Carthage Punic Wars briefly. Punish wars

Starting from the middle of the III century BC. And ending with the middle of the II century BC, the developed slave-owned state of Carthage led war with the Roman Empire for domination in the Western Mediterranean. Rome called this period by Punic Wars.
The first Punic war began when Carthage wanted to strengthen his influence on Sicily. Rome could not agree with this, he also needed these provinces that they supplied the bread of Italy. And in general, a powerful neighbor with exorbitant appetites, absolutely not satisfied with the growing Roman Empire.
By the beginning of Punic Wars, this is a highly developed slave-owned state, which flourishes not only through intermediary trade, but also due to the development of all types of crafts, which residents in Carthage were famous for.
Agriculture was in Carthage on high level - North Africa was a recognized resident in ancient Mediterranean. In addition, it was a country of highly developed slavement, in which the huge army of slaves was occupied in the field of material production and in the personal service of slave owners.
In 264 BC The Romans captured the Sicilian city of Mesana and cut the path of Syracuse trading. By walking the Carthaginian on land, for some time the Romans allowed them to dominate the sea. However, numerous raids of the Carthaginians on the Italian coast forced the Romans to create their own fleet and invent the boarding bridges, and it helped them to defeat them several maritime victories and fall on the African coast.
But on land, the Roman troops were broken almost completely. However, after 20 years, the last stronghold of Carthaginian in Sicily is completely blocked - the port of Lilibay. The sent fleet of Carthaginian was crushed, and the war was lost.
Two more decades will pass and the experienced warrior Hannibal will lead his army to Romans. By 220 G. BC. He almost completely captured the Pyrenean Peninsula. To demand the Roman government to issue Hannibal as a violator of the borders of the Carthage possessions, Carthage answered with refusal, and Rome declared war.
At the same time, overcame the snowy Alps to strike his impact from the north, it was an extraordinary military operation. Especially frightening combat elephants looked.
The army exhausted by difficult transitions was carried out by the military performances on the Pyrenees and did not once with the Romans were on the hairs of defeat. But the Carthage's government recalled the troops to his homeland and banned Hannibal to prepare for war and entered into a peace treaty with the Romans.
But Rome did not want half-term, he was needed to erase the Carthage from the face of the earth. Taking advantage of the slightest pretext, in 149 BC. Rome declared Carthage War, although the Carthaginian Council fulfilled all the requirements. The requirement to destroy the city and move, caused a people's anger, and the Romans had to precisely deposit the city. After taking the carfagen, from 300 thousand inhabitants, no more than 50 thousand remained. They were sold in slavery, and Carthage was destroyed. The place itself was given to the curse and repached.

Task 1. Second war of Rome with Carthage.

Task 2. Using paragraph 47, fill in the table.

Task 3. List the tactical techniques that Hannibal's commander used in the Battle of Cannes.

Hannibal built his crescent troops, putting the best cases of infantry and cavalry at the edges. Death the Roman army, allowing the crescent to be fed, at the same time surrounding the enemy's army.

Task 4. Why do Hannibal consider antiquity outstanding commander?

Because he was a talented warlord, who could with the smaller forces could defeat the enemy, thanks to his smelter and courage (the brightest accept - the battle of Cannes).

Task 5. Using additional sourcesFind out which commander subsequently repeated the transition through the Alps.

Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov in 1799 made a transition through the Alps.

Task 6. Roman state in the 3rd century BC - 2 century AD

Task 7. Why did the Romans decide that "Carthage must be destroyed"? Who belongs to these words?

While Carthage was intact, he could return to the former power and created Rome to compete at the sea. These words belong to the Roman Senator Katon Senior.

Task 8. Consider the drawing on with. 237 TRIMPE TRIMPIA IN ROME.

1. What is triumph?

Triumph is a solemn entry of the winner in Rome.

2. What honorable title in the days of Triumph wore a commander?

The commander wore honorary the title - Emperor.

3. What does the winner indicate a special worship of the winner?

The commander-winner was dressed in a purple, shut down with gold and kept in his hand a laurel branch.

4. What words do the warriors turn to the commander?

5. Who goes ahead of the procession? Think: to be ahead in this case - a special posture or a special humiliation?

Ahead of the procession is prone prisoners captured at the conquered territories. This is a special humiliation.

6. Suppose what fate is waiting for prisoners and adults.

Captive will become slaves in the house or in the field, and strong men will become gladiators.

219 Osada Sagunt.

Hannibal, the son of Hamilkar Barka, demanded the subordination of the Sigunt, the Allied Rome of the Greek City, the only place in Spain to the south of Ebro, not recognizing the rule of the Carthage. When the Sagunt rejected this requirement, Hannibal immediately besieged him, realizing that it would probably call the war with Rome: in the tradition of his father he was avenged for defeat in the first Punic war. Rome demanded the siege to remove the Hannibal. Carthage refused; Rome declared war. After an eight-month siege, Hannibal took the saunth storm. From now on, his Iberian base was safe, and he was ready to begin the realization of his far-reaching and carefully thought-out strategic plans.

218 Gunnibal plan.

In order for Roman control over the seas to be prevented, Hannibal conceived to hold the army from Spain on land - through South Gallia and Alps in the Valley of the software. He has already sent representatives there to secure allies in the Transalpian and Tsizalpine Gaul, thus providing reliable lines of communications that will connect it with Spain, and laying advanced bases in northern Italy. He planned to gain reinforcements among warlike Celtic tribes that hated Rome. Waking asking to force Rome to war on two fronts, he began negotiations and with Philip V Macedonian. About 20 thousand people under the start of her brother Gouchrubala he intended to leave in Spain, thereby providing reliable rear.

Hannibal. Carthage coin

Hannibal, one of the greatest commander antiquity, undoubtedly was outstanding personality. He also possessed the extraordinary abilities of a politician and diplomat. The plan for the fight against Rome was not only a military plan, but also a political program designed to use contradictions between the Roman state and the Italian communities conquered. It should also be noted that Hannibal was an excellent organizer and, according to the testimony of ancient historians, enjoyed exceptional authority and popularity in his troops.

218 Roman plans.

Consul Tit Sempronia at the head of the Expeditionary Corps of about 30 thousand people on 80 ships had to invade Africa and attack Carthage; Consul public Cornelius Scipion with his brother, Gneur Cornelia, Szipion had to invade Spain, having an army of about 26 thousand people and the fleet of 60 ships; Manli's louches for approximately 22 thousand people should have protected the Tsizalpin Gallium, holding back restless Celts while the consular armies were engaged in Carthaginians. The Romans did not suspect the planned invasion of Hannibal.

March-June 218 through Pyrenees.

Crossing Ebro led by about 90 thousand people, Hannibal conquered a country lying south of Pyrenees. Here he left a strong garrison and excluded from the composition of his army of all people unsuitable for a long field campaign. In Gallia, he entered less than 50 thousand people of infantry, 9 thousand cavalry and about 80 combat elephants.

July-October 218 through Gallia.

Although he met some resistance in the campaign (especially when crossing Rhone), however, in general, the march through Gallia thanks to magnificent preliminary preparation turned out to be fast and easy. Having learned about this movement, scypion with his army in the hope of distracting Carthaginian landed in the Massily (Marseille). But Hannibal, to avoid interference, has already turned north, up the Rhone Valley, planning to go through the Alps in the depths of the country, perhaps in Traversette. Desperate to intercept Hannibal, Scypion with small forces knew along the coast to Northern Italy, the main army by sending his brother under the command to Spain.

October 218. Transfer through the Alps.

Although the alpine passes were already lined with snow, Hannibal's army moved forward. Many people and animals died because of the cold, many died, overcoming unexpectedly violent resistance of the mountain tribes. The valleys of Hannibal reached, having only 2 thousand infantry, 6 thousand cavalry and several elephants.

November 218. Battle of T3cin (Sovr. Ticino).

Hannibal was as struck by the presence of scipiion, as far as the Roman Consul is the speed of the Carthaginian offensive. Having accepted the team over the army of Manry, battered in the ending defeat of the recent battle with Gallam, Scypion rushed towards Hannibal to the Titsin River - the Northern Influx of the Pad River (Sov. PO). In the battle, mostly limited to the actions of the cavalry, the Romans were broken, and Scipipion was injured.

Battle on the demand river in 218 to R.Kh.

December 218. Battle for the demand (Sovr. Trevsty).

Having learned about the appearance of Hannibal, the Semor, through the Adriatic, threw most of his army from Sicily to the Valley of the PO, on a connection with a scipium. Hannibal, thanks to a set among galls, increased his army to 30 thousand people, prompted the sample to attack, forcing the demand (contrary to the Council of Scipiion). While Hannibal himself counterattacked Romans, a small detachment of cavalry and infantry under the command of his brother Magon, hidden in the hollow up the flow of the river, hit the Romans to the flank and in the rear. From the Roman army, 40 thousand people survived only 10 thousand broken through the Carthaginian Center; The rest were interrupted. The losses of Hannibal may have surpassed 5 thousand people.

218 Spain.

In the meantime, Gna Sodipion landed in Spain, the north of the Ebro river, and defeated by Carthaginians, Pleniv Gannon and controlling the entire region between Ebro and Pyrenees.

January-March 217. Winter apartments in the valley of the software.

Here Hannibal gave to relax his carfageans and recruited Gallam, at the same time collecting information through its, very efficient, spy network in Italy. He learned that two new Consuls who came to the post on March 15 were Guy Flaming, who had approximately 40 thousand people in Arrays (Sovr. Arezzo), and Gna Servish, under the command of which there were about 20 thousand people in the army (Sovr. Rimini) . Consular armies blocked both main roads leading to Central Italy and Rome.

March-April 217 An offensive in Central Italy.

Making the first in the history of conscious bypass maneuver, Hannibal, headed by about 40 thousand people, made an unexpected transition through the Snow-listed Apennine passages north of Genoa, went south along the sea shore and forced the bustle swamps in the floodplain of the Arn River (Sovr. Arno) impassable during the spring flood. Sensing further, he soon near the club (Sovr. Kusi) reached Rome - Arrey, and thus it turned out between the Roman armies and their capital. (During this difficult Marsha Hannibal due to the infectious disease, he lost sight of one eye.)

Battle of the Trazimen Lake in 217 to R.Kh.

April 217. The battle of the tracnian lake.

Stubborn Flaming, too late who understood that his communications were cut, he moved to the south by the moment, looking for a battle; For the sake of speed, it was donated even by security. Familiar as with Roman practice, and with the character of his opponent, Hannibal placed his whole army in the ambush where the road passed by the Trazimen Lake - in a narrow defile under the hanging cliffs. His light infantry was located in shelter, on the mountainside, the cavalry is hidden behind her. At the southern end of the defile, a brave way, he put a heavy infantry that stopped the head of the Roman column here. When the entire flaming army draws into a six-kilometer defile, Hannibal ordered the cavalry to close his northern end, and then hit the eastern infantry on the eastern flank of the Roman column. The suddenness of the attack turned to Romans with panic and defeat. About 30 thousand Romans, including the Flaming itself, were killed or captured, the remaining 10,000 scattered groups fled through the mountains to inform Rome about the terrible defeat. Meanwhile, Hannibal continued to move to the south, looking for a suitable base in southern Italy, "he expected that the cities and tribes were joined here, nominally considered the Allies of Rome (but in the reality of his vassals).

But Hannibal did not go to Rome, but sent his army through Umbria and Pitz to the coast of the Adriatic Sea. He understood that the capture of Rome demands a long siege and that such a siege risky to lead, having in the rear not yet conquered by Italy. In addition, after successful experience, with attracting Gallov, he had a reason to count on support, and perhaps on the uprising of the population of the Middle and Southern Italy against the power of Rome. Therefore, Hannibal, devastating the fields and farms of Roman citizens in his path, gentle the possessions of Italikov, and the prisoners came from their number without ransom.

May-October 217 Senate appoints Quinta Fabia dictator.

Realizing that he could not compete with Hannibal on the battlefield, Fabi Mudro decided to avoid regular battles, at the same time continuously disturbing Carthaginian and slowing their promotion. This "Tactic Fabia" soon earned him the nickname of the cunctator (i.e. the passor). Many Romans took possession of impatience - they only knew the tradition of offensive war. Mark Munci Ruf, the nearest assistant Fabia, who publicly expressed contempt of this tactic, was rewarded by the Senate status of the commander equal to the dictator. Hannibal did everything he could in order to provoke the Romans on the open battle, and unexpectedly his efforts were rewarded in geoncies, where Munning took a challenge. Hannibal immediately attacked. On the defeat of the munction saved only the timely arrival of Fabia, the army of which was a serious threat to the Carthagin flank. Hannibal prudently retreated. Munning mascally acknowledged her mistake and in the future it had invariably provided a fabia loyal support.

Now at the head of the Roman troops, replenished with a new set, the dictator Quint Fabi Maxim took into account the experience of three lost battles. Conscious that the Carthaginians are stronger than the Romans in the field war, in the open battle, he moved to the tactic of the enemy isat. Eviating decisive battles with the main forces of Hannibal, he followed him on his heels, attacked separate detachments and, destroying food reserves, made it difficult to supply the Carthaginian army. However, this tactic did not enjoy popular and supporting the population, first of all the peasants who, a protracted war and the presence of an enemy army in the territory of Italy, carried a complete ruin.

Therefore, the dictatorial powers of Fabia Maxim, called the cunctator (Sader), were not extended, and in 216 the Consuls were elected Lucius Emily Pavel and Guy Terency Warron. Varon became an Yarym supporter of the decisive warman and promised to put her end on the same day as the enemy sees.

217-211. Spain and Africa.

Meanwhile, the public systems with eight thousand reinforcement joined his brother in Spain. In subsequent years, both scapions, as a rule, have accompanied success. They managed to force Gouchrubala and Magon to retreat from the Ebro line and to incline the Numidian king of Siphax to raise the uprising against the Carthage. However, the Carthaginsky military commander who returned to Africa, with the support of the Numidian Prince of Massinissa, defeated Siphaxs. Then Izdrubal with reinforcements, which included the Numidia Connection of Massinissa, returned to Spain (212), where, during this time, Sgipion managed to win the Sagunt.

April-July 216 Rome is preparing for a decisive battle

Thanks to the time won by Fabim, Rome gathered an army of 8 Roman and 8 allied legions - 80 thousand infantry plus 7 thousand cavalry - and sent it to the south, to Apulius, to under the command of two new consuls, Emilia Paul and the Terentation of Warre, to look for battle with Hannibal. Carthaginian, who had 40 thousand infantry and 10 thousand cavalry, was looking for favorable conditions for the battle. Cool and cautious warlord, Paul carefully avoided the case to provide the enemy such an opportunity, and for some time he was able to convince her more impetuous colleague Warre to follow the same tactics. Commons commanded alternately, replacing every day. In an effort to accelerate the case, Hannibal night march passed in Cannes, capturing Roman provincial warehouses and achieving control over the grain-producing areas of Southern Pulia. The Roman army hurried there as well; The opponents are located on the southern bank of the Avfid River (Sovr. Ofanto) in fortified camps, which are 10 km away from the other.

The village of Cannes in southern Italy was a place for one of the classic victories in the world military history. Emily Paul did not want a battle on a wide plain, where the cavalry of Hannibal would have explicit advantages. But on that day, when the army came to command the army, the battle began ... Hannibal won the Romans. Having a smaller infantry, but stronger cavalry, he placed his troops in the shape of a crescent. Roman legionstrals themselves tightly closed combat orders, attacked the center of the troops of Hannibal, discarded them, but did not be able to fulfill the breakthrough. As Carthaginians retreated, and the Romans moved deeper, Hannibal spent brilliant double coverage; His cavalry crushed the right and left flanks of the Romans, slammed the Western and attacked the Romans from IP flanks from the rear. Victory at Cannes brought Hannibal to the glory about which many of the commander was subsequently dreamed of: 45,000 Roman infantrymen and 2,700 riders stayed on the Plea Brahi. Among them, Consul Emily Paul, many former higher magistrates and 80 senators. Warron with 50 riders managed to escape from the environment and run. 4000 Infantrymen and 200 riders managed to preserve the 19-year-old Publishings of Cornelius Scipion, the future winner of Hannibal.

Battle of Cannes already in antiquity was considered an unsurpassed model of martial art. The name "Cannes" subsequently began to apply to any major battle that led to the surrounding and complete defeat of the enemy's troops. At the same time, it was the last major victory of Hannibal.

August-December 216 Answer Rome

Never before, nor after - did not survive the state, one after another victims of such crushing defeats, like Rome on the demand, in the tracnian lakes and in Cannes. When the news of Cannes reached Rome, there, of course, there was a little weak HeartsBut as the people of Romans saw in front of them only one goal: persistently seek victory. The Senate appointed a dictator to the brand of Jeni Peru. All physically healthy people, despite the age or course of classes, were mobilized. The main field commander was Mark Claud Marcezel, with two legions, immediately spoke south to support the confidence of the Allies of Rome in the final victory. Go to the allies to the side of the enemy or simply by eliminating the hostilities - and neither the valor nor the determination of Rome would never be able to prevail over the genius of Hannibal. But most allies remained loyal. Without siege worm, Hannibal was unable to capture Naples, the garrison of which was hastily replenished with marcell. Kapui, the second largest city of Italy, joined Hannibalu - as well as several small towns of campaigns, some Samnites and Lukan. However, the oscillating Italian cities were shocked when, under the walls of Nola Marcellulle reflected the Great Carthaginian in the first battle of Nola. The small reinforcements from the Carthage this year came late - the sluggish support for the Carthaginian Senate, where Gannon was dominated, the old political opponent of his father, together with Roman superiority on the sea, was impossible to send a major reinforcement that could allow Hannibal to attack Rome himself. He was criticized for not going to Rome immediately after Cannes. But Hannibal firmly knew that without siege worm, his own print army did not have a chance to take a powerful fortress with a garrison of 40 thousand people. Accordingly, it focused on the task of creating a base in southern Italy, which significantly succeeded, despite the solidarity of Italian cities with Rome.

215. Nonty position in the campaign.

Capturing a large number of cities and fortresses, Hannibal nevertheless did not achieve a real win. Rome had about 140 thousand soldiers (including divisions in Spain, Gaul and Sicily); About 80 thousand of them were concentrated against forty or fifty thousand warriors of Hannibal. Nevertheless, the Romans, following the new policy, proclaimed by the Senate, avoided open battles. Taking advantage of the favorable situation, Marcello repelled the offensive of Hannibal in the second battle of Nola.

215-205 First Macedonian War.

Although Hannibal successfully agreed with Philip Macedonian about the conclusion of the Union against Rome, the results brought him disappointment.

214-213. Indecisive actions.

Rome now had in ranking more than 200 thousand soldiers, from 85 thousand to 90 thousand who were carefully watched by Hannibal, which could now maintain the number of their army within 40 thousand people only by a set of indifferent Italians. He spent another battle with Marcello - did not solve anything third battle at Nola, then headed in Apulia, hoping to capture the port target. His brother Gannon with the 18,000th army suffered a serious defeat with Benevente from Tiberius Grakhha, under the command of which there were 20 thousand people. Marcellle went to Sicily, where she won several victories over the Syracuses, who declared himself with supporters of the Carthage, and over the Cartheginians themselves. The next year, Hannibal devoted operations against the target; Hannon, meanwhile, defeated Tiberius Grakhhu in Brutte (Sovr. Calabria, 213).

Sturm Syracuse from the sea. End III century. to R.Kh.
Sea Sambuk and Crane Archimedes, with which the ship's nose lift

213-211 Siege sira3kuz.

During the year, Marcell's attempt to take the city by storm remained unsuccessful, thanks to a large number of defensive guns, brilliantly designed by Archimensional. He headed the defense skillful Syracuse of the Hippocrat warlord. Finally (212), he managed to break through the way to the outside city, timed to the attack for the holiday. Archimeda was killed. Operation in Syracuse lasted for another 8 months - Marcells one after another dismissed the strengthening of the inner city and the citadel and, finally, defeated the garrison attack.

212 Tartart and Kapui.

Hannibal captured the tartage, but the Roman garrison rested in the citadel. Meanwhile, Roman Consuls Quint Fulvius Flacca Appia Claudiy was asked by a cap, where the lack of food was already felt. In response to the call for help, Hannibal sent Gannon to free the city. In a well-fortified camp, Beneventite Gannon gathered large food reserves, and then a skilled distracting maneuver provoked the Roman army to leave Capoi. The supplies in the besieged city, he delivered, however, compared to the skilled carteagers commander Kapuanians acted too indequaliously. While he was on the expedition, collecting new food reserves, Fulvius Flakk made a good night attack on the Camp of the Gannon and captured several thousand Capoil vans and a large number of supplies. 6 thousand Carthaginians were killed and 7 thousand captured. Gannon hurked returned to Brutte. Romans resumed the siege of Kapui. Now Hannibal led by about 20 thousand people came from the targer, and although the Romans in southern Italy had more than 80 thousand people, they were not able to or wanted to prevent his march to the cap.

212. The first battle of Capua.

In the battle under the walls of the city of Hannibal defeated consuls. To distract the Carthaginian from Kapui, they diverged in different directions, threatening his fortresses in Campaign and Lucania. Hannibal followed the appiem in Lucania, but was not able to catch it. True, in the north-western part of Lucania, he met and destroyed the M. Panilla's army, obviously, on the Sprida River (Sovar. Selo). The centered has about 16 thousand people, Hannibal has about 20 thousand; The centers itself died, and only one thousand of his people avoided death and captivity. Meanwhile, the consuls resumed the Capoi siege, but since the city was now well equipped, Hannibal returned to the southern bank, where he was defeated while trying to take possession of Brundisia (Sovr. Brindisi).

211 SPAIN.

The reinforcements of the Carthage Army Gasdrubala defeated the Scypiony brothers in separate battles in the Valley of the Upper Betis (Sovr. Guadalquivir River); Both Roman commander were killed. Carthage again owned all Spain south of Ebro.

211 Siege and second battle when cabbage.

For the winter, the Romans finished the construction of siege fortifications. New Consuls, Publishing Sulpicia Galba and Gna Fulvius Centimal, with more than fifty thousand army Blocked Hannibal's path from the south, while Proconsula Fulvius and Appia at the head of the sixty-thousand troops continued to be siege. In response to the new appeal, Kapui Gunnibal was, leading 30 thousand people; Somehow he managed to avoid a meeting with Galba and Centimala, and at that moment, when Kapuan Garniszon took a babble, the Carthaginian attacked the Roman lines from the outside. However, he could not overcome the resistance of Fulvia and in the end he was forced to retreat, the apiece of the same time drove the cabins back to the city.

211 Hike to Rome.

In the hope that the threat to the capital will force all the Roman forces to rush to her defense and remove the siege of Kapui, Hannibal decided to go to Rome. Indeed, both consul rushed after him, and Fulvius relieved part of the forces from under Kapui, but Appia approximately 50 thousand people continued the siege. Hannibal maneuver was an explicit demonstration; Soon he again headed south, then the case of an aversion consular army, while Fulvius returned to accept the command under Kapuran. This time the city has surrendered to exhaustion - the heaviest blow from the Hannibal received so far in Italy.

210 g. Roman offensive.

Still striking to avoid something like an open battle directly with Hannibal, Romans decided to try to destroy its base and sources of supply. But Hannibal defeated the Army of Proconsula Fulvia Centimala in the second battle of heroes (Sovr. Ordon). Centimal was killed. Soon after, Hannibal defeated Marcellu in the battle at a namstro.

Scypio African

210-209. SPAIN.

After death, publicing Scipiona, the Roman Senate sent his twenty-five-year-old son, publicing Cornelia Scipion, who was in history as "African Scypio", take command in Spain. He quickly restored the Roman power north of Ebro. Then, with an army of 27,500 people, he reached a new Carthage (Sovr. Cartagena), blocked by the Roman fleet, and an unexpected attack took the city (209).

209-208 Tartuent.

Although Rome was close to bankruptcy, and the people of Italy - to hunger due to the lack of people to work in the field, but the republic again had 200 thousand troops. Hannibal could harm barely 40 thousand - mostly of the Italians; And, except for the few veterans, the combat capability of his army was much lower than that of Roman legions. Now he kept waiting for reinforcements from Spain from his brother Gouchrubala. The goal of the Roman was Tartart - the main base of Hannibal in Italy. It is surprising that the Roman garrison still did not give up, supplied from the sea. In the heavy two-day battle, Hannibal broke marcel under the asculum, but again it was not able to defeat a decisive victory over his most stubborn enemy. Meanwhile, Fabiy Kunktator (Consul for the fifth time), thanks to the betrayal of Italian allies, Hannibal took a tartuent. It is amazing that, despite this loss, Hannibal was able to continue the war and keep in a hopeless situation significantly more numerous and more efficient Army Romans (208). But Romans, and especially Marcell, from now on, the battle with him was no longer afraid. However, marcells this year came to the ambush and died.

208 Battle for Becule; SPAIN

After numerous maneuvers and individual skirmishes, Scipipion defeated Gouchrubala in the battle near modern Cordoba, not applying, however, Carthaginians of a noticeable damage. Having received the order of Hannibal to send reinforcements to Italy, Gasdrubal moved to Gallia, almost leaving Spain Szipion. In Gaul, he spent the winter, giving relaxing his people and gaining replenishment.

Gasdrubal. Carthage coin

207 Gasdrubal in Italy.

At the beginning of the year, Gasdrubal passed through the Alps, arriving in the river valley of approximately 50 thousand people, more than half of which were gallins. He gave a brother about the arrival, he began slowly move towards central Italy. Meanwhile, Hannibal gained a worthy opponent in the face of an active consul of Kaya Claudia Nero. In the battle of the load (Sovr. Saponar) Nero, under the command of which there were 42 thousand people, received a small numerical advantage over Hannibal (who probably had about 30 thousand people), but nevertheless could not block the Carthaginian path to the north in Canosi (Sovr. Kosńna di Pillings), where he intended to wait for news from his brother. However, the Messengers of Gasdrubala were captured to Nero. The Roman Consul has now conceived a brilliant plan. Leaving most of the army to resist Hannibal, he took 6 thousand infantry and one thousand cavalry - selected from selected - and with all possible hasty moved to the north. Having passed 400 km in 7 days, he south of the Metaur River secretly joined the consul M. Libya Sallantar, opposing Gasdrubalu in northeastern Italy.

207 to R.Kh. Battle on the metavra.

Gouchrubala patrols reported on the arrival of Roman reinforcements, and he decided to escape at night from the metropolis for a more favorable place. But the Italian conductors deserted, and in the dark the army was lost. Gasdrubal hastily prepared for the battle, placing his least reliable parts on the left flank, for a deep ravine. Roman consuls came together with him immediately after dawn. The Carthaginian right flank was soon engaged in a heavy battle with Libya's legions, while in the Roman right flank nervous access to Gallam blocked the ravine. Reasoning that the obstacle is also impassable for Carthaginian, Nero brought his detachments from the line and quickly passed behind the rest of the Roman army, going to the rear of the right flank of the Spanish infantry. A sudden attack from the rear completely demoralized the Spaniards and, despite the heroic efforts of Gouchrubala, the army fell into panic. Seeing that everything is lost, Gasdrubal deliberately drove into the Roman cohort to die, fighting. The Carthaginian army was hopelessly broken: more than 10 thousand people died, and the residue is scattered; Romans lost 2 thousand people. Immediately after the battle, Nero returned back to South Italy in six days. According to the legend, the first news that Hannibal received the arrival of his brother in Italy was a head of Gasdrubala, ejected into the Carthaginian camp. He gratefully retreated in Brutte.

207-206 SPAIN.

Despite the decisive resistance of Magon and Gasdrubal Hisco, Scypion quickly spread his power to most of Spain. The highest point of the campaign was the battle in the city of Elpe (or Sylpia) in turdown, where ScipiPion with 48 thousand people brilliant maneuver strongly defeated the seventy-thousand Carthaginian army (206). Stretching the center of his army in a manner, somewhat reminding the building of Hannibal under Cannes, Scypion used it in a completely different way. The center was drawn up, while the Roman commander took a successful double environment with its wings. With the Carthage Board in Spain, it was finished. Soon after, Scipipion carried out a bold hike to North Africa, where he concluded an alliance with Massinissa - Siphax's opponent in the dispute for the numidian throne.

206-204 Hannibal in a hopeless position.

Hannibal was incredibly kept in Bruthy, despite the huge numerical superiority of the Romans and low - compared with Roman legions - the quality of their own troops. The only significant military event among many of the individual armed clashes of this period was the protracted battle in the city of Croton (Sovr. Crotone, 204), where he acted against him. In the same year, his brother Magon with a small army landed in Liguria. Meanwhile, Scypion was elected an consul (205) and now she cooked an army in Sicily for the invasion of Africa.

Ruins of Carthage. Everything that remains from the Great Power

204. Invasion to Africa.

As Consul, Scion sailed from Lilibia with a beautifully trained and superbly equipped army, which had about 30 thousand people, many of them were Cannes veterans and rushed to restore their honor. He landed near Trita and besieged the city. In all likelihood, in one of the first skins of this campaign, Hannibal's brother, Gannon died. The approach of the Big Carthage Army under the command of Gasdrubal Hisco and SiFax forced Scipion to remove the siege and lay the fortified camp from the shore. A truce was concluded, and both army went to winter apartments.

203. Battle under duck (or ITIC).

Having broken a truce, Scypio unexpectedly attacked the Carthaginian and the numidian camps, betrayed their fire and, defeating the Union army, resumed the siege of Utica. Soon Gasdrubal and Sifax scored a new army and here, not far from Utica, they agreed with a scipium in the battle on the Bagrada River, who ended with the Romans's victory and the capture of Siphax.

203 Return of Hannibal.

In desperation, the Carthaginian Senate began peaceful negotiations, at the same time recalling the Metropolitan of Hannibal and Magon. During the previous truce Hannibal sailed from Italy, about 8 thousand people from Italy - mostly Italians who kept the loyalty to their foreign leader. More with a few thousand people went on the way back and the victim defeated in Liguria Magon, but on the road he died from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Upon returning the commander, the Carthaginian Senate interrupted peace negotiations and helped Hannibal to collect a new army around the nucleus from Italian veterans.

202 Marsh to the will.

With the army, which had about 45,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry, Hannibal went deep into the country, apparently, seeking to distract Scypion from the surroundings adjacent to the capital systematically ruined by the Romans. Scypion followed him. Scipio's army counted 34 thousand people of infantry and 9 thousand cavalry (counting with the numidian reinforcements that joined it numidian reinforcements).

Battle at replacement 202 to R.Kh.

When both troops have already taken positions, Hannibal, according to some reports, tried to join the negotiations with a scipium. The attempt was unsuccessful, and the battle began. The army of scipio was built into ordinary three lines, but with an increased distance between lines and manipulas in the column to create passes for which the Carthaginian combat elephants could be missed. The infantry of Hannibal was also built in three lines - starting with Cannes, he began to borrow much from Roman construction and tactical systems. However, with the exception of Italian veterans and few Ligurians and Galov, who returned with Magon, most of his troops were untrained recruits. Especially the weak was the cavalry - the genus of the troops, who brought Hannibal to all his brilliant victories, which means he was and not able to apply his favorite maneuvers.

Against the attacks of combat elephants tactics, scipipius turned out to be very effective, and the Roman and Numidian cavalry drove away from the Cavalry of Hannibal. When infantry agreed, the Romans quickly managed with the first two carfhage lines. Then the occurrence of the Triaria was told to the reserve of Hannibal. However, the Italian veterans of Hannibal showed an amazing resistance of it at the moment when the Numidians of Massinissa, stopping the pursuit of the Carthaginian cavalry, hit the rear of the Hannibal line, thereby deciding the outcome of the battle.

With a few surviving Hannibal retreated to Carthage. On the battlefield there were 20 thousand dead Carthaginians, and no less than 15 thousand spared. The Romans lost about 1,500 people killed and, perhaps, about 4 thousand wounded.

Battle at replacement in 202 to R.Kh. The last battle of Hannibal.

202 world.

Reasoning the world, the Carthaginian Senate was forced to take all the conditions of scipion. The agreement provided for the transfer of the Rome of the Military Fleet and combat elephants; Carthage also committed obligations without the sanction of Rome not to start any hostilities and throughout the next 50 years to pay configuration in the amount of 10 thousand talents (about 300 million dollars); The numidian throne from Siphax passed to Massiniss.

So ended the second Punic war, which caused a crushing blow to the Carthaginian domination at the Mediterranean Sea and finally broke his military-political power. For Rome, the victory in this war had huge consequences. From the major Italian state, Rome turns into a powerful slave-owned power, which, after displacing the Carthage, turns out to be on the position of unconditional hegemon of all Western Mediterranean.

Map of the second Punic war 218-202 to R.Kh.

202-183 Tragedy Hannibala

In the first postwar years, Hannibal was so succeeded in the revival of the country, which the Romans accused him of preparing for violation of the conditions of the peace treaty. Forced to leave Carthage, he joined Antihau III, but soon it turned out to be forced to run when Antioch was defeated from Romans. Pursued by the Romans, he committed suicide in Viphini (183).

No other commander has ever met with so many disasters, nor with such a terrifying numerical advantage on the opponent's side, like Hannibal. His striking ability to breathe in his people the fighting spirit, the perfection of his tactical and strategic skills and his overthrow in the war against the most dynamic and war of the effective nation in the world prompted many historians and military theoretics to consider this Carthaginian commander the greatest warlord in history. However, objectivity does not allow him to put it above Alexander Macedonian, Genghis Khan or Napoleon; Equally it is impossible to consider any of them significantly higher than Hannibal (Comm. Avt.).

I get acquainted with the head, think: what did an ancient historian mean, when I wrote: "Scipipion opened the path of the power of Romans"? Why did the Romans gave Scypiona Honor Nick African?

Submitting Italy, the Romans began to strive to seize the fertile island of Sicily.

Their attempts to take possession of Sicily was opposed by Carthage - the richest city in North Africa.

In addition to extensive lands in North Africa, Carthage owned part of Spain and the islands in Western

Territory of the Roman Republic to the beginning of the war

about. Corsica Rome "

about. Sardinia "V.

X Places and years is important - 217 Next battles

The territory captured by Rome in 0 as a result of the second war with Carthage

The second war of Rome with Carthage.

mountain. He had a large army consisting of mercenaries, and the strongest military fleet.

Nevertheless, Rome managed to win the first warrior with Carthage and take possession of Sicily. However, the power of Carthage was not broken, and both sides were preparing for new fights.


1. Hannibal's troops invaded Italy. Without waiting for the attacks of the Romans, the young and talented Carthaginian commander Hannibal first hit. Coming out of Spain at the head of the selected troops, he approached five months later to the Alps. Hannibal's warriors were horrified, seeing near the huge mountains covered by glaciers. There were no good roads, snow lay on the passes. Fifteen days the array climbed up, and then descended down the narrow and slippery paths. People, pack animals, combat elephants broke into the abyss. Hannibal was in a hurry, not sparing himself or warriors. The transition through the Alps cost him almost half of the troops. Once in the Valley of the Po River, Hannibal announced living there halms that

it is not with them, but with Rome for the freedom of peoples of Italy. Galla hated by the conquering of their Romans. They gave Hannibal food and horses, the masses joined his army.

Having received a stunning news about the appearance of Hannibal, the Senate ordered the consuls to stop his promotion. However, Hannibal defeated consular army in several battles. An ancient historian wrote: "There was no such work, in which Hannibal would be tired by the body or fell in spirit. He first rushed into battle and left the battlefield. "

The road to Rome was open. Despair covered its inhabitants. But Hannibal understood that he did not take a well-fortified city. He moved to the south of the country, seeking to raise the peoples of Italy to combat Rome.

2. Battle of Cannes - 216 BC. e. Rome managed to create a new big army. He headed, both newly elected consuls stood. Having overtook the enemy near the city of Cannes, the consuls saw an extensive

plain and hood. "Here and give the battle," alone insisted, "we have two times more infantry than Hannibal." Another consul objected: "Enemy cavalry is stronger than our, and the plain is a great place for her actions. Safety to take defense on neighboring hills. "

On that day, when he commanded the consul who desired battle, he ordered the troops to prepare for battle. The infantry this time was lined up not in three lines, but in the form of a huge rectangle: 80 thousand legionnaires were to the shoulder. It was a formidable force! The small cavalry of the Romans was located on the sides. Hannibal foresaw that the onslaught of the legions did not hold his army. Therefore, he built 40 thousand of his infantry with a crescent, designed to the enemy by the convex side.

The best parts of the infantry and cavalry stood along the edges of the crescent. "Thank the gods that they led the Romans on this plain," said Hannibal to colleagues.

Roman legions hit the enemy center with all their severity. Crescents of the Carthaginian troops began to fade into the inside. "Victory!" - shouted the Romans. But before the victory was far away. The swirl flew into the Romans of the Spanish, Gallean and African riders of Hannibal. Having overturned the Roman Connection, they began to enter the rear by enemy infantry. At the same time, the selected parts of the Carthaginian infantry hit the opponent from the sides. The Roman army was surrounded. Legionnaires shot down in a bunch served as a good target for the enemy: every dart, each stone from the capabilities hit the target. Under Cannes Palo 70 thousand Romans, including the consul, such as opposed to the battle.

All Rome filled with sobbies. There was no family where they would not mourn someone from loved ones. However
senate refused to even listen to Ambassador Hannibal, offering peace negotiations. A new set in the army was announced. Thousands of Romans, already gray and very young, rose to protect their land.

3. The end of the war. After the defeat under Cannes, the Romans avoided the decisive battles - the war became protracted. The calculation of Hannibal to support the inhabitants of Italy was justified only at first. He was not the liberator: Carthaginian mercenaries robbed everyone without parsing, devastating the country.

Young Roman commander Scipio, having put forward a bold plan to strike on the enemy capital, landed in Africa. After fifteen years of war in Italy, without having experienced a single defeat, Hannibal was forced to hurry on the protection of Carthage.

In 202 BC e. Near the city of Zas, south of the Carthage, there was a last battle with the Romans. The advantage in Connection was on their side. The army of Hannibal was broken. It was the only battle lost to the Grand Carthaginian commander.

According to the peace treaty, Carthage lost all possessions outside of Africa, it was obliged to issue a military fleet to Rome, combat elephants and pay a large amount

First Maritime Victory Romans

Starting the first war with Carthage, the Romans did not have warships. Soon they realized that without a military fleet, they could not win. Then there were axes on the shipyards of Italy. And on the shore set benches with wheels. They planted future rowers, of which few people knew how to row. Commanders from morning to night taught newcomers at the same time raise and lower the vest. Exactly a year later, the fleet was laid on the water. On the noses of the ships, "Brokes" were installed - cake bridges with hooks at the ends.

The Carthaginian fleet boldly moved towards the enemy. When the vessels got together, the Romans hooked the "crows" overboard the enemy ships. Roman infantry rushed forward - and won. In Rome, in honor of Victory, the column was erected, decorated with rbstairs - noses of captured ships.

Roman warship. Ancient relief.

money. The power of the most dangerous opponent of Rome was broken. Rome became the owner in the Western Mediterranean.

Check yourself. 1. What is the goal of Hannibal committed the most difficult transition through the Alps? What did he count on? 2. How did Gannibal managed to win the battle of Cannes? 3. Why after defeat under Cannes Senate refused to negotiate with Hannibal? 4. What plan to fight Hannibal implemented the Roman commander Scypion? Work with the "Second War of Rome with Carthage" card (see p. 228). Describe the territory of the Roman Republic and the ownership of the Carthage. Find the places of most important battles. Remember who and when they won them.

Prepare a message about the first sea victory of the Romans. Think. 1. Why did the knowledge of the Hannibal of several languages \u200b\u200bbeen particularly important for the commander of the Carthaginian army? 2. It is known that, fighting with Rome, Gunnibal did in different way with the prisoners: he ordered to enter into the shackles, and then let go of others. How can this be explained?

Type of lesson: ONZ (opening new knowledge).

Basic goals:

1. To form knowledge of Rome wars with the Carthage and their consequences for the Mediterranean;
2. Training the ability to work with the text as a source of new knowledge; relate single historical facts and common phenomena;
3. To train the ability to analyze, compare, express judgments about the causes and consequences, the ability to evaluate their activities;
4. Training Communicative skills to listen to each other, express your point of view and argue it, work in a team.

Basic concepts: Cause, Reason, Pune, Carthage.

Knowledge of chronology:

264-241 g. BC is the first war with Carthage.

218-201 G. BC. - Second War with Carthage.

216 BC. - Battle of Cannes.

202 BC. - Battle for the dam.

Equipment lesson: Tutorial Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Svenzitskaya I.S. "History ancient Mira"; An interactive task book on the history of "at the dawn of history" (DEPTMEDIA SD), Atlas, working sheets to the lesson of opening a new knowledge, workbooks.

During the classes

1. Motivation to educational activities.

- Hello, guys, check your readiness for the lesson (the presence of a textbook, diary, notebook, atlas). Turn to each other, smile from the soul. Ready to lesson? I wish you success!
- What topic are we studied at the last lesson?
- Remember what conclusion we did at the end of the lesson? (Rome established his domination over Italy; as a result of continuous wars, the Romans created a large and efficient army.) *
- What problem we brought out of the formulated output ? (In the Mediterranean, not only Rome seeks to domination, which can lead to wars.)

Today at the lesson you will open new knowledge. How will you do this? (We define that we still do not know, and independently open new knowledge.)

2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in a trial learning action.

- Let us remember how Rome established his domination over Italy (briefly list the main facts)?

Repetition is carried out frontal. During the work, a slide presentation is displayed, where the necessary standards are recorded:

the Republic was installed in Rome (509 BC);
- Required by the defeated peoples of the land of the Romans declared the ownership of the state;
- Plebei received the right to receive these lands and became full citizens;
- Forbidden debt slavery (326 BC);
- the army was divided into legions, the base was the factory;
- the Roman army was famous for its discipline, because in the case of the cowardice of each tenth warrior, they executed the lot;
- In the campaign, the Romans built a fortified camp.

* Italics marked the answers of students

Open the atlas map and determine which states except Rome can claim to dominate the Mediterranean? (The guys call Carthage and show its possessions; territories of the Macedonian, Syrian and Egyptian states.)

Determine with the help of a map, why do the Rome wars begin with the Carthage? (Romans began to strive to seize about. Sicily on which Carthage claimed.)

Suppose what is the topic of today's lesson? ( Wars with Carthage.)

The subject of the lesson is displayed in the slide - presentations on the board.

(Trial task.)

- For what purpose will you perform a trial task? (To understand that we do not know that today there will be a new lesson.)

- After reading the proposed passages from the documents, you need to answer the next question: What are the causes of the first and second war with Carthage, what is common in them and what is different?

Who has no answer to the question? What can you not? (I can not answer the question: toakov causes of the first and second war with Carthage.)

- Who has the answer? Are you confident in the correctness of your answer? What is your difficulty? (We are not sure that the reasons for the first and second war with Carthage correctly determined.)

3. Detection of the place and the cause of difficulties.

- What question did you have to answer? ( What are the reasons for the first and second war with Carthage, what is common in them and what is different?)

- Why did you not answer the question? (We do not know what the reasons for the first and second war with Carthage, what's the common and what is different?)

4. Building an exit project from difficulty.

Deciding the topic of the lesson, name the purpose of your future activities? (Find out what the causes of the first and second war with the Carthage, what is common in them and what is different?)

The task of the second level of complexity:

- For what purpose do we search for the reasons? Why do we need to know the causes of war? ( to determine which consequences they led).

Task of the third level of complexity:

- Someone can answer the question: why do we find causal relationships? Finding the connection between the cause and consequence, for what question can we answer? (To find out how much the state will develop.)

As usual with the help of words - "assistants" we build a goal of action:

We learn: interesting facts from the history of Rome wars with Carthage: reasons, moves, dates, consequences.

Check: knowledge of concepts: "reason", "reason."

Methods: working with a textbook, atlas, performing interactive tasks, drawing up a table, analysis of documents.

- What are the tools you use when reaching the goal? (Tutorial, Atlas, Workers Sheets, Interactive Tacaches.)

Everyone is heard working sheets with tasks.

- Look at the tasks and tell me what plan will you work? (We will read the text in order to find answers to the questions raised, fill the working list in those places that correspond to our task.)

5. Implementation of the built project.

- When did the first war with Carthage begins? (264 BC)

- Read the first document and answer questions: Which Romans were called Puna and why (Carthaginian, since Carthage founded the Phoenicians - "Punes");

- Word the cause of the first war ("Rome's attempt to strengthen in Sicily led to war");

- What was the reason for the first war? ("The Romans had a reason to declare that Carthage was first violated the contract when the Bunny fleet entered the harbor of the target").

- Find the specified geographical names on the Atlas map. Raise your hands who did not cope? (Assistance in the pair.)

- What is the result of the first war? ( Rome seized Sicily, but the power of the Carthage was broken.)

- What conclusion can be made based on the result of the first war? (The purpose of the war has not been reached, the cause of rivalry between Rome and Carthage remains, the war will continue.)

If students find it difficult:

- What is the purpose of war ? She was achieved? ( Not.)

6. Primary consolidation with progress in external speech.

Slide - Presentation is bred on the board.

Check the result of execution of 1 task.

Sample (standard) of execution 1 task:

A slide with a sample (standard) of the task is derived on the board. Check if you made a table to 1 task correctly. There is a discussion of the task.

- Did you reach the goal? ( In part, we found answers in the first war with Carthage.)

- Have you coped with difficulty? (Yes, we know the reference standard.)

7. Independent work with self-test on the standard.

- And now I suggest everyone to work independently. You fill out the second part of the worksheet, reading (to choose a student):
Task 1 level - textbook text on pages 216-220,
Task 2 levels - in addition to the textbook Documents under No. 3, No. 4.

Guys who quickly cope with the task, decide the interactive task, the documents from which we analyze.

Task 3 level:

Determine the place of the described events in the relationship between Rome and Carthage.

(Working with an interactive board.)

Students work independently, after performing the work, students spend self-test according to the sample, which is displayed in the slide - presentations on the board.

Sample (standard) of execution of 2 tasks:

Sample (standard) task execution 3 level:

After self-test, reflexion is carried out: the places of errors are recorded and the causes of the difficulties arising, the errors are corrected.

You noticed that there are documents regarding the third Punic war in the task.

- What questions suggest to answer in the next lesson? (Was the need for the destruction of the Carthage? Can it be possible to do without this cruelty in relation to the city and its inhabitants?)

Take conclusion:

- What are the reasons for the first and second war with the Carthage, what is the common in them and what is different? (The cause of Rome wars with the Carthage is a rivalry for domination in the Western Mediterranean. General - wars were concluded and from the other hand. The difference was not identified);
what purpose did Rome put in the war with Carthage? (Defeat the main opponent - Carthage to establish its domination);
- What are the consequences of the second war of Rome with Carthage? ( Rome became the owner in the Western Mediterranean.)

- Provided Rome to fulfill his goal in the second Punic war? (Partly, Rome seeks to establish domination in the whole Mediterranean.)

The text is displayed in the slide - presentations on the board:

8. Reflection of educational activities.

- What's new you learned in class?
- What purpose did you put in front of yourself?
- Did you reach the goal?
- How did you achieve the goal?
- How did you discover new knowledge?
- What difficulties did you encounter a lesson?
- How did you come out of difficulties?
- You have three colors emoticons on your tables: green, yellow, red. Rate your job. If when execution independent work You did not allow mistakes, then raise the green circle if you made 1-2 errors - yellow, and if you made more than two errors, then raise the red circle.

Students evaluate their work.

- What needs to do those who raised yellow and red mugs?
- Do you need to work at home to those who appreciated their work with a green circle? What for?
- Record your homework.


§ 47, Task 3 on page 220 (oral).