The physical meaning flows like pitch in frost. Why is tar leaking from a chimney?

DEVELOPER: physics teacher
Prohorenkova O.A.

The purpose of the event: To show the connection of physics with various
natural phenomena that answers momentary questions,
arising in life, everyday life, in nature, etc., can be
given only on the basis of knowledge of physical phenomena and
"Turn on" students during a trip to the active
mental work;
Give intellectual coloring to hiking trips,
out into nature, to fill halts, hours of rest and
outdoor games interesting tasks related to
To teach to see physics in the world around;
Developing a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance,
rivalry, responsibility, cognitive interest;
Education of a culture of communication, rules of conduct on a hike,
environmental education.
Objectives of the event: Repeat basic physical
concepts, formulas, laws and phenomena in their immediate
manifestation in nature, show the organic connection of the theory
and practices.
Methods: Verbal, visual, practical, active,
stimulating, encouraging.
Material and technical equipment: Camping
equipment, inventory, improvised means, dishes, prizes,
paper, pens, calculator.

1. M. E. Tulchinsky "Qualitative tasks in physics".
Moscow, Dedication, 1972.
2. S. A. Tikhomirova “Physics in proverbs, riddles, and
fairy tales”, Moscow, School press, 2002.
3. S. A. Tikhomirova Didactic materials By
physics”, Moscow, School press”, 2003.
4. V. I. Elikin, L. D. Garmash “Physics and Astronomy in
hiking and outdoors”, Moscow, School Press, 2003.
5. Journals "Physics at school" No. 3 1997, No. 6 2001.
Brief guidelines
Many years of tourism have shown that it is -
huge efficient and still little used
source of opportunities for knowledge of the environment
peace and human education. In the forest, by the river, by the fire
nature imperiously invades the life of a tourist, his soul
and the heart, subject to its laws. And each first
intuitively, and then consciously comes to the fact that
knowledge of the laws of nature is necessary.
A hike is a scope for observations, active
mental work, this is a space for communication,
organization of competitions, quizzes, performances
experiments and experiments.
Work experience allows us to assert that in campaigns
students learn and apply the laws of physics with
more efficient than at a desk, since
they clearly feel the "action" of these laws of nature on
The content of this event is designed to
two day trip with one overnight stay. Tourist
The group is divided into three teams, each of which

functions as a whole throughout
campaign, i.e., not only takes part in competitions,
but also participates in all the daily activities of camp life.
Thus, the winning team is determined by
the end of the campaign, which takes into account the effective
team participation at all stages.
Intellectual contests and outdoor games
it is necessary to rationally alternate in order to change
In order for the event to be completed
the character is recommended to students at the end of the hike
offer to fulfill homework optionally.
Explanations for the event
Physics through the eyes of a tourist
1. Staying a tourist in wet clothes for a long time and
wet shoes are dangerous: you can easily catch a cold.
2. Explain why, if our hands are frozen in the cold, we
do we blow on them to keep warm? And sometimes we blow on them
in summer. Why and what does it give?
3. From the lungs of a person when leaving with air
water vapor is always released. Why do we see
its only in winter time or very cold autumn?
4. Why tourists should not leave on the street in winter
water in a glass bottle?
5. What is the temperature of the puddle in which the ice floats?
6. Place your palms so that they are illuminated by the sun
rays: remember the sensations. Now wet your palms
water and put it under the sun again.
Compare your feelings. How do you explain them?
7. You see a tractor in the distance. How do you determine if it is moving
is he worth it?

8. Is there a “dot” on the body of a walking tourist
(name them) that move: A) progressively. B)
rotationally. B) fluctuating.
9. How, going up to railroad, in a simple way,
based on knowledge of physics, learn about the approximation
What time of year are the electric wires on
poles along the road sag more, why?
Why did an experienced tourist take a white
from the mountain?
boiling water?
Why is it so much harder to walk uphill on the road than
Why is it impossible to cook meat high in the mountains even in
Why does it hurt to walk barefoot on mowed grass?
Why is there fog in the meadow after sunset
formed first in the lowlands?
How to explain the spread in a calm
the air smells of meadow flowers, mowed grass,
Why is the person coming out of the water after
bathing, feels cold, and this feeling is especially
strong in windy weather?
Approaching the river, one of the tourists shouted loudly.
After 5 seconds, he heard an echo from the opposite
wooded shore. What is the distance to it? (Speed
sound equal to 331 m/s)
Tourists left their bad on the beach
inflated volleyball. And he's been for a while
lay under the rays of the sun. At the same time, he swelled up so
like it was pumped up. Explain what happened.
Why is sand on the beach on a hot sunny day
hotter than water? And at night it's colder

Travelers on a hot summer sunny day
decided to make a halt. Where is the best place to sit
rest: on a stone or on the ground? Why?
Why is it difficult to cut wood directly on
Why is it so important when working with an ax and a knife
sharpen them well?
With an ax, which handle is long or short
easier to chop wood?
How to explain the action of the pipette? syringe?
How to explain the "sucking" blood action
bandage with which the attendants tied a cut finger?
The attendants need to bring dry firewood for the fire.
By what physical signs can dry
firewood from raw?
Where is the best place to stretch the rope for drying
washed laundry?
What water, warm or cold is better to drink
medicine so that it is absorbed faster?
How to keep milk cold in extreme heat?
Which water, hot or cold is better
soak peas for cooking soup so that it swells faster?
Does water boil in the "tubes" of cooked pasta?
How to explain that if you cook porridge, for example
barley, over high heat in a pot, closed
cover, then when the cover is removed, it is inside
“littered” with sticky grains?
Why salt is recommended for boiled potatoes
not right away, but when is it almost ready?
Why Butter Foams When You Want It
melt in a frying pan?
To make crackers, bread is cut
thin slices or cubes. Why?
What role do salt and sugar play in

or aluminum?
Which soup will cool faster: fatty or lean?
Explain in physical language what is happening,
when we strike a match on the box. Why match
lights up? A match can be lit if you touch it
head towards the fire. Are the methods of change the same?
match energy in both cases?
The calorific value of birch firewood is greater than
pine. How do you understand this expression?
Why does water extinguish a fire?
In which pot, open or closed, water
boils faster?
Hot tea was left in a kettle by the fire. Until what
temperature, it will cool down if the fire stops
tossing wood?
Which spoon is better to eat: wooden, steel
The tourist leaves nothing on his plate, sauce and
he picks up the gravy with a crumb of bread. Why should he
does it succeed?
For dinner, crackers were distributed instead of bread. That also happens
always on a long journey. Why tourists instead of bread
take crackers? What physical phenomena are
the basis of making breadcrumbs?
Why do dew and fog form? Why after
Is there a lot of dew on a hot day?
What force causes raindrops to move towards
Caught in the rain, the tourists got pretty wet and
hung wet clothes on ropes. But by morning they
dried up. Why?
Where you need to, it seems, to wait out the storm, if it
caught you: in the forest, on a mountain or on a hill, while swimming
in a pond?

Why does a mosquito squeak and a fly buzz?
How, when you see a flying bee, determine whether it flies
Is she looking for prey or is she returning to the hive with her?
Why do many animals sleep in cold weather?
curled up in a ball?
Why do water striders calmly move along
water surface?
Explain the meaning of the saying "water off a duck's back" and
expression "Wet chicken".
What physical processes are involved in respiration
Why does a dog stick out its tongue in extreme heat?
Why do they think that if the sky is clearly visible
Explain in terms of physics sayings:
stars, will the night be cold?
 A dry spoon hurts your mouth.
 Runs like clockwork.
 Squeaks like an unoiled cart.
 Slippery as burbot.
 Mow the scythe until dew.
Look at all the flora and fauna around you and
choose from what you see examples of different types
mechanical movement.
Observe the flight of birds: what they "do" with
with your paws? How to explain it?
Look at how a caterpillar crawls on a leaf of a tree. A
now explain the way it moves from position
Bend the tree branch. What do you think of the deformations
arose on its outer and inner surfaces?
Look at the aspen leaf. What movement are they
do and why do they tremble?

Listen to the rustle of the trees. Why are they making noise?
What is the nature of these sounds.
 From the dungeon one hundred sisters
Released into space
Take them carefully
Rub your head against the wall
Strike deftly once and twice
The head will light up. ………(Matches)
 We put firewood in it-
He then highlights
Lots of light and heat.
And food is being prepared. ……….(Bonfire)
 What is not visible from the fire, but everyone needs it? ...... (Heat)
 Sat on the heat,
Steam from the nose ………..(Kettle)
 Small scoop,
Dear all friend,
Take three times a day
Then they put it in place. ……..(Spoon)
 I am small, but remote.
It's worth taking a look at me
I will point you in the right direction. ……….(Compos)
 You follow her, she is away from you,
You are from her, she is behind you. ……(Shadow)
 Who, without learning, speaks all languages? …….(Echo)
 It pours into it, it pours out of it,
It floats on the ground itself. ……..(River)
 Curls around the nose, but does not reach into the hands. ……(Smell)
 Warms in winter, smolders in spring,
Dies in summer, revives in autumn. …….(Snow)
 If you put it in the oven, it will get wet,
You put it in water and it dries. …….(Candle)

 Flies on the ground in the evening,
The night is on earth
In the morning it flies again. …..(Dew)
 Well, grab her in a handful-
Will not hold in a handful. …….(Water)
 Me and who does not see,
But everyone hears
And anyone can see my companion,
But no one hears. ……(Thunder, lightning)
 On the street is a shirt, and in the hut there are sleeves. ….(Solar
 When is the sky lower than the earth? ……(When
reflected in the pond
 A painted yoke hung across the river. ….
 Without a head, but with horns. …..(Month)
 What can you see only at night? ……(Stars)
 In blue sky fireflies,
Don't reach out to them
And one big firefly
Curved like a worm. ……(Stars, month)
1. About what physical phenomenon (concept, law)
does the proverb say?
2. What is her physical meaning?
3. Is the proverb true from the point of view of physics?
4. What is its worldly meaning?
 Run, if necessary, but do not fall with your nose.
 One cannot move a stone, but an artel and mountains
 Things went like clockwork.
 The plow shines from work.
 Ten pull uphill, downhill and one will push.
 A large tail is difficult to wag.
 You can't drive away on one wheel.
 Do not hammer a nail with a light hammer.

Hydro - aerostatics (dynamics)
 Even a small pebble will not float if it falls into
 Water always flows down, smoke always rises
 Only bubbles float well.
 The wind is blowing, weaving the grain.
 Beware of a quiet dog, but still water.
Vibrations and waves
 Do not swing like a swing, the time will come to stop.
 Which string is broken - you can hear it by the sound.
 Whatever you click in the forest, such will respond.
 There is a lot of noise from an empty barrel.
 You can't stop your ears from strong thunder.
 If you do not beat the drum, it will not make a sound.
 The bat sees in the dark.
Molecular physics
 A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey.
 Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't put it together.
 On a bag of salt and a salty rope.
 He ran to the smell of meat, thought pilaf, but ran, looking:
donkeys are branded.
Warmth and work
 Snow is a blanket for wheat.
 Wind fire helper.
 If the poker is long, you won't burn your hands.
 No matter how hot water is, it will not burn houses.
 I would ask the goose if his feet are cold.
 Do not sleep eating hot porridge from the middle, but take it
calm on the edge.

MKT vapors, liquids and solids
 You will recognize the approach of winter by frost, the approach of summer
by rain.
 The salt marsh does not grow green, the fool does not grow wiser.
 Fog eats snow.
 Water has a flexible back.
 Flows like pitch in frost.
 You can't paint pictures on water.
 Evil and good are like water and oil: they cannot mix.
 Talk to him about carrying water in a sieve.
 The less wood bends, the easier it breaks.
 From the young, as from wax: you can fashion whatever you want.
 A perch with too many chickens collapses.
Team competition
1. Packing the backpack
“Is your backpack friend or foe?”
Packing a backpack is a "fusion" of science and art. Laid down
backpack in shape should be flat and high, side
it, adjacent to the back, as precisely as possible should
repeat the shape of the back, because in this case the pressure
backpack on the back will be much smaller due to
greater support (P=F/S).
For the same reason, backpack straps should be wide, and
It is desirable to have a semi-rigid belt at waist level.
The center of gravity of the backpack should be as close as possible
to the back at the level of the shoulder blades, that is, as close as possible to
vertical line through the biological center
the gravity of a person.

When packing a backpack, heavy things should be placed as
as close to the back as possible, and light equipment as much as possible.
away from her.
2. Campfire
It is always pleasant to sit by the fire, the fire of which
is up for conversation. You can talk about anything and
including about the phenomena that we got acquainted with
physics lessons.
Kindling a fire is also a science. Need to collect
suitable firewood, properly stacking it and, finally,
ignite using minimal amount matches. And if
matches are damp, or they were forgotten to take at all, what to do in
this situation? What are the ways to make fire?
1. Using solar radiation and magnifying
glass, that is, a plano-convex lens. Lens need
arrange so that part of the sun's rays
passed through it and focused on easily
flammable material: paper, moss, hay, etc.
(The basis of this method is the ability
converging lens to focus rays to one point
and concertize the energy of radiation in it.)
2. By hitting a piece of metal on silicon, a spark is struck
directed to flammable material.
3. Fire is produced by rubbing a dry stick against wood.
(methods 2 and 3 are based on the transition of mechanical
heat work.)
3. Food on a hike

The life and activity of the human body is connected with
continuous energy consumption. These costs
are made up of costs based on metabolism (then
is to maintain the existence and functioning
organism), for work and rest.
Any energy costs both in ordinary life and in
campaign require restoration. Required amount
The body receives energy from food intake.
processing contained in it organic matter:
proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Food is a kind of fuel
supporting the life and work of the body
person. But different foods have different energy
value, just as different fuels have different
calorific value: that is, burning in the body, 100 g of different
food releases different amounts of energy.
Dependence of energy costs on
type of tourism and category of complexity
hike (for 1 person per day)

Type of tourism
Energy costs for different categories
difficulties. kJ
and I
0,8 – 0,9
14 246 15
11 397 12
17 095 18
18 520 20
17 180
18 855
15 461
16 970
20 615
22 626
22 333
24 512
Energy costs for various
activities and recreation (per 1 kg
body weight)
Cost type
Walking on a flat road
4.2 km/h
6 km/h
8 km/h
Walking uphill with
2 km/h
The amount of energy costs

Running on a flat road
9 km/h
Swimming at speed:
10 m/min
Rest lying awake
The main source of energy in food is carbohydrates. They give
up to 70-75% of the required energy, the proportion of proteins and fats
is 25-30%. They are mainly used
for the construction of new cells and the production of enzymes. IN
food fats, proteins and carbohydrates should
is in the ratio 1:1:4.
Energy value and composition
staple foods
Rye bread
wheat bread
Digestible part
per 100 g
product in
bread products
5 1
7 0,4
proteins, fats,
value (kJ)


5 27
The body requires energy balance:
equality of energy costs and the amount of energy,
coming into it with food. Knowing the energy cost of
or another section of the route, you can follow the given
tables to plan a diet: it
energy value (calorie content, composition and mass)
How do you plan meals for a hike?
First of all, they make up the energy equation
Consider that normal food should be hot
and three times a day, i.e., consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Between breakfast and lunch after about 3 hours, you can
make a "snack", the energy value of which
should be 10% of the daily diet.
Now, knowing how to properly plan meals in
hike, you need to make a diet for the day according to the scheme:
4. Your travel mug
In a hike, every little thing is important, for example, a mug. How
can a tourist do without it? But what mug to take with you to
hike? Of course, strong and light. Everyone knows that such
material, like glass is fragile, metals are more durable, and
plastics are lighter. What mug to take? What
you need to make sure that the aluminum mug does not burn
hands? How to make an unbreakable thermos mug?
5. Who will throw a pebble higher
Pebbles should be approximately equal in mass and volume.
How the judge determines whose pebble has risen to the top
6. Determine average speed movements
7. Pass so that your path and movement
were 2 and each, but lay on the same line.
8. Take out the potato
In a mug filled with water on top, at the bottom lies
potato. Get her out. Tilt and move the mug
you can not use foreign objects too
it is forbidden.

9. Thermal conductivity
Prove, using available materials, that
the thermal conductivity of tereva is poor, while that of aluminum is good.
10. Cook jelly
Do you have a pot with a capacity of 4 liters and a ten-liter
bucket. How, using these items, pour into the pot 2
liters of water to make jelly?
11. Keep warm
Think of ways to keep dinner hot until
the arrival of the group, if the firewood ran out.
12. Egg
How do you know if an egg is raw or not without breaking the shell?
boiled? Why?
13. Drown the bottle
An empty plastic bottle must be drowned in water.
How to do it?
14. Make a filter
Make a natural water filter
materials: pebbles or pebbles of different sizes or
sand, an empty plastic bottle, gauze
Show it in action.
15. Make a beaker

Using a half-liter jar and a 200 gram glass
make a beaker from a plastic bottle with a division price
100 g


Part Three

In previous articles, forecasts of the development of the TS were made using the example of a wheel and the accompanying emerging articulations. The author wondered what the system's own purpose and the purposes of its elements are. At the same time, the postulate was taken as the basis: the development of systems is determined by the desire for freedom. In turn, this desire is realized to one degree or another and direction, depending on the "genetic" material available to the system and environmental conditions. In the course of the development of TS, the manifestation of "genetic" material occurs, which was not found before. In the process of transformations, "mutations", the "gene pool" is replenished. From the side of the environment, the system interacts with a person (consumer, inventor), with other TS and, in general, with nature. Under the influence of changing external conditions, the TS, driven by its desire, finds new freedoms or renounces previously existing freedoms and, as a result, inevitably comes to an alliance, both within itself and with the environment. The simplest, rudimentary option is, for example, the running-in of a new engine, the formation of mini-freedoms - micro-plays. In other words, the result is the natural course of events that ensures the existence, survival and development of systems in common system connections. Having given in previous articles our own examples of predicting the development of the ES, we will take examples from other authors.

Recently, two works have been posted on the site. The first one: "Analysis of energy chains as a method of improving the TS" The author of the article is L.G. Goryainov gives a forecast of options for the development of the TS, with a weakly expressed technical contradiction (TC) in the conditions of the need to identify a physical contradiction. The problem of a sorption column is given as an example. Second: the article "Are TP and AF interconnected?" from the work THE TERMINOLOGICAL ASPECT OF TRIZ ". The author of the work Parenchik G.I. gives an analysis of the problem of an ice polishing pad. The problem is known as an educational one, familiar to many, seemingly understandable, and has a beautiful solution. It is all the more interesting to apply a different approach and show where and why a failure occurs and an exit to a beautiful, but unrealistic technical solution.

In various descriptions of the sequences of mental actions, the stage of the birth of the idea itself is skipped. As a rule, at a certain step, a sentence is formulated that includes or implies the word "obviously ..." Of course, it is obvious that if you move a polishing pad from a piece of ice over the glass at any speed and intensity, then the glass will not heat up. But it is not at all obvious that in this case the polishing process will take place, and even with the required productivity and without deterioration in quality.

In working with the problem of a sorption column, it is not clear where the idea of ​​using vibration comes from. The development of TS in the direction of applying vibration to destroy microflows in the resin layer as a whole, in my opinion, is correct. But the requirement to coordinate the vibration mode with the natural frequency of the resin particles to move them in the horizontal plane and activate the particles for more complete sorption is completely unobvious in a positive sense. Obviously, for the latter, it is necessary to move from the spectrum of sound (audible) frequencies to ultrasonic ones. And this can lead to dispersion of particles and, in certain cases, to blocking the access of liquid to the pores of resin particles (the effect of a goose that crawled out of the water). Frequency matching in this context is premature. It is not clear where the need for horizontal resin movements comes from. The author writes "The essence of physical contradiction lies in the fact that it is required to change one of the physical processes, while maintaining the action of others." However, in the given formulation of the OP, the contradiction itself is not concrete. And in the process of transition to a technical solution, the initial FP is not specified, it remains abstract. Therefore, it remains unclear which specific physical process should be changed, and which one should not only be preserved, but, on the contrary, be involved in the right direction. This vagueness led the author to the frontal resolution of the AF, and the activation went in another, in my opinion, harmful direction. But this does not mean that the idea of ​​vibration as a whole is wrong, or, for example, that high frequencies cannot be applied. It is possible, only in a different version. Moreover, the idea that has arisen of using the natural frequencies of particles just speaks in this case about the solver's own aspiration, and it intuitively suggests the right direction. But both in the first and in the second tasks, in my opinion, the desired is taken for real.

In the problem of a sorption column in the correct orientation of the idea, the author is helped by what is called a case: there is no clearly visible phase transition. The formulation of the problem and the list of undesirable effects are presented as simply a statement of fact, without indicating any cause-and-effect relationships. And this is absolutely correct. In contrast, the formulation of the polishing pad problem contains this connection: "Given a system of glass, polishing pad and water with a suspension of abrasive powder. When polishing quickly, the glass under the polishing pad is damaged by heat." In the same spirit, an undesirable effect is formulated: glass overheating. Glass overheating is just a label, an indicator from which you can start moving. This is the first door with which you don’t need to fight or pick up the keys to it, but simply open it. The biased primary formulation directs the solver to search for ways aimed at eliminating glass heating, which is performed with brilliance. However, this does not add shine to the glass. The translation of an undesirable effect into an administrative contradiction (AC) does not help: "When quickly polished, the glass deteriorates from heat." Such concretization leads the solver even further from the correct understanding of the essence of the FP. However, it also (AP) contributes to the idea generation process. It pushes the inventor to the phase of denial, to the question: "Is it so?". But in the case under consideration this does not happen, but there is an endless movement along the triad TP - FP - AP. And even consistently obtaining more and more specific RBIs, in my opinion, does not solve the problem. The direction vector of the idea is still the same and, in the end, it finally rests on a piece of ice. This is because the first RBI, which is more general, nevertheless has a biased orientation: "The polishing pad itself destroys the heat generated by the rapid polishing of the glass". The point is not that the orientation is not correct, but that it leads the solver away from understanding the essence of polishing and, accordingly, from the specific final FP.

I think that the basis of these wanderings is a fuzzy separation and understanding of two different paths in the process in general. There is the path of the process of cognition and there is the path of the real process. That is, in the head and in the vehicle. IN general view, or in a strategic sense, these paths are opposite to each other. No matter how the researcher in his research tries to sit down on the real process and follow the course of its development (which is considered logical), anyway, in the end, accidentally or less often intentionally, he will move to the beginning of the process under consideration and primary objects, and only after that he will be able to exit for a generalization. Simply put, a person goes from the effect to the cause. The real process goes from cause to effect. And each time at the first stage, the effect is perceived as the cause. In the next step, the true (seemingly) reason appears. In fact, the first link in the chain and branching of cause-and-effect relationships simply appears. But the first step from the abstract to the concrete has been made. It turns out that what was perceived concretely was actually an abstraction. But the next concreteness, in the future, after its practical consumption, will turn out to be an abstraction. Thus, man in his knowledge moves from the abstract to the concrete, and nature from the concrete to the abstract (I am speaking in general). If I eat an apple, I know for certain that it came from a seed. But if I have planted a seed, I do not have a 100% guarantee that after some time I will get an apple, and indeed whether an apple tree will appear. If there is a chicken in front of me, then I know for sure that it is from an egg. But if I have an egg in my hands, then there is no one hundred percent guarantee that a chicken will come from this egg. Otherwise development would not exist.

Why does a person know that an apple comes from a seed. He does not know this at all from the presence of a seed in an apple. So far, he just spits it out, and sees the reason in the color, ovary, branches, trunk. Then he goes down to the root, but he doesn’t see anything there either, but he makes some progress: seedlings and even cuttings appear, a set of facts is going on. And only by chance, after thousands of years, he suddenly notices that where he spat, a beautiful tree regularly grows. The circle closes, or rather, the first turn of the spiral appears. Now, having planted a seed in the soil, he can make a forecast and dream about where he will attach his rich harvest. Both will be rich if a person applies his accumulated baggage of acquired knowledge. Nature does not know what she will do in the next moment of time. Her movement is due to the desire for freedom and that's it. But the presence of connections between the elements of nature corrects the realization of this desire. Man, being an element of nature, is at the same time different from his mother and, by investigating the process, can make a prediction of a future fact.

For the purpose of forecasting, the initial position as the initial formulation of the problem must be completely free from emotions and represent simply a statement of fact. This is the first emotional barrier to overcome. Why so often creative person Or can an outsider quickly find the right solution to a problem? They either do not perceive or are unaware of traditional and seemingly self-evident connections and explanations of causes. First of all, they fix the fact itself. Therefore, I complete the future bundle of AP, TP, FP, RBI from the side of the initial position with the Fact. On the other hand, I figure out my own goal of the system, which I get from a more general position: the desire for freedom. Thus, almost immediately I generate the initial target idea. Moving from the goal to the fact, I fill the formed interval with contradiction algorithms, and I reach the final FP. An abstract situation with a fact turns into concreteness. Having developed my path, I get a new fact with resolved contradictions. This paragraph is written right off the bat, so it is not formalized and strictly non-algorithmic, but, I hope, gives an idea of ​​the applied method of cognition.

In the previous examples, the manifested contradiction was taken as starting points and the potential "genetic" possibilities of the considered TS were found. That is, an undesired effect and unrealized properties. At the same time, the idea arose immediately.

The first task (sorption column) and the sequence in the method proposed by Goryainov will have to be quoted in some detail, otherwise, if the end results are similar, it will not be clear what their difference is.

"The sorption column is designed for ion-exchange separation of substances - a process that consists in the fact that a synthetic polymer resin selectively absorbs ions of one type from a solution, giving into the solution ions of another type previously associated with its functional groups, i.e. exchanges ions in solution After the capacity of the resin is exhausted, i.e. all the functional groups of the resin are filled with replaced ions, the latter are desorbed by passing through the resin a solution - a reagent capable of displacing sorbed ions and transferring the resin to its original state.The column is a vertical cylindrical apparatus filled with synthetic resin granules with a diameter of 3-4 mm.

The technological process is as follows: the solution to be separated is passed through the column from above until the resin is saturated, washed clean water to remove the initial solution, desorption is carried out - regeneration of the resin, passing the reagent solution, washed with water and the next cycle is started. The operation of one portion of the resin usually lasts several months, during which time hundreds of sorption-desorption cycles take place.

Despite the fact that the design of sorption columns is simple, and the technological process has not changed for more than 40 years, it has many disadvantages:

The resin cakes, stagnant zones appear in which ion exchange does not occur;

The liquid flow is uneven across the column cross-section, in places where the resistance decreases, narrow preferential streams of a solution that does not interact with the resin are formed; - during the period of operation, the resin is crushed, there is an accumulation of inactive material.

Looking for a fundamental possible solution is taken "Formulation of the principal solution (similar to IFR): "The problem of the sorption column will be solved if an absolutely uniform flow of the resin particles around the solution is organized"".

"As a rule, decisions at different levels give unequal results: - at the level" To converter "

The decision is the most drastic. It is able to completely eliminate the harmful phenomenon by eliminating the EC containing the harmful process;

A solution at the "To tool" level is usually easy to implement, since the tool is the most easily modified real element;

The decision at the "To product" level is usually the most difficult, since the problem arises precisely in the case when a deadlock situation was created in this node "...

... "1. Level "To the converter". The problem is solved if the uniform distribution of the ion-exchange resin in the section of the column is ensured, (see diagram 4)

The solution is to evenly distribute the resin in the cross section of the column.

Analysis possible ways improvements:

1). Strengthen or weaken the action. It is desirable to relieve the compression of the resin by weight forces.

2). Change the spatial structure of the action. There are two possible solutions: either continuous mixing of the resin, creating a "chaos" structure, or holding the resin particles in space at a given distance from each other.

3). Change the temporal structure of the action. Eliminate caking due to periodic rhythmic shaking of the resin grains, for example, vibration.

4). Dynamize. A variant of shaking at the frequency of natural vibrations of resin grains that have not yet absorbed the material is possible. This will make the "hungry" grains more active.

2. Level "To tool". The problem is solved if the equality of solution microflows in the column cross section is ensured.

The solution is to ensure the equality of microflows in the section of the column "... Access to horizontally directed vibrations for horizontal displacements of the resin (my comm.)

…"Path practical implementation: Create forced destruction of micro-flows in the resin layer in the column, use vibrations directed horizontally at several levels of the column in height. The vibration mode should be coordinated with the natural frequency of the resin particles so that the particle itself moves in the horizontal plane.

3. Level "To the product". The problem is solved if a uniform distribution of the flow rates of the solution over the section of the column is ensured.

The solution is to ensure a uniform distribution of costs over the section of the column.

Analysis of possible ways to improve the action:

1) Strengthen or weaken the action. It is possible to increase the flow rate of the solution by working at high flows. Create a column of small section, but of great length, a multi-section column.

2) Change the spatial structure of the action. In the existing column, the distribution of predominant flows over the section is chaotic. It is possible to create a special structure from evenly spaced zones of reduced resistance, provoking the formation of preferential flows evenly over the cross section.

3) Change the temporal structure of the action. Periodically, it is necessary to restore the desired structure of the resin layer. This can be achieved by vibration.

4) Dynamize. Vibrations must be matched.

Way of practical implementation: Create forced destruction of micro-flows in the resin layer in the column, use vibrations directed horizontally at several levels of the column in height. The vibration mode should be coordinated with the natural frequency of the resin particles so that the particle itself moves in the horizontal plane.

Based on these three levels, L.G. Goryainov comes to a technical solution.


Use the tendency of the granular layer to form mainly solution flows, specially create evenly spaced zones of low resistance over the column cross section, thereby provoking the flow of the solution according to a given pattern; periodically carry out vibration, restoring the given scheme of resistance to the flow of the solution.

The technical solution should fully or partially use the principal solution, taking into account the available resources.


Sorption column, including a vertical container, solution flow distributors at the inlet and outlet of the column, and an ion-exchange sorption resin, characterized in that:

1) In order to exclude the formation of predominant solution flows in the resin layer, a bottom vibrator is installed with upward directed vibrations along the axis of the column.

2) In order to intensify the work of the ion-exchange resin, the vibration is matched in frequency with the natural frequency of oscillation of the still unabsorbed resin grains.

5.5.2. LEVEL "TO TOOL"

Sorption column, and distributors of solution flows at the inlet and outlet, characterized in that:

1) In order to destroy and rebuild microflows in the resin layer, several belts of radial blades are installed in the tank, mounted on a common shaft, through which vibrations are transmitted to the blades in a horizontal plane.

2) In order to increase the effectiveness of the destruction of caked resin layers, the vibration frequency of the blades is matched with the natural frequency of the grains of the ion-exchange resin.

3) In order to reduce the pressure of the upper layers of the resin, the vibrating blades should be slightly turned up.


Sorption column, characterized in that:

1) In order to force the distribution of the solution over the section, vertical smoothbore suspensions, for example, metal rods, are installed evenly over the section of the column.

2) In order to periodically shake the resin, a vibrator is installed on the column cover, which is switched on periodically.

3) With a purpose effective work hangers, they must be rigidly fixed on the vibrating column cap, and the lower end must hang freely into the resin layer.

4) For efficient operation of suspensions, the vibration frequency of the vibrator is consistent with the natural frequency of the suspensions."

The starting position has been formulated, so we immediately define the goal of the system and get the formulation of the idea in a general form. Already the first undesirable effect: "the resin is caked, there are stagnant zones in which ion exchange does not occur" immediately gives an idea. What is the aim of the resin? The answer is to a denser packing of particles (granules). The highest density of a bulk substance is the density after shaking. It is measured using the vibration of the sound (audible) range. Idea: Vibration is needed. At this stage, I do not burden myself with the question of why this is necessary? This is necessary for the system, and I am the executor of her desires.

The next step is to consider the resulting idea. The resin in the column consists of particles in the form of granules or, more broadly, a free-flowing substance. One of the main properties that characterize the free-flowing state is the apparent density, which is closely related to granulometry. This density, in turn, can be in at least two opposite states. Bulk density and density after shaking. It is possible to take it even wider and then the density of freely poured powder (granules) will be the smallest apparent density. Bulk density is determined according to a certain regulation. For example: a bulk substance is poured into a known container (glass) through a funnel of a certain diameter. The resulting slide is removed with a bar (ruler). The ratio of mass to volume gives the value of bulk density. To determine the density after shaking, the glass is fixed on a laboratory vibrating table. When vibration is applied, the bulk substance (material) shrinks before our eyes. The tapping density is the closest to the theoretically calculated value of dense packing of particles. Thus, the caking of the resin beads from a dynamic point of view indicates a desire for a denser evenly distributed packing. And from the point of view of hydraulic resistance, to its maximum possible uniform distribution throughout the volume and, accordingly, the maximum possible theoretically and practically uniform distribution of flows over the column section. If the resin is in this state, then we will have relatively good sorption, but low productivity. This can be fixed as a contradiction between the quality of sorption and productivity.

The granules are in a liquid medium, there is a floating effect. Therefore, in addition to the action of the washing flow (with a lateral component) and the action of gravity, which generally cause the granules to tend to dense packing, the Archimedes force acts upwards and again with a lateral component. The side components appear as a consequence of at least the geometry of the granules and the presence of contacts between the granules. The floating effect under these conditions is the main cause of lateral displacements and the formation of local channels. This unevenness creates, in turn, caking zones. It should be noted that in contrast to the use of "horizontally directed vibrations" I'm talking about lateral displacements of the resin. We have an algorithm for the development of events (actions)

Washing a Ascent a side. displacement a leakage => localization = caking.

Algorithm of objects (subjects) of action.

Flow a unstable granule a displaced granule a microflow => flow = aggregate.

Objects can be split, but this is not required. It is important that it was found out how the flow is transformed into channels, and how free granules form caking aggregates and interaggregate channels.

If a gas were passing instead of a liquid, then the granules would be in a static state, and caking would manifest itself in the tendency of the granules to densely pack in a different way. Through the formation of tighter contacts between the granules, to coalescence and agglomeration. This would not lead to an uneven distribution of the flow, but simply to an increase in resistance. But this static direction will also appear below.

Thus, we have, for starters, two impulses. On the one hand, the granules tend to denser packing, on the other hand, to loose. Following the already tried rule, we impose vibration in combination with shaking directed downwards. When shaking (pushing) down, two forces are included in the loosening: the inertia of the granules and the lifting force. Thus, we get another edge in contradictions: high productivity, but insufficient sorption. From here, technically, the question boils down to optimizing two actions: vibration and shaking. In other words, a dynamic, but chaotic granule-liquid system, with simultaneous processes leading to loosening and caking, turns into an ordered system due to the separation of these processes in time. Probably, with the help of laboratory simulations, it is necessary to clarify how the directed and withdrawn fluid flows should be matched and adjusted. Most likely, when shaking, you need the maximum filling of the column with liquid. (By the way, the resolution of the contradiction in time is the next barrier that stands in the way of the inventor, and it is the first in relation to the resolution of the contradiction in space).

The most suitable design of a vibrator-shaker can probably be a device in the form of a light screw, which has an inclined plane (planes, blades) and the ability to move up and down sharply. It is also a waveguide for transmitting vibrations in the same directions, that is, up and down. Vibration for compaction, upward movement for downward shaking, shaking itself for loosening. Inclined planes for lateral movement of resin granules. That is, inclined planes perform the main function, since from the point of view of the real process, lateral movements are the main cause. In the presence of the main movement (directed upwards, the Archimedes force) and the secondary (directed downwards, gravity), it creates the main contradiction leading to uneven distribution of particles and, accordingly, to the formation of channels and caking. Forced movement in the horizontal direction by horizontally directed vibrations, which Goryaninov comes to, in combination with a "matched" frequency, firstly, is difficult to implement, secondly, to vertical leaks and, in combination with a "matched" frequency, to dispersion of particles. In the case of using inclined planes with vertically directed vibration of the sound (audible) range, the granules move (flow) "by themselves". Thus, the lateral movement of the granules and the layer as a whole against the background of the transition from a less dense to a denser layer structure eliminates uneven distribution of granules and, accordingly, maintains a uniform distribution of microflows, without the formation of local channels. The same screw allows you to return to the beginning of the process: lift the mass of resin and, shaking it sharply down, loosen it, that is, bring it into initial state. I admit that under conditions of vibroflow of resin layers, it is possible to move them upwards by rotating the screw. It would be the perfect picture. But every idea needs a trial. Invention and experiment (the simplest) are an inseparable pair.

It is interesting to note that Goryainov gives the vertically arranged blades a slight slope, more correctly creates a steep slope. But does it "in order to reduce the pressure of the upper layers of the resin" and does not yet see the true reason for applying the slope that the system requires. While the slope in its installation acts as a hint of a slope. This reverse order of things is hallmark when predicting the goals of the system "my" method. During the search, the researcher may repeatedly touch or face the manifestation the right idea, but at the same time, showing miracles of logical resourcefulness, goes aside for the next round. In my text, there are also probably moments where the subconscious has not managed to get to the level of consciousness. Goryainov's text contains a number of words, sentences, which I accept, but put in a different content. Therefore, I am laying out Goryainov's text in such detail, in parallel. The reader can make his own comparisons.

If you look at the resulting consistent system as a whole, then it works like a doubly pump. In the process of vibration, the resin mass is compacted and liquid is squeezed out of the pore space; when shaken, the resin is loosened and the pore space is filled again. At the same time, when the auger is raised (before shaking), the liquid flows or is squeezed from top to bottom, therefore, by the way, special sharpness in shaking is not necessary. What to focus on is up to the experts. It is possible that forced squeezing can be used to wash out small things.

As a result, the use of an undesirable caking effect along the way of its unfolding and self-realization led to the idea of ​​vibration. The development of this idea, combined with the use of the second undesirable effect (the formation of ducts), gave the idea of ​​shaking. The analysis of these ideas helped to reveal the essence of the process leading to the formation of ducts, caking and put forward the following idea. As a regulator of the optimal pore space, use the duty cycle of resin transition from looser to denser distribution of resin granules in the liquid medium. This idea led to the idea of ​​a construct and the coordination of its work with the supply of liquid. And the construct itself, in combination with the analysis, supplemented and completed the resolution of the main contradiction in the system: the chaotic lateral displacements of the granules were translated into an ordered movement along inclined plane in the direction of the maximum possible uniform distribution of granules and, accordingly, the maximum possible uniform distribution of microflows throughout the body of the granular layer. Probably, the issue of removing the fine-grained fraction is resolved along the way. Although in our case, it does not really interfere. Thus, the dynamic system operates in a continuous cyclic mode from the state when the channels have not yet formed (highest performance) to the state of the most uniform flow distribution possible (lowest capacity), bypassing the stage of formation of channels.

As you can see, the initial mother idea arises immediately and then the process of generating the following ideas goes naturally. An antipode appears, they (ideas) come into interaction, giving birth to everything else. There is no throwing to apply one, the other is not here. Moreover, the author does not aim to eliminate the ducts and does not attempt to influence them. The channels here are a consequence, it is just a mark or indicator that shows the direction to the cause: to the properties and, accordingly, the behavior of the bulk material. It is not the rivers that form the banks, but the banks that form the river and the channels. The geometric and dynamic characteristics of the river, being a reflection, indicate the geometric and physical-mechanical properties of the landscape. In our case, resin. At the same time, from the point of view of further development, the system is not closed. You can go further in your search. In particular, the following direction appears: the selection of granules of a certain granular composition. That is, determining the curve of the optimal distribution of the resin particle size distribution to create the optimal pore space.

"Let's formulate a physical contradiction in the form familiar to ARIZ: (03) the cross section of the column, including the resin and the moving solution, in (S) must have equal hydraulic resistance throughout the entire period of operation so that the solution flows around each resin particle at the same speed, and must have different hydraulic resistance, since in the granular layer the solution will still flow along the line of least resistance.

IFR: (03) the section of the column, including the resin and the moving solution, in (S) the entire period of operation must itself provide both equal and different hydraulic resistance.

When searching for a fundamentally possible solution, the "Formulation of a fundamental decision (similar to IFR) is taken: "The problem of a sorption column will be solved if an absolutely uniform flow of solution around resin particles is organized."

The reader can compare final results and, quite possibly, he will see that these three attitudes can be carried out and read from completely different points of view. You can read "as if", abstractly, and you can read it literally, concretely, that is, go all the way from the abstract to the concrete. This movement is the essence of the method used.

The second direction, which follows from the conditions of the problem, will require a radical transformation. Let's look at caking from a static point of view. Again the same question. What is the aim of resin and its granules during caking? The answer has already sounded earlier: to compaction by forming tighter contacts between the granules, to accretion and agglomeration. Let's say in more detail. At the geometry level, this is compaction (shrinkage). At the level of mechanics - hardening. At the level of physics - diffusion. Accordingly, from a technological point of view: touch-approach, compression, sintering or foaming, in our case, while maintaining an open-pore structure. Hence the idea. The granules must be stabilized by sintering or foaming. We have already passed the geometric and mechanical paths.

In this case, you can refer to the past as an analogy. In the first idea technical solution the system works like a pump. But a separate granule works the same way. During sorption, not only the surface works, but also the pores of the granules, it swells. After ion exchange, you need to squeeze out the finished product (liquid). Being in a free state or under conditions of a decrease in the surrounding liquid, this process occurs naturally, since an incompletely cross-linked granule has the property of a jelly. Swells in liquid, shrinks without liquid. These are her own aspirations. Therefore, to improve the quality of sorption and increase productivity, it is necessary to activate this process. Partly at the level of the granular layer as a body, this has already been done by us by loosening and compacting the swelling resin by shaking and vibration, respectively, in the infrasonic and sonic intervals. Now that the granules are agglomerated by sintering or foaming, one can not be afraid of dispersion and apply higher frequencies from the ultrasonic range.

Such an idea for its implementation will require the introduction of ultrasonic waveguides, although it is quite possible that it is possible to get by with the existing ones and put sintered (foamed) resin plates into the interblade space. This is a kind of analogy of a tray distillation column, where it is proposed to use porous resin sheets as trays, but helical, that is, having an inclination (to increase the liquid path). Thus, we have come close to the capillary ultrasonic effect. In a liquid medium, ultrasound forces the liquid into the pores. The opposite effect occurs if the porous material is saturated with liquid, it is in a gaseous or liquid-depleted medium, and vibrations are imparted to it. The liquid comes out instantly. That is, depending on the distribution of the s/l or s/t phases, sorption can be controlled. By the way, the developers of the ultrasonic washing machine just do not have enough drying, coupled with ironing. Then it would be possible to raise the price and increase demand.

Now, if we take a look at the course of the presented path, then it is not difficult, I hope, to see that we have consistently gone deep into the process in accordance with the method "from the abstract to the concrete" from time to time, turning over what was found in the course of an already real process. From the geometric and verbal image to the physical essence and vice versa: from the physical essence to the geometry of the construct and the description of the operating principle. By isolating new ideas, the process went by itself, without any brainstorming or trial and error. I agree that reading this text is quite difficult. It would be simple and clear if I started with ultrasound, that is, I would lead the reasoning in the reverse order, from the pump-granule to the pump-column. Then the ideas would be clear, everything would be logical, but it would be impossible in principle to understand or guess how they were obtained. I think that many have come across the fact that after writing an article, especially in a burst of creative imagination, then the paragraphs were rearranged according to the principle from bottom to top. Previously, scissors were used with printed text, now it is done on a computer: "cut", "paste".

Using the same method and finding out the purpose of the system, you can solve the problem of an ice polishing pad. It can be said in advance that the applied move "from the concrete" led to the mixing and non-separation of two directly opposite processes: polishing and grinding. As a result, the search led to an abstraction, to an imaginary, unstable system that can not be used for grinding or polishing. Therefore, I think that this issue must be considered.




DEVELOPER: physics teacher

Prohorenkova O.A.

Purpose of the event: Show the connection of physics with various natural phenomena, that answers for a moment to questions that arise in life, everyday life, in nature, etc., can only be given on the basis of knowledge of physical phenomena and patterns;

"Include" students during the campaign in active mental work;

To give intellectual coloring to hiking trips, outings into nature, to fill halts, hours of rest and outdoor games with interesting tasks related to physics;

To teach to see physics in the world around;

Development of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, rivalry, responsibility, cognitive interest;

Education of a culture of communication, rules of conduct in a campaign, environmental education.

Event objectives: Repeat basic physical concepts, formulas, laws and phenomena in their direct manifestation in nature, to show the organic connection between theory and practice.

Methods: Verbal, visual, practical, active, stimulating, encouraging.

Material and technical equipment: Hiking equipment, inventory, improvised means, dishes, prizes, paper, pens, calculator.


    M. E. Tulchinsky “Qualitative tasks in physics”. Moscow, Dedication, 1972.

    S. A. Tikhomirova "Physics in proverbs, riddles, and fairy tales", Moscow, School Press, 2002.

    S. A. Tikhomirova "Didactic materials on physics", Moscow, School press, 2003.

    V. I. Elikin, L. D. Garmash "Physics and astronomy on a hike and in nature", Moscow, School press, 2003.

    Journals "Physics at School" No. 3 1997, No. 6 2001.

Many years of tourism have shown that this is a huge effective and still little used source of opportunities for understanding the world around and educating a person. In the forest, by the river, by the fire, nature imperiously invades the life of a tourist, into his soul and heart, submits to its laws. And everyone, first intuitively, and then consciously, comes to the conclusion that knowledge of the laws of nature is necessary.

A hike is a space for observations, active mental work, it is a space for communication, organizing contests, quizzes, setting up experiments and experiments.

Work experience allows us to assert that on hikes, students learn and apply the laws of physics with greater efficiency than at a desk, since they clearly feel the "action" of these laws of nature on themselves.

The content of this event is designed for a two-day hike with one overnight stay. The tourist group is divided into three teams, each of which functions as a single entity throughout the entire trip, i.e., not only takes part in competitions, but also participates in all the daily activities of the camp. Thus, the winning team is determined at the end of the campaign, which takes into account the effective participation of the team in all stages.

Intellectual competitions and outdoor games must be rationally alternated in order to change activities.

In order for the event to be completed, it is recommended that students at the end of the trip be asked to complete their homework of their choice.

Explanations for the event

Physics through the eyes of a tourist

    It is dangerous for a tourist to stay in wet clothes and wet shoes for a long time: you can easily catch a cold. Why?

    Explain why, if our hands are cold in the cold, we blow on them to keep warm? And sometimes we blow on them in the summer. Why and what does it give?

    When a person exits the lungs, water vapor is always released along with air. Why do we see it only in winter or very cold autumn?

    Why shouldn't tourists leave bottled water outside in winter?

    What is the temperature of the puddle in which the ice floats?

    Place your palms so that they are illuminated by the sun's rays: remember the sensations. Now moisten your palms with water and again expose them to the sun in the same way. Compare your feelings. How do you explain them?

    You see a tractor in the distance. How do you tell if it's moving or standing still?

    Are there “points” on the body of a walking tourist (name them) that move: A) progressively. B) rotationally. B) fluctuating.

    How, approaching the iron track, in a simple way, based on the knowledge of physics, to find out about the approach of the train?

    At what time of the year do electric wires on poles along the road sag more, why?

    Why did an experienced tourist take a white panama on a summer hike?

    Why is it harder to walk uphill than downhill?

    Why is it impossible to cook meat high in the mountains even in boiling water?

    Why does it hurt to walk barefoot on mowed grass?

    Why does fog form first in the lowlands in the meadow after sunset?

    How to explain the spread in the calm air of the smells of meadow flowers, mowed grass, smoke?

    Why does a person who comes out of the water after swimming feel cold, and this feeling is especially strong in windy weather?

    Approaching the river, one of the tourists shouted loudly. After 5 seconds, he heard an echo from the opposite wooded shore. What is the distance to it? (The speed of sound is assumed to be 331 m/s)

    Tourists left their badly inflated volleyball on the beach. And he lay under the rays of the sun for some time. At the same time, it swelled up as if it had been pumped up with a pump. Explain what happened.

    Why does the sand on the beach get hotter than the water on a hot sunny day? And at night he colder than water?

    On a hot summer sunny day, the travelers decided to make a halt. Where is it better to sit down to rest: on a stone or on the ground? Why?

    Why is it difficult to cut wood directly on the ground?

    Why is it so important when working with an ax and a knife to sharpen them well?

    With an ax, with which handle, long or short, is it easier to chop wood?

    How to explain the action of the pipette? syringe?

    How to explain the “sucking” blood action of the bandage with which the attendants tied a cut finger?

    The attendants need to bring dry firewood for the fire. By what physical signs can dry firewood be distinguished from raw firewood?

    Where is the best place to put a clothesline to dry laundry?

    What kind of water, warm or cold, is it better to drink the medicine so that it is absorbed faster?

    In what water, hot or cold, is it better to soak peas for cooking soup so that it swells faster?

    Does water boil in the "tubes" of cooked pasta?

    How to explain that if you cook porridge, such as pearl barley, over high heat in a pot closed with a lid, then when the lid is removed, it is “dotted” with adhering grains from the inside?

    Why does butter foam when melted in a pan?

    To make croutons, bread is cut into thin slices or cubes. Why?

    What role do salt and sugar play in canning?

    Explain in physical language what happens when we strike a match on a box. Why does the match light up? A match can be lit by touching its head to the fire. Are the ways of changing the energy of a match the same in both cases?

    The calorific value of birch firewood is higher than that of pine wood. How do you understand this expression?

    Why does water extinguish a fire?

    In which pot, open or closed, does water boil faster?

    Hot tea was left in a kettle by the fire. To what temperature will it cool down if they stop throwing wood into the fire?

    Which spoon is better to eat: wooden, steel or aluminum?

    Which soup will cool faster: fatty or lean? Why?

    The tourist leaves nothing on his plate, he picks up the sauce and gravy with breadcrumbs. Why does he succeed?

    For dinner, crackers were distributed instead of bread. And that's what always happens on long trips. Why do tourists take crackers instead of bread? What physical phenomena underlie the preparation of breadcrumbs?

    Why do dew and fog form? Why is there a lot of dew after a hot day?

    What force causes raindrops to move towards the ground?

    Once caught in the rain, the tourists got pretty wet and hung their wet clothes on the ropes. But they didn't dry out. Why?

    Where do you need to, it seems, wait out a thunderstorm if it overtakes you: in the forest, on a mountain or on a hill, while swimming in a pond?

    Why does a mosquito squeak and a fly buzz?

    How, having seen a flying bee, to determine whether it flies for prey or returns with it to the hive?

    Why do many animals sleep curled up in cold weather?

    Why do water striders calmly move along the surface of a reservoir?

    Explain the meaning of the saying "Water off a duck's back" and the expression "Wet chicken".

    What physical processes are involved in fish respiration?

    Why does a dog stick out its tongue in extreme heat?

    Why is it believed that if the stars are clearly visible in the sky, then the night will be cold?

    Explain in terms of physics sayings:

    Dry spoon tears up your mouth.

    It goes like clockwork.

    It creaks like an unoiled cart.

    Slippery as burbot.

    Mow the scythe while the dew.

Look at all the flora and fauna around you and choose from what you see examples of various types of mechanical movement.

Watch the birds fly: what do they "do" with their paws? How to explain it?

Look at how a caterpillar crawls on a leaf of a tree. Now explain the way it moves from the position of physics.

Bend the tree branch. What do you think, what deformations occurred on its outer and inner surfaces?

Look at the aspen leaf. What movement do they make and why do they tremble?

Listen to the rustle of the trees. Why are they making noise? What is the nature of these sounds.


    From the dungeon a hundred sisters

Released into space

Take them carefully

Rub your head against the wall

Strike deftly once and twice

The head will light up. ………(Matches)

    We put firewood in it -

He then highlights

Lots of light and heat.

And food is being prepared. ……….(Bonfire)

    What is not visible from the fire, but everyone needs? ...... (Heat)

    Sat on the heat

Steam from the nose ………..(Kettle)

    little scoop,

Dear all friend,

Take three times a day

Then they put it in place. ……..(Spoon)

    I am small, but remote.

It's worth taking a look at me

I will point you in the right direction. ……….(Compos)

    You are behind her, she is away from you,

You are from her, she is behind you. ……(Shadow)

    Who, without learning, speaks all languages? …….(Echo)

    It pours into it, it pours out of it,

It floats on the ground itself. ……..(River)

    Curls around the nose, but not in the hands. ……(Smell)

    It warms in winter, smolders in spring,

Dies in summer, revives in autumn. …….(Snow)

    You put it in the oven - it gets wet,

You put it in water and it dries. …….(Candle)

    Flies on the ground in the evening,

The night is on earth

In the morning it flies again. …..(Dew)

    Come on, grab her in a handful-

Will not hold in a handful. …….(Water)

    Who does not see me

But everyone hears

And anyone can see my companion,

But no one hears. ……(Thunder, lightning)

    On the street is a shirt, and in the hut there are sleeves. ….(Sun rays)

    When is the sky lower than the earth? ……(When reflected in a pond)

    The painted yoke hung across the river. ….(Rainbow)

    Without a head, but with horns. …..(Month)

    What is only visible at night? ……(Stars)

    Fireflies in the blue sky

Don't reach out to them

And one big firefly

Curved like a worm. ……(Stars, month)


    What physical phenomenon (concept, law) is mentioned in the proverb?

    What is its physical meaning?

    Is the proverb true from the point of view of physics?

    What is its meaning in life?


    Run, if necessary, but do not fall with your nose.

    You cannot move a stone alone, but you can raise mountains with an artel.

    Things went like clockwork.

    The plow shines from work.

    Ten pull uphill, downhill and one will push.

    A large tail is difficult to wag.

    You can't run on one wheel.

    Do not hammer a nail with a light hammer.

Hydro - aerostatics (dynamics)

    Even a small pebble will not float if it falls into the water.

    Water always flows down, smoke always rises.

    Only bubbles float well.

    The wind blows, weave the grain.

    Beware of a quiet dog, but still water.

Vibrations and waves

    Do not swing like a swing, the time will come to stop.

    Which string is broken - you can hear it by the sound.

    Whatever you click in the forest, such will respond.

    There is a lot of noise from an empty barrel.

    You can't stop your ears from loud thunder.

    If you do not beat the drum, it will not make a sound.

    The bat sees in the dark.

Molecular physics

    A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey.

    Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't put it together.

    On a bag of salt and a salty rope.

    He ran to the smell of meat, thought pilaf, but came running, looking: donkeys are branded.

Warmth and work

    Snow is a blanket for wheat.

    Wind fire helper.

    If the poker is long, you won't burn your hands.

    No matter how hot the water is, it will not burn houses.

    I would ask the goose if his feet are cold.

    Do not sleep, eat hot porridge from the middle, but calmly take it along the edge.

MCT of vapors, liquids and solids

    You will recognize the approach of winter by frost, the approach of summer by rain.

    The salt marsh does not turn green, the fool does not grow wiser.

    The fog eats the snow.

    Water has a flexible back.

    Flows like pitch in the cold.

    You can't paint pictures on water.

    Evil and good are like water and oil: they cannot mix.

    Talk to him about carrying water in a sieve.

    The less the tree bends, the easier it breaks.

    From the young, as from wax: what you want, then you can mold it.

    A perch with too many chickens collapses.

Team competition

    Packing a backpack

“Is your backpack friend or foe?”

Packing a backpack is a "fusion" of science and art. The packed backpack should be flat and high in shape, its side adjacent to the back should repeat the shape of the back as closely as possible, because in this case the pressure of the backpack on the back will be much less due to the greater support (P= F/ S).

For the same reason, the straps of the backpack should be wide, and a semi-rigid belt at waist level is desirable. The center of gravity of the backpack should be as close as possible to the back at the level of the shoulder blades, that is, as close as possible to the vertical line passing through the biological center of gravity of a person.

When packing a backpack, heavy things should be placed as close to the back as possible, and light equipment should be as far away from it as possible.


It is always pleasant to sit by the fire, the fire of which is conducive to conversation. You can talk about anything, including the phenomena that we got acquainted with in physics lessons.

Kindling a fire is also a science. It is necessary to collect suitable firewood, lay it correctly and, finally, kindle it using a minimum number of matches. And if the matches are damp, or they were forgotten to take at all, what to do in this situation? What are the ways to make fire?

    With the help of solar radiation and a magnifying glass, that is, a plano-convex lens. The lens must be positioned so that part of the sun's rays pass through it and focus on flammable material: paper, moss, hay, etc.

(This method is based on the ability of a converging lens to focus rays at one point and concertize radiation energy in it.)

    By hitting a piece of metal on silicon, the spark produced is directed to a highly flammable material.

    Fire is produced by rubbing a dry stick against wood.

(2 and 3 methods are based on the transition mechanical work into warmth.)

3. Food on a hike

The life and activity of the human body is associated with continuous energy costs. These costs are made up of the costs of based metabolism (that is, to maintain the existence and functioning of the body), labor and rest.

Any energy costs in everyday life and on a hike require recovery. The body receives the necessary amount of energy as a result of food intake, processing of organic substances contained in it: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Food is a kind of fuel that supports the life and work of the human body. But different foods have different energy values, just as different fuels have different calorific values: that is, burning in the body, 100 g of different foods releases different amounts of energy.

Dependence of energy costs on the type of tourism and the category of complexity of the hike (per 1 person per day)

Type of tourism

Difficulty factor










12 990

14 246

15 503

17 180

18 855


0,8 – 0,9

10 391

11 397

12 151

15 461

16 970


15 587

17 095

18 436

20 615

22 626


16 886

18 520

20 154

22 333

24 512

Energy costs at various types activity and rest (per 1 kg of body weight)

Cost type

The value of energy costs (kJ)

Walking on a flat road at a speed of:

4.2 km/h

6 km/h

8 km/h




Walking uphill at a speed of:

2 km/h


Running on a flat road at a speed of:

9 km/h


Swimming at speed:

10 m/min



Rest lying awake

The main source of energy in food is carbohydrates. They provide up to 70-75% of the required energy, the proportion of proteins and fats is 25-30%. They are mainly used to build new cells and produce enzymes. In food, fats, proteins and carbohydrates should be in a ratio of 1:1:4.

Energy value and composition of staple foods

The product's name

Digestible part per 100 g of product in grams

Energy value (kJ)

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Rye bread

wheat bread



bread products

5 1 42

7 0,4 45

10 1 69

12 15 58



Condensed milk

Processed cheese

Hard cheese

Dairy products

7 8 55

19 18 2

22 20 3





Sunflower oil

pork fat


Fats, eggs

0,8 78 0,6

2 82

12 11 0,5




Semi-smoked sausage


Canned Pork

canned beef

Meat products

14 35

12 14 6

13 28 0,3

16 12 0,4



Sprats in oil

Pike in tomato

Fish products

16 31 0,7

10 4 4




Oat groats

Pearl barley

Rice groats


Cereals, pasta

9 2 63

10 0,7 70

9 6 60

6 1 66

7 1 73

9 1 71












5 27 62

0,3 62









13 55

7 54

6 72




The body requires energy balance: equality of energy consumption and the amount of energy supplied to it with food. Knowing the energy costs on a particular section of the route, it is possible to plan a diet according to the tables given: its energy value (calorie content, composition and mass)

How do you plan meals for a hike?

First of all, an energy balance equation is drawn up.

Consider that normal meals should be hot and three times a day, i.e., consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Between breakfast and lunch, after about 3 hours, you can make a “snack”, the energy value of which should be 10% of the daily diet.

Now, knowing how to properly plan meals on a hike, you need to make a diet for a day according to the scheme: 30% + 10% + 20%.

    Your travel mug

In a hike, every little thing is important, for example, a mug. How can a tourist do without it? But what mug to take with you on a hike? Of course, strong and light. Everyone knows that materials such as glass are brittle, metals are stronger, and plastics are lighter. What mug to take? What needs to be done so that the aluminum mug does not burn your hands? How to make an unbreakable thermos mug?

    Who will throw a pebble higher

Pebbles should be approximately equal in mass and volume. How will the judge determine which stone has risen to the highest height?

    Determine the average speed of the ant

    Walk so that your path and movement are 2 each, but lie on the same line.

    Get the potato

In a mug filled with water on top, a potato lies at the bottom. Get her out. You can’t tilt and move the mug, you can’t use foreign objects either.

    Thermal conductivity

Prove, using improvised materials, that the thermal conductivity of the wood is bad, and that of aluminum is good.

    cook jelly

You have a pot with a capacity of 4 liters and a ten-liter bucket. How, using these items, pour 2 liters of water into the pot to make jelly?

    Keep Warm


How can you tell whether an egg is raw or boiled without breaking the shell? Why?

    Drown the bottle

An empty plastic bottle must be drowned in water. How to do it?

    Make a filter

Make a water filter from natural materials: pebbles or pebbles of different sizes or sand, an empty plastic bottle, gauze. Demonstrate it in action.

    Make a beaker

Using a half-liter jar and a 200 gram glass, make a beaker from a plastic bottle with a division value of 100 g.

Bibliographic description: Shirokova O. I., Zinatova M. Kh. Molecular physics in proverbs // Young scientist. 2015. №3. S. 134-136..06.2019).

"A proverb is not said in vain"

(Folk wisdom)

Proverbs and sayings are the embodiment of folk wisdom, the embodiment of experience accumulated by mankind for centuries. If you do not know what to do in a given situation, it is enough to turn to the wisdom of the ancestors, contained in proverbs and sayings, and time-tested.

A proverb is a short folk saying with instructive content, a folk aphorism. It conveys the meaning of a particular life situation through symbolic images and comparisons, plays an important role in our lives, many life situations can be explained with it. The proverbs of the peoples of the world have much in common with natural differences reflecting historical, socio-economic, natural conditions in which a particular nation was formed.

Often in proverbs physical phenomena are clearly reflected. Moreover, proverbs can be compared with physical laws or mathematical formulas, since their short form contains rich content. They are our property. They show the brilliant brevity of the national language, the liveliness of colloquial intonations and have long earned their well-deserved fame.

But are they always true from the point of view of the laws of molecular physics? I tried to answer these questions in my article. Now consider the proverbs that talk about thermal phenomena. Let's try to explain the physical meaning of certain processes described in proverbs. Here are some of them.

Flint on flint- spark(Russian). Which is quite understandable: ignition occurs due to an increase in internal energy as a result of doing work against friction forces.

The smoke melts inair (Russian). Smoke particles are involved in Brownian motion and collide with each other. The volume occupied by the smoke increases and the density of the smoke decreases.

You can’t heat the sea with a nail (awl) (Russian). A nail (like an awl) has a small mass, and the metal from which it is made has a relatively small specific heat. Therefore, the amount of heat that a nail can give off is small, and they cannot heat a large mass of water.

A lot of snow- a lot of bread (Russian). The snow is deep- the year is good (Russian).Snow- a blanket for wheat: the thicker, the better she sleeps (Chinese). Snow has very poor thermal conductivity, since between its constituents there is air, which is a poor conductor of heat, and the thicker the snow, the worse it conducts heat. Therefore, snow can be compared to a blanket that protects winter crops from freezing. In addition, in the spring, when more snow melts, more moisture gets into the ground, which has a fruitful effect on the seedlings of grain crops.

The sun heats up more when there are no clouds (Mongolian). Clouds are a kind of "screen", preventing direct sunlight from heating the earth more strongly.

The water has a flexible back (Finnish). Water comes in different states of aggregation, in the liquid state has fluidity.

Winter- not summerwearing seven fur coats(Russian). In winter, the ambient temperature is lower than that of a person. To keep their warmth, a person puts on a fur coat - fur clothes. Since the fur has poor thermal conductivity (due to the presence of air between the hairs), the heat of the human body is not transferred to the surrounding air.

fly in the ointmentbarrel of honey (Russian). Small bug, but smelly(Russian).A vegetable shop doesn't need a sign. Diffusion (as a physical and chemical process) is the mutual penetration of molecules of one substance into the gaps between the molecules of another. In this case, honey and tar diffuse. Tar is a resinous liquid substance with a persistent unpleasant odor. Therefore, even its small mass will spoil the product.

Make hay while the sun is shining (English). Evaporation rate is higher at higher temperature.

Chopped onion smells andburns eyes more strongly (Mongolian). Diffusion occurs more intensively around a chopped onion than around an onion enclosed in a peel.

On the bag withsalt andsalty rope (Korean). The salt diffuses through the bag.

Evil andgood as water andbutter: they cannot mix (Mongolian). The density of oil is less than the density of water, so it floats in water. These liquids do not mix because they have different densities.

Absorbs like a sponge(Russian). In the old days, sea sponges were used instead of rags. They are permeated with many thin vessels and, after treatment in boiling water, their capillary passages are easily filled with liquid. These sponges are able to absorb a fairly large amount of water.

As withgoose water (Russian). The feathers of the goose and other waterfowl are covered with a very thin layer of fat secreted by the subcutaneous glands. Fat is not wetted by water. The bird, coming out of the water, shakes itself and turns out to be dry.

The metal is well cast if it boils for a long time (Russian). As the temperature of solids increases, kinetic energy their particles: they begin to oscillate at a faster rate. Destruction occurs, the lattice decays (long-range order turns into short-range order), and the crystal begins to melt, i.e., the substance begins to pass into a liquid state.

Strike while the iron is hot(Russian). An increase in temperature sharply increases the plastic properties of materials, so that many metals can only be forged when they are very hot. Hot metals are quite easy to give the desired shape.

It's easy to rake in the heat with someone else's hands(Russian)."Heat" - burning coals that burn the hands. Raking them out of the oven was not at all an easy task for the hostess: it would be easier and easier for her to do it “by proxy”, without the risk of getting burned.

Friendship is like glass, break it- you can't put it down (Russian).sliced ​​off todo not put bread. chop off- don't put it down, say it- do not turn back(Russian). Each molecule attracts to itself all neighboring ones, and is itself attracted by them. Mutual attraction between molecules becomes noticeable only when they are very close to each other. At a distance greater than the size of the molecules themselves, the attraction weakens. However, fragments (pieces of bread) cannot be spliced ​​together, even by pressing them tightly. Due to irregularities, it is not possible to bring them closer to the distance at which the intermolecular attraction of molecules acts.

The fire is not poured with oil. Do not add oil tofire. Fill fire with oil- just add fire(Russian). Hot oil begins to smoke due to the fact that at this moment unwanted chemical changes begin.

Frozen as at the bottom of the sea (Russian). This is explained by the fact that it is always cold at the bottom of the sea, since the sun's rays do not warm up the layers of water: thermal, infrared rays are absorbed by almost the entire water surface. In addition, water has a relatively low thermal conductivity.

Dear reader, try to explain the physical meaning of some Russian proverbs:

- The sun warms the universe.

- Don't touch the hot iron.

- The red sun on the white light warms the black earth.

- On which barn there is snow, buy bread from it.

- There is no smoke without fire.

- And damp firewood catches fire.

The work on this topic introduced me to the world of wildlife, which is sensitive to changes. environment. Reopened my eyes to a variety of sources of information about the nature of my native land, alive and beautiful, familiar from childhood, but lost in the depths of memory. She returned to the world of folk proverbs and sayings, built on the observation of people. I came to this conclusion: folk proverbs and proverbs are not a set of laws. They not only express ethical norms, but are also closely related to physics.


  1. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language: OK.53000 words - Moscow, Onyx Publishing House LLC, 2005.-1200s.
  2. Tikhomirova S.A. Physics in proverbs and sayings [text] - Moscow: Education, 1993.- 47p.

25.01.2010, 19:32

Drips down the pipe, help me figure it out.
In my country house on the second floor, streaks appeared along the pipe. I can’t understand why, help me figure it out. The leak only occurs when the fireplace is lit.
There were streaks at the beginning of severe frosts when the temperature dropped below -10 gr.
The fireplace-stove has been in operation since February 2009, then there were also frosts, but not so protracted and strong. There were no leaks. There was no spring or autumn.
The stove-maker who laid the "shield" says that he does not know what the matter is, such as most likely the condensate that forms between the ceiling of the 2nd floor and the roof.
But there are doubts, because 1) The streaks are continuous. 2) The water is yellow and smelly - it smells strongly of smoked meat. In short, "sos" !! On the second floor there is such a stench that it is already impossible to sleep.

Anatoly A

25.01.2010, 19:46

Andrey, between the roof and the ceiling, it is necessary to insulate the pipe, it's cold there, and even a draft, and all problems will be eliminated.

25.01.2010, 23:55

thanks in advance to the experts

26.01.2010, 00:48

Andrew, I'm in the same situation. On the 2nd floor the chimney is wet. I'm guessing it's condensation. It is formed at a height of 4-5 m from the boiler and appears if there is no metal in the pipe. case. I have an asbestos-cement pipe inside - I was greedy for stainless steel, now I'm breaking my head.

Zhirnov Vladimir

26.01.2010, 01:58

Anatoly, thanks for the advice. The baker also talked about it. But I have a question in doubt! If it's condensation, then why is it brown and smoked?? did it come from inside the oven? It must be clean as a tear!! And why are the seams between the bricks wet and as if flowing? Or maybe condensation passes through the cement from the inside? can this be? And another question - how to properly insulate a brick pipe in the attic space, so to speak, technology ....
thanks in advance to the experts
Moisture comes out from the inside.

The scheme is available.

26.01.2010, 02:48

Moisture comes out from the inside.
It is useless to insulate the pipe itself, the brick is still cold.
Perhaps a sandwich insert would help. The reason is the design of the furnace.
The scheme is available.
Good day! Dear stove-makers, what can you say about such material "Furanflex", and the technology too? I read it on the Internet and I think - will it help to get rid of condensate and damp plaster on the chimney? Thanks in advance.

Anatoly A

26.01.2010, 09:54

Ana] Andrey, the pipe is placed up to the roof on clay mortar, higher on cement. Your pipe is made of a high grade brick M250, and maybe higher. While winter is necessary with any non-combustible material, i.e., wrap it with insulation, in the summer glue 7cm of gas silicate foam, it will not help to shove any pieces of iron and others into the pipe, extra costs.

Kataev Oleg

26.01.2010, 10:15

not shoving any piece of iron and others into the pipe will not help, extra costs.
Exactly, after the piece of iron (it will flow down through them) - you will have to install a condensate collector, and it will stink on the 1st floor.

The reasons may be - violations of GOSTs - an umbrella (which should not be at all) condensate from smoke flows onto the pipe very low, it is cold (and if there are cracks on the outer surface of the pipe, it drips from it inside), or the pipe has already been soaked through with condensate with enhanced combustion of the stove and fireplace with strong air dilution and a decrease in smoke temperature.
Kataev Oleg
In the attic, condensate from the air can mix with pipe condensate, pipe insulation will not hurt there.
I looked at the picture - condensate can (should) form in the attic insulation layer. Are there any leaks above?

Zhirnov Vladimir

26.01.2010, 15:56

Anatoly A

26.01.2010, 16:33

Oleg, the inner contour of a sandwich will warm up faster than a brick.
It is useless to insulate a brick in the attic. Vladimir, answer why in the old days the walls were made meter long, but now it’s enough for 2 bricks.

Zhirnov Vladimir

26.01.2010, 16:59

Anatoly, insulate the pipe. Do not forget to climb on the roof and lay the view on the pipe.

26.01.2010, 17:06

The stove-maker who laid the "shield" says that he does not know what the matter is, such as most likely the condensate that forms between the ceiling of the 2nd floor and the roof.
Anrey, increase the temperature of the flue gases. It can be increased if: 1) keep the forward stroke valve slightly open 2) increase the area of ​​the grate 3) remove one channel in the shield. It could also be due to damp wood.

26.01.2010, 17:06

Thanks everyone for the comments. But I still don't understand what to do. There are many opinions. Putting something inside the pipe will not work 100%, this is not serious. Dripping from the outside - from the umbrella, draining on the outside - there are a few drips from the umbrella, but they do not get inside, there are also traces of drips on the outside of the pipe on the street, but they were when it snowed 40 cm. We cleaned all the snow around the pipe. I've been watching the second weekend for a pipe on the roof, drips and drops do not get inside under the roof. The photo shows everything is dry, there are no traces. It can be insulated in the attic. The main thing is to help. Maybe some other opinions?

26.01.2010, 17:13

Yes, here's another thing - the firewood is really not very dry, I'll try to push the valve, though this will reduce the heating of the shield, okay. increase the area of ​​the grate?? it seems I don’t have it ... removing one channel in the shield is just destroying the shield, the option will not work. All this is good, but the main question remains, why is the condensate smelly? Why! where does it come from!!

26.01.2010, 17:23

Yes, here's another thing - the firewood is really not very dry, I'll try to push the valve, though this will reduce the heating of the shield, okay. increase the area of ​​the grate?? it seems I don’t have it ... removing one channel in the shield is just destroying the shield, the option will not work. All this is good, but the main question remains, why is the condensate smelly? Why! where does it come from!! How are the channels in your shield? if it is vertical, then there is nothing difficult - you break through the wall of the last channel below. No klosnik: o, what kind of fireplace do you have? - open? The condensate stinks, but because it is mixed with soot!

Anatoly A

26.01.2010, 17:31

You did not answer what kind of brick.

26.01.2010, 17:52

Anatoly A - Baltic brick, forgot the name.
sasha - cast-iron Swedish Jotul "3" fireplace, I'll attach a photo right now. Well, we had a little fun (no offense). How can a leak be mixed with soot?? This is inside a leak with soot - by the way, it also flows through the cleaning doors like from a tap for the first 5-10 hours of heating. Well, this is fixable and understandable. But on the outside, smoked leaks are an incomprehensible problem. Looking forward to your comments thanks in advance

26.01.2010, 17:57

yes, and breaking a channel in the shield is not serious, it’s easier to open the direct stroke damper even then, in severe frosts, until the brick really warms up

Anatoly A

26.01.2010, 18:00

Andrey amused, the Baltics are big.

26.01.2010, 18:04

There is no memory at all, I'll forgive the name in a moment and write it off.

26.01.2010, 18:14

Alexander Batsulin

26.01.2010, 18:25

In my opinion, you have a long-burning stove (How long does the firewood bookmark burn?)
If so, then you can not attach a shield to it. And the tuba needs to be made an insulated sandwich. You can fix it by rebuilding the combustion mode to intensive in a potbelly stove.

26.01.2010, 18:31

How can a leak be mixed with soot?? This is inside a leak with soot - by the way, it also flows through the cleaning doors
When the brick is completely saturated with "tar", even on the first floor, then you will understand that the condensate comes with soot, although now it is still filtered by the brick: d. The temperature of the flue gases can be increased if a stainless steel screen is placed on the glass of the furnace door, you also always heat in the cold with a fully open blower - it also increases T, you can still insulate the Yutul itself :(

26.01.2010, 18:31

Exactly. before doing all this, I consulted with three stove-makers, and 2 companies on the topic that I needed. Everyone approved and advised just such an option, so that the brick would not crack, etc. A fireplace or just a potbelly stove, a small shield, a brick chimney. Those. The reason is we heat only weekends. 5 days stove in the cold. I have only bricks in my old house, the firebox too. For 2 seasons, the whole stove cracked. The stove-makers came and looked, they say you can’t heat bricks quickly and intensively in frosts. And so it happened. Therefore, they did it with a fireplace - all the power of the fire is there - the brick is not exposed to strong heat - it gradually heats up. The idea was this. How will we spoil the brick? Unclear...

26.01.2010, 18:35

26.01.2010, 18:36

How will we spoil the brick? It's not clear ... Condensate and spoil that then it will stink even in the summer.

26.01.2010, 18:47

Well, of course, I'm not a stove-maker, so I consulted before building. Nobody talked about condensation. Now there is a problem and how it should be solved. It was necessary for the fool to work at the stove-maker as assistants for a year :)

Anatoly A

26.01.2010, 18:51

Andrey, everything is clear for such a potbelly stove, the pipe 380x520 is very much, you need 380x380, i.e. close half of the exit hole on top of the pipe.

Zhirnov Vladimir

26.01.2010, 18:56

The potbelly stove must be heated intensively, plus heat loss from it.
The firebox needs a brick one instead of a potbelly stove, or an insert into the pipe from a sandwich.
To do this, the pipe must be transferred.

Anatoly A

26.01.2010, 19:11

Yes, I wonder how the company could advise a shield for such a potbelly stove, it is not known with which channels, the five pipe, it impresses.

26.01.2010, 19:25

five pipe, impressive. The only way out is to disassemble the pyaterik pipe to the ceiling of the second floor, insert the valve and exit above the valve with a 4-k pipe.

Alexander Batsulin

26.01.2010, 19:30

firewood burns with an open blower - 30-45 minutes
on almost smoldering mode - 3-4 hours

I would advise to just not use the smoldering burn mode.

And how much firewood burns in 30-45 minutes.

Zhirnov Vladimir

26.01.2010, 19:39

There is a shield diagram. At least he warms up.
All advice will be like dead poultices.

26.01.2010, 19:49

I would advise to just not use the smoldering burn mode.
I think if you heat it intensively, there will be no condensation. You can check the temperature with a thermocouple in the slot of the valve before reworking the pipe.

And how much firewood burns out in 30-45 minutes. Alexander, of course, needs to be heated intensively, but for such a stove, the diameter of the pipe on the furnace nozzle is like 13 cm, which means that the output should be about the same, and not 2 times more.

Kataev Oleg

26.01.2010, 20:01

Oleg, the inner contour of a sandwich will warm up faster than a brick.
Insulating brick is useless in the attic.
I did not propose to insulate the pipe, I am generally against any heaters in the house, I suggested isolating the pipe from condensate - according to the description, this is condensate from attic air mixed with smoke or condensate from it.
Kataev Oleg
Let me return to the assumption - in the layer of insulation from above, condensate forms from warm air from the attic, which flows down the pipe, and the pipe, apparently, is already saturated with condensate from smoke through and through. Everyone has already given advice - to heat the pipe with intense combustion.
Kataev Oleg
Check the integrity of the vapor barrier of the attic insulation, if it exists.

Alexander Batsulin

26.01.2010, 20:18

Alexander, of course, it is necessary to heat intensively, but for such a furnace, the diameter of the pipe on the furnace nozzle is like 13 cm, which means that the output should be approximately the same, and not 2 times larger.

I still don’t understand how a friend drowns?

26.01.2010, 20:28

I still don’t understand how a friend drowns? With a shield, in order to warm it up, the stove must be heated intensively, it cannot be warmed up on slow burning.

Alexander Batsulin

26.01.2010, 21:27

So how does HE drown? ------Andrey?

Blagov Alex

26.01.2010, 22:25

Good health to everyone! Listen to Zhirnov, it’s a matter of redoing the firebox. Condensate is released during the firebox for each firebox and in order to evaporate it, you need a temperature and a draft. But I understand it doesn’t. walls. in short: the damper is fully open, the blower is at max. firewood birch, aspen!

26.01.2010, 23:22

I understand corrective action. 1) Insulate the cedar part 2) heat at full power 3) if possible, do not push the valve to the full 3) Switch to birch, aspen. (I took firewood 50/50 coniferous / aspen birch - like saving a little. And the birch will not be clean until summer. I'll have to heat it up) I leave the alteration of the pipe for an emergency option - if it doesn’t help at all. I would very much not want the tar-waste to pass through the brick to the outer surface. It's kind of fantastic

Alexander Batsulin

26.01.2010, 23:55

Thank you all for your help. I'll tell you a little. I heat it like this - 1 hour directly to full, then I close the damper. It’s already on the shield, until the house heats up, I don’t reduce it. This is somewhere else for 3-5 hours. Then at night there is more firewood and the economy mode is almost smoldering.

And these three to five hours - normal burning or smoldering?

Smoldering in your case, cancel altogether. Smoldering was invented for non-heat-intensive bourgeois women in order to stretch the heat transfer over time. When smoldering, the combustion is delayed, the power released in the firebox is insufficient to maintain the desired temperature in the cold (attic) brick pipe. Hence the condensation. You have a heat-intensive furnace with a shield - there is no need for a smoldering mode.

Anatoly A

27.01.2010, 10:27

Thank you all for your help. I'll tell you a little. I heat it like this - 1 hour directly to full, then I close the damper. It’s already on the shield, until the house heats up, I don’t reduce it. This is somewhere else for 3-5 hours. Then at night there is more firewood and the economy mode is almost smoldering. In the morning again for full burning for 1-2 hours, then again almost smoldering. But this is when the frost is -10 -30 degrees.
Why the pipe is one and a half bricks - the stove-maker made a calculation based on the size of the fireplace door, so it wouldn’t smoke, by the way, everything is okay in this regard.
I understand corrective action. 1) Insulate the cedar part 2) heat at full power 3) if possible, do not push the valve to the full 3) Switch to birch, aspen. (I took firewood 50/50 coniferous / aspen birch - like saving a little. And the birch will not be clean until summer. I'll have to heat it up) I leave the alteration of the pipe for an emergency option - if it doesn’t help at all. I would very much not want the tar-waste to pass through the brick to the outer surface. This is some kind of fantasy. Andrey the furnace needs to be completely redone, all measures are useless, extra money and nerves.

27.01.2010, 15:57

Burning 3-5 hours goes to full. Alteration of the furnace, oh how difficult it will be to do. Well, in any case, only in the summer. I’ll try until the summer, maybe the insulation of the attic space pipe will still help, and they also advised me to insulate that part of the pipe that is on the street - to make a box with insulation, the devil knows, what if it helps ??

Alexander Batsulin

27.01.2010, 17:37

Try to start by simply not using the smoldering mode. For interest, insert a thermocouple (500 rubles) into the valve slot.

02.02.2010, 16:35

here - this weekend the burning is only at full mode, the damper is open directly. There were streaks, but much less and only the first day of heating. I hope that by insulating the attic pipe, it will be possible to solve the problem. I am waiting for zero temperatures to parse the ceiling of the 2nd floor.

Ivan Belarus

02.02.2010, 21:25

here - this weekend the burning is only at full mode, the damper is open directly. There were streaks, but much less and only the first day of heating. I hope that by insulating the attic pipe, it will be possible to solve the problem. I’m waiting for zero temperatures to parse the ceiling of the 2nd floor. What kind of stove is there that you need to idle for 1 hour and then another “3-5” hours to warm up. Well, gluttonous! I don’t know how softer :)) bad.

Blagov Alex

03.02.2010, 00:24

Insulation will not help! The pipe will still freeze for a week.

10.02.2010, 23:49

what kind of stove is there that you need to idle for 1 hour and then another "3-5" hours to warm up. Well, gluttonous!
we are talking about warming up a house on 2 floors - from -15 to +20

Ivan Belarus

11.02.2010, 08:50

we are talking about warming up a house on 2 floors - from -15 to +20 anyway, to heat directly for an hour is nonsense (buzz word :)), this is how much firewood is almost down the drain!. The potbelly stove is designed for a smaller shield, and you have what is in the photo and what is not visible. The shield is L-shaped. And they never mentioned how it was made inside - channels or caps. But everything affects traction. By the way, the stove-maker (Misha) warned you about the size and condensate.

15.01.2011, 22:52

Dear members of the forum, Happy New Year! We have to raise this topic again. This summer I redid the stove, there was a Swede with three horizontal passages, from the plate line above it was laid out on edge. I added one more move and extended it, due to the drying compartment. For more the heat capacity of the furnace made it all into a brick. There is a hog in the attic, I didn’t remake it, I just repaired it, as the cold was approaching. The draft in the furnace is excellent, due to the first stroke lowered to the blower level, the floor became warmer. when the damper closes, the main array also warms up. BUT! ... With the onset of stable cold weather (-10 and below), I was disappointed to see dirty smudges on the pipe. Sliding down to the attic, I saw that the entire pipe and hog were damp, and ice appeared from the bottom of the hog. We drown every day (1 time). Who will advise what?

Sergey from Tver

15.01.2011, 23:33

With the onset of stable cold weather (-10 and below), with chagrin, I saw dirty smudges on the pipe. Sliding down to the attic, I saw that the entire pipe and hogs were damp, and ice appeared from the bottom of the hog. We heat every day (1 time). Who will advise what?

Insulate the burrs and the pipe - URSA two layers + foil (other options are possible).

16.01.2011, 01:35

Andre 114, the heat strip is too large at the channels of your furnace, you need to break through the burnout, making the shortest path to heat the pipe, in the partition between the first and last channels. Maybe he narrowed the channels where, what turns. The pipe is brick or iron.? Channel height?

16.01.2011, 23:02

the height of the channels is about 20 cm, only the first one, the lowest one is 14 cm. pipes can not be dispensed with, if this does not help in the summer, I will remove the top one.

16.01.2011, 23:17

After the condensate, the pipe will overgrow with deposits, the brick will be saturated with condensate, something needs to be done before the summer. With a hacksaw with a sharp nose, cut out the bricks where the partition is supposed to be, take out the bricks a couple and make a burnout there. I break out the partition with a long chisel with a hammer. A turn in the channel on the one hand, which means that the burnout must be done on the other side, it can even be in all channels. I also did the pipe insulation, it saved only in non-frosty weather, but in frost it still gets wet at first, icicles, then it will flow into the house. Everything I am more convinced of the correctness of Victor Selivan's theory about the need for burnouts.

17.01.2011, 00:05

Thanks to everyone for the responses and advice, I'll try to solve the problem using the "scientific" poke method. What will help then unsubscribe.

Sergey from Tver

17.01.2011, 11:37

After the condensate, the pipe will overgrow with deposits, the brick will be saturated with condensate, something must be done before the summer. With a hacksaw on a tree with a sharp nose, cut out the bricks where the partition is supposed to be, take out a couple of bricks and make a burnout there. I break out the partition with a hammer with a long chisel. A turn in the channel on one side means burnout must be done on the other side, even in all channels. I also did the insulation of the pipe, it saved me only in non-frosty weather, but in frost it still gets wet at first, icicles, then it will flow into the house. I am more and more convinced of the correctness of Viktor Selivan's theory about the need for burnouts.

The reasoning is absolutely correct, but in this case, with a cold pipe and a hog, there is good traction, that is, there is no formation of cold air pockets. This suggests that the internal cross-sectional areas of the hog and the chimney are overestimated. Most likely, the hog and the pipe are older than the existing stove, and remained after the dismantling of the old Russian stove - a typical case of the seventies of the last century, when heating shields of various designs were often installed instead of Russian stoves, or in addition to them. In those days, you could meet pipes and a boar wrapped in old jerseys. This was done to prevent the formation of condensate and its freezing in the brickwork. Otherwise, in the summer it was necessary to repair the burs and the pipe, as the tightness of the masonry was broken. Increasing the temperature of the flue gases gives a good effect with a normal calculated ratio of the furnace power and the dimensions of the pipe section. In this case, this will lead to an overestimated consumption of firewood.
Therefore, in this situation, it is better to make warming. It is necessary to put foil under the insulation and on top, gluing it with heat-resistant adhesive tape, otherwise the insulation will get wet and the desired effect will not be. In the summer, in this furnace, of course, it is worth (if possible) to make a burnout, but at the same time do not forget to eliminate the hogs and put a chimney corresponding to the capacity of the furnace, preferably a “sandwich”.
And further. There is no Victor Selivan theory about the need for burnouts.
Material from Wikipedia:
"Theory is a doctrine, a system of ideas or principles. It is a set of generalized provisions that form a science or its section. Theory acts as a form of synthetic knowledge, within which individual concepts, hypotheses and laws lose their former autonomy and become elements of an integral system."

17.01.2011, 12:12

I have a book by V. Selivan, there in all furnaces there are suctions between the channels, this is the main design principle of the author. Of course, he promotes his idea as zealously as some, but his furnaces work. the future Indeed, the size of the pipe matters, in this you are right, of course.

18.01.2011, 00:53

I have a house with a residential semi-basement, in which there is also a stove, but we heat it only in severe frosts so that the floor is warm. this chimney), it can be used as a burnout, i.e. punch a small gap through which part of the smoke will go directly into the hogs?

18.01.2011, 01:00

I have a house with a residential semi-basement, in which there is also a stove, but we heat it only in severe frosts so that the floor is warm. this chimney), it can be used as a burnout, i.e. punch a small gap through which part of the smoke will go directly into the hogs? No, the furnaces should work separately from each other. There will be a suction when you heat the bottom one. If the valve was standing, then yes. Burnouts in the oven itself must be done.

18.01.2011, 01:07

I really didn’t think. The valve from the lower furnace was made at the top, okay, we’ll think

14.12.2011, 00:04

Hello! I have a similar situation. We bought a house where no one lived for 10 years. In the summer, the stove maker shifted the stove in the kitchen. An ordinary brick pipe of 2 bricks. Problem No. 2 - now they began to heat regularly 1 time a day for about 1.5 hours. Firewood-aspen and birch. After 2 weeks of fireboxes, they noticed small wet spots on the pipe in the kitchen. We opened the pipe cleaning - there is a centimeter of water. to the attic, the whole pipe is dripping. The pipe is plastered. It is quite warm in the attic, and the weather is still from 0 to + 5. The attic is not insulated. I'm afraid what will happen in the cold? there is no water, but the pipe is damp and no drips pass. There is no summer valve in the stove, there is a shield with horizontal passages. What to do? Does it make sense to insulate the pipe?

The whole problem is the size of the pipe - very big for your stove. This is usually observed after replacing the Russian stove with the usual "Swede" (the stove is changed, but they forget about the pipe). The easiest way out in this situation is to insert the VULKAN chimney inside the existing pipe (inner diameter 150 mm, outer 250 mm), and the burs, if any, must be well insulated. To insert the chimney, do not forget to invite a normal stove-maker. In the future, it is worth considering building a new furnace.

14.12.2011, 12:14

Sergey from Tver

14.12.2011, 12:52

There is a hog. It comes from the bed in the room and goes out into the same pipe as the stove. But it doesn’t go through the attic, but indoors. Probably, then it makes no sense to insulate? And the stove was completely disassembled and made on a new one. On the same place and, almost the same in shape as the previous one. How much the internal structure has been changed, I don’t know. The shield reached the ceiling, now it’s not so high. I don’t know if the former owner had such problems - he died 8 years ago.

He meant the hog in the attic. It is better to start heating stoves in the current situation and the recommended option from the kitchen. In the future, instead of a reversible sleeve for a "couch", it is necessary to install a separate pipe (preferably a "sandwich").
Furnace with and without horizontal channels summer course- additional "headache" when kindling and maintaining the furnace.

Zhirnov Vladimir

17.12.2011, 00:15

Not everything will go straight, do not get carried away with the width of the burnout. It will be better to warm up, because in every mountain. channel will fall additional portion of the mountains. gases. If you have an entrance to the shield and an exit from the shield into the pipe at different angles, punch boldly and wider. Get a straight-through shield