Methods and techniques of psychological unloading of children in classes. Methods of self-regulation and psychological unloading

In most cases, a person goes to a psychologist individually. And it is right! After all, only with a psychologist you can understand what type of therapy is most suitable for you and precisely with the problem.

Of course, the client always independently makes a decision not only to any specialist to contact, but whether he wants to work in a group or individually. He wants to use additional materials Or it will be exclusively verbal communication ...

In addition to technical I. external factorsIn the process of managing its time, psychological barriers play a major role. Our internal attitude to work and the methods of its execution emotionally color the entire workflow. It can be both positive and negative emotions. Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

You do not know how to deny and others use it. As a result, you are overloaded physically and emotionally. Constantly internally worried about this injustice. But if you ...

The psychological theory of activity was created in Soviet psychology and develops for over 60 years. She is obliged to the works of Soviet psychologists: L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, A.V. Zaporozhets, P.Ya. Halperin and many others.

The psychological theory of activity began to be developed in the 20s - early 30s. By this time, the Sun of Psychology of Consciousness has already rolled out and new foreign theories were in blooming - behaviorism, psychoanalysis ...

Dear psychologists of the house of the Sun! Please give advice! After a divorce, the adopter holds my son for 12 years for half a year. Does not make it possible to communicate with him, it seems to me nor my parents. There is a decision of the court to cancel the establishment, but he filed a new application for restoring adoption.

Using his official position, leads my son to different instances and forces the child to write statements that he does not want to see me, but wants to live only with him.

Maybe there are some ...

The essence of psychological pain is simple: disagreement with what is happening caused by reference to certain mental templates. As a consequence, an attempt by force to keep the stability of these templates - which leads to the most powerful overvoltage of the brain.

If you draw a picture, then an attempt to keep your usual psychoshal plates against the background of reality changes is anyway, as an attempt to keep the train with the train, granting him with a hook.

How everything happens ...

Man lives images. He creates a certain set ...

In addition to technical and external factors, psychological barriers play a major role in the process of managing their time. Our internal attitude to work and the methods of its execution emotionally color the entire workflow.

It can be both positive and negative emotions. Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

You do not know how to deny and others use it. As a result, you are overloaded physically and emotionally. Constantly internally worried about this injustice. But if...

In our age, the popularization of the psychology of the mystery, once hidden from ordinary people, begin to publish massively and implementing various psychologists and psychotherapists. Probably, almost any adult knows what NLP is and psychological techniques of manipulation.

This is taught a business coach or coaching, as fashionable to call now.

The concept of coaching entered our life not so long ago, more of their activities are known as the science of psychological receptions Manipulating people consciousness ...

Why am I so bad? This question many of us often ask ourselves. We are all living people who experience a lot of emotions, daily exposed tests for the psyche in the form of various strong stimuli. We worry, experiencing, crying.

We are experiencing an oppressive feeling of helplessness. We suffer, suffer, not sleep at night. It seems to us that the world is around - someone else and aggressive in relation to us.

We are subject to low self-esteem, interfering to build relationships with people around us. A loss...

Irina Vladimirovna Babanova
Psycho-emotional unloading and its meaning for preschooler

Everybody has a bad mood, and children are no exception. In the life of an adult, a bad mood happens because of various stresses. And in the life of a child stress enough. And let us, adults, children's stress seem small and unimportant, but for preschoolers they are very significant. Negative can accumulate for a long time, which will subsequently lead to neurosis, anxiety, indecision and other negative consequences. You need to help a small little man to remove psycho-emotional tension .

There are several ways.

1. Photodynamics. This method comes down to reviews for illustrations, photo, video (cartoons, fairy tales, music clips) With their subsequent discussion.

2. Relaxation. For children apply mostly day sleep, listening to calm music, games on sensory development, board games, massage.

3. Physical exertion. With a regular visit to the child of the sports section or with permanent classes in general physical training, the child decreases poor mood, Normalizes sleep, the digestive processes are improved, the body's overall strengthening occurs. The main rule will repeat again - regularity!

4. Hiking or games in nature. Family picnics in general. Help communication, strengthen mutual understanding between the adult and the child, are some way to discuss the problem that in itself reduces the level psychological burden.

5. Creativity. When creative work, where small motility is involved, mental processes are improved. There is some stimulation of thinking about what happened. In addition, joint creativity is also a great opportunity to discuss something with a child, advise, without imposing his point of view.

6. Privacy. This is pretty simple and effective simultaneously method. Some children need to be alone, understand what is happening, deciding how to behave. It is not necessary for this to close the child in the room or put in the angle. It only aggravates the position. You can offer to use a tent, a smokely hammock, screen or partition. This technique works if the child has already appreciated value personal space.

7. Splash of emotions. You can offer a child to shove and beat the pear or pillow. After the ejection of the negative should be discussed by the current circumstances.

Whatever way psycho-emotional unloading was not selected, the most important thing - talk with a child. Do not just listen to him, but also hear. It is impossible to impose his will and the decision of the situation. He must come to the decision. Help him leaks or examples from life. But in no case will not allow a moral tone. This will immediately create a distance between the adult and the child. It will rather pushing out than getting closer.

The task of the parent to remove emotional instability in preschool age but not to strengthen it. For modern preschool children In the emotional plan, it is characteristic, on the one hand, a decrease in emotional tone, the strengthening of negative emotional manifestations and as a result of this is a decrease in the level of intellectual development, and on the other hand, there is a sharp drop in interests towards the spiritual life of society, to culture and art that act The strong emotional factor in the formation of the identity of the child and stabilizing his spiritual sphere. This determines the need psychological support Children. To do this, keep preventive measures to remove psycho-emotional tensions not only at home, but also in preschool institution . This means can serve as a corner. psychological games . It is easy to organize it. For this required: Situated place, soft pillow, girlfriend toy, paper and color pencils, bright tranquits, soft wire, friendship mat didactic games ("Collect Beads", "Help to a friend" and d. t., "Magic items" (hat, wand, boots, boots, etc., flashlight or lamp, dry pool (if the place allows) etc. It does not have to purchase material in stores. Most of all equipment can be made independently. And if you attract children and their parents to this, then the teacher will get another opportunity to remove psycho-emotional Voltage and close with pupils, since joint labor itself helps to overcome the official communication barrier and helps to create a relaxed atmosphere of personal interaction.

Publications on the topic:

Game value for baby What is the game for? On the important meaning of the game for the child, the fact that the UN proclaimed the game is universal and inherent right.

The meaning of moving games in the education of the personal qualities of the child preschooler Often, adults are perplexed: where do children have so much energy and thirst for activity? How can they run and jumping days long? Everything.

Consultation for parents "Day Sleepness for a child-preschooler" Daily sleep value for preschooler. Sleep is an integral component of the life of every person, it is very important for adult.

Consultation for parents "The meaning of a pedagogical assessment in the education of a preschooler" Preschool childhood is a period of active development of the surrounding world, the initial actual formation of personality, the development of personalities.

Project in the first youngest group "Folklore. The value of the folklore in the education of a preschooler " Pedagogical project in 1 (2) younger group "Folklore. The value of the folklore in the education of the preschooler »Project leaders: Educator: Gerasimov.

Consultation "Sleep and its importance in the life of a child of a preschooler" Sleep is an integral component of every person's life, it is very important for both adult and a child. However, for children not.

Exercises for children

on the removal of muscular tension


Swimming hands

ChildrenSeeveRevereRevereSef-alerting-alerted. Iproevyatrutrutrumpastivnis. After writing, my hands are missing. Endowed. Exercise. The hands of the painfulness of the fact that it is possible to make it possible, the hands of the way, disabled.


The initial position is the hands of the hands, brush bands. Quick-mounted fondrics, as rags.


The originality of the HandsObnuttyAdnoyedonewonewonewonewonment, is brushless. The importance of it is desirable. It is desirable. Refloited tolese-membrazno-folee-sharpness of a vacculatory.

Raised by the raised.



Handsproof servers. Definition of the limits of the limit of the limitlessness (relaxation, lettucet) Inapprehensive-depth-win-chandomitsevatsevtsev. Theaten, non-plain, weakens, diving, allowable, alokty, acids missile to be bend. Hands complaints.


Children's choresBolly chiefs, making making-ups-up. Perezvyvychnogotchkarukii's puzzyvyvyvykonatiyii, freezing, describe into account.

Relaxing IndicatoriesShortsCorpusa


ChildrenMatvyatvyvyvyvyosvobytnyatnyatsysysyspins, neckplot. Corps, Golovirukipadyutvpreted, kneesBell-freelancer. We are prohibited, sequentially-fertile, lumbarlechevo-festive, and lumbayspace.


Movement Assignment Acturbed Inna StrengthsThelstellae.InadediasNewsConalcuts, KeynapryMytsnog, Corps, Digitally Cuttered, Keepingly Conditioned, Keeping, Hands, Hands. Shoulders.

ImitateTroypichkukkullam, oniskiyutivlyishneenpenpiresInisselli housing, hand-to-grateply. InvolveTee-free, short, short-teltotelo, to the left, tovil.

Intellectual stress and stress - this is the Beach of Modern Humanity. Disgraceability is reduced, the joy of life is lost, bad thoughts come into mind - sometimes fatally dangerous, crime increases. Problems of adult worldcan be the basis for the formation of psychological tension of children. Teachers, parents and, as a result, children daily have to "survive" and experience a lot of complex and even stressful situations, most of whom we do not even have time to realize.

With stress you need to fight. One of the ways to overcome the internal voltage is to learn to the methods of psychological unloading. It is available to any, for some techniques, no auxiliary means are required, no time. Without this, you can not conduct a speech about a number of a number of techniques that allow you to know ourselves deeper. Psychologists determine this type of therapy as a study of themselves, on environment. All techniques of psychological unloadingbased on more or less conscious muscle relaxation. If it is possible to lower the muscular stress, together with it and nervous, so the state of relaxation is already in itself possesses a psychogenic effect, and some individuals are quite enough. The one who wishes to move on can enjoy the state of relaxation when performing subsequent exercises that contribute to the deepening of self-knowledge and improve the mental (and thereby physical) state. In this case, the process also goes in two directions, that is not only "in healthy body "Healthy spirit", but also "with a healthy spirit is a healthy body."

Relaxation - not just relaxation, and the path ... to health!

"People who know how to relax, have not only greater flexibility of thinking, but also better adapted to the fight against stress." R. Cuplan

After a difficult day, stress, fatigue does not hurt a good dose of beauty and amazing music. Contemplation of nature against the background of the peaceful music is the best way to relax, relax, restore the forces and improve the mood. We bring to your attention a video, pleasant viewing!

We bring to your attention a few simple exercise On the removal of psychological stress that you can easily use:

Gymnastics for eyes by the method of G.A. Shicko:

1. "Zhmurki": grind and wide open eyes 5-6 times in a row with an interval of 30 seconds.

2. "Up-down, right-left": moving up and down, right-left, without turning heads. Looking around, remove the tension, counting to ten.

3. "Circle": Rolling through the eyes in a circle, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

4. "Square": to present a square. Translate a look from the right top corner In the left lower - in the left upper - in the right bottom. And then at the same time see in the corners of the imaginary square.

5. "Drawing with a nose": look at the tablet and remember the word or letter. Then close your eyes. Imagine that the nose has become so long that gets to the plate. You need to write the selected item with your nose.

Breathing management - This is an effective means of influence on muscle tone and emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (with the participation of abdominal muscles) lowers the excitability of nerve centers, contributes to muscle relaxation, i.e. Relaxation. Frequent (breast) breathing, on the contrary, provides high level The activity of the body, maintains neuropsychic tension.

1) Lay it yourself in the lying position (subject to all basic requirements: peace, spacious clothing, moderate air temperature).

2) Slowly close your eyes.

3) Follow the breath. With each new exhalation, you go deeper into a state of relaxation. Enter so until you feel that you have reached the most deep stages of relaxation, which is required by your body.

4) You are lying relaxed, conscious that your breathing has become calmer and deep. Feeling relaxation in the whole body. You learn motionless, insistent, feel pleasant sensations. Feeling that calm and relaxation affected your soul. You enjoy the feelings of peace and carelessness.

5) The body itself will give you to understand when it will feel enough vigorous. Relaxation will cease to bring pleasure, and you will want to return to the active, cheerful state.

6) Do not hurry with it, slowly stretch and also slowly open your eyes. When you want to sit down. Then make a fast exhale.

Exercise "White Cloud":

- "Close your eyes deeply and freely, relax, feel like your body is heavy, and a warm wave of relaxation passes through your muscles. Imagine that you are lying on your back in the grass. Beautiful warm summer day. You look in amazingly clean, blue Heaven, it is such an unusual. You enjoy them. You enjoy a wonderful view. You are completely relaxed and satisfied. You see how a tiny white cloud appears on the horizon. You are fascinated by his beauty.

You see how it slowly approaches you. You are lying, and you are completely relaxed. You are in Lada with yourself. The cloud is very slow sailing to you. You enjoy the beauty of the gorgeous blue sky And little white cloud. It is just now on you. You are completely relaxed and enjoying this picture. You are in complete agreement with yourself. Imagine that you slowly get up. You rise to a small white cloud. You parry more and higher. Finally, you have reached a small white cloud and step on it. You step on it, and become a white cloud yourself. Now you are a small white cloud. You are absolutely relaxed, harmony reigns in you, and you parry high-high in the sky. Watch yourself from the side for a while (30 seconds) ...

And now it's time to return back, to the ground. Take a breath and deep slow exhalation, stretch. Slowly open your eyes ... "

1. "Dumpling": Len your hands behind the head and, leaning on the chair, stretch, make some deep breaths and exhale. The neck will not hurt from the voltage.

2. "Tired Handles": Raise your hands to the chest level, connect the palms and fingertips, shake closed palms back and forth. So rest tired hands.

3. "Holders": Handfather Hands about the seat of the chair. Straightening your feet, climb over the chair. So rest your shoulders.

Gymnastics Strelnoye

Unique, paradoxical, non-patient, prophylactic, balancing - these and many other definitions can be found in the characteristics of the system. Not as an example of others, popular in our life complexes, this gymnastics opposes and roams itself. It is the possibility of its integration with the exercises and experiences of other respiratory trains, opposes himself. The mother and daughter of Strelnikov was developed to develop the respiratory abilities and professional qualities of opera singers. Taradsal is considered because all attention in gymnastics is concentrated only on the breath, which is accompanied by a chest compression, which goes into incision with muscle efforts of natural respiration. With all its "nonlegity," it is believed that the gymnastics is able to prevent mass of diseases, balance and strengthen the body, rationalize the chemical and biological processes occurring in the body. Gymnastics is useful and recommended to all at all ages, with the exception of patients with acute inflammatory processes and bleeding. Like the previous ones, in no way put a solution to the problems relevant today.

Respiratory technique rules:

Rule 1. The primary respiratory gymnastics of Strelnikova, as is known, is inhaling. It is this element that should be trained first. When performing exercises, it is recommended to breathe sharply and vigorously. At the same time, the breath should be short, but strong enough. Inhale should be drawn by air through the nose noisy and actively.

Rule 2. Another component of a complex of breathing exercises Strelniki is considered to be exhaled. It should be perceived as the opposite of breath. Therefore, you need to exhale slowly and smoothly, pulling the air through the mouth. If inhale requires effort and certain energy costs, the exhale is characterized by arbitrary. At the same time, there is no need to push out air, it should go out freely and unhindered. Often, the desire to make exhalation active and energetic leads to a failure of the rhythm of breathing.

Rule 3. . All exercises aimed at the implementation of the technique of proper respiration must be performed by producing an account. This will help not to get off the rhythm and also consistently and correctly do all the required elements.

Rule 4. . Rhythm, which is another important component of a complex of exercise of respiratory gymnastics, must correspond to the rhythm of the Marsh Steps. All exercises should be carried out at a specific pace. This is important to maintain the rhythm and achieve the maximum effect. Each element of respiratory gymnastics is recommended to perform in less than a second. This is achieved through stubborn and regular training.

Rule 5. . In the technique of breathing in Strelnoye. Inhale and performed movement make up a single integer. They need to be carried out at the same time, and not alternately. -

Rule 6. All exercises that make up the breathing gymnastics of Strelnoye can be performed in the position as standing, so sitting or lying. This is determined by the patient's condition and the degree of gravity of the disease.

Rule 7. . The number of repetitions of a particular exercise should be multiple of four. As is known, the Four is the magnitude of one musical size that is most convenient for gymnastic exercises. As the respiratory elements are mastered, this value is raised by 2 times. And this happens at all. It is believed that the eight is a symbol of infinity and eternity.

To perform the exercises of respiratory gymnastics for three and five accounts, according to the followers of the presented method, considerable physical efforts are required. And this is possible only under the condition of special preliminary preparation.

Increase the number of breaths to eight for the series is recommended on the second day of the occupation by respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova A. N. On the fourth day, this number increases to sixteen repetitions, in the future - up to twenty-four and up to thirty two. The maximum number of breaths in one lesson can reach ninety-six. Thus, the last figure is considered a kind of record, to overcome which should strive each involuntary.

Rule 8. . Classes should be started while in joyful and cheerful mood. This will help increase the effect rendered by gymnastics.

Here's how it is done three first exercises

at the very beginning of classes.


Steel straight, hands bent in the elbows, the palms turned from themselves (Fig. 1a). Keep your hands so that the elbows are directed down, and not "walked" freely from side to side. Start making noisy breaths with your nose and at the same time squeeze the palms in the fists (Fig. 1b). As if they grabbed the air and climbed, grabbed and closed. Remember: You make in a row 4 inhalation, necessarily sharp and rhythmic. You can even include marching music, it helps himself very much during classes. They performed one cycle, the hands were lowered, rested 3-4 s. We work again. Again make 4 cyclic breaths to the nose.

Please note that exhale you should not hear. Listen only in the breath. Shoulders when performing exercise still. Palms are located at the chest level. No retreats from the scheme is not allowed. Do in the position as convenient for you. You can sit, stand or even lie.

Perform 24 cycles of inhale (4 inhale at once).

Attention ! During the exercise in the first days you can turn your head. There is nothing terrible in this, just changed the rhythm of breathing. This is a reaction to the cleaning of the energy channels of your body. When the body gets used to - dizziness will be held. But while they are, let the body work not in full force. To do this, instead of performing the exercise, do it sitting. Give more time to rest: not 3-4 C, and 5-10 s between cycles.


Source position - standing. Hands squeeze into the fists, press to the belly at the belt level (Fig. 2a). Take a breath and sharply "Press" the fists to the floor (Fig. 2b), strain the muscles of the shoulder complex, pull your hands down, while the shoulders remain motionless. Inhale we go to 8 clocks. Did you breathe? Return to the original position, making automatically exhale. Relax your shoulders. Hands do not lift the above belt. All attention is focused only on the breath and accompanying its movement. Between the cycles of breathing, give yourself a vacation 3-4 s.

Your norm: 12 times 8 inhales.


Start from the starting position, the legs at the same time spread a little more width of the shoulders, and the hands are lowering (Fig. 3a). Take into the hands of a rolled newspaper or wand; Imagine that this is the pump handle, and you pumped the car's bus. We make an easy tilt forward (Fig. 3b), stretch your hands to the floor, but we do not touch the floor itself (Fig. 3B). In the second half of the tilt, we make a sharp breath. Do not forget that your breath should be well heard. Calculate the tilt so that it is rhythmically connected with the breath. The slope ran out - in the breath. Do not pull inhale, flashering, and not check out to the end. The slope was completed - slightly lift the body, but do not straighten your back.

The imaginary tire is not yet puzzled, it needs to quickly roll up and go further. Go to the tilt again, accompany him in the breath. Repeat the breaths simultaneously with inclons: often, rhythmic and easy. Head do not lift. Watch down on an imaginary pump. These inhale movements need to perform 8.

After that, you can straighten and exhale, relax 3-4 s and repeat the cycle. The slopes do not need to be taken deep, it is enough to get bend in the belt. The shoulders when the slope go a little ahead, the back of the round, the head is omitted.

Repeat the exercise 12 times (8 inhales).

But - pay special attention to this - there are patients with which its execution is strictly prohibited, and people who can be performed only in very easy, gentle form.

Contraindications: Shocking brain, aortic aneurysm, serious spinal injuries, vertebrate shifts, hypertensive crisis.

Restrictions: Gallgame and urolithiasis, elevated skull, eye and blood pressure, kidney stones.

With these violations, only a very light, smooth slope is made. Inhale is performed noisy and sharply, the exhalation is performed automatically, through a dutched mouth.

The main complex of exercises

These are the movements that you need to add one each subsequent day after you have mastered the initial exercises. The main complex is divided into movement of head and movement by the case (or main movements). First we turn to the movements head.


Take the starting position, spread the legs a bit already the width of the shoulders. Start turning the head to the right and left (Fig. 4), making it sharply, at the pace of steps. Simultaneously with each turn - inhale the nose. Short, sharp, noisy. Rotate to the right - noisy breath, Rotate to the left - noisy breath. Make turns with breaths for eight clocks. Think: "Gare smells! Where? Left? On right?" Snow the air. In the middle, you do not delay my head, only turns go. You can not strain your neck, you can not tilt my head.

Total run 12 cycles (8 breaths).

This is not only an excellent breathing exercise, it develops the neck muscles, prevents the development of osteochondrosis. But there are diseases in which its execution is limited and prohibited.

Contraindications: Epilepsy (can give an impetus to the beginning of the attack), hypertensive crisis, concussion, shift of the vertebral discs (especially in the cervical department).

Restrictions: Vegeta dystonia, elevated intracranial, eye or blood pressure, head bruises, osteochondrosis of the cerhing and thoracic spine. In these cases, symbolic turns of the head are made, but the quality of breath remains the same - noisy, sharp, active. It is allowed to do the exercise sitting or lying.


Take the starting position, spread the legs a bit already the width of the shoulders. We start skewing your head. At first slightly tilt the head to the right (Fig. 5a), the right ear is directed to the right shoulder - at the same time a noisy short breath. Then tilt the head to the left (Fig. 5b), the left ear is directed to the left shoulder - at the same time, breathe. Shake your head, as if you say to someone: "Ay-Yai-Yai, as not ashamed!" Please note that the housing and shoulders must be fixed. You can not lift or lower your shoulders, you can not pull the shoulder to the ear. It works only head. Simultaneously with each shocking, inhale is performed. In total movements in the cycle 8. Then rest 3-4 C and a new cycle. Perform 12 cycles.

Contraindications: Shocking brain, epilepsy, hypertensive crisis.

Restrictions: Vegeta dystonia, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, increased eye, intracranial and blood pressure, head bruises. In all these cases, tilt your head a little bit, you can sit or lie. The main attention is paid to the quality of the breath.

Small pendulum "

Take the starting position, spread the legs a bit already the width of the shoulders. Lose head down, looked at the floor - made noisy, active inhale (Fig. 6a). Raised the head up, looked at the ceiling - made a noisy short breath (Fig. 6b). Close your head forward - back, inhale - inhale. Think: "How does Garoy smell? Bottom? From above? " Look down - inhale "from the floor", look up - inhale "from the ceiling." Each cycle includes 8 movements head up and down. Do not delay the exhalations, let them automatically occur after inhalation, but also do not throw away the air powerfully. The exhalations are silently, through a pitched mouth, freely.

The initial position is standing, legs are placed slightly more shoulders widths, hands are located at the belt level (Fig. 7). Special Note: Floor feet do not tear off!

Remember the cat that sneaks to the sparrow. Repeat her movements - a little bit squeal, turn to the right, then left (Fig. 8). The severity of the body tolerate then on the right foot, then on the left - depending on which direction you turned. You have already tried to do so in the initial exercises.

First, it's easy to play, play and turn a little to the right to the right - do a sharp short breath. Then it is easy to squat and turn the torso to the left - you do a sharp short breath.

So continue: Rotate to the left, turn to the right, breathing on the right - inhale to the left. Noisily sniff the air on the right, to the left at the pace of steps. Exhalations should occur between inhales automatically, involuntarily.

Attention! The knees slightly bend and straighten (squatting light, spring, do not sneeze deeply). During the squats, do grabbing movements on the right and left at the level of the belt. Do not hurt, do not turn all the body: the back is absolutely straight, turn is only in the waist.

Total need to perform 12 cycles.

"Higher shoulders"

Stand straight. Raise your hands on the shoulder level, bend in the elbows. Turn the palm to yourself and put them in front of the breast, just below the neck (Fig. 9a). Now, "Throw" hands towards each other so that the left hug the right shoulder, and the right is the left armpit (Fig. 9b). Please note that the hands go parallel to each other, and not crosswise (i.e., the shoulder - armpit, not shoulder - shoulder). In no case do not change the arrangement of hands (anyway, what a hand is the right or left); Widely on the parties do not bred and do not strain. Elbows Also cannot be blown up. Exercise at the pace of steps. Simultaneously with each throw, when the hands closely come together, perform short noisy breaths. Think: "The shoulders help the air." When you master this exercise, you can at the time of the counter movement of the hands slightly popping the head back (take a breath "from the ceiling"). Perform 12 cycles of 8 movements in each. Exercise is allowed to do in the sitting and lying position.

Contraindications:organic damage to the cardiovascular system, the first week after a heart attack. Those who have suffered a heart attack is allowed to include an exercise only from the second week (like other exercises of the complex). In serious condition, it is necessary to make a contract not at 8 inhale movements, but 4 or even 2, then rest 3-5 C and again 2-4 inhale-movements.

Care you need to show pregnant women: since the 6th month of pregnancy, the exercise is performed without throwing the head up, we work only with your hands, look in front of you.

Restrictions: Ischemic heart disease, congenital heart defects.


Remember : Even a small positive change in your consciousness leads, perhaps to resolve serious problems of your life. There are quite a lot of ways to change the course in the right direction. But first of all, we need to learn to love and appreciate yourself. We have to work out several basic, quite essential beliefs:
Do not criticize yourself

This is a stupid and useless occupation, which is not serving anything positive. Stop criticize yourself, remove this cargo. Do not criticize the others, as a rule, the disadvantages that we see in them is the reflection of our own errors. Negative attitude towards others, often provokes trouble in privacy. Only we are in the right to judge ourselves other people, nor life, nor God nor the Universe.

I love myself, I am satisfied with myself!

Take care of your body

Your body is a sacred compartment of soul. If you want to live a long, full-fledged life, start taking care of your body right now. You should look good and, more importantly, feel great - your energy should beat the key. Diet, proper nutrition, exercise play an important role. You must keep yourself in shape, make your body flexible, hardy and healthy. So it should stay until your last day on the planet.

I am healthy, happy, energetic!


Very often we complain that we do not understand many life problems, We are lost in situations: do not know what to do, how to do. However, we all have enough mind, intelligence and we are able to learn. You can learn everything, for this there are books, cassettes, courses. They are everywhere and accessible to everyone. If you do not have much money, go to the library. Find or create a group that would deal with yourself. Know that you will comprehend new until the very last day.

I study and develop! Provide your future

Each person has the right to personal funds. Own money is developing our self-esteem, give us a sense of confidence. You can start with a small amount. It is important to continue to save, postpone money:I constantly increase my income!

Reveal your creative opportunities

Creatively can be approached to any case - ranging from baking pies and ending with the design of skyscrapers. Take time for self-expression. Create! You can.

I always find time for creativity and self-expression!

Make joy, love and happiness center of your life

Joy and happiness is inside each of us. If we are happy, our increases creative potential, we become new fresh thoughts and ideas, we can rejoice in every trifle.

I'm full of joy, I'm happy

Be honest: Keep the word

In order to respect and appreciate yourself, you need to be honest. Learn to keep your word. Do not promise the rash of what is not able to fulfill, especially yourself. Do not give yourself a word that tomorrow I will sit on a diet, or that you will start every morning with charging every morning, unless you are still one hundred percent, which is promised. You must believe yourself.

Install a solid spiritual connection with life

This special thread may be associated with our religious beliefs, and may not have anything in common with them. Children have no choice - they are inherited by the religion of the ancestors. But becoming adults, we ourselves are able to choose a belief and spiritual path.
Each of us has to leave from time to time, stay alone to talk with himself.
Your relationship with your inner essence is the most important part of life. Take time to sit in silence and listen to your vote of your inner wisdom. In my spiritual beliefs, I find support, they direct and support me.

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Professional burnout of the scourge of our time, so it is very important to rest right

Poor mood and constant stress really interfere with us to live - dismissed workability, the fatigue is accumulated, the joy of life is lost. One of the effective ways to combat stress is psychological unloading. It can be held at home and at work.

Office holiday "They" - the usual thing

It is known how hard breaks in work, frequent tea drinking, smokers and "walks" annoy the bosses on the Internet. Nevertheless, such methods of psychological recreation are well acquainted with any office worker - after all, this common means to distract from the routine of the workflow. They help to relax, prevent stressful state, save from chronic fatigue and professional burnout.

Psychologists are confident - short minutes of rest in the course of the working day help a person to restore the strength and work is then much more efficient. The leaders of Western companies have long understood this simple truth. Psychological unloading of office workers in companies in Japan and the United States is the usual phenomenon of corporate life that does not surprise anyone. For example, not at each enterprise and in any Japanese company created rooms of psychological unloading and relaxation. In specially equipped rooms, you can indiscriminate the entire accumulated negative on the mannequin, externally reminiscent of the manual. In addition, in such premises you can relax on the sofa after lunch.
The leaders of one Brazilian company went even further in this matter. At the request of employees, hammocks were stretched, in which employees have the opportunity ... sleep during working hours. Management explains such obvious discipline to the fact that after fifteen minutes of sleep, the productivity of work is greatly rising. After all, a rested employee works much more vigorous.

What about us?

How are things with psychological unloading at work in Russia? Alas, domestic companies did not grow morally to soft sofas and hammocks. But it should not be noted that some employers still engaged in this problem and are suitable for the issue of psychological unloading of office workers responsibly. In addition to the usual "smokers", refrigerators and kettles in the offices of some enterprises appeared special premises for recreation, equipped with sports simulators, or small sports halls. And in some there are even the rooms of psychological unloading. True, psychologists note that in the percentage, too much the number of managers take care of psychological health His employees. Most of them, on the contrary, prefers to save on everything. Caring only about profits, executives and entrepreneurs do not at all think about people who, in fact, bring this profits. Sometimes such bosses consider unacceptable any simple in work and prohibit leave workplace Even for a short time. Unfortunately, many familiar know with such beggars. That is why some office employees have developed an extremely harmful tradition to dine right in the workplace, behind the computer monitor. The result is disappointing - fluidity of frames, discords and slots, low labor productivity, excavating percentage of diseases.

Of course, large high-tech companies seek this disappointing picture. Their leadership really believes that under their beginning there are extraordinary programmers and developers who are needed for fruitful creative activities, comfortable conditions, convenience in work and recreation.
So, for example, in the company "Google" perfectly take care of a comfortable atmosphere for employees. They call the exemplary and office of Yandex, which is equipped with a beautiful interior, there is a buffet, a library, a psychological unloading room, sports simulators and much more. All this creates a creative atmosphere for people working there.

Help yourself!

If your bosses for such an "advanced" style of work refers skeptical and considers it an excessive waste of money, you will have to make a solution to your hands.

Create in your office or at least on the table the minimum conditions for psychological unloading. It can be a small aquarium with fish, family photography in the frame, favorite room flower. Even the color of blinds on the windows can help calm down and disconnect from the routine. Also contribute to the emotional unloading of Eastern techniques - meditation, massage and autotranengi. In the lunch break, try or together with colleagues to recover in such ways. The overwhelming majority of people, they great help to get rid of irritation and accumulated fatigue.

Not only in the lunch break, but during the working day, try to find at least a couple of minutes for rest. If you feel the first signs of fatigue, drink a cup of tea, throw back the back of the chair and cover your eyes. Make yourself a simple massage of hands and gymnastics for the eyes. Wear around the room, joke with colleagues. You will notice that it is gradually getting rid of fatigue and transformed into the full strength and human energy.

Household ways to relax

Unfortunately, many people today are so suppressed by the dynamic rhythm of life, which cannot fully relax not only at work, but even at home. But at home it is especially important to rest! There are a lot of household ways to get rid of stress, namely: photodynamic, relaxation, physical education and sports, music and literature, drug therapy, communication with loved ones and beloved people, pets, indoor plants.

As you can see the above methods of home psychological unloading seem fairly simple. But they, however, are quite effective.

For example, the psychological unloading of the photodynamic way is ... Just in the consideration of photos! Make a selection of the happiest moments of your life and at the first signs of a bad mood view them (either video) and remember the pleasant moments of life spent with family or friends. Also good mood You can restore, viewing the photographs of nature.

It's no secret that regular sports helps to avoid bad mood and stressful situations And are an excellent preventive tool. Sport strengthens the immune system, and a physically strong person suffers much less often. Strengthening nervous system And health during sports is associated with the enhancement of metabolic processes and the excretion of slags from the body, as well as the combustion of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and toxins.

Music is also able to work miracles in everything, as for getting rid of stress. And if you can listen to music in the office only in the headphones, then at home, as a rule, no one bothers you to turn it on at full volume. Especially large restoring and relaxing power has classical music. The magic of Mozart, Baha and Tchaikovsky is able to carry us from stresses very far.

As for drug therapy, synthetic drugs have a number of side effects and toxically act on the whole organism, so it is not recommended for a long time. In addition, only a certified doctor can prescribe such drugs. With prolonged use, it is possible to add to some of them. In general, drug therapy is indispensable only in the acute period of mental illness. So it can be safely considered an extreme means in the fight against stress. But communication with loved ones, the rest in nature and reading your favorite books will always help you safely, easily and quickly psychologically recover.