, where there is another pool - with an artificial wave, stone cascading terraces and an decorated Maitolian pavilion worthy of the best palace parks in Europe. The cost of the visit: from 3600 (weekdays) to 3900 (weekends) forints (€ 13-15) Read more: www.gelletbath.com

Raukhanie (Tampere, Finland)

Where: Rauhaniementie 24 in Tampere is the oldest Sauna of Finland - built in 1906 by Rajaportin. But a more young sauna of Raukhanii (it appeared in 1929) is much more popular - and not only among local: this place is called the best sauna in Finland for walrles. Rauganias stands on the shore of a large beautiful lake Nianijairvi, and in winter from the sauna to its shore, heated paths, ending with spacious wormwood, in which the staircase with the railings are descended. In the cauldron (water temperature from two to four degrees) Fyrchats and poking the puzzled finns and the doodine dawn, as well as rare and timid foreigners of different complexes. Then everyone together, they are gently sent to warm up, and for these purposes, saunas in Rauganiya, actually, two (the biggest one is the hottest - accommodates 70 people). Pretty sprinkling, red-motive people do not rush back to the bastard - and so three or four times. Before getting out of the sauna, good tone It is considered to ask: "Hatyaken Löluyuya?" - Do not add, that is, a couple? And if everyone say "Haita Vaan" or just "Culla", then it is necessary to splash out a little water on hot stones. By the way, in the summer, the quality of the pair is no worse, you can even sunbathe on the beach, and next to the staircase leading to the former wormwood, a two-meter tower for jumping into water will be seen. Visiting cost: € 4,5 Read more: www.rauhaniemi.net

Dikeku-Yu (Tokyo, Japan)

Where: 32-6 Senju Kotobuki-Cho, Adachi-Ku in traditional Japanese public baths Sento instead of Parikov - Baths with hot water, where they are sitting, sweating and relax. And the King of Santo is called the Tokyo bathing of Dikeku-Yu, which has been working since 1927. In the nineties, it was subjected to a large-scale reconstruction, which touched into the most part internal device: outside the bath still looks like eighty years ago, and resembles a Buddhist temple rather. Opened Dike-Yu from three days before midnight, and sterile cleanliness and turtle and tightness reign inside here. The locker room with small cells for clothing, weights and massage chairs is a hall with a view of Fuji in the entire wall, water taps and three baths, and massage. In hot water temperature of 42 degrees, but there is also a cold, 15-degree. In the courtyard, under the roof, it is the rotten-boom - so called the bath outdoors. It has the same 42 degrees, and around - a small garden with a traditional stone lamp: contemplation also helps to relax and forget about stale. Usually, the Sento does not allow people with tattoos, but in Daikoku, it is quite possible to pressent in the bath near Yakuza, covered with legs with legs to head. In the bath they, however, are very good-natured. Visiting cost: ¥ 430 (approximately $ 5.4)

Sauna Deco (Amsterdam, Holland)

Where: HERENGRACHT 115, 1015 BE is surprising, but the main role in the fate of a small sauna in the center of Amsterdam was played by an ancient Parisian department store. When in the 1970s, the owners of the famous LE BON MARCHE store decided to update the interior decorated in the 1920s on the sketches of the recognized Master of the Ar-Deco architect Louis-Ippolita Balo, a huge number of decorative parts simply dismantled. They acquired them, damoped dutch, giving their banner the corresponding name. Wooden staircase with balustrade bronze casting, according to which Parisians hurried for shopping, now leads to the second floor of the sauna in the rest room, the elevator's glass mine separates the pool from the rest of the premises, and the stained-glass windows decorated with gilding windows in the lounge and the pool used to be lanterns on the roof of the department store. Now on these luxurious Paris interiors roam completely naked and closed in towels, people of both sexes: like most Dutch baths, SAUNA DECO - mixed, and bathing suits are not allowed here. Having visited two saunas with different temperatures and hammams with an eucalyptus ferry, you can go to the pool with hydromassage, relax in the tiny garden in the courtyard, and then go to the lounge to consider photos of the same department store: it turns out a pyramidal luminous object on the floor, which is crowned with flowers with flowers Previously, there was a chandelier in the trading room. Another reason to visit the Sauna Deco is the best masseuses in Amsterdam, recorded to which you need in advance. In addition, in the local beauty salon make wraps and facial procedures with sea algae, which are specifically brought from Brittany. Visit price: € 21 Read more: www.saunadeco.nl

Gedyk Pasha (Istanbul, Turkey)

Where: Hamam Cad. No. 65 - 67 Gedikpaşa, Beyazit Hammam Gedyk Pasha, who is located next to the Bayazit Mosque and the Grand Bazaar, is one of the oldest in Istanbul: He was built with Mehmeda conqueror, in 1475. Most guidebooks write that it is exclusively local inhabitants, nevertheless it can happen that the locals will just be in the bath in the minority, but there will be a lot of tourist guidebooks. Tourists, as a rule, go out from here not too satisfied and deceived in expectations: Livest houses, and massage is weak. But in fact, this is one of the best hammams in the city, and tips help hard to improve him strongly. In the lobby with a marble fountain, Peshtenial is given - whether the towels are, or sheeps, without which it is not accepted in Hammam. In the center of the main hall, which is called Hararet, is a large marble elevation, Gebektashi, that is, the "stomach stone". The stone is hot, and the bathhouses put the clients on it and make a massage-peeling using a tight mitten (it eliminates the skin from the kneeling cells), and also envelop the foam from the legs to the head and how the body is kneaded (in the women's bunching department at the same time And they sing with broaching songs). In Hararet, by the way, not too hot, because it is not taken here not to bathe, but rather languish, from time to time diving into the cool pool. However, there is a small sauna in Hammam. The cost of visiting: 50 Turkish lira, or about $ 30 (massage included in the price) Read more: www.gedikpaasahamami.com

Sandunovsky Baths (Moscow, Russia)

Where: ul. Neglinnaya, 14, p. 3-7 The most famous Moscow baths founded, oddly enough, Actor: Strength Nikolayevich Sandunov served as a comic in the Imperial Theater, but he approached his business project seriously. To sell, as the legend says, a diamond necklace, donated by Catherine II for the wedding of his wife, he bought plots on the shore, the non-stingy river still not yet stubborn in the tube and opened stone baths in 1808. Subsequently, Sandun changed owners many times, and by the end of the century heatually dilated, so the next owners - a millionaire vera Firsanova and her husband, the Guards lieutenant Alexey Ganetsky, - decided to build a new bath on the same place. Building complex, built on the project of Architect Freudenberg, - masterpiece eclectics: Through the pompous eloquent arch of the main facade, the Mauritanian arch in the courtyard is visible, and in the interiors with marble columns, stucco and gilding, you can find everything - from Gothic to Modern. The clientele re-opened in 1896 Sandunov was not inferior to the interiors in its motion: a simple person washed at 5 and 10 kopecks, and a serious merchant was resting in the luxurious compartment for a half-thousand per person: with a hairdresser, a fireplace and individual cabinets of 5 and 10 rubles. The system of "discharges" has been preserved and now: in modern Sandunov, five departments are three men and two female, but all major beauty - "Gothic" hall with wooden carvings, "Turkish" with ceiling paintings and stucco and swimming pool with Ionian colonnade, where Eisenstein removed Episode "Drawn Potemkin", open only for visitors to the highest male discharge. However, the famous Sandunovsky couple, about which Shalyapin said that he "freedoms" the voice is still available to everyone - as well as the services of bunchholes-steamboats working here dynasties. The cost of visiting: 1500-1800 rubles Read more: www.sanduny.ru

Cotikhare (Helsinki, Finland)

Where: Harjutorinkatu 1, 00500 For another half a century ago, there were about a hundred twenty public saunks in Helsinki, now everything remains anything (Finns now prefer to arrange private baths in the cellars of high-rise buildings or even apartments). And on firewood, it works only alone - Cotikhara, located in the working area of \u200b\u200bCallio, who is in Finnish leisurely passes the gentritation process now. This sauna (family, by the way, the enterprise belongs to Cheset and Meria Holopainen) was built in 1928, and in 1999 it was thoroughly reconstructed - with the help of the Helsinki Culture Capital Foundation Foundation: in commemoration of the fact that 2000-M Helsinki became the cultural capital of Europe. Stones in the Kamenka Kamenka one and a half tons, and to heat the sauna, a cubic meter is required and five to six hours of time. Put a couple or not, according to tradition, those who are sitting on the upper, hottest shops are solved. Frequently goes here from neighboring quarters, students, creative intelligentsia - and, of course, tourists. Cooling the hot visitors wrapped with towels, go straight to the street - drink beer and sow a song in the eyes of passersby, which if you do not sing, then listen carefully. And here they make an excellent massage. The cost of visiting: € 10, a subscription for 10 visits - € 90; Birch broom - € 5 Read more: www.kotiharjunsauna.fi

Dragon Hill Spa (Seoul, Korea)

Where: Yongsan GU, Hangang-Ro Dong 40-713 Korean couple does not tolerate the fuss, and in the local baths - chimblebany - come with whole families not only to get along, but also eat, take a break and chat. In Dragon Hill Spa in Seoul, entrance tickets are sold at once for 12 hours - this is a real bath Disneyland, on seven floors of which, in addition to paired and pools, there are restaurants, a cafe, a fitness club, a cinema and even a golf course. At the entrance, visitors are issued form (shorts and t-shirts), which will be needed when visiting mixed zones, and special electronic bracelets, which is entered by information about all purchases made - from drinks to massages. In separate men's and women's zones are wet pair and diverse bathing: with sea water, with ginseng, with fragrant herbs, as well as mud, hydromassage and cold baths. After water procedures, it is worth going to the famous Korean peeling: with the help of special mittens from viscose with visitors scrape the layer of burned cells, and the skin becomes soft, like a baby. In the mixed zone there is a huge leisure hall, the eliminated tatami, - if you wish, you can even stay overnight (after all, many chimgilbans work around the clock and are cheap alternative to hotels). Nearby - several rooms decorated as medieval palace halls: tourists love to be photographed in them. But the main feature of Dragon Hill SPA is the original dry pairs: one is token with pine wood, another finished by cypress, the third - jade, in the fourth floor is covered with heated salt crystals, there is still a steam room with a yellow clay and an ice room with a real snowman. The cost of the visit: 10 000-12 000 won (about € 8) Read more: www.dragonhillspa.co.kr

Orbeliani (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Where: Abanotubani, ul. Joseph Grishashvili his appearance and his name Tbilisi is obliged to sulfur sources. According to legend, Tsar Vakhtang Gorgasali shot a deer in the Valley, but he suggested to a hot spring, he was healed and was such - and Vakhtang commanded to establish in the very place of the city, named Tbilisi (from the word "Tbili" - "warm"). Later on the sources there was a whole area of \u200b\u200bsulfur bath - Abanotubani, existing so far: only their large dome with turrets are visible on the surface above the surface. The most famous establishment is Banya Orbeliani (by the name of the former owner), she is also blue, or a motley, it looks like a mosque - with a fitted facade, two small minarets and decorated with blue-blue tiles. It is considered (and this legend is diligently supported) that Pushkin visited Pushkin during his trip, and on the wall of the bath there is a sign with his quote: "I didn't meet anything luxurious Tiflis Ban on the outgrow." Above Alexander Sergeyevich then worked by the warrant Gassan: I broke the members, pulled the joints and beat him a very fist, and the poet did not feel pain, and amazing relief. Now impersonal Mecisa (so-called buyers) will not meet, but they still make an excellent massage on the marble topchair, then like Pushkin, drong by a coarse wool mitten, removing the unnecessary layer of dead skin, and then wrapped with weightless foam - and wash it off Already with a completely different, new person. The cost of the visit: from 5 lari (approximately € 2)

Thermal Baths Fritrichsbad (Baden-Baden, Germany)

Where: Römerplatz 1, D-76530 The Majestic Building in the Spirit of Renaissance Palazzo was built in Baden-Baden in 1869-1877 by architect Carl Dernefeld - on the personal command of the Great Duke of the Baden Friedrich I, who dreamed of reviving the culture of the ancient Roman term existing in this place 2000 years ago. Facade Friedrichsbad decorate the statues of Asclepia and Hygieus, and the internal structure partly repeats the planning of the Roman bath, with the male and female wing from the paired and downed and a round pool in the central rotunda with marble colonnada. There is a gallery with healing drinking watersBut the main thing is, of course, the baths themselves, in which bathing suits are prohibited in full compliance with the ancient dress code. On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, women and men crawl separately and occur only in the thermal pool, on the other days, all the rooms of Friedrichsbad are open to both sexes. The local baths are often called Roman Irish: an exotic hybrid is obliged to be an appearance to the Irish Dr. Richard Barter, an active propagandist of hydrotherapy, which supplemented the Roman dry pairs with wet Turkish and insisted on the combination of pairs and domestic temperatures in one chain. The bunny ritual existing in Friedrichsbad is based on its method and consists of 17 stages. All begins with dry pairs (54 and 68 degrees), then a soap massage follows, then wet pairs, in which there is no longer so hot, finally thermal hydromassage pools, each of which is a little colder than the previous one. After water procedures, guests get into the rest room: the servants carefully wrap them in the sheets and blankets, laid on the bed and ask when you wake. Falling asleep, many remember the words of Mark Twain, who, having been in Friedrichsbad, said: "Ten minutes later you forget about time, and twenty - everything in the world." The cost of the visit: € 21 (3 hours), with soap massage - € 31 (3.5 hours) Read more: www.roemisch-irisches-bad.de

Xiao Nana Tang Heh Yuan (Shanghai, China)

Where: F2, Xiao Nan Guo Restaurant, No.3337, Hongmei Road Built in 2002, a five-story building near the famous Shanghai restaurant Xiao Nan Guo Language will not turn to name Bay - this is an amazing imagination of a spa center and an entertainment complex with an area of \u200b\u200b12,000 square meters: There may simultaneously relax a thousand people. Guests meet a lobby, worthy of a five-star hotel: a marble reception desk, luxury chandeliers and music - it is performed by a mechanical piano, the keys of which move themselves. Guests-women instead of bath sheets give out blue Hawaiian dresses Muumuu, men - green short pajamas with shorts, and children, respectively, mini-versions of one or another: go to whole families here. The helpful people from Japan, Hong Kong and Thailand, who make tens of massages, rejuvenating scrubs for the body (hard mittens are treated with every square centimeter of the skin - except for, of course, the most delicate places) and all kinds of face masks, as well as fifty other spa procedures. From the actual bath options there is, for example, a variety of baths (including dairy and Japanese offro), paired and low-temperature saunas (in the women's office - with a large TV, which are twisted by local soap operas), as well as swimming pools. And after the procedures - or even during the break between them - you can play Mahjong or ping pong, sing in karaoke or snack: there are several cafes with good dimists, noodles - and more refined offers. Visiting cost: 58 yuan, massages - from 48 yuan (about $ 7.5-9) Read more: www.xnggroup.com

Liquidrom (Berlin, Germany)

Where: Möckernstrasse 10, 10963 opened in 2005 in the German capital "Liquidrom" is a real bath of the XXI century and, perhaps, the only place on earth, where, messy in the pool after the steam room, you can listen to the DJ Set. In minimalist interiors, natural gray-green stone and concrete dominate; The exclusion is only wood-decorated steam wood, which are four here: wet, Finnish sauna, salt cave and panoramic sauna with a glazed wall, trimmed by a dry Karelian pine. Once an hour in the Finnish sauna there are one of the branded procedures: light salt, honey or aromatic massage. For lovers of a serious massage - for example, Balinese herbal bags or Thai hot stones - a spa is located nearby. After the wage and procedures, guests go to the open terrace, decorated with wood, to take off in lounge chairs or lie down in a small warm bath, also on a Japanese manner with a tree. But the main attraction "Liquidroma" is inside, under a concrete dome is a large round pool with sea water. There are always twilight, color illumination and music, and the columns are installed under water, so when you dive, it seems like a headphone that played loud music. In the evenings, DJs are served here, and on Fridays around the perimeter of the pool put candles and arrange live concerts in a variety of genres - from string classics to jazz and electronics. Cost of visiting: 2 hours - € 19.5; 4 hours - € 24,5 Read more: www.liquidrom-berlin.de

Rzhev Bani (Moscow, Russia)

Where: Bath Ave., 3, p. 1 Rzhev's Baths workers smoothly in the capital for more than 120 years - in 1888 they opened them in Korzunovsky Lane (now a bath passage) A merchant of the second guild Ivan Malyshev. Later from Malyshevsky, they turned into a cross, and the current name was fixed for the bath during the war - military units sent to the front with the nearby Rzhevsky (now Riga) station nearby. The morals here were always democratic - the main contingent before the revolution was the people of a simple title, petty merchants and students. The interiors, respectively, are not outstanding, although recently there was a major overhaul, after which the VIP rooms and a sauna appeared. But in Rzhev's baths are not followed - lovers and connoisseurs of real Russian baths go to the bath passage from all over the city for the sake of traditional steam - here this is a real ritual. Couples are preparing every half an hour: they pour water into the stove to the stove with gangs, splashes the walls of the woven with the values \u200b\u200bof daisies and wormwood and only then they launch the people inside. According to Staromoshkovskaya tradition, lie in the steam room right on the floor (couples such a burning, which includes many on all fours), a parchik (there are several of them, each - everyone has their own day and their own public, which is on this day and comes) becomes the center, asks silence And it begins to sacred: "scratching" couples on top of a broom or a towel, he "pesters" them in turns of all people lying on the floor. Having plunged after such a couple into the cold font in the soap branch, you feel absolute bliss - in the most accurate value of this word. The cost of the visit: 800 rubles (on weekends - 850 rubles) more: //rzhevskie-bani.ru

Onsen Funaoka (Kyoto, Japan)

Where: 82-1 Murasakino Minamifunaoka-Cho, Kita-Ku Onsen translated from the Japanese - hot source; This word is used for baths using warm mineral water. Funaoka - Bath Historical: She opened in Kyoto back in 1923, and the original interiors are perfectly preserved until now. True, unlike Sandunov or Istanbulic hammams, the bath zone here, as in most traditional Japanese baths of Santo, is fragrant, but the hall for dressing is a real museum. Walls here are separated by painted tiles and carved bas-reliefs from the Japanese cedar, representing the battle scenes of the period of Taisyo (1912-1926), and the ceiling-covered ceiling decorates the colored burner with the image of Tengu: This mythological monster with wings and a huge nose not only scares trails in the mountains of thunder But also adores cleanliness. On a wooden bridge, you can go to the bath zone where you are located the usual crane, basins and souls, as well as several offro-baths with hot water (45-50 degrees), where it is customary, having disappeared thoroughly. In Funock, in addition to the offro with mineral water and with healing Chinese herbs, there is also an "electric bath" Dankiburo: between two metal plates-electrodes, mounted in its walls, there is a weak electric current - the Japanese believe that such a procedure strengthens the muscles and stimulates blood circulation. Nearby there is a sauna with a TV, and with it - a cold bath with a crane in the form of a lion's mouth. But the most meditative offro is in the courtyard: here you can take a hot bath with a view of the pond with carpamas and a garden of stones. The cost of visiting: ¥ 410 (approximately $ 5.2) Read more:

The most Russian view of the rest is experiencing its seasonal flourishing: in winter, the number of visitors in public baths increases at times. With some baths, there are no longer connected to the established stereotypes: new more similar to health complexes, and the old conduct rebranding and re-emerge after large-scale reconstructions. The Village chose a dozen of the most notable urban baths and discussed their advantages with regulars.

Sandunovsky baths

Operating mode

sanitary day - Tuesday


1 500-2 300 rubles /
2 hours


1 320 rubles

Spa, Beauty Salon, Restaurant, Laundry

Sanduna is the main city baths, with a two-year history. Here you can walk not only for physical, but also for aesthetic pleasure: in the highest men's discharge there is a fireplace room in the ampir style, the Gothic hall, the Turkish hall and the antique pool. Other discharges look easier, but except in the interiors, there are practically no differences: it is believed that the quality of service in Suntuna is the best in Moscow. Sunnuns have repeatedly filmed a movie, there are excursions and Hollywood actors here, but it's not all: the opponents of Sandunov will make sure that they feel here in the museum. More employees produce the eponymous newspaper and are actively working with social networks, making discounts for Check in and subscriptions to Instagram.

Elena Ivanova

HR manager

We and our sister have a tradition - to go to Sandun on Fridays every three weeks. On Friday evening in the female discharge, it's all the same good time to gain strength before the weekend. Among other things, come here for the atmosphere, behind this historical feeling. According to observations: women who prepare a steam room once in 45 minutes, - the regular visitors themselves and do it simply because they like it. Discharges in women differ in the number of people: in the highest more free and steam room works constantly. Among the services I like the "soap wash" - a very high-quality massage of the whole body using gels, and do not look at time and instead of 40 minutes often do an hour. During the time I go, there was not a single complaint - everything is here at a high level.

Krasnopresnensky baths

Operating mode

pn. 08: 00-22: 00


1 200-1 700 rubles /
2 hours


700 rubles

Spa, Hairdresser, Cosmetologist, Cafe Pressnya

The main competitor of Sandunovsky baths - regulars here traditionally consider those stupid and pathetic. The price category and the audience are about the same, but there are more bandwidth and is offered many additional cosmetic procedures - they even make an Ayurvedic massage with herbal bags. Prepare pair baths approximately every 40 minutes. In the restaurant, in addition to the main, there is an extensive Japanese menu - Udon, fried rice, three types of miso-soup and rolls.

Alexey Chagin

For me, a bath where you can relax and feel a certain spirit of the city, two are Sanduns and Krasnopresnensky. Higher discharges are similar: everywhere pure and friendly staff. In Krasnopresnensky, an important advantage is that the steam room regularly ventilate and make a new couple. The buyers can really get well - an ordinary visitor will not be able to do the same. Tasty kitchen, I recommend shrimp. Domestic parts like chips on cups can be sorted a little.

Warsaw baths

Operating mode

sat.-VS. 08: 00-23: 00


1 500 rubles / 3 hours


from 1 000 rubles

beauty, Massage, Cosmetologist, Spa-Lake Restaurant

Warsaw Baths have been working since 1938, and recently a new milestone began in their history - after reconstruction in 2012, they turned into a wellness complex with the author's design and began to cooperate with Ginza Project. The finishing of paired, changing and washers do not have anything in common with the Vitivaty interiors of Sandunun and the post-Soviet chic of the Krasnopresnensky bath. The local restaurant menu is several dozen positions, including grilled dishes, burgers and steaks. There is a decent bar. In the pair itself, you can order with dozens of different fears: in four hands, with inhalation, with ice and with honey - prices start from 800 rubles. Sell \u200b\u200bsubscriptions and bath services complexes. The role of VIP departments here is performed by the "Baths of the World" on the fourth floor - they are decorated in Russian, Byzantine and British styles and drown out with wood furnaces.

Mikhail Gogolev

by sales

I go to Warsaw Bath for almost two years - there is a favorable atmosphere, everything is done with taste and qualitatively. The staff is friendly and attentive. The pair is cleaned every 30 minutes. Permanent visitors on weekends often sing patriotic songs. Prices are not low, but they correspond to quality. Restaurant "Shaka Lake" - good, plus there make a discount to clients of the bath, it is also nice.

Vorontsov bath

Operating mode

09: 00-23: 00, sanitary day - Monday


1 200-1 300 rubles / 4 hours


2 000 rubles

beauty salon, beautician, solarium, restaurant

Spacious bright baths on Taganka with views of the Novospass Monastery and Vorontsovskaya Slobod. There are two male discharge, one female, several saunas - elite and democratic - and license plates for companies up to ten people with speaking names "Minimalism" and "Indiana". You can order a savings on the hae, fir and oak brooms. On Fridays in the morning, prices reduce half. There is nothing unusual among services or in the interior, but also a lack of fans - too.

Alexey Rolkochkin

by planning

For the past few years, I go to the highest discharge of Vorontsov bath, and in a specific time - on Sundays in the evening. There is objectively the best pairs with a decent level of all the rest: a comfortable pre-banker and a washing, high-quality food and service. For three o'clock in the steam room, five to seven fresh vapors are preparing, each time on new foundations: Melissa, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Hall, wormwood. Couple is preparing for the forces of visitors' enthusiasts, and not a buyer, herbs are bought independently, so on the other day in the same baths such may not be. Of the minuses: visitors are mainly from the category of strong men for 40. However, it is almost everywhere. The restaurant menu could be more, the pool too. But it's all the quiet rather, not cons.

Selesevian baths

Operating mode


1 500-1 700 rubles / 2 hours


Another long-lived bath, operating since the middle of the XIX century. It was not repaired for a very long time, and it should be ready to be ready: rust will meet and burst the tile. The staff is also a Soviet quenching, but regulars here do not expect a subtle circulation - go beyond the ferry, one of the best in Moscow. And here the biggest font.

Alexey Klementiev


Very brutal baths, with an old real oven - there is no such thing anywhere in Moscow. Couples of the maximum low moisture comes out of it, that is, water instantly gets the highest temperature. In one of the discharges there is a powerful propeller, which blows everything unnecessary from the parille room. They go there exclusively regulars, go for a ferry and can cook it. In general, the bath for the prepared: I witnessed how the guy's overestimated guy went to the nose of blood. Seleznevsky is the best option for those who have little time and some money, but you need to warm up deeply and recover.

Usachev baths

Operating mode

08: 00-23: 00 (husband.)

08: 00-23: 00, Thursday to 18:00 (wives)


1 000-1 200 rubles


beauty saloon,
fitness, cafe

Baths in the building of the sports and recreation complex - on the way you can go to the sports club or to training in boxing. One of the best price-quality ratios. The last repair was made only six months ago, inside - spacious changing rooms and washing compartments. There is an opinion that it is good to walk with children here: there is a soft couple. The following feature is in an unlimited visit time: in other baths, two and three-hour sessions offer for the same price. The regulars say that in the local buffet it is worth taking a sauer cabbage, and also - that Special Couples are prepared by the Saturday morning: at this time, in a pair, the company of old people, calling himself "Lord Kazaki".

Julia Bogomolov

and communications

In Usachev's baths, we walk with girlfriends on Fridays, relax and chat. It feels something very Russian and very good. Laws on the territory of Bani Strong: can make the leaves, attacked from the brooms in a steam room, and so on. But it is more for beginners of the test. They were treked, the room was carried out, removed after themselves and in a new one - there is no special personnel who take care of it. But it seems it is only good.

A variety of baths, infrared cab, Hamam, Roman bath, Moroccan, Kraxna or Sun Baths, Korean Mineral Bath Attack Antennial Baths Russian and Finnish.

The benefits of a man's health bath, his state, mental and bodily, is known for a long time."Bulin effect "It occurs at regular campaigns to the bath. Blood vessels train, health condition improves. A variety of baths of the Peoples of the world guarantees each possibility of selection for themselves the most comfortable pair. Banis in their own are "soft" and "intense". We care for yourself the most optimal option.

The mild infrared bath. The radiation can heat the human body absolutely safely. Heating begins at room temperature, has a minimum load on the heart. The duration of the session is 15-30 minutes. Natural humidity, air temperature 45-60° C.

Hamam - Turkish Bath. Temperature 45-55 ° C, Humidity 65-85%. The body heats up on the marble table, where various procedures are performed as peelings and massages.

Roman bath. The temperature of Cole 45 ° C, the humidity of 100% is achieved by the operation of the steam generator. Such a comfortable sauna is ideal for women, surface layers of skin are perfectly moisturized by steam.

Moroccan bath. Temperature of about 45.° C. , air humidity - natural. All procedures occur as in the Turkish bath on a warm marble table (peelings, massages with aromomaslas)

Cracks or hay bath. The miraculous effect of such a bath in a pair, which passes through the hay, absorbs its aromas, envelops the body, steam is served in the zone area locally.

Korean or Mineral Aromoban. On the warm floor lie mat mats. The beneficial effect has the impact of the Mineral Jadeitis. It is used in Eastern Medicinerecovery Violated human bioenergy.

Intensive bath

Russian sauna. Temperature 70-90° C, the humidity is about 80%. And hot, and the couple is enough. Such a balance of temperature and humidity allows you to achieve the ease and softness of steam.

Finnish sauna. Temperature 100-120.° C, humidity about 30-50%. The low humidity allows you to raise the temperature to 120° C resulting in a heat coverage in such a sauna more.

Japanese Bath - Offer. Immersion in water with a temperature of 40-42° C warms the body. Next, alternate contrasting effects hot (45-46° C) and cold (8 ° C) water. According to the load on the body and the cardiovascular system is the most intense bath.

Offer- Bath for fans of contrasting sensations, which possesses, according to the Japanese effect of rejuvenation.

Russian bathhouse - in our modern time, this is not only a traditional washer, the steam room and a terribly close pregnant.

Increasingly, the views of the homeowners are attracted by the projects of an unusual bath: with a veranda, fireplace, swimming pool, stove and barbecue, relaxing rooms, an extensive terrace ... and this is not the limit of fantasy architects!

Original Bals or Triple Pleasure

In this article, we suggest you to get acquainted with non-standard baths, which beyond the boring framework of ordinary, in which the rest is not just nice and interesting, and unforgettable! After all, here you have a unique opportunity to get three types of pleasures at once: physical, mental and aesthetic.

So let's see what solutions lately They became popular among our compatriots when building baths:

  1. Bath complex with pool. Immediately, we want to dispel the myth that the implementation of such a project of mega expensive - professional builders and homemade craftsmen have long confirmed the opposite. The price of construction is available to almost every wishes, especially if an artificial reservoir is not heated and not indoor. But already projects of two-storey facilities with a private pool - this is from the category of more expensive. Yes, and turn around in the architectural plan, there is where.

  1. Billiards and Banya are another excellent combination that will surely interest many representatives of strong sex! By and large, such projects provide for at least one rest room - billiard equipment is located in it. The area of \u200b\u200bthis room may vary from the minimum 20 m² to 40 m² and more.

Quite often, the billiard room is made on the second, that is, the attic floor. In this case, the free space is organized the most ergonomically: on the first floor - a washing, steam room and a rest room, on the second - billiard room.

  1. Buildings with mansard. Of course, this is not an innovation, but every year, enterprising architects come up with increasingly interesting bathing projects with an additional attic floor. In addition, this is a unique opportunity to get never extra square meters without expansion. common Square Buildings. What can be done from the second floor? To equip with your own hands the same billiard room, a rest room, a gym or even an office!

  1. Unusual bath with a veranda or terrace. Agree, because it is the absence of an open / closed attack forms a common aesthetic perception The buildings, its colorful, unique appearance.
    For example, either around the facade or even an erker - it is not just additional useful squares, but also decorating a bath, her distinctive trait, business card!

Even if for any reason you preferred a typical banner project with an individual, then it can be made original due to the competent choice of location, shape and type of extension.
Try to equip the veranda traditional corner logged, and you will be surprised how unusual will be your bathhouse.

  1. Ban-barrel. According to the ancient attitance, a sage named Diogen lived in a barrel. Since that time, much water has flowed, but the legend is alive to this day, only already in the embodied form. Unfortunately, it is unknown from the story, who the first "gave birth" is the idea that in the oak barrel can be perfectly treated ... But step-two and today we can admire the most interesting baths in the form of barrels!

There appeared the baths of this type in the middle of the 20th century in the Snow Finland and instantly won the hearts of the European people. Not surprising, in addition to the colorful appearance of the bath, the barrel compared to a typical square building quickly warms up and he keeps the heat longer.

To minimize!
Today there are both bath barrels that are installed on a mobile chassis in the form of a trailer.
Such a solution allows you to take it with you, if you, for example, wanted to get out on nature and how to get it there.

Top 5 most extraordinary baths in the world

Which woundings will not meet on the globe!

Now, looking at the most unusual projects bath, avid steambags will be worse to try on own body The result of the procedures in such parry facilities:

  • "SAUNAFORALL" or simply "sauna for all"! This phenomenon is located in the Czech town of Liberec. Those who built it did not have to build a solid foundation, as they came up with a more original solution. The sauna for everyone stands right in the middle of the river, on the piles, not far from the city beach.

Wishing to visit this bathhouse, you do not need to pay money, as it is completely free. Operating Instructions: Just place an order in the MJOLKARCHITEX architectural studio, which erected it from wooden frames, plywood, spruce powder and aluminum.

  • And in Milan there is a curious bath in the tram tram. It can easily fit the company out of 10 people. There is also plasma, on the screen of which show the employed story of Milan trams.

  • Turku Archipelago, Larsmo Lake - Fairy Bani Ferry. In this stunning location, you can not only steam at any time of the year, but also admire the beauty of the picturesque natural edge of sauna sailing on the lake.
By time 40 minutes: the mobile capsule has time to climb the height of 500 meters and go down.

To minimize!
As such an additional bonus, you will certainly offer to cool in the purest snow on the top of the mountain.

  • Well, who could imagine that the real bath can be on the territory of the ice arena?! The dream of almost every man is to relax in the steam room and enjoy the game of your favorite hockey team!


Russian bath is enjoyed in itself, first of all for the body. Well, when she is also beautiful, colorful, not like everyone else, then to physical, additive and infinite state of mind! Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment. And on the "snack", especially for lovers of banal art - an interesting thematic video in this article.

Do you like a bath and know everything about the bath? Have you ever steamed on the funicular or in the tram? People of modernity are few brooms and bans, they give something unusual. And after all serve - in the strangest baths of the world. On them and go around.

Extreme Bath in Yullyas (Finland)

What is the lift in ski resorts? Of course, for rapid lifting skiers on the slope. But in Finland, they decided otherwise: why for those who are inside the lift, do not spend time with benefit? Throughout the time, while the lift rises up, and then descends down, vacationers can enjoy all the delights of the real steam room. "Flying Bath" is designed for a company of four people. An extreme part of the "cultural program" can be a traditional "diving" in the snow on one of the mountain peaks.

Messed Bath in Milan (Italy)

While Estonians participate in a large-scale bath marathon and run around the city, looking for baths on the cards, the Italians offer to tourists more than a measured version - a bath in a tram car. The authors of the idea planned to prove to all that Milan public transport is not a place to get another portion of stress. They are confident that in urban trams you can relax, dream, relax. An unusual bath is ready to take at the same time up to 10 people. After a standard set of procedures, vacationers can translate the spirit in front of the plasma screen, on which the rollers about the history of public transport of Milan are circulating in non-stop mode.

Bath not for everyone in Budapest (Hungary)

At the foot of Mount Hellert is a luxury hotel, built at the beginning of the last century. But all the fans of spa procedures know this place due to the famous sauna gellert. Columns from marble, monumental arches, amazing beauty stained glass, refined mosaic in pairs and bathing ... A truly charming atmosphere has been created here. Vacationers are invited to visit three levels. Perhaps, all the most interesting is the guests of the lower tier: there is a hamam, sauna and three baths. Water in each bathroom - a specific temperature: cold, warm and hot. Bath procedures can be supplemented with a massage or mud bath. At the second level there is a pool, the roof over which is moved. The pool is surrounded by bunk colonnadium with gallery. In the yard - another pool with its "excesses": an artificial wave and cascades of stone terraces.

Bath for contemplates in Tokyo (Japan)

Much in the country of the rising sun seems to be the Europeans amazing and unusual, including public baths Santo. Sterile purity, pacification, absolute absence of a rush or bustle along with the strict sequence of all procedures - the main features of the Japanese bath. One of the most popular Sento is the Banya Dikeku-Yu in Tokyo. For the first time she opened its doors before visitors in 1927. In the 90s, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out inside the building, while the appearance remained intact. Today, few of tourists will distinguish in the outlines of the Buddhist church with a public bath. Everything without exception, the visitors of Santo must comply with the most severe demands, so that the bath procedures are slightly resemble the measured ritual. First get rid of shoes, then from clothes. Next, thoroughly wash under the shower on a special tiny stool, and only then make a dive into one of the baths, where it will be possible to fully relax. By the way, the bath is general: there may be several people at the same time. In Dike, there are several such baths, with hot and cool water, as well as with a massage effect. Another bath - Rothen Buro - is located in the courtyard, which is surrounded by a small garden, of course, in Japanese style. In Santo, usually reluctantly let those on whose body there are tattoos, but in Dike-Yu, they say, you can easily find yourself in one bath with Yakuza, whose body is painted "under Khokhloma". Interestingly, recently, trying to popularize Santo among tourists, the owners with the support of local authorities began to publish special comic instructions that do not allow violate the main rules of Sento.

Pair for Tusovers in Berlin (Germany)

In 2005, Burnin was opened in Berlin - the perfect option for party members. Visit to steam room, diving in the pool or massage procedures are accompanied by popular DJ sets. Wishing to visit the Finnish sauna, a salt cave or to visit the panoramic sauna, one of the walls of which is made of glass. Every hour lucky can get free massage treatments: honey, salt or aromatic. If you want more intense relaxation, you can order a Balinese massage with herbal bags or Thai massage with hot stones. The favorite guest visitors is a huge pool, in which improvised discos - cheerful music in combination with multi-colored backlit create the necessary mood. Interestingly, if you dive, then it seems that loud music sounds in the headphones. In addition, in the weekend by the pool, live concerts for every taste are organized: from classic and jazz to rock and electronics.

Space Bath (COP "World")

Is there life on Mars? Science is not known. But it is known that there is no time for space station The "World" was posted a real sauna. The special design of the steam room was developed by employees of the Energy Rocket and Space Corporation, headed by Vladimir Kolovov, who began to work on the project still in student years. The cosmonauts themselves, on the one hand, were satisfied, even birch brooms were asked to deliver. On the other hand, - compiled for exhaustive cleaning after each "washout", and on the small efficiency of the process - the water "smeared" by the body as if jelly. However, due to the considerable consumption of energy and excessive water consumption, the steam room was dismantled. Today, astronauts are forced to do with special napkins and a "dry" shampoo.

Bath in Justie Cave (Tuscany, Italy)

The history of the unique thermal source began in 1848, when he was accidentally found by the workers in the june cave. A visit to this place is unforgettable: the unique outlines of stalactitis and stalagmites moving along the walls of the shadow labyrinths and terrible silence. To achieve a natural source located at a depth of 200 meters underground, guests are invited to pass through three zones with very symbolic names - "Paradise", "purgatory" and "hell". The closer to the "hell", the temperature is higher. High humidity and natural air ventilation mechanism makes stay in the cave extremely comfortable. Advertising avenue says that the visit to the junci cave will purify the body from toxins and fully restore both physical and mental equilibrium. And if you can argue about the latter (phobias to win is not easy!), The unique natural atmosphere of ancient grottle, for sure, has a beneficial effect on the body.