Japanese Russian War 1904 1905. Russian-Japanese War: Results and Consequences

It may seem strange, but for Russia today II World War Not quite finished. The country has a peace treaty with one of the countries of the aggressive block. The reason is territorial issues.

This country is the Japanese Empire, the territory - the southern chickens (they are now at all for hearing). But really, it was precisely two great countries so did not shake, what were involved in the sake of these sea rocks in the world slaughter?

No, naturally. The Soviet-Japanese war (it is correct to talk correctly, since in 1945 Russia did not act as a separate subject of international politics, acting solely as the main one, but still only the component of the USSR) had deep reasons that appeared far from 1945. And no one then did not think that the "Kuril Question" will defier so long. Briefly about the Russian-Japanese war of 1945 will be told the reader in the article.

5 Circles

The reasons for the militarization of the Japanese empire at the beginning of the twentieth century are understandable - rapid industrial development, conjugate with territorial and resource limitations. The country needed food, coal, metal. All this was near the neighbors. But they simply didn't want to share, and no one has yet believed the war at the time that there is an invalid way to solve international issues.

The first attempt was carried out in 1904-1905. Russia then disgraced disgraced with a tiny, but disciplined and cohesive island, having lost his port Arthur in the Portsmouth World (everyone heard about him) and the southern part of Sakhalin. Yes, and that, so small losses have become only possible thanks to the diplomatic talents of the future Prime Minister S. Yu. Witte (at least it was nicknamed for this "Graph Polishhalinsky", the fact remains a fact).

In the 20th years in the country of the rising sun printed the cards, called "5 circles of the national interests of Japan". There different colors In the form of stylized concentric rings, the territories were designated that the ruling circles of the country were considered to be correct and attached. These circles were captured, including almost the entire Asian part of the USSR.

Three tankers

In the late 1930s, Japan has already successfully leading the grip wars in Korea and China, "tried for strength" and the USSR. There were conflicts in the Khalkhin-goal area and on Lake Hasan.

It turned out bad. Far Eastern conflicts marked the beginning of a brilliant career of the future "Marshal Victory" G. K. Zhukova, and all the USSR sang a song about three tankers from the shores of Amur, where there was a phrase about samurai under the head of Steel and Fire (later it was redone, but the initial version is such) .

Although Japan stailed with its allies the distribution of future spheres of influence within the framework of the Anti-Comintern Covenant (here is also the "axis Berlin - Rome - Tokyo", although it takes a rich imagination to understand how the axis looks like in the understanding of the author), it did not indicate when it was Each party should take its own.

The Japanese authorities did not consider themselves so related obligations, and the events in the Far East showed them that the USSR - the opponent is dangerous. Therefore, in 1940, a neutrality agreement was concluded between the two countries, and in 1941, when Germany attacked the USSR, Japan preferred to engage in Pacific issues.

Allian debt

But the USSR also did not have much respect to the treaties, therefore, in the framework of the anti-Hitler coalition, conversations immediately began to join the war with Japan (the United States was shocked by Pearl Harbor, and England was afraid for their colonies in South Asia). During the Tehran Conference (1943), a preliminary agreement was reached on the USSR accession to the War in the Far East after the defeat of Germany in Europe. The final decision was made during the Yalta Conference when it was stated that the USSR will declare the war of Japan no later than 3 months after the defeat of Hitler.

But the USSR was managed not philanthropists. The country's leadership had their own interest in this matter, and not only assisted allies. For participation in the war, they were promised to return Port Arthur, Harbin, South Sakhalin and Kuril Ridge (transmitted by Japan under the Treaty of the Tsarist Government).

Atomic blackmail

There was another good reason for the Soviet-Japanese war. By the time of the end of the war in Europe, it was already clear that the anti-Hitler coalition was fragile, so soon the allies will turn into enemies. At the same time, in China, the Red Army "Comrade Mao" fought fearlessly. Relationship between him and Stalin - difficult questionBut here it was not to ambitions, because it was about the opportunity to grantly expand the space controlled by the Communists at the expense of China. It was necessary for this a little - defeat the almost Million Kwantung Japanese army, which was standing in Manchuria.

The United States to fight the Japanese face to face the desire was not burning. Although the technical and numerical superiority allowed them to win a low price (an example - landing on Okinawa in the spring of 1945), but the military samurai morals were very frightened by the spoiled Yankees. The Japanese equally coldly cut off the swords of the head by the captive American officers and did Harakiri. On Okinawa there were almost 200 thousand dead Japanese, and the units of prisoners - officers of the spells of their belly, ordinary and local residents were treated, but nobody wanted to surrender to the mercy of the winner. Yes, and the famous Kamikadze took, rather, moral influence - the goals they reached not very often.

Therefore, the United States went to another - atomic blackmail. In Hiroshima and Nagasaki there was not a single military. Atomic bombs destroyed 380 thousand (in total) civilians. Atomic "scarecrow" was to restrain the Soviet ambitions.

Understanding that Japan inevitably capitulates, many Western leaders have already regretted that the USSR was inserted into the Japanese question.

Marsh throw

But in the USSR, at that time, blackmails were not categorically loved. The country denounced the neutrality pact and announced Japan's war exactly on time - August 8, 1945 (accurate 3 months after the defeat of Germany). Already known not only about successful atomic tests, but also about the fate of Hiroshima.

Before that was a serious preparatory work. Since 1940 existed Far Eastern FrontBut he did not led hostilities. After the defeat of Hitler, the USSR carried out a unique maneuver - on the only railway line of the Transsib, throughout May, July, 39 brigades and divisions were transferred from Europe (tank and 3 general army), which was about half a million people, more than 7,000 guns and more than 2000 tanks. It was an incredible indicator of moving in such a short time and in such unfavorable conditions of such a number of people and techniques on such a distance.

The command was also selected worthy. General management carried out Marshal A. M. Vasilevsky. And the main blow to the Quantong Army was supposed to apply R. Ya. Malinovsky. Mongolian parts fought from the USSR in alliance.

Superiority is different

As a result of the successful transformation of the USSR troops, reached an unambiguous superiority over the Japanese in the Far East. The Kwantung Army consisted of about 1 million soldiers (rather, somewhat smaller, since there was nocomplex in parts) and was provided with equipment and ammunition. But the technique was obsolete (if compared with the Soviet, then a pre-war sample), and among the soldiers there were many recruits, as well as forcibly designed representatives of conquered peoples.

The USSR, connecting the forces of the Trans-Baikal Front and the arrived parts, could set up to 1.5 million people. And most of them were experienced, challenged front-line women, who passed the Crimea and Rome on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Suffice it to say that 3 management and 3 divisions of the NKVD troops took part in the hostilities. And only the victims of the "exposure" articles of the 90s may assume that these parts could only shoot the wounded, trying to go to the rear or suspect honest people in betrayal. Everything happened, of course, but ... for NKvedists there were no progressants - they themselves never retreated. These were very combatable, perfectly trained troops.

Take pincers

This aviation term is best characterized by a strategic plan called Manchurian Operation R. Ya. Malinovsky in defeating the Kwantung Army. It was assumed that a simultaneous very powerful blow in several directions would be applied, which will allow demoralize and split the enemy.

So it was. The Japanese General Osudzo Yamada was amazed when it turned out that the Guards of the 6th Tank Army are able to overcome Gobi and Big Hinghan for 3 days, coming from the territory of Mongolia. The mountains were cool, and the rainy season spoiled the road and brought mountain rivers out of the banks. But Soviet tankers capable of almost carrying their cars on their hands through Belarusian swamps during the operation of Bagration, could not prevent any streams and rains!

At the same time, strikes from Primorye and from the Amur region and Ussuri were applied. So the Manchurian operation was carried out - the main thing in the entire Japanese campaign.

8 days, showed the Far East

Just so much (from 12 to 20 August) occupied the main martialctions Russian-Japanese War (1945). A terrible simultaneous blow of three fronts (in some sections by Soviet troops, in one day, it was possible to move more than 100 km!) Since the Kwanantic army was split, deprived it of communication, demoralized. The Pacific Fleet interrupted the message of the Kwantung Army with Japan, it was lost the opportunity to get help and even limited contacts in general (there was a minus - many groups of soldiers of the army were not at all at all at all that they were given to capitulate). The mass desertion of recruits and called for violence began; Officers commit suicide. The "Emperor" of the puppet state of the Manchou-Pu Pu and General Osudzo fell into captivity.

In turn, the USSR perfectly established the supply of its parts. Although it was possible to exercise almost only with the help of aviation (huge distances and lack of normal roads), but transport heavy aircraft coped perfectly with the task. Soviet troops It took huge territories in China, as well as the North Korea (current DPRK). August 15, Hirokhito, Emperor of Japan, announced a radio about the need for surrender. The Kwantung Army received an order only on the 20th. But even before on September 10, some detachments continued to be hopeless resistance, seeking to die unresponsible.

The events of the Soviet-Japanese war continued to develop a rapid pace. Simultaneously with the actions on the continent, steps took place to defeat Japanese garrisons on the islands. The 2nd Far Eastern Front on August 11 began an action in southern Sakhalin. The main task was the seizure of the cotton fortified district. Although the Japanese blew up the bridge, seeking to prevent the breakthrough of tanks, it did not help - to guid a temporary crossing from soviet soldiers It took only one night. Especially distinguished in battles for Strejunion Batthana Captain L. V. Smirny. He died in the same place, having received a posthumous title of hero Soviet Union. At the same time, the ships of the Northokeaan flotilla landed the landings in the largest ports In the south of the island.

Strevilion was captured on August 17th. The capitulation of Japan (1945) occurred on the 25th, after the last successful landing in the port of Korsakov. From him they tried to export valuable things to their homeland. All Sakhalin turned out to be controlled by the USSR.

However, the South Sakhalin surgery of 1945 was somewhat slower than the Wasilevsky Marshal planned. As a result, the landing of the landing on Hokkaido Island and his occupation, which orders were given by the Marshal on August 18.

Kuril landing operation

By landing off marine assaults, the islands of the Curil Ridge were also captured. The Kuril landing operation lasted from August 18 to September 1. At the same time, actually battles were carried out only for the northern islands, although military garrisons were at all. But after the fierce battles behind the island, the commander of the Japanese troops on the Curilah Fusaki Tsutumi agreed to capitulate and surrendered to himself. After that, the Soviet paratroopers no longer met on the islands of any significant resistance.

On August 23-24, there were exercises of northern smokers, from the 22nd, the occupation began and the southern islands. In all cases, for this purpose, the Soviet command allocated landing parts, but more often the Japanese surrendered without a fight. The greatest strengths were allocated to occupy the island of Kunashir (this name is now hearing), since it was decided to create a military base. But Kunashir also surrendered to actually without a fight. Several small garrisons managed to evacuate home.

Linkor "Missouri"

And on September 2, on board the American linear ship Missouri, the final surrender of Japan was signed (1945). This fact marked the end of the II World War (not to be confused with the Great Patriotic!). The USSR at the ceremony was represented by General K. Derevko.

Small blood

For such a large-scale event, the Russian-Japanese war of 1945 (briefly about it you learned from the article) it cost the USSR inexpensive. Only the number of victims is estimated at 36.5 thousand people, of whom the dead - a little more than 21 thousand.

The losses in the Soviet-Japanese war war were larger. They had more than 80 thousand dead, more than 600 thousand were captured. Approximately 60 thousand prisoners died, the rest almost all were repatriated before the signing of the San Francis world. First of all, those soldiers of the Japanese army were sent to their homeland, who was not a Japanese by nationality. The exceptions were the participants of the Russian-Japanese war of 1945, which were caught in war crimes. Much of them was transferred to China, and it was for what - with the participants of Chinese resistance or at least suspects in this conquerors were repent of medieval cruelty. Later in China, this topic was disclosed in the legendary film "Red Galyan".

The disproportionate ratio of losses in the Russian-Japanese war (1945) is explained by the unambiguous superiority of the USSR in technical equipment And the level of preparation of soldiers. Yes, the Japanese sometimes had fierce resistance. At the height of acute (Hotwowstone), the garrison fought until the last cartridge; The survivors committed suicide, no prisoner was not taken. Summerly bombers were met that they rushed with grenades under tanks or a group of Soviet soldiers.

But they did not take into account that they did not deal with the Americans, very afraid to die. Soviet fighters themselves knew how to close the ambrusuras, and they were not easy to scare them. Very soon they learned to detect and neutralize such kamikaze.

Dolo Portsmouth Shame

As a result of the Soviet-Japanese war of 1945, the USSR got rid of the shame of the Portsmouth world, which completed the hostilities of 1904-1905. He again owned the entire Kuril Grocery and all Sakhalin. It turned to the USSR and the Quantum Peninsula (this territory was submitted under the contract then China after the proclamation of the PRC).

What else in our history of the Soviet-Japanese war? I contributed to the victory in it and the dissemination of the communist ideology, and so successfully that the result survived its creator. The USSR no longer exists, and the PRC and the DPRK - quite, and do not get tired to hit the world with their economic accomplishments and military power.

Unfinished war

But the most interesting thing is that the war with Japan for Russia is still not finished! The peace treaty between the two states does not exist to this day, and today's problems around the status of the Kuril Islands are direct consequence.

The general peace treaty was signed in 1951 in San Francisco, but there was no signature of the USSR. The reason was just the Kuril Islands.

The fact is that in the text of the contract it was indicated that Japan refuses them, but it was not said to whom they should belong. It immediately created the grounds for future conflicts, and for this reason, the Soviet representatives did not sign the contract.

However, it was impossible to be always in a state of war, and in 1956, two countries signed a declaration of such a state in Moscow. Based on this document between them, there are diplomatic and economic relations. But the declaration of termination of the state of war is not a peace treaty. That is, the situation again has half!

The declaration indicated that the USSR after the conclusion of a peace treaty agreed to transfer the back of Japan several islands of Kuril Rud. But the Japanese government immediately began to demand the southern chickens completely!

This story lasts to this day. Russia continues her as the adviser of the USSR.

In 2012, the head of one of the Japanese prefectures, strongly affected by the tsunami, in gratitude for Russian assistance in the elimination of disaster consequences presented the President of V. V. Putin a purebred puppy. In response, the President presented the prefect of a large Siberian cat. The cat now almost consists in salary in the office of the prefect, and all employees adore him and respect.

This cat is called the world. Maybe he can climb mutual understanding to two great states. Because the war must end, and after them it is necessary to conclude the world.

Character of war: imperialist, unfair on both sides. Forces of the parties: Russia - 1 million 135 thousand people (total), really 100 thousand people, Japan - 143 thousand people + sea fleet + Reserve (about 200 thousand). Quantitative and high-quality superiority of Japan at sea (80:63).

Plans by Party:

Japan - Offensive strategy, the purpose of which is dominance of the sea, the seizure of Korea, the ownership of Port Artur, the defeat of the Russian grouping.
Russia - There was no general plan of war that ensures the interaction of the army and the fleet. Defensive strategy.

Dates. Events. Notes

January 27, 1904 - a sudden attack by the Japanese squadron of Russian ships from Port Arthur. Heroic battle of Varyag and Korean. Attack is repulsed. Russian losses: Varyag flooded. Korean blown. Japan provided superiority to the sea.

January 28 - re-bombardment of the city and Port Arthur. Attack is repulsed.
February 24 - Arrival in Port Arthur commander of the Pacific Vice-Admiral S.O. Makarova. Active actions of Makarov in preparation for the general battle with Japan on the sea (offensive tactics).
March 31 - Makarov's death. Inaction of the fleet, rejection of offensive tactics.
April 1904 - landing of Japanese armies in Korea, forcing r. Yala and joining Manchuria. The initiative in actions on land belongs to the Japanese.
May 1904 - the Japanese started the siege of Port Arthur. Port Arthur turned out to be cut off from the Russian army. An attempt to discharge him in June 1904 was unsuccessful.
August 13-21 - Battle under Liaoyan. Forces are approximately equal (160 thousand). Attacks of Japanese troops were repulsed. The indecisiveness of Kuropatkina prevented to develop success. On August 24, the Russian troops moved to R. Shahe.
October 5 - the battle on the Shahe River began. The fog and mountainous terrain, as well as the notion of Kuropatkina (acted only part of his strength he had).
December 2 - the death of General Kondratenko. R.I. Kondratenko led the defense fortress.
July 28 - December 20, 1904 - the besieged Port Arthur Heroic defended. December 20, Stoxil gives an order about the surrender of the fortress. Defenders withstood 6 storms of the fortress. The fall of Port Arthur was a turning point during russian-Japanese war.
February 1905 - Mukden Battle. 550 thousand people participated on both sides. Passivity of Kuropatkina. Losses: Russian -90 thousand, the Japanese - 70 thousand. The battle was played by the Russians.
May 14-15, 1905 - the marine battle of about. Tsushima in the Japanese Sea.
Tactical mistakes of the Admiral Christmas. Our losses - 19 ships survived, 5 thousand killed, 5 thousand. PRESENTED. Defeat of the Russian Fleet
August 5, 1905 - Portsmouth World
By the summer of 1905 - Japan began to clearly feel the lack of material and human resources and turned to the USA, Germany, France. The United States advocates peace. The world was signed in Portsmouth, our delegation was headed by S.Yu.Vitte.

Conditions of the world: Korea - the sphere of interests of Japan, both sides bring their troops from Manchuria, Russia is inferior to Japan Lyodong and Port Arthur, half of Sakhalin and railways. This contract lost its strength after the surrender of Japan in 1914.

Causes of defeat: technical and economic and military superiority of Japan, military political and diplomatic isolation of Russia, operational and tactical and strategic unpreparedness of the Russian army to conduct hostilities in difficult conditions, pristhereriness and betrayal tsarist GeneralUnpopularity of war in all segments of the population.

Russian-Japanese war - This is a war that was conducted between the Russian and Japanese empires for control over Manchuria and Korea. After a break in several decades, it became the first big War with the use of the latest weapon : long-range artillery, armadiors, destroyers, wire barrels under the current of high voltage; as well as using spotlights and field kitchen.

Causes of war:

  • Rent of Russia Liaodong Peninsula and Port Arthur as a naval base.
  • Construction of the CERE and Russian economic expansion in Manchuria.
  • The struggle for spheres of influence in China and Copee.
  • Distraction Tool OT revolutionary movement In Russia ("Little Victorious War")
  • The strengthening of Russia's position in the Far East threatened the monopolies of England, the United States and the Military aspirations of Japan.

Character of war: Unfaithful on both sides.

In 1902, England concluded a military union with Japan and together with the United States embarked on the path of her preparation for war with Russia. Per short term Japan built on the shipyards of England, Italy, USA armored fleet.

The base of the Russian fleet on the Pacific Ocean - Port Arthur and Vladivostok - defended from each other by 1,100 miles and were poorly equipped. By the beginning of the war, about 100 thousand were deposited from 1 million 50 thousand Russian soldiers in the Far East. The Far Eastern army was removed from the main supply centers, the Siberian railway had low bandwidth (3 trains per day).


January 27, 1904 The attack of Japan into the Russian fleet. The death of cruiser "Varangian" and the Korean canoners in the coast of Korea. Blocked in ChelPo "Varyag" and "Korean" rejected the proposal to pass. Trying to break through in Port Arthur, two Russian ship under the command of the captain of the 1st rank V. F. Rudnev entered into battle with the 14th enemy ships.

January 27 - December 20, 1904. Military fortress defense Port Arthur. During the siege for the first time, new types of weapons were applied: rainfall warmness, machine guns Maxim, hand grenades, mortars.

Commander of the Pacific Fleet Vice Admiral S. O. Makarov Preparing for active operations on the sea and the protection of Port Arthur. On March 31, he brought his squadron to the external raid to enter into battle with the enemy and lure his ships under the fire of coastal batteries. However, at the very beginning of the battle, his flagship ship "Petropavlovsk" blew up on Mine and sank for 2 minutes. Most of the team died, the whole headquarters S. O. Makarov. After that, the Russian fleet moved to defense, since the Commander-in-Chief of the Far Eastern Forces Admiral E. I. Alekseev refused active actions to the sea.

Terrestrial defense of Port Arthur headed the head of the Quantong Fortified District General A. M. Peresssel. The main struggle in November turned around the mountain high. On December 2, the head of the land defense was killed, its organizer and inspirer General R. I. Kondratenko. StASSEL on December 20, 1904 signed capitulation . The fortress was withstanding 6 assaults and was transferred only as a result of the betrayal of commandant, General A. M. Stesel. For Russia, the fall of Port Arthur meant a loss of access to the non-freezing yellow sea, deterioration of the strategic situation in Manchuria and a significant exacerbation of the domestic political situation in the country.

October 1904 The defeat of the Russian troops on the Shahome River.

February 25, 1905 The defeat of the Russian army under Mukden (Manchuria). The largest land battle in history to the First World War.

May 14-15, 1905 Battle in the Tsushimsk Strait. The defeat of the Japanese fleet of the 2nd Pacific squadron under the command of Vice-Admiral Z. P. Rodless, aimed at the Far East from the Baltic Sea. In July, the Japanese took Sakhalin Island.

Causes of defeat of Russia

  • Japan support from England and the United States.
  • Weak Russia's preparation for war. Military-technical superiority of Japan.
  • Errors and ill-impact actions of the Command of Russia.
  • The absence of the possibility of rapid transfer reserves to the Far East.

Russian-Japanese war. RESULTS

  • Korea recognized the sphere of influence of Japan;
  • Japan received in possession of South Sakhalin;
  • Japan received the right of fisheries along the Russian shores;
  • Russia handed over Japan to the lease of the Liaodan Peninsula and Port Arthur.

Russian commander in this war: A.N. Kuropatkin, S.O. Makarov, A.M. Stresser.

The consequences of Russia's defeat in the war:

  • the weakening of Russia's position in the Far East;
  • public dissatisfaction with autocracy, loser war with Japan;
  • destabilization of the political situation in Russia, the growth of the revolutionary struggle;
  • active reform of the army, a significant increase in its combat capability.

Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905 I became the result of the collision of the interests of Russia and Japan in the Far East. Both countries experienced in recent decades of the XIX century. Internal modernization processes, approximately at one time activated foreign Policy In this region. Russia was aimed at developing economic expansion in Manchuria and Korea, nominally owned by China. However, here it faced with a quick power of Japan, who also rushed quickly to engage in the lobe of weakened China.

Rivalry powered in the Far East

The first major clash of St. Petersburg and Tokyo occurred when the Japanese, defeating the Chinese in the war of 1894-1895, intended to impose the extremely difficult conditions of the world. The intervention of Russia, supported by France and Germany, made them tackle their appetites. But Petersburg, performing the intercessor of China, strengthened his influence in this country. In 1896, a construction agreement was signed through Manchuria Sino-Eastern railway (CAW), which reduced the path to Vladivostok 800 km and allowed to expand the Russian presence in the region. In 1898, he was leased Port Arthur in the Liaodong Peninsula, which became the main naval base of Russia in the Pacific Ocean. He had a profitable strategic position and, unlike Vladivostok, did not freeze.

In 1900, during the suppression of the so-called boxing uprising, Russian troops occupied Manchuria. It is Tokyo's turn to express its extreme discontent. Proposals for the Defense Sections (Manchuria - Russia, Korea - Japan) were rejected by Petersburg. In the emperor Nicholas II, adventurers from his surroundings were increasingly influenced, underestimating the strength of Japan. In addition, as the Minister of Internal Affairs said V. K. Plev, "To keep the revolution ... I need a little victorious war." This opinion was supported by many in the top.

Maxima were adopted for the Russian army on 28 May 1895 in the Russian-Japanese war they were used in two types: with large wheels and shield or, as shown in the figure, on a tripod

Meanwhile, Japan was actively preparing for war, increasing his military power. Deployed by mobilization The Japanese army consisted of over 375 thousand people, 1140 guns, 147 machine guns. The Japanese fleet consisted of 80 warships, including 6 squadron armor, 8 armored and 12 lung cruisers.

Russia first kept about 100 thousand people in the Far East (about 10% of the entire army), 148 guns and 8 machine guns. In the Pacific Ocean there were 63 Russian warships, including 7 squadron armadiors, 4 armored and 7 lung cruisers. The remotence of this region from the center and the difficulties of transportation through the Trans-Siberian Highway affected. In general, Russia was noticeably inferior to Japan according to the degree of readiness for the war.

Travel of warriors

January 24 (February 6 for a new style) 1904. Japan interrupted the negotiations and ruined diplomatic relations with Russia. Even before the official announcement of the war that followed on January 28 (February 10), 1904, the Japanese destroyers on the night of January 26-27 (from 8 to February 9) attacked the Russian squadron in Port Arthur and damaged two armadors and a cruiser. For Russian sailors, the attack turned out to be sudden, although on the behavior of the Japanese it was clear that they were about to begin the war. Nevertheless, the Russian ships stood on an external raid without mineral networks, and two of them lit a raid spotlights (they were chosen first). True, the Japanese did not distinguish with accuracy, although they shot almost in the stop: out of 16 torpedoes, only three came to the goal.

Japanese sailors. 1905

January 27 (February 9) 1904. Six Japanese cruisers and eight destroyers were blocked in the Korean port of Chelpo (now Incheon), the Russian cruiser "Varyag" (commander - captain 1 -th rank V. F. Rudnene) and channel boat. "Korean" and offered them to surrender. Russian sailors went to the breakthrough, but after the hour battle returned to the port. Highly damaged "Varyag" was flooded, and Korean blown up with his teams, who moved on board the ships of neutral states.

The feat of the Varyag cruiser received a wide resonance in Russia and beyond its turns. Sailors solemnly met at home, Nikolai II accepted them. Still on the fleet, and the song "Varyag" is popular:

You are, comrades, all in place! The last parade comes ... The enemy does not give up our proud "Varyag", no one wants to mercy.

Failures to the sea pursued Russians. At the end of January, the mine transport "Yenisei" was undermined on their own mine harnesses, and then sent him to the rescue "Boyar" cruiser. However, the Japanese were drunk on Russian mines more often. So, 2 (15) May two Japanese battleship exploded at once.

At the end of February, the new commander of the squadron Vice-Admiral S. O. Makarov, a bold and active fleet arrived in Port Arthur. But he was not destined to overcome the Japanese. On March 31 (April 13), the flagship armadapole "Petropavlovsk", moving towards the aid of the ships attacked by the Japanese, littered by Ma and in a matter of minutes sank. Makarov died, his personal friend is the painter-battalist V. V. Vereshchagin and almost the entire crew. The squadron command adopted a low-initiative counter-admiral V.K. Vithette. Russians tried to break through in Vladivostok, but on July 28 (August 10) in the battle in the yellow sea were stopped by the Japanese. In this battle, Vitheft died, and the remains of the Russian squadron returned to Port Arthur.

On land, there were also cases for Russia unsuccessfully. In February 1904, the Japanese troops landed in Korea and in April reached the border with Manchuria, where the large Russian squad was broken on the Yal River. In April - May the Japanese landed on the Liaodo Peninsula and interrupted the port Arthur's connection with the main army. In June, Russian troops aimed to help the fortress were defeated by Wafango and moved to the north. In July, the siege of Port Arthur began. In August, Liaoyan battle occurred with the participation of the main forces of both parties. Russians, having a numerical advantage, successfully discouraged the attacks of the Japanese and could count on success, but the Army commander A. N. Kuropatkin showed indecision and ordered to retreat. In September - October, the oncoming battle on the Shahoe River ended to no avail, and both parties underlined hard losses, switched to defense.

The epicenter of events shifted to Port Artur. Already for more than one month, this fortress was withstanding the siege, beating several storms. But in the end, the Japanese were able to capture a strategically important mountain high. And after, General R. I. Kondratenko, who was called the "soul defense" of the fortress. December 20, 1904 (January 21, 1905) Generals A. M. Staller and A. V. Fock, contrary to the opinion of the Military Council, passed Port Arthur. Russia lost the main thing sea base, Fleet residues and more than 30 thousand prisoners, and the Japanese released 100 thousand soldiers for action in other directions.

In February 1905, the Municipal Battle in this war was happening in this war, in which more than half a million soldiers on both sides participated. Russian troops were defeated and retreated, after which active fighting on land stopped.

Tsushima catastrophe

The final chord of the war was the Tsushim battle. On September 19 (October 2), 1904. From the Baltic to the Far East, a detachment of ships was set off under the command of Vice-Admiral 3. P. Rodlesssky, called the 2nd Pacific Squadron (3rd squadron followed by the command of the counter-admiral n . I. Nekhivatova). In their composition, in particular, there were 8 squadron armored vehicles, 13 cruisers of different class. Among them were both new ships, including those who are not yet tested and outdated, unsuitable for the ocean swimming and the general battle. After the fall, Port Arthur went to go to Vladivostok. Having done the exhausting path around Africa, the ships entered the Tsushimsky Strait (between Japan and Korea), where they were waiting for the main forces of the Japanese Fleet (4 squadron armadors, 24 cruisers of different classes and other ships). The attack of the Japanese was sudden. The battle began 14 (27) May 1905 at 13 o'clock 49 minutes. After 40 minutes, the Russian squadron lost two armadors, and then followed new losses. Rodial was injured. After sunset, at 20 o'clock 15 minutes, the remains of the Russian squadron attacked dozens of Japanese destroyers. 15 (28) May at 11 o'clock the ships remained afloat, surrounded by the Japanese fleet, launched Andreev flags.

The defeat under Tsushima became the most severe and shameful in the history of the Russian fleet. Only a few cruisers and the destroyers managed to hide from the battle's location, but only the Diamond cruiser and two destroyers reached Vladivostok. More than 5 thousand sailors died, and over 6 thousand were in captivity. The Japanese lost only three minorities and about 700 people killed and wounded.

There were many reasons for this catastrophe: miscalculations in the planning and organization of the expedition, unaware of combat, weak command, explicit disadvantages of Russian guns and shells, the diversity of ships, unsuccessful maneuvering in battle, communication problems, etc. The Russian fleet clearly inferior to Japanese in material and moral training, in military mastery and durability.

Portsmouth World and the results of war

After Tsushima, the last hopes for Russia favorable the outcome of the war in which the Russian army and the fleet did not wanted a single major victory. In addition, the revolution began in Russia. But both sides were exhausted. Human losses amounted to about 270 thousand people. Therefore, Japan, and Russia, will readily adopted the US President T. Roosevelt.

On August 23 (September 5), 1905, a peace treaty was signed in the American city of Portsmouth. Russia gave Japan South Sakhalin and its rights to rent Port Arthur with surrounding territories. She also recognized Korea to the sphere of influence of Japan.

The Russian-Japanese war has had a great influence on the military and naval business. For the first time, machine guns and rapid powders were so widely used, manual machine guns, mortars, manual grenades appeared, began to accumulate the experience of applying radio, spotlights, balloons, and electrical strokes. For the first time, submarines and new marine mines were applied. Improved tactics and strategy. In defensive positions combined trenches, trenches, bludges. Of particular importance was the achievement of firing superiority over the enemy and the close interaction of the childbirth of the troops on the battlefield, and at sea - the optimal combination of speed, the power of fire and armor.

In Russia, the defeat marked the beginning of the revolutionary crisis, which ended with the conversion of self-adjusting to the constitutional monarchy. But the lessons of the Russian-Japanese war did not teach the ruling circles Russian EmpireAnd eight years later, they pushed the country to a new one, an even more grand war - the first world.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia belonged to the influential world powers, possessing considerable territories in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, while Japan dominated the eastern part of the Asian continent.

Therefore, the Russian-Japanese war had a significant resonance, long before it ended in 1905. There is every reason to believe that the Russian-Japanese war was the forerunner of the First World War and then, and. Since the causes of the initial conflict between states influenced the subsequent events. Some are inclined to call the Russian-Japanese war "Zero World War", as it happened 10 years before the start.

Causes of the Russian-Japanese War

In 1904, Russia, headed by the emperor Nicholas II, was the largest world power with extensive territories.

The port of Vladivostok did not have year-round navigation, due to complex climatic conditions. The state should have to have a port in the Pacific Ocean, which would receive all year round and sent commercial ships, as well as the fort eastern borders Russia.

Made a bet on the Korean Peninsula and Liaodong, located now in China. Russia has already entered into a lease agreement with, but the emperor wanted completely fat in this region. The Japanese leadership did not suit the activity of Russia in the region since the days of the Sino-Japanese war of 1895. Russia at that time supported the Qing dynasty, i.e. Was on the side in conflict.

Initially, the Japanese side offered Russia a deal: Russia receives full control over Manchuria (Northeast China), and Japan is controlled by Korea. But Russia did not suit such an event of events, she put forward the requirement to declare the territory of Korea above 39 parallels neutral zone. Negotiations were torn by the Japanese side, and she unilaterally began military operations against Russia (attack on the fleet of Russia in Port Arthur on February 8, 1904).

The beginning of the Russian-Japanese war

Japan officially announced a war with Russia only on the day of attack on the ships of the Navy of Russia in Port Arthur. Prior to this, the Russian leadership did not have information about the military intentions of the rising sun.

The Cabinet of Ministers assured the emperor that even after unsuccessful negotiations, Japan would not dare to attack Russia, but it was an unsuccessful assumption. Interesting is the fact that, according to the norms of international law, the declaration of war before the start of hostilities was optional at that time. This rule ceased to operate only 2 years after the indicated events, which was enshrined in the Second Hague Peace Conference.

The purpose of the Japanese fleet attack on Russian vessels was the blockade of the Russian Fleet. By order of the admiral of that Heihatiro, the Torpeda boats of the Japanese Fleet were due to the building three largest cruisers: Cesarevich, Retvosan and Pallada. The main battle was expected in the afternoon, in Port Arthur.

Russian fleet on the Far East It was well protected in the Harbor port Arthur, but they were mined at the exits. SUCH 12.04.1904 Petropavlovsk Barny and Victory were undermined at the exit from the harbor. The first sank, the second with great damage returned to the harbor. And, though, Russia, in response, damaged 2 Japanese linear ship, Japan continued to control and implement regular port-arthur bombings.

In the end of August, russian troopsThe Port Arthur's Seafarers were deployed from the center to help the Japanese seamans and could not get to the harbor. Settling on the newly conquered positions, the Japanese military continued the shelling of ships in the bay.

In early 1905, the Commander of the garrison, Major General Ossel, decided to get out of the harbor, believing that the loss among the fleet was significant and meaningless. This solution has become a surprise, both for the Japanese and for the Russian command. Later, the general was convicted and sentenced to the death penalty, but was pardoned.

The Russian fleet continued to carry the losses in the yellow sea, forcing the military leadership of the state to mobilize the Baltic Fleet and send it to the fighting area.

Military Actions in Manchuria and Korea

Seeing the weakness of Russians, the Japanese gradually moved to the complete control of the Korean Peninsula. Looking around in his southern part, they gradually advanced forward and captured Seoul and the rest of the peninsula.

The plans of the Japanese command was capture controlled by Russia Manchuria. During the first hostilities on land, they successfully attacked Russian courts in May 1904, forcing them to move them to Port Arthur. Further, in February 1905, the Japanese continued to attack Russian troops in Mukden. These bloody battles were also crowned with the victory of the Japanese. Russians, carrying big losses, were forced to retreat to Northern Mukden. Tangible losses of soldiers and technicians were also a Japanese side.

In May 1905, the Russian fleet arrived at the location of the deployment, sailing about 20 thousand miles - a fairly serious military hike for that time.

Making the transition at night, Russian Armada was still discovered by the Japanese. And heihatiro blocked his way near the Tsushim Strait at the end of May 1905. Russian losses were huge: eight battleships and more than 5,000 people. Only three courts managed to break into the harbor and fulfill the task. All of the events mentioned above forced the Russian side to go on a truce.

Portsmouth treaty

The Russian-Japanese war was fierce and could serve as bad echoes of subsequent events. Both sides lost in hostilities about 150 thousand people of the military, the Chinese civilian population died about 20 thousand people.

The peace agreement was concluded in Portsmouth in 1905, through the mediation of Theodore Roosevelt (President of the United States). Russia was represented by Sergey Witte - the Minister of His Imperial Court, Japan - Baron Normo. For their peacekeeping activities during the negotiations Roosevelt was awarded Nobel Prize World.

Results of the Russian-Japanese War

According to the results of the agreement, Russia passed to the possession of Japan Port Arthur, retaining half of Sakhalin Island (Fully the island will go to Russia only at the end of World War II. Supported Nicholas II's refusal to pay compensation to the victorious party. Russian troops released the territory of Manchuria and recognized the Japanese territory above the Korean Peninsula.

The humiliating lesions of the Russian army in the Russian-Japanese war added negative consequences To political unrest in Russia, that, ultimately, and served as an impetus to the overthrow of the government in 1917.