The first general polytzmeister was. First Politzmeyster

As king Peter the first police in Russia founded and whom
First Politzmeister General of St. Petersburg

How in Peter do not hang dogs
Historians, sensation lovers,
He remains the example for the authorities,
With which they all do not forces to compete.

Peter, like a grandmaster in a chess game
Supporter was nontrivial moves. -
He was not afraid of healing
Before the county titles and rank of general.

And on the day of the police of Russia it is worth remembering
That, the police in Russia,
He is first in the chief of Oyoy Rodvoril
Crushed Anton De Vyer. -

Giving the title of the General Adjutant,
He junga former from the Dutch Corvette,
selected for intelligence in Amsterdam,
Assigned ** First Politzmeister General
They are erected at the Neva of the capital.

Lion postwall

On the day of the police (now the police) in Russia on TV usually show a concert with fifth pop stars, and the police are duty in the subway and on the streets in the parade form. But few remember who created the police in Russian Empire.

From the ship on the ball

1697 year. In honor of the arrival in Amsterdam the Great Embassy from Russia, headed by the young king, Peter, the Dutch arrange demonstration maneuvers. In the Bay of Hey, several dozen sailboats are built and marine battles begins. Peter, who has already learned a little dutch, takes command of the Dutch flotilla. The strongest and understanding Jung on the ship is young Antoine De Wieer. "And you, Jaco Monkey, took off the guys, strengthened and relaxing the sail," the Russian king admires. Antoine with gratitude takes from Peter the Golden Thaler and it seems: "Anton Divier's name is. I am from Portugal. Jewish kind. "

The Jewish origin of the UNGI is not confused by Peter, who appreciated the skill and intelligence in people and gave little values \u200b\u200bof their nationality. Antoine enters the service to the sovereign. PJ. So began the path of the Jewish boy Antoine de Wieer to the rank of the first policeman of a huge country.

Anton Manuilovich Devyer (in historical documents There are also other options for Russian writing his last name - Divier, Diviera, Deviire, Devier) was born in Holland, in the city of Amsterdam, February 22, 1682.
From the birth of his name was Antonio de Vieyr (Antonio De Vieira) - the name and surname for the Dutchman are very strange, they would rather come for the Portuguese.
And indeed, the family de Vieyr moved to Holland from Portugal in 1673. Only de Vieira were not Portuguese (in the sense of ethnic origin), but by Jews-Sephards.
Jews-Sephards settled on the territory of the current Portugal in the first century BC, that is, when there was no fact that Portugal, but even the Portuguese, as the people, did not appear, and in the mountains there were semi-tribes of Luzitans, only recently conquered Romans.
The conquerors constantly changed - first the Romans, then Westges, then Arabs, then Christians, and the Kingdom of Portugal appeared only in the XII century, when the Jews lived on this land for over a thousand years.
And the Jews lived in Portugal quite well - they had their own community self-government, they only submitted to the king, and no one except the king could tell Jews, or judge them. Among the Jews were ministers of finance, royal advisers, court doctors.
However, in 1497, most Jews were expelled from Portugal, and at the insistence of neighboring Spain.
In 1492, Spain graduated from the War with the Muslim Granada Emirate. The war ended in the Spanish victory, but the winners were ruined - all the money went to the war, and the royal treasury was empty.
Then the Spanish King of Ferdinand (who died due to the fact that his wife and his spouse, Queen Isabella (who was proud to be twice in life), decided to replenish the treasury at the expense of Spanish Jews.
"Their Catholic Majesty" issued a decree on which the Jews had to or be baptized, or leave the country, leaving the state all his property and money.
Some people who know the Jews exclusively in jokes mistakenly believe that money for the Jews is above all, but Ferdinand and Isabella knew the Jews not on jokes, but by real lifeAnd everyone was calculated correctly - almost all Spanish Jews preferred to beyond the country, but not to abandon their faith. They were baptized only very few.
The king with the queen got on this operation with the exile of the Jews quite a large amount of money, but it was a one-time gain - money was very quickly spent, and the country lost many talented entrepreneurs who, emigrating to other countries, could "unwind" there from scratch, and became To benefit the enemies of Spain.
Turkish Sultan Bayazid II, who granted political asylum to Spanish Jews, spoke about the decision of Ferdinand with such words:
"To later, I considered the Catholic king Ferdinand by a smart sovereign and a good politician. But is it a politician? He devoured his country and enriched my possessions!".
Indeed, thanks to Jews, Turkish (Ottoman) empire became the strongest state of the Mediterranean, and even the opening of America and American gold did not help Spain cope with the Turks.
And where is Portugal? The fact is that not all the Jews emigrated to Turkey, many settled in Portugal. It was very disturbed by Ferdinand with Isabella, and they, fearing the future strengthening of Portugal, began to demand from the Portuguese king Manuel I to expel the Jews, promising his daughter to him in the wives.
The heirs of the male floor in Spain did not have, and the King of Portugal Manuel, hoping in the future to become the king of Spain, in 1497, in exchange for marriage in the Spanish princess, duplicated the Spanish decree from 1492 in his country about the exile of the Jews.
By the way, spanish king Manuel become so failed. Striving in words turkish Sultana, he also "devastated his country" and enriched Ottoman Empire, became the main country of residence of Jews-Sephardov.
The absolute majority of Portugal Jews preferred to leave the country, but not baptized, and only very few agreed to move into Christianity. Among these few was the family de Vieyr.
However, de Vieyr was baptized only to stay, and continued to secretly confess Judaism, and this secret religion was transferred to the family from generation to generation for almost two centuries.
Inquisition followed the secret Jews, and when De Vieira felt the threat of exposure, they were emigrated in Holland in Holland in 1673.
The head of the family, Manuel de Vieira, was a gunsmith, but his son Antonio, who was born already in Holland (in 1682), the father's craft did not have time, because his father died too early, and the teenager had to go Jung to the Dutch Navy.
So, he served with the king as a group, first those four and a half months, which Peter spent in Holland, and then, after leaving Holland, Antonio de Vieira went to a further long trip with the "Great Embassy" in Europe.
At the end of August 1698, the "Great Embassy" returned to Russia, and with him and the Royal Page, which was already 16 years old, first came to the country, which became his new homeland. In Russia, young couples met benevolently. Especially the ladies - the sixteen-year-old de Vieer was very good. The career of the young man is rapidly in the mountain: from the Faji - in the twins Peter, from the junctions - to the adjutant general.
In the Russian documents Antonio, the son of Manuel, was recorded as Anton Manuilovich, and the name "de Vieira" was recorded as a maiden, while in many documents, as already mentioned, the Writing Options, Deviire, Deviere, Deviere and Divier are found.

And two years later, Anton Devière was collided with another royal approximate, a bright prince Alexander Danlovich Menshikov. The conflict occurred on love soil.
In 1710, 28-year-old Anton Devyer was removed from marrying the younger sister of the brilliant prince, Anne Danilovna Menshikova. The bride in the past was the mistress of Peter the first, but the adjutant - this is such a position on which the disgusting people do not serve, and even the noble nobility of Europe was not considered a shameful marry the former sovereign hub (very indicative example - The history of the reindeer park).
The former mistress of Peter was tired, and, moreover, she really liked Anton Deviere, and she was agreed to marry him, and the king against it did not mind. The case remained for small - to obtain consent from her older brother.
But then there were unexpectedly problems. When Adjutant General Anton Devyer came to the house of Alexander Menshikov to ask his sister's hands, the brilliant prince was so indignant, in his opinion, a vile offer that rushed to the Devière with fists, and they began to fight.
A servant of Alexander Danilovich in the number of ten people ran into the room into the room. Using the numerical superiority, the servants of Menshikov tied the Devira. After that, the bright prince ordered the servants to spoil the groom, which was fulfilled, after which he was thrown into the street.
Why Menshikov was so indignant to the intention of the Devira marry his younger sister, still not clarified historians. However, there is information that at the time of the walling of the bridegroom already "hacked" the bride, and this circumstance, presumably, just caused the anger of her elder brother.
Although for the king, who has long been "spoiled" Anna Danilovna, the brilliant prince for some reason did not penetrate.
Ambutt General Anton Devyer complained to Menshikov King. Peter replied to this "he refused you, but I will not refuse me," and together with the Devière went to the house of the bright prince, where he asked for Menshikov's hands Anna Danilovna for his adjutant general.
As Peter predicted, I didn't have enough courage with Menshikov's courage, and in July 1710 Anton Manuilovich Devyer finally married Anna Danilovna Menshikova.
The newlyweds are moved into the St. Petersburg under construction, which is still adapted for life. Wolves, the people, the power of Peter, robbing and drinking without tired of the streets of the streets. From time to time, wooden buildings flashed - and the fire quickly devours the fruits of the works and aspirations of the king. How to cope with all this chaos, Peter does not know. All major conflicts have always been suppressed by the forces of the military, but soldiers are trained only to fight or, as a last resort, suppress the riots. Make them to follow the order in the city not easy. Peter instructs to deal with the reign in the city of Chaos Antoine, who by that time is already blister enough and calls Anton Divier.

Anton Devyer continued to serve the Tsarist-General adjutant, and was considered one of the closest king of people - he had the right to enter Peter without a prior report at any time of the day, and he was instructed to lead the upbringing of royal daughters.
In 1718, in the office career, Anton Devière occurred large changes - Peter was the first to establish the police in Russia, and the first head of the Russian police was the Devyer for May 27, 1718.
At the same time, it is necessary to clarify that the police originally existed only on the territory of St. Petersburg, and in other cities it appeared much later, and the position of Anton Devière was called "General Politzmeister St. Petersburg".
Anton Devyer provided in the city order, significantly reduced the number of crimes, and even for the first time in history began to fight pollution ambient - Policemen caught those people who dumped garbage to the Neva, and beat the whip.
IN Western Europe At that time, no one fought the pollution of the rivers, and, for example, the water flowing through London the River Thames were so silent that in the British parliament they were even afraid to open the windows, because from the river there was such an "ambre" that the deputies were not kept. His devier in England was not found.
In addition, the Politzmeister General Anton Deviere engaged in the fight against offenses in the consumer market - for the sale of poor-quality goods and for the unreasonable increase in prices (a trade markup of over 10%) of traders beat the whip and even sent to the cautious.
By the way, the governor of St. Petersburg was Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, and now they have been conflicting with the girl to conflict not only on the basis of personal hostile relationships, but also on official affairs - all the displeased devier fled to Menshikov, but the king in these disputes was always on the side of the Devière .
At the same time, when Peter found the Devira disadvantages in his work, he himself punished himself, but not a whip, but a battle.
The real historical event is known when Peter the first and Anton Devyer drove together in a stroller-twist and examined the city, and when they drove around the bridge through the canal near New Holland, it turned out that several boards were separated from the bridge and stolen. Then Peter selflessly beaten by the Politzmeister General Dubyka for insufficient struggle with the embezzlement of state property, after which the sovereign and the broken police head went on.
By the way, it is possible that the boards from the bridge were demolished by order Menshikov, who knew in advance where the king will go with the maiden, and he wanted to "substitute" his enemy in this way.
However, in addition to beating a baton, no other consequences on the bridge for Anton Devira did not have, and he remained at the posts of the St. Petersburg Politzmeister General.
In 1721, Anton Devière ordered the first lanterns and benches for recreation in St. Petersburg.
However, other devieth initiatives are rather controversial and dubious.
Thus, accommodation in the city without registration was forbidden, all citizens had to report to the police about all the arriving and leaving, then entering and departing to the city and from the city began to be resolved only on passports issued by the police, and on all entrances to the city stood outcomes and No one was allowed and not released without a passport.
Then the Deviere tightened control over the movements in St. Petersburg, and installed something like the commandant hour: in the evening, all the streets braveled down the barriers, only the military, priests and obeda grandmasters could walk around the city, and all the rest of St. Petersburgers who wanted to walk through the streets of the city White nights, caught and beat the whip. Cleaned the barriers only in the morning.
Peter the first was delighted with the activities of the Deviorsk police, and even wrote that "the police will poply in the rights and in justice, gives rise to good orders and morals, and all security comes from robbers, thieves, rapists and deceivers and sim these, dishonest and indecent lives will distingal , and forces everyone to work and to honest fishery, ... prevents the high costs and brings content in everything that is demanded for human life, warns all the incidental diseases, produces purity through the streets; ... brings up young in chaste clean and honest science; briefly The police have a soul of citizenship and all good orders and the fundamental sub-project of human security and convenience. "
In 1725, Peter was first died, and his widow of Catherine's first entered the throne, which was well referred to the Davig, left him as a Politzmeister General, and in 1726 he appropriated a count title.

However, in April 1727, when the empress was seriously ill, and was in death, a "bath scandal" occurred, the fatal manifestation on the further fate of Anton Devière.
On April 24, 1727, the bright prince of Menshikov appeared to seriously ill, and said that "when the Emperorsk Majesty would do to rebel from sleep, then Anton Devyer will take the girls and asks about everything that he did not have to do it, and once I did EEO in Bani found with a little girl, and with whom he himself will say, and he told him, why he will lock the girl to a bath and that he is doing with a girl, he asked me, so that I did the imperial Majesty, and told me that he asked everything that without him at the Emperian Majesty was done. "
The Empress was so outraged that the maidel was arrested!
On the same day, Anton Devyer was arrested in the Imperial Palace by Guards Karaul, and during his arrest he tried to stick to the sword of Menshikov, who directly transferred the captain of the guard order about the arrest of Devière.
What was so outraged by the Empress, and why did the policeman general arrested just because he was burning in a bath with a girl and what he was doing with a girl "?
The fact is that those "girls" with whom the Devyer said so closely, were the Freillians of the Empress, and asking them about that, "that without him at the Emperian Majesty," was perceived as the invasion of private life Sanctors.
What was still engaged in the girl with a girl in a bath, except for conversations, Empress and Menshikov were little interested.
In relation to Anton Devira, a consequence was started, during which he was subjected to torture three times. In addition, many people were interrogated, including the high-ranking leaders of the army and the state.
Also installed and the same "Some Girl", from which Deviere walked to the bath; In the case of a criminal case against the Devira, her surname is not mentioned, it is indicated here as the "Courtful Maiden Katerina".
Most likely, the name of Katerina did not indicate due to the fact that she was a relative of some kind of person, very close to the Empress, and this particular did not want to compromise the mention of the name in criminal case, and Menshikov, if remember, also siled about her Surnames, hinted that let the devier himself say who she is ("and with whom he himself will say").
This court girl explained the consequence that "her with a maiden in the bath was his lordship, and she spent his particular words with him, and he did not ask for the words about the court at the court, and she did not affect her."
Anton Devyer admitted that repeatedly with the girls in the bath "sat and talked", but denied that he asked the girls about the Empress.
During the investigation, it also turned out that the Deviere did not show sorrow about the sickness of the Empress, and even others persuaded others, for example, he said at the table of her daughter Anne Petrovna: "Fully, a sovereign, sadness," and then some kind of "crying Sophia Karlusna Spit instead of dance and told her - "not need to cry."
The Politzmeister himself explained that he simply consoled the crying ladies, but Menshikov with the Empress considered it "pre-spermate actions."
We also note that neither the Devière, nor the girl of Katerina investigators figured out whether they had sex in a bath, or, as they were expressed, "Blud" - the sexual side of the question did not interest the investigation, they wanted to know only what they spent in the bath .
All these gatherings with girls in the bath and the consolation of crying could be considered, even with a very big desire to go to something, maximize and disrespect for the Empress, but Menshikov very much wanted to imagine Deviere as a conspirator.
Ansefa Ivan Buturlin, a member of the Governing Senate and the Supreme Secretary Council of Peter Tolstoy and the Ober-Prosecutor of the Government of the Gregory of the Gregory, Gregory Skyrovak-Pisarev, was tightened to the matter.
It turned out that in conversations with them, the Deviere spoke that it would be better if the Empress had appointed his heir (he was not yet rumored, but there was no decline) not the grandson of Peter the first from the devotee of Tsarevich Alexey, Peter Alekseevich Jr. From his daughters - Elizabeth Petrovna or Anna Petrovna (as we remember, Devyer was their educator).
Moreover, the most important, the initiator of the conversations was not a girlfriend! Skyrovak-Pisarev, Tolstoy and Bourning themselves began such conversations with the maiden, and he just agreed with the interlocutors.
Further conversations did not go, and Velmazby could not even decide who of them would go to the Empress with a proposal for the candidate of the throne, and everything remained at the level of conversations.
It is now difficult for us to understand what is such a correel in conversations about who will be the next chapter of the state - for a democratic society, the discussion of candidates thing is completely normal, but in the context of the Russian absolute monarchyWhen the heir to the throne was determined not by the will of the people and not even the law, but solely by the decree of the operating emperor, the talk about the personality of a possible heir was considered the resistance to the will of the sovereign, and even treason.
However, pay attention to, it is very important - at that time the throne has not yet been appointed, that is, no one was going to oppose the will - for the reason that this will did not express this will yet, and the so-called "conspirators" were designed for The possible future heir, by the type of chamomile - "Peter - Elizabeth - Anna", and did not know anything concrete and did not plan.
Menshikov, as easy to guess, was against the heirs of Elizabeth Petrovna or Anna Petrovna, and supported the candidacy of Peter Alekseevich-grandson, since he intended to marry his daughter Maria for him, and thus hedgerates with the reigning family.
The health of the empress in the meantime worsened, it became very bad, and early in the morning of May 6, 1727 Alexander Menshikov came to her and slipped two documents on the signature. By signing them, Catherine The first fell into infamousness, and after a few hours she died.
One of the two decrees signed before death, Peter Alekseevich was announced, and another decree was declared a verdict in the case of Anton Devière and his "accomplices" - Buturlin, Tolstoy, Skyrovakova-Pisareva, and Prince Ivan Dolgoruk, who also "lit up" in one of conversations.
In the sentence, it was said that they were trying to "argue and interpret, in the same time, to define the heir to the monarchy in their will, who are asked, and not on the high will of her imperial Majesty," and decided to execute the Devira and Tolstoy death "(with deprivation of ranks and orders); Buturlin, depriving the ranks, send a link to distant villages; Dolgoruky "Out from the courtyard", lower, and send to serve in the far garrison; Skilkova-Pisareva Sent to Siberia.
On the same day, Zesarean Elizabeth on behalf of the mother (that is, fake the signature of the deadly Empress) signed the second decree on which the death penalty was replaced by a link: the first to the Solovetsky monastery, and the second is to Siberia, and this decree as the imperial was transferred to execution.
She couldn't do more for his educator, as Menshikov was at Menshikov, and for the fake signature of the late empress she could pay expensive.
By the way, taking into account the fact that the decree on the throne-headed was signed simultaneously with the verdict, and at the time of the conversations of the Devira with Tolstoy, Busurin and others, the heir was not appointed yet, even from the point of view of the current laws did not commit the Devireer, and did not oppose " High will of her imperial majesty. "
Thus, Menshikov actually introduced the empress, the woman is not literate, misleading, and, using her serious illness and inability to correctly perceive the surrounding environment, slipped into the signature of a deliberately unrealized sentence to get rid of the long-standing.
And how did the wife of Anton Devière, Anna Danilovna reached, to her husband's gatherings in a bath with the court girl Katerina?
She was not offended by her husband, especially since only the fact of the joint finding of the Devière and Katerina in the bath and their conversations were proved from the materials of the case and all available documents in the bath and their conversations, but they were doing sex there or not, unknown.
Anna Danilovna even tried to intercom before his brother for her husband, but the bright prince refused to talk to his sister, and she was forced to turn to him in writing, and he also called him even "father and" sovereign ":
"The bright prince, a gracious father and the sovereign, I accept the courage from my immense sorrow to difficult to be difficult for you, a merciful father and the sovereign, about my husband, about the intercession and gracious representation to the imperial Majesta, the globally of our sovereign, in order to please our graciously."
Menshikov did not even respond to this humiliated letter. Moreover, he ordered to send sister with children from St. Petersburg to the village!
And Anton Devira himself sent to serve a link to Zhiganskaya wintering in 800 versts from Yakutsk. For political considerations, Menshikov could not openly turn to Elizabeth in the fake of the imperial decree, abolishing the death penalty, and the link of the enemy to the Eternal Merzlot region also satisfied him - he hoped that Devyer would soon die there.
However, the bright prince of Menshikov triumphed for a long time: the young sovereign Peter second changed his mind to marry his daughter, and on September 6, 1727 he deprived Menshikov all titles, posts and titles, and sent him a link to Berezov (the current territory of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous District), where the former "light" died in two years.
Evil was punished, but good did not enthusiastly: the devometer did not return from the reference.
Only in 1739, from the category of simple exile, it was transferred to the bosses - from the Zhigansky wintering, it was steady in Okhotsk, and appointed the head of the Okhotsk port. With new forces, holding a business, Antoine Manuilovich leads a port in proper condition and even creates a nautical school there, which will later turn into the Siberian Flotilla School. In other cases, Anton Devira can highlight the Equipment of the Vitus Bering Expedition.
In 1741, the daughter of Peter the Great Elizaveta Petrovna joined the Russian throne, which, as we remember, was the pupil of Anton Devière, and faked the decree on replacing the death penalty by reference.
On December 1, 1741, Elizabeth had already published his own imperial decree on the removal of all accusations with Anton Devière and his return from the reference.
Due to the fact that the road from St. Petersburg to Okhotsk then occupied about six months, while the courier got there with a decree, until the maiden reached the capital, it came on 1743.
Anton Manuilovich's wife died by this time, and what happened to the court girl Katerina, with whom he went to the bath, is unknown.
Anton Divigu was returned by the Order and the County title, in July 1744, he received the military rank of General-Annef, and in December 1744 the Devire was again appointed by the Politzmeister General of St. Petersburg, but his health was already weakened, and the first hero in the history of Russia " Ban Skandal "died on June 24, 1745, aged 63 years.

Series message "

In the 1990s, the Russian audience shook two sexy scandals. At first, in 1997, a video recorded was published in 1995, which was entertained with girls in a bath, a surprisingly similar to the Minister of Justice V. Kovaleva, and then, in 1999, a video appeared on which he was filmed from Girls man, very similar to the Prosecutor General Yu. Skoratova. And Minister of Justice, and the Prosecutor General was resigned.

However, the first in the history of Russia "Ban Skandal" occurred in 1727, and his hero, as it was not difficult to guess, became the highest rank of law enforcement agencies - Politzmeister General Anton Devière. Only the resignation did not succeed.

As I once wrote Alexander Galich, "And from the hall they scream:" Come on the details! ", so let me move to details: and to the details of the biography of Anton Devière, and to the details of the first in russian history "Ban scandal."

Anton Manuilovich Devyer (in historical documents there are also other options for Russian writing his name - Diviere, Deviire, Divier, Devier) was born in Holland, in the city of Amsterdam, February 22, 1682.

From the birth of his name was Antonio de Vieyr (Antonio De Vieira) - the name and surname for the Dutchman are very strange, they would rather come for the Portuguese.

And indeed, the family de Vieyr moved to Holland from Portugal in 1673. Only de Vieira were not Portuguese (in the sense of ethnic origin), but by Jews-Sephards.

Jews-Sephards settled on the territory of the current Portugal in the first century BC, that is, when there was no fact that Portugal, but even the Portuguese, as the people, did not appear, and in the mountains there were semi-tribes of Luzitans, only recently conquered Romans.

The conquerors constantly changed - first the Romans, then Westges, then Arabs, then Christians, and the Kingdom of Portugal appeared only in the XII century, when the Jews lived on this land for over a thousand years.

At the same time, the Jews lived in Portugal quite well - they had their own communal self-government, they only submitted to the king, and no one, except the king, could not order Jews, or judge them. Among the Jews were ministers of finance, royal advisers, court doctors.

However, in 1497, most Jews were expelled from Portugal, and at the insistence of neighboring Spain.

In 1492, Spain graduated from the War with the Muslim Granada Emirate. The war ended in the Spanish victory, but the winners were ruined - all the money went to the war, and the royal treasury was empty.

Then the Spanish King of Ferdinand (who died due to the fact that his wife and his spouse, Queen Isabella (who was proud to be twice in life), decided to replenish the treasury at the expense of Spanish Jews.

"Their Catholic Majesty" issued a decree on which the Jews had to or be baptized, or leave the country, leaving the state all their property and money.

Some people who know the Jews exclusively in jokes mistakenly believe that money for the Jews is above all, but Ferdinand and Isabella knew the Jews not on jokes, but in real life, and everyone was calculated correctly - almost all Spanish Jews preferred to bewits from the country, but Do not abandon your faith. They were baptized only very few.

The king with the queen received on this operation with the expulsion of the Jews a rather large amount of money, but it was a one-time gain - money was very quickly spent, and the country lost many talented entrepreneurs who, emigrating to other countries, could "unwind" there from scratch, and became To benefit the enemies of Spain.

Turkish Sultan Bayazid II, who granted political asylum to Spanish Jews, spoke about the decision of Ferdinand with such words:

"To later, I considered the Catholic king Ferdinand by a smart sovereign and a good politician. But is it a politician? He devastated his country and enriched my possessions! ".

Indeed, thanks to Jews, Turkish (Ottoman) empire became the strongest state of the Mediterranean, and even the opening of America and American gold did not help Spain cope with the Turks.

And where is Portugal? The fact is that not all Spanish Jews emigrated to Turkey - many settled in Portugal. It was very disturbed by Ferdinand with Isabella, and they, fearing the future strengthening of Portugal, began to demand from the Portuguese king Manuel I to expel the Jews, promising his daughter to him in the wives.

The heirs of the male floor in Spain did not have, and the King of Portugal Manuel, hoping in the future to become the king of Spain, in 1497, in exchange for marriage in the Spanish princess, duplicated the Spanish decree from 1492 in his country about the exile of the Jews.

However, the Spanish king Manuel was not possible. He expressed by the words of Turkish Sultan, he also "devastated his country" and enriched the Ottoman Empire, which became the main country of residence of Jews-Sephardov.

The absolute majority of Portugal Jews preferred to leave the country, but not baptized, and only very few agreed to move into Christianity. Among these few was the family de Vieyr.

However, de Vieyr was baptized only to stay, and continued to secretly confess Judaism, and this secret religion was transferred to the family from generation to generation for almost two centuries.

Inquisition followed the secret Jews, and when De Vieira felt the threat of exposure, they were emigrated in Holland in Holland in 1673.

The head of the family, Manuel de Vieira, was a gunsmith, but his son Antonio, who was born already in Holland (in 1682), the father's craft did not have time, because his father died too early, and the teenager had to go Jung to the Dutch Navy.

In August 1697, the Russian "Great Embassy" arrived in Holland, which contained a certain "District Peter Mikhail" - under this pseudonym King Peter was hidden. And about it they knew absolutely everything, and the "District" met exactly as the king.

The high visit was shown by the training battle of the Dutch warships, and the 25-year-old Peter was so much faded that he walked into one of the frigates, climbed onto the board, and began to command the battle in Dutch, who managed to learn a little.

During the battle, the king drew attention to the jungle, which is very deft, "Jaco Monkey", climbed on the guitans and fastened Sails, and after the end of the school battle I called him to myself.

This Jung was Antonio de Vieyr.

Jung introduced himself, at the same time immediately told the king that he was "Jewish", but the Peter did not suffer from national and religious prejudices, and suggested a 15-year-old Jung to come to his service. Antonio agreed.

He served the king as a group - first those four and a half months, which Peter spent in Holland, and then, after leaving Holland, Antonio de Vieir went to a further long trip with the "Great Embassy" in Europe.

At the end of August 1698, the Great Embassy returned to Russia, and with him and the Royal Page, which was already 16 years old, first came to the country, which became his new homeland.

In Russian documents, Antonio, the son of Manuel, was recorded as Anton Manuilovich, and the name "de Vieira" was recorded as a maiden, while in many documents, as already mentioned, the Variants of Writing Diviere, Deviire, Devière and Divier.

At first, Anton Deviere continued to serve as the royal package, then he became a royal twin, and accompanied the sovereign in military campaigns. In 1708, the 26-year-old Anton Deviere became an adjutant general.

And two years later, Anton Devière was collided with another royal approximate, a bright prince Alexander Danlovich Menshikov. The conflict occurred on love soil.

In 1710, 28-year-old Anton Devyer was removed from marrying the younger sister of the brilliant prince, Anne Danilovna Menshikova. The bride in the past was the mistress of Peter the first, but the adjutant - this is such a position on which the disgusting people do not serve, and even the noble nobility of Europe was not considered a shameful marry the former state mistress (a very demonstrative example is the history of the reindeer park).

The former mistress of Peter was tired, and, moreover, she really liked Anton Deviere, and she was agreed to marry him, and the king against it did not mind. The case remained for small - to obtain consent from her older brother.

But then there were unexpectedly problems. When Adjutant General Anton Devyer came to the house of Alexander Menshikov to ask his sister's hands, the brilliant prince was so indignant, in his opinion, a vile offer that rushed to the Devière with fists, and they began to fight.

The noise was run into the room of servants of Alexander Danilovich in the number of ten people. Using the numerical superiority, the servants of Menshikov tied the Devira. After that, the bright prince ordered the servants to spoil the groom, which was fulfilled, after which he was thrown into the street.

Why Menshikov was so indignant to the intention of the Devira marry his younger sister, still not clarified historians. However, there is information that at the time of the waldness of the bridegroom already "hacked" the bride, and this circumstance, presumably, just caused the anger of her elder brother.

Although on the king, who has long been "spoiled" Anna Danilovna, for some reason, the brilliant prince was not angry.

Ambutt General Anton Devyer complained to Menshikov King. On this Peter replied "He refused you, but I will not refuse me"And together with the maiden went to the house of the brilliant prince, where he asked Menshikov's hands Anna Danilovna for his General Adjutant.

As Peter predicted, I didn't have enough courage with Menshikov's courage, and in July 1710 Anton Manuilovich Devyer finally married Anna Danilovna Menshikova.

Anton Devyer continued to serve the Tsarist-General adjutant, and was considered one of the closest king of people - he had the right to enter Peter without a prior report at any time of the day, and he was instructed to lead the upbringing of royal daughters.

In 1718, in the office career, Anton Devière occurred large changes - Peter was the first to establish the police in Russia, and the first head of the Russian police was the Devyer for May 27, 1718.

At the same time, it is necessary to clarify that the police originally existed only on the territory of St. Petersburg, and in other cities she appeared much later, and the position of Anton Devière was called "General Politzmeister St. Petersburg".

Anton Devyer provided in the city order, significantly reduced the number of crimes, and even for the first time in history began to fight pollution - policemen caught those people who dumped garbage to the Neva, and beat the whip.

In Western Europe, at that time, with pollution of rivers, no one fought, and, for example, the water flowing through London the River Thames were so silent that in the British parliament, even in a strong heat were afraid to open the windows, because from the river there was such an "ambr" that deputies Did not stand it. His devier in England was not found.

In addition, the Politzmeister General Anton Deviere engaged in the fight against offenses in the consumer market - for the sale of poor-quality goods and for the unreasonable increase in prices (a trade markup of over 10%) of traders beat the whip and even sent to the cautious.

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov's governor was in the governor of St. Petersburg, and now they have become conflict to conflict not only on the basis of personal hostile relationships, but also on official deals - all the disgruntled devier fled to Menshikov, but the king in these disputes was always on the side Deviere.

At the same time, when Peter found the Devira disadvantages in his work, he himself punished himself, but not a whip, but a battle.

The real historical event is known when Peter the first and Anton Devyer drove together in a stroller-twist and examined the city, and when they drove around the bridge through the canal near New Holland, it turned out that several boards were separated from the bridge and stolen. Then Peter selflessly beaten by the Politzmeister General Dubyka for insufficient struggle with the embezzlement of state property, after which the sovereign and the broken police head went on.

By the way, it is possible that the boards from the bridge were demolished by the order of Menshikov, who knew in advance where the king will go with the maiden, and he wanted to "substitute" his enemies in this way.

However, in addition to beating a baton, no other consequences on the bridge for Anton Devira did not have, and he remained at the posts of the St. Petersburg Politzmeister General.

In 1721, Anton Devière ordered the first lanterns and benches for recreation in St. Petersburg.

However, other devieth initiatives are rather controversial and dubious.

Thus, accommodation in the city without registration was forbidden, all citizens had to report to the police about all the arriving and leaving, then entering and departing to the city and from the city began to be resolved only on passports issued by the police, and on all entrances to the city stood outcomes and No one was allowed and not released without a passport.

Then the Deviere tightened control over the movements in St. Petersburg, and installed something like the commandant hour: in the evening, all the streets braveled down the barriers, only the military, priests and obeda grandmasters could walk around the city, and all the rest of St. Petersburgers who wanted to walk through the streets of the city White nights, caught and beat the whip. Cleaned the barriers only in the morning.

Peter first was delighted with the activities of the Deviorsk police, and even wrote that "The police will prompted in the rights and in justice, gives rise to good orders and morals, and all security comes from robbers, thieves, rapists and deceivers and sim these, dishonest and indecent lives will drive out, and forces everyone to work and to honest fishery, ... prevents high costs and brings content in everything, demanding to life of human, caution all the involved diseases, produces purity through the streets; ... raises young in chaste cleanliness and honest sciences; In short, the police have a soul of citizenship and all kind of good orders and the fundamental porch of human security and convenience..

In 1725, Peter was first died, and his widow of Catherine's first entered the throne, which was well referred to the Davig, left him as a Politzmeister General, and in 1726 he appropriated a count title.

However, in April 1727, when the empress was seriously ill, and was in death, a "bath scandal" happened, the fatal manifold on the further fate of Anton Devière (details can be read in the books of N.I. Pavlenko "Petrov's nest chicks" and "Peter II "Where excerpts are given from archival documents).

On April 24, 1727, a brilliant prince of Menshikov appeared to a seriously ill patient, and said that "When the Emperor Majesty will freeze to rebel from sleep, then Anton Devyer will take away girls and asks about everything that he didn't have to do with him, and once I did Eve in Bani with a little girl, and with whom he himself will say, and told him why he locks the girl to the bath with a girl and that he was doing with a girl, he asked me, so that I didn't bring it to the Imperial Majesty, and I told me that he asked everything that without His Emperorsky Majesty was done without him. ".

The Empress was so outraged that the maidel was arrested!

On the same day, Anton Devyer was arrested in the Imperial Palace by Guards Karaul, and during his arrest he tried to stick to the sword of Menshikov, who directly transferred the captain of the guard order about the arrest of Devière.

What was so outraged by the Empress, and why the polytzmester general arrested only because he "In the bath, the girl is locked up and that he is doing with a girl"?

The fact is that those "girls", with whom the Devyer said so closely, were the Freillians of the Empress, and asking them about "That without him at the Emperian Majesty is done", it was perceived as the invasion of the privacy of the sovereign.

What was still engaged in the girl with a girl in a bath, except for conversations, Empress and Menshikov were little interested.

In relation to Anton Devira, a consequence was started, during which he was subjected to torture three times. In addition, many people were interrogated, including the high-ranking leaders of the army and the state.

Was also installed and interrogated "Some girl"with which Deviere walked into the bath; In the materials of the criminal case against the Devira, her surname is not mentioned, it is indicated as "Caterina's courtious maiden".

Most likely, the name of Katerina did not indicate due to the fact that she was a relative of some kind of person, very close to the Empress, and this particular did not want to compromise the mention of the name in criminal case, and Menshikov, if remember, also siled about her surnames hinted that let the devier himself say who she is ( "And with which he will say he himself").

This court girl explained the consequence that "Her lordship with his maiden in Bani got his lordship, and she spoke with his particular his own words, and he did not ask her about the severity at the court, and she did not affect her.".

Anton Devyer admitted that repeatedly with girls in a bath "Survived and talked", however, denied that he asked the girls about the Empress.

During the investigation, it also turned out that the Deviere did not show sorrow about the sickness of the Empress, and even others persuaded others, for example, he said at the table of her daughter Anna Petrovna: "Full, sovereign, sadness"and then some "Flashing Sophia Karlusna Spit instead of dance and told her -" Not need to cry ".

The Politzmeister himself explained that he just consoled the crying ladies, but Menshikov with the Empress considered it "Pre-spermate actions".

We also note that neither the Devière, nor the girl of Katerina investigators figured out whether they had sex in a bath, or, as they were expressed, "Blud" - the sexual side of the question did not interest the investigation, they wanted to know only what in the bath was spoken .

All these gatherings with girls in the bath and the consolation of crying could be considered, even with a very big desire to go to something, maximize and disrespect for the Empress, but Menshikov very much wanted to imagine Deviere as a conspirator.

Ansefa Ivan Buturlin, a member of the Governing Senate and the Supreme Secretary Council of Peter Tolstoy and the Ober-Prosecutor of the Government of the Gregory of the Gregory, Gregory Skyrovak-Pisarev, was tightened to the matter.

It turned out that in conversations with them, the Deviere spoke that it would be better if the Empress had appointed his heir (he was not yet rumored, but there was no decline) not the grandson of Peter the first from the devotee of Tsarevich Alexey, Peter Alekseevich Jr. From his daughters - Elizabeth Petrovna or Anna Petrovna (as we remember, Devyer was their educator).

Moreover, the most important, the initiator of the conversations was not a girlfriend! Skyrovak-Pisarev, Tolstoy and Bourning themselves began such conversations with the maiden, and he just agreed with the interlocutors.

Further conversations did not happen, and Velmazbi could not even decide which of them will go to the Empress with a proposal for the candidate of the throne lexurer (or the throllery), and everything remains at the level of conversations.

It is now difficult for us to understand that there is such a cramole in conversations about who will be the next chapter of the state - for a democratic society. Discussion of candidates The thing is completely normal, but in the conditions of the Russian absolute monarchy, when the heir to the throne was determined not to the will of the people and not even the law, but exclusively By decree of the operating emperor, talk about the personality of a possible heir was considered the resistance to the will of the sovereign, and even treason.

However, pay attention to, it is very important - at that time the throne has not yet been appointed, that is, no one was going to oppose the will - for the reason that the sovereign did not express this will yet, and the so-called "conspirators" were engaged in fortune About the possible future heir, by the type of chamomile - "Peter - Elizabeth - Anna", and they did not know anything concrete and did not plan.

Menshikov, as easy to guess, was against the heirs of Elizabeth Petrovna or Anna Petrovna, and supported the candidacy of Peter Alekseevich-grandson, since he intended to marry his daughter Maria for him, and thus hedgerates with the reigning family.

The health of the empress in the meantime worsened, it became very bad, and early in the morning of May 6, 1727 Alexander Menshikov came to her and slipped two documents on the signature. By signing them, Catherine The first fell into infamousness, and after a few hours she died.

One of the two decrees signed before death, Peter Alekseevich was announced, and another decree was declared a verdict in the case of Anton Devière and his "accomplices" - Buturlin, Tolstoy, Shotskaya Pisareva, and Prince Ivan Dolgorukova, who also "lit up" in one of conversations.

In the sentence it was said that they tried "To argue and interpret, in the same time, to define the heir to the monarchy in his will, who is asked, and not on the high will of the Emperorsky Majesty", and decreased Devière and Tolstoy "Snoons in that criminals execute death" (with the deprivation of ranks and orders); Buturlin, depriving the ranks, send a link to distant villages; Dolgoruky "Out from the courtyard", lower, and send to serve in the far garrison; Skilkova-Pisareva Sent to Siberia.

On the same day, Zesarean Elizabeth on behalf of the mother (that is, fake the signature of the deadly empress) signed the second decree in which the death penalty was replaced by a link: the first to the Solovetsky monastery, and the second to Siberia, and this decree as Imperial was transferred to execution.

She couldn't do more for his educator, as Menshikov was at Menshikov, and for the fake signature of the late empress she could pay expensive.

By the way, taking into account the fact that the decree on the throne accepted was signed simultaneously with the verdict, and at the time of the conversations of the Devira with Tolstoy, Busurin and others, the heir was not yet appointed, even from the point of view of the current laws did not commit any crime, and did not oppose " High will of the Emperorsky Majesty.

Thus, Menshikov actually introduced the empress, the woman is not literate, misleading, and, using her serious illness and inability to correctly perceive the surrounding environment, slipped into the signature of a deliberately unrealized sentence to get rid of the long-standing.

And how did the wife of Anton Devière, Anna Danilovna reached, to her husband's gatherings in a bath with the court girl Katerina?

She was not offended by her husband, especially since only the fact of the joint finding of the Devière and Katerina in the bath and their conversations were proved from the materials of the case and all available documents in the bath and their conversations, but they were doing sex there or not, unknown.

Anna Danilovna even tried to intercom before his brother for her husband, but the bright prince refused to talk to his sister, and she was forced to appeal to him in writing, and he also called him "father and" sovereign ":

"The light prince, a gracious father and the sovereign, I accept the courage from my immense sorrowfully difficult to find you, a merciful father and the sovereign, about my husband, about the intercession and gracious representation to the imperial Majesta, the globally of our sovereign, so that anger is fraught with graciously."

Menshikov did not even respond to this humiliated letter. Moreover, he ordered to send sister with children from St. Petersburg to the village!

And Anton Devira himself sent to serve a link to Zhiganskaya wintering in 800 versts from Yakutsk. According to political reasons, Menshikov could not openly turn Elizabeth in the fake of the imperial decree, which canceled the death penalty, and the link of the enemy to the Eternal Merzlot region also satisfied him - he hoped that Devyer would soon die there soon.

However, the bright prince of Menshikov triumphed for a long time: the young sovereign Peter second changed his mind to marry his daughter, and already on September 6, 1727 he deprived Menshikov all titles, posts and ranks, and sent him a link to Birchov (the current territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug), where The former "light" died in two years.

Evil was punished, but good did not enthusiastly: the devometer did not return from the reference.

Only in 1739, from the category of simple exile, it was transferred to the bosses - from the Zhigansky wintering, he was steady in Okhotsk, and were prescribed by the head of the Okhotsk port, where among other things of Anton Maiden, the Equipment of the Vitus Bering expedition can be distinguished.

In 1741, the daughter of Peter the Great Elizaveta Petrovna joined the Russian throne, which, as we remember, was the pupil of Anton Devière, and faked the decree on replacing the death penalty by reference.

On December 1, 1741, Elizabeth had already published his own imperial decree on the removal of all accusations with Anton Devière and his return from the reference.

Due to the fact that the road from St. Petersburg to Okhotsk then occupied about six months, while the courier got there with a decree, until the maiden reached the capital, it came on 1743.

Anton Manuilovich's wife died by this time, and what happened to the court girl Katerina, with whom he went to the bath, is unknown.

Anton Divigu was returned to the Order and the County Title, in July 1744, he received the military rank of General-Annef, and in December 1744 A.M. The Devière was again appointed by the Politzmeister General of St. Petersburg, but his health was already weakened, and the hero of the first in the history of Russia "Ban Scandal" died on June 24, 1745, aged 63 years.

A lot of books and articles are written about the police of pre-revolutionary Russia. But most of them describe the Russian police in the XIX - early twentieth centuries, with us common in the classical Russian literature cities, in the middle warders and bailiffs. Meanwhile, the formation of the Russian police began much earlier and its structure, management bodies and the nature of serving in more early period Also very interesting.

The creation of a new type of new type was initiated by Peter I as part of the modernization of the management bodies of the country. At the same time, under the police during the reign of Peter, not only the protection of public order and the struggle with crime, but also any management activities in the field of security, fire protection, supervision of the behavior of subjects and respect for their religious rites. On May 27, 1718, Peter I introduced the post of Politzmeister General of St. Petersburg. Peter's own personally participated in the compilation of "paragraphs, data from the St. Petersburg General Politzmeyster, who prescribed it official duties. In particular, Peter I included in the competence of a polyentisser general not only overseeing the provision of order in St. Petersburg, but also the general management of construction and arrangement of the new capital. The submission of the Politzmester General was transferred to the previously created Politisterstellorian office. The army infantry regiment was appointed to directly ensure the orders of the Politzmester General at his disposal. The officers and the lower ranks of the regiment became employees of the Police of St. Petersburg. In addition, police officers of large cities of the country were subordinate to the capital-general general service officer. The position of the General Politzmeter corresponded to the 5th grade of the table of ranks, i.e. Range of the Stat adviser or the rank of brigadier in the army.

Petr appointed Anton Devière - a man of an interesting destiny, one of his closest favorites and comrades. In the Russian Empire Anton Manuilovich, the Devyer was, it can be said quite by chance. He was born in 1682 in Amsterdam in the poor Jewish family, moved to Holland from Portugal during persecution of the Pyrenees Jews - Sefardov. When the father of Anton Manuel Devyer passed away, the young man came with Jung to the Dutch ship. It is quite possible, he would have fluently fluid the whole life by the sailor, maybe he would have killed in some marine battle or donkey would be "on pensions" in one of the overseas Dutch colonies. But the random meeting completely changed the entire further fate of the young Sefard. When Peter I was located in Holland, where he fastened the sea craft, he met young Junga. In 1697, a 15-year-old Deviere together with Peter came to Russia. For a long time he was a personal twin of Peter I. Extremely benevolent to foreigners, especially to the Dutch, Peter provided its favorite daily career In Russia, which the ledity from the poor Jewish family in his native Holland could not dream. In July 1708, the Deviere received the title of Rothmistra, in the same year he became Major, and then the lieutenant colonel of the Grenadier regiment. On August 3, 1711, the 29-year-old Anton Deviere received rank general adjutant. By the way, this chin was established specifically for Anton Devira and another favorite Peter - Pavel Yaguzhinsky.

Anton Devière and before the appointment of a polytzmeister general of a new capital, a different important assignment of Peter, for example, was led by construction in 1715 sea Port. in a roar. Since Peter really trusted Dobriyar and had even supported him when Anton Manuilovich was woven to the sister Menshikov, in the appointment of the former Dutch jung, and then the Russian officer, the Politzmeister General of St. Petersburg there was nothing surprising. Moreover, the Devirer had an idea of \u200b\u200blife in European cities, and Peter I wanted public order and management in the new capital to meet the European standards of that time.

The St. Petersburg, General Politsister Saint-Petersburg formally submitted to the Governor-General of St. Petersburg Menshikov. But in fact, the Devière was actually in direct submission of Emperor Peter I. In the police of St. Petersburg, the posts of the Deputy General Politzmeister, 4 officers and 36 lower ranks were established. The police of the new Russian capital was so small at the first time of its existence. For the conduct of cases in the main polytzmestric office of St. Petersburg, Dyak and 10 Sodiachi were answered. The competence of the Politzmereister Chancellery included the protection of public order, fire protection, the landscaping of the city, the drainage of swampy sites (very relevant task for St. Petersburg), garbage cleaning on city streets. The police have the right to appoint penalties in criminal matters, i.e. Performed and functions of the judicial instance. It is possible that if it were not for the death of Peter I, the development of the Russian police would have happened to a more rapid pace, since the emperor sought to organize the police service in the country, comparable to the European police of that time. It should be noted that Anton Devyer, who held the post-General of the Politzmeter St. Petersburg, really did a lot for the development of a system for the protection of the procedure and providing public security in the Russian capital. In particular, it was from the filing of the Devière in the capital a professional fire protection was organized, also submitted to the PolitzMister General.

At the post of Politzmeter General St. Petersburg, Devyer remained nine years to 1727. He participated in the investigation of the case of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and signed him a death sentence. In 1725, the Deviere received the title of Major General, and in 1726, Lieutenant General and the County Title. The honor of the work in the Graphs Devyer was honored due to the fact that after Peter's death supported the transfer of power in the country to Catherine I. However, in 1727, the Deviere had fallen into opal. Played a long-standing hostility to the Menshikov General Politzer. As you know, at one time, Menshikov with the Devière had a conflict about the walling of Devière to the sister of the All-Sestern Petrovsky Favorite. The emperor then stood up for the Devira and ordered Menshikov to give sister for him to marry him. After the death of Peter Devyer lost the patron, and Menshikov, who kept a serious influence, continued intrigue against him. In the end, on April 24, 1727, the Deviere was arrested. On May 27, 1727, he was accused of intending to eliminate the inheritance of Peter II inheritance, deprived the nobility and the county title, the title of lieutenant-general, broke the whip and exiled to Siberia.

Peter II was appointed General Anshhefa Count Barhard Christopa von Munnich (Miniha) General of St. Petersburg Peter II. Although there is a typical soldier, a representative of the era of military coups, in reality, he was a talented and educated person, a professional military engineer. For a long time, he did not have any attitude towards managerial or police functions, but was engaged exclusively by the Military Engineering. Aldenburg native, mini got good engineering education, after which the twenty years served in various European armies as a military engineer. Minihu was able to serve as an engineering officer in the armies of France, Hesse Darmstadt, Hesse-Kassel and Poland, to participate in the war for the Spanish legacy.

The title of Colonel Minich received in the German armies, and Major General - in the Polish-Saxon Army. In 1721, he was invited to Russia as a specialist in engineering business. He was entrusted to the planning of the fortifications of the Kronstadt Fortress. Then the mini, well-splitted in the hydraulic structures, was engaged in the organization of shipping on the Neva River, led the construction of the Baltic Port and the bypass Ladoga Canal. For the achieved of the success of the mini, produced in Lieutenant-General. In 1726, he received the title of General Anshuf, and in 1727 he was entrusted by the post of General Politzmeister Saint Petersburg. Actually, it was the first appointment of mini, directly related to the engineering business.

The further strengthening of the Police of the Russian Empire occurred in the 1730s and was associated with the creation of new police services and the spread of police activities not only to St. Petersburg and Moscow, but also to other cities of the country. In the provincial cities, the police led an officer in the rank of captain or lieutenant, who was obeyed by a non-commissioned officer, a corporal, ten ordinary and two stationery servants. This was at the time the usual composition of the urban police department. As the police at this time were still small and weak, army units were involved in the fulfillment of police functions. In 1733, a decree "On the establishment of police in cities" was issued, which gave the creation of police agencies on the scale of the entire Russian Empire and served as a starting point for the formation of the country's regular police. By the way, in 1741 he was returned from the link Anton Deviere, and in 1744 he re-occupied the post of St. Petersburg General Politzmeister. But the years of references to Siberia did their job - the Devyer was seriously ill and resigned by illness in 1745. In the same year, the founder of the St. Petersburg police died at the age of 63.

In 1741, a prototype of the current units to combat offenses in the consumer market and administrative legislation (BPPRAZ) was created. It was a trading police established by the Senate on the basis of the report of the Politzmeister Saltykov General. In particular, he concluded that it was necessary to create a special body to observe trafficking with harchers. The trading police had to establish a dachuck for food and building materials, observe food pricing and other goods, follow the quality of the products sold, to respond to the order and cleanliness in the markets, to stop illegal trade and fight with a kindergarten, to oversee compliance with the renunity in trade establishments.

At the same time, in 1741, the status of a polycmeter general was raised from the 5th to the 3rd class of the table of ranks. Now the posts of the Politzmeter general corresponded to the army rank of General Lieutenant, the Guards Rate of the Colonel and the Civic Chin of the Secret Counselor. The polytzmester general was introduced to the Senate with the presidents of the military, Admiralty and Foreign Affairs of the Board. However, despite the increase in the status of the Politzmeistor, during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, many shortcomings and flaws in the organization of the country's police service remained.

Further modernization of the police system of the Russian Empire occurred already under Catherine II. The Empress paid significant attention to the issues of the protection of order in the empire, ordered to create in addition to the urban police, and the Zemskoy Police. In the villages created the lower Zemsky courts who made the security of public order. In 1782, it was decided to establish a density council as the main urban police officers. The Council of the Council was part of the head - Gingerbread, two bailiffs in criminal and civil cases, two elected controllers - Ratman, elected by citizens for six months to carry out supervisory functions for the activities of the police authorities.

Paul I, who replaced Catherine II at the head of state, made further reform of police bodies. He eliminated the advantage of the renovation in Russian cities and laid on the police the function of control over the activities of officials. In order to improve the work of the police, Paul I made polycaseters and commandants financially responsible for the unpricted embezzlement of public funds. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, during Pavel, the post of Ober-Politzmeter was introduced, who led the police. In submission of the Ober-Politzmeister, there were private inspections who managed the city's parts, and they, in turn, were subordinate to the quarterly non-private inspections with two quarterly commissioners.

Creature professional police He made a question about the training of personnel to occupy "officers" posts in police offices. There was no special school to prepare police personnel in the XVIII century in Russia. Nevertheless, police officers were gained from graduates of the land banking cadet corpsOpened in 1732. But most of the cadets saw themselves in the future guards or army officers, as a last resort, civilian officials. The police service remained low-mainst, which inevitably affected the quality of personnel. The police often came to the service officers, for some reason forced to leave the guard, the army and even civil administrative institutions. On the other hand, the police became a refuge and for the "disabled", as they called deserved veterans military serviceDue to age or illness not capable of further service in the army or guards parts. Such a state of affairs was ubiquitous and it did not contribute to the improvement of the functioning of public order protection bodies. The weakness of the police of that time shows a large number of folk uprisings, to stop the reasons for which the Russian police were unable without the help of Army units.

jew made the first polytzmeister made

Anton Manuilovich Devyer (1682 - 1745) is a prominent state and military leader, the Council of Peter I, the First Politzmeister General of St. Petersburg (1718-1727 and 1744-1745), Graf (1726), Annef General (1744).

From the ship on the ball

1697 year. In honor of the arrival in Amsterdam the Great Embassy from Russia, headed by the young king, Peter, the Dutch arrange demonstration maneuvers. In the Bay of Hey, several dozen sailboats are built and marine battles begins. Peter, who has already learned a little dutch, takes command of the Dutch flotilla. The strongest and understanding Jung on the ship is young Antoine De Wieer. "And you, Jaco Monkey, took off the guys, strengthened and relaxing the sail," the Russian king admires. Antoine with gratitude takes from Peter the Golden Thaler and it seems: "Anton Divier's name is. I am from Portugal. Theudey kind. "

The Jewish origin of the UNGI is not confused by Peter, who appreciated the skill and intelligence in people and gave little values \u200b\u200bof their nationality. Antoine enters the service to the sovereign. PJ. So began the path of the Jewish boy Antoine de Wieer to the rank of the first policeman of a huge country.

De Wieer was from Portuguese Marranov. The ancestors of the Creator of the Russian police were forced to be baptized, but secretly professed the Jewish faith. However, the parents of De Wiyers were forced to move to Holland, when the bonfires of the Inquisition broke out with a new force in Portugal. His Jewish origin de Vieer never hid, but Peter loved the intelligent foreigners. And in Russia of young couple, they met benevolently. Particularly ladies - Sixteen-year-old De Vyer was very good. The career of the young man is rapidly in the mountain: from the Faji - in the twins Peter, from the junctions - to the adjutant general. However, the love of the Russian king was not shared by his boyars. Having learned about the relationship of your sister Anna and the young Jew, the favorite of Peter Alexander Menshikov in a rage attacked on De Wieer with fists, and after orders the servants to do the seducer.

Generalissimus Alexander Danilovich Menshikov

They say Anna by that time was already pregnant from his beloved. Peter comes to rabies, learning about the entrance of Menshikov. The king gives the order - and the Jew de Vyer marries Anna Menshikova, the brother of which since then will turn into his merciless enemy.

Crime and Punishment by Sevier

The newlyweds are moved into the St. Petersburg under construction, which is still adapted for life. Wolves, the people, the power of Peter, robbing and drinking without tired of the streets of the streets. From time to time, wooden buildings flashed - and the fire quickly devours the fruits of the works and aspirations of the king. How to cope with all this chaos, Peter does not know. All major conflicts have always been suppressed by the forces of the military, but soldiers are trained only to fight or, as a last resort, suppress the riots. Make them to follow the order in the city not easy. Peter instructs to deal with the reign in the city of Chaos Antoine, who by that time is already blister enough and calls Anton Divier.

Peter the First

"Lord Senate! - publishes Peter Decree on May 27, 1718. - We defined for the best orders of the city of General Politzmeistr, who were appointed by the Diviera General Adjutant; And they gave items, as he was handed to manage. "

Divier with his inherent responsibility and misstitude was in his place. Gradually, the order in the city began to recover. For crimes (even robbery) Karalya cruelly - most often death. In his department there were 10ophypikers, 20 non-officers and 160 "Soldiers of Good". It was easy to learn them on the street: they wore green camisoles with red abbreasses and purple cardunes. The Ober-Politzmeister personally traveled around the city daily and followed the order. But the busy was not alone with drunken fights.

Peter, who adored Petersburg, was forced to be distracted from the construction of the city, dealing with the affairs of state. So he instructed it to develop a reliable diviere new capital. And the diviere undertook to work decisively. To begin with, I created a fire fighter, put a fire tower in the city and issued an order, according to which all the inhabitants, having walked the bell, should run to extinguish the fire. Ahead of other Petersburgers, the king himself was always fled to the vanish houses. Petersburg stopped burning the dotley and began to finally grow. Further more. All the main streets that buried about in the mud, by order of the range, brightened by a stone, fursters appear in the city, which are collected and exported outside the capital of uncleanness. At the end of each street, they put the barriers, walking through which at night is allowed only by the military, notable gentlemen, rebivan grandmas and priests. All who wanted stroll through St. Petersburg at night, but did not have the right to be caught and beat the whip. The Divier introduces strict population regulations that allow you to accurately determine the number of living in the city and visitors. Guilty in non-compliance of the order punish with all cruelty. It gets stronger than everything to beggars, which, by order, Bat's Bat's ordered and sent out of the city.

In general, a soft ruler of the camouflage can not be called. To bring order in the city, he resorts to the Draconian measures: for gambling, drunkenness, non-compliance with the passport order, even for singing songs on the street of violators punished with considerable fines. And if, overlooking, the ugliest never led to the laws, went to Siberia or on the flagh. Batgi beat those who drop the garbage in Neva - Divier carefully watched the river to be turned into a drain canal.

The king is delighted and proud of his fodiment. "The police will promote in the rights and in justice, gives rise to good orders and morals, and all security comes from the robbers, thieves, rapists and deceivers and sim these things," he writes, -Heporty and indecent lives will drive himself, and forces everyone to work and to honest fishery ... prevents the high costs and brings satisfaction in everything that is demanded for the life of human, warns all the incidental diseases, produces purity through the streets ... raises young in chaste cleanliness and honest sciences; In short, the police have a soul of citizenship and all kind of good orders and a fundamental porch of human security and convenience. "

Peter produces a range in Majo-General and gives him more and more authority. Over time, the divière becomes more than a game of order. He follows the construction of bridges and buildings. And succeeds in this: accustomed to European architectural tradition, the Divier introduces the European Spirit to the development plan. Buildings that are energged with his participation admire Peter with their sophistication. But for the offense, the king punishes cruel and humiliating.

Once there was such an outbreak of the state of anger to experience the diviere even publicly. We drove somehow Peter and Ober-Politzmeister in the city in a single-rope. However, before the bridge in New Holland were forced to stop: Kucher was noticed in time that in the laying of the bridge lacks several boards. Whether to put, according to the famous Russian habit, forgotten, or, too, the habit, laid out. Peter orders the Kumor Bridge immediately correct. The range also invites you to go out of the carriage and takes the staff on the back, saying "it will better add to you about the care and content of the bridges in order." Cool, though, just as quickly, as broke out - immediately put his hand on the arm on the shoulder with the words "do not let down. Sit, brother "and continued the interrupted conversation. They say, by the way, that this incident was attributed to all the same vengeful Menshikov, who at that time was the governor of St. Petersburg and then complained by Peter on the Politzmeister. The king, however, always remained on the side of the Aviation.

The fall

After Peter's death, the life of an influential policeman changed not yet And even got highest award In the Russian Empire - Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. And Anna Danilovna - the wife of the Diviera - was counted to the retinue of the Empress and became Goffreiline.

However, Menshikov did not leave hope to take revenge on a unwanted relative. When the Empress sloped in alcohol and fever (weak was Catherine to alcohol), inspired her that the diviere of her illness was not enough. And I cursed the order to arrest the police officer. The range was tortured and even risen on the punch. Menshikov was delighted: without having demolished suffering, the Divier admitted a plot and issued his "accomplices" - all Menshikov's enemies. They were deprived of all the ranks and property and exiled in Gd forgotten Yakutia in 9000 versts from St. Petersburg. Estimated from the suffering of Anton Manuilovich to wait for many years. Catherine I will change on the throne, following him, the empire will go into the hands of Anna John. The new Empress suddenly remembers the exile in the exile, but he will not return to St. Petersburg, but will make it a commander of the Okhotsk port. With the new forces, holding the case, Antoine Manuilovich leads a port in proper condition and even creates a nautical school there, which will later turn into the Siberian Siberian Flotilla.

No matter how surprisingly, but in St. Petersburg, the Divier will return - when the daughter of Peter I Elizabeth, who loved the policeman from childhood rushes to the throne. She will return all titles and property to the diviere and put the police again. However, after a fifteen years of reference, the health of Anton Manuilovich is undermined, he often swear, no one is afraid of him in the city and after six months he is quietly pressed in his house. The inscription was engraved on his tombstones: "General-Annef Count Anton Manuilovich Divier ..."

So the path of the Jew Antoine de Wieer, who created the police service in Russia, cleared St. Petersburg from uncleanness and brought order in the capital. But all this story is not much interesting for the current police officers. Girl and would be very instructive for them.

Material prepared Alina Rebel

June 7 (May 27 - on the old style) of 1718, King Peter I established the main police in St. Petersburg. The first to the post of the Politzmester General in the Uchol city on the banks of the Neva was appointed Anton Devyer.

He was born in Amsterdam in 1682 in a poor family, and the real name of this state Worker - Antonio Manuel de Viera. And already in Russia, his name was called in a convening name, that is, Anton Manulovich Maewwer.

When the father of the future of the main police officer died northern capital, Anton Deviere went to Jung to the Dutch fleet. In 1697, the young man on the maritime maneurs held in the Holland met with the King Peter I, at the personal invitation of which he entered the Russian service.

According to the reviews of contemporaries, wonderful abilities, rare resourcefulness and accuracy in the fulfillment of the tasks received by him, the attention of Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (the nearest companion of Peter I), who took him to himself from the officers of the Preobrazhensky Life Guard regiment in adjutants. In July 1708, Anton Manuilovich became a Rothmistrome, in the fall of the same year he was raised in the rank to Major, and later to Lieutenant Colonel of the Grenadle Regiment.

After three years, in July 1711, Anton Manuilovich Devière, together with Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky received the rank of General Adjutant. It should be explained that this chin was established specifically for them.

Thanks to its qualities of a capable, executive and honest person, the Deviere managed to win the location of Peter I and his family, becoming a personal branch of the king. Being with the already mentioned pore - July 1711 - the Adjutant General of Peter I, the Devière from the 1716 was the captain of the guard. A little earlier, on November 12, 1715, the king sent, one might say, his approximate Devière in Revel to lead the construction of the maritime port.

At the post of St. Petersburg General Politzmeter, a high rank official conducted all questions of urban economy. By the way, in the summer of 1718, the Deviere turned to the Senate with a request to send him the regulations that the police should be guided, and also to publish the "Tsarist will", which bidding the residents of the capital to fulfill the requirements of the PolitzMister General.

At the same time, his wish to ensure the police "required number of people" was not performed properly. That is why by the end of 1718, the staff of the Politzmereister Office consisted, not counting the general police officer, just out of 41 people: 1 Major, 2 captains, 2 worshiprs, 2 wachmistrov, 2 sergeants, 4 capetartamusov, 4 Caprals, 22 ordinary and 2 Pissa-fijikh.

On January 6, 1725, the Deviere was produced in major general. After the death of Peter I, I actively advocated the transfer of power Catherine I, which went to the imperial throne on January 28, 1725.

Anton Devyer soon, on May 21, was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, on October 24, 1726, he was erected into graphic dignity. And in two months, December 27, the Deviere was granted by the Lieutenant General. It will be told about his fate in the following material.

Prepared Alexander Tarasov,

photos from open sources