Space Beauty: Amazing Snapshots Universe, removed using a Hubble telescope. Photo of distant space made by Hubble telescope

We offer to look at the best pictures obtained using the Hubble orbital telescope

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1. Galactic fireworks.

2. Center for the Lens-Audio Galaxy Centaur A (NGC 5128). This bright galaxy is located on cosmic standards not far from us - "total" in 12 million light years.

3. Dwarf galaxy Large Magellanovo cloud. The diameter of this galaxy is almost 20 times less than the diameter of our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

4. Planetary Nebula NGC 6302 in the constellation of Scorpio. This planetary nebula has two more beautiful names: the nebula of the beetle and the nebula of the butterfly. The planetary nebula is formed when a star similar to our sun, dying, resets the outer layer of gas.

5. Reflective NGC 1999 Nebula in Constellation Orion. This nebula is a giant dust and gas cloud, reflecting the light of stars.

6. Glowing Orion Nebula. Find this nebula in the sky can be slightly below Orion's belt. She is so bright, which is clearly visible even with the naked eye.

7. Crab Nebula in the Constellation of Taurus. This nebula was formed as a result of a supernova explosion.

8. Nebula Cone NGC 2264 in the constellation of a unicorn. This nebula is included in the nebulae system surrounding the star cluster.

9. Planetary nebula Feline eye in the constellation of the dragon. The complex structure of this nebula put a lot of mysteries before scientists.

10. Spiral Galaxy NGC 4911 in the constellation of Veronica's hair. In this constellation there is a large accumulation of galaxies, called Veronica's hair cluster. Most galaxies from this accumulation belong to the elliptical type.

11. Spiral Galaxy NGC 3982 from the constellation of a large bear. On April 13, 1998, a supernova star broke out in this galaxy.

12. Spiral M74 galaxy from fish constellation. Assumptions are expressed that there is a black hole in this galaxy.

13. Nebula Eagle M16 in the constellation of the snake. This is a fragment of the famous photo taken with the Hubble orbital telescope called the "Pillars of Creation".

14. Fantastic images of distant space.

15. A dying star.

16. Red giant B838. After 4-5 billion years, our sun will also become a red giant, and approximately 7 billion years of its expanding outer layer will reach the Earth's orbit.

17. Galaxy M64 in the constellation of Veronica's hair. This galaxy arose as a result of a merger of two galaxies, rotating in different directions. Therefore, the inside of the M64 galaxy rotates in one direction, and its peripheral part is to another.

18. Mass birth of new stars.

19. Nebula Eagle M16. This post from dust and gas, located in the center of the nebula, is called the Fairy region. The length of this column is approximately 9.5 light years.

20. Stars in the universe.

21. NGC 2074 Nebula in the Constellation Gold Fish.

22. Triplet Galaxik Arp 274. This system includes two spiral galaxies and one irregular shape. The object is in the constellation of the Virgin.

23. Galaxy Sombrero M104. In the 1990s, it was found that in the center of this galaxy there is a black hole of a huge mass.

(average: 4,62 out of 5)

Mysterious nebulae, to which millions of light years, the birth of new stars and collisions of galaxies. The 2nd part of the selection of the best photos from the Hubble Space Telescope. The first part is located.

This is part nebula Kil. The total diameter of the nebula is more than 200 light years. Located 8,000 light years from the ground, the keel nebula can be seen in the southern sky with a naked eye. It is one of the most striking areas in the Galaxy:

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Hubble supervaluation area (WFC3 camera). Consisting of gas and dust:

Another photo Nebula Kil:

By the way, let's get acquainted with the culprit of today's report. it hubble Telescope in Space. The placement of the telescope in space makes it possible to register electromagnetic radiation in the bands in which the earth's atmosphere is opaque; First of all, in the infrared range. Due to the absence of an impact of the atmosphere, resolving the telescope's ability of 7-10 times more than that of a similar telescope located on Earth.

Shuttle "Discovery", which started on April 24, 1990, the next day brought a telescope for a settlement orbit. The total project costs, according to 1999, amounted to 6 billion dollars from the American side and 593 million euros were paid by the European Space Agency.

Ball cluster in the constellation Centaur. It is at a distance of 18,300 light years. Omega Centaurus belongs to our Milky Way Galaxy and is its largest ball cluster known for this moment. It contains several million stars. The age of iley Centaurial is determined by 12 billion years:

Butterfly nebula ( NGC 6302.) - planetary nebula in the constellation Scorpio. Has one of the most complex structures Among famous polar nebulae. Central Star of Nebula one of the hottest in the galaxy. The central star was discovered by the Hubble Telescope in 2009:

The largest in the solar system. Along with Saturn, Uranium and Neptune Jupiter is classified as a gas giant. Jupiter has at least 63 satellites. Mass of Jupiter 2.47 times exceeds the total mass of all other planets of the solar system, together taken, 318 times - the mass of our Earth and about 1,000 times less than the mass of the Sun:

A few more images Nebula Kil:

Part of the galaxy - a dwarf galaxy located at a distance of about 50 kiloparsk from our galaxy. This distance is less than twice the diameter of our galaxy:

And yet photos Nebula Kil Some of the most beautiful:

Spiral galaxy whirlpool. It is located at a distance of about 30 million light years from us in the constellation of the racing pieces. The diameter of the galaxy is about 100 thousand light years:

With the help of a Hubble Spacecope, an amazing image of the planetary networks retina, which was formed from residual substances of the dying star IC 4406. Like most nebulae, the retina nebula is almost perfectly symmetrical, its right half is almost mirrored to the left. After several millions of years from IC 4406, only slowly cooled White Dwarf will remain:

M27 is one of the brightest planetary nebulaes in the sky, it can be seen in the binoculars in the constellation of chanterelles. The light goes to us from M27 about a thousand years:

It looks like smoke clubs and sparks from fireworks, but really this garbage from the star explosion in the neighboring galaxy. Our sun and planet of the solar system were formed from such a garbage, which appeared after the explosion of supernovae billions years ago in the Milky Way Galaxy:

In the constellation of Virgo at a distance of 28 million light years from the Earth. The Galaxy Sombrero received its name due to the serving central part (Bulzha) and the edge of the dark substance that gives the galaxy similarity with Sombrero hat:

The exact distance of it is unknown, according to various estimates, it can be from 2 to 9 thousand light years. Width 50 light years. The name of the nebula means "divided into three petals":

Nebula snail NGC 7293. In the constellation Aquarius at a distance of 650 light years from the sun. One of the closest planetary nebulae and was opened in 1824:

In the constellation Eridan, at a distance of 61 million light years from the Earth. The magnitude of the galaxy itself is 110 thousand light years, it is a little more than our galaxy, the Milky Way. NGC 1300 is not similar to some spiral galaxies, including our galaxy because there is no massive black hole in its core:

Dust clouds in our galaxy Milky Way. Our galaxy Milky Way, also called just a galaxy (from the capital letter) - a giant spiral star system in which our solar system is located. The diameter of the galaxy is about 30 thousand parses (about 100,000 light years) during estimated middle thickness of about 1,000 light years. The Milky Way contains, at the lowest estimate, about 200 billion stars. In the center of the Galaxy, apparently, there is a supermassive black hole:

On the right, at the top are not fireworks, it is a dwarf galaxy - a satellite of our Milky Way. It is at a distance of about 60 kiloparsk in the constellation Tukan:

The four massive galaxies formed during the collision. This is the first case of visualization of this phenomenon, captured by combining snapshots. Galaxies are surrounded by hot gas, which is shown on the image different colorDepending on its temperature: reddish-purple - the coldest, blue - the hottest:

This is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second size of the planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Today it is known that all four giants have rings, but Saturn is the most visible. Saturn rings are very thin. With a diameter of about 250,000 km, their thickness does not reach the kilometer. The mass of the planet Saturn is 95 times greater than the mass of our Earth:

In the constellation Golden Fish. The nebula belongs to the Milky Way satellite galaxy - a large magtellane cloud:

With dimensions of 100 thousand light years and at a distance of 35 million light years from the Sun:

And bonus snapshot. From the Baikonur cosmodrome at 00 hours 12 minutes 44 seconds in Moscow today, June 8, 2011Ship successfully launched "Union TMA-02M". This is the second flight of the new, "Digital" series "Soyuz-TMA-M". Beautiful start:

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Space telescope Hubble, named after his inventor Edwin Hubble, is located at the low orbit of the Earth. To date, this is the most modern and powerful telescope worth about one billion dollars. Hubble makes stunning photos of the planets and their satellites, asteroids, distant galaxies, stars, nebulae ... The high quality of the pictures is ensured by the fact that the telescope is located above the thick layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which does not affect the image distortion. With it, we also see the universe in ultraviolet and infrared light. This part presents the best photos of galaxies made by a telescope.

NGC 4038 - Galaxy in the constellation Raven. NGC 4038 and NGC 4039 galaxies - interacting galaxies called "galaxy antennas":

Galaxy whirlpool (M51) in the constellation racing dogs. It consists of a large spiral galaxy NGC 5194, at the end of one of the sleeves of which is the Galaxy-companion NGC 5195:

Galaxy Glasastic (Tadpole Galaxy) in the direction of the dragon constellation. In the nearby past, the Galaxy Glasastic tested a collision with another galaxy, which led to the formation of a long tail from stars and gas. A long tail gives the galaxy similarity with a tadpole, from where its name happened. If you follow the earth's analogy, then as the headstuffs, his tail will die - the stars and gas will be formed into dwarf galaxies that will become satellites of a large spiral:

Quintet Stephen is a group of five galaxies in the constellation Pegasus. Four of the five galaxies in Quintet Stephen are in constant interaction:

The NGC 1672 galaxy with a jumper is located in the constellation Golden Fish, in 60 million light years from the ground. The snapshot was made in 2005 using the Advanced Camera for Surveys cameras:

Galaxy Sombrero (Messier 110) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation of Virgo at a distance of 28 million light years from the Earth. As the latest studies of this object, Spitzer telescope, is two galaxies: a flat spiral is inside elliptical. Very strong X-ray radiation is due to many astronomers by the presence of a black hole with a mass in a billion solar masses in the center of this galaxy:

Galaxy Casting Wheel (Pinwheel Galaxy). To date, this is the largest and most detailed picture of the galaxy made by the Hubble telescope. The snapshot was made up of 51 separate frames:

Lens-like NGC 7049 galaxy in the constellation Indian:

Galaxy spindle (NGC 5866) in the constellation Dragon. The galaxy is observed with almost the rib, which allows you to see the dark areas of cosmic dust in the galactic plane. The galaxy spindle is at a distance of approximately 44 million light years. Light requires about 60 thousand years to cross the entire galaxy:

Galaxy with a jumper NGC 5584. The galaxy in its size only slightly inferior to the Milky Way. It has two dominant, clearly isolated spiral sleeves and several deformed, the nature of which may be associated with the interaction with neighboring galactic structures:

NGC 4921 - Galaxy in the constellation of Veronica's hair. The object was opened on April 11, 1785 by William Gershel. This image Collected from 80 photos:

NGC 4522 galaxy with a jumper in the constellation Virgo:

Galaxy NGC 4449. During the research of the galaxy using a Hubble astronomer telescope, they managed to capture the picture of active stars. It is assumed that the cause of the process was the absorption of a smaller satellite galaxy. Thousands of young stars are visible in different ranges in various bands, and massive gas-pepped clouds are also present in the galaxy:

NGC 2841 - Spiral Galaxy in the constellation Big Malar:

The Lens-like Galaxy Perseus A (NGC 1275) consists of two interacting galaxies:

Two spiral galaxies NGC 4676 (Mice Galaxies) in the constellation of Veronica's hair, shot taken in 2002:

Sigar Galaxy (NGC 3034) - Galaxy with powerful star formation in the constellation Big Malar. In the center of the Galaxy, an supermassive black hole is presumably located, around which two less massive black holes rotate, weighing 12 thousand and 200 Suns:

ARP 273 is a group of interacting galaxies in the constellation Andromeda, located at a distance of 300 million light years from the Earth. Large spiral galaxies are known as UGC 1810 and about five times heavier neighboring:

NGC 2207 - a pair of interacting galaxies in the constellation Big dog, in 80 million light years from the Earth:

NGC 6217 - Spiral galaxy with a jumper in the constellation Small Males. The picture is made on the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) chamber of the Hubble telescope in 2009:

Centaurus A (NGC 5128) is a Lens-like Galaxy in Centaur Constellation. This is one of the brightest and most closely close galaxies, we share only 12 million light years. In brightness, the galaxy ranks fifth (after the Magellan clouds, the Andromeda nebula and the triangle galaxy). Radiogalaxy is the most powerful source of radio emission:

NGC 1300 - a spiral galaxy with a jumper, is located at a distance of about 70 million light years in the constellation Eridan. Its size is 110 thousand light years, it is a little more than our galaxy Milky Way. A characteristic feature of this galaxy is the absence of an active nucleus, which indicates the lack of a central black hole. The image is obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope in September 2004. It is one of the biggest images of a Hubble telescope showing the Galaxy entirely:

Progress does not stand still, and the Hubble telescope plan to replace the technically more perfect observatory called "James Webb". It will take place truly historical event According to various data in 2016-2018. The James Webba Space Telescope will have a 6.5 metering mirror in diameter (Hubble diameter - 2.4 meters) and a sun shield with a tennis court.

The best photos of the Hubble telescope. Part 1. Galaxies (22 photos)

Every day on the portal, the site has new real photos of space. Cosmonauts, without much effort, remove the majestic types of space and planets, which fall to millions of people.

Most often a photo of space in high quality Provides an Aerospace Agency NASA, posting in free access incredible types of stars, various phenomena in outer space and planets, including land. Surely you have repeatedly seen photos from a Hubble telescope, allowing you to see that there was not yet available to a human eye.

Unprecedented nebulae and distant galaxies, the emerging stars cannot but surprise their diversity, attracting the attention of romantics and ordinary people. Fabulous landscapes from gas clouds and star dust open up the mysterious phenomena.

the site offers its visitors the best pictures that are made from an orbital telescope constantly discovering the mystery of space. We were very lucky, as astronauts always surprise us with new real photos of space.

Every year, the Hubble team produces an incredible photo in order to celebrate the anniversary of the launch of the space telescope, which falls on April 24, 1990.

Many believe that thanks to the Hubble telescope, which is in orbit, we get high-quality snapshots of remote objects of the universe. The pictures are really very high-quality having a high resolution. But what the telescope gives is black and white photos. Where do all these fascinating colors come from then? Almost all this beauty appears as a result of photo processing with a graphic editor. And it takes quite a long time.

Real Space Photos in High Quality

The ability to go into space is given only to units. So we must be grateful to NASA, astronauts and the European Space Agency that they regularly make us new pictures. Previously, we could only see the same in Hollywood films .. We have photos of objects outside the solar system: star clusters (ball and scattered clusters) and distant galaxies.

Real photo of space from the ground

In order to take a picture of the celestial objects, a telescope is used (astrograph). It is known that galaxies and nebulae have a low brightness, and long exposures must be applied to their shooting.

And here the problems begin. Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, the daily movement of stars is already noticed with a slight increase in the telescope, and if the device does not have a clock actuator, then the stars will be obtained in the form of a drop. However, not all so simple. Because of the inaccuracy of the telescope to the pole of the world and the hourly drive errors, writing the curve, slowly move around the field of vision of the telescope, and point stars are not at the photograph. In order to completely eliminate this effect, it is necessary to apply guidance (on the top of the telescope is the optical tube with a camera pointing to a guiding star). Such a tube is called a guide. Through the camera, the image is fed to the PC, an image analysis occurs there. In the event that the star shifts in the field of view of the guide, the computer sends a signal to the telescope mount engines, thereby adjusting its position. Thus achieve point stars in the picture. Then a series of pictures is made with a high exposure. But due to the thermal noise, the photo matrix turns grainy and noisy. In addition, pictures may appear in the pictures on the matrix or optics. You can get rid of this effect with the help of a caliber.

Real photos of Earth from space in high quality

Wealth lights of night cities, Meanders of rivers, harsh beauty of the mountains, mirrors Lakes, looking from the depths of the continents, the endless world ocean and a huge number of dawns and sunsets - all this is reflected in the real pictures of land made from space.

Enjoy a wonderful selection of photos from the portal site made from space.

The biggest mystery for humanity is space. Space space is presented to a greater extent, and to a lesser extent the presence of complex chemical elements and particles. Most of all in the cosmos of hydrogen. There is also an interstellar substance and electromagnetic radiation. But outer space is not only cold and eternal darkness, this is an indescribable beauty and an exciting place that surrounds our planet.

Portal site will show you depth outer space And all its beauty. We offer only reliable and useful informationWe will show unforgettable photos of space in high quality made by NASA astronauts. You will see the charm and incomprehensibility of the biggest riddles for humanity - Cosmos!

We have always been taught that everything has the beginning and the end. Only it is not so! Cosmos has no clear border. As the atmosphere is removed from the ground, it is cut and smoothly inferior to space space. Where the boundaries of the cosmos begin - it is not known for sure. There are a number of opinions of various scientists and astrophysics, but no one has given concrete facts. If the temperature had a permanent structure, the pressure would have changed according to the law - from 100 kPa at sea level to absolute zero. The International Aviation Station (MAC) set the high-rise border between space and atmosphere 100 km. She was called the line of pocket. The reason for the mark of this particular height was the fact: when the pilots rise to this height, the earthly attraction ceases to influence the flying apparatus, and therefore it goes to the "first space speed", that is, at the minimum speed for the transition to a geocentric orbit.

American and Canadian astronomers measured the start of exposure to cosmic particles and the boundary of the control of atmospheric winds. The result was recorded at the 118th kilometer, even in the NASA itself argue that the border of the space is located on the 122nd kilometer. At this height, the shuttle passed from normal maneuvering to aerodynamic and, thus, "rested" to the atmosphere. During these studies, astronauts led a photo report. On the site site you can consider these and other photos of space in high quality.

Solar system. Stock Foto Cosmos in high quality

The solar system is represented near the planets and the bright star - the sun. The space itself is called interplanetary space or vacuum. Cosmos vacuum is not absolute, there are atoms and molecules. They were discovered using microwave spectroscopy. There are also gases, dust, plasma, various space trash and small meteors. All this can be viewed on the photos made by astronauts. High quality photo session in space is very simple. On the space stations (For example, VRC) There are special "dome" - places with a maximum number of windows. Cameras are attached in these places. The Hubble telescope has greatly helped in terrestrial photographing and research of space and its more advanced counterparts. In the same way, astronomical observations can be carried out in almost all waves of the electromagnetic spectrum.

In addition to telescopes and special devices, you can photograph the depths of our solar system using high-quality cameras. It is thanks to cosmic photographs all of humanity can appreciate the beauty and greatness of outer space, well, and our site "Site" will demonstrate it clearly in the form of a photo of space in high quality. For the first time during the project, DigitizedSky was photographed by the Misty of Omega, which was discovered in 1775 J. F. SEZO. And when the astronauts used the Parchromatic contextual camera during the study of Mars, the strange bugs were able to photograph the strange bumps, which were unknown to date. Similarly, the NGC 6357 Nebula is captured from the European Observatory, which is in the constellation Scorpio.

Or maybe you heard about the famous photo, which presented the traces of the former presence of water on Mars? Recently spacecraft "Mars-Express" demonstrated the real colors of the planet. Channels, crater and valley have become visible, in which, most likely, there was once liquid water. And these are not all photos depicting sunny system and mystery of space.

Earth - a planet of amazing beauty that conquers his incredible beauty with landscapes. But if you look into cosmic depths using powerful telescopes, then you understand: in space, too, there is something to admire. And photos made by NASA satellites, therefore confirmation.

1. Galaxy Sunflower

The Galaxy Sunflower is one of the most beautiful space structures, famous person, in the Universe. Its squeezed spiral sleeves consist of new blue-white giant stars.

2. Cheil Nebula

Although many consider this image photoshop, in fact this is a real snapshot of the nebula of Kiel. Giant accumulations of gas and dust spread over more than 300 light years. There is this area of \u200b\u200bactive formation of stars at a distance of 6,500 - 10,000 light years from the ground.

3. Clouds in the atmosphere of Jupiter

This infrared image of Jupiter shows the clouds in the atmosphere of this planet, painted in different ways depending on their height. Since a large amount of methane in the atmosphere limits penetration sunlight, Yellow areas - clouds located at the highest altitude, red - at the middle level, and blue is the lowest clouds.

What is really amazing in this picture, it seems the shadows of all the three largest satellites of Jupiter - Io, Ganamed and Callisto. A similar event occurs about once every ten years.

4. Galaxy I Zvikki 18

A snapshot of the galaxy I zwicks 18 looks like a scene from the "Doctor Who", which gives the special space beauty to this image. The dwarfish incorrect galaxy puzzles scientists, because some of the processes of the formation of stars are typical for the formation of galaxies in the earliest days of the universe. Despite this, the galaxy is relatively young: its age is only about a billion years.

5. Saturn

The most dull planet, which can be seen from the ground with a naked eye, Saturn is usually considered a favorite planet for all novice astronomers. Its remarkable ring structure is the most famous in our universe. The picture is made in infrared radiation to show the subtle shades of the gas atmosphere of Saturn.

6. NGC 604 Nebula

More than 200 very hot stars make up the NGC 604 Nebula. The Hubble Space Telescope has managed to remove the impressive fluorescence of the nebula, caused by ionized hydrogen.

7. Crab Nebula

Collected from 24 separate pictures, this photo of the crab-like nebula demonstrates the rest of the supernova in the constellation of the Taurus.

8. Star V838 MON

Red ball in the center of this picture - the star V838 MON, surrounded by a lot of dust clouds. This incredible photo was made after the flash of the star caused the so-called "light echo", which pushed dust further from the star into space.

9. Clusters Westerlund 2

A snapshot of the cluster Westerlund 2 was made in infrared and visible light. He was published in honor of the 25th anniversary of finding a Hubble telescope in the orbit of the Earth.

10. Hourglass

One of the terrible images (in fact, the only one of its kind), which made NASA, - the nebula of the hourglass. It was named so because of the gas cloud of an unusual form, which was formed under the influence of the stellar wind. It looks like it's all on a terrible eye that looks from the depths of the cosmos to the ground.

11. Witch broom

In the picture of the part of the nebula, the veil, which is located in 2 100 light years from the ground, you can find all the colors of the rainbow. Due to its extended and fine form, this nebula is often called a witch broom.

12. Orion's constellation

In the constellation of Orion, you can see a real giant light sword. This is, in fact, a gas stream under huge pressure, which creates a shock wave upon contact with the surrounding dust.

13. Explosion of the supermissive star

This image shows an explosion of a supermassive star, which looks more like a birthday cake than on a supernova. Two loops from the remains of the stars extend unevenly, while the ring in the center surrounds the dying star. Scientists still seek a neutron star or a black hole in the center of the former giant star.

14. Galaxy whirlpool

Although the galaxy whirlpool looks great, it hides in themselves a dark secret (literally) - the galaxy is full of predatory black holes. On the left, the whirlpool is shown in the range of visible light (i.e., its stars), and on the right - in infrared light (its structure of dust clouds).

15. Orion Nebula

On the this picture Orion Nebula looks like an open mouth of a phenix bird. The snapshot is made in infrared, ultraviolet and visible light to create an incredibly colorful and detailed image. A bright spot on the scene of a bird heart is four giant stars, about 100,000 times brighter than the sun.

16. Nebula Ring

As a result of the explosion of the star, similar to our sun, the mist was formed ring - beautiful hot layers of gas and the rest of the atmosphere. All that remains from the star is a small white point in the center of the picture.

17. Milky Way

If someone needs to describe what hell looks like, he can use this infrared image of the kernel of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Hot, ionized gas is spinning in his center in a giant whirlpool, and massive stars are born in different places.

18. Misty Feline Eye

Stunning nebula Cat's eye consists of eleven gas rings, which appeared before the formation of the most nebula. Wrong internal structureWhat is believed to be the result of a fast moving star wind, which "broke" the bubble shell on both ends.

19. Omega Centaurs

More than 100,000 stars accumulated together in the ball accumulation of Omega Centaurus. Yellow points are middle-aged stars, like our sun orange dots - older stars, and big red dots - stars in the phase of the red giants. After these stars are "dumped" the outer layer of gaseous hydrogen, they become bright blue.

20. Pillars of creation in the nebula of the Eagle

One of the most popular NASA photographs in the entire history - a snapshot "Pillars of creation in the nebula of an eagle." These gigantic gas and dust formations were removed in the visible light range. Pillars change over time because they are "weathered" by star winds from nearby stars.

21. Quintet Stephan

Five galaxies, known as "Quintet Stephen" constantly "fight" with each other. Although the blue galaxy in the left upper corner Much closer to Earth than the rest, four others constantly "stretch" each other into parts, distorting their shapes and breaking the sleeves.

22. Butterfly nebula

Unofficially known as the nebula of the butterfly, the NGC 6302 is actually the remains of the dying star. Its ultraviolet radiation leads to the fact that the gasely thrown by the star is bright. Wings "Butterflies" stretch more than two light years, i.e., half the distance from the Sun to the nearest star.

23. SDSS J1106 Quasar

Quasars are the result of supermassive black holes in galaxic centers. SDSS J1106 quasar is the most energetic of all ever found. The radiation of the SDSS J1106, which is at a distance of about 1,000 light years from the Earth, is approximately 2 trillion of the Sun or 100 times the most Milky Way.

24. Nebula "War and Peace"

NGC 6357 Nebula is one of the most dramatic works in the sky and it is not surprising that it was unofficially called "War and Peace". Its dense gas network forms a bubble around the bright stellar cluster of Pismis 24, then uses its ultraviolet radiation to heat the gas and pushing it out, in the universe.

25. Nebula Kila

One of the most exciting pictures of space is the keel nebula. The interstellar cloud consisting of dust and ionized gases is one of the largest nebulae visible on the earthly sky. The nebula from countless stellar clusters and even the brightest star in the Milky Way galaxy.