Stella Victory on Poklonnaya Mount. Victory Park

Aspirated winding the monument of Victory on Poklonnaya Mount is Obelisk. He haught over the area of \u200b\u200bwinners in the Victory Park of the Memorial Complex in Moscow. The nearest metro station is the Victory Park.

Memoment value

This is one of the most important monuments of Russia. He reminds humanity about the great victory over fascism and key role Soviet Union In the destruction of this world evil.

It is not by chance that it is here, on the Poklonnaya Mountain, in the Park of Victory, to the Square of the Winners, seek not only citizens of Russia. Constantly coming here numerous groups of tourists from the most different countries World.

History of the monument

The history of the monument leaves the roots in the distant 1958. Then, by decision of the USSR authorities, a memorable granite sign was established on Poklonnaya Mount. It was indicated that it was here that a monument will be established in honor of the victory of our people over fascism in World War II.

However, the monument did not appear immediately. At first in 1958, the garden was laid on the worship of the mountain, trees landed. Later they began to collect funds for the construction of a memorial complex.

Only after 37 years, in 1995, on the eve of the 50th anniversary after the end of the Great Patriotic WarIn the Park Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mountain, a monument was opened - the victory monument.

Authors of Monument

Architects L.V.Vavakin, V.M.Budaev, sculptor Z.C.Cheteli.

Opening of the monument

The monument was solemnly opened on May 9, 1995 as part of a memorial complex of Victory.

Description of Monument

The victory monument is an obelisk height of 141.8 meters (1 decimeter for each day of war, which lasted exactly 1418 days. Each decimeter symbolizes those tragic and heroic days that did not just experience our people. He defended his freedom and independence, defeating the terrible and cruel enemy.

This is the highest monument in Russia. It has the shape of a three-headed bayonet, the face of which is covered with bronze bas-reliefs. Bas reliefs contain images of warriors and reflect the main episodes of battles and combat victories in this terrible bloody war. She claimed the lives of at least 27 million Soviet citizens. Among them are Stalingrad, Kurskaya, Belarusian, other operations, battles and battles.

On the sculpture of the goddess Victory Nick

It is noteworthy that at an altitude of 104 meters, a 25-ton bronze sculpture group was attached to the obelisk bayonet. In the center of her - the goddess of Victory Nick, carrying a crown, and on the sides - two Amur, Tubeing victory.

Underground, inside the hill on which the monument was installed, there is a special office space. It is intended for constant monitoring of the state of multi-line and difficult design from the engineering point of view.

A few meters from the monument are the eternal flame, nearby - the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The victory monument and the memorial complex on a positive grief as a whole are particularly popular among Muscovites and numerous guests of the capital.

Photo Monument Victory:

Poklonnaya Mountain - the memorable place of Moscow and all of Russia as a whole. The Poklonnaya Mountain is first mentioned in the documents of the XVI century, the truth is then it was called somewhat differently - a Poklonnaya Mountain at Smolensk (Mozhaisk) road. It is believed that the Poklonnaya Mountain received its name thanks ancient tradition: Each person who arrived in Moscow and leaving the city, bowed to him at this place. It was here that with a bow, they met important persons-princes, high dignitaries, ambassadors of foreign states. Napoleon did not receive such honor. "Napoleon was waited in vain, the last happiness of Mosently, the crankshaft with the keys of the old Kremlin: no, I didn't go to him with a guide head ..." These unforgettable lines of the greatest Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are connected with the Russian-French war of 1812, when The French emperor who came down with his troops to the walls of the capital, tried in vain to wait from the city's city authorities from Moscow.

Memorial complex on Poklonnaya Mount

Poklonnaya Mount was the time impact of ages with one of the holy places and Moscow, and the whole land of Russian. From here, the Orthodox worked the bows to her shrines. Years, decades have passed, and the Poklonnaya Mountain has become a real symbol that personifies the Russian soul, the Russian character with such qualities, as the guilty and hospitality on the one hand, freedom and independence - on the other. And first of all, of course, this is due to the construction of a memorial complex in honor of the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. This memorial complex and the worship of the mountain itself are currently firmly associated with Russians with an immortal feat of Soviet people committed in the name of the salvation of the Fatherland.

The decision on the construction of a victory monument was made on May 31, 1957. On February 23, 1958, a granite mortgage stone was installed on Poklonnaya Mountain with an inscription: "A monument to the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 will be built here. In 1961, the victory park was broken on Poklonnaya Mount. But the active construction of other components of the memorial complex (the Victory Monument and the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945) began only in 1985.

On May 9, 1995, on the Day of the 50th anniversary of the victory, the memorial was solemnly open. At its opening, the leaders of 56 countries of the world were attended. To date, it consists of several exposition exhibition complexes - art gallery, military equipment platforms, military historical exposition, diors, film-concert halls, providing all the necessary conditions for scientific, educational and patriotic and educational work. Exposure areas occupy 44 thousand square meters, on which more than 170 thousand exhibits are represented.

The museum is rich not only with its unique exhibits. Here in the solemn atmosphere, the ceremony of bringing the military oath of young soldiers, meetings with the famous veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Memory Temples on Poklonnaya Mount

The heritage of the memorial complex is represented not only by the Museum of the Great Patriotic War. Each monument, each structure resembles a feat of such different, but uniform people of the Soviet Union.

On the territory of the memorial complex there are three temples that belong to different religions. This once again characterizes the multinationality of the liberators of our Motherland.

The first was built by the temple of George Victorious. In 1995, his solemn consecration took place. The shrine of the temple is a particle of the relics of the Great Martyr George Victorious, presented by Jerusalem Patriarch Diodor.

Two years later, in September 1997, a memorial mosque was opened. This event had to celebrate the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

The temple of memory is a synagogue, was solemnly opened on September 2, 1998. The building of the synagogue was based on the concept of the architect of Israel Moshe Zarkha. The opening was attended by the President of Russia. In the ground floor and on the gallery of the chassis, an exhibition exhibition dedicated to Jewish history and Holocaust was issued.

In 2003, the memorial complex supplemented the chapel, erected in memory of the Spanish volunteers who died during the Great Patriotic War. In addition, on Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow, it is planned to build a Buddhist stupid, Armenian chapel and a Catholic temple.

Monumental monuments on Poklonnaya Mount

In the Victory Park, which is part of the memorial complex, is towering an obelisk height of 141.8 meters. This height characterizes 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War. The Bronze Figure of the Victory Goddess is fixed on the Stater Mark.

At the foot of the obelisk, the sculpture of St. George of the Victorious, who hit the snake - the symbol of evil. The sculpture was met by Zurab Tsereteli.

On the Alley Partisan in 2005, a monument to the soldiers of the participating countries of the anti-Hitler coalition was opened. The UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan participated in the opening. The author of the monument is Mikhail Pereyaslavs.

In Victory Park - there is another beautiful landmark - the floral clock - the largest in the world, the diameter of the dial is 10 m, the length of the minute-time arrow is 4.5 m, and the clock - 3.5m. Total number of lined colors on the clock 7910 pcs. The hourly mechanism is based on the principles of electromechanics and is controlled by an electronic quartz block.

The nearest metro station to Poklonnaya Mount is the Victory Park. Immediately when you leave the station, you will be presented with Moscow triumphal gates, or just a triumphal arch.

It was built in 1829-1834 on the project of the architect O. I. Bow, in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. Initially, the arch was installed on the Square of Tver Shopping, on the site of the wooden arch, built in 1814 for a solemn meeting of Russian troops who returned from Paris after the victory over the French troops. Currently, the Triumphal Arch is located on the Victory Square, which the Kutuzovsky Avenue crosses, not far from the Poklonnaya Mountain. It was transferred to this place in 1966-1968. Moscow Triumphal Gates are reminiscent of Narva Timpal Gate in St. Petersburg.

Poklonnaya Mountain has become a traditional place of collecting veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Since the inexorable time continues further and then leads us from those heroic events, it is important to use every opportunity to turn to those memorial days, tell and show young people how their great-grandfather fought, defending the freedom and independence of our Motherland. The expositions of the Memorial on Poklonnaya Mount allow it to do.

Stock Foto Memorial complex on Poklonnaya Mount

The Park on Poklonnaya Mountain was opened on May 9, 1995 by the 50th anniversary of the victory and became the largest memorial complex in Russia, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. I perfectly remember with what pump it was opened and how 1000-ton Stelll was praised, installed in the center. Since then, I have ever seen her from the train window many times, at the entrance to the Kiev station, but it never came targeted to the fan.

In the memorial complex, I got from a naparade side, fate brought on the streets of the Facchenko Brothers Street, which bows the park from the south. Here is the Ministry of Emergency Situations station:

And closed for winter Lunapark:

Judging by the aircraft attraction and the thematic design in the khaki color, the neighborhood with a positive mountain here is actively trying to monetize:

Finding on the alleys of the park, unwittingly surprised: "And where is the mountain?"

And the mountains here have long been no longer, it was disappeared during the construction of this complex:

In fact, "Park" is only a name, instead of it a huge kilometer wasteland crashes here:

Just a kilometer of emptiness against the background of the Moscow-City skyscrapers under construction:

The emptiness is lined with granite slabs, each of which lives for a long time:

In the middle of this monumental wasteland rises steel obelisk in the form of a bayonet of the work of Zurab Tsereteli. Its height is 141.8 meters, 10 centimeters for every day of war, this is the highest monument in Russia:

At the foot of the Obelisk there is a monument to Georgy Victoronesso:

On Stella herself, at an altitude of 104 meters, a 25-ton statue of the goddess of Victory Niki with two amours, Tubeschi Victory:

All this, probably, should be awe awe's awe, but in fact it causes perplexity - 135 hectares of land in the center of Moscow are given to the wasteland. There is no landscaping here, there is no artistic value too - all some kind of pompous, but stupid, and the distances between objects are also not adding joy. The main point of attraction here is the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, from the metro station, which is located at the very entrance to the park, to it to go on an empty granite alleam smoothly kilometer. From the landscaping along the way only stands with portraits:

The entrance group is made in the form of a circular gallery that slides the area around the obelisk from the west (clickable):

There is nothing within the gallery itself, the wind walks and there are two guns:

The entrance to the Museum is paid, costs 300 rubles:

Walked around the park, it is also some kind of empty and rare, solid disappointment. Trees are numbered:

Roads here, also cleans the Belarus tractor:

In the southeastern part of the park there is a temple of George a victorious, open at the same time as a memorial complex in May 1995:

The main entrance to the memorial from Kutuzovsky Prospect in 2014 opened a monument to the heroes of the first world - a rare case for Russia. Monuments dedicated to the First World War in the Russian Federation can be counted on the fingers, the war in the people is almost forgotten, and this is despite the fact that in it from Russian Empire More than one and a half million people died:

Opposite the monument to the heroes of the First World War there is another mournful monument dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812:

Access to the triumphal arch on Kutuzovsky Avenue is the same inconvenient, as well as the way to - can only be accessed through underground pass. Here I was waiting for another disappointment: it turned out that this arch is a new building of 1968, the original monument stood on the square in front of the Belarusian station and was destroyed in the 1930s:

The real arch was built in 1834:

It was decorated with 12-meter cast-iron columns and sculptures of Russian warriors:

Novodel is not even a copy of the lost monument: instead of the original brick, reinforced concrete was used, instead of white stone, the frame was tested with gray limestone, all sculptures and columns were distinguished again, despite the fact that some elements of the old gate were preserved in the storey:

Texts on memorable boards also changed:

The quality of restoration work was so low that after 40 years after the construction of the Arch came to the emergency condition. By the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, 230 million rubles had to spend on overhaul.

Posts about Russia:

01. Victory Park or how to master 135 hectares of Moscow

Victory Memorial on Poklonnaya Mount

The memory of the Great Patriotic War is sacred. This indisputable fact is particularly acutely felt on the memorial, open on Poklonnaya Mount.

Poklonnaya Mountain is a gentle hill in the west of Moscow, between the Rivers Setun and Filk.

Once a Poklonnaya Mountain was far beyond Moscow, and the panorama of the city was opened with its top. Travelers stayed here to look at Moscow and bowed to her - hence the name of the mountain occurred. This is one of the versions of the origin of the name.

Poklonnaya Mountain is mentioned in the documents of the XVI century. So, it is known that the Crimean Khan Gaza Gaza II Gerai crashed here during his campaign to Moscow in 1591. Then Crimean Han, together with the Nogai, suddenly with the 150,000th army invaded the borders of the Moscow state, passed OKU and approached Moscow.

The main camp of the Crimean and Nogai smashed on Poklonnaya Mount. Moscow was from here as a palm. And they believed that soon would be their feet. But in the area of \u200b\u200bthe future Don Monastery, Stepnyaki collided with the troops of the king Fyodor Ivanovich under the command of Boris Fedorovich Godunov. Gaza II Gerai was forced to retreat. And from the Poklonnaya Mount, he had to run, throwing the most part of the coat.

Victory Memorial on Poklonnaya Mount

After two hundred years, in 1812, it was on a positive grief that the next invader, Napoleon, waited for keys from the Kremlin. Napoleon knew that here, on an exalted place, with bonds met important persons, foreign embassies. But no one met him.

Through the Poklonnaya Mountain during the Great Patriotic War, the troops went to the front to defend their homeland.

For the first time about the project of the victory Memorial on Poklonnaya Mount, back in 1942, after the defeat of the Nazis near Moscow. But then, of course, it seemed not to monuments. But still the Union of Architects of the USSR announced a competition for the best project of a memorial complex in honor of the future victory.

In 1955, Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, in aimed at the Central Committee, the CPSS note again reminded the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a victory monument in the Great Patriotic War.

But only on February 23, 1958, a memorable sign with the inscription "The monument of the victory of the Soviet people will be built here here in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." And in the spring of the same year, the victory park was laid around the sign.

For various kinds of reasons, the design and construction of a memorial complex on a positive grief was delayed for many years. As a result, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating exactly the popular monument to victory in the Great Patriotic War, which was expressed for several decades, really managed to implement only in the late 90s of the 20th century.

His solemn discovery, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazism, was held on May 9, 1995. He was named simply - the victory memorial on Poklonnaya Mount.

In the middle of the area of \u200b\u200bthe winners, there is an obelisk - stele in the form of a bayonet. Stela is made of durable steel and weighs a thousand tons. The height of the bayonet 141, 8 meters. He symbolizes 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War, that is, ten centimeters for every day of war.

The bayonet is a bronze bas-relief - a 25-ton bronze figure of the goddess of Victory Niki. It is located at an altitude of 122 meters above the ground.

And at the foot - the statue of St. George the Victorious (the Heavenly Patron of Moscow), amazing the Snake's spear, that is, evil.

The memorial complex, located on 135 hectares, includes the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, the Victory Monument and the Three Temple of Three Confestions, built in memory of those killed in the war.

The Church of St. George the Victorious was consecrated in 1995. The temple stores a shrinkage - a particle of the relics of the Great Martyr George Victorious, presented to the Jerusalem Patriarch Diodor, transferred to the temple in 1998.

The memorial mosque was opened on September 6, 1997, on the day of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the capital. In the construction of the mosque, the features of various Muslim architectural schools are connected. When the mosque has a community and madrasa.

The building of the synagogue was built and solemnly open on September 2, 1998. The opening was attended by the President of Russia. In the ground floor and on the gallery of the chassis, an exhibition exhibition dedicated to Jewish history and Holocaust was issued.

In 2003, a chapel was opened on the territory of the Memorial, erected in memory of the Spanish volunteers who died in the Great Patriotic War. In addition, on Poklonnaya Mount it is planned to build a Buddhist patch, the Armenian chapel and the Catholic temple.

Composite and at the same time the main part of the memorial complex of Victory on Poklonnaya Mount is the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

The museum is located on a round area of \u200b\u200bthe winners, to which the central alley of the Victory Park leads from Kutuzovsky Prospect.

The museum was established back in 1986. Then the situation was "On the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." The position indicated that the Museum on Poklonnaya Mountain is the "head for all Museums of the Military Historical Profile in the System of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR." Four main activities were also identified: in the region scientific activity, in the field of scientific and stock work, in the field of scientific and exposition work and in the field of scientific and educational work. In 1992, the museum was spelled out to include the halls of memory and glory, an art gallery, six diors, halls of the historical exposition, a film collection hall, an exhibition hall for the organization thematic exhibitions, Hall of meetings of veterans and cinema for displaying chronically documentaries.

In 1993-1994, temporary historical and artistic expositions were created in the museum, which subsequently served as a prototype of future stationary expositions. Then it was decided to create a victory in the memorial complex of the Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Mount of Exhibitions military equipment and engineering and fortification facilities.

Today, about fifty thousand exhibits on military history are stored in the museum.

The special showcases are the memory books - 385 volumes in which the names of people who fell in war are inscribed.

In the museum, among other exhibits, the Banner of Victory is kept - the Red Banner, omilized April 30, 1945 above the Reichstag building in Berlin. In addition, presented and works of art: paintings and sculpture, graphics and posters. The museum library stores more than 50,000 publications, including rare books.

Near the museum, a permanent exhibition of military equipment is deployed.

In the Park Victory, a monument to "Defenders of the Russian Earth" and a monument to "all the fallen" was established.

April 30, 2010, on the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Victory, on the Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow, the eternal flames lit. The flame torch was taken from the Eternal Flame at the Kremlin Wall on an armored personnel carrier with an escort of motorcyclists.

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A thousand tons of special durable steel, a lined stone, a 25-ton sculptural group, an unusual trothed form, record construction time is a victory monument on Poklonnaya Mount - the highest in Russia. Inside it is hollow. What hides behind the stone cladding and bronze bas-reliefs?

Glazed door right in a snow-covered hill under the monument of victory is closed, and to go to her, you will have to push off the barrier. Paschers do not look here, tourists take pictures of Stel and go to the museum of the Great Patriotic War. And behind this door - a whole station, where specialists of the GBU "Hormost" are watching the state of the monument around the clock.

Inside the heat and many colors even now, when winter on the street. In the spring and summer they are crowded on the shelves, and on the floor. The plants are well-groomed, and when you find out that some kind of man engineers work here, they are somewhat surprised. And then, in the corridors, where only the walls and pipes, the light is artificial, and the air serves a special ventilation system, you understand: so they add life to this almost deaf dungeon.

Signal systems and oscillation curves

On the wall of the corridor - the monument and instruction scheme, on the left - dispatching. In each of the four duty shifts, two engineers. In a small room with equipment for monitoring, they spend a day. On one screen, figures change all the time: wind speed (average and in gusts) and its direction, temperature. On the other, the curve shows the hesitations of the stela, but while the wind is weak and it is almost not moving, the curve is more like a straight line. When the wind speed exceeds 17 meters per second, the system gives a beep. This means that oscillations can be strong.

An image from cameras is displayed on another screen. They show the pedestal and details themselves - the rifles blowing at the base of the stele-pin, wreath in the hands of nickname, chubby hands of angels, troping victory. The video system is watching not only for the state of the monument, but also for the limit, which strive to climb the monument. However, in winter, when it is cold, they are becoming less.

On the tables - magazines for accounting in which each shift writes what happened, to pay attention to.

"We, of course, do not sit here only for the monitoring system. We have a constant visual inspection planned, that is, it is necessary to rise, inspect the state of the metal structures: elements, nodes, connections, "- tells the chief specialist of the engineering and production group Salcarbek Shamkanov.

Vibration damper behind the goddess

Stela - the construction is unique. And it's not even in height, but in complicated form. Architects found the monument in the form of a bayonet, on the form of a Russian rifle of 1898 close to the bayonet. Unusual design unstable. The layout even had to blow out in the aerodynamic tube to find out how the monument would react to the wind and calculate the load.

"You see, the construction has the shape of a trothed. And then another sculptural group, Nika. If it was just a pipe - it is in all directories there are, which coefficients - can be calculated. And here it depends on the direction of the wind, as a structure behaves, "- explains Shamkanov.

"Behaves" - in fact, a strange characteristic for romance from steel, stone and bronze, but under the strong wind of the stele and the truth is that it comes to life and moves. When its speed exceeds 17-20 meters per second, oscillations can be strong. In 2000, stele was rejected by 90 centimeters. But this is a single case. "This year, for example, 45 centimeters is the maximum deviation," says a specialist. He has a calm voice, everyday, and still thinks a thought: really a huge stele can deviate so much?

To reduce oscillations, the monument was installed special quotes of the first and second tone of bending oscillations and a spinner of the vibrations. The main damper of the flexural oscillations of the first tone is by the shoulders of the winged nickname. A 10-ton design fluctuates in the counterpart of the structure and, as it should be preventing him to swing strongly.

"This is the most important extinguisher. It exits the flexural oscillations of the first tone. They are characterized by a maximum deviation. And there are still oscillations of the second tone, small fluctuations: amplitudes are small, but high frequencies, "says Salcarbek Shamkanov.

To maintain dampers behind the back of the nickname, at an altitude of more than 100 meters, there is a hatch. If you look, you can see Kutuzovsky Avenue. But there are not allowed: you have to climb the vertical stairs, and you need a special permission to work at the height. Instead, they offer ride on the lifting.

Attention! Rock up ... Open

A corridor, a few steps, a small platform and finally a strange narrow opening in the wall as if the entrance to the compartment is that a submarine, or spacecraft. To get to the lift, you have to almost squeeze and lean. The engineer is not in vain in a helmet: you can also scratch, although it is difficult to disintegrate into the black and yellow stripes.

Inside the hollow stele is cold, almost like on the street. The top goes the beams and the staircase, everywhere the electrical wires, along which down, in the dispatching, comes information about the dampers, speed and direction of the wind. From the inside the monument is lit by lamps, therefore it can be seen that it is fastened into a single design with large bolts. Most of the stele from the outside cover the bas-reliefs, and here these convexities add up to intricate patterns.

The Swedish lift with two platforms, one above the other, is designed for 250 kilograms, but they are still allowed only for two - narrowly. Salcarbeck Shamkanov asks to hold on and out of the cabin not to stick out: "The clearance is small, like a guillotine, can cut you."

The elevator leaves, and shamcans closes the passage of the chain with a sign "Attention! The rise is closed. " Precautions Oblest: Step down - and fall into the pit.

A small playground of the lift is fenced with handrails, but she has no walls, and it is scary. Black paint marks: 8.5 meters, 11.5 ... 17.5 ... 26.5 ... every 12 meters there is a playground. All of them are the same, only narrowed up with a stele. Before the top of the top, the elevator does not go, because the lift will simply not slide. Further only on the stairs, like firefighters.

"Good charging", - Laughs engineer attendant shift Andrei Malykhin. It can be seen that he is used to climbing the stairs, jump off from the beam beams, fix the safety cable so that that correctly stretched. There are often here. It is necessary to lubricate the item, then tinkering something, then the light bulb is replaced. It happens that the wind is strong, the oscillations are large, and the quotator does not move on the video. So something has jammed, and it is necessary to climb up.

Employees work here since the 1990s. "Romance will fuss over the years," says Andrei Malykhin. But still this job, he likes much more than the office.