Online tests on history 6. Country Europe countries

Tests on the history of Russia. 6th grade. In 2 hours. To the textbook Ed. A.V. Torkunova. - Vorobyeva S.E.

2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: 2017. - Part1 - 96s., Part 2 - 80c.

This manual fully complies with federal state educational standard (second generation) and historical and cultural standard. The manual includes tests on the history of Russia and corresponds to the content and structure of the textbook "History of Russia" edited by A.V. Torkunova (publishing house "Enlightenment") for grade 6 general Education Organizations. Tests, most of which are drawn up by the type of tasks of the main state exam (OGE), you can use for learning and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control, as well as gradual preparations for OGE in grade 9.

Part 1.

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Part 2.

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Preface 5.
Peoples and states in our country in antiquity
Test 1. Ancient people and their parking lots on the territory of modern Russia 7
Option 1 7.
Option 2 10.
Test 2. Education of the first states 14
Option 1 14.
Option 2 17.
Test 3. Eastern Slavs and their neighbors 21
Option 1 21.
Option 2 24.
Rus in the IX - the first half of XII V.
Test 4. First Izvestia About Russia 28
Option 1 28.
Option 2 30.
Test 5. Formation Old Russian state 32
Option 1 32.
Option 2 35.
Test 6. The Board of Prince Vladimir. Epiphany Rus 38.
Option 1 38.
Option 2 41.
Test 7. Russian State in Yaroslav Mudrome 44
Option 1 44.
Option 2 48.
Test 8. Rus under the heirs of Yaroslav Wise. Vladimir Monomakh 51.
Option 1 51.
Option 2 54.
Test 9. Public system and church organization in Russia 57
Option 1 57.
Option 2 59.
Test 10. Cultural space of Europe and culture of Russia 62
Option 1 62.
Option 2 65.
Test 11. Everyday life Population 67.
Option 1 67.
Option 2 70.
Rus in the middle of the XII - early XIII V.
Test 12. Political fragmentation in Russia 73.
Option 1 73.
Option 2 75.
Test 13.Ladimiro-Suzdal Principality 78
Option 1 78.
Option 2 81.
Test 14. Novgorod Republic 83
Option 1 83.
Option 2 86.
Answers 90.

Preface 5.
Russian lands in the middle of XIII-XIV V.
Test 15. Mongol Empire and changing political
World paintings 6.
Option 1 6.
Option 2 8.
Test 16.Ad invasion on Russia 11
Option 1 11.
Option 2 13.
Test 17. North-West Rus between East and West 15
Option 1 15.
Option 2 18.
Test 18. Golden Horde: State system, population,
Economy, Culture 21
Option 1 21.
Option 2 24.
Test 19. Lithuanian State and Rus 26
Option 1 26.
Option 2 28.
Test 20. Making the Moscow Principality 31
Option 1 31.
Option 2 33.
Test 21. Association of Russian lands around Moscow. Kulikovskaya battle 36.
Option 1 36.
Option 2 39.
Test 22. Development of culture in Russian lands in the second half of the XIII-XIV in 42
Option 1 42.
Option 2 44.
Formation of a single Russian state
Test 23. Russian lands on political map. Europe and the world at the beginning of XV in 47
Option 1 47.
Option 2 49.
Test 24. Moscow Principality in the first half of the XV in 51
Option 1 51.
Option 2 54.
Test 25. Disintegration of the Golden Horde and its consequences 56
Option 1 56.
Option 2 58.
Test 26. Moscow State And his neighbors in the second half of the XV 60
Option 1 60.
Option 2 63.
Russian Orthodox Church in the XV early XVI century. A person in the Russian state of the second half of the XV century.
Material for independent study 66
Option 1 66.
Option 2 67.
Test 27. Formation of the cultural space of a single Russian state 69
Option 1 69.
Option 2 71.
Answers 74.

The proposed allowance contains tests on the history of Russia and corresponds to the content and structure of the first part of the textbook for grade 6 of general education organizations "History of Russia. Grade 6 "edited by A.V. Torkunova (publishing house "Enlightenment").
Most of the tasks of each test are compiled by analogy with the tasks of the main state exam. First of all, these are tasks with a choice of response: from four offered answers only one correct. These tasks check the knowledge of dates, facts, concepts, understanding of causal relationships.

The final test on the history of Russia is 6th grade with answers. The test includes 2 options, each variant consists of 3 parts (part A, part B, part C). In terms of A - 15 tasks, in part in - 6 tasks and in terms of C - 1 task.

1 option

A1. Prince Igor old died as a result of an uprising

1) Polyan
2) Dregovichi
3) Northern
4) Trees

A2. The Board of Yaroslav Wise belongs to

1) x in.
2) XI century
3) XII century.
4) XIII century.

A3. What battle happened later than the rest?

1) battle on the river river
2) Battle on the City River
3) Kulikovsky battle
4) Battle on the Ice

A4. Read the excerpt from the historical essay by V.O. Klyuchevsky and determine which century the situation describes in it is.

"While all Russian outskirts suffered from external enemies, the small middle Moscow principality remained safe, and from all edges of the Russian land there were a boyars and simple people. At the same time, Moscow Prince, Brothers Yuri and ... Ivan Kalita, without regard to and thinking, putting all the available funds against enemies, putting everything that could put, entered into the fight against the senior and the strongest princes for the championship, for the older Vladimir Prince And with the assistance of Horde herself beat him with rivals. "

1) XIII century.
2) XIV.
3) XV century
4) XVI century.

A5. One of the participants of the internecine struggle in the Moscow Principality in the second quarter of the XIV century. Was

1) Dmitry Shemyaka
2) Vladimir Brave
3) Simeon Proud
4) Ivan Red

A6. In whose board was adopted by the first set of laws of a single Russian state - a judiciary?

1) Dmitry Donskoy
2) Ivan III
3) Vasily I
4) Ivan Kalita

A7. A. Adashev, A. Kurbsky, Metropolitan Macarius is contemporaries

1) Ivan Kalita
2) Ivan III
3) Dmitry Donskoy
4) Ivan the Terrible

A8. Canceling feedings refers to the Board

1) Ivan III
2) Ivan IV
3) Vasily III
4) Fyodor Ivanovich

A9. Joining Tver to the Moscow State refers to the Board

1) Vasily I
2) Ivan III
3) Vasily III
4) Ivan IV

A10. Which of the monuments old Russian literature refers to the XII century?

1) word about the regiment of Igor
2) Zadonchina
3) Tale of Mamaev Boy
4) Tale of Ryazan Batym

A11. What was one of the reasons for the defeat of the Russian state in the Livonian War?

1) russian army significantly inflicted Polish in numbers
2) the need to simultaneously fight in the south with Crimean Khanate
3) the absence of firearms in the Russians
4) Speech by Kazan Khanate on the side of the Livonian Order

A12. Read the excerpt from the medieval Russian story and specify the date of the events described in it.

"God's anger, because of our sins, the Russian Khan Tohtamysh was captivated. I sent my servants to the city of Bulgar, which is on the Volga, and the Russian guests have overwhelmed robbery and the tricks of them with the commodity ... And I went to the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich my Zlochitri ... And Prince Oleg Ryazansky, having met Tahtamyshe's king ... told how to capture and how without difficulty Take the stone hail of Moscow ... "

1) 1238
2) 1327
3) 1382
4) 1480

A13. What century is the creativity of the architect Aristotle Phiorevanti?

1) XII century.
2) XIII century.
3) XIV century
4) XV century


At the board of which Moscow sovereign occurred in the event scheme?

1) Dmitry Donskoy
2) Ivan III
3) Vasily III
4) Ivan IV

A15. Consider the image and perform the task.

1) Church of the Savior on Near
2) Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir
3) The Church of Ascension in the village of Kolomna
4) Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

IN 1. Place the names of the rulers Ancient Russia in chronological order. Specify the answer in the form of a sequence of numbers of selected items.

1) Vladimir Monomakh
2) Oleg Probe
3) Yaroslav Wise
4) Yuri Dolgoruky

AT 2.

The first written set of the laws of the Old Russian state, developed under Yaroslav Mudrome and his sons.

IN 3. Set the correspondence between the names of the Metropolitans of the Russian Orthodox Church and their activities: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) Metropolitan Peter
B) Metropolitan Alexey
C) Metropolitan Philip


1) condemned the oprich terror, for which he was subjected to persecution and was subsequently killed
2) the first Metropolitan, elected by the Church Cathedral, and not appointed by Constantinople Patriarch
3) First Metropolitan, who moved to live in Moscow, friend Ivan Kalita
4) Head of the Moscow Government in the period of childhood Dmitry Donskoy

AT 4. Which of the listed concepts refer to the Russian State Management System of the XVI century? Find two names in the list below and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) College
2) Zemsky Cathedral
3) Vese
4) Orders
5) Governors

AT 5. The following lists the terms relating to the forms of dependence of Russia from the Horde. Find and write the sequence number under which the term not related to them is indicated.

1) output
2) Numerical
3) Baskaki
4) Label
5) Lights

AT 6. Write down the ruler name skipped in the scheme.

C1. Make a response plan to the question "Fighting Russia with Western conquerors." There should be no less than three points.

Option 2

A1. Cancellation of the Fichu and the Introduction of the Power System is associated with activities

1) Prince Svyatoslav
2) Princess Olga
3) Prince Oleg
4) Prince Yaroslav

A2. The highest breeding to know in Russia, who has been inherited by the inheritance, called

1) rowers
2) nobles
3) boyars
4) Messenger

A3. The adoption of Russia Christianity happened due to

1) crusades German knights
2) decisions of the Grand Duke Kiev
3) contract with dad Roman
4) Decisions of the elder meetings in Novgorod and Kiev

A4. The Lubache Congress of the Princes, on which it was decided: "Everyone yes keeps his father," belongs to

1) x in.
2) XI century
3) XII century.
4) XIII century.

A5. Which of the listed events relates to 1410?

1) Drop by Constantinople under the blows of the Turks
2) Kulikovsky battle
3) Rieza Khan Tohtamysh to Moscow
4) Grunwald battle

A6. The emergence of what concept is related to the reign of Ivan IV?

1) Recruits
2) Baskaki
3) Okrichniki
4) boyars

A7. What battle ended the death of Russian princes crushed by Mongols during their victorious feast?

1) battle on the river river
2) Kulikovsky battle
3) Battle on the City River
4) Battle on the river or

A8. Which of the listed terms was used in Faud 1497?

1) Submail
2) Recruit
3) Elderly
4) Procurement

A9. Read the excerpt from the composition of the historian V. Yanin and indicate what artist there is a speech.

"Not in the XV century a more call name. The list of preserved works of the greatest Russian artist Middle Ages is small .., but even parts of the preserved, even one-sole unique Trinity would be enough for the immortality of his name ... "

1) Faofan Greek
2) Andrei Rublev
3) Dionusia
4) Simone Ushakov

A10. In which age was built by the Church of Ascension in the village of Kolomensky - one of the first stone tents churches was built?

1) XII century.
2) XIV.
3) XVI century.
4) XVII century.

A11. The convening of the first Zemsky cathedral occurred on the board

1) Ivan III
2) Vasily III
3) Ivan IV
4) Fyodor Ivanovich

A12. What princess were the Sofia Cathedrals in Kiev and Novgorod were built?

1) Vladimir Monomakh
2) Oleg Sheet
3) Yaroslav wise
4) Vladimir Saint

A13. Read the excerpt from the chronicles and specify the name of the prince, about which it is said in it.

"Connecting with all the princes of Russian and with all the power, he went against Maama soon from Moscow, intending to defend his step, and came to Kolomna, and gathered his 150 thousand soldiers, except for the troops of the princely and the governor. From the beginning of the world there was no such power of Russian princes, as with the same prince. "

1) Yuri Dolgoruky
2) Dmitry Donskoy
3) Ivan Kalita
4) Andrey Bogolyubsky

A14. Consider the circuit and follow the task.

What year did the war showed in the diagram?

1) 1425
2) 1480
3) 1503
4) 1558

A15. Consider the circuit and follow the task.

What monument of architecture is shown in the illustration?

1) Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev
2) Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir
3) Church of the Intercession of the Virgin on Nerl
4) Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

IN 1. Place the following historical events in chronological order. Specify the answer in the form of a sequence of numbers of selected items.

1) Kulikovskaya battle
2) the formation of the Livonian Order
3) Battle on the Sheloni River
4) Ice Bare

AT 2. Record the term about which we are talking about.

Dani collection system at which kiev Prince Once a year, together with a friend, I traveled under the subject tribes, fed at their score and collected tribute.

IN 3. Set the correspondence between the princes names and the time of their board: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

A) Vasily Dark
B) Vladimir Monomakh
C) Dmitry Donskaya

1) XII century.
2) XIV.
3) XV century
4) XVI century.

AT 4. Which of the listed traits characterized the Russian culture of the XIV-XV centuries.? Find two features in the list below and write the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) gradual liberation from Byzantine canons in art
2) proliferation of typography
3) liberation of art and literature from the influence of the church
4) Much attention in the literature to the ideas of the unification of Russian lands and the strengthening of the Grand Duct
5) great influence of culture of France

B5. The terms are listed below, the appearance of which refers to the reign of Ivan IV. Find and write the sequence number under which the term not related to them is indicated.

1) Feeding
2) Streltsy
3) Favorites Rada
4) Okrichnina
5) Stogl

AT 6. Write down the prince's name missing in the scheme.

C1. Make a response plan to the question "Education of an ancient Russian state". There should be no less than three points.

Answers to the final test on the history of Russia grade 6
1 option
IN 1. 2314.
AT 2. Russian truth
IN 3. 341.
AT 4. 34.
AT 5. five
AT 6. Ivan Third
Option 2
IN 1. 2413.
AT 2. Founder
IN 3. 312.
AT 4. fourteen
AT 5. one
AT 6. Ivan Kalita

1 option

A1. TO eastern Slavanym Tribes include:

A. Khazara, Pechenegi, Polovtsy

V. Torka, Liva, Prussa

Murom, Liva, Mordva

A2. With the name of Prince Yaroslav Wise connected:

B. Baptism Rus

B. Adoption of Russian truth

A3. Traveling the prince and his squads of their possessions from autumn to spring:

A. File V. Vozoza

B. Bypassing the militia

A4. In 945, the prince was killed by the Duke:

A. Rurik V. Igor

B. Oleg G. Svyatoslav

A5. Rus took baptism in:

A. 860 G. V. 988

B. 980 g. 996

A6. The first arrangement of written laws of ancient Russia was called:

A7. The first famous chronicle in Russia:

A. "Word about the regiment of Igor"

B. "Tale of Bygone Years"

A. Moscow V. Ryazan

B Kolomna Novgorod

A9. Nickname Nevsky Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich received for:

B. Victory over the Crusaders

The defeat of the Swedish detachment

A10. Horde officials who collected tribute:

A. Rememmen V. Baskaki

B. Beci Emirs

A11. Prince, on the board of which Moscow becomes the center of Russian

Orthodox Church:

A12. The spiritual leader, from which Dmitry Ivanovich received

A13. The Kulikov battle occurred in:

A. 1240. V. 1480

B. 1380 g. 1242

III And Akhmat:

A. Ugrivity V. Don

B. Uploading G. Kalka


A. 1380 G. V. 1480

B. 1382 G. G. 1497

A. Peresvet Mr. Lecky

B. Yagailo D. Tukhtamysh

V. Mamai E. Akhmat

1. A B D 3. B in g

2. B in E 4. And in g

B. launched arable land

1. A b g 3. in g d

2. B in d 4 a g d

IN 1. :

4. IHO G. Gathering Dani in Russia

AT 2.Sign up events and dates:

1. Nevskaya Battle A. 1223

3. Ice Battery V. 1380

C1 Tell us about the reasons for the elevation of Moscow (at least 5 arguments)

The key to the test on the history of Russia grade 6

1 option

IN 1. 1-b; 2-in; 3rd; 4th B2. 1-b; 2 -g; 3 - a; 4 - B.

Option 2

IN 1. 1-b; 2-g; 3-A; 4-B.

AT 2. 1-b; 2-in; 3rd; 4-A.

Final test on the history of Russia 6th grade

Option 2

A1. The first arrangement of written laws of ancient Russia was called:

A. Russian Pravda V. Lesson Yaroslavichum

B. Faipher Cathedral Code

A2. Traveling the prince and his squads of their possessions from autumn to spring:

A. File V. Vozoza

B. Bypassing the militia

A3. Rus took baptism in:

A. 860 G. V. 988

B. 980 g. 996

A4. Nickname Nevsky Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich received for:

A. Conducting a census in Novgorod

B. Trip to Hanu Horde for a label

B. Victory over the Crusaders

The defeat of the Swedish detachment

A5. Eastern Slavs include tribes:

A. Khazara, Pechenegi, Polovtsy

B. Polyne, Drevlyan, Dregovichi

V. Torka, Liva, Prussa

Murom, Liva, Mordva

A6. The first famous chronicle in Russia:

A. "Word about the regiment of Igor"

B. "The teachings of Vladimir Monomakh"

B. "Tale of Bygone Years"

G. "The Tale of Ryazan Batym"

A7. The Kulikov battle occurred in:

A. 1240. V. 1480

B. 1380 g. 1242

A8. The first of the Russian cities, which fell under the strike of the troops of Batya:

A. Moscow V. Ryazan

B Kolomna Novgorod

A9. With the name of Prince Yaroslav Wise connected:

A. Conquest Danube Bulgaria

B. Baptism Rus

B. Adoption of Russian truth

Association of Kiev and Novgorod

A10. In 945, the prince was killed by the Duke:

A. Rurik V. Igor

B. Oleg G. Svyatoslav

A11. Horde officials who collected tribute:

A. Rememmen V. Baskaki

B. Beci Emirs

A12. Prince, on the board of which Moscow becomes the center of Russian

Orthodox Church:

A. Ivan Kalita B. Dmitry Donskaya V. Alexander Nevsky

A13. The spiritual leader, from which Dmitry Ivanovich received

Blessing on the eve of the Kulikovsky battle:

A. Sergiy Radonezh V. Metropolitan Alexy

B. Metropolitan Peter G. Patriarch Nikon

A14. River, on the shore of which the standing troops of IvanIII And Akhmat:

A. Ugrivity V. Don

B. Uploading G. Kalka

A15. The year of adoption of the lawsuit IvanIII:

A. 1380 G. V. 1480

B. 1382 G. G. 1497

Select the correct answer option to the proposed.

A16. Participants in the Kulikovsky battle:

A. Peresvet Mr. Lecky

B. Yagailo D. Tukhtamysh

V. Mamai E. Akhmat

1. A B D 3. B in g

2. B in E 4. And in g

A17. As a result of the Mongolian invasion on Russia:

A. Most cities were burned

B. launched arable land

B. Military Political Union with Horde

G. Died Most Princes and Governors

D. Most lands did not suffer

1. A b g 3. in g d

2. B in d 4 a g d

IN 1.Sign up events and dates:

1. Nevskaya Battle A. 1223

2. Kulikovskaya Battle B. 1240

3. Ice Battery V. 1380

4. Battle on r. Kalka G. 1242

AT 2. Set the match between the concept and definition :

1. Label A. Mongolian Presents Dani

2. Fully B. Gramot from Hana for the right of the reign

3. Baskets V. domination of the Ordans, oppression

4. IHO G. Gathering Dani in Russia

C1. Features feudal dependence in Russia

2. East of the Christian world. V-XI century

3. Prophets and conquerors of the East. VII-XIII century

4. Features of Catholic Europe. X-XV century

5. Country European countries. XI-XV century

6. Fates of medieval civilizations

What is the "Middle Ages"? The Middle Ages is a sufficiently long period in the history of mankind, filled with all sorts of events. At this time, new public, political and socio-economic systems arise in Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. They, on the one hand, carry hunger, mass epidemics, the rule of the church dogmas and the ruthless persecution of dissent, manifestations of dremptation, no indisputability and feudal violence. And on the other - the appearance of Renaissance masterpieces, the coup in the development of natural science, material and spiritual culture, the flourishing of humanistic thought, the first national Movements Against foreign conquerors and much more. As can be seen, the material is very interesting, but extremely complex and extensive. How to master it, remember the names of the main historical personalities and dates important events? The task is not from the lungs, but our site offers your way out - solve tests on history (grade 6) with answers.

Via final test on history (grade 6), which fully complies with the requirements of the GEF, is a generalization educational material At the rate of history (textbook "History of Russia. Grade 6" N.M. Arsentieva, A.V. Torkunova and the book "History of Russia from ancient times for the 16th century" I.L. Andreeva, I.N. Fedorova). In addition, free tasks of tests are designed and based on other educational and methodical manuals: The textbook "History of the Middle Ages" edited by Agibalova EV; Books "Universal History. The history of the Middle Ages "Boytsova MA, Shukurova M.N.; benefits "Measuring materials on history 6 class" Chernova M.N.; Books "Tests and tasks on history grade 6" edited by K.V. Volkov and "Tests on the history of middle ages" Yu.I. Maksimova. The test structure is quite simple. It consists of many interesting questions on topics, each of which is attached several options for answers. The student can read the task and online to choose the only right one. This kind of electronic test will not let me be bored. It is interesting leisure, and preparation for verification testing is a quarter, half or a year. The identified shortcomings and errors will allow in the future to receive an excellent annual assessment.

1 option

1.Kyevsky Prince Igor at 945:

a) joined the land of streets to Kiev;

b) secretly accepted Christianity;

c) committed a successful campaign against Khazar;

d) was killed by the Dani during the collection of Dani.

2. The first princely craftsman in Kievan Rus happened after death:

a) Rurik;

d) Svyatoslav.

3. The first one russian state There was a name:

a) Novgorod Rus

b) Kievskaya Rus

c) Vladimir Rus

d) Chernigov Rus

4. Name slavic tribethat did not want to pay Kiev Dan and constantly rebelled against Prince Igor.

a) Polyana

b) Doodle;

c) Krivichi

d) Dregovichi

5. Svyatoslav is a son:

a) Olga and Igor

b) Olga and Oleg

c) Olga and Rurik

d) Olga and Askold

6. In what Mongol-Tatar Khan Rus resumed the payment of Dani Golden Horde in 1382?

b) Tukhtamama

c) Genghis Khan

7. Name the name of the Russian prince, helped Mongol-Tatars suppress the uprising in Tver.

b) Dmitry.

d) Svyatoslav

8. In what year did the Nevskaya battle occurred?

9. In what year was standing on the River Ugra?

10. After the death of Vasily III on the throne was Ivan IV, which rules in

a) 1505-1533g.

b) 1533-1584g.

c) 1462-1505

A) Svyatoslav

B) Ivan Kalita

C) Dmitry Donskaya

D) Vasily Dark

2. Set compliance:

A) The death of Prince Svyatoslav 1). 988.

B) Baptism Rus 2) 882

C) the campaign of Rus on Byzantium 3) 907

D) education Kiev Rus 4) 972

A) standing on the river

B) Lubache Congress Princes

C) conquest of Kazan Khanate

D) Ice Bare

1. When, as with what prince was the baptism of Russia? What is the importance of making Russia Christianity?

2. When was the Congress of Princes in Lyubek? What solutions were accepted at this congress?

3. Why did Mongol-Tatars manage to quickly conquer the land of Rus? (Call at least two reasons)

Keys 1 option

2.A4, B1, B3, G2

    In 988, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (Red Sun) baptized Rus.


a) strengthening the influence of Byzantine culture

b) the change in life and morals of Slavs

c) raising international status

d) distribution of writing and education

2. The Lubachest Congress took place in 1097. The princes gave an oath to fight the enemy, and also agreed that each of them would rule themselves in the ground that had given him from his father.

3. The consequences of the Ordane rule:

a) Destroyed and ruin dozens of cities

b) Many crafts are forgotten

c) Russian land have suffered a huge tribute

d) changed the nature of the princely power

e) mutual mutual influence on each other Rus and the Golden Horde


1. In which age, the state of ancient Russia was formed?

2. Establishment in the ancient Russia of the new system of collecting Dani "lessons", "the mistakes" was the result:

a) Princess Olga

b) adoption of "Russian truth"

c) Prince Igor's activities

d) campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav

3. Founder is:

a) Collection of Dani from vassal possessions;

b) the petition of alms in people;

c) collecting people at the fair.

d) popular assembly

4. Rus's baptism occurred in:

5. Vese - this is:

a) Popular Assembly

b) festive food

c) kind of date

d) community.

6.Han, who headed the Tatar army in the battle on the river Kalka.

b) Tukhtamama

c) Genghis Khan

7. Awarder who headed the Mongol-Tatar army in the Kulikovsky battle.

b) Tukhtamama

c) Genghis Khan

8. Battle on the river was happening in

9. According to legend, the Kulikovsky battle of Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich blessed

a) Metropolitan Alexy

b) Nile Social

c) Sergius Radonezh

d) Metropolitan Macarius

10. After the death of Vasily III on the throne was Ivan IV, which rules

a) 1505-1533g.

b) 1533-1584g.

c) 1462-1505

d) 1584-1598

1. Poland the names of the princes in the chronological order of their life and activity:

A) Vladimir Monomakh

B) Ivan III

C) Vladimir Red Sunny

D) Ivan Kalita

2. Install the match

A) the first mention of Moscow 1). 1327

B) the lawsuit Ivan III 2) 1147

C) Lubache Congress 3) 1497

D) uprising in Tver 4) 1097

3. Place the following events in chronological sequence:

A) standing on the river

B) the Board of Prince Ivan Kalita

C) Kulikovsky battle

D) battle on the river

1. What battle is called "Mamaev Eating"? How did this battle begun, how did it end? What is the meaning of this battle?

2. Call the reasons for the fragmentation of the ancient Russian state (at least three reasons)

3. What reforms were held by the elected Rada in the XVI century (name at least three reforms)

Keys 2 options

2.A2, B3, B4, G1

1. The Kulikov Battle began on September 8, 1380 ended by the victory of Russian troops. Meaning: This victory restored faith in the Russian people to their strength, proved that the only way to get rid of the Ordane rule is to unite all Russian lands.

2. The causes of the fragmentation of the ancient Russian state:

a) the desire of local princes to separate (management procedure)

b) there was no solid and certain order of inheritance of the Kiev throne

c) changes in the country's economic life (the exploitation of the local population began)

3. Reforms Selected Rada:

a) local management reform

b) military reform

c) adoption of a new judiciary

d) creating orders