Emotions in the structure of the teacher's personality. Presentation on the topic: Emotions in the structure of the teacher's personality structure

Federal Agency for Education

GOU VPO Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva

Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Education Management


Topic: Emotions in Pedagogue

Discipline: Introduction to Pedagogical Activity



Krasnoyarsk, 2010.


Introduction ............................................................................................... ..3

Emotions ........................................................................ ............ 4

Emotional burnout syndrome ............................................. ..6

Teacher in tense conditions ................................................ ... 9

Conclusion ............................................................ .................. 10
Literature ......................................................................... ............... ..... 11


The modern school makes significant requirements for all aspects of the teacher's activities: knowledge, pedagogical skills and methods of activity and, of course, to personal features. In the conditions of implementing personal-oriented learning principles, it is particularly relevant to the study of factors that prevent humanization of relations in the student's teacher Diade.

It can be assumed that the emotional burnout syndrome characterized by the emotional dryness of the teacher, the expansion of the scope of emotions, personal detachment, ignoring the individual characteristics of students, has a rather strong impact on the nature of the teacher's professional communication. This professional deformation prevents full-fledged educational process management, providing the necessary psychological assistance, the formation of a professional team. Real pedagogical practice shows that today the fact of the loss of interest in the disciple is quite clearly traced, the rejection of his such as it is, the simplification of the emotional side of professional communication. Many teachers note the presence of mental states destabilizing professional activities (anxiety, despondency, depression, apathy, disappointment, chronic fatigue).

We believe that a prerequisite at the modern stage of development of pedagogy is the orientation of teachers' activity on the identity of the pupil. The implementation of this role requires the ability to withstand the effect of emotional factors of the modern professional environment. In our opinion, there is some contradiction between how to fulfill all the requirements for the profession and at the same time to optimally realize themselves in the profession and receive satisfaction from their work. Taking into account this contradiction, the topic of thesis was chosen in which the author will try to investigate the factors that have the greatest impact on the development of emotional burnout syndrome.


Emotions (from Lat.EMOVEO -Terry, wave) - mental reflection in the form of a direct predensive experience the life sense of phenomena and situations caused by the attitude of their objective properties to the needs of the subject.

Speaking about what a person needs emotions to distinguish them functions and role. The function of emotions is a narrow natural purpose, work performed by emotions in the body, and their role is the nature and degree of emotion participation in anything, determined by their functions, or their influence on something in addition to their natural purpose. The role of emotions can be positive and negative. The function of emotions, based on their feasibility, is predetermined by nature, to be only positive, otherwise, why would they appear and secure?

"Negative" (anger, anger, etc.) emotions, according to B.I. Dodonov, play a more important biological role compared to "positive" emotions. It is not by chance that the mechanism of "negative" emotions is functioning in a child from the first days of its appearance, and the "positive" emotions appear much later (cyt. In Makarova, 1968). "Negative" emotion is an alarm, danger to the body. "Positive" emotion is a returnable well-being signal. It is clear that the last signal is not necessary to sound for a long time, so emotional adaptation to good comes quickly. The alarm signal must be supplied until the danger is eliminated. As a result, congestion can only be "negative" emotions. Under these conditions, human health really suffers. Negative emotions are harmful only in excess, as everything is harmful, which exceeds the norm (including positive affects).

From the point of view of P.V. Simonova, nervous mechanisms of positive emotional reactions are more complex and thin than negative. He believes that "positive" emotions have an independent adaptive value, i.e. The role of "positive" emotions is different from the role of "negative" emotions: "Positive" emotions encourage living systems to actively violate the achieved "balancing" with environmental: "The most important role of positive emotions is an active impairment of peace, comfort, the famous" body equilibration with external environment"(1970). "Negative emotions," says Simonov, "as a rule, ensure that the evolution has already been achieved or the individual development of the subject. Positive emotions are revolutionized by behavior, prompting to look for new, not yet satisfied needs, without which it is unthinkable to pleasure ... The social value of emotions always determines the motive that caused her to life. "

The concept of emotional burnout syndrome.

The term '' emotional burnout '' was introduced by the American psychiatrist X.J. Fredenberger in 1974 to characterize the psychological state of healthy people in intensive and close communication with customers, patients in an emotionally rich atmosphere when providing professional assistance. Initially, this term was defined as a state of exhaustion, exhaustion with a sense of own uselessness.

By 1982, over thousands of articles on "emotional combustion" were published in the English-language literature. The studies presented in them were mainly descriptive and episodic. Initially, the number of professionals attributed to the "emotional combustion" were insignificant, these were employees of medical institutions and various charitable organizations. R. Shvab (1982) expands a professional risk group: it is primarily the teacher, police, lawyers, prison staff, politicians, managers of all levels. As writes to Maslach, one of the leading experts on the study of "emotional combustion", "the activities of these professionals are very different, but all of them unites close contact with people, which, from an emotional point of view, is often very difficult to maintain a long time."

Thus, so far there is a single point of view on the essence of mental burnout and its structure. According to modern data, under the "mental burnout" is understood The state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, manifested in the professions of the social sphere. This syndrome includes three main components isolated by K. Masolch: emotional depletion, depersonalization (cynicism) and reduction of professional achievements.

Under emotional depletion It is understood by the feeling of emotional devastation and fatigue caused by its own work.

Depersonalization It assumes a cynical attitude towards labor and objects of its labor. IN social sphere Depersonalization implies an insensible, inhuman attitude to customers coming to treatment, consultation, education, etc. Contacts with them become formal, impersonal; The emerging negative installations may initially have a hidden character and manifest itself in internally contained irritation, which over time breaks out and leads to conflicts.

Reduction of professional achievements - This is the emergence of a sense of incompetence in your professional sphere, awareness of failure in it.

Teacher in hard conditions

Consider a group organizational The factors where the conditions of the material environment are included, the content of work and socio-psychological conditions of activity.

  • Working conditions. The main emphasis in the study of these factors was made on temporary parameters of activity and work. Almost all studies give a similar picture, indicating that increased workloads in activities, overtime work, the high duration of the working day stimulate the development of burnout. The teacher's profession falls under these parameters: so, in itself the fact that the average magnitude of the teacher's working week is equal to the estimates of L.F. Kolesnikova (1985), 52 hours, much higher than that (40 hours), which is established in the country; very low wages that do not provide a normal existence (almost all studies confirm that insufficient remuneration, money or moral, or its absence contribute to the emergence of burnout), as a result, overtime work, which means heightened loads, which often leads to frustration, anxiety, emotional devastation as a background of various mental illness.
  • Labor content. This group of factors includes quantitative and high-quality aspects of working with clients (students): their number, maintenance frequency, degree of contact depth. So in the teacher's profession, a large number of students in the classroom can lead to a lack of elementary control, which will be the main factor contributing to burnout. It is also not a secret that teachers currently, increasingly have to deal with children from socially disadvantaged families, the acuteness of the problems of these children usually contributes to the emergence of burnout. The most convex is shown the influence of these factors in those types of professional activities, where the acuteness of customer problems is combined with minimizing success in the effectiveness of their decision, in pedagogy, these can be correction classes, where with the maximum investment of the teacher's efforts, the result may not be highest. It is noted that any critical situation with the student, regardless of its specificity, is a serious burden for a teacher, negatively affecting it and leading, ultimately, to burnout.
  • Socio-psychological factors. Analysis of the interaction between the socio-psychological relations of employees to the object of their labor can be held in two directions: the positions of workers in relation to their recipients and the peculiarities of the behavior of the recipients themselves (students). There is a relationship between this characteristic and burnout. This dependence may be due to the specifics of the activity itself. So teachers characterized by the presence of guarding ideology in relationships with students, as well as not using repressive and situational tactics, demonstrate a high level of burnout. On the other hand, the atmosphere in the group of students and their attitude to the teacher and the educational process can provoke the emergence of burnout from teachers. In particular, it is noted that the apathy of students and an unfavorable atmosphere in the classroom, for example, the active resistance to the teacher in the form of negative behavior of students cause burnout teachers (Eagle, 2001)

Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, we see that the profession of the teacher can be attributed to "the category of stressful, requiring self-control and self-regulation" (Formanyuk, 1994) of the manifestations of stress in the work of the teacher are diverse and extensive. So, first of all, frustedness, anxiety, emotion, depression, emotional rigidity and emotional devastation are allocated - this is the price of the responsibility that the teacher pays.

Markova A.K. In the work "Psychology of Labor Teachers" (1993), suggests that the teacher's work is characteristic: information stress arising in information overload situations when a person does not cope with the task, does not have time to make faithful solutions at the required pace at a high degree of responsibility for their consequences; and emotional stress , When influenced by the danger, the offense arises emotional shifts, changes in motivation, nature of activity, violation of motor and speech behavior.

According to socio-demographic research, the work of the teacher refers to the number of labor types most intense in the emotional plan: by the degree of tension, the teacher's load is on average more than managers and bankers, general directors and presidents of associations, i.e. Those who directly work with people. Boyko V.V. Provides: from 7300 teachers of general education schools, risk and increased risk of cardiology of the cardiovascular system, noted in 29.4% of cases, brain vessels in 37.2% of teachers, 57.8% of the surveyed have violations of the gastrointestinal tract . All detectable somatic pathology is accompanied by a clinic of neurosis-like violations. The neurotic disorders actually revealed in 60-70% of cases. (Boyko 1996) The specified language of the teacher's health is due to many social, economic, housing and household factors. A considerable role here, of course, the mental stress accompanying the professional weekdays of the teacher. It is not wonderful that, in order to save its energy resources, many teachers resort to various mechanisms of psychological protection and at least doomed to emotional burnout.

But there is also the reverse side of the reduced depressing statistics. Questions arise: who teaches children? Can a person burdened with such suffering, successfully influence the younger generation?

Consider now individual Factors, this group includes socio-demographic and personal features. Eagle V.E. (2001) notes that of all socio-demographic Characteristics The most close connection with burnout has age and experience. The reasons for the decline of the professional activity of the older teacher, the so-called "pedagogical crisis", highlights Yu.L. Lviv (1998). In her opinion, this is:

a) you need to understand as much as possible for yourself, that in the actions of the enemy it seems unacceptable to you;

b) you need to understand what your actions in the conflict are unacceptable for a partner;

c) It is necessary to determine the causes of the conflict.

3. Search for possible ways to resolve conflict:

a) what could I do to resolve the conflict;

b) What could be done for this partner?

c) What are our common goals?

4. To exit conflict, find out:

a) what are the probable consequences of each path;

b) what to do to achieve the goal;

c) What method of conflict participants is satisfied?

5. Implementation of the decision.

6. Evaluation achieved.


1. Borodkin F.M., Kark N.M. Attention: conflicts. - Novosibirsk, 1989.

2. Logustvsky B.P. Conflict in communication of high school students // Adukatsya I Vikavanne. - 1992. - № 10.

3. Kichanova I.M. Conflict: pros and cons. - M., 1978.

4. Lishin O.V. School conflicts: ways to overcome them and warnings. - M., 1986.

5. Rybakova M.M. Conflict and interaction in the pedagogical process. - M., 1993.

6. Rydnov I.I. Basics of pedagogy communication. - MN: Belarusian Nauguka, 1998. - 319.

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8. Stankin M.I. Psychology of communication. - M., 1993.

9. Hovenmey E.K. School conflicts: ways to overcome them and warnings. - M., 1986.

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11. Shaynov V.P. The art of convinced. - M., 2002.

Feelings in the work of the teacher

Man, knowing the world around and putting his impact on him,

The concept of feelings. Types of feelings

never remain indifferent.

One way or another, he is experiencing his attitude towards people, to subjects and the process of its activities, to its results. These experiences or feelings are of great importance in the life of people, for they are the basis of all mental activities.

Human feelings are very diverse, because A varied effects of the outside world on it. The same subject, the same event experienced every one in its own way. Therefore, human feelings are very subjective, personal character and depend on the structure of the human psyche, its individual characteristics. So, the behavior of a student in one teacher causes irritation, the other is only a smile; The first face arises, the second - the joyful sense of lifting forces in connection with the desire to overcome the shortcomings of this child, to influence it properly.

Feelings, like everyone in the human psyche, is the function of the brain, the manifestation of the processes occurring in the crust of large hemispheres of the brain. However, the subcortex centers of the brain play a significant role in the emergence of feelings, which, interacting with the bark, send the first impulses there, and the bark adjusts these excitation processes (enhances or slows down). Feelings are associated with activities, both the first and second signaling system. Therefore, feelings arise from us not only thanks to the sensations and perceptions, what we are currently experiencing, but as a result of the thoughts that we appear, and the words we hear or pronounce.

Therefore, the feelings of the teacher are largely dependent and because he is told by students, and because he tells them or tells them. Therefore, the emotional state of the teacher before, during and after the lesson changes.

Feelings affect the activity of a person, on his activity, exciting, reinforcing or suppressing, reducing it.

In pedagogical activities, feelings play a particularly large role. People indifferent, unfortunate, as a rule, cannot be good teachers.

Feelings are the highest product of human activity (Bodaliev, Ananiev, Bazhovich, Vygotsky).

They perform a motivating role, associated with consciousness. In addition, feelings are manifestation of a person's attitude to subjects and reality phenomena that meets its needs, interests and personal importance for him.

Allocate the following types of feelings:

    Moral feelings (moral position)

    Intellectual feelings (love for truth, the process of knowledge of truth)

    Practical feelings (associated with practical activities)

    Aesthetic feelings (associated with the ability to navigate in the beautiful).

Pedagogical activity of moral and aesthetic feelings are of particular importance.

Moral (moral) feelings - These are the feelings that are tested by a person in the perception of the phenomena of reality at the angle of sight of the moral principle, going from the categories of morality developed by society. The moral feelings include joy, admiration, satisfaction with the fulfillment of ethical norms.

The formation of moral feelings is associated with the process of strengthening in the consciousness of a person certain moral norms, rules. The stronger the moral installations, the stronger the man of retreat from them.

An important role is played and aesthetic feelings For people perceive the surrounding reality, express their attitude towards her, guided by the feeling of beautiful, the concept of beautiful.

Chernyshevsky wrote about the essence of aesthetic as follows: "Beautiful is life; The very creature in which we see life like that, what should it be according to our concepts; It is beautiful that the subject that causes life or reminds us of life. "

Aesthetically educated teacher usually has a largely refined influence on children. This happens because such a teacher himself feels pleasure from everything beautiful, and his pupils love for art, nature. So gradually pedagogically directed aesthetic feelings are becoming moral experiences for students.

The psychology also distinguishes the classes of feelings to which include:

    desire - assessment of the degree of compliance of any objects by the needs of a person;

    emotions - the mental response of a person in response to a specific situation;

    feelings - Sustainable mental manifestations that differ in constancy may manifest itself in various emotions;

    affects, passion - Emotional manifestations uncontrolled by consciousness.


The role of feelings in the work of the teacher

the group of feelings regulating the attitude of the teacher to the pedagogical profession can be allocated:

a) a sense of duty, professional honor;

b) feelings reflecting attitudes towards participants in the pedagogical profession;

c) feelings reflecting the attitude of the teacher to themselves.

The main sense that the teacher should experience is a sense of love for their work, to children. Love is the greatest pedagogical feeling and the moral commandment of the teacher.

Characteristics of pedagogical love.


Litness is the recognition of the right of another person on a mistake. We often hear: "How many can you endure you? Your outsters? " Answer: "Infinitely." The essence of pedagogical work, one of the main parties - in long-suffering, in cardiac softness.

    Love is merciful.

She helps to stretch the hand of helping needy, save and protect the child from the final fall.

    Love does not envy .

Envy is scary with its absurdity. Envy generates malice and aggressiveness, and therefore it is the lowest manifestation of the human soul.

Consciousness of children is not able to comprehend this lowness, but their subconsciousness absorbs hatred demonstrated by adults, and this hatred makes itself felt in their lives.

    The love of good and does not think evil.

Children intuitively distinguish true good, love those who are able to truly respect children's pride, human dignity, help the neighbor. Pedagogical love, no matter how tried, selective. Sympathy is sometimes selective. Some children do us like, others cause a feeling of dislike or indifference. Pedagogue, if the child he constantly makes nasty, begins to hate this method of self-expression. Moreover, this hatred takes place at the unconscious level. And the teacher needs to control its subconscious relationships. Often it is important to learn to forget what is better to forget. Many have hatred, continuously heated and refreshing it. If love is filled with moral principles, if it is uncompromising to evil, the pedagogical process develops according to humanistic laws.

    Love all covers.

Socialism breaks into the life of a child, dictates methods of communication, gives samples of behavior. In the book of American Specialists of the Education World (Fleik-Hobson, Robinson, Skin) are given typical tips of the upbringing in the USA for 70s.

1910 - "Sleeping them!"

1920 - "deprive them of something!"

1930 - "Do not pay attention to them!"

1940 - "Convince them!"

1950 - "Love them!"

1960 - "Sleep them, but do it with love!"

1970 - "God with them!"

In our family:

1910 - "Crush the Edge of the Child and Sysman!" (Domostroy)

1920 - "Freedom to the Child"

1930 - "Rail a collectivist - the German officer by any means"

1940 - Require and punish offense!

1950 - convince them!

1960 - love them!

1970 - be a bit and humane!

1980 - Lupi them!

1990 - God with them!

Children choose their attitude towards them generated by adults. And adults are intolerant for child errors. Love is able to understand this and show the wise law of childhood protection - to show a benevolent attitude towards the child. Love does not seek to expose the shortcomings, misconduct and mistakes of children.

    Love is responsible.

She remembers human duties. Two categories of people live in the world: one seeks, first of all, privileges, while others always remember their duties; Some always worries that they should get from life, others always disturbing than they are obliged to live. Some more talk about rights, others - about duties.

Naturally, the second closer to real love. It is they who are able to realize all the responsibility, which falls on the shoulders of the teacher, responsibility for the life of a child, for his moral and mental health, for his future!

    Love generous.

The generosity of the soul is one of the most important qualities of the teacher's personality. Individuals with embittered subconsciously do not accept generosity. They are not able to talk about the merits of their pets within one day, because they are afraid of the sassay. Meanwhile, the installation of the teacher "Child Talented, his talent will certainly manifest itself, I have to help him!" It gives the opportunity to children not just develop, but also to achieve success in their promotion! So be generous to praise and faith!

    Love makes man strong.

Love gives man power over himself, forms the strength of the Spirit and directs the will in the direction of good deeds and actions. Only the activities of the personality will only create a good job. All methods and technologies of influence on a child without love is a judicial profanation. Pedagogical art strength is measured by the power of love. Only one who draws strength in love is strong. It is impossible to become even a mediocre teacher, to be completely indifferent to children, it is indifferent to those who digest knowledge or not, what they are good or bad, what influence the school itself and the teacher himself.

In the process of pedagogical activity, feelings play a huge role. The teacher is important to remember:

    firstly, That feelings in pedagogical work are easily and quickly transmitted from one person to another. One of the reasons for this is that experiences receive a variety of external expression: in facial expressions, gestures, actions. And smile, and laughter, and irritation "infect" others. Such empathy is one of the characteristics of the human psyche and is of great importance for the influence of some people on others. Inspiration, enthusiasm, rise in work or decline in mood, apathy - these mental states easily arise in humans due to empathy;

    secondly, Feelings - a completely necessary condition for the transition of knowledge in conviction. A person can very well assimilate this or that thought, but if he remains indifferent to her, his knowledge will not be true, will not go into persuasion, will not be his internal condition. And in the learning process, and in the process of upbringing it is important that the child felt, survived the knowledge that he digesors at school. And Impulse to this gives him a teacher through his feelings.

It should be remembered that:

- the emotionally painted material is preserved in the memory, all that is associated with a sense of joy, it is better to be better than what is painted with sad experiences;

- Teacher's love for children causes them and love for his views, beliefs. This is one of the main forms in which the enormous educational influence of the teacher on students is manifested.


Affects and others mental states In the activities of the teacher

chitel, like any person, characterize such manifestations of emotional life as affects. Affectspsychological science calls emotions, quickly mastered people and leaking

burly, in the form of short-term outbreaks of anger, joy and other experiences.

Are such emotional states in pedagogical work? Affects, as a rule, interfere with the normal relationships of people. Affect is an intense feeling, sometimes even accompanied by a person's loss of conscious control over his actions.

The teacher should strive to avoid affective states. A good reception for this can be a small pause, which a teacher can make, before you enjoy your anger to the stupid sheltered. It acts well and for a child, forcing his moment to think of themselves on what he did, and gives the opportunity to calm down and more objectively look at the perfect act. For these same considerations, it is not recommended to immediately establish the punishment of the guilty, because In the state of affect, the teacher may be unfair, lose a sense of measure.

And only in extreme cases affect is a good educational agent.

For a good teacher, it is characteristic that he knows how to regulate the manifestation of his emotions, to suppress the affective state, overcome the harmful moods and at the same time, if necessary, to show such feelings that he currently does not experience. This is what is called managing their emotions that are of great importance in pedagogical work. About how to regulate your emotional state, you know. The conversation about it was conducted when studying the topic "Pedagogical technique of the teacher and the path of its formation."

Feelings give rise to various mental states. The mental life of a person includes not only mental processes that change, and personality properties that are sustainable, but also temporary mental states.

The group of these phenomena includes various experiences (moods, deductions, passions), volitional manifestations (determination, indecision, activity, passivity), and also a number of other mental states (curiosity, interest, doubt, puzziness, etc.).

The study of mental states is of great importance, since the success of the teacher's work depends not only on temporarily occurring mental processes and sustainable personality traits, but also from the long manifestations of the inner world of a person.

Psychologists characterizing the mental states of the teacher say that there is a psychological readiness of the teacher to the lesson, which causes his successful holding. An appropriate attitude is needed, overcoming the internal obstacles that interfere with the teacher to come to the lesson and conduct it in the right mental state.

There are two types of unsuccessful commencement of the lesson. Sometimes the teacher slowly and sluggish starts a lesson. In this regard, students also become sluggish, scattered. But it happens that the teacher begins a lesson in an overly excited state, screaming to students, explains the material too loud voice. All this causes the non-working state of students.

It is adversely reflected on the results of the lessons, the state of the teacher's uncertainty or, on the contrary, its excessive self-confidence. Poor if the teacher leads a lesson in an indifferent condition, without an internal lift. Such lessons are boring, monotonous. It is very harmful at the work of the teacher, such a mental state that causes a biased attitude towards students. The teacher appears "pets", which he praises over measures, overstaving them the assessment, while others belong to the other, exaggerating their disadvantages. It happens that the teacher will quickly make up an opinion on the student on the basis of the first impression and for a long time under the influence of this impression and as a result turns out to be immune to everything that contradicts this impression.

In contrast to all undesirable states should occur such mental states as

1) the sincere teacher's conviction is right as their words;

2) the ability to calmly, objectively refer to students;

3) the state of meditation, pedagogical optimism, inner proximity to children.


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    Gavrilovian K.V. Education of humanity: a book for a teacher. - MN: Folk Asveta, 1983.

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Conviction and suggestion as methods of impact in the pedagogical process

The essence of the concept of "conviction"

In the process of life, each person has their own convictionswhich

it is customary to interpret as system of knowledge, views, relationships and norms of the behavior of an individual who are the result of its interaction with the environment .

In this case, convictions can be true and false. True beliefs As a rule, comply with the norms of morality and real reality adopted in society, thereby making the person of man socially rich. In turn, false beliefs represent a combination of negative views of man and its negative life experience. False beliefs are already formed in pupils at school age. At the same time, the beliefs of this nature lead children to a dependency position, contribute to the development of irresponsibility, cognitive and labor passivity, etc.

In order to prevent, as well as eliminate such situations during the pedagogical process, it is advisable to apply the method of pedagogical impact to students, which is the same name - "conviction". In this case the "belief" method We consider how the method of targeted communicative effects of the teacher on students through a word to form, consolidate or change in the recent views of the views, feelings, relationships and behaviors.

A pedagogue that has a purposeful effect on the pupils, it is necessary to remember that the beliefs of a person are folded out of the three components: 1) knowledge, 2) feelings, 3) behavior. As a result, the use of the "belief" method must be carried out in accordance with the following formula:

It is understood by rigitately

In this case, each link of this formula means:

Understood - Information is applied to the student available, the essence of the problem is explained;

Also - presented by the teacher the problem causes an emotional reaction from a student (for example, regret with understanding the consequences of his act; sympathy for anyone, etc.);

Accepted - the approval of the student with the position offered by the teacher in connection with the teacher's premises facts and arguments;

Made - Reflection of a student adopted by a student in his views, relations, actions.

The teacher should be remembered that ignoring at least one of these components in the process of conviction can lead to low educational performance, since the method of pedagogical impact in this case will not be carried out professionally.

Forming the true beliefs of schoolchildren, the teacher must, above all, eliminate their false beliefs in the process of pedagogical interaction. The transformation of false beliefs to true is carried out, as a rule, in the following ways:

Ways to restructure false beliefs of students:

1) the formation in the class team of a favorable psychological atmosphere and positive public opinion;

2) the creation of a special valuable individual life experience of pupils (raising situations);

3) Motivated denial of negative student actions.

In order to increase the effectiveness of a convincing impact, the teacher needs to arm a system of receptions that destroy false beliefs. A.I. Kochos to such receptions:

- prompting a student to compare yourself with others (positive examples);

- demonstration and substantiation of the consequences of incorrect views and beliefs;

- creation of a student of conditions for self-discharge;

- bring to the paradox of the magicism of the disciple, defending false glances;

- Providing a student trust, respect, demonstrating a teacher's confidence in the desire of the student to correct the situation.


Requirements for the conviction and conditions of it efficiency

the consideration of the requirements for various forms of persuasion (conversations, discussions, disputes, etc.), testifies to teacher's pedagogical literacy

TO such requirements are referred:

- compliance of the content and shape of the belief by the age level of the schoolchild's personality;

- implementation of beliefs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the raised;

- support in the conviction process both on generalized provisions (principles and rules, moral norms) and specific facts (examples);

- a mandatory analysis of the facts of the pupil, their comparison with the rules and principles;

- Deep belief of the teacher in the truth of the proposed pupil

- argument, evidence of the provisions put forward during the belief.

In the process of conviction, the teacher must be remembered that the conversation with the student should include the thesis, arguments and demonstration (illustration) - ways of evidence. Thesis is a thought, the moral position that needs to be proved. Arguments - information by which the thesis is proved. During the conversation, on the basis of theoretical provisions, the analysis of life situations or experimental facts, a judgment is expressed, which proves the thesis. The thesis should be formulated clearly and understandable, the arguments and facts should be indisputable, not to cause questions, prevent ambiguousness.

According to I.I. Rydnova, in the process of communication, the teacher is intended to create a communicative environment that stimulates the speech activity of students. At the same time, it is important not to seek errors or inaccuracies in their judgments, but to express live interest in the exchange of information, emphasize the dignity, and not weakness, not to rush with the answer, do not interrupt.

The conditions of the effectiveness of convincing interaction:

- Accounting when building the belief of individual psychological characteristics of a convinced (temperament, the zone of the nearest development in training and upbringing);

- accounting of the intellectual-emotional state of the pupil at the time of interaction (irritation, initiation by other problems, etc.);

- the unity of manifestation of convincing (teacher) of thoughts, feelings, volitional stimulation;

- confirmation of the correctness of the position offered by the teacher in the process of conviction, both own words and actions;

- implementing convictions with a support for the positive qualities of the child (pedagogical optimism); freedom of communication, exclusion of pressure on the identity of the child;

- systematic use of exercises that enshrine knowledge acquired by schoolchildren and contributing to the work out of the right behavioral skills;

- Planning and implementation of educational forms of working with students not only verbal (disputes, conversations, etc.), but also to a large extent practical nature (raising situations, conducting thematic shares, participation in charitable activities, etc.).

The suggestion is one of the means of interaction between people in the process of communication and activity. The specificity of the suggestion is that it

The role of suggestion B. pedagogical process, types suggestion

immediately for a person affects his psyche and behavior. From a pedagogical point of view, the suggestion can be considered as a method of communicative exposure to the teacher on students, penetrating the psychic structure of the personality of the pupil and affecting the thoughts, feelings, actions, aspirations and motives of schoolchildren.

As VN believes Kulikov, properly organized suggestion stimulates the conscious activity of schoolchildren, allows you to more competently and effectively implement an individual approach.

Various criteria are used for classifying suggestions:

    depending on the source suggestion distinguish audio-actionproduced by another person and self-sustaininginvolving human impact on himself;

    depending on the status of the subject suggestion distinguish wakefulness,suggestion(hypnopaedia), hypnotic;

    depending on the presence or absence of an impact stand out deliberate suggestion(purposefully and consciously organized psychological impact on the student to achieve the goal) and unintentional suggestion(inspiring does not put the goal to inspire a certain thought, action, act , however, his unconscious words themselves and actions can influence the consciousness of the student, including negative). Self-pressure can also be deliberate and unintentional. In the first case, a person deliberately makes efforts to adjust the unwanted qualities and eliminating negative thoughts and feelings (autotraining), in the second - carries out this unconsciously;

    depending on the impact results a suggestion can be positive(the formation of positive personal qualities in a student - self-confidence, purposefulness, responsibility, etc., as well as positive habits of behavior, interests, views, feelings and relationships) and negative(In the course of a conscious or unconscious impact, a schoolboy forms negative psychological qualities, views and states - understated self-esteem, irresponsibility, lack of interest and initiatives, etc.). Self-pressure can also be positive and negative. In the first case, the schoolboy himself mobilizes his strength and abilities, develops positive personal qualities, in the second - to fall under the influence of adverse circumstances, "convinces" himself in the uselessness of his own actions and in his predominance of negative qualities;

    depending on the constances of inspiring distinguish open suggestion(The purpose of the suggestion coincides with his form, the suggestion is aimed at a specific person who is inspiring directly and openly encourages the student to commit certain actions or hold from them) and closed suggestion(The purpose of suggestion is "disguised", there is no direct appeal to the one who is inspired).

In a number of general conditions, the effectiveness of pedagogical suggestion can be called the following: a) a favorable environment in which suggestion is made; b) accounting of age-related features, individual psychological qualities and the emotional state of students at the moment of suggestion; c) the attitude of the teacher himself to the fact that he inspires; d) possession of the teacher of the applied technique (view, mimic, pantomime, clear diction, expressive intonation in combination with logical and psychological pauses, votes strength); e) teacher's authority, attitudes towards students; e) the creation of a teacher of conditions for the implementation of students due to the inspiring the impact of the qualities and making relevant actions; g) skillful use in the process of suggestion educational material.

The existence of such suggestions as an open and closed led to the allocation of two forms of inspiring.

Characteristics of suggestion forms

it direct form

(deliberate open suggestion) and indirect form (Closed or indirect suggestion). Consider the essence of these forms.

The direct form of suggestion exists in the form of commands, orders and inspirers.

Teams and ordersAs a rule, it is formulated clearly and briefly. They contribute to the workshop from schoolchildren acting automatically, almost without control by consciousness. However, teams and orders of the scope are distinguished. In the school environment of the team, we can hear in the lessons of physical education and the pre-examination training of young men, during various competitions, games, military-sports events (for example: "Take it!", "Smirno!", "Step Marsh!", "To start! " and etc.). Orders, in turn, are used by teachers on any lessons, including in situations in the guidance of order, both in the lesson and outside the lesson.

All teams and orders used in school practice are divided into four types:

- preliminary or mobilizing ("Attention!", "Get it!", Etc.), whose task is the instant mobilization of students to any action;

- Executive ("Go to the board!" Sit! ", Etc.), who are able to encourage schoolchildren to fulfill specific actions;

- Forbidden ("Stop!", "Stop talking!", Etc.), designed to slow down the execution of any unwanted action in this situation;

- Sample actions ("To repeat for me!", "Perform as Ivanov!", Etc.), orienting students to accurately copy any actions.

Unlike teams and orders constressingit is used to solve more complex tasks - the restructuring of the established installations from schoolchildren, the formation of their readiness for the required actions. It is formulated by a teacher in the form of laconic phrases and is carried out on the basis of the use of suggestion technique.

According to L.A. Petrovskaya, the inspiring instruction applies to prohibit or limit students in unwanted actions, as well as to develop confidence in timid, unsure, childish children. However, a positive result will bring such an impact only in the case of benevolent trusting relations established between the teacher and the student. Otherwise, such a suggestion is doomed to fail.

Let us give an example of using the teacher of the inspired instruction. During the hike in the forest, the fifth graders had to jump over a small stream. Lena, being very loose, stopped in front of the stream. Class waited for several minutes. Then the teacher extended his hand and said: "Lena, do not be afraid. I will support you. Gather with the Spirit. You are clever, you will definitely get. " Lena looked with the hope of a teacher, felt and jumped into the stream.

The indirect form of suggestion in school practitioners is used in the form of a hint, jokes, ironic statements.

In a situation where the teacher makes a direct remark, a student, as a rule, occupies a protective position, trying to "save" his opinion or self-esteem.

The indirect form of suggestion contributes to the unconditional non-critical acceptance of information, while the position of the teacher is not imposed on a student, does not affect his proud. Therefore, the reported facts are not rejected by the student even before they were perceived. The schoolboy himself analyzes the positive or negative meaning of his actions, personal qualities, habits, etc. As noted by N.E. Schurkov, the teacher in this situation only "arms" the student with the criteria of self-assessment, whose objectivity is obvious and unconditionally accepted by the student.

In pedagogical practice, the following techniques of indirect suggestion are distinguished:

    hint (a student who lasted in writing an exercise, the teacher says: "Poor, you recycled today. In the notebooks are written as many three sentences. Probably tired, rest,"),

    indirect approval (after checking the homework, the teacher says: "Today I was pleased with the students of our class, who managed to give the right answers to all my questions and the evaluation" excellent ". I think their work should be regarded as an example"),

    indirect condemnation (the teacher accidentally witnessed the incorrect communication of class students on change, as at the very beginning of the lesson he said so: "To my whole regret, we have in the classroom, it turns out that there are students who still do not know how to communicate well and beautifully with each other. Their behavior on change is very sad for me ").

An indirect suggestion, including can occur in the form of disclosure of any externally neutral with respect to what is happening the events of the fact or description of any case. With proper methodical preparation, pedagogically appropriate selection of an example or a large strength of the emotional impact, an indirect suggestion may be more efficient than direct.

The relationship of belief and suggestion during the pedagogical process

The conviction and suggestion are so interrelated that in certain situations they are difficult to differentiate. This is due to

the existence of a number of common features for them, namely:

    the main means of influence in conviction and suggestion is the word;

    the communicative impact on the consciousness of the student must be comprehensive, that is, the conviction must have an inspiring nature, and the suggestion must be convincing and prepare the ground for further convincing impact;

    and conviction, and suggestion affect both consciousness and feelings of students.

The difference between these methods is that the belief, as a rule, does not have an indirect form and cannot be briefly formulated as teams and orders.

When organizing communicative interaction with the child, the teacher should clearly determine the degree of convincing or inspiring impact and choose the relevant situations of the funds who make it convincing with impressive, and suggestion is convincing. According to E.Sh. Nathanzona, for this, it is advisable for a certain period to fix, in what cases, his words, requests, demands, wishes were not met by students, objections were unquestioned, and then analyzed what it was due to (impeccable logic, fascination of information content, The clarity and objectivity of the requirements, technique of impact, expressiveness and emotionality of communication, its own authority, deep faith in the facts presented, etc.). If students do not understand and do not take the position of the teacher, he should not have hasty negative conclusions on the level of their development and educationalness. The teacher must understand whether he managed to come into contact with the problems that worry his wards, and analyze the quality of realizing the conditions for the effective use of belief and suggestion in the pedagogical process.


1. Batrakov S.N. Pedagogical techniques of emotional impact on students. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House Yaroslavl. Ped. In-Ta, 1982.

2. Kochetov A.I. Mastery of re-education. - Mn., 1981.

3. Kulikov V.N. Psychology of suggestion: studies. benefit. - Ivanovo: Publishing House Ivanov. University, 1978.

4. Natanzon E.Sh. Pedagogical influences. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1972.

5. Basics of pedagogical skills: studies. Manual for ped. specialist. Higher. studies. institutions / ed. I.A. Zyazyna, M.: Enlightenment.-1989.

6. Petrovskaya L.A. The teacher is a teenager: ways to develop a dialogue // Teachers and parents about the psychology of a teenager. -M.: Pedagogy, 1987.

7. Rydnov I.I. Basics of pedagogy communication. - MN: Belarusian Nauguka, 1998. - 319 p.

8. Schwartz I.E. Suggestion in the pedagogical process: studies. benefit. - Perm, 1971.

8. Shchurkova N.E. Impact on individuality // You have become a class teacher. - M.: Pedagogy, 1986. - P. 67 - 92.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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It is well known that the learning process and education proceeds more successfully if the teacher makes it emotional. Ya A. A. Komensesky, the Great Czech teacher, wrote in the second half of the XVII century in his "PampEDI": "The problem of XVI. To achieve people to study everything with pleasure. Give a person to understand that he is in nature he wants that the desire for what you will be inspired by, - and he will immediately want to be joyful; 2) that he from nature may have what he wishes is - and he will immediately be happy with this ability; 3) that he knows what he does not know - and he will immediately be happy with his ignorance. "

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The important importance of emotions for the development and education of a person emphasized K. D. Ushinsky in his writings: "... Education, without giving absolute importance to the feelings of a child, nevertheless, they should see their main task in the direction."

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Carroll E. Isard What is basic emotion? There is no such classification of emotions that all behavior researchers would take. Some scientists recognize the existence of basic emotions, others challenge, preferring to see in emotions only the function of perceptual-cognitive processes. These psychologists are mostly believed that a person designs emotions from his life experience that emotions are a product of culture, socialization and learning. In their opinion, a person designs emotions in the required quantity, depending on the needs of the situation and its own abilities.

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Here are some criteria on the basis of which it is possible to determine whether one or another emotion is basic: 1. Basic emotions have distinct and specific nervous substrates. 2. Basic emotion manifests itself with the help of an expressive and specific configuration of muscle movements of the face (Mimici). 3. Basic emotion entails a distinct and specific experience, which is aware of a person. 4. Basic emotions arose as a result of evolutionary biological processes. 5. Basic emotion has an organizing and motivating effect on a person, serves its adaptation.

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Mimically basic emotion manifests itself in a limited time interval. In adults, this interval on average ranges from 1/5 to 4 seconds. Mimic expressions lasting less than a third of a second or more than 10 seconds are rare enough, and the output beyond the boundaries of this time range most often indicates that a person depicts emotion. If the faithful expression lasts a few minutes, it can cause cramps of face muscles.

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Any mimic reaction has a latent period (the time interval from the moment of stimulation before the beginning of the visible manifestations of the reaction), the period of deployment (from the end of the latent period before reaching the maximum level of manifestation), the period of culmination (during which the emotional manifestation is supported at the maximum level) of the recession period (from Culmination to full fuss).

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The reasons for the occurrence of basic emotions are usually universal. The threat of real danger causes fear among representatives of various cultures. However, that for the Japanese is good - for example, he will be proud of the raw fish at the dinner table, then for Europeans, who is not familiar with the Japanese customs and the kitchen, will serve as a source of completely other emotions. Emotional manifestations also have some other characteristics that, however, do not have a determining value to assign emotions into the category of basic. The discharge of such characteristics includes intensity. Based on the intensity of emotional manifestation, one can judge the intensity of the experience. Another characteristic of emotional manifestations is their configuration.

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Classification of emotions by K. Isardo by K. Isarda allocate 11 fundamental (basic) emotions: joy surprise sadness anger disgust Despite the grief-suffering shame of interest-excitement of wing confusion

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K.D. Shushinsky points out the importance of using emotional experiences and in his next statement: "Deep and extensive philosophical and psychological truths are only available to the educator, but not a pupil, and therefore the educator must be guided by them, but not in the conviction of the pupil in their logical strength to look for for that means. One of the most valid funds to this is the pleasure and suffering that the teacher may be excited in the soul of the pupil and where they are not excited by themselves as the consequences of the act "

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As part of emotional competence, four basic components are allocated with their functions: self-regulation (control of pulses and emotion management, expression of emotions, blocking negative emotional states); Regulation of relationships (social skills, ability to build relationships with others); reflection (self-awareness, rational understanding of emotions, identification of own motives); Empathy (emotional-cognitive decentration).

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Four functional block of emotional competence: behavioral unit (self-regulation + regulation of relations with others); Cognitive block (reflection + empathy); intrapersonal block (self-regulation + reflection); Interpersonal block (regulation of relations with other + empathy).

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Thus, the design of emotional competence consists of four basic components: self-regulation; regulation of relationships; reflection; Empathy. which form four functional block behavioral; cognitive; intrapersonal; Interpersonal.

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Reflection. In general, the reflection includes human abilities to determine which emotion he is currently experiencing, in physical condition and internal dialogue; relate this emotion with its name; To determine which basic emotions is a difficult, aware of the change in the intensity of emotions and transitions from one emotion to another.

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Self-regulation. In general, under self-regulation means the ability to determine the source and cause of emotion, its purpose and possible consequences of development, the degree of its usefulness in a specific situation; In accordance with this, if necessary, find a method for regulating emotions (changes in the degree of its intensity or replacement to another emotion), driving breathing, body condition, using verbal and non-verbal ways to manage emotions and control internal dialogue. The ability to cause the emotion necessary in a particular situation to the same ability.

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Regulation of relationships involves the ability to determine the possible cause of emotion from another person and predict the consequences of its development; change the emotional state of another person (intensity of emotion, transition to another emotion) with the help of verbal and non-verbal funds; The ability to cause the desired emotion in humans.

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Empathy is a basic component of emotional competence. Traditionally, this phenomenon is understood as comprehending the emotional state, empathy, in the feeling of another person's emotional life; This is an emotional response of a person on the experiences of other people, manifest in both empathy and sympathy. With empathy, an emotional response is identical to what and how a particular person is experiencing; When sympathy, the emotional response is expressed in a recruitment to the experienced. Empathy includes an understanding of another person, based on the analysis of his personality, an emotional empathy, a response to the feelings of another person and the expression of their feelings, the desire to help, help another person. The term empathy is determined not only by this state, but also a personality trait - the ability to such an understanding and empathy

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In modern psychology, several types of empathy are distinguished: 1. The reactions based on the mechanisms of projection and imitation of the reactions of another person; 2. Annative, based on intellectual processes (comparison, analogy, etc.), 3. Sugible, manifested as a person's ability to predict affective reactions of another in specific situations. Special forms of empathy are considered to be empathy and sympathy - identifying with the feelings of another person and the experience of its own emotional states about the feelings of another

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Emotional competence is the ability to realize their emotions and emotions of another person, the ability to manage their emotions and emotions of other people and on this basis to build interaction with others. Emotional competence contributes to the preservation and strengthening of human health in general and teacher in particular, thanks to their key competencies.

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The first competence is recognition and understanding of your own emotions and feelings. The highest level of emotional consciousness is characterized by the fact that a person can not only perceive and describe the feeling, but also understands the causes of its occurrence and context. People with large emotional clarity are easier than others to cope with stressful situations, the emotional balance (P.Salov) is restored faster. The lowest level of consciousness is sensual blindness, alexitimia. It has been proven that it can lead to psychosomatic diseases, violations in the social sphere, complicates personal and professional relations

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Second competence - managing its emotions. A person who collaborates with others (to the teacher it applies directly), is forced to find a balance between its own needs, claims and expectations of society. Learning for this last years. The most important part of it is the reaction to its own emotions. It has been established that people who can freely manifest themselves with such feelings as anger and anger, it is more difficult to get rid of them. Suppression of these feelings leads to psychological problems. Therefore, it is important to realize your anger and overcome it. There are many ways to adequate expressions of emotions. Pedagogue is important to master them and apply in life.

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Third competence - recognition and understanding of the feelings of others. Man S. high levels The development of this competence is good "reads" signals about the feelings of other people and able to change the perspective, see the position of things from the position of another person, feel what he feels. Such people have empathy abilities.

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The fourth competence is to manage the feelings of others. The ability to positively influence the feelings of others is the competence of the highest order. For the teacher, such competence is particularly relevant. Open, careful handling of feelings, as well as the ability to understand the reasons for their occurrence allow the teacher in professional life without experience in emotional situations. The provision of a teaching effect on the senses of students and colleagues implies the ability to calm the excited or angry person, cheer out the childish, to help them realize their feelings, awaken interest and raise the mood.

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Teachers with a high indicator of emotional competence are well aware of themselves, their own values, needs and live in accordance with them. Implementation of professional activities and building relationships occurs in a state of congruence itself. Such teachers are building relations on the basis of honesty and openness. They are able to awaken in people positive emotions, disclose them the best sides. Such teachers choose positive influence tactics: support, inspiration, development. Pedagogical communication is characterized by conflict.

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The ability to manage the emotions of others is the ability of the leader. This leader manages the emotions of the whole group of people, he sends collective emotions to the right direction, creates an atmosphere of friendliness and skillfully neutralizes negative moods. Whether the general business will flourish or will figure it out - largely depends on how effectively the leader performs its main emotional task. When the leader awakens positive emotions in people, he reveals in them the best parties, which contributes to the achievement of success.

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Recommendations to teachers: 1. Hold negative emotions. 2. Create optimal conditions for the development of moral feelings, in which sympathy, empathy, joy are elementary structures that form high-moral relations, in which the moral norm turns into the law, and actions in moral activity. 3. Immediately manage your feelings and emotions, and the feelings of students. 4.To all this is realized to contact the method of A.S. Makarenko and V.A.Sushellinsky "Heart I give to children", "Pedagogical poem", "how to bring up a real man" k.d. Ushinsky, "How to conquer friends and influence people" D. Karknegi, "Communication - Feelings - Fate" K.T. Kuznechikova. Pedagogical piggy bank of rational spiritualized actions, painted emotionally, each teacher has its own. Let it be more in it the seeds of a reasonable, kind, eternal.

The role of emotions in the pedagogical process

It is well known that the process of learning and education proceeds more successfully, if the teacher makes it emotional. Ya. A. Komensesky, the Great Czech teacher, wrote in the second half of the XVII century in his''Pampedia''': '' Trobal XVI. To achieve people to study in all with pleasure. Give a man to understand, 1) That he is in nature he wants that the desire for what you will inspire him, - and he will immediately want to be joyful; 2) that he from nature may have what he wishes is - and he will immediately be happy with this ability; 3) what he knows what he does not know - and he will immediately be reeling his ignorance. (1982, p. 428).

Russian enlighteners and teachers also wrote about this. "The first pleasant knowledge and ideas in the mlary soul should have the first pleasant knowledge and ideas in the mlary soul," wrote the Russian enlightener of the second half of the 18th century N. I. Novikov (1985, p. 333), '... for no one Our needs, whose satisfaction would not have a friend'''' (ibid, p. 335).

The important importance of emotions for the development and education of a person emphasized K. D. Ushinsky in his writings: '... Education, without giving the absolute value to the feelings of the child, nevertheless, they should see their main task, "(1950, t. 10, with . 537). After analyzing various pedagogical systems And finding them, except for Beneken, the lack of any attempt to analyze the feelings and passions, he developed the doctrine of fiction, many of which are relevant today. In the chapter'''chuvezovyovyi'''''''shelovka as a subject of education'''''s him allocates a section dedicated to pedagogical applications for the analysis of feelings (Ushinsky, 1974). Critically evaluating the effectiveness of the councils given by teachers to raise children, Ushinsky wrote: "He's understanding in general the education and life of passions in the soul of human, not understanding the mental foundation of this passion and its relationship to others, the teacher practices may not benefit from these pedagogical recipes .. .'''' (1974, p. 446).

Ushinsky, speaking about the role of encouraging and punishment in education, essentially emphasized reinforcingemotion function. On this occasion, he wrote:'Sama nature points to us at this attitude: if not in all, then it is very often it uses pleasure to force a person to the extremely important thing for him and for her activities, and consumes suffering to keep him from activities Harmful. At the same relation should be the educator to these phenomena of the human soul: pleasure and suffering should be no goal for him, but actorto bring the soul of the pupil on the path of progressive free labor, which turns out to be an affordable person on earth, happiness. Ushinsky points out the importance of using emotional experiences and in his next statement:''Hluboki and extensive philosophical and psychological truths are available only to the educator, but not a pupil, and therefore the educator must be guided by them, but not in the conviction of the pupil in their logical strength to look for for that means. One of the most valid funds to this is the pleasure and suffering that the teacher can excite the pupil in the soul and where they do not excite themselves as the consequences of the act'''' (1950, vol. 10, p. 512-513).

Unfortunately, this is a sensual (affective) direction in the formation of the child's personality, indicated by K. D. Ushinsky and other great teachers of the past, is currently committed by oblivion. As the German psychoanalyst P. Kutter notes, now education, devoid of feelings and empathy in relations with the child is preached. Modern education comes down to knowledgebut is not affective.From the earliest age of a person teach to rationalism, he does not receive a single lesson of sensual life. And the person who did not receive the lesson of heartiness is the essence of an insensible, concludes a kutter.

The English teacher and psychologist A. Ben believed that the items imposed by fear are strongly crashed into a person's memory. It is in connection with this boys sequels on the border so that they firmly remember the boundaries of the fields. But, as K. D. Ushinsky notes, the best memorization is the property of Affective images, and not just fear. True, the question arises: what emotions are positive or negative effects to memorize, save and reproduce information.

The influence of emotions on mental activity indicated A. F. Lazur, but his opinion is essential to the opinion of other scientists. Being in the cheerful mood, he wrote, "we feel that we are being relevant, inventive, our thoughts flow more lively and the productivity of mental work increases. At the same time, in a significant majority of cases, feelings affect the mental scope of an adverse way: the course of representations slows down or even suspended, perceptions and memories are distorted, judgments are made foresome''' (1995, p. 163).

S. L. Rubinstein (1946) wrote that the effectiveness of the enabling of the trainee in the work is determined not only by the fact that the standing tasks are clear to him, but also how they are internally accepted by him, that is, what they found''OTKlik and the support point in his Experience'''' (p. 604). ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, emotions, including in cognitive activities, become its regulator (Elephimova, 1987, etc.).

P. K. Anokhin stressed that emotions are important for consolidation, stabilizing the rational behavior of animals and humans. Positive emotions arising from the reaches of the goal are remembered and with the appropriate situation may be removed from memory to obtain the same useful result. Negative emotions derived from memory, on the contrary, warn against re-making errors, block the formation of conditional reflex. Experiments on rats are indicative in this plan. When they were injected with morphine directly in the stomach, which quickly caused their positive emotional state, the conditioned reflex was produced; When morphine was injected through the mouth, then due to its bitter taste, it ceased to be a conditional signal reinforcement, and the reflex was not developed (Simonov, 1981).

N. A. Leontyev indicated this function of emotions as a consequence, which leads to the appearance of ''''Deller''''y (funds and ways to meet needs), i.e., in advance, which previously led to successful satisfaction of needs. This feature is particularly pronounced in cases of extreme emotional states of a person. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, emotions participate in the formation of personal human experience.

The mechanism involved in the exercise by emotions of reinforcing function, in modern psychology is customary motivational conditioning.On the significance of this mechanism also wrote B. Spinosa: 'If one thing is that we have seen any thing in affect ... We can love her or hate "(1957, p. 469). Nowadays, J. Reikovsky writes about the time: '... neutral stimuli, which precede the appearance of emotional irritants, or accompany them, they themselves acquire the ability to cause emotions''' (1979, p. 90). And this means that they become meaningful, begin to be taken into account when motivating actions and actions.

Much attention paid to the motivational (I would say - emotional) Conditioning V. K. Vilyunas. 'Сs psychological side, namely, when taking into account that the development of a conditional connection means changing the subjective attitude to the conditional stimulus, this mechanism should be depicted in the form of transmission of emotional (motivational) value ... New content''''m - he writes (1990, p. 50 ). The main thing about the maintenance, according to Villu-NASA, is a specific and actually perceived situation.

In this case, an educator may not need even any explanations, instructions, notations. For example, 'When the child burns his finger or suits the fire, then pain and fear as real reinforcements without additional clarifications give the new motivational value of matches and the game with them, which led to these events'' (ibid., P. 74).

With regard to training and education of children, it means that in order for the impact of an educator or teacher to become significant for a child, it needs to be combined with a child who has a child at the moment by the emotion caused by any situation. Then this is the impact, the words of the educator will receive from educated emotional color, and their content will acquire motivation significance for its future behavior. But this means that the teacher can only count on the fact that the emotional situation that the emotional situation will arise by himself and then it uses it for educational purposes.

Villunas notes that emotional-motivational conditioning sometimes takes the character of the latent (I would say - settling) upbringing. This phenomenon manifests itself in the fact that a person who has not been adopted by a person who is not accepted for the first time in direct emotionic impacts is reinforced (a person is aware of the rightness of this edification:''jal, which did not obey ... ').

Speaking of the importance and extremely importantly of emotional-motivational condition in the process of raising a child, V. K. Vilyunas understands the limitations of its use and in connection with this leads to the statement of K. D. Ushinsky: '' In case, if any harmful health action the person was accompanied by immediately by the same body suffering, and every useful body pleasure, and if the same attitude existed in everyday life between spiritual pleasures and suffering, then the upbringing remained nothing to do in this regard and the person could go on The direct road pointing to him by His nature is also true and steadily, as a magnetic arrow refers to the north''''' (1950, vol. 10, p. 512-513). At the same time, Vilyunas notes,'Poscolc. There is no natural predefination to the development of human motivation itself, they can occur only as a result of the focused on their formation. Obviously, this task is one of the main decisions in the practice of upbringing''''' (1990, p. 61).

Since the emotional-motivational condition is not able to exercise more often, they are forced by their impacts not only to transmit children of this or that content, but at the same time they try to cause children by creating images, ideas an emotional response ( this method Motivation Vilyunas calls motivational media).An adult is forced to specifically organize this mediation, trying to achieve the same effect as with emotionally motivational conditioning,'dolgo and with impressive details telling about the horrors to which the game can be played with matches' (p. 74). An emotional response occurs when a verbal motivational impact hurts some strings in the soul of a child, its values. True, in children it is much more difficult to do than in adults. As Vilyunas writes, emotion due to the lack of direct emotionic effects ceases to be imminent and occurs based on the art of the educator, the readiness of the educated listen to his words (a child, in secretly waiting for the end of the resulting chosen to him, is unlikely to experience those emotions that adult suggests Call) and other conditions. It is the difficulty of actualization of emotions in this way, according to Vilyunas, is the main cause of the small efficiency of repositive educational effects and attempts to compensate for its perseverance and the number of these impacts - and this cannot disagree.

At the same time, an emotional response caused by his intensity in its intensity is inferior to spontaneously emerging emotions, since neither terrible burns, no burning of fire victims, i.e., what causes reliable reinforcement, with such an educational impact, but only should be represented by a child.

Declaring is extremely important to include in the process of learning a positive emotional background, psychologists and teachers pay little attention to studying the issue that at the case itself takes place in the educational process. Meanwhile, research testifies to the obvious emotional disadvantage of the educational process. N. P. Fetiskin (1993) discovered the state of monotonia (boredom) in students at the lectures of many teachers, in schoolchildren in classrooms, PTU students in the process of their production learning. I. A. Shurygin (1984) revealed the development of boredom in the classroom in children's music schools. A. Ya. Chebykin (1989A) showed that the emotions that students would like to experience in classes do not coincide with the emotions they are experiencing real (instead of hobbies, joy, curiosity are often noted indifference, boredom, fear). He also considered the question of which emotions are accompanied by various stages of learning material assimilation (Chebykin, 19896).

The role of emotions in the pedagogical process is the concept and species. Classification and features of the category "The Role of Emotions in the Pedagogical Process" 2017, 2018.

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Emotional type of personality teacher and its impact on the implementation of pedagogical activities


A special and important side of a person's life represent his emotions. If in perception, sensation, thinking reflects objects and phenomena, their various properties, all kinds of communication and dependencies, then in emotions and feelings, a person shows its attitude towards the content of the knowledgeable.

Emotions and feelings, like other mental phenomena, are various forms of reflection of the real world.

To date, the fact that emotions play a large role in the pedagogical process, permeating all of his parties is generally accepted. Future teachers not only need to know the patterns of the emotional life of the student, and contribute to the development of the emotional sector of the child, but also to be able to characterize their own emotional state, take into account their own emotionality when working with children. Emotional Personal Psychological Team

Scientists of the laboratory mental health them. Behtereva received striking research results. It turned out that 78.6% of the examined teachers have marked violations in the emotional sphere: decline in mood, an increase in anxiety, offending, irritability. In 91% there is a decrease in memory, attention, mental and physical performance. All this gives a reason to declare that in pedagogical purposes it is extremely important to pay attention to the formation and improvement of the emotional sphere of not only students, but also the teacher himself, since only the teacher who has its own emotional sphere formed to develop the emotional sphere of children.

The practical role of emotions in professional pedagogical activities, unfortunately, is not evaluated, ambiguously, sometimes contradictory. In any case, teachers and future teachers do not specifically prepare for possible emotional overloads, do not form relevant knowledge, skills, personal qualities necessary to minimize and overcome the emotional difficulties of the profession.

Today, the emotional sphere is deep, comprehensively studied and presented in the writings of both foreign and domestic psychologists (G.M. Breslav, V.K. Vilyunas, V. Witt, L.Ya. Dorfman, AC Zaporozhets, K. Izard, A.N. Leontiev, A.E. Olshannikova, L.A. Rabinovich, Ya. Reikovsky, S.L. Rubinstein, P.M. Jacobson, etc.). Many psychological theories have been created explaining the nature of the studied phenomenon (Ch. Darwin, W. Jems, K. Isard, K. Lange, A.N. Luk, P.V. Simonov, L. Festinger, S. Shekhter, etc.), The inextricable relationship of the components of the emotional sphere with cognitive processes (I.A. Vasilyev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, V.L. Power, S.L. Rubinstein et al.), Motifs, needs (R. Tank, K. Isard, A.N. Leontiev, Ya. Reikovsky, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.), volitional and regulation processes (L.I. Bogovich, N.V. Witt, 3. Freud, V. E. Klocheko, A.N. Leontiev.

The psychological features of the components of the emotional sphere (B.G. Ananiev, O.R. Bondarenko, AB Dmitriev, V.N. Kolesnikov, etc.), developed general methodological strategies for the formation of an emotional sphere (V.L. Gorokhova, O.S. Grebenyuk, S.L. Rubinstein, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, etc.).

Object of research - pedagogical activities.

Research Subject - Emotional Personal Types.

The purpose of this study is to study the impact of the emotional type of the personality of the teacher for the implementation of pedagogical activities.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were delivered:

1. Examine the concept and types of emotional types of personality;

2. Determine the role of emotional personal qualities in pedagogical activities;

3. Determine the emotional type of personality of teachers and its impact on the effectiveness of pedagogical activities.

Hypothesis research. The emotional type of personality teacher will have a positive effect on the implementation of pedagogical activities, if:

Research methods: Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, observation, survey.

The base of this study: MOU SOSH No. 115 Volgograd.

Chapter 1. The problem of the influence of the emotional type of teacher's personality on the implementation of pedagogical activity

1.1 Concept and types of pedagogical activities

The concept of activity is general scientific and refers to the main categories of various sciences: philosophy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, methods of teaching mathematics including. The concepts of various types of activities are essentially due to the interpretation of the generic concept of "activity".

Many scientists (L.I. Anziferova, A.G. Ball, N.V. Demin, MS Kagan, A.N. Leontiev, SL Rubinstein, etc.). M.S. Kagan defines activities as a "way of the human existence", and the person himself considers as an "activity being". A.N. Leontyev considers human activity as "every process of interaction between a subject with an object, provided that its focus in general coincides with the motive in which the need is specified, the need is defined."

In pedagogy, activities are also defined as human activity aimed at any change in reality. The generalized definition of activities from the point of view of pedagogy is given in the "pedagogical dictionary": under the activity they understand the most important form of manifestation of a person, his active attitudes towards the surrounding reality.

Based on the approach to the structure of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.A. Rubinstein, V.V. Davydova, M.S. Kagan, one can distinguish three main links in the structure of all human activity (cognitive, educational, educational and educational, professional-pedagogical, including):

1. Motivational-approximate (awareness of the goal and planning of upcoming actions);

2. Central-working (executive, operational, procedural);

3. Control and estimated (self-control in carrying out activities).

Pedagogical activities and its effectiveness are up toal in pedagogical science and practice.

Pedagogical activity is the only form of people aimed at reproduction of all other types of human activity, on the reproduction of the person himself as a subject of developed physically, mentally and spiritually, as an individual, as a person and as an individuality.

Pedagogical activity is a special kind of social activity aimed at transferring from high-end generations of the younger culture and experience accumulated humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparations for the implementation of certain social roles in society. The result of this activity is the level of child's personality development, compliance with its socio-economic and cultural and historical level of development of society. The success of the teacher is largely determined by the awareness of the essence of professional activities.

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activities are educational work and teaching.

Educational work is pedagogical activities aimed at organizing educational and managing a variety of activities of pupils in order to solve the problems of harmonious personality development.

The concept of "educational activity" is considered by I.D. Demakova as a pedagogical category. It emphasizes that it is particularly a particular category content that allows us to find out the semantic range, the semantic field, the framework in which the studied phenomenon can exist.

Teaching is such a type of pedagogical activity, which is aimed at managing the mainly cognitive activity of schoolchildren. By and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical. Such an understanding of the ratio of educational work and teaching discloses the meaning of the thesis on the unity of training and education.

Education in scientific understanding is one of the modes (states) of pedagogical activity. Another modus is an education.

The external side of the pedagogical activity is fixed behind the upbringing - adaptation in the medium, "the assimilation and reproduction of cultural values \u200b\u200band social norms", - in one word, the introduction of a person into the system of social roles. The inner side of pedagogical activities associated with the personal characteristics of a person, with his "self-reliable self-realization in the Society in which he lives is enshrined.

Having brought up, the person is included in the system of social roles and at the same time is formed, acquires new knowledge and develops personal qualities. And on the contrary - formed, improving, self-development, a person is brought up, its value system is formed, it seizes sociocultural samples.

Teaching carried out in the framework of any organizational form, and not just a lesson, it is usually a rigid time frame, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is to achieve an educational goal. Educational work, also carried out in the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue a direct achievement of the target, as it is unattainable to limited by the temporary framework of organizational form. In educational work, it is possible to provide only a consistent solution of specific tasks targeting target. The most important criterion for effective solutions of educational tasks are positive changes in the consciousness of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activity.

The content of learning, and, therefore, and the logic of learning can be programmed, which does not allow the content of educational work. The formation of knowledge, skills and skills from the field of ethics, aesthetics and other sciences and arts, the study of which is not provided for by curricula, essentially there is nothing more than learning. In educational work, planning is applied only in the most common features: attitude to society, work, people, nature, etc. The logic of educational work of the teacher in each individual class cannot be predetermined by regulatory documents.

The subject of educational activities is an educator who has become educational purposes. But the schoolboy may refer to itself as a subject of self-improvement. Then the second entity of upbringing is a schoolboy. Objects are also two: schoolboy-pupil and conditions affecting directly on the pupil. To distinguish the activities of the educator, directed directly to education and conditions, are introduced for them distinguishing names: educational activities and activities to create educational conditions. The ratio of these species is very mobile, since the educator almost always sends its activities at the same time and on the creation of conditions and on the influence on the identity of the schoolchild.

It can be assumed that pedagogical education is based solely on the principle of social purpose of pedagogical activities. Indeed, pedagogics originated from social needs - the preparation of children to social production. From the point of view of public need for pedagogy, everything is more clearly becoming an activity contributing to the formation of free individuality.

1.2 Concept of emotional types of personality

Throughout the centuries-old history of research, emotions used the most close attention from scientists - philosophers (R. Vallett, I.A. Vasilyev, L.S. Vygotsky, I. Kant, S.L. Rubinstein, A. Encen, etc.) , teachers and psychologists (L.I. Bajovich, V.K. Vilyunas, V. Wundt, B.I. Dodonov, K. Levin, A.N. Leontiev, A. Masu, M. Balani, P.V. Simonov , P.M. Jacobson, etc.). This phenomenon was given one of the central roles among the forces defining the inner life and actions of a person.

Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states reflecting in the form of direct experiences of a pleasant or unpleasant process and the result of practical activities aimed at meeting the urgent needs.

Emotions are one of the most ancient on the origin of psychic states and processes. Life without emotions would be just as impossible, as without sensations. Emotions, argued Ch. Darwin, arose in the process of evolution as a means, with the help of which living beings establish the importance of certain conditions to meet the relevant needs for them.

Almost all elementary organic sensations have their own emotional tone. There is a fact that every emotional state is usually accompanied by many physiological changes in the body, which exists between the emotions and activities of the body.

In human life, emotions perform the following functions:

The urgenition (still only an emergency is emerging, as emotion already occurs. This is the so-called motivational arousal);





Regulation of behavior and processes of knowledge (emotions accompany the behavior of the need before evaluating the result);

Evaluation (reflects the significance of the incentive and the result for an individual);

Expression (expression outside, which is important for affirmations).

There are three levels of manifestation of emotions:

At the body level (vegetative reactions);

At the behavioral level (all emotions, one way or another manifest in behavior);

At the level of psychological experiences.

From the same classification, the ways of impact on emotions are also stem. Depending on the immediate form of experiences, orientation, duration, severity, tension and source of occurrence, emotional manifestations are divided into:

Actually, emotions (in a narrow sense) - long states, weakly manifested in external behavior, expressing an estimated personal attitude to the developing or possible situations, to their activities and their manifestations in it;

Feelings - arise as a result of the generalization of emotions, have a distinct subject characterized, are characterized by stability, low intensity, duration, awareness, communications with objects, people, etc.;

The affect is a strong, relatively short-term emotional experience, accompanied by sharply pronounced motor and visceral manifestations, characterized by a large intensity, uncontrolled, narrowing consciousness, short-term;

The mood is a long, relatively balanced and sustainable general emotional state, painting individual mental processes and human behavior;

Passion is a long, significantly expressed and intense emotional ratio with a focus, the concentration of feelings on a specific object or the form of activity.

There are high-quality characteristics of emotions based on the subjective attitude of the individual to the object. In this regard, allocate:

A positive subjective attitude, which is an indicator of what satisfies satisfying or could satisfy the emergence;

Negative subjective attitude, which is an indicator of what prevents, prevented or may prevent this;

Dual (ambivalent) subjective attitude, which reflects the simultaneous existence of a positive and negative attitude to the object;

An indefinite subjective attitude, which reflects the short-term state of orientation in new impressions, quickly turning into a positive or negative.

Emotions are a relatively more simple form of an estimated, subjective attitude to reality compared to feelings. Emotions can be deployed in awareness, and in an unconscious form. Feelings are one of the main forms of experience of the person of his attitude to subjects and phenomena of reality; They differ quite high stability, complexity and, as a rule, awareness. In contrast to the properties of situationality of emotions, reflecting the subjective values \u200b\u200bof objects and events in particular conditions, feelings are related to phenomena with stable motivation. Feelings are therefore less "tied" to the situation, but more characterize the identity and its motives. Thus, in this way, according to the degree of complexity, awareness, stability, subjectability, emotions and feelings are simultaneously similar in that they perform two forms of person's personal attitude to the surrounding reality and to themselves.

Emotions and feelings perform two basic functions - signal and regulating. First, they are peculiar signals that what is happening is the greatest value for the personality. Secondly, they define to a certain extent, regulate the content of human behavior, affecting the features of this process - tensions, duration, methods, etc. Depending on the color, the colors allocate their main main groups - positive and negative. The first are indicated as a lighthead, i.e. reinforcing human mental capabilities; The second is as asthenic, negatively affecting activities, behavior, condition. Along with positive and negative, there is an extensive sphere of so-called ambivalent (dual) emotions and feelings. They are characterized by a combination of positive and negative relations to the same subject, phenomenon, man.

Emotions and feelings are personal education. They characterize a person socially psychologically. Stressing his own value of emotional processes, V. K. Vilyunas writes: "The emotional event can cause the formation of new emotional relations to various circumstances ... The subject of love-hatred becomes everything that is learned by the subject as the cause of pleasure-displeasure."

In addition, emotions are crucial for the development of the personality. They strongly affect socialization processes, because The emotions that a person experiences most often in childhood (whether they are negative or positive) are postponed in his psyche and can emerge on the surface when it becomes an adult, externally manifested in the characteristics of the character, the relationship of him to the world.

The brightness and variety of emotional relations make a person more interesting. It responds to a wide variety of reality phenomena: music and poems are worried, the latest achievements of technology, etc. The wealth of their own experiences helps her more deeply understand what is happening, more subtremely penetrate the experiences of people, their relationship among themselves.

Many scientists (A.N. Leontiev, E.V. Shorokhov, M.I. Bobnev et al.) There is a concept as emotional processes, in most cases defined as a wide class of internal regulation processes. Emotional processes perform this feature, reflecting the meaning that objects and situations affect the subject, their values \u200b\u200bfor exercising in life. So, A.N. Leontyev in his work "Needs, motives and emotions" argues that the emotional processes include affects, actually emotions, feelings. From the point of view of Ya Reikovsky, the emotional process occurs in conditions of a significant situation for an individual and is characterized by the following parameters: the accumulation of emotional arousal, emotional explosion, emotional plateau, emotional discharge.

The above-mentioned facts indicate that such terms as "emotional experience", "emotional state", the "emotional process" is related to the fact that they reflect the attitude to reality, and the main element is the experience. Revealed similarities in a meaningful aspect, as they reflect the same phenomena (emotions, feelings, affects, mood). Differences are manifested in high-quality properties. Thus, emotional states and emotional experiences characterize the duration and force of manifestation; Emotional processes, in contrast to the first, reflect the internal regulation of activities and detect a certain structure.

The concept of "emotional process" is interrelated with such a characteristic of a subject, as an "emotional trait", the basis of which, according to K. Isard, is two or more fundamental emotions, manifested relatively stable and often. The author allocates four main emotional features of a person: anxiety, depression, hostility and love. Emotional process in unity with an emotional feature, according to I.S. Kona, G.O. Drobkhnitsky, A.I. Titarenko et al., Are an emotional phenomenon that regulates at the level of personal mechanisms.

IN scientific works Berge, nor. Krasnogorsk, B.C. Merlin, A.E. Olarinnikova, B.M. Teplova and others are considered such a concept as "emotionality". This phenomenon is determined as a human property characterizing the content, quality and dynamics of its emotions and feelings. A.E. Oljannikova argues that the meaningful aspects of emotionality reflect the phenomena and situations that are of particular importance for the subject, and are associated with the moral aspirations of the personality, its worldview, value orientations, etc. The qualitative properties of emotionality characterize the attitude of the individual to the phenomena of the world and find their expression in the dominant sign. modality.

Emotionality is one of the most important characteristics of human individuality. Emotionality as a person's property was also mentioned by Hippocratic when he spoke about the choleric type of temperament.

In the broadest understanding, emotionality is defined as "the ability to experience emotions." Currently, three aspects of emotionality are allocated and examined: dynamic, high-quality and meaningful.

The leading, rods are considered qualitative features of emotionality, since they express the essence of the emotional experience - the attitude of a person to the surrounding reality, other people, to themselves. The qualitative properties of emotionality characterize the sustainable tendency of a person to experience the emotions of this sign and modality. Four modalities are emotions as the main, joy, anger, fear and sadness. More frequent and intensive experience of one of these emotions indicates its dominance in the high-quality structure of emotionality, which gives the appropriate emotional color to everything inner world man and affects his behavior. In recent studies, the modal structure of emotionality is considered not only in terms of dominance of one or another emotion, but as the ranking sequence of four basal emotions, which makes it possible to take into account their relationship and mutual influence. The role of this structure in communication is undoubted: the behavior and experiences of people are painted by an individual combination of basal emotions, in addition, the effect of exposure to them to communicate partners is also different.

Emotionality - human properties characterizing the content, quality and dynamics of its emotions and feelings. The meaningful aspects of emotionality reflect phenomena and situations that have particularly significant for the subject. They are inextricably linked with the sodal features of the person, its moral potential: the reference of the motivational sphere, worldview, value orientations, and so on. The qualitative properties of emotionality characterize the attitude of the individual to the phenomena of the surrounding world and find their expression in the sign and modality of the dominant emotions. The dynamic properties of emotionality include the peculiarities of the occurrence of the occurrence and termination of emotional processes and their external expression. Emotionality is one of the main (along with the activity) of the temperature components.

V.D. Nebylitsyn determines emotionality as an extensive complex of properties and qualities characterizing the features of the occurrence and termination of various feelings, affects and moods. As the main characteristics of emotionality, it highlights impressionability, impulsivity and emotional lability. An impressionable person expresses the affective susceptibility of a person, sensitivity to emotional effects. The impulsiveness of V.D. Nebilyitsyn understands how the speed with which emotion becomes an incentive force of actions and actions without their preliminary thinking and conscious decision to fulfill them. Under emotional lability, he understands the speed with which this emotional state is terminated or one experience is shown to others.

The meaningful aspects of emotionality reflect phenomena and situations that have particularly significance for humans. The qualitative properties of emotionality characterizes the attitude of the individual to the phenomena of the surrounding world and find their expression in the sign and modality of the dominant emotions. The dynamic properties of emotionality A. E. Olshannikova refers the features of the occurrence of the occurrence and termination of emotional processes and their external expression (expression).

In the process of vital activity based on medial and genetic prerequisites, a person forms sustainable emotional qualities - emotional features and properties.

These properties depend on the type of higher nervous activity man.

The emotional features of the personality include its emotional reactivity, excitability, affecting, emotional stability, the overall emotional tone, the power of emotional reactions and their external expression - expressiveness.

But these emotional features in the process of socialization undergo significant changes, receive social cut.

A person resorts to disguise and imitation of immediate emotional manifestations, tears to restrain them, forms emotional stability, tolerance is the ability to transfer difficulties. Not everyone succeeds in the same extent.

In some large emotional excitability combines with large emotional stability, others - it often leads to emotional breakdowns, loss of self-control. In some people, the emotional sphere is extremely limited.

Manifestations of emotional anomaly - asynonymia (emotional insensitiousness) are also possible.

The emotionality of a person, his speech, mimic, pantomimic manifestations speak of its value orientations and dynamic features of mental activity.

Emotional qualities form an emotional type of personality.

Value differ:




Frigid (cold).

Sentimental type people are prone to self-pressing. They look at the whole world through the prism of their emotional states. They are sensitive and passive. Their feelings are directed at themselves. They may sin, shedding tears. They are inherent due to their feelings.

Emotional type people are easily excited, emotionally impressionable, impulsive. They are deeply worried about their actions, often repent. But in the future, impulsive breakdowns again allow.

Passionate nature is emotionally rapidly, are highly stubborn in achieving goals. The items of their passions can be meaningful, worthy and insignificant. They live intense, emotionally rich life, they constantly have a subject of passion. Stormy energy they spend fully.

Emotional-frigid types - cold-minded people. Their emotional manifestations are minimal, they are not able to penetrate the emotional state of other people, to anticipate their possible emotional reactions in various situations. They are devoid of empathy.

The emotionality of the individual is associated with its moral, spiritual potential. In the pleasure and suffering of a person, his entire personal structure is manifested. But the ownership of emotions is one of the advantages of man. To own their emotions - does not mean being insensitive, not to suppress them, it means to own emotional reactions.

1.3 The role of emotional personal qualities in pedagogical activities

Pedagogical activity is practical training activities (knowledge transfer), upbringing (the formation of qualities and beliefs) and education (accumulation and transformation into the organic unity of knowledge, skills and skills and moral qualities of personality).

Pedagogical activity is the professional activity of the teacher, with the help of various actions of the decisive task of learning and raising children.

Pedagogical activity is labor technology, pedagogical communication, climate and atmosphere, and the identity is the value orientation, ideals, the inner meaning of the work of the teacher. Modernity places increasingly stringent and versatile requirements for pedagogical activities.

In pedagogical activities, the role of pedagogical communication is especially great.

Pedagogical communication is a system of limited socio-psychological interaction of the teacher and educated, the content of which is the exchange of information, the provision of educational impact, the organization of relationships with commutative means. The teacher is the initiator of this process, organizing it and managing it.

A.A. Leontyev, defining pedagogical communication, with all the sharpness raised the question of its optimal organization. According to his interpretation under the optimal organization of the educational process, "such communication of the teacher (and wider - a pedagogical team) with schoolchildren in the learning process, which creates the best conditions for the proper formation of the student of the student, provides a favorable emotional climate of training (in particular, prevents the emergence of a" psychological barrier "), ensures the management of socio-psychological processes in children's team And allows you to maximize the teacher's personal features in the educational process. "

It is widely known that any activity, including pedagogical, which is directly related to knowledge and impact on the subject of knowledge (in our case on students) is organically related to the emotional experience of a person.

Only outstanding humanist teachers spoke about insufficient attention to the emotional component of the educational process at school. So V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.A. Amonashvili, S.M. Bondarevskaya, E.N. Ilyin, M.N. Skatkin was indicated for insufficient emotionalization of the pedagogical process. "In school practice, the role of emotions in learning is clearly underestimated. We have created a learning process very clever, logical, but it gives very little food for positive emotions."

However, only the teacher who manifested the school of the harmonic emotional and rational development of the world and especially the fragment of reality, which is associated with professional activities can emotionalize the school pedagogical process. All this causes the feasibility of saturation by the emotions of the process of professional pedagogical education as a whole, and the study of pedagogical disciplines in particular, since they are closest to professional-pedagogical activities.

The composition of the professionally conditioned properties and characteristics of the teacher, among others, expressive qualities are included (high emotional-volitional tone, optimism, emotional susceptibility and responsiveness, composure, tolerance, excerpt, sense of humor).

According to psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, K. Izard), "emotional reactions have a significant impact on all forms of our behavior and moments of the educational process," therefore they cannot be ignored and left behind the doors of educational institutions. It should be emphasized that the age of youth is a period of the strongest emotional experiences in a person's life, which justifies the special need for the emotions of the pedagogical process.

This plan is of interest to study V. Prokopenko. Especially presented by the author's emotion function in the pedagogical process, namely: information, communicative, educational, diagnostic, regulatory. The functions of emotions reflect the general substitution characteristics of this phenomenon, they are more or less known to specialists on the problems of ethics and aesthetics, as well as researchers of the emotional sphere of man.

Everything that happens in school, in particular, relationships with peers and teachers has the most direct influence on the formation of a student of a schoolboy.

The teacher speaks not only as a carrier of knowledge, but also as a person who is able to react emotionally to everything around. Currently, the ability to experience and empathy (empathy) is recognized as one of the significant qualities of the teacher and the educator. The teacher should be able to properly emotionally respond to someone else's pain and problems, be able to sympathize. The teacher must choose the optimal style of emotional communication with students.

The style of emotional communication to a significant extent determines the effectiveness of training and education, as well as the features of the development of the personality and the formation of relationships in the classroom.

Pedagogical communication should be emotionally comfortable and personally developing. Increased emotionality, the impulsivity of the teacher is tired of students, make them constantly be in an excited state, which can lead to a conflict between the teacher and the student. Excessive composure, calm, similar to indifference, lead students to the state of apathy, make a lesson boring, and self-confiscation itself. Thus, a psychological atmosphere depends on the style of pedagogical communication, emotional well-being.

Sometimes teachers experience large neuropsychiatric loads that manifest themselves in gradual emotional fatigue and emptying.

"Emotional burnout syndrome" - the negative impact of professional activity on the person in the field of a person man, manifested in the form of certain changes in the behavior and human condition.

There is a narrower interpretation of fenomed burnout, in the center of which lies with emotions and senses of man. Emotional burnout, according to Dr. Psychological Sciences Boyko Viktor Vasilyevich, is a personally developed mechanism for psychological protection in the form of a complete or partial exclusion of emotions (lowering their energy) in response to elected psychotrauming effects. This stereotype of the emotional perception of reality is under the influence of a number of factors and prerequisites - external and internal.

The big emotional tension of teachers is explained by their supercondancy on the process of fulfilling the plan, a sense of fear (against the background of personal anxiety). The introduction of noise interference, the time limit and other stressful factors does not significantly affect the nature of emotional tensions.

In the process of a theoretical study, the concept and types of emotional types of personality were studied, the role of emotional qualities of the individual in pedagogical activity was determined.

Emotion is a reaction in the form of a subjectively dyed experimental experience, reflecting the importance for it affecting the irritant or the result of its own action (satisfaction or dissatisfaction).

The emotional world of man is diverse and diverse. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe wealth and manifold of the emotional sphere of personality gives the concepts of sensual tone, affects, stress, sentiment. All this is the forms of manifestation of human emotions.

Distinguish various types of emotionality. Emotionality is one of the most important characteristics of a person and affects practically all aspects of its activities.

The influence of emotionality on the implementation of pedagogical activities is especially great.

The type of emotionality of the personality of the teacher to a significant extent determines the effectiveness of training and education, as well as the features of the development of the personality and the formation of relations in the classroom.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the impact of the emotional type of teacher's personality for pedagogical activities

2.1 Diagnostics of the emotional type of teacher's personality

An experimental study of the influence of the emotional type of personality of the teacher to exercise pedagogical activity was carried out on the basis of school No. 115.

At the first stage, the diagnosis was carried out by the emotional type of personality in teachers who teach in 7 "a" class, by the method of questionnaire. A questionnaire was developed to determine the severity of human emotional reactions.

The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. Do you often laugh with students?

2. Do you shout to students?

3. Are you happy with the students to successes?

5. Do you hug your students?

6. Do your emotions reflect on your face?

7. Do you share your feelings with students?

8. If you have a bad mood, does it happen that you tear it on students?

9. Do you emotionally react to the actions of your students?

10. Is students always know about your mood?

11. You can easily withdraw from yourself?

12. Did it happen that you behaved too emotionally (the notebooks tear up, clapped the door, etc.)?

13. Have you been allowed to hit the student at least once or give it a slap?

14. Does your lesson always take place in the emotional lift?

15. Do you encourage our own emotions in children?

16. Is it important for you to know which emotional state is experiencing your student?

Answer options: Yes - 2 points, sometimes 1 point, no - 0 points.

The maximum number of scored points indicated the increased emotionality of the teacher.

As a result of the analysis of the questionnaires, the following groups of teachers were allocated:

Teachers, characterized by increased emotionality (3 people). I.V., N.N. and I.M. Brightly show their emotions, often express their senses to students, sometimes they react unnecessary to the behavior of students, the teachers recognized that they sometimes allow to hit or wander the student.

Teachers, distinguished by medium emotionality (4 people). O. V., I.N., S.A., I.V. In general, try to restrain their emotions, rarely increase the voice on students, do not allow themselves to react too emotionally to the behavior of students, but sometimes they joke with children, they are following the emotional comfort of children, encourage the expression of their own emotions.

Teachers with a low degree of emotionality (3 people). O. M., E. N., N. K. Try not to express their emotions, feelings and sentiment held with them, is sometimes held coldly with students, students' mood and practically do not worry.

Thus, three types of emotionality of teachers were distinguished: I.V., N.N. were taken to the first type (increased emotionality). and I.M., to the second type (average emotionality) belong to O. V., I.N., S.A., I.V., to the third type (low emotionality) O. M., E. N., N. K.

2.2 Analysis of the impact of the emotional qualities of the teacher on the effectiveness of pedagogical activity

At the second stage, the features of pedagogical activity were studied, its effectiveness and was concluded about the relationship of the emotional type of teacher's personality on pedagogical activities. Research Methods: Summary of Pupils, Conversation.

The following questionnaire was developed and proposed:

1. At whose lesson, do you feel more comfortable?

2. Which lesson is particularly bored for you?

3. Which lesson takes the time for some time?

4. At whose lesson, the time flies quickly?

5. Which teachers most often joking in the lesson?

6. From the teacher's lesson, do you leave in high spirits?

7. From the teacher's lesson, do you leave more often in the oppressed mood?

8. Which teachers take care of your mood?

9. Which teachers do your feelings?

10. Which teachers most often increases the voice?

11. Which teachers are overly emotionally reacting?

12. Which of the teachers is a lesson in the emotional lift?

13. At whose lesson you are most tired?

14. Are the emotions of teachers reflected on the quality of the educational process?

15. Does you tire with excessive emotionality of the teacher?

As a result of the analysis of the questionnaire, the following data were obtained.

From the question: "Whose lesson do you feel more comfortable?" The following answers were obtained: at the lesson I. V. - 5 people, I. N. - 4 people and O. V. - 3 people. These teachers possess medium emotionality.

From the question: "Which lesson is particularly bored for you?" The following teachers were named: O. V., E.N., N.K. These are teachers with a low degree of emotionality.

Similar answers were received from questions "At whose lesson, the time is especially forgotten?". Called O. V., E. N., N.K.

The time is quickly flies at the lessons I. V. and N. N .. These are teachers with increased emotionality.

Most often joking at the lesson I. M. and I. N. and precisely from their lessons, children most often leaving the mood.

In the oppressed mood, we leave most often from Urkovov N.N., I. V., O.V. As an increased emotionality of teachers, and its absence tires students.

Among the teachers who care about the mood of students and whom are concerned about the emotional state of students, called I.V., N. N., et al.

According to the majority of students (7 people - 70%), the emotions of teachers are reflected in the quality of the educational process. At the same time, excessive emotionality of the teacher tires 6 people (60%).

Many students please the emotional manifestation of teachers when Teachers can joke, and cheer up, and to sympathize with students. But almost everyone oppresses excessive emotionality of teachers, when those screaming, increase their voice, react violently to the acts of students.

In the process of conversation with students, some features of the manifestation of emotional qualities of teachers were studied. Thus, students told the following: "In the lesson, Natalia Konstantinovna (Russian) we just fell asleep. One teaching could have long and tediously at the board, the teacher for a long time and slowly checked his work, and we all laid down. But when, once another teacher was pretty, we just woke up, the tasks were poured one after another, we guess the riddles, then competed, they performed some interesting exercises, while the teacher did not get tired of joking and encourage us. "

From the story of another student: "We have mathematics (Nadezhda Nikolaevna) flies like five minutes, we are like horses in the race, who will come faster. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher issues the tasks numbers that need to be solved in the lesson and homework numbers. He who has time to do everything leaves home without homework. So we have a permanent race. We have time to do a lot: and the tasks will decide and get to the board, we will receive the assessment and will answer the questions of the teacher and make homework. " Many such topics like this work, noted that it is so faster flying faster, but some frankly admitted that after the lesson, they feel "survivors", tired and in the next lesson prefer not to do anything.

From a conversation with students, it became clear that many teachers behave overly emotionally towards students. For example, the following examples were given: "Once, I very badly wrote a test work, I made a lot of dirt in the notebook, then the teacher simply broke my notebook and forced to rewrite"; "And when I studied in the first grade, one teacher broke the pointer about me and forced to buy"; "And one teacher was clinging to me and we were constantly scandalous with her, and once I called her, and she chased her on the corridor and hit me on the head of the bag"; "And we had a student in the classroom, he called the teacher, so she took and spit on him, and he is a fist in his stomach for it; "And when I studied in another school we had such a teacher, no one loved her from the boys, and we were constantly brought it. So she traveled us out of class. But it is impossible to drive out and we did not leave. So she is on us directly, how will eave one day. And someone else her notebook broke, so she grabbed this notebook, began to run around the class and pokes everyone in the face: did you break it? And for some reason decided that this is me. So she ran up to me and took my notebook broke, and then turned his back, and someone spat on her back. So she later learned, and did not let the next lesson, says, go where we go, I will not teach you. So we did not go to her for a whole month until the parents found out. "

Some examples in school practice will meet a lot. However, many prefer not to tell about it. And nevertheless, such cases happen very often.

Teachers - Emotional people. Especially emotionally unstable and impulsive young teachers. By virtue of a small difference in the age and lack of experience, many young teachers enter into close emotional contact with students, allow friendly arms, expression of feelings, emotions. In our practice there was a case when one young teacher welcomed his students friendly arms, so then these students allowed themselves to be obscene to her address when the conflict occurred. The teacher should be able to keep the distance, but also not giving up too far.

Many and adult teachers behave like children: they are offended on students, long remember the offense, do not forgive, punish the assessment, offensive word, etc.

An experienced teacher should be an example of its students in the culture of emotions, in the expression of feelings, only then children will learn to correctly express their feelings, express emotions.

Thus, it can be concluded that excessive emotionality of teachers adversely affects the quality of the educational process: the students are faster, they feel oppressed, more often enter conflicts. Negatively affects the educational process and the absence of any emotionality: the lesson becomes boring, the time stretches for a long time, the performance decreases.

So, on the basis of school No. 115, a study was conducted by the influence of the emotional qualities of the teacher on the effectiveness of pedagogical activities.

In the course of practical research, the features of emotional types of personality of teachers were studied, their level of emotionality was diagnosed, which was increased in 30% of teachers, average in 40% and lowered in 30%.

As a result of the study, the manifestations of emotional qualities of personality were also studied, the features of the emotional behavior of teachers in the educational process, the influence of the emotionality of the teacher on the quality of the educational process was noted, the emotional state of statement of students. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded on the effect of the emotional qualities of the teacher on the effectiveness of pedagogical activities.

In the course of practical research, we were convinced that both excessive emotionality of teachers and its absence adversely affects the quality of the educational process. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on the skill of the teacher to choose the desired emotional tone, to react to the behavior of students, to restrain the excessive manifestation of negative emotions, to encourage the development of positive emotions in students, maintain the optimal emotional attitude of students in the lesson.


So, in the process of this study, the influence of the emotional type of personality of the teacher for the implementation of pedagogical activity was studied.

In the process of theoretical study, the concept and types of emotional types of personality were studied, the role of emotional qualities of the person in pedagogical activity was determined.

Emotions are defined as one of the forms of mental reflection, consisting in direct, preissing experiences of phenomena and situations caused by the ratio of their objective properties and the needs of the subject.

Emotionality, which is one of the most important characteristics of a person, affects practically all aspects of its activities.

People belonging to different emotional types, express thoughts and emotions in different ways. Emotional types always seek to express their thoughts and feelings using verbal and non-verbal funds. They appreciate the interlocutors an abilities openness and temperament. By their face, you can always read what they feel, they cannot hide their emotions for a long time, they express them brightly. Representatives of non-modest types do not express emotions clearly, try to suppress their emotions, it is difficult to understand that they feel, they are despicable, balanced and value balance and self-control in others.

Pedagogical activity - emotional activities. In school, in the student and pedagogical groups, they boil emotions, sometimes splashing through the edge.

The teacher is the main link, the main element, the basis, the soul and the heart of the education system. A special importance in pedagogical science acquires an emotional and personal factor in the relationship between the teacher and children, the meeting of equal consciousness, the ability of the teacher to such interaction, which generates the activity of the child.

The success of training also depends on the professionalism and emotionality of the teacher, which is the main condition for the transfer of "charge of passion" by the subject, an awakening of genuine interest.

In the process of practical research, the emotional types of teachers personality were identified and analyzed their influence on the effectiveness of pedagogical activities.

Thus, the purpose of the study is achieved, the tasks are solved. The hypothesis was confirmed.

So, during the study, it was concluded that the emotional type of personality of the teacher would be positively influenced by the implementation of pedagogical activities, if:

The formation of emotionality of pedagogical activity is carried out;

In pedagogical activities, the emotional component is taken into account;

The teacher is able to establish the optimal emotional tone of pedagogical communication.

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