Jeff Forsow - Quantum Universe. How it works what we can't see

Brian Cox, Jeff Forsow

Quantum Universe. How it works what we can't see

Scientific editors Vyacheslav Maracha and Mikhail Pavlov

Published with the permission of Apollo's Children Ltd and Jeff Forshow and Literary Agency Diane Banks Associates Ltd.

Legal support for the publisher provides the law firm "Vegas-Lex".

© Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, 2011

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

1. Something strange is coming

Quantum. This word simultaneously appears to feelings, confuses and fascinates. Depending on the point of view, this is either evidence of extensive success of science, or a symbol of limited human intuition, which is forced to deal with the inevitable oddity of the subatomic sphere. For physics, quantum mechanics is one of the three great supports, on which the understanding of nature is resting (two others is the total and special theory of Einstein's relativity). Einstein's theories are dealt with the nature of space and time and strength of attraction. Quantum mechanics dealt with everything else, and it can be said that, no matter how it appears to feelings, he knocked out or fascinated, it is just a physical theory, describing how nature behaves in reality. But even if you measure it on this very pragmatic criterion, it strikes with its accuracy and explanatory strength. There is one experiment from the region of quantum electrodynamics, the oldest and best of all meaningful of modern quantum theories. It is measured as an electron behaves near the magnet. Physico-theorists worked hard with the handle and paper, and later with computers to predict what kind of research would be shown. Practices were invented and put experiments to bring more details from nature. Both camps independently issued results with accuracy, similar to the distance between Manchester and New York with an error in several centimeters. It is noteworthy that the figures obtained from the experimenters fully complied with the results of theoretics calculations; Measurements and calculations were fully coordinated.

It is not only impressive, but also amazing, and if the construction of the models was the only concern for quantum theory, you could ask the right right, what is the problem at all. Science, of course, is not obliged to be useful, but many technological and public changes committed a revolution in our lives came out of the fundamental studies conducted by modern scientists who are guided only by the desire to better understand the world. Thanks to this, caused by curiosity, discoveries in all sectors of science we have an increased lifespan, international air transportation, freedom from the need to deal with agriculture for their own survival, as well as a wide, inspiring and opening eye painting of our place in the infinite star sea. But all this in some sense side results. We explore from curiosity, and not because we want to achieve a better understanding of reality or develop more efficient trinkets.

Quantum theory - perhaps the best example, as an infinitely complicated for the understanding of most people becomes extremely useful. It is difficult to understand, because it describes the world in which the particles can actually be in several places at the same time and moves from one place to another, thereby exploring the entire universe. It is useful because the understanding of the behavior of the slightest bricks of the universe strengthens the understanding of the rest. She puts the limit of our arrogance, because the world is much more complicated and more diverse than it seemed. Despite all this complexity, we found that everything consists of many smallest particles that move in accordance with the laws of quantum theory. These laws are so simple that they can be recorded on the back of the envelope. And the fact that to explain the deep nature of things does not require a whole library, in itself one of the greatest secrets of the world.

So, the more we learn about the elementary nature of the universe, the easier it seems to us. Gradually, we will come to understand all the laws and how these little bricks interact, forming the world. But no matter how fucked by the simplicity underlying the universe, it is necessary to remember: although the basic rules of the game are simple, their consequences are not always easy to calculate. Our daily experience of the knowledge of the world is determined by the relations of many billion atoms, and try to bring the principles of behavior of people, animals and plants from the nuances of the behavior of these atoms would be just stupid. Recognizing this, we do not bring it importance: all the phenomena in the end the quantum physics of microscopic particles is hidden.

Hugh Everett, of course, tried to discuss his theory of "multiplicity of worlds" with other physicists, but received only surprise or indifference in response. One of the physicists, Bryce Devitt from Texas University, even opposed the theory of Everett, saying: "I'm just unable to feel cleaved." But Everett, such a reaction reminded the reaction of the critics of Galilee, who said that they did not feel the movement of the Earth. (Over time, Demitte moved to the side of Everett and became one of the leading supporters of this theory.)

Within a few decades, the theory of multiplicity of worlds stained in obscurity. She just seemed too fantastic to be true. John Wheeler, Princenon Consultant Everett, eventually came to the conclusion that this concept pulls too much "excess baggage." But at some point the theory of Everett unexpectedly entered the fashion and now it enjoys a serious interest in the world of physics. The fact is that physicists are currently trying to apply a quantum theory to the last area, which still remained "non-virginated": to the most universe. And an attempt to apply the principle of uncertainty to the entire Universe as a whole naturally causes the concept of multi-dealed.

The concept of "quantum cosmology" at first glance seems to be terminologically contradictory: after all, quantum theory deals with the tiny world of atoms, and in cosmology there is a question of the Universe as a whole. But think about what: at the time of a large explosion, the universe was much less than an electron. Any physicist will agree that the electron should be considered from the point of view of quantum theory; This means that the electron is described by the probabilistic wave equation (Dirac equation) and may exist in several parallel states. But if the electron follows quantum, and the universe was once less than an electron, which means that the Universe should also be quantized and exist in parallel states. It means that this theory naturally leads to the presentation of the multiplicity of worlds.

However, the Copenhagen Interpretation of Niels Bora in the appendix to the whole universe faces serious difficulties. In general, the Copenhagen interpretation, although it is studied in each course of quantum mechanics for graduate students, needs a "observer", whose observations, in fact, cause collapse of the wave function. It turns out that for macromir fixing in a certain state, the observation process is absolutely necessary. But how can I be "outside" the universe and watch the universe from the side? If the universe describes a certain wave function, then how can the "external" observer determine the specific state of the universe and force this function to collapse? Moreover, some scientists consider it impossible to blame the universe "from outside" critical, even the fatal disadvantage of Copenhagen interpretation.

In the concept of "multiple worlds", this problem is solved very simply: the universe simply exists simultaneously in a variety of parallel states, which are determined by the main wave function known as the wave function of the universe. According to quantum cosmology, the universe arose as a quantum fluctuation of a vacuum, i.e. As a tiny spatial-temporal foam bubble. Most newborn universes of spatio-temporal foam experiences big explosionAnd then immediately - great compression. This means that even in the "emptiness", incessant activity, the tiny universes are missing and immediately disappear, but the scale of these events is too small for our coarse devices. Once for some reason, one of the bubbles of the space-time foam did not collapse back and did not disappear in its own large compression, but continued to expand. This was our universe. If you listen to Alan Guta, then it turns out that our entire universe is one big freebie.

In quantum cosmology, physics are taken to begin an analogue of the Schrödinger equation describing the wave functions of electrons and atoms. They also use the Demitte-Wilera equation acting on the "wave function of the Universe." Usually, the wave function of the Schrödinger is defined at each point of space and time, so we can calculate the likelihood of detection of an electron at any specified point of space and time. But the "wave function of the universe" is determined on the set of all possible universes. If it turns out that this wave function for a particular universe is large, it will mean that this universe is highly likely to be in this state.

Hawking supports this point of view. He claims that our universe is special, it is unique and different from all other universes. If the wave function of our universe is large, then for most others it is almost equal to zero. It turns out that there is a non-zero, but very small likelihood that other universes can exist in the multiverse, but our universe is with a maximum probability. In general, Hawking is trying to logically substantiate the phenomenon of inflation. In this picture of the world, the universe, in which the inflation process begins, is simply more likely than the Universe, where nothing like this happens, therefore, in our universe, such a process took place.

The theory of the origin of our universe from the "emptiness" of the spatial-temporal foam at first glance seems completely unverified; Nevertheless, it is consistent with several simple observations. First, many physicists indicated that the striking fact that the sum of the positive and negative electric charge in our universe is zero - at least within the experimental error. It seems to us natural that gravity is dominant in space, but it only happens because negative and positive charges are completely compensated for each other. If there were at least the slightest imbalance between positive and negative charges, the electric forces, it would be quite possible to overcome the strength of gravitational attraction that binds the land together, and would simply break out our planet. The exact balance between the total positive and negative charges can be easily explained, in particular, the fact that the universe originated from "nothing", and "nothing" has a zero electric charge.

Secondly, our universe has zero back. Kurt Gödel has tried for many years to prove that our universe rotates, by analyzing and summing up the spins of various galaxies, but today astronomers are convinced: the total spin of our universe is zero. Again, this fact can be easily explained by the fact that the universe originated from "nothing", and "nothing" has zero spin. Thirdly, the emergence of the universe from nothing helped would explain why the total content of energy in it is so little, and perhaps, in general equals zero. If you fold the positive energy of the substance and negative energy associated with gravity, then, apparently, they accompanied each other exactly. According to the general theory of relativity, if the Universe is closed and finite, then the total amount of substance energy in it should be equal to zero. (If the universe is unlocked and infinite, it is not necessarily true, but the inflationary theory is still indicated that the total amount of substance-energy in our universe is extremely small.)

All this leaves one interesting question open. If physicists cannot exclude the possibility of the existence of several types of parallel universes, then is it possible to enter into contact with them? Visit them? Or maybe the creatures from other universes have already been to our world?

Contact with other quantum universes that lost synchronicity with ours, it seems very unlikely. The reason that our universe has lost syphronity with other universes is that our atoms constantly faced other atoms of the surrounding world. Every time a collision, the wave function of the atom is slightly "compressed"; So, the number of parallel universes decreases. Each collision reduces the number of possible options. Trillions of such nuclear "mini-celllaps" create as a result the illusion that all atoms of our body are completely collapsed and frozen in a certain condition. "Objective reality" Einstein is just an illusion that arises due to the fact that the huge number of atoms in our body constantly faces each other; And with each such collision, the number of possible universes is reduced.

This situation can be compared with the defocused image in the camera lens. In the same way in the microme, everything looks changed and uncertain. But it is worth a slightly to focus the camera focusing, and new parts appear in the image; With each correction, the picture as a whole becomes everything sharp and sharp. Thus, trillions of tiny collisions of atoms with neighboring atoms, over and over again, reduce the number of possible universes. Thus, we smoothly move from a changeable microworld to a stable macromir.

Therefore, the probability of interaction on another, similar to ours, the quantum universe, if not equal to zero, is rapidly falling together with an increase in the number of atoms in your body. But atoms in each of us trillions and trillions, so the chance to establish a connection with another universe, inhabited by dinosaurs or aliens, is infinitely small. It is possible to calculate that waiting for a similar event will have much longer than the universe will exist.

So, we cannot completely eliminate contact with parallel quantum universes, but it is obvious that the event is extremely rare - after all, our universe has lost coherence with them. But in cosmology we meet another type of parallel universe: it is a multi-lane, which consists of universes coexisting one with another, like soap bubbles in a foam bath. Contact with a different universe inside the Multivalented is a completely different story. This is definitely a difficult problem, but it is possible that civilization will be able to solve it.

As we have already discussed, in order to open a hole in space or increase the spatial-temporary foam, energy is necessary, comparable in order of magnitude with the plank energy, in which all the well-known physical laws are crushed. Space and time with this energy are unstable, which opens up the opportunity to leave our universe (assuming, of course, the other universes exist and we will not die during the transition process).

This question, generally speaking, cannot be called purely academic, because ever before a reasonable life in the Universe, the problem of the death of the universe will definitely rise. In the end, the theory of the Multivalented may be saving for all the reasonable life of our universe, recently received from the WMAP satellite data confirm the fact that the Universe expands with acceleration, and it is possible that someday everyone will threaten death in the form of the so-called large frost . Over time, the whole Universe is black; All stars in heaven will go out and only dead stars, neutron stars and black holes will remain in the universe. Even atoms of our bodies may begin to disintegrate. The temperature will fall almost to absolute zero, and life will be impossible.

As the universe approached this point, an advanced civilization, which, in the face of the final death of his world, may well think about relocation to another universe. The choice of these creatures will be small - frozen to death or leave this world. The laws of physics will become a death sentence for any reasonable life - but the same laws may provide intelligent creatures of a narrow loophole.

Such civilization will have to curb the energy of giant accelerators and laser rays equal to the power of a whole solar system or even star cluster, and focus it in a single point to get legendary planacine energy. It may be enough to open the mole hole or the way to another universe. It is possible that civilization uses the colossal energy to create a mole hole and go through it to another universe, leaving his own universe to die and starting a new life in a new house.

In this book, authoritative scientists Brian Coke and Jeff Forsow introduce readers with quantum mechanics - the fundamental model of the device of the world. They tell what observations led physicists to quantum theory, as it was developed and why scientists, despite all her strangeness, so they are confident in it. The book is designed for all who are interested in quantum physics and the device of the universe.

Something strange is coming.
Quantum. This word simultaneously appears to feelings, confuses and fascinates. Depending on the point of view, this is either evidence of extensive success of science, or a symbol of limited human intuition, which is forced to deal with the inevitable oddity of the subatomic sphere. For physics, quantum mechanics is one of the three great supports, on which the understanding of nature is resting (two others is the total and special theory of Einstein's relativity). Einstein's theories are dealt with the nature of space and time and strength of attraction. Quantum mechanics dealt with everything else, and it can be said that, no matter how it appears to feelings, he knocked out or fascinated, it is just a physical theory, describing how nature behaves in reality. But even if you measure it on this very pragmatic criterion, it strikes with its accuracy and explanatory strength. There is one experiment from the region of quantum electrodynamics, the oldest and best of all meaningful of modern quantum theories. It is measured as an electron behaves near the magnet. Physico-theorists worked hard with the handle and paper, and later with computers to predict what kind of research would be shown. Practices were invented and put experiments to bring more details from nature. Both camps independently issued results with accuracy, similar to the distance between Manchester and New York with an error in several centimeters. It is noteworthy that the figures obtained from the experimenters fully complied with the results of theoretics calculations; Measurements and calculations were fully coordinated.
It is not only impressive, but also amazing, and if the construction of the models was the only concern for quantum theory, you could ask the right right, what is the problem at all. Science, of course, is not obliged to be useful, but many techno-logical and public changes who have committed a revolution in our lives have come out of fundamental studies conducted by modern scientists who are guided only by the desire to better understand the world around. Thanks to this, caused by curiosity, discoveries in all sectors of science we have an increased lifespan, international air transportation, freedom from the need to deal with agriculture for their own survival, as well as a wide, inspiring and opening eye painting of our place in the infinite star sea. But all this in some sense side results. We explore from curiosity, and not because we want to achieve a better understanding of reality or develop more efficient trinkets.

Something strange is coming
In two places at the same time
What is a particle?
Everything that can happen really happens
Movement as an illusion
Music atoms
The universe on the pin head (and why we do not fall through the earth)
Modern world
Empty space is not an empty epilogue: death of stars
For further reading.

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Depending on the point of view, the quantum theory is either evidence of extensive success of science, or a symbol of limited human intuition, which is forced to deal with the oddity of the subatomic sphere. For physics, quantum mechanics is one of the three great supports, on which the understanding of nature is based (along with the general and special theories of Einstein's relativity). For those who always wanted to at least understand something in the fundamental model of the device of the world, they explain the scientists Brian Coke and Jeff Forsow in his book "Quantum Universe", which reached the myth publishing house. T & P publishes a small excerpt about the essence of the quantum and the origins of the theory.

Einstein's theories are dealt with the nature of space and time and strength of attraction. Quantum mechanics dealt with everything else, and it can be said that, no matter how it appears to feelings, he knocked down or fascinated, it is just a physical theory, describing how nature behaves in reality. But even if you measure it on this very pragmatic criterion, it strikes with its accuracy and explanatory strength. There is one experiment from the region of quantum electrodynamics, the oldest and best of all meaningful of modern quantum theories. It is measured as an electron behaves near the magnet. Physico-theorists worked hard with the handle and paper, and later with computers to predict what kind of research would be shown. Practices were invented and put experiments to bring more details from nature. Both camps independently issued results with accuracy, similar to the distance between Manchester and New York with an error in several centimeters. It is noteworthy that the figures obtained from the experimenters fully complied with the results of theoretics calculations; Measurements and calculations were fully coordinated.

Quantum theory - perhaps the best example, as an infinitely complicated for the understanding of most people becomes extremely useful. It is difficult to understand, because it describes the world in which the particles can actually be in several places at the same time and moves from one place to another, thereby exploring the entire universe. It is useful because the understanding of the behavior of the slightest bricks of the universe strengthens the understanding of the rest. She puts the limit of our arrogance, because the world is much more complicated and more diverse than it seemed. Despite all this complexity, we found that everything consists of many smallest particles that move in accordance with the laws of quantum theory. These laws are so simple that they can be recorded on the back of the envelope. And the fact that to explain the deep nature of things does not require a whole library, in itself one of the greatest secrets of the world.

Imagine the world around us. Let's say you hold the book made of paper in the hands of the wood mass. Trees are machines capable of obtaining atoms and molecules, split them and reorganize them in colonies consisting of billions of individual parts. They do this due to a molecule known as chlorophyl and consisting of a hundred carbon atoms, hydrogen and oxygen, which have a bent in a special way and fastened with a certain amount of magnesium and hydrogen atoms. Such a compound of particles can capture light flying 150,000,000 km from our star - a nuclear foci of a million planets such as land, - and transfer this energy into the cells, where with its help new molecules of carbon dioxide and water are created and giving a giving We are life oxygen.

It is these molecular chains that form a superstructure that combines and trees, and paper in this book, and all living things. You are able to read the book and understand words, because you have eyes and they can turn dissipated light from pages in electrical impulsesInterpreted by the brain is the most difficult structure of the universe, which we generally know about. We found that all things in the world are no more than coping atoms, and the widest variety of atoms consists of only three particles - electrons, protons and neutrons. We also know that the protons and neutrons themselves consist of smaller entities, referred to as quarks, and everything ends on them - at least, so we think now. The basis for all this is a quantum theory.

Thus, the picture of the universe, in which we live, modern physics draws with exceptional simplicity; Elegant phenomena occur somewhere where they cannot be seen by generating a variety of macromir. Perhaps this is the most outstanding achievement. modern science - Minimizing the incredible complexity of the world, including the people themselves, to describing the behavior of a handful of the smallest subatomic particles and the four forces operating between them. The best descriptions of the three of the four of these forces - strong and weak nuclear interactions existing within the atomic nucleus, and electromagnetic interaction, which glues atoms and molecules, provides a quantum theory. Only the power of gravity is the weakest, but perhaps the most familiar force of all of all - at the moment does not have a satisfactory quantum description.

It is worth recognizing that the quantum theory has a somewhat strange reputation, and its name is covered by a lot of real Ahinea. Cats can be simultaneously alive and dead; Particles are located in two places at the same time; Heisenberg claims that everything is uncertain. All this is truly true, but the conclusions that often follow from this - once in the microme, something strange is happening, then we are shrouded in the mist of fog, they are definitely incorrect. The extrasensory perception, mystical healing, vibrating bracelets that protect against radiation, and the hell knows what is still regularly processes into the pantheon possible under the word quantum. This nonsense spawn the inability to think clearly, self-deception, genuine or pretended misunderstanding or some particularly unsuccessful combination of all of the above. Quantum theory accurately describes the world with the help of mathematical laws, as much concrete, as well as those used Newton or Galilee. That is why we can calculate the magnetic field of the electron with incredible accuracy. Quantum theory offers such a description of Nature, which, as we learn, has a huge predictive and explanatory force and applies to many phenomena - from silicon chips to stars.

As often happens, the appearance of quantum theory provoked the discovery of natural phenomena, which could not be described by scientific paradigms of that time. For the quantum theory of such discoveries there was a lot, more than a variety of character. A number of inexplicable results generated an excitement and confusion and ultimately caused a period of experimental and theoretical innovations, which really deserves the raise definition of the "golden age". The names of the main characters were forever rooted in the minds of any physics student and more often than others mentioned in university courses and seeds Day: Rutherford, Bor, Planck, Einstein, Pauli, Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Dirac. Perhaps in history no longer happens to the period when so many names will be associated with the greatness of science when moving to a single goal - creating new theory atoms and forces manageing the physical world. In 1924, looking at the previous decades of quantum theory, Ernest Rutherford, a physicist of New Zealand origin, which opened the atomic nucleus, wrote: "1896 ... marked the beginning of what was quite exactly called the heroic age of physical science. Never before that in the history of physics did not observe such a period of feverish activity, during which some fundamentally significant discoveries were replaced by others. "

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The term "quantum" appeared in physics in 1900 thanks to the work of Max Planck. He tried to theoretically describe radiation emitted by heated bodies - the so-called "emission of absolutely black body". By the way, the scientist hired a company for this purpose engaged in electrical lighting: so the doors of the universe sometimes open up to the most prosaic reasons. The placker found out that the properties of the emission of absolutely black bodies can be explained only if we assume that the light is emitted by small portions of the energy that he called quanta. This word itself means "packets", or "discrete". Initially, he believed that this is only a mathematical trick, but the work of Albert Einstein came out in 1905 about the photoelectric effect supported the quantum hypothesis. The results were convincing because small portions of energy could be synonymous with particles.

The idea that the light consists of a stream of small bullets has a long and glorious history that began with Isaac Newton and the birth of modern physics. However, in 1864, Scottish physicist James Clark Maxwell seemed to finally scattered all the doubts in a number of works that Albert Einstein later described as "the deepest and fruitful of all that physics knew since Newton's time." Maxwell showed that the light is an electromagnetic wave propagating in space, so the idea of \u200b\u200blight as the waves had an imperfect and, it would seem indisputable origin. However, in a series of experiments that Arthur Compton and his colleagues were held at Washington University in St. Louis, they managed to separate light quanta from electrons. Those and others behaved more like billiard balls, which clearly confirmed: the theoretical assumptions of the plank had a solid foundation in the real world. In 1926, light quanta received the name of photons. The testimony was irrefutable: the light behaves simultaneously as a wave and as a particle. This meant the end of classical physics - and the completion of the period of becoming a quantum theory.

INTRODUCTION Perception M. ira Man a century discrete or quantum. Man is not able to argue all M. iR. But do I need to know the whole world to understand it? To do this, it is enough to know it part that from R easter Mind expands. The law of hologram and heads (holographic universe) suggests what In each part of the hologram, the entire hologram is concentrated. If a person is part of the universe and is able to perceive part of the universe, then as in it , And in his mind contains everything IN selenn aya B. toy accuracy how much the man and his mind is complicated. From this we can conclude that the universe consists of quanta - parts infinite amount and quality . This theory, written in a popular-style style, was born during my long searches for explaining all sorts of little and completely incomprehensible to traditional science of phenomena. There are no miracles for me, but there is an uncharted, so the information of the farthes, the legends of the past and fairy tales of antiquity I, in part, perceived always literally. Information from nothing appears, any legend has any reason. If each one understands that it is impossible to get the information simply inventing it - then much will open for them. Once I set out to be explained, and may also reproduce some unexplored phenomena at its level, such as, for example, ball lightning (plasmoid), UFOs, magic, technologies of powerful Earth civilizations. The digging in the traditional directions of science once led me to a dead end and did not promise the prospects for obtaining information about these cutting technologies. I was disappointed with the inconsistency of reality, which I received in experiments with traditional theories. Once I realized that without creating a new scientific base of the structure of matter, and maybe in general the structure of everything that surrounds a person it is impossible to develop anything new. He began to create his theory of the structure of matter, in parallel, studying the works of alternatives, repelled no more from modern theories, but from real experience and observations. Subsequently, I brought the credo for myself if something is not proved explicitly - there is nothing to build the masses of the hypotheses, because It can confuse. It is better to arrive in the very reality of ignorance than in the virtuality of the all-in-law. It is worth it to note that the more I did the unknown and the more deepened, the more faced with difficulties, the source of which is not even how much in human misunderstanding of phenomena and mistakes, ignorance, and in intentionoh And unzoweroh scientificoh L.j.and, initiated similar to the very tops of society. I felt a real barrier. The feeling of the scientific loop, when there is no movement forward and each generation specifically forgets the true achievements of the previous one, and the technical level is globally and remains in place. It was a shame to realize me at a certain stage. I often asked the question - "Why do people teach people with false knowledge and for what? Probably all his time? ..". But from this I understood clear one thing: the society is under control and control ... In search of the best paradigm on the structure of matter, I once recreed to the remnants of John Ernst's materials, Kili's science, Keei's science is one of the foundations of this theory. We must also pay tribute to such scientists as N. Tesla, V.S. Grebennikov, A.I.Vyunik, N.A. Kozyrov, A.A.Atsyukovsky, A.A. Kontdrashov and many other past and modern naturalists. I thank simply readers, supporters, and opponents that in one way or another introduced and contribute to the improvement of this theory from the moment of its creation in 2005. It is necessary to recall again and once again that no science (including the presented material) can not be an absolute unchanged truth for all times, as it is part of truthand repeats it only in accuracy of its complexity, measures of perfection. The real world will never be studied completely !! 1) First-axis Perception Quantum Universe. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that any concepts in question can be described only in terms of observerAnd the whole theory develops relative to some observer. Next, it will be seen that the observer and the observed represent one whole (this is not new and has already been used by many such an approach), the system, from where the first-axis universe appears. And they are primarily there are also interdependent and interdependent inalienable parts of perception, which the observer mind is used to sharing all observed phenomena. Before you deepen in particular, you should start with common concepts In the model of the quantum universe. No one today will deny that there is a certain substance called motherto her. What is matter? What is perceived as a matter by the observer? First of all, a fixed substance with an observer is perceived by an observer, which has the property of mass, stationaryness. In addition, relative to the observer, the matter has properties of movement in space, changes in volume, shape, colors, and pr. Properties. Materially absolutely everything that the observer can fix. And therefore, an intangible simply does not exist! Mind to understand something makes a "snapshot" of the reality perceived by him, imposing the information on its own framework (alone) the information received and that what is postponed in memory Perceived as matter. Matter and memory (frame) Mind are inseparable! This is not the definition of matter that you know from physics. The dough, what a person consists is the starting point for analyzing the mind of the surrounding world, the mind fixes the likeness of all of them perceived with the human body, which has its feelings, and this is such something and there is matter. Therefore, the existence of inomaterial (intangible, invisible) structures can be perceived only after modifying (evolution) of its own body or the creation of auxiliary devices for their registration. Accepted and used in this theory that matter consists of particles substances or quantians (parts) Substances. Modificationmatter in time - there energy(Changing the shape, volume or movement). In the matter, waves can always occur - oscillations of the components of its particles, it is a change in matter in time personifying energianyu. Therefore, the process of modifying matter in time can be decomposed on waves or quanta energy. Time is the speed of modification of matter or the flow of energy processes (one of the adopted conditionally quanta quanta - second in the SI system). The energy itself contains time. And finally, do not forget about mind(In fact, he is an observer), without it there would be nothing in the chain of perception, without it there are no models of perception. In addition to matter and energy, the mind also uses information For its existence. Information can be understood as order organizations Matters and energy of the object of perception. The mind is thinking, working with information (accumulated experience, memory), creates structural models (knowledge) and according to the resulting patterns (science) manages matter ( real object), applying energy (spending strength or resources). Hypothetically taking advantage of quantum, mind can be decomposed on essence- aggregate of the so-called. Mind forms, emotions, feelings and showerw. - Separate quantum objects or processed complexity. And the concept of soul-dealer to associate with the operating system of the computer, where they are born, they work (live) and dying essence. Undoubtedly exist and more global components that form the souls. Well, now we are structured above the above and obtain a generalized universal model (in brackets indicated quanta of primary parts):

Quantum Universe (quantum object)


Matter (particle) Energy (wave ) Information (bit ) Mind ( essence )

In this article we will not touch mindlike the 4th first element of the quantum universe, as it is considered only so-called. Rough automatic nature consisting of matter, energy and information. 2) Objects of the quantum world. Divide into practical observations of quanta, as separate parts, lubricants. It will be about quanta in nature and observing the phenomena of a pronounced (for any person) quantum nature. Parts or quanta of matter related to inanimate and wildlife, at different levels of the size of the world are expressed and separated in human perception from other similar parts. I will list them only briefly so that it is clear what we are talking about: " inanimate nature" : Oceans, continents, mountains, cyclones, clouds, rivers, sea, zipper and sparks of electricity, stones, fire flame, bubbles, drops, grains, dust, molecules, atoms ... " nature" : Plants, flowers, fruits, leaves, animals, insects, mushrooms, cells and disputes, viruses, DNA molecules and RNA, proteins, amino acids ... Maybe no one has yet called these all objects by quanta :-). In my article "The world of branches" provides examples of branching systems. So, for example, in the case of branch plants in the structure of the sheet, as it were, "crushed" sheet (and not only a sheet, but all the plant) on individual cells, and the thinnest capillaries (twigs) in the sheet are called in the botanic intercellular space filled with an intercellular substance . And this structure is applicable not only to plants, it applies to all multicellular organisms on Earth. By analogy with alive organisms, crystalline systems can be considered. They are also known to have a branchy character. The crystal lattice is obtained as a result of numerous finite branches of atomic chains or channels (fractal structure). As a result of such branches, a grainy structure is obtained with relatively identical particles - voids. These voids are also filled with substance - ether like cells in live systems. It is enough to watch the nature carefully to see the likeness in everything and everywhere encountered quantum processes. For example, if you pour water from the vessel with some height, the water will be divided into parts. Therefore, the rain is never poured by a continuous stream. If you produce "continuously" air from the vessel under water, then a continuous stream will never appear, and the air will break away and share on bubbles. The substance is constantly divided into parts or again combines one Wednesday constantly in our eyes every day. Examples of this can be found many: evaporation of water, rain, drying the cement mortar, dissolving sugar, fluttered dust from the woven material, flying plant seeds, etc. ... and in fact - the world consists of the compound and separation processes ... well, A little about energy quanta. Such a process as the breath of living organisms is pronounced quantum. Portions of the substance are coming inside the body, then come out. But not only the so-called breathe. living organisms. The crystals breathe with a certain frequency, then radiating energy, then accumulating it relative to its inner system. Blowing the fire of the fire, then fidgeting, then quenching. Blows atmosphere, then amplifying, then reducing the wind. The ocean breathes, then amplifying unrest, then subsided. Atoms breathe - vibrating at its frequency. 3) Physics of matters and energy quanta. Matter and energy can be presented in different ways. But I repeat and accentuate again - in order for something in general to imagine, you need to have a certain point of reference, relative to which there is a further idea, theory. Such a point, a person can imagine himself and the world he watches. Relative to all observable relative to this entire inner object for reference matter and energy occupy certain niches In perception and they can be distinguished from each other. This subsection relies not only to modern practical information, but also in many respects to John Kili science - a genius inventor. And in order to be written further to understand correctly, read the article first, and also get ready to destroy the part of its prevailing foundation of traditional science. Interesting properties carry many wave processes, in general similar among themselves and the like, differing only frequency, amplitude and quality Waves themselves. A separate wave "carries" a portion or quantum Energy (not substance). So thanks to you - "Quantum Physics" :-) The number of energy portions is transferred during the time is determined by the frequency of oscillations. The waves themselves are impossible without a medium of particles (quanta), where they (waves) "live". All types of famous waves exist only in their distribution environments! And where did you see the waves without a material environment? :-) |||| |||| Longitudinal waves |||| |||| The most fundamental, in my opinion, waves - longitian. These waves in "40 kili laws" are called oscillation. They can exist in any environments: gas, liquid and crystal (solid). Their speed depends on the density of the medium and the size of the carrier particles, as well as at some neighborhood of the wave generator from the pulses given to them (simply speaking from the speed of the shocks in the medium, which can be observed during explosions, but the front of the explosive wave gradually loses its speed and equalizes to normal sound speed in the air). I especially note that the speed of the longitudinal wave does not depend on its length! Then it will be important to consider. Longitudinal waves are a vacuum and compression of the transmitting medium. The transmission of energy (the propagation of the longitudinal wave) occurs as a result of the movement of particles in one direction and collision or interaction with fixed or chaotic moving particles. After collision / interaction, moving particles lose energy, giving it to other particles, and almost stop. Under the influence of impact, the following particles begin movement. And so the wave spreads until it disappears at all and does not fit. Good visual example Longitudinal waves are the movement of the balls in the game Billiards. The spread of any longitudinal wave has branchy(!) character. This is not in traditional physics, because the longitudinal wave extends not clearly on the same line, but has the form of some place. Characteristic (discrepancy angle, etc.) Waiter will depend on the environment and other factors. If you do experience with balls lying on a smooth surface, you can make sure that the branchist spread is the longitudinal wave. Another well-known example of longitudinal waves is the sound - typical longitudinal waves in the nuclear environment. The sound is formed as a result of the offset of the portion of the atomic medium in gas, liquid or solid by another body. And this body, as a rule, is many times more than atoms or molecules, in whose environment, actually sound and distributed. For example, this happens in audio speakers. That is, a quantum initiator of the longitudinal wave of sound (dynamics membrane) is many times more than a quantum of the distribution environment of the wave itself (air molecule). Such an example clearly shows the processes of generating all kinds of other longitudinal waves or " transmitting energy"In the laws of Kiel: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

The spread of the longitudinal wave on the example of billiards.

For clarity of branches, a wave process initiated by one ball is considered.

It is believed that the longitudinal waves cannot be polarized, but this is one of the many mistakes (or tricks ...) of traditional science. A simple experiment with the slits and the sound passing through them will confirm my statement. So if you take 2 plates, let's say, from plywood and cut through the many parallel slots in them, then skipping the sound through them you can make sure that the power of the passing sound will be maximum when both plates are arranged with parallel orientation of the slots to each other - and the minimum, When the slots are perpendicular. Naturally, this contradicts the classic "conviction" and will be perceived by the scientific community in the bayonets, the semidia, but it is difficult to fight against the facts ...

This looks like a simple sound polarization experiment.

Naturally, "opening" the polarization of longitudinal waves, I will further hint at the other even more serious mistakes of the traditional school. |||||||| Transverse waves |||||||| Transversethe same waves are possible only in a solid connected (!) Medium - string channel and have a sinusoidal shape formed in the same plane. In other words, the transverse wave is a wave of strings, particles, which are tightly connected with each other, or simply a wave of body deformation, propagating in the form of bends along any of the "axes" (which can be a curve, for example, a glass edge). On the speed of propagation of transverse waves, I can say that it depends not only on the mass and strength of the string tension, but directly from wavelength! Yes, yes, you understood me correctly, I did not make a reservation, this dependence is absent today in the physics of transverse waves, since, perhaps, experimenters who established the laws of transverse waves tightened the string so hard that the wavelength almost did not affect the speed of distribution (but may The scientific sabotage was again intervened for progress management). I also want to note another own observation: the length of the transverse wave does not have a direct dependence on the frequency of the generator who created this wave. It is clearly visible in the waves on the surface of the liquid. Although someone will say that the waves on the surface of the fluid are not transverse, thereby making an error again ... to prove the assertion that the speed of the transverse wave depends on its length is quite easy. As they say - everything can be done on a stool :-) Take a flexible wire or rope of meters 10 and secure one end, the other end take in the hand, wait for them, trying to create as little single hump (quantum) of the waves in any plane. Then try to create a hump, say 5 times longer (the length of the rippers of transverse waves is the values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the parameters L1 and L2). You will see that a long hump goes faster than short. In the transverse wave of a particle fluctuate in the plane across the spread of the wave itself:

Transverse (string) waves.

|||| |||| Flowing waves |||| |||| Flowing waves occurs for two main reasons: 1) Part of the kinetic energy oscillations goes to higher frequencies. For example, when you hit or deformation, the body is heated and part of the energy goes into heat, which is internal body energy (for example, the energy of atomic oscillations). 2) in the case of longitudinal waves occurs branching Energy Exactly in the wave spread medium. In the case of transverse waves, there is a side generation of longitudinal waves, outgoing the string and the same energy branching in the medium, the energy does not disappear anywhere. |||| |||| Processes of vibrations and oscillations |||| |||| Now a little words about vibration and oscillations, wave processes that keel widely used. Oscillating is a reciprocating body movement (quanta or matter of matter), which is happening at some time in time, i.e. frequency. Oscillating is nothing more than longitudinal waves. The vibration of the body is its synchronous stretching and compression or deformation, i.e. The process of increasing and decreased volume or change the body shape is also with a certain frequency. An example of oscillation is any longitudinal waves. An example of vibration is the sound of any solid body, say, the steel ball. Which, after hitting it, performs the deformation cycle, symmetrically stretching and narrowing in two perpendicular directions in one plane, making the sound at the same time. If the amplitude and frequency of vibrations of solid balls are almost not noticeable to the eye, then watching a soap bubble, for example, everything can be clearly visible (than they are more, the lower the frequency and easier the vibration to notice the unarmed eye). You can independently find many videos on the topic of vibration bubbles, water droplets during their stress about the water surface, etc. |||||||| Atomic medium, atomolar medium and environment Atomolini. |||||||| Atoms - The quanta of matter of the observed physical world, in this theory, it is assumed that they are beagins, "crystals", the clusters of the wave processes of the atomolar medium (atomolar - the term Kili). Atomic world is like grid or sieve For the world of atomolar, more dense and small. In the nuclear environment, there are waves of sound and warmth, undoubtedly in atomolar, etc. More environments from smaller parts should exist. Today, 4 states of the atomic medium are known: solid, liquid, gas, plasma. Atomolar medium - forming peace for atoms. It is assumed that atomolar particles are also assumed - also clusters in the Atomolini environment (the name atomolini is taken from Kiel). Theoretically it is proposed to believe that ether is an atomolar fluid. And atoms are atomolar sol. Atomolar gas or rarefied atomolar fluid, too, undoubtedly must exist. I suppose if you increase the density of the ether in the amount of any atomic solid body, then at the atoms of this body will decrease the strength of the links with each other, the body will become more "soft", so metallic firns can be turned into a plasticine! This is like a piece of cardboard in water or other solvent becomes softer, because the medium fitting the body structures has become more dense. Many researchers appear by many researchers: - But how to feel physically this ether, shifted it at least somehow? By John Kili Ether at 986,000 times more denser. I will try to predict this magnitude too. Suppose the ether in so many times more denser than the speed of light more speed of sound in steel (the speed of longitudinal waves is proportional to the density of the medium). C / UW. Art. \u003d 300 000 000 (m / s) / 6 000 (m / s) \u003d 50000 times. It turns out a much smaller value, it is possible because it is not so directly calculated. Theoretically, here I can only assume that with the help of an atomic substance (even even very dense), it is impossible to drain any essentially (for registering) to move the ether to the usual movement of items, since its density is very high, it seems to write in water for a pitchfork. However, with a constantly repeating systematic motion (flywheels or gyroscopes, vibration, river, water supply, gas pipeline, oil pipeline, etc.) or sufficiently high speeds of objects (shells and rails, air exhaust, powerful explosions, etc.) you can get to captivate a certain registration The volume of ether atomic substance. It is likely that the property of the gyroscope, including, is explained by an enthusiastic ether. Although the total density of the substance in the volume below the density of the ether in the same volume, however the density of the atoms themselves are obviously higher than the density of the ether. Atomic substance has a lesser density than ether due to the fact that the distances between atoms of any substances are relatively very high. In the atomolar medium, light, infrared waves, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma waves and electric ("electromagnetic" see below) waves are applied. In Kili, the Atomolini environment is a forming world for atomolar particles. About this environment very little that can be said. It is hypothetically assumed that gravitational waves exist in this environment. Once it is more densely, the speed of gravitational waves is several orders of magnitude higher than the light. Because sound oscillations are sufficiently described in modern physics and there are no strong contradictions there, then we will not consider them here. Who is interested, he can search for information on the physics of sound oscillations, mechanical vibrations and acoustic waves. Like sound fluctuations, all the longitudinal fluctuations in other environments are conducted, which are discussed below. |||||||| HEAT, SHINE , Photon |||||||| So, according to John Kili, any parts (quanta) or particles of matter can vibrate and oscillate, from mega to Nano level of the world (conditionally). The oscillation of atoms creates in a particular case what is called light. Light - N." electricagnandt.nye" waves In no case, it's a huge mistake! Why? Because the light is a consequence of heating tel, even the LED shines due to the minimum heating of email. The current layer of the semiconductor. Ether in the opinion of Kili is a super-densite liquid. Why liquid? I explain it by an omnidirectional free movement in any side of atomic bodies, of which our observed world consists. This means Etherwriters are not related to each other, they do not interfere with their design movement of any macro tel. I will add that this liquid has a very impressive elasticity, the speed of light propagation is much higher than the speed of sound. The light can not be a transverse wave process! This is understandable at least from the fact that the speed of light in vacuum would have to be different at different wavelengths, but this does not happen - the speed of light for all wavelengths alone! Above, I have already noted that the transverse waves the speed changes in proportion to their length. In addition, in practice, it is precisely established: transverse waves are not possible in liquids or gases (I ask not to confuse the surface of the fluid, say the water in the vessel with the presence of atmospheric air, with the inner structure, the surface of the liquid is similar to the string where transverse waves are possible). Ether, unlike water in a glass, fills all the space around, he has no surfaces. FROMwet - longitudinal waves on the air. My hypothesis predicts the following. Since the light is longitudinal waves, it means it should have a branchy (fractal) character and spread by fan, constantly disagging (branching) with a distance to some, albeit very small angle. This could be recognized at sufficiently accurate experiments (far from at home), for example, observing the size of the shade of objects illuminated by light sources if the screen where this shadow is projected, delete / approximate from / to the light source. I assume that the shadow will decrease / blur as the screen removes from the source. So the rays of light seems to be enveloping:

The purpose of the figure is to show the process of the branch of the waves, and all the angles are only approximate.

This experiment and his interpretation is still controversial,

but this is an attempt to explain the nature of rises by the light edge of the illuminated bodies.

How does light occur? Huge atoms (compared to ether-posters) Moving during oscillations from place to place, move the ether, creating per capita and seals in it, i.e. Generate longitudinal waves (so-called "Transmitting RAD-Energy" by Kili). If the body of steel is heated, say, up to 20 degrees C, then its atoms oscillate at relatively small frequencies and emitting the essential waves in the lower octaves of RAD-ENERGY - infrared waves (see 14 Kili law). And the red visible light from the body from steel is radiated at a higher temperature (higher frequency) about 600-1000 degrees with, in which the frequency of essential waves emitted by oscillating atoms are perceived by the human eye. Of course, there may be essential waves (not "electromagnetic") at frequencies below infrared radiation (they write about such waves, calling them "ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic" waves), but for generation and registration of such waves, devices have not yet been built. From here and all the quantum properties of the light, because each ether-haired is a quanta. Quantum of energy (waves) of light let's call all the same photon(Even nothing newly inventing :-). The photon has its own boundaries of the forming frequencies, in terms of kili frequency lie from 42 to 63 octaves. It is clear why the speed of light from Almost constant. The speed of the wave of light is similar to the laws with sound speed, if the density of the sound of the sound is homogeneous as the ether. Although there are all the prerequisites assume that far from the ground in space there are places with a different density of the ether, in which case there is another speed of light. Note that both heat (not infrared radiation, namely the oscillations of atoms) and the sound is transmitted through atomic media. And the frequency of heat is much longer than the sound frequency. Therefore, when, say, sound oscillation is transmitted on the metal body, it exists with thermal oscillations of atoms, therefore, the waves of these two processes are superimposed and interferred. Obviously, the amplitudes of atoms oscillations during sound, as a rule, exceed the amplitudes of heat, and sound frequencies on the contrary are much lower than thermal (for orders). The sound from here can be called "sound amplitude modulation of heat". Light passes through dielectrics and is absorbed / reflected by metals. I had the opinion that amorphous dielectrics have a wider atomic / molecular grid, through which light waves are capable of penetrating. Metal crystals are more tightly packaged (in any case, it is present if not a homogeneous dense structure, then at least layered, where the layers are tight enough) and the light is not able to penetrate through such small "pores", which happens when even the finest foil layer closes the big Part of the light flux. If the light is longitudinal waves, then many physicists may argue that they say how then the light polarizes, because in physics it is said that the polarization of longitudinal waves does not occur? I will answer just - make several polarization experiments with sound (which is your exactly longitudinal waves), where you need to use the same methods and receptions that you use to polarize light. And you will see finally that longitudinal waves can calmly be polarized :-) But on the contrary, oddly enough, michelson Morley Experiment indirectly proves the existence of etherwhich is a medium for the spread of light. :-) Why? Everything is very simple. After years, I understood how we were deceived in the interpretation of this experiment. If you hit the bell and drop it, the sound will not fly out of the bell, and will run inside its structure and during the flight. The medium moves the medium - moves and the wave with it. In this case, this experiment logically proves one of two things: a) the ether moves together with the surface of the Earth at the same speed, b) the ether is fixed and the land too ... Michelson and Morley suggested that the ether was stationary and relative to it during the rotation of the Earth will be There is a change in the beams of light, fixing the interference picture on the test screen. The experiment showed in practice: changes in the interference picture in the control rays and the rays that have passed some distance are not observed (or they are negligible, which can just be an error). Then they decided to declare - Mol Ether did not exist, the light remains in place. Well, after all, think finally! :-) If, let's say, whether or just a ray of light stands on the spot, and the earth rotates / moves, then with whatever linear speed would the surface be swept past the light beam of light? Presented? So, let the beam of the world go in a straight line, and the surface of the earth is sweeping about this straight with speeds of ~ 300-400m / s ahaha :-) What horror. So the ether moves / rotates along with the earth? And how then simultaneous rotation around the sun, around the center of the Galaxy? ... And what would there be linear speeds? What and there is a bearer of the world - the air everywhere has time to rotate? Or the Earth does not rotate ... But this is another topic ... |||||||| ELECTRIC CHARGE, VOLTAGE AND ELECTRON |||||||| Ether - Nanomira Liquid Wednesdayand consists of quanta (particles) a lot of smaller than atoms. If, besides John Kili, the science of deeply respected Nikola Tesla and the electric current is also energy current. After all, Tesla never called in its numerous patents a current movement of the substance - electrons, he used the term "electric motion". Kiel also clarifies the situation, he believes that electricity - oscillation of atom atoms or vibration atom. Those. Electric body charge is vibration of body atoms. The magnitude of the electric potential from here is proportional to the amplitude and frequency of these vibrations, taking into account the mass of atoms, of course. An electrical charge has any macroscopic body, including any atom (no "neutral" atoms), since atoms cannot exist without the vibration process. If the "absence" of the charge is fixed by the body - it means it is simply a background charge equal to the smoking environment of the environment. What is the electron then? Electrons are not particles, but wave quanta (pulses of vibration atoms / atoms). After all, electrons do not possess peace of rest, but they produce only pressure on the body, if they are collected in the "beam" (however, like photons of light). It is mistaken to assume that a negative charge is an excess (accumulation) of particles of matter - electrons in the body volume, and positive - disadvantage. If you charge the body an arbitrarily high potential of its weight, which means the mass, do not change, even if we measure the weight of this body for more than high-precision scales! Electric charge is the accumulation of energy, not matter. In order to make sure even more that the electron is just a wave, you need to pay attention to several facts. Fact first. The propagation of the electrical signal on the wire occurs with the light rate. Scientists a lot of things intended, counted, even calculated electron velocities in the wires! In how! However, how to explain when, connecting to the conductor any source of electricity, whether it is a 1.5V battery or a network 220V or a 30kV electrostatic generator, in all these cases the signal (!) It applies to the luminous speed on the wire. What is a wave in the wire - is it a longitudinal wave in the "Electronic Gas"? Of course not. Therefore, as the so-called "particles of electrons" in this case should accelerate to light velocities! Yes Yes. It is light, because that the wave spreads with the light rate "in the electronic gas" particles of this "gas" should fluctuate with light speed. However, in practice it has been established that the usual physical impact, creating a simple movement of matter, no known sciences of the particle to the light speed are not detected. Oh yeah, many will say that the concept of an electric field is used and it is it tolerated by a wire. What? Field? And what is this fruit? Here it is said that this is the "field" - the medium of the ether and the electric waves in it! Fact two. And now I will tell you that there is a pair of positively or negatively charged bodies in no case are not repelled, they even draw on the contrary. Amazing!? Do next experience. Take the electroscope (or simply two foil petals) suspend them on the insulator and connect to the electrostatic high voltage generator, for example, 30kv. Petals will disperse, everyone has long been known! At least then -30kv, even though + 30 kv. And now wrap the part of the electroscope flask (say, half) foil and connect the wire from the voltage generator to the foil where the petals are connected. Petals will be devastated. Someone will tell that the petals are repelled from the field created by the foil. For particularly incredulous, you can do experience, caking the grid or foil the whole room, isolated from the charge leakage. True, in this case, an electrostatic generator is needed much more powerful, because The charge will quickly flow into the air. All the same petals will not push out! It happens that in the case when the electroscope is not shielded by the charged foil, there is a gradient of the energy between the system of petals charged relative to the background of the space and the surrounding space. And the petals rushed towards the surrounding space with excellent potential (energy). And when the electroscope is compared with the charged foil with the energy of the charge, equal to the energy of the charge of petals, then there is no gradient, and the petals usually behave, they just hang like hung. No charge does not push them, which means there is no usual mass and pressure of the substance in charge. Fact Third. Having understood the various experiments, which speak in favor of the electron's wave nature, here it obviously needs to be said about the interference bands observed in the luminescent screen as a result of transmitting the "beam of electrons" through the hole. These are ordinary longitudinal waves on the air and their interference. Fact fourth. Imagine space with vacuum. Let there 2 systems in glass transparent flasks, in which there are air (for clarity), the distance between the flasks is 30cm. In the first flask there is a coil of inductance and an alternator connected to it. The second flask also contains a coil of inductance strictly opposite the first (on one axis), but with a large one of 1,000 than in the first coil with the number of turns, along with this coil there is a high-voltage multiplodent on diodes and capacitors. To demonstrate the electrical charge, the end of the negative polarity of the multiplier module is connected to a metal ball. When the generator in the 1st flask is powered, then the 1st coil generates an alternating magnetic field that is guided in the second coil and the alternating voltage of the second coil is straightened by a multiplier and is fed to the sphere. The sphere is charging. It is asked where in the field of additional "particles of electrons" appear, which "expire" from the negative conclusion of multiplier!? Maybe they are "flying" from the coil to the coil? Absurd :-) Only a purely energy nature of electrons explains this experiment. In addition to the so-called induction transmission of electrical energy, there is also a transmission of energy without wires on the radio channel. The radiating antenna "leads" in the receiving antenna the difference in potentials. Here, the energy is also capable of transmitted through vacuum and dielectrics, so any particles of electrons moving from one antenna can not be speech! Statement. There is not a single experience that explicitly show that the electron is a particle. The electron, as a "particle", will be attracted by official science "for the ears"! * * * * * * * * The boundaries of the process frequency under the name electron lie from 64 to 84 octaves (by kili). Like the flow of photons at different frequencies (infrared rays, light, ultraviolet, gamma rays), electrons also have different frequencies. It is difficult to say something about the concept of an electric charge at different frequencies of the electron, while ... most likely this phenomenon is in nature everywhere, just not yet studied. If the voltage (potential) is amplitudes of atom vibrations (for example, in a metal body), then what happens when we increase the frequency of vibration data while maintaining amplitude. Then boost the energy charge energy. It is necessary to emphasize that the energy of light in the visible spectrum is less than the energy of the gamma rays - photons in these two processes have different frequencies (the frequency of light photons is less than the frequency of photons of gamma waves). From this it follows a simple conclusion: electron energy can be different with differente.frequencies, the more frequency, the more energy. Therefore, theoretically I assume that the capacitor can be charged a lot of high charge than this happens. I also express the assumption that Nikola Tesla received with the help of an increase in electrons increasing the charge of much greater energy in his tower. |||||||| Electric Waves , ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM |||||||| Each atom, while he lives, has a property to always vibrate (changing in volume and shape) at its frequency. In vibrations, any atom emits radial longitudinal essential waves. These waves and should be called electric waves, whose quantum is an electron. The totality of electric waves is nothing but the electrical field, but the concept of the field is too abstract and non-determined. Therefore, I do not use it. It is worth paying attention to that if the atom, vibrating in the neighborhood of its volume, always emits electrical (essential) waves, its density (atomic density) should significantly exceed the density of the ether. Otherwise, the oscillations must quickly fluff. This is like a ring elastic body in airSo if you throw a ringing object, for example, in water - its vibrations will quickly fade, it comes from a sufficiently high water density. This conclusion can be compared with the traditional model of the atom with the traditional atom proposed here: the "core" of the traditional atom is and is the density of which significantly exceeds the essential, and "electronic clouds" is "ether fields" created by electrical waves of atoms or groups of atoms. There are no electric charge and electrical voltage in science. And flows out of science this that exist differentenergy Vibration atoms In two bodies, between which the electrical voltage is observed. The energy of atoms represent amplitudesand Frequencytheir vibrations. On the examples of two macroscopic bodies, consider the potential difference. The positive charge of the first body differs from the negative charge of the second body by the smaller energy of the vibrations of the first body atoms, relative to the vibration energies of the second body atoms. The electrical current between the two bodies occurs in the case of different total energy of the vibrations of atoms between the two bodies. The electric current appears in order to balance the energy of the vibrations of atoms in the bodies, between which it is observed. We will call the generalized electrical energy of all the atoms of the "background" or relatively zero, which corresponds to the practice of zero potential (0 volts) or "earth". As a result, when current flows, if the charges of two bodies are equal and different from the sign, the energy of the vibration of atoms of these bodies is compared and reduces to the "background", i.e. Both bodies, as it were, "mutually suitable" charge. And in another case, if one body is charged, say, positively, has a big charge, its energy overlaps the energy of the negative charge of another body and in both bodies the same energy of atomic vibrations is installed, but the smaller "background" is installed. It should be noted that same charges different on the high-quality atomic composition of bodies (for example, a ball of copper and a ball of steel) amplitude and frequency (!) Vibrations of atoms of two bodies will be various(Because copper atoms of massive steel atoms), but their total energies will be sames. For example, if we take the volume of hydrogen and the volume of copper, then you can imagine how much the amplitude and the frequency of vibrations of hydrogen atoms will be greater than amplitudes and frequencies of vibration of copper atoms with the same electrical potential of two volumes of substance volumes. Constant e.legic currentin the conductor, it can be understood as the process of transmitting the energy of vibrations from an atom to an atom of a conductor with a huge frequency (electron frequency) by means of electrical waves through the ether between these atoms vibrating with different energies. The electrical current is similar to the heat transfer process, and is even more like the sound. It can be taken for conventionality (emphasizing, it is only (!) Conventionality) that electric current comes from atoms with large vibration energies (minus potential) to atoms with lower vibration energies (plus potential). In fact, the current goes in both directions at the same time. The propagation of electric current through various atomic media is different (see 40 the law of Kili). All metals have good conductivity, more or less homogeneous bodies (their crystalline structure mainly consists of single atoms of one or more types). The dielectrics consist of the so-called molecular crystals (in them the crystals are already built on the basis of molecules - complex mixed formations, and not individual atoms), which make little contribute to the conductivity of the current. It is assumed that the conductivity of molecules is mainly bad due to the differentness of the frequency characteristics of atoms, including inbox. Only at low temperatures, molecular crystals acquire properties close to metals, their molecular structures lose their properties, and more homogeneous atomic pseudometallic systems are obtained. Electric waves are capable of spreading not only by body (conductor) between nearby atoms, but also outside the body on the air (vacuum). But since we found out the above that the density of atoms exceeds the density of the ether, the conductivity in a homogeneous (metal) nuclear environment should significantly be better than simply on the air. The superposition of electrical waves emanating from all body atoms is an electric field created by this body. Therefore, during the flow of direct current on the conductor, the electrical waves are emitted from it through the ether (in vacuum - without an atomic medium), and create a phenomenon magnetismbut. Let me remind you that from the conductor without current, as well as from any body, proceeds disorderly electric waves of the background. And in the case when constant current proceeds on the conductor, the conductor atoms emit not conventional electrical waves of a messy background character, and originally Extending, depending on the amplitude and frequency of flowing energy. Consider a few times of time and on the example of two atoms located about one line along the wire, explain what electric current and magnetism is. At the first point in time until the current is passed, the electrical waves of energy with an approximately equal amplitude (and energy), respectively, transmitting equal portions of energy accordingly. At the second point, the first atom, which costs closer to the current source in the wire, was obtained from the background level of the quantum (electron) of energy (there is no point in distinguishing between - and +, since it is just waves). Then the first atom immediately radially radially from itself this quantum of energy and absorbs it is already the second nearby atom. So the electric current between the two atoms. Energy, during emitted from these atoms, applies ordered and outside the conductor, which is magnetism. Magnetism is something like a trace of current in the conductor. Magnetism - there are ordered electrical waves in space Along the current flow trajectory. To simplify and bring to tradition, I called ordered electric current waves in space along the conductor - magnetic waves. Superposition of multiple magnetic waves along the conductor - the process of magnetism. For example, from direct conductor with a current not only perpendicular, and in all directions radiallythe magnetic waves with a constant (electrical) frequency - the frequency of electrons constantly proceed. With magnetism, usually, today it is customary to bind a round round of the conductor with a current. However, for the appearance of magnetism is a fairly direct conductor with a current. The attraction of nearby direct conductors with the same directional electrical current in them occurs due to the same directivity of the propagation of magnetic waves, outgoing from these conductors, and repulsion - with different orientation. That is, the conductors are attracted when, the direction of the ordered energy emitted by their electrical waves is the same. And repulsion, therefore, occurs with different (counter) orientation of energy streamlining. What then radiates the coil of a permanent electromagnet? We assume that the coil (like a permanent magnet) emits magnetic waves with circular polarization. Here, probably, there is a questionable question: - " So a permanent magnet contains constant current contours?!"Yes, it is probably so, iron (, etc. Magnetizing metals) has a unique property to maintain the polarization of magnetic domains, in which micro currents are constantly circulating. No, it's not an eternal engine (!), Obviously, the energy of the domain contours is replenished from space. From the background electrical waves (the energy of the ether, as many expressed), and work like oscillators. In addition, the magnet demagnetizes the magnet if they constantly magnetize the products, it is not eternal and not a panacea. And if some kind of magical way to be able to take energy The internal currents of the magnet directly without its movements and movements relative to it of the conductors, then we assume that immediately at the return of the energy of the domains to turn around how it fell - the magnet demagnetizes ... Penetrating ability Electric waves, unlike light, slightly higher. They are capable of passing through dielectrics and thin metal layers. Most likely it is due to their high frequency, i.e. They are able to penetrate into smaller pores of the atomic substance than light waves. |||||||| Galvanic element, thermocouple, electrostatics and condenser |||||||| There is no doubt that I was obliged to explain the functioning of the galvanic element (GE), thermocouples, the phenomenon of electrostatics and an electrical capacitor in the light of this theory. These hypothesis are not yet worked enough for me, but I still decided to present them. Hypothesis functioning galvanic element I./or Battery Next. Atoms of the plates and the atoms of the active solution are always exchanged with the surrounding background of electrical energy. It is clear that in any GE, the conditions of the internal circuit between the plates are observed, the internal conductivity is provided by metal atoms in the active solution. Atomic structures of one active heating of GE, destroying in the active environment of the solution, are heated - that is, they are released (as if "evaporated", like particles of fluid in the air) with a solution of metal crystal lattice, for a while get an increased amplitude of oscillations Regarding the background. When the atom is released from the lattice, it begins to oscillate stronger, acquires a higher temperature, and together with it the amplitude of the vibration of the atom. The heated layers of the "active" stacking as a result allocate electrical waves large on the amplitude than the other "cold" plated. But if the electrical circuit is missing, then the further destruction / release of the metal is suspended with a solution, so there is no current no voltage, relative to the background (land). With the presence of a closed electrical circuit (when current consumption from the battery), heat energy is rapidly dissipated quickly in the form of electrical current on the conductors. It turns out in the battery there is a direct conversion of temperature difference in the electric current - cooling through the current. That's the whole secret. The appearance of electric current in the chain with thermocouple It has the same nature, only already heating one of the poles is made by an external source, and not active solution. And with constant exposure to the thermocouple active Environment It also collapses with time, since the atoms evaporate (for example, the impact on the thermocouple of the rusted gas stream). Static electricity, as I believe, arises due to the reason, is also very close to the process in the electroplating element and thermocouple. As is known from the practice of the static appears when friction or with compression / stretching of the dielectric. When the dielectric deformation occurs, both its heating and simply a direct force effect on the molecular grille frames. It is known that any deformation of the body is subsequently transformed into warmth. So I have already suggested that it is the heat and is a capacitive reason for the occurrence of current. When the dielectric plot is squeezed both by friction and pressing the atoms in this place are beginning to vibrate and oscillate with an increased frequency, heating and "charge" with electricity (the same when the jumping ball is sharply slowed down by pressing it, while he Start intense ride between hand and floor). Therefore, in the case of dielectric deformation, electrical energy obtained from local surface heating is released. There is a conversion of energy with the care of high frequencies (heat harmonics are partially transformed into harmonics of electrical vibration). But unlike the metal, the energy cannot leave and it accumulates in the dielectric body to a certain limit (until leaks in the air or the surrounding bodies). From the point of view of the wave theory of electricity, the operation of the electrical capacitor can be quite justified. It is clear that on this theory of the amplitude of vibrations of atoms of opposite plates is different. But not only in the plated energy of the condenser is stored, it is present inside the dielectric between them. And in what form? The fact is that there is constantly radiation of electrical waves with both plates with their amplitudes that are inherent in atoms at a certain charge voltage. Therefore, this energy wanders between the plates, as if inside the mirror resonator - constantly recycling. This statement proves the fact that the best capacity is achieved by the maximum parallelism of the plates, between which there is a constant overweight of the energy. Turns out that condenser isdrive Electric waves. But in addition to the very effect of the resonator, there is an effect of charge accumulation inside the dielectric between the plates (the so-called polarization). The electrolyte is particularly strongly charged, which has an amorphous (movable) structure and easily undergoes internal displacements. |||||||| RADIO Waves , " ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES " |||| |||| I can not but say also about radio waves (so-called "electromagnetic waves"). Why their speed is constant and equal from? Because it is also longitudinal waves on the air. But this is not just waves, but a whole compote of the waves. Consider the process of radio waves. It is known that radio waves in the simplest case are emitted from the pin antenna, which is connected through the conductor (single) to the electrical current generator. Each antenna body atom always emits electrical waves (at an electron frequency) and without connecting to an alternator of an alternating electric current. When the antenna is connected to the generator, it emits electrical waves of different amplitudes: when the amplitude of the signal coming from the generator changes, the amplitudes (not frequencies!) Of electrical waves coming from the antenna atoms are changed. That is, an antenna (more precisely its sections) in the moments of time equal to the generator frequency, it is charged from it by one potential (negative signal phase) that other (positive signal phase). And there is electrical waves with varying amplitudes, radiated antenna atoms. By side, undoubtedly, magnetic waves (magnetism) are emitted from the antenna, since electric current is present. The frequency of the radio signal emitted from the antenna is the frequency of change of the amplitudes of electrical waves. Radio waves - modulated amplitude electric wavesSimilar with magnetic waves. The main difference is that magnetic waves have a lot of large frequencies compared to radio wave frequencies. Only radio waves can be called "electromagnetic" waves (although this name does not correspond to the real process). Undoubtedly, light and "electromagnetic" waves are similar, they have the same speed fromBut this is not the same thing. These energies have different frequencies, different energy quanta: the "electromagnetic" waves quantum is an electron (plus still modulation by amplitude), and at the light of the photon. You can not attribute infrared waves, light, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma rays to electromagnetic waves! |||| |||| HYPOTHESIS Gravitatsi AND, Gravitational waves , Graviton |||| |||| The ester particle (atomoomar particle) also consists of quanta having a similar nature. If you summarize hypothesis Gravity - This is the mechanism of pushing / sticking to each other less dense bodies for the most dense medium. According to Kili gravitis - There is the result of ether oscillations and the generation of longitudinal waves in the Atomolini environment (from quanta of this medium, the ether particles are consisting of). Thanks to the driving force of the energy of the wave "Atomolity" in the "Atomolini" medium, Ethihristians and all other larger particles (bodies), of which consisted, are attracted to each other as a result of a smaller density of the ether-wing and atoms relative to the atomolini density. Let me remind you that in turn and atoms are also less dense than the medium of the ether. Here is a suggestion mechanism of attraction between two macroscopic bodies from atoms (or molecules): Atoms are structures from the atomolar medium particles and they have "pores" or emptiness, in contrast to the environment that surrounds them, so they are generally less dense (rare) than vacuum ether ; Macrothela is attracted by each other in the ether medium precisely at the expense of their smaller density relative to the ether, the ether squeezes them on top of each other, as if "attracting" two bubbles of air under water or two light objects on the surface of the water. Water in this case has greater density, which means that the larger inertia of the medium and pushes to each other nearby less dense bodies. And already particles of the Atomolini environment and their oscillations act here as moving / interacting forces. And gravity energy quantum should be called, yes, yes, that gravitonwhich is again not a particle of matter, but a wave quantum. From the above, it follows that the penetrating ability of gravitational waves is significantly higher than that of electric and light, since gravitational waves are higher in frequency at 21 octave than electric and it is clear from the comparison of penetrating ability, for example, X-ray waves compared to the visible spectrum light waves. In this regard, this theory predicts the complexity of the shielding of gravitational waves and explains why it is not easy to build devices "anti-gravity". If it is possible to somehow absorb or reflect this type of waves, then such devices will become a reality. |||||||| Communication and uniqueness Matters and energy |||||||| Here is the law of Kili number "0" and he says: "There is no separation of matter and forces into two different concepts, since they are both essence. The power is liberated matter. Matter has a bound force." (See Article ""). What did Kili meant? Any particle is a cluster in the forming medium, created by an forming frequency. That is, the energy (the totality of the waves) existing in the forming medium creates a certain superposition, in which the particles of the forming medium are combined and form a cluster or a particle representing a solid or crystal. So particles are born. And if any particle is destroyed by crushing into smaller particles of the forming medium, the generating energy with a frequency forming is released. That is, it should be especially noted that for the formation of any particle is required both matter (forming medium) and energy (creating a cluster, particle). Also for the formation of a wave is required both energy from outside and matter, where this wave lives. As a result, I make such a conclusion that it is impossible to separate one of the other. It is impossible, for example, to get energy from matter without taking other energy from the outside. Separately without matter, the energy does not exist, like matterium without energy. Always in the universe there is both matter and energy. |||| |||| Quantum impact ON THE AN OBJECT |||| |||| Any action on the object involves his opposition to this action. If the action for a while is discontinued, then the action of the object will be the action that it was first. The object copies, as can the action that has been produced at first and inertia is trying to keep it for some time after stopping the impact on himself. This is easily verified in many examples. Examples of electronics: inductance coil and capacitor. If you give a current to the coil, it resists current for a while, then the effect of the electromagnet appears and the current flows normally. It is worth turning off the coil, the current and the voltage increases sharply - the coil is trying to keep its condition, resists. The effect of transformation (induction, energy radiation) occurs precisely as a result of alternating effect on the coil. In this case (in the case of induction), the current of the waves is created due to the same mentioned energy gradient. At the moment when the coil is connected to the current source, electrical energy gradually begins to change in the coil itself and its limits. And after a while, this energy does not change at all, it became static, filling uniformly (trolling) all the coil space. If the coil is disabled, then the process of energy change will begin again and this will be achieved induction. The same induction occurs in the condenser, if it is connected to the alternating current source of it. On the other, it will be induced (indulge) energy from the second cladding. A well-known laser works according to a diagram similar to a transformer. Another bright example of a quantum exposure is a vortex ring (see below). All listed and many of the quantum transmission and pumping schemes mentioned herein in the object work at the expense of the energy gradient between the object of exposure (purpose) and the transmitter of the influencing energy (initiator). Information, energy and matter are transmitted to the object in the same way. This is the transfer by quanta, portions. That is, the impact, then it is not. Only so you can change anything. So the current of information, energy or matter in the object of impact appears. |||| |||| Quanta - vortices |||| |||| The vorticulence or torsion is a quantum material object other than the clusters of matter formed by vibration. The macroscopic sizes of the ring are observed in gas or liquid media. Many natural resources were interested in and are interested in these bizarre rings and no accident. It can be seen when the truck is exhaust from the pipe, tractor and more often during the smoking of the avid smokers, who learned to let rings when blowing smoke. It is very simple to get such a vortex rings: you need to take the capacitance from the bending material with a hole (for example, a plastic bottle), fill it with smoke and put pressure on a snap / blow so that smoke is released. If the stream is constantly released, it will constantly try, as if, to turn inside out, looped or whirlwinds will be formed (for example, boils the teapot, and pairs are pulled out and turned out of the nipple). But the ring will not be possible. It is only necessary to stop the stream sharply, the ring will immediately appear. It is when issuing portions The pair is formed a ring whirlwind, it will not work at all at a constant stream.

Vorthing ring (torsion).

The ring flies the further than it is faster. The rings speed is proportional to the speed of the capacitance (the rate of pressure changes inside). I want to draw the attention of the reader to the fact that the torsion (ring) is a quantum - a portion of the substance. Some believe that the ring is a "wave particle". However, the set of "quantum" facts say that ring is not a waveSince it carries smoke (portion of the substance), and not passes through it. This is not a "wave particle", but just a particle. Rings are easy to get in a liquid medium. With the help of a plastic bottle, it is possible to obtain aqueous rings, pre-filling the bottle of painted water and knock on the bottle in water. When dropping a drop of painted water from a height of 3-5 cm in clean water You can see beautiful rings flying to the bottom of the tank. Rings can be obtained even with a bladder spanking with smoke on the surface of the water produced from water tank! I will not touch the physics of rings or torsion people in detail here, and I will say that rings are a typical natural quantum phenomenon. They (rings) are formed with volcanic emissions of smoke. The thunderstorm cloud is formed when the pair portion is lifted and has a toroidal form. It is said that such a macrocole can be formed in the atmosphere, when the bottom is connected to the riding. In addition to rings from the substances known to us, the rings should be formed from the ether - Essential rings. Then this is an extremely massive object compared to any conventional atomic substance. We assume that the essential threads, clots (increased pressure), whirlwinds and rings will become one of the bases of the future - ether and blaster technologies ...

Discrete Traces of continuous mathematics

The article "" states that, for an accurate mathematical description of the circle of the physical world, integral "continuous" methods are not suitable using a straight line. Developing this topic, you can allocate many similar facts. I will begin the graphic identification of the unreality of continuity as such in terms of mathematics. Let a continuous interval of numbers (0; 2 pI) . And given a function y \u003d f (x)describing the curve. For example, take the function y \u003d 3SIN (X). Build a graph of this feature:

Schedule function 3SIN (X).

The axis of the arguments and the axis of the values \u200b\u200bwhen building the schedule had a strictly equal scaling coefficient. How not to twist, even if the step of building the schedule is old as small, and the difference in the density points will be on the face (do not think that your computer is to blame). INdol curve B. extremums density points more than in zero and it changes nonlinearly. Axis h.- axis arguments are continuous, and the axis w.- The axis of the values \u200b\u200bis interrupted! Even if the size of the point and step will be infinitely small, then the picture will not change. For a homogeneous, this schedule will only be then if the step of the argument of the function under consideration will be non-linearly changed. And then "continuity" or homogeneous "continuity" is violated again, but already in the patterns of the argument. And if you make some points "go to each other" - it is inappropriate. And if we accept that the step of the argument is zero, which is more than suitable for " continuum ", then the graphics, we generally not have observed here, it would look like one point. And if, and if ... :-). Endlessly folding zeros will never succeed even enough small value. It turns out the same zero! geometric The object - the point and coordinates of this point are different things. In mathematics (in geometry) it is said that every point has its own unique coordinates (coordinate), and, therefore, no point can occupy the other. And if we assume that the dimensions of all points are zero (what are the coordinates), then the point will be straight, and the segment, and the plane, etc. Evidence of the quantum of mathematics mass. Generally speaking, it is better to simply go directly to quantum mathematics, having decided all the contradictions described and similar to them, simplifying many calculations. At the same time, the set of space coordinates will be pseudo continuous. These contradictions within the framework of such a micro section and not solve so quickly, this will require many studies, institutions. It is not necessary to say that everything is already invented, the foundation is built and then there will be no progress, it applies to mathematics - descriptive-simulating logical science.

About the world Quantum mathematics

There are no irrational numbers in the quantum model, and decimal fractions and any others are not used in other surge systems, in addition to ordinary fractions (decimal fractions are allowed in the form of ordinary fractions). If you want to submit, for example 0.5 meters (half meters), then a new measurement system is taken - a centimeter - 50 cm, and the work goes in this case, then only with it. Do not be surprised, you can do the perfectly without decimal fractions. For even more simplicity, I think it is from quantum mathematics to exclude and negative numbers. If you recorded a fraction, for example, 2/3 then use it in this form. But no, it was necessary to divide 2 to 3 and get 0.666666666666 ... Why? That in machine form it is impossible to operate with ordinary fractions? :-) The basis of the world of quantum mathematics is a natural numerical series (NCD). From the NCR, you can highlight a number simple numbers, as first crippers Quantum mathematics. However, a clear law of the distribution of prime numbers in the NCR has not yet been derived! The reason for this may be continuity, distracting the great minds. Simple numbers paid little attention. I think it is worth seriously studying simple numbers. They can give a lot of science (quantum science). You can read about one of the most interesting applications of prime numbers to: Also on my website "Technologos" you can see pictures built on the basis of NCR tables and prime numbers. Due to the unknown limb dividing the world on particles or quanta, it is possible to introduce a concept to simplify the description of the world in quantum science - relast quantization. This is a level (size) of a particle, at which it is no longer to share on the simplest components. That is, with the relativity of quantization, it is necessary to agree on the properties of the model of an elementary (indivisible) quantum and relative to it can already build any complex models. Let's return to mathematics. In addition to a number of prime numbers from the NCR, you can allocate the wonderful numbers of the Fibonacci row. With this series, it is easy to find a gold proportion for any physical system using only integers (quantum method). As is known, many objects and processes are obeying the gold proportion (for example, the ratio of the length of two neighboring (in the direction of growth) branches (sheets) on the barrel of the green plant). In my opinion, two measurement systems may exist in quantum mathematics: a) quantum coordinate system (KSK)b) quantum metric system (CMC). The quantum coordinate system consists of a set of coordinates (they do not have size), between which there are gaps of a particular and the same size:

Quantum orthogonal coordinate system

(Quantum decartian system).

Mesh nodes are coordinates, and cells are the intervals of the same value. By the way, I want to note that we often use such a system in practice from school (for example, blacks in cells in the checkered notebook). A quantum metric system can be any system where the size of the quantum (point) or the grain of the system has specific sizes and shape. And on the basis of this grain, a flat or voluminous metric system is built:

Flat quantum metric system based on a square.

In quantum metric systems there is no zero and negative numbers. After all, there are no negative numbers in the NCR, and zero is the absence of a number. Since the grain of this system has concrete sizes and shape, the zero quantum in this system is not appropriate. Above the two figures in the square metric system are depicted. For example, an area of \u200b\u200bfigures with squares 2.4 3.4 2.5 3.5 will be equal to the number of squares in it - 4 squares (or 4 quanta of the system under consideration). Perspective is a metric system based on the right hexagon. This system is called cellular:

Cell metric system.

For example, the central green hexagon here has a grain of 3.3. The cellular system is attractive in many physical and mathematical factors, here are some of them: 1) This is the best system of the simplest to describe the circle (it is highlighted); 2) in the aggregate of flexible balls (for example, foam bubbles) lying on a solid flat surface of the cell (siled balls) take the shape of hexagons (with the same sizes - right hexagons). In my opinion, the CCM is most suitable for the description of the world than KSK because real-world facilities are best representing how specific grains that have a specific volume in the system. You can apply a hybrid measurement system as CCC and CCM hybrid. In such a system, both equal distances between the grains and the grain of the same size and the form will be present. In addition, we assume that it is possible to create systems with different grains and distances. To describe objects with a small amount of quanta (about thousands of thousands or coordinates), it would be convenient to use KSK and KSC spiral type (see more details in my section: Article ""). KSK and CCM are well applicable, let's say in crystallography, since the crystals consist of cells (grain) or fractals (branches).

Conclusions and final words

It is worth thank every patient reader who got acquainted with this alternative theory. The description of the physical processes discussed here requires a large private study, and within this article and in one person all processes cannot be described, especially give them clear patterns and formulas. For this, you need to open a whole institution of alternative knowledge! The purpose of the article does not disprove all previous practical achievements, but to partially re-possession (or at least give an impulse to the restoration) theoretical foundation, somewhere expanding it, and somewhere simplifying and summarize natural phenomena, to unravel some long-standing paradoxes. In the light of the quantum oscillatory model, the matter suggests one of the main conclusions: there is an external generator, an oscillation depositter that supplies energy to this closed (yes, that is the case) the world in which we exist. From the world of God! Otherwise, everything would stop and crumbled on the particles, all the substance, if there was no external generator and the closet framework of this world. If you please, most likely there is a certain dome, a cocoon or something else, from the walls of which all oscillations are reflected and which makes it possible to accumulate them inside, as in the resonator. And this is a straight hint of external managers and creating higher worlds. The description of the observed world can be simplified very much (this simplification is now difficult to imagine), if for this use quantum science. Looking at the nature carefully, it can be said that literally everything in it - parts (quanta) of something more large. With a quantum approach, even, for example, analoguelectric technique is a quantum - discrete. It is not difficult to guess, which can be perfect, for example, without integrals, logarithms, complex numbers, differential equations, etc. Cheat mathematics. It is enough to work according to other methods, applying only templates and numbers of the NCHR, arithmetic. The world on earth will change, the time in which we live, bears the destruction of stability. I hope that the information posted here will become unless the basis, then at least a share of the science of the future of the world ... I can repeat once again and say that everyone ever derived laws shade out over time, require improvement, and even come into disrepair ! I think that you never need to stop there and loan, it leads to degradation ... "Moving on a straight road will be ahead of the running that got lost on the way. " Francis Bacon