E Khukhlaev L Express - Questionnaire "Tolerance Index" (GG Soldatova, O.A.

(Mr.Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsov, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova)

For diagnosis general level Tolerance group of psychologists center "Gratis" was developed express questionnaire "Tolerance Index". In its foundation, domestic and foreign experience in this area (Soldatov, Kravtsova, Khukhlayev, Shaygerova, 2002). The stimulus of the questionnaire was approved, reflecting both the overall attitude towards the world and other people and social attitudes in various areas of interaction, where the tolerance and the human intolerance are manifested. The methodology includes allegations that reveal the attitude to some social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, poor), communicative installations (respect for opponents, readiness for constructive solving conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention is paid to ethnic tolerance-inletness (attitude towards people of another race and ethnic group, to its own ethnic group, assessment of the cultural distance). Three subishkli questionnaires are aimed at the diagnosis of such aspects of tolerance as ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, tolerance as a person's trait.

No statement absolutely disagree without agreed rather disagree rather agrees fully agree

1. In the media, any opinion may be presented.

2. In mixed marriages, usually more problems than in marriages between people of one nationality

3. If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on

4. The Caucasians will be better to treat if they change their behavior

5. In the dispute can be correct only one point of view.

6. The beggars and tramp themselves are to blame for their problems.

8. With unclear people unpleasantly communicated

9. Even if I have my opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view

10. All mentally ill people need to be isolate from society.

11. I am ready to take a person of any nationality as a member of his family

12. Refugees need to help no more than everyone else, since local problems are not less

13. If someone comes with me rudely, I answer the same

14. I want people of different nationalities among my friends.

15. To guide the order in the country, a "strong hand" is needed

16. The visitors must have the same rights as local residents

17. A person who thinks not as I cause me irritation

18. It is difficult to treat some nations and peoples.

19. Mean is very annoying me

20. Any religious flows have the right to exist.

21. I can imagine a black man with his loved one

22. I would like to become a more tolerant person in relation to the other

Methods from the "Workshop on the study and diagnosis of personality tolerance"

2.1. Express Questionnaire "Tolerance Index"

(Mr.Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsov, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova)
To diagnose the overall level of tolerance by a group of psychologists of the Gratis Center, an express questionnaire "Tolerance Index" was developed. In its foundation, domestic and foreign experience in this area (Soldatov, Kravtsova, Khukhlayev, Shaygerova, 2002). The stimulus of the questionnaire was approved, reflecting both the overall attitude towards the world and other people and social attitudes in various areas of interaction, where the tolerance and the human intolerance are manifested. The methodology includes allegations that reveal the attitude to some social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, poor), communicative installations (respect for opponents, readiness for constructive solving conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention is paid to ethnic tolerance-inletness (attitude towards people of another race and ethnic group, to its own ethnic group, assessment of the cultural distance). Three subishkli questionnaires are aimed at the diagnosis of such aspects of tolerance as ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, tolerance as a person's trait.

Form techniques

Instruction:Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the allegations given, and in accordance with this, check the box or any other icon opposite each approval:


Absolutely do not agree

I do not agree

Rather, I do not agree

Rather agree

I agree

I completely agree


In the media, any opinion may be presented


In mixed marriages, usually more problems than in marriages between people of one nationality


If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him


Caucasians will be better to treat if they change their behavior


In the dispute can be correct only one point of view.


The beggars and tramps are to blame for their problems


Normally assume that your people are better than everyone else


With untidy people unpleasantly communicated


Even if I have my opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view


All mentally ill people need to be isolate from society


I am ready to take a person of any nationality as a member of his family


Refugees need to help no more than everyone else, since local problems are not less


If someone comes with me rudely, I answer the same


I want people of different nationalities among my friends


For the guidance of order in the country you need a "strong hand"


Visiting should have the same rights as local residents


A man who thinks not as I cause me irritation


Some nations and nations are hard to treat well


Mess annoy me very


Any religious flows have the right to exist.


I can imagine a black man with his loved one


I would like to become a more tolerant person in relation to the other

Processing results

For quantitative Analysis is calculated by a common result, without dividing on the subshkla.

Each response to direct statement is assigned a score from 1 to 6 ("absolutely disagree" - 1 point, "fully agree" - 6 points). Reversing points are assigned responses ("absolutely disagree" - 6 points, "fully agree" - 1 point). Then the scores are summed up.

Direct statements numbers: 1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22.

Rooms of reverse statements: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.

An individual or group assessment of the revealed level of tolerance is carried out in the following steps:

22-60 - Low level of tolerance. Such results indicate high human intolerance and its expressed intolerant attitudes in relation to the world and people.

61-99 – average level. Such results show respondents for whom the combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits is characterized. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they can be intense.

100-132 – high level Tolerance. Representatives of this group have pronounced features of the tolerant personality. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the results approaching upper border (more than 115 points), may indicate the blurring of the "borders of tolerance", associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, connivance trends, condescension or indifference. It is also important to take into account that respondents who have fallen into this range can demonstrate high degree Social desirability (especially if they have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe views of the researcher and research purposes).

For Qualityanalysis of the aspects of tolerance can use the division into the subishkla:

1. Ethnic tolerance: 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21.

2. Social tolerance: 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20.

3. Tolerance as a trait of personality: 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22.

Subshkal "Ethnic tolerance" reveals the attitude of a person to representatives of others ethnic groups and installations in the field of intercultural interaction. The subishkal "Social tolerance" allows you to explore tolerant and intolerant manifestations in relation to various social groups (minorities, criminals, mentally ill people), as well as to study personality installations in relation to some social processes. Subshkal "Tolerance as a person's trait" includes items that diagnose personal features, installations and beliefs that largely determine the attitude of a person to the world around.

In 2001 - 2002 In order to validize and standardize the questionnaire, a study was conducted in 16 cities Russian Federation (A total of 434 people surveyed). The task of the study was the diagnosis of changes in the level of tolerance after the implementation of targeted psychological impact - training tolerance. It was this task that was solved within the framework of the joint project of the Russian Red Cross and the Scientific and Practical Center "Gratis" "Tolerance as a way of mutual adaptation of forced migrants and the local population." The survey was carried out by the psychologists of regional receptions RSC. Express Questionnaire was filled with high school students who participate in the trainings twice: before the start of classes and after their completion.

In 2002, students of various faculties of Dagestan were also surveyed State University and the faculty of psychology MSU them. M.V. Lomonosov as well practical psychologists Moscow, engaged in problems of tolerance and intercultural interaction. The fifth of the student surveyed from DGU was the training of tolerance, and his participants filled out the questionnaire before and after the training. The results of the listed studies are partially represented in Table 1.

Table 1. The average values \u200b\u200bof the tolerance index in various groups

2.2. Questionnaire for measuring tolerance

(V.S. Magun, M.S. Zhambocyan, M.M.Magura)

This questionnaire was originally designed to assess the impact of tolerance training ( Soldatova, Shaygerova, Sharov,2000) on the consciousness of high school students ( Magun, Zhampocyan, Magura, 2000). The content of the methodology is rigidly not attached to the specific features of the said training, and it can be used in a wider context.

In the selection and design of questions, the authors relied on general theoretical ideas about tolerance and on the existing in Western social psychology Experience measurement of this characteristic. All issues of the methodology are aimed at identifying various installations, so this questionnaire, as well as the overwhelming majority of other questionnaires, measures, first of all, the tolerance of the verbal behavior of people.

The questionnaire includes statements aimed at identifying different types of tolerance: tolerance to representatives of other nations, people from other places, representatives of other cultures; tolerances to other views, including the views and opinions of the minority; tolerance to deviations from generally accepted norms, rules and stereotypes; Tolerance to the complexity and uncertainty of the surrounding world.

Although the questionnaire was initially applied for adolescents, in matters included in its composition, there are almost no age-related specificity, and therefore, with a minor modification, this technique is applicable to the study of representatives of different age-related categories. When studying the effectiveness of the effects of training tolerance, the technique is carried out twice - before and after the training.

Form techniques

Instruction: Please express your attitude to next judgment. Before answering, carefully read the question and all the answers to it. Then choose the answer that reflects your personal opinion.

You need to put any icon opposite the answer option that you have chosen. In matters Nos. 1, 18, 21, 31, 36, 40, you need to circuit in the figure that your chosen response option. We ask you not to miss a single question.



i do not agree


i do not agree

Hard to say,

i agree or not


i agree


i agree

When I see untidy, sloppy people: (choose something one)

it does not care - 1

True Something Average - 2 ______________________

they cause me hostility and disgust - 3

Good work is such a job, where it is always clear what to do

There are nations and peoples to which it is difficult to treat well

It is wonderful that young people can spend today to protest against what she does not like, and do in one

It is difficult for me to imagine that my friend will be the person of another faith

Personal freedom in behavior is more important than good manners

I am annoyed by writers who use other people's and unfamiliar words

Man should be assessed only by his moral and business qualities, and not by his nationality

I don't like girls who neglect the rules of morality adopted in society

People who live in accordance with the established procedure, deprive themselves in the life of many joys

Only one religion can be true

A man who has committed a crime cannot seriously change for the better

When the teacher cannot clearly determine what he wants to say it annoys

The fact that Russia is a multinational country enriches its culture

(We ask for this question to answer only young men) For your girl, I would prefer expressed femininity

(We ask for this question to answer only girls) For my boyfriend, I would prefer pronounced masculinity

The sooner we get rid of the traditional family structure, where the father or mother commands, and the children are bound to obey, the better

A person with a different point of view usually causes me: (choose something one)

interest and the desire to understand his judgments - 1

desire to convince him - 2

irritation - 3.

Judging by what happens in the country, we need to use "strong funds" to get rid of criminals and bribes

I like people who doubt everyone

How, in your opinion, a husband (wife) is better to choose among people of their nationality, or nationality should not be given importance?

it is better to choose among their people nationality - 1______________________

nationality should not be given importance - 2

i find it difficult to answer - 3

It is always easier to trust authoritative people (specialists, respected citizens or religious leaders) than to listen to all sorts of toltunov who cause a divide in the minds of people

Our country needs more tolerant people - people who are ready to make concessions in society for the sake of peace and consent

I installed (a) for yourself clear life rules and believe that others should do the same

I would like to live in someone else's country

Another culture man usually scares or alarming others

There is nothing terrible in sexual relationship before marriage

Respect for the eldest - one of crucial valueswho need to teach children

Strong personality does not show his feelings

It is very important to protect the rights of those in the minority and has no dislikes on other views and behavior

I am very annoying the kind of unobed room
true Something Medium - 2

no - 3.

I never judge people until I am confident in facts

People with other skin color (another race) can be normal peoplebut as a friend I would prefer not to take them

There is nothing immoral or pathological in the sexual relationship between people of the same sex

The fact that people in our country adhere to different and even sometimes opposing views - benefit for Russia

By making decisions, I consider it necessary to reckon with generally accepted behaviors ("what is good and what is bad")
when as - 2

no - 3.

Some people are too complicated so that they can be understood

There is no such interethnic conflict, which could not be resolved through negotiations and mutual concessions

It would be better for everyone if the authorities have introduced censorship on television to protect public morality

If I saw (a) that familiar children fight (choose something one):

i would provide themselves to find out your relationship - 1

i do not know what I would have taken - 2

would try to figure out their quarrel - 3

I love to communicate with people who have everything clearly and definitely

Most crimes in our city are committed

I do not see anything reprehensible in the fact that girls attend beer bars

Many problems will be solved if we get rid of mentally ill people

Fighting difficult task often more exciting than to solve a simple

Many of our rules regarding modesty and sexual behavior are just conventions, and it is not worth treating them too seriously.

Often a person is not to blame for his misconduct, since his actions were determined by external circumstances

Make concessions - it means to show weakness

Processing results

The resulting score on the items for which five options are provided are calculated as follows.

Direct Area (№ 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 17, 20, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 35, 38, 43, 45, 45, 37, 38, 43, 45, 45, 47):

Inverse questions (№ 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29,

33, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 48):

Questions with three replies options (№ 1, 18, 21, 31, 36, 40):

Paragraph number














































Questions No. 1, 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, 25, 20, 21, 34, 24, 25, 27, 29, 34, 35, 37 were particularly sensitive to the effects of tolerance training. If necessary, measure the aspects of tolerance, to the greatest degree of influence, can be limited to only these issues.

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Age ......., Paul ......., Group .......

Express Questionnaire "Tolerance Index"

(Mr.Soldatova, O.A. Kravtsov, O.E. Khukhlaev, L.A. Shaigerova)

To diagnose the overall level of tolerance by a group of psychologists of the Gratis Center, an express questionnaire "Tolerance Index" was developed. In its foundation, domestic and foreign experience in this area (Soldatov, Kravtsova, Khukhlayev, Shaygerova, 2002). The stimulus of the questionnaire was approved, reflecting both the overall attitude towards the world and other people and social attitudes in various areas of interaction, where the tolerance and the human intolerance are manifested. The methodology includes allegations that reveal the attitude to some social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, poor), communicative installations (respect for opponents, readiness for constructive solving conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention is paid to ethnic tolerance-inletness (attitude towards people of another race and ethnic group, to its own ethnic group, assessment of the cultural distance). Three subishkli questionnaires are aimed at the diagnosis of such aspects of tolerance as ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, tolerance as a person's trait.


Absolutely do not agree

I do not agree

Rather, I do not agree

Rather agree

I agree

I completely agree

In the media, any opinion may be presented

In mixed marriages, usually more problems than in marriages between people of one nationality

If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him

Caucasians will be better to treat if they change their behavior

In the dispute can be correct only one point of view.

The beggars and tramps are to blame for their problems

With untidy people unpleasantly communicated

Even if I have my opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view

All mentally ill people need to be isolate from society

I am ready to take a person of any nationality as a member of his family

Refugees need to help no more than everyone else, since local problems are not less

If someone comes with me rudely, I answer the same

I want people of different nationalities among my friends

For the guidance of order in the country you need a "strong hand"

Visiting should have the same rights as local residents

A man who thinks not as I cause me irritation

Some nations and nations are hard to treat well

Mess annoy me very

Any religious flows have the right to exist.

I can imagine a black man with his loved one

I would like to become a more tolerant person in relation to the other

Processing results

For quantitative analysis, the overall result is calculated, without dividing on the subishkla.

Each response to direct statement is assigned a score from 1 to 6 ("absolutely disagree" - 1 point, "fully agree" - 6 points). Reversing points are assigned responses ("absolutely disagree" - 6 points, "fully agree" - 1 point). Then the scores are summed up.

Direct statements numbers: 1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22.

Rooms of reverse statements: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.

An individual or group assessment of the revealed level of tolerance is carried out in the following steps:

22-60 - Low level of tolerance. Such results indicate high human intolerance and its expressed intolerant attitudes in relation to the world and people.

61-99 - Middle level. Such results show respondents for whom the combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits is characterized. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they can be intense.

100-132 - high level of tolerance. Representatives of this group have pronounced features of the tolerant personality. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the results approaching the upper boundary (more than 115 points) may indicate the blurring of the "borders of tolerance", associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, connivance trends, condescension or indifference. It is also important to take into account that respondents who have fallen into this range can demonstrate a high degree of social desirability (especially if they have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe views of the researcher and research purposes).

For qualitative analysis aspects of tolerance, you can use the division into the subishkla:

1. Ethnic tolerance: 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21.

2. Social tolerance: 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20.

3. Tolerance as a trait of personality: 3, 5, 9, 13, 17, 19, 22.

The Subishkal "Ethnic Tolerance" reveals the attitude of a person to representatives of other ethnic groups and installations in the field of intercultural interaction. The subishkal "Social tolerance" allows you to explore tolerant and intolerant manifestations in relation to various social groups (minorities, criminals, mentally ill people), as well as to study personality installations in relation to some social processes. Subshkal "Tolerance as a person's trait" includes items that diagnose personal features, installations and beliefs that largely determine the attitude of a person to the world around.

In 2001 - 2002 In order to validize and standardize the questionnaire, a study was conducted in 16 cities of the Russian Federation (434 people surveyed). The task of the study was the diagnosis of changes in the level of tolerance after the implementation of targeted psychological impact - training tolerance. It was this task that was solved within the framework of the joint project of the Russian Red Cross and the Scientific and Practical Center "Gratis" "Tolerance as a way of mutual adaptation of forced migrants and the local population." The survey was carried out by the psychologists of regional receptions RSC. Express Questionnaire was filled with high school students who participate in the trainings twice: before the start of classes and after their completion.

In 2002, students of various faculties of the Dagestan State University and the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University were surveyed. M.V. Lomonosov, as well as practical psychologists in Moscow engaged in problems of tolerance and intercultural interaction. The fifth of the student surveyed from DGU was the training of tolerance, and his participants filled out the questionnaire before and after the training. The results of the listed studies are partially represented in Table 1.

Table 1. Medium values \u200b\u200bof the tolerance index in various groups

Students DSU.

Students DGU (after training)

Students of psychol. Factor MSU

Practical psychologists of Moscow


Number of respondents


Diagnosis of the real structure of valuable orientations of the individual (S.S.Bubnova)

Purpose. The technique is aimed at studying the implementation value orientations Personality in real conditions of vital activity.

Instruction. This questionnaire is aimed at studying your personality and your relationship. Answer whenever possible, for a long time without thinking about every question. Remember that there are no bad or good answers, there is only your own opinion. You need to answer "yes" or "no." In the answer form it is, respectively, "+" or "-.", That need to be staped next to the issue number.


Do you want to lie on the sofa and do nothing?

Do you want to make money yourself and get pleasure from it?

Does you often visit the thought that I want to go to the theater or to the exhibition?

Do you often help close in housework?

Do you think love is a defining feeling in life?

Do you want to become a boss (by the head of some company)?

Do you want to respect you friends for your personal qualities?

Do you want to take part in any public events (rallies, strikes) in favor of the population bed close to you?

Do you think that without communication with friends your life will be dim and blasphemy?

Do you think that there would be health, and everything else will apply?

Do you often want to relax (listen to light music, for example)?

Are you crap your profession mainly because she can bring you a lot of material wealth?

Do you think that in life it is important to be able to play on musical instruments, draw, etc.

If someone from your friends get sick, will you choose the time to visit it?

Your marriage is concluded (will be concluded) for love?

Want you to become any organizer at school?

If you committed a non-deagonent act in relation to friends, colleagues, will you worry about this?

Do you think that by public actions (rallies, meetings) can be changed in public life?

Can you calmly do without a frequent communication with your friends?

Do you think that you need to strengthen your health in any way (swim, run, play tennis, etc.)?

The main thing for you is your mood in this momentAnd what will happen then - is not so important?

Do you think that the main thing is to buy a house (apartment), the car and other material benefits?

Do you like to walk through the forest, park?

What do you think it is necessary to help material those who ask for alms?

Love is a feeling that is born and dying?

Would you like to become a scientist or researcher?

Power is honorable and significantly or from her more hassle and all sorts of trouble?

Would you like to have more friends?

Did you think about the reorganization of any public organization (Club, consulting point, institute)?

Would you like to give a lot of free time to communicate?

Do you often think about your health?

Do you think it is very important to be able to delve pleasure?

If you first start first, would you choose even more highly paid job?

Would you like to do a photo?

Do you think that you need to help the fallen person?

A sense of love for you is the first-Russian life or not?

Do you often ask yourself a question: "Why exactly?"

Would you like to "do" politics?

Are public phenomena for you to discuss at home, study or at work?

If you spend three days on an uninhabited island, will you die from loneliness?

Did you ski to strengthen your health?

Do you often dream of a long time, lying with your eyes closed?

The main thing in life is to make money and create your own business?

Do you often buy pictures and other artistic products or would you like to buy them?

If someone from loved ones is sick for a long time, will you fulfill him to fulfill his duties on the housework humbly and badly?

Do you like young children?

Would you like to create some kind of "theory" (relativity, table, etc.)?

Would you like to look like any famous man (actor, politics, businessman)?

Is it important for you to respect the colleagues for professional knowledge?

Would you like to do something yourself in politics?

Are you a resolute person?

Do you go to the sauna, swimming pool, bath, do aerobics for maintaining a good physical condition?

Normal rest is extremely important?

In life it is very important to accumulate material tools and transfer them to children?

Would you ever wanted to draw a picture yourself or compose music?

When small child Crying is the "Creek Creek"?

It is more important for you to love yourself than to be loved?

"In everything I want to reach the very essence," is it about you?

Would you like your children to become famous people?

Would you like the colleagues to contact you for help in a personal plan, how to person?

In public life, let everything be left as it is?

Communication is only an empty time of time?

Health is not the most important thing in life?

Rooms Questions

Processing and interpretation of results

The degree of severity of each of the polystruidative value orientation of the individual was determined using the key presented in the repliesample. Accordingly, the number of positive answers is calculated in all eleven columns, and the result is written in the column "?". According to the results of the processing of individual data, a graphic profile is built, reflecting the severity of each value. For this vertical, the quantitative severity of values \u200b\u200bis recorded (on the 6-point system), and horizontally types of values.

Let us list these values \u200b\u200bin a generalized form:

1. Pleasant pastime, rest.

2. High material well-being.

3. Search and enjoy wonderful.

4. Help and mercy to other people.

5. Love.

6. Cognition of new in the world, nature, man.

7. High Social Status and Managing People.

8. Recognition and respect for people and influence on others.

9. Social activity to achieve positive changes in society.

10. Communication.

11. Health.

Diagnostics of the interactive identity

(N. E. Shchurkov in the modification of N. P. Fetiskin)

Instruction. You will be offered a questionnaire with ready-made responses indicated by the letters "A", "B" and "C". You should choose not the answer that is considered desirable or correct, but one that mostly matches your opinion and is most valuable for you.

Answer whenever possible, since the first reaction is important, and not the result of long thinking. In the answer form, first write down the number of the question, and next to it is your answer in an alleviate form.


1. On the way there is a person. You need to go through. What you are doing?

a) Go around without disturbing.

c) otodvinu and pass.

s) depends on what will be the mood.

2. You notice among the guests an unbroken girl, lonely sitting aside. What you are doing?

a) anything, what is my business?

c) I do not know how circumstances are being taken.

c) Sideways, I will certainly conspire.

3. You are late to school (to work). See that someone has become bad. What you are doing?

a) Hurry up to school (to work).

c) if they ask for help, I will not refuse.

c) I call 03 by phone, stop passersby.

4. Both friends move to a new apartment. They are old. What you are doing?

a) I will offer my help.

b) I do not interfere in someone else's life.

c) if they ask, I, of course, help.

5.Nedaleco from home sold strawberries. You buy the remaining kilogram. Behind you hear a voice that regretted that there was not enough strawberries for granddaughter. How to react to voice?

a) I regret, of course.

c) turn around, I propose to give up ..

c) I do not know, see what this grandmother looks like.

6. We know that one of your friends is unfairly punished. What you are doing?

a) I am very angry, scolding the offender with strong words,

c) nothing, life is generally unjust,

c) I come for offended.

7.This duty. Plated by Paul, find money. What you are doing?

a) they are mine, since I found them,

c) I'll ask tomorrow, who has lost,

c) Maybe I will take yourself.

8.Speake the exam. What are you counting on?

a) on the crib, of course, or for the luck.

c) for the fatigue of the examiner - will miss,

c) on yourself, his knowledge.

9.Vam to choose a profession. How will you do it?

a) I will find something near the house.

c) look high paying work,

c) choose creative work.

10. You are offered three types of travel. What do you choose?

a) unknown beauty of our country,

c) exotic countries

c) rich countries.

11. The group decided to clean the room. You see that all the instruments of labor are dismantled. What you are doing?

a) I swallow a little, then it will be visible.

c) I'm leaving home, of course.

c) Join someone.

12. The wizard suggests to arrange your life provided, without having to work. What are you responsible?

a) I agree with gratitude.

c) First I find out how many such cases were.

c) I refuse decisively.

13.VAS asked to do one thing. You do not want. What happens next?

a) I forget about him, I remember if they say.

c) I do it, of course.

c) I am looking for reason to give a refusal.

14. Focused on an amazing venice. Someone tell me?

a) yes, certainly - all friends and acquaintances,

c) I do not know, I will say if the case becomes

c) No, let everyone live, as he wants.

15. The band decides who to charge work. You like this work. What you are doing?

a) I ask for me.

c) Waiting for someone calls my candidacy.

c) I do nothing, let it be, as it will be.

16.The money to go to the cottage to a friend. You call you, ask to postpone plans for the sake of business. What do you say?

a) I'm going to the country, as agreed.

c) I do not eat, of course.

c) I will ask a friend what will say.

17. You decided to make a dog. What will arrange you?

a) homeless puppy.

c) adult dog with a famous temper.

c) a rare rock puppy with a pedigree.

18. The clock stalks point to the end of classes. The teacher asks for five minutes. Your reaction?

a) I remind you about the right to rest,

c) I agree,

c) like everything and me.

19. They talk to an offensive tone. How do you react?

a) I answer the same.

b) I do not notice, it does not matter.

c) tearing a connection.

20. You play a violin well, but parents ask to play for guests, praising you. What you are doing?

c) Of course, I do not play.

c) It's nice that prases, but I wish.

21. I thought to take guests. What are concerned?

a) treats, of course

c) communication program

c) nothing is my friends.

22. School closed on quarantine. How do you react?

a) like everyone, walk, enjoy freedom.

c) I create a program of independent activities.

c) I live in anticipation of new messages.

a) I give - life is more expensive,

c) I will try to escape from them.

c) I do not give gifts.

24. If you praise your friend. What do you feel?

a) I'm uncomfortable, slightly envy.

c) Glad, my advantages do not decrease from this.

c) I do not concern me, I do not feel anything.

25.Artget New Year. What do you think?

a) about gifts, of course, about the Christmas tree,

c) about the New Year holidays,

c) about the new stage of his life.

26. What is the role of music in your life?

a) need for dancing,

c) is a background of life,

c) Hills the soul.

27. There is a long time from the house. How do you feel away from home?

a) dreams of native places.

c) better than at home.

c) I do not know, I did not leave for a long time.

28. Is your mood during information TV shows?

a) no if my things go well,

c) yes, and constantly,

c) did not notice.

29.Replies a charity collection of books. Are you participating?

a) I take interesting books, I offer.

c) I have no books, unnecessary to me.

c) If I see that everyone will pass, I will also bring.

30. Can you call 5 expensive places on Earth, 5 interesting socio-historical
events, 5 Dear names of outstanding people?

a) Certainly, I can.

c) No, there is so much interesting in the world.

c) I do not know, I did not count.

31. Site a message about a person's feat. What do you think?

a) This man had its own benefit.

c) lucky to become famous.

c) I am deeply satisfied, I never cease to be surprised.

Personal orientation (selfish interests)

Orientation for interaction and cooperation

Marginal orientation

Purpose. Study of the vector of interactive orientation and personal socialization in modern schoolchildren.

Answers coinciding with the key are estimated at 1 point, and the inconsistent - 0 points. Accordingly, the total number of points for each of the three scales is calculated. On the dominance of a personal identity can be judged by the largest number of points in one of three scales. The level of formation level of each type of orientation can be said based on the following indicators:

24 points and higher - high level;

14-23 points - medium level;

13 points and less - low.

Orientation on personal (egoistic) interests are associated with the predominance of the motives of their own well-being. In collaboration with other people, the goals of satisfaction of personal needs and claims are prosecuted. The interests and values \u200b\u200bof other people, groups are most often ignored or considered solely in a practical context, which necessitates conflict and difficulties in interpersonal adaptation.

An interaction orientation, cooperation with other people is due to the needs for maintaining constructive relations with members of a small group, empathy and interest in joint activities. As a rule, a high level of this scale corresponds to optimal socialization and adaptation.

Marginal orientation is expressed in the inclination to obey the circumstances and impulsiveness of behavior. This group of people is peculiar to the manifestation of infantilism, the uncontrollability of actions, imitation.

Types of ethnic identity

(G.U.Soldatova, S.V. Yerzhova)

This methodical development Allows you to diagnose ethnic self-consciousness and its transformation under inter-ethnic tension conditions. One of the indicators of transformation of ethnic identity is the growth of ethnic intolerance (intolerance). Tolerance / intolerance is the main problem of inter-ethnic relations in the conditions of growth of tensions between nations - was a key psychological variable when designing this questionnaire. The degree of ethnic tolerance of the respondent is estimated on the basis of the following criteria: the level of "negativism" in relation to its own and other ethnic groups, an emotional response threshold for an inhanitical environment, the severity of aggressive and hostile reactions in relation to other groups.

The types of identity with various quality and degree of severity of ethnic tolerance are allocated on the basis of a wide range of scales of ethnocentrism, ranging from "denial" of identity, when negativism and intolerance in relation to its own ethnic group is fixed, and ending with national fanaticism - apotherapy intolerance and the highest degree of negativism in relation to to other ethnic groups.

The questionnaire contains six scales that correspond to the following types of ethnic identity.

1. Ethnonygilism is one of the forms of hypocidentiality, which is a departure from its own ethnic group and the search for sustainable socio-psychological niche not on the ethnic criterion.

2. Ethnic indifference - erosion of ethnic identity, expressed in the uncertainty of ethnicity, irrelevance of ethnicity.

3. Norm (positive ethnic identity) - a combination of a positive attitude to your own people with positive attitude to other peoples. In a polyethnics society, positive ethnic identity has the nature of the norm and is characteristic of the overwhelming majority. It defines such an optimal balance of tolerance towards its own and other ethnic groups, which allows us to consider it, on the one hand, as a condition for the independence and stable existence of the ethnic group, on the other, as a condition for peaceful intercultural interaction in the polyethnics world.

The enhancement of destructivity in inter-ethnic relations is due to the transformation of ethnic self-consciousness by type of hyperidecy, which corresponds to three scales in the questionnaire:

4. EthimoEgoism - this type of identity can be expressed in harmless form at the verbal level as a result of perception through the prism of the construct "My people", but may assume, for example, tensions and irritation in communicating with representatives of other ethnic groups or recognition for their people's right to solve problems for "Alien" account.

5. Ethno beolationism is the conviction in the superiority of its people, the recognition of the need to "purify" national culture, a negative attitude towards inter-ethnic marriage unions, xenophobia.

6. Ethnopanatism - the willingness to go to any action in the name of one way or another of the understood ethnic interests, up to ethnic "cleansing", the refusal to other peoples in the right of use of resources and social privileges, recognition of the priority of ethnic rights of people over human rights, justification of any victims in the struggle For the well-being of your people.

Ethimoeoism, ethno-beedinessism and ethnopanatism are the levels of hyperbolization of ethnic identity, meaning the emergence of discriminatory forms of inter-ethnic relations. In inter-ethnic interaction, hyperity is manifested in various forms Ethnic intolerance: from irritation arising as a reaction to the presence of members of other groups, until the policy of restricting their rights and opportunities, aggressive and violent actions against another group and even genocide (Soldatov, 1998).

As a result of the series expert assessments and flights were selected 30 judgments - indicators interpreting the end of the phrase: "I am a person who ..." indicators reflect the attitude to their own and other ethnic groups in various situations of inter-ethnic interaction.

Form techniques

Instruction: Below are the statements of various people on issues of national relations, national culture. Think how much your coincides with the opinion of these people. Determine your consent or disagreement with these statements.

I am a man who ...

I agree

Rather agree

I agree in something, there is no

Rather, I do not agree

I do not agree

prefers the lifestyle of their people, but with great interest belongs to other peoples

believes that interethnic marriages destroy the people

often feels the superiority of people of another nationality

believes that the rights of nations are always higher than human rights

believes that in everyday communication, nationality does not matter

prefers the lifestyle of only its people

usually does not hide your nationality

believes that true friendship can only be between people of one nationality

often experiencing shame for people of their nationality

believes any means are good to protect the interests of their people

does not give preference to any national culture, including its own

often feels the superiority of his people over others

loves his people, but respects the language and culture of other peoples

considers strictly necessary to maintain the purity of the nation

it is difficult to get along with people of its nationality

believes that interaction with people of other nationalities is often a source of trouble

indicibly refers to its nationality

tested voltage when he hears someone else's speech

ready to deal with a representative of any people, despite national differences

believes that his people have the right to solve their problems at the expense of other peoples

often feels inferiority due to its nationality

considers its people more gifted and developed compared to other peoples

believes that people of other nationalities should be limited in the right of residence at its national territory

annoyed with close communications with people of other nationalities

always finds the opportunity to peacefully agree on an interethnic dispute

considers it necessary to "purify" the culture of its people from the influence of other cultures

does not respect your people

believes that on his land all rights of natural and social resources should belong only to his people

never seriously treated interethnic problems

believes that his people are no better and no worse than other peoples

Processing results

The responses of the subjects are transferred to the scores according to the scale:

"I agree" - 4 points;

"I rather agree" - 3 points;

"I agree in something, something is not" - 2 points;

"I rather agree" - 1 point;

"I do not agree" - 0 points.

Then the number of points for each of the types of ethnic identity is calculated (in brackets indicated by paragraphs that work for this type):

1. Ethnonygilism (items: 3, 9, 15, 21, 27).

2. Ethnic indifference (5, 11, 17, 29, 30).

3. Norm (positive ethnic identity) (1, 7, 13, 19, 25).

4. Ethimoegism (6, 12, 16, 18, 24).

5. Ethno insolationism (2, 8, 20, 22, 26).

6. Ethnopanatism (4, 10, 14, 23, 28).

Depending on the amount of points scored by the subject on a particular scale (a possible range - from 0 to 20 points), it can be judged on the severity of the corresponding type of ethnic identity, and the comparison of the results on all scales allows you to allocate one or more dominant types.


Express Questionnaire "Tolerance Index"

The questionnaire was developed by the psychologists of G. W. Soldatova, O. A. Kravtsova, O. E. Khukh-Laevoy and L. A. Shaigerova in order to diagnose the overall level of tolerance (L.G. king. Cross-cultural and ethnic psychology: Tutorial. - SP: - Peter, 2012). The stimulus of the questionnaire included statements reflecting not only the overall attitude towards the surrounding world and other people, but also social attitudes in various areas of interaction, where there is a tolerance or human intolerance. The text of the questionnaire was approved by the attitudes of the human attitude to various social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, poor), communicative installations (respect for opponents, readiness for constructive solving conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention was paid to ethnic tolerance-intolerance (attitude towards people of another race and ethnic group, to their own ethnic group, assessment of the cultural distance). A questionnaire consists of three subishkl: ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, tolerance as a person's trait.

Express Questionnament Form "Tolerance Index"

No. p / p Statement Absolutely do not agree I do not agree Rather, I do not agree Rather agree I agree I completely agree
In the media, any opinion may be presented
In mixed marriages, usually more problems than in marriages between people of one nationality
If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him
Caucasians will be better to treat if they change their behavior
In the dispute can be correct only one point of view.
The beggars and tramps are to blame for their problems
Normally assume that your people are better than everyone else
With untidy people unpleasantly communicated
Even if I have my opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view
All mentally ill people need to be isolate from society
I am ready to take a person of any nationality as a member of his family
Refugees need to help no more than everyone else, since local problems are not less
If someone comes with me rudely, I answer the same
I want people of different nationalities among my friends
To guide the order in the country you need a "strong hand"
Visiting should have the same rights as local residents
A man who thinks not as I cause me irritation
Some nations and nations are hard to treat well
Mess annoy me very
Any religious flows have the right to exist.
I can imagine a black man with his loved one
I would like to become a more tolerant person in relation to the other

Processing results:For quantitative analysis, the overall result is calculated, without dividing on the subishkla. Each response to direct statement is assigned a score from 1 to 6 ("absolutely I do not agree" -1 score, "I fully agree" - 6 points). Reversing points are assigned responses to reference assertions ("absolutely disagree" - 6 points, "fully agree" - 1 point). Then the scores are summed up.

Key number 1.

Direct statements Rooms of reverse statements
1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19

Individual or group assessment of the detected level of tolerance is carried out in the following steps:

Low tolerance:22 - 60 points. Such results indicate high human intolerance and its expressed intolerant attitudes in relation to the world and people.

Average level:61 - 99 points. Such results show respondents for whom the combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits is characterized. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they can be intense.

High level:100 - 132 points. Representatives of this group have pronounced features of the tolerant personality. However, the authors note that the results approaching the upper boundary (more than 115 points) indicate the blurring of "borders of tolerance", which may be due, for example, with psychological infantilism, connivance trends, condescension or indifference. It is also important to consider also that respondents who have fallen in this range can demonstrate a high degree of social desirability (especially if they have an idea of \u200b\u200bresearch purposes).

A qualitative analysis of tolerance is based on division into the subishkla. The name of the subishkl and the alignment numbers are presented in the key.

Key number 2.

Methods "Types of aggressiveness"

The technique was developed by L.G. Breathing based on Bass-Darka technique (L.G. king. Cross-cultural and ethnic psychology: Tutorial. - SP: - Peter, 2012). Aggressiveness is considered as a manifestation of deadaption and intolerance.

Aggressive behavior - this is specific form A person's actions characterized by a demonstration of superiority in force or the use of force in relation to another person or a group of people who seek to cause damage.

To understand the origin of specific manifestations of aggressive behavior, it is necessary to establish whether an aggressive act inadequate protective reaction Subject, consequence of its affective state or he has a focused meaning. Aggressive behavior is advisable to be considered as opposed to adaptive behavior.

Adaptive behavior - this is the interaction of a person with other people (social environment), characterized by coordination of interests, requirements and expectations of its participants.

Socio-psychological analysis of adaptive behavior implies the study of the conditions for the joint activities of people, the community of their goals and value orientations, the adoption of tolerant attitude towards people.

Form of the questionnaire

Instruction.The proposed questionnaire reveals your usual behavior style in stressful situations and features of fixtures in the social environment. You need to definitely respond to 40 questions: either "yes" or "no". In the response sheet, emphasize your answer in the appropriate column.

2. If someone annoys me, I can tell him everything I think about him.

3. If I need to resort to physical strength to protect my rights, I, without thinking, will do it.

4. When I meet a unpleasant person to me, I can afford imperceptibly pinch or push it.

5. Fasciating the dispute with another person, I can knock on a fist on the table to attract attention or prove my right point.

6. I constantly feel that others do not respect my rights.

7. Remembering the past, sometimes I feel offended for myself.

8. Although I do not seek, sometimes the envy eats me.

9. If I do not approve the behavior of my acquaintances, then I am directly telling them about it.

10. In a large anger, I use strong expressions (sprieving).

11. If someone lifters your hand on me, I will try to hit it first.

12. I am so tremended that I throw things.

13. I often have the need to rearrange the furniture in the apartment or completely change it.

14. In communicating with people, I often feel like a "powder barrel", in constant readiness to explode.

15. Sometimes I have a desire for evil to swear over another person.

16. When I am angry, then usually gloomy.

17. In a conversation with a person, I try to listen to him carefully without interrupting.

18. In my youth, I often "scratching fists" and I was always ready to put them in turn.

19. If I know that a person intentionally pushed me, then the case can reach hand-to-hand.

20. Creative mess on my desktop allows me to work effectively.

21. I remember that I was so angry that everything was enough for her hand, and broke.

22. Sometimes people annoy me only one presence.

23. I often wonder what hidden reasons Forcing another person to do something good for me.

24. If you have a grudge, then I disappear to talk to anyone.

25. Sometimes I intentionally tell bad things about a person who I do not like.

26. When I get up, I speak the most angry curse.

27. As a child, I avoided Drak.

28. I know for what reason and when you can hit someone.

29. When I rip out, I can clap the door.

30. It seems to me that the surrounding people do not like me.

31. I am constantly with my feelings and experiences with other people.

32. Very often in your own words and actions, I myself bring harm.

33. When people yell on me, I answer the same.

34. If someone hit me first, I'll hit him in response.

35. I am annoyed when things and items lie not in place.

36. If I cannot fix a broken thing and breaking the thing, then I break in anger and Rvi finally.

37. Other people always seem to be more prosperous.

38. When I think about a very unpleasant person, I can come to excite from the desire to cause it evil.

39. Sometimes it seems to me that the fate played with me a cruel joke.

40. If anyone draws me wrong, I am very upset about this.

Processing results.At first, according to the key, the amounts of points for each of the scales are calculated. Total questionnaire contains five diagnostic scales of aggressiveness.

1. Verbal aggression (VA): a person verbally, words, expresses its aggressive attitude to another, uses verbal insults.

2. Physical aggression (FA): the person is inclined to physically express his aggression towards another and can apply gross physical strength.

3. Subject aggression (PA): A person breaks his aggression on the surrounding items.

4. Emotional aggression (EA): A person has an emotional alienation, a sense of suspicion, hostility, hostility, and illness towards him when communicating with another.

5. Self-evidence (SA): A person is not in himself in peace, harmony, it does not have or weakened the mechanisms of protection "I", it turns out to be defective in relation to the aggressive environment.


1. 17. 3. 19. 5. 21. 6. 23. 7.
Yes Not Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not Yes
2. 25. 4. 27. 12. 29. 14. 30. 8.
Yes Yes Yes Not Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
9. 26. 11. 28. 13. 35. 15. 37. 16.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
10. 33. 18. 34. 20. 36. 22. 38. 24.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Not Yes Yes Yes Yes

The amount of points greater than five means that a person has a high degree of aggression on this type of behavior and a low degree of adaptive behavior. If the amount is 3 or 4 points, we can talk about the average degree of aggression and adaptation. The amount of points from 0 to 2 indicates a low severity of aggressive behavior and a high degree of adaptation, adaptability of this type of behavior.

Form techniques


Absolutely do not agree

I do not agree

Rather, I do not agree

Rather agree

I agree

I completely agree





Grand total:

Processing results

For quantitative

For quality

  1. Ethnic tolerance

Up to 19 points - low level

20 - 31 - Middle Level

II. Social tolerance

23 - 36 - Middle Level

Up to 19 points - low level

20 - 31 - Middle Level

32 or more points - high level


Express Questionnaire "Tolerance Index"

To diagnose the general level of tolerance, you can use the express questionnaire "Tolerance Index". It was the basis of domestic and foreign experience in this field (Soldatov, Kravtsova, Khukhlayev, Shaygerov). The stimulus of the questionnaire was approved, reflecting both the overall attitude towards the world and other people and social attitudes in various areas of interaction, where the tolerance and the human intolerance are manifested. The methodology includes allegations that reveal the attitude to some social groups (minorities, mentally ill people, poor), communicative installations (respect for opponents, readiness for constructive solving conflicts and productive cooperation). Special attention is paid to ethnic tolerance-inletness (attitude towards people of another race and ethnic group, to its own ethnic group, assessment of the cultural distance). Three subishkli questionnaires are aimed at the diagnosis of such aspects of tolerance as ethnic tolerance, social tolerance, tolerance as a person's trait.

Form techniques


Absolutely do not agree

I do not agree

Rather, I do not agree

Rather agree

I agree

I completely agree

In mixed marriages, usually more problems than in marriages between people of one nationality

Caucasians will be better to treat if they change their behavior

I am ready to take a person of any nationality as a member of his family

I want people of different nationalities among my friends

Some nations and nations are hard to treat well

I can imagine a black man with his loved one


In the media, any opinion may be presented

The beggars and tramps are to blame for their problems

With untidy people unpleasantly communicated

All mentally ill people need to be isolate from society

Refugees need to help no more than everyone else, since local problems are not less

For the guidance of order in the country you need a "strong hand"

Visiting should have the same rights as local residents

Any religious flows have the right to exist.



If a friend betrayed, you need to take revenge on him

In the dispute can be correct only one point of view.

Even if I have my opinion, I am ready to listen to other points of view

If someone comes with me rudely, I answer the same

A man who thinks not as I cause me irritation

Mess annoy me very

I would like to become a more tolerant person in relation to the other


Grand total:

Processing results

For quantitative Analysis is calculated by a common result, without dividing on the subshkla.

An individual or group assessment of the revealed level of tolerance is carried out in the following steps:

22-60 - Low level of tolerance. Such results indicate high human intolerance and its expressed intolerant attitudes in relation to the world and people.

61-99 - Middle level. Such results show respondents for whom the combination of both tolerant and intolerant traits is characterized. In some social situations, they behave tolerantly, in others they can be intense.

100-132 - high level of tolerance. Representatives of this group have pronounced features of the tolerant personality. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the results approaching the upper boundary (more than 115 points) may indicate the blurring of the "borders of tolerance", associated, for example, with psychological infantilism, connivance trends, condescension or indifference. It is also important to take into account that respondents who have fallen into this range can demonstrate a high degree of social desirability (especially if they have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe views of the researcher and research purposes).

For quality analysis of the aspects of tolerance can use the division into the subishkla:

  1. Ethnic tolerance

Subshkal "Ethnic Tolerance" reveals the attitude of a person to representatives of other ethnic groups and installations in the field of intercultural interaction

Up to 19 points - low level

20 - 31 - Middle Level

32 or more points - high level

II. Social tolerance

Subshkal "Social tolerance" allows you to explore tolerant and intolerant manifestations in relation to various social groups (minorities, criminals, mentally ill people), as well as to study personality installations in relation to some social processes

Up to 22 points - low level

23 - 36 - Middle Level

37 or more points - high level

III. Tolerance like a person

Subshkal "Tolerance as a person's trait" includes items that diagnose personal features, installations and beliefs that largely determine the attitude of a person to the world around.

Up to 19 points - low level

20 - 31 - Middle Level

32 or more points - high level