What is the permissible background radiation? Dosimetry for dummies

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1 milliroentgen per hour [mR/h] = 1000 microroentgen per hour [µR/h]

Initial value

Converted value

gray per second exagray per second petagray per second teragray per second gigagray per second megagray per second kilogray per second hectogray per second decagray per second decigray per second centigray per second milligray per second microgray per second nanogray per second picogray per second femtogray per second attogray in second rad per second joule per kilogram per second watt per kilogram sievert per second millisievert per year millisievert per hour microsievert per hour rem per second roentgen per hour milliroentgen per hour microroentgen per hour

More information about absorbed dose rate and total dose rate of ionizing radiation

General information

Radiation is a natural phenomenon that manifests itself in the fact that electromagnetic waves or elementary particles with high kinetic energy move within the medium. In this case, the medium can be either matter or vacuum. Radiation is all around us, and our life without it is unthinkable, since the survival of humans and other animals without radiation is impossible. Without radiation on Earth there will be no such natural phenomena as light and heat necessary for life. In this article we will discuss a special type of radiation, ionizing radiation or the radiation that surrounds us everywhere. In what follows in this article, by radiation we mean ionizing radiation.

Sources of radiation and its use

Ionizing radiation in the environment can arise due to either natural or artificial processes. Natural sources of radiation include solar and cosmic radiation, as well as radiation from certain radioactive materials such as uranium. Such radioactive raw materials are mined in the depths of the earth and used in medicine and industry. Sometimes radioactive materials enter the environment as a result of industrial accidents and in industries that use radioactive raw materials. Most often this happens due to non-compliance with safety rules for storing and working with radioactive materials or due to the absence of such rules.

It is worth noting that until recently, radioactive materials were not considered hazardous to health, and on the contrary, they were used as healing drugs, and they were also valued for their beautiful glow. Uranium glass is an example of radioactive material used for decorative purposes. This glass glows fluorescent green due to the addition of uranium oxide. The percentage of uranium in this glass is relatively small and the amount of radiation it emits is small, so uranium glass is this moment considered safe for health. They even make glasses, plates, and other utensils from it. Uranium glass is prized for its unusual glow. The sun emits ultraviolet radiation, so uranium glass glows in sunlight, although this glow is much more pronounced under ultraviolet light lamps.

Radiation has many uses, from generating electricity to treating cancer patients. In this article, we will discuss how radiation affects tissues and cells in humans, animals, and biomaterials, with a particular focus on how quickly and how severely damage occurs to irradiated cells and tissues.


First let's look at some definitions. There are many ways to measure radiation, depending on what exactly we want to know. For example, one can measure the total amount of radiation in an environment; you can find the amount of radiation that disrupts the functioning of biological tissues and cells; or the amount of radiation absorbed by a body or organism, and so on. Here we will look at two ways to measure radiation.

The total amount of radiation in the environment, measured per unit time, is called total dose rate of ionizing radiation. The amount of radiation absorbed by the body per unit time is called absorbed dose rate. The total dose rate of ionizing radiation is easy to find using widely used measuring instruments such as dosimeters, the main part of which is usually Geiger counters. The operation of these devices is described in more detail in the article on radiation exposure dose. The absorbed dose rate is found using information about the total dose rate and the parameters of the object, organism, or part of the body that is exposed to radiation. These parameters include mass, density and volume.

Radiation and biological materials

Ionizing radiation has very high energy and therefore ionizes particles of biological material, including atoms and molecules. As a result, electrons are separated from these particles, which leads to a change in their structure. These changes are caused by ionization weakening or destroying chemical bonds between particles. This damages molecules inside cells and tissues and disrupts their function. In some cases, ionization promotes the formation of new bonds.

The disruption of cell function depends on how much radiation damages their structure. In some cases, disorders do not affect cell function. Sometimes the work of cells is disrupted, but the damage is minor and the body gradually restores the cells to working condition. During the normal functioning of cells, such disturbances often occur and the cells themselves return to normal. Therefore, if the radiation level is low and the damage is minor, then it is quite possible to restore the cells to their working condition. If the level of radiation is high, then irreversible changes occur in the cells.

With irreversible changes, cells either do not work as they should or stop working altogether and die. Damage by radiation to vital and essential cells and molecules, such as DNA and RNA molecules, proteins or enzymes, causes radiation sickness. Damage to cells can also cause mutations, which may cause children of patients whose cells are affected to develop genetic diseases. Mutations can also cause excessive fast division cells in patients' bodies - which, in turn, increases the likelihood of cancer.

Conditions that exacerbate the effects of radiation on the body

It is worth noting that some studies of the effect of radiation on the body, which were carried out in the 50s - 70s. last century, were unethical and even inhumane. In particular, these are studies conducted by the military in the United States and the Soviet Union. Most of these experiments were conducted at test sites and designated areas for testing nuclear weapons, such as the Nevada Test Site in the United States, the Novaya Zemlya Nuclear Test Site in what is now Russia, and the Semipalatinsk Test Site in what is now Kazakhstan. In some cases, experiments were carried out during military exercises, such as during the Totsk military exercises (USSR, in what is now Russia) and during the Desert Rock military exercises in Nevada, USA.

Radioactive releases from these experiments harmed the health of the military, as well as civilians and animals in the surrounding areas, since radiation protection measures were insufficient or completely absent. During these exercises, researchers, if you can call them that, studied the effects of radiation on the human body after atomic explosions.

From 1946 to the 1960s, experiments on the effects of radiation on the body were also carried out in some American hospitals without the knowledge or consent of the patients. In some cases, such experiments were even carried out on pregnant women and children. Most often, a radioactive substance was introduced into the patient’s body during a meal or through an injection. Basically, the main goal of these experiments was to trace how radiation affects life and the processes occurring in the body. In some cases, organs (for example, the brain) of deceased patients who received a dose of radiation during their lifetime were examined. Such studies were carried out without the consent of the relatives of these patients. Most often, the patients on whom these experiments were performed were prisoners, terminally ill patients, the disabled, or people from lower social classes.

Radiation dose

We know that a large dose of radiation, called acute radiation dose, poses a health risk, and the higher the dose, the greater the health risk. We also know that radiation affects different cells in the body differently. Cells that undergo frequent division, as well as those that are not specialized, suffer most from radiation. For example, cells in the embryo, blood cells, and cells of the reproductive system are most susceptible negative influence radiation. Skin, bones, and muscle tissue are less affected, and radiation has the least impact on nerve cells. Therefore, in some cases, the overall destructive effect of radiation on cells less exposed to radiation is less, even if they are exposed to more radiation, than on cells more exposed to radiation.

According to theory radiation hormesis small doses of radiation, on the contrary, stimulate defense mechanisms in the body, and as a result the body becomes stronger and less susceptible to disease. It should be noted that these studies are currently at an early stage, and it is not yet known whether such results will be obtained outside the laboratory. Now these experiments are carried out on animals and it is unknown whether these processes occur in the human body. For ethical reasons, it is difficult to obtain permission for such research involving humans, as these experiments can be hazardous to health.

Radiation dose rate

Many scientists believe that the total amount of radiation to which the body is exposed is not the only indicator of how much radiation affects the body. According to one theory, radiation power is also an important indicator of radiation exposure, and the higher the radiation power, the higher the radiation exposure and the destructive effect on the body. Some scientists who study radiation power believe that at low radiation power, even prolonged exposure to radiation on the body does not cause harm to health, or that the harm to health is insignificant and does not interfere with life. Therefore, in some situations, after accidents involving the leakage of radioactive materials, residents are not evacuated or relocated. This theory explains the low harm to the body by the fact that the body adapts to low-power radiation, and restoration processes occur in DNA and other molecules. That is, according to this theory, the effect of radiation on the body is not as destructive as if exposure occurred with the same total amount of radiation but with a higher power, in a shorter period of time. This theory does not cover occupational exposure—in occupational exposure, radiation is considered dangerous even at low levels. It is also worth considering that research in this area has only recently begun, and that future studies may yield very different results.

It is also worth noting that according to other studies, if animals already have a tumor, then even low doses of radiation contribute to its development. This is very important information, because if in the future it is discovered that such processes occur in the human body, then it is likely that those who already have a tumor will be harmed by radiation, even at low power. On the other hand, at the moment, on the contrary, we use high-power radiation to treat tumors, but only the areas of the body in which there are cancer cells are irradiated.

Safety rules for working with radioactive substances often indicate the maximum permissible total radiation dose and the absorbed dose rate of radiation. For example, exposure limits issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission are calculated on an annual basis, while the limits of some other similar agencies in other countries are calculated on a monthly or even hourly basis. Some of these restrictions and regulations are designed to deal with accidents involving the release of radioactive substances into the environment, but often their main purpose is to establish workplace safety rules. They are used to limit exposure of workers and researchers at nuclear power plants and other facilities that handle radioactive substances, airline pilots and crews, medical workers, including radiologists, and others. More information on ionizing radiation can be found in the article Absorbed Dose of Radiation.

Health Hazards Caused by Radiation

Radiation dose rate, μSv/hDangerous for health
>10 000 000 Deadly: organ failure and death within hours
1 000 000 Very dangerous to health: vomiting
100 000 Very dangerous to health: radioactive poisoning
1 000 Very dangerous: leave the contaminated area immediately!
100 Very dangerous: increased health risk!
20 Very dangerous: danger of radiation sickness!
10 Danger: Leave this area immediately!
5 Danger: leave this area as quickly as possible!
2 Increased risk: safety precautions must be taken, for example in an aircraft at cruising altitudes

Radiation in a general sense refers to the spread of energy in the form of elementary particles and quantum fluxes. There are light (visible to the naked eye), infrared, ultraviolet and ionizing radiation.

For the safety of human life, the greatest interest is ionizing radiation, which promotes the formation of free radicals in the cells of a living organism, which triggers the process of protein destruction, cell death or degeneration.

These processes can cause the death of a living organism. That is why the term “radiation” most often means ionizing radiation.

Are all types of radiation dangerous?

Radiation exposure is not always fatal and destructive, as is commonly believed. In some cases, the instability of isotopes of various elements is used for good, in particular, in plant and animal breeding, medicine, energy and the national economy.

Are radiation and radioactivity the same thing?

Radiation and radioactivity are similar concepts, but not at all identical. Radiation is the name given to free flows of energy that exist in space until they are absorbed by some object. Radioactivity is the ability of an object or substance to absorb radiation, becoming a source of radiation.

Types of radiation and penetrating power

There are several types of radiation, among the most significant are the following:

  1. Alpha radiation is a stream of positive particles with a relatively large mass; they have powerful ionization and pose a serious danger when entering the body through the gastrointestinal tract, but are retained even by small barriers and do not penetrate the skin.
  2. Beta radiation is tiny particles with slightly greater penetrating power. A thin layer of aluminum or a few centimeters of wood can protect against such radiation.
  3. Gamma radiation and similar X-rays - a stream of neutrally charged particles with high penetrating ability - pose the greatest danger to humans. Materials with heavy nuclei can protect against radiation, and this will require a layer of several meters.

Natural and artificial radiation

Radiation can be either natural or due to human activity. In nature, powerful sources of radiation are the Sun and the process of decay of certain elements in the composition earth's crust. Even in the human body, there are normally substances that create a personal radiation background.

Artificial radiation is a consequence of the activities of nuclear power plants, the development and use of any technology that uses nuclear reactors, as well as the use radioactive isotopes in medicine, mining of elements with unstable atomic nuclei, testing, hazardous waste disposal and nuclear fuel leaks.

External and internal exposure

The natural radiation background is determined by the presence of external and internal sources of radiation. The main ways radiation enters the human body are:

  • through the digestive tract, which is determined by living conditions and the nature of human activity;
  • through the mucous membranes and skin, which is also determined by location and may be associated with the characteristics of the area of ​​residence (affected by the proximity of artificial sources of radiation, geographic latitude and altitude) and building materials containing radioactive substances from which housing and infrastructure facilities are built.

Permissible and lethal doses of radiation

The natural level of radiation depends on the area and human living conditions. The value is measured in doses received by the body over a certain period of time (usually one hour or a year):

  • Exposure, reflecting the degree of ionization with gamma or x-ray radiation, the basic unit of measurement is the x-ray.
  • The dose absorbed by a substance, object or organism is measured in “grays”.
  • The effective (permissible) dose is determined individually for each organ.
  • The equivalent dose of radiation exposure is calculated according to coefficients and depends on the type of radiation.

Radiation standards

On average, the normal radiation value and does not pose a danger to the population is about twenty microroentgens per hour, but the figure can vary significantly depending on the characteristics of the territory under study.

The maximum radiation limit (MPC - maximum permissible concentration) is an indicator of approximately 0.5 μSv/hour (or 50 μR/hour). However, when the duration of exposure to radioactive radiation is reduced to several hours, a person can endure radiation doses as high as 10 μSv/h (or 1 μR per hour).

When in an area of ​​radiation contamination or exposure to radiation, for example, during medical research, for several minutes the maximum permissible level of radiation is up to several millisieverts per hour.

Penetrating radiation accumulates in the body. The standards determine that for the full functioning of the body and maintaining health at the proper level, the accumulated amount of radiation over a lifetime should not exceed a limit of 100 to 700 mSv.

At the same time, in the field of upper values, permissible doses will be for residents of high mountain areas and territories with increased radioactivity.

A table of approximate radiation doses for various types of activities will help you calculate your total radiation exposure per year. For example, with fluorography the dose received is 0.06 mSv, and x-ray gives 30% and 3% of radiation exposure from the annual dose for X-rays (film and digital, respectively) of the chest organs.

Radiation contamination

Radiation (radioactive) contamination is a situation that poses a danger to the health and even the lives of people living in areas where radioactive substances fall out, as well as in areas close to the epicenter of man-made accidents. Normal background radiation is disrupted by leaks during transportation and storage of radioactive waste, accidents at nuclear power plants, or as a result of accidental or intentional loss of radio sources.

The main toxic substances are iodine-131, strontium, cesium, cobalt and americium. The minimum half-life of radioactive substances is about eight days, the maximum is more than four hundred years. In case of man-made accidents, radiation doses are reduced to an acceptable level on average within 30-50 years, although everything depends on the nature of the release.

For example, being in the exclusion zone around Chernobyl nuclear power plant within 10 hours today is the equivalent of a flight, and in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which experienced the effects of a nuclear bomb, people can currently live.

Dangerous doses of radiation

  1. A 50% probability of death occurs with 3-4 Gy of penetrating radiation, and with 7 Gy or more, death occurs in 99% of cases;
  2. Irradiation above 10 Gy can already be considered fatal for a person; radiation sickness in this case kills in 2-3 weeks.
  3. The lethal dose of radiation for humans is 15 Gy (death occurs within 1-5 days);

Symptoms and severity of infection

The clinical picture of radiation sickness is divided into four degrees of severity:

  • first degree damage occurs with irradiation within 2 Gy;
  • moderate severity is typical for doses up to 4 Gy;
  • in severe (third) degree, radiation ranges from 4-6 Gy;
  • The radiation dose for extreme radiation sickness is more than 6 Gy.

In addition, doctors talk about radiation injury occurring without any characteristic symptoms if the victim received radiation less than 1 Gy.

  • Symptoms of the first degree of radiation sickness include headaches, changes in appetite, irritability and sleep disturbances. Victims usually experience irritation of the mucous membranes, gastrointestinal disorders and increased sweating. Recovery occurs within one to two months if exposure to radiation has stopped.
  • Moderate damage is characterized by aggravation of existing symptoms, pathological changes in internal organs and the central nervous system, the occurrence of trophic ulcers, as well as numerous complications that are associated with weakened immunity. Patients often never fully recover, and doctors only manage to achieve remission with periodic exacerbations.
  • Radiation sickness of the third degree is characterized by irreversible changes in the functioning of most organs and systems, tissue degradation and frequent bleeding. The condition poses a significant threat to the patient's life, progresses rapidly and in most cases ends in death.
  • Signs of radiation damage of extreme severity have been little studied in medical practice, because Such a serious form of radiation sickness is very rare. Modern methods diagnostics and treatment make it possible to identify and stop the disease at those stages when it is still advisable to provide assistance to the victim. In this case, a persistent improvement in the patient’s condition occurs, as a rule, two to three years after the cessation of exposure to radiation on the body.

The word “radiation” is associated by the majority of the population with man-made disasters, such as the atomic bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If we briefly convey the feelings that arise in most people, it turns out that radiation is evil. Although in fact it existed on our planet long before the origin of life and will continue to exist even after the death of the planet.

The radiation rate for a person in microR/h is constantly monitored by special services in various spheres of his life. And this is a threat that is difficult to combat, and if the background radiation exceeds, the consequences can be the most disastrous. What are the dangers and what is the rate of radiation in microR/h for humans?

Nature itself is a natural source of radiation

Many factors are involved in the creation of natural things: these are sun rays and radionuclides. It is present literally in everything that surrounds a person. This includes water, food and air. It’s just that its level has different values: greater or lesser. But the greatest danger that radiation poses is that it has an invisible effect on the body.

Human senses give virtually no signals of danger. It just quietly does its job, causing pathology in the functioning of the body, and even leading to death.

What and how radiation is measured

There are many measurement values, and they will be of interest, rather, to narrow specialists, so it is necessary to simplify the task and name only the most basic ones for everyday use.

Radiation that affects any living organism is called Calculating it is quite simple: the dose absorbed by the body in terms of body weight is multiplied by the damage coefficient. The resulting number is the unit of measurement in sieverts, or Sv for short. A natural background of 0.7 mSv per hour corresponds to approximately 70 roentgens per hour, or abbreviated to 70 µR/h. Knowing this value, it is easy to determine whether it is dangerous for humans.

The normal radiation level for humans is 20-50 microR/h. Consequently, this radiation background is overestimated. But it is necessary to highlight one more point for understanding - the influence of time. That is, if you immediately leave such an unfavorable zone, and do not stay there for days, then the exposure will not exceed the permissible radiation standards for humans.

It is produced with special devices - dosimeters. They are usually distinguished into professional and household. The whole difference is in the amount of error they can allow. For professional ones it should be no more than 7%, and for household ones it can be over 25%.

Mandatory monitoring sites

If we omit the need for measurements at military facilities, nuclear power plants and airplanes, it turns out that measurements take place in many spheres of human activity. And this is reasonable, especially given the emergence of new sources of radiation. Measurements are carried out in forests, mountainous areas, residential buildings and industrial facilities. It would not be superfluous to carry out such an operation when purchasing any real estate. When starting construction and when putting a facility into operation, such procedures are also carried out.

It’s not worth talking about kindergartens, hospitals, schools. To summarize, we can say that in almost all spheres of life, the norm of radiation and radiation for humans (μR/h) is monitored.

Monstrous ionization power

Electrons can attach to the shell of an atom or, conversely, be detached. This process is called ionization and is interesting because it can change the structure of an atom beyond recognition. Changed, it, in turn, changes the molecule. This is roughly the effect of radiation on the cells of a living organism. This leads to pathologies or simply diseases.

When sources of ionizing radiation exceed the norm, such an area is considered contaminated. The United Nations estimates the normal level of radiation for humans (in microroentgens/hour or sieverts), and it is 0.22 microroentgens, or 20 microroentgens per hour.

People may have a question: is radiation sickness transmitted, for example, through a handshake. Everyone should be calmed down immediately. You can communicate with irradiated people, and you don’t have to wear a gas mask to do this. The danger is hidden in objects that emit radiation - you just can’t touch them.

Is it possible to get a dose of radiation in your own apartment?

Home is considered to be the safest place on earth. This is partly true, but there are threatening factors there too. It is necessary to briefly touch upon the issue of the norm of radiation for a person and the doses that he can receive, even while in an apartment with his family.

It is generally accepted that modern technology is a source of danger, but for the most part people are mistaken. Danger may not lurk where expected. As an example, you can take old expensive things. Watches can significantly shorten your life. Especially if they use radium-226 salts as photomass.

This also applies to watches with a luminous dial. If they were created in the 50s and they are from the army, then we can guarantee that they are radioactive. They pose no danger in contact with the body, but sometimes inquisitive minds can take them apart, and that's when an unpleasant surprise awaits them.

Glassware lovers should know that sometimes uranium dioxide is present in the paint. Modern cookware with such a coating is less dangerous. Fans of antiques can attract many “interesting” items into their collection using constant light, so you need to be careful.

Assessment of acceptable norms in peacetime and wartime

The radiation rate for humans in microR/h and safe radiation doses are calculated with the conditions political life states in times of peace or war. Different states have their own numbers.

The upper permissible value of a safe radioactive background in Brazil is generally 100 μR/h, and in Russia this figure fluctuates around 50-60 μR/h. Standards for contamination by radioactive substances are determined. The norm should not exceed 30 microR/h.

In combat conditions, an area with a reading of 0.5 roentgens per hour is considered contaminated. What is the norm of radiation for a person in microroentgen/hour in war conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Defense? The soldier remains in service if the exposure on the first day does not exceed 50 rads, and over the course of a year 300 rads.

Exposure to small and large doses of radiation is dangerous. In the first case, it can lead to oncology and genetic diseases, the special insidiousness of which will appear in a few years. In the second case, the person immediately gets acute radiation sickness. It has 4 degrees depending on the degree received during being in the unfavorable zone.

Extremely severe degree 600-1000 rad. People with pronounced symptoms present with apathy, lethargy, and refuse to eat. Bleeding may occur, and any infection is extremely difficult to tolerate due to weakened immunity.

The influence of human activities on the radiation background of planet Earth

In ancient times, human activity could not affect the background radiation of the Earth. When coal is burned, potassium, uranium-238 and thorium are released. Thanks to this, archaeologists find ancient human settlements.

But with the development of industry, man has ceased to be harmless and invisible to the planet. He became a threat to her existence. Nuclear weapon can cause irreparable consequences in the form of climate change. All living things will die if humanity does not stop.

A study of the degree of contamination of areas near oil fields showed that it is increasing. History knows of major man-made disasters (Fukushima, Chernobyl) that caused irreparable damage environment. And this is just the beginning. The full horror of the tragedy associated with strontium will yet manifest itself. And at the moment, iodine-131 and strontium-90, entering the body with food, cause internal irradiation.

These notorious accidents affected everyone - albeit unnoticed, but this is the special insidiousness of radiation. What is the permissible norm for a person in microroentgens/h, in different countries interpreted differently due to many different factors. But these indicators can very easily change. You don't have to look far for examples. Just look at the experience of the Republic of Belarus.

Foods that reduce the level of radiation in the body

Nature itself has made sure that people can naturally reduce the impact of radiation through food; these are vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots, everything that gardens are rich in. The main thing is that they are “natural” and not accelerated cultivation. Seaweed and walnuts compensate for the lack of iodine in the human body. Horseradish and mustard will also not be superfluous foods on the table.

There is a misconception that strong alcoholic drinks remove radiation from the body - this is not true. Vodka and red wine have virtually no effect on its quantity. The only caveat is that red wine in small quantities can be used as a preventive measure, but nothing more.


The radiation was, is and will be. The radiation rate for humans in microR/h is prescribed and confirmed by many studies. Unfortunately, in Lately Humanity is increasingly faced with problems associated with radioactive contamination. Therefore, it depends on people what consequences all this will have in the future.

Sievert (designation: Sv, Sv) is a relatively new SI unit of measurement (1979) of effective and equivalent doses of ionizing radiation. 1 sievert is the amount of energy absorbed by a kilogram of biological tissue, equal in impact to the absorbed dose of 1 Gy. The unit is named after the Swedish scientist Rolf Sievert.
When determining the effective dose, the biological effects of radiation are taken into account; it is equal to the absorbed dose multiplied by the quality factor, which depends on the type of radiation and characterizes the biological activity of a particular type of radiation.

Previously (and sometimes still) the unit used was the rem (the biological equivalent of an x-ray), English. rem (roentgen equivalent man) is an obsolete non-systemic unit of equivalent dose. 100 rem equals 1 sievert.

Permissible and lethal doses for humans

The equivalent dose (E, HT) reflects the biological effect of radiation. It is the absorbed dose to an organ or tissue multiplied by the appropriate radiation weighting factor (WR) or quality factor. When exposed various types radiation with different weighting factors, the equivalent dose is defined as the sum of equivalent doses for these types of radiation.

Natural background ionizing radiation is approximately 2-3 mSv/year.

For practical purposes, you can use the following considerations:

With a single uniform irradiation of the whole body and no specialized medical care death occurs in 50% of cases with:
a dose of about 3-5 Sv due to bone marrow damage for 30-60 days;
a dose of about 10±5 Sv due to damage to the gastrointestinal tract and lungs for 10-20 days;
dose ›15 Sv due to damage nervous system within 1-5 days.

Remember that radiation accumulates and doses add up!


What do different radiation doses correspond to in sieverts?

– 0.005 mSv (0.5 mrem)– watching television for three hours every day for a year;

– 10 μSv (0.01 mSv or 1 mrem)– airplane flight over a distance of 2400 km;

– 1 mSv (100 mrem)– background radiation per year;

– 5 mSv (500 mrem)– permissible exposure of personnel under normal conditions;

– 0.03 Sv (3 rem)– irradiation during dental radiography (local);

– 0.05 Sv (5 rem)– permissible exposure of nuclear power plant personnel under normal conditions per year;

– 0.1 Sv (10 rem)– permissible emergency exposure of the population (one-time);

– 0.25 Sv (25 rem)– permissible exposure of personnel (one-time);

– 0.3 Sv (30 rem)– irradiation during fluoroscopy of the stomach (local);

– 0.75 Sv (75 rem)– short-term minor change in blood composition;

– 1 Sv (100 rem)– lower level of development of mild radiation sickness;

– 4.5 Sv (450 rem)– severe radiation sickness (50% of those exposed die);

– 6 – 7 Sv (600 – 700 rem) and more– a single dose received is considered absolutely lethal. (However, in medical practice there are cases of recovery of patients who received radiation exposure of 6 - 7 Sv (600 - 700 rem)).

The most probable effects at various values ​​of radiation doses and dose rates, referred to the whole body

10000 mSv (10 Sv)- Short-term exposure would cause immediate illness and subsequent death within weeks

Between 2000 and 10000 mSv (2 – 10 Sv)- Short-term exposure would cause acute radiation sickness with a likely fatal outcome

1000 mSv (1 Sv)- Short-term exposure would probably cause temporary illness but not death. Because radiation dose accumulates over time, exposure to 1000 mSv would likely lead to a risk of cancer many years later.

50 mSv/year- The lowest dose rate at which cancer may occur. Radiation at doses higher than this increases the likelihood of cancer

20 mSv/year- Averaged over more than 5 years - the limit for personnel in the nuclear and mining industries.

10 mSv/year- Maximum dose rate level received by uranium miners

3 – 5 mSv/year- Typical dose rate received by uranium miners

3 mSv/year- Normal radiation background from natural natural sources ionizing radiation, including a dose rate of almost 2 mSv/year from radon in the air. These radiation levels are close to the minimum doses received by all people on the planet.

0.3 – 0.6 mSv/year- Typical range of dose rates from artificial radiation sources, mainly medical

0.05 mSv/year- Level of background radiation required by safety standards in the vicinity of nuclear power plants. The actual dose near nuclear facilities is much less.

Today the issue of background radiation has become very acute. A huge number of devices that surround a person can harm him. That is why sanitary inspectors, as well as radiation safety workers, often check houses, streets, and businesses, because the radiation level exceeds the permissible values.

Norms for humans

Radiation standards are those values ​​that are used by scientists to designate a safe environment when exposed to various devices. Radiation standards are established by higher authorities, who try to regulate the strict observance of them at one or another enterprise, as well as in everyday life.

It is not uncommon to hear radiation levels discussed. The norm sometimes exceeds the permissible values. Inflated rates are mainly observed at chemical industry enterprises, where workers wear special suits to avoid exposure to radiation.

Acceptable standards

It is impossible to say exactly what the norm of radiation is for humans. Scientists have only identified some correspondences between radiation and everyday moments of life. First of all, it should be noted that all indicators are measured in microsieverts per hour (this determines the level of exposure to gamma radiation and background radiation).

It is believed that the norm of radiation, which is acceptable for the common man, should not be more than 5 mSv per year. Moreover, the indicators are calculated in aggregate for five years. If the level is elevated, then radiologists will find out the cause, and first of all, look for it in the air, and check the operating chemical plants in the city.

Examples of some indicators

So, the norm of radiation (permissible) for humans is:

As you can see, a person is exposed to radiation throughout his life. Depending on the lifestyle he leads and where he works, it will be more or less.

Effects at different doses of radiation

Separately, it is necessary to say what effect this or that radiation dose will have:

  • 11 µSv per hour - this is the dose that is considered dangerous and increases many times the likelihood of cancer tumors appearing in the human body.
  • 10,000 mSv per hour - with this exposure, a person immediately becomes ill and dies within two or three weeks.
  • 1000 mSv per year - with this dose of radiation, a person feels a temporary malaise, which manifests itself as symptoms of radiation sickness. But it does not lead to death or deterioration of the condition to such an extent that a person cannot lead a normal life. The main danger is that the risk of cancer becomes so great that annual examinations will be required to monitor cell mutations.
  • 0.73 Sv per hour - with such short-term exposure, a change in blood composition occurs, which time will pass. But, as a rule, this will affect a person’s well-being in the future.

The norm of radiation for humans and the consequences of exceeding it

If the background radiation is increased, even if only slightly, this can lead to such consequences for humans as:

  • oncological diseases, and the rate of metastasis increases significantly;
  • problems with fetal development during pregnancy;
  • infertility in both women and men;
  • loss of vision;
  • decline protective function organism, and then its gradual destruction.

What to do if background radiation increases

The main reason that the permissible radiation level is too high is the objects surrounding a person. Today, all household appliances expose residents to radiation. globe. If the background radiation is significantly increased, you need to pay attention and check:

  • batteries in the house, especially those that were produced in the USSR;
  • furniture;
  • tiles, which are usually laid in the toilet and bathroom;
  • some food products, especially imported fish (even now fish that have been in poisoned waters are transported across the border).

The radiation rate is such an important indicator that it cannot be ignored. True, the current pace and lifestyle of many people, as well as the universal prevalence of technology, do not allow it to be reduced. And this happens because not a single person can do without a cell phone, computer, or the Internet, since our whole life is built on this! So we hear in the news that more people are dying from cancer!