Abstract of lectures on psychology for students. Abstract of psychology lectures

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Priazovsky State Technical University

Department of Sociology I. social work

V.V. Maslova

Lecture Abstract for discipline


for day and correspondence department

technical specialties

Mariupol 2009.

Psychology. A summary of lectures for students of the day and absentee branch of technical specialties. / PSTU. Cafe. Sociology and social work, IPF; Cost. V.V. Maslova. - Mariupol.2009.- 92 p.

Tutorial Prepared in accordance with government requirements to the mandatory minimum content and level of graduate training higher School According to the cycle "Socio-humanitarian disciplines." The proposed course of lectures present the main psychological concepts and categories, as well as their characteristics. Particular attention is paid to the psychology of the personality; Opened psychological mechanisms Formation of the personality and its interaction with other people.

Designed for students of technical specialties.

Reviewer: M.D.Lapina, St.Pr.

Cost. V.V. Maslova, St.Pr.

Responsible for the release: V.V. Kharabet, Assoc., Ph.D.,

Head Kakaf. Sociology I.

Social work


At a meeting of the department

"Sociology and social work"

Protocol number 3 of 10/16/2009


At the meeting of the Academic Council

Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty

Protocol number from 2009.


The peculiarities of the modern stage of development of our society determine the need for a fundamental improvement in the training of specialists, mastering them the foundations of psychological knowledge and successfully applying them in practice.

The textbook was prepared for a wide range of students regardless of the professional direction and specialty, intended for the concentrated study and systematization of educational material on the "psychology" discipline.

The manual is a compact essay of the theory and practice of psychology. Educational material The benefits are deposfeissionalized, outlined in a brief and accessible form, both in content and the outlining style.

Objectives and objectives of studying the discipline "Psychology":

To obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of the human psyche, about the ratio of natural and social factors in its formation, as well as how the awareness of the people around the world and himself takes place;

Learn to giving psychological characteristic personality, as well as explain their own mental processes, properties, states;

Master the simplest techniques of their mental self-regulation;

Learn to be aware of the features of the interaction of people in the process of communication and joint activities;

Send the receptions that increase the effectiveness of communication.

The sequence of presentation in the proposed course of lectures reflects the logic of perception by the future specialist of the new circle of problems. The manual includes five topics regarding independent content, but interrelated.

For the convenience of mastering the course, each of the software topics is divided into several relative to independent questions, which can be the subject of speeches at seminar classes, serve as a topic of abstracts.

The circle of problems considered in the proposed lecture course is specified in the list of skills preparing each topic.

An conscious and deeper assimilation of the material will be facilitated by the search for answers to control questions And the tasks proposed for each topic. In this case, it is advisable to use the sources given in the lists of references to each topic.

Lecture 1.

^ Introduction to psychology

1. Subject, principles and sectors of psychology.

2. Stages of formation and directions psychological science.

3. Methods psychological research.

4. The concept of the psyche. Classification of mental phenomena.

5. Consciousness as the highest stage of the development of the psyche.

6. Special states of psyche and human consciousness.

Basic concepts : psychology, principles of psychology, directions of psychology, methods of psychology, mental phenomena, consciousness, conscious, subconscious, unconscious.

Having studied this topic, you should be able to:

Formulate the subject and tasks of psychology as science;

Explain the methodological principles of psychology;

Allocate the main stages of the formation of psychological science;

Reveal the place of psychology in the system of sciences about a person;

List the industries and the main directions of psychological science;

Analyze the methods of psychology and the conditions for their proper use;

Reveal the essence of the concept of a psyche, list the main forms of manifestation of the psyche;

Explain the relationship of conscious, subconscious and unconscious.

^ 1. Item, principles and sectors of psychology

Psychology - Science of general mental laws of human interaction with the environment. Psychology (Psyche - Soul, Logos - Science) - studies the world of spiritual phenomena, processes and states, conscious or unconscious people.

Generally methodology (from Greek. Methods - the path of research, knowledge, logos - doctrine) defines the principles that are guided by a person in their activities. Domestic psychology as methodological distinguishes the following principles of materialistic psychology:

1) the principle of determinism This means that the psyche is determined by lifestyle and is rebuilt with a change in lifestyle.

^ 2) the principle of the relationship of psyche and activity The principle of unity of consciousness and activity means that the consciousness is manifested and formed in the process of carrying out activities by a person.

^ 3) principle of development of the psyche, consciousness in activity This means that the psyche and consciousness are considered as a development product and the result of activity (game, educational, labor, etc.).

^ 4) the principle of studying the human psyche in the relationship of biological and social factors ;

5) Personal approach This means that when studying any mental phenomena of man (properties, states, processes), the inclusion of the phenomenon in the structure of a complete personality is taken into account.

Psychology is closely interconnected with other sciences, occupying an important place in the system of sciences about a person. So, for a long time, being one of the sections philosophy, Psychology inevitably took fundamentally important theoretical provisions to solve problems from this science. Thus, philosophy is methodological basis Psychology. Obvious the relationship of psychology with natural sciences - biology, physiology, chemistry, physics, etc., with which you can explore the physiological and biological processes of the brain underlying the psyche. Psychology bring together S. humanitarian sciences (sociology, history, linguistics, art historics, etc.) studying the interaction of the personality and its closest environment; Interest in the peculiarities of a mental, mental warehouse in various historical epochs; The role of the language in the cultural and mental development of man, the problem of creativity. No less obvious connection of psychology with pedagogy. It is possible to effectively teach and educate only on the basis of the knowledge of the laws, according to which the human psyche develops. Diverse communication of psychology with medicine. General points of contact These sciences are in studying the problem of violation of mental activities, in the psychological substantiation of the peculiarities of the interaction of the doctor and the patient, in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases. Interrelation of psychology I. technical Sciences It manifests itself, on the one hand, in identifying the optimal psychological conditions of human interaction and machine, on the other, in the development of technical means, instruments for studying the manifestations of the psyche.

^ Psychology industry

Zoopsychology- studies the features of the psyche of animals.

Age and pedagogical psychology - studies the psychological features of people of different ages, as well as the patterns of personality development in the process of learning and education

^ Social Psychology - studies the socio-psychological manifestations of a person's personality, his relationship with people, socio-psychological manifestations in large groups.

^ Psychology of labor - considers the psychological peculiarities of human labor activities, the patterns of development of labor skills.

Engineering psychology - studies the patterns of human interaction processes and modern techniques.

^ Medical psychology - studies the psychological features of the doctor's work and behavior of the patient, develops psychological methods Treatment and psychotherapy

Pathopsychology - studies the deviations in the development of the psyche, the decay of the psyche at various forms Brain pathology.

^ Legal psychology - studies the psychological peculiarities of the behavior of the participants in the criminal process, psychological problems The behavior and formation of the personality of the criminal.

^ Differentiation of psychology The industry is complemented by counter integration processAs a result of which the docking of psychology takes place almost with all sciences: through engineering psychology - with technical sciences; through pedagogical psychology - with pedagogy; Through social psychology - with public and social sciences.

^ 2. Stages of formation and directions

psychological science

The formation of psychological science can be divided into 4 stage:

Stage 1- Psychology as a science about the soul. Such a definition of psychology was given more than 2 thousand years ago. The presence of the soul tried to explain all the incomprehensible phenomena in a person's life.

2 stage- Psychology as a science of consciousness. Arises in the 17th century due to the development natural Sciences. The ability to think, feel, wishing called consciousness.

3 stages- Psychology as a science of behavior. Arises at the end of the 19th - early 20th century. The task of psychology is to put experiments and observe what you can see - the behavior, actions, human reaction.

4 stages- Psychology as a science that studies patterns, manifestations and mechanisms of psyche.

Since the most ancient times, the needs of public life forced a person to take into account the peculiarities of the mental warehouse of people. The first psychological ideas were designated in the ancient world in connection with the attempts of thinkers of that time gave the answer to the question: what is the soul? At the same time, various approaches to the study of the essence of the soul are materialistic and idealistic.

Supporter of the first approach Democritus (about 460-370 BC) argued that the soul consists of moving atoms that lead the body into motion. The soul dies with the death of the body.

Plato (428-48 BC), on the contrary, argued that the soul is immortal. The goal of the soul is the knowledge of the ideas that exist forever and by themselves, forming a special world opposing the world of matter.

The ideas of ancient philosophers were systematized and developed Aristotlem. (384-322 BC) in the treatise "About the Soul". This treatise was the first actually psychological labor, in connection with which Aristotle is often called the founder of psychology. In his presentation of the soul - the disembodied essence of the living body, through which a person feels and thinks.

In the Middle Ages, as a result of enhancing the position of the religion, the soul is considered mainly as a divine, supernatural beginning, leading a person in his search for the highest meaning of life. At the same time, knowledge about the anatomy-physiological features of the human body as one of the foundations of the psyche is accumulated. In this regard, the activities of Arab scientists should be noted Ibn-Sina (Avicenna, 980-1037), Ibn-Rushda (Averroes, 1126-1198), as well as an outstanding rebirth era Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).

The second stage in the formation of psychology is associated with the development of natural sciences in the XVII century, when the leading scientists Time tried to form new ideas about the world and man, considering psychology as a science of consciousness. So, french scientist R. Descartes(1596-1650) In his writings, an attempt was attempted to disclose the mechanisms of human behavior, using the laws of mechanics as analogue and introducing a new concept - Reflex. B.Pinoza (1632-1677) and Libnits (1646-1716) who developed questions about the ratio of physiological and mental, as well as J.Lock (1632-1704), which introduced into the psychology, the concept of the association (from the lat. Associatio - a compound, a bunch) - the relationship between the phenomena, in which the occurrence of one of them causes the appearance of another. It was this concept that the associative psychology arose in the XVIII century ( D. Gartley, 1705-1757), under which it was argued that nervous system It is subject to physical laws and, therefore, the phenomena of consciousness are formed by association (mechanical ligament) of simpler elements. In the same period G. Cyisky (1717-1795) pointed to the active nature of the impact of the mental reality. G. S. Skovorod (1722-1794) A prerequisite for the knowledge of reality considered self-knowledge by the person of himself, his essence.

The beginning of the third stage - the formation of psychology as an independent experimental science - can be considered 60-70-e years XIX. century, when an experiment came to psychology. The development of experimental psychology is binding primarily with German scientists V.Vudtom (3832-1920) who opened the world's first psychological laboratory in 1879.

Based on accumulated experimental data, works I.M. Suchenova (1829-1905), I.P.Pavlova (1849-1936), Z. Freud. (1856-1939) And many other outstanding scientists have been concluded that the impossibility of limiting the subject of psychology by one consciousness, the use of associations as a universal category explaining all mental activities.

This led to the emergence in the XX century. several new directions of psychology, each of which was determined in its own way, which should be studied by this science: behavior, unconscious, etc.

^ The main directions of psychological science

One of the most significant directions for the development of the psychology of the XX century is psychoanalysis, whose founder is considered an Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist 3. Freud.

Psychoanalysis is based on the idea that the behavior of a person is determined not only by his consciousness, but also unconscious attractions and desires to which Freud referred, above all, the desire for love and at the same time to death, destruction. These attractions are focused in the special structural formation of the psyche, called the name "ID" (it).Secondary psyche layer - "Ego" (I) - It is intended to measure the entry of the ID with the requirements real Mirapresented in " Super ego "(above-I) - carrier of moral standards. Since the requirements of the ID and the super-ego are incompatible, the ego is in a state of conflict, the voltage, which is saved with the help of special psychological protection (displacement, projection, sublimation, etc.).

Teaching 3. Freud developed his students. Thus, the central idea of \u200b\u200bA. Adler (1870-1937), the Creator of Individual Psychology, is the thesis of a person's unconscious desire to perfection, which is determined by the experience of the feeling of inferiority and the need for his compensation.

According to K. Yungu (1875-1961), according to the principles of the analytical psychology created by him, the mental development of the person as a whole is determined by the collective unconscious (archetypes), which captured the experience of humanity.

Influential direction in psychology appeared behaviorism (From English Behaviour - behavior), the founder of which is considered the American researcher D. Watson (1875-1958). The Watson scientific program was based on the S R scheme, according to which the external effect, or incentive (S), generates a certain behavior of the body, or the reaction (R). From here, I followed the conclusion: it is enough to choose the desired stimulus to get the required behavior. Such concepts of the inner, mental world of a person, as consciousness, experience, were ignored, were considered unscientific.

Another direction of psychological science appeared gestalt psychology (from him. gestalt - image, form). The emergence of this direction is associated primarily with the names of German scientists M. Vertelheimer (1880-1943), K. Kofki (1886-1941), V. Keller (1887-1967), which in opposition to the provisions of associative psychology put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe integrity of the image, properties which cannot be removed from the properties of its individual parts. So, M. Vertheimer was shown the possibility of perception of movement in the actual absence of it. In their experiments, there are two segments that are from each other at a distance, alternately highlighted and darkened. It turned out that with a decrease in the time intervals between outbreaks, the perception of two segments was replaced by the perception of moving one segment. (This phenomenon that received the name (φ-phenomenon is used, for example, in light advertising.)

The main task cognitive (from lat. Cognilio - knowledge) of psychology arising in the 60s of the XX century. As the direction of psychological science, there was proof of the decisive role of knowledge in the mental development of man. Representatives of this area (J. Piaget, J. Bruner, A. Pivio, W. Nisser, L. Fevesinger, etc.) focused their efforts on the study of mental, first of all cognitive, processes that, by analogy with AUM, were considered as sequential collection blocks and processing information. As a result, the most important properties of cognitive activity were identified (dependence on external environment, selectivity, etc.). One of the basic concepts of cognitive psychology - scheme (Internal information collection and processing program). The scheme sets the deployment of all cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, etc.) just as the genotype determines the structure of the body.

One of the leading directions of modern psychological science is humanistic psychology, which, by definition of one of its founders A. Oil (1908-1970), is a third force, opposing herself behaviorism and psychoanalysis. As a counterweight behavior-oriented analysis of individual events, representatives of humanistic psychology K. Rogers (1902-1987), Olport (1897-1967) and others consider the person as a whole. Unlike a psychoanalytic approach, the subject of humanistic psychology is indicated by a psychologically healthy personality. At the same time, humanistic psychology argues that a person is initially kind or, as a last resort, neutral; Aggression, violence result from exposure ambient. The highest fundamental needs of a person is the need for self-effectiveness (self-actualization) or, according to V. Frankl (born 1905), the founder of the logotherapy, in finding his own sense. In accordance with these ideas, as part of humanistic psychology, approaches to ensuring the mental well-being of the personality are being developed.

In the 60s of the 20th century, another direction was designated - transpersonal Psychology, which studies the limiting capabilities of the human psyche from unconventional positions. The main theoretical sources of transpersonal psychology are psychoanalysis and the eastern philosophical systems, the principles of which are formulated on the basis of ideas about the energy nature of the world. In the center of this direction - the so-called modified states of consciousness, which can be achieved with the help of specially organized intensive breathing (C. Grof) and special, transcendental music.

Domestic psychology in the 20th century went on a special way of development based on the philosophy of dialectical materialism. The development of submissions about the nature of the psychic, established in domestic psychology was significantly influenced by the work of such outstanding scientists as I. M. Sechenov. I. P. Pavlov, V. M. Bekhterev (1875-1927), L. S. Vygotsky (1896-1934), A. N, Leontiev (1903-1979), S. L. Rubinstein (1889-1960) and Dr.

So, L. S. Vygotsky was the creator cultural and historical The concept of mental development of a person, in which the mechanisms for the formation of higher mental functions (logical memory, abstract thinking, etc.) are revealed during the development of culture man.

A.N. Leontiev, student and follower L. S. Vygotsky, focused on studying the structure and functioning of the mental reflection of reality in the process of activity.

In the direction of the theory of activity, a concept was developed phased formation P. Ya. Galperin (1902-1988), practical implementation which allows you to increase learning efficiency.

S. L. Rubinstein fundamentally examined the relationship of internal and external, formulating the principle determinism When explaining mental phenomena.

An outstanding Ukrainian psychologist G. S. Kostyk (1899-1982) considered a mental phenomenon as a special type of activity, and the activity of not a brain, and a person who more or less consciously creates his own psyche.

IN last years In domestic psychology, attempts are made to unite the philosophical, cultural and actual psychological approaches to determine the essence of the psychological phenomena of human being (A. V. Kirichuk, V. A. Romenets, etc.). At the same time, the emergence and development of all mental phenomena are determined by the interaction of situational, motivational and other components actions as a unit of personality analysis.

^ 3. Methods of psychological research

Methodological principles are embodied in special methods of psychology, with the help of which are detected substantially important facts, patterns and mechanisms of psyche.

Methods used in a psychological study are divided into four groups :

^ 1. Organizational methods

Comparative method - (The method of "cross-cut") is to compare various groups of people in age, education, activities and communication (students and workers).

^ Longitudinal method - (The method of "longitudinal cut") consists in multiple surveys of the same persons for a long time (students for five years of study).

^ Comprehensive method - A method of studying, in which representatives of various sciences participate in the study, which makes it possible to establish links and dependencies between phenomena of different kinds.

^ 2. Empirical methods

Observation - deliberate and fixed perception of external manifestations of psyche. Introspection - observation of man in questionnaire mental phenomena.

Experiment - a targeted change in some factors and the registration of changes in the state and behavior of the studied, differs from observation by the intervention of the researcher.

Test - The system of tasks to measure the level of development of a certain quality (properties) of the personality. They are divided into tests of achievements, tests of intelligence, tests of creativity.

Profile - Represents a questionnaire to receive answers to a predetermined system of issues, serves to obtain primary socio-psychological information.

Sociometry - Method of psychological study of interpersonal relations in the group in order to determine the structure of relationships and psychological compatibility.

Interview - The method consisting in collecting information obtained in the form of answers to the set, as a rule, is pre-formulated, questions.

Conversation - provides for direct or indirect obtaining psychological information by speech communication.

3. Methodsdata processing: Quantitative and qualitative analysis.

^ 4. Interpretation methods :

Genetic method (analysis of material in terms of development with selection of individual stages),

Structural method (establishing structural links between the characteristics of the psyche).

^ 4. The concept of the psyche.

classification of mental phenomena

With fishing psyche (in Greek "Soul") has a dual value.

One value - The meaning of the essence of any thing. The psyche is a reflection of the objective world in his relationships and relationships, this is a virtual compression of nature. Another meaning associated with the problem of the substrate of the psyche. Many hear and say: "The soul went into the heels", "excitement of the soul". In these statements there is some movement, some substrate movement. As some physicists assume - it can be microlleptons - the smallest nuclear particles.

The connection of the psyche and brain activity is not doubtful: the inferiority of the brain leads to the inferiority of the psyche. But the independence of the mental and physiological process of the brain is also proved - theory of psychophysiological parallelismAccordinglain, mental and physiological components of 2 rows of phenomena that correspond to each other, but never affect each other.

There are other theories about the relationship of mental and physiological processes. ^ Theory of mechanical identity It claims that mental processes are physiological processes, the brain allocates psyche, i.e. The identification of the psyche with nervous processes occurs. Unity theoryit claims that mental and physiological processes arise simultaneously, but they are qualitatively different that the psyche is the system quality of the brain.

But let's notice that human psyche It is not given to a person in the finished form from birth, it develops only in the process of communication and interaction with other people. The human psyche is manifested in various forms - mental phenomena.

^ Classification of mental phenomena

All mental phenomena are divided into three groups :

1) mental processes,

2) the mental properties of the individual,

3) mental states.

^ Mental process - Act of mental activities, having an object of reflection and a regular function. Psychic activity of a person is a set of mental processes.

^ Psychic properties of the person - Typical for of this person Features of his psyche. The mental properties include: temperament, character, ability, orientation.

^ Mental condition - This is a temporary peculiarity of mental activity, determined by the content and attitude of a person to this activity (for example, irritation).

Mental processes, conditions and properties of a person are a single manifestation of his psyche.

chippecch Yu.G., cand. psychol. science assistant professor pNPU them. .D. D.Uushinsky

Abstract of psychology lectures

containable module І . Psychology as science. Psychology of Personality

Topic 1. Subject, tasks and sectors of psychology

Subject of psychology

Psychology(from Greek. "Psuheh" - Soul and Logos - Science) - Science, which studies the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche. Psychic- The property of the brain to display an objective world, to build it a subjective picture and to regulate the behavior and human activity on its basis. The psyche detects itself in various mental phenomena.

First, it is mental processes.Among them allocate those with the help of which a person will know the world ( cognitiveprocesses: sensations, perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech), and can also express your attitude to peace, manage your own actions ( emotional-volitionalprocesses: Emotions, feelings, will).

Secondly, it mental properties(stubbornness, efficiency, egoism, etc.) and mental states(excitement, interest, melancholy, etc.).

They define as situational, so I. sustainable (i.e. typical for a particular person) behavior. Mental processes, properties, human states, its communication and activity, constitute a single whole, called vital activity.

Psychology, like any science, examines a certain range of issues. The main one:

As a person focuses in the environment (study of perception);

As affected by the acquired experience (study of the process of mastering knowledge and skills);

As he remembers and reproduces what he remembered (memory study);

How solves the vital tasks (study of thinking and intellectual abilities);

As is experiencing its own attitude to certain objects; to the process of satisfying the urgent needs (research of feelings and emotions);

As manages his own psyche and behavior (examination of will, self-regulation processes);

Why directs activities to certain objects (study of motivation), etc.

For a long time, psychology was not independent science, but developed in line with other sciences. The first scientific ideas about the psyche arose in Ancient world (Єgipet, China, India, Greece, Rome). They reflected in the works of philosophers, doctors, teachers. A number of stages of the development of scientific understanding of the psyche and the subject of psychology as a science can be distinguished.

On the first Stage (6 - 5th centuries. BC - 17 V. N.E.) The phenomena studied by psychology were denoted by a general term " soul" And were the subject of one of the sections of philosophy called "psychology". Modern researchers argue about the origin of this term. There are two main versions. The first - he was invented in the 16th century. Either F. Melalanhton, or O. Kassman, or R.Goclenius (the book of the latter, published in 1590, was called "psychology"). The second - this term in the 17th century introduced the German philosopher X. von Wolf.

Second The development phase of scientific psychologists begins at 17 V. The progress of natural science, which was reflected in the writings of the philosophers R. Dekart, B.Pinoza, F.Bekon, T.GBBS, determines the change of subject psychologists: it becomes consciousnesslearned by man through introspection (introspection). This stage continues until the second half of the 19th century. At the end of the 19th century Psychology is separated from philosophy and becomes independent experimental science.

On the third Stage (beginning of the 20th century) Consciousness, as a subject of research, as well as introspection, as its method, is subject to sharp criticism by representatives beheviorism (from the English. "Behavior" - behavior). The creator of this scientific direction, American psychologist John Brodes Watson believed that psychology should study only what can be directly observed, i.e. behaviorwhich was suggested to be considered as a subject of psychology. The behavior of man and animals can be explained on the basis of the relationship between the directly observed impacts on the body of physical stimuli (incentives) and also directly observed responses of the body (reactions). From here I. main formula Bihewicism: "Stimulus → Reaction" (S-R). The development of behavior ideas led to the creation nonobioothianism (E. Tolmen, R.Skinner) and social Beheviorism (A.Bandura, J.Rotter).

In the 20th century There is another number of areas of psychological science, each of which has its own subject of research. These include psychoanalysis, Gestalt-Psychology, Humanistic psychology, cognitive psychology and etc.

Psychoanalysis (deep psychology) is a psychological theory developed at the end of the 19th - early 20 century. Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, as well as a method for treating mental disorders based on this theory. Psychoanalysis developed in various directions by Alfred Adler (individual psychology), Charles Jung (analytical psychology), and later Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Harry Sullivan, Jacques Lacan, et al. (Neo-Freudism). The main provisions of psychoanalysis: 1) human behavior, experience and knowledge are largely determined by instincts, internal and irrational entrepreneurs; 2) these attractions are unconscious, the attempts of their awareness lead to psychological resistance in the form of protective mechanisms; 3) Individual development is largely determined by early childhood events; 4) conflicts between consciousness and unconscious (displaced facts, memories, etc.) can lead to mental disorders (neurosis, fear, depression, etc.); 5) Exemption from the influence of the unconscious can be achieved through its awareness (for example, with the support of psychoanalyst).

g.yeshtalt-Psychologycreated by German psychologists Max Vertgeimer, Kurt Cooff and Wolfgang Köler in the first third of the 20th century. According to Gestaltists, objects that make up our environment are perceived by feelings not as the sum of individual elements, but as gestalta (holistic images, structures). In this case, the properties of gestals are not equal to the sum of the properties of their elements. So, perception is not reduced to the sum of sensations, and the properties of the figure are not described through the properties of parts.

Humanistic psychology (beginning of the 60s. 20th century) - direction in Western (mainly American) psychology, recognizing its main subject matter as a unique holistic system, which seeks to self-actualization, i.e. Maximum implementation of the opportunities laid in man. Abraham Oil, Karl Rogers, Victor Frank, Rolo Mei, James Budjventhal can be attributed to this area. The main position of humanistic psychology: a person creates himself, he is facing the future; In his life there is a goal, value and meaning.

Cognitive psychology - Section of psychology studying cognitive (educational) processes. This direction arose in the USA in 50-60. 20 V. and is based on analogy between the transformation of information in the computer and the process of knowledge of the person ("computer"). Studies of cognitive psychologists are usually associated with memory, attention, feelings, presentation of information, logical thinking, imagination, decision-making ability. The main representatives of this area are: George Miller, Jerome Brunner, Ulric Nisser, etc.

Among modern psychologists there is no single understanding of the subject of psychology. The most versatile definition that does not contradict the views of most researchers is the following. Thingpsychological science make up factsmental life mechanismsand lawspsyche. Example.

Tasks of psychology

Modern psychology solves two groups of tasks. First - tasks theoretical. Their decision provides for a deepening, expansion, integration (association) and systematization (lifting the system) of existing knowledge of the psyche. Second - Tasks practical. This is a solution of everyday psychological problems in different areas of human activity (education, medicine, sports, business, etc.).

Psychological knowledge is necessary for a person, firstly, for successful adaptation to changes in nature and social medium; Secondly, for a deeper understanding of themselves and others, establishing effective relationships, thirdly, for self-improvement, optimal use of personal potential, improving the efficiency of professional activities, establishing successful interaction with complex modern technique, etc.

The main industries of psychology

The basis of psychological science is generalpsychology - Fundamental discipline, which explores the essence and general patterns of the emergence, functioning and development of the psyche. She became the basis for the development of a number of applied (special) disciplines, which include:


What is studying

Age-related psychology

The development of the psyche throughout the human life

Pedagogical psychology

Psychological Fundamentals of Training, Education and pedagogical activity

Social Psychology

Relationships arising from communication and interaction of people in various groups (family, classroom, labor collective, etc.)


Psychological features of the person


The interaction of the factors of heredity and environment in the formation of a person's psyche

Differential psychology

Individual differences in psyche


Develops theory, principles, measurement tools and assessment of mental phenomena;

Special psychology

The psyche of people with various deviations in the development of the psyche, which are due to congenital or acquired NA defects. It includes the psychology of the blind ( typhlopsihology), deaf ( sudopsychology), mentally retarded ( oligophrenopsychology) and closely related to the defectology


Psyche animals


Mental phenomena that are generated by music, as well as personality features and professional activity Musicians


Psychological aspects of creativity

Nowadays also successfully develop, psychology business, psychology sport, psychology dance military, legal, medicalpsychology and other areas of psychological science associated with different types of human activity.

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The results of the study of models of motivation do not allow from a psychological point of view to clearly determine what man encourages to work. The study of man and his behavior in the process of labor gives only some general explanations for motivation, but even they allow you to develop a pragmatic model of employee motivation at a particular workplace.
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The natural result of the development of international economic relations, and the registered international trade and the international movement of the factors of production, was the economic integration, which is a special stage of the internationalization of the company ...
3265. The emergence of planetary systems and land 96.38 Kb.
Agree, today is a person in whatever the most remote area of \u200b\u200bscience or national economy He worked, should have submission, at least the general, about our Solar system, Stars I. modern achievements Astronomy. Comparative ...
3266. Aggression as a socio-psychological phenomenon 60.36 KB.
No society is free from such phenomena as murder and destruction. Our immediate environment is full of eloquent scenes: a disgusting drunken fight on the street, murder from jealousy, robbery. Violence comes out, plunges in the confusion ...
3267. Natural resource potential of world economy 53.74 KB.
Modern stage The development of the world economy is distinguished by the all-growing scale of consumption. natural resources, a sharp complication of the process of interaction between nature and society, intensification and expansion of the exploitation of specific ...