Centenary War 1337 1453 Number of Army. Treasury War - History

Central War There was a series of short wars. It began in 1337, and ended in 1453, thus the conflict lasted 116 years. British kings tried to dominate in France, while the French tried to expel the British from their country.

In 1328, the King of France Karl IV dies, not leaving the heir. Barons give the throne with his cousin, Philip VI, Claulua, but the nephew of Charles Edward III, the King of England, declares his touches. His rights to the French throne were quite substantiated, but with them to France would have come to the most English rule, which already at least attendees looked at a dangerous shadow on the political horizon. Therefore, referring to the "Salician Truth" - a barbarian judiciary, recorded by about 500 g., Members of the Higher Meeting french nor Rejected the claims of Eduard III. And when Philip announces the confiscation of French Lands Eduard III, war begins.

The British defeated the French fleet near the scenes, invaded to France and won the battle in the cross on land. Then Edward took Kale. But soon the money ended in both sides to continue the war, and they concluded a truce that lasts from 1347 to 1355.

In 1355, under the leadership of Eduard Black Prince, Heir to Eduard III, a new invasion occurred. The black prince won a victory when Poting, taking the successor of Philip - John II. Treaty in Bretigny in 1360 gave the British part of the French territories. Following the contract a new campaign followed. As a result, England lost most French possessions.

Some time on the thrones of both countries were young Karl Vi French and Richard II English. For Richard, his uncle John Gentsky, Duke Lancaster. In 1396, Richard II married Karl Vi Isabelle's daughter, concluding a truce for 20 years. In France, the rulers were the Duke of Burgundy and Orleans, who split the country into two parties. King Carl Vi turned out to be mentally ill. In history, he remained under the nickname carl insane. Karl Isabella Bavarian wife tried to build the throne of the Duke of Orleans.

The English King Heinrich V used these events. He announced that he was achieved by the French crown as a legal heir. He was supported by the English Parliament and all the people. In the first battle in 1415, during Azenkur, the French again suffered a crushing defeat. Under the arrows of famous English archers on the battlefield lay 10 thousand French knights. Then Heinrich captured almost all of Northern France.

In the French court continued cross-timer. The Duke of Burgundy John Foreignly, he entered into an alliance with Isabella Bavaria, then negotiations with Dofi Karl VII. DOFE In France, they called the legitimate heir to the throne. This title originated from the name of the French Province of Dochine, which since the time of Karl V traditionally belonged to the eldest son of the king. Dofin Karl VII summoned John to negotiations. The date took place on the bridge at the Montro Fortress. The Knight of Dofina's Sweethearts killed the Duke, and his son, mushy for his father, passed on the side of the British.

On May 21, 1420, the contract was subpersed by Heinrich V and Karl Vi, according to which Heinrich V was declared the regent of France and the "beloved son and the heir" of Charles VI. The only surviving son of Karl VI Dofe Karl was deprived of the hereditary right, the legality of his origin was questioned and he sentenced to expulsion from France. Karl Vi and his wife Isabella until the end of his life retained the titles of the King and Queen of France, which then passed to english house. Heinrich V marriage with the daughter of Karl VI Catherine, so that their children in the future really embodied the fact of unification of the crown.

Heir to the throne of Karl VII ran to the south of the country.

A short time released by Henry V on Earth after a legal consolidation of the title of Regent and the heir to the beloved French throne, ended in 1422. It was still far from the old king suddenly died of illness. Six weeks later, Charles VI followed him. The champion of the case, as characteristic of the history of the Anglo-French conflict, once again made serious changes in the situation that seemed to be completely defined.

France actually broke into three parts: land, actually conquered by the British; Areas who were under the political influence of an ally of the British of the Duke of Burgundy; and territory where the authority of Dofina Charles was recognized. Immediately after the death of Henry V and Karl VI Dauphin Karl proclaimed himself a legitimate heir to the throne and was crowned in Poita his supporters.

British troops together with the Burgundians were besieged Orleans - the last stronghold of independence. It seemed that France died and the British would conquer her, as the French once, headed by Wilhelm, conquered England.

Among the peasants who were very religious, there was an opinion that God would not allow such humiliation of France and would miraculously save the country from Inoments. From time to time, handwritten sheets appear to fight.

Just before the appearance of Zhanna D "ARC in the royal camp became aware of the prophecy, according to which God will send France by the Savior in the image of a virgin.

A centenary war is one of the largest European conflicts that continued from 1337 to 1453. War was held between France and England. The world during this conflict has changed noticeably. If at first the war was considered feudal, then it later turned into a national liberation for France.

It all started with the fact that in 1337 english merchants in Flanders were arrested. In turn, England banned the import of wool from Flanders, it threatened the ruin of the merchants. Therefore, they committed an uprising against the French owners, in this matter they actively helped England. As a result, in November, the English troops were attacked on the English coast. This served as an incentive for the fact that the English king Edward II declared war of France. In 1340, the British received full control over the strait of La Mans, and the French squadron suffered a tremendous defeat in this battle. From France, it was hoped that the English ships would hardly be moved along the strait, but their troops were equipped with light ships that could easily maneuver. After this victory, England received full domination at the sea.

After the unsuccessful siege of the tour of the tour in Flanders, which was occupied by the French, Eduard II concluded a truce with Philip VI, but it lasted only six years before landing in English troops in Normandy.

France has suffered a number of military failures, which are extremely negatively affected by the country's domestic state. It became increasingly an arbitrary among the feudalists, a coin lamp was used to reduce costs. It happened so often that, for example, before the battle of Poitier, she took place 18 times.

Increasingly, the people and higher estates were expressed about the restriction of royal power. The authorities captured representatives of the Parisian city class, the peasant uprisings broke out throughout the country. The situation in France was extremely crying. The peasants were obliged to pay exorbitantly high taxes, at the same time they had no opportunity to manage their farm normally, their fields gradually empty. Therefore, the population had to resort to the highest measures, feudal locks were burned everywhere, and their owners were often found killed. Regent and nobles had to apply measures to suppress the uprisings. but royal power So could not limit.

In order to improve the position of France during the war, the King of France Karl V (1364 - 1380) completely changed the composition of the army and transformed the tax system. Dgogishman was appointed to the place of commander-in-chief. Thanks to the partisan troops and sudden attacks of the French army, it was possible by the end of the 1370s to push the English troops closer to the sea. Such success contributed to the presence of artillery among the French. England had to retreat and conclude a regular peace treaty with France, since folk uprisings were also flared in England.

After the death of Karl V, Karl VI climbed on the throne, which was a very weak ruler, and also had a number of mental illness, which was noticeably reflected during the war. In 1415, the King of England Henry V broke up with his army of the French near Kale, then he won Normandia. After that, coins with the inscription were explained: "Heinrich, King of France." In order to consolidate his position, the English ruler decided to marry Karl Vi's daughter. A contract was concluded in Troita, according to which Heinrich was recognized as the heir to the French throne. France saved only the death of both rulers in 1422.

In the fight against England, partisan troops provided active assistance. They arranged ambushes, smashed small detachments. In 1428, the British army, together with the Burgundians, besieged the Fortress Orleans, as a result of which the people's struggle increased several times. It is at this moment that one of the cult figures of that war appears, namely Jeanne d'Ark, or, as her nicknamed, Orleans.

The girl was born in a poor peasant family, and from the Small years she showed nobility. When Zhanna turned 15, the English troops approached the place where she lived. Since then, the girl decided that she had to save France from the enemy and restore the position of Karl on the throne. In her desire she reached the king himself and asked him to take her to the French army. However, in order to make sure that she is not a taper, Carl subjected it to some tests. In the presence of Bishops and theologian Jeanne answered intricate and sophisticated questionsconcerning religion. She answered it extremely clearly and clearly, after which Zhanna recognized Orthodox.

At that time, no one believed in the salvation of Orleans. Zhanna persistently demanded to give her an army that was soon granted. She led him to the fortress, but before that he sent a letter to the English Duke Bedford, in which he said that British troops would immediately release Orleans. Naturally, her appeal was not heard.

The Zhanna D'Ark army was perfectly trained, there was a strict discipline. All this helped break the enemy in Orleans in 1429. Even the English troops who came to the rescue could not change anything. The enemy was defeated, Orleans was released, and Zhanna with delight met as a liberator.

This victory instilled hope in the soul of the French, they believed that they could win. After this significant battle, all the forces were concentrated in order to finally smash the British. However, Jeanne decided that he was simply obliged to bring the matter to the end, and promised to crown Dofina in Reims. In July 1429, despite the resistance of the British, Karl VII was crowned in Reims.

After these events, supporting Jeanne began to weaken every day. Her army could not stand the attack on Paris, and she had to retreat. It was enough for only one defeat, how the envious girls appeared immediately, who were trying to undermine her authority. After the unsuccessful siege of the city of Kzhann, Jean, D'Ark came prisoner to the British, the same in turn sharpened her in prison, subjected to torture. As a result, she was accused of witchcraft and sentenced to the death penalty by burning at the fire. The French clergy was present at the court, which in all agreed with the British. In 1431, the sentence was given to execution.

However, her death could not help England, they began to play every subsequent battle. By 1453 the British were expelled from all the busy territories of France. They lost areas of the south-west of France, Genie and Gascon. A centenary war was finished.

This conflict was disastrous for France, it is still unknown. What is the number of losses in both sides. A centenary war inflicted a huge damage to the economy of France, but at the same time she reinforced the national self-awareness. The people believed in their strength that they could defeat anyone.

Causes and Backgrounds of Tristage War

In the 30s years of XIV. in. The normal development of France was interrupted Centrrow War with England (1337-1453) which led to the massive destruction of the productive forces, loss of the population and reduce production and trade. Heavy misfortunes were collapsed into the French people - the long-term occupation of France by the British, the ruin and emptying of many territories, the terrible tax oppression, robbery and intersubs of the French feudal.

Central War - A series of military conflicts between England and its allies, on the one hand, and France and its allies, on the other hand, from about 1337 to 1453 g. The war lasted 116 years with small breaks and was cyclic. Strictly speaking, it was rather a series of conflicts:
- Edwardian War - in 1337-1360.
- Caroling War - in 1369-1396
- Lancaster War - in 1415-1428.
- the final period - in 1428-1453 g.

The reason to K. unleashing centenary war There were claims to the French throne of English royal Dynasty Plantagenets seeking to return the territory on the continent that previously belonged to the English kings. Plantagenets were also associated with kinship bezes with the French dynasty of capeting. France, in turn, sought to oust the British from Genii, which was fixed behind them with the Paris Agreement of 1259. Despite the initial successes, England did not achieve his goal in the war, and as a result of the war on the continent, she had only a port of Kale, which she kept until 1558.

Central War He began the English king Edward III, formerly by the mother line of the grandson of the French king Philip IV beautiful from the dynasty of capeting. After death in 1328, Charles IV, the last representative of the direct branch of capeting, and the coronation of Philip VI (Valua) according to the Saliological Law, Eduard announced his rights to the French throne. In addition, the monarchs argued due to the economic relations of Gasconi, nominally owned by the English king, but actually controlled by France. In addition, Eduard wished to return the territory lost by his father. For its part, Philip VI demanded from Eduard III recognition by his sovereign sovereign. Compromise ommage, prisonered in 1329, did not satisfy any of the parties. However, in 1331, faced with internal problems, Edward admitted Philip King of France and left his claims to the French throne (in exchange for this, the British retained their rights to Gascon).

In 1333, Edward performed a war with the Scottish King David II, the ally of France. Under conditions, when the attention of the British was riveted to Scotland, Philip VI decided to take advantage of the case and attach Gascon. However, the war was successful for the British, and David was forced to flee into France after the defeat of Halidon Hill. In 1336, Philip began to build plans for landing on the British Islands for the coronation of David II on the Scottish throne, in parallel, planning the accession of Gasconia. The hostility in the relations of the two countries ran to the limit.

In the fall of 1337, the British made an offensive in Picardia. They were supported by Flemish cities and feudals, the city of south-west of France.

Central War It was basically a struggle due to the South-Western French lands, who were under the rule of the English kings. In the early years of the war, there was also a considerable importance from Flanders, where the interests of both countries faced the interests of both countries. French kings left intentions to subordinate to themselves rich flank cities. The latter was striving to preserve independence with the help of England with which they were closely related economically, as they received wool from there - raw materials for Suknevnaya.

In the future, the main arena of hostilities Century war He became (along with Normandy) South-West, that is, the territory of the former Aquitaine, where England, striving to once again master these lands, found allies in the face of still independent feudal and cities. Economically, land (the western part of the former Aquitania) was closely related to England, where wine was wines, steel, salt, fruits, nuts, coloring substances. The riches of major cities (Bordeaux, La Rochelle, etc.) largely depended on this very beneficial trade for them.

France on the eve of the Central War (1328)

The history of France:

The initial stage of the century war. Edwardian War (1337-1360)

Central War Began in 1337. The invaded English army had a number of advantages over French: it was small, but well organized, the detachments of hired knights were under the command of the captains, which directly submitted to the commander-in-chief; The English arrows from Luke, who sank mainly from the free peasants, were masters of their business and played an important role in the battles, supporting the actions of the Knight's cavalry. In the French army, which consisted mainly from the knightly militia, the shooters were few, and the knights did not want to reckon with them and coordinate their actions. The army decayed on some detachments of large feudalists; A truly king commanded only his own, albeit the largest, detachment, that is, only part of the troops. The French knights preserved the old tactics and began the battle, having collapsed on the enemy with all their mass. But if the enemy kept the first on the Natisk, then in the future, the Connection was usually disconnected into individual groups, the knights were painted with horses and captured. Getting redemptions for prisoners and robbery of the population soon became the main goal of English knights and archers.

Start Century war It was successful for Eduard III. Eduard during the first years of the war managed to conclude unions with the rulers of the lower countries and the Burgers of Flanders, but after several unsuccessful campaigns, the Union broke up in 1340. Subsidies secreted by Edward III German princes, as well as the costs of the content of the army abroad led to the bankruptcy of the English treasury, having strongly hitting the prestige of Eduard. At first, France had excellence at sea, hiring ships and sailors from Genoa. This caused constant concerns of the possible threat to the invasion of Philip's troops to the British Islands, which forced Eduard III to go to additional spending by purchasing wood in Flanders for the construction of ships. Be that as it may, the French fleet, who prevented the landing of the British troops to the continent, was almost completely destroyed in the sea battle at Slace in 1340. After that, until the end of the war, Eduard III fleet had dominance by the sea, controlling La Mans.

In 1341, the war broke out for the Breton inheritance, in which Eduard supported Jean de Montfor, and Philipp - Karl de Blois. Over the next years, the war flowed into Brittany, and the city of Baths passed several times from hand to hand. Further military campaigns in Gaskoni had variable success for both parties. In 1346, Edward, triggered through La Mans, invaded France, landing with the army on the Cotangen Peninsula. Within one day, the British army captured Kahn than caused the perplexity of the French command, who was waiting for a long siege of the city. Philip, collected the army, moved towards Eduard. Eduard moved troops to the north to the lower country. On the way, his army robbed and lauded, the retention and seizure of the territory was not planned. As a result, after prolonged maneuvers, Edward placed his strength, preparing for the upcoming battle. Philip's troops attacked the Army of Eduard in the famous, ended with a catastrophic defeat of the French troops and the death of the Allied French of the Bohemian King Johann Blindow. The English troops continued to be unimpeded to north and besieged by Kale, which was taken in 1347. This event was an important strategic success of the British, allowing Eduard III to keep his strength on the continent. In the same year, after the victory in Nevilles-Cross and the captivity of David II, the threat from Scotland was eliminated.

In 1346-1351, the plague epidemic ("Black Death" rolled), which took hundreds of times more lives than war, and undoubtedly affecting the activity of hostilities. One of the remarkable military episodes of this period is the fight of thirty between the thirty-in English knights and the Squires and the Thirty French knights and the squire, which took place on March 26, 1351.

By 1356, England was able to restore his finances after the hiding epidemic. In 1356, the 30,000th English army under the command of the son of Edward III of the Black Prince, starting the invasion of Gascona, caused a crushing defeat by the French in the captivity of the king John II good. John kind signed a truce with Edward. During his capture, the French government began to fall apart. In 1359, the London world was signed, according to which the English crown received Aquitain, and John was released. Military failures and economic difficulties led to a popular perturbation - the Paris uprising (1357-1358) and Jacceria (1358). Eduard's troops invaded France for the third time. Using a profitable situation, Eduard's troops were honestly moved along the enemy territory, besieged Reims, but later they removed the siege and moved to Paris. Despite the difficult situation in which France was located, Edward did not storm either Paris nor Reims, the purpose of the campaign was the demonstration of the weakness of the French king and the inability to protect the country. DOFINA FRANCE, the future king of Karl V was forced to conclude peaceful peace for himself in Bretigny (1360). According to the first stage Century war Eduard III acquired half of Brittany, Aquitaine, Kale, Poitiers, and about half of the vassal possessions of France. The French crown lost, so the third of the territory of France.

The most significant battles of the initial period of the Century War:

France Following the results of the first stage of the Century War (1360)

The history of France:

The second stage of the century war. Caroling War (1369-1396)

When the son of John Io Good, Louis Anjou, sent to England as hostage and the guarantor that John II would not take escape, fled in 1362, John II, following his Knight's honor, returned to English captivity. After John died in the honorable captivity in 1364, Karl V became the French king.

The world signed in Bretiny eliminated Eduard's right on claims to the French crown. At the same time, Edward expanded his possessions in Aquitaine and firmly consolidated feces behind him. In fact, Edward never once claimed the French throne, and Karl V began to build plans for the rest of the lands captured by the British. In 1369, under the pretext of non-compliance with Eduard, the conditions of the peace treaty signed in Bretiny, Karl declared England war.

Taking advantage of the breather, the king of the French Karl V (wise) reorganized the army and spent economic reforms. This allowed the French in the second stage Century war , in the 1370s, to achieve significant military successes. The British were ousted from the country. Despite the fact that the war over the Breton inheritance ended in the Victory of the British in the battle of Ore, the Breton Dukes showed loyalty for the French authorities, and Breton Knight Bertrand Duceclene even became the Connainabl France.

At the same time, the Black Prince since 1366 was busy with war in the Iberian Peninsula, and Eduard III was too old to command the troops. All this favored France. Pedro Castilsky, whose daughters Constance and Isabella were married to the Brothers of the Black Prince John Gice and Edmund Langley, was shifted from the throne in 1370 Enrique II with the support of the French under the command of Duceclene. The war broke out between Castile and France, on the one hand, and Portugal and England - on the other. With the death of Sir John Chandom, Sereshal Poitu, and captive de Bush, England lost in their face of his best military leaders. Duceclene, following a cautious "Fabian" strategy, in a series of campaigns, avoiding clashes with major English armies, freed many cities, such as Poitiers (1372) and Bergerac (1377). The Allied Franco Castilian Fleet won confident, destroying the English squadron. For its part, the English command made a series of devastating rosette raids, but Duceklen once again managed to avoid collisions.

With the death of a black prince in 1376 and Eduard III in 1377, the Minor Son of Prince Richard II joined the English throne. Bertrand Duzeklen died in 1380, but England had a new threat to the north on the part of Scotland. In 1388, English troops were broken by the Scots in the battle at Sitebler. In connection with the extreme exhaustion of both parties in 1396, they concluded a truce in Century war .

The most significant battles of the second period of the Century War:

France Following the results of the second stage of the Century War (1396)

The third stage of the century war. Lancaster War (1415-1428)

At the end of the XIV century, the French king Karl Vi went crazy, and soon a new broke out armed conflict Between his cousin, the Duke of Burgundy Jean fearless, and his brother, Louis Orleans. After the murder of Louis Armagnaci, opposing the Party of Jean Fearless, captured power. By 1410, both sides wanted to call for the help of English troops. England, weakened by inner turbors and uprisings in Ireland and Wales, joined new war With Scotland. In addition, two more were raised in the country civil wars. Most of his reign Richard II spent in the fight against Ireland. By the time of the offset of Richard and the acceleration in the English throne of Henry IV, the Irish problem was not solved. In addition to everything in Wales, the uprising broke out under the leadership of Owain Goldura, which was finally suppressed only by 1415. For several years, Wales was actually an independent country. Taking advantage of the change of kings in England, the Scots spent several raids to the English lands. However, the British troops, which passed to the counteroffensive, defeated the Scots in the battle of Homildon-Hill in 1402. Following these events, Graph Henry Persie raised the uprising against the king, which resulted in a long and bloody struggle, which ended only by 1408. In these difficult years, England, to all of the time, experienced raids of French and Scandinavian pirates, which had a heavy blow to her fleet and trade. In connection with all these issues, interference in the affairs of France was postponed until 1415.

Since the entry into the throne, English King Henry IV has built plans for the invasion of France. However, these plans managed to implement only his son, Henrich V. In 1414, he refused to Armianyaks. His plans included the return of the territories that belonged to the British Crown in Henrich II. In August 1415, his army landed near the harplera and captured the city. The third stage began Century war .

Wanting to go to the march to Paris, the king of caution chose another path, which gambled to the conquered by the British feces. Due to the fact that food in the British army was not enough, and the British command made a number of strategic miscalculations, Heinrich V was forced to go to defense. Despite the unfavorable start of the campaign, the British won a decisive victory over the superior forces of the French.

During the third stage Century war Heinrich captured most of Normandy, including Kan (1417) and Rouen (1419). Having entered into an alliance with the Duke of Burgundy, who captured Paris after the murder of Jean Fearless in 1419, in five years English King subordinated to himself about half of France. In 1420, Heinrich met at the negotiations with the insane king Karl VI, with whom he signed a treaty in True, according to which Heinrich V was announced by the heir to Charles VI insane, bypassing the legitimate hear of Dofina Charles (in the future - King Charles VII). After the conclusion of the contract in Troy, until 1801, the kings of England wore the title of Kings of France. Next year, Heinrich joined Paris, where the contract was officially confirmed by the General States.

Henry's successes ended with disembarking to France of the six-thousandth Scottish army. In 1421, John Stewart, Count Bucket defeated numerically superior to the British army in the battle of God. The English commander and most of the high-ranking English commanders died in the battle. Shortly after this defeat, King Heinrich V dies in MO in 1422. His only one year old son was immediately crowned by the king of England and France, but the Armagnaci remained loyal to the son of King Charles, and therefore the war continued.

warmaid of England and France. Major reasons: The desire of France to oust the British from Genii (which was fixed behind them with the Paris Agreement 1259), and England - to eliminate the vassal dependence of land from France and return the landlessly lost in John the landless (see John landless) Normandia, Anju, etc., as well as the struggle of both states for domination over Flanders (see Flanders) . A direct reason was the claims of the English king Edward III (as a grandson on the maternal line of the French king Philip IV Cappetiana) to the French throne after death in 1328 Karl IV (the last representative of the direct branch of the capeting) and the joint venture of Philip VI (from the genus Valua). In the fall of 1337, the British made an offensive in Picardia. The initial period of war was successful for England, which had a well-organized army, which was the basis of the futsal infantry (archers) and hired knightly detachments. The bone of the French army was the feudal knightly militia, which is not adapted to battle in the foot. Eduard III supported Flanders and separatist confused feudals and cities of the south-west of France, associated trade with England. England won the sea at the Saris (1340), during Crescents (1346), in 1347 seized Kale. In 1356, English troops under the command of the Black Prince (see the Black Prince) defeated French knights from Poita and captured the King of John II good (see John II good). In the absence of King France, Dofh Karl rules. In 1348-49, the plague epidemic took about 1/3 of the population of France; The number of troops decreased. For further warfare and redemption of John II, money was needed. The defeat of the French troops, economic destruction, the increase in shavers and taxes caused the perturbation of the people and led to the Paris-uprising of 1357-58 (see Paris Uprising 1357) and Jacceria (see Zhacery) (1358). The French government was forced to conclude a heavy for France of the world in Bretiny (1360). During the respite of Karl V (King in 1364-80) reorganized the army, partially replacing the feudal militia by hired troops, artillery was created, the tax system was ordered. The success of hostilities, resumed by the French troops in 1369, contributed partisan traffic In areas who have departed to England, as well as the use of the French army of artillery. By the end of the 70s. In the hands of the British there were minor territories. On the Management Board (1380-1422) of the Mentally Patient Charles VI, France was weakened by the cross-car of Armagnac and Burguynon (see Armagniki and Burguignons). The robbery of both feudal clicks, the growth of taxes caused folk unrest (Mayioten, Tieshen, Cabochieren, etc.). The agencies of France took advantage of the British, resumed in 1415 war; In October 1415, they defeated the French army during Azenkur. After the siege (1418-19) and the capture of Ruan the British with the help of the Duke of the Duke of the Burgundy, which came to the Union of Duke of the Duke of Burgundy and forced the French government to sign the contract in True (1420), according to which the English King of Heinrich V (Zabl VI) became regent of France and the heir (his descendants too) the French throne. After death in 1422 Heinrich V and Karl VI, the British and the Duke of Burgundy declared the king of England and France of the young henrich VI (Son Henry V), and the regent of France - the Duke of Bedford. Dofin Karl also proclaimed himself by the king (Karl VII). France turned out to be dismembered: it was a significant part in the hands of the British and Burgundy, the Earth to Y. from Loire was ruled by Charles VII. The territories employed by the British were taxed by large taxes and contributing, the English troops were specified here; in these areas did not stop partisan War. When the British and Burgundy, seeking to move on to the south, besieged Orleans (1428), the entire French people rose to the war with the invaders, who headed Zhanna D "Ark. Since the liberation of Orleans (1429) by French troops (headed by Jeanne D" Ark ) Fracture began in the war. The French army won a number of victories, in July 1429 Karl VII was crowned in Reims. The execution of the British Zhanna D "ARK (May 1431) did not change the move of the war. The Burgundian Duke concluded in 1435 with Karl VII in Arras the world, according to which he recognized him by the legal sovereign of France, and the French king fastened a number of land and the city in Somme (with the right The redemption of them in France). In 1436, the British were expelled from Paris, then Champagne (1441), Men and Normandy (1450), Geni (1453) were released. S. B. Ended the capitulation of the British in Bordeaux (October 19, 1453). England kept On the territory of France, only Kale (up to 1558). S. c. cost the French people of huge sacrifices, caused damage to the country's economy, partly detained the process of centralizing the French state, but at the last stage contributed to the growth of the national self-consciousness. In England, S. c. Temporarily strengthened political The effect of feudal aristocracy and chivalry, which prepared an outbreak of feudal anarchy in the 2nd half of the 15th century. and slowed down the process of centralization of the state. (see card. )

LIT: Luce S., La France Pendant La Guerre de Cent ans, Ser. 1-2, G., 1890-93; Perroy E., La Guerre de CENT ANS, 4 ED., P., 1945; CONTAMINE P., LA GUERRE DE CENTANS, P., 1968; Its, Guerre, Etat Et Societe A La Fin Du Moyen âge. Etudes Sur Les Armees des Rois de France 1337-1494, P., 1972: The Hundred Years War, 1971.

N. N. Melik-Gaikazov.

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  • - Central War - 1337-1453 between England and France for Geni, Normandia, Anjou, Flanders. The reason is the claims of the English king Eduard III to the French throne after the death of the French king Karl IV ...
  • - Treasury War - This name of the series of wars between England and France is given by later historians ...

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"Central War 1337-1453" in books

22. Another "centenary war"

From book Ancient Russia And the Great Steppe Author Gumilev Lev Nikolaevich

22. Another "centenary war" is a century called France war with England (1339-1449), but the series of uprisings in Arabia and Syria was as long and even more fierce high degree Passionarity of the Byzantine ethnos and the final disappearance of Hellenism. These

Author Basovskaya Natalia Ivanovna

Part Two Century War 1337-1453

Centenary War (1337-1453) Her causes of the war in the XIV century.

From the book History of England in the Middle Ages Author Shtokmar Valentina Vladimirovna

Centenary War (1337-1453) Her causes of the war in the XIV century. A centenary war between England and France was the result of a number of circumstances that were rooted in the preceding development of both the same country. The main cause of discord was Flanders, which represented

Part Two Century War 1337-1453

From the book of centenary war [leopard against lily] Author Basovskaya Natalia Ivanovna

Part Two Century War 1337-1453

Centenary war.

From the book Volume 1. Diplomacy since the ancient centuries to 1872. Author Potemkin Vladimir Petrovich

Centenary war. The turning point in the political development of France was the events of century war. In 1328, the dynasty of cappeps stopped, and the side branch in the face of Philip VI Valua climbed into the throne. The rights to the French throne also stated Eduard III English, grandson

9. Trojan War of the XIII century or a war of 1453, which ended with the seizure of Tsar Grad

From the book Book 2. The flourishing of the kingdom [empire. Where in fact Marko Polo traveled. Who are the Italian Etruscans. Ancient Egypt. Scandinavia. Rus-Orda n Author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

9. Trojan War The XIII century or the war of 1453, which ended with the capture of Tsar-Grad first we turn to the events of the XIII century new era. Recall that, according to our reconstruction, the essence of the case is. There was a grand war, consisting of several battles. One side

Central War

From the book England. History of the country Author Daniel Christopher

Central War Fifty-year-old Board Eduard III was marked by turning foreign Policy - From the fight against the Scots to the claims to the French crown. During these years, the war began, which, later, the historians will be called centenary. This is not quite the right name.

First century war

by Mikhael John

The first century war at the beginning of the XII century King Heinrich I goes to the conquest of Normandy, where the conquerors of England came from. The English king marries the French princess, which inherited too much from his country. English Dominion over France

Second centenary war

From the book the path of the aggressor, or about the essence of England's policies by Mikhael John

Central War

From the book the history of wars on the sea from ancient times to end XIX. century Author Scholyzel Alfred

Tsvetny War Only in 1339, Eduard III decided to take energetic measures and began armed with the fleet. During the 1340 years, he proclaimed himself as the King of France and began to prepare a big hike to conquer new possessions. Permanent fleet at that time did not exist yet, and

Central War

From the book full encyclopedia of our delusions Author

Centenary War (1337-1453)

From the book 100 of the Great Wars Author Sokolov Boris Vadimovich

Central War

From the book full illustrated encyclopedia of our delusions [with transparent pictures] Author Mazurkevich Sergey Alexandrovich

Treasury War If you ask anyone how many years old war continued, then, most likely, they will answer like this: "One hundred years. It is seen from her name. " However, this answer is incredible. The centenary war between England and France lasted 115 years old - from 1338 to 1453. By the way, this war

Central War

From the book full illustrated encyclopedia of our delusions [with illustrations] Author Mazurkevich Sergey Alexandrovich

Treasury War If you ask anyone how many years old war continued, then, most likely, they will answer like this: "One hundred years. It is seen from her name. " However, this answer is incredible. The centenary war between England and France lasted 115 years old - from 1338 to 1453. By the way, this war

Centenary War 1337-1453

From book big Soviet Encyclopedia (St) author BSE

A centenary war is a series of military conflicts between England and France, having a place between 1337 and 1453.
Consider the course of century war briefly.
The entire temporary segment of the century of war is divided into four periods.
The first is also called Edwardian - from 1337 to 1360. The second period is otherwise called Carolinsky from 1360 to 1389. The third is differently denoted as a Lancaster war (1415-1420). And the final stage lasted until 1453.
The official reason was the claims of the English king Eduard III to the French throne (his mother was the sister of recently the deceased king). He presented his rights in 1328. He was denied, and he began making a war.

First stage (1337-1360)

Consider briefly by dates the main events of this period.
1340. The war began three years earlier, but only this year the British achieved the first significant result - they won the sea battle at Salace.
1346. This Triumph of Eduard became a victory in the cross. His soldiers tired by the transition were able to overcome superiorly quantitatively army of the enemy. The merit in this victory belongs to English archers.
1356. In the battle, the son of Eduard on the nicknamed Black Prince already distinguished himself. He not only brought his people from the Western, defeated the enemy, but also captured the French king John II.
1360. The captive monarch played as a map at the conclusion of a peace treaty in Bretiny, according to which a third of French lands recognized english possessionsAnd for the freedom of the king paid a big ransom.

Second Stage (1360-1389)

Describing briefly this period of century war, it should be noted that there were no large military battles during this period. It is rather the time of reform and diplomatic struggle. But the French gradually began to gain power. The main role in this was played by the reforms carried out by Karl V.
In the army was introduced new Rod troops - crossbars; switched from the tactics of the robber raids to the partisan resistance; The commander was appointed not for titles, but for the ability.
1360-1368. Two applicants - one from England, the other from France - fought by the hand of Margarita de Mal, because her grant of Flanders was attached. Pope supported the representative of France.
1373. During the newly launched active hostilities, Karl V conquers Normandia and Brittany from the British.
1396. Between countries began rapprochement, primarily due to the mutual sympathy of monarchs. As a result, England (Richard II) and France (Karl VI) concluded a truce for a period of 28 years.
1399. The termination of the robbing war was not satisfied with the English feudalists. The barons organized a coup in the country, Richard II overthrew and proclaimed the King of Heinrich IV Lancaster. He confirmed a truce, but decided to destabilize the situation in France, supporting the warring feudal groups.
1413. The King of England becomes Heinrich V. He is ready to resume war in France.

Third Stage (1415-1420)

If it is briefly an estimate of this period, then an increase in the British is observed.
1415. The Battle of Azenkur, in which 6 thousand warriors of Henry V confronted many more French troops (according to different estimates from 30 to 50 thousand). Thanks to the archers, the British won.
1420. Signing a peace treaty in Troy. Briefly the essence of the document was reduced to the fact that the Regency at the Low-King Carl VI was appointed by the King of England Henry V - later, he had to become at the head of both countries.
1422. This year, one of the defendant of the document signed in Troya Document was died: at first Heinrich, then Karl VI.

Fourth stage (1422-1453)

At the final stage of the Century War, a decisive role was played by a change in the foreign policy situation and strengthening liberation movement in France.
On behalf of England, the War continued the Duke of Bedford, appointed by the regent under Henrich VI.
1428. Bedford led a successful offensive and this year began to Siege Orleans.
1429. Thanks to Zhanna D'Ark, the French managed to defend a deposited city, later to win the battle of PATE.
07/17/1429. The efforts of Zhanna d'Ark in Reims took place the coronation of Dofina Karl (now Karl VII).
1431. In response, the British are carried out in Paris the coronation of Heinrich VI, announcing him by the king of France.
1431. The British executed Jeanne d'Ark, burning her on the fire. But this can no longer stop the liberation movement, which manifested itself in the anti-English conspiracies, in the accession of volunteers to the Army of Charles VII, in Bunts in Normandy.
1435. Die Bedford, before that, ensuring the successful onset of the British in France.
1436. The French dismissed Paris.
1449. Karl VII frees Normandy from the British.
1451. The British displaced from Aquitaine.
August 1453. The Battle of the Shatilon, in which the British were defeated, but retained the part of the forces and sat down in Bordeaux. In October and they surrendered. This is considered the official completion of the century of war. Although the peace treaty was signed because of the mental impassiveness of Heinrich VI and the troubles started in England (Rose War).