Systematic activity approach in the Russian language. "The application of a systemic - activity approach to teaching in the lessons of the Russian language in the context of the implementation of FGOS

The system-activity approach in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in the context of the introduction of the federal state educational standard in the basic school

"A person will achieve a result only by doing something himself ..."
(Alexander Pyatigorsky, world famous Russian philosopher, orientalist, professor at the University of London)

Modern life imposes strict requirements on a person today - these are high quality education, sociability, dedication, creativity, and most importantly - the ability to navigate in a large flow of information and the ability to adapt in any society. Preparation for the future life is laid in the school, therefore, the requirements for education today are changing their priorities.

The goals and content of education are changing, new means and technologies of teaching appear, but with all the diversity -the lesson remains the main form of organizing the educational process. And in order to fulfill the requirements of the Standards, the lesson must become new, modern!

How to prepare and conduct a lesson, taking into account the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and modern innovations? A modern teacher in the context of the introduction of new educational standards is faced with the task of using a system-activity approach in teaching schoolchildren. The implementation of the activity approach in the lesson forces the teacher to restructure his activities, to get away from the usual explanation and to provide the learners on their own, in a certain sequence, to discover new knowledge. Exactlystudents are the main “protagonists” in the lesson ... And, of course, their activities in the lesson should be meaningful and meaningful:what i want to do, why i do it, how i do it, how i did it.

Formation of qualitatively new educational results is possible only with the systematic inclusion of students in independent educational and cognitive activities. It is the activity method that ensures the continuity of self-development of the individual in the learning process. It is obvious that it is impossible to realize the new goals of education if the student passively assimilates ready-made truths. It is necessary to search for it independently, in the process of which it is precisely the experience of goal-setting, achievement of the set goals, reflexive self-organization and self-assessment, the experience of communicative influence, which is why for the development of the personality of students, the formation of their activity abilities, it is necessary to include them in independent educational and cognitive activity.The main principle of the activity approach is to teach to learn ... This approach assumes that knowledge is acquired and manifested only in activity, that there is always action behind the skills, development and upbringing of a student.In the educational field "Philology", the priority is communicative development - the formation of the ability and willingness to freely communicate in the Russian native language, mastering modern means of verbal and non-verbal communication... The system-activity approach is based on the theoretical provisions of the concept of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, D.B., Elkonina, P.Ya. Halperin.

What arerequirements are presented to modern lesson Russian language and literature based on the activity approach in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard:

A well-organized lesson in a well-equipped classroom should have a good start and a good ending.

the teacher must plan his activities and the activities of students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson;

the lesson should be problematic and developmental: the teacher himself aims at cooperation with students and knows how to direct students to cooperate with the teacher and classmates;

the teacher organizes problem and search situations, activates the activities of students;

the conclusion is made by the students themselves;

minimum reproduction and maximum creativity and co-creation;

time saving and health saving;

the focus of the lesson is on children;

taking into account the level and capabilities of students, which takes into account such aspects as the profile of the class, the aspiration of the students, the mood of the children;

the ability to demonstrate the methodological skill of the teacher;

scheduling feedback;

the lesson should be kind.

The new meaning of the lesson is the solution of problems by the students themselves during the lesson through independent cognitive activity. The problematic nature of the lesson can be confidently viewed as a departure from the reproductive approach in the classroom. The more independent activities in the lesson, the better. students acquire the ability to solve problems, information competence when working with text.

The modern lesson of the Russian language and literature in the context of the introduction of the new generation FSES should includethe following six main steps:

    mobilization (involves the inclusion of students in active intellectual activity);

    goal setting (students independently formulate the goals of the lesson according to the scheme "remember → learn → learn");

    awareness of the lack of existing knowledge (the teacher contributes to the emergence of a problem situation in the lesson, during the analysis of which the students understand that the available knowledge is not enough to solve it);

    communication (search for new knowledge in a pair, in a group);

    mutual check, mutual control;

    reflection (the student's awareness and reproduction in speech of what he learned and what he learned in the lesson).

A modern lesson should form universal educational actions that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. The general atmosphere in the school and class contributes to the upbringing of positive motivation for learning: the student's involvement in different types of activities, the relationship of cooperation between the teacher and the student, the involvement of students in evaluative activities and the formation of adequate self-esteem in them. In addition, the formation of motivation is facilitated by the entertaining presentation, the unusual form of teaching the material, the emotionality of the teacher's speech, the teacher's skillful use of encouragement and censure.

Of particular importance is the performance of schoolchildrentraining activities andself-control, independent transition from one stage of work to another, the inclusion of students in joint learning activities. Independent work is, in fact, a form of self-education.The concept of independent work of a student in modern didactics is necessarily correlated with the organizing role of the teacher. For the student himself, independent work should be perceived as free of choice, internally motivated activity.

Popular and relevant todayproblem learning , in which there is a special type of lesson - research lesson.

Presented below is a fragment of a Russian lesson in the fifth grade on the topic"The imperative mood of the verb" illustrates organization of a problem situation.

Pupils are invited to answer the question: Why is the verb WRITE in one case written WRITE, and in the other WRITE?

In the process of searching for a solution to this linguistic problem, students, applying existing knowledge, will determine that the verbto tell Iconjugation. Hence the formWRITE the future tense is written correctly. The formWRITE TO expresses a command, request, order, and this determines its writing.

What will be the topic of our today's lesson? (Imperative mood of the verb)

What will help you not to make mistakes in the spelling of verbs of different moods? (Knowledge of the morphemic composition of words.)

What is the composition of each form? (A wide variety of possible answers, including erroneous student answers, are possible here.)

What will help us make sure which of you is right? (Proof by specific examples.)

Let's find the right way to solve this issue. (Here the teacher can give a hint to fifth graders: change the form of the imperative number of the verb.)

After that, fifth-graders will independently be able to explain that in the form of the imperative mood -И- is a suffix that forms the mood form, and -TE is the end of the plural in the imperative mood. In the form of the indicative mood, with which the students are already familiar, the ending of the plural is ETE.

One of the possible ways to improve the efficiency and choice of research problem issupporting synopsis , which in its essence represents a secondary text, since it conveys the basic information of the original text in a concise form. In this case, abbreviations, various signs, symbols, graphic highlights can be used. Often the supporting outline is a drawing or diagram, sometimes a table. Psychologists note thatstudent transformation of information , translating it into another, more visual form contributes to better understanding and assimilation of knowledge. Therefore, it is important that children develop the ability to draw up pivotal notes in various forms. The supporting synopsis is compiled by the teacher for students or children, or by the joint efforts of the teacher and children in dialogue. Thus, the ability to compose a pivotal synopsis is one of the important general educational skills that prepares students for the presentation of their knowledge. For a long time I have been practicing in the classroom keeping a reference notebook, in which various diagrams and tables are entered. Often I invite students to come up with a short notation of the rule themselves or create an algorithm for applying the rule.

The most popular pedagogical technology in modern teaching is becomingmethod of projects using ICT , as it is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the lesson. In such classes, the teacher presents students with a particular problem for independent research, knowing well its result, the course of the solution and those features of creative activity that are required in the course of its solution. Thus, the construction of a system of such problems makes it possible to envisage the activities of students, gradually leading to the formation of the necessary traits of a creative personality.

The most effective implementation of the activity approach in practice allowsgroup form of work ... Group activity of students involves increasing the role of the teacher in the educational process. The volume of work, of course, is increasing, it is changing qualitatively. Special preparation of the material and the development of original methods of conducting the lesson are important. We must not forget that the psychological side of the problem is also important, i.e. interaction of students in a group. The teacher performs a variety of functions:

1 ... Monitors the progress of work in the group.

2. Answers questions.

3. Regulates disputes, work order.

4. As a last resort, assists individual students or the entire group.

When selecting groups, it is necessary to take into account the real knowledge of schoolchildren and their academic performance, recorded in the minds of classmates. But this is not enough for successful work. It is also necessary to take into account the nature of the relationship of students with each other (sympathies, antipathies, willingness to cooperate).

Choice of Consultant: It is quite common opinion that good and excellent students do well in this role. Psychologists say that high student performance does not in any way affect group relationships.
Group members (4-5 people) should be close in approach to the goals and objectives of joint activities. It is very important that students know how to hear each other, draw conclusions, and come to a common decision.

What types of work can be done in groups? Many. The main thing is to determine the optimality and efficiency. There are lessons where the group form is present only when checking homework, there are lessons that go completely in the group, and sometimes I am for whole lesson I will never say: "Now we are working in groups." It all depends on the topic of the lesson, the goal facing the teacher and his students, the place of the lesson in the system of studying the problem, the type of lesson, the form of teaching.

I want to note visible advantages of group educational work:

1. The responsibility of each member of the group to his team for study, for work.

2. A sense of elbows, the skills of real labor discipline.

3. The intensity and productivity of joint activities.

4. Achievement high level assimilation of the content.

5. Exchange of modes of action.

6. Mutual understanding.

Of course, when organizing such classes, certain organizational, pedagogical and social difficulties arise. But the additional time spent by the teacher in preparing for group work is offset by a large pedagogical gain.

An optimal place in a modern lesson is occupied by variousplay forms work.

"The fourth is superfluous" Example: key, lock, gnome. The third is superfluous: a gnome, because a key and a lock cannot be without each other, because a gnome is a real animate, etc.

Spelling relay ... The group give examples of words with the specified spelling. Who is faster and more?

Anagrams ... Dewdrop-mote, coat-bast shoe, kite-lace, etc.

Word-building charades: make up a word: a root from the word fairy tale, a suffix from the word cabman, a prefix from the word expense.

A new approach to education corresponds to the modern understanding of the lesson. It is such a lesson that is called modern, where the teacher, together with the students on an equal footing, conducts work on the search and selection of the scientific content of knowledge to be assimilated; only then does knowledge become personally significant, and the student is perceived by the teacher as the creator of his knowledge. A special role is played by the result of the lesson, the so-called stage of reflection, for a long time I have been using various methods of reflection: a five-minute essay; unfinished sentence method; forum posting, free posting, emoticons.

The principle of the activity lies in the fact that the student, receiving knowledge not in a finished form, but obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his learning activities, understands and accepts the system of its norms, actively participates in their improvement, which contributes to the active successful formation of his general cultural and activity abilities, general educational skills.

FSES introduces a new concept -learning situation , by which we mean such a special unit of the educational process, in which children, with the help of the teacher, discover the object of their action, investigate it by performing various educational actions, transform it, for example, reformulate it, or offer their description, etc., partially - remember.

A learning situation can be an assignment to draw up: a table, graph or diagram according to the content of the read text, an algorithm according to a certain rule, or the performance of an assignment: to explain the content of the read text to a junior student or practical work etc.

The structure of modern lessons should be dynamic, using a set of diverse operations combined into meaningful activities. It is very important that the teacher supports the student's initiative in the right direction, and ensures the priority of his activities in relation to his own.

Productive tasks are the main means of achieving the result of education. If a student possesses the qualities inherent in the Federal State Educational Standard, then he himself will be able to become an “architect and builder” of the educational process, independently analyze his activities and make adjustments to it. Thus, unlike the 2004 standard, the new FSES make significant changes in the goals, content and organization of the educational process, which entail the need to restructure the entire educational activities and first of all the teacher who provides it.

The teacher, his attitude to the educational process, his creativity and professionalism, his desire to reveal the abilities of each child - this is the main resource, without which the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the organization of the educational process at school cannot exist. Much depends on the desire and character of the teacher, on the level of his professional training. If a person himself is open to new things and is not afraid of changes, he will be able to start taking the first confident steps in the new conditions in a shorter time frame.

Thus, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is largely dependent on the teacher, who will cease to be the only bearer of knowledge, but will play the role of a conductor in the world of information. The teacher's task is not only to form and develop the necessary qualities, but also to interact with the environment in which the child grows up. To give students the opportunity to make a choice, to argue their point of view, to be responsible for this choice, and not to give a ready-made one.


(Slide 16)

2. Working with text

"Reading with stops" opens up the possibility of a holistic vision of the work. Sample questions:

 What associations do the names and surnames of the heroes evoke in you?

 How did you feel after reading this part. What sensations did you get?

 What were your expectations confirmed? What was unexpected?

 How do you think the story will end? How would you finish it?

(Slide 17)

3. Insert - This is a technique for marking the text, when students mark with icons in the margins what is known, what contradicts their ideas, what is interesting and unexpected, as well as what they want to know in more detail.

(Slide 18)

4. Composing the cluster

For example, analyzing the image of Gerasim from the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mu-mu", at a literature lesson in grade 5 such a cluster is created:


Attitude towards Mu-mu

Description of the closet


Attitude to the lady

Relationship with the courtyards

Relationship with Tatiana


After analyzing the image of Gerasim, fifth graders can make the following syncwine:


kind, hardworking

cares, loves, works

should not suffer because of the cruelty of people


Relevance The activity approach is a teaching method in which the child does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtains it himself in the process of his own educational and cognitive activity. It is in the lessons of the Russian language and literature that such basic competencies as general cultural, informational, and communicative are formed. Hence follows the relevance of the implementation of the system-activity approach in teaching the Russian language and literature. To understand, accept, process, be able to apply the content of the text is the main and at the same time difficult task facing the modern schoolchild.

Idea We learn for life, not for school. Seneca Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know. G. Hegel of the activity approach is that new knowledge is not given to children in a finished form. Children "discover" them themselves in the process of independent activity. The teacher's task is to teach activities, that is, to organize work in such a way that students are able to set goals, organize their activities to achieve them and evaluate the results of their actions in accordance with the goals.

Project objectives: 1. to work out a Model Educational Program of basic general education; 2. to study the theoretical foundations of designing modern lessons of the Russian language and literature on the basis of a system-activity approach; 3. to develop a series of lessons in the Russian language and literature based on the system-activity approach; 4. to summarize the results of the work.

Ways of project implementation: Preparatory stage: information and analytical 2013–2014 academic year. study of pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem (training in refresher courses on the topic "Organization of individually-oriented training sessions in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard", participation in seminars at school, etc.); selection of innovative forms and methods of teaching focused on the development of educational management in the context of a personality-oriented orientation of education (participation in the work of regional seminars, attending open classes "Formation of educational management", etc.; comprehension of the basic principles of organizing the educational process in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in the logic of the system-activity approach (participation in the work of teachers 'councils, MO, RMO); mastering a new system of requirements for assessing the results of educational activities of students in the lessons of the Russian language and literature (participation in the work of teachers' councils, MO, RMO)

Ways of project implementation: Organizational and practical 2014–2015 academic year. approbation of forms and methods of teaching in the lessons of the Russian language and literature in the logic of the system-activity approach; development and implementation of work programs that meet the educational standard

Motivation for educational activities; Knowledge update; Problem explanation of new knowledge; Primary reinforcement in external speech; Self-study with self-examination (inner speech); Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition; Reflection. Lesson structure using the activity approach

In grade 5 when studying folk tales the words are written on the blackboard: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...". The lesson begins with a problematic question: "Why is a fairy tale called a lie?" Fifth graders give examples. After thinking about good and evil, the students independently determine the purpose of the lesson by reading again the words written on the board, and now attention is drawn to another key word "hint". The purpose of the lesson: to determine the innermost thought, the author's parting words - the people in the fairy tale Motivation

When studying fables in grade 5, the topic is "Life Lessons in a Fable." At the beginning of the lesson, the words of the teacher are heard: “Life is difficult. Every person makes mistakes in life. Literature helps to avoid them. One of these works is "fable". Students read fables and prepare an answer to the question posed. A dear person ... These words are written on the board when studying the topic: A. Pushkin "Nurse". The first question in the lesson: "Who do we consider a family member?" makes all students think, leaves no one indifferent. From their own understanding of the word "native", the students move on to the understanding of "relatives of A.S. Pushkin", the understanding of the poem "Nyane". Motivation

Creation of problem situations 1) Why is the verb WRITE in one case written WRITE, and in the other WRITE? 2) WRITE - I conjugation 3) WRITE - future tense 4) WRITE - order, request 5) determine the morphemic composition of the verb forms: write 's - ETE peshsh - and' - TE

Working with the text "Reading with stops" opens up opportunities for a holistic vision of the work. Sample questions: What associations do the names and surnames of the heroes evoke in you? How did you feel after reading this part. What sensations did you get? What were your expectations confirmed? What was unexpected? How do you think the story will end? How would you finish it?

Insert (reading with marks) Insert is a technique of such marking of the text, when students mark with icons in the margin what is known, which contradicts their ideas, which is interesting and unexpected, as well as what one wants to know in more detail. Marking is done using special symbols: "!" “I knew that. "+" - New for me. "-" - Raises doubts. "?" - Question.

Cluster Cluster is a graphical organizer that shows several different types of relationships between objects and phenomena. The cluster covers more information than in ordinary written work, helps to organize information in the form of headings of semantic blocks.

Sinkwine One of the techniques for enhancing the cognitive activity of students in the classroom. Sinkwine is not an ordinary poem, but a poem written in accordance with certain rules. Each line contains a set of words that must be reflected in the poem. 1 line - a heading in which the keyword, concept, theme of syncwine is placed, expressed in the form of a noun. 2nd line - two adjectives. Line 3 - three verbs. 4th line - a phrase that carries a certain meaning. 5 line - summary, conclusion, one word, noun.

Questions for reflection after the stage of the lesson (independent work) Did you manage to solve the task set for yourself? What helped you with this? What difficulties have you encountered? Reflection of activity (lesson summary) What was the most useful for me in the lesson? What was the most interesting for me in the lesson? What was difficult for me in the lesson? What should I look for in my homework in preparation for the next lesson? Where can the acquired knowledge be applied?

Serious changes in the field of education entailed not only a revision of the long-established education system, but also set before teachers the task of rebuilding school educational space.

I see the main direction of this development in the desire to ensure that the lesson is the result of the creativity of teachers and students, so that it reflects the leading trends and changes that have occurred in society and in the school education system.

Teachers today are worried about the following questions:

How to organize a modern lesson from the point of view of the system-activity approach?

In my speech, I will present to your attention my developments on this topic. I started my work with defining the goal of innovative experience: modeling the system of work of a teacher - a language specialist, which ensures the implementation of the system-activity approach as a means of improving the quality of teaching the Russian language and literature.

To achieve this goal, the following were put forward tasks:

Study and analyze the state of the problem in pedagogical theory and practice;

To carry out the selection of methods and techniques of work on the application of the system-activity approach, taking into account the specifics of the subject "Russian language";

Develop a system of tasks in accordance with the system-activity approach;

Determine diagnostic methods and indicators of achievement of results. Work on the topic is currently ongoing, but, nevertheless, there are some results.

The theoretical foundations of the technology of the activity method have been studied. The main findings are: p The implementation of the technology of the activity method in practical teaching is provided by the following system of didactic principles:

1) Principle activities - lies in the fact that the student, receiving knowledge not in a finished form, but, obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activity, understands and accepts the system of its norms, actively participates in their improvement, which contributes to the active successful formation of his general cultural and activity abilities, general educational skills.

2) Principle continuity - means continuity between all stages and stages of training at the level of technology, content and methods, taking into account age psychological characteristics development of children.

3) Principle integrity - involves the formation by students of a generalized systemic understanding of the world (nature, society, oneself, the sociocultural world and the world of activity, the role and place of each science in the system of sciences).

4) Principle minimax - consists in the following: the school must offer the student the opportunity to master the content of education at the maximum level for him (determined by the zone of proximal development of the age group) and ensure at the same time its assimilation at the level of a socially safe minimum ( state standard knowledge).

5) Principle psychological comfort - involves the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process, the creation of a benevolent atmosphere at school and in the classroom, focused on the implementation of the ideas of cooperation pedagogy, the development of dialogue forms of communication.

6) Principle variability - involves the formation of students' abilities for a systematic enumeration of options and adequate decision-making in situations of choice.

7) Principle creativity - means the maximum orientation towards creativity in the educational process, the acquisition by students of their own experience of creative activity.

The developed didactic system does not reject traditional didactics, but continues and develops it towards the realization of modern educational goals. At the same time, it is a self-regulating mechanism of multilevel education, providing an opportunity for each child to choose an individual educational trajectory; subject to guaranteed achievement of a socially safe minimum.

The didactic principles formulated above provide a system of necessary and sufficient conditions for organizing a continuous learning process of the activity paradigm of education.

After studying the Methodological Foundations of Activity-Based Learning, the following conclusion was made: the concept of a systemic - activity approach in teaching was introduced in 1985 as a special kind of concept. It was an attempt to unite views on systems approach, which was developed in the studies of the classics of our domestic science (such as B.G. Ananiev, B.F. Zankov, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov and many other researchers).

In my experience I am implementing:

Ideas of the activity approach (“learning through activity”) - D. Dewey, G. P. Tsedrovitsky, A. A. Dergach, O.S. Anisimov and others;

Personality-oriented approach technology (I.S. Yakimanskaya);

Ideas for developing education (P.Ya. Galperina, L.V. Zankova, V.V.Davydova);

Technology of design and research activities.

The system-activity approach is not something alien to the history of Russian pedagogy and can be considered as a logical continuation of the development of the best pedagogical ideas and concepts of advanced pedagogical practice.

Experience technology.

The technology of the activity method includes the following sequence of activity steps - for more details see the film.

1. Motivation for learning activities.

This stage of the learning process involves the student's conscious entry into the space of learning activities in the classroom. For this purpose, at this stage, his motivation for educational activities is organized, namely:

1) the requirements for it from the side of educational activities are updated (“it is necessary”);
2) conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities (“I want”);
3) thematic frameworks are established (“can”).

2. Updating knowledge and fixing an individual difficulty in a trial educational action.

At this stage, preparation and motivation of students for the proper independent performance of a trial educational action, its implementation and fixation of individual difficulties are organized.

Accordingly, this stage involves:

1) actualization of the studied methods of action (ZUN), sufficient for the construction of new knowledge, their generalization and sign fixation;
2) actualization of the corresponding mental operations and cognitive processes;
3) motivation for a trial educational action (“must” - “can” - “want”) and its independent implementation;
4) fixation of individual difficulties in performing a trial educational action or its justification.

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

At this stage, the teacher organizes the students to identify the place and cause of the difficulty. To do this, students must:

1) restore the performed operations and fix (verbally and symbolically) the place-step, operation, where the difficulty arose;

2) correlate your actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) and, on this basis, identify and fix in external speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific knowledge, skills or abilities that are lacking to solve the original problem and tasks of this class or something like that.

4. Building a project for overcoming difficulties (goal and topic, method, plan, means).

At this stage, students in a communicative form think about the project of future educational actions: set a goal (the goal is always to eliminate the difficulty that has arisen), agree on the topic of the lesson, choose a method, build a plan for achieving the goal and determine the means - algorithms, models, etc. This process is guided by the teacher: at first with the help of a leading dialogue, then with an encouraging one, and then with the help of research methods.

5. Implementation of the completed project.

At this stage, the completed project is being implemented: various options proposed by students are discussed (in the form of brainstorming), and the optimal option is selected, which is recorded in the language verbally and in a symbolic way.The constructed method of actions is used to solve the original problem that caused difficulty. In conclusion, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified and the overcoming of the previously encountered difficulty is fixed.

6. Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech.

At this stage, students in the form of communication (frontally, in groups, in pairs) solve typical tasks for a new method of action, pronouncing the established solution algorithm out loud.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

During this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently complete tasks for the application of a new type of action and carry out their self-examination, step by step comparing with a sample.

The emotional orientation of the stage consists in organizing, if possible, a situation of success for each student, motivating him to be included in further cognitive activity.

8. Incorporation into the knowledge system and repetition.

At this stage, new knowledge is included in the knowledge system.

When organizing this stage, tasks are selected in which they train the use of previously studied material that has methodological value for the introduction of new methods of action in the future.

9. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (summary).

At this stage, the new content studied in the lesson is fixed, and reflection and self-assessment by students of their own educational activities is organized. In the end, its goal and results are correlated, the degree of their compliance is recorded, and the goals of subsequent activities are outlined.

Now a little about the methods of teaching the Russian language from the position of the system-activity approach. There is little new, only the conditions for the application of these methods change fundamentally.

    Conversation method.

It is better to pose one question, but clear, feasible, stimulating activity, than two or three questions, unclear and difficult or too easy, paralyzing the independent thinking of students. Conversation is advisable to use when explaining difficult cases of educational material, and especially where student observation is necessary. For the greater efficiency of this method and the rational use of time in the lesson, the teacher must comply with the following conditions:

1) examples for observation, if possible, are written on the board in advance;

2) they should be sufficiently laconic and rich in the studied material;

3) the design of the record should be extremely visual, vivid;

4) in order to save time, questions should be formulated concisely and clearly, clearly and specifically.

Questions should direct the conversation in the right direction, prevent deviations from the topic, cause students to actively think. For example, when explaining fused and separate spelling not with a noun in sentences. Misfortune fell upon us. Not happiness, but misfortune awaited the comrades. you can organize the conversation like this:

a) what word is used in both sentences;

b) indicate how the word in the second sentence differs from the first ;;

c) draw a conclusion about spelling not with a noun in the first and second cases.

Summing up the above, we note that the method of conversation, when used correctly, has some advantages: it contributes to the development logical thinking students, teaches them to draw independent conclusions. When explaining using the conversation method, the teacher guides the students' thinking through well-chosen questions and tasks.

    Storytelling method.

The advantage of the story is that it allows you to minimize the time for explanation and free it up for training exercises.

How to activate the process of assimilating new material, when the teacher himself explains the topic under study? First of all, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to actively listen, delve into each question, comprehend it, establish connections between individual linguistic phenomena and independently draw conclusions and generalizations.

In many cases, it is helpful to combine the teacher's story with the conversation method when explaining new material. For example, when giving a rule, the teacher asks the class with questions when choosing examples that illustrate this linguistic phenomenon. This activates the process of assimilating new material.

    Working with the tutorial.

Well staged work with the textbook activates the process of mastering the educational material and, in addition, contributes to a more solid consolidation of knowledge directly in the classroom.

It is important to teach the student to work independently according to the textbook. If these skills are not developed in the lesson, and only the continuous memorization of the next paragraph of the textbook is practiced, then the knowledge of the students will not have the proper awareness and strength;

It is important to foresee the difficulties in assimilating new material in advance, to establish what students already know about this topic and what will be new for them, what words and terms should be explained in advance in order for the work to provide an active perception of the new material. Teacher assignments should be creative.

Practice shows that thought processes are especially intense if children know what questions they should answer after reading a particular paragraph. Therefore, work with the textbook can be activated by the following questions and tasks:

draw up a paragraph outline;

pick up examples for each paragraph of the rule;

tell what new learned from the paragraph and what was already known;

prepare answers to the questions on the board;

prepare an independent analysis of the table given in the textbook, draw up your own table, etc.

In conclusion, we point out that work on the textbook will be effective if it is carried out according to a certain system, has clear educational and educational goals, if the teacher skillfully directs the cognitive activity of students, introduces them to the most rational and effective techniques independent work and instills in children a love for the book as a source of knowledge.

    Independent work.

The explanation of the new material should be planned so that it includes as many independent tasks as possible and the children, observing, make comparisons themselves, so that they come to independent conclusions, consciously assimilate the formulations of the rules and definitions being studied. To this end, the study of new material can be practiced on the material independent work students (as a teaching method), which they performed at home or in the classroom.

I will give an example of using students' independent work to explain new material. Before studying the topic "Spelling n and nn in adjectives formed from nouns "such an independent work was proposed: from these words to form adjectives using suffixes written in brackets:

fog (-n-), aviation (-onn-), economy (-enn-),

stone (-n-), station (-onn-), disease (-enn-).

While performing independent work, the students, in essence, have already done and comprehended all the steps necessary to determine the spelling rule - nn- in adjectives. After independent work, a conversation is held, during which the method of forming adjectives is clarified, suffixes are highlighted and a rule is formulated. Then the students read and consolidate the relevant material from the textbook.

This type of independent work is designed so that children, with the guiding role of a teacher, who gives them food for thought and helps them use previously acquired knowledge to acquire new ones, can come to independent conclusions and formulations of rules and definitions.

    Use of visual aids in the lesson.

It is known that too frequent recourse to sensory experience in the assimilation of knowledge slows down learning and leads to a delay in the development of children. Therefore, while recognizing the great role of the visual way of acquiring knowledge, one cannot but see its limitations. It is very important to correctly combine the teacher's word and the visual way of forming representations, which is based on perception.

In school practice, work is poorly organized on the design of visual notes on the blackboard and in students' notebooks, and yet it can serve as an extremely effective means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students in the lesson.

As you know, a special place is given to the lessons of the Russian language. graphic clarity , the visual arrangement of the note on the board and in notebooks. Therefore, preparing for the lesson, the teacher thinks over the project of writing on the board and in the notebooks of students so that from this note they can easily draw an independent conclusion or formulate the rule being studied (law, definition).

In these cases, we used abbreviated notations, digital labels, arrows, questions, etc.

Thus, each rule has its own system of conventional symbols.

In my experience, I use the following notation:

1. Differentiated underlining of individual morphemes, based on understanding the composition of the word:

2. Abbreviated designations and digital marks:

a) before writing a word, for example: (III, P. → and) about joy

b) after writing a word, for example: on the site(I, P. → e)

3. Accents (either in combination with differentiated morpheme underlining or without it):

4. Arrows and questions

5. Differentiated underlines individual sounds affecting the spelling of a particular spelling

In almost all cases, the graphic representation of the rule uses various conventions in combination. For example, we depicted the rule (i.e., its model) about the spelling of prefixes in s (s) as follows:

    Reception of comparison and organization of independent work of a creative nature.

This technique helps to energize student work.

For this, it is possible to organize work in a lesson in grade 5 in this way. A sentence was written on the board, in which there are nouns I declension in the genitive case with endings and, s: The first group of tourists made a halt atoutskirts of the village, and the second is neargroves. After the sentence has been written down in a notebook, the teacher offers students the following self-study assignment:

1) Find nouns I declension, determine their case and emphasize the endings; 2) above the words, designate the signs of these nouns in this order: declension, case, ending.

Students usually successfully cope with this task, since they are already familiar with the material to a certain extent from the primary school course.

Then a comparison is made with the endings of the nouns of the dative and prepositional cases. To do this, the teacher gives the following task: to rearrange this sentence so that the nouns villages and groves stood in dative case... (In a weak class, you can first figure out which word to replace the controlled verb did, so that these nouns stand with him in the dative case.)

The word is picked up came up and rebuilds the whole proposal accordingly: The first group of tourists approached the village, and the second - to the grove.

Then a similar task is given: determine the declension, case and ending in the words being parsed and write them on top. Further, phrases are independently composed in which the same nouns are in the prepositional case.

For example: visited the village, learned about the grove.

After this work, students can easily cope with the graphic description of the rule. The material on I and II declination is introduced in approximately the same way.

Initially, this work is led by the teacher. But the formula of the generalized rule is drawn up with the most active participation of the guys.

    Creation of a problematic situation.

The assimilation of new material will proceed successfully if, with one or another special technique, the student's thought is made to work in a strictly defined direction. To do this, it is necessary to prepare students for the assimilation of new material and organize its presentation in such a way that the acquisition of this knowledge becomes a practical necessity for every student. There are many techniques for enhancing the work of students at this stage. it creating problem situations as the basis of problem-based learning, the use of elements of novelty and entertainment, reliance on already studied material, etc.

So, attracting old material in the process of learning new, the teacher confronts students with external contradictions that arise between the knowledge they already have and those that need to be acquired in order to solve the set cognitive task, and directs the work of the student's thinking and memory to solve the difficulty that has arisen. In grade 5, before studying the indicated case endings nouns, students can be encouraged to assimilate new material as follows. Explaining the topic and purpose of the lesson, relying on the students' knowledge on this topic, it is possible to propose to inflect feminine nouns in notebooks into - and I(for example, homeland, freedom). At the same time, students' attention is drawn to the dative and prepositional cases (to homeland, to freedom, about homeland, about freedom). Children establish that in both cases, the ending should be written in the dative and prepositional cases - e. And then the question sounds:

And if we take another word of the I declension, for example, party, - says the teacher, - will the well-known rule about the spelling of the case endings of I declension nouns in - a, - I fit this case?

A problematic situation arises in which students experience difficulty and lack of their knowledge on this topic. They have a need to receive from the teacher the appropriate explanations, certain instructions. The teacher uses this in order to draw attention to unfamiliar phenomena (in this case, to the peculiarities of the declension of nouns with a stem in - and). To this end, he suggests declining a word in - and I(for example, the same word the consignment), paying attention to the endings in the dative and prepositional cases, and think about what determines the difference in their spelling in comparison with words homeland, will and etc.

In this case, the teacher creates a certain difficulty in the minds of schoolchildren, which is based on a problem situation. The thinking activity of students with this approach will be very intense, since it arose from the need to resolve the difficulty that has arisen. I must say that the creation of problematic situations based on the contradiction between the known and the unknown in knowledge and causing strong incentives to search activity is the most important means of enhancing the mental activity of students, which in some cases allows them to tune in to independent educational and cognitive discovery. Experience shows that with the skillful use of problem situations, children learn well new material, show great activity even when studying the most difficult issues programs.


When preparing students to actively absorb new material, it is very useful to use the technique comparisons. The opportunity for correct comparison should be created already in the introductory conversation: from what has been covered, such material should be drawn with which the main provisions of the new material can be compared.

It is necessary to encourage students to such a comparison of the studied phenomena, as a result of which they have a question, the answer to which can only be provided by new educational material. So, before studying the topic "Spelling O and e in the endings of nouns after sibilants "you need to remember the spelling O and e after words hissing at the root. By comparing these rules, children understand what the setting depends on. O and e after hissing at the root, and from what - at the end. In the future, all this material will serve as the basis for broader generalizations.

This approach to the study of interrelated topics also forms meaningful generalizations in students and, at the same time, a clear differentiation of intermixed spelling phenomena at the very beginning of the study of the topic.

    Algorithmization of educational material.

The techniques should be based on the mental operations of analysis and synthesis. It is very important to teach students the "technique of thinking", to form their skills and abilities of analytical and synthetic work. Therefore, when assimilating new material, it is necessary to clearly schedule logical operations , since it is the mastery of the system of operations that forms the student's rational mental actions, and, consequently, "intellectual" skills in general.

I most often use this technique when drawing up an algorithm of actions when solving spelling problems:

    The project method is one of the most promising modern teaching methods.

Educational project is an organizational form of work that is focused on the study of a completed academic topic or educational section and forms part of the standard training course or several courses. At school, it can be viewed as a joint educational, cognitive, research, creative or playful activity of partner students with a common goal.

Let me remind myself of the well-known expression of A. Disterweg: "A real teacher shows his student a not finished task, over which thousands of years of work are laid, but leads him to the development of building material, erects a building with him, teaches it to build ..." Consequently, the teacher's function is not to teach, but to accompany the educational process: preparing didactic material for work, organizing various forms of cooperation, actively participating in the discussion of the results of students' activities through leading questions, creating conditions for self-control and self-esteem.

"If you want to do something well, do it yourself."

So said the German designer - Ferdinand Porsche and created the car of his dreams. Everyone can realize his dream, only for this you need to make an effort and do everything yourself.

The beginning of the 21st century requires educated people to be able to independently navigate in all types of extensive information, to solve numerous industrial and social problems. This means that the near future will require independent thinking from every student today, the ability to understand the situation and find a solution.

According to the FSES of the new generation, the success of a modern person is determined by an orientation towards knowledge and the use of new technologies, an active life position, an attitude towards the rational use of one's time and designing one's future, active financial behavior, effective social cooperation, a healthy and safe lifestyle. The implementation of these tasks is fully facilitated by the system-activity approach in teaching and upbringing.

In my opinion, it is very important to positively motivate students in the classroom, that is, there should be the inclusion of the student in different types of activities, the relationship of cooperation between the teacher and the student, the involvement of students in assessment activities and the formation of adequate self-esteem in them. In addition, the amusement of presentation, the unusual form of teaching the material, the emotionality of the teacher's speech contribute to the formation of motivation; skillful use of encouragement and censure by the teacher.

In our lessons, the guys and I work directly with the word, sentence, text. I teach children to make plans, notes, annotations and reviews of newsletters; I teach you to argue your statements; I educate students to respect the word.

Previously, the main task in relation to the student in literature lessons was reduced to the formula "Read and retell". Now we need to teach the search for information, its use. The task of the teacher is to develop in schoolchildren such reading skills as searching, choosing, evaluating information from texts used in extracurricular situations. These reading skills not only hone the minds of students, but also serve as the basis for academic success in all school disciplines, are a prerequisite for successful participation in most areas of adult life.

I am also preparing for the OGE, where I will need to write a concise summary with elements of an essay. In the lessons of the Russian language and literature, students must master a universal educational action - critically read the text, compress it, memorize the main thing, highlight it and write an essay in a short genre based on it, formulating the problem of the text.

Literature lessons are a space for students' creative activity. When studying the text of "The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh", the students made up their own teachings: these were teachings to their sister, brother, classmates and even to themselves.

I, in my work, practice the synopsis method. It is very important that children develop the ability to draw up pivot notes in various forms. The supporting synopsis is compiled by the teacher for students or children, or by the joint efforts of the teacher and children in dialogue. Thus, the ability to compose a pivotal synopsis is one of the important general educational skills that prepares students for the presentation of their knowledge.

The most popular pedagogical technology in modern teaching is becomingmethod of projects using ICT, as it is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the lesson. In such classes, the teacher presents students with a particular problem for independent research, knowing well its result, the course of the solution and those features of creative activity that are required in the course of its solution. Thus, the construction of a system of such problems makes it possible to envisage the activities of students, gradually leading to the formation of the necessary traits of a creative personality.

A special role is played by the result of the lesson, the so-called reflection stage , when traditionally the teacher asks the question: "Did you like the lesson?", "What have you learned new?" This is in the past, but now we use various methods of reflection: a five-minute essay; syncwines; unfinished sentence method; ; free expression; emoticons, etc.

Another important point: in order to build a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to understand what should belesson performance criteria, regardless of what typology we adhere to.

The main stages of the research lesson:

■ updating knowledge; ■ motivation; ■ creating a problem situation;

■ statement of the research problem; ■ definition of the research topic;

■ formulation of the research goal; ■ putting forward a hypothesis;

■ hypothesis testing; ■ interpretation of the received data;

■ conclusion based on the results of research work;

■ application of new knowledge in educational activities;

■ summing up the lesson; ■ homework.

The proposed approach to teaching Russian language and literature has a number of advantages: students systematically acquire the skills of communication, cooperation, and self-regulation of behavior in a team. This happens in the familiar environment of a microgroup, into which students are united. Working in microgroups gradually liberates children, creates conditions for psychological comfort, teaches them to freely express their thoughts, prove their own conclusions, listen to others, respect someone else's point of view, argue, analyze their actions, and assess them. There is a formation of a personality capable of assessing the situation, seeing the problem, making a decision, implementing it and taking responsibility for their choice. The subjects of the Russian language and literature provide great opportunities for working with the use of ICT, since it is in these lessons that we directly work with a word, a sentence, a text; we teach children to make plans, notes, annotations and reviews of information messages; give reasons for your statements; we educate students to respect the word.

5th grade when studying the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, it is necessary to formulate a topic.(A.S. Pushkin. "Ruslan and Lyudmila").

The words are written on the board: good always triumphs over evil.The disciples are offered a parable

Once upon a time, a Man lived in the world and did not know that Good and Evil existed on earth. The man set out on the road, a mountain met him on the way. There were two vessels at the top of the mountain. One vessel was filled with Good, the other with Evil. The Man was interested in the contents of the vessels, he decided to look inside and find out what Good and Evil are. He broke the jugs, all their contents were mixed. The contents of the jugs have filled the soul of a man. A person lives and does not know, so what is good and evil, which is more in his soul.

So what will be discussed in today's lesson?

Pupils come to the conclusion that we will talk about good and evil heroes in the tale of A.S. Pushkin"Ruslan and Ludmila",more specifically, Ruslana and Chernomore, we will compare them.

In the lesson, a problematic question is posed: "Why is a fairy tale called a lie?" Fifth graders give examples of magic in a fairy tale, they call wonderful helpers. A dispute arises about the victory of good over evil, different points of view are expressed on this score. After thinking about good and evil, the students independently determine the purpose of the lesson by reading again the words written on the board.

Also, when studying the topic: The problem of indifference, the inspiration of M.Yu. Lermontov "Leaf", the words are pulled out,which are written on the board.
"A stick is better than an unfaithful friend, a green leaf is better than a barren flower" (Uzbek wisdom).

The first question in the lesson: “Guys, what impression did the poem make on you? In what words could you express the feeling that this piece aroused?". From understanding that in the poem two opposite images, personifying despair and youth, collided, the students move on to realizing the liveliness of these heroes. Recalling the biography of the poet, students assume the poet himself is in a foreign land. The topic of indifference develops further.

Any activity begins with setting a goal that is personally significant for students, when this goal is "assigned" by the student, he can understand and formulate the task. In order for students to have a cognitive interest, it is necessary to confront them with a "surmountable difficulty", that is, to create a problem situation, in order to solve it, educational actions are performed, at this stage it is necessary to create a situation of success. A new paradigm of education, education of the 21st century - equipping schoolchildren with the ability to study independently: to acquire knowledge, skills, UUD skills.

The solution of a problematic issue or the formation of a problem based on the life experience of students (the inherent contradiction between knowledge and ignorance) contributes to the activation of the students' thinking activity and the way to goal setting. So, when studying the topic "Predictable", the students are given a search task: to find the difference between the predicates of the following sentences: Pink cheeks - Cheeks turn pink - Cheeks turn pink.

The following problematic questions allow to finish the work:

- What groups can be divided into predicates of these sentences and on what basis?
- Which predicates can be called simple, and which are compound and why?
- What is the difference between the predicates of the second group?
- Which of them can be called verbal, and which - nominal? Why?

When studying the topic: The indicative mood of the verb, the epigraph is written on the board: "The verb is the most fire-breathing part of speech, the most lively and brightest. The most scarlet, freshest, arterial blood of the language flows in the verb. But the purpose of the verb is

Express the action itself! ”

The students guess that we will talk about verbs, the signs of which, as a result, we list dry.(Such morphological features of this part of speech:

Conjugation, transition-intransition, time, face, mood, species, gender).

In slide with morphological features, the guys see a new sign for them - Inclination.

Again, they conclude that it will be about mood.

Well, watching the slide, on which the replicas of the fairytale brothers-heroes follow in turn. Get an assignment: to study, 3 verbs that are underlined.

I would, I could,
if someone could help!

Then take it! Serve that one!

I don't throw words to the wind,

what I have in mind - I do it!

They conclude that there are only three inclinations. Let's begin to study the first - the indicative mood.

Such a task allows students to show both independence of thought, express their points of view about verbs, moods of verbs, and also shows possible difficulties in studying this topic.

Speaking about the system-activity approach in education, one cannot separate this concept from the educational process. Only under the conditions of an activity approach, and not the flow of information, moral teachings, does a person act as a person. Interacting with the world, a person learns to build himself, evaluate himself and analyze his own actions. That's why project activities, business games, collective creative affairs - this is all that is aimed at practical communication, which is motivationally conditioned and involves the creation in children of an attitude of independence, freedom of choice and prepares their lives - this is the system-activity approach, which undoubtedly brings , its fruits are not immediate, but leads to achievements.

So, the system-activity approach in education is not a set of educational technologies, methods and techniques, this is a kind of philosophy of education of a new school, which gives the teacher the opportunity to create, seek, become, in collaboration with students, a master of his craft, work for high results, form universal educational actions in students - thus, prepare them for continuing education and to life in an ever-changing environment.

Completed by: Petrova Liana Nyaimovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature "Cheremishevskaya OOSh"

System-activity approach in the classroom

Russian language and literature


This article lists the reasons for the need to change the educational paradigm of the modern school. The author of the article gives examples of how to put into practice the system-activity approach in the lessons of the Russian language and literature.


System-activity approach, universal educational

actions, learning activities, personal results.

The basic document of the Concept of new educational standards is the program for the development of universal educational actions, designed to concretize the requirements for the results of general education and supplement the traditional content of educational programs. Why has this become a necessity?

Modern man lives in the flow of a large amount of information. Television, mass media, the Internet demand new ways of mastering it. Today, a school graduate is not able to cope with the new demands put forward by life, since, first of all, he is only a performer, armed with the sum of knowledge. Therefore, the task of the modern school is to form a person who improves himself, is able to independently make decisions, be responsible for them, find ways to implement them, i.e. master metasubject skills, including personal results (a system of value relationships, interests, student motivation).

A new approach to understanding educational outcomes determines the need to abandon the usual paradigm of education. The simple transfer of new knowledge, the demonstration of new objective actions (which should turn into skills and abilities), exercises, questioning and marking by the teacher cannot ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the FSES of the second generation, does not awaken the need for self-education, fetters the initiative and the desire of children to learn new things, analysis of the information received.

Due to the fact that the implementation of the developmental potential of general secondary education is becoming a priority area of ​​the new educational standards, the urgent task is to ensure the development of universal educational actions as a psychological component of the fundamental core of the content of education. Therefore, the most important task is to form a set of universal educational actions as meta-subject results of education.

The FSES is based on the system-activity approach, which assumes an orientation towards the results of education as a system-forming component of the Standard, where the development of the student's personality on the basis of mastering universal educational actions, cognition and mastering of the world is the goal and the main result of education. This approach conceptually based on ensuring that the educational activities of students correspond to their age and individual characteristics.

How to implement the activity approach in practice, the teacher does not always have a clear idea. The essence of the system-activity paradigm is not that the student is asked to perform certain actions that will lead him to create a specific educational outcome... The main thing here is the student's personal initiative, mastering universal educational actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative). It is the pupils who become the main "protagonists" in the lesson. Their activities should be meaningful, personally significant: what do I want to do? Why am I doing this? How do I do it? How did I do it? Only motivated and activity-based learning can be personality-oriented and developmental.

A modern lesson should form universal educational actions that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. The general atmosphere in the school and class contributes to the upbringing of positive motivation for learning: the student's involvement in different types of activities, the relationship of cooperation between the teacher and the student, the involvement of students in evaluative activities and the formation of adequate self-esteem in them. It is in the lessons of the Russian language and literature that such basic competencies as general cultural, informational, and communicative are formed. Hence follows the relevance of the implementation of the system-activity approach in teaching the Russian language and literature.

The task of the teacher when introducing the material is not to explain, tell and show everything in an accessible way, but to organize the work of the children in such a way so that they themselves think of the key problem of the lesson and explain themselves how to act in the new conditions. Children independently find their mistakes, identify the cause of these mistakes, they are given the opportunity to correct mistakes on their own and make sure that they are correct, learn to reflect on their activities.

The fundamental difference between the technology of the activity method and the technology of the traditional explanatory-illustrative teaching method is, firstly, that the proposed structure describes the activity of not the teacher, but of the students; in addition, a systematic training of the full list of activity abilities is provided. This technology has an integrated character: it synthesizes non-conflicting ideas from the concepts of developmental education of leading Russian teachers and psychologists from the standpoint of the continuity of the traditional school.

For pedagogical technology, as for any other, pedagogical conditions for its implementation must be determined - didactic principles. Thus, the implementation of the technology of the activity method in practical teaching is ensured by the following system of didactic principles:

the principle of activity is that the student, receiving knowledge not in a finished form, but obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activity;

the principle of continuity - means continuity between all levels and stages of training;

the principle of integrity - involves the formation of a generalized systemic view of the world among students;

the principle of minimax - the school must offer the student the opportunity to master the content of education at the maximum level for him;

the principle of psychological comfort - the creation of a benevolent atmosphere focused on the implementation of cooperation pedagogy;

the principle of variability - the formation of abilities for a systematic enumeration of options and adequate decision-making;

the principle of creativity is the maximum orientation towards creativity in the educational process, the acquisition by students of their own experience of creative activity.

Where to start for a teacher moving to new standards? Probably, first of all, with a rethinking of the most important thing - the preparation and conduct of a lesson in the context of new requirements.

The implementation of the activity method in the lessons of literature and Russian language will allow:

improve the quality of education;

to realize the aesthetic values ​​of the Russian language; respectful attitude to the native language; striving for speech self-improvement;

to form communicative, linguistic and linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competences;

to form a sufficient volume of vocabulary, the ability to self-esteem based on observation of their own speech;

to form cultural, moral and moral and ethical norms, up to the ability to self-education based on humanistic ideals;

apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life;

to form communicatively expedient interaction with people around in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task.

master the basics of scientific knowledge about the native language;

to form activity abilities in sufficient completeness, up to the ability for self-development.

The first thing a teacher should remember when starting to work within the framework of the system-activity approach is that the lesson outline should reflect the implementation of the activity-based approach to the organization of the educational process. As you know, the system-activity approach acts as the methodological basis of the standard. Building a lesson in the logic of the system-activity approach differs significantly from the classical idea of ​​the typology and structure of the lesson. The stages of the lesson should reflect the structural elements of "activity": motive, goal, actions to achieve it, result:

1). Motivation for learning activities.

This stage of the learning process involves the student's conscious entry into the space of learning activities in the classroom.

2). "Discovery" of new knowledge.

The teacher offers students a system of questions and assignments that lead them to self-discovery. As a result of the discussion, he summarizes.

3). Primary anchoring.

Training tasks are performed with obligatory commenting, reciting aloud the studied algorithms of actions.

4). Independent work with self-test against the standard.

During this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and carry out their self-examination, step by step comparing with the standard.

5). Knowledge inclusion and repetition.

At this stage, the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge are identified. Thus, all components of educational activity are effectively included in the learning process: learning objectives, methods of action, operations of self-control and self-esteem.

6). Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (result).

The new content studied in the lesson is fixed, and reflection and self-assessment by students of their own educational activities is organized.

In the context of the transition to the Standards of a new generation, many questions have appeared that are related to the implementation of educational programs in various subjects, including literature. Today, special attention should be paid to personal results (competencies), which determine the motivation and focus of the individual's activities, and not to the subject, as was done before.

The relationship between teacher and student in the framework of the system-activity approach (hereinafter referred to as SDP) is subject - subjective. This is reflected in the change in teaching technologies, in the improvement of the plan - the project of the lesson.

What could be the lesson of literature within the SDP? This question cannot be answered unambiguously now. So, from the analysis of modern literature methods, as well as on the basis of the experience of modern teachers working in this direction, it is possible to single out some features, techniques and methods of a modern literature lesson within the framework of the SDP.

Features of the structure and content of a literature lesson depend on the specifics of the genre of the work that is being studied. It is from the specifics of the genre that the choice of the type of lesson, the setting of goals, objectives, etc. is determined. The SDP contains a communicative basis for lessons, a dialogical form of mastering a work. Thus, in the lesson, a dialogue of readers with the author and a dialogue of students among themselves in the text should be organized.

The teacher is faced with the task of creating a situation of communication between students and the author and his work, the main thing here is not to impose on students a single correct point of view, but to encourage them to express their own judgments, organize a discussion, discussion of what they read.

Dialogue learning model literary work distinguishes the structure of the lesson from the traditional one, introduces a variety of forms of conducting, assumes a greater number of options for its planning. The dialogue is aimed at mastering the content of the work, as well as at independently preparing students for its expressive reading (highlighting pauses, keywords, intonation), on the reading itself, as well as a conversation on the text. Further, the students get acquainted with the work of fiction. Let's see how such literature lessons might look like.

    The stage of primary self-determination in the text .

At this stage, the following techniques are used: acquaintance with the author of the work and the name, genre; assumption of the content of the text by title, epigraph, illustrations; expressive reading of the text by the teacher; step-by-step reading of the work by students (reading with comments, reading "following the author", formulating questions, highlighting incomprehensible places, words new to children in the text, exchange of views, stopping in reading, guessing the possible development of the plot, etc.).

    The stage of text analysis and interpretation of its meaning.

The analysis of the text should begin with the statement of the main task of the lesson by the teacher together with the students (to determine the genre, the period of writing, the description of the characters, to reveal the idea of ​​the work, to understand what the author wanted to say, to try to determine the concept, etc.). The main method of work is a creative dialogue between students and the author about the work. Type of work: development of methods of activity for solving the problem posed at the beginning of the lesson, drawing up tasks and questions according to the text; performing independent tasks in the text in subgroups, and then a collective discussion of the results and observations; research assignments for the work (the choice of words and quotes that characterize the characters, the choice of methods for creating images of characters, etc.), drawing up a text plan.

    The stage of working with the text of the work after reading .

At this stage, all observations of the text are systematized and summarized, the quality of solving the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson is assessed, the performance of test tasks (these can be any tasks, for example, testing, for each student to assess the level of reading mastery, as well as his involvement in work throughout lesson, and comprehension of the work). Then you need to carry out creative work based on what you read: succinct retelling, retelling from the third person, staging, writing an essay, essay, reproduction of scenes, landscape of the work, displaying the illustrative general mood of the work, unusual characterization of characters, oral drawing, etc.

When planning a literature lesson, the teacher should choose such a form and logic of the lesson, which will be more conducive to the activation of the student's creative activity as a direct reader, foster in him a love and interest in reading, contribute to the accumulation of experience of communication with the author and his work, and in ultimately enrich and expand the child's moral consciousness, his ability to socialize - in other words, to make a lesson in literature a lesson in life. It must be remembered that the lesson should be problematic and developmental, creative, it is necessary to take into account the level and capabilities of the students, in which such aspects as the class profile, aspiration and mood of students are taken into account, the students themselves must make a conclusion. And one more necessary condition must be observed - the lesson must be kind.

All of the above is also necessary for conducting Russian language lessons. In addition, it must be said that a pre-planned, carefully thought-out lesson project will not hurt. How to prepare for a modern Russian lesson?

First, the teacher clearly defines what new knowledge should be revealed in the lesson. This can be a rule, an algorithm, a pattern, a concept, one's attitude to the subject of research, etc.

Secondly, it is necessary to construct a problem situation. A problem situation in the lesson can, of course, arise of its own accord, but in order to achieve the set goal, the teacher must clearly understand at what point the problem should arise, how best to beat it, so that its resolution later leads to the intended result. Therefore, the problematic situation must be well thought out and led to ensure that the students independently formulate the problem of the lesson in the form of a topic, goal or question. This can be done in two ways: "with difficulty" or "with surprise." The first method assumes that students receive an assignment that cannot be completed without new knowledge. In the course of the problem dialogue, the teacher leads the students to the realization of the lack of knowledge and to formulate the problem of the lesson in the form of a topic or goal. The second method involves a comparative analysis of two facts, opinions, assumptions. In the process of comparison, the teacher must make the students realize the discrepancy, the contradiction, which should surprise them and lead to the formulation of the problem of the lesson in the form of a question.

Let's see how you can organize a problem situation in a fifth grade Russian lesson. The topic of the lesson is "Imperative mood of the verb."

Pupils are invited to answer the question: Why is the verb WRITE in one case written WRITE, and in the other WRITE?

In the process of searching for a solution to this linguistic problem, students, applying existing knowledge, will determine that the verb WRITE-I conjugation. This means that the form WRITE IN the future tense is written correctly. The form WRITE, expresses a command, a request, an order, and this determines its writing. Thus, in the course of a problematic dialogue, students formulate the problem of the lesson in the form of a topic:

What will be the topic of our lesson? (Imperative mood of the verb)

What will help us not to make mistakes in the spelling of verbs of different moods? (Knowledge of the morphemic composition of words.)

What is the composition of each form? (A wide variety of possible answers, including erroneous student answers, are possible here.)

What will help us make sure which of you is right? (Proof by specific examples.)

Let's find the right way to solve this issue.

After that, fifth-graders will independently be able to explain that in the form of the imperative mood –И– is a suffix that forms the mood form, and –TE– the plural ending in the imperative mood. In the form of the indicative mood, with which the students are already familiar, the ending of the plural is ETE.

Another example. When studying the topic "Spelling letters И -Ы after prefixes with a consonant ", the work is carried out in groups. Each group receives cards with words in which it was necessary to insert the missing letters (task for error):


The check led the children to bewilderment: many made a mistake when completing the assignment. In this learning situation, the students are faced with "difficulty", they understand that in order to complete this task, they need to acquire new knowledge. Their questions lead to formulating a topic, setting a goal. Then the students put forward and test hypotheses. The children leave the lesson happy, because they themselves managed to resolve the problem situation, answer all the questions.

Thirdly, the teacher has to clearly plan his actions and the students. When the problem of the lesson is formulated, the main part of it begins - communication. At this stage, students are expected to work independently. When preparing for the lesson, the teacher should provide possible options"Action development" in order to direct the activities of students in the right direction in time. Therefore, when working on a script for a lesson, you should plan the use of different techniques. For example, putting forward versions, updating previously acquired knowledge using brainstorming or performing a series of tasks based on the material studied, drawing up a plan using elements of problem dialogue technology to determine the sequence of actions, their focus, and possible sources of information.

Fourth, you need to properly plan your decisions. When planning a solution to a problem, it is necessary: ​​first, to formulate your conclusion on the problem (the form of a rule, an algorithm, a description of a pattern, a concept), which, with the help of a teacher, students can come to themselves; secondly, to choose such sources for pupils to obtain the necessary new information to solve the problem, which will not contain a ready-made answer, conclusion, formulation of new knowledge. It can be the observation of a situation in which the necessary knowledge is manifested. For example, in Russian lessons, having seen the pattern of spelling, students can formulate the rule themselves, and only then check themselves against the textbook. This can be work with text (with a table, diagram, figure), from which it is logically possible to deduce the signs of a concept, a logical connection between phenomena, find arguments for their assessment, etc. Thirdly, it is necessary to design a dialogue to find a solution to the problem. You can envisage a leading or stimulating dialogue.

A leading dialogue assumes a chain of questions arising from one another, the correct answer to each of which is programmed in the question itself. Such a dialogue promotes the development of logic. An encouraging dialogue consists of a series of questions, to which different correct answers are possible. This dialogue develops students creatively. Finally, an approximate reference signal (a diagram, a set of theses, a table, etc.) should be drawn up, which will appear on the board as students discover new knowledge or its elements. Ideally, each element of the reference signal should appear in dialogue with students as they solve the problem.

This is followed by planning the result. The lesson scenario assumes that the teacher should think over a possible expression of the solution to the problem. For example, it can be an answer to the question: "So how did we solve the problem?"

And the final stage is planning tasks for applying new knowledge. It should be remembered that tasks should be problematic in nature, aim the student at a search or research activities, suggest individual or group work.

Implementation of modern pedagogical technologies- the work is difficult, but interesting. The main thing is that it gives positive results. Pupils think independently, strive for creativity, do not work according to a template. They will go out into a big life, which will require the ability of school graduates to make decisions quickly and independently. Only he can find his place in life thinking man, who knows how to quickly solve complex life problems that arise in front of him.


1. Aksenova N. I. System-activity approach as the basis for the formation of metasubject results / N. I. Aksenova // Theory and practice of education in modern world: materials of the int. scientific. conf. (St. Petersburg, February 2012). - SPb .: Renome, 2012 .-- S. 140-142.

Internet sources

1 Sherstova E.V. System-activity approach at the lessons of the Russian language. // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2012. - №3.

2. System-activity approach in the lesson. Lesson constructor. [Electronic resource] Access mode

3. Realization of the system-activity approach in teaching in basic and high school (from work experience) [Electronic resource] Access mode

4.System - activity approach in teaching and upbringing

[Electronic resource] Access mode

5. All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council [Electronic resource] Mode


6. Planned results of mastering the basic

educational program basic secondary (complete) general

education [Electronic resource] Access mode