The Cadastral Chamber of Orenburg will again be headed by Chabanenko. Mikhail Chabanenko: It's easier to access an official - less alienation of power

As it became known from reliable sources, the branch of the Federal State Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestra in the Orenburg region will be headed by Mikhail Chabanenko. So far, there are no official statements about this issue. It is noted that Mikhail Chabanenko has already served as director of this department for seven years, from 2004 to 2011 and showed himself as an experienced leader and professional. Subsequently, he was appointed to the position of chief federal inspector in the Orenburg region.

As it became known from reliable sources, the branch of the Federal State Cadastral Chamber of Rosreestra in the Orenburg region will be headed by Mikhail Chabanenko. So far there are no official statements about this.

It is worth noting that Mikhail Chabanenko has already held the director of this department for seven years, from 2004 to 2011 and showed himself as an experienced leader and professional. Subsequently, he was appointed to the position of chief federal inspector in the Orenburg region.

Within two years, the responsibilities of the Director of the Land Cadastral Chamber temporarily performed Nikolai Watching. Mikhail Vladimirovich did not find a worthy substitution and asked to return to the leading position.


  • Mikhail Chabanenko was born on July 2, 1972 in Orenburg.
  • In 1994 he graduated from the Orenburg Technical School of Informatics and computer equipment specialty "Programming for computer and automated systems"; In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of "Accounting and Audit" of the Orenburg State University, having received a specialty economist, an auditor.
  • In 2006, he defended his thesis on the topic "Foreign economic activity as a factor of economic security", receiving a degree of candidate of economic sciences.
  • In 2009, he graduated from the Moscow State Legal Academy in the specialty "Jurisprudence"; From 2010 to the present, training in Orenburg state University Specialty "Software Computer Engineering and Automated Systems" is a selection of graduate school of the Orenburg State Agrarian University.
  • Labor activity began in 1994 in the Magistral Association with a programmer's post. From 1995 to 1999 - Chief Accountant, from 1999 to 2002 - Director of Economics and Finance of this Organization.
  • From 2003 to 2004, he was the founder and director of the "Orenburg Production Distribution Center" Bear ".
  • Since 2011, the First Deputy Secretary of the Regional Political Council of the United Russia party.
  • From September 2004 to September 28, 2011 - Director of the Federal state institution "Land Cadastral Chamber of the Orenburg region."
  • From September 28, 2011 to June 7, 2012 - the chief federal inspector in the Orenburg region.

Mikhail Chabonenko, CandidateConomic Audience, graduate-state-state-Russian-headacadereentialness "Jurisprudence", applicantRearted theorenburgskogo-state-in-law Entroducement, since 2010. The presentation of the "Software and Supervisory Equipment and Automated Systems" in the Orenburg State SystemsToP Special Representability.

His professional activities He began in 1994 in the Magistral Association with the position of "Programmer"

The spectators of the NTV channel well know this representative and intelligent young man in the regulations of the "Emergency" program. But few people guess that Mikhail Chebonenko began his telecomprise career on Vladimir Canal, graduated from Vladimir State Pedagogical (now humanitarian) university. Our story about how a person with abilities and a great desire could embody his dreams into reality.

On awakened conscience

- Mikhail, where to start moving towards the embodiment of your dreams?

With education. I have it a higher. And oddly enough, I feel exactly a person with higher education. Just many feared that it began to work too early, the institute would not finish ... with the schedule, which was initially (however, as now), time for personal life was barely enough. I'm not talking about learning. As a result - finished ped, Philfak. Accounted for B. last moment Before sessions, take yourself in hand, something even sacrificing and prepare for exams. It happened, I got acquainted with the teacher only at the session. Someone from them noticed that the eyes of glass from the unsuppression, immediately recalled some of my good plot on television - and did not torment. But those who believed that I should be ashamed to conscientious classmates, and forced to come to the exam several times. However, conflicts never had anyone. She listened, the material was heard - and came.

For some reason, studies have never been in the first place. After all, it is interesting jobin which there are still no soul tea. In addition, we were on the course of the guys, there was a person of 5 out of 70. Once it was about learning to think. The first 2 years of the institute also sang in the rock group - it was terribly interesting and delayed. Yes, and friends always loved his friends (and now I love), that I tried to do anyone to deprive. But the conscience always woke up to the top exams. It is very good that we managed to finish the prestigious university, where, in my opinion, very strong preparation (I feel in life after Vladimir Philfak, it is very comfortable), and at the same time - to keep the profession with which I plan to associate more than a dozen years ... Probably even all life. The only object of the institute, which, I think I visited in vain is informatics. Computer Aza knew only in practice.

Knowledge received at the university helps me to be universal: seem on equal (or almost equal) with a scientist, athlete or schoolboy; Overcome the barrier that stands between you and the interlocutor. I repeat, the philfak of our pedal service is a strong school: from the formation of journalistic text - to simple communication with people.

Now I feel like what is called, in its place. All my life dreamed of the scene and about working on television. The scene (let the amateur level) was. In Volginsky (this is the village where I grew up, not far from the cover) played a violin, periodically gave concerts, then I was joining the rock music, too, "Strolled" at the local level ... The passion for television was stronger.

- Why did you choose Filfak VGSU?

Actually, I got sick after school to the journalism of Moscow State University. Powered creative competitionI passed on 4 English (the examiner said: "I put" four "." Five "- in the mind"), but the essay led a little - one point was not enough. I went to Vladimir - entered the philfak. Then they only opened the specialization of "journalism" on its basis. He gave himself a word to return to Moscow in a year, but remained to study in Vladimir. It hurts did not want to part with new friends. By the way, in Vladimir, the entrance exams scored 14 points out of 15.

"Do you weak?"

- Mikhail, did you start working on Vladimir Television?

Yes. As I said, I dreamed of getting from early childhood on the "Telek". This dream has already been implemented in the 6th grade. My debut - on the RTR TV channel. In the program "Himself the director" in the heading "Weak?" I sent a video in which I sitting on the twine, played a violin something from Vivaldi. They called, said she won, and invited to the studio. There, Alexey Lysenkov handed me a TV, a cake and something else ... showed the whole country, and the TV that was presented, still working.

In Vladimir, already in student years, by chance, one of the buddies was mentioned, which has some acquaintances on GTRK "Vladimir". I took note and asked to find out how to get there. To be honest, at first did not even know what exactly I want to be there. At the very least, hardly represented. For the company called his buddy Max. He then was looking for himself and agreed. We were led to the "Pioneer" - the legendary studio on the basis of the GTRK, where the schoolchildren did high telephysophesians. Now she, in my opinion, no longer exists. Igor Borisovich - Head of the Studio - held an interview with us. In short, made it clear that it was not kindergarten And that television is a disease. And if you won't get sick with it during your work, "you are a loser. Something like that. Max no longer wanted to return there. And I began to ride with the guys on the shooting and study the specifics of work. The first departure was with Andryukha Tsyganov and Jurching Petrov. They are now in Moscow at Russia.

But in the "pioneer" never remained. After a couple of weeks, accidentally in the corridor GTRK met with the editor-in-chief Andrei Nikolayevich Filinov. Then there was a time in the news, no one canceled the esters. He suggested trying me with a correspondent to Vesti-Vladimir. I agreed. Worked a lot - very much wanted to stay. Even sacrificed summer holidays. Then he tried to enter the specifics of the texts of news. People have become from vacationing to return. I chose the most professional and studied with them to draw plots. We must pay the School of GTRK "Vladimir". Strong she. I now turn on the TV - and I see your former colleagues almost every channel. In general, I joined the news pace and in the team pretty quickly.

There was only a speech defect. The letter "R" I did not speak from childhood. And I understood that with this feature far in television will not leave. At 21, I decided to turn to the speech therapist. Advised professional manwho agreed to do me. It took only a few lessons and round-the-clock practice. My wife Diana (then still Future) constantly asked me when I told her something without the pronunciation of the letter "P". It annoyed me, and I can't "do this sophisticated sound through" I can't ". And then - used. Immediately offered the final program to lead. A year and a half combined the role of leading with a correspondent. In general, unforgettable times were. We were all on the GTRK there as a big family. Still calling out, we meet ...

About love

- Mikhail, tell me how you ended up on NTV?

I just wanted to Moscow. At one point, I realized that television is something more than the Vladimir region; And what else to learn and learn. During the work in Vladimir, I looked at a few people among the televisas of a federal scale (this and showmen, and analysts) and realized that the work was a bad edge. And besides, I love Moscow since childhood. I rose nearby, often went here with friends and parents. And my friends are all living here. In general, I took a vacation for GTRK - I went to Moscow. First arrived in the editor of Ren-TV. There, our Vladimir Ilya Doronov is now working in the news. He introduced me to everyone. I traveled to shoot for about a month, and then they told me that you need to wait a month-other - allegedly the rate should be released. I decided not to wait and called NTV. Then in the "PE" correspondents were needed. He talked with the boss, he gave me a couple of weeks to the test, and then suggested to stay in the program. Of course, I was delighted. I think every television journalist dreams of at least a little work on the legendary NTV. It's just great here. Those great TV presenters, whom you have previously considered unacceptable, now every day pass by you. Helloing with them, and it seems so it should be. In general, the level is different. Much higher.

- Why did you choose this program on NTV?

At first, the subject of the program was slightly embarrassed. I did not immediately decide to call here. Still, crime is very specific, and not everyone can cope. We still have some experts do not stand. And the point is not that "scary to live." Just all this needs to be able to present the viewers so as not to hurt their psyche, leave the TV screen. But I weighed everything. It is still a little new feeling. In addition, the "ChP" list includes not only murders, robbery and explosions, but also, let's say, unusual salvation of animals ... Especially ratings this program - one of the highest on NTV. And when on the third day of work, I was sent to Rublek home to Valeria and the Pogin (they then stole jewels), I no longer doubted that criminal journalism could tighten for a long time.

In addition, there are many positive moments. Grandmother looking at the TV plot on how her peer deceived fraudsters, herself would not allow such an error. At least, I sincerely want to believe it.

About knowledge, patience and reports

- What knowledge is needed by a criminal television journalist?

- I will not say that each of us knows 100 percent of the Criminal Code. Simply there are certain rules that any journalist has no right to know. For example, confidentiality (if it is in the story of a minor) or a ban on the statement of your personal opinion in the plot ... True, some points of the Criminal Code had to be considered: they are important to know when communicating with a representative of law enforcement agencies. It is equally important to show restraint and generally monitor your behavior. If you were led to the arrested, who still killed 10 people yesterday, you do not need to try as quickly as possible to ask him the planned questions and go away. If he understands that he confuses you, he will just be silent. And, of course, patience. When we filmed a woman in St. Petersburg, who in the apartment lives 50 dogs, we wanted to go outside as soon as possible. In the apartment for obvious reasons it was impossible to be. Here is already a professional principle. Freak into the street - there will be no good story.

- What is the difference between work on the federal television channel from working at the regional?

First, the audience. One thing, several thousand people are watching you, and quite another - millions in all cities of Russia. Here and responsibility you feel more. The work of the sapper: you have no right and the slightest error. At best, they will puncture. Secondly, the difference in the feed level of the material. At the federal level, the text passes a very tough check before entering the ether. But it is necessary to pay tribute, the specifics of the news text on all channels, both regional and federal - the same.

- Can you remember your first report?

I took the first report when I was in danger on GTRK "Vladimir". The plot of how the gas boiler house was built in the city of Koshevo, and gas, as it turned out, was not in the city at that time. As a result, it broke over and redesigned under fuel oil. With the topic, of course, lucky. Such things can not, what is called, "tight". However, positive emotions after the release of the plot on Ether still did not experience. Because of the problems with the collapse, he was read another correspondent. Naturally, it all looked as if he took this plot.

- Then what plot is the most memorable at the moment?

Without inflatable, recalculation is remembered in a direct broadcast of NTV from the place of falling the aircraft in the area of \u200b\u200bthe airport Domodedovo. Then it had to work spontaneously. Nobody allowed anywhere, but something had to tell something. In a short time, it was possible to get information and safely "engage in". And until now, the last trip to the Astrakhan region is in memory. 2 days in the open Caspian Sea with policemen caught poachers. In the sea and spent the night. Then I had to work. To the main detention of us for a long time did not agree to take. Poachers were armed with automatic machines. Thank God, no one shot anyone. However, just in case we tried to keep us away from the place of events.

About stars and travel

- You mentioned that Valeria and Prigogine were visiting. And you can find out the details?

Valeria and Prigogin are very friendly, friendly and hospitable people. They told about the value of the necklace that they were stolen. But in the end, admitted that they did not hold evil on the robber.

With Kirkorov communicated. He told him as his guard for several years he and robbed. We shot Philip in the Moscow Cafe. After his speech, he gave us an interview. I asked between the case: "What is the event here?" And he replied: some kind of wedding. These people always want to say about them, and for us it is a win-win version. On the stars, viewers always watch away. By the way, not a single photo with the celebrity - never did. You need to keep yourself in your hands.

- You probably have to travel a lot?

Yes, a lot of business trips, in different points of Russia. I already told about the trip to the Caspian Sea. I remember even the hunt for wolves in the Perm Territory. There, in the winter in the village, the wolves began to come and attack on domestic animals. Because of this, even in schools, classes canceled that the children are not injured. We then destroyed two days in Perm forests. This is the case when painstaking work is coming for rest.

I have dreams associated again with work. But I do not know them. And I also dream of a big, friendly family. I love children very much ... I think I can be a decent father. My wife thinks so too.

- What has changed in your life after you start working on NTV?

My relationship has changed. I began to appreciate it even more. I finally saw my countrymen from the village of Volginsky. The regional channel does not catch there. And no one saw me on TV. Parents specially arrived at 100 km to see my program.

- What is the most difficult for you in your work?

- The most difficult thing when you feel a creative crisis. It is very unpleasant if in the new text you recognize the intonation of the old plot on a similar subject. Only after a long thought process, you again restore the strength and give out something new, original, your ... I try never to stand still. I think: the happy person who always has a plank above the one he has already achieved. I hope there are many more such slats. I consider a successful journalist who will learn from his personal intonation. There are many NTV news in the news. This itself has not yet achieved. There is a field for work. There is a lot of ideas. To implement them, you need time. I hope it will work out.

Faina Shatrov

Published in the weekly "Tomiks-Tolstik-Vladimirskaya Gazeta", July 18, 2008
reprinted with a blog "Vladimir Newspaper" -

"We got acquainted with the new main federal inspector Mikhail Chabanenko. During the meeting, a conversation took place about his vision of the problems of the region, about attention to" little man", relationships with regional executive power, about family, hobbies.
Unity of independent
- Mikhail Vladimirovich, you are one of the youngest in this position in our area. And for her you need a certain state experience. What did he work out of you?
- praise with great experience public service I really do not have to. Nevertheless, I headed the federal government for seven years. Land Cadastral Chamber "She is known today on Bystrina - organizes the provision of registration services, has accumulated a certain experience with citizens, very popular in a market economy. It can be said that it is in this area that the key legal relations of the new time, and with them and the style of life are formed.
In the cadastral ward I had to deal with uneasy mass shares. One of them is a country amnesty, chrying a large number of Orenburg. I had to work tightly with each association of summer residents and eventually give tens of thousands of cadastral certificates.
Before that, for several years, I worked as a joint-stock association, had a private business, which allowed "to draw up" in the modern economy. This also helps now when you have to deal with commodity producers.
- Why do you need such outpost of the federal center in the area? After all, the governor is also appointed by the president and is also his representative, his hand and Ok.
- I believe, we can talk about two reasons for the preservation of the Institute of the main federal inspectors and even increasing his role. First, power in the country is formed on three relatively independent levels. There are municipalities, there are state bodies with their governments and legislative assemblies and there is a federal center. We are committed to coordination of interaction between them. Secondly, the structure of power has not yet established, they are in development, sometimes unexpected collisions arise. And offices of the President of the Russian Federation in federal Districts, and the main federal inspectors in the subjects can participate more quickly in their resolution on behalf of the Federal Guide.
- And what, in fact, the indigenous difference of the functions of your device from the functions of the government of the region?
- There are more than 50 federal departments that do not directly obey local authorities. They do not exclude inconsistencies with the interests of the territories, between the center and the regions, by the way, as in the case of the disposal of obsolete ammunition. We try to warn these inconsistencies, coordinate the actions of the authorities of all levels. And that is no less important - we act as conductor of the district, all-Russian shares in the interests of the whole state. First of all, in the fight against terrorism, the spread of drugs, extremism. At the same time, in no case we do not replace local executive power. It is all responsibility for specifics - for the welfare of the population, the development of the economy, social sphere. And we are where bottlenecks arise where the efforts of federal structures and regional bodies are required. Regarding the same explosions of obsolete ammunition, we recently collected representatives of interested departments, discussed the results of disposal, taking into account the security of the population.
Three million petitions
Despite the name of the post - the inspector that in translation from Latin means "surveyer", our participation in the control is rather political. That is, make sure that simple current problems do not turn into antagonistic. There are advantages: we are not suspended observers, but active participants in state construction in the regions.
This does not mean that we are engaged only systemic problems. On the contrary, in its activities, I pay considerable attention to the specific concerns of people, including as the head of the adopted president of the Russian Federation in the Orenburg region. It is necessary to see that our complicity in the needs of a particular person is a key problem, one of the ways to overcome the alienation of power from the population. Therefore, I try to urgently sort out every handling.
- Indeed, because you can drown in the mass of complaints and requests ...
- You can drown, and you can nap with some system solution. After all, it often comes to mind after a collision with a mass of the same questions. My predecessors, for example, in touching with queues in state institutions, came to the opening of interdepartmental centers for state and municipal services. Now we go on.
Even working in the cadastral ward, I felt very important to expand access to specialized services. After all, simple uniform specialists with a stream of visitors are perceived by people as a manifestation of bureaucracy. Therefore, in the Orenburg district, in the territory of which there are especially many country sites, we instead of one time began to take residents six times a week. What is called, met people and delighted their questions from morning to evening.
There is such a fact about the hugeness of the problem of dialogue with citizens. Only on issues to the authorities in the year it comes up to three million appeals.
Now, in the new role, I continue to work to facilitate this dialogue. It is possible to increasingly bring the departments to which people are addressed. From next year, visitors will no longer be postmen between officials who demand to bring them a certificate from their colleagues. They themselves will take care of the exchange of these references.
- Actually, the governor often comes from private to the common one. He is engaged in a lot of specific appeals of Orenburg residents, and from this, many details of the plan for the modernization of medical institutions, programs for the increment of kindergartens, support for large families were born.
True, journalists " Southern Urals "It was thought that one of the main directions of my work would you call the fight against corruption. After all, with complaints about it for you, too, probably, you are hardly knocking every day?
"I work in the position of the main federal inspector of just a half and a half and can not praise, which has already decided on his role in the fight against this evil. Yes, and directly this task is on law enforcement agencies. I can only say that I don't like to make your state duties at all. If we speak by and large - it must be achieved that the solution to issues provoking bribes is less depended on the will of the official. He is honored when the procedure for solving the issue is unclearly registered in the documents and options are possible. So, it is necessary to more actively identify corruption components in our legislation and eliminate them. However, promptly respond to extortion signals.
But then I would like to emphasize the other: for many many people, corruption is not an explicit trouble. When a man flows over his head or in his house, he has a cold and a child is forced to join warm clothes, it requires attention primarily to this household unsettlement. Therefore, the apparatus of GFI, and the adoptive president, which I lead, try to respond to such "simple" appeals of citizens.
- How are your relationship with the governor, other regional leaders? Are the friendly relationship between you? Or most importantly, what should determine them, - principle?
- They are constructive, workers. Our device promptly receives information from ministers to your requests. Many shares we spend together, pursue some goals. Therefore, business coherence is required. At the same time, it is probably not by chance in a democratic society proclaims the independence of branches and branches of power. For mutual control. While I can only say that our device prepares information on requests from the district independently, thereby enabling the leadership of the PFD to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of affairs in a particular sphere on different sources. There are also the discrepancies that give a reason to critically look at the solution of the problem. Recently, for example, we dealt with the evaluation of working with difficult teenagers. In the report of one of the ministries it was said that 35 percent of the number of registered disadvantages were drawn to classes in various sections. And we did not have such optimistic data. This reason together work on the admission of guys to useful things. The main thing is how we work together to achieve a specific result. This, in my opinion, and people are waiting for us.
- And you personally managed to do something for ordinary people?
- During the previous work, I and the colleagues took a chafer on the boarding school for children with severe speech violations. Created even for this charity foundation. But there was not enough money. And I was convinced how much it is not easy to ask for help, when no one is obliged to you. At school it was necessary to repair the gym, and we went on construction organizations. They did not work with money, but the construction materials for school they would have given away. So modernized the gym. Of course, this also gave me experience in people's requests.
- Elections to the State Duma are approaching. Did it add to you work?
- I would not say. After all, they are engaged in special structures, party organizations. We track the situation as a whole. For some unauthorized, illegal actions of political forces, which may prevent normal preparations for the voting day. In any disputes of parties and candidates for deputies do not interfere.
V. Vladimirov.

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