The best Aces of World War II. Assa Second World War

Most of the surnames from the list of flyers-Asov of the Great Patriotic War are well known. However, besides Tryshenbina and Kozjadbab, among the Soviet Asov undeservedly forget another wizard of air combat, whose courage and courage can even envy the most titled and efficient pilots.

Better Kozhevab, cooler Hartman ...

The names of the Soviet Asov Great Patriotic War Ivan Kozhevab and Alexander Tashkin is known to everyone who at least superficially familiar with patriotic history. Keldadub and Tashkin are the most efficient Soviet fighter pilots. On the account of the first 64 enemy aircraft, shot down personally, on the second account - 59 personal victories, and another 6 aircraft he shot down in a group.
The name of the third performance of the Soviet pilot is known only to aviation lovers. Nikolai Gulaev during the war years destroyed 57 opponent aircraft personally and 4 in the group.
Interesting detail - Kozhevabu to achieve its result it took 330 combat departures and 120 air bonds, topping - 650 combat departures and 156 air bonds. Gulaev also achieved its result, having carried out 290 combat departures and spending 69 air battles.
Moreover, according to premium documents, in their first 42 air battles, he destroyed 42 opponent aircraft, that is, on average, each battle was completed for Gulaev destroyed by an enemy machine.
Military statisticians were calculated that the efficiency coefficient, that is, the ratio of air bonds and victories, Nikolai Gulaeva amounted to 0.82. For comparison, Ivan Kozhevab, he was 0.51, and at Hitler's Asa Erich Hartman, officially hitting the most all airplanes for the second world War, - 0,4.
At the same time, people who knew Gulaeva and who fought with him argued that he generously recorded many of his victories on the ledbles, helping them to receive orders and money - the Soviet pilots paid for each opponent's shot down aircraft. Some believe that total number The aircraft shot down by Gulaevo could reach 90, which, however, is impossible to confirm today or refute.

Guy with don.

About Alexandra Tashkin and Ivan Kozhedube, three times heroes Soviet Union, Marshalah Aviation, many books are written, a lot of films are shot.
Nikolai Gulaev, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, was close to the third "Golden Star", but she never received it and did not leave the marshals, remaining Colonel-General. And in general, if in the post-war years, Tishkin and Kozdadub have always been in sight, they were engaged in patriotic education of young people, then Gulaev, practically I did not give way to colleagues, remained in the shadows all the time.
Perhaps the fact is that the military, and the post-war biography of the Soviet ASA was rich in episodes that do not fit into the image of the perfect hero.
Nikolai Gulaev was born on February 26, 1918 in the Aksayskaya Stanice, which now became the city of Aksai of the Rostov region. Donskoy Wolnitsa was in the blood and nature of Nicholas from the first days and until the end of life. After graduating from the sevenlet and the craft school, he worked as a mechanic at one of the Rostov plants.
Like many of the youth of the 1930s, Nikolai fucked by aviation, engaged in AeroClub. This hobby has helped in 1938, when Gulaeva called to the army. The amateur pilot was sent to the Stalingrad Aviation School, which he graduated in 1940. Gulaeva was distributed in air defense aviation, and in the first months of war, he provided a cover of one of the industrial centers in the rear.

Reprimand complete with a reward.

At the front, Gulaev found himself in August 1942 and immediately demonstrated both the talent of a combat pilot and the initial nature of the native of the Don steppes.
Gulaeva had no permission for night flights, and when on August 3, 1942 in the regiment's responsibility zone, where the young pilot served, Hitler's aircraft appeared, experienced pilots went to the sky. But here Nikolai filed a mechanic:
- What are you waiting for? The plane is ready, fly!
Gulaev, deciding to prove that he is not worse than the "old people", jumped into the cabin and took off. And in the first battle, without experience, without the help of spotlights destroyed the German bomber. When Gulaev returned to the airfield, who arrived General Ozrozk: "For what flew out, I declare a reprimand, and for bringing down an enemy plane, raising in the rank and present to the award."


His star was especially brightly shone during the battle on the Kursk arc. On May 14, 1943, reflecting the row on the airfield, he entered into battle with three bombers "Yu-87", covered by four "Me-109". By knocking up two "Junkers", Gulaev tried to attack the third, but the cartridges were over. Do not hesitate for a second, the pilot went to the ram, knocking up another bomber. Unguided "Yak" Gulaev entered the corkscrew. The pilot was able to align the plane and put it at the front edge, but on its territory. Arriving in the regiment, Gulaev on another plane again flew to a combat task.
In early July 1943, Gulaev as part of the fourth of Soviet fighters, using the sudden factor, attacked the German Armada out of 100 aircraft. Upset combat order by knocking up 4 bomber and 2 fighters, all four safely returned to the airfield. On this day, Gulaev's link made several combat departures and destroyed 16 enemy aircraft.
July 1943 was generally extremely productive for Nikolai Gulaeva. This is what has been fixed in his flight book: "July 5 - 6 combat departures, 4 victories, July 6 - shot down" Fockey -Vulf 190 ", July 7 - As part of the group of enemy, three of the enemy aircraft, July 8 - shot down" Me-109 " July 12 - two "Yu-87" are shot down. "
The Hero of the Soviet Union Fyodor Archipenko, who was able to command the squadron, where he served Gulaev, wrote about him: "It was a pilot-nugget, which was part of the first ten Asis of the country. He never mandaned, quickly appreciated the situation, his sudden and effective attack created a panic and destroyed the fighting order of the enemy, which broke the sighting bombing of our troops. It was very bold and decisive, often came to revenue, sometimes the real excitement of the hunter was felt. "

Flying strip decay.

September 28, 1943 Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 27th Fighter Aviation Regiment (205th Fighter Aviation Division, 7th Fighter Aviation Corps, 2nd air Army, Voronezh Front) Senior Lieutenant Gulaevo Nikolay Dmitrievich was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
In early 1944, Gulaev was appointed commander of the squadron. Its not too rapid proprietary growth is due to the fact that the methods of education of subordinates from ACA were not quite ordinary. So, one of the pilots of his squadron, who was fond of sewing to the Nazis to the near distance, he cured from fear of the enemy, giving a turn from the onboard weapons next to the slave. Fear of subordinate as hand shot ...
The same Fedor Aripenko in his memories described another characteristic episode associated with Gulaevoy: "Passed to the airfield, immediately saw from the air that the parking of the aircraft of Gulaeva is empty ... After the landing, I was told - all the Sisters Gulaeva shot down! Nicholas himself was injured at the airfield to attack aircraft, and nothing is known about the rest of the pilots. After some time, with advanced, two jumped off the aircraft and landed in the location of our troops, the fate of three more unknown ... And today, after many years, the main mistake of Gulaev, admitted then, see that he took with him in combat Departure immediately three young people, not at all chased pilots, who were shot down in the first of their battle. True, and Gulaev himself won 4 air victories at once, knocking 2 "Me-109", "Yu-87" and "Henchel". "
He was not afraid to risk himself, but with the same ease he risked and subordinate that sometimes it looked completely unjustified. The Gulaev pilot was not looked like a "air cutuzuz", but rather a rain on a lingerie, who mastered the combat fighter.
But at the same time he sought astounding results. In one of the battles over the river, the River at the head of the six fighters of the P-39 "Aeroker" Nikolai Gulaev attacked 27 enemy bombers who were accompanied by 8 fighters. In 4 minutes, 11 enemy machines were destroyed, of which 5 - personally Gulaev.
In March 1944, the pilot received a short-term vacation home. From this trip to the Don he arrived closed, undiscoverable, fierce. In the fight rushed istersvell, with some kind of furious rage. During the trip home Nikolai found out that during the occupation of his father, fascists were executed ...

Soviet Asa almost destroyed a pig ...

On July 1, 1944, Guard Captain Nikolai Gulaev was awarded the second star Hero of the Soviet Union for 125 combat departures, 42 air combat, in which he hit 42 opponent aircraft personally and 3 in the group.
And here there is another episode, about which Gulaev, after the war, frankly told his friends, episode, perfectly showing his violent nature of the out suits from Don. About what was twice the hero of the Soviet Union, the pilot learned after the next departure. At the airfield already gathered by the fellow soldiers who stated: the award must be "ricked", there is alcohol, but with a snack problem.
Gulaev remembered that when he was returning to the airfield, he saw grazing pigs. With the words "snack will be" the speakers again sits on the plane and after a few minutes it puts him next to Sarai, to the amazement of the mistress of pigs.
As already mentioned, the pilots paid for shot down airplanes, so that Nicholas had no problems with cash. The hostess willingly agreed to sell a boar that hardly immersed in a combat machine. Some kind of miracle the pilot took off with a very small platform along with the chrysham distraught from horror. A combat aircraft is not designed to make the dusts of the filthy pig inside it. Gulaev hardly held the aircraft in the air ...
If the disaster happened that day, it would probably be the most ridiculous case of death twice the Hero of the Soviet Union in history. Thank God, Gulaev reached the airfield, and the regiment fun noted the award of the hero.
Another annecdotic case is associated with the appearance of the Soviet ACA. Once in battle, he managed to knock off the scout, who piloted the Hitler Colonel, the cavalier of four iron crosses. The German pilot wanted to meet with those who managed to interrupt his brilliant career. Apparently, the German expects to see the Static Handsive, the "Russian Bear", who was not to lose to lose ... And instead, the young, low growth was a complete growth in Gulaev, who, by the way, had a heroic nickname "Kolobok" in the regiment. The disappointment of the German there was no limit ...

Fight with political subtext.

In the summer of 1944, the Soviet command decides to withdraw from the front of the best Soviet pilots. The war goes to the victorious end, and the leadership of the USSR begins to think about the future. Those who have shown themselves in the Great Patriotic War must complete the Air Force Academy to then take leadership posts in the Air Force and Air Defense.
The number of those who were called to Moscow, and Gulaev. He himself did not rush to the Academy, asked to leave in the current army, but he received a refusal. On August 12, 1944, Nikolai Gulaev hit his last "Fockey-Wulf 190".
And then the story happened, which, most likely, has become the main reason why Nikolay Gulaev did not become the same known as Kozedub and Tashkin. There are at least three versions of what happened, which unite two words - "Debuck" and "foreigners". Let us dwell on the one that meets most often.
According to her, Nikolay Gulaev, by that time the Major was already called to Moscow not only for study at the Academy, but also for receiving the third star Hero of the Soviet Union. Given the fighting achievements of the pilot, such a version does not look untrue. In the company Gulaeva and other well-deserved Assa who were awaiting awards were also.
The day before the ceremony in the Kremlin Gulaev went to the restaurant Hotels "Moscow", where his friends-flyers rested. However, the restaurant was crowded, and the administrator said: "Comrade, there is no place for you!". It was not worth talking to Gulaev with his explosive character at all, but here, on trouble, the Romanian military was still hitting him, at that moment were also resting in the restaurant. Shortly before that Romania, since the beginning of the war, the allied in Germany, moved to the side of the anti-Hitler coalition.
The angry Gulaev said loudly: "This is not, the Hero of the Soviet Union is not there, but there are enemies?".
The words of the pilot heard Romanians, and one of them issued an offensive phrase in the address of Gulaeva. After a second, the Soviet speakers found himself near Romanian and loudly struck him in physiognomy.
There was no minute, as a fight between Romanians and Soviet pilots boiled in the restaurant.
When the fights spread out, it turned out that pilots took the members of the official military delegation of Romania. The scandal came to Stalin himself, who ruled: the award of the third star hero to cancel.
If it were not about Romanians, but about the British or Americans, most likely, the case for Gulaeva would have ended at all crying. But I did not break the life of your ACS because of yesterday's opponents of the leader of all nations. Gulaeva just sent to the part, away from the front, Romanian and any attention in general. But as far as this version is true, it is unknown.

General, friendly with Vysotsky.

In spite of everything, in 1950, Nikolai Gulaev graduated from the Yukovsky Air Force Akademia, and after another five years - the Academy of General Staff. Commanded the 133rd Aviation Fighter Division, located in Yaroslavl, 32nd Air Defense Corps in Rzhev, the 10th Army Air Defense in Arkhangelsk, who covered the northern frontiers of the Soviet Union.
Nikolai Dmitrievich had a wonderful family, he adored his granddaughter Irochek, he was a passionate fisherman, loved to treat guests in person with saline watermelons ...
He also visited the pioneer camps, participated in various veteran events, but still the feeling remained at the top indication, saying modern tongue, not too pion his person.
Actually, the reasons for this were and at the time when Gulaev had already wore the general epaulets. For example, he could invite him to speak to the office of officers in Arkhangelsk Vladimir Vysotsky, ignoring the timid protests of the local party leadership. By the way, there is a version that some songs of Vysotsky about the pilots were born after his meetings with Nikolai Gulaev.

Norwegian complaint.

Colonel Gulaev's resigned General in 1979. And there is a version that one of the reasons for this has become new conflict With foreigners, but this time not with Romanians, but with Norwegians. Allegedly, General Gulaev arranged not far from the border with Norway hunting on white bears with the use of helicopters. Norwegian border guards appealed to soviet authorities With a complaint against the actions of the general. After that, the general was transferred to the staff position away from Norway, and then sent to a well-deserved rest.
It is impossible to argue with confidence that this hunt took place, although this plot fits very well into the bright biography of Nikolai Gulaeva. Be that as it may, the resignation badly influenced the health of the old pilot, who did not think without the service, which was devoted to the whole life.
Twice hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev died on September 27, 1985 in Moscow, aged 67 years. Place it last rest The Kuntsevsky cemetery of the capital.

Assa of World War II

The question of the Assa is not about the German gods (although ... how to say ... :-)), but about the top-class pilot-fighters - the time of World War II remains still open. Over the past twenty-thirty years, so many customer nonsense (as a rule, "with the wearer"!) That was drowned by all the quite boring and monotonous Soviet Agitprop of this topic, published in 1961-1985. Separate there "Oil from the Treven" - the lesson is obviously meaningless, because the opponents will shut down the ears and will stubbily stubbly about the "Safkovneelective TotalLebBeschingLendLizrühizoz!" It is boring and shameful to listen. I am ashamed to people who fought if you know. Before everyone. Therefore, in the first part of this its article (and the second part, in general, I do not belong) I am simple to give a consolidated table of "leading triples" in all major warring countries. Only with numbers. Only with confirmed and proven numbers. So...

number drown Airplanes opponent


the USSR

I.N. Kozhedub
G.A. Rukchov

British Empire

Great Britain

DE Johnson
J.R.D. Breham


K.R. Koldwell
John L. Shuddy


G. Byurning
H.L. Maklaud.
V.K. Woodworth

New Zealand

Colin F. Gray
E.D. Makki
U.V. Krewford-Campton

South Africa

Marmadyuk Thomas Saint-John Pattle
Albert in Lyuis


Rudolf Dehhemryrikur Degryun
Vick Ortmans
Dammo Debergandal
Richard Gir Bong.
Thomas McQuairi.
David McCampbell


Marcel Alber
Jean E.F. demase
Pierre Klosterman


Stanislav Skalsky
B.M. Rudysh
Vitold Urbanovich


Vasilios Vasiliades
Joanis Kellas
Anastasios Bardilias.


Josef Frantishek


Sveyn Kheglund
Helner G.E. Grun Spong


Kai Birksted


Whether Kai-Tan
Liu Tsui-Kan
Lo Chi.



Gerhardt Barkhorn
Walter Novotny
Gunter Ral


Eino Ilmari Juptilain
Hans Henric Wind
Antero Eino Loukun


Terezio Vittorio Martinolli.
Franco Luchechny
Leonardo Ferruli


Senjudjeji dejections
Diere Debrodi.
Laslo Molnar


Konstantin Cantacuzino
Alexander Serbescuk
Ion Mil.


Inev Stoyan Stoyanov
Angels Petar Bochev
Nenov Ivan Bonev


Mato Dukovach
Zwitin Galich
Dragutin Ivanich


Yang Rezhnyak
Isidore Covarik
Jan Hercel


Gonzalo Hevia
Mariano Medina Quadra.
Fernando Sanchez Arion


Hyroyoshi Nishidzava
Shoiki Sugita
Saburo Sakai
Alas, but I do not pay for the list of the famous German ACA ASA Erich Hartman. The reason is simple: from nature a bold man, really wonderful pilot and shooter, Hartman fell victim to the propaganda car Dr. Goebbels. I am far from the Installations of Mukhin, who painted Hartman, like a coward and nothingness. However, it is not doubtful that a significant part of the victories of Hartman is propaganda. Not confirmed by anything except the releases of Di Walcher. What part of this is - I could not determine if, but, in all the estimates - At least 2/5. Probably - more ... It's a shame for a man, he fought, as he could. But here it is. By the way, the rest of the German Assa also had after studying the documents and the calculation system sharply "to cut the sturgeon" ... however, they are leading with honest count. Excellent were pilots and fighters. From the troops of the Allies, the best results are, of course, Soviet (and exactly Russian) pilots. But in general, they are only in the fourth place: - (- after the Germans, the Japanese and ... Finns. In general, it is easy to make sure that the "axes" fighters are generally superior to their opponents on combat accounts. I think that in military skills In general, too, although the accounts of shot down aircraft and military craftsmanship do not always coincide, oddly enough. Otherwise, the result of the war would be different. :-) At the same time, the technique on which the "axis flew" was - with the exception of German - in general Worse than the "allies" technique, and the supply of flammable and was always insufficient, and from the beginning of 1944 and was minimal at all, it can be said. Separately, it is worth saying about the Taran, although it is not directly related to the topic "ASS" ... however, how to say! After all, the taran is actually "brave weapons", as they repeated more than once in the USSR. In total, the war of Soviet aviators in the price of the death of 227 pilots and losses over 400 aircraft managed to destroy 635 enemy shocks in the air. In addition, the Soviet pilots made 503 terrestrial and sea taran, of which 286 were performed on attack aircraft with a crew of 2 people, and 119 - bombers with a crew of 3-4 people. And on September 12, 1941, the Letchitsa Ekaterina Zelenko on the Light Bombarder Su-2 shot down one German fighter ME-109, the second tagged. From the blow of the wing on the fuselage "Messerschmitt" broke in half, and the Su-2 exploded, while the pilot was thrown out of the cab. This is the only case of air taran, committed by a woman - and he also belongs to our country. But... The first air ram in the 2nd World War did not make Soviet, as it is considered, but the Polish pilot. This taran produced on September 1, 1939, Deputy Commander Covering Warsaw Brigade of Interceptor Lieutenant Colonel Leopold Pamula. After having fallen in battle with the superior enemy forces of 2 bomber, he went on his damaged plane to a ram of one of the 3 attackers of his Messerschmitt-109 fighters. By destroying the enemy, Pamule saved on a parachute and made a safe landing in the arrangement of his troops. Six months after the feat of Pamula, the air ram made another foreign pilot: February 28, 1940 in a fierce airbaging over Karelia Finnish pilot Lieutenant Hutanantti rammed the Soviet fighter and at the same time died.

Pamula and Khutanantti were not the only foreign pilots who committed Tarana at the beginning of the 2nd World War. During the onset of Germany to France and Holland, the pilot of the British bomber "Battle" N.M. Thomas made a feat that we call the "Gastello feat" today. Trying to stop the rapid German offensive, the Union Command on May 12, 1940 gave an order at any cost to destroy the crossing through Maas north of Maastricht, for which enemy tank divisions were shipped. However, German fighters and anti-aircraft designers reflected all the attacks of the British, bringing horrific losses to them. And then in desperate desire to stop german tanks Flight officer Thomas sent his baked Zenit "Battle" to one of the bridges, having time to inform ovariam about the decision taken ... Six months later, another pilot repeated the "feat of Thomasa." In Africa on November 4, 1940, another pilot of the Battle bomber - Lieutenant Hatchinson was bent off with anti-aircraft fire during the bombing of Italian positions in Nonylli (Kenya). And then Hutchinson sent his "Battle" into the thick of Italian infantry, the price of his own death destroyed about 20 enemy soldiers. Eyewitnesses argued that at the time of Taran Hatchinson was alive - the British bomber was managed by a pilot before amo collision with land ... During the battle for England, the British fighter pilot Ray Holmes. During the German laid on London on September 15, 1940, one German bomber Dorne-17 broke through the British fighter barrier to the Buckingham Palace - the Residence of the King of Great Britain. German has already prepared to lose bombs on important goalWhen Ray appeared on his way on his "Harricsene". Speaking on top to the enemy, Holmes in the oncoming course chopped his wing the tail of Dornery, but he himself received such heavy damage that was forced to escape on a parachute.

The next fighter pilots that came to death for death risk, became the Greeks of Marino Mitralexes and Grigoris Valkanas. During the Italian Greek War on November 2, 1940, Marino Mitralexes rammed the Italian bomber Kant Zet-1007 with a screw of his fighter Pzl P-24. Mitralexes after Taran not only landedly landed, but still managed with the help of local residents to take captive the crew of a bombarded bomber! Volkanas made his feat on November 18, 1940. During a fierce group combat in the Morov region (Albania), he shot all the cartridges and went to the Waran of Italian East rebuilder (both pilots died). With the escalation of hostilities in 1941 (the attack on the USSR, joining the war of Japan and the USA), the Taran became a fairly common phenomenon in the air war. Moreover, these actions were characteristic not only for Soviet pilots - Tarana made pilots of almost all countries participating in battles. For this year, December 22, 1941, the Australian Sergeant Reed, who was killed in the English Air Force, having spent all the cartridges, Taranized his Brewster-239 Japanese Army Fighter Ki-43, and died when a collision with him. At the end of February 1942, Dutchman J. Adam on the same Brewster also tagged the Japanese fighter, but remained alive. The Taranians and the pilots of the United States committed. Americans are very proud of their captain by Colin Kelly, who in 1941 was represented by propagandists as the first Taranchye of the United States, racing the Japanese battleship "Haruna" on December 10 of his bomber. True, after the war, the researchers found that Kelly did not commit any Taran. Nevertheless, the American really made a feat, which due to pseudo-patient fudges of journalists was undeservedly forgotten. On that day, Kelly bombed in the cruiser "Nagara" and distracts all fighters of covering the Japanese squadron, providing the opportunity to safely bother on the enemy to other aircraft. When Kelly was shot down, he tried to keep the air control to the end, giving the crew to leave the dying machine. The price of his life Kelly saved ten comrades, but the spa himself steel did not have time ... Based on these information, the first American pilot, really committed a ram, became Captain Fleming, the commander of the Squadron Squader Bombers "Winekiter" of the US Marine Corps. During the Battle of Midoue, on June 5, 1942, he led the attack of his squadron to the Japanese cruiser. On the approach to the goal, his aircraft was struck by an anti-aircraft shell and caught fire, but the captain continued to attack and produced a bombing. Seeing that the bombs of his subordinates did not fall into the goal (the squadron consisted of reservists and had bad training), Fleming turned around and responded again to the enemy, crashed into a burning bomber to the Mikuma cruiser. The damaged ship lost its combat capability, and soon it was to finish by others yerican bombers. Another American, who went to the ram, became Major Ralph Chelay, which on August 18, 1943 brought his bombardment group to the attack on the Japanese airfield Dagua (New Guinea). Almost immediately his in-25 "Mitchell" was shot down; Then Cheli sent her blazing plane down and hit the enemy aircraft standing on the ground, breaking five cars in the Mitchell Corps. For this feat, Ralph Cheli posthumously was awarded the highest award of the United States - Congress Honorary Medal ... ... With the beginning of the raids of American bomber on Bulgaria had to perform air tasters and Bulgarian aviators. In the afternoon of December 20, 1943, when reflected on the Sofia 150 bombers "Libertizer", which accompanied 100 Layning fighters, Lieutenant Dimitra Wrist Republic issued all the waters of its BF-109G-2 in one of the "Libertors", and then, slipping over the dying machine , crashed into the fuselage of the second "Libertor", shifting him in the pressure! Both planes collapsed to the ground; Dimitra Pistician died. The feat of the listerevski made him a national hero. On the Americans, this ram made an indelible impression - after the death of the list, the Americans feared each of the approaching Bulgarian Messerschmitt ... The feat of Dimitra was repeated on April 17, 1944, repeated non-school Bonchev. In a fierce fight over Sophia against 350 B-17 bombers, covered 150 fighters "Mustang", Lieutenant Nekhecho Bonchev shot down 2 bomber of three, destroyed by Bulgarians in this battle. Moreover, the second aircraft of Bonchev, having consumed the entire ammunition, rammed. At the time of the taranny strike of the Bulgarian pilot, together with the seat, thrown out of the messerschmitta. With difficulty freed from the binding belts, the Bonchev escaped on the parachute. After the transition of Bulgaria to the side of the anti-fascist coalition, it took part in battles against Germany, but in October 1944 he was shot down and captured. When evacuating the concentration camp in the first days of May 1945, the hero was shot by a conversion.

As noted above, we have a lot of heard about the Japanese Squaders "Kamikadze", for whom Taran was actually the only weapon. However, it must be said that the Taranas were carried out by Japanese pilots until the appearance of Kamikadze, but then these acts were not planned and were carried out and were carried out or in the battle of the battle, or when severely damage the aircraft, excluded its return to the base. A vivid example of attempts by such Taran is a dramatic description of the Japanese sea pilot of Mitsuo Futida in his book "The Battle of Atoll Midway" the last attack of Captain Lieutenant Yiji Tomonag. Commander of the Torpedon Power Supplies of the Armorrower of "Hiry" Yiji Tomonag, who can be called the predecessor "Kamikadze", July 4th nia 1942 in the critical for the Japanese moment of battle for Midway flew into battle on a seriously damaged torpedo room, which in the previous battle was shot by one of the tanks. At the same time, Tomonaga completely gave himself a report that he had no fuel to return from the battle. In the torpedo attack on the enemy Tomonag tried to move with his "Kate" the flagship aircraft carrier of Americans "Yorktown" but, shot by all the artillery of the ship, collapsed into pieces literally a few meters from the side ... However, not all Taran attempts ended in Japanese pilots as tragically. For example, on October 8, 1943, the Satoshi Satoshuy pilot on an easy Ki-43, armed with only two machine guns, managed to knock on one battle 2 American fighters and 3 heavy four-dimensional bombers in-24! Moreover, the third bomber who spent the entire Boezapace Anabuchi destroyed the shock. After that, the wounded Japanese wounded, the wounded Japanese could still plant his broken plane "for forced" on the coast of the Burmese Gulf. For your feat, the anabuchi was exotic for Europeans, but quite familiar to the Japanese award: Commander of the Burmese District, General Kavaba dedicated to the heroic pilot oEMA Own essay ... The 18-year-old junior lieutenant Masadziro Kavato, who committed 4 air tashers during his battle career, was a particularly "cool" tarancher ". The first victim of the suicidal attack of the Japanese was the Bombarder in-25, which Cavato knocked down over the slave a strike of his remaining ZERO (the date of this Taran is unknown to me). Saved on the parachute of Masadziro on November 11, 1943 again rammed the American bomber, having received the wound. Then in battle on December 17, 1943 Kavato in the frontal attack rammed the "Aeroker" fighter, and again saved on a parachute. IN last time Masadzirio Kavato rammed over the slave on February 6, 1944, a four-bit bombarder in-24 "Libertor", and again took advantage of Parachute to save. In March 1945, heavily wounded Kavato was captured by Australians, And the war for him ended. And less than a year before Japan's surrender - in October 1944 - "Kamikadze" entered into battle. The first attack "Kamikadze" was held on October 21, 1944 by Lieutenant Kuno, damaged the ship "Australia". And on October 25, 1944, the first successful attack of the whole division "Kamikadze" was held under the command of Lieutenant Yuki Ski, during which the aircraft carrier and cruiser were sinking, and another 1 aircraft carrier is damaged. But, although the main objectives of Kamikadze were usually enemy ships, the Japanese had suicide bombs and to intercept and destroy the taranny blows of heavy American bomber B-29 "Superforce". So, for example, in the 27th shelf of the 10th Aircraft Division, a link of specially lightweight aircraft Ki-44-2 under the command of Captain Matsuzaki, who was the poetic name "Sinten" ("Heavenly Shadow") was created. These "Kamikadze of the Heavenly Shadow" became a real nightmare for America nits flying to bomb Japan ...

Since the end of the 2nd World War and until today, historians and lovers argue: whether the movement of "Kamikadze" had the sense, whether it was sufficiently successful. In the official Soviet military historical works, 3 negative reasons for the appearance of Japanese suicide bonuses were usually distinguished: the lack of modern equipment and experienced personnel, fanaticism and "voluntary-forced" method of recruitment of deadly departure performers. Fully agreeing with this, it is necessary, however, to recognize that under certain conditions, this tactic brought some advantages. In that situation, when the intriched pilots, hundreds and thousands died without any sense of crushing attacks of magnificently trained American pilots, from the point of view of the Japanese command was undoubtedly more profitable so that they would damage the enemy at their inevitable death. It is impossible not to take into account the special logic of the Samurai Spirit, embraced by Japanese leadership as a sample among the Japanese population. For her, the warrior is born in order to die for his emperor and "beautiful death" in battle was considered the top of his life. It is this incomprehensible logic for Europeans that encouraged Japanese pilots at the beginning of the war to fly into battle without parachutes, but with samurai swords in the cabins! The advantage of suicide bike tactics was also the fact that the range of "Kamikadze" compared with conventional aircraft increased twice (it was not necessary to save gasoline to return back). The losses of the enemy in people from suicide attacks were much more than the loss of "Kamikadze"; In addition, these attacks undermined the moral spirit of Americans who have experienced such horror before suicide workers that the American command during the war was forced to classify all the information about Kamikadze to avoid complete demoralization of personnel. After all, no one could feel protected from sudden sudak siters - even the crews of small ships. With the same gloomy stubbornness, the Japanese attacked all that could swim. As a result, the results of the activities of Kamikadze were much more serious than the union command was trying to submit (but about it - in conclusion). In Soviet times, in the domestic literature, not only never met the mention of the air tarantes committed by German pilots, but was repeatedly stated on the impossibility of committing such exploits "cowardly fascists." And this practice continued in new Russia Up until the mid-1990s, while due to the appearance of new ones in our country, the Western language translated into Russian, and the development of the Internet was impossible to deny the documented facts of the heroism of our main enemy. Today is already a proven fact: German pilots during the 2nd World War have repeatedly used a ram to destroy the enemy aircraft. But the long-term delay in the recognition of this fact with domestic researchers is only surprising and annoyance: after all, to make sure that even in Soviet times it was enough to just look at the domestic memoir literature. In the memoirs of Soviet veterans pilots, from time to time, there are mentions of the frontal clashes over the battlefield, when the aircraft of the opposing parties faced each other on counter-stakes. What is it, if not a mutual ram? And if, in the initial period of war, the Germans almost did not use such a reception, then this is not talking about the lack of courage among German pilots, but that at their disposal there was a fairly effective weapon of traditional types, which allowed them to destroy the enemy without exposing their lives unnecessary Additional risk. All the facts of the Taranians committed by German pilots on different fronts of the 2nd World War I am unknown, especially since even participants in those fights are often hampered to say for sure, whether it was a deliberate ram, or a random collision in the sound of a high-speed maneuverable combat (this applies to Soviet pilots who recorded tarana). But even when transferring to me the cases of the Tranches of the Germans, the Germans seem to see that in the hopeless situation, the Germans boldly walked for a deadly and for them a clash, often without sorry for their zni for the sake of harm to the enemy. If we specifically talk about the facts known to me, then Kurt Sakhatzi is among the first German taranchikov, which is 3 August 1941 in Kiev, reflecting the attack of Soviet attacks on the Germanic position, destroyed the front-line blowing of the "unbailed cement bubber" IL-2. In the collision, Messerschmitt Kurt lost half of his wing, and he had to hastily make a forced landing right at the rate of flight. Sakhatzi landed at Soviet territory and captured; Nevertheless, for the perfect feat, the command awarded him in absentia higher reward Germany - Knight's Cross. If at the beginning of the war, the taranni actions of the German pilots who defeated on all fronts were rare exceptions, in the second half of the war, when the situation was not in favor of Germany, the Germans began to apply the taranny strikes increasingly. For example, on March 29, 1944 in the sky of Germany, the famous spells of Luftwaffe Herman Count rammed the American fighter "Mustang", having received serious injuries that put him on the hospital bed for two months. The next day, on March 30, 1944, on the Eastern Front, he repeated the "feat of Gastello" German assault speaker, the cavalier of the Knight's Cross Alvin Barst. In the Yass district, he attacked the Soviet tank column on the anti-tank version of the JU-87, was shot down by Zenitka and, died, rammed the tank in front of him. Poshthimously Barrast was awarded with swords to the Knight's Cross. In the West on May 25, 1944, a young pilot of Champper Hubert Hekkman on BF.109g Taranuil "Mustang" Captain Joe Bennett, decapitated by an American fighter squadron, after which he escaped on a parachute. And on July 13, 1944, another famous AS - Walter Dal - hit a heavy American bomber in-17 by a shot.

The Germans had flyers who committed several Taranians. For example, in the sky of Germany, when refilling the American raids, Hauptman Werner Gertman was tagged three times. In addition, the pilot of the Assault Squadron Squadron "Walk" Willy Maksimovich, who destroyed American four-dimensional bombers, was widely known. Vili died over Pillau in air combat against Soviet fighters April 20, 1945 But the cases listed above are only a small part of the air tarantes committed by the Germans. In the conditions of the complete technical and quantitative superiority of allied aviation, the full technical and quantitative superiority of allied aviation over the German Germans were forced to create divisions of their "Kamikadze" (even - even before the Japanese!). Already in early 1944, the formation of special fighter assault squadrons began in Luftwaffe for the destruction of American bombers who bombed Germany. The entire personal composition of these parts, which included volunteers and ... pro have given a written obligation to destroy at least one bombarder in each departure - if necessary, through the tranny strikes! It was in such a squadron and was the above mentioned Vili Maksimovich, and headed these parts already familiar to us Major Walter Dal. The Germans were forced to resort to the tactics of mass tarana precisely at that time when their former air superiority was reduced to no hordes of heavy "flying fortresses" of allies, a continuous flow of the coming from the West, and the Armadas of Soviet aircraft who were eaten from the East. It is clear that the Germans accepted such tactics not from a good life; But this does not diminish the personal heroism of German pilots, voluntarily deciding on self-sacrifice to save the German population, which died under American and English bombs ...

The official adoption of tactics tactics demanded from Germans and the creation of appropriate equipment. Thus, all the fighter assault squadrons were equipped with a new modification of the FW-190 fighter with enhanced booking that defended the pilot from the enemy bullets at the time of approaching with the goal of the closest (actually the pilot was sitting in the armored box, which completely closed it from the head to Pyd). The best test pilots were worked out with stormcutters - "taranches" Methods of rescue pilot from damaged by the plane-damned shuttlecock - Commander of the Fighter Aviation of Germany General Adolf Galland considered that fighters-attack aircraft should not be suicide bumps, and did everything possible to preserve the lives of these valuable pilots. ..

When the Germans, as the Allies of Japan, have learned about the tactics of "Kamikadze" and the high performance of the detachments of Japanese suicide bombers, as well as the psychological effect produced by Kamikaze to the enemy, they decided to transfer oriental experience in Western lands. At the suggestion of the favorite Hitler of the famous German Testor pilot Hanna Rych, and with the support of her husband - a general-leaser of aviation von Grahima, on the basis of the Wilt Bomb "Fow-1" at the end of the war, a piloted aircraft-shell with a dummy bomb was created ( Which, however, had a chance to take advantage of the target of parachute). These human bombs were intended for massive blows in London - Hitler hoped a total terror to force the UK to get out of the war. The Germans even created the first detachment of Germanic suicide bombs (200 volunteers) and began their preparation, but they did not have time to apply their "Kamikadze". The inspirer of the idea and commander of the Khan Rich's squad fell under the next bombing of Berlin and for a long time he pleased to hospital ...


So, based on the foregoing, it is possible to conclude that the taran, as a form of combat, was characteristic not only for Soviet pilots - Tarana made pilots of almost all countries participating in the battles. ... we must admit that the Japanese still surpassed us in the sphere of "purely Soviet form of battle." If you evaluate only the effectiveness of "Kamikadze" (operating since October 1944), then the price of life of more than 5,000 Japanese pilots was surrounded about 50 and about 300 enemy warships were damaged, of which 3 surfacing and 40 damaged were aircraft carriers with huge to olive aircraft on board.

The name of the speakers in relation to military pilots first appeared in the French newspapers during the First World War. In 1915 Journalists were called "aces", and translated from the French word "AS" means "ace", pilots, knocked down three or more enemy aircraft. The first began to call as a ace of the legendary French pilot Roland Garros (Roland Garros)
The most experienced and lucky pilots in Luftwaffe were called experts - "Experte"


eric Alfred Hartman (Bubi)

Erich Hartmann (Erich Hartmann; April 19, 1922 - September 20, 1993) - German pilot-speaker is considered the most successful fighter pilot in the entire history of aviation. According to German data, during the Second World War, he hit the "352" "opponent aircraft (of which 345 Soviet) in 825 air battles.

Hartmann graduated from the flight school in 1941 and in October 1942 received a appointment in the 52nd Fighter Squadron on the Eastern Front. His first commander and mentor became a famous Luftwaffe Walter Krupinsky.

Hartmann hit his first aircraft on November 5, 1942 (IL-2 from the composition of the 7th GSAP), but for the next three months he managed to knock down only one aircraft. Hartmann gradually increased his light skills, making emphasis on the effectiveness of the first attack

Erich Hartman's charletenant in the cockpit of his fighter, the famous 52nd squadron emblem is clearly visible - a heart-pierced heart with an inscription "Karaya", in the upper left segment of the heart, the name of the Bride of Hartman "Ursel" is written (in the picture the inscription is practically not noticed) .

German Ace Hauptman Erich Hartmann (left) and the Hungarian pilot Laszlo Pottoni. German Fighter Fighter Erich Hartmann (Erich Hartmann) - the most effective AC Second World War

Krupinsky Walter First Commander and Mentor Erich Hartman !!

Hauptman Walter Krupinsky commanded the 7th stage of the 52nd squadron from March 1943 to March 1944 in the picture - Krupinski with a knightly cross with oak leaves, the leaves received on March 2, 1944 for 177 victories in air battles. Shortly after this photo of Krupinsky was taken to the West, where he served in 7 (7-5, JG-11 and JG- 26, the AU concluded war on the IM-262 as part of J v-44.

In the picture of March 1944, from left to right: commander 8./jg-52 Lieutenant Friedrich Oblometer, commander 9./jg-52 Lieutenant Erich Hartman. Lieutenant Carl Gritz.

Wedding Asa Luftwaffe Erich Hartman (Erich Hartmann, 1922 - 1993) and Ursula Petch (Ursula Paetsch). To the left of the married couple is the commander Hartman - Gerhard Barkhorn (Gerhard Barkhorn, 1919 - 1983). Right - Hauptman Wilhelm Batz (Wilhelm Batz, 1916 - 1988).

BF. 109G-6 Hauptman Erich Hartman, Budös, Hungary, November 1944

Barkhorn Gerhard "Gerd"

Major / Major Barkhorn Gerhard / Barkhorn Gerhard

He began to fly as part of JG2, in the fall of 1940 translated into JG52. From 01/16/1945 to 1.04.45, commanded JG6. He graduated from the war in the "Ass Squadre" JV 44, when, on April 21, 1945, his ME 262 was shot when landing with American fighters. He received severe injured, four months was captured by the allies.

The number of victories is 301.All Victory on the Eastern Front.

Hauptman Erich Hartman (April 19, 1922 - 09/20/1993) with his commander Major Gerhard Barkhorn (20.05.1919 - 01/08/1983) for learning the map. II./JG52 (2nd group of the 52nd Fighter Squadron). E. Hartmann and G. Barkhorn are the most effective pilots of the Second World War, which had in their military account 352 and 301 air victories, respectively. In the lower left corner of the picture - the autograph E. Hartmann.

Broken by German aviation on the railway platform Soviet fighter Lagg-3.

The snow became faster than washed off the white winter color with the BF 109. The fighter goes to take off straight on the spring puddle.)!.

Captured Soviet airfield: I-16 stands next to BF109F from II./JG-54.

In a dense system, neither the execution of a combat task is the JU-87D bomber from STG-2 "Immelman" and "Friedrich" from I./jg-51. At the end of the summer of 1942, the pilots I./jg-51 will transfer to FW-190 fighters.

Commander of the 52nd Fighter Squadron (Jagdgeschwader 52) Lieutenant Colonel Dietrich Prishbak (Dietrich Hrabak), commander of the 2nd group of the 52nd Fighter Squadron (II.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 52) Hauptman Gerhard Barkhorn (Gerhard Barkhorn) and an unknown Luftwaffe Officer at the Messerschmitt fighter BF.109G-6 at the Bagerovo airfield.

Walter Krupinsky, Gerhard Barkhorn, Johannes Visa and Erich Hartman

The commander of the 6th Fighter Squadron (JG6) Luftwaffe Major Gerhard Barkhorn in the cockpit of his fighter Fokke-Wulf FW 190D-9.

BF 109G-6 "Double Black Chevron" commander I./jg-52 Hauptman Gerhard Barkhorn, Kharkov-South, August 1943

pay attention to given name aircraft; Christi is the name of the wife of Barkhorn, the second performance of the Luftwaffe fighter pilots. The figure shows the airplane, on which Barkhorn flew into bending the I./jg-52 commander, then he has not yet passed the turn of 200 victories. Barkhorn was alive, all he knocked down 301 planes, all - on the Eastern Front.

Gunter Roll

German AU pilot fighter Major Günther Rall (03/10/1918 - 04.10.2009). Günther Roll - the third of the effectiveness of the German AC Second World War. On his account 275 air victories (272 on the Eastern Front), survived in 621 combat departures. Roll himself was shot down 8 times. On the neck, the pilot is visible a knightly cross with oak leaves and swords, which he was awarded 12.09.1943 for 200 obsessed air victories.

"Friedrich" from III./JG-52, these group in the initial phase of the Barbarossa operation covered the troops of the CO countries acting in the coastal zone of the Black Sea. Pay attention to the unusual angular side number "6" and "sinusoid". Apparently, this aircraft belonged to the 8th Staffel.

Spring 1943, Rulle looks approvingly as Lieutenant Josef Zvernenne drinks wine from a bottle

Günther Roll (second left) after its 200th air victory. Second right - Walter Krupinsky

BC 109 Gunter Raal

Roll in his Gustaba 4th

After severe wounds and partial paralysis, Gunther Rall returned to 8./jg-52 on August 28, 1942, and in two months he became a cavalier of the Knight's Cross with oak leaves. War Rall completed, taking an effectiveness of the honorable third place among Luftwaffe fighter pilot
won 275 victories (272 - on the Eastern Front); hit the 241 Soviet fighter. Made 621 combat departures, was shot down 8 times and 3 times wounded. His "Messerschmitt" had a personal number "Chertova Dozin"

Commander of the 8th squadron of the 52nd Fighter Squadron (Staffelkapitän 8.Staffel / Jagdgeschwader 52) Günter Rall Günther (Günther Rall, 1918-2009) with the pilots of his squadron in the break between combat departures plays with the talisman squadron - a dog named "Rat" .

In the photo in the foreground from left to right: Unter-Officer Manfred Lotsman (Manfred Lotzmann), UNTER-Officer Werner Höhenberg, and Lieutenant Hans Funcke.

In the background from left to right: Ober Lieutenant Günther Rall (Günther Rall), Lieutenant Hans Martin Markoff (Hans Martin Markoff), Feldwebl-Friedrich Schumacher Schumacher (Karl-Friedrich Schumacher) and Ober Lieutenant Gerhard Luety (Gerhard Luety).

The snapshot was made by the front-line correspondent by Rissmüller (Reissmüller) on March 6, 1943 at the Kerch Strait.

stock Foto Ralal and his wife Greta, originally from Austria

The third experts in the triumvirate of the best experts of the 52nd squadron met Günther Roll. On the fighter with the on-board number 13 "of the Black Color, Rulle flew after his return to service on August 28, 1942. After the serious injury received in November 1941. By this time, 36 victories were in Ruralt. Before the translation to the West in the spring of 1944, he shot down 235 of the Soviet aircraft. Pay attention to the symbolism III./jg-52 - the emblem in the front of the fuselage and the "sinusoid", drawn closer to the tail of the tail.

Otto's Kittel (Bruno)

Otto Kittel (OTTO "Bruno" Kittel; February 21, 1917 - February 14, 1945) - German pilot-speaker, fighter, participant in World War II. Made 583 combat departures, won 267 victories, which is the fourth result in history. Recordsman Luftwaffe by the number of stormed attack aircraft Il-2 - 94. Awarded a knightly cross with oak leaves and swords.

in 1943, luck turned to him. On January 24, he knocked down the 30th aircraft, and on March 15 - 47th. On the same day, his plane received serious damage and fell 60 km behind the front line. With thirty-perdus frost on the ice of the lake Ilmen, the kittel went to his.
Such a kittel Otto returned from the four day transition !! His aircraft was shot down behind the front line, on removing 60km !!

Otto is a pistower on vacation, summer of 1941. Then the kittel was the most ordinary Luftwaffe pilot in the rank of Unter-Officer.

Otto the kittel in the circle of combat comrades! (marked with a cross)

At the head of the table "Bruno"

Otto the kittel with his wife!

He died on February 14, 1945, when attacking the Soviet attack Il-2 attack. Arrow, shot down by counterfeit flame, aircraft FW 190A-8 (factory number 690 282) fell in a swampy location in the location soviet troops And exploded. The pilot did not take advantage of the parachute, as it passed away in the air.

Two Luftwaffe officers tie hands to the wounded prisoner Red Army to the tent

Airplane "Bruno"

Newly Walter (Novi)

the German pilot-AC of World War II, during which he made 442 combat departures, won 258 victories in the air, of which 255 on the eastern front and 2 over 4-engine bombers. The last 3 victories won, flying on the reactive fighter ME.262. Most of their victories won, flying to FW 190, and approximately 50 victories at the Messerschmitte BF 109. He was the first pilot in the world who won 250 victories. Awarded by the Knight's Cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds

The name of the speakers in relation to military pilots first appeared in the French newspapers during the First World War. In 1915 Journalists were called "aces", and translated from the French word "AS" means "ace", pilots, knocked down three or more enemy aircraft. The first began to call as a ace of the legendary French pilot Roland Garros (Roland Garros)
The most experienced and lucky pilots in Luftwaffe were called experts - "Experte"


eric Alfred Hartman (Bubi)

Erich Hartmann (Erich Hartmann; April 19, 1922 - September 20, 1993) - German pilot-speaker is considered the most successful fighter pilot in the entire history of aviation. According to German data, during the Second World War, he hit the "352" "opponent aircraft (of which 345 Soviet) in 825 air battles.

Hartmann graduated from the flight school in 1941 and in October 1942 received a appointment in the 52nd Fighter Squadron on the Eastern Front. His first commander and mentor became a famous Luftwaffe Walter Krupinsky.

Hartmann hit his first aircraft on November 5, 1942 (IL-2 from the composition of the 7th GSAP), but for the next three months he managed to knock down only one aircraft. Hartmann gradually increased his light skills, making emphasis on the effectiveness of the first attack

Erich Hartman's charletenant in the cockpit of his fighter, the famous 52nd squadron emblem is clearly visible - a heart-pierced heart with an inscription "Karaya", in the upper left segment of the heart, the name of the Bride of Hartman "Ursel" is written (in the picture the inscription is practically not noticed) .

German Ace Hauptman Erich Hartmann (left) and the Hungarian pilot Laszlo Pottoni. German Fighter Fighter Erich Hartmann (Erich Hartmann) - the most effective AC Second World War

Krupinsky Walter First Commander and Mentor Erich Hartman !!

Hauptman Walter Krupinsky commanded the 7th stage of the 52nd squadron from March 1943 to March 1944 in the picture - Krupinski with a knightly cross with oak leaves, the leaves received on March 2, 1944 for 177 victories in air battles. Shortly after this photo of Krupinsky was taken to the West, where he served in 7 (7-5, JG-11 and JG- 26, the AU concluded war on the IM-262 as part of J v-44.

In the picture of March 1944, from left to right: commander 8./jg-52 Lieutenant Friedrich Oblometer, commander 9./jg-52 Lieutenant Erich Hartman. Lieutenant Carl Gritz.

Wedding Asa Luftwaffe Erich Hartman (Erich Hartmann, 1922 - 1993) and Ursula Petch (Ursula Paetsch). To the left of the married couple is the commander Hartman - Gerhard Barkhorn (Gerhard Barkhorn, 1919 - 1983). Right - Hauptman Wilhelm Batz (Wilhelm Batz, 1916 - 1988).

BF. 109G-6 Hauptman Erich Hartman, Budös, Hungary, November 1944

Barkhorn Gerhard "Gerd"

Major / Major Barkhorn Gerhard / Barkhorn Gerhard

He began to fly as part of JG2, in the fall of 1940 translated into JG52. From 01/16/1945 to 1.04.45, commanded JG6. He graduated from the war in the "Ass Squadre" JV 44, when, on April 21, 1945, his ME 262 was shot when landing with American fighters. He received severe injured, four months was captured by the allies.

The number of victories is 301.All Victory on the Eastern Front.

Hauptman Erich Hartman (April 19, 1922 - 09/20/1993) with his commander Major Gerhard Barkhorn (20.05.1919 - 01/08/1983) for learning the map. II./JG52 (2nd group of the 52nd Fighter Squadron). E. Hartmann and G. Barkhorn are the most effective pilots of the Second World War, which had in their military account 352 and 301 air victories, respectively. In the lower left corner of the picture - the autograph E. Hartmann.

Broken by German aviation on the railway platform Soviet fighter Lagg-3.

The snow became faster than washed off the white winter color with the BF 109. The fighter goes to take off straight on the spring puddle.)!.

Captured Soviet airfield: I-16 stands next to BF109F from II./JG-54.

In a dense system, neither the execution of a combat task is the JU-87D bomber from STG-2 "Immelman" and "Friedrich" from I./jg-51. At the end of the summer of 1942, the pilots I./jg-51 will transfer to FW-190 fighters.

Commander of the 52nd Fighter Squadron (Jagdgeschwader 52) Lieutenant Colonel Dietrich Prishbak (Dietrich Hrabak), commander of the 2nd group of the 52nd Fighter Squadron (II.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 52) Hauptman Gerhard Barkhorn (Gerhard Barkhorn) and an unknown Luftwaffe Officer at the Messerschmitt fighter BF.109G-6 at the Bagerovo airfield.

Walter Krupinsky, Gerhard Barkhorn, Johannes Visa and Erich Hartman

The commander of the 6th Fighter Squadron (JG6) Luftwaffe Major Gerhard Barkhorn in the cockpit of his fighter Fokke-Wulf FW 190D-9.

BF 109G-6 "Double Black Chevron" commander I./jg-52 Hauptman Gerhard Barkhorn, Kharkov-South, August 1943

Pay attention to your own aircraft name; Christi is the name of the wife of Barkhorn, the second performance of the Luftwaffe fighter pilots. The figure shows the airplane, on which Barkhorn flew into bending the I./jg-52 commander, then he has not yet passed the turn of 200 victories. Barkhorn was alive, all he knocked down 301 planes, all - on the Eastern Front.

Gunter Roll

German AU pilot fighter Major Günther Rall (03/10/1918 - 04.10.2009). Günther Roll - the third of the effectiveness of the German AC Second World War. On his account 275 air victories (272 on the Eastern Front), survived in 621 combat departures. Roll himself was shot down 8 times. On the neck, the pilot is visible a knightly cross with oak leaves and swords, which he was awarded 12.09.1943 for 200 obsessed air victories.

"Friedrich" from III./JG-52, these group in the initial phase of the Barbarossa operation covered the troops of the CO countries acting in the coastal zone of the Black Sea. Pay attention to the unusual angular side number "6" and "sinusoid". Apparently, this aircraft belonged to the 8th Staffel.

Spring 1943, Rulle looks approvingly as Lieutenant Josef Zvernenne drinks wine from a bottle

Günther Roll (second left) after its 200th air victory. Second right - Walter Krupinsky

BC 109 Gunter Raal

Roll in his Gustaba 4th

After severe wounds and partial paralysis, Gunther Rall returned to 8./jg-52 on August 28, 1942, and in two months he became a cavalier of the Knight's Cross with oak leaves. War Rall completed, taking an effectiveness of the honorable third place among Luftwaffe fighter pilot
won 275 victories (272 - on the Eastern Front); hit the 241 Soviet fighter. Made 621 combat departures, was shot down 8 times and 3 times wounded. His "Messerschmitt" had a personal number "Chertova Dozin"

Commander of the 8th squadron of the 52nd Fighter Squadron (Staffelkapitän 8.Staffel / Jagdgeschwader 52) Günter Rall Günther (Günther Rall, 1918-2009) with the pilots of his squadron in the break between combat departures plays with the talisman squadron - a dog named "Rat" .

In the photo in the foreground from left to right: Unter-Officer Manfred Lotsman (Manfred Lotzmann), UNTER-Officer Werner Höhenberg, and Lieutenant Hans Funcke.

In the background from left to right: Ober Lieutenant Günther Rall (Günther Rall), Lieutenant Hans Martin Markoff (Hans Martin Markoff), Feldwebl-Friedrich Schumacher Schumacher (Karl-Friedrich Schumacher) and Ober Lieutenant Gerhard Luety (Gerhard Luety).

The snapshot was made by the front-line correspondent by Rissmüller (Reissmüller) on March 6, 1943 at the Kerch Strait.

stock Foto Ralal and his wife Greta, originally from Austria

The third experts in the triumvirate of the best experts of the 52nd squadron met Günther Roll. On the fighter with the on-board number 13 "of the Black Color, Rulle flew after his return to service on August 28, 1942. After the serious injury received in November 1941. By this time, 36 victories were in Ruralt. Before the translation to the West in the spring of 1944, he shot down 235 of the Soviet aircraft. Pay attention to the symbolism III./jg-52 - the emblem in the front of the fuselage and the "sinusoid", drawn closer to the tail of the tail.

Otto's Kittel (Bruno)

Otto Kittel (OTTO "Bruno" Kittel; February 21, 1917 - February 14, 1945) - German pilot-speaker, fighter, participant in World War II. Made 583 combat departures, won 267 victories, which is the fourth result in history. Recordsman Luftwaffe by the number of stormed attack aircraft Il-2 - 94. Awarded a knightly cross with oak leaves and swords.

in 1943, luck turned to him. On January 24, he knocked down the 30th aircraft, and on March 15 - 47th. On the same day, his plane received serious damage and fell 60 km behind the front line. With thirty-perdus frost on the ice of the lake Ilmen, the kittel went to his.
Such a kittel Otto returned from the four day transition !! His aircraft was shot down behind the front line, on removing 60km !!

Otto is a pistower on vacation, summer of 1941. Then the kittel was the most ordinary Luftwaffe pilot in the rank of Unter-Officer.

Otto the kittel in the circle of combat comrades! (marked with a cross)

At the head of the table "Bruno"

Otto the kittel with his wife!

He died on February 14, 1945, when attacking the Soviet attack Il-2 attack. The arrow shot down by the counter fire, the aircraft of the FW 190A-8 (factory number 690 282) fell in a swampy location in the location of the Soviet troops and exploded. The pilot did not take advantage of the parachute, as it passed away in the air.

Two Luftwaffe officers tie hands to the wounded prisoner Red Army to the tent

Airplane "Bruno"

Newly Walter (Novi)

the German pilot-AC of World War II, during which he made 442 combat departures, won 258 victories in the air, of which 255 on the eastern front and 2 over 4-engine bombers. The last 3 victories won, flying on the reactive fighter ME.262. Most of their victories won, flying to FW 190, and approximately 50 victories at the Messerschmitte BF 109. He was the first pilot in the world who won 250 victories. Awarded by the Knight's Cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds

Throughout the Great Patriotic War, except for its last months, the Junkers Junkers Junkers Junkers Junkers Junkers Ju 87 was one of the main opponents of Soviet fighter pilots, especially during the periods of active hostilities. Therefore, in the lists of victories of many of our Asov "Laptops" (just such a nickname, we received a German pixer for the characteristic uniform chassis in massive fairies) occupy a prominent place.

Due to the engine damage, an emergency landing of JU 87B-2 from the composition III./ St.G. 2, autumn 1941,
Station area Chudovo, Leningrad region (

Since the victories over Yu-87 (so the plane was marked in Soviet staff documents) was recorded a lot - on 3,000 flyers-Asov accounts for about 4,000 applications for the destruction of enemy pixers - the presence of them in the combat accounts of ASS is in fact, in direct relations on the total Drowning aircraft, and the top lists of the list are occupied by the most famous Soviet Aces.

The first place among the hunters for the "laptops" is divided by the most effective fighter pilot of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, three times the hero of the Soviet Union Kozhevub Ivan Nikitovich and the other famous AC - twice the hero of the Soviet Union Arseny Vasilyevich Vorozheikin. Both of these pilots have in account 18 of the Sborn Yu-87. Keldelub all his "Junkers" shot down in the composition of the 240th JaP (the first victory over Yu-87 - 06.07.1943, the last - 06/01/1944), flying on the La-5 fighter, vorozhin - in the 728th JEP on the Yak 7b (the first shot down "Laptop" - 14.07.1943, the last - 04/18/1944). In total, Ivan Kozhevube won 64 personal air victories, and Arseniy Spargeikin - 45 personally and 1 in a pair, and both of the ease of our pilots are the first in extensive lists of aircraft shot down by them.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevub, the best speakers of the anti-Hitler coalition, destroyed the most Yu-87 - on E
account 18 German pixers (

The second line in the conditional rating of the shredders "pieces" takes another pilot of the 240th IAP, flying to La-5 - twice the hero of the Soviet Union Kirill Alekseevich Evstigneev, who won 13 personal victories over his battle career, also having another one Downed in the group. All Evustagneyev hit 52 opponent aircraft personally and 3 in the group.

The third place in the list of personal victories is divided by the pilots of the 205th Fighter Airlines of the Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Pavlovich Mikhalev from the 508th JEAP (213rd GW.IAP) and twice the hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Dmitrievich Gulaev (27th IAP / 129th GW.IAP), having on the account of 12 destroyed "laptops" (Vasily Mikhalev, besides, there are in the asset of 7 pixers knocked down in the group). The first started a combat career on Yak-7b, "lumbering" on it 4 Yu-87, and the rest hit, being in the cabin of the Led-Lizovsky fighter P-39 "Aeroker"; The second one - the first first "pieces" sent to Earth, piloting Yak-1 (and two "Junkers" Gulaev knocked down with shocks), the rest of the victory won on the Aerokoba. The final combat account Mikhalev was 23 + 14, and Gulaeva - 55 + 5 air victories.

The fourth position of the rating with 11 personal victories over Yu-87 is the "Magnificent Five" of the Fighter Fighters of the Air Force, which is headed by the Hero of the Soviet Union Fyodor Fedorovich Aripenko, who has also 6 "laptops", shot down in the group. His victories over the Yu-87 pilot gained in the ranks of two airlines - the 508th JaP and the 129th GW.IAP, having knocked down two bombers personally on Yak-7b, the rest - at Aerokobr. In total, during the war, Arhipukovenko hit 29 opponent aircraft personally and 15 in the group. Next, the list of pilots who shot down on 11 Yu-87, looks like this: Litvinenko Trofim Afanasyevich (fought as part of the 191st JEAP on the P-40 "Kittyhauk" and La-5, the final combat account - 18 + 0, the Hero of the Soviet Union) ; Mikhail Mikhail Fedorovich (191th IAP, Kittyihauk, 14 + 2); Rukkalov Grigory Andreevich (16th GW.IAP, Aerocker, 61 + 4, twice the hero of the Soviet Union); Chepinoga Pavel Josephovych (27th JEP and the 508th JaP, Yak-1 and Aerocker, 25 + 1, Hero of the Soviet Union).

On 10 personally shot down Yu-87, there are five more pilots in the account: Artamonov Nikolai Semenovich (297th JEP and the 193rd JEAP (177th GW.IAP), La-5, 28 + 9, Hero of the Soviet Union); Zyuzin Petr Dmitrievich (29th GW.IAP, Yak-9, 16 + 0, Hero of the Soviet Union); Tashkin Alexander Ivanovich (16th GW.IAP, management of the 9th GW.Iad, "Aerocker", 46 + 6, three times the hero of the Soviet Union); Rogozhin Vasily Aleksandrovich (236th IAP (112th GW.IAP), Yak-1, 23 + 0, Hero of the Soviet Union); Sachkov Mikhail Ivanovich (728th IAP, Yak-7B, 29 + 0, Hero of the Soviet Union).

In addition, 9 pixel-fighter pilots were sent to Earth 9 piquetting "Junkers", 8 people have 8 shotguns, 7-15 pilots.