Eastern European plain, geographical position. Tectonic structure of the Eastern European Plain

Objectives lesson.

1. Find out the nature of the nature of the plains as a factor in the formation of the most populated and developed region.

2. Develop research skills.

3. Develop moral and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Tasks lesson.

1. Formation of ideas and knowledge about the peculiarities of the natural district - Russian plain, its role in the formation of the Russian state.

2. The study of the nature and resources of the Russian plain.

3. Deeperation and expansion of knowledge about the components of the PTK of the Plain.

Equipment: Cards of Russia - physical, climatic, vegetation of natural zones, contour cards, video film, books, mobile class, multimedia projector, interactive board.

Work forms: group with role-playing elements.

Type of lesson:

according to didactic purposes - the study of a new material;

according to learning methods - role-playing game.

Lesson plan

1. Organization of the lesson.

2. Actualization of students' knowledge. Setting educational tasks. Studying a new topic.

3. Work of students in groups. Student responses. Relaxation.

4. Outcome lesson. Evaluation of students' responses. Achieve goal.

5. Dough solutions when using laptops. Practical part, tasks in contour cards.

6. Homework.

1. Stage - organizational.

Greeting. Readiness for lesson. Mark in the log of missing.

2. Stage - actualization of students' knowledge.

Teacher.We begin to learn the physico-geographical areas of Russia.

Question number 1. Name and show all these areas on physical Mail Russia.

Theme lesson. Russian (Eastern European) plain. Geographical position and nature features.

Teacher.Guys, we have to find out that in the nature of Russian plains there is a man, gives him spiritual and physical forces, affects economic activity.

To solve the tasks, you need to explore the following questions.

1. Geographical position and relief of the Russian plain.

2. Climate and inland water.

3. Natural zones of Russian plains.

4. Natural resources and their use.

5. Ecological problems Russian (Eastern European) plains.

The study of the Russian plain, we begin with the definition of the geographical position of the area, as it determines the features of the PTK.

Give the definition of the concept of "geographical position".

The geographical position is called the position of any object or point on the earth's surface with respect to other objects or territories.

Actualization of knowledge

Question number 2. What is the basis of Russia's division into regions or physico-geographical areas?

Answer. The fission is based on relief and geological structure - avicon components.

Question number 3. The first PTK (physico-geographical area), with whom we will meet - this is Russian plain, or as it is also called the Eastern European Plain.

Do you think why this plain has such names?

Answer. Russian - because here the center of Russia, the ancient Russia was located on the plain. Most Russians live here in Russia.

Question number 4. Why is Eastern European?

Answer. Plain is located in the east of Europe.

3. Stage. Work in groups.

Today, working in groups, you get tasks and instructions for performing tasks to which 5 minutes is assigned.

Students are divided into groups of 4-5 people, consultants are appointed, cards are distributed with the tasks of a research nature (during the work, the guys constitute the scheme of their answer on separate sheets), evaluated sheets.

Evaluation paper

No. p / p Surname, name Assessment by
Assessment by

Study studies.

Group №1

Problem question: How does the geographical location determine the nature of the nature of the Russian plain?

1. Seas that wash the territory of Russian plain.

2. To the ocean pool, they relate.

3. Which ocean has the greatest impact on the nature of the nature of the plain?

4. The length of the plain from the north to the south of 40 degreus V.D. (1 degree \u003d 111 km.).

Output. Plain is occupied by the western part of Russia. The area is about 3 million km. The impact on nature features is the Northern Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

Russian plain occupies almost all Western, European, part of Russia. It extends from the coasts of the Barents and White Seas - in the north to the Azov and Caspian Seas - in the south; From the western borders of the country to the Ural Mountains. The length of the territories from the north to the south exceeds 2500 km, the Plain Square within Russia is about 3 million km.

The geographical position of the plain is due to the effect on the peculiarities of its nature of the seas of the Atlantic and the least harsh seas of the Northern Ocean Oceans. In the Russian plain, the most complete set of natural zones is observed (from the tundr to the desert of a moderate belt). For most of its territory, natural conditions are fairly favorable for the life and economic activities of the population.

Group №2.

Problem question: How was the modern relief of the plains formed?

1. By comparing physical and tectonic cards, conclude:

How does the tectonic structure affect the relief of the plains? What is an ancient platform?

2. What areas have the greatest and lowest absolute heights?

3. The relief of the plains is diverse. Why? What external processes form a relief of the plains?

Output.Russian plain is located on an ancient platform - Russian. The highest height is a hibinine mountain 1191 m, the smallest - the Caspian lowland - 28 m. The relief of a variety, a strong influence was the glacier in the north, in the south of flowing water.

Russian plain is located on the ancient Precambrian platform. This causes the main feature of its relief - flatness. The folding foundation of the Russian plain occurs at different depths and goes to the surface in Russia only on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia (Baltic Shield) on the rest of the territory the foundation is blocked by a sedimentary case of different power.

The case smoothes the irregularities of the foundation, but still they, as on X-ray, "shine" through the thickness of sedimentary rocks and predetermine the placement of the largest hills and lowlands. Hibin mountains on the Kola Peninsula are the greatest height, they are on the shield, the smallest-Caspian lowland - 28 m, i.e. 28 m below the world's ocean level.

Central Russian hill and Timan ridge are confined to raising the foundation. Caspian and Pechora lowland correspond to decreases.

The relief of the plains is quite diverse. For most of the territory he is crossed and picturesque. In the northern part, small hills and ridges are scattered on a general background of low-lying plains. Here through Valdai hill and northern Honors passes a watershed between the rivers carrying their waters to the north and north-west (Western and Northern Dvina, Pechora) and the current south (Dnipro, Don and Volga with their sufficiently numerous tributaries).

The northern part of the Russian plain was formed by the ancient glaciers. The Kola Peninsula and Karelia is where the destructive activities of the glacier intensively went. Here, there are often durable indigenous breeds with leaks of glacial treatment. South, where the accumulation of material brought by the glacier was accumulated, of course - moraine ridges and hilly - sea relief were formed. Morny hills alternate with slides, engaged in lakes or marshy.

Along the southern border of glaciation, melting glacial waters postponed a mass of sandy material. Here arose flat or slightly concave sandy plains. Currently, they are crossed by weakly embedded river valleys.

South alternate large hills and lowlands. The Middle Russian, Volga Hills and the total sythlete are separated by lowlands, according to which Don and Volga proceed. The erosion relief is common here. Especially thick and deeply dissected by ravines and hill beams.

The extreme south of the Russian plain, poured by the seas in the non -ogenic and quaternary time, is distinguished by weak dismembrance and slightly wavy, almost flat surface. Russian plain is located in a temperate climatic belt. Only the extreme north of it is in the subarctic belt.

Relaxation. The guys consider slides with scenery of nature, and with musical accompaniment.

Group number 3.

Problem question: Why did the moderately continental climate formed in the Russian plain?

1. Name climate-forming factors that determine the climate of the plain.

2. How does the Atlantic Ocean affect the climate of the plain?

3. What is cyclones bring?

4. By climatic map: Determine the average temperatures of January and July, the annual precipitation in Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Voronezh, Volgograd.

Output.The climate is moderately continental, continentality increases to the southeast. Atlantic has the greatest impact.

The climate of the Russian plain is moderately continental. Continentality is growing to the east and especially to the southeast. The nature of the relief ensures the free penetration of the atlantic air masses to the eastern color of the plain, and the Arctic is far from south. In transition periods, the promotion of arctic air causes a sharp decrease in temperature and freezing, and in the summer - drought.

Russian Plain receives the greatest amount of precipitation compared to other major plains of our country. It is influenced by the western transfer of air masses and moving from the Atlantic of cyclones. Especially strongly, this effect is traced in the northern and middle parts of the Russian plain. With the passage of cyclones is associated precipitation. Moisturizing is excessive and sufficient here, so many rivers, lakes and swamps. In the strip of the maximum number there are the origins of the largest rivers of the Russian Plain: Volga, Northern Dvina. North-West Plains is one of the lake areas of the country. Along with large lakes - Ladoga, Onega, moon, Ilmen - there are many small, located in lowering between moraine hills.

In the southern part of the plain, where cyclones are rare, precipitation falls less than it can evaporate. Moisturizing is insufficient. In the summer there are often droughts and Sukhov. Climate dryness increases to the southeast.

Group number 4.

Problem Question: How do you explain the words of A.I.Voykova: "Rivers - Product Climate"?

1. Find and name large rivers Plains, to the pools of which oceans do they relate?

2. Why do rivers flow in different directions?

3. The climate has an impact on the river. What is it expressed?

4. In the territory of the Russian plain, many large lakes. Most of them are in the north-west of the plain. Why?

Output. Rivers have a spring flood, food - mixed.

Most lakes are located in the northwest of the plain. Basins of glacial and tectonic and football, i.e. Influence of an ancient glacier.

All Rivers of the Russian Plain have mainly snow and spring flood. But the rivers of the northern part of the plain largest in the magnitude of the drain and its distribution by season of the year are significantly different from the rivers of the southern part. Northern rivers multi-water. In their nutrition, rain and ground water play a significant role, because the stock is more evenly distributed during the year than the southern rivers.

In the southern part of the plain, where the moisturizing is insufficient, the rivers are small. The proportion of rain and groundwater in their nutrition is sharply reduced, therefore the overwhelming part of the drain falls on a short period of spring flood.

The longest and multi-water river of the Russian Plain and the whole of Europe is the Volga.

Volga is one of the main wealth and jewelry of the Russian plain. Starting from a small swamp on the Valdai hill, the river carries its waters to the Caspian Sea. She absorbed the waters of hundreds of rivers and rivers flowing from the Ural Mountains and born on the plain. The main sources of power of the Volga are snow (60%) and soil (30%) water. In winter, the river freezes.

Crossing in its path several natural zones, it reflects in water and large cities, and majestic forests, and the high slopes of the right-hander, and the coastal sands of the Caspian desert.

Now Volga has turned into a grandiose staircase with mirror steps of reservoirs regulating its stock. Water falling with dam provides electricity and villages of Russian plain. The channels of the river are connected to five seas. The Volga is a river - a worker, an artery of life, the mother of Russian rivers, felt by our people.

The lakes of the Russian Plain are the largest Lake Lake. Its area is 18100 km. The lake stretches from north to south at 219 km at a maximum width of 124 km. The average depth is 51 m. The largest depths (203 m) of the lake reaches in its northern part. The northern shore of Lake Lake is rocky, cut by narrow long bays. The rest of the shores are low and gentle. On the lake, many islands (about 650), most of which are located near the northern coast.

The lake freezes only by mid-February. Ice thickness reaches 0.7-1 m. The lake is revealed in April, but long ice floes swim along its water stroit. Only in the second half of May, the lake is completely exempt from ice.

In Ladoga, the clock is the fogs imperative shipping. Often, strong prolonged storms occur when the waves reach a height of 3 meters. Under the terms of shipping, the palm is equated to the seas. Lake is connected via Neva with the Baltic Sea Finnish Bay; Through the River Svir, Onega Lake and the Belomorsko - Baltic Channel - with the White and Barents Seas; Through the Volga-Baltic Channel - with the Volga and Caspian. In recent years, there is a strong pollution of the water of Lake Lake Industrial in its pool. There is an acute problem to preserve the purity of the lake, as the water from the Ladoga receives St. Petersburg. In 1988, a special decision on the protection of Lake Ladoga was adopted.

4. Stage. The outcome of the lesson. Evaluation of students' responses.

Conclusion on the studied topic

Eastern European (Russian) plain has exceptionally diverse natural conditions and resources. This is due to the geological history of development and geographical position. From these places, the Russian land began, for a long time the plain was settled and mastered by people. It is not by chance that it is in the Russian plain that the capital of the country is located - Moscow, the most developed economic district - Central Russia with the highest density of the population.

The nature of Russian plains is playing with its beauty. She gives a man spiritual and physical forces, soothes, restores health. Unique Charm of Russian Nature SECTRY A.S. Pushkin

M.Yu. Lermontov, reflected in painting I.I. Levitan, I.I. Chishkin, V.D. Polenova. People passed from generation to generation skills of decorative and applied art using natural resources And the spirit of Russian culture itself.

5. Stage. Practical part of the lesson. To consolidate and mastering educational material, the guys perform a test on laptops (eyes with eyes), on the Teacher's team, press the "Result" key.

Summing up, the design of estimated sheets.

Practical part in working notebooks p. 49 (Task number 2).

Installing estimates in diaries.

6. Stage. Homework: Paragraph 27, workbook page 49 (Task number 1).

Self-analysis lesson geography

The lesson was carried out in a class with good educational opportunities, a class of educational training.

Students own the skills of analytical thinking.

Type of lesson - combined, with role-playing elements. Based on the topic and type of lesson, the following objectives of the lesson were identified features of the student team:

Identify the features of the nature of the plains as a factor in the formation of the most populated and developed area;

Improve the ability to work with atlas maps, textbook text, computer, compile logical reference schemes;

Ensure the development of abilities to evaluate actions, express judgments;

Develop research skills;

Educate the ability to work in the team, develop mutual assistance;

Develop moral and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

To implement these purposes, various Methods learning:

1. According to sources of transmission and perception of information:

- wonderful - formulating target plants, explaining how to work;

- visual - Maps, Interactive Board, Multimedia Projector, Mobile Class;

- practical - work with atlas maps, textbook, working Tetradeusing laptops.

2. By the nature of cognitive activity:

- reproductive - the student worked with terms;

- research - detected features, established the cause and consequence;

- comparedExplained, analyzed problematic issues.

The lesson uses the following forms of organizationtraining activities:

1. The individual-every student worked with the textbook text, atlas maps, performed the tasks of control.

2. Paired - discussions, mutual control.

3. Group - creative work.

When developing a lesson, I adhered to principles:

1. The principle of motivation is to create fascinations, interest in knowledge.

2. The principle of a conscious learning process.

3. The principle of collectivism.

Used receivers Mental mental activity:

1. Receive comparison - favorable and unfavorable conditions.

2. Reception of analysis and synthesis - determination of the features of the placement of natural resources.

3. Reception of generalization when formulating conclusions and summing up.

Stages lesson

Stage 1 - organizational.

The task of the stage is to provide a favorable psychological environment for educational activities.

Stage 2 - actualization of reference knowledge.

At this stage, the teacher provides reproduction of those knowledge and skills on the basis of which the new content will be built. Sales target installations, the formation of the skills to determine the goal, plan their learning activities.

3 Stage - study of new material, work in groups.

The tasks of the stage - to ensure perception, understanding the concepts of concepts digestible, creating conditions for the development of knowledge in the form of knowledge.

1. Creating problem situations.

2. Using a research method for establishing causal relationships.

3. Improving text analysis skills, schemes.

4. Working with textbook text in order to develop scientific thinking.

5. Creative task Aims to secure the skills to analyze the atlas maps, as well as the development of mental thinking activities. Logic development.

4 stage - the result of the lesson, the consolidation of new knowledge and ways of activity.

The task of the stage is to ensure an increase in the level of reflection of the material studied. Improving assessment actions.

5 Stage - Practical part, logical completion of the lesson.

6 Stage - information about the homework.

The form of the lesson made it possible to combine traditional and non-traditional forms of work: a combined lesson with the role-playing elements. The psychological regime was supported by the benevolent attitude of the teacher to students. Assistance of tasks for each student, atmosphere of business cooperation. High density, tempo lesson, a combination of different types of work allowed us to realize the entire volume of the proposed material, solve the tasks set.

Eastern European Plain (Russian Plain), one of the largest plains globe. Occupies mainly eastern and part Western EuropeWhere the European part of Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova, most of Ukraine, the western part of Poland and the eastern part of Kazakhstan are located. The length of the west to the east is about 2400 km, from north to south - 2500 km. In the north is washed by the White and Barents seas; in the West borders with the Middle Eastern Plain (approximately according to the Volla River Valley); in the southwest - with the mountains of Central Europe (Sudetes, etc.) and Carpathians; In the south, it turns out to the Black, Azov and Caspian seas and is limited to the Crimean Mountains and the Caucasus; In the south-east and east - Western foothills of the Urals and Muurgians. Some researchers include East European plains The southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Kola Peninsula and Karelia, others belong to this territory to Fennoscandia, the nature of which is sharply different from the nature of the plain.

Relief and geological structure.

The East European Plain geostructurally corresponds to the main Russian Plate of the ancient Eastern European platform, in the south - northern part of the young Scythian platform, in the north-east - southern part of the young Barents-Pechora platform.

A complex relief of the Eastern European Plain is characterized by a small height oscillation (the average height of about 170 m). The greatest heights of Bugulmina-Belladeevskaya (up to 479 m) and on Podolskaya (up to 471 m, Mount Kamula) hills, the smallest (about 27 m below sea level, 2001; the lowest point of Russia) - on the Caspian Sea coast. On the Eastern European Plain, two geomorphological areas are isolated: northern moraine with ice-forming relief and southern venorescent with erosion formations of relief. For the Northern Mary region, lowlands and plains are characterized (Baltic, Verineolzhskaya, Meshcherskaya, etc.), as well as small hills (Vepovskaya, Zhemight, Hahan, and others). In the east - Timan ridge. The extreme north occupy extensive seaside lowlands (Pechora et al.). In the north-west, in the field of the spread of the Valdai glaciation, the accumulative glacial relief prevails: hilly and garden and sealed, rustic with flat lake glacial and grinding plains. Many swamps and lakes (mousse-Pskovskoye, Ilmen, Uppervolzh Lakes, White, etc.) - the so-called Ladyerier. To the south and east, in the distribution of more ancient Moscow glaciation, characterized by smoothed wavy sea plains, recycled erosion; There are hooks of lowered lakes. Morozno-erosion hills and ridges (Belarusian ridges, Smolensko-Moscow elevation, etc.) alternate with moraine, grinding, octic glacier and alluvial lowlands and plains (Logo-Sheksninskaya, Verineolzhskaya, etc.). More often there are ravines and beams, as well as river valleys with asymmetric slopes. In the southern border of the Moscow glaciation, the Typichna Polesia (Polesskaya Lowland, etc.) and Opolya (Vladimirskoye, etc.).

For the Southern Melted Area of \u200b\u200bEastern European Plain, large elevations with erosion ozmography-beam relief (Volynskaya, Podolskaya, Pridniprovskaya, Priazovskaya, Podolskaya, Pridniprovskaya, Priazovskaya, Podolminskaya, Volga, Priazovskaya, Bugulmino-Belladeevskaya, General Syrov, etc.) and Zandrovaya, Alluvial accumulative lowlands and plains related to the field of Dniprovsky glaciation (Pridneprovskaya, Oksko-Donskaya et al.). Special asymmetric terraced river valleys are characteristic. In the south-west (the Black Sea and Pridonprovskaya Lowland, Volyn and Podolskaya Hills, etc.) - flat watersheds with shallow steppe stocks, so-called "sauces", formed due to the widespread development of lobes and lessoidal loans. In the northeast (high voltage, general syreg, etc.), where there are no lessoidal deposits, and the indigenous breeds are on the surface, the watersheds are complicated by terraces, and the vertices are weathered to the weathered, so-called shyhanami. In the south and south-east - flat seaside accumulative lowlands (Black Sea, Priazovskaya, Caspian).

Climate. At the extreme north of the Eastern European Plain - the subarctic climate, on most of the plain - moderate continental with the domination of the Western air masses. As you remove from Atlantic Ocean To the east, the climate becomes more continental, harsh and dry, and in the south-east, on the Caspian lowland, continental, with a hot dry summer and cold low-snow in winter. The average temperature of January from -2 to -5 ° C, in the southwest decreases to -20 ° C in the northeast. The average July temperature grows from north to south from 6 to 23-24 ° C and up to 25 ° C in the south-east. The northern and central parts of the plains are characterized by excessive and sufficient moisture, south - insufficient and arid. The most moistened part of the Eastern European Plain (between 55-60 ° Northern Little) receives 700-800 mm of precipitation in the West and 600-700 mm in the East. Their amount decreases to the north (in the tundra 250-300 mm) and south, but especially to the southeast (in the semi-desert and desert 150-200 mm). Maximum precipitation falls for the summer. In winter, snow cover (10-20 cm thick) lies from 60 days a year in the south to 220 days (thickness 60-70 cm) in the northeast. In the forest-steppe and steppes frequent frost, droughts and dry; In semi-desert and desert - dust storms.

Rivers and lakes. Most of the rivers of the Eastern European Plain refers to the Atlantic pools [in the Baltic Sea, Never, Daugava (Western Dvina), Vistula, Neman, etc.; in the Black Sea - Dnipro, Dniester, South Bug; In the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov - Don, Kuban, etc.] and the Northern Ocean Oceans (in the Barents Sea flows Peter; in the White Sea - Mezen, Northern Dvina, Onega, etc.). To the pool of the inner flow, mostly the Caspian Sea, belongs to the Volga (the largest river of Europe), the Ural, Emba, the big prison, small prose, etc. All rivers are predominantly snowing with spring floors. In the south-west of the Eastern European Plain, the river freezes not every year, in the northeast of the ice station lasts up to 8 months. The long-term flow module decreases from 10-12 l / s per km 2 in the north to 0.1 l / s per km 2 and less in the southeast. The hydrographic network has undergone strong anthropogenic changes: the system of channels (Volga-Baltic, Belomorsko-Baltic, etc.) connects all seas that wash the Eastern European Plain. The stock of many rivers, especially current to the south, is regulated. Significant segments of the Volga, Kama, Dnieper, Dniester, etc. turned into cascades of reservoirs (Rybinskoye, Kuibyshev, Tsimlyanskoye, Kremenchug, Kakhovskoye, etc.). Numerous lakes: Glacial-tectonic (Ladoga and Onega - the largest in Europe), Mary (mile-Pskovskoye, Ilmeny, White, etc.) and others. In the formation of saline lakes (Baskunchak, Elton, Arall, Intere) played the role of salt tectonics, Since some of them arose in the destruction of salt domes.

Natural landscapes. Eastern European Plain is a classic sample of territory with a clearly pronounced latitudinal and sub-luminous zonality of landscapes. Almost all the plain is located in a moderate geographical belt and only the northern part - in subarctic. In the north, where the long-term permafrost is common, the tundra are developed: Mohovo-lichen and shrub (dwarf birches, IVA) on the tundra guery, swamp soils and subborars. South narrow stripe The zone of Fondura with a low-spirited birch and spruce gestanding is stretched. About 50% of the plain territory is occupied by forests. The zone of the darkness (mainly fir, in the east - with the participation of fir) of the European taiga, in places of wetlands, on podzolic soils and subzoles expands to the east. The south is the subzone of mixed coniferous-wide (oak, spruce, pine) of forests on turf-podzolic soils. Pine forests are developed according to the valleys of rivers. In the West, from the coast of the Baltic Sea to the footpaths of the Carpathians, the subzone is extended (oak, linden, ash, cock, grab) of forests on gray forest soils; The forests are selected to the Volga and have an island nature of distribution in the East. Indigenous forests are often replaced by secondary birchings and osicles, occupying 50-70% of the forest area. People's landscapes are peculiar - with plowing areas, oak forest residues and an arms-beam network over the slopes, as well as a cauldron - wetlands with pine forests. From the northern part of Moldova to the Southern Urals, a forest-steppe zone with dumbers (mostly cut down) on gray forest soils and ornate-cereal meadow steppes (preserved in reserves) on chernozemuma (mainland of arable land) is stretched from the northern part of Moldova to the Southern Urals. The share of arable land in the forest-steppe is up to 80%. The southern part of the Eastern European Plain (except for the South-East) is occupied by the discharge-povered steppes on ordinary chernozem, which are replaced by the south of the south-tasty-povered dry steppes on chestnut soils. For the most part of the Caspian lowland, hint-nice semi-deserts on light-chestnut and brown desert-steppe soils and hint-solankane deserts on brown desert-steppe soils in a complex with sollets and salt marshes.

Environmental situation and specially protected natural areas. Eastern European Plain is mastered and significantly changed by a person. In many natural zones, natural and anthropogenic complexes are dominated, especially in the landscapes of steppe, forest-steppe, mixed and deciduous forests. The territory of the Eastern European Plain is strongly urbanized. The most tight (up to 100 people / km 2) populated zones of mixed and deciduous forests. Typed anthropogenic relief: heatcrow (height up to 50 m), career, etc. Particularly intense ecological situation in major cities and industrial centers (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Cherepovets, Lipetsk, Rostov-on-Don, etc.). Many of the Central and South Parts rivers are strongly polluted.

For the study and protection of typical and rare natural landscapes Created numerous reserves, national parks and reserves. In the European part of Russia, there were (2005) over 80 reserves and national parks, including more than 20 biosphere reserves (Voronezh, Prioksko-terrace, Central et al.). Among the oldest reserves: Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Astranya Nova and Astrakhan Reserve. Among the largest is the water-produced National Park (486.9 thousand km 2) and the Nenets Reserve (313.4 thousand km 2). Sections of the root taiga "Virgin Forests Komi" and Belovezhskaya Forest - in the list of World Heritage.

Lit. : Spiridonov A. I. Geomorphological zoning of the Eastern European Plain // Region. M., 1969. T. 8; The plains of the European part of the USSR / edited by Yu. A. Meshcheryakova, A. A. Aseev. M., 1974; Milkov F. N., Gvozdezkiy N. A. physical geography THE USSR. General review. European part of the USSR. Caucasus. 5th ed. M., 1986; Isachenko A. G. Environmental geography of the North-West of Russia. SPB., 1995. Part 1; Eastern European forests: History in Holocene and modernity: in 2 kN. M., 2004.

A. N. Makkaveev, M. N. Petrushina.

The article contains information that gives a complete picture of the Eastern European Plain, its relief and minerals. Indicates states that are located on this territory. Allows you to accurately determine the geographical position of the plain and indicates the factors that influenced climatic features.

The East European Plain

Eastern European Plain is one of the extensive territorial units on the planet. Its area exceeds 4 million km. sq.

On the flat plane, such states are completely either partially found.

  • The Russian Federation;
  • Finland;
  • Estonia;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Republic of Belarus;
  • Poland;
  • Germany;
  • Ukraine;
  • Moldova;
  • Kazakhstan.

Fig. 1. Eastern European Plain on the map.

The type of the geological structure of the platform was formed under the influence of shields and folded belts.

It occupies a second position in the ranking of quantities after the Amazonian plain. Plain is localized in the eastern part of Europe. Due to the fact that its main part is localized within the limits of Russia's borders, the Eastern European Plain is still referred to as Russian. Russian plain is washed by the waters of the seas:

Top 4 Articleswho read with this

  • White;
  • Barents;
  • Black;
  • Azov;
  • Caspian.

The geographical position of the East European Plain is such that the length of it in the direction from the north to the south is more than 2.5 thousand kilometers, and from the west to the East - 1 thousand kilometers.

The geographical position of the plain is due to the specifics of its nature of the seas of the Atlantic and Northern Ocean Oceans. There is a full range of natural areas - from the tundra to the desert.

Features geological structure The Eastern European Platform is determined by the age of rocks of the category of territory, among which an ancient Karelian folded crystal foundation is distinguished. His age is over 1600 million years.

The minimum height of the territory is located on the coast of the Caspian Sea and is 26 meters below the sea level.

The prevailing relief in this area is the hollow-plain landscape.

Zoning Soils and Flora is provincial and distributed in the direction of the west to the East.

In the flat territory, most of the population of Russia and the bulk of large majority are concentrated. settlements. I wonder: it was here many centuries ago russian statewhich has become the largest country in the country.

On the Eastern European Plain there are almost all types of natural zones that are characteristic of Russia.

Fig. 2. Natural zones of Eastern European Plain on the map.

Minerals of Eastern European Plain

There is a significant accumulation of mineral resources in Russia.

Natural resources that occur in the depths of the East European Plain:

  • iron ore;
  • coal;
  • uranus;
  • non-ferrous metal ores;
  • oil;

Nature monuments - a guarded territory on which unique objects of living or inanimate nature are located.

The main monuments of the Eastern European Plain: Lake Seliger, Kiwach Waterfall, Kizhi Museum-Reserve.

Fig. 3. Museum-Reserve Kizhi on the map.

Considerable part of the territory is assigned to agricultural land. Russian regions on the territory of the plain actively use its potential and maximize water and land resources. However, this is not always good. The territory is strongly urbanized and is substantially changed by a person.

Critical marker reached the level of pollution of the mass of rivers and lakes. This is especially noticeable in the center and in the south of the plains.

Security measures are caused by uncontrolled economic activities A person who is today the main source of environmental problems.

The plain almost absolutely corresponds to the borders of the East European platform.

This explains the plain appearance of the relief. Small hill-shaped formations within the Eastern European Plain arose as a result of faults and other processes of a tectonic nature. This suggests that the plain has a tectonic structure.

The formation of a flat relief contributed to the formation of a flat relief.

The water arteries of the plains have snowmall, which occurs during the spring flood. Multiple northern rivers fall into the White, Barents, the Baltic Sea, and occupy 37.5% of the entire Plain Square. The inland waters are due to the seasonal distribution nature, which occurs relatively uniformly. In the summer season, the rivers are not subject to sharp finish.

What did we know?

Found out what total area The territory of the Eastern European Plain. Learned in which areas the greatest pollution of water was noted as a result of human activity. Learned which natural monuments are located on the territory of the plain. We received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe zonality of soil.

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Eastern European Relief (Russian) Plain

Eastern European (Russian) plain is one of the largest plains of the world. Among all the plains of our Motherland, only she goes to two oceans. Russia is located in the central and eastern parts of the plain. It extends from the coast of the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains, from Barents and White Seas to Azov and Caspian.

The East European Plain has the greatest density of the rural population, large cities and many small cities and urban-type settlements, a variety of natural resources. Plain has long been mastered by man.

The following signs are used to establish its definition in the rank of a physical and geographical country: 1) the raised plastic plain was formed on the stove of the ancient Eastern European platform; 2) Atlantic and continental, mainly moderately and insufficiently wet climate, which is largely influenced by the Atlantic and Northern Oceans; 3) The natural zones are clearly pronounced, the structure of which was greatly influenced by the plain relief and neighboring territories - Central Europe, North and Central Asia. This led to the interpenetration of European and Asian species of plants and animals, as well as to deviating from the latitudinal position of the natural zones in the east to the north.

Relief and geological structure

Eastern European raised plain consists of elevations with heights of 200-300 m above sea level and lowlands, for which large rivers flow. The average height of the plain is 170 m, and the highest - 479 m - on the Bugulmino-Bellapendeevskaya elevation in the Ural region. The maximum mark of the Timan ridge is somewhat less (471 m).

According to the features of the orographic pattern within the Eastern European Plain, three bands are distinguished: the central, north and south. Through the central part of the plain, there is a band of alternating large elevations and lowlands: the Middle Russian, Volga, Bugulmina-Belladeevskaya, and the total sythmic are separated by the window-dont lowland and the low voltage, which flow the Don and Volga rivers carrying their waters south.

To the north of this band, low plains are dominated, on the surface of which here and there are garlands and alone, smaller hills are scattered. From the west to the East-northeast, there is stretched here, replacing each other, Smolensko-Moscow, Valdai Hills and Northern Horses. They are mainly undergoing watersheds between the Northern Arctic, Atlantic and internal (heartless Aral Caspian) pools. From the Northern Uvarov, the territory drops to the White and Barents seas. This part of the Russian plain A.A. Borzov called northern depth. It flows large rivers - Onega, North Dvina, Pechora with numerous multi-water tributaries.

The southern part of the Eastern European Plain is occupied by lowlands, of which only Caspiani is located in Russia.

Figure 1 - Geological profiles across Russian plain

The Eastern European Plain has a typical platform relief, which is predetermined by the tectonic features of the platform: the inhomogeneity of its structure (the presence of deep faults, ring structures, autocogen, antekliz, syneclide and other smaller structures) with a different manifestation of the latest tectonic movements.

Almost all large elevations and lowlands of the plain of tectonic origin, while the significant part is inherited from the structure of the crystalline foundation. In the process of a long and challenging path of development, they have been formed as united in morphostructure, orographic and genetic attitude.

At the base of the Eastern European Plain, a Russian slab with a Precambrian crystal foundation and in the south of the Northern Territory of Scythian Plate with Paleozoic Folded Foundation are locked up. The border between the plates in the relief is not expressed. On the uneven surface of the Precambrian foundation of the Russian Plate, the strata of the Precambrian (Venda, in places of Rifey) and Plyerozoic sedimentary rocks with a slightly surrounding occurrence. The power is different and due to the irregularities of the relief of the foundation (Fig. 1), which determines the main geostructures of the plate. These include syneclides - the areas of the deep lounge of the foundation (Moscow, Pechora, Caspian, Glazovskaya), Antkelza - Areas of Shallow Locking Foundation (Voronezh, Volgo-Uralskaya), Avlacogens - Deep Tectonic Rips, in the place of which syneclides (solesky, soligalsky, Moscow and others), the protrusions of the Baikal foundation - Timan.

Moscow synecline is one of the most ancient and complex internal structures Russian slab with a deep lounge of the crystalline foundation. It is based on the Central Russian and Moscow Avlacogens, filled with powerful strata of the rhyphous, above which there is a sedimentary case of Venda and Plyerozoos (from Cambria to Chalk). In Neogen-Quaternary time, she experienced uneven raised lifts and in the relief expressed rather large elevations - Valdai, Smolensk-Moscow and lowlands - Verineal, North Dvinsky.

Pechora synecline is located wednifically in the northeast of the Russian slab, between the Timan grazing and the Urals. The uneven blocks of its foundation is lowered to a different depth - up to 5000-6000 m in the east. Filled with a powerful polesis of Paleozoic rocks, blocked by mesocynezoic sediments. In the northeastern part of it is the effort of the (Bolshezmelsky) arch.

In the center of the Russian plate there are two large antecles - Voronezh and Volgo-Uralskaya, separated by Pachelmsky Avlacogen. Voronezh hollow antickel is lowered north to Moscow synecliz. The surface of its foundation is covered by low-power deposits of Ordovic, Devon and Carbon. In the southern steep slope, the carbon breed, chalk and paleogene lie. The Volga-Ural Antecus consists of large raising (arches) and depressions (Avlacogenes), on the slopes of which are Flexras. The power of a sedimentary cover here is at least 800 m within the highest arms (Tokmov).

The Caspian Caspian Seineline is an extensive area of \u200b\u200bdeep (up to 18-20 km) of the immersion of the crystalline foundation and refers to the structures of an ancient embedding, almost from all sides of the syneclision is limited by phlexsers and faults and has angular outlines. From the west, it is framed by Ergeninskaya and Volgograd Flexura, from the north - Flexras of common raw. In places they are complicated by young faults. In Neogen-Quaternary time, there was a further immersion (up to 500 m) and the accumulation of powerful strata of marine and continental deposits. These processes are combined with the oscillations of the Caspian level.

The southern part of the Eastern European Plain is located on the Scythian Epigerzinskaya Plate, which occurs between the southern edge of the Russian slab and the Alpine folded structures of the Caucasus.

The tectonic movements of the Urals and the Caucasus led to some violation of the occurrence of sediment plates. This is pronounced in the form of dome-shaped raises, significant treasure (Occinsky, Zniksky, Zhigulevsky, Vyatsky, etc.), individual flexural bends of layers, salt domes, which are clearly traced in modern relief. Ancient and young deep faults, as well as ring structures determined the block structure of the plates, the direction of the river valleys and the activity of non-stock motions. The prevailing direction of faults is North-West.

A brief description of the tectonics of the Eastern European Plain and the comparison of a tectonic card with plaster and non-systemic allows us to conclude that modern relief has undergone a long and complex history, it turns out in most cases inherited and dependent on nature ancient structure and manifestations of non-stock motions.

Stripping movements on the Eastern European Plain were manifested with different intensity and orientation: for the most part of the territory, they are expressed by weak and moderate raising, weak mobility, and the Caspian and Pechora lowland are weak lower.

The development of the Morphostructure of the North-West Plain is associated with the movements of the regional part of the Baltic Shield and Moscow Syneclide, so monoclinal (inclined) reservoir plains are developed here, expressed in the orography of elevations (Valdai, Smolensko-Moscow, Belarusian, Nordic, etc.), and Plastic plains occupying a lower position (Verkhneolzhskaya, Meshcherskaya). The central part of the Russian plain was influenced by the intensive raising of the Voronezh and Volga-Ural Antext, as well as the lowering of neighboring Avlacogenes and the deflection. These processes contributed to the formation of reservoir-long, stepped elevations (Middle Russian and Volga) and the plastic Occa and Don Plain. The eastern part has developed in connection with the movements of the Urals and the edges of the Russian slab, so there is a mosaic of morphostructures. In the north and south, accumulative lowlands of edible synecliz plates (Pechora and Caspian) are developed. Between them alternate the plastic-long-tier hills (Bugulmino-Bellapendeevskaya, general syreg), monoclonal-rear elevations (Verkhnekamskaya) and intra-platform folded Timan ridge.

At the Quaternary time, the climate cooling time in the northern hemisphere contributed to the spread of coating glaciation. The glaciers had a significant impact on the formation of relief, quaternary sediments, many years of permanent, as well as to change the natural zones - their position, floristic composition, animal world and migration of plants and animals within the Eastern European Plain.

On the Eastern European Plain there are three glaciations: Okoy, Dniprovskoe with Moscow Stage and Valdai. Glaciers and fluvioglacial waters created two types of plains - moraine and grinding. In a wide periodic (over time), the constant processes were dominated for a long time. Especially intensively influenced by the relief of the snowflies during the period of reducing glaciation.

Moraine of the most ancient glaciation - Oksky - was studied on the OK 80 km south of Kaluga. Lower, strongly strolling the window of Moraine with Karelian crystalline boulders are separated from the overlying Dnieper Moraine with typical interglacial sediments. In a number of other cuts north of this cut, Under Dniprovskaya Moraine, the Okna Moraine was also discovered.

Obviously, the sea relief, which arose in the window of the ice era, was not preserved to our time, since it was first blurred by the water of the Dnieper (medium-power) glacier, and then it was blocked by him with bottom moraine.

The south border of the maximum spread of the Dnieper coating glaciation crossed the Central Russian sublimation in the Tula area, then descended by the don's valley - to the mouth of Hopra and the Medoli, crossed the Volga hill, then the Volga in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of the Surah River, then he went to the upper agencies and Kama and crossed the Urals area 60 ° S.Sh. In the basin of the top Volga (in Chukhlome and Galich), as well as in the basin of the Upper Dnieper above the Dneprovskaya Moraine, the upper Morane lies, which is believed to the Moscow stage of the Dnieper glaciation *.

Before the last Valdai glaciation in the Interglamp Epoch, the vegetation of the middle strip of the Eastern European Plain had a more thermal-loving composition than modern. This indicates a complete disappearance on the north of its glaciers. In the lake hollows arising in the lowering relief layers, peatlands with Brazeniyevo Floro were deposited.

In the north of the Eastern European Plain, boreal ingression arose in this era, the level of which was 70-80 m above modern level seas. The sea penetrated the valleys of the rivers of the Northern Dvina, Mezeni, Pechora, creating wide branching bays. Then the Valdai glaciation has come. The edge of Valdai Ice Cooking was 60 km north of Minsk and left north-east, reaching Nyandomy.

In the climate of more southern areas due to the glaciation there were changes. At this time, in more southern regions of the Eastern European Plain, the residues of seasonal snow cover and snowflies contributed to the intensive development of nivation, solifluction, the formation of asymmetric slopes in erosion forms of relief (ravines, beams, etc.).

Thus, if we have existed ice within the spread of Valdai glaced, then in the periglacial zone, a nival relief and deposits were formed (selfless-free loam). The extlennikovy, the southern parts of the plain are blocked by powerful strata of lesders and lumbering loams, synchronous glacial periods. At this time, due to the humidification of the climate, which caused the glaciation, as well as, possibly marine transgression in the Caspian Sea brand.

Natural processes of neogene-quaternary time and modern climatic conditions on the territory of the East European Plain caused various types of morphoskulphors, which in their spread zonal: On the coast of the seas of the Northern Ocean, marine and sea plains with cryogenic formations of relief are common. South plains are south, in different stages transformed by erosion and periglacial processes. According to the southern periphery of the Moscow glaciation, there is a strip of zandrovy plains, interrupted by the remaining elevated plains, covered with forest-like sublinks, dissected ravines and beams. South is a strip of fluivial ancients and modern forms Relief on hills and lowlands. On the coast of the Azov and Caspian seas, non-warmeter-quaternary plains with erosion, colors and eloque terrain are located.

The long-term geological history of the largest geostructures - an ancient platform - predetermined the accumulation of various minerals on the Eastern European Plain. The richest deposits are concentrated in the foundation of the platform iron Rud. (Kursk magnetic anomaly). With a sedimentary platform case, stone coal deposits (the eastern part of Donbass, the Paleozoic pool), oil and gas in Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments (Ural-Volzhsky pool), combustible shale (near Syzran) are connected with the platform. Building materials (songs, gravel, clay, limestone) are widespread. Brownie zone (near Lipetsk), bauxites (in Tikhvin), phosphorites (in a number of districts) and salts are also associated with a sediment cover.

Eastern European (it is Russian) has the second largest area in the world, yielding only an Amazon lowland. It is classified as low plain. From the north, the locality is washed by the Barents and White Sea, in the south - Azov, Caspian and Black. In the west and southwest plain coins with the mountains Central Europe (Carpathians, Sudtias, etc.), in the North-West - with the Scandinavian Mountains, in the East - with the Urals and Muurgians, and in the south-east - with the Crimean Mountains and the Caucasus.

The length of the Eastern European Plain from the West to the East is approximately 2500 km, from north to south - about 2750 km, the area is 5.5 million km². The average height is 170 m, the maximum was recorded in Hibinz (Mount Yudychvumchorr) on the Kola Peninsula - 1191 m, the minimum height is marked on the coast of the Caspian Sea, it has a minus value -27 m. The following countries are fully or partially located: Belarus, Kazakhstan , Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Estonia.

Russian plain almost completely coincides with the Eastern European platform, which explains its relief with the predominance of planes. Such a geographical location is characterized by very rare and manifestations of volcanic activity.

Such a relief was formed due to tectonic movements and faults. Platform sediments on this plain are practically horizontally, however, they exceed 20 km. The hill in this area is rather rare and mainly represent a ridge (Donetsk, Timan, etc.), in these areas the folding foundation performs on the surface.

Hydrographic characteristics of the Eastern European Plain

As for hydrography, the Eastern European Plain can be divided into two parts. Most of the water of the plain has access to the ocean. The Western and South Rivers belong to the Atlantic Ocean Basin, and the Northern North Icetic. From the northern rivers in the Russian plain are: Mezen, Onega, Pechora and Northern Dvina. Western and South water flows fall into the Baltic Sea (Vistula, Western Dvina, Neva, Neman, etc.), as well as in Black (Dnipro, Dniester and South Bug) and Azov (Don).

Climatic characteristics of the Eastern European Plain

A moderately continental climate prevails on the Eastern European Plain. Summer average fixed temperatures range from 12 (near the Barents Sea) to 25 degrees (at the Caspian lowland). Winter's highest average temperatures are observed in the West, there is about -