B1874 The new charter was approved

The main reforms of the Army of Russia from 1550 to 1918 the goal: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of Russia's military reforms from 1550 to 1918. History is a mighty factor in the education of conscious patriotism. Digid your story, forgetting it - it means to leave the graves of their ancestors who fought for their native land ... V. Pikul

1. Work on the definitions to add perditing: nobleman who is obliged to carry life military service called ________________. The tunches of auxiliary appointment consisting of peasants are poorly armed and unsuitable for combat actions called ______________. Infantry armed with axes and guns - ___________. Armed armed army consisting of noble cavalry called __________________ army. The soldier's regiment consisting of Russian people in which the officers were ingenians in the Russian service were called the regiment _______________. A man from the peasant yard aimed at the lifelong military service was subjected to ____________________.

Evaluation paper. Surname The name of the student work on the definitions of the work with the table. Test life-based assessment for the lesson. Note on working with definitions When working with definitions, you need to add a missed word. On the rating "5" - all missed words are filled out without errors. The rating "4" is 1-2 errors. On the assessment of "3" - 3 errors were allowed. Note on working with a table When working in pairs with a table, you must record the year, reform manager, and the main content of reforms. On the estimate "5" - the filling of the table coincides with the sample of the table filling in the correct option. On the estimate "4" - filling the table with one incorrect filling of information. On the assessment of "3" - with two incorrect filling of information. Note on working with test Tests are performed in independent work. During which you need to choose the correct answer to the question. After the test solution, the work is checked with answers with answers. The rating "5" - the test solution coincides with the answers to the tests. An estimate of "4" - 1-2 errors are allowed when solving. The rating "3" - when solving 3-4 errors are allowed.

The correct version of the answers is 1. The nobleman was obliged to bear the military service called the servant. 2. Auxiliary detachments consisting of peasants are poorly armed and unsuitable for hostilities called militia. 3. Infantry armed with axes and guns - Sagittarius. 4. The armed armed army consisting of the noble cavalry was called a local army. 5. The soldier's regiment consisting of Russian people in which the officers were ingenians in the Russian service were called the regiment of a new building. 6. The man from the peasant yard aimed at the lifelong military service was subjected to a recruit set.

The main reformers of the Army of Russia

The correct option of filling the table of the year of the reform. Current reforms. Basic content of reform Ivan Grozny 1 Options for the local troops; centralized management and supply of the army; Creation of Streletsky troops Peter I 4 Introduction of the recruit dialing; creating a regular army; military training; Creation of the Russian fleet D.A. Milyutin 2 Creating a mobilization reserve at the time of the war; professional training; Training a certificate of soldiers; Nikolai II 5 rearming of the army strengthened centralization of military administration; reduced service life; new educational programs are adopted for schools; New samples of artillery guns; Improving material supply V.I. Lenin (Ulyanov) 3 canceled military ranks; Canceled unitimate; the choice of commanders in general meetings; The formation of the army on a voluntary basis.

The correct answer version I) The basis of the Armed Forces of the Moscow State in the XVI century was: 1) noble formations + 2) Regular army 3) Sagittarius + 4) Connection 5) Artillery II) The first permanent parts of the shooters were formed at: 1) Ivan III 2) Peter I 3) Ivan Grozny + 4) Paul I 5) V. I. Lenin (Ulyanov) III) The first regular army was created at: 1) Ivan Grozny 2) Peter 1+ 3) V. I. Lenin 4) Catherine II 5) Ivan III IV) the main cause of military reform conducted in X. XIX century: 1) defeat in Crimean war + 2) internecine wars 3) peasant unrest 4) victory in the Russian - Turkish war 5) Russian - japanese War V) Date of introduction in Russia of the Universal Military Meetility: 1) 1918 g 2) 1904 g 3) 1776 g 4) 1874 g + 5) 1550 g

Slide 1.

Clade 2.

Lesson Plan: Organization of the Armed Forces of the Moscow State of the XIV-XV centuries. Military reform of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the XVI century. Military reform of Peter I in the first quarter of the XVIII century, the creation of a regular army and fleet. Military reforms of 1860-1870 under the leadership of Military Minister D.Yu. Milutin, their features. Military reforms 1905-912 and their features.

Slide 3.

Working with the table Year of Reforms Head of Reforms The main content of reforms

Slide 4.

Work on definitions Definition The correct answer of the nobleman is obliged to bear the military service called ... Celebration detachments consisting of peasants poorly armed and unsuitable for hostilities called ... The infantry armed with axes and guns The armed armed army consisting of the noble cavalry called ... Avto Soldiers' Regiment consisting of Russian people In which the officers were forgoers in the Russian service were called the regiment ... Building a man from the peasant yard aimed at lifelong military service was subjected ...

Slide 5.

History is a mighty factor in the education of conscious patriotism. Digid your story, forgetting it - it means to leave the graves of their ancestors who fought for their native land ... V. Pikul

Slide 6.

Kulikovo field, Poltava Field, Borodino - sheepdown by the glory of Russian weapons, who gave birth to freedom and power of our country. All of them became majestic history memorials. At all times, the Russian people went out with a single friendly family for the expulsion of the greedy conquerors who came to our land, was a persistent defender of their native habitat - the land of the Russian.

Slide 7.

The development and development of the Armed Forces of Russia is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian state. Over the years, Russian people have constantly had to conduct an armed struggle, protecting their lands from foreign invaders. In the period from the XV to the XVII century. There is practically no one peaceful year when the Russian state would have calmly and did not need to disgrace the enemy. Therefore, the state was in constant readiness for war, and its device corresponded to this requirement.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

Origin origin in our fatherland military organization Going during the reign of Ivan III of the Great (1462-1505), which began a massive distribution of land plots and places the servants of the Princely Court, as well as free people, subject to service, that is, put the beginning of the formation of the servant of the nobility. Ivan III efforts to create a strong military organization of the Russian state continued Ivan IV, which created one of the largest armies in Europe - 250-300 thousand people (about 3% of the population of Russia).

Clade 10.

In the period from 1550 to 1571. Ivan Grozny was held military reforms, the beginning of which put a decree of October 3, 1550 on the division of land around Moscow 1000 landowners who took key team orders in the army.

Clade 11.

Basic content: streamlining the system of the recruitment and military service in the local troops; Organization of centralized management of the army; Creation of permanent shooting troops; centralization of the supply system; Creating a constant watchdog in the southern border.

Slide 12.

The local army (the noble cavalry, which was the main genus of Russian troops in the XV-XVII centuries) had the nature of the militia. In organizational terms, it was divided into hundreds. All applicants' suitable for the service and Votchin on the service of the service of 1556 were hiking with their horses, supplies and weapons and exhibited 1 armed warriors from every 50 tenthees who belonged to them. Reorganized by Peter I in 1701 in regular regiments of dragoons.

Slide 13.

Streletsky army - the first permanent army in the Russian state of the mid XVI - the beginning of the XVIII centuries. It was completed from the free urban and rural not a factory (not taxed) population, they were in service with the birdishs, managed by the warlords. Organizationally consisted of "devices" (detachments), then orders (500-1000 people), from 1681 - regiments, and was under the signation of the Streetsky order. In the 1980s, the XVII century was reorganized in the image of the "New Building" regiments. Disbanded by the decree of Peter I at the beginning of the XVIII century.

Slide 14.

Slide 15.

The regular Russian army was created under Peter I at the beginning of the XVIII century. Its creation contributed to the defeat of Russian troops in 1700 under Narva in the battle with the Swedish army. Strelie shelves and noble cavalry showed their complete helplessness. The Russian army lost more than 6 thousand people under Narva and all artillery.

Slide 16.

Peter I introduced a new system of recruiting the army. It began to be carried out according to the principle of the recruit set, when the 10-20 peasant yards in the lot were supplied by one person on the lifelong military service. The introduction of the recruitment service allowed Peter I to significantly increase the number of permanent troops. The officer's corps of the Russian army consisted of no nobles for them public service It was mandatory and lifelong. To get an officer chin, the nobleman was supposed to serve as a soldier in the Guards Shelves - Preobrazhensky or Semenovsky.

Slide 17.

For the organization, armament, combat training of Peter I reform, put forward the Russian army to one of the first places in Europe.

Slide 18.

The main content: the creation of the Russian (national) regular army and fleet based on the recruit system; the abolition of previously existing heterogeneous military formations and the introduction of the same type of organization and weapons in infantry, Connection and artillery; introduction of a unified military training system and upbringing regulated by the charters; Centralization of military management, replacing orders of the Military Collegium and Admiralty Board, the establishment of the post of mainly the commander, in which the field headquarters was created led by a quarrmeter general; Opening of military schools to prepare officer personnel and regulation of officers; Conducting military judicial reforms.

Slide 19.

Slide 20.

Transformation in the Armed Forces of Russia under the leadership of Military Minister D. A. Milyutin. We had a goal to create a mass army, eliminate the military backwardness of Russia, detected in the Crimean War of 1853-56.

Clade 21.

In 1874, a new charter was approved on military service. From this time, the recruit sets into the army were canceled in Russia and introduced a universal military service that spread to the male population of all classes and classes that had reached the age of 21. The total service life was established at 15 years: of which 6 years have accounted for a valid military service, and 9 years - to stay in stock. Special attention was paid to improving professional training officer. The necessary literacy of the soldiers was recognized, so the training of their reading and writing was mandatory.

Clade 22.

Main content: Replacing the recruitance of the all-known military service, the creation of an exchange reserve, the formation of a military district control system (15 districts); Allocation of a new "Regulation on the field management of troops in war time", Re-equipment of the army with rifle rifle weapons and artillery; Reorganization of military training troops (development and introduction of new military charters in the troops), as well as officer training systems (replacement cadet buildings military gymnasiums, institution of military and Junker schools); The permanent military courts (regimental, military-district and main) are established.

Slide 23.

D. A. Milyutin recalled: "My most record enemies had to admit that the Russian army had never been on the war theater so well prepared and supplied." Military reforms of 1860-1870 contributed to the strengthening of the Russian army.

Slide 24.

Slide 25.

After defeat B. russian-Japanese war The government of Nicholas II took steps to revive the combat power of the Russian Armed Forces. This forced a complex international situation.

Clade 26.

The first came out world War, Which began on July 19, 1914, Germany declared war of Russia, and after her and France. In a matter of days, after that, the main European states entered the war. The First World War has become for the history of Russia and its armed forces of another heroic and at the same time a tragic page.

Clade 27.

Main content: Enhanced centralization of military management (the territorial system of the acquisition) was introduced; The service life is reduced, the officer corps is rejuvenated; new programs for military schools, new charters and new samples of artillery guns are adopted; Created heavy field artillery, reinforced engineering troops And improved material support.

Slide 28.

Working with a table Year of reform Head of reforms The main content of reforms 1550-1571 Ivan The Terrible Completion of the Location Forces; centralized management and supply of the army; The creation of shooting troops. 1701-1711 Peter I Introduction of the Recructure Set; creating a regular army; military training; Creating a Russian fleet. 1864-1874 D.A. Milyutin Creating a mobilization stock at the time of war; professional training; Training a certificate of soldiers; re-equipment of the army. 1905-1912 Nicholas II strengthened the centralization of military administration; reduced service life; New adopted educational programs for schools; New samples of artillery guns; Improving material supply.

Clade 29.

Definitions. The correct answers to the definition of the correct answer of the nobleman was obliged to bear military service called ... The servant troops of the auxiliary appointment consisting of peasants are poorly armed and unsuitable for hostilities called ... the militia of the infantry armed with axes and guns of the armed armed army consisting of the noble cavalry called ... Russian people in which the officers were forgoers in the Russian service were called the regiment ... Building a new man from the peasant yard aimed at the lifelong military service was subjected ... to recruit

Slide 30.

Check yourself! The basis of the Armed Forces of the Moscow State in the XVI century was: noble formations Regular Army Arched Connection The first permanent parts of the shooters were formed at: Ivan III Peter I Ivan Grozny Paul I First Regular Army was created at: Ivan Grozny Peter 1 Ekaterina II Ivan III Major Code of Military reforms conducted in the 60-70s. XIX century: defeat in the Crimean war Internecine Wars Victory in the Russian-Turkish War Russian-Japanese War Date of introduction in Russia of the Universal Military Meetility: 1918 g 1904 g 1874 g 1550 g

Slide 31.

Right answers The basis of the Armed Forces of the Moscow State in the XVI century was: noble formations Regular Army Arched Connection The first permanent parts of the shooters were formed when: Ivan III Peter I Ivan Grozny Paul I First Regular Army was created at: Ivan Grozny Peter 1 Catherine II Ivan III III Main The cause of military reform carried out in the 60-70s. XIX century: defeat in the Crimean war Internecine Wars Victory in the Russian-Turkish War Russian-Japanese War Date of introduction in Russia of the Universal Military Meetility: 1918 g 1904 g 1874 g 1550 g Literature used by A.T.Smirnov, B.I. Mishin, V.A.vasnev - "Basics of Safety of Life" Grade 10. - M., "Enlightenment, 2004. N.I. Pavlenko, I.L. Andreev, L.M. Lyashenko; Ed. A.F. Kiseleva, N.I. Pavlenko - "History of Russia from ancient times to end XIX. century, grade 10. A basic level of, Studies. For general education institutions / - M.: Drop, 2007. Internet links http://s61.radikal.ru/i171/0810/4f/686893489f48.jpg http://www.sva-slava.ru/kartini/bubnov/utro_na_kulikovom_pole .jpg http://f.rodon.org/p/10/080214111434d.jpg http://vnnews.ru/static/images/2008-12/1454/4958964343b74_3.jpg http://bioserge.narod.ru/ images / vasnetsov_grozny.jpg http://img.encyc.yandex.net/illustrations/krugosvet/pictures/4/4e/1011585-ph05273.jpg http://www.artsait.ru/art/g/glazunovis/img/ 50.jpg http://www.ot.clan.su/_nw/4/98491.jpg http://www.vzmakh.ru/parabellum/image/14/14_08.gif http://www.emezk.ru /Forum/File/1158.jpg http://history-gatchina.ru/owners/dog/imgdog/petr.jpg http://img12.nnm.ru/imagez/gallery/4/1/4/8/9 /41489A9935835D70E947112D1Bea0f89_full.jpg http://rosneft.division.ru/pics/1700/1700_3-a_big.jpg http://www.lomonosovo.ru/joom/resources/image/mozaika/poltava_1_400.jpg http: // www. rchobbymaster.ru/private/rchobbymaster/shop_load/47/italeri_6053.jpg http://images.izvestia.ru/145833.jpg HT TP: //www.beenergy.ru/uploads/posts/2008-10/1224674129_38935.jpg http://kds.eparhia.ru/www/biblio/1_67421412037.jpg http://www.rucoin.ru/files/ nikolay2.jpg http://zforum.zyablikovo.net/uploads/post-9336-1153751789.jpg

The use of ICT in training contributes to the disclosure, preservation and development of individual abilities from schoolchildren inherent in each person a unique combination of personal qualities; the formation of cognitive abilities in students, the desire for improvement; ensuring the complexity of studying the phenomena of reality, the continuity of the relationship between natural science, technology, humanitarian sciences and art; The constant dynamic update of the content, forms and methods of the learning process and education.

The main results of the application of ICT in the valves of the Obzh:

· Growing the level of independence and amateurness of students in the lesson;

· Positive attitude of students to the subject of the OBZH, to the teacher, to each other;

· Designation of the objective orientation of students' activity on the development of their identity;

· Appearance and growth in students of cognitive interest;

· Educational and developing personality standing during the lesson.

Of all the above, one can make one single conclusion: the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of the OBZH is not a tribute to fashion, but the urgent need, ICT is one of the essential means of implementing the goals and objectives of the learning process.


1. Levin A.Sh. Tutorial CorelDraw / A.Sh.levin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 205c.

2. Leontyev V.P. The newest encyclopedia of the personal computer 2007 / V.P. Leontyev. - Moscow: Alma MediaGroup, 2007. - 896c.

3. Bubnov V.G. Atlas voluntary rescuer. Tutorial / V.G. Bubnov, N.V. Bubnova; Edited by G.A. Shorty. - Moscow: Ast Astrel, 2004. - 80c.

4. Litvinov E.N., Smirnov A.T. Basics of life safety. Grade 7: Textbook for general education institutions / E.N. Litvinov, A.T. Smirnov. - Moscow: AST-LTD, 1997. - 160c.

5. Solovyuva L.F. Computer technologies for teacher / L.F. Solovyov. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2008. - 453С.

6. Crimea B., Pinnacle Studio 10. Russian version: Tutorial / B. Crimea. - Moscow: Triumph, 2006. - 256c.

7. Thin A.P. Russian educational Internet resources for primary school teachers / A.P. Thin // Primary School. - 2007. - №1. - p.117-124.

8. Stavrov OB Application of computer B. professional activity Teachers / O.B. Stavrov. - Moscow: Intellect-Center, 2007. - 144c.

9. Komarov V.N. Technology application of computer technologies in the teaching of the OBZH. - http://www.in-n.ru.

10. 3. Jagrinovich N. Informatics and Information Technologies 10-11: Moscow. Binomial. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2002.

11. 4.Safrine Yu. Information Technology: Moscow. Binomial. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2003.

12. 6. Azievich A.I. Some computer programs. - magazine "Mathematics at school" №10 / 2002, 341.

13. 7. Smirnova I.M., Smirnov V.A. The image of spatial figures using Adobe Illustrator is the magazine "Mathematics at School" No. 10/2002, p. 46.

14. Glickman I. Pedagogical technology - This is one of the means of pedagogical technique // School Director. - 2004. - No. 7.- with. 46-49.

15. Kondakov A. About the Internet, as in Argentina, we can only dream // First of September. - April 2, 2005

16. Maslennikova A. Pedagogical and educational technologies: Definition and Classification // School Director. - 2004. - № 7. - p. 50-56.


Attachment 1

Sample student performances in class

Military reforms 1550-1571 at Ivan III

According to domestic historians, Moscow State In the XVI century Could have the army of 150-200 thousand soldiers.

In the most serious and important military campaigns to combat units joined the troops of auxiliary appointment - militia.

The militia consisted of land and peasants who were poorly armed and unsuitable for combat actions. The militias were mainly used to protect the sumports, construction of roads, engineering work in the sieges of enemy fortresses. In such camps total number The troops could be up to 300 thousand people.

The basis of the Armed Forces of the Moscow State during this period was noble formations. For military service, land ownership with peasants (estates) received from the Moscow sovereigns. During the reviews on which the readiness of the noble detachments to combat actions was checked, each nobleman was obliged to appear on a complete armament, having two horses - combat and spare, one or several armed servants. In case of failure to appear on the look, being late for a campaign, arrival is poorly equipped or without an imposed number of armed servants, a penalty was relied on a fine or a decrease in the size of land ownership.

Throughout the life of the noblemen, they were obliged to bear military service, they all were considered serunely from generation to generation, from grandfather to his father, from his father to his son.

During the long years, they acquired the skills of professionals warriors.

Historians note that in the Dopererovsky time the Russian system of military organization and the management of troops was well adapted to solve problems facing it. The Russian government, seeking to keep up with Europe, held military reforms and applied the highest possible efforts in this direction and never regretted funds for this.

Military reforms under Peter I

The regular Russian army was created under Peter I in the period from 1701 to 1711. The defeat of the Russian troops in 1700 was the impetus for the acceleration of its creation, under Narva from the Swedish army. Strelie shelves and noble cavalry in the battle near Narva showed full helplessness. The Russian army under Narva lost more than 6 thousand people and all artillery.

With the creation of the Army Peter I introduced a new system of picking troops. It began to be carried out according to the principle of the recruit set, when 10-20 peasant yards in the lot were supplied by one person on lifelong military service. The introduction of the recruitment service allowed Peter I to increase the number of troops. From 1705, the entire Russian army was recruited. The officer's corps of the Russian army consisted of nobles, for them the public service was mandatory and lifelong. To get an officer chin, the nobleman was supposed to serve as a soldier in the Guards Preobrazhensky or Semenovian regiment.

In total, 47 infantry and 5 grenadier (selected infantry) regiments, 33 cavalry regiments, and artillery was also created.

All cases relating to the army began to lead the government senate and subordinate to him the Military Collegium (a model of the Ministry of Defense). During this period, a military fleet is created in the Baltic Sea. Permanent preparation of regiments to battle tactics is introduced. The troops were displayed in the summer camps for two-way combat exercises. The creation of a regular army, the organization of its combat training raised the fighting power of the Russian army. All this determined Russia's victory in Northern War (1700-1721).

Military reforms 1860-1870

The next major military reform of the Russian Armed Forces was carried out after the defeat in the Crimean War (1853-1856), which opened the military backwardness of Russia from European states.

Military reforms were carried out under the leadership of Military Minister Dmitry Alekseevich Milyutina, who was appointed to this post in 1861. The main task of military transformations he saw that in peacetime the number of the army was minimal, and in wartime - maximum due to the trained stock. From 1864 to 1867, the number of troops decreased from 1 million 132 thousand to 742 thousand, and military margin increased to 553 thousand people.

In 1874, a new charter was approved on military service. From this time, recruitment kits in the army were canceled in Russia and a universal military service was introduced, which spread to the male population of all classes and classes that had reached the age of 21.

The total service life was established at 15 years: of which 6 years have accounted for a valid military service, and 9 years - to stay in stock.

Special attention was paid to improving the professional training of officers. The necessary literacy of the soldiers was recognized, the training of their reading and writing becomes mandatory. Special military network expands educational institutions.

An important component of transformations in the army was its re-equipment. The infantry in 1891 was adopted by a shopping rifle rifle of the mosine caliber of 7.62 mm. The artillery began to flow steel with rolling trunk, which had a greater firing range.

As a result of the events, mass armed forces were created, their combat capability was significantly increased.

Military reforms 1905-1912

In the history of the development of the Armed Forces of Russia, there were not only victories, but also defeats, as in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. At the beginning of the XX century. on the Far East The struggle of the spheres of influence in China, where the interests of Russia and Japan collided. War was inevitable. But Japan prepared much better for it. Despite the heroism and the valor of soldiers and sailors, the war was played. The war ended in the conclusion of the Portsmouth peace treaty, according to which the Liaoda Peninsula with the fortress of Port Arthur and the southern part of Sakhalin were moved to Japan.

After defeat in the Russian-Japanese war, the government of Nicholas II took measures to revive the combat ability of the Russian Armed Forces. This forced a complex international situation. The First World War has emerged, which broke out in July 1914

July 19, Germany declared the war of Russia, and after her and France. In a matter of days, after that, the main European states entered the war. The First World War has become for the history of Russia and its armed forces of another heroic and at the same time a tragic page.

Appendix 2.

Table Termines

  • The nobleman was obliged to bear military service called ________________.

  • The tunches of auxiliary appointment consisting of peasants are poorly armed and unsuitable for combat actions called ______________.

  • Infantry armed with axes and guns- ___________.

  • Armed armed army consisting of noble cavalry called __________________ army.

  • The soldier's regiment consisting of Russian people in which the officers were ingenians in the Russian service were called the regiment _______________.

  • A man from the peasant yard aimed at the lifelong military service was subjected to ____________________.

Servicing .

  • Nobleman obliged to bear military service called Servicing .

  • Supports of auxiliary appointment consisting of peasants poorly armed and unsuitable for combat actions called Militia.

  • Infantry armed with axes and guns Sagittsev .

  • Armed army consisting of noble cavalry called Local army.

  • The soldier's regiment consisting of Russian people in which the officers were ingenians in the Russian service were called the regiment New Building.

  • The man from the peasant yard aimed at the lifelong military service was subjected Recruit set.

Correct answer

  • Correct answer

  • I. ) The basis of the Armed Forces of the Moscow State in the XVI century was:1) noble formations + 2) Regular Army 3) Sagittarius + 4) cavalry 5) artillery II ) The first permanent parts of the shooters were formed at:1) Ivan III 2) Peter I 3) Ivan Grozny + 4) Paul I 5) V.I. Lenin (Ulyanov) Iii) The first regular army was created at:1) Ivan Grozny 2) Peter 1 + 3) V.I. Lenin 4) Ekaterina II 5) Ivan III (Iv) The main cause of military reform conducted in the 60-70s. XIX century:1) defeat in the Crimean War + 2) Internecine Wars 3) Peasant Unrest 4) Victory in the Russian-Turkish War 5) Russian-Japanese War (V) Date of introduction in Russia by the Universal Military Meament:1) 1918 g 2) 1904 g 3) 1776 g 4) 1874 + 5) 1550 g

about military service.

FROM this time in Russia canceled recruit sets in the army and introduced

universal military service that has spread to the male population of all classes and classes that has reached the age of 21. The total service life was established at 15 years: of which 6 years have accounted for a valid military service, and 9 years - to stay in stock. Special attention was paid to improving the professional training of officers. The necessary literacy of the soldiers was recognized, so the training of their reading and writing was mandatory.

Main content:

Replacing the recruitment of the all-known military service, the creation of an exchange reserve, the formation of a military-circon control system (15 districts);

Allocation of a new "Regulations on the field management of troops

in wartime ", re-equipment of the army with rifle rifle weapons and artillery;

Reorganization of combat training troops (development and introduction

in the troops of the new military charters), as well as the system of training officer personnel (replacement of cadet corps by military gymnasiums, institution of military and UNCERSK schools);

The permanent military courts (regimental, military district and main) are established.

D. A. Milyutin recalled: "My most record enemies had to admit that the Russian army had never been on the war theater so well prepared and supplied." Military reforms of 1860-1870 contributed to the strengthening of the Russian army.

Military reforms 1905-1912

After the defeat in the Russian-Japanese war, the Nikolai II government took steps to revive the combat power of the Russian Armed Forces. This forced a complex international situation.

The First World War was coming, which began on July 19, 1914, Germany declared a war of Russia, and after her France. In a matter of days, after that, the main European states entered the war. The First World War has become for the history of Russia and its armed forces of another heroic and at the same time a tragic page.

Main content:

The centralization of military administration (the territorial system of the acquisition was introduced);

The service life is reduced, the officer corps is rejuvenated;

New programs for military schools, new charters and new samples of artillery guns are adopted;

A heavy field artillery has been created, engineering troops have strengthened and improved material support.

Year of reform

Work with a table


carried out

Ivan groznyj

YES. Milyutin

Nicholas II.

Completion of the local troops;

Centralized management and supply of the army;

The creation of shooting troops.

Administration of the recruit set;

creating a regular army;

military training;

creating a Russian fleet.

Creating a mobilization reserve during the war;

Professional training;

Training a certificate of soldiers;

Re-equipment of the army.

Centralization of military management strengthened;

Reduced service life;

New educational programs have been adopted;

New samples of artillery guns;

Improving material supply.

Definitions. Right answers

The first permanent parts of the Archers were formed at:

The first regular army was created at:

The main cause of military reform conducted in the 60s-70s. XIX century:

Date of introduction in Russia by the Universal Military Meament:

noble formations Regular army Sagittarius cavalry

Ivan Grozny Paul I

Ivan Grozny Peter 1 Ekaterina II Ivan III

Defeat in the Crimean War of Internecine Wars Victory in the Russian-Turkish War

Russian-Japanese war