Merchants Old Believers Demina. Russian merchants-Old Believers at the beginning of the 20th century: Reform initiators or revolution sponsors? Modernization based on the old faith

On Thursday, on June 19, the cycle of lectures Homo Religiosus, organized by the Foundation of Egor Gaidar, the Russian Economic School and the Dynasty Foundation. As part of the lecture "Economics and Orthodoxy" Danila Rubov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and the Department of Interdisciplinary Synthesis Problems in the Social and Human Sciences of the St. Petersburg State University, spoke about how economic relations were formed from the Old Believers and why they turned out to be so effective as entrepreneurs. The full text of the lecture can be found on the website of the Foundation of Hydar Gaidar, and we lead to the reduction of that part of it, which is directly devoted to the analysis of the economic activity of anthearms in Russia.

I do not know how in detail it is necessary and whether it is necessary to explain who are such old-shipmen. Initially, the split, as you know, arose as a result of the reform of 1654-1666: there was a long process, since the ritual differences gave rise to a rather serious struggle, which resulted in one of the largest tragedies in the history of our country. It is no coincidence that Solzhenitsyn attributes words that "not be the XVII century would not be 1917." What we see here: Well, let's say binders. Indeed, due to the promotion of the Russian Empire in the direction of Malorus, Ukraine, there was a need to bring the ritual part to the Unified Canon. There was an idea to call the Greeks and stabilize the rite. In history, I must say, and three fingers were baptized, and two. By the XVII century, three fingers were baptized on the territory of Constantinople, but then historians revealed that there is a student charter and there are Jerusalem Charter, they are simply different, and there is a different procession. But because of this small, it would seem, the difference all began: how to draw - "Jesus" or "Isus", pray for seven prosforas or five, in the sun procession or against the sun.

Old Believers set their task to preserve not only the ritual side - it was associated with all liturgical notes. Then, of course, what is interesting, initial conservatism caused serious innovations to life. For example, the radical innovation of the freeness: generally abandon the five sacraments from seven, since it led to a refusal to priesthood. In this sense, they are just compared, and partly rightly, with Protestants: the instrumental similarity will be obvious here. The second element of the picture of the world, which can be distinguished by the Old Believers, is the idea of \u200b\u200b"Moscow - the Third Rome" and in general, eschatology. He is generally inherent in Christian thought, and not only the Christian and Babylonian, and Egyptian. But when it is updated, it is difficult to understand why in a period of time, eschatological feelings lead to self-alignment, and at some point - to work a lot. This is one of the ambivalent elements, which in different periods of time appear differently, and it is inherent in all Christian culture.

Well, the last thing I would noted in the picture of the world, this desire to develop such a practice that would mostly correspond to true, proper lives. Because after all, where is the antichrist - it can be quite near: maybe in the handset, it can be in the device; And maybe, from how I take a telephone tube, it depends, there is it there or not. Some today are convinced that home can not keep the phone. Then such hooks appeared: you come to the house, in the sacred space, and hang a mobile phone at the entrance. The TV is also a tender generation, but if it is in the closet, it is already easier, sometimes it opens - the cartoons show, let's say. In fact, these practices of salvation have interesting aspects and in economic life too.

If we talk about economic ethics and practice, what do we see? And missionaries, and those who traveled around the country, for example, Aksakov, who were sent to Moldova and Bessarabia, were surprised, left notes that the old supplied villages are more prosperous: there is cleaner, more horses, cows and so on. And so almost everywhere. Everness - yes, idleness - no. No one should be idle - communal interaction, help, trust. Institutes of Trust could be transformed into the capital region. When the community is in the situation of persecution, these questions are quickly updated, any ways to fight for survival are becoming important and significant.

By the way, what happened in Old Believers: the spiritual elite itself blessed initially and trade, and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the experience of the Avigant Pomeranian desert (this is also the beginning of the XVIII century, that is, one of the very first experiments) showed that the filmmakers, that is, the leaders of such a secular monastery (secular, because there were no priests, there were no monks to determine therefore Correctly call - hostel or film), they themselves headed the trade and participated in it, they took loans together. It is largely even described. Trade rules appeared: how to trade, how to keep records. According to some observations, even in soviet years Old Believers were more trusted by accounting. This question requires a separate study, but is partially confirmed.

At the same time, we have a certain paradox: the paradox of conservatism and innovative potential. He, of course, is not the only one - here you can remember, say, orthodox Jews, in lately On this occasion, many studies have appeared, in America - Amishi, let's say. Examples are local in nature, but they are interesting.

How many in Moscow was the industry-industrialists?

How successful the Old Believers in Moscow were successful, in particular in textiles, which determined the success, what was the dynamics? Actually, what is done in historical and economic terms. There are two data arrays: one - industrial, the other is a confessional, that is, associated with accessories to old-handedness. Their association and gives an answer to the question of how successful annexers were successful. Of course, there is a lot of doubts: if the head of the enterprise - Strover, can we assume that it is an old-supplied business? Ambiguously. The question is even if he acts like Strover, but has already switched to Envyryeva or Official Orthodoxy, the business ceases to relate to the old supplementary or not? We must somehow answer. I answer the first question positively, on the second - negatively. If the head of the factory - Strover, then, yes, I believe that this is an old-proceeding enterprise, although there is a well-known clause of reservations.

By the end of the XIX century, the situation becomes more difficult, joint-stock companies appear - more impersonal forms of business management, which were not still in the middle of the XIX century, or they were extremely disseminated. But in textiles anyway the private business is dominated. Even if a joint-stock company is done, it is still known to those who shareholder: usually these are five families, five dynasties or someone external, foreigners or from official Orthodoxy - at the end of the XIX century it is already changing.

In the 1850s, the question arose: how much do we really have splitters? Began to watch which data is supplied: every year is the same, with a small tendency to reduce. But if you figure it out - who supplies? Bishops. But the reports are reported: the struggle is successful, they are less and less. We sent the commission to the place, but there are no criteria here. Reached the absurdity. For example, there was such a Sinitsyn: He came to the Yaroslavl province and everywhere, where he found copper icons in the houses, believed that it was old-handed. It turned out that Old Believers are 18 times more than according to the Bishops, which is also wrong, because if the person has a copper icon, then it may be just People's Orthodoxy, it is not necessarily an old co-owner. Then the criterion was introduced: there are rosary and how baptized. But the man can also be baptized too, and in the church several times three times, while someone from the priests looks. That is, the criteria were very complex.

In the XIX century, we really see a lot of biographies when a person lived, and then once - and suddenly he suddenly became rich. Ryabushinsky - he is only for the sake of marriage goes into the old faith, the founder of the dynasty, then it rises. We see: very many neophytes. The founder of the Preobrazhensky cemetery Ilya Alekseevich Kovyline is also neophyte, and there are very much such biographies. The people from the Huslitsy are known - such an old-fashioned place, where people have never been engaged in agriculture, but where there were a lot of crafts, - Gzhel also enters there. They rummed that they were not bad for fakes and bills, if necessary, passports.

Trumps Starovrov

What problem does this problem have a comparative context? On the one hand, ethics, on the other, the effect of the band's abstract. What interests economists in such topics? Economists are interested in the homogeneity of the group and the various characteristics of this homogeneity - it is clear that it has certain advantages for trade. The possibility of a private settlement of conflicts: if the legal system is not developed, and the community itself, let's say, can take into account bills or conduct some other operations, or in general guarantee property rights, that is, to carry out parallel control. The same applies to the origin of the Mafia in Italy, one of theories: the aristocracy went away - the lords left, and who is the owners of the Earth? And here people appear and say: we know how to act.

In the conditions of a strong legal and judicial system, this comparative advantage loses importance - institutions of trust, reciprocity, large discussions on reputation mechanisms - how to measure them at all and how do they affect trade and industry? And, of course, all this can be packaged in formulas such as Human Capital and Social Capital. Suppose, education or literacy: it is obvious that the Old Believers were generally more competent than the middle of the peasantry included in the official Orthodoxy. Why? It was necessary to serve himself, rewrite books themselves. Literacy in this sense was expensive, not everyone could afford. To learn, it took time, effort, and for it they took money. Suppose a cow needed to give them someone who taught. Social capital is the relationships that are formed already in communities: a reputation tool, trust and so on. It is all possible in different ways, as I said, pack.

How do we know the numbers?

Now it is very short about the data - and proceed to the results. In principle, revisions give a lot in the sense of understanding belonging to the anneamians in Moscow. The ninth and tenth revisions took into account religion. According to the results of the ninth revision, 624 families were registered as parishioners or the free community, or Popovskaya. Most are the Popovskoy community, somewhere 85% for this period. Difference Popovtsy - Pleasses range from 70% to 90%. This is due, among other things, with the fact that the loan will advertise their belonging less, remained in the shadows, because they were officially recognized as harmful, feared the disappearance.

Highly interesting information Give synodics. This is already known for example: once they pray in the church of the Rogozhsky community - it means that the Old Believers. There were observations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a very interesting document of 1838 in fact about all the significant merchants describing their activities. As for the industry, it was possible to take seven points here - it's not so much, but not so little - and take possession of all data on doing business. For processing, information was used only for six years, the cutoff level - from 10 thousand rubles, because not every year the same account was made. With this in mind, it is still necessary to deal, of course, but in general it can be said that there is no significant information anyway. By textile factories there is data on the turnover, the number of workers, by what they did. On 1871 - detailed information on the technical condition, but it still has to be provided.

It is about this way. Industrial information looks: who and where there are, how many mills, workers, turnover, that produces - by year.

This card shows how important the Moscow industry was: we see that with a huge excess, twice, in 1870 the Moscow industry leads. Then the factories in the Vladimir region appear, in Ryazan, of course, in St. Petersburg, but it is a little later. On 1832, as a result of this processing, we see that 18% of the textile industry belongs to the annexers. Further question: is there a lot or a little? In principle, considering that it is thoroughly confirmed, quite a few. In this case, we are talking about 60, if you take in the city and counties, and 76 enterprises. They, of course, are different in size. There is no exact data on the number of antiquity of the exact data, but the estimates oscillate, begin with 4%. The most optimistic number is 16% for one of the years. Therefore, you can judge what is happening.

These are general data, they are procyclic, and we see that the upper blue border is the total number of firms, then the dotted pink barcode is just the share of older firms. There is some stability, and then - a decline. Stability is about 20-25%, then at the end of the XIX century, there is a decrease. Accordingly, the number of firms is approximately saved.

If we take in general the data on the textile industry, we see (the share is the red line, the green dotted barcode is a working force) that in some periods there is a comparative advantage in the workforce, that is, they are able to attract significantly more workers. And the share of firms in general turnover also obeys such a single cyclicity. In this case, it is more than 20%, and after 1870 there is a decline.

More specifically - on the woolen industry. In the first column there is simply the proportion of enterprises, then the share in the turn, share in the workforce. In this table, it is interesting that the share of the workforce involved almost always exceeds the proportion of firms, that is, there is a relatively more employees there, with the issue relatively higher than the labor force indicator, labor productivity above. And this delta is the difference between the median value for the aggregate of the Old Believers and Nestarovarov, the Old Believers minus Nestarovar. In this sense, their average labor productivity of one employee is higher. It is clear that it is "average temperature in the hospital" because there are some very large enterprises, and there are small, but it will still be a lot to talk about, especially since we are not average here, but the medians and it gives More close to the actual position of the thing.

In the cotton industry, we no longer have this, and here it is just evidenced that it is mostly small firms with a small productivity, and the share will be just much higher than the proportion of turnover. Well, not significantly - depending on the years, sometimes significantly, sometimes coincides. But here we are no longer visible overall speakers. Moreover, the cotton industry by the end of the XIX century partially leaves Moscow and the Moscow county, so we see such data. In any case, the Old Believers do not have weights here: Morozov is already working in Tver province or in other districts, for example, in Borovsky.

In principle, that we have established: Old Believers were presented with superconductors, they have an increased tendency to entrepreneurship, they hired an average of more labor and enterprises have a high performance in the woolen industry. In general, before 1870, we see very stable participation in economic life, then the relative fall.

Waves of Repression and Cycles of Economic Activity

How to interpret the fall and how important is the empirical data in this aspect? It is very interesting to trace the cyclic waves of repression. Some historians write and write that it is of great importance, because first - tough repression, almost strangling, and then weakening. And here are the moments of weakening, liberalization, respectively, form a special community, institutions appear, and here this moment of persecution leads to the fact that these cohesive people, the strongest, natural selection leaves On this occasion, I'm kidding: there were no time for the old workers, so they are now economically not so noticeable. But this is a joke, naturally. In principle, under Nicolae I, I put the task to solve the problem with the annexers, but could not. In parallel, for example, they still awarded medals - simultaneously were the persecution and award, because who will solve problems? I got the document: It is known that the sovereign will go there and there, and then they had enough, the road is broken, because military teachings were held or something. Who will restore? Appealed to the merchants-antimonians. They all restored and say: we are only one thing - the state diploma give that we are so good. Well, Dali. Or in Petrozavodsk: the sovereign will arrive - and the embankment is not in order. Who will correct it? And for this medal too. That is, the history of the appearance of the medal and is understandable here. Different were interpretations, probably, I will not stop on it.

A more interesting question - than to explain the decline. At first, we see the underdevelopment of market institutions, and then the role of anthewers is significant. In general, when personal relationships dominate, Christian ethics are in demand; When legal institutions grow, it decreases in any case, it is marginalized. For example, honest word: It is clear that honesty is important in trade. By the way, exploring the old supplies, I saw that there was not everything. Sometimes the brothers native each other give money on a receipt. It would seem: why on a receipt is the same brothers. And so hell did not change! That is, the receipt was given - and you can safely live.

The role of Moscow

In the second half of the XIX century, we see the development of joint-stock forms of ownership, that is, impersonal relationships, banking sector; The number of foreigners is growing. If you look at the St. Petersburg merchant guild, then the percentage of 40 there will be Protestants and Jews, in some periods even more. This is another picture in terms of the fact that the nature of the business changes. The role of the state has changed: if in the first half of the XIX century it is not particularly active, then everything is more and clearer. Therefore, of course, the Old Believers in this sense are consciously or unconsciously distancing. On the one hand, the state itself is not so much crares out to help them financially, on the other hand, they themselves are receding. Other spheres are developing: railway construction, metallurgy, mineral mining. Well, in general, the role of St. Petersburg is important - as Pwabushinsky wrote, slow Russian men, who are measured by deciding, crossing, die in the atmosphere of St. Petersburg. Here, other personalities come to shift.

Pros and cons of the Old Believer Model

The last aspect, which will be found, is that the economic ethics itself has an ambivalent nature. It would seem that hard work is good. But to a certain extent. It all depends on the historical moment, from the ability to adjust, adapt. If at some stage it can contribute to high performance, then on the other - preserves labor-intensive production. We enhance, work and work, instead of replacing it with machine labor.
Embrances - on the one hand, thrift contributed to self-financing. On the other hand, when the opportunity to take bank loans for a low percentage, the processes could slow down, because the habit of living on their own was formed. When there was no capital market, it was very important.

Trust, but confidence in someone - to the Favorites, to the same annexers. It is clear that there may be an interest-free loan, and the availability of labor, but the reverse side is a weak embedding in a wasteless market process and some kind of distrust of it. What also inhibits development.
Finally, community. On the one hand, it provides close economic ties, but they are closed on themselves, segregated. There is a well-known sociological work - "The power of weak ties": here the forces of weak ties in the Old Believers are no longer observed, because strong ties are dominated. In this sense, it is possible to show the ambivalence of economic ethics, which can at different stages to promote and impede development.

M.Sokolov: Alexander Vladimirovich, is Nikolai II comes and what? The situation really changes? The empire begins to keep the policy of partially open doors, the introduction of foreign capital. This, in fact, leads to the conflict of the Moscow Experted merchants with the authority of the gradual, right? That is, they are trying to change something ... This is really the most important for them was the question - there, at the customs tariff, for some export duties, and so on?

A.Tzhikov: Yes. In the history of the stationery merchants there are 2 nodal points. We have already said about one - this is the mid-19th century, when they, in fact, entered the civilian field of the empire. And the second knot point, which reflected on the fate of the entire Russian Empire is the end of the 19th-20th century, associated with a change in the course of tsarism. What, actually, was it a change? Of course, the protectionist rate was high, he remained high. Finance Minister Witte, who was by that time Minister of Finance, did not attend, naturally, at him. But he put forward the next idea that she personified his own person. The idea consisted of attracting foreign capital in the volumes of unprecedented earlier. The logic was simple: "Russian merchants - good, no one says. But wait until they reach the necessary condition when they grow up, it is possible for a very long time. We hopelessly leave the West. Therefore, you need to immediately make a jerk. You need to open the gate for foreign capital First of all. Let them come here, equip the production, enterprises, make some industrial assets. This will make the jerk forward. And merchants? Good, but let it wait. " That is, thus it was pointed to the second role. And they claimed the most important violin in the economy. And they were said that any of the first roles could not be any speech. It was very insulting for them because Witte began absolutely as a man of Krugs Aksakov and Katkova. He was published in their publications, in their newspapers. His native uncle - Fadeev - it was the leader of the Russian party, which manifesto wrote her and published in circulations ... They considered him their own and now this person (why Witte had such a chameleon reputation) so much reoriented that St. Petersburg bankers were the best friends Chapter with Rhodestin, Director of the International Petersburg Bank. This, of course, for merchants, was just a silent that the person they considered her would take them in this way.

M.Sokolov: That is, it turned out that, as Alexey NRZB writes, the conservatives turned into reformers and bent, it turns out, to, such an active political position at some point, from which they shied ...

A.Tzhikov: It's completely true in this matter is the essence of the case. I will say a little more. Of course, when, with Alexander III, there was a Renaissance of the Moscow merchants, even the Renaissance of Old Believers ... Preobrazhenskoye, Rogozhsky cemeteries felt like never well ... These are their spiritual centers. They were no longer financial arteries, as before ... Everything seemed to go so on their scenario. And their politics, the policy of loyalism is to crawl around the throne - it fully justifies itself. Dividends Economic go to hand. Russian Party These dividends correctly draw up and, so to speak, materializes into a specific policy. All right. But then, when Vitte turns around, about which we speak, turn towards foreign capital, in whose volumes there was never in Russia ... I emphasize. Neither Petra I, nor in Catherine II, it can not even talk. This is not a comparison. When such a new financial accent occurred, they realized that the question was not solved by standing on his knees. And loyaded spells, which they devoted all their time, do not work now. We need some other mechanisms to get out of this situation, somehow minimize your such progressive position in which they were so unexpectedly having found themselves.

M.Sokolov: So what? But after all this block occurred - on the one hand, merchants, on the other hand, a kind of Zemstvo liberal-democratic movement. How did they find each other?

A. Forzhikov: Liberal movement in fact, until the end of the 19th century, it was a rather pitiful sight. Even all those police sources who tracked all this were analyzed - they did not hide their irony in relation to this movement. They said that there are 10-15 people who are capable of some decisive steps, the rest are just everything is non-serious, there are no fears. So it remained. Attempts to interest merchants by some liberal constitutional projects before the beginning of the 20th century did not succeed. it

absolutely doomed were attempts. Now the situation has changed. Mercury quickly and actively began to look for new mechanisms. What new mechanisms? Mechanisms to limit the autocracy and the ruling bureaucracy so that there were no such pieces, as Witte has done to them, so primitively speaking. These mechanisms were immediately found. They have already been tested in Europe for a long time, they bloomed there. This is such a constitutional rule. That is, everyone legal rights Must be expressed not by the Supreme Will, but the constitution is primarily. And the ruling bureaucracy should not have a monopoly on management. That is, parliamentary forms must limit it in the implementation of policies. Mercury saw this mechanism and the beginning of into it invested.

M.Sokolov: And which of the groups is still the same Old Believers - Popovtsy, the charts, some sense - was the most active in supporting these movements?

A.Tzhikov: Here is a very important point, which is often overlooked. Namely, when we say "Old Believers", "Raskolniki", "Experted Mercury" is not entirely correct. Because if you have ideologically accurate, then you need to always keep in mind, what kind of antibodies are Popovets or Sapertov. Of course, everything we say - this Moscow merchant group - the backbone of it was Popovtsy, this is the Belokrinitskaya hierarchy, which we mentioned. The main backbone of millionaires who grew out of the peasant environment - they were representatives of the Belokrinitsky hierarchy, that is, Rogozhsky cemetery. The fleece there were units there. In the first row of the leading millionaires, there are very few of them.

M.Sokolov: Well, we will continue our conversation with the doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University Alexander Pyzhikov about Old Believers, merchants before and during the Great War after the release of the news.

M.Sokolov: on the ether of Moscow and the TV channel "RTVI" "the price of victory. The price of the revolution." Today, our guest is a doctor of historical sciences Alexander Pyzhikov, author of the book "The Free of the Russian Spag." We continue our conversation about the role of merchants in those changes that took place in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Well, right away I have a question. Alexey asks: "Which of the groups of Old Believers was most actively in revolutionary movement?" And Alexey Kuchegashev wrote: "What connected Savva Morozov and the Bolsheviks?" Really the most interesting figure. Apparently, maybe the brightest. The merchants appeared who sponsored not only liberals, the Zemskoy movement, but also the social democrats. Why?

A. Pzhikov: First, the merchants had a special position in opposition movement. Since we talked how they were in this opposition movement. They invested in approving the formation of the mechanism for limiting the ruling bureaucracy led by the emperor, their interest was immediately chained to all those who share these ideas. These ideas of Trelie are always among the intelligentsia, land, some third element ...

M.Sokolov: I think and bureaucracy too.

A.Tzhikov: Yes. This is a special article. There, of course, yes. This is also a little-known page. But if we are talking about merchants now, yes ... that is, such different groups have always existed. Small groups. This is at the level of circles. For the level of circles it never went out until the beginning of the 20th century. There always remained. Therefore, when I watched all these police reports on this topic in the archive, no one has expressed any concern. It is absolutely so. But everything changed at the beginning of the 20th century. And on these police reports, by 1903, it is felt, they are filled with anxiety. They feel that something has changed. Changed what? There was a fashion for liberalism, to the constitution. This fashion emerged in the Russian society, intellectual layers first. Where? How did it happen? Here the answer is very simple. Moscow merchants made one very significant thing since the late 19th century, which everyone knows about, but no one understands and forgot now the appointment of this cultural ...

M.Sokolov: everyone was in the Tretyakov Gallery.

A. Forzhikov: Yes, cultural and educational project, if so you can talk, initiated and paid, most importantly, Moscow merchants. The prominent representatives of the Moscow Merchant Clan actually created all this cultural and educational infrastructure, speaking in modern language. What I'm talking about? The Tretyakov Gallery, which was going ... Will not forget how she was going. She was going to the peak of the Hermitage to the Imperial. Hermitage was filled with the pictures of Western artists of European. Here the focus was made on his own, in Russians. And, in fact, this is the backbone of the Tretyakov Gallery. The theater is then MHAT, Moscow Art Theater is nothing more than the invention and the implementation of a merchant idea. This is a very significant phenomenon. It goes beyond the framework of cultural life ... it survived the framework and 1905, and 1917, and 1991. That is, as far as it really was a good fruitful idea. The head of MCAT stood, as is known, Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky. Do not everyone know that this is an old-hand merchant Alekseev. He is one of the relatives of Alekseeva, who even was the Moscow city chapter in the first-hearth ... MHAT replicated, nesa liberal-democratic ideas. He made them fashionable. Gorky's plays all known ... For example, "on the bottom" known to everyone - this is nothing more than the fulfillment of the place of MCAT, who asked Gorky to write something like a democratic, taking the soul and Gorky gave this play "at the bottom." There were also all these premieres that ended with huge anchlats, demonstrations later with honoring Gorky and MCAT that they made such a cultural product. Operas Mamontov, private opera Mamontov, where the opening of Russian culture broke around - this is Fedor Shalyapin. This is all the discovery of Mamontov. And which operas put this private opera! What are the production! "Hovanshchina" is an absolutely old-supplied epic that is unpleasant for Romanov. "Boris Godunov" - again, unpleasant to the house of the Romanov page. Scriming, such, ideas will be thrown out and are converted to the public. That is, this infrastructure has created such a liberal-democratic atmosphere. And it immediately began to be interested in very many educated people from the intelligentsia. There was a fashion, as I said, on liberalism. But this was not limited to Moscow merchants.

A.Tzhikov: You were told on the question, the radio listener correctly asks the question. How are these revolutionary elements? That's right, because merchants perfectly understood that insufficiently different respectable land of noble origin, made by knowledge of professors - this is not enough to join the model for the restriction of autocracy and the ruling democracy. Yes, it is good, it is necessary, but this is not enough. Much more convincing if all these ideas sound against the background of explosions, bombs and shots from guns. Here they needed the audience that is capable of providing this background. And merchants occupied as I said, a unique movement in opposition movement. It communicated like with the professors and the nels who were princes and graphs, some of them ... and also felt comfortably with those layers that could carry out these terrorist acts and something like this ...

M.Sokolov: and Savva Mammoths? He was an exotic character in this case?

A.Tzhikov: Normal merchant character. Why is everyone he is heard?

M.Sokolov: Because such a tragic fate - suicide ...

A.Tzhikov: In May 1905 ... there are different versions. Someone says he was killed by someone that he shot himself. It can be found out ...

M.Sokolov: Money went to the Bolsheviks partially.

A.Tzhikov: He, of course communicated. Gorky about this testifies. But just why they say? .. Savva Timofeevich Mamontov ...

M.Sokolov: Savva Morozov.

A.Tzhikov: Morozov, sorry. Savva Timofeevich Morozov - such a bright character, you correctly noticed. But it is not limited to them. This is not some kind of his personal initiative. This is the initiative that the whole clan showed is the community of merchants. This is a merchant elite. There are many other names. The same, about which Mammoths mentioned, Ryabushinsky brothers, who, too, on this path made much more than the same Sava Morozov. And then there are a lot of surnames. And not only from Moscow.

M.Sokolov: We are written: "Chetverikov, municipalists, Dunaev, Zhivago, Shchukins, Vostrikov, Khludov" - all this is one group, right?

A. Pzhikov: Khludov, Schukins, Chetverikov are all one group, this is the so-called Moscow group.

M.Sokolov: Alexander Vladimirovich, good. Passed, so to speak, the revolution, made the State Duma, achieved some restriction of autocracy, although the Duma did not control about 40% of the budget of state-owned companies and government banks, direct influence on the government also did not have. That is, it turned out like this: fought-fought, sponsored, sponsored, but there is no result. What was before the First World War, again, with this group? What was her political activity, this Moscow merchant, would I say the groupings?

A. Pzhikov: Of course, the Duma was established. In general, in my opinion, Nicholas II would still establish this Duma, only, of course, according to his scenario, with his logic, in his sequence he planned to observe. But he did not succeed. These rapid events, especially in the fall of 1905, are the so-called Moscow exacerbation. The December uprising is the highest point of this exacerbation. December uprising armed in Moscow This scenario shot down.

M.Sokolov: Yes, when the merchants purchased weapons for their workers.

A.Tzhikov: Yes. It is absolutely, as it were ... I am absolutely not a pioneer here. Many authors indicated that the whole strike wave in Moscow began with factories and factories that belonged to the merchants. The mechanism is very simple. They paid the salary, but they said that you could not work on this day. As you understand who wanted a lot. Everyone gladly participated in it. It was encouraged. It initiated all this strike wave. This mechanism has long been open. Many scientists wrote about it. In this case, I simply generalized most of what was written. Of course, not all. So, the establishment of this Duma took place. Yes, the Legislative Duma. For more not yet claimed. It was necessary to see how this new state mechanism will work. That is, it was necessary to test, as it will function in action. Here from the merchant clan took this testing, if you can say, the famous Moscow figure Alexander Ivanovich Gachkov. His position in the Moscow merchandise is special. He did not belong to the main bone of this Moscow merchants, namely, the Belokrinitsky hierarchy. He came out of theeodosiyevsky freezing consent. But by the end of the 19th century he was a funerary. Such a masking was a network, an image of such. He was a one-arter, although, of course, he treated at Orthodoxy at no better than his ancestors. It's clear. But this guffling Alexander Ivanovich is an active political figure. He moved in 1905. He took up to become a certain leader who expresses the interests of the Moscow merchants in relation to power, to the government, to St. Petersburg. He had a warm very relationship trust with Prime Minister Stolypin. This is a famous fact. He convinced all these Moscow circles, which he could make that this model, which was pushing in 1905, earned, earned it as I would like and he will answer for it. He heads the largest fraction in the State Duma, the fraction of the Octobrists, he has complete trusting relationship with Stolypin, so he can,

speeding our tongue, break all commercial questions.

M.Sokolov: But it did not work.

A.Tzhikov: His first experience was positive in 1908. Still, Huchkov and the Duma were able to persuade Stolypin so that he pretty the initiative to create a trust from metallurgical activities in the south, where foreign capital was at the core. It was a large very victory in 1908. Historians of the economy know her, I think, remember. Then, of course, slipped slip. Feeling it, Huchkov decided on an extreme step. He decided to lead the Third State Duma to gain access to the king. He then received the right of a permanent report from the emperor. He decided to take advantage of this right to influence him. And therefore in 1910 he from the head of the largest faction becomes chairman of the State Duma. But with the king, communication was not trusted. Specifically planned guchkov ... He was convinced that he persuaded the king to appoint one character by Maritime Minister. Nicholas II agreed, he spent him with a smile and appointed another - Grigorovich in 1911, after which everyone became clear, what is the effect of Guccov, that it is close to zero, if at all about some kind of can talk here. After that, merchants occurred in merchants, awareness that this model will not lead to anything.

M.Sokolov: Alexander Vladimirovich, it turns out that somewhere in 1914 we see by the summer of 1914 the real political aggravation is exactly similar to the same scenario in the summer in front of 1905 - the same practically slogans, strikes begin at various enterprises, Moscow in particular. What is it? Again, they taught the old, right? Only finding allies, as I understand it, also in bureaucracy. A. Forzhikov: Here is the most interesting episode of our history of the Tsarist Empire, which for some reason falls out of the field of view of the researchers. We have now talked about Guffling that he tried to play a mediator, such between the government and Moscow business circles. All this ended in full political bankruptcy at that time. Then another character was found, which took up with great success and the foundation to play this role. We are not talking about some kind of merchants, but about one of the royal favorites, the Favorites of the Tsarist couple - the emperor and the empress. I'm talking about Alexandra Vasilyevich Krivoshein. This is an extremely interesting figure of Russian history. What's interestnig? He moved along the bureaucratic staircase of the tsarist, very confidently moved quickly. That is, there was very violent career. She was provided by one royal approximated - it is Goremykin. Such was the Prime Minister, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He provided a patronage of Krivoshein. Krivoshein moved very quickly and found himself in the government of Stolypin almost his right hand. But one detail is overlooked from the type. Krivoshein was not just a royal bureaucrat. He married at the end of the 19th century on the granddaughter Timothy Isaevich Morozova, the pillar, the father of Savva Morozova, Elena Karpova, to be accurate in her last name. And he threw up with such a merchant clan, which was located in the center of this entire Moscow bourgeoisie and Moscow merchants. He became his. And here for the first time in Russian history, which was not the whole of the 19th century, and we do not have to talk about earlier, we are witnessing a strange circumstance such that the king's favorite and his own man in Moscow merchants. It is such a special position in these power and economic structures that allowed him to become a centered in promoting the parliamentary project, that is, the turning of the Duma from the legislative to the full parliament in the western sense of the word. That is, the Duma, which does not just publish laws, but also that affects the appointment in the government, which manages. Krivoshein wanted to do it. Moscow merchants, of course, related to him with relatives, went with him to a more durable alliance than with Huchkov. That at that time was departed on the second-third role, it is not visible. Krivoshin is precisely and took it to ultimately. This is 1915. In 1914, before the war, it all began, began successfully, Krivoshein did very successful steps to eliminate their opponents from the government. Of course, there was a corresponding strike fund in St. Petersburg. Again it all started. Of course, there are already people here others - this is the Social Democratic Fraction of the Duma "Trudoviki", where Kerensky already appears. They have already managed merchants, in

konovalov is the largest capitalist, the nearest colleague of Ryabushinsky, a whole group associate ... This is also a very prominent and respected merchant of Moscow. He was in touch, he was also a member of the State Duma, he answered this direction. That is, the whole situation treated again. In 1915, military conditions were already, but nevertheless due to the fact that there were failures on the front, it was decided to budge this topic again. Krivoshein began her ...

M.Sokolov: That is, it was created a progressive unit from the right to actually Social Democrats in the Duma under the slogan, such a responsible government of popular confidence. In fact, it turns out, you think that the Moscow-merchant grouping was standing behind him.

A.Tzhikov: In economically, if all this happened and was implemented, then in the economic sense, Moscow merchants would be the main beneficiary of all this case. It is no doubt.

M.Sokolov: And why Nicholas II did not go to such a decision, on the contrary, somehow turned his back, settled in the end Krivoshin, went to confrontation. What was the meaning? The project was quite profitable during the war. They promised stabilization, complete mutual understanding with the actual stable majority of the Duma. Why did he go to such a suicidal decision?

A.Tzhikov: Here, everything is probably keywords - "During the war". All this epic, the whole story with the progressive block developed during the war. Nicholas II refused to produce such political steps in military conditions. He believed that I still need to first bring this war to a victorious end and then on the winner's laurels to return to this topic, but not before. It is for such a sequence of actions that he performed very hard. And Krivoshein could not convince him. Krivoshein said that it was necessary to do this, it would better affect our military affairs and we will win faster. But Nicholas II believed that it was still better to lead the army. He became the Supreme Commander Just in August 1915. "It is now more in a timely manner than to get involved in political combinations. Political combinations" - he believed - "will wait for the end of the war. After they come back." In the meantime, he laid his authority, which, by the way, Krivoshein did not advise him - put his authority and his figure on the altar, his tsarist person, that it is better to start heading the troops Supreme Commander grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich. That and in case of failure, everything can be written off on it. But Nicholas II decided that he would take all this, in this his duty. And he laid completely on the military direction, which naturally during the war years. And political all combinations, he decided to leave political actions for later. But since Krivoshin and his allies from the government insisted, he was forced to part with them, let's say.

M.Sokolov: Good. Well, they were created, nevertheless, with the participation of the merchants of this, the military-industrial committees already familiar to us, with the working groups. Police, in particular, I see, considered them a network of conspirators destabilizing and so on. And in the main activity they were not effective enough ... What is your opinion? What was it for the structures after all? Was these structures of the helped army or were it structures that were preparing any political shares?

A. Pzhikov: During the war, it was in Moscow that it was the initiator ... Bourgeois circles, Zemsky circles initiated the creation of public organizations to help the front. That is, the idea is such that the bureaucracy does not cope with their responsibilities, can not provide victory, so the public should connect. Here in the face of the Zemsky City Union and the new organization ... This invention of the First World War is the military-industrial committees, where the bourgeoisie is going with the forces and helps the front of the victory. But we note that all the military-industrial committees acted on government officials. All this from the budget came to these military-industrial committees. They operated on these sums, and they did not particularly want to report, naturally. Here, in addition to helping the front, there were so-called working groups in the military industrial committees ... Again, this is a corporate, such a sign of the Moscow merchants,

when folk layers were tightened again to solve some problems that they needed to be sold at the top. The foundation was created. These working groups, so to speak, demonstrated the partnership in support of those initiatives that the merchant bourgeoisie implements. By the way, there are a lot of working groups ... For example, at the CSCA, this is at the Central Military Industrial Committee - made very big things. Via working Group produced sequestrel Putilovsky plantwho belonged to the banking group of the Russian-Asian bank. Moscow merchants always opposed the banks of St. Petersburg and tried to conceal them as stronger. Working groups made their contribution here even during the First World War. And of course, immediately before February 1917, all those memories that were published in emigration and were studied now, they suggest that the working groups were truly the battle headquarters, I would not be afraid of this word, to loosen the royal regime directly at the last stage. It was they who coordinated all actions along with the thought of showing a tsarism that he was doomed.

M.Sokolov: Tell me, the conspiracy of Guccov, a military merchant conspiracy, about which many of your colleagues write, allegedly against Nikolai and Alexandra Fedorovna - still, this is a myth or an unrealized opportunity because of such a spontaneous start of the Soldier Bunt in February 1917.

A. Pzhikov: Of course, this is not a myth. The whole sequence of actions in the performance of Moscow merchants convinces that it was consciously conscious. For this, there were different allies - Gucci, Krivoshin ... By the way, when Krivoshien in September 1915, the king was resigned, then they quickly forget about it, all the Moscow merchants. He becomes nobody for them. They are already fully configured to loosen the royal regime frankly. And here the theme Rasputin reaches its apogee. She was so trel, and now it becomes a powerful gun, with the help of which the royal couple is discredited. The soldier rebellion, yes, happened. This is in February 1917. Really was a soldier riot. Of course, they created the entire atmosphere at which he could have happened, but they hardly expected those consequences.

M.Sokolov: And the latter, perhaps, I still want to look at the unwritten anymore for 1917. Why are these people who actively rushed to power, could not keep it?

A.Tzhikov: Well, yes. Well, first, the February Revolution of 1917 ended with bankruptcy. She came to shift Oktyabrskaya and further ... Well, because the liberal project, which promoted the Moscow merchants - he suffered a full collapse, he suffered a fiasco. That is, restructuring of public life on liberal rails, constitutional, liberal, as they wanted and believed that this will help Russia not fully justified. Folk masses were absolutely deaf to this liberal project, absolutely deaf. They did not perceive it. They did not understand the charms, which for Moscow merchants were obvious, political charms. The masses were completely different priorities, another idea of \u200b\u200bhow to live ...

M.Sokolov: So the whole of the same community and the same idea of \u200b\u200bold solve?

A.Tzhikov: Yes. Here are these deep layers ... they lived community collective psychology. It was she who splashed out. The liberal project has become inappropriate here.

M.Sokolov: Good evening. On the ether of Moscow and the RTVI TV channel "The price of victory. The price of the revolution. " Michael Sokolov microphone. Today in our studio Alexander Pyzhikov, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Doctor of Historical Sciences. We are talking today about Old Believers, or about Raskolniki, in the era in front of the Great War and during her. The initiators were NRZB sponsors of the revolution, as some suggest. Actually, I will start with the general, that approach. Alexander Vladimirovich, official statistics gave a number of 2 million splitters in Russia. And in fact, what part of the population of the Russian Empire in the beginning of the 20th century was in different senses, currents, the acceptances of the old faith?

A.Tzhikov: Good evening. Of course, the question of Starovier Statistics is the most painful topical question in the study of the whole phenomenon of Russian history. He is not just important. How important is it, so he is confused. Since, of course, reliable statistics about what the number of old workers in different stories was in our country, there is no. To answer him, you need, of course, remember the Decree of Peter I - this is in 1716 the time of the first revision. That is, this is the first revision that described how many people is located on the territory of the Russian Empire, then the question was first raised, who would be counted to the Strukhnom, to the splitters, as they talked. The result was such that from those who participated in this census, if we speak modern tongue, then 2% of the population called the old workers - 191 thousand people, a little more. This was 2% of that population of the Russian Empire. Since 1716, until the end of the 19th century, by the end of the 19th century, namely, until the census of 1897, the census of the Russian Empire, which was carried out by decree of Nicholas II, this figure - 2% of the population - practically did not change. And 1897 gave the same results. In the column "Religious affiliation", the same 2% of the population took themselves to the splitters. Only the population of the Empire has increased and therefore it was not 191 thousand people, as 1716, and already about 2 million people. Nevertheless, these are all the same 2% of the population of the Empire. These are quantitative data. They were trying to question. They were trying to question and find out what the real state of affairs in this matter itself is the same imperial power, namely Nicholas I. Emperor Nicholas I initiated and spent large-scale geographicals, as they were called, statistical on spirit, research on the generality of annealing. He checked a great interest in this religious denomination, which existed on the territory of the country, and constantly told him that, of course, no 2% here speech about it, it was simply inappropriate about it. Then Nicholas I got a reasonable question: how much specifically? It was organized selectively 3, as they were then called, expeditions (commission, expedition, if using that terminology of those years) in the province of the Central District - namely to Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavskaya. These expeditions were organized by the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was the Ministry of Internal Affairs in those years was the main ministry and dealt with the deeds. Why are the central apparatus? Since the data provided by the local authorities of the provincial were known. They did not cause confidence in power. Therefore, to clarify this true state of affairs, it was decided to direct the officials of the central apparatus, in no way related to local authorities, to give them wide most authority in this matter to somehow clarify this issue.

M.Sokolov: Well, how?

A. Atzhikov: We are lucky. Historians were lucky. Because we have a very complete idea of \u200b\u200bthese commissions. Especially about the Yaroslavl Commission, which was headed by Count Stenbock-Farmor, was so ... In this commission, a 27-year-old official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central Apparatus Ivan Sergeyevich Aksakov, the future Russian writer, a publicist known to everyone. So, Aksakov wrote from there letters from the Yaroslavl province - a native home, where she shared his impressions, which he learned the mass there. By the way, these expeditions were not short-term. They lasted for 2-3 years.

M.Sokolov: Alexander Vladimirovich, do not butt. How much did they actually have for the provinces?

A. Pzhikov: These officials and the Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that those numbers that are in the provincial reports must be multiplied by 11 times. But they did a comment: "Apparently, this does not reflect the true state of affairs."

M.Sokolov: That is, apparently, the ratio remained about the same, that is, at least 25-30% really belonged not to Nikonian faith, but to an older ...

A. Pzhikov: In 1897, when the census was carried out and the same 2% of the Raskolnikov - 2 million were specified, then in the press of those years of the Russian immediately there was a lot of articles that began to comment. Articles called like this: "2 million or 20?" That is, again it is a tenfold, eleventhitative increase. That is, even an increase that has been fixed in good faith in the Nikolaev era (Nicholas I) is preserved. Apparently, if you put a point in this matter, here it is necessary to say in this way: if 2% is real from the population of the empire, and the Orthodox was generally in the Russian Empire there were over 70%, then it seems to me, considering all those events that then It happened with this empire - what she ceased to exist - it allows us to talk about a figure of 35% of the population from the Orthodox, which lived in our country.

M.Sokolov: I will remind you that Alexander Pyzhikov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, on the Echo of Moscow. We are talking about splitters, Old Believers ... Phone for SMS so you can send your question - + 7-985-970-45-45. Alexander Vladimirovich, did the Empire of Old Believers perceived as foreign agents? After all, I understand that the highest hierarchy, for example, Popovtsev was out of Russia, and, in my opinion, in Austria-Hungary. So it was?

A.Tzhikov: Yes. White cornice is, of course, the famous historical plot ...

M.Sokolov: That is, they tried to control them all the time, so to speak, like, such a suspicious community.

A. Pzhikov: Yes, especially the same Nicholas I, whom we have mentioned just. He was generally concerned about various revolutionary all sorts of ideas, currents, which at this time developed, gained popularity in the West. Therefore, it was worried about everything that represents a threat to his throne, let's say. And Olderov, including.

M.Sokolov: Good. If we talk about, actually, already the part of the old workers who climbed, the riskers and so on ... if you look at your book, then the feeling that something happened there, it was interesting, I would say, with morality at the end of the 19th century. After all, many older rich roggers actually for community money, on public. And then it turned out that they privatized this to general, so to speak, such a confessional property, became merchants, manufacturers. Nevertheless, they seem to have saved their influence on the uninterests, right? Interesting, truth, such a phenomenon? On the one hand, they seem to be slightly browned, and on the other hand they could influence them. How to explain it?

A. Pzhikov: Yes, really. This interest in Nikolai I was ending with the older, the Starovieri fell under a rigid repressive press, which he arranged. That is, he decided that since the case was here a dark muddy with this annectment, then you need to destroy everything. Nicholas I first tried to destroy the economic model, the economic model of the older. That's right, as you said, the Economic model of the Old Believers was not based on private ownership, but on community. Our tongue, for public property. That is, such, collective starts in the economy. Why was it? Where did it come from? Why is it so preserved? It is very simple. Because Starovieri was that loser religious confession, which was exposed to persecution and pressure always. In order to survive in a foreign environment for them, in a confessional plan, first of all, then, of course, a combination of some collective efforts was required. Therefore, all their development and building their lives occurred not around the approval of the institution of private property, but around collective communities began. That is, "everyone together must support life and keep our faith." Hence such conservation and chanting such collective principles. All this really was in the older. On the part of the authorities, it was first not discovered so clearly and clear. This understanding came only in the mid-19th century. Again, this is Nicholas I and his officials set it the first. What happened? It turned out that Nikolai I decided to simply stop such a practice and translate everything to normal, so to speak, Rimsky Rail Rails ...

M.Sokolov: That is, write the property on private owners.

A.Tzhikov: Yes, everything should be. That is, the heirs must inherit, there, the right of inheritance can not be questioned and everything else. Although there was other logic and others, so to speak inside this confessional stationery society, if they can be called laws. The managers were not masters. They were managers of these enterprises. They were not genuine owners. And they could not convey to someone if the children stopped, as if, to relate to faith or did not show the business qualities as their parents. Now in the middle of the 19th century, this model is completely broken under the pressure of the authorities. And it is normalized from the point of view of civilized civil law. Restored fully legacy of heritage. And I must say that these managers who looked like the owners in the first half of the 19th century for the authorities - they quickly understood what this press force gives them advantages. What are the benefits? Advantages are simple. Dependence is not from the injectors, but from the imperial law, of course, it seemed more promising. They quickly accepted these rules of the game that the power imposed. And, in fact, from the middle ... More precisely, after the cancellation of serfdom, they have already fully fade into the civil and legal field of the empire and became the same capitalists as the St. Petersburg or southern or some others.

M.Sokolov: I understand that in Russia somewhere by the end of the 19th century, such a fairly powerful Moscow group of merchants, manufacturers and immigrants from the Old Believers who have been mutual understanding with the authorities at least under Alexander III. What is the basis of this mutual understanding at that time?

A.Tzhikov: Of course, it appeared. You're right. It is necessary to allocate and say that this is, such an integral and important feature of the 19th century history. From the mid-19th century, the entire second half of this century is characterized by the fact that the powerful player is coming out on the economic arena - this is the Moscow merchant group. Why Moscow? This is not in the sense that it was solely within Moscow acted. Moscow is something for a nominal name. They lived in Moscow. But their factories, manufactory and enterprises were located in the entire Central Russia. This is a huge enclave. Center of Russia, Volga region. This Moscow group grew absolutely on market, such, conditions absolutely without the help of the government, they did not appeal for help and they did not think that anyone would help someone ... they had their own interests - foreign, noble circles. So, this group, which grew up on confessional market peasant bases, they were all immigrants from the peasants. The first especially. This group began to present his rights to his worthy place in the Russian Empire, motivating the fact that "we actually have anti-Russian people. We are local, we are not foreigners, we are not a midnight, like these officials and so on. And we are right if you can say that the controlling stake of the Russian economy. We are Russian people, we have this right. "

M.Sokolov: And, in general, it is somehow happily coincided with the change of official ideology ...

A.Tzhikov: Of course. Alexander II, as it were, kept tolerant towards them, but at a distance. Many facts talk about it. That is, he did not seek towards them, but at the same time he stopped, of course, the practice that Nicholas I was used. That is, it is diametrically already opposite things. But he did not go to cooperation. Such a quiet neutrality was friendly. With Alexander III, the situation is changing. And changing very noticeable. We all remember that Alexander III was, such a national-oriented sovereign, if so we can say ... Alexander II, by the way, spoke French by most of the time. With Alexander III, the situation, of course, is absolutely changing. He is nationally underlined. It makes a bet on national forces, since the ideological course of Alexander III provided the so-called Russian party, as it is called it in history. This is the Russian Party, which included Slavophiles, Aksakov, about which we mentioned, Samarin, Chizhov - this, such a merchant Slavophilic Spill, the group headed by Katkov, who, naturally, also showed himself at the national field, Prince Meshchersky is a childhood friend Alexander III, who, so to speak, a branch of the Russian party in St. Petersburg, as he was called, arranged ...

M.Sokolov: Newspaper "Citizen" ...

A.Tzhikov: Yes, the newspaper "Citizen". And it was these people who collected a different public ... And there was a writer Dostoevsky. He participated in these meetings. Melnikov-Pechersky, who wrote about an expected epic in the forests on the mountains. That is, everything was impregnated, such as the National Spirit.

M.Sokolov: Dostoevsky advised them: "Call gray zipuanov," that is, "contact the peasantry, to the people" ... of them, merchants and called, immigrants from the people ...

A. Pzhikov: Here, yes it turned out ... This group, called the Russian party, found himself an object worthy of applying his ideological views. Moreover, these merchants willingly went to this meeting, because they understood that at the top of that time not everyone is ready to cooperate with them. They understood everything perfectly. They gladly played immigrants from the people who need to take care of whose business should help in every way.

M.Sokolov: helped

A.Tzhikov: Of course, they helped. Alexander III made a step towards them towards them. In general, I even speak in my book using such a wording that the Moscow merchants of the expert presented a kind of economic branch of the Russian party. They feed the ideas of Katkova, Aksakov economic. And what are economic ideas? This is protectionism. Hard protectionism. Of course, they helped. Alexander III went to it. His Finance Minister Vysnevaradsky, who was held on the key post Economic efforts to Katkova, Aksakov, Meshchersky instead of the Bunge, whom they considered Liberal and unworthy to respond to national ideas. Vysnegradsky set the most powerful, it is known, the Protecting Customs Tariff ... the largest in Europe. And under the protection of his tariff ...

M.Sokolov: That is, closed the market and made the possibilities of their business more profitable?

A. Pzhikov: Yes, so that they grow up so that the internal economy is strengthened to make representatives of this internal economy to reach a new level. And they came out. It is absolutely accurate. By the end of the 19th century, the Moscow merchant group crept like never.

M.Sokolov: Alexander Vladimirovich, is Nikolai II comes and what? The situation really changes? The empire begins to keep the policy of partially open doors, the introduction of foreign capital. This, in fact, leads to the conflict of the Moscow Experted merchants with the authority of the gradual, right? That is, they are trying to change something ... This is really the most important for them was the question - there, at the customs tariff, for some export duties, and so on?

A.Tzhikov: Yes. In the history of the stationery merchants there are 2 nodal points. We have already said about one - this is the mid-19th century, when they, in fact, entered the civilian field of the empire. And the second knot point, which reflected on the fate of the entire Russian Empire is the end of the 19th-20th century, associated with a change in the course of tsarism. What, actually, was it a change? Of course, the protectionist rate was high, he remained high. Finance Minister Witte, who was by that time Minister of Finance, did not attend, naturally, at him. But he put forward the next idea that she personified his own person. The idea consisted of attracting foreign capital in the volumes of unprecedented earlier. The logic was simple: "Russian merchants - good, no one speaks. But wait until they reach the desired condition when they grow up, you can very long. We hopelessly back from the West. Therefore, you need to immediately make a jerk. It is necessary to open the gate for foreign capital primarily. Let them come here, equip production, enterprises, make some industrial assets. This will make a jerk forward. And merchants? Good, but let it wait. " That is, thus it was pointed to the second role. And they claimed the most important violin in the economy. And they were said that any of the first roles could not be any speech. It was very insulting for them because Witte began absolutely as a man of Krugs Aksakov and Katkova. He was published in their publications, in their newspapers. His native uncle - Fadeev - it was the leader of the Russian party, which manifesto wrote her and published in circulations ... They considered him their own and now this person (why Witte had such a chameleon reputation) so much reoriented that St. Petersburg bankers headed by his best friends were Rhodestein, director of the International Petersburg Bank. This, of course, for merchants, was just a silent that the person they considered her would take them in this way.

M.Sokolov: That is, it turned out that, as Alexey NRZB writes, the conservatives turned into reformers and bent, it turns out, to, such an active political position at some point, from which they shied ...

A.Tzhikov: It's completely true in this matter is the essence of the case. I will say a little more. Of course, when, with Alexander III, there was a Renaissance of the Moscow merchants, even the Renaissance of Old Believers ... Preobrazhenskoye, Rogozhsky cemeteries felt like never well ... These are their spiritual centers. They were no longer financial arteries, as before ... Everything seemed to go so on their scenario. And their politics, the policy of loyalism is to crawl around the throne - it fully justifies itself. Dividends Economic go to hand. Russian Party These dividends correctly draw up and, so to speak, materializes into a specific policy. All right. But then, when Vitte turns around, about which we speak, turn towards foreign capital, in whose volumes there was never in Russia ... I emphasize. Neither Petra I, nor in Catherine II, it can not even talk. This is not a comparison. When such a new financial accent occurred, they realized that the question was not solved by standing on his knees. And loyaded spells, which they devoted all their time, do not work now. We need some other mechanisms to get out of this situation, somehow minimize your such progressive position in which they were so unexpectedly having found themselves.

M.Sokolov: And what? But after all this block occurred - on the one hand, merchants, on the other hand, a kind of Zemstvo liberal-democratic movement. How did they find each other?

A. Forzhikov: Liberal movement in fact, until the end of the 19th century, it was a rather pitiful sight. Even all those police sources who tracked all this were analyzed - they did not hide their irony in relation to this movement. They said that there are 10-15 people who are capable of some decisive steps, the rest are just everything is non-serious, there are no fears. So it remained. Attempts to interest merchants by some liberal constitutional projects before the beginning of the 20th century did not succeed. it

Absolutely doomed were attempts. Now the situation has changed. Mercury quickly and actively began to look for new mechanisms. What new mechanisms? Mechanisms to limit the autocracy and the ruling bureaucracy so that there were no such pieces, as Witte has done to them, so primitively speaking. These mechanisms were immediately found. They have already been tested in Europe for a long time, they bloomed there. This is such a constitutional rule. That is, all legitimate rights should be expressed not by the Supreme Will, but the constitution primarily. And the ruling bureaucracy should not have a monopoly on management. That is, parliamentary forms must limit it in the implementation of policies. Mercury saw this mechanism and the beginning of into it invested.

M.Sokolov: And which of the groups is still the same Old Believers - Popovtsy, the charts, some sense - was the most active in supporting these movements?

A.Tzhikov: Here is a very important point, which is often overlooked. Namely, when we say "Old Believers", "Raskolniki", "Expergency merchants" is not entirely correct. Because if you have ideologically accurate, then you need to always keep in mind, what kind of antibodies are Popovets or Sapertov. Of course, everything we say - this Moscow merchant group - the backbone of it was Popovtsy, this is the Belokrinitskaya hierarchy, which we mentioned. The main backbone of millionaires who grew out of the peasant environment - they were representatives of the Belokrinitsky hierarchy, that is, Rogozhsky cemetery. The fleece there were units there. In the first row of the leading millionaires, there are very few of them.

M.Sokolov: Well, we will continue our conversation with the doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University Alexander Pyzhikov about Old Believers, merchants before and during the Great War after the release of the news.


M.Sokolov: on the ether "Echo of Moscow" and the TV channel "RTVI" "the price of victory. The price of the revolution. " Today, our guest is the doctor of historical sciences Alexander Pyzhikov, the author of the book "The FRIEND OF RUSSIAN SCALE". We continue our conversation about the role of merchants in those changes that took place in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Well, right away I have a question. Alexey asks: "Which of the groups of the Old Believers was most actively in revolutionary movement?" And Alexey Kuchegashev wrote: "What connected Savva Morozov and Bolsheviks?" Really the most interesting figure. Apparently, maybe the brightest. The merchants appeared who sponsored not only liberals, the Zemskoy movement, but also the social democrats. Why?

A. Pzhikov: First, the merchants had a special position in opposition movement. Since we talked how they were in this opposition movement. They invested in approving the formation of the mechanism for limiting the ruling bureaucracy led by the emperor, their interest was immediately chained to all those who share these ideas. These ideas of Trelie are always among the intelligentsia, land, some third element ...

M.Sokolov: I think and bureaucracy too.

A.Tzhikov: Yes. This is a special article. There, of course, yes. This is also a little-known page. But if we are talking about merchants now, yes ... that is, such different groups have always existed. Small groups. This is at the level of circles. For the level of circles it never went out until the beginning of the 20th century. There always remained. Therefore, when I watched all these police reports on this topic in the archive, no one has expressed any concern. It is absolutely so. But everything changed at the beginning of the 20th century. And on these police reports, by 1903, it is felt, they are filled with anxiety. They feel that something has changed. Changed what? There was a fashion for liberalism, to the constitution. This fashion emerged in the Russian society, intellectual layers first. Where? How did it happen? Here the answer is very simple. Moscow merchants made one very significant thing since the late 19th century, which everyone knows about, but no one understands and forgot now the appointment of this cultural ...

M.Sokolov: everyone was in the Tretyakov Gallery.

A. Forzhikov: Yes, cultural and educational project, if so you can talk, initiated and paid, most importantly, Moscow merchants. The prominent representatives of the Moscow Merchant Clan actually created all this cultural and educational infrastructure, speaking in modern language. What I'm talking about? The Tretyakov Gallery, which was going ... Will not forget how she was going. She was going to the peak of the Hermitage to the Imperial. Hermitage was filled with the pictures of Western artists of European. Here the focus was made on his own, in Russians. And, in fact, this is the backbone of the Tretyakov Gallery. The theater is then MHAT, Moscow Art Theater is nothing more than the invention and the implementation of a merchant idea. This is a very significant phenomenon. It goes beyond the framework of cultural life ... it survived the framework and 1905, and 1917, and 1991. That is, as far as it really was a good fruitful idea. The head of MCAT stood, as is known, Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky. Not everyone knows that this is an old-supplied merchant genus Alekseev. He is one of the relatives of Alekseeva, who even was the Moscow city chapter in the first-hearth ... MHAT replicated, nesa liberal-democratic ideas. He made them fashionable. The plays of Gorky everyone known ... For example, "On the bottom", everyone is known - this is nothing more than the fulfillment of the order of MCAT, who asked Gorky to write something such a democratic, taking the soul and Gorky gave this play "at the bottom." There were also all these premieres that ended with huge anchlats, demonstrations later with honoring Gorky and MCAT that they made such a cultural product. Operas Mamontov, private opera Mamontov, where the opening of Russian culture broke around - this is Fedor Shalyapin. This is all the discovery of Mamontov. And which operas put this private opera! What are the production! "Hovhanshchina" is an absolutely old-supplied epic that is unpleasant for Romanov. "Boris Godunov" - again, unpleasant to the house of the Romanov page. Scriming, such, ideas will be thrown out and are converted to the public. That is, this infrastructure has created such a liberal-democratic atmosphere. And it immediately began to be interested in very many educated people from the intelligentsia. There was a fashion, as I said, on liberalism. But this was not limited to Moscow merchants.

A.Tzhikov: You were told on the question, the radio listener correctly asks the question. How are these revolutionary elements? That's right, because merchants perfectly understood that insufficiently different respectable land of noble origin, made by knowledge of professors - this is not enough to join the model for the restriction of autocracy and the ruling democracy. Yes, it is good, it is necessary, but this is not enough. Much more convincing if all these ideas sound against the background of explosions, bombs and shots from guns. Here they needed the audience that is capable of providing this background. And merchants occupied as I said, a unique movement in opposition movement. It communicated like with the professors and the nels who were princes and graphs, some of them ... and also felt comfortably with those layers that could carry out these terrorist acts and something like this ...

M.Sokolov: and Savva Mammoths? He was an exotic character in this case?

A.Tzhikov: Normal merchant character. Why is everyone he is heard?

M.Sokolov: Because such a tragic fate - suicide ...

A.Tzhikov: In May 1905 ... there are different versions. Someone says he was killed by someone that he shot himself. It can be found out ...

M.Sokolov: Money went to the Bolsheviks partially.

A.Tzhikov: He, of course communicated. Gorky about this testifies. But just why they say? .. Savva Timofeevich Mamontov ...

M.Sokolov: Savva Morozov.

A. Forzhikov: Morozov, sorry. Savva Timofeevich Morozov - such a bright character, you correctly noticed. But it is not limited to them. This is not some kind of his personal initiative. This is the initiative that the whole clan showed is the community of merchants. This is a merchant elite. There are many other names. The same, about which Mammoths mentioned, Ryabushinsky brothers, who, too, on this path made much more than the same Sava Morozov. And then there are a lot of surnames. And not only from Moscow.

M.Sokolov: We are written: "Chetverikov, municipalists, Dunaev, Zhivago, Schukins, Vostrikov, Khludov" - all this is one group, right?

A. Pzhikov: Khludov, Schukins, Chetverikov are all one group, this is the so-called Moscow group.

M.Sokolov: Alexander Vladimirovich, good. Passed, so to speak, the revolution, made the State Duma, achieved some restriction of autocracy, although the Duma did not control about 40% of the budget of state-owned companies and government banks, direct influence on the government also did not have. That is, it turned out like this: fought-fought, sponsored, sponsored, but there is no result. What was before the First World War, again, with this group? What was her political activity, this Moscow merchant, would I say the groupings?

A. Pzhikov: Of course, the Duma was established. In general, in my opinion, Nicholas II would still establish this Duma, only, of course, according to his scenario, with his logic, in his sequence he planned to observe. But he did not succeed. These rapid events, especially in the fall of 1905, are the so-called Moscow exacerbation. The December uprising is the highest point of this exacerbation. December uprising armed in Moscow This scenario shot down.

M.Sokolov: Yes, when the merchants purchased weapons for their workers.

A.Tzhikov: Yes. It is absolutely, as it were ... I am absolutely not a pioneer here. Many authors indicated that the whole strike wave in Moscow began with factories and factories that belonged to the merchants. The mechanism is very simple. They paid the salary, but they said that you could not work on this day. As you understand who wanted a lot. Everyone gladly participated in it. It was encouraged. It initiated all this strike wave. This mechanism has long been open. Many scientists wrote about it. In this case, I simply generalized most of what was written. Of course, not all. So, the establishment of this Duma took place. Yes, the Legislative Duma. For more not yet claimed. It was necessary to see how this new state mechanism would work. That is, it was necessary to test, as it will function in action. Here from the merchant clan took this testing, if you can say, the famous Moscow figure Alexander Ivanovich Gachkov. His position in the Moscow merchandise is special. He did not belong to the main bone of this Moscow merchants, namely, the Belokrinitsky hierarchy. He came out of theeodosiyevsky freezing consent. But by the end of the 19th century he was a funerary. Such a masking was a network, an image of such. He was a one-arter, although, of course, he treated at Orthodoxy at no better than his ancestors. It's clear. But this guffling Alexander Ivanovich is an active political figure. He moved in 1905. He took up to become a certain leader who expresses the interests of the Moscow merchants in relation to power, to the government, to St. Petersburg. He had a warm very relationship trust with Prime Minister Stolypin. This is a famous fact. He convinced all these Moscow circles, which he could make that this model, which was pushing in 1905, earned, earned it as I would like and he will answer for it. He heads the largest fraction in the State Duma, the fraction of the Octobrists, he has complete trusting relationship with Stolypin, so he can,

Speeding our tongue, break all commercial questions.

M.Sokolov: But it did not work.

A.Tzhikov: His first experience was positive in 1908. Still, Huchkov and the Duma were able to persuade Stolypin so that he pretty the initiative to create a trust from metallurgical activities in the south, where foreign capital was at the core. It was a large very victory in 1908. Historians of the economy know her, I think, remember. Then, of course, slipped slip. Feeling it, Huchkov decided on an extreme step. He decided to lead the Third State Duma to gain access to the king. He then received the right of a permanent report from the emperor. He decided to take advantage of this right to influence him. And therefore in 1910 he from the head of the largest faction becomes chairman of the State Duma. But with the king, communication was not trusted. Specifically planned guchkov ... He was convinced that he persuaded the king to appoint one character by Maritime Minister. Nicholas II agreed, he spent him with a smile and appointed another - Grigorovich in 1911, after which everyone became clear, what is the effect of Guccov, that it is close to zero, if at all about some kind of can talk here. After that, merchants occurred in merchants, awareness that this model will not lead to anything.

M.Sokolov: Alexander Vladimirovich, it turns out that somewhere in 1914 we see by the summer of 1914 the real political aggravation is exactly similar to the same scenario in the summer in front of 1905 - the same practically slogans, strikes begin at various enterprises, Moscow in particular. What is it? Again, they taught the old, right? Only finding allies, as I understand it, also in bureaucracy. A. Forzhikov: Here is the most interesting episode of our history of the Tsarist Empire, which for some reason falls out of the field of view of the researchers. We have now talked about Guffling that he tried to play a mediator, such between the government and Moscow business circles. All this ended in full political bankruptcy at that time. Then another character was found, which took up with great success and the foundation to play this role. We are not talking about some kind of merchants, but about one of the royal favorites, the Favorites of the Tsarist couple - the emperor and the empress. I'm talking about Alexandra Vasilyevich Krivoshein. This is an extremely interesting figure of Russian history. What's interestnig? He moved along the bureaucratic staircase of the tsarist, very confidently moved quickly. That is, there was very violent career. She was provided by one royal approximated - it is Goremykin. Such was the Prime Minister, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He provided a patronage of Krivoshein. Krivoshein moved very quickly and found himself in the government of Stolypin almost his right hand. But one detail is overlooked from the type. Krivoshein was not just a royal bureaucrat. He married at the end of the 19th century on the granddaughter Timothy Isaevich Morozova, the pillar, the father of Savva Morozova, Elena Karpova, to be accurate in her last name. And he threw up with such a merchant clan, which was located in the center of this entire Moscow bourgeoisie and Moscow merchants. He became his. And here for the first time in Russian history, which was not the whole of the 19th century, and we do not have to talk about earlier, we are witnessing a strange circumstance such that the king's favorite and his own man in Moscow merchants. It is such a special position in these power and economic structures that allowed him to become a centered in promoting the parliamentary project, that is, the turning of the Duma from the legislative to the full parliament in the western sense of the word. That is, the Duma, which does not just publish laws, but also that affects the appointment in the government, which manages. Krivoshein wanted to do it. Moscow merchants, of course, related to him with relatives, went with him to a more durable alliance than with Huchkov. That at that time was departed on the second-third role, it is not visible. Krivoshin is precisely and took it to ultimately. This is 1915. In 1914, before the war, it all began, began successfully, Krivoshein did very successful steps to eliminate their opponents from the government. Of course, there was a corresponding strike fund in St. Petersburg. Again it all started. Of course, there are already people here are the social-democratic fraction of the Duma "Trudoviki", where Kerensky already appears. They have already managed merchants, in

Konovalov is the largest capitalist, the nearest colleague of Ryabushinsky, a whole group associate ... This is also a very prominent and respected merchant of Moscow. He was in touch, he was also a member of the State Duma, he answered this direction. That is, the whole situation treated again. In 1915, military conditions were already, but nevertheless due to the fact that there were failures on the front, it was decided to budge this topic again. Krivoshein began her ...

M.Sokolov: That is, it was created a progressive unit from the right to actually Social Democrats in the Duma under the slogan, such a responsible government of popular confidence. In fact, it turns out, you think that the Moscow-merchant grouping was standing behind him.

A.Tzhikov: In economically, if all this happened and was implemented, then in the economic sense, Moscow merchants would be the main beneficiary of all this case. It is no doubt.

M.Sokolov: And why Nicholas II did not go to such a decision, on the contrary, somehow turned his back, settled in the end Krivoshin, went to confrontation. What was the meaning? The project was quite profitable during the war. They promised stabilization, complete mutual understanding with the actual stable majority of the Duma. Why did he go to such a suicidal decision?

A.Tzhikov: Here, probably, the key words - "during the war". All this epic, the whole story with the progressive block developed during the war. Nicholas II refused to produce such political steps in military conditions. He believed that I still need to first bring this war to a victorious end and then on the winner's laurels to return to this topic, but not before. It is for such a sequence of actions that he performed very hard. And Krivoshein could not convince him. Krivoshein said that it was necessary to do this, it would better affect our military affairs and we will win faster. But Nicholas II believed that it was still better to lead the army. He became the Supreme Commander Just in August 1915. "It is now more in a timely manner than to get involved in political combinations. Political combinations "- he believed -" the end of the war will wait. After backing them. " In the meantime, he laid his authority, which, by the way, Krivoshein did not advise him - put his authority to the altar and his figure, his tsarist person, that it is better to be headed by the troops of the Supreme Commander Great Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich. That and in case of failure, everything can be written off on it. But Nicholas II decided that he would take all this, in this his duty. And he laid completely on the military direction, which naturally during the war years. And political all combinations, he decided to leave political actions for later. But since Krivoshin and his allies from the government insisted, he was forced to part with them, let's say.

M.Sokolov: Good. Well, they were created, nevertheless, with the participation of the merchants of this, the military-industrial committees already familiar to us, with the working groups. Police, in particular, I see, considered them a network of conspirators destabilizing and so on. And in the main activity they were not effective enough ... What is your opinion? What was it for the structures after all? Was these structures of the helped army or were it structures that were preparing any political shares?

A. Pzhikov: During the war, it was in Moscow that it was the initiator ... Bourgeois circles, Zemsky circles initiated the creation of public organizations to help the front. That is, the idea is such that the bureaucracy does not cope with their responsibilities, can not provide victory, so the public should connect. Here in the face of the Zemsky City Union and the new organization ... This invention of the First World War is the military-industrial committees, where the bourgeoisie is going with the forces and helps the front of the victory. But we note that all the military-industrial committees acted on government officials. All this from the budget came to these military-industrial committees. They operated on these sums, and they did not particularly want to report, naturally. Here, in addition to helping the front, there were so-called working groups in the military industrial committees ... Again, this is a corporate, such a sign of the Moscow merchants,

When folk layers were tightened again to solve some problems that they needed to be sold at the top. The foundation was created. These working groups, so to speak, demonstrated the partnership in support of those initiatives that the merchant bourgeoisie implements. By the way, there are a lot of working groups ... For example, at the CSCA, this is at the Central Military Industrial Committee - made very big things. With the help of the Working Group, a sequestration of the Putilovsk plant was produced, which belonged to the banking group of the Russian-Asian bank. Moscow merchants always opposed the banks of St. Petersburg and tried to conceal them as stronger. Working groups made their contribution here even during the First World War. And of course, immediately before February 1917, all those memories that were published in emigration and were studied now, they suggest that the working groups were truly the battle headquarters, I would not be afraid of this word, to loosen the royal regime directly at the last stage. It was they who coordinated all actions along with the thought of showing a tsarism that he was doomed.

M.Sokolov: Tell me, the conspiracy of Guccov, a military merchant conspiracy, about which many of your colleagues write, allegedly against Nikolai and Alexandra Fedorovna - still, this is a myth or an unrealized opportunity because of such a spontaneous start of the Soldier Bunt in February 1917.

A. Pzhikov: Of course, this is not a myth. The whole sequence of actions in the performance of Moscow merchants convinces that it was consciously conscious. For this, there were different allies - Gucci, Krivoshin ... By the way, when Krivoshien in September 1915, the king was resigned, then they quickly forget about it, all the Moscow merchants. He becomes nobody for them. They are already fully configured to loosen the royal regime frankly. And here the theme Rasputin reaches its apogee. She was so trel, and now it becomes a powerful gun, with the help of which the royal couple is discredited. The soldier rebellion, yes, happened. This is in February 1917. Really was a soldier riot. Of course, they created the entire atmosphere at which he could have happened, but they hardly expected those consequences.

M.Sokolov: And the latter, perhaps, I still want to look at the unwritten anymore for 1917. Why are these people who actively rushed to power, could not keep it?

A.Tzhikov: Well, yes. Well, first, the February Revolution of 1917 ended with bankruptcy. She came to shift Oktyabrskaya and further ... Well, because the liberal project, which promoted the Moscow merchants - he suffered a full collapse, he suffered a fiasco. That is, restructuring of public life on liberal rails, constitutional, liberal, as they wanted and believed that this will help Russia not fully justified. Folk masses were absolutely deaf to this liberal project, absolutely deaf. They did not perceive it. They did not understand the charms, which for Moscow merchants were obvious, political charms. The masses were completely different priorities, another idea of \u200b\u200bhow to live ...

M.Sokolov: So the whole of the same community and the same idea of \u200b\u200bold solve?

A.Tzhikov: Yes. Here are these deep layers ... they lived community collective psychology. It was she who splashed out. The liberal project has become inappropriate here.

M.Sokolov: Thank you. Today, the guest of the "Echo Moscow" and TV program "RTVI" was Alexander Pyzhikov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Mikhail Sokolov led this program today. Good luck to you.

A. Forzhikov: Total Good.

M.Sokolov: Goodbye.

Famous Old Believers Dynasties: Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Gachkov, Soldiers, Khludov, Konovalov.
That's how so? Did not fit in my head: a believer - rich.
What about the wealth of monasteries?
And the leaders of the clergy with expensive clock and expensive machines, caused you irritation or bewilderment?

Why: one thing all, and others nothing?
Didn't you beat you such a question?

I'm not an envious person. But still, it was not clear to me how the business giants of pre-revolutionary Russia correlate with the fact of their deep religiosity? However, there is a clear explanation.

To begin with, remember the parable of talents.

The parable of talents is one of the parable of Jesus Christ contained in the Gospel of Matthew and telling about the second coming:

"For [he arrives], as a man who, going to a stranger country, called on his slaves and instructed them to the estate: And he gave five talents, another two, in another one, to everyone according to his strength; And immediately went. The received five talents went, used them in business and acquired other five talents; In the same way, two talent acquired others two; Got one talent went and buried [his] to the ground and hid a silver Mr. His silver.
(Matt. 25: 14-30) "

Upon his return, Mr. urged slaves to himself and demanded a report from them how they ordered them with their money. Slaves, who used money in the case, he praised, saying "Good, kind and faithful slave! In Malom, you were faithful, I put you over many; Enter your joy of Mr. ". The latter came the slave, smearing the money to the ground and said: "Mr.! I knew you that you were a cruel man, wake, where I did not sow, and you gather where I did not scatter, and, having gone, I went and hid your talent in the ground; Here you have yours "(Matt. 25: 24-25).

In response, Mr. turned to him and present with the following speech:
"The dear slave and lazy! You knew that I would like, where I did not sow, and collect where I did not scatter; Therefore, it was supposed to give you silver my trading, and I, having come, would get mine with a profit; So, take the talent and give a ten talent with ten talents, because every having to give up and will increase, and the non-attendant is torn and what has it; And throw out an unfounded slave in darkness external: there will be crying and crushing the teeth. (MF. 25: 26-30) "

How to perceive the wealth and power of agnostics? Means for life, for implementing designs, for comfort. The agnostic sees objects either by their own, or other people's own, or gives him the right to dispose of property at its discretion, or does not give such right. Having the right to dispose of wealth and power, agnostic (and in his face I mean a man "not believing") makes such an order, guided by his morality, with its rules for determining that there is good, and what evil. And such a person can start building hospitals and gardens, and start sponsoring wars and trade drugs - he decides.

And how does a believer man perceive the material world? He sees his stay in this world temporary, and the most important thing He sees the cleansing of the soul from sin, in order to find the eternal benefit of the brangny path (well, not to get into the fire). The world is created by God, and everything is not belonging here. The material world, these are the very "talents", to whom five, to whom two, to whom are given by Mr. Slave, in order to ask. The man on Earth will receive the Lord in a temporary order or other property, and how does he dispose of these talents? The owner will ask. The believer man disposes according to morality, enshrined in the Gospel, and not personal preferences.
Here, of course, they can begin to wise - how to understand what is what it is written. It is enough to remember that the name of the Lord women was burned on fires and wars, too, with his name. To wise people of Muzzles ...
To avoid this, it is enough to remember how you do with moldy food? You throw it out and wash the dishes, right? The wisers of a person who are poisoned by molds of pride, vanity, greedy, are seen. To avoid, poisoning, it is enough to wash your soul from reasoning in our understanding, and perceive the knowledge and logic of Evaniglia, which cannot be the subject of people's ownness, and are a source of pure knowledge. But this is a completely different story.

Thus, by ordering temporarily entrusted material wealth or power, the believer man is not looking for personal benefits, for it knows, these "wealth" will remain in this temporary world. But being a temporary manager, he manifests his maturity spiritual, which is said in the above parable.

pS: From the book of St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov "Ascetic experiments"

In Russia, today there are about one million Old Believers. Within 400 years, they existed separately, in fact, contrary to the state, implemented their own rules and regulations in communities, which contributed to the creation of strong industries and a reliable economy of enterprises. Conservatives in the spiritual sphere, they nevertheless have always stretched to new products and easily introduced recent developments on manufactories and factories. Ruposters disassembled in the phenomenon of the economic text of the Old Believers during the Russian Empire.

Economy Dogm.

To understand why the old workers are so often associated with economic successes, it is necessary to refer to some fundamental principles that they are guided.

Old Believement is a conservative branch and so conservative Orthodoxy, which makes it close to the fundamentalist sects. The unwillingness to take politically conditioned religious innovations, uniformed Russian and Greek Orthodox churches, forced an older workers.

Members of the Governments of the Moscow Merchant Society

They ran out, however, not far. The main communities were located in Nizhny Novgorod, Karelia, Veliky Novgorod, near Kirov and in Poland. But with the end of the most bloody persecutions, many Old Believers returned to major cities, mainly in Moscow, founding communities and centers of their faith in cities.

The main principle of conservatism, oddly enough, led to innovations. There appeared various branches of old-believe, the most famous of which is the loan, refused by the religious hierarchy. Their lifestyle is often compared with progressive in their essence Protestantism. The overall spirit of asceticism, community interaction and savings eventually led to prosperity and prosperity.

Ivan Aksakov, Slavophil and Publicist, during his missionary trips around the country noted that the villages of the Old Believers were always cleaner and richer. He explained that such a situation was formed by their closets and hard work, as well as direct disgust and rejection of the idleness. The idleness, according to Old Believers, is the "Evil School".

Group of Old Believers - Pomorz, Nizhny Novgorod.

The spiritual elite from the very beginning blessed trade as a good deal. Roshdomism did not affect. What is interesting, the old workers had to hide their spiritual leaders, and in the end the authority and the community leader was usually the most convicted merchant or an accountant - no one would have done things with the priest. From here and another topic - the Old Believers were a limitful of their official Orthodox colleagues, because they had to keep records and services themselves, which is confirmed by scrupulous audits in the XIX century.

Starbers were based on the fact that the coming of the Antichrist had already happened, but the eschatological feeling of the end just spurred the intensity of labor and self-confidence. Religious righteousness was supposed to be maintained in the trifles: when you eat, you use the benefits of civilization, you keep accounting. That is, religious practice was maximally transferred to household life, and the changing situation forced religion to respond to new issues related to economies, management and progress in general. In old economicity, paradoxically combined the irrepressible "absorption" of economic innovations and religious conservatism, bordering fundamentalism.

Community and manuff

The reasons for economic success described in detail in their autobiographical work "the fate of the Russian owner" Vladimir Ryabushinsky (son Pavel Mikhailovich, Brother Pavel Pavlovich). The main qualities of the Russian entrepreneur - composure and intuition. "This" Russian merchant is not a player, such as English entrepreneurs. He has no excitement, but there is caution in making decisions, even some slowness, drig, the desire to weigh all the "for" and "against" during the transaction, even if the time works against them.

Successes Old Believers could boast mainly in the textile industry. Starbers in the XIX century (practically gold for them, except for the Board of Nicholas I, who deprived them of ownership of 25 years) managed to return to large cities and to establish manufactory.

Nikolskaya Manufactory Morozovy

But before that, in the XVIII century, the decrees of Catherine II to the Old Believers were guaranteed some rights in court proceedings, the ability to occupy posts and recorded in the estate.

With the abolition of double grade (tax), eminent merchants and industrialists reached out in the Old Believers - for learning a diploma and science of doing business. So they became sample samples and contributed to the spread of religion through their own economic achievements:

"Raskolnikov in the Urals multiplied. At the plants of Demidov and Iskokin clarifiers - Raskolniki, almost everything! Yes, the industrialists themselves are some - splitters ... And if they send it, then some of course, they have some kind of plants. And there will be no factory. And in the state factories will not be without harm! For there, with many manufactories, it's core, wire, steel, iron, read all the harches and the needs of Olonian, Tulaan and Kergents are all the splitters, "the secret to the capital in the Urals in 1736.

The starrels belonged to about 60-80 enterprises for the production of textiles and wool, which was about 18% of this niche. Why is the textile? Of course, the Old Believers were taken for other types of business, but the manufacture of this product did not require frequent contacts with the state, and at the same time there were considerable money at the skillful organization of manufactory production.

Sign of businessman Tryndina, who held the store on Lubyanka, 13

In addition to individual surnames like Shchukin (the main filler of the French collections of the Hermitage), Soldatenkova (financing the publication of Western historical books in Russian), Gromov (founder of the St. Petersburg Conservatory), the stories most of all were remembered by whole dynasties that were completely from the Old Believers or had an old-supplied origin.

Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Prokhorov, Markov, Maltsev, Huchkov, Trondines, Tretyakov ... According to Forbes, the cumulative state of these families at the beginning of the 20th century is about 150 million gold rubles (not all of them entered the rating). To date, the total capital of these families could be 115.5 billion rubles.

"I was always struck by one feature - perhaps the characteristic feature of the whole family, is an internal family discipline. Not only in the affairs of banking, but also a public one was given its place on the established rank, and in the first place was the elder brother, with whom others were considered And in a certain sense, they obeyed him, "recalled one of the richest entrepreneurs Mikhail Ryabushinsky in the memoirs of Pavel Buryshkin" Moscow merchant ".

The specimen of the economic and social culture of the Old Believers can serve as Nikolskaya Manufactory "Savva Morozov and Co.". So far, the Committee of Ministers of Alexander II solved what to do with periodic outbreaks of cholera at the factory with a number of more than 1000 workers, frosts in the early 1860s founded his own wooden hospital at 100 beds. Soon therapeutic institutions appeared at all its factories: four hospitals served almost 6.5 thousand workers. On them, Morozov spent on average 100 thousand gold rubles per year. Later, the state will begin to oblige the manufactory to build its hospitals.

Passing on the mainafature of dyeers

At the end of the XIX century, the working manufactices of the family of descendants of the Old Believers of Dreeshydrates were illiterate. In 1889, the factory opens the initial school. They studied both the factory workers themselves and their family members. For 10 years, the number of illiterate men in the factory decreased to 34% (1901), and by 1913, only 17% remained illiterate. At the beginning of the 20th century, factory schools were trained and shortening the amount of illiterate from 88% to 47%.

The communities of the Old Believers invested money in the Laddle, Folk Houses - tea for 400 people with libraries, exhibitions. For the same colorars, a similar house was in the Rodnikovsky district, there were meetings of various societies and entrepreneurs.

Good corruption

However, sometimes, despite all the precautions and attempts to create closed structures with their own schools and hospitals, with the state, the antibans still had to deal. According to the professional "fighter with a split" of the publicist Nikolai Subbotina, "sales of a large extent paralyzed the strength of orders" Nicholas I, aimed at the Old Time in the first half of the XIX century. It can be stated that the contacts of anti-employees with officials were reduced to corrupt transactions. And since they were actually derived from official political and social life, it was even more difficult to attract them to justice.

Nevertheless, the bribes constituted almost the main part of the communities in the first half of the XIX century. Corruption schemes were a common phenomenon in the Urals, in Poland and the Northern territories, but the most striking example is the situation in Moscow. Subbotin writes about the whole business on the delivery of secret papers from the ministerial office of small officials to the merchants. Thus, those learned about raids planned against them, new registered acts and have time to prepare and hide money in various ways.

Collection of members of the 1st, the highest guild

Not only civil servants were involved in corruption. The right to fulfill the rites "bought" the priests of the Synodal Church, which is known from the police from the Monina community in Moscow, which grew like on yeast without due legal registration. The official church in a personal order provided the room for praying, performed by the landlord, etc.

On corruption, we also know from the records of the older themselves. The leaders of the Machkovy factory (already at the end of the XIX century) conducted separate "black" accounting books, which contained records of approximately such content:

"Found expenses E.F. Guccov:

- "In the Office of the Ober-Politzmeyster" (in every month account 5-10 rubles),

- "Wardrifier for registration",

- "For treating employees in the Duma and the Orphan court",

- "Writers of the 3rd Quarter",

- "Parts is presented",

- "wardens in the Duma",

- "Oil is distributed differently."

Old Believers did not distinguish the concepts of bribes and taxes, combining them under the general word "tribute". The tribute could also be given "wicked", but only for the preservation of faith. It is indicative in this regard the dispute in letters between the two communities of Fedoseevtsev and Filippov, in which the second accused the first in excessive passion for trade and money. It was explained that the tribute could not pay government officials if it was purely economic relations. But everything related to faith - it is necessary to satisfy the pleasure of forced evil in the form of non-believers of public workers and priests:

"So nobody had anger on us, in hedgehog to the end of the offend: it demands an enemy of Zlata - give, the robe - give, the honorable - give, the faith is Khoshta Ottyati - Taken in every way. We have been living in every way and therefore we give everyone Everyone asking, in order not to betray the enemy on the flour, or would not sharpen in a small place ... "

Indicatively, the style of conducting an old workers. Thanks to the established circular paper and collective responsibility, as well as family continuity, the communities of the Old Believers acted as banks. During the period of the prohibitions of Nicholas I, they actually illegally, while leaking huge amounts either on dons, or at all under honestly. In the same way, the Old Believers (in particular Polish) worked with Western merchants. No one has seen anything risky - the communities treated with their name.

Major General of the Russian Imperial Army Ivan Petrovich Liprandi, a better known as the author of memories of Pushkin, at the turn of the 1850s engaged in researching the issue of the threat of economic security of the empire, allegedly emanating from several communities in the Kursk, Oryol and Tambov provinces. According to Liprandi's testimony, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ownership of the Old Belovers was "as if (symbiotic) establishment of capitalism and socialism." However, he never found any signs of hostility of the Old Believers to the state and stopped the investigation.

Conservative Progress

Starbers actively intervened in politics. After the adoption of the royal manifesto 1905, the Old Believers received complete freedom of religion, which meant the change in the economic model. In fact, the communal model ceases its existence - capitalist fully displaces the socialist principle.

Concerns and syndicates are organized on the basis of communities and religious centers. The splicing of banking and industrial capital begins. Thus, bank assets were combined in the St. Petersburg Bank, the Nizhny Novgorod-Samara Bank by the marked, northern insurance society, which still can be found on the set of Moscow homes.

With the adoption of Manifest, a number of old goods, namely Paul Ryabushinsky, Alexander Konovalov and Alexander Guccov (Chairman of the III convocation of the State Duma), organized a "batch of progressors" to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie. Moreover, Ryabushinsky and his comrades became ideological opponents of economically conservative leaders of Moscow entrepreneurs, defended the new vision of capitalism in the context of the constitutional monarchy.

Old Believers collaborated with the "Union of October 17", the "Chamber of Commerce and Industry", peace relevant, opened their own newspapers for the propaganda of the bourgeois mistake of political life in the country.

It is indirectly or directly contributed to the many political and economic changes in the country, including the adoption of the Stolypin agrarian reform, the Land Law (where the Poles received the actual autonomy), participated in the life of the temporary government.

Their departure towards hard, bourgeois capitalism largely predicted the fate of the Old Believers during the 1917 revolution, which threw this actually detached people after a 200 years ago, forcing them again to hide, and then suffer, and then re-equip the place under the sun.

Source - https: // ...

Mystery of the third force / Commissioner Qatar /

"In the middle of the 19th century, the Government of Russia came to awareness that no industrial jerk would be with such an elite, because they began to attract foreign capital. But the main thing is to rely on their own talents. And they appeared - the Old Belowers of Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Gromov, Avaxentyev, stoves, guffling, Konovalov, Morozov, Prokhorov, Ryabushinsky, Soldatenkov, Tretyakov, Khludov. Not one Ukrainians in the lists! But they are full of them in the elite. Almost all those who stand in the fodder of the rule of the empire are rooted in Ukraine. And Counts from Khokhlov , even pond pond.

The industry that was in the Russian Empire is what has grown from the bottom of the old-supplied layers plus foreign capital. The participation of aristocracy was minimal.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the most rich and enterprising people were exactly the chambers of the old faith. At the turn of the XX century, only three financial and wealthy groups of people existed in Russia: Old Believers (merchants and industrialists), foreign businessmen and noblemen-landowners. Moreover, the share of old goods accounted for more than 60% of all private capital of the Empire. It is not surprising that with the growth of capital, they seriously thought about their relationship with not recognizing them with secular power. In parallel, the conflict with foreign companies for the right of dominance in the financial and industrial markets of Tsarist Russia was granted.

The question got up with an edge: or the country turns into a foreign business colony, or relies on the old-handed capital and builds a new nationally oriented bourgeois economy. Starbers took up the reform of the Romanov of the Romanian rural monarchy, having all the prospects to become a country leading worldwide. A revolution was preparing from above. And she almost happened when large Russian capital came to power in 1917. Remember the Provisional Government - there are all the largest capitalists of Russia from the Old Believers ... "