Organizations after World War II. World after World War II

World Community and USSR


1. Polarization of the post-war world and " cold War».

2. Restoration national economy countries.

3. Points of political and ideological measures. New wave


4. Baby for Stalinist heritage.

5.XX CPSU Congress and Liberalization of the Mode.

6.The most politics.

Polarization of the post-war world and "Cold War"

Second world War He led to indigenous changes in the world and in international relations. Fascist Germany and Italy, Militarist Japan were defeated, military criminals were punished, an international organization was established - the United Nations. All of this demonstrated the relative cohesion of the winning powers.

His contribution to victory over fascist Germany The USSR summoned the sympathy of the population of the West countries, and the dissolution of the Comintern in 1943 contributed to the growth of the authority of the Communist Party. During the war years, the number of their members increased almost 3 times, and the Communists in 1945-1947. included in the government of 13 European countries. Asia I. Latin America.

War led to sharp changes on the world map. First of all, the gigants intensified the United States in an economic, military and political relationship. This country belonged to the overwhelming part of world industrial production and gold and foreign exchange reserves. The United States also had a first-class army, turned into the leader of the Western world. Germany and Japan were defeated, and left among the leading countries, other European countries were weakened by the war.

Military and political influence of the USSR significantly increased. However, its international situation was paradoxically: the country won the price of large losses was ruined, but despite this, she had legal right Apply for a prominent role in the life of the world community. Economic ruin was compensated by military and political advantages.

In general, the position of the USSR changed: it came out of international isolation and became a recognized Great Power. The number of countries with which the USSR had diplomatic relations increased compared with the pre-war period from 26 to 52.

However, with the disappearance of a fascist threat, more and more contradictions between the former allies began to appear. The collision of their geopolitical interests soon led to the collapse of the coalition and the creation of hostile blocks. Allied relations have been preserved about 1947. However, in 1945, serious contradictions were discovered, primarily in the struggle for the section of influence in Europe. Against the background of the exacerbated disagreements, Churchill ordered Field Marshal Montgomery to collect German weapons for armament of prisoners in case Russian

Churchill on March 5, 1946 in the city of Fulton (USA) in the presence of President Truman, for the first time, openly accused the USSR in the fact that he burned down the Eastern Europe "Iron Curtain", called for the organization of pressure on Russia in order to achieve from it as foreign policy concessions, So changes in domestic politics. It was a call for open and tough confrontation with the Soviet Union.

The main focus of the Soviet leadership was focused on the spherical block in Europe. In these countries, communist parties were supported, eliminated (often physically) opposition leaders. Therefore, Eastern European countries were dependent on the USSR, under his control carried out their external and internal policies (with the exception of Yugoslavia).

The formation of the Soviet bloc went parallel to the enhancement of confrontation with the West. The turning point was 1947, when the Soviet leadership refused to participate in the Marshall Plan and forced other Eastern European countries.

To tighten control over their allies, Stalin in September 1947 established the information bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties - Kominform (he dismissed in 1943, hoping that it would contribute to the opening of the second front). The Cominform included Eastern European Communist Parties and from Western - Italian and French. In 1949, the Socialist countries as an alternative to the Marshall Plan formed the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance (CEV). However, the closeness, the lack of this market, the free overflow of capital did not allow the CEA countries to achieve economic intimacy and integration, as was in the West.

The formed socialist block of countries, headed by the USSR, was opposed by the Union of Western Europe and North America, headed by the United States, which, with the creation in 1949, was finally imposed. The tough confrontation between the West and the East contributed to the "correction" internal politicians leading powers. In 1947, under the influence of the US ruling circles, the Communists were deleted from the Governments of Italy and France. In the US themselves, the loyalty of civil servants began, the lists of "subversive organizations" were drawn up, whose members were traversed from work. Communists and face left views were especially subjected to persecution. In June 1947, the US Congress approved the Taffeta-Hartley law, which limited strike and trade union movements.

In the West, the section of Europe ended. It became obvious that the attempts of Stalin further expand here the sphere of their influence was repulsed. Now the center of confrontation has moved to Asia. In 1949, the Chinese revolution won, but communist mode Artified in North Korea. In the late 40s, world socialism covered more than 1/4 of the whole earthly sushi and 1/3 of the population of the Earth. Based on this circumstance, as well as taking into account the presence of a communist movement in the West countries, the leaders of the Soviet bloc and China, apparently, led to the opinion of the possibility of changing the consideration of the world in their favor. In February 1950, the heads of the USSR and China signed an agreement on mutual assistance for a period of 30 years.

Further, Stalin organized an international large-scale adventure on the Korean Peninsula. He played a decisive role in the initiation of the Korean War (1950-1953), in which more than a million people died on both sides.

From declassified in recent years, Stalin's letters has become known that the Soviet dictator considered the possibility and probability of the Third World War. In a letter, Mao Zedun he wrote: "... the United States due to prestige can be drawn into a big war; Will, therefore. China is drawn into War, and at the same time gets sharpening in the war and the USSR, which is associated with China in the Covenant on mutual assistance. Should I be afraid of this? According to - I should not, since we will be stronger together than the United States and England. And other capitalist European states without Germany ... do not represent a serious military force. If the war is inevitable, then let it be now, and not after a few years, when Japanese militarism will be restored as the US ally ... ". It is difficult to realize that the Third World War has become almost a reality during the confrontation of blocks in Korea, and it could "organize" communist leaders, for which the global interests of the communist system were in the foreground. The war ended in July 1953, after the death of Stalin; Korea, as before, remained divided. Stalin continued to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people to his death to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of thousands to, as he said, "to spare the blood of the Americans."

In recent years of life, Stalin's special attention attracted the Bering Strait and Alaska district. It was here that the active deployment of the Armed Forces of the USSR began. Since the beginning of the 50s, airfields and military bases were created. In the spring of 1952 Stalin decided on the urgent formation of 100 divisions of front-line airborne bombers. Preparation for the New World War unfolded in close proximity to the borders of the United States. In the event of war for America, the threat of massive aviation strikes and the invasion of land forces was created. Humanity as a whole stood on the threshold of a third world war with monstrous consequences. Fortunately, Stalin's plans were not destined to come true, and his successors had a different vision in solving the problem of war and peace.

With the end of the Second World War, the United States on a par with the USSR became one of the two world superpower. The states helped to raise Europe from the ruins, survived the economic and demographic boom. The country began the process of refusing segregation and racial discrimination. At the same time, an anti-communist propaganda campaign of supporters of Senator McCarthy unfolded in American society. Nevertheless, despite all the internal and external tests, the country managed to preserve and consolidate their status of the main democracy of the Western world.

New superpower

When a bloody war began in Europe in 1939, the US authorities tried to stay away from a large-scale conflict. However, the longer the confrontation continued, the less opportunities remained for conducting insulating policies. Finally, in 1941 an attack took place on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese treacherous attack forced Washington to revise their plans. So in advance the role of the United States after the Second World War was determined. American society rods in " cross campaign"The XX century, the purpose of which was victory over the Nazis and their allies.

The Third Reich was defeated, leaving Europe in ruins. The primary economic and political importance of the old light (primarily the UK and France) was shaken. The United States after World War II occupied the liberated niche. For all indicators relatively weakly affected by horror recent years The country deservedly began to be considered a superpower.

"Marshall Plan"

In 1948, he began to act as the US Secretary of State George Marshall "The European Recovery Program", also called the Marshall Plan. Its purpose was economic assistance to the countries of destroyed Europe. Through this US program, after World War II, did not simply support their allies, but also secured their primary status in the Western world.

Money on the restoration of industry and other important infrastructure was allocated to 17 countries. Americans offered their promotion of Socialist States of Eastern Europe, but under pressure Soviet Union Those refused to participate in the program. In a special way, money was provided West Germany. American funds entered into this country along with parallel challenge the contribution for the previous crimes of the Nazi regime.

Increment of contradictions with the USSR

In the USSR, the Marshall Plan was negatively, believing that with the help of him the United States after the Second World War presses the Soviet Union. A similar point of view was distributed in the West. It was accompanied by the former American vice president of Henry Wallace, who criticized the Assistance Program.

Every year the growing confrontation of the USSR and the United States has become increasingly sharp. Power standing on one side of the barricades in the fight against the Nazi threat, now they have begun to openly enjoy. The contradictions affected between the communist and democratic ideologies. Western Europe and the United States after World War II created the NATO Military Union, and Eastern Europe and the USSR - the organization of the Warsaw Treaty.

Internal problems

The internal development of the United States after the Second World War was accompanied by contradictions. The fight against the Nazi evil was rallied by society for several years and made him forget about their own problems. However, almost immediately after the victory, these difficulties declared themselves again. First of all, they consisted in relation to ethnic minorities.

The social policy of the United States after the Second World War changed the former way of life of the Indians. In 1949, the authorities refused the previous law on self-determination. Reservations remained in the past. Accelerated assimilation with the society of America's indigenous people. Often the Indians moved to cities under pressure. Many of them did not want to abandon the lifestyle of the ancestors, but they had to come in their principles due to the fundamentally changed country.

Fighting segregation

The problem of the relationship between the White Most and Black Minority remained acute. SEGREGATION persisted. In 1948, she was canceled in the Air Force. In World War II, many African Americans served in aviation and became famous for amazing feats. Now they could give birth to their homeland in the same conditions with white.

1954 gave states another important public victory. Thanks to the long-standing decision of the Supreme Court, the history of the United States after the Second World War was marked by the abolition of separate training in schools on racial signs. Then Congress officially confirmed for black status of citizens. Gradually, the United States stood on the path leading to the complete abandonment of segregation and discrimination. This process ended in the 1960s.


Accelerated economic development The United States after World War II led to an unprecedented economic boom, which is sometimes called the "golden age of capitalism." It was caused by several reasons, for example, a crisis in Europe. Period 1945-1952 Also considered to be the epoch of Keynes (John Keynes - the author of the famous economic theory, on the covenants of which the United States lived in those years).

The efforts of the states were created by the Bretton Woods System. Her institutes facilitated international trade and allowed the "Marshall Plan" (the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and so on) appeared. The economic boom in the United States led to a baby boom - a demographic explosion, as a result of which the population of the whole country began to grow rapidly.

Start of the Cold War

In 1946, being with a private visit to the United States, the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill spoke with a famous speech, which called the USSR and communism threats for the Western world. Today, historians consider this event by the beginning of the Cold War. In the States at that time, Harry Truman became president. He, like Churchill, believed that with the USSR, you need to stick to the tough behavior. During his presidency (1946-1953), the section of the world between two opposing political systems was finally entrenched.

Truman became the author of the "Truman doctrine", according to which, the cold war was the opposition between the democratic American and totalitarian soviet systems. The first real apple of discord for two superpowers was Germany. By decision of the United States, was included in the Marshall Plan. The USSR in response to this arranged the blockade of the city. The crisis continued until 1949. As a result of him, GDR was created in the east of Germany.

Then the new coast of the arms race began. After no longer an attempt to use nuclear warheads in wars - they stopped after the first. The United States of World War II was enough to realize the deadly of new missiles. However, the arms race has already started. In 1949, the USSR experienced a nuclear bomb, and a little later - hydrogen. Americans lost a weapon monopoly.


With the deterioration of relations and in the USSR, and in the United States launched propaganda campaigns to create the image of a new enemy. The "Red Threat" turned into an agenda for millions of Americans. The most Yarm anti-communist was Senator Joseph McCarthy. He accused many of high-ranking politicians and public figures in sympathy to the Soviet Union. Paranoid rhetoric McCarthy quickly picked up the media.

USA After World War II, briefly speaking, survived an anti-communist hysteria, the victims of which people became the victims, completely distant from the left views. McCarthists in all the troubles of the American society vinyl traitors. Trade unions and supporters of negotiations with the socialist block were subjected to their attacks. Truman, though he was criticized the USSR, but was distinguished from McCarthy with more liberal views. With the scandalous senator, a republican retired in 1952 who won the next presidential election.

Many figures of science and culture were victims of McCarthists: Composer Leonard Bernstein, Physicist David Bom, Actress Lee Grant, etc. The spouses of the Communists Julius and Eitel Rosenberg were executed. The propaganda campaign for the search for internal enemies, however, soon choked. At the end of 1954, McCarthy was sent to shameful resignation.

Caribbean crisis

France, the United Kingdom, USA After World War II, together with others, created the military soon these countries were supported by South Korea in its fight against the Communists. The latter, in turn, helped the USSR and China. The Korean War continued in 1950-1953. It was the first armed peak opposition two world political systems.

In 1959, a revolution took place in the Cuba next to the United States. Communists headed by Fidel Castro came to power on the island. Cuba enjoyed economic support to the USSR. Moreover, Soviet nuclear weapons were posted on the island. His appearance near the United States led to Caribbean crisis - Cold War Apogue, when the world stood on the threshold of new nuclear bombing. Then, in 1962, Nikita Khrushchev managed to agree on the American president and Soviet leader, and not exacerbate the situation. The fork was passed. The policy of gradual discharge began.

The costs of armared by the world's leading countries in 1940: Germany - $ 6 billion, the United Kingdom - $ 3.5 billion, USSR - $ 5 billion, USA - $ 1.5 billion in 1941: Germany - 6 billion dollars, United Kingdom - $ 6.5 billion, USSR - $ 8.5 billion, USA - $ 5.5 billion. The ratio of military expenditures of warring countries in 1940 was 6: 10, and in December 1941 6: 19.5 in favor of the opponents of Germany.


World War II changed the political map of the world.

As a result of the defeat, Germany has been preserved as the National State Dance, the truth is the territorial losses. The largest territorial increments received the USSR: 500 thousand km 2 with 20 million people. Japan lost everything that captured with end XIX. C.: Taiwan (Formosa), returned to China, Sakhalin, who went to the USSR, and Korea, which was divided into two parts - north and southern.

War was held to the victorious end, which found his expression in the requirement of unconditional surrender. In World War II, especially on the Eastern Front, not only the army, but also peoples were fought. The fair anger of the peoples, who were under the vlas-Tui of the Nazis, opposed the unjustified cruelty of the Nazis: the murders of people on national signs were acquired by a massive character and became the disgusting principle of World War II.

The war was finally completed by the Nuremberg process (20-1 November 1945 - October 1, 1946) above the main Nazi Pre-Speakers and Tokyo Tribunal (May 3, 1946 - November 12, 1948) over Japanese military criminals.

Nuremberg and Tokyo processes were essential for the approval of the principles and norms of modern international law, considering aggression as the greatest crime.

During the Nuremberg Process, the Soviet side imposed a veto to discuss the following issues: 1. Singing the USSR to the Versailles Agreement. 3. Soviet Covenant on non-Nenia with Germany. 4. Public and political system in the USSR. 5. Baltic republics. 6. Straits. 7. Balkans. 8. Poland. Material from site.

The issues of the post-war device of the world were discussed at Tehran, Mos-Korovskaya, Yalta and Potsdam Con-Fencing Heads of Government of the Allied Powers in 1943-1945.

At the conferences of the Allies, a completely new geopolitical order was formed, which manifested itself in stretching-selected for decades "

After World War II, serious changes occurred in international politics. The UN is the role of UN. Some decisions were embodied in life, and some were not realized. The leaders of the fascist criminals were punished.

From November 20, 1945, from September 1, 1946, an international tribunal was sentenced, which was judged by fascist criminals. 12 people were sentenced to death, 7 people for long term and life imprisonment. For the first time in history, the war perpetrators were punished internationally.

Race of arms and "Cold War"

After the war, the arms race began. In 1945, the Americans experienced an atomic bomb in Japan and began to think about dominance in the world by applying this terrible weapon.

After creating the United States, the USSR atomic bomb also decided and took all measures to keep up. And in 1949, the atomic bomb was created and tested.
In 1952, the United States created a more terrible weapon of mass destruction - a hydrogen bomb. Its power was equal to 10 thousand tons in TNT equivalent. The USSR possessed the same weapon after a year. At the same time, the United States created aircraft capable of bringing nuclear weapons to the goal. The USSR also managed to create an intercontinental rocket. Nuclear submarines were created. Thus, a mass of weapons of mass lesion, capable of destroying humanity several times.

A little time passed and "Cold War" began. Her initiator was W. Churchill. He put the task of fighting "Eastern Communism". This is confirmed by the "Doctrine Truman", designed to assist Greece and Turkey, and on June 5, 1947, the Marshall Plan on the provision of 16 European states on June 5, 1947.

As a result of a sharp aggravation of relations between two great powers, two military-political bloc were created.

Separation of peace and Europe into two parts

The first was created by the North Atlantic Block (NATO) on April 4, 1949 in Washington with the participation of 12 states (USA, Great Britain, France, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Holland, Norway, Portugal). His commander-in-chief was appointed American General D. Eisenhuer.

On October 1, 1949, the Communist People's Republic of China was established. In 1950, an agreement on friendship and mutual assistance was signed between the USSR and China. The ego strongly conquered the United States. With the creation of the PRC, the formation of the "World Socialist System" was completed. In 1955, NATO entered the FRG. (Currently, NATO members are countries like Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Estonia.) In response to this, on May 14, 1955, Eastern European countries - Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, GDR - created their military political union, which was called the Warsaw Treaty. Thus, the world was divided into two parts.

Korean War

After World War II, the Northern part of Korea won the USSR army, and the South-USA. As in Germany, two states and two governments were formed here. In 1949, the USSR and the United States brought their troops from Korea. June 25, 1950 North KoreaBy violating the border, began an offensive to South Korea. The United States has achieved a discussion of this issue in the UN. The UN recognized North Korea as an aggressor and allowed the fighting against her.

On September 15, international forces were thrown on the Korean Peninsula, they suspended the offensive of the Army of North Korea and expelled them from the territory of South Korea. In late October, the US Armed Forces seized the capital of North Korea. Pyongyang. After that, the People's Republic of China sent its armed forces to help North Korea. It became obvious the possibility of interference in the Korean War and the USSR. Only after that the United States was forced to suspend their hostilities in North Korea. In 1953, a truce agreement was concluded. In accordance with it, the boundaries of both Korean states were restored in a pre-war position (t e. 38 parallels of latitude). So the Korean War ended. However, the country remained divided into two parts. North Korea has established close contacts from the USSR, and South - from the USA.

Middle Eastern conflict

After World War II, the great powers began to support the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Jewish state in Palestine.
At the same time, on November 29, 1947, the UN decided on the creation of two states in Palestine (Israel and Palestine). Moving thousand Jews from all parts of the world aggravated the relationship between Jews and Arabs. )