Mao Clinic - When the patient needs above all. MAYO CLINIC management practice

Clinic Address: 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905
Phone number: + 1-507-284-2511, 1-507-538-3270, 1-507-284-8884 (international department)

Mao Clinic is a famous US Medical Center. Located in Rochester (Minnesota, USA). For more than a century-old history of the existence of Mayo Clinic, from a small medical institution turned into one of the largest hospital complexes of the United States, which is largely the standard of health system of America and enjoys high prestige in the global medical community.

The clinic is accredited by JCI, which confirms the highest competence of the medical institution in all modern areas of medicine and guarantees patients. high level Services. According to U.S. News & World Report, for many years, the healing institution is invariably in the top ten clinics of the United States.

The Mao Clinic allocates huge funds for scientific developments and clinical studies. Patients with complex diseases from many countries of the world come to the medical institution. Integrated treatment approach, excellent diagnostics and the newest approaches Treatment is the distinctive features of the clinic.

The Mao Clinic in Rochester is designed for 1132 inpatient places. Annually in the clinic is registered over 80 thousand appeals to the emergency department, 62 thousand hospitalizations and more than 70 thousand surgical interventions. The clinic is a well-known rehabilitation center with CARF accreditation, as well as a large educational hospital, where students are trained by many medical colleges and institutions.

The Mao Clinic provides medical services in all areas of modern medicine. The greatest success of the medical institution has achieved in areas such as gastroenterology, pulmonology, gynecology, urology, orthopedics and oncology.

In the structure of the Mao Clinic - 15 perfectly equipped clinical departments:

- gynecology,
- Gastroenterology,
- Cardiology and cardiovascular surgery,
- neurology and neurosurgery,
- orthopedic surgery,
- pulmonology,
- urology,
- Endocrinology,
- Otolaryngology,
- ophthalmology,
- nephrology,
- rheumatology,
- Psychiatry,
- Rehabilitation.

Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases are one of the most important activities of the Mao clinic in Rochester. Oncology compartment Mayo Clinic offers the most efficient and modern programs Cancer treatment in the world.

The huge opportunities of the high-tech diagnostic equipment and experience of specialists make it possible to diagnose cancer in the earliest stages. The tumor removal in most cases is carried out using the most newest technologies, without radical intervention, and effective pharmaceutical remedies ensure the absence of a disease remission.

The treatment of cancer in the Mao clinic suggests an integrated approach when a multidisciplinary team of experts is working with the patient, providing the most effective treatment and care. For each patient, individual therapy is being developed, taking into account many factors - features and stages of the disease, the age of the patient and its overall state.

Specialists of the Oncology Department are conducting independent research, and also cooperate with many major institutions and medical centers of the world. On the basis of the clinic, clinical tests of new methods of treatment and pharmacological preparations are carried out. The results of these studies are open to the patients of the clinic unique opportunities in accessing the most modern methods Treatment, not affordable in most other clinics of the world.

Every year in the oncological department of the Mao Clinic is treated with about 12 thousand patients with various types of cancer. Clinic specialists have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of the following types of cancer:

Head and neck tumors
- tumors,
- and other types of gynecological cancer,
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- ,
- ,
- Melanoma.

In the oncology department, the Mao clinic is working over 50 oncologists, as well as doctors of related specialties.

The oncology department works in close cooperation with other departments and departments of the clinic (department of radiology, department of infectious diseases, clinic of pain, departments of psychology and psychiatry, surgical departments) to ensure the patient with high-quality diagnostics and all necessary types of assistance.

Contact the Mao clinic to clarify any questions relating to treatment, on the above contact numbers.

Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publisher published a book on how the service culture and systems approach The organization of work leads to outstanding achievements in the provision of medical services. The authors investigated the practice of the work of one of the most famous medical institutions in the world - the American clinic Mayo.

Using the kind resolution of the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house, the site portal publishes excerpts from the book.

Chapter 1. Brand with a Central Story

About 140 years ago, in a small town of Rochester, Minnesota, the first private hospital opened, which at the beginning of the 1900s received the name of the Mao clinic. The most amazing thing is not that this clinic exists so far, but the fact that it has become one of the most influential and expensive brands in the world in the service sector. And the fact that this brand is successfully supported throughout its long history, protects and develops, deserves admiration. Nowadays, Mao Clinic almost does not use advertising to promote medical services. Until 1986, there was no marketing professionals in her state, and the marketing department opened in the same year until 1992 consisted of one person.

Since modern management is focused on all new (concepts, theory, models, technologies, etc.), it was interesting for us to consider the world-famous organization that laid the foundation of your success in the early 1900s and continues to stand on this foundation already in XXI century. An example of the Mao clinic testifies that by determining the right basic concept of the organization of the business, it is possible to use it throughout many eras.

The Mao Clinic is a modern traditional enterprise, skillfully combining the strategy for obtaining profit and the preservation of corporate principles, innovation and traditions, talented specialists and their coordinated teamwork, science and art.

Mao clinic in numbers

The number of people who arrive weekly in the Mao clinic and leaving it are comparable to the population of a small town. The working day begins at five in the morning, and within a day in the walls of three campuses located in Minnesota, Arizona and Florida, 42 thousand employees, students and volunteers work. Surgical patients begin to flow at 5:30, and on the day there are 300 operations on average. The patient flow is enhanced at 6:45, when laboratories open and blood tests are carried out. By noon, more than 13 and a half thousand patients, most often, accompanied by relatives, receive medical care. In total, 65 thousand people participate in the dramatic struggle for human life - medical and service personnel, students, patients and their relatives.

During the day, patients pass more than 4,600 procedures or diagnostic surveys, including x-ray, computer or magnetic resonance imaging in the radiological department. The clinic employs 230 radiologists, each of which processes the data of one patient and makes the report on them for 90 minutes. Two and a half thousand doctors consisting in the state of the Mao Clinic are spending 9 thousand inspections or consultations per day. About 350 patients get urgent medical care In one of the three campuses, and in the wards it remains at night 1300 inpatient patients.

The Mao Clinic is the world's first complex non-profit medical group, one of the largest among such organizations. Due to its multifunctionality, it unites into the general system of physicians of almost all existing specialties, which lead to work together for the benefit of patients. For a period of a little more than a century, Mao clinic turned into a major medical Institute. During 1912, more than 15 thousand patients were registered in the clinic. After 12 years, when the Mayo brothers were at the peak of their careers, Dr. Clinic annually assisted 60 thousand patients and conducted 23,600 operations. By this time, the clinic has 1500 hospital beds and 27 operating rooms. By 1983, the volume of medical services increased 4.5 times compared with 1924 and amounted to 276,800 patients per year.

Until 1983, Mao's clinic, as at the beginning of his story, was based in Rochester, Minnesota. But that year, a strategic decision was made, which stimulated the rapid growth of the organization, which is still ongoing. In 1986, the Hospital of St. Mary and the Hospital of Methodists, located in Rochester, entered Hospital; At the same time, Campus was opened in Jacksonville, Florida, and in 1987 - in Scottsdale, Arizona. In the period from 1983 to 2007, the number of patients almost doubled, and the number of doctors and researchers increased by more than 200%.

In 2007, total revenues amounted to $ 7.3 billion (17 times more than in 1983), and total profits increased to $ 622.8 million (which is ten times more than in 1983).

Throughout its history, Mao's clinic was widely known to the medical services she offered to patients. However, it is written in its charter that this is "organization of three shields." The central and largest shield on the Logo Mao clinic symbolizes the maintenance of patients. It is adjacent to two other shields representing medical research and medical education. This triune mission was determined by the William brothers and Charles Mao, convinced that they were superior to many of their colleagues, because every year during the holidays study the experience of other doctors. So, Dr. Charles Mao held a honeymoon with his wife Edith, visiting hospitals and surgical clinics of the Eastern Coast and Chicago. Brothers Mayo inspired many physicians around the world with their scientific publications. They created an original financial foundation to support the training and scientific medical programs of the clinic. These programs are a significant addition to the main type of activity - clinical medicine.

The Mao Clinic is wonderful in that it is a major academic center with a medical school that is not related to the university. Currently, a medical college with a clinic includes five certified schools, where about 3200 interns and students study. Education is part of the medical and charitable mission of the Mao Clinic. In 2007, receipts from charitable foundations and donations to educational programs The clinics amounted to more than $ 166 million. This was a significant support for programs, the implementation of which was spent a total of $ 215 million. Open in 1972, Mao Medical School is a small educational institution, which is quite difficult to get.

It is trained in about 200 students who pass programs to protect the degree of doctor of medicine and doctors of philosophy. Instituated in 1917, Mao Medical Magistracy consists of 250 students who undergo biomedical science programs to protect the Master's degree and Ph.D.. Medical graduate school Mao, designed for resident doctors and scholars, originates from the programs developed in 1915 together with the University of Minnesota. However, at present, graduate school in which 2,200 clinic programs are trained more than 2,200 resident doctors and scientific researchers are not related to the university. For almost during the centuries, Mao Clinic gives academic education to health professionals. Today at the School of Medical Sciences about 600 students who are trained in 34 programs of various medical specialization. According to the plan, half graduates of the school replenishes the staff of the clinic. Every year, there are 170 different short-term courses on which 15,000 doctors who do not work in the clinic are being trained in the School of Continuing Medical Education.

Doctors and scientists of clinics, the first of which were the Mayo brothers themselves, use the results scientific researchTo improve the methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients. In 1950, the scientists of the Mao Dr. Edward Kendalla and Dr. Edward Kendalla and Dr. Filippe Hencha awarded the Nobel Prize in the field of medicine for the opening of Cortizon. In 2007, the annual budget of scientific research clinic Mao amounted to $ 495 million, including $ 179 million. Received from charitable foundations and individuals. Scientific work includes a wide range of surveys - from laboratory to clinical, in which patients participate; In addition, population surveys are carried out (epidemiological); The results of laboratory discoveries are applied in practice in the treatment of patients - according to the Triune mission. About 80% of the Mao Clinic doctors take part in scientific research, at the same time more than seven thousand approved projects are being implemented here.

Medical Mecca

The Mayo brothers received international recognition in life and glorified the clinic, which now wears their name, largely due to its scientific contribution to medicine and innovations used in surgery. Their proceedings had a serious impact on theoretical and practical medicine for seven decades, until 1939, when their life was broken. Even now their names can be seen in references to modern research. But the main heritage of the Mayo brothers is the living enterprise created by them and still - the dynamic embodiment of their organizational genius. Developed by them over the years of career system and the basic management structure, as well as a clinical treatment model exist until this day. The amazing viability of the creations of the Mayo brothers is explained by the not stubborn reverence of the past, and brilliant clinical results, organizational efficiency and multifunctional service, which often anticipates the expectations of patients and causes their loyalty.

In 1961, Social Research, conducting independent research of consumer opinions, described the Mao clinic image, which she has in patients who come here for the first time. Among the dominant statements were the following: "It is here that you should contact if you are seriously sick" and "the court in the last instance is the Supreme Court of Medical Solutions." People are convinced that the Mao clinic put the most accurate diagnoses and take unmistakable solutions. They expect clarification and permits at the same time. conflict situationsassociated with dubious opinions, diagnoses and courses of treatment. Belief in the fact that the clinic is capable of give an accurate answer is the most important component of its image.

In 1962, Social Research held a new study on the same topic, but already among individuals who were not patients of Mao Clinic. Sociologists have found that respondents consider the clinic as an important national institution, in connection with which the myth of ideal quality has developed in their consciousness. Mao's clinic is perceived by them as a symbol of the best in American medicine, which, from the point of view of some people, seems to be alarming, since others, even good clinics are unlikely to revise or change the diagnosis made by Mao.

In recent studies that we will submit later, it is argued that the Mayo clinic is still a medical Mecca (this metaphor has first suggested by the company Social Research in his 1961 study - A Study of Attitudes Toward Mayo Clinic. - R. 56.)

Today, the clinic uses modern tools in his work, but human values, clinical and administrative models and the fundamental philosophical principles of the Mayo brothers almost did not change, although the organization has adapted to new requirements of medical science and public policy, to modern health financing and changed patient expectations. The essence of the medicine that Mayo's brothers has suffered is still playing a major role in the management of the organization.

Spirit clinic

At the end of life, Dr. William Mayo defined three conditions necessary, from his point of view, for the future success of the clinic:

1) a continuous desire for the ideal quality of services and compliance with non-commercial principles;

2) permanent sincere desire to help each patient;

3) Constant interest in the professional development of each employee.

In 1975, Dr. Emmerson Ward, which was then to the Board of Directors, proposed the fourth condition:

4) The desire to change in response to changing the needs of society.

In 1984, Robert Reler, who retired, worked for 37 years in the clinic administration, added two more conditions, which, as he believed, were inherent in all the actions of the Mayo brothers, but remained unspoken:

5) the constant desire to achieve higher results, whatever you do;

6) Absolute honesty in all actions.

Modern studies confirm that in companies, whose well-being depends on employees serving customers, there is a connection between public benefits and financial profit. Organizations bring public benefits when their activities give some "clean benefits" in addition to the supply of goods and services and creating jobs - inherent conditions for financial success. Public benefits is to invest financial and non-financial resources (for example, knowledge) in improving the quality of life. Public use is a type of profit distribution, when the profit is expressed not only in financial indicators, and the distribution is not limited to the framework of the organization.

Public use depends on the nobility of the Spirit. And, as researchers found out, the success of the organization is more connected with such nobility than with financial investments, since it conquers the hearts of all who are somehow involved in its activities (including those who directly participate in the provision of services) and strengthens them devotion. And if egoism takes human energy from servicing, then the nobility gives the opposite effect.

Our book tells about the amazing success of the service organization, at the base of which there is a rare nobility of the Mayo brothers and their desire to bring public benefits to their medical practice. Perhaps exceptional nobility is more than other factors, it became a spark that determined the spirit of the clinic. And its goals go far beyond money profit.

Chapter 3. Practice of Command Medicine

Mao employees - specialists high qualificationsBut physicians working in other organizations have the same qualifications. However, it is working in teams. a distinctive feature Medical staff Mao Clinic. And the clinic achieved advantages to many medical organizations in terms of the ability to find and combine Talented professionals for the benefit of patients.

In the clinic Mao dominates cooperation with the flexible regulations, allowing you to choose the team of experts for individual treatment of people. Imagine a gigantic supermarket, which is sold literally everything and in each department there is a team of experts, helping customers. According to the same scheme, the Mao Clinic, serving medical services consumers.

People fall not just to the doctor: they are treated by a team of specialists. Often, patients have to deal with several doctors. As a rule, the first attending physician is responsible for drawing up an interaction plan with other clinicians Mao, as well as with the doctor who serves a person at home. Most patients clinics are found only with one doctor who informally consult with other specialists in the diagnosis and appointment of the course of treatment. Depending on the individual needs of the patient to the team, conducting treatment, surgical sisters and techniques, nurses of special specialization, nutritionists, physical rehabilitation specialists, social workers and others may be included. Providing the necessary treatment, groups are transformed in accordance with the needs of other patients.

The Mao Clinic System, designed to ensure the effective treatment of stationary and outpatient patients with the participation of many specialists, does not always work as planned. But more often it still acts, creating the most important competitive advantage for the clinic.

This chapter describes the meaning and practical application The principle of cooperation of physicians in the principle of cooperation is most important for Mayo, which is related to the patient's work and logically from the principle (see chapter 2). The basic principles define the standards of treatment that are formulated by one of the founders of the clinic Dr. William J. Mao in his 1910 Epistle addressed to the Medical College of Rush.

In it, Dr. Mao spoke that the best way to service the patients is the "Common forces". Here it is appropriate to bring a quote from the specified message: "Started the need to develop medicine as a science of cooperation; The clinician, a specialist and a laboratory manner unite for the benefit of the patient, and everyone contributes to solving the problem, each depends on the other support.

Dr. Will formulated two basic principles of Mayo: what you need to strive for (for the benefit of the patient), and the practical principle (medicine as a science of cooperation). The clinic not only lives, but also flourishes during the century, since the principles formulated by the founders continue to inspire employees and manage their actions. About the clinic can be said that this is an organization that its principles lead forward. And if she loses them, will turn into an ordinary medical institution.

Command work is required

"Thecomand work is obligatory" - says the title of the article on the Mao clinic in the magazine Fast Company. And it is true.

Many excellent clinicians do not meet Mao requirements, in particular those who prefer to work independently, crave fame or want to earn as much as possible. The clinic is well known in medical academic circles by what she has, and what she does not have. Independent selection determines who it works in Mao. Gastroenterologist Jonathan Liton says: Culture Mao attracts people who are considering medical practices as the integration of specialists working in a team. This we do the best, and most of us love to do it. But most inspire cases when success is achieved thanks to the work of the team, including doctors of different specialties. The same joyful feeling occurs when your favorite team scores goal into the opponent's gate.

The clinic persistently seeks team players. She takes them to work, and then supports cooperation between them with significant investments in communication technologies and medical equipment (see chapters 6 and 9). Collaboration is also stimulated by the wage principle: the employee's salary does not depend on the number of patients whom he examined or to whom assisted. Doctors clinic have no financial reasons why they would like to keep the patient in themselves and not send it to treatment to a colleague, which is able to better satisfy the needs of the patient. The same applies to the time spent on consulting colleagues (see chapter 5).

Mao employees introduce the principle of working in the team on the very first day of their appearance in the clinic. Dr. James Lee, a specialist in allergic and infectious diseases, says: "For 20 years that I work here, our corporate culture has not changed. I passed the cultural assimilation in the first year of work, and over time it only strengthened. Perhaps the most wonderful attachment of the clinic is that, being a very difficult organization, she, by adopting thousands of specialists in many years, managed to tie them with each other and with an organizational mission.

Here I grew up professionally

The provision of medical services is an unusually complex work, conjugate with large physical and emotional loads. The patient expects the doctor to know everything, never make a mistake (since its consequences can be catastrophic) and, if necessary, create a miracle. Work in the maho clinic is especially difficult yet because it attracts thousands of patients who suffer from severe complex diseases. Quite often, the doctors can hear from the patient who came here for the first time: "My last hope".

Work in the team is due not only to the corporate strategy of integrated multidisciplinary medicine, but also the severity and complexity of diseases of patients.

The spirit of cooperation, dominating the clinic, is a powerful learning mechanism. Professional levels of doctors increase here with time, as they face the need for their own development, without which they will not be able to work effectively in this system. Similarly, this is observed by the professional development of all the rest of the personnel. The clinic expects a lot from its employees, and teamwork helps them justify these expectations.

The clinic is a training organization in a traditional understanding: she teaches new doctors. However, there are also special methods characteristic only for Mayo. Employees instruct each other.

Dr. Kirk Porsatila, therapist in the specialty, notes: "Klinic comments, tests and destination, which I writing in writing every day regularly read by experts of almost all areas of medicine.

If anything wrong in my records, I immediately call me and I recognize something new. Perhaps the prescription I did, or the survey I spent, do not match modern requirements. And all this increases my professional level».

Dr. Nina Schwenk, also therapist, asked if she had better here as a doctor compared to other places of her work. What she answered: "This hundreds of times better thanks to the support system. This system is similar to the body: in the absence of knowledge, you do not become an isolated cell. Without deep knowledge of narrow problems, I have the opportunity to consult any topic with the best specialists. Whatever the disease I was interested in, with whatever problem I had to face, I can call my colleagues, and they will help me. " Endocrinologist Dr. Robert Rizz adds: "I never feel loneliness, even if there is no one next to anyone.

I need your help

The culture of the clinic is remarkable not only by providing employees the opportunity to seek help, but also by what encourages to do it. The non-consultation or assistance in case of necessity is a threat to career growth. The employee expects he will ask for help. Elaine Gusthek, a social worker of the branch of transplantology, says: "I can call anyone at any time and ask to do what is necessary for the patient."

Once a gastroenterologist, Dr. Russell Hay, was to examine 13 patients per day. He planned work so as to take heavy patients first. But almost everything was serious. The most difficult case was the 94-year-old patient, in addition to all other symptoms there was an acute abdominal pain. Russell immediately consulted with two doctors, including the surgeon, who said: "This's case is very worried about me, because the life of a 94-year-old patient is threatened. The only question is whether it will withstand the operation. Dr. Hey and the surgeon did not want to start an operation until they had complete confidence in a prosperous outcome.

After Dr. Hay, inspected several more severe patients, asked him about how he took difficult solutions and how he managed to cope with stress. What he replied: "I am wonderful colleagues, and they helped me a lot. In difficult situations, I appeal to them. Specialists, to whom I can deal in difficult cases, allow you to increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Dr. Victor Trastek, Campus CEO in Arizona, constantly supports the principle of "Wrong, but not blame". An employee error is considered as a reason for learning and improving work. Is constructive training always relieves responsibility for the error? Not. However, Dr. Trastek defends the principle that strengthens self-confidence in people, increases their self-esteem and supports genuine cooperation.

That is what we do

Most specialties of the service sector suggest the actions of the employee at their discretion. These actions are limited, on the one hand, the maximum energy that a person can attach to provide the service, on the other to the minimum effort necessary in order not to be punished (it can be reprimanded, reduced salary or even dismissal). And the employee voluntarily chooses, to invest his maximum or minimum energy. True successful organization of the service sector compared to all the others receive more voluntary returns from their employees. And these additional efforts provide their superiority.

The goodwill of the employees of the Mao Clinic brings benefit of patients. The application of additional efforts aimed at assisting patients or team members represents the essence of corporate culture.

Most employees Mao spend a lot of strength to show a good will. Their daily "voluntarism "is not always dramatically, it is not always associated with the salvation of life, as in the story with which this chapter begins. But additional efforts that daily spend employees in various ways, transform the work strategy in teams to the reality of work in the teams.

Power of respect

"Supported respect has a very great importance- Approves Bridget Jablonski, who heads the nurses team of oncology and transplantology in the Phoenix Hospital. - From you are expected to show respect for each person with whom you are dealing, whether it is a patient, a nurse-colleague, a doctor, a representative of the service personnel or someone else. You must treat him as a member of your team. None of us will be able to perform their work without the help of other elections. "

Mao culture increases the inherent strength of respect. The manifestation of respect is generally necessary in the work environment. If you are respected at work, then you trust you, you are carefully listened, involve in the production process, appreciate your contribution and belong to you honestly.

The activity of the team is unthinkable without mutual respect, and it also depends on the trust of partners, their ability to carefully listen to the interlocutor, involved in the work and enter into it their contribution, honest attitudes towards colleagues. All this is respect.

Corporate culture supporting the principle of mutual respect, emphasizes the value of the work of people and fills them with a sense of self-esteem.

Respect raises the spirit of man, nourishes its energy necessary for the manifestation of goodwill. Respect for colleagues strengthens self-confidence that the employee motivates and improves his interaction in the team.

Corporate culture of the clinic, supporting the principle of mutual respect, should be sustainable enough to overcome the boundaries of various jobs, departments, campuses and combine people unfamiliar with each other. The concept of "Call" in Mao's clinic means that even an unfamiliar or new person who is part of the team is perceived as a competent specialist who has the right to vote.

Moreover, mutual respect should be equally manifested both by vertical (for example, between doctors and nurses) and horizontally (for example, between colleagues' doctors).

Respect - one of the strengths of the Mao clinic, but the organization must resolutely stop manifestations of disrespect at all hierarchical levels. Such cases are, but not often. The rates at the same time are very high because the Mao clinic would not be so if there were no mutual respect. From this, commandic work depends on.

Practical medicine in sight of everyone

From the very beginning of his medical practice of Dr. Will and Charlie, medical records of surveys and treatment of patients. They were manually compiled, and each each separately put them in thick registration books, stored in his office. At first, such recordings were exhaustive, and they became the basis for many scientific articles published by the Mao brothers. But the increase in the number of patients and the expansion of the state revealed the shortcomings of such a system. Sometimes a re-visit was fixed in the fields the sheet on which the previous visit was registered, which complicated the study of chronology. In addition, if two or three doctors treated one patient, the story of his illness was divided into scattered notes in several registration books stored in different offices.

Dr. Henry Plammer soon after in 1901 he entered the clinic in 1901, offered to change the registration system. He referred to the fact that the doctors took important decisions without having access to all the information about the patient, which was kept in the scattered books.

With the support of the Mayo Brothers, Henry, the Plammer created an improved system. Previously he studied similar experience in other clinics, as well as in organizations of other industries. The Plammer has developed a unified registration system, so that all information about the patient, including information on previous courses of treatment, diagnostic surveys and surgical operations carried out in the clinic and beyond its borders, if necessary. This integrated patient registration system was introduced in the clinic in 1907 and is still used, the truth in modern electronic format.

The main principle here is that the records are organized by a more patient than a doctor. Each is assigned an individual identification number, which represents a simple sequence, starting with the figure 1, denoting the first patient in 1907. Now their number has reached 7 million.

Registration books were replaced by individual cards in which all the necessary information is stored.

Current detailed medical records for each patient were a breakthrough a hundred years ago, it was now the usual business. But even today, the combined outpatient and hospital records are quite rare, with the exception of integrated medical institutions created by the "Majo" clinic.

In the mid-1990s, the transition from paper format to electronic, and currently all records are stored in electronic form.

For many years, the registration card supported high quality medical care in the clinic. It reflects the concept of Henry Plammer and Mao brothers, designed to improve diagnosis and treatment due to more complete information. At the same time, the concept gave more positive results than expected its authors. It allows you to assess the quality of the medical services provided by the clinic. Dr. George Bartley, Campus CEO in Jacksonville, wrote in his appeal to employees in 2004: "Nasha's overall registration system almost leaves for errors."

The combination of integrated medical practice (when various specialists are treated with one patient), integrated medical records (when all experts have access to any necessary information) and the high reputation of the Mao clinic puts pressure on employees from colleagues that makes them improve the quality of medical services. The skills and knowledge of each doctor are constantly reflected on internal displays. Requirements to learn or leave the clinic are real practice. In essence, medical records become at the same time an instrument (electronic textbook) and an incentive for learning.

The group medicine model could not work effectively if the players of the team were not confident in their partners. Significantly modified, the idea of \u200b\u200bDr. Plammer strengthens this confidence. Dr. Sadness says, from her point of view, Mao's clinic is distinguished from other medical institutions that employees working in the team believe in it.

Lessons for managers

The Mao Clinic is noteworthy to the stability of its success and the principles that make this success possible. A worldwide recognized institution, which began its existence a hundred years ago with the wording of the two principles, to which it still relies, there is something to learn.

The material of this chapter allows managers to extract the following lessons.

Lesson 1. The organization should work as a small enterprise, even if it has large sizes. The Mao Clinic is a large enterprise that in its best manifestations looks like small. Large sizes of the organization have competitive advantages: a more complete list of services provided, a wide range of distributors, a powerful supporting infrastructure. But inverse effects arise: bureaucracy, ineffective internal communication, weak coordination, devoid of individualization service. The task of large organizations is to use the advantages of their magnitude with the maximum benefit, minimizing its disadvantages. Despite the bureaucratism inherent clinic (see Discussion of the Clinic Committees System in Chapter 5), it is able to act both as a large, and as a small enterprise, receiving advantage from this, an excellent example for other organizations.

Serve consumers like a small enterprise means acting quickly, rationally, responsibly, flexibly, individually. This means finding ways to meet unusual consumer requests, as it demonstrates the Mao Clinic, forming unique teams that satisfy the needs of patients by using various professional knowledge and skills. This means to make additional efforts, to show creative beginning and to "do the work, and not look at the clock."

To handle employees like a small enterprise means to unite them, create a general concept, support the spirit of cooperation. This means to establish personal and collective responsibility and form a culture that supports mutual trust, mutual assistance and sense of involvement.

Of course, the dimensions of the "real" small enterprises give them not only the advantages. Features of their activities are reflected in the psychological installations and forms of employees' behavior, which are supported by corporate principles formulated in the special statements of the organization. Mao's clinic learned this lesson. Its main principle ("Patient's" Patient above all ") makes services individualized, even if 13 thousand patients are accepted per day. Another principle ("MEDICINE as a cooperation science") allows you to form a team specifically for a separate patient. The team becomes a business card of the clinic - a small company inside a large. Supporting teamwork, the clinic spends financial resources for tools, technologies, the provision of high-quality individual services, where integrated medical records play an important role. Large effective companies operating on the principles of small, equally support close contacts with consumers and high-tech systems, an example of which the Mao clinic can serve.

Lesson 2. Stimulation of infinity culture. The story of Mao reveals the positive effect of infinity (this term was introduced by the former general director of General Electric Jack Welch). Infinity promotion is the promotion of employees according to the principles of corporate culture aimed at entering the framework of the organizational structure and in carrying out their work in contact with experts from other parts of the organization whose knowledge is able to help solve the problem. While "reference" relies on rigidly defined roles and powers and strict separation of functions in organizing work, infinity involves the destruction of artificial barriers for the purpose of cooperation, the manifestation of interest in the opinions of various specialists, the use of technology that allows you to collect dispersed information and the formation of special groups (such as teams, operational and research groups).

Infinity makes the organization open and allows it to release its capacities and resources to use them in better targets. Infinity creates the ability to work the team regardless of the framework of organizational structures. The Mao clinic proves the value of such work. In this giant organization, comparable to the "Cevermarket" of medical services, various specialists and various expertise, which are used if necessary.

Infinity means the destruction of the framework of the "ASPERMARET" departments so that specialists and knowledge are used in the place where it is most needed. Many larger organizations operating in other industries also have a structure similar to a supermarket, and they also have specialists whose actions are not limited to their workplace. But the potential of working groups is not fully implemented here, since in the process of solving problems sufficiently uses the possibility of mutual training of specialists representing various departments.

In the clinic, Mao staff encourages to seek help from their colleagues, which in other organizations is assessed as a sign of weakness. One of the most important achievements of the corporate culture of the clinic is the fact that the appeal for help here is considered as the norm and expected form of behavior.

According to Professor Noel Titsi, Mao culture has prepared an organization to the game in rugby. "It is a very dynamic sport," Professor explains. - At first glance, he is chaotic, however, it requires very close communication, a constant assessment of an indefinite external environment and solving problems without supporting a hierarchy ".

Lesson 3. The principle "how" is not equivalent to the principle of "what".

The two main principles of the Mao clinic (the "patient" above all "and" MEDICINE should work on the principles of cooperation) from the very beginning to the present, all other principles determine, including what and how to strive for. It inspires and decent imitation. We hope that the managers of other organizations will remove the lesson from the multidimensional structure of the main principles of Mao.

In business, it is believed that the company's main principles remain unshakable, while its tactics and strategy change over time. However, the example of the Mao clinic proves that you can have one or more strategies that are so important for the value system, so significant for those who use them that grow up to the level of the fundamental principle. The union of talented specialists shows as Mao satisfies the needs of patients.

This is also the main principle, and the main strategy. The sustainable success of the clinic is based not only on the immutability of the principle, but also on its constant practical application. From the very beginning and on the century, Mao's clinic determined how she wants to do business, and this definition remains relevant, although over the past time it has become a modern medical organization.


Cooperation, cooperation and coordination are three forces supporting the practice of group medicine in the Mao clinic. These three forces define individual treatment principles in relation to each patient, although several thousand are serviced daily here.

Separate employees - from doctors to cleaners - become active team players to meet the needs of patients, since expertise and skilive specialists are needed to treat complex diseases, as well as supporting infrastructure. Being a Majo clinic state means working in a team. For all of its fields, the organization clearly defines not only what does but also as She does it. Mao model demonstrates principles and practices worthy of imitation of business in the framework of health and beyond.

Mayo Clinic is the world's largest union of multidisciplinary public clinics and research institutes and laboratories located in three states - Minnesota, Arizona and Florida. "Mayo" is a single system of providing the most modern medical care. The clinic has a JCI accreditation as the most competent institution in all traditional areas of medicine and interdisciplinary specializations of medicine of the XXI century.

In the Mao system, more than 3,300 doctors and 46,000 people of specialized personnel work. Every year more than 500,000 patients receive treatment at the level of world standards, using innovative high technologies and new concepts of personalized medicine.

The largest medical center in the world is "Mayo" -complex in Minnesota - Saint Marys Hospital and Rochester Methodist Hospital, in which more than 350 thousand patients are serviced in stationary and 1.5 million outpatient. Within only one working day, 205 operations are performed, 41,000 laboratory tests, 700 x-ray, 3800 radiological and 250 MRT studies, 650 CT scans, 200 transfusions of blood components, 5800 consultations are held.

Mayo Clinic is a major scientific center. In Arizona, the Mao system includes the largest complex of research institutes - Samuel C.Johnson Medical Research Buildings and Mayo Clinic Collaborative Research Building. Research programs in the field of molecular genetics and biology are being developed and implemented, in many other other relevant areas of biomedicine in close cooperation with clinicians. On the basis of the Mao clinic, clinical trials of the latest drugs are held, patients are available. newest Developments in the field of pharmacology.

Mayo Clinic in Florida is a multidisciplinary hospital complex with a specialization in 43 medical, mainly surgical, directions - from ophthalmology to orthopedics. The largest achievements are noted in oncology, neurology and neurosurgery, organ transplants and cells. In 22 operating MAYO Clinic Hospital, all types of surgical interventions are performed - from mini-invasive manipulations to the most complex operations with several surgeons of various specialization and the use of robotic systems, using MRT scan during operation. In the transplantation separation, the number of liver transfers is performed largest in the United States, the renal transfers, heart, lungs, pancreas, bone marrow have been delivered to the flow. The program of treating a stroke in a specialized center performs a multifunctional team, which includes resuscitative doctors, neurosurgeons, neurologists, radiologists, nurses, psychologists, social workers.

Mao clinics - beautiful training base For many medical colleges and universities, to specialize doctors and nurses.

Mao is holding a huge educational work among the US population and around the world, widely informing users of their website about their own achievements in practical medicine and scientific work. Such work is an important part of preventive medicine and early diagnosis of diseases ..

Mao patients, residents of the United States and many other countries can be confident that they are provided with the world's best medical care.

Dr. Kent Seltman

Candidate of Science, worked as director of marketing in the Mao clinic from 1992 to 2006

Leonard Berry

Professor on Marketing, works at the Mao Business School at Texas University

Take care of the story of your brand

About 140 years ago, in a small town of Rochester, Minnesota, the first private hospital opened, which at the beginning of the 1900s received the name of the Mao clinic. The most amazing thing is not that this clinic exists so far, but the fact that it has become one of the most influential and expensive brands in the world in the service sector. And the fact that this brand is successfully supported throughout its long history, protects and develops, deserves admiration.

The number of people arriving weekly to the Mao clinic and leaving it, comparable to the population of a small town. The working day begins at five in the morning, and within a day in the walls of three campuses located in Minnesota, Arizona and Florida, 42,000 employees, students and volunteers work. Surgical patients begin to flow at 5:30, and on the day there are 300 operations on average. The patient flow is enhanced at 6:45, when laboratories open and blood tests are carried out. By noon, more than 13,500 patients, most often, accompanied by relatives, receive medical care. In total, 65,000 people participate in the dramatic struggle for human life, medical and staff, students, patients and their relatives participate in the dramatic struggle.

The Mayo brothers received international recognition in life and glorified the clinic, which now wears their name, largely due to its scientific contribution to medicine and innovations used in surgery. Their proceedings had a serious impact on theoretical and practical medicine for seven decades, until 1939, when their life was cut off.

In 1961, Social Research, conducting independent research of consumer opinions, described the Mao clinic image, which she has in patients who come here for the first time. Among the dominant statements were the following: "It is here that you should contact if you are seriously ill" and "the court in the last instance is the Supreme Court of Medical Solutions."

Put the patient's needs above all

Principles supporting the brand these days were determined by the founders of the clinic William and Charles Mao in the first two decades of their career. "The interests of the patient are most important, they are the only worthy of consideration, and so that the patient can benefit from the newest knowledge, it is necessary to combine efforts. We must develop medicine as a science of interaction. "

The leaders of enterprises of other industries may argue that corporate consensus, based on the humane principle of the patient's needs, is inherent in more health care than other sectors where commercial benefits are dominated and a hard competitive struggle is maintained. However, the concentration of attention to the patient's needs is far from always observed in health care - it is something more complex than the distribution of charitable praise.

Although there is no special course, which would have taught the orientation on patients, the heads of the clinic constantly say about this and support various programs. For example, the main principle is highlighted in the installation curriculumWho are new employees. Robert E. Brighem, Chief Campus Administrator in Jacksonville, reports: "Newbies hear about it in the first five minutes of his stay in the clinic, because it is precisely from the statement of the main principle that I start the first installation lesson." In Rochester, at such a lesson, the educational film "Heritage Mao" is shown.

Hire team workers

"Command Work is obligatory" - says the title of the article on the Mao clinic in the magazine Fast Company. And it is true. Many excellent clinicians do not meet Mao requirements, in particular those who prefer to work independently, crave fame or want to earn as much as possible.

The clinic persistently seeks team players. She takes them to work, and then supports cooperation between them with significant investments in communication technologies and medical equipment. Collaboration is also stimulated by the wage principle: the employee's salary does not depend on the number of patients whom he examined or to whom assisted. Doctors clinic have no financial reasons why they would like to keep the patient in themselves and not send it to treatment to a colleague, which is able to better satisfy the needs of the patient. The same applies to the time spent on consulting colleagues.

Most specialties of the service sector assume the actions of the employee at their discretion. These actions are limited, on the one hand, the maximum energy that a person can attach to provide the service, on the other to the minimum effort necessary in order not to be punished (it can be reprimanded, reduced salary or even dismissal). And the employee voluntarily chooses, to invest his maximum or minimum energy. True successful organization of the service sector compared to all the others receive more voluntary returns from their employees. And these additional efforts provide their superiority.

Make accurate graph

Each working day Patients of the Mao Clinic issued charts of thousands of various appointments, including laboratory research, clinical procedures and advice with doctors. Their distribution is little reminded by filling out places in the theater or aircraft. Many destinations should have a strict sequence, others must be carried out at intervals within a few hours, the third certain time is preceded by special procedures. The compilation of the schedule of assignments cannot be called a romantic case, but this function may be the most fundamental, since medical services begins with it.

The rationalization department of processes and operating system engineers for several decades conduct studies to balance the bandwidth of the clinic, especially in accordance with the needs of the main traffic, so that patients can feel the efficiency of service. Before the appearance of computers, most of the work was associated with statistical calculations. Thus, industrial engineers have come up with coefficients that, before the start of each procedure, show the expected need for a chest x-ray, blood tests, the consultations of the orthopedic or urologist, etc. In the graph of the reception of their own patients (main traffic), open positions for patients are left daily. Which will come to the clinic in the directions of their attending doctors.

As the model is used, it allows you to make more accurate forecasts, which provides double benefits. First, patients spend less time to wait for acceptance. Secondly, the performance of doctors, laboratories and procedural offices is increasing, which is beneficial to the clinic. This analysis is characteristic of various industries, but not typical of health care.

Make subordinate partners

John Herrell explains why the general structure of the Mao clinic management turns out to be so effective: "Doctors no less administrators are interested in the financial prosperity of the institute. Administrators are not less than doctors tend to ensure that the clinic provides high-quality medical services. " All this is so simple and obvious that someone might think as if a health care system should work in this way. But such unity is not observed in all cases. Competers in the private hospital, the group of doctors sometimes enter each other into rigid martial arts. Doctors create their own narrow specialized clinics or medical services in order to earn more money, but not to help public health.

Most leading decisions in the Mao clinic are group, not individual. The Director-General acts as a speaker representing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Board of Governors. A similar presentation takes place at the level of campuses, departments and departments. The head is rare, if at all ever, makes a public statement without pre-obtaining support from colleagues. Without the intellectual and emotional participation of doctors and other employees in contact with patients, truly humane medical care would be impossible. Similar participation of employees providing services to consumers is relevant for other organizations of the service sector. At the heart of the decision-making process and the advances in preliminary consensus is well-established communication. After the meeting of the Committee, its participants (10-20 people) are returned to jobs and talk about decision taken Colleagues, warning the distribution of concern and misunderstanding. Consensus helps create a medium favorable for focused work. Confidence in management means that employees are not worried about the preservation of their posts; There is no place of autocracy, arbitrariness and political intrigues.

Look for talented specialists who have common similar principles

The right set of personnel seems simple matter when Dr. George Bartley, Campus CEO in Jacksonville, begins to explain what should be the perfect employee: "We need to find people whose internal values \u200b\u200bcoincide with our main principle - the patient needs above all." The fact is that Mao's clinic is known for his principles in the medical community, therefore specialists who put the patient's interests above all are understood that they meet the requirements of the organization, and often they themselves seek to work here. "The professional environment in Rochester favors the career growth of the younger medical personnel, and the Solva spread throughout the country. Therefore, we do not weaken the flow of a nurse who want to work here, "says Teresa Elwood, a certified nurse, coordinator for filling the vacant positions of the younger medical personnel.

Be sure to work in Mao's clinic is not so simple. Someone from doctors and scientists are dissatisfied with the fact that only 18 days per year is released on business trips, which are used to visit professional societies and presentations. scientific work. Some well-known specialists who are known outside the clinic who are invited to read lectures at universities or speak at scientific conferences, believe that this activity more allows you to strengthen Mao's reputation than the usual visit to the meetings of professional societies. Other are dissatisfied with the rules limiting the placement of information on business cards. Someone does not like the style of clothing taken in the clinic. "You must understand the organization and its rules. If you succeed, you will stay here. But if you can't, you will have to go away, "says Dr. Mori Hertz. - And you must be the same as your colleagues - men and women, doctors and workers of other specialties. Authoritarian individuals who are unrestrained and coarse people will not be able to linger here. "

Make an intangible tangible

Usually consumers buy a service without having to "touch" it. The silent role of external signs is to create the first impression. Often consumers evaluate external signs a little earlier than functional and interactive. Possessing insufficient knowledge of the service, people, such as visiting, who need a restaurant or hotel, often make a choice based on the appearance of objects. And if the functional signs help to assure consumers in the competence of the Contractor during and after the service providing them, then external signs help to do this at the very beginning of service, that is, at the time of purchase.

Medical services are inseparable from the premises in which they are provided, and there are many ways to help patients and their close to gain peace of mind, mental balance and confidence in them in a prosperous outcome of treatment.

While functional signs are usually very important to justify the expectations of consumers of all types of services (since functionality is associated with the satisfaction of the main needs), interactive signs are usually especially important in order to exceed the expectations of consumers of labor-intensive, requiring a large amount of communication services ( Since here the main role is played by attitudes towards people, and a very caring attitude can be a pleasant surprise). To exceed the expectations of consumers, it is necessary to surprise them when they interact with the performer of services.

Mao Clinic creates interactive quality signs, also by regulating the style of employees' clothing. Doctors are never shown in front of patients in special clothing. They always wear a business suit, unless you are in the operating room.

Expanding, do not forget about the main values \u200b\u200bof the brand

Personal principles of the artist directly affect the quality and value of the services it provides. When the clinic has expanded its brand, opening campuses in Florida and Arizona, she practically sent talented and experienced employees to each branch, which mainly occupied senior positions and helped beginners to assimilate the principles of corporate culture and patient service methods.

In 1983, the Mao clinic for the first time in his history took three aggressive initiatives: she decided to carry out geographical expansion, develop medical laboratories Mao (MLM) and publish for consumers
information regarding health care. In the context of the century-old history of the organization, these actions look like an exception to the rules. Much greater importance shares aimed at protecting the brand. The Mayo clinic continues to keep care, believing that the quality of services is more important than growth. The Mao Clinic fully plays "in defense" and pretty carefully "in the attack".

Invest in tomorrow

The Innovation Center has grown out of the Project of the Spring (see, plan, act, improve, report), which was carried out in the domestic disease department under the guidance of Dr. La Russo and Barbara Sparrier, while the chief administrator of the department worked as the chief administrator. The goal of the project was to re-identify the methods of individual maintenance of patients. For this, a significant workspace was allocated, including viewing and other cabinets in the rochester campus, converted to the health care laboratory. The laboratory had mobile walls that could be moved to assess the functionality of the space. When the prototype of treatment was created,
it was studied in real time with the participation of outpatient patients and attending physicians. Within the framework of the project, more than 25 types of treatment were investigated.

Let employees implement themselves

The Career and Leadership Development Program is an example of investments that support the upbringing of managers and personal development of personnel.

The entrepreneurial component of the Mao clinic does not dominate her mission. The desire to be financially responsible is not the same as saving on resources. For employees of the Mao clinic, the necessary conditions have been created: they are provided with equipment and time so that they can considerably perform their work. Recognition Lori Platte ("Here I could become that nurse, what I always wanted to be") reflects the attitude of the employees of the Mao clinic to their duties. They have all the necessary resources to achieve excellent results.

MAYO CLINIC management practice. Lessons The world's best service organization Berry Leonard

History of the maho clinic

History of the maho clinic

The story of the Mao Clinic is the story of people who possess professional skills, confess certain principles, adhere to a certain concept, are people who dedicated themselves to creating and preserving an organization that provides excellent medical care for the benefit of people. This story talks about humanistic values \u200b\u200band manifestation of nobility at the level of the whole organization, as well as how the use of traditional ideas allows to achieve progress. This is the history of creating a perfect organizational structure that has been checking time. This is the story of a powerful, world-recognized brand, which has not arisen as a result of marketing efforts, but through the provision of high-quality services. This is the story of a traditional team and modern efficiency, respect for the past and investment in the future. This is the story of a unique organization marching under the accompaniment of its own drums, honest in relation to itself and proud of its uniqueness.

But this is also a universal history, since the principles underlying it apply to other organizations. This is a story about the continuous incarnation of the picture of the future. This is a story of beautiful people who perfect their duties, - people whose best aspirations are aimed at preserving the Great Organization, which they inherited and which continues to serve the ideals of humanism.

It may be your story.

We complete the book by a fragment of the history of the Mao Clinic, returning us to the nurse Laurie Platte. Her story is dedicated to the heroes that there will always be a place in any great History; And these heroes are ordinary people.

Conduring the treatment of patients in critical condition, we often come across death. The case submitted below shows how our team is capable of acting in such situations.

Mr. M. Shortly before the events described, put a deadly diagnosis. In front of him and his wife, with which Mr. M. lived together for more than 50 years, has become an alternative: to carry out intensive treatment or to prefer palliative methods (relieving symptoms, but not healing the disease). In Mao's clinic, we operate as a single team, and the coherence of our work is not violated even in the most difficult cases. Each team member did everything possible to help spouses to survive hard time. Bed care for the patient was carried out as thorough as before. The manager, managing treatment, and a social worker told in detail Mr. and Mrs. M. On the ability to translate into a hospice or pass the intensive course of treatment, as well as about mandatory purposes. We conducted a family conference in the bed of the patient to help spouses to make a final decision. The conference was attended by doctors, a social worker, guiding the treatment manager, Chapellan and nurses. Mr. M. was ready to agree to an intensive course, and his wife could not believe that the disconnection was so close. We began to treat and have done everything possible to extend the life of the patient. Capellan made a prayer with his spouses and said that they could call him at any moment when he would need them.

It was from that moment that this command work began. For Mr. M., a young nurse V., who had never had to take care of dying patients before. I as a "veteran", having a 20-year-old experience, told that in a difficult situation, she can contact me for help. She thanked, showing calm and exposure at the same time. The next day, the state of Mr. M. worsened, and only now his spouse understood how much he suffered. At about 16 o'clock, she called V. in the ward and asked her to correct the bed of Mr. M., as he said that he was ready to twist with the world. V. I informed the doctor and asked me if I could come to the ward in critical moments.

An hour later, the necessary paper was signed (including reusable refusal) so that all the proper procedures were fulfilled by Mr. M. could calmly leave the life when his time comes. Mrs. M. and I, together with Nurse V. were in the Chamber at the bed of the patient so that, if necessary, to support him. Other nurses of our branch looked after my patients so that I could help V. I was confident that the experience would not allow me to be confused in the moments of the patient's death. But that day I turned out to be a student who watched what was happening and studied.

At 18 o'clock Mrs. M. asked to invite Chaellan to make the last prayer, since the patient's condition was critical. I instructed V., how to call Capellan, but suddenly it turned out that he works in the next branch with another family, which is in a similar situation. He said that we will have in 20 minutes. However, Mr. M. could not wait - he was dying. Mrs. M. burst out, begging us to bring Capellan to read the last prayer. It was obvious that Mr. M. would not live and 20 minutes. I went out of napkins. I was going to console Mrs. M. and show. V., how to act in such situations. But when I returned to the ward, I saw that V. (she was another faith) keeps Mrs. M. M. for one hand, and for another - her dying husband. V. prayed; She requested the Lord to bless the bonds that the 50 years associated spouses. V. called them by names (not sure if I could remember their names at that moment). Her voice sounded calmly, confidently, clearly and did not even falter, when Mrs. M. M. heard the last sigh of the dying.

I froze at the door, experiencing mixed feelings. I sympathized with Mrs. M., who suffered a severe loss, but was glad that our team managed to do exactly what was necessary for the patient. V. turned out to be a real command player. She took over the new role in a critical moment when it was required to make our system of trouble-free.

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Mao's clinic in numbers The number of people arriving weekly to the Mao clinic and leaving it, comparable to the population of a small town. The working day begins at five in the morning, and during the day in the walls of three campuses located in Minnesota, Arizona and Florida,

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The spirit of the clinic at the end of his life Dr. William Mayo defined the three conditions necessary, from his point of view, for the future success of the clinic: 1) a continuous desire for the ideal quality of services and compliance with non-commercial principles; 2) permanent sincere desire to help everyone

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Step 2: Mayo Properties Association (Association of co-owners Mao) In 1908, Dr. Will proposed to take the vacant position of the registrar Clerk Local Bank, a 21-year graduate of School Harry J. Harvik. For his 44-year-old career Harvik Doros to the chief administrator of the clinic,

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Meao Health System The danger of patient outflow caused by the emergence of medical support organizations (OMO) in the 1980s, even more intensified in 1992, when Bill Clinton became President and his administration began to actively conduct reforms in the field