Architecture what to take the exam. How to pass a creative competition to an architectural university

Architect(from ancient Greek. αρχι - main , senior and other-Greek. τέκτων - carpenter, builder) - a specialist in architectural design, including the development of space-planning and interior solutions. Architectural design is the organization of the architectural environment, which includes the design of buildings, including the development of interior and space-planning solutions. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and sketching (see choosing a profession for your interest in school subjects).

The profession of an architect is closely related to construction, therefore this profession is one of the most ancient. All over the world there are many unique palaces, temples, town halls, residential buildings, bridges built in various architectural styles. According to these styles, we can determine the era of construction, the customs of city dwellers, their traditions or wealth. The beauty of a building can evoke certain feelings and moods in people. This makes architecture an art, in which each architect communicates with the audience through his creations, conveys his mood, his thoughts and ideas.

Each stage of human development is characterized by the emergence of a certain architectural style. Architectural monuments able to tell historians no less than surviving parchments or chronicles. The civilizations of antiquity left behind the greatest architectural creations: the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum, and there are many such examples. Architecture Ancient Rus(Old Russian architecture) is considered to be the period of Russian art from the time of its formation Kiev state and before the reforms of Peter I (from the 9th to the 17th centuries).

Technological progress does not stand still, construction technologies are constantly becoming more complex, and with them the profession of an architect. The tasks set for architects are changing, and the competence of a modern specialist is defined more clearly than before. But the main goal remains unchanged - to obtain an architectural structure that optimally combines safety, rational and efficient use of space, as well as the features of an original and unique design idea.

Types of professional architects(in a general sense) depending on the type of activity:

  • architect(in the narrow sense) is engaged in the development of the concept, design documentation and construction drawings (in the architectural part), exercises author's control over the implementation of the project;
  • the chief architect of the project carries out general management of construction processes;
  • urban planner carries out the design of urban areas or large complexes, develops urban planning documentation and master plans for settlements;
  • landscape architect is engaged in the creation of projects for the layout of parks, gardens, personal plots
  • chief architect of a city or district- a municipal employee who ensures the development and control over the implementation of regulatory legal acts of bodies local government in the field of urban planning;
  • restoration architects restore architectural monuments
  • historians and theorists of architecture carry out scientific or teaching activities in the field of architecture.

The profession of an architect is creative and is considered relatively free, that is, an architect in his work is independent and relies only on his personal ideas about beauty. Limitations can only be objective conditions on strength, safety and benefits, as well as the preferences and desires of the customer.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of building codes and regulations (SNiP), GOSTs;
  • the skill of independent development of basic structural solutions, the necessary working documentation, architectural drawings;
  • knowledge of computer-aided design systems (AutoCad, Autodesk, Graphisoft ArchiCAD);
  • knowledge of design and calculation methods;
  • knowledge of the basics of cartography, geodesy, ecology;
  • the presence of a developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • the presence of artistic skills in the field of drawing, graphics, composition;
  • the presence of mathematical and analytical skills, design skills.

Personal qualities

  • Creative skills;
  • developed spatial thinking;
  • responsibility, vigilance;
  • organizational skills;
  • originality, resourcefulness, creativity;
  • realism;
  • a sense of harmony, taste and style;
  • observation;
  • good memory;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality, tact.

Place of work

  • design institutes;
  • research institutes and institutions;
  • architectural and construction companies;
  • design studios and bureaus;
  • architectural workshops, studios;
  • restoration workshops;
  • furniture stores, salons;
  • state organizations (territorial departments for architecture and urban planning);
  • educational institutions;
  • architectural monuments;
  • private practice.

Salary and career

Salary as of 25.02.2019

Russia 25000-75000 ₽

Moscow 30,000—120000 ₽

A career in the architectural environment usually starts as an assistant architect or working in a team of architects. Further, with a strong desire, sufficient experience and the presence of talent in about 5-7 years, it is possible to become a chief architect. Also, working as an assistant to the architect, you can soon become, for example, a leading specialist. Often specialists associated with construction (engineers, technologists) come to the architectural profession. After successfully completing refresher courses, they receive a new specialty.

Currently, there are no low-paid specialties in architecture, qualified specialists receive a lot, although it must be understood that workers government agencies still receive less than the specialists of private companies. But in any case, it is not necessary to strive to become a popular architect and chase grandiose structures, you can do research activities, small architectural forms, teaching. And if architecture is your vocation, then you will surely become successful and receive good royalties, and maybe even receive the Pritzker Prize (analogous to the Nobel Prize, only for achievements in the field of architecture).

Currently, the profession of an architect is in great demand. Therefore, many young people who are faced with the question of choosing a type of activity stop in this direction.

To be sure of the choice, you need to know the specifics of the profession, the duration of study and the possibility of employment after graduation.

Let's take a closer look at what the job of an architect is, what the categories of specialists are, how to get this profession and how much money you can earn.

Who is an architect and what does he do

An architect is a specialist who performs the design of a building, which includes the development of space-planning solutions and the interior.

The work of an architect is considered independent: the designer is based on the knowledge gained through training and personal professional experience. His imagination is limited only by his own ideas of beauty.

Despite the fact that this profession belongs to the category of technical, it is also creative - after all, the architect creates new projects, many of which become unique. An architect is an artist whose work can be used to determine his authorship.

In the XX century, the profession was divided into branches:

  1. Urban planning. When designing residential areas, the architect should consider not only the location of highways, retail space, schools and kindergartens, but also put the safety of buildings at the fore. It takes into account the features of the terrain, the nature of the soil, the likelihood of earthquakes or floods. Only after studying the safety of the enterprise, you can start designing buildings.
  2. Volumetric design. The responsibilities of an architect include designing buildings of various types: residential, industrial and public buildings. The project must contain detailed drawings with a description.

What an architect should know - personal and professional qualities

The future architect must have a number of qualities that will help in mastering the profession:

  • spatial thinking;
  • creative mind;
  • organization;
  • a responsibility;
  • originality and creativity;
  • realism;
  • good taste;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality and tact.

In addition to personal qualities, it is important to have quality professional training. The technician must know and correctly apply:

  • building regulations;
  • computer-aided design systems;
  • design and calculation methods.

An architect must possess the basics of cartography and geodesy, have analytical and mathematical skills to make correct calculations and draw up drawings.

Architecture professions

In order for architectural structures to attract attention, it is important to work out all the details:

  • for the arrangement of new quarters, the work of an urban environment designer will be useful;
  • an architect-restorer will help restore the historical building;
  • for the decoration of the local area, you should contact the landscape designer, and the interior designer is engaged in the design of the premises.

The narrow specialization of architects and designers allows you to completely immerse yourself in a specific area, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of the activity.

Also, do not forget about such specialties as civil engineer, bricklayer, carpenter, builder and electrician.

The best architecture universities in Russia

When planning to master the profession of an architect, it is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of an educational institution. Indeed, the knowledge that the future specialist receives depends on the quality of the presentation of information.

Among the universities of Russia, one can distinguish:

  1. National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
  2. Moscow Architectural Institute.
  3. Moscow State Technical University them. N.E. Bauman.
  4. National research university « graduate School economy ".
  5. Russian the University of Economics them. G.V. Plekhanov.

What subjects need to be handed over to an architect

To enter the Faculty of Architecture after grade 11, the applicant must pass the following exams:

  • mathematics (profile);
  • history;
  • Russian language;
  • a creative exam that includes drafting, drawing, and composition.

To study to become an interior or landscape architect, you must pass literature instead of mathematics.

How many years to study

For higher education vocational education it will take 5 years, but the training does not end there, because everyone successful person learns all his life.

After graduation and employment, the architect will certainly take advanced training courses so that not only knowledge in the chosen field of activity grows, but also the level of skill, and hence the salary.

Where can an architect work

The work of an architect can be associated with the construction of new objects and complexes, urban planning.

Both industrial enterprises and private construction companies need good specialists.

In addition, the services of specialists are often used by architectural and restoration workshops, furniture showrooms and shops.

How much do architects earn

It is not for nothing that the profession of an architect is very popular among applicants: it can bring not only high income, but also recognition.

Professionals working in private organizations have piecework wages. Upon successful completion of the project, the author receives a percentage of the amount. Chief architects can calculate up to 6% of the value of the object.

Ordinary specialists work at a fixed rate with bonuses. An aspiring architect earns from $ 800 per month.

The average salary for an experienced employee is $ 1200-1500. It is worth considering the factors that affect the level of wages: the city, the company and the project being developed.

Is the profession of an architect in demand?

This is not to say that an architect will easily find Good work... There are quite a few offers, but not all of them meet expectations.

It should be noted that it's easier to find a high-paying job in big cities- more vacancies to choose from. And wages in large cities much higher.

Career growth and development prospects

Do not hope that a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture will immediately face a high-paying job and a good position. Before taking on a profitable project, you need to earn a professional reputation that will subsequently work for you.

First, you will have to work in the shadow of your predecessors, gain practical experience. To move up the career ladder, you need to constantly improve your qualifications and skill level. As a reward - large projects or your own profitable business.

Is it worth studying to be an architect - the pros and cons

Before deciding on a future profession, it is necessary to study the positive and negative sides.

The advantages of the profession include:

  • demand in the labor market;
  • high earnings;
  • interesting, creative work.

A good architect can be a hardworking person who is ready for daily hard work. Also important is the creative mindset, spatial thinking.

Before you go to study as an architect, it is worth considering that:

  1. To achieve a successful career, you need to work day after day. This specialty is not suitable for lovers of easy money. An architect's career is built from an apprentice and goes through all stages of growth.
  2. In order to climb the career ladder, you will have to make a choice: creativity or leadership. Holding a high position in the company, you will not have time for the creative process.

The work of an architect is very interesting, it attracts creative people. If you are ready to work day and night to master the skill and create successful projects, then this specialty is for you.

Build is one of the most necessary, respected and interesting activities on the ground. An architect is a person who largely determines how a building will look, whether it will be reliable, safe and comfortable for people.

The competition among applicants to universities that train such specialists is always great, and a large number of future applicants want to know what subjects need to be passed to an architect.

Engineer and artist

This profession is one of the most difficult. The results of the architect's work have a great influence on the living conditions of a person, on the appearance of small settlements and huge megacities. The example of the great architects of the past says that it is impossible to achieve success in this profession without a harmonious combination of artistic taste, great culture and a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the construction business.

What subjects need to be handed over to an architect is largely determined by the location of this specialty at the junction of the humanities and the exact sciences. Good preparation in mathematics and geometry, in others natural sciences the need to have visual skills is added. A true architect thinks only with a pencil in his hand. He cannot do without the ability to make his ideas visible and understandable to others, so applicants for "clean" architecture will have to complete the entrance exams to the university creative task... The content of this test is approximately the same for the leading educational institutions of this profile.

House, interior, city, landscape

Creating a comfortable environment for the life of people is the main goal of a person whose profession is an architect. What subjects need to be taken in order to start training in this specialty is determined by the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. State standards designate the main specialists of this profile, who are assigned the appropriate codes in the documents:

  • 07.03.01 - Architecture. Profiles: architectural design, urban planning, restoration design.
  • 07.03.02 - Reconstruction and restoration of the architectural heritage.
  • 03/07/03 - Design of the architectural environment.
  • 07.03.04 - Urban planning.
  • 35.03.10 - Landscape architecture.

University graduates trained in these areas are called architects and designers.

There are two levels of qualification - bachelor's and master's. They have their learning programs designed for different periods of study. Some specializations (restoration and urban planning) usually only have a two-year master's degree, and it is possible to begin their in-depth study only by becoming a bachelor. Having successfully studied for 4 years, having learned what subjects to take to an architect with and passing a creative competition, you can achieve after mastering training course the highest level professional training.

On the example of a capital university

Total Russian institutions and construction academies, where specialists-architects are trained, more than 20. Rating of such educational institutions changes annually and is largely determined by the results of the admission of applicants and the graduation of graduate students.

They differ in the level of teaching, conditions for providing educational process, have their own history and traditions. But there is also something in common - what subjects need to be passed to an architect, designer, what creative tests applicants pass.

Typical conditions can be shown on the example of one of the most famous universities in Russia - Moscow Architectural Institute. Metropolitan Architectural Institute, now called State academy, has a quarter-century tradition of training architects of the highest professional level. Studying here is prestigious not only because of the location of the university in the center of Moscow. Among its graduates there are many outstanding personalities, which have shown themselves brightly, and not only in the field of architecture.

The program of entrance exams at the Moscow Architectural Institute

The combination of creativity and engineering in the future profession determines for applicants who have submitted an application to the Moscow Architectural Institute, what subjects are needed for admission to an architect. The main direction of training - "Architecture" - is provided in the Russian language and mathematics, which are conducted in USE results, and additional tests of creative and professional orientation - drawing and sketching. Applicants for Architectural Environment Design must pass the same exams, but the creative test program (picture) is different.

All exams have a 100-point grading system. The minimum in the Russian language is 36 points, in mathematics - 27, in additional tests - 20 points. If the number of points scored by applicants is equal, the advantage in the competition for admission is for those who have shown themselves better in creative disciplines, and the best result in drawing is a more weighty argument.

Creative Challenge - Drawing

For a "clean" architecture, the drawing exam consists of two tasks. On the first day, applicants draw a "head" - a plaster cast from the head of an antique sculpture. Antinous, Caesar, Aphrodite, Socrates - these names are familiar to those who have studied at least once and know in advance what subjects are needed for admission to an architect.

The type of model, the angle - a matter of chance: applicants work ten people in a room, at a strictly defined easel. On sheets of thick paper 30x40 cm in size, you need to show in 6 hours the ability to correctly compose the drawing, build and express the volume of the model without distortion, convey the ratio of light and shadow.

In the second exam in drawing for the specialty "Architecture", models of geometric bodies are offered - a cube, a prism, a cone, a ball, etc. Of the given objects, two of which are mandatory, you need to complete an imaginary volumetric composition in 4 hours. All construction lines of bodies are preserved - visible and hidden, areas of their intersection and perspective cuts. The sheet should contain several sketch versions of the composition. Hatching is only an auxiliary means for giving expressiveness to a drawing.

In the direction of "Design of the architectural environment", the first part of the creative exam is drawing a still life, a composition of several objects of geometric and natural shapes. A graphite or charcoal pencil is used, 6 hours are given for work. The second 4-hour test is a planar color composition performed on the basis of the setting of a certain color proposed by the examiners. Technique - water-based opaque paints (gouache or tempera) on paper.

Testing the ability to draw

Anyone who is attracted to the profession of "architect" should have a spatial imagination. What subjects you need to take - you can find out and prepare in advance, but if there are no practical skills in performing orthogonal projections according to the proposed axonometry, there are few chances to enter.

Modern drawings are carried out in special computer programs, and the ability to draw lines using a flight bus or a compass seems archaic. But in addition to these professional skills, on the drawing exam in 4 hours, you need to show the ability to represent, in an axonometric image, what the plan and side views of the object look like, with a section in one of the views. The theoretical knowledge on the correct design of the drawing, the execution of inscriptions, etc. is also assessed. The speed of work is important - pencil lines must be circled with ink. It is no coincidence that drawing turned out to be the most difficult stage for many who passed the entrance exams and who knew for a long time what subjects should be passed to an architect.

Different universities, similar requirements

Requirements for prospective students wishing to study "clean" architecture are high: budget places in Moscow Architectural Institute in 2015 - 328. Despite this, the number of applications submitted to the admissions offices of specialized universities is impressive. Many people are also interested in the areas of creativity related to architecture. There are peculiarities in the admission rules for such specialties. For example, what subjects do you need to take to the landscape architect? It is logical that biology or geography is added to the Russian language and mathematics at the discretion of the academic council of the university.

There is an opinion that they become real architects by the age of 50. Too much knowledge and skills must be acquired in order to reach the heights in this most important profession. With today's pace of life, there is no time to waste. If you ask in advance what subjects are needed to enroll in an architect, and start preparing 2-3 years before graduating from high school, you can get a tangible impetus at the very beginning of the path to success.

What subjects do you need to take to an architect? This question is of interest to many graduates of Russian schools. After all, this profession is prestigious, highly paid and interesting, because it is directly related to creativity. If you feel strong and confident in yourself, then be sure to test your fate in this specialty. Good architects are one-of-a-kind commodities in today's job market. So you're guaranteed to find your dream job.

Profession - architect

By profession, architects are closely related to builders. Therefore, the answers to the question of what subjects need to be handed over to an architect and a builder often coincide. Indeed, in order to build a high-quality building, one cannot do without competent design. You also need a planning project and interesting interior solutions. All these questions can be solved by an architect. This is one of the oldest highly qualified professions, which is already tens of centuries old.

Thousands of years ago, the architect of buildings and palaces, bridges and churches was a welcome guest in every educated city. We can still observe the best examples of ancient architecture today.

How did you become architects before?

In past centuries, in order to become an architect, it sometimes took more than one decade. First, it was necessary to pass difficult exams, then master the art of mastering the basic skills of preparing mixtures and paints, and know the basics of architecture. It took many years, but in the end it turned out to be first-class specialists.

But I still had to work as an architect's apprentice for several years. After all, there was no well-established transfer of information, therefore, the peculiarities of the profession were taught already during work. As a result, very few people actually became professionals.

V modern world the skill requirements of specialists have changed significantly. After all, not only methods have become new, but also the means for the construction of buildings and structures. Today you need to enter the Faculty of Architecture, and in five to six years you will receive a diploma of a qualified specialist.

Only the architect's goal remains unchanged - to build a first-class building. At the same time, it is necessary to use its area as efficiently as possible, and original design ideas should not affect the characteristics.

Architects are different

As with most professions, architects are divided into specialties and areas. Currently, there are several main ones.

Restoration architect - whose duties include the restoration of cultural heritage. A landscape architect specializes in the design of gardens, parks and squares.

A special profession is a designer-architect. He is responsible not so much for the design as for the interior and the exterior of the building itself. An architect-urban planner prepares exceptionally large and large-scale projects, as a rule, these are industrial buildings and structures, residential areas of multi-storey buildings.

The chief architect is directing the construction work.

Personal qualities of an architect

A prerequisite for students who dream of getting into the Faculty of Architecture is a creative approach to work. You can't do without creativity in this profession. It is also important to be able to clearly formulate your idea and convey it to others.

An obligatory ability of a professional architect is developed spatial thinking. Only in this case it will be easy to carry out projects, and the work will start to bring pleasure.

You can't do without creativity. An original and non-standard approach to solving the problem is welcomed for this work. It is also important to properly organize the space around you. Indeed, in addition to the creative component, it is important to adhere to the established deadlines and not disrupt the deadlines for fulfilling orders.

Success in this profession will provide you with a sense of taste and style.

Required exams

In order to understand what subjects need to be passed to an architect, you need to finally decide on a specific specialty. Nowadays, the most popular faculties are considered "Architecture" and "General Design".

In the first case, your future profession will be closely related to construction, in the second, more attention will be paid to the cultural and aesthetic aspects of design.

If you choose an architectural university with a degree in interior or landscape architect, then on the entrance exams you will be required to pass the Russian language, Russian history, literature and pass a creative competition. The last subject is given the most attention in the admission of applicants. The creative competition for this specialty includes drawing, composition and drawing.

In order to master the specialty of a restorer, general specialist or reenactor, you will need to pass a slightly different list of items. In addition to the already familiar history of Russia and the Russian language, it will be mathematics. This subject in this specialty is considered core. The creative competition will include drawing, composition and sketching.

After graduation, you can expect to immediately get the position of assistant architect. This will give you good starting positions in order to fully master the features of this profession. True, there is a chance to immediately get an independent project into work. There is no age limit in this area and often the employer makes his choice based not on experience, but on your portfolio.

How to build a career?

The specialty "architect" provides almost unlimited opportunities for the formation of your own career. Having started as an assistant, after six to seven years, with due diligence and diligence, you can take the post of chief architect. Vertical career lifts are extremely developed in this profession.

Moreover, it is often specialists who do not have a specialized education become project managers. For example, engineers or technologists. These are related specialties, so, after completing additional advanced training courses, they may well take the post of an architect.

This profession is also profitable financially. Typically, architects are paid enough to provide for themselves and their loved ones. The specific amounts, of course, depend on the region in which you will work, as well as the specific specialization.

Architecture universities

To become a top-notch specialist, it is important to choose a prestigious architecture university. The Moscow Architectural Institute is considered one of the leading in the country. He has been on the education market since 1933.

It is one of the few Russian universities accredited by many foreign architecture and art higher education institutions. educational institutions... For example, the British Academy of Architects. About one and a half thousand future specialists are students of the Moscow Architectural Institute.

Here you can get not only higher education but also go to graduate school. The academic council of the university awards the degree of candidate of architecture.

Architects from the city on the Neva

High-quality education is also provided by the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. The Faculty of Architecture has been working here since 1830. He is one of the oldest in Russia.

Architecture and construction are two specialties that are closely interconnected, it is from this university that the best workers in these areas come out.

Much attention is paid to modern computer programs related to architecture. When the question arises of where to study as an architect, many choose a St. Petersburg university.

More than a thousand students study at this faculty alone, including not only Russians, but also Chinese, Vietnamese, residents of African states - Morocco, Tunisia and Mali. Special training workshops, drawing classes, and lithographic classrooms are equipped here.

Here you can master such interesting areas as architecture and construction, get a job in the field of reconstruction of public buildings, design of the urban environment, and operation of engineering infrastructure.

Surikov Institute

Another faculty of architecture, which graduates first-class specialists, operates at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Surikov.

What subjects do you need to take as an architect at this university? Their list is practically the same. This is the Russian language, history, mathematics and a creative competition. The university is especially famous for the graduation of creative specialists who conquer future customers with their original projects.

Modern education system offers prospective applicants a wide variety of professions. Today, everyone can become anyone and choose a specialty according to their taste and financial capabilities. One of the brightest and most promising professions in our time is the architect. Therefore, if you are a talented artist and have a good knowledge base of an engineer, you can safely enter one of the Ukrainian universities and receive a diploma of a highly qualified specialist in the field of creating a variety of original architectural objects.

But, before you enroll, you need to know what subjects you need to pass to become an architect?

To begin with, this profession requires specialists to have certain knowledge about building design standards, innovative technologies, and modern building materials. The architect must also have a tremendous creativity, study various regulatory literature and create truly unique original structures that will fully meet the needs and wishes of the customer.

Nowadays, the demand for specialists in this field is quite large. Thanks to them, in Ukraine for last years many new structures and multi-storey residential buildings appeared.

For example, let's take the new buildings of Irpen, which are offered by the "Comfort Life" company. Here everyone can buy a one-room apartment Irpen on the most favorable terms. You will have a unique opportunity to move into your own home, which you have dreamed of for so long. And the managers of this organization will help speed up this process.

As it turned out, becoming a student at a prestigious Ukrainian architectural university is not so easy. The fact is that the competition for those institutes that prepare future architects is very large, and each applicant must know what subjects need to be passed in order to become an architect. Everything here will depend on the specific specialty. Today, the most popular are "General Design" and "Architecture". The first specialty includes an in-depth study of aesthetic and cultural aspects, while the second is more close to the construction itself. If you decide to become a landscape and interior architect, prepare for the exam in:

  • Ukrainian literature;
  • Ukrainian language;
  • history of Ukraine.

It also includes a creative exam in drafting, drawing, and composition.

To obtain the profession of a general architect (restorer, reenactor), you need to pass:

  • mathematics;
  • Ukrainian literature;
  • Ukrainian language;
  • creative exam (drawing, drawing, composition).

After graduation, you can get the profession of an assistant to an architect. This position is not a highly paid one, but what do you want immediately after graduating from high school. But if you prove to be a highly qualified specialist and prove yourself well, you can become a project manager in the future. It all depends on you.

Ukrainian architecture universities

There are not many universities in Ukraine that train excellent architects. As a rule, the entrance exams to these universities include the results of the UPE and additional competitions, which are conducted directly by the higher Educational establishment... You already know what subjects you need to pass to become an architect, now we offer a list of existing architectural universities in Ukraine for 2016.