Unit of measurement. Electrical values \u200b\u200band units of their measurement

State security system
Unity of measurements

Units of physical quantities

GOST 8.417-81

(ST SEV 1052-78)

State Committee of the USSR on Standards


Designed State Committee of the USSR on standards Performers Yu.V. Tarbeyev , Dr. tech. sciences; K.P. Shirokov, Dr. tech. sciences; PN Selivanov, Cand. tehn sciences; ON THE. Yeruhin Made State Committee of the USSR on Standards Member of the State Standard L.K. Isaev Approved and enacted Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR on the standards of March 19, 1981 No. 1449

State Standard of the SSR Union

State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements

Units Physical Values

State System for Ensuring The Uniformity of Measurements.




(ST SEV 1052-78)

Decree of the State Committee of the USSR on the standards of March 19, 1981 No. 1449, the deadline is established

Since 01.01 1982

This standard establishes units of physical quantities (hereinafter - units) used in the USSR, their names, designations and rules for the application of these units The standard does not apply to units used in scientific research and when publishing their results, if they do not consider and do not use the results Measurements of specific physical quantities, as well as on units of quantities estimated by conditional scales *. * Under the conditional scales are understood, for example, Rockwell and Vickers hardness scales, photosensitivity of photographic materials. Standard corresponds to ST SEV 1052-78 in part general provisions, units of the international system, units that are not part of the SI, the rules for the formation of decimal multiple and dollane units, as well as their names and designations, the rules for writing the designations of units, rules for the formation of coherent derivatives of units (see Reference Appendix 4).


1.1. It is subject to mandatory use of the units of the international system of units *, as well as decimal multiple and dollars from them (see Section 2 of this standard). * International Unit system (International Abbreviated Name - Si, in Russian Transcription - SI), was adopted in 1960 by the XI General Conference on Measures and Weighs (GKMV) and clarified on subsequent GKMV. 1.2. It is allowed to apply on a par with units according to claim 1.1 units that are not included in C, in accordance with PP. 3.1 and 3.2, their combinations with SI units, as well as some of those who are widely used in practice decimal multiples and dollars from the above units. 1.3. It is temporarily allowed to apply on a par with units of claim 1.1 units that are not included in C, in accordance with paragraph 3.3, as well as some of those who have spread to the practice of multiples and dollars from them, combinations of these units with si, decimal, multiple and dollane from They are with units of claim 3.1. 1.4. In the newly developed or revised documentation, as well as publications, the values \u200b\u200bshould be expressed in units of SI, decimal, multiple and dollars from them and (or) in units allowed to use in accordance with paragraph 1.2. It is also allowed in the specified documentation to apply units according to claim 3.3, the period of seizure of which will be established in accordance with international agreements. 1.5. In the newly approved regulatory and technical documentation for measuring instruments, their graduation should be provided in units of C, decimal multiple and dollars from them or in units allowed to use in accordance with clause 1.2. 1.6. The newly developed regulatory and technical documentation on methods and means of calibration should include verification of measuring instruments, progressive in newly administered units. 1.7. SI units established by this standard, and units allowed to use PP. 3.1 and 3.2, should be applied in the educational processes of all educational institutions, in textbooks and tutorials. 1.8. Revision of the regulatory, technical, design, technological and other technical documentation, which uses units that are not provided for in this standard, as well as bringing into compliance with PP. 1.1 and 1.2 of this standard of measuring instruments, graded in units to be seized, are carried out in accordance with paragraph 3.4 of this standard. 1.9. With legal relations on cooperation with foreign countries, with the participation in the activities of international organizations, as well as in the exporting products supplied with export products (including transport and consumer containers) of technical and other documentation, international designations of units are used. In the documentation for export products, if this documentation does not go abroad, the Russian designations of units are allowed to apply. (New edition, change No. 1). 1.10. In the regulatory and technical design, technological and other technical documentation on various types of products and products used only in the USSR, preferably Russian designations of units are used. At the same time, regardless of which the designations of units are used in the documentation for measuring instruments, when specifying units of physical quantities on signs, scales and panels of these measuring instruments, international designations of units are used. (New edition, change No. 2). 1.11. In print editions, it is allowed to apply either international or Russian units. At the same time, the use of both types of designations in the same edition is not allowed, with the exception of publications on units of physical quantities.

2. Units of the International System

2.1. The main units of C are given in Table. one.

Table 1








Length The meter is the length of the path passing by light in vacuo for the time interval 1/299792458 S [XVII GKMV (1983), resolution 1].


Kilogram is a mass unit equal to the mass of the international prototype kilogram [I GKMV (1889) and III GKMV (1901 g)]
Time Second is a time equal to 9192631770 Radiation periods corresponding to the transition between two ultra-thin levels of the main state of the Cesium atom-133 [XIII GKMV (1967), resolution 1]
Electric current power The amp is the power equal to the power of an unchanged current, which, when passing along two parallel straight-line conductors of the infinite length and a negligible area of \u200b\u200bthe circular cross section, located in a vacuum at a distance of 1 m one from the other, would cause a length of 1 m in each portion of the interaction, equal 2 × 10 -7 N [MKMV (1946), resolution 2, approved by IX GKMV (1948)]
Thermodynamic temperature Kelvin is a unit of thermodynamic temperature equal to 1/273,16 parts of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water [x III GKMV (1967), resolution 4]
Number of substances Mol is the amount of a substance of the system containing as many structural elements as containing atoms in carbon-12 weighing 0.012 kg. With the use of mole structural elements Must be specified and may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons and other particles or specified particle groups [XIV GKMV (1971), resolution 3]
The power of light Candela is an power equal to the power of light in a given direction of the source emitting monochromatic radiation with a frequency of 540 × 10 12 Hz, the energy force of which in this direction is 1/683 W / SR [XVI GKMV (1979), resolution 3]
Notes: 1. In addition to the temperature of Kelvin (designation T.) It is also allowed to use the Celsius temperature (designation T.) determined by the expression T. = T. - T. 0, where T. 0 \u003d 273.15 K, by definition. The Kelvin temperature is expressed in Kelvin, Celsius temperature - in degrees Celsius (the designation of international and Russian ° C). In size, degrees Celsius is equal to Kelvin. 2. The interval or difference of Kelvin temperatures are expressed in Kelvin. The interval or temperature difference Celsius is allowed to express both in Kelvin and in degrees Celsius. 3. The designation of the international practical temperature in the international practical temperature scale of 1968, if it is necessary to distinguish between the thermodynamic temperature, is formed by adding to the designation of the thermodynamic, the temperature of the index "68" (for example, T. 68 or T. 68). 4. The unity of light measurements is ensured in accordance with GOST 8.023-83.
(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3). 2.2. Additional units of C are given in Table. 2.

table 2

Name of magnitude





Flat corner Radine has an angle between two circle radius, the length of the arc between which is equal to the radius
Solid angle


Steeradian is a bodied corner with a vertex in the center of the sphere, cutting on the surface of the sphere area equal to the square of the square with a side of the radius of the sphere
(Modified edition, change No. 3). 2.3. The derivatives of the SI units should be formed from the basic and additional units of the SI according to the rules for the formation of coherent derivatives (see required application 1). Derivatives of SI units having special names can also be used to form other derivatives of SI units. Derivative units that have special names, and examples of other derivatives of units are shown in Table. 3 - 5. Note. Electric and magnetic units of C should be formed in accordance with the rationalized form of the electromagnetic field equations.

Table 3.

Examples of derivatives of SI units whose names are formed from the names of the main and additional units








square meter

Volume, capacity

cubic meter


meter per second

Angular velocity

radian per second


meter for a second squared

Angular acceleration

radian for a second squared

Wave number

meter in minus of the first degree


kilogram on cubic meter

Specific volume

cubic meter per kilogram

ampere per square meter

ampere per meter

Molar concentration

mole on a cubic meter

Flow of ionizing particles

second degree

Flow density particle

second in minus first degree - meter in minus second degree


candela per square meter

Table 4.

Derivatives of SI units having special names






Expression through basic and additional, units


Strength, weight
Pressure, mechanical voltage, elastic module
Energy, work, amount of heat

m 2 × kg × s -2

Power, energy flow

m 2 × kg × s -3

Electric charge (number of electricity)
Electrical Voltage, Electric Potential, Electric Potential Difference, Electrical Force

m 2 × kg × s -3 × a -1

Electrical capacity

L -2 M -1 T 4 I 2

m -2 × kg -1 × s 4 × a 2

m 2 × kg × s -3 × a -2

Electrical conductivity

L -2 M -1 T 3 I 2

m -2 × kg -1 × s 3 × a 2

Flow magnetic induction, Magnetic flow

m 2 × kg × s -2 × a -1

Magnetic Flow Density, Magnetic Induction

kG × S -2 × A -1

Inductance, mutual inductance

m 2 × kg × s -2 × a -2

Light flow

m -2 × CD × SR

Nuclide activity in a radioactive source (radionuclide activity)


Absorbed dose of radiation, Kerma, indicator of the absorbed dose (absorbed dose of ionizing radiation)
Equivalent dose of radiation
(Modified edition, change No. 3).

Table 5.

Examples of derivatives of SI units whose names are formed using special items shown in Table. four






Expression through the main and additional units


Moment of power


m 2 × kg × s -2

Surface tension

Newton on meter

Dynamic viscosity

pascal Soon

m -1 × kg × s -1

cubic meter pendant

Electrical displacement

square meter pendant

volt on meter

m × kg × s -3 × a -1

Absolute dielectric constant

L -3 M -1 × T 4 I 2

farad on meter

m -3 × kg -1 × s 4 × a 2

Absolute magnetic permeability

henry per meter

m × kg × s -2 × a -2

Specific energy

joule per kilogram

System heat capacity, system entropy

joule on Kelvin

m 2 × kg × s -2 × k -1

Specific heat, specific entropy

joule on kilogram Celvin

J / (kg × k)

m 2 × s -2 × k -1

Surface power flow density

watt per square meter

Thermal conductivity

watt on meter-koblenn

m × kg × s -3 × k -1

joule on Mol

m 2 × kg × s -2 × mol -1

Molar entropy, molar heat capacity

L 2 MT -2 Q -1 N -1

joule on Mol Celvin

J / (mol × k)

m 2 × kg × s -2 × k -1 × mol -1

watt on Steradian

m 2 × kg × s -3 × sr -1

Exposure dose (X-ray and gamma radiation)

pendant per kilogram

Power absorbed dose

gray per second

3. Units that are not included in C

3.1. Units listed in Table. 6, allowed to be applied without limitation on a par with units of C. 3.2. Without limit time, the relative and logarithmic units are allowed to use relative and logarithmic units with the exception of the unit (see paragraph 3.3). 3.3. Units shown in Table. 7, temporarily allowed to apply before adoption of relevant international solutions. 3.4. The units whose relations with SI units are given in the reference application 2 are removed from circulation within the time limits provided by the programs for transition activities to the SI units developed in accordance with RD 50-160-79. 3.5. Informed cases in industries national economy The use of units not provided for by this Standard, by introducing them to industry standards in coordination with Gosstandart.

Table 6.

Introduction units allowed to use on a par with units

Name of magnitude




SO ratio



atomic unit of mass

1,66057 × 10 -27 × kg (approximately)

Time 1.

86400 S.

Flat corner

(P / 180) RAD \u003d 1,745329 ... × 10 -2 × RAD

(P / 10800) RAD \u003d 2,908882 ... × 10 -4 RAD

(P / 648000) RAD \u003d 4,848137 ... 10 -6 RAD

Volume, capacity

astronomical unit

1,49598 × 10 11 m (approximately)

light year

9,4605 × 10 15 m (approximately)

3,0857 × 10 16 m (approximately)

Optical power




1,60219 × 10 -19 j (approximately)

Full power


Reactive power
Mechanical stress

newton per square millimeter

1 It is also allowed to apply other units that have gained widespread, for example a week, month, year, century, millennium, and the like. 2 It is allowed to apply the name "Gon" 3 is not recommended for accurate measurements. With the ability to displace the designation L with the number 1, the designation L is allowed. Note. Time units (minute, hour, day), flat angle (degree, minute, second), astronomical unit, light year, diopter and atomic mass unit is not allowed to apply with consoles
(Modified edition, change No. 3).

Table 7.

Units temporarily allowed to use

Name of magnitude




SO ratio



nautical mile

1852 m (exactly)

In marine navigation


In gravimetry


2 × 10 -4 kg (exactly)

For precious stones and pearls

Linear density

10 -6 kg / m (exactly)

In the textile industry


In marine navigation

Rotation frequency

turnover per second

turnover per minute

1/60 S -1 \u003d 0,016 (6) S -1

Natural logarithm of the dimensionless ratio of physical quantity for the same physical size adopted for the original

1 NP \u003d 0.8686 ... B \u003d \u003d 8,686 ... DB

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

4. Rules for the formation of decimal multiple and dolly units, as well as their names and designations

4.1. Decimal multiple and dollane units, as well as their names and designations, should be formed using multipliers and consoles shown in Table. eight.

Table 8.

Farmers and consoles for the formation of decimal multiple and dolle units and their names



Designation of the console



Designation of the console



4.2. Joining the name of two or more consoles in a row is not allowed. For example, instead of the name of the microcrofrad unit, picoparad should be written. Notes: 1 Due to the fact that the name of the main unit - a kilogram comprises the "kilo" console, for the formation of multiple and dolly units of mass, a dolly unit of gram is used (0.001 kg, kg), and the consoles must be attached to the word "gram", for example, Milligram (MG, mg) instead of microcilograms (M KG, ICCG). 2. The dolly unit of mass - "gram" is allowed to be applied and without attaching the console. 4.3. The prefix or its designation should be written in a unit with the name of the unit to which it joins, or, accordingly, with its designation. 4.4. If the unit is formed as a product or relationship of units, the prefix should be attached to the name of the first unit included in the work or in relation. It is allowed to use the console in the second multiplier of the work or in the denominator only at substantive cases when such units are widespread and the transition to units formed in accordance with the first part of the item is associated with great difficulties, for example: a ton-kilometer (T × km; t × km), watt per square centimeter (W / CM 2; W / cm 2), volts per centimeter (V / CM; V / cm), ampere per square millimeter (A / MM 2; A / mm 2). 4.5. The names of multiple and dollane units from the unit erected into a degree should be formed by attaching the console to the name of the source unit, for example, to form the names of a multiple or a dollar unit from a unit of a square meter, which is a second degree of a number of length - meters, the prefix should be attached To the name of this last unit: a square kilometer, a square centimeter, etc. 4.6. The designations of multiple and dolly units from the unit erected into a degree should be formed by adding the corresponding indicator to the designation of multiple or dollar from this unit, and the indicator means the construction of a multiple or dollar unit (along with the prefix). Examples: 1. 5 km 2 \u003d 5 (10 3 m) 2 \u003d 5 × 10 6 m 2. 2. 250 cm 3 / s \u003d 250 (10 -2 m) 3 / (1 S) \u003d 250 × 10 -6 m 3 / s. 3. 0.002 cm -1 \u003d 0.002 (10 -2 m) -1 \u003d 0.002 × 100 m -1 \u003d 0.2 m -1. 4.7. Recommendations for the selection of decimal multiple and dolly units are shown in the reference application 3.

5. Rules for writing designations of units

5.1. To write values \u200b\u200bof values, apply the designations of units with letters or special signs (... °, ... ¢, ... ¢ ¢), and two types of letter notation are installed: international (using Latin or Greek alphabet letters) and Russians (using the letters of the Russian alphabet) . The units set as standard are given in Table. 1 - 7. International and Russian designations of relative and logarithmic units are as follows: percentage (%), PROMILL (O / O), a million share (RR M, MUD -1), Bel (B), Decibel (DB, DB), Oktawa (- , Oct), Decade (-, Dec), background (phon, background). 5.2. The alphabetic designations of units must be printed by direct font. In the notation of units, the point as a sign of reduction does not put. 5.3. The designations of units should be applied after numeric: values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200band placed in a string with them (without transfer to the next string). There should be a space between the last digit number and the designation of the unit, equal to the minimum distance between the words, which is defined for each type and size of the font according to GOST 2.304-81. Exceptions are notation in the form of a sign raised above the string (clause 5.1), before which do not leave the space. (Modified edition, change No. 3). 5.4. In the presence of decimal fractions In the numerical value, the designation of the unit should be placed after all numbers. 5.5. When specifying values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200bwith limit deviations, numeric values \u200b\u200bshould be concluded with limit deviations in brackets and designations of the unit after brackets or to put out the designations of units after the numerical value of the value and after its limit deviation. 5.6. It is allowed to apply the designations of units in the headlines of the graph and in the names of the strings (sides) of the tables. Examples:

Nominal flow. M 3 / H

Upper testimony limit, m 3

Price division of the extreme right roller, M 3, no more

100, 160, 250, 400, 600 and 1000

2500, 4000, 6000 and 10000

True Power, KW
Overall dimensions, mm:
Pitch, mm.
Luxury, MM.
5.7. It is allowed to apply the designations of units in the explanations of the designations of values \u200b\u200bto formulas. Placing the designations of units in one row with formulas expressing the dependencies between the values \u200b\u200bor between their numerical values \u200b\u200bpresented in the letter form is not allowed. 5.8. The alphabetic designations of units included in the work should be separated by dots on the midline, as signs of multiplication *. * In typewritten texts it is allowed not to raise the point. Convenient designations of units included in the work, separating spaces, if it does not lead to a misunderstanding. 5.9. In the letter notation of the relationship of units as a sign of division, only one trait should be applied: oblique or horizontal. It is allowed to apply the designations of units in the form of a product of the designations of units, erected to degree (positive and negative) **. ** If for one of the units included in the ratio, the designation is established in the form of a negative degree (for example, S -1, M -1, to -1; C -1, M -1, K -1), apply oblique or horizontal trait not allowed. 5.10. When applying the oblique feature of the units in the numerator and the denominator should be placed in the string, the product of the designations of units in the denominator should be included in the brackets. 5.11. When specifying a derivative of a unit consisting of two or more units, it is not allowed to combine alphabetic designations and names of units, i.e. For one units, give designations, and for others - names. Note. It is allowed to apply the combinations of special signs ... °, ... ¢, ... ¢ ¢,% and o / oo with letternal designations of units, for example ... ° / s, etc.



Rules for the formation of coherent derivatives of units

Coherent derivatives of units (hereinafter - derivative units) of the international system, as a rule, form with the help of the simplest equations of communication between the values \u200b\u200b(defining equations) in which the numerical coefficients are equal to 1. To form derivatives of units of magnitude in the communication equations, they are taken equal to units of C. Example. The velocity unit is formed using an equation that determines the speed of a straight and evenly moving point

V. = s / T.,

Where V. - speed; S. - the length of the traveled path; T. - time movement time. Substitution instead S. and T. their units si gives

[v.] = [s.]/[t.] \u003d 1 m / s.

Consequently, the unit of SI is a meter per second. It is equal to the speed of a straightforward and evenly moving point, at which this point for the time 1 S moves to a distance of 1 m. If the communication equation contains a numerical coefficient other than 1, then for the formation of a coherent derivative unit to the right-hand side, the values \u200b\u200bare substituted with values \u200b\u200bin units of C, which gives the number 1. Example to the coefficient to the coefficient. If an equation is used to form an energy unit

Where E. - kinetic energy; m - mass of material point; V. - the speed of the point, then the coherent unit of the energy of the C form, for example, as follows:

Consequently, the energy unit is a Joule (equal to Newton meter). In the examples given, it is equal to the kinetic energy of the body with a mass of 2 kg moving at a speed of 1 m / s, or a body weighing 1 kg moving at speeds



The ratio of some non-system units with si units

Name of magnitude




SO ratio





1,00206 × 10 -13 m (approximately)

Solid angle

square degree

3,0462 ... × 10 -4 SR

Strength, weight


9,80665 N (exactly)



9,83665 × 10 -3 N (exactly)


9806.65 N (exactly)


kilogram-power per square centimeter

98066.5 RA (for sure)

kilopond per square centimeter

millimeter water column

mm waters. Art.

9,80665 RA (exactly)

millimeter mercury pillar

mm RT. Art.

Voltage (mechanical)

kilogram-power per square millimeter

9,80665 × 10 6 RA (exactly)

kilopond per square millimeter

9,80665 × 10 6 RA (exactly)

Work, Energy


Dynamic viscosity
Kinematic viscosity

om-square millimeter per meter

Om × mm 2 / m

Magnetic flow


Magnetic induction


(10/4 p) a \u003d 0,795775 ... and

Magnetic field tension

(10 3 / p) a / m \u003d 79,5775 ... a / m

The amount of heat, thermodynamic potential (internal energy, enthalpy, isochloro-isothermal potential), heat of phase transformation, heat of chemical reaction

calorie (interddet)

4,1858 J (exactly)

thermochemical calorie

4,1840 j (approximately)

calorie 15-degree

4,1855 J (approximately)

Absorbed dose of radiation
Equivalent radiation dose, equivalent dose rate
Exposure dose of photon radiation (exposure dose of gamma and x-ray radiation)

2.58 × 10 -4 C / KG (exactly)

Nuclide activity in the radioactive source

3,700 × 10 10 bq (exactly)

Angle of rotation

2 P RAD \u003d 6,28 ... RAD

Magnethodific power, the difference of magnetic potentials


Modified edition, meas. Number 3.



1. The selection of a decimal multiple or a dollar unit from a unit is dictated primarily by the convenience of its use. From the variety of multiple and dollane units that can be formed using consoles, choose a unit leading to numerical values \u200b\u200bof the value acceptable in practice. In principle, multiple and dollane units are chosen in such a way that the numeric values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bare in the range from 0.1 to 1000. 1.1. In some cases, it is advisable to apply the same multiple or dollar unit, even if numeric values \u200b\u200bare out of range from 0.1 to 1000, for example, in the tables of numerical values \u200b\u200bfor one value or when comparing these values \u200b\u200bin the same text. 1.2. In some areas, one and the same multiple or dolly unit are always used. For example, in the drawings used in mechanical engineering, linear dimensions are always expressed in millimeters. 2. In tab. 1 of this Annex are presented to the use of multiples and dollane units from SI units. Presented in table. 1 multiple and dollane units from SI units for this physical quantity should not be considered exhaustive, as they may not cover the ranges of physical quantities in developing and newly emerging areas of science and technology. Nevertheless, the recommended multiple and dollane units from the SI units contribute to the uniformity of the presentation of the values \u200b\u200bof physical quantities belonging to various fields of technology. In the same table, there were also widespread multiple and dolly units from units applied on a par with units. 3. For values \u200b\u200bnot covered by Table. 1, you should use multiple and dolle units selected in accordance with clause 1 of this application. 4. To reduce the likelihood of errors in calculations, decimal multiples and dollane units are recommended only to substant final result, and in the process of calculations, all values \u200b\u200bare expressed in units of C, replacing the console of the degrees of the number 10. 5. In Table. 2 of this Annexer shows the propagation of a unit of some logarithmic quantities.

Table 1

Name of magnitude


units S.

units that are not incoming and si

multiple and dollars from units that are not included in si

Part I. Space and time

Flat corner

rAD; Rady (radians)


... ° (degree) ... (Minute) ... "(second)

Solid angle

sR; CP (Steeradian)


m; m (meter)

... ° (degree)

... ¢ (minute)

... ² (second)

Volume, capacity

l (L); l (liter)


s; C (second)

d; SUT (day)

min; Min (minute)


m / S 2; m / s 2

Part II. Periodic and related phenomena

Hz; Hz (Hertz)

Rotation frequency

min -1; Min -1

Part III. Mechanics


kg; kg (kilogram)

t; T (ton)

Linear density

kg / m; kg / m

mg / m; mg / M.

or g / km; g / km.


kg / m 3; kg / m 3

Mg / m 3; Mg / m 3

kg / dm 3; kg / dm 3

g / cm 3; g / cm 3

t / M 3; T / m 3

or kg / l; kg / l

g / ml; g / ml

Number of traffic

kg × m / s; kg × m / s

Moment moment

kg × m 2 / s; kg × m 2 / s

Moment of inertia (dynamic moment of inertia)

kG × m 2, kg × m 2

Strength, weight

N; N (Newton)

Moment of power

N × m; N × M.

Mn × m; MN × M.

kn × m; KN × M.

mn × m; MN × M.

m n × m; MKN × M.


Ra; Pa (Pascal)


Dynamic viscosity

Ra × s; PA × S.

mPA × s; MPa × S.

Kinematic viscosity

m 2 / s; m 2 / s

mM 2 / S; mm 2 / s

Surface tension

mn / m; MN / M.

Energy, work

J; J (Joule)


Gev; GeV MEV; MeV KEV; keV


W; W (watt)

Part IV. Heat


TO; K (Kelvin)

Temperature coefficient
Warmth, the amount of heat
Heat flow
Thermal conductivity
Heat transfer coefficient

W / (m 2 × k)

Heat capacity

kj / k; KJ / K.

Specific heat

J / (kg × k)

kj / (kg × k); KJ / (kg × K)


kj / k; KJ / K.

Specific entropy

J / (kg × k)

kj / (kg × k); KJ / (kg × K)

Specific heat

J / kg; J / kg

MJ / KG; MJ / kg kj / kg; KJ / kg.

Specific heat transformation

J / kg; J / kg

MJ / KG; MJ / kg

kj / kg; KJ / kg

Part V. Electricity and magnetism

Electric current (electric current)

A; A (Ampere)

Electric charge (number of electricity)

FROM; CL (pendant)

Electric charge spatial density

C / M 3; CL / m 3

C / MM 3; CL / mm 3

Ms / m 3; Μl / m 3

C / s M 3; CL / cm 3

kC / M 3; Kl / m 3

m C / M 3; μl / m 3

m C / M 3; μKl / m 3

Electric charge surface density

C / M 2, CL / m 2

Ms / m 2; Μl / m 2

C / MM 2; CL / mm 2

With / s m 2; CL / cm 2

kC / M 2; Kl / m 2

m C / M 2; μl / m 2

m C / M 2; μKl / m 2

Electric field tension

MV / M; MV / M.

kv / m; KV / M.

V / MM; In / mm

V / cm; V / see

mV / M; MV / M.

m v / m; MKV / M.

Electrical Voltage, Electric Potential, Electric Potential Difference, Electrical Force

V, in (Volt)

Electrical displacement

C / M 2; CL / m 2

With / s m 2; CL / cm 2

kc / cm 2; CCL / cm 2

m C / M 2; μl / m 2

m C / M 2, μKl / m 2

Flow of electrical displacement
Electrical capacity

F, F (Farad)

Absolute dielectric permeability, electric constant

m F / M, ICF / M

nF / M, NF / M

pF / M, PF / M


C / M 2, CL / m 2

C / s M 2, CL / cm 2

kC / M 2; Kl / m 2

m C / M 2, μl / m 2

m C / M 2; μKl / m 2

Electric moment dipole

C × M, CL × m

Electric current density

A / m 2, a / m 2

Ma / m 2, Ma / m 2

A / mm 2, a / mm 2

A / C m 2, a / cm 2

kA / M 2, ka / m 2,

Linear electric current density

ka / m; ka / m

A / mm; A / mm.

A / s m; A / cm

Magnetic field tension

ka / m; ka / m

A / MM; A / mm.

A / CM; A / cm

Magnethodific power, the difference of magnetic potentials
Magnetic induction, magnetic flux density

T; TL (Tesla)

Magnetic flow

WB, WB (Weber)

Magnetic vector potential

T × m; TL × M.

kt × m; KTL × M.

Inductance, mutual inductance

N; GN (Henry)

Absolute magnetic permeability, magnetic constant

m n / m; ICGN / M.

nH / m; NGN / M.

Magnetic moment

A × m 2; A m 2.


ka / m; ka / m

A / mm; A / mm.

Magnetic polarization
Electrical resistance
Electrical conductivity

S; CM (Siemens)

Specific electrical resistance

W × m; Om × M.

G w × m; Gom × M.

M w × m; Mom × M.

k W × m; com × m

W × cm; Om × cm

m w × m; Mom × M.

m w × m; MKOM × M.

n w × m; NOM × M.

Specific electrical conductivity

MS / M; MSM / M.

ks / m; KSM / M.

Magnetic conductivity
Module of full resistance
Active resistance
Module full conductivity
Reactive conductivity
Active power
Reactive power
Full power

V × A, in × a

Part VI. Light and associated with it electromagnetic radiation

Wave number
Energy radiation
Radiation stream, radiation power
Energy power of light (radiation strength)

W / sr; W / cf.

Energy Brightness (Bindness)

W / (SR × m 2); W / (cf × m 2)

Energy illumination (irradiated)

W / m 2; W / m 2

Energy luminosity (nerd)

W / m 2; W / m 2

The power of light
Light flow

lm; lm (lumen)

Light energy

lm × s; LM × S.

lM × H; LM × C.


cD / M 2; CD / m 2


lM / M 2; lm / m 2


l x; LC (Suite)

Light exposure

lX × S; LK × S.

Light Equivalent Radiation Flow

lM / W; LM / W.

Part VII. Acoustics

Frequency of the periodic process
Sound pressure


Speed \u200b\u200bof particle fluctuations

mM / S; mm / S.

Speed \u200b\u200bspeed

m 3 / s; m 3 / s

Sound speed
Sound Energy Stream, Sound Power
Sound intensity

W / m 2; W / m 2

mW / M 2; MW / m 2

m w / m 2; μW / m 2

pW / M 2; PVT / m 2

Specific speaker

PA × S / M; PA × S / M

Acoustic resistance

PA × S / M 3; PA × s / m 3

Mechanical resistance

N × s / m; N × s / m

Equivalent absorption area with surface or subject
Reverb time

Part VIII Physical Chemistry and Molecular Physics

Number of substances

mol; Mole (mole)

kmol; Colol

mMOL; mmol

m mol; Mkmol.

Molar mass

kg / mol; kg / mol

g / mol; g / mol

Molar volume

m 3 / Moi; m 3 / mole

dM 3 / MOL; dm 3 / mol cm 3 / mol; cm 3 / mol

l / MOL; l / mol

Molar inner energy

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Molar enthalpy

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Chemical potential

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Chemical affinity

J / mol; J / Mol

kj / mol; KJ / Mol.

Molar heat capacity

J / (mol × k); J / (mol × k)

Molar entropy

J / (mol × k); J / (mol × k)

Molar concentration

mOL / M 3; Mol / m 3

kMOL / M 3; Komol / m 3

mOL / DM 3; mol / dm 3

mol / 1; Mol / L.

Specific adsorption

mol / kg; Mol / kg

mMOL / KG; mmol / kg


M 2 / s; m 2 / s

Part IX. Ionizing radiation

Absorbed dose of radiation, Kerma, indicator of the absorbed dose (absorbed dose of ionizing radiation)

Gy; GR (Gray)

m G y; μgr

Nuclide activity in a radioactive source (radionuclide activity)

Bq; BK (Becquer)

(Modified edition, change No. 3).

table 2

Name of logarithmic size

Designation Unit

The initial value of the magnitude

Sound pressure level
Sound power level
Sound intensity level
Power level difference
Strengthening, weakening
Attenuation coefficient



Information details of GOST 8.417-81 ST SEV 1052-78

1. Sections 1 - 3 (PP. 3.1 and 3.2); 4, 5 and mandatory Appendix 1 to GOST 8.417-81 correspond to sections 1 - 5 and annex to ST SEV 1052-78. 2. Reference application 3 to GOST 8.417-81 complies with the information application to ST SEV 1052-78.

Unity of measurements implies consistency sizes of units All values. This becomes obvious if you remember the possibility of measuring the same magnitude with direct and indirect measurements. Such consistency is achieved by the creation of a system of units. But, although the advantages of the system of units compared with a set of separated units were recognized for a very long time, the first system of units appeared only at the end of the XVIII century. It was a famous metric system (meter, kilogram, second), approved on March 26, 1791 by the Constituent Assembly of France. The first scientifically substantiated system of units, as a combination of arbitrary main units and derived units dependent on them, in 1832 proposed K. Gauss. He built a system of units, called absolute, which was based on three arbitrary, independent units: a millimeter, milligrams and seconds. The development of the Gauss system was the SGS system (centimeter, gram, second), convenient for use in electromagnetic measurements, and various modifications in electromagnetic measurements.

The development of industry and trade in the era of the first industrial revolution demanded unification of units internationally. The beginning of this process was made on May 20, 1875 by signing 17 countries (including Russia, Germany, USA, France, England), the metric convention, to which many countries joined the following. According to this convention, international cooperation in the field of metrology was established. In Sevra, located in the suburbs of Paris, an international bureau of measures and scales (MBMW) was established to conduct international metrological research and storage of international standards. An international committee of measures and scales (ICMS) has been established for the management of MBMV, which includes advisory committees on units and a number of measurement types. To solve the fundamental issues of international metrological cooperation, international conferences were regularly held, called General Conferences on Measures and Sighs (GKMV). All countries that signed the Metric Convention received prototypes of international standards of length (meter) and mass (kilogram). Periodic comparisons of these national standards with international references stored in MBMV were also organized. Thus, the metric system of units first received international recognition. However, after signing the metric convention, units were developed for various measurement areas - SGS, SGSE, SGSM, MTS, ISS, ICGSS. The problem of the unity of measurements is again arising, already between different areas of measurements. And in 1954, the HCGMV was pre-first, and in October 1960, the XI GKMV finally adopt the international system of SI units, which with insignificant changes is valid to the present. At the following meetings of GKMV, changes and additions were repeatedly introduced into it. Currently, the SI unit system is regulated by the ISO 31 standard and is essentially an international regulator, mandatory for use. In our country, the ISO 31 standard approved as state Standard GOST 8.417-02.

Units SI formed in accordance with general Principle The formation of systems of units, which was proposed by K. Gauss in 1832 in accordance with it, all physical quantities are divided into two groups: the values \u200b\u200badopted for independent of other values \u200b\u200bcalled the main values; All other values \u200b\u200bcalled derivatives that express through the main and already certain derivatives with the help of physical equations. From this it follows the classification of units: the main values \u200b\u200bare the main units of the system, and the units of derivatives - derived units.

So, first forms system of quantities the combination of values \u200b\u200bformed in accordance with the principle when some values \u200b\u200bare accepted for independent, while others are the functions of independent values. The magnitude of the value of the value conditionally adopted as independent of the other values \u200b\u200bof this system is called the primary value. The value in the system of magnitude and determined through the main and already certain derivatives,called a derivative value.

The unit of the primary value of this system of magnitude is called the main unit. Derivative unitthis unit of the derivative of this system of values \u200b\u200bformed in accordance with the equation binding it with the main units or with the main units and already certain derivatives.

This way is formed system units valuesthe combination of the main and derivative units of a given system of quantities.

Basic units of measurement. For each measured physical size, an appropriate unit of measure must be provided. Thus, a separate unit of measurement is needed for weight, distance, volume, speed, etc., and each unit can be determined by selecting one or another standard. The units system turns out to be much more convenient if only a few units are chosen as the main, and the rest are determined through the main. So, if a number of length is a meter, the standard of which is stored in the state metrological service, then the unit of the area can be considered a square meter, a unit of volume - a cubic meter, a velocity unit - a meter per second, etc.

The convenience of such a system of dimension units is that mathematical relations between the main and derivative units of the system are simpler. At the same time, the unit of speed is the unit of distance (length) per unit of time, an acceleration unit is a unit of speed change per unit of time, a unit of force - a unit of acceleration unit of mass, etc. In a mathematical record, it looks like this: V \u003d L / T, A \u003d V / T, F \u003d MA \u003d ML / T2. The presented formulas show the "dimension" of the quantities under consideration, establishing relations between units. (Similar formulas allow you to identify units for such values \u200b\u200bas pressure or power of the electric current.) Such relations are common and are performed regardless of which units (meter, foot or arms) is measured and what units are selected for other values.

Work, energy,
number of warmth

The method of setting the temperature values \u200b\u200bis the temperature scale. There are several temperature scale.

  • Kelvin scale (named English physics U. Thomson, Lord Kelvin).
    Designation Unit: to (Not "degree Kelvin" and not ° K).
    1 K \u003d 1 / 273,16 - part of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water corresponding to the thermodynamic equilibrium of the system consisting of ice, water and steam.
  • Celsius (named Swedish astronomer and physics A. Celsius).
    Unit designation: ° С .
    In this scale, the temperature of the ice melting at normal pressure is taken equal to 0 ° C, the boiling point of water is 100 ° C.
    Kelvin and Celsius scales are associated with the equation: T (° C) \u003d T (K) - 273.15.
  • Fahrenheit (D. G. Fahrenheit is a German physicist).
    Unit designation: ° F. It is used widely, in particular, in the United States.
    Fahrenheit scale and Celsius scale are related: T (° F) \u003d 1.8 · T (° C) + 32 ° C. Over the absolute value of 1 (° F) \u003d 1 (° C).
  • Reaumur scale (named French physics R.A. Reomyur).
    Designation: ° R and ° R.
    This scale is almost out of use.
    The ratio with the degree Celsius: T (° R) \u003d 0.8 · T (° C).
  • Rankina scale (Rankina) - named Scottish engineer and physics of U. J. Rankina.
    Designation: ° R (sometimes: ° Rank).
    Scale also applied to the United States.
    The temperature on the Rankin scale correlates with the temperature on the Kelvin scale: T (° R) \u003d 9/5 · t (k).

Basic temperature indicators in units of different scales:

Unit of measurement in SI - meter (m).

  • Introduced unit: Angstrom (Å). 1Å \u003d 1 · 10-10 m.
  • Inch (from the Gall. DUIM is a thumb); inch; in; ''; 1'\u003d 25.4 mm.
  • Hand (eng. Hand - hand); 1 Hand \u003d 101.6 mm.
  • Link (eng. Link - link); 1 Li \u003d 201,168 mm.
  • SPAN (English Span - span, scope); 1 span \u003d 228.6 mm.
  • Foot (English foot - foot, Fel - feet); 1 ft \u003d 304.8 mm.
  • Yard (eng. Yard - courtyard, pon); 1 yd \u003d 914.4 mm.
  • Fat, FES. (eng. Fathom - measure length (\u003d 6 ft), or measure of wood volume (\u003d 216 ft 3), or mountain measure area (\u003d 36 ft 2), or sea soap (ft)); FATH or FTH, or FT, or ƒFM; 1 ft \u003d 1,8288 m.
  • Chane (eng. Chain - chain); 1 ch \u003d 66 ft \u003d 22 yd \u003d \u003d 20,117 m.
  • Furlong (English. Furlong) - 1 FUR \u003d 220 YD \u003d 1/8 miles.
  • Mily (eng. Mile; international). 1 ml (mi, mi) \u003d 5280 ft \u003d 1760 yd \u003d 1609,344 m.

Unit of measurement in SI - M 2.

  • Square foot; 1 FT 2 (also SQ FT) \u003d 929.03 cm 2.
  • Square inch; 1 in 2 (SQ in) \u003d 645.16 mm 2.
  • Square veil (FES); 1 FATH 2 (FT 2; FT 2; SQ FT) \u003d 3.34451 m 2.
  • Square yard; 1 yd 2 (SQ YD) \u003d 0,836127 m 2 .

SQ (Square) - square.

Unit of measurement in SI - M 3.

  • Cubic foot; 1 FT 3 (also Cu Ft) \u003d 28,3169 DM 3.
  • Cubic veil; 1 FATH 3 (FTH 3; FT 3; Cu Ft) \u003d 6,11644 m 3.
  • Cubic yard; 1 yd 3 (Cu YD) \u003d 0.764555 m 3.
  • Cubic inch; 1 in 3 (Cu in) \u003d 16,3871 cm 3.
  • Bushel (United Kingdom); 1 BU (UK, also UK) \u003d 36,3687 DM 3.
  • Bushel (USA); 1 BU (US, also US) \u003d 35,2391 DM 3.
  • Gallon (United Kingdom); 1 GAL (UK, also UK) \u003d 4,54609 DM 3.
  • Galon Liquid (USA); 1 GAL (US, also US) \u003d 3,78541 DM 3.
  • Dry gallon (USA); 1 GAL DRY (US, also US) \u003d 4.40488 DM 3.
  • Jill (Gill); 1 Gi \u003d 0.12 l (USA), 0.14 l (United Kingdom).
  • Barrel (USA); 1bbl \u003d 0.16 m 3.

UK - United Kingdom - United Kingdom (United Kingdom); US - United Stats (USA).

Specific volume

Unit of measurement in C - m 3 / kg.

  • Foot 3 / pound; 1 ft3 / lb \u003d 62,428 dm 3 / kg .

Unit of measurement in SI - kg.

  • Pound (trade) (eng. Libra, Pound - weighing, pound); 1 LB \u003d 453,592; LBS - pounds. In the system of old Russian measures 1 pound \u003d 409,512 g.
  • Grand Prix (English grain - grain, grain, crushed); 1 gr \u003d 64,799 mg.
  • Stone (eng. Stone - stone); 1 ST \u003d 14 LB \u003d 6,350 kg.

Density, incl. bulk

Unit of measurement in SI - kg / m 3.

  • Pound / foot 3; 1 LB / FT 3 \u003d 16,0185 kg / m 3.

Linear density

Unit of measurement in C kg / m.

  • Pound / foot; 1 LB / FT \u003d 1,48816 kg / m
  • Pound / yard; 1 LB / YD \u003d 0.496055 kg / m

Surface density

Unit of measurement in SI - kg / m 2.

  • Pound / foot 2; 1 LB / FT 2 (also LB / SQ FT - Pound Per Square Foot) \u003d 4,88249 kg / m 2.

Line speed

Unit of measurement in SI - m / s.

  • Foot / h; 1 ft / h \u003d 0.3048 m / h.
  • Foot / s; 1 ft / s \u003d 0.3048 m / s.

Unit of measurement in C - m / s 2.

  • Foot / c 2; 1 ft / s 2 \u003d 0.3048 m / s 2.

Mass flow

Unit of measurement in C kg / s.

  • Pound / h; 1 LB / H \u003d 0.453592 kg / h.
  • Pound / s; 1 LB / S \u003d 0.453592 kg / s.

Volumetric flow

Unit of measurement in C - m 3 / s.

  • Foot 3 / min; 1 ft 3 / min \u003d 28,3168 dm 3 / min.
  • Yard 3 / min; 1 yd 3 / min \u003d 0,764555 dm 3 / min.
  • Gallon / min; 1 GAL / MIN (also GPM - Gallon Per Min) \u003d 3,78541 dm 3 / min.

Specific volume flow

  • GPM / (SQ · FT) - Gallon (G) Per (P) Minute (M) / (SQUARE (SQ) · Foot (FT)) - Gallon per minute per square foot;
    1 gpm / (sq · ft) \u003d 2445 l / (m 2 · h) · 1 l / (m 2 · h) \u003d 10 -3 m / h.
  • gPD - Gallons Per Day - Gallons per day (day); 1 GPD \u003d 0.1577 DM 3 / h.
  • gPM - Gallons Per Minute - Gallons per minute; 1 GPM \u003d 0.0026 DM 3 / min.
  • gPS - Gallons Per Second - Gallons per second; 1 GPS \u003d 438 · 10 -6 DM 3 / s.

Sorbate consumption (for example, Cl 2) when filtering through a layer of sorbent (for example active coal)

  • GALS / CU FT (GAL / FT 3) - Gallons / Cubic Foot (gallons for cubic foot); 1 GALS / CU FT \u003d 0.13365 DM 3 per 1 dm 3 sorbent.

Unit of measurement in SI - N.

  • Pound power; 1 LBF - 4,44822 N. (analogue of the name of the unit unit: kilogram-force, kgf. 1 kgf \u003d \u003d 9,80665 · H (exactly). 1 lbf \u003d 0.453592 (kg) · 9.80665 H \u003d 4 , 44822 N · 1H \u003d 1 kg · m / s 2
  • Poundal (English: Poundal); 1 pdl \u003d 0.138255 N. (Poundale - force reporting mass into one pound acceleration in 1 foot / s 2, lb · ft / s 2)

Specific gravity

Unit of measurement in SI - N / m 3.

  • Pound power / foot 3; 1 LBF / FT 3 \u003d 157.087 N / m 3.
  • Powl / foot 3; 1 pdl / ft 3 \u003d 4,87985 n / m 3.

Unit of measurement in SI - Pa, multiple units: MPa, kpa.

Specialists in their work continue to apply outdated, canceled or previously optionally allowable pressure measurement units: kgf / cm 2; bar; atm. (physical atmosphere); aT. (technical atmosphere); ata; ati; m waters. Art.; mm RT. st; Torr..

Concepts are used: "absolute pressure", "overpressure". There are errors when translating some units of pressure to the PA and in its multiple units. It should be borne in mind that 1 kgf / cm 2 is equal to 98066.5 PA (exactly), that is, for small (about 14 kgf / cm 2) pressures with sufficient accuracy to work, you can take: 1 Pa \u003d 1 kg / (m · C 2) \u003d 1 N / m 2. 1 kgf / cm 2 ≈ 105 Pa \u003d 0.1 MPa. But already with medium and high pressures: 24 kgf / cm 2 ≈ 23,5 · 105 Pa \u003d 2.35 MPa; 40 kgf / cm 2 ≈ 39 · 105 Pa \u003d 3.9 MPa; 100 kgf / cm 2 ≈ 98 · 105 Pa \u003d 9.8 MPa etc.


  • 1 atm (physical) ≈ 101325 Pa ≈ 1.013 · 105 Pa ≈ 0.1 MPa.
  • 1 AT (technical) \u003d 1 kgf / cm 2 \u003d 980066.5 Pa ≈ 105 Pa ≈ 0.09806 MPa ≈ 0.1 MPa.
  • 0.1 MPa ≈ 760 mm Hg. Art. ≈ 10 m of water. Art. ≈ 1 bar.
  • 1 Torr (Thor, Tor) \u003d 1 mm Hg. Art.
  • Pound power / inch 2; 1 lbf / in 2 \u003d 6,89476 kPa (see below: PSI).
  • Pound power / foot 2; 1 LBF / FT 2 \u003d 47,8803 Pa.
  • Pound power / yard 2; 1 LBF / YD 2 \u003d 5,32003 Pa.
  • Palate / foot 2; 1 pdl / ft 2 \u003d 1,48816 pa.
  • Foot water column; 1 ft H 2 O \u003d 2.98907 kPa.
  • Inch water column; 1 in H 2 O \u003d 249,089 Pa.
  • Inch mercury pillar; 1 in Hg \u003d 3,38639 kPa.
  • PSI (also PSI) - POUNDS (P) Per Square (S) Inch (I) - pounds per square inch; 1 psi \u003d 1 lbƒ / in 2 \u003d 6,89476 kPa.

Sometimes in the literature, the designation of the pressure measurement unit LB / IN 2 is found - in this unit, not LBƒ (pound-force), but LB (pound mass) is taken into account. Therefore, in numerical expression 1 LB / IN 2, it differs somewhat from 1 LBF / IN 2, since it is taken into account when determining 1 LBƒ: G \u003d 9.80665 m / s 2 (on the latitude of London). 1 LB / In 2 \u003d 0.454592 kg / (2.54 cm) 2 \u003d 0.07046 kg / cm 2 \u003d 7,046 kPa. Calculation 1 LBƒ - see above. 1 lbf / in 2 \u003d 4,44822 N / (2.54 cm) 2 \u003d 4,44822 kg · m / (2.54 · 0.01 m) 2 · C 2 \u003d 6894,754 kg / (m · s 2) \u003d 6894.754 Pa ≈ 6,895 kPa.

For practical calculations, it is possible to accept: 1 lbf / in 2 ≈ 1 lb / in 2 ≈ 7 kPa. But, in fact, the equality is illegally, as and 1 Lbƒ \u003d 1 LB, 1 kgf \u003d 1 kg. PSIG (PSIG) is the same as PSI, but indicates overpressure; PSIA (PSIA) is the same as PSI, but emphasizes: absolute pressure; A - Absolute, G - Gauge (measure, size).

Water pressure

Unit of measurement in si - m.

  • Pressure in feet (Feet-Head); 1 ft HD \u003d 0.3048 m

Pressure loss during filtering

  • PSI / FT - POUNDS (P) PER SQUARE (S) InCH (I) / Foot (FT) - pounds per square inch / foot; 1 PSI / FT \u003d 22.62 kPa per 1 m filter layer.

Work, Energy, Number of Heat

Unit of measurement in C - Joule (named English physics J. P. Joule).

  • 1 j - mechanical work Forces 1N when moving the body for a distance of 1 m.
  • Newton (N) is a unit of strength and weight in SI; 1 H REDOWS of the influence of the body weighing 1 kg acceleration 1 m 2 / s in the direction of force. 1 j \u003d 1 n · m.

In the heat engineering continues to apply a canceled unit for measuring the amount of heat - caloria (Cal, Cal).

  • 1 J (J) \u003d 0.23885 Cal. 1 kJ \u003d 0.2388 kcal.
  • 1 lbf · ft (pound-power-ft) \u003d 1,35582 J.
  • 1 pdl · ft (pahundale-foot) \u003d 42,1401 MJ.
  • 1 BTU (British heat unit) \u003d 1,05506 kJ (1 kJ \u003d 0.2388 kcal).
  • 1 Therm (Terma - British Great Calorie) \u003d 1 · 10 -5 BTU.

Unit of measurement in SI - Watt (W) - named English inventor J. Watt - a mechanical power, at which a work in 1 J, or a thermal stream, equivalent to mechanical power in 1 W.

  • 1 W (W) \u003d 1 j / s \u003d 0.859985 kcal / h (kcal / h).
  • 1 lbf · ft / s (pound-power-foot / s) \u003d 1.33582 W.
  • 1 lbf · ft / min (pound power-foot / min) \u003d 22,597 MW.
  • 1 lbf · ft / h (pound-power-foot / h) \u003d 376,616 μW.
  • 1 pdl · ft / s (pahundale-foot / s) \u003d 42,1401 MW.
  • 1 HP (British / s horsepower) \u003d 745.7 watts.
  • 1 BTU / S (British heat unit / s) \u003d 1055.06 W.
  • 1 BTU / H (British heat / h) \u003d 0.293067 W.

Surface density of thermal flux

Unit of measurement in SI - W / m 2.

  • 1 W / m 2 (W / M 2) \u003d 0.859985 kcal / (m 2 · h) (KCAL / (M 2 · H)).
  • 1 BTU / (FT 2 · h) \u003d 2.69 kcal / (m 2 · h) \u003d 3,1546 kW / m 2.

Dynamic viscosity (viscosity coefficient), η.

Unit of measurement in SI - Pa · s. 1 Pa · C \u003d 1 N · C / m 2;
introduced unit - pUAZ (P). 1 n \u003d 1 dyn · C / m 2 \u003d 0.1 Pa · s.

  • Dina (DYN) - (from Greek. Dynamic - power). 1 din \u003d 10 -5 H \u003d 1 g · cm / s 2 \u003d 1.02 · 10 -6 kgf.
  • 1 lbf · h / ft 2 (pound-power-h / foot 2) \u003d 172,369 kPa · s.
  • 1 LBF · S / FT 2 (pound-power-C / foot 2) \u003d 47,8803 Pa · s.
  • 1 PDL · S / FT 2 (pahundal-C / foot 2) \u003d 1,48816 Pa · s.
  • 1 Slug / (ft · s) (moist / (foot · c)) \u003d 47,8803 Pa · s. Slug (moisture) - technical unit of mass in the English system of measures.

Kinematic viscosity, ν.

Unit of measurement in C - m 2 / s; Unit SM 2 / C is called "Stokes" (named English physics and mathematics J. Stokes).

Kinematic and dynamic viscosity are associated with equality: ν \u003d η / ρ, where ρ is the density, g / cm 3.

  • 1 m 2 / s \u003d Stokes / 104.
  • 1 ft 2 / h (foot 2 / h) \u003d 25,8064 mm 2 / s.
  • 1 ft 2 / s (foot 2 / s) \u003d 929,030 cm 2 / s.

The unit of tension of the magnetic field in C - a / m (Ammeter). Ampere (a) - Surname of French physics A.M. Ampere.

Ersteted Unit (E) was previously applied - named Danish physics H.K. Ersteda.
1 A / M (A / M, AT / M) \u003d 0.0125663 E (OE)

Resistance to crush and abrasions of non-level filter materials and in general of all minerals and mountain breeds Indirectly determined on the Moos scale (F. Moos - German mineralog).

In this scale, the numbers in the increasing order denote the minerals located in such a way that each subsequent is able to leave scratch in the previous one. Extreme substances in the Moos scale: Talc (hardness unit - 1, the most soft) and diamond (10, the hardest).

  • Hardness 1-2.5 (drawing nail): Vsksonkit, vermiculitis, religion, gypsum, glauconite, graphite, clay materials, pyrolyzit, talc, etc.
  • Hardness\u003e 2.5-4.5 (not drawn nail, but drawn glass): anhydrite, aragonitis, barite, glauconit, dolomite, calcite, magnesite, muscovit, siderite, chalcopyrite, sabazit, etc.
  • Hardness\u003e 4.5-5.5 (not drawn glass, but drawn with a steel knife): apatite, wonder, nepheline, pyrojit, shabazit, etc.
  • Hardness\u003e 5.5-7.0 (not drawn with a steel knife, but still quickened by quartz): Vernitis, pomegranate, Ilmenite, magnetite, pyrite, field splat, etc.
  • Hardness\u003e 7.0 (non-quarzing): diamond, grenades, corundum, etc.

The hardness of minerals and rocks can also be determined on the KNUP scale (A. KNUP - German mineralog). In this scale, the values \u200b\u200bare determined by the size of the imprint left on the mineral when the diamond pyramid under a certain load in its sample is determined.

The ratio of indicators on MOOS scales (M) and KNUP (K):

Unit of measurement in C - BC (Beckel, named after French physics A.A. Becquer).

BC (BQ) is a unit of nuclide activity in a radioactive source (isotope activity). 1 BK is equal to the activity of the nuclide, in which one act of decay occurs in 1 s.

Concentration of radioactivity: BK / M 3 or BK / L.

Activity is the number of radioactive decays per unit of time. Activity per unit mass is called specific.

  • Curie (KU, CI, CU) is a unit of nuclide activity in a radioactive source (isotope activity). 1 KU is the activity of the isotope in which 3.7000 × 1010 acts of decay occurs for 1 ° C. 1 ku \u003d 3.7000 · 1010 BC.
  • Rutherford (RD, RD) is an outdated unit of activity of nuclides (isotopes) in radioactive sources, named after English physics E. Rutinford. 1 РД \u003d 1 · 106 BK \u003d 1/37000 ki.

Dose of radiation

Dose of radiation is the energy of ionizing radiation, absorbed by the irradiated substance and calculated per unit of its mass (absorbed dose). The dose accumulates with irradiation time. Dose power ≡ dose / time.

Unit of absorbed dose in SI - Gray (gr, gy). Introduced unit - Rad (RAD), corresponding to the energy of radiation in 100 ERG, absorbed by the substance weighing 1 g.

Erg (ERG - from Greek: Ergon - work) - a unit of work and energy in an uncommitted SGS system.

  • 1 erg \u003d 10 -7 j \u003d 1.02 · 10 -8 kgf · m \u003d 2.39 · 10 -8 cal \u003d 2.78 · 10 -14 kWh.
  • 1 Rad (RAD) \u003d 10 -2 gr.
  • 1 Rad (RAD) \u003d 100 erg / g \u003d 0.01 g \u003d 2.388 · 10 -6 Cal / g \u003d 10 -2 j / kg.

Kerma (Sokr. English: Kinetic Energy Released in Matter) - kinetic energy released in substance is measured in Gray.

Equivalent dose is determined by comparing the radiation of nuclides with X-ray radiation. The radiation quality ratio (K) shows how many times the radiation hazard in the case of chronic irradiation of a person (in relatively small doses) for this type of radiation is greater than in the case of X-ray radiation with the same absorbed dose. For X-ray and γ-radiation K \u003d 1. For all other types of radiation, K is installed in radiobiological data.

DEKV \u003d DPOHL · K.

Unit of absorbed dose in C - 1 star (Zivert) \u003d 1 J / kg \u003d 102 BER.

  • BER (BER, RI - until 1963 was defined as a biological equivalent of X-ray) - a unit of equivalent dose of ionizing radiation.
  • X-ray (P, R) is a unit of measurement, an exposure dose of X-ray and γ-radiation. 1 p \u003d 2.58 · 10 -4 CB / kg.
  • Pendant (CL) is a unit in the SI system, the amount of electricity, electric charge. 1 babr \u003d 0.01 j / kg.

Power equivalent dose - SV / s.

Permeability of porous media (including rocks and minerals)

Darcy (D) - named French Engineer A. Darcy, Darsy (D) · 1 d \u003d 1.01972 μm 2.

1 d - the permeability of such a porous medium, when filtering through a sample of which with an area of \u200b\u200b1 cm 2, a thickness of 1 cm and a pressure drop of 0.1 MPa, liquid consumption of a viscosity of 1 SP is 1 cm 3 / s.

The dimensions of the particles, grains (granules) of filter materials on the SI and standards of other countries

In the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, France and Germany, grain sizes are estimated in the meshes (eng. Mesh - a hole, cell, network), that is, by the number (number) of holes per inch of the smallest sieves, through which they can pass grains. And the effective diameter of the grains is the size of the opening in the ICM. IN last years The systems of the US and Great Britain are more often used.

The relationship between the units of measurement of grain size (granules) of filter materials on the SI and standards of other countries:

Mass fraction

The mass fraction shows which mass amount of the substance is contained in 100 mass parts of the solution. Units of measure: Shares of unit; interest (%); PROMILL (‰); Milling shares (pp --1).

Concentration of solutions and solubility

The concentration of the solution should be distinguished from solubility - the concentration of a saturated solution, which is expressed by the mass amount of substance in 100 mass parts of the solvent (for example, g / 100 g).

Volumetric concentration

The volume concentration is a massive amount of the dissolved substance in a certain amount of solution (for example: mg / l, g / m 3).

Molar concentration

The molar concentration is the number of moles of this substance dissolved in a certain amount of solution (mol / m 3, mmol / l, μmol / ml).

Molant concentration

Molant concentration - the number of moles of the substance contained in 1000 g of solvent (mol / kg).

Normal solution

A normal is a solution containing a single equivalent of a substance, expressed in bulk units: 1H \u003d 1 mg · eq / l \u003d \u003d 1 mmol / l (indicating the equivalent of a particular substance).


Equivalent equal to relation parts of the mass of the element (substance), which attachs or replaces chemical compound One atomic mass of hydrogen or half of the atomic oxygen mass, to 1/12 carbon mass 12. Thus, the equivalent of acid is equal to its molecular weight, expressed in grams divided into basicity (number of hydrogen ions); The equivalent of the base is the molecular weight divided by acidity (the number of hydrogen ions, and in inorganic bases - divided by the number of hydroxyl groups); The equivalent of salt is the molecular weight divided by the amount of charges (valence of cations or anions); The equivalent of compounds involved in oxidation reactions is particular from dividing the molecular weight of the compound to the number of electrons adopted (given) by the atom of the regenerating (oxidizing) element.

Relations between solutions concentration units
(Formulas for the transition from some expressions of concentrations of solutions to others):


  • ρ is the density of the solution, g / cm 3;
  • m is the molecular weight of the dissolved substance, g / mol;
  • E is an equivalent mass of the dissolved substance, that is, the amount of substance in grams interacting in this reaction with one grammatome of hydrogen or the corresponding transition of one electron.

According to GOST 8.417-2002 the number of substance is set: mole, multiple and dolly units ( kmol, mmol, ichmol).

Unit of measuring stiffness in C - mmol / l; ichmol / l.

In different countries, canceled water stiffness units are often continued:

  • Russia and the CIS countries - MM-EQ / L, MKG-EQ / L, Mr. 3;
  • Germany, Austria, Denmark and some other countries of the German Group of Languages \u200b\u200b- 1 German Degree - (H ° - HARTE - Stiffness) ≡ 1 hour CAO / 100 thousand h. Waters ≡ 10 mg Sao / L ≡ 7.14 mg MGO / L ≡ 17.9 mg of Saco 3 / l ≡ 28.9 mg of Ca (NSO 3) 2 / l ≡ 15.1 mg MgCO 3 / l ≡ 0.357 mmol / l.
  • 1 French degree ≡ 1 h. Saso 3/100 thousand h. Waters ≡ 10 mg SASI 3 / L ≡ 5.2 mg SAO / L 0.2 mmol / l.
  • 1 English degree ≡ 1 GRAND / 1Gallon of water ≡ 1 h. Saso 3/70 thousand h. Waters ≡ 0.0648 g Saso 3 / 4.546 l ≡ 100 mg SASI3 / 7 L ≡ 7.42 mg SAO / L ≡ 0,285 mmol / l. Sometimes English degrees of stiffness denote Clark.
  • 1 American degree ≡ 1 h. Saso 3/1 million h. Water ≡ 1 mg SASI 3 / L ≡ 0.52 mg SAO / L ≡ 0.02 mmol / l.

Here: part - part; Translation of degrees to the amounts of CAO, MGO, CaCO 3, Ca (HCO 3) 2, MGCO 3 corresponding to them is shown as examples mainly for German degrees; The dimensions of degrees are tied to calcium-containing compounds, since the composition of calcium stiffness ions, as a rule, is 75-95%, in rare cases - 40-60%. Numbers are rounded mainly to the second decimal sign.

The ratio between water hardness measurement units:

1 mmol / l \u003d 1 mg · eq / l \u003d 2.80 ° H (German degree) \u003d 5.00 French degrees \u003d 3.51 English degrees \u003d 50.04 American degrees.

The new unit of measurement of water rigidity is the Russian degree of stiffness - ° F, defined as the concentration of the alkaline earth element (mainly Ca 2+ and Mg 2+), numerically equal to ½ of it praying in mg / dm 3 (g / m 3).

Alkalinity measurement units - mmol, μmol.

Unit of measurement of electrical conductivity in SI - IMM / cm.

The electrical conductivity of solutions and the inverse electrical resistance characterize the mineralization of solutions, but only - the presence of ions. When measuring electrical conductivity, non-ionic organic substances cannot be taken into account, neutral weighted impurities, interference, distorting results - gases, etc. It is impossible to accurately find the correspondence between the values \u200b\u200bof the specific electrical conductivity and the dry residue or even the sum of all separate solutions, since in Natural water, different ions have different specific electrical conductivity, which simultaneously depends on the mineralization of the solution and its temperature. To establish such addiction, it is necessary to experimentally set the ratio between these values \u200b\u200bfor each specific object several times a year.

  • 1 μm / cm \u003d 1 · mOm · cm; 1 cm / m \u003d 1 · Ohm · m.

For pure sodium chloride solutions (NASL) in distillate approximate ratio:

  • 1 μm / cm ≈ 0.5 mg Nasl / l.

The same relation (approximately), taking into account the above reservations, can be taken for most of natural waters with mineralization up to 500 mg / l (all salts are recalculated on NASL).

In the mineralization of natural water, 0.8-1.5 g / l can be accepted:

  • 1 μm / cm ≈ 0.65 mg of salts / l,

and with mineralization - 3-5 g / l:

  • 1 μm / cm ≈ 0.8 mg of salts / l.

Contents in water suspended impurities, transparency and turbidity of water

The turbidity of water is expressed in units:

  • JTU (Jackson Turbidity Unit) - a unit of turbidity on Jackson;
  • FTU (Formasin Turbidity Unit is also indicated by EMF) - a unit of turbidity according to the formazin;
  • NTU (NEPhelometric Turbidity Unit) - Nefhelometric Unit.

It is impossible to give the exact ratio of units of turbidity and content of suspended substances. For each series of definitions, you need to build a calibration schedule, which allows to determine the turbidity of the analyzed water compared to the control pattern.

Approximately can be represented: 1 mg / l (suspended substances) ≡ 1-5 NTU units.

If the storm mixture (diatom land) particles size is 325 mesh, then: 10 units. NTU ≡ 4 units. JTU.

GOST 3351-74 and SanPina equalize 1.5 units. NTU (or 1.5 mg / l for silica or kaolin) 2.6 units. FTU (EMF).

The ratio between transparency in font and turbidity:

The ratio between transparency in the "Cross" (in cm) and turbidity (in mg / l):

Unit of measurement in C - mg / l, g / m 3, μg / l.

In the United States and in some other countries, mineralization is expressed in relative units (sometimes grans per gallons, GR / GAL):

  • pPM (PER MILLION) - a million share (1 · 10 -6) units; Sometimes PPM (PER MILL) is denoted by the thousandth share (1 · 10 -3) units;
  • rPB - (Parts Per Billion) Billion (billion) share (1 · 10 -9) units;
  • rRT - (PER TRILLION) Trillion fraction (1 · 10 -12) units;
  • ‰ - PROMILL (applied in Russia) - a thousandth fraction (1 · 10 -3) units.

The relationship between the units of mineralization measurement: 1 mg / l \u003d 1rrm \u003d 1 · 10 3 ppb \u003d 1 · 10 6 · ‰ \u003d 1 · 10 -3 ‰ \u003d 1 · 10 -4%; 1 GR / GAL \u003d 17,1 ppm \u003d 17.1 mg / l \u003d 0.142 LB / 1000 GAL.

To measure the mineralization of saline water, pickles and core-containing condensate It is more correct to apply units: mg / kg. In laboratories, water samples are measured by volumetric, and not by mass fractions, therefore it is advisable in most cases the number of impurities to attribute to liter. But for large or very small mineralization values, the error will be felt.

SI volume is measured in DM 3but the measurement is allowed in litersbecause 1 l \u003d 1,000028 dm 3. From 1964 1 l is equal to 1 dm 3 (accurately).

For salted waters and pickles Sometimes the units of salinity are used in degrees Bom (for mineralization\u003e 50 g / kg):

  • 1 ° C corresponds to a solution concentration equal to 1% in terms of NASL.
  • 1% NASL \u003d 10 g NASL / kg.

Dry and calcined residue

Dry and calcined residue are measured in mg / l. The dry residue does not fully characterize the mineralization of the solution, since the conditions for its definition (boiling, drying the solid residue in the furnace at a temperature of 102-110 ° C to constant mass) distort the result: in particular, part of the bicarbonates (conditionally accepted - half) decomposes and It disappears in the form of CO 2.

Decimal multiple and dolle units of measurement values

Decimal multiple and dolle units of measurement of quantities, as well as their names and designations, should be formed by multipliers and consoles shown in the table:

(According to the materials of the site https://aqua-therm.ru/).

This lesson will not be new for beginners. We all heard from schools such things as a centimeter, meter, kilometer. And when it came to the mass, they usually spoke grams, kilograms, tons.

Centimeters, meters and kilometers; Grams, kilograms and tons wear one common name - units of measurement of physical quantities.

In this lesson, we will consider the most popular units of measurement, but we will not deepen much in this topic, since units of measurement go to the physics area. Today we are forced to explore some of the physics, since we need to be necessary for further study of mathematics.

Design of lesson

Length measurement units

For measuring the length, the following units of measurement are intended:

  • millimeters;
  • centimeters;
  • decimeters;
  • meters;
  • kilometers.

millimeter(mm). Millimeters can be seen even in the middle, if you take a ruler we enjoyed at school every day

In a row, walking with each other, small lines is millimeters. More precisely, the distance between these lines is equal to one millimeter (1 mm):

centimeter(cm). On the lineup each centimeter is marked with a number. For example, our lineup, which was in the first drawing, had a length of 15 centimeters. The last centimeter on this line is highlighted by a number 15.

In one centimeter 10 millimeters. There can be a sign of equality between one centimeter and ten millimeters, since they denote the same length:

1 cm \u003d 10 mm

You can make sure that if you consider the number of millimeters on the previous figure. You will find that the number of millimeters (distances between lines) is 10.

The next unit of length measurement is decimeter (DM). In one decimeter ten centimeters. There can be a sign of equality between one decimeter and ten centimeters, since they denote the same length:

1 dm \u003d 10 cm

You can verify this if you consider the number of centimeters in the following figure:

You will find that the number of centimeters is 10.

The next unit of measurement is meter (m). In one meter ten decimeters. There can be a sign of equality between one meter and ten decimeters, since they denote the same length:

1 m \u003d 10 dm

Unfortunately, the meter can not be illustrated in the picture, because it is quite vigorous. If you want to see the meter alive, take roulette. It is in everyone in the house. On the roulette, one meter will be designated as 100 cm. This is because in one meter ten decimeters, and in ten decimeters a hundred centimeters:

1 m \u003d 10 dm \u003d 100 cm

100 It turns out the transfer of one meter to centimeters. This is a separate topic that we look at a little later. In the meantime, we turn to the next unit of measuring the length, which is called a kilometer.

Kilometer is considered the largest unit of length. Of course, there are other older units, such as a megameter, a gigameter terameter, but we will not consider them, because to further study mathematics, we have a fair and kilometer.

One kilometer thousand meters. There can be a sign of equality between one kilometer and a thousand meters, since they denote the same length:

1 km \u003d 1000 m

Kilometers are measured by distances between cities and countries. For example, the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg about 714 kilometers.

International System Units

The international system of SI units is some set of generally accepted physical quantities.

The main purpose of the international system of UN units is the achievement of agreements between countries.

We know that the languages \u200b\u200band traditions of the countries of the world are different. Nothing to do nothing. But the laws of mathematics and physics are equally working everywhere. If in one country "twice two will be four", then in another country "twice two will be four."

The main problem was that there are several units of measure for each physical size. For example, we have now found out that millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, meters and kilometers have existed to measure length. If several scientists speaking on different languageswill gather in one place to solve any task, then such a large variety of length measurement units can generate between these scientists of contradictions.

One scientist will declare that in their country the length is measured in meters. The second one can say that in their country the length is measured in kilometers. The third can offer its unit of measure.

Therefore, an international system of UN units was created. Si is an abbreviation from french phrases Le Système International D'Unités, SI (which translated into Russian means - International System Units).

The most popular physical quantities are given in Si and each of them has its own generally accepted unit of measurement. For example, in all countries, when solving problems, it was agreed that the length will be measured in meters. Therefore, when solving tasks, if the length is given in another unit of measurement (for example, in kilometers), then it must be translated into meters. About how to translate one unit of measure to another, we will talk a little later. In the meantime, I draw your international system of SI units.

Our drawing will be a table of physical quantities. Every studied physical quantity We will include in our table and specify the unit of measurement, which is adopted in all countries. Now we have studied the units of length and learned that meters are defined in the system SI system. So our table will look like this:

Mass measurement units

Weight is a value indicating the amount of substance in the body. The people are called weight in the people. Usually, when we are weighed, they say "It weighs so much kilogram" Although we are not talking about weight, but about the mass of this body.

At the same time, weight and weight are different concepts. Weight is the force with which the body acts on the horizontal support. Weight is measured in Newton. And the mass is the value showing the amount of substance in this body.

But there is nothing terrible if you call a body weight weighing. Even in medicine they say "Human weight" Although we are talking about the mass of man. The main thing to be aware that these are different concepts

For measuring the mass, the following measurement units are used:

  • milligrams;
  • grams;
  • kilograms;
  • centners;
  • tons.

The smallest unit of measurement is milligram(mg). Milligigram most likely you never apply in practice. They are used by chemists and other scientists who work with small substances. It is enough for you to know that such a unit of mass measure exists.

The next unit of measurement is gram(d). In grams, it is customary to measure the number of one or another product when compiling a recipe.

In one gram thousand milligrams. There can be a sign of equality between one gram and a thousand milligrams, since they denote the same mass:

1 g \u003d 1000 mg

The next unit of measurement is kilogram(kg). A kilogram is a generally accepted unit of measure. It is measured by anything. Kilogram is included in the SI system. Let us turn on another physical quantity in our table si. She will be called "Mass":

One kilogram of a thousand grams. There can be a sign of equality between one kilogram and thousandth grams, since they denote the same mass:

1 kg \u003d 1000 g

The next unit of measurement is centner(C). In centners it is convenient to measure the mass of the harvest assembled from a small area or a lot of some cargo.

In one centner hundred kilograms. There can be a sign of equality between one centner and a hundred kilograms, since they denote the same mass:

1 C \u003d 100 kg

The next unit of measurement is ton(T). In tons, large loads and masses of large bodies are usually measured. For example, mass spacecraft or car.

In one ton of a thousand kilogram. Between one tonne and thousand kilograms, you can put a sign of equality, as they denote the same mass:

1 t \u003d 1000 kg

Units of time measurement

What time I think to explain is not needed. Everyone knows what the time is and why it is necessary. If we open the discussion on what time is and try to give it a definition, we will start to delve into philosophy, and this is not necessary for us. It will be better from the time measurement units.

For measuring time, the following units of measurement are intended:

  • seconds;
  • minutes;
  • clock;
  • day.

The smallest unit of measurement is second (from). Of course, there are fewer units such as milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, but we will not consider them because this moment This makes no sense.

In seconds, various indicators are measured. For example, for how many seconds an athlete will run 100 meters. The second is included in the International System System for Measurement of Time and is indicated as "C". Let us turn on another physical quantity in our table si. She will be called "time":

minute(m). One minute 60 seconds. Between one minute and sixty seconds, you can put a sign of equality, because they denote the same time:

1 m \u003d 60 s

The next unit of measurement is hour(h). One hour 60 minutes. Between one hour and sixty minutes you can put a sign of equality, as they indicate the same time:

1 h \u003d 60 m

For example, if we studied this lesson one hour and ask us how much time we spent on his study, we can respond in two ways: "We studied a lesson one hour" or so "We studied lesson sixty minutes" . In both cases, we will reply correctly.

Next time measurement unit is day. In days 24 hours. Between one day and twenty-four hours you can put a sign of equality, as they denote the same time:

1 day \u003d 24 hours

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All-Russian classifier units of measurement

All-Russian classifier units of measurement (Okay) It is part of the Unified System of Classification and Coding of Economic and Social Information of the Russian Federation (ECC).

Okay Designed for use in addressing the tasks of a quantitative assessment of technical and economic and social indicators in order to implement state accounting and reporting, analysis and forecasting of the development of the economy, ensuring international statistical comparisons, the implementation of internal and foreign trade, state regulation of foreign economic activity and the organization of customs control. Classification Objects B. Okay are units of measure used in these areas of activity.

Placement date in the database 01.06.2009

The relevance of the classifier: including changes 7/2000, approved. State Standard of the Russian Federation

Showing 460 records

International Units of Measurement included in ECC

The code Symbol
national international national international

Units of length

003 Millimeter mM. mm. MM. MMT.
004 Centimeter cm cm. CM Cmt.
005 Decimeter dM dM. DM DMT
006 Meter m. m. M. MTR.
008 Kilometer; Thousand meters km; 10 ^ 3 m kM. Km; Thousand M. KMT.
009 Megameter; Million meters Mm; 10 ^ 6 m MM. Megam; M. M. MAM.
039 Inch (25.4 mm) inch iN. INCH Inh
041 Foot (0.3048 m) foot ft. FOOT Fot.
043 Yard (0.9144 m) yard yd. YARD Yrd.
047 Sea Mile (1852 m) mily n Mile. Mil NMI

Units Square

050 Square millimeter mm2 mM2. Mm2. MMK.
051 Square centimeter sM2. cm2. SM2. CMK.
053 Square decimeter dM2. dM2. DM2. DMK.
055 Square meter m2. m2. M2. MTK.
058 Thousand square meters 10 ^ 3 m ^ 2 dAA. Thousand m2. DAA
059 Hectare h. hA H. Har.
061 Square kilometer km2. kM2. Km2. KMK.
071 Square inch (645.16 mm2) inch2. in2 Inch2. Ink
073 Square foot (0.092903 m2) foot2 fT2. Foot2 Ftk.
075 Square yard (0.8361274 m2) yard2 yd2. Yard2 Ydk.
109 AR (100 m2) but a. AR Are

Units of volume

110 Cubic millimeter mm3. mM3. Mm3. Mmq.
111 Cubic centimeter; milliliter cm3; ml cm3; ML. Cm3; Ml CMQ; MLT.
112 Liter; Cubic decimeter l; DM3 I; L; DM ^ 3. L; DM3 LTR; DMQ.
113 Cubic meter m3. m3. M3. MTQ.
118 Deciliter dL dL DL DLT.
122 Hl gL hl GL HLT.
126 Megalitra Ml ML. Megal MAL
131 Cubic inch (16387.1 mm3) inch3. in3 Inch3. Inq
132 Cubic foot (0,02831685 m3) foot3 fT3. Foot3 FTQ.
133 Cubic yard (0,764555 m3) yard3 yD3. Yard3 YDQ.
159 Million cubic meters 10 ^ 6 m3 10 ^ 6 M3 M3 M3. HMQ.

Units of mass

160 Hectogram gG hg. GG HGM.
161 Milligram mg. mG. Mg. Mgm.
162 Metric karat. car Ms. Car Ctm.
163 Gram g. g. G. GRM.
166 Kilogram kg kG. Kg KGM.
168 Ton; metric ton (1000 kg) t. t. T. TNE
170 Kiloton 10 ^ 3 t kt. Kt. KTN.
173 Santigram sG cG. SG CGM.
181 Gross-register ton (2,8316 m3) BT - Brutt. Register T. GRT.
185 Load capacity in metric tons t grp - T Delivery CCT.
206 Centner (metric) (100 kg); hectocilogram; quintal1 (metric); Decitonna c. q; 10 ^ 2 kg C. DTN.

Technical units

212 Watt T. W. T. Wtt.
214 Kilowatt kw kw. Kw Kwt.
215 Megawatt; Thousand Kilowatt MW; 10 ^ 3 kW MW. Megaut; Thousand kv Maw.
222 Volt IN V. IN VLT.
223 Kilovolt kv. kv. Kv. Kvt.
227 Kilovolt ampere sq.a. kv.a. Sq.a. Kva.
228 Megavolt ampere (Thousand Kilovolt-Ampere) MV.A. MV.A. Megav.A. MVA.
230 Kilowar kv kvar Kv Kvr.
243 Watt-hour VT.ch. W.H. VT.ch. WHR
245 Kilowatt-hour kWh. kw.h. KWh. Kwh.
246 Megawatt hour; 1000 kilowatt-hours MW.Ch; 10 ^ 3 kWh Mw.h. Megast.ch; Kvt.ch. MWh.
247 Gigavatt-hour (Million Kilowatt-hours) Gvt.ch. Gw.h. Gigavt.ch. GWH
260 Ampere BUT A. BUT Amp
263 Ampere-hour (3.6 CD) A.Ch. A.H. A.Ch. AMH
264 Thousand amp-hours 10 ^ 3 A.Ch 10 ^ 3 A.H Th. Tah.
270 Pendant CL C. CL COU.
271 Joule J. J. J. JOU.
273 Kilodzhoule kJ. kJ. KJ. Kjo.
274 Oh. Oh. <омега> Oh. OHM.
280 Degree Celsius grad. C. grad. C. Grade Celsius Cel
281 Degree Fahrenheit grad. F. grad. F. Grad Fareng Fan.
282 Kandela cD cD CD CDL
283 Lux lK lX LK LUX
284 Lumen lM lM. LM LUM.
288 Kelvin K. K. TO Keel
289 Newton N. N. N. New
290 Hertz Hz Hz. Hz Htz.
291 KHz kgz khz. Kgz Khz.
292 Megahertz MHTS MHz. Megagz MHz.
294 Pascal PA PA PA PAL
296 Siemens Cm S. S. Sie.
297 Kilopascal kpa kpa. Kpa Kpa.
298 Megapascal MPa MPA Megap MPA
300 Physical atmosphere (101325 PA) atm aTM Atm ATM
301 Technical atmosphere (98066.5 PA) aT. aT. Att ATT.
302 Gigabekkel GBK. GBQ. Gigabk GBQ.
304 MILLIKI mc. mCI Mc. MCU.
305 Curie Ki. CI Ki. CUR
306 Gram of dividing isotopes g d / and g Fissile Isotopes. G diving isotope GFI
308 Millibar mB mBAR. Mbar MBR
309 Bar bar bar BAR Bar
310 Hectobar gB hbar Gbar HBA.
312 Kilobar kB kbar. Kbar KBA
314 Farad F. F. F. Far
316 Kilogram on cubic meter kg / m3. kG / M3. Kg / m3. KMQ.
323 Beckel BK BQ. BK Bql
324 Weber Vb WB. Vb Web.
327 Node (mile / h) ultrasound kN. Ultrasound Knt.
328 Meter per second m / S. m / S. M / S. MTS.
330 Turnover per second rF / S. r / S. RF / S. RPS
331 Turnover per minute rpm r / MIN. Rpm RPM.
333 Kilometer per hour kM / C. kM / H. KM / C. KMH
335 Meter for a second squared m / s2. m / S2. M / s2. MSK.
349 Pendant per kilogram CL / kg C / KG. CL / kg Ckg.

Units of Time

354 Second from s. FROM SEC.
355 Minute min. mIN. Min. MIN.
356 Hour c. h. C. HUR.
359 Day day; DN d. Day; DN Day.
360 A week week - Week Wee.
361 Decada dec - Dec Dad
362 Month mes - Mes MON.
364 Quarter quart - QUART Qan.
365 Half year half a year - Poligody SAN
366 Year r; years a. YEAR; YEARS Ann.
368 Decade denet - Denet DEC

Economic units

499 Kilogram per second kg / s - Kg / s KGS.
533 Ton steam per hour t pairs / h - T pairs / h TSH.
596 Cubic meter per second m3 / S. m3 / S. M3 / S. MQs.
598 Cubic meter per hour m3 / C. m3 / H. M3 / C. MQH
599 Thousand cubic meters per day 10 ^ 3 m3 / day - Milk m3 / day TQD.
616 Spool bean - BEAN NBB.
625 Sheet l. - SHEET Lef.
626 Hundred sheets 100 liters - 100 sheet CLF.
630 Thousand standard conditional bricks thousand Stan Sl. Kirp - Thousand St. Kirp Stand MBE
641 Dozen (12 pcs.) dozen DOZ; 12 DOZEN DZN.
657 Product ed - Ed NAR
683 One hundred jackets 100 shr. HBX 100 shits HBX
704 Set set - SET SET.
715 Couple (2 pcs.) par pR; 2. Par NPR.
730 Two dozen 20 20 2 Des. SCO.
732 Ten par 10 Par - Des par TPR
733 Dozen Par dozen Par - Dozen Par DPR
734 Parcel promise - Promise NPL
735 Part part - PART NPT.
736 Roll rULES - RULES NPL
737 Dozen rolls dozen Rul - Dozen Rul Drl
740 Dozen pieces dozen pcs - Dozen pcs DPC.
745 Element element CI Element NCL
778 Packaging pack - Pack Nmp
780 Dozen packaging dozen pack - Dozen pack DZP.
781 One hundred packs 100 pack - 100 pack CNP.
796 Thing pC pC; one PC PCE; NMB.
797 One hundred pieces 100 pieces 100 100 PIECES Cen.
798 Thousand pieces thousand pieces; 1000 pcs 1000 Thousands of thousands Mil.
799 Million pieces 10 ^ 6 pcs 10^6 Million pieces Mio.
800 Billion pieces 10 ^ 9 pcs 10^9 Billion pcs MLD.
801 Billion pieces (europe); Trillion pieces 10 ^ 12 pcs 10^12 Bill PC (Heb); Trill pcs Bil.
802 Quintillan pieces (Europe) 10 ^ 18 pcs 10^18 Quint pcs TRL
820 Mass alcohol fortress crepe. Alcohol by weight % MDS. Crew alcohol ASM.
821 Alcohol fortress in volume crepe. Alcohol in volume % vol. Crew alcohol ASV.
831 Clean liter (100%) alcohol l 100% alcohol - L pine alcohol LPA
833 Pure hectoliter (100%) alcohol CH 100% alcohol - Gl chopped alcohol HPA.
841 Kilogram of hydrogen peroxide kg H2O2 - Kg hydrogen peroxide -
845 Kilogram 90% dry substance kg 90% s / in - Kg 90 percent dry KSD.
847 Ton 90% dry substance t 90% s / in - T 90 percent dry TSD.
852 Kilogram of potassium oxide kg K2O. - Kg Potassium oxide KPO.
859 Kilogram of potassium hydroxide kg Kon. - Kg potassium hydroxide KPH.
861 Kilogram Nitrogen kg n. - Kg nitrogen KNI
863 Sodium hydroxide kilogram kg Naoh. - Kg sodium hydroxide KSH.
865 Pyatokyi kilograms phosphorus kg P2O5 - Kg five-poin phosphorus KPP.
867 Kilogram uranium kg u. - Kg uranium Kur.

National Units of Measurement included in ECC

The code Name unit of measure Symbol Code lettering
national international national international

Units of length

018 Raman meter rm. M. M.
019 Thousand robust meters 10 ^ 3 M. Thousands M.
020 Conditional meter sl. M. Sl M.
048 Thousand conditional meters 10 ^ 3 SL. M. Thousand thousand
049 Kilometer of conditional pipes kM SL. pipe Km Sl Tern

Units Square

054 Thousand square decimeters 10 ^ 3 dm2 Milk dm2
056 Million square decimeters 10 ^ 6 dm2 Million dm2.
057 Million square meters 10 ^ 6 m2 Mill M2.
060 Thousand hectares 10 ^ 3 ha Millet
062 Conditional square meter sl. m2. Usl m2.
063 Thousand Conditional Square Meters 10 ^ 3 SL. m2. Thousand m2.
064 Million Conditional Square Meters 10 ^ 6 SL. m2. M7 M2.
081 Square meter common Square m2 Society. PL M2 total PL
082 Thousand square meters of total area 10 ^ 3 m2 Society. PL Thousand m2 common
083 Million square meters of total area 10 ^ 6 m2 Society. PL M2 M2. Commonly pl
084 Square meter of residential area m2 lived. PL M2 lived PL
085 Thousand square meters of living space 10 ^ 3 m2 lived. PL Thousand m2 lived
086 Million square meters of residential area 10 ^ 6 m2 lived. PL M2 M2 lived
087 Square meter of educational and laboratory buildings m2 uch. Lab. Zdan M2 Uch. Baby Zdan
088 Thousand Square Meters of Laboratory Buildings 10 ^ 3 m2 uch. Lab. Zdan M2 Uch. Lab Zdan
089 Million square meters in two-millionth calculation 10 ^ 6 m2 2 mm isch Million m2 2mm

Units of volume

114 Thousand cubic meters 10 ^ 3 m3 Thousand thousand
115 Billion cubic meters 10 ^ 9 m3 Billion m3
116 Devalitra dC DC
119 Thousand decalitrov 10 ^ 3 df Thousands of thousands
120 Million Decalitrov 10 ^ 6 df Million DCK
121 Tight cubic meter dense m3. M3 dense
123 Conditional cubic meter sl. m3. Sl M3.
124 Thousand Conditional Cubic Meters 10 ^ 3 SL. m3. Thousand M3.
125 Million Cubic Gas Processing Meters 10 ^ 6 m3 recreation. Gas M3 M3 Process of Gas
127 Thousand dense cubic meters 10 ^ 3 dense. m3. Thousand dense m3
128 Thousand half-liters 10 ^ 3 Paul. L. Thousand men
129 Million half-length 10 ^ 6 floor. L. Million Paul L.
130 Thousand liters; 1000 liters 10 ^ 3 l; 1000 L. YOU SL

Units of mass

165 Thousand karats metric 10 ^ 3 car Thousands of thousands
167 Million Carats metric 10 ^ 6 car Milli Car
169 Thousand tons 10 ^ 3 t Th.
171 Million tons 10 ^ 6 t Mul T.
172 Ton of conditional fuel t SL. Top T Sil Thal
175 Thousand tons of conditional fuel 10 ^ 3 tons Top Thousand tel
176 Million Ton of Conditional Fuel 10 ^ 6 tons. Top Million tons
177 Thousand tons of one-time storage 10 ^ 3 tonpr. chrov Thousand t units
178 Thousand tons of processing 10 ^ 3 t recreation Thousand thousand
179 Conditional ton sl. T. Usl T.
207 Thousand centners 10 ^ 3 c Thousand C.

Technical units

226 Volt-ampere V.A. V.A.
231 Meter per hour m / C. M / C.
232 Cylolaria kkal Kkal
233 Gigakloria Gkal Gigakal
234 Thousand gigacalry 10 ^ 3 Gcal Thoms gigakal
235 Million gigacalry 10 ^ 6 Gcal Mul Gigakal
236 Caloea per hour cal / Ch Cal / Ch
237 Cylolaria per hour kcal / Ch Kcal / Ch
238 Gigakloria per hour Gkal / Ch Gigakal / Ch
239 Thousand Gigakalories per hour 10 ^ 3 Gcal / h Thousand gigakals / h
241 Million Ampere hours 10 ^ 6 A.Ch Million A.Ch.
242 Million Kilovolt amp 10 ^ 6 sq.a Mul sq.A.
248 Kilovolt amp jet sq.a R. Sq.a R.
249 Billion kilowatt-hours 10 ^ 9 kWh Billion kvch
250 Thousand kilovolt amp of reactive 10 ^ 3 sq.a p Thousand sq.a R.
251 Horsepower l. from LS.
252 Thousand horsepower 10 ^ 3 l. from Thousand thousand
253 Million horsepower 10 ^ 6 l. from Million LS.
254 Bit bit BIT
255 Byte bai. BYTE
256 Kilobyte krib Krib
257 Megabyte MB MB
258 Baud baud BAUD
287 Henry GN GN
313 Tesla TL TL
317 Kilogram per square centimeter kg / cm ^ 2 Kg / cm2
337 Millimeter water column mm waters. Art MM Water Art
338 Millimeter mercury pillar mm RT. Art MMHG
339 Centimeter of water column see Water. Art Cm water art

Units of Time

352 Microsecond iSS ISS
353 Millisecond mLS MLS

Economic units

383 Ruble rub RUB
384 Thousand rubles 10 ^ 3 rub THOUSAND ROUBLES
385 One million rubles 10 ^ 6 rub Million rubles
386 Billion rubles 10 ^ 9 rub Billion rubles
387 Trillion rubles 10 ^ 12 rub Trill Rub.
388 Quadrillion rubles 10 ^ 15 rub Quad rub
414 Passenger kilometer pass.Km. Pass.Km.
421 Passenger seat (passenger seats) pass. places Pass Sex
423 Thousands of passenger kilometers 10 ^ 3 Pass.Km Thousand km.
424 Million Passenger Kilometers 10 ^ 6 Pass. KM Million Pass.Km.
427 Passenger traffic pass Pass
449 Ton-kilometer t.km. T.km.
450 Thousand ton kilometers 10 ^ 3 tkm Thus TCM
451 Million ton kilometers 10 ^ 6 tons km Million tkm.
479 Thousand sets 10 ^ 3 set Thousand set
510 Grams for kilowatt-hour g / kvch G / kvch
511 Kilogram on gigacalria kg / gkal Kg / gigakal
512 Ton number town Town
513 Avtotonna auto T. Auto T.
514 Ton traction ttta T traction
515 Deadweight-ton deadweight.t. Deadweight.t.
516 Tonnid t.tanid T.tanid
521 Square meter chel / m2. Chel / m2.
522 Square kilometer man chel / km2 Chel / km2
534 Ton per hour t / ch T / ch
535 Ton per day t / Sut. T / Sut.
536 Ton in shift t / shim T / shim
537 Thousand tons per season 10 ^ 3 t / season Thousand t / season
538 Thousand tons per year 10 ^ 3 t / year Thousand t / year
539 Man-hour cher.ch. Cher.ch.
540 Man-day man.dn. Man.dn.
541 Thousand man-days 10 ^ 3 people Thousand days
542 Thousand man-hours 10 ^ 3 people Thousand people
543 Thousands of conditional cans in shift 10 ^ 3 SL. Bank / Sen. Thousands bank / shift
544 Million units per year 10 ^ 6 units / year Million units / year
545 Visit to shift visiting / shift Visiting / shift
546 Thousands of visits to shift 10 ^ 3 visits / shift Thousand pay / shift
547 Couple in shift par / shift Par / shift
548 Thousand couples in shift 10 ^ 3 pairs / shift Thousand couples / shifts
550 Million tons per year 10 ^ 6 t / year Million t / year
552 Ton processing per day t Perebrab / day T Perebrab / day
553 Thousand Tons of Processing per day 10 ^ 3 t recreak / day Thousand TRub / day
554 Centner recycling per day c Perera / day C Perera / day
555 Thousand Centners Processing per day 10 ^ 3 C Peresk / day Thousands of recreation / day
556 Thousand goals per year 10 ^ 3 goal / year Thousand goals / year
557 Million goals per year 10 ^ 6 goal / year Million goal / year
558 Thousand birds 10 ^ 3 poultry Thousand birds
559 Thousands of Navy 10 ^ 3 chickens. Neshem Milkheads. Neshem
560 Minimal salary min. wages. Platter Min wages
561 Thousand tons of couple per hour 10 ^ 3 t pairs / h Thousand couple / h
562 Thousand spinning spindles 10 ^ 3 stranded Thousands of millet
563 Thousands of spinning seats 10 ^ 3 PRED.MES Thousand people
639 Dose dose Dose
640 Thousand doses 10 ^ 3 doses Thousand thousand
642 Unit elf Elf
643 Thousand units 10 ^ 3 Thousand
644 Million units 10 ^ 6 Million food
661 Channel channel CHANNEL
673 Thousand kits 10 ^ 3 sets Millet complex
698 A place places Places
699 Thousands of places 10 ^ 3 places Thousand
709 Thousand numbers 10 ^ 3 Thousand
724 Thousand hectares of portions 10 ^ 3 hectares Thousand thousand thousand
729 Thousand bucks 10 ^ 3 Pach Milf pasac
744 Percent % Percent
746 PROMILLE (0.1 percent) pROMILL PROMILL
751 Thousand rolls 10 ^ 3 steers Thousand
761 Thousands of Become 10 ^ 3 Thousand Stan.
762 Station stan Stan
775 Thousand Tubes 10 ^ 3 Tubes Thubs Tubes
776 Thousand conditional tubes 10 ^ 3 Sl.Tub Thousand mines Tuba
779 Million packaging 10 ^ 6 pack Million pack
782 Thousand packages 10 ^ 3 pack Thousands of Pack
792 Human person Person
793 Thousand man 10 ^ 3 people Thousand people
794 Million man 10 ^ 6 people Million people
808 Million copies 10 ^ 6 Million ecz
810 Cell bar Bar
812 Box lasch Lasch
836 Head goal GOAL
837 Thousand Par 10 ^ 3 pairs Thousand par
838 Million par 10 ^ 6 pairs Million par
839 Set kombl Kombl
840 Section sex Sex
868 Bottle boot Boot
869 Thousand bottles 10 ^ 3 Booth Thousand thousand
870 Ampoule ampoules Ampoules
871 Thousand ampoules 10 ^ 3 ampoules Thousand ampoules
872 Bottle flak Flak
873 Thousand bottles 10 ^ 3 Flak Thousand Flak
874 Thousand Tubes 10 ^ 3 tube Thousand thousand
875 Thousand boxes 10 ^ 3 Thousands of thousands
876 Conventional unit sl. elf Second
877 Thousand conditional units 10 ^ 3 SL. elf Thousand mines
878 Million conventional units 10 ^ 6 SL. elf Million Used
879 Conditional piece sl. PC Sl Sl
880 Thousand conditional pieces 10 ^ 3 SL. PC Thousand pieces
881 Conditional bank sl. bank Second Bank
882 Thousands of conventional cans 10 ^ 3 SL. bank Thousands of mines bank
883 Million conventional cans 10 ^ 6 SL. bank Million USA Bank
884 Conditional piece sl. sir Slav Cous
885 Thousand conditional pieces 10 ^ 3 SL. sir Thousand so
886 Million conventional pieces 10 ^ 6 SL. sir Million Usl Cry
887 Conditional box sl. Lasch Sl Slav
888 Thousand conventional boxes 10 ^ 3 SL. Lasch Thousand mines
889 Conditional coil sl. Cat. Sl Cat.
890 Thousand conditional coils 10 ^ 3 SL. Cat. Thousand kat.
891 Conditional tile sl. plates Sloves slab
892 Thousand conventional tiles 10 ^ 3 SL. plates Thousand soil plates
893 Conditional brick sl. Kirp Slav Kirp
894 Thousand conditional bricks 10 ^ 3 SL. Kirp Thousand mines Kirp
895 Million conventional bricks 10 ^ 6 SL. Kirp Million Sil Kirp
896 A family families FAMILIES
897 Thousand families 10 ^ 3 families Thousand families
898 Million family 10 ^ 6 families Million families
899 The household domkhodoz. Domkhodoz.
900 Thousand households 10 ^ 3 DomKhoz Thousands of thousands
901 Million households 10 ^ 6 Domkhoz Million DOMSOMOZ.
902 Student scientific places School of seats
903 Thousands of students 10 ^ 3 scientists. places Thousand scientists
904 Workplace slave places Slave
905 Thousands of jobs 10 ^ 3 slave. places Thousand million
906 Planting place posad. places Posad Seek
907 Thousand seating 10 ^ 3 Posad. places Thousand Posads
908 room nom Nom
909 Flat quart QUART
910 Thousand apartments 10 ^ 3 quart Kvkt
911 Koyka. cotek Cotek
912 Thousand kid 10 ^ 3 beds Milk kid
913 Tom of book fund tom Book. fund Tom Branches Fond
914 Thousand Tomov Book Fund 10 ^ 3 volume. Book. fund Thousand volume books fund
915 Subject repair sl. rem Usl Rem.
916 Conditional repair per year sl. Rem / year Usl Rem / Year
917 Change shift Shift
918 Author's sheet l. Avt. Sheet Avt.
920 List printed l. furnace Leaf furnace
921 List accounting and publishing l. Uch.-ed Sheet uch.izd.
922 Sign sign SIGN
923 Word word WORD
924 Symbol symbol SYMBOL
925 Conditional trumpet sl. pipe Sl Tern
930 Thousand plates 10 ^ 3 Plast Mil flight
937 Million dose 10 ^ 6 doses Million doses
949 Million leaf-writing 10 ^ 6 sheet.ottisk Million list.ottisk
950 Wagon (car) -d wAG (MASH). WAG (MASH).
951 Thousand Wagon - (Machine) - 10 ^ 3 VAG (MASH). Thousands of thousands
952 Thousand car - (machine) -kilometers 10 ^ 3 WAG (MASH). CMM Thousand kmmkm
953 Thousands of kilometers 10 ^ 3mest.Km. Thousand km.
954 Wagon-day vag.Sut Vag.Sut
955 Thousand train-hours 10 ^ 3 train.ch Thousand thousand
956 Thousand Train Kilometers 10 ^ 3 train.km Thousand thousandkm.
957 Thousand ton miles 10 ^ 3 T.mil Thousand thousand
958 Thousand Passenger Miles 10 ^ 3 Pass. Mile Thousand thousandmil
959 Car-day avtob.dn. Avtob.dn.
960 Thousand ton-day car 10 ^ 3 Autob.t.DN Thousands cars
961 Thousand car-clock 10 ^ 3 Automotob Thousands of thousands
962 Thousand car-place-days 10 ^ 3 Avtob. Mest. DN Thousands of thousands. DN
963 Posted hour rES.H. RES.H.
964 Aircraft - kilometer airplane Airplane
965 Thousand kilometers 10 ^ 3 km Kilometers
966 Thousand Tonnage Flights 10 ^ 3 tonnage. flight Milk tonnage. FLIGHT
967 Million ton miles 10 ^ 6 tons miles Million T. Mil
968 Million Passenger Miles 10 ^ 6 Pass. Mil Million passes. Mil
969 Million tonnage miles 10 ^ 6 tonnage. Mil Mul tonnage. Mil
970 Million passenger-place-miles 10 ^ 6 Pass. places. Mil Million passes. Places. Mil
971 Foru-day feed. DN FEED. DN
972 Centner feed units c food C food
973 Thousand kilometers cars 10 ^ 3 car. KM Thousands of thousands KM
974 Thousand tonnage-day 10 ^ 3 tonnage. Sut Milk tonnage. Sut.
975 Song-day sUGO. SUT. SUGO. Sut.
976 Pieces in the 20-foot equivalent (DFE) pieces in a 20-foot equivalent Pcs in 20 foot equiv
977 Channel kilometer channel. KM CHANNEL. KM
978 Channel ends channel. end CHANNEL. End
979 Thousands of copies 10 ^ 3 copies Thousands
980 One thousand dollars 10 ^ 3 dollar Thousand dollar
981 Thousand tons of feed units 10 ^ 3 feed Thousand tons
982 Million tons of feed units 10 ^ 6 food Million t food
983 Ship-day court Court

International units of measure not included in ECC

The code Name unit of measure Symbol Code lettering
national international national international

Units of length

017 Hectometer hM. HMT.
045 Mile (authorized) (1609,344 m) mile. SMI

Units Square

077 Acre (4840 square yards) aCRE. Acr
079 Square mile mile2. Mik.

Units of volume

135 Liquid oz SK (28,413 cm3) fL OZ (UK) Ozi.
136 Jill SK (0.142065 DM3) gILL (UK) GII.
137 Pint SK (0.568262 DM3) pt (UK) PTI
138 CCQ (1,136523 dm3) qt (UK) Qti.
139 Gallon SC (4,546092 dm3) gAL (UK) GLI
140 Bushel SK (36,36874 DM3) bU (UK) BUI
141 US fluid ounce (29,5735 cm3) fL OZ (US) Oza.
142 Jill USA (11,8294 cm3) gILL (US) Gia.
143 Liquid Pinta USA (0.473176 DM3) liq Pt (US) Ptl
144 Liquid US quart (0.946353 dm3) liq Qt (US) Qtl.
145 US Liquid Gallon (3,78541 DM3) gAL (US) GLL
146 Barrel (oil) USA (158,987 dm3) barrel (US) BLL
147 Dry US Pint (0,55061 dm3) dRY PT (US) Ptd.
148 Dry Quart Quarters (1,101221 DM3) dry Qt (US) Qtd.
149 Dry Gallon USA (4,404884 DM3) dry Gal (US) Gld.
150 Buchel USA (35,2391 DM3) bU (US) BUA.
151 Dry Barrel USA (115,627 DM3) bBL (US) Bld.
152 Standard - WSD.
153 Cord (3.63 m3) - WCD.
154 Thousands of borders (2.36 m3) - MBF.

Units of mass

182 Non-register ton - NTT.
183 Omnic (freight) ton - Sht.
184 Displacement - DPT.
186 Pound SC, USA (0,45359237 kg) lB. Lbr.
187 Ounce of SC, USA (28,349523) oz. Onz.
188 Drachma sk (1,771745) dr. DrI
189 GRANSK, USA (64,798910 mg) gN. Grn.
190 Stone SK (6,350293 kg) st. Sti
191 Quarter SC (12,700586 kg) qtr. Qtr.
192 CENTAL SK (45,359237 kg) - CNT.
193 Centner USA (45,3592 kg) cWT CWA
194 Long centner SC (50,802345 kg) cWT (UK) CWI
195 Short ton of SK, USA (0.90718474 t) sht. STN.
196 Long ton of SK, USA (1,0160469 t) lt. LTN.
197 Scrupul SK, USA (1,295982) sCR. SCR.
198 Pennyweight SC, USA (1,555174) dWT. DWT.
199 Drachma sk (3,887935) dRM. DRM.
200 Drachma USA (3,887935) - DRA
201 Ounce of SK, USA (31.10348); Troyan oz apoz. APZ.
202 Troy pound USA (373.242 g) - LBT.

Technical units

213 Effective power (245.7 watts) B.H.P. BHP.
275 British thermal unit (1,055 kJ) BTU. BTU.

Economic units

638 Gross (144 pcs.) gR; 144. GRO.
731 Big Gross (12 Grossov) 1728 GGR.
738 Short standard (7200 units) - SST.
835 Gallon alcohol installed fortress - Pgl
851 International unit - Niu.
853 One hundred international units - Hiu.