Methods for relieving nervous tension briefly. How to relieve stress and nervous tension: expert advice

Nervous tension often "accumulates" in the lower part of the face. When we experience severe stress, all muscles contract, and the muscles of the jaw - especially, because our emotions are reflected on the face. The massage will help you relax. Place 4 fingers of each hand on the lower jaw and make small circular movements clockwise for 2-3 minutes. Move from the center to the ears. Want to enhance the effect? Massage the temples and the area above the eyebrows.

Chew gum

Scientists have found out - it perfectly calms the nerves. It turns out that during chewing, the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases. Studies have shown that people who chew gum during stressful situations are more effective at coping with adversity. And the level of anxiety in them decreases by an average of 15%.

Think about ... bad

If you are an anxious person and tend to panic even over bullshit, try Dale Carnegie.

Calmly analyze the situation by imagining the worst-case scenario that could happen.

Prepare yourself mentally to accept this option. For example, if you are afraid of being fired from your job, imagine that this has already happened. You will understand that life does not end. When you come to terms with a bad script, you immediately relax.

Freeing yourself from your panic, calmly think about how to change the situation. When the fear goes away, a tremendous amount of energy is released that can be channeled into a positive direction.

Change your attitude towards offenders

In Japan, there is a tradition of throwing darts at portraits of bosses. The bosses are not offended - it is better to be thrown at the photograph than at themselves. Subordinates should let off steam! If the boss makes you nervous, you can do the same (but better not in the office - our bosses are not as tolerant as the Japanese). Or imagine a leader in the form of ... a child. You can even mentally dress him in baby clothes. Your anger will immediately evaporate - how can you be offended by a child? He doesn't know what he is doing.

Program yourself for success

There are many ways to do this, and visualization is one of the most effective. Try to catch the moment between sleep and wakefulness - a state of drowsiness. Imagine yourself as a superhero who does not care about any difficulties. Imagine how you easily get around all the obstacles and troubles. The picture should be as bright as possible. To consolidate the result, repeat to yourself: “Everything works for me”, “I am safe” ... Phrases can be anything - depending on what worries you: anger, fear, self-doubt. But they must be composed in the present tense and without the "not" particle.

Pamper yourself with pleasures

Make it a rule to do something pleasant for yourself: a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning, a walk in the forest, a new blouse ... This will cheer you up. Pleasures should be every day and at least three.

Listen to the music

Either funny or good old classics. Classical music normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, restores the nervous system. It is known that music Vivaldi helps to concentrate, Beethoven- cope with depression, Mozart- to activate the work of the brain. This is because the classics affect special parts of the brain, which cannot always be "obtained" even with drugs.

Create an information vacuum

If there is an opportunity to go out of town for a weekend, this is a great option. A change of scenery will help you switch: just you and nature, without external stimuli. But if this is not possible, you can still escape from the hustle and bustle. To do this, it is enough to turn off the weekend phones, computers and televisions. Stress is fueled by information overload, so the brain needs to be in a vacuum for a while. And, even if the respite is only a day or two, you will still feel relief.

Physical and psychological overwork of the body can lead to irreversible consequences and the development of psychosomatic diseases. Chronic stress, conflict situations, an overly active lifestyle, intense stress and much more can lead to interruptions in the work of organs and systems.

Timely identification of such a dangerous condition and the ability to relieve stress in the body on your own, at home, is of fundamental importance. Psychoemotional and physical unloading is needed by the body to ensure normal life. But positive emotions should prevail over negative ones, otherwise oxidative stress (damage to the cell as a result of oxidation) develops, which can lead to the development of serious diseases, including oncological processes.

How does tension appear in the body?

At the moments when everything falls out of hand, a certain detachment from reality appears and an irresistible desire arises to go on vacation, it is worth thinking about the state of your nervous system.

The basis of well-being and the accumulation of vitality is provided by proper nutrition and healthy sleep. In the process of physical rest, a person stops thinking about pressing problems, is distracted from stress and worries. A deep and high-quality sleep requires a minimum of 8 hours. Only in this case, the body manages to partially or completely restore the strength spent during the day. Regular deficiency leads to disability, difficulty making decisions, and other side effects of the nervous system.

To ensure normal life, it is important for a person to eat right. A balanced and rational diet is required, food intake at least 4-5 times a day in small portions. With this tactic, the necessary intake of important trace elements, vitamins and other useful substances that are involved in metabolic processes is observed. In the absence of proper nutrition, the body experiences stress, resulting in: hormonal imbalance, water and electrolyte imbalance, muscle tone decreases, mental functions slow down, nerve impulses are inhibited, stress resistance and performance are weakened, sleep and the production of the required endogenous substances are disturbed.

Almost all life situations, with which a person has to face daily, lead to the development of overvoltage. But among them, the main ones are distinguished:

  • chronic stress - the presence of a stressor, which can be a specific situation or a person, leading to emotional imbalance;
  • negative thinking and pessimistic attitude;
  • weakened nervous system - people of certain temperaments are prone to anxiety, psychogenic diseases, neuroses, they are vulnerable and sensitive;
  • living in big cities - the presence of constant noise, chaotic movement, a high pace of life and the need to move in the rhythm of the crowd much faster leads to the accumulation of negative emotions;
  • the need to process a large amount of information - active physical or emotional work, daily high responsibility, a constant stream of news from the media, and much more can disorient in space and lead to emotional burnout.

Among the reasons for the development of internal stress, psychosomatic manifestations occupy a key position, for example, VSD (vegetative vascular dystonia) or cardioneurosis, in which the condition is aggravated due to anxiety that grows due to psychogenic and physiological disorders in the body.

Ways and methods of dealing with stress

To quickly relieve tension in the body, there are several affordable and simple methods that can be repeated daily.

First of all, a person needs to take off their shoes more often. Walking barefoot, walking on grass or carpeting stimulates blood circulation in the feet, as a result of which blood flow through the veins increases, the nervous system is strengthened. Large corporations in Japan have emotional relief rooms where people, in their free time from work, can walk barefoot on the grass and listen to the sounds of nature. This increases their efficiency and effectiveness.

From time to time it is necessary to stop and be aware of the perfect deeds and thoughts. The entire flow of information must be divided into personal and work, especially for those who communicate in professional activity with a lot of people. When teachers or doctors come home, they must draw a clear line between work problems and their own. This will help you get the most out of being close to loved ones and have a quality and productive rest.

It is necessary to take walks every day. Even 30 minutes of slow walking will significantly reduce overstrain, while enriching the blood with oxygen and helping to tune in the desired positive mood. Fresh air regulates the elimination of accumulated toxins, promotes metabolic processes and eliminates emerging failures in the work of organs and systems.

Emotional Relief Room

In order to achieve psycho-emotional balance, it is necessary to go through several stages. With the development of pronounced overwork, it will take some time to restore vitality.

  1. 1. It is required to reconsider outlook on life, to abandon the idealization of actions and deeds, to reduce the presence of their own rules. Create personal space and protect yourself from external problems. Principles and strict adherence to them create an additional burden on the emotional sphere.
  2. 2. It is necessary to master the tactics of "time management". This technique involves managing your own time. After a person has mastered it, he will be able to take his time, not fuss, not pay attention to trifles and clearly distinguish between important matters and minor events.
  3. 3. You should tune in to positive thinking. It helps to form the correct idea of ​​the situations that have arisen and the serious matters ahead. Negative thoughts make the condition worse.
  4. 4. It is important to work on personal resistance to stress and the ability to manage conflicts, various trainings and exercises will help in this.

Psychological techniques

The main role among all psychological methods is played by the correct organization of personal time. A person needs to have a hobby. Someone is helped by regular reading of classical literature, someone - listening to music or watching your favorite films. There are no restrictions. Many people experience the unprecedented pleasure of making crafts with their own hands, which not only helps to relieve stress in the body, but sometimes becomes an additional way of income.

Art therapy helps not only to relieve tension in the body, but also to create works of art. In the process of drawing lines, repetitions, small elements when redrawing from other pictures, a person is distracted from his own problems as much as possible, since he is keen on activities.

In your free time, you can visit the theater, go to an exhibition, or just go shopping in order to purchase new things that will cheer you up. Some people, especially girls, are helped by going to a stylist, during which they acquire a new image and leave all negative thoughts in the past.

In a moment of conflict, stress or when tension builds up, auto-training or counting to oneself will help. You can create training scripts yourself or with the help of an experienced psychotherapist. They must have positive attitude, be focused on the future and to achieve their own plans. With pronounced anger, psychologists recommend counting to 100, at which time aggressive reactions are suppressed.

Physiological methods

In the presence of long-term current stress, the body produces adrenaline, the stress hormone cortisol, the heart rate rises and muscle tone increases. In this state, the body seems to report that it is ready to deal with stress. It is important to understand that his own reserves will be enough for a short time. If the accumulated reserves of trace elements are lost, an irreversible process will begin. Immediately after the onset of nervous tension, a person experiences a rise in strength, which is replaced by a sharp decline, up to complete adynamia, in which there is pronounced weakness and malaise throughout the body.

Exercise will help relieve stress. Attending sports clubs, athletics, yoga, dancing will help reduce stress. People with chronic pathologies who do not have the opportunity to engage in active fitness can devote time to general cleaning in their own home, which is also a type of physical activity. In the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a trip to the swimming pool would be a good alternative.

Water treatments are of particular importance, because during the process you can use auxiliary substances that contribute to relaxation. The effect can be achieved with sea salt, lavender oil, conifers, mint, lemon balm. Water soothes and soothes. All receptors and nerve endings fall under its influence. Despite the fact that movement in the water involves muscle tension, the maximum relaxation occurs immediately after the session.

Aromatherapy, in which you can use special lamps or sticks with pleasant smells, help you immerse yourself in an atmosphere of carefree. This includes the use of body products that are used in the bathing process. Aromatherapy helps you to think about something positive and make plans for the near and delayed future. This method complemented by soothing music, sounds of nature, classics. It is advisable to select works without words, since texts can project onto exciting and once experienced life situations. Nothing should distract from self-knowledge.

Self-massage can be point, stroking, relaxing or intense. The upper and lower limbs, head, neck and back are subject to the greatest stress in the body. Massaging movements should not be sharp, causing unpleasant painful sensations. Daily kneading of feet and hands significantly reduces the risk of overwork.

Breathing exercises

In the process of breathing, a person saturates the body with oxygen, as a result of which vitality increases and all biological functions are renewed. Among the main breathing tactics, the following are distinguished:

  1. 1. Calming geometry. Involves unhurried breathing, in which a slow exhalation occurs after a deep breath. At this point, you need to draw a circle in your imagination. The three acts should be repeated for each geometric shape, including rhombus, triangle, square, oval and others.
  2. 2. Displacement of irritation. It is required to present a strong compression of the chest. Then, with the aim of getting rid of this provision a person needs to take a rhythmic breath, then make a slow exhalation, in which one must try to move the press, which exerts pressure on the body. This way you can get rid of the negativity.
  3. 3. Yawning. To artificially produce yawns, close your eyes, open your mouth wide and inhale deeply. This technique helps to relax the muscles of the face and head, oxygenate the body and relax.

Soothing herbs

You can relieve tension with the help of some plant substances that are included in the sedative collection. The following plants contribute to the relaxation process:

  • mint;
  • calendula;
  • motherwort;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Melissa.

Vitamins, which are rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, will help to increase vitality and strengthen stress resistance.

For the treatment of chronic stress, psychologists recommend taking valerian tablets. You need to drink 2 tablets at night for 2-3 weeks. As a result of the cumulative effect, there is a certain detachment from problems and immersion in one's own consciousness, sleep is restored.

Knowing the techniques of how to relieve stress, you can confidently say that a person has the ability to master a traumatic situation. In fact, this state is a protection given to us by a generous nature back in the days of Adam and Eve. If it were not for her, perhaps, there would be no one to move civilization forward. Homo sapiens simply would not have survived without this peculiar adaptation of the nervous system to the threats of the surrounding world.

What are we feeling at this time

Imagine a primitive man sitting in ambush, waiting for a mammoth, and instead of him he suddenly sees a saber-toothed tiger. Immediately, a huge rush of adrenaline alerts all systems of the body: the legs run faster, the arms throw the spear harder, the eyes become sharper, the lungs breathe deeper, the heart pumps blood more actively. Everything is ready either for a fight or for a run to the nearest cave. If he remained alive, then serious physical activity lowered the level of the hormone, brought the nervous system to its original position.

Now, instead of a saber-toothed tiger, there is a harsh boss, generous for scattering, instead of a mammoth, there is the planet Nibiru flying towards us, only the organism has remained the same. And not everyone succeeds in jogging (or pushing up, or waving a spear) after being harassed by the bosses, or after a parent-teacher meeting. There is nowhere to put adrenaline, there is nothing to reduce its amount, there is nowhere to implement the protection conceived by nature. So there is a fog in the eyes, then a rapid heartbeat, then in the heat, then in the cold it throws.

You will experience this condition several times, and you can look for a personal doctor, because sooner or later health problems will surely begin. Well, let's say that friends will advise a man on how to quickly relieve stress (and even take part for the company), but how to relieve stress for a woman is often a problem. Meanwhile, there are many scientifically grounded, simple and understandable ways to relieve stress and tension, relieve the nervous system.

Combat strategies

Most often, it is not events of state importance or the ruble-to-dollar exchange rate that lead a person to this state, but relations with close and familiar people. Quarrels, clarification of relationships, unpleasant events, resentment - all this fills life with negative experiences, takes away strength.

Unfortunately, many people, instead of sitting down and analyzing the reasons for what happened and the ways of how to cope with stress, begin to repeatedly grind the traumatic situation, losing their last strength.

Power supply of the body

Before you can deal with stress, you need to find the resources that the body will use. Here are some sources of strength that can breathe a second wind:

  • You need to communicate with positive-minded people, this will help strengthen the nervous system, cope with anxiety. It is desirable that they be united by a common idea: playing sports, growing cacti, helping the homeless, mastering the Esperanto language, etc. The overall energy is noticeably energizing, gives the feeling of a strong shoulder.
  • When thinking about how to overcome stress, you should not waste energy on something that cannot be changed in principle. It is impossible to remake your partner in family life, colleagues at work, your relatives, and, therefore, it is not worth spending energy on remaking them. You can leave or change jobs, or you can accept them as they are, direct your efforts to find a compromise.
  • How to deal with stress? It is necessary to find sources of power in the Universe around us: in the water, it does not matter if it is a sea or a river, in a forest or in a park, in your garden. Music, books, paintings, viewing the starry sky, communicating with animals, and doing what you love have the same properties.
  • You need to remember in what situations you managed to prove yourself, how strong man, independently achieve success, solve problems. This will give strength, help to remove the state of anxiety, because a strong person cannot have it.
  • How to avoid stress? Less assuming the various tragic consequences of everyday situations. “What if they fire me?”, “Suddenly the child will contact bad company? ”,“ What if I get an incurable disease? ”, Etc.

    The French writer Alain Bombard said very well about this, describing the victims of shipwrecks: "They were not killed by thirst and hunger, not by the scorching sun and hungry sharks, they were killed ahead of time by the fear that all this could happen to them."

These simple tips will help you become a little stronger in order to understand how to deal with stress, where to look for resources for this.

Means of psychological protection from stressful situations

There is a point of view, expressed by esoteric authorities, that we are responsible for everything that happens in our life, and no one else. In fact, often a person imagines himself as a kind of puppet, which is controlled by anyone, but not himself.

Here are some tips, using which, you can understand how to help yourself with stress, remove unnecessary anxiety, and strengthen the nervous system:

  • Try to react to unpleasant situations with a smile on your face, even if the cats are scratching your soul. We play the game "I'm good" with ourselves. Its only rule is to react to any stressful situation with a smile within 2 (3, 7, 12, 24) hours, no matter where it happens - at work, at home, in a store, on a trolleybus, etc. Try it and you will always win.
  • How to deal with stress? Another game - when irritation rolls over, you need to imagine yourself as the hero of a book, film, or a person from your social circle with a kind and open character. The technique was proposed and tested by the famous Russian psychologist Vladimir Levy. Even Carlson or Buratino is suitable for replacement, you can imagine yourself as a child, happy and serene for a day. It is very effective for getting out of a state of stress, at the same time, the nervous system can be unloaded.
  • How to deal with stress? Change the scale of the problem. To do this, you can imagine yourself climbing up on hot-air balloon... Below it, the whole city is visible, now it has become a point, now the sea has become equal to a puddle, but the stratosphere is approaching, and the whole Earth is in full view. Well, how do you like your problem from this height?
  • Change your point of view on the problem, try to find positive moments in it, although this at first glance seems impossible. For example, when thinking about how to survive stress after a divorce, a woman does not immediately understand that now new opportunities have opened up for her to change her social circle, establish new relationships, devote more time to herself and children, etc. This will help to quickly bounce back, get rid of the state of anxiety. In general, "there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped."
  • How to deal with stress? Play "giveaway" with yourself, bring the situation to the point of absurdity in your imagination. Now, for fun, try to make the saddest grimace you can make in front of the mirror. Soon it will become funny for you to look at your lean physiognomy, and there the "light at the end of the tunnel" will certainly appear.

Do not forget that thought has power, and if you constantly keep in mind the image of a traumatic situation, and the nervous system is not released from the state of anxiety, then new problems will be attracted to such a bait as midges on fire. You should not confirm the proverb with your own experience: "Trouble does not come alone."

Exercises to restore calmness

In order to master the techniques of how to quickly relieve stress, it is enough to perform 1-2 of the most simple exercises of those listed below. These tips were suggested by the French psychotherapist Eric Pigani.

  1. Relax the muscles of the forehead (frowning and lifting the eyebrows), jaw (pressing the tongue on the incisors until the upper and lower teeth part), facial muscles (clenching the lips and smiling).
  2. How to get out of stress? Standing with your hands down, you need to slowly inhale as deeply as possible, clench your fists. Then hold the breath for 5 seconds, and exhale while relaxing the arms. Repeat 8 times. Exercise helps to strengthen the nervous system.
  3. How to beat stress? Let's call on the voice for help, we will stand with our eyes closed and sing the sound "A-a-a-a" as we exhale in the most natural way. Then comes the turn of singing the syllables "ma-me-mi-mo-mu-me-mu" on a single exhale. Repeat 10 times.
  4. This exercise is a great way to get out of anxiety and come to peace of mind. You need to sit comfortably with your back straight, put your hands on your stomach. Then inhale and feel that the stomach is inflated like a balloon when inhaling. Exhale through the mouth, the stomach is drawn in with slight tension. All attention is on breathing, this relaxes the nervous system, and the anxiety goes away along with the exhaled air.
  5. If you are unsure of how to relieve stress, massage your scalp with all 10 fingers, starting from your forehead and working your way to the back of your head. Breathing should be deep. Self-massage takes two minutes, which is enough to strengthen the nervous system during anxiety and stress.
  6. How to calm down after stress? It is necessary to master the Japanese breathing "through a straw", it helps to normalize the heart rate, to cope with anxiety. You need to take a breath, concentrating attention alternately on different parts body and exhale through the mouth, imagining that the exhalation is going through a straw.
  7. A simple technique can help you deal with your anxiety. You need to sit in front of the sink, slightly open the tap, and place your palm under a thin stream of water for 2 minutes. Water should fall into the center of the palm, alarms will flow away with the water.
  8. How to deal with stress if you catch your breath? You need to sit down with your hands on your hips and leaning forward, your hands are freely lowered down. Breathing slowly, with your eyes closed, you need to focus on how the throat closes and opens when breathing. Exercise helps build your confidence before an important challenge.
  9. How to deal with anxiety stress? You need to put your hands on the diaphragm, connecting the middle fingers of both hands, take a slow breath through your nose. The inhalation should be so deep that the fingers move away from each other. Exhaling through the mouth will return the arms to their original position. The oxygen level in the blood rises, which puts the nervous system into a state of relaxation after a minute.
  10. How to get rid of stress on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Lie with your eyes closed and put a small terry towel moistened with hot water and rest your hands on your hips. Do not think about anything other than breathing, hear how you breathe ... Continue until the towel cools down.
  11. How to get out of stress with anxiety? It is necessary to massage the ears, both ears at the same time, squeeze and stretch the lobes, rub them with your palms in a circular motion. Exercise helps to restore and strengthen calmness and cope with anxiety.

It is not at all necessary to perform all the exercises at the same time, one or two are enough, those that work most effectively. Knowing how to beat stress simple tricks how to get rid of stress without medication and the help of a doctor, you can strengthen self-confidence, maintain health!

Reading time: 3 minutes

Nervous tension is a deviation that occurs as a result of all kinds of psycho-emotional overloads. In humans, the nervous system is distinguished by considerable plasticity, it adapts to all kinds of stressors and non-standard conditions, but its resource is still limited. Any intense emotional response triggers a response in the body called stress. When emotions have a positive color, then the individual feels happiness, negative - neuropsychic stress arises. If signs of nervous tension are detected in a timely manner, then the corrective effect will be short-lived, and the individual will quickly return to normal existence, unity with environment and emotional balance.

Symptoms of nervous tension

Often, a whole set of factors leads to nervous tension: constantly present fatigue in daily professional life against the background of development conflict situation in family relationships, it can quickly give rise to neurosis, and an appetite disorder provoked by life disruptions will also cause frailty, malaise.

Thus, the underlying causes of nervous tension are:

- negative impressions and negative emotional reactions that arise constantly and gradually accumulate in the subconscious (such as: resentment, anger, arrogance, envy);

- various subconscious fears and inability to control them gives rise to strong anxiety;

- unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled dreams, unfulfilled desires, psychological barriers - all those components that on the subconscious level does not allow an individual to become himself;

- bad luck in personal relationships, stressful situations, constantly present conflicts and experiences;

- dissatisfaction with the professional environment, the chosen field of activity, a feeling of unfulfillment;

- the inability to throw out constantly accumulating experiences;

- lack of regular rest, physical activity.

The emergence of nervous tension is more strongly predisposed to individuals, whose professional employment is associated with constant confrontations, intense stress, worries and excessive responsibility.

The primary manifestations of nervous tension include:

- stiffness, feeling of awkwardness;

- lack of joy;

- inertia, lack of activity and interest in current events;

- disorder of dreams up to its complete absence;

- increased inadequate emotional response;

- lack of desire to interact with the social environment (isolation).

Increased irritability is manifested by an inadequate response even to events that previously caused pleasure. Also, close people or everyday affairs can provoke an "explosion".

Closure is manifested in detachment from any social contacts. An individual who was previously known as the "soul of the company" and did not miss any gatherings becomes unsociable. He has only one pronounced attraction to loneliness. His only desire is to be forgotten, not to be touched by anyone.

Lack of joy is manifested by the fact that the individual is no longer happy with ordinary trifles. Such a subject does not understand why others are so happy when the sun is shining on the street or the birds are chirping.

Increased irritability, coupled with a lack of joy, leads to severe exhaustion of the body, excessive self-criticism and the setting of new "taboos". At the same time, the more the subject tries to transform his own reaction and attitude, the more his irritability will grow due to unsuccessful attempts.

Aggravation of the emotional background is found in the subject's inadequate response to every little thing. The person becomes touchy and easily vulnerable.

Conventionally, all the symptoms of this disorder can be divided into two categories. The first includes the above so-called external signs. The second category of symptoms is internal manifestations characterized by excessive indifference to the situation, increased anxiety and inhibition of cognitive processes. Exhaustion of the nervous system often gives rise to a depressive state. The stage in question can become quite serious for the individual, therefore, actions should be taken to correct the condition.

Sometimes neuropsychic stress provokes the onset of increased excitability. Then there is an increased feeling of euphoria, increased talkativeness, active but useless activity. Despite the described manifestations, the individual feels good about himself, as a result of which he does not take into account this symptomatology.

In addition to the listed manifestations, somatic signals are also observed, such as:

- hyper-consistency;

- heart palpitations;

- uncontrolled tremors, manifested both in a sensation somewhere inside, and in external expression (twitching of the limbs);

- disruption of the functioning of the digestive system, pronounced discomfort in the epigastrium;

- decreased appetite or, on the contrary, increased gluttony;

- gain bad habits(such as biting lips or nails);

- tearfulness and short tantrums, replaced by absolute indifference to the resulting events.

How to relieve nervous tension

The stress of the nervous system should not be underestimated, because, despite the supposedly harmless symptoms, this disorder often leads to sad consequences. Therefore, having recognized the manifestations of nervous tension, you should immediately begin to take active steps to eliminate the factors that caused the described condition and symptoms.

It is recommended to begin treatment of nervous tension in adults with normalization of sleep. First of all, you should try to fall asleep without the help of pharmacopoeial drugs. It is also necessary to exclude alcohol, daily coffee and the use of energy drinks. Before leaving for the Morpheus Kingdom, it is recommended to avoid watching TV, playing computer games or surfing the net. Light physical activity, such as an evening run or a regular walk, contributes to quick and easy falling asleep.

Relief from nervous tension often involves prescribing sedatives, better than herbal ones. In addition to the above, it is necessary to take seriously the revision of the daily routine and in the future, by all means, follow it. It is also necessary to adjust the composition of the daily diet: to exclude unhealthy foods, replacing them with healthy food, enriched with "life-giving" substances.

Communicative interaction with friends has a positive effect, so it is recommended to turn off the Internet and make an outing with loved ones. This will harmonize the internal state, eliminate stress and nervousness.

In addition, in order to normalize the mental attitude, interpersonal confrontation in the family or in the work environment should be resolved. It is better to discuss any problem than to harbor a grudge against the careless words of relatives or colleagues.

You should also make regular time for exercise. Swimming, massage, morning contrast shower, baths with herbal infusions have a beneficial effect on the emotional background. In addition, there are various techniques to eliminate nervous tension, for example, meditation or yoga.

If from all of the above nothing helped, then pharmacopoeial preparations are prescribed, first of all, vitamins (they increase stress resistance, reduce the risk of myocardial pathologies, vascular ailments and neurological abnormalities, supply the body with useful substances), funds aimed at correcting cerebral circulation (eliminate head algias , improve cellular trophism, thereby increasing efficiency), antidepressants, nootropics (enhance the trophism of brain tissue, have a psychostimulating effect).

How to relieve nervous tension at home

First of all, stress relief is about balancing the emotional mood. In other words, the primary tasks for the individual are to recognize the presence of a problem and to find possible ways liberation from a depressing situation.

So, the treatment of nervous tension, the elimination of tightness and excessive excitability should begin, first of all, with awareness. As mentioned above, you should eliminate the cause that gave rise to such a state, realize the root of the problem, remove the provoking factor and choose the most suitable method that helps to achieve emotional "peace" within yourself in one fell swoop and remove the tightness.

Further "work" consists in eliminating the subconscious. Uncontrollable, causeless fear can shackle all effective efforts to cope with the coming stress. They should be learned to manage and eliminate, in order to subsequently replace a feeling of peace.

In order to avoid, you need to stop accumulating feelings on the subconscious tier. Stiffness of the body and an overabundance of nervous tension often give rise to negative emotions, such as: resentment, anger, rage, envy, arrogance. In order to feel relief and throw off the burden of negativity, it is necessary to speak out all the accumulated emotions. You can, for example, write a letter outlining in it a situation that generates emotions with a negative charge, and the negative feelings themselves.

Any psychological prohibitions should be excluded. Any positive desires must be realized. Otherwise, desire is transformed into a heavy cobblestone falling into the depths. All restrained drives and dreams are emotional clamps that block the feeling of joy, happiness, leaving only suffering and a persistent feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself.

In the battle with nervous exhaustion, meditation practices in the form of affirmations have proven themselves well. Repetition of positive attitudes will help raise your spirits and overcome bad feelings.

Sports are also effective in eliminating excess stress. Physical activity promotes the production of the hormone of happiness, which invariably has a beneficial effect on the emotional mood.

There are also ways to quickly relieve stress in adults. They are listed below.

First of all, in order to quickly eliminate the phenomena of nervous tension, it is recommended to change the environment. And here a walking tour with alternating pace of movement is ideal. The irritation will disappear pretty quickly. Since the functioning of the endocrine system is normalized, the activity of the brain areas responsible for mood is activated, the processes generated by stress are switched to ensuring physical activity.

The result is achieved rather if, during a walk, you turn your attention from a problematic issue to something else, for example, to daydreaming.

Painstaking work with your hands will also help to eliminate nervous squeeze: you can sort out small parts, type something on a computer, crush an anti-stress toy. After all, the fingertips are "equipped" with a huge number of nerve endings, the activation of which eliminates tension.

If health allows, then extreme food will help relieve overstrain, for example, you can eat a piece of hot pepper. It is believed that this action will induce a rush of endorphins.

The usual touches of loved ones and their hugs have a quick effect. They will recharge the individual with positive energy and are able to restore inner balance.

Intimacy is considered to be an effective and rather useful method that does not numb side effects. This process affects the production of pleasure hormones, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system... In addition, due to intimacy, spasms and muscle clamps, which always accompany prolonged nervous tension, are eliminated.

In order to get rid of the accumulated tension, it is necessary to take an example from the little inhabitants of the planet. Toddlers love to grimace and imitate adults. For which they are often scolded. And in vain. Little crumbs intuitively know how to quickly relieve nervous tension. Therefore, if the mental strength is running out, it is necessary to indulge in such a fun and rather simple activity as antics or making faces in front of a mirror surface. This will not only relieve one of the emotional burden, but it will definitely improve the mood.

It is also recommended to smile if you feel unwell. Often there are circumstances when you want to howl, but even under the weight of insoluble problems and emotional exhaustion, you must try to stretch your lips into a smile. The body will be sincerely amazed at the "abnormal" reaction. He will be amazed and decide that everything is fine and will only get better. Doctors have long established the existence of a direct relationship between the blood supply to the cellular structures of the brain and the involvement of the muscles of the face.

When a human subject smiles or laughs, the blood flow to the tissue structures of the brain increases, therefore, the oxygen content also increases, which affects the performance of the brain and has a beneficial effect on state of mind... Actually, as a result of this, laughter and smile eliminate fatigue, promote switching to a different state, activating the body's protective response.

How to relieve nervous tension in a child

Despite the seeming carelessness of the kids, their existence is also filled with difficulties, disappointments and losses: a favorite toy broke, transferred to a new garden, quarrels with other crumbs. Adults need to stop underestimating children's problems as far-fetched and insignificant. Children, due to their age, are more difficult to adapt to any changes, they tend to pay increased attention to seemingly insignificant, in the opinion of an adult environment, things.

Nervous tension in children can cause the unexpected arrival of the grandmother, the first steps, a quarrel between parents. With an adequate response, stress is beneficial for the baby, since it helps to mobilize his own strength, to overcome some problems, but excessive stress is exhausting.

The adult environment of the crumbs needs to learn to notice the bells of nervous tension in the baby. The main manifestations of nervous tension in toddlers are behavioral changes.

Excessive nervous tension in babies often manifests itself as a regression to the signs of a younger age period: they can begin to suck their fingers, ask for handles, and urinary incontinence may appear. Children of an older age stage can become uncommunicative, overly docile.

Besides the signs stressful condition in crumbs, the following manifestations can serve:

- neurotic phenomena: enuresis, tics, teeth grinding, hesitation in speech, obsessive movements;

- increased fatigue;

- irritability;

- decreased activity of the baby;

- muscle tension;

- Decrease or excessive growth of appetite;

- algia in the back, abdominal cavity or migraine;

- tearfulness;

- dysfunction of the bladder;

- Disorder of the digestive system;

- detachment;

- impaired concentration of attention;

- deterioration of memorization;

- decrease or increase in body weight.

Noticing the above listed manifestations in their own child, parents, first of all, should reduce the child's load, regardless of their apparent usefulness. The task of the adult environment is to select an individual method of overvoltage elimination for the crumbs.

In order to eliminate the nervous tension in a child, it is necessary to talk to him, to find out about his feelings, experiences that torment him. An atmosphere of openness and trust should be created at home. You need to convince your toddler that every experience is a positive one.

The kid needs to be able to appreciate, regardless of his "bad" actions or behavioral disturbances. It is necessary for him to openly demonstrate his own love, care, and give warmth. You should hug the baby more often. He should feel the unconditional love of his parents and understand that he is loved in spite of everything, and not for his behavior with a "plus" sign.

At the same time, the child must be clearly aware of the boundaries of what is permissible, therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between his actions as permissible and not. However, one should not "go too far" and be overly strict.

It is also recommended to find the baby to do around the house so that the baby feels needed, help him find a hobby or creative activity, and provide him with the opportunity to be physically active. In this case, the wishes of the child should be taken into account, and not exclusively their own interests, resources and needs.

Doctor of the PsychoMed Medical and Psychological Center

The frantic pace of life, the rapid development of new technologies, an unstable social situation, family problems - all this often causes modern man nervous tension, emotional disorders, fits of anger, etc. If you do not do anything about it, then, as you know, it will not end well. In addition to being mentally ill, a person will also develop physical health problems. Obesity, diabetes, various tumors, up to malignant - all this can be the result of nervous tension, stress. In order not to launch this complex and dangerous mechanism, a person must prevent this from happening. Therefore, today we will consider how to relieve stress and what methods can be used at the same time.

Emotional stress

This state, as the name suggests, comes from the accumulation of negative feelings. Emotional stress can often be caused by the following situations:

If a person is offended, nasty, and it is hard for him to go through it.

If a person was reprimanded, and it keeps her in suspense.

If a person is overwhelmed with negative emotions, but he cannot throw them out because of his hidden complexes or other circumstances.

Ways to overcome emotional stress

  1. You shouldn't keep everything to yourself. There are problems that a person can emotionally endure on their own. And there are situations that can lead to depression, frustration in the family and at work. The best way to relieve emotional stress is to speak out. You can have a conversation with your friend, loved one, a psychologist.
  2. You don't have to try to control everything and everyone. Unfortunately, people who try to teach their relatives and colleagues, to remake them for themselves, are the most susceptible to emotional stress. However, people need to be accepted as they are. After all, a person will not be able to build absolutely everyone for himself. And if he accepts people as they are, then this will help maintain emotional calm and complacency.
  3. Constant self-improvement. Sometimes it happens that a person seems to have everything: favorite job, family, friends. But all the same, the heart is heavy, irritated. How to relieve emotional stress in this case? Here it is worth considering: maybe a person lacks development? It is necessary to constantly set goals and improve, no matter if it concerns raising children, a profession or a hobby.

Muscle tension: symptoms and causes


Aching, oppressive, itching pain.

Inability to perform full arm movements or head turns.

Headaches that may get worse, better, or persistent.

The reasons for the appearance of muscle tension:


Injuries and bruises of the spine.

Incorrectly chosen sitting posture.

Emotional stress.

Preventing damage to muscle heat: methods

There are several ways to relieve myotic tension.

  1. Massage... You can do it yourself or involve a specialist in this. Knowing how to relieve stress pains, a person will not risk their health, learn to monitor it and correct their mistakes in time.
  2. Thermal impact... Taking a bath with essential oils or sea salt, relaxing under a warm blanket in winter - all this will help relieve a person of unpleasant sensations and improve his mood.
  3. Change of environment. Stress is very often the cause of tension in various muscle groups. To prevent this condition, you need to indulge yourself, broaden your horizons, arrange small holidays, get rid of complexes, old grievances.
  4. Physical training. Even the simplest of them will help to properly stretch, relax muscles, and soothe pain. By the way, exercise helps to prevent pinching of blood vessels and nerves. Such classes will help a person cope with his problem, and soon he will himself advise people how to relieve muscle tension through training.
  5. Correct organization of space. Such everyday things as comfortable furniture, pillows, additional accessories for a mobile phone - all this not only makes life easier, but also helps to forget about muscle tension.
  6. Health monitoring. You can not start the disease, you should see a doctor in time.
  7. Breathing exercises. A person who has muscle tension must learn to breathe correctly. Indeed, thanks to this, all muscles and internal organs are enriched with oxygen.
  8. Applying funds from a pharmacy. Fortunately, modern pharmacology today offers big choice various medications that relieve muscle tension. The main thing is to choose the right remedy, which you can resort to if necessary. And this should be done after consulting a specialist who can advise a medication that is suitable for this or that patient.

Relieving tension from the head

Massage is an old, but at the same time, a proven method of healing from a bad state of prolonged nervous anticipation. It is very useful for mental and emotional stress. It relieves pain, relaxes muscles and normalizes blood circulation in the part of the human body where the brain is located. How to relieve tension in the head so that the effect is immediate and lasting? To do this, massage should be performed correctly.

  1. It is not necessary to involve a specialist to influence the patient. A person may well relieve stress in his head himself. He should sit down or lie down comfortably.
  2. It is advisable to dim or completely turn off the light in the room. After all, a bright lamp can increase the tension in the head.
  3. Now you can start performing self-massage: first, the back surface of the ears is kneaded, while using the fingertips. The person should slowly perform circular movements.
  4. Then you should define the hands on both sides of the head and press lightly on it. You can move forward and backward, slide up and down 2 centimeters. You should try to move your head, not your fingers.
  5. How to relieve tension in the head if one area on this organ is very haunted? In this case, you can apply the acupressure technique. You need to pinch the skin in the area that hurts, between your thumb and forefinger and squeeze it for 5 seconds, and then release. Then you should loosen your hands for 10 seconds, but your fingers do not need to be removed from there. You can do this exercise for 10 minutes or more, until a feeling of relaxation comes. This is how you can relieve tension with your hand.

Signs of nervous tension

1. A person becomes indifferent, inactive, loses interest in life.

2. There is stiffness, awkwardness.

3. The person is worried about insomnia.

4. There is overexcitation, irritation, aggression.

5. The person ceases to contact with other people.

Every person faces nervous tension in everyday life. This can be caused by fatigue, problems in the family, at work, depression and other unpleasant situations.

How to protect yourself from such symptoms?

How to relieve nervous tension resulting from various factors: lack of sleep, problems at work, in family, relationships? You should use the following tips:

Walking is a great remedy for a state of complete impotence

How to relieve tension with exercise? Walking in the fresh air, jogging - all this can speed up, they will be reflected in the brain. As a result, the mood will rise, and the increased nervousness and irritation will pass.

It is very important to walk correctly: posture should always be straight, the stomach should be drawn in, the head should be raised, the shoulders should be dissolved. At the same time, the gait should be light. At first, you can walk quickly, then slow down.

People should abandon transport, replace it with walking (if possible).

Preparations for relieving nervous tension

If neither a change of environment, nor playing sports, nor a pleasant pastime helps to relieve the irritated state of a person, then the doctor may prescribe medications. Currently, without a doctor's prescription, you can purchase such medicines that will help relieve stress quickly and effectively:

Capsules "Quattrex" are used for insomnia, to eliminate stress, get rid of anxiety and nervous state.

Tablets "Tenoten" - used for psychosomatic problems, neuroses, tensions. These pills are contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Tablets "Afobazol" - are a tranquilizer, they are used in case of anxiety in the patient.

Surely now few people will ask the question: "How to relieve stress and tension?" After all, everything is described in detail in this article. If various massages, change of scenery, relaxation, change of behavior do not help, then you can resort to drugs from the pharmacy. However, before purchasing this or that remedy, you need to consult with your doctor about the possible use of the medication.

Folk remedies

Although there should not be any difficulties with buying medicines from a pharmacy, it is better to get rid of negative moods with the help of herbal decoctions and teas. Below are suggested the following effective methods of how to relieve stress and tension with folk remedies.

- Hawthorn... One hundred grams of berries or 30 g of flowers of this plant must be poured with boiling water (300 ml), boiled for 15 minutes. Then insist for 2 hours and drink 100 ml three times a day.

- Valerian tincture. It is necessary to take 30 drops of this remedy 3 times a day.

- Melissa... This plant helps relieve nerve spasms, improve brain function. It can be used both fresh and dried. You can simply add to tea or prepare a decoction (1 per 200 ml of boiling water).

- Collecting herbs- Valerian roots, hop cones - 1 part each, mint leaves and motherwort herbs - 2 parts each. Pour twenty grams of a mixture of these plants with a glass of boiling water. When infused (within 1 hour), you should drink 1/3 tablespoon before meals three times a day.

Tension headache relief activities

Helping the eyes

Our eyes are one of the most important human organs, so they need to be protected, otherwise you can lose clarity of vision. How what should be done for this? By following the elementary rules, you can maintain your visual acuity and not let your eyes get very tired:

1. It is necessary to monitor the lighting, and it should be both local and general. If a person turns on in the evening only a desk lamp in the working area, then his eyes are constantly strained, which ultimately will lead to damage to vision.

2. In the summer, when walking, you need to wear sunglasses.

3. How to relieve eye strain, especially when you sit in front of the TV for a long time? Experts advise doing exercises every hour, taking a break.

4. When working at the computer, you should wear special protective goggles with a spray.

5. If a person feels that his eyes are too tired, you just need to wash your face with cold water. In this case, the tension from the eyes should pass quickly enough.

6. Women must take off their makeup before going to bed.

7. A person should get enough sleep and then he will not need to know how to relieve stress from his eyes. After all, a great healthy sleep works wonders.

Eye Charger

  1. Performing circular rotations with the eyes, first clockwise, and then counterclockwise.
  2. Keeping your head straight and motionless, you should look to the left, then to the right, up and down. Repeat the movement 15 times.
  3. Blinking eyes quickly for 20 seconds.
  4. Focusing attention. You should go to the window and fix your gaze at any point on the glass (for example, you can stick a candy wrapper from Then you need to carefully examine the image in the picture (5 seconds), and then sharply look into the distance, concentrating on a specific distant object in the window. This is an excellent exercise, which helps to relax the eye muscle.It is a good example of how to relieve tension from the eyes, and such an exercise will not only help relieve fatigue, but also prevent the organ of vision.
  5. Classes in the dark: you need to thoroughly rub your palms together until you feel warm. Then fold the hands crosswise over the eyes, so that the fingers intersect in the area of ​​the "third eye". Zenits should be in the dark, however, palms should not press on them. Initially, flies, spots and stripes will appear before the eyes. The exercise should be performed until complete darkness falls. When performing this task, the eyes relax, rest.

All people know that movement relieves tension. Therefore, you cannot sit in front of a TV or monitor for a long time, engage in activities that require visual concentration for a long time. Between breaks in work, you should do exercises for the eyes: move, rotate them in different directions, blink, etc.

Internal stress: what is it?

The main thing to understand is that this condition is not a direct consequence of external circumstances. Internal stress is a habit, and it is acquired. Often, such a state in a person turns on when he learns something new. Then additional efforts are required for the head to finally start working intensively, which is simply unusual for many. When a person comprehends something new, then, naturally, he makes mistakes that he does not want to make. From this arises internal stress... It also appears when a person needs to complete a planned task, and not what he wants at one time or another. How to relieve internal stress and should it be relieved? This will be discussed below.

Solution to the problem

In fact, without effort, focus and effort, a person will have no future. And all these synonyms can be combined into one phrase - internal tension. Thus, you cannot do without it in any way. A low level of internal tension is natural, familiar to any modern person.

But if this condition lasts a long time, then it can provoke the appearance of rapid fatigue, worries, which is harmful to health. If the inner tension has caused anxiety or fear, then it is already unhelpful. Then you need to take some action to alleviate your condition. How to relieve stress and tension in this case? You must follow these recommendations:

-Establish rest. You should take breaks at work, rest on time. A person should take time to sleep 8 hours a day.

- You need to learn to live effectively and actively, without stress. You should train yourself to take the situation lightly. You need to work with your fears.

- You should engage in physical pumping on a positive moral background. Various workouts, running, walking, sex - all this will be the solution to the problem.

From the article, you learned how to relieve stress of various etiologies: nervous, emotional and muscular. They found out that no one can help a person the way he himself can. A person must determine what caused this condition, analyze his behavior, daily routine and many other factors. Based on the results of their own research, the critics will know how to relieve their tension. If he does not succeed, then one should resort to the help of a specialist who will push the patient and tell him what he should do in order to restore normal emotional and