I'm not looking for harmony in nature

      I am not looking for harmony in nature.
      Reasonable proportionity began
      Neither in the depths of the rocks or in clear sky
      I have not distinguished before Siktor, Alas.

      How the world of her dense!
      In the fierce singing winds
      Does not hear the heart of the right consonance,
      The soul does not feel slim votes.

      But in a quiet hour of autumn sunset,
      When the wind will fall away in the distance
      When, Sienyat is mesmerized,
      Blind night drops to the river,

      When, tired of the rainy movement,
      From useless hard work
      In anxious half of the exhaustion
      Drops darkened water

      When a huge world of contradictions
      Pour a barren game, -
      As if a sample of human pain
      From the abyss of waters gets up in front of me.

      And at this hour, sad nature
      Lies around, sighing hard,
      And she did not cute wild freedom,
      Where evil is inseparable from good.

      And the brilliant tree of the turbine dreams
      And the measured sound of reasonable work,
      And pipes pipes and glow dams,
      And the wires are poured.

      So, falling asleep on your bed,
      Crazy but loving mother
      Highlights the high world of the cat,
      So together with the son of the Sun to see.

      On the beauty of human persons

      There are persons like lush portals,
      Where everywhere the great messenger is mad.
      There are faces - similaries of miserable shacks,
      Where the liver and the mock of Sichuch 1 is boiled.
      Other cold, dead faces
      Closed with lattices, as if the dungeon.
      Others - as towers in which for a long time
      No one lives and does not look out the window.
      But I knew a little hunting once
      It was a noncaine she, not,
      But from her window on me
      The Spring Day's breath flowed.
      Truly world and great and wonderful!
      There are faces - similar songs.
      From these, like the sun shining notes
      Composed song of heavenly heights.

1 Schuch - Here: a cow or pork stomach, as well as a kushan from stuffed with meat cow or pork stomach.

      Somewhere in the field near Magadan

      Somewhere in the field near Magadan,
      In the midst of dangers and troubles
      In the highlights of the frozen fog
      They walked over sledges 1.
      From the soldiers, from their tinned sip,
      From the gangsters of the thieves thieves
      Only near the nearby sails were saved here.
      Yes, outfits in the city for flour.
      So they went in their bumps -
      Two unfortunate Russian old man
      Remembering the money of the huts
      And tomorrow about them from afar.
      The whole soul overwhelmed
      Away from loved ones and relatives,
      And fatigue, biting body,
      This night was solely soul.
      Life over them in nature images
      Mista moved his own.
      Only stars, symbols of freedom,
      Did not look more on people.
      Willing mystery universe
      Went to the theater of the northern shining,
      But the fire is her heartfelt
      No longer reached people.
      Okrug people attempted blizzard,
      Noticed frozen hemp.
      And on them, without looking at each other,
      Freezing, sat down old men.
      Steel horses, the work ended,
      Mortals wondered ...
      Hugged them sweet dorm
      In the far edge, sobbing, led.
      Will not heal more protection,
      Does not overtake the camp convoy,
      Only some conversion to Magadan
      Climbing, becoming over your head.

1 sledge - low and wide sleeves without a seat, with sides, diverging apart from the front.

2 nearby (s) - neighboring area, surroundings.

      Juniper bush

      I saw in a dream juniper bush,
      I heard a metal crunch away,
      I heard amethyst berries,
      And in a dream, in silence, I liked it.

      I hung through the sleep of a light smell of resin.
      Bending low these trunks,
      I noticed wood branches in the darkness
      A little living like your smile.

      Juniper bush, juniper bush,
      Cooling cashewing
      Lightweight, barely giving resin,
      Piercing me deadly needle!

      In the golden heavens behind the window my
      Clouds swim one of the others
      Hollowed my garden lifeless and empty ...
      God forgive you, juniper bush!


      When life life runs out on the slope of the year
      And, extinguishing the candle, I'll go again again
      In the unrefined world of foggy transformations,
      When Milongs of new generations
      Fill this world sparkling miracles
      And the structure of nature is completed, -
      Let my poor dust cover these waters,
      Let the green forest shelter me.

      I will not die, my friend. Breathing flowers
      I find yourself in this world.
      Centuries-old oak my live soul
      The roots will drive, segregated and harsh.
      In his large sheets, I will give the mind
      With the help of the branches my thoughts,
      So that they are from the darkness of the forests hung
      And you were involved in a conscious of mine.

      Over your head, distant great-grandchildren,
      I'm in the sky, as a slow bird,
      I will flash over you like a pale zarry,
      Like summer rain is swollen, sparkling over the grass.
      There is no more beautiful in the world.
      Silent gloom graves - the tomorrow is empty.
      I lived my life, I did not see peace:
      There is no rest in the world. Everywhere life and me.

      I was not born into the world when from the cradle
      My eyes for the first time in the world looked, -
      I first thought for the first time
      When the life was a lifeless crystal,
      When the raindrop is first
      Fell on it, in the rays exhausted.
      Oh, I no wonder in this world lived!
      And sweetly me aim from the dot,
      So, taking me in the palm, you, the far descendant,
      Complete what I did not trust.

Questions and tasks

  1. How do you understand the words of N. A. Zabolotsky, put in, epigraph to the article about the poet?
  2. What memories of childhood affected the early poet poets?
  3. What person does N. A. Zabolotsky appear due to the stories of A. Macedonov, the contemporaries of the poet, the most Zabolotsky?
  4. What are the interesting poems of N. A. Zabolotsky about his native nature? What are their originality?
  5. Read the poems of N. A. Zabolotsky "I am not looking for harmony in nature", "On the beauty of human persons", "Somewhere in the field near Magadan", "Juniper bush", "Testament". Which of them liked you more than others? Learn by heart two or three poems and prepare them to expressive reading.
  6. How do you explain the thought of the poet, incorporated in the name of the poem "I am not looking for harmony in nature" and in the text of the poem? What sees the poet reconciliation in the "world of contradictions"?
  7. What human persons are particularly close to the poet? Remember the statement of N. A. Zabolotsky: "Words should hug and caress each other ... to cross each other ..." Is there such a roll call in the poem "On the beauty of human persons"? Read and emphasize this while reading. What is the meaning of the poem?
  8. What melody accompanies poetic lines of the poem "juniper bush"? How does the poet say about the left love?
  9. Zabolotsky rightly noticed that a person considers the world around us everyday, and the poet manages to remove the "film" from the eye and surprise people to what he saw himself and managed to convey it in poems. Re-read the poems, find examples when you surprised the opening of the poet where you saw the usual and obvious. Thanks to what artistic means, Zabolotsky manages to realize the diversity and wealth of the world? What of the poet seen allows him to say: "Truly world and great and wonderful!"?
  10. What times does the poem say "somewhere in the field near Magadan"? With the help of what artistic techniques is an inevitably sad picture of the path of "two unfortunate Russian old people"?
  11. As is realized in the poems of his statement: "Thought - an image - music - here is the ideal triple to which the poet seeks? Give examples.
  12. Recall the poem Horata, Derzhavin, Pushkin about the monument. How does the poem of the Zabolotsky "Testament" echoes? What does the poet hope for?
  13. What in memories and statements about N. A. Zabolotsky attracted your attention? What is the identity of Zabolotsky?
  14. What poems N. A. Zabolotsky seemed to you particularly significant and modern? What are their essence?

Change your speech

  1. How do you understand the lines?

        Truly world and great and wonderful! There are faces - similar songs. Of these, as the sun, the radiant music is composed of the song of heavenly heights.

        I am not looking for harmony in nature.

        How the world of her dense!

        And sweetly me aim from the dot, so that, taking me in the palm, you, the far descendant, got the fact that I did not finish.

  2. Prepare your own story about the poet, including the memories of writers, literary critics and passages from poems poems. Meet the books: Macedonov A. V. Nikolay Zabolotsky; Zabolotsky N. Life N. A. Zabolotsky. Memories of N. Zabolotsky (Sost. E. V. Zabolotskaya, A. V. Macedonov, N. N. Zabolotsky).

V.A. Zaitsev

Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky (1903-1958) - an outstanding Russian poet, a man is difficult for fate, which has passed the complex path of artistic quest. His distinctive and diverse creativity enriched domestic poetry, especially in the field philosophical lyricsand took a strong place in the poetic classics of the XX century.

The tendency to the Scriptures of the poems was discovered from the future poet in childhood and in school years. But serious occupations of poetry fall at the beginning of the twenties, when Zabolotsky studied - first at Moscow University, and then at the Pedagogical Institute. A.I. Herzen in Petrograd. In AvtoBiography, "this period said:" I wrote a lot, imitating the Mayakovsky, then the block, then Yesenin. I did not find my own voice. "

For 20s. The poet passes the path of intensive spiritual searches and an artistic experiment. From the youthful poems of 1921 (Sisiophano Christmas, Heavenly Seville, Heart-Desert), carrying traces of influence of heterogeneous poetic schools - from symbolism to futurism, he comes to finding creative identity. By the middle of the decade, his original poems are created one after another, subsequently the first book.

At this time, N. Zabolotsky, together with the young Leningrad poets, the "left" orientation (D. Hams, A. Introva, I. Bekhterev and others) organized the "Association of Real Art" ("Obseri"), Zabolotsky participated in the preparation of the Program and Declaration Groups undoubtedly putting its own sense in its very name: "Obrae" - "the union of the only realistic art, and" y "is the decoration that we allowed." Enjoyed the union, Zabolotsky most sought to maintain independence, elevating in the basic principle "Creative freedom of members of the Commonwealth".

In 1929, the first book of Zabolotsky "Columns" was published, which included 22 poems 1926-1928. She immediately attracted the attention of readers and critics, caused controversial responses: on the one hand, serious positive reviews N. Stepanov, M. Zenkevich and others who celebrated the arrival of a new poet with their original vision of the world, on the other - coarse, discrepancies under characteristic names: "Cat system", "Girls system", "decay of consciousness".

What caused such an ambiguous reaction? In the poems of "columns" manifested a sharply individual and used perception by the author of modern reality. The poet himself later wrote that the theme of his poems was deeply alien and hostile to him "predatory life of all kinds of deltsov and entrepreneurs", "Satyric image of this life." Acute antimicial orientation is felt in many poems of the book ("New Life", "Ivanov", "Wedding", "Own canal", "People's House"). In the image of the world, the blessings arise the features of absurdism, realistic concreteness is adjacent to hyperbolization and alogius of images.

Opened a book The poem "Red Bavaria", in the title of which recorded the characteristic realities of the time: the famous beer bar on Nevsky was called. From the first lines, an extremely concrete, living and plastic image of this establishment arises:

In the wilderness of the bottle of paradise, where palm trees have long been dried - under electricity playing, the window was swimming in a glass; It is glittered on the blades, then it fell heavily; Above it beer smoking ... But it is impossible to describe it.

The author to a certain extent, in accordance with the self-character, given by him in the "Declaration" of the Obseriuts, appears here as "the poet of naked concrete figures moved close to the eyes of the viewer." In the detachment further description of the beer and its regulars, internal tensions, dynamics and increasing generalization are consistently increasing. Together with the poet, we see how "in that bottle paradise / sirens drogle on the edge of the edge curve", how "the door on the chains" will run, / falls from the stairs of the people, / cracking with a cardboard shirt, / with a bottle leads dance, "like" Men All shouted, / they swung at the tables, / on the ceilings they swatched / persions with flowers in half ... "Everything is increasing the feeling of meaninglessness and the absurdity of what is happening, from household concrete there is a universal phantasmagoria, which splashes on the streets of the city:" Eyes fell, accurately Giri, / the glass broke - the night came out ... "And in front of the reader, instead of the" Wilderness of the Bottle Paradise "already gets up" ... outside the window - in the wilderness of the time ... Nevsky in brilliance and longing ... "Generalized judgments of this kind are found And in other verses: "And everywhere crazy nonsense ..." ("White Night").

The character of the metaphor and comparisons, the nature of the Meshchansky world, says the nature of the metaphor and comparison: "... the groom, agreed in Nesterpimo, / to the bride it is so much" ("New Life"), "in the Iron Latches Samovar / Noise by a home general" ("Ivanov"), "Straight bald husbands / sit like a shot of a rifle", "a huge house, watching the back, / flying into the space of being" ("Wedding"), "Lantern, bloodless, like a worm, / arrow dangles in the bushes" ("People's House ") and etc.

Speaking in 1936 in the discussion about the formalism and forcingly agreeing with the accusations of criticism addressed to his experimental verses, Zabolotsky did not refuse to do at the beginning of the road and emphasized: "" Columns "taught me to look closely to the outside world, we awakened interest in me , I developed the ability to plasticly depict phenomena. They managed to find some secretion of plastic images. "

The secrets of plastic pictures were fed by the poet not for the sake of a purely artistic experiment, but in the direction of the development of life content, as well as the experience of literature and other related arts. In this regard, a bright miniature "Movement" is interesting (December 1927), built on a distinct contrast of the static and picturesque first and dynamic second stanza:

The driver sits like on the throne, from the wool made armor, and a beard, as on the icon, lies, the coins of the link.

And the poor horse is waving his hands, it will deteriorate, as Nasim, then again eight legs sparkle in his brilliant stomach.

The conversion of a horse in a fantastic animal having hands and doubled the number of legs gives the imagination of the reader, in the representation of which comes to the apparent initial monumental real estate. The fact that Zabolotsky sequentially searched for the most expressive art decisions in the image of the movement, says the PIR poem written soon (January 1928), where we find a dynamic sketch: "And the horse is flowing through the air, / hides the body into a long circle / and Cuts with sharp legs / Oglobel smooth prison. "

The book "Columns" became a noticeable milestone not only in the work of Zabolotsky, but also in poetry of that time, having an impact on the artistic searches for many poets. The acuity of social and moral issues, the compound of plastic image, of the same pathos and grotesque-satirical style gave the book of originality and determined the range of artistic possibilities of the author.

It is very written about her. The researchers rightly associate the artistic searches of the Zabolotsky and the poetic world of the "columns" with the experience of Derzhavin and Khlebnikov, painting M. Shagal and P. Filonov, finally, with the "carnival" elements of F. Rabol. This powerful cultural reservoir relied the creativity of the poet in his first book.

However, Zabolotsky was not limited to the theme of life and life of the city. In those who were not included in the first book of the poems "Horse's face", "in our homes" (1926), "Walk", "the signs of the zodiac" (1929) and others are born and receives the artistic and philosophical interpretation the theme of nature, which becomes the most important The work of the poet next decade. Animals and the phenomena of nature in them are spiritualized:

The face of the horse is more beautiful and clever.
He hears the leaves and stones.
Attentive! He knows the cry of animal
And in the Old Grove Rocky Nightingale.
And the horse stands like a knight on the clock,
Plays wind in light hair,
Eyes are burning like two huge worlds,
And the mane is steles like royal porphyra.

The poet sees all the phenomena of nature by alive, carrying human traits: "The river girl is intense / attached between herbs ..."; "Every little flower / waves with a small hand"; Finally, "and all nature laughs, / dying every moment" ("Walk").

It is in these works that the origins of the natural philosophically themes in the lyrics and poems of the Zabolotsky 30-50s., His reflections on the relationship between man and nature, tragic contradictions of being, life and death, the problem of immortality.

On the formation of philosophical and artistic views and concepts of Zabolotsky, the impact of the works and ideas of V. Vernadsky, N. Fedorov, especially K. Tsiolkovsky, with whom he was at that time in active correspondence. The thoughts of the scientist about the place of mankind in the Universe, undoubtedly, was sharply worried about the poet. In addition, in his worldview, it was clearly a long-standing passion for the work of Goethe and Khlebnikov. As Zabolotsky himself said: "At this time I was fond of bread, and his lines:

I see Konsky Freedom and Equality of Cows ... -

deep hit me. I liked the utopian thought about the restraint of animals. "

In the poems "Celebration of Agriculture" (1929-1930), "Mad Wolf" (1931) and "Trees" (1933) The poet was walking through intense social and philosophical and artistic quest, in particular he was hidden by the idea of \u200b\u200b"liberty" of animals due to deep Vera in the existence of reason in nature, in all living beings.

The collectivization developed into the conditions of the collectivization developed in the country, which was embodied in copyright and philosophical conversations of the actors of his disputes, this faith caused misunderstanding and sharp critical attacks. The poems were subjected to cruel separation in the articles "under the mask of the scientific", "the brothering poetry and poetry of millions" and others.

Unjust assessments and cauldial tone of criticism adversely affected the work of the poet. He almost stopped writing and at one time he was mainly engaged in translation activities. However, the desire to penetrate the secrets of Genesis, the artistic and philosophical understanding of the world in its contradictions, meditation about man and nature continued to worry him, making up the content of many works, including completed in the 40s. Poem "Lodetechnov", whose fragments were written in 1932-1934. Hero, wearing autobiographical features, torment the contrast between the wise harmony of the life of nature and its ominous, animal cruelty:

Lodiemen listened. Over the garden she was a vague rustling of thousands of deaths. Nature who turned the hell, spoke his affairs without a job. The beetle ate grass, the beetle stuck the bird, ferret drank the brain from the bird head, and scary skewed faces of the night creatures looked from the grass. Nature New Daville combined death and being in a single club. But the thought was powerless to connect two sacraments.

("Lodeteners in the Garden", 1934)

In comprehending the natural and human being, the tragic notes are clearly sounded: "Our waters shine on the abnumbs of MUK, / on the abyss of the forests fall!" (By the way, in the editorial office of 1947, these lines were redone and smoothed almost to complete neutrality: "So that's what the water is noisy in the darkness, / about what, sighing, whispering forests!" And the Son of the Son of the Poet N.N. Zabolotsky So commented on these verses of the beginning of the 30s: "In the description of the" New Davilen "of nature, it was indirectly affected by the perception of a society in the country").

In the lyrics of the Zabolotsky mid 30s. More than once there are social motives (farewell poems, "North", "Gori Symphony", published then in the central press). Nevertheless, the main focus of his poetry is philosophical. In the poem "yesterday about death, reflecting ..." (1936), overcoming the "unbearable longing disconnection" with nature, the poet hears the singing of evening herbs, "and the speech of water, and a stone dead cry." In this live sound, he catches and distinguishes the voices of favorite poets (Pushkin, Khlebnikov) and himself dissolves in the surrounding world: "... And I myself was not the brainchild of nature, / but the thought of her! But the ugly mind of her! "

The poem "yesterday about death reflecting ...", "Immortality" (later received the name "Metamorphosis") indicate the close attention of the poet to the eternal issues of being, sharply worried about the classics of Russian poetry: Pushkin, Tyutchev, Baratyan. In them, he is trying to solve the problem of personal immortality:

How everything changes! What was before the bird -
Now lies with the written page;
The idea was once simple flower;
The poem marched a slow bull;
And what was me, then maybe
Again, the world of plants multiplies.

The "second book" (1937) tried the poetry of thought. There were significant changes in the poetics of Zabolotsky, although the secret of the "plastic images" found in the "columns" received here was a clear and very expressive embodiment, for example, in such impressive pictures of the northern poem:

Where are people with ice beards,
Owing on the head conical tuch,
Sit in sleigh and long columns
Get out of his mouth. Oloenheny spirit;
Where are the horses like mammoths in ramps,
Ruffer; where smoke stands on the roofing
How sculpture, frightening eyes ...

Despite the seemingly favorable external circumstances of the life and work of Zabolotsky (the release of the book, the high assessment of his translation of the "Vityaz in Tiger Shkure" Sh. Rustaveli, the beginning of work on the poetic arrangements of the "Words about the regiment of Igor" and other creative plans), his trouble was ate. In March 1938, he was illegally arrested by the NKVD bodies and after the most severe interrogation, which lasted four days, and the content in the prison psychiatric hospital received a five-year term of correctional work.

From the end of 1938 and before the beginning of 1946, Zabolotsky stayed in the camps of the Far East, the Altai Territory, Kazakhstan, worked in the most severe conditions on the forestry, explosive work, the construction of the railway and only thanks to a happy coincidence was able to make a drawer in the project office, which saved His life.

It was a decade of forced silence. From 1937 to 1946, Zabolotsky wrote only two poems, developing the relationship between human and nature relations ("Forest Lake" and "Solovy"). In the last year of the Great Patriotic War And the first post-war time he resumes work on the artistic translation of "Words about the regiment of Igor", which has played an important role in returning him to his own poetic creativity.

The post-war Lyrics of Zabolotsky is noted by the expansion of the thematic and genre range, the deepening and development of socio-psychological, moral and humanistic and aesthetic motives. Already in the first verse 1946: "Morning", "Blind", "Thunderstorm", "Beethoven" and others - as if opening the horizons of the new life and however, the experience of violent tests affected.

The poem "In this grove of Berezova" (1946), all the penetrated rays of the morning sun carries the charge of a high tragedy, an individual pain of personal and nationwide disasters and loss. The tragic humanism of these lines, their stoned harmony and the universal sound is paid by the flour, who experienced the poet himself from arbitrariness and lawlessness:

In this grove birch
Away from suffering and troubles
Where rose fluctuates
Night morning light
Where is transparent avalanche
Pour leaves with high branches -
Sing me, Oriole, a deserted song,
My life life.

These verses - about life and fate, but not broken and not a distinguished person, about dangerous, approached, perhaps, to the last damage of humanity, about the tragic complexity of time passing through the human heart and soul. In them - the bitter life experience of the poet himself, the szvuk of the past war and warning about the possible death of the whole living on the planet, devastated atomic swirl, global catastrophes ("... Atoms are shuddered, / White swirl at home ... You are flying over cliffs, / Over the ruins of death you can fly ... and the deadly cloud stretches / above your head ").

We stand in providically, a comprehensive meaningless universal catastrophe and - the defenselessness of everything that lives on Earth in front of Grozny, chaotic, not subject to person by the forces. And yet, these lines carry the light, cleansing, catharsis, leaving the ray of hope in the human heart: "The sun will stand behind the great rivers ... and then in my heart is broken / your voice."

In the post-war years, Zabolotsky writes such wonderful poems, as "blind", "I am not looking for harmony in nature", "Memory", "Farewell to friends." The latter is devoted to the memory of A. Vvedensky, D. Harms, N. Oleikov and other comrades for the "Obseri" group, which became in the 30s. victims of Stalinist repression. Poems of Zabolotsky are noted by impressive poetic concreteness, plastic and painting of the image and at the same time - deep social and philosophical understanding of the problems of life and existence, nature and art.

The signs of humanism are not peculiar to the official doctrine - pity, mercy, compassion is clearly visible in one of the first post-war poems of Zabolotsky "Blind". Against the background of a dazzling day rising to the sky, lilac lilac lilac in the spring gardens. The poet's attention was riveted to the old man "with a face tilted into the sky," the whole life is "as a big familiar wound" and who, alas, will never open "semi-dimensional eyes " Deeply personal perception of someone else's unfortunately inseparable from philosophical understanding, born lines:

And I'm afraid I think
That somewhere near the edge of nature
I am the same blind
With a face tipped into the sky.
Only in the darkness of the soul
I observe sighting water,
Sobater with them
Only in my sorrow my heart.

Sincere sympathy to people walking "through thousands of troubles", the desire to divide their grief and anxiety caused a whole gallery of poems ("Palest", "loser", "in the movies", " Ugly girl"," Old Actress "," Somewhere in the field near Magadan "," Death of a doctor ", etc.). Their heroes are very different, but with all the variety of human characters and the author's attitude towards them, two motifs are prevailing, picking up the author's concept of humanism: "Infinitely human patience, / if love goes out in the heart" and "Human strength / not the limit ... "

In the work of the Zabolotsky 50s., Along with the lyrics of nature and philosophical meditation, the genres of the poems built on the plot of the poetic story and portrait are intensively developed - from 1953-1954 written in 1953-1954. The poems "loser", "in the cinema" to those created in the last year of life - "General Cottage", "Iron Stoy".

In a kind of poetic portrait, "ugly girl" (1955), Zabolotsky puts a philosophical and aesthetic problem - about the essence of beauty. Drawing the image of a "ugly girl", "poor drank", in the heart of which lives "Alien Joy as well as his own", the author of the whole logic of poetic thought brings the reader to the conclusion that "what is beauty":

And let the features of her non-good and nothing to choose the imagination, - the infant grace of the soul is already swaying in any of its movement.

And if so, what is beauty and why do people deify it?

Is it a vessel in which emptiness, or fire flickering in a vessel?

The charm and charm of this poem, revealing the "pure flame", which burns in the depths of the "ugly girl" soul, in the fact that Zabolotsky managed to show and poetically approve the true spiritual beauty of a person - what was a constant subject of his reflection over the 50s gg ("Portrait", "Poet", "On the Beauty of Human Persons", "Old Actress" and others).

Intensively developed in the late work of Zabolotsky social, moral, the aesthetic motives did not force out the most important philosophical theme of man and nature. It is important to emphasize that now the poet took a clear position in relation to everything that is connected with the invasion of nature, its transformation, etc.: "Man and nature is unity, and only round fools can speak seriously about any conquest of nature. and dualist. How can I, man, conquer nature, if I yourself are nothing but her mind, her thought? In our everyday, this expression "conquest of nature" exists only as a working term inherited from the speard language. " That is why in his work the second half of the 50s. With a special depth, the unity of man and nature is revealed. This thought passes through the entire shaped structure of the poems of Zabolotsky.

So, written on the basis of the impressions of the trip to Georgia, the "Gomborsky Forest" poem (1957) is distinguished by bright painting, musical image of images. Here and "Cynano with okra on the leaves", and "Maple in the insight and in the glow", and similar "arm and pipes of bushes", etc. Poetic fabric itself, epithets and comparisons are marked by increased expressiveness, the riot of paints and associations from the art of art ("In the Kizilova Grove, bloody veins / stranded shrubs ..."; "... oak raged as Rembrandt in Hermitage, / and Maple, like Murillo, on the wings of Paril "), and at the same time, this plastic and picturesque image is inseparable from the close thought of the artist, imbued with a lyrical sense of involvement in nature:

I got nervous system plants,
I became the reflection of stone rocks,
And experience of autumn my observations
I again wished to give humanity.

The admiration of the luxurious southern landscapes did not cancel the oldest and persistent addiction of the poet who wrote about themselves: "I am brought up by the nature of harsh ..." In 1947, in the poem "I tried the eucalyptus sheets", inspired by Georgian impressions, he does not accidentally connect his sympathies, Pain and sadness with other, much more native heart visions:

But in the fierce brilliance of nature
I dreamed of Moscow groves,
Where the blue sky is pale
The plant is modest and easier.

In the late verses of the poet, the autumn landscapes of the Motherland often see him in expressive-romantic colors, are sold in images marked by plastic, dynamic, acute psychologism: "All day crept from maples / Silhouettes of crimson hearts ... Flames of grief whistles under the legs, / bears Sheveli foliage "(" Autumn Landscapes "). But, perhaps, with a special force of "charm of the Russian Landscape", he managed to convey, breaking through a dense veil of everydayness and seeing a new way and depicting it at first glance "the kingdom of fog and moroka", actually full of special beauty and secret charms.

The poem "September" (1957) is an example of an animation of the landscape. The solution of this artistic problem is comparisons, epithets, personification - all components of the poetic structure. Interesting the dialectic of the development of an image of experience (the ratio of the motives of weather and sun, wilts and a heyday, the transition of associations from the sphere of nature to the world of man and back). The ray of the sun lightweigh through the rain clouds illuminated the orphan bush and caused a whole stream of association associations at the poet:

It means that the distance is not forever curtained with clouds and, it means, not in vain,
Like a girl who flashes, Oretshina Zasia at the end of September.
Now, painter, catch the brush for the brush, and on the canvas
Golden, like fire, and pomegranaya Draw this girl to me.
Draw, like a tree, bright young princess in a crown
With a restlessly moving smile on a gluttony young face.

The delicate spirituality of the landscape, calm, thoughtful intonation, emotion and together the restraint of the tone, the colorfulness and softness of the drawing create the charm of these verses.

With jewelry accuracy, noting the details, capturing the moments of nature, the poet recreates her alive and solid in its constant, fluid variation. In this sense, the poem "Evening on the Oka" is characteristic:

And the more clear items from the objects arranged around,
Those immense gave river meadows, scaling and exhaust.
It burns the whole world, transparent and spiritual, now he is truly good,
And you, leaky, many Dicks in his living features you recognize.

Zabolotsky knew how to finely transmit the spirituality of the world of nature, to disclose human harmony with her. In late lyrics, he walked to the new and peculiar synthesis of philosophical meditation and a plastic image, poetic scale and microanalysis, comprehending and artistically imprint of modernity, stories, "eternal" topics. Among them, the theme of love occupies a special place in his late work.

In 1956-1957 The poet creates the Lyric Cycle "Last Love", consisting of 10 poems. They are deployed by the dramatic history of the relationship of elderly people, whose feeling passed difficult tests.

Deep personal love of experiences are invariably projected in these verses for life. environmental. In the crowded merger, it seems to poet what is happening in his own heart. And therefore, in the first poem "Bouquet of Chertopoloha" carries the churches of the Universe: "These stars with sharp ends, / these splashes of the Northern Dawn / ... This is also the image of the Mirozdan ..." (we have allocated. - V.Z.) . And at the same time, it is a specific, plastic and spiritualized image of the outgoing feeling, inevitable parting with a beloved woman: "... where the bundles of flowers, blood-eyed, / right in the heart are embedded with mine"; "And there is a spike wedge-shaped / in my chest, and for the last time / shines the sad and wonderful / gaze of her restless eyes."

And in other poems of the cycle, along with a direct, direct expression of a love feeling ("recognition", "You swear - to the coffin ..."), it arises and reflected - in the landscape paintings themselves, living details of the surrounding nature, in which the poet seems " the whole world Lyubovaya and grief "(" Sea Walk "). One of the most impressive and expressive poems in this plan - "Juniper bush" (1957):

I saw in a dream juniper bush,
I heard a metal crunch away,
I heard amethyst berries,
And in a dream, in silence, I liked it.
I hung through the sleep of a light smell of resin.
Bending low these trunks,
I noticed wood branches in the darkness
A little living like your smile.

In these verses, the limiting realistic concreteness of visible, hear, perceived by all the feelings and the details of the usual appear, seemingly natural phenomena and special puzzles, variability, impressionistic of visions, impressions, memories are surprised. And the poet himself, in a dream, a juniper bush becomes a capacious and multidimensional manifestation that entered the long-time joy and today's hurt of outgoing love, an elusive appearance of a beloved woman:

Juniper bush, juniper bush,
Cooling cashewing
Lightweight, barely giving resin,
Piercing me deadly needle!

In the final poems of the cycle ("meeting", "old age"), the dramatic life collision is permitted, and a feeling of enlighteability and peace comes to replace the experimental experiences. Religible in the memory of the "Light Light of Paddhanya" and flashing with rare boys "Remote weak light" of happiness, but, most importantly, all the hardest behind: "And only the souls of them, like candles, / rip out the last warmth."

Late period of creativity of Zabolotsky is marked by intense creative quest. In 1958, turning to historical topics, he creates a peculiar poem of Rubruk in Mongolia, based on the real fact taken by the French monk in the XIII century. Travel through the expanses of the then Rus, Volga steppes and Siberia to the country of Mongols. In recreated power of the creative imagination of the poet of the realistic paintings of the life and life of the Asian Middle Ages, in the poette of the work there is a peculiar meeting of modernity and the distant historical past. When creating the poem, the son of the poet, "Zabolotsky was guided not only to the heads of the heads, but also their own memories of movements and life Far East, in the Altai Territory, Kazakhstan. The ability of the poet at the same time sense itself in different temporary epochs is the most amazing in the poetic cycle about the heading. "

In the last year of life, Zabolotsky writes quite a few lyrical poems, including "green beam", "swallow", "near Moscow groves", "at sunset", "do not allow the soul to be lazy ...". It translates the extensive (about 5 thousand lines) the series of legends of the Serbian epic and negotiates with the publisher on the transfer of the national epic of Germany "Song of Nibelungakh". In his plans and work on a large philosophical and historical trilogy ... But these creative ideas were no longer destined to come true.

With all the variety of creativity, Zabolotsky should be emphasized the unity and integrity of it artistic Mira. Artistic and philosophical understanding of contradictions of being, in-depth thought about man and nature in their interaction and unity, a peculiar poetic embodiment of modernity, history, "eternal" to make up the basis of this integrity.

Creativity of Zabolotsky is deeply realistic. But this does not deprive him of a constant desire for artistic synthesis, to the combination of funds of realism and romance, complex-associative, fertilizer-fiction, expression-metaphorical style, openly manifested in early period and preserved in the depths of late poems and poems.

Highlighting in the classic heritage of Zabolotsky "First of all, realism in a broad sense of the word", A. Macedonov emphasized: "This realism includes both the wealth of forms and methods of life-like, up to the fact that Pushkin called the" Flemish School of Flat Sorry ", and the wealth of forms Grotesque, hyperbolic, fabulous, conditional, symbolic reproduction of reality, and most importantly in all these forms - the desire for the most profound and generalizing, multi-valued penetration into it, in the entire fullness, the diversity of spiritual and sensual forms of being. " This largely determines the originality of poetics and style of Zabolotsky.

In the program article "Thought-image-music" (1957), summarizing the experience of his creative life, emphasizing that "the heart of poetry - in its meaningfulness" that "the poet works with all his being", Zabolotsky soamizes the key concepts of its holistic poetic system : "Thought - image - music - here is the ideal triple to which the poet seeks." This desired harmony finds an embodiment in many of his verses.

In the work of Zabolotsky, there is no doubt to update and develop the traditions of Russian poetic classics, and first of all the philosophical lyrics of the XVIII-XIX centuries. (Derzhavina, Baratynsky, Tyutchev). On the other hand, from the very beginning of its creative activity, Zabolotsky actively mastered the experience of poets XX century. (Klebnikov, Mandelstam, Pasternak and others).

Regarding painting and music, which was clearly affected not only in the most poetic tissue of his works, but in direct mention of the names of a number of artists and musicians ("Beethoven", "Portrait", "Bolero", etc.), the son of the poet wrote In the memoirs "On the Father and about our Life": "Father's painting has always treated with great interest. It is well known for his tendency to such artists as Filonov, Bruegel, Rousseau, Chagall. " In the same memories among the favorite composers of Zabolotsky, Beethoven, Mozart, Sheet, Schubert, Wagner, Ravel, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich are named.

Zabolotsky showed himself a great Master of Poetic Translation. The exemplary became his poetic arrangement of "Words about the regiment of Igor" and "Vityaz in the Tiger Shkura" Sh. Rustaveli, translations from Georgian classical and modern poetry, from Ukrainian, Hungarian, German, Italian poets.

Life and creative way N.A. Zabolotsky reflected in his own way tragic fates Russian literature and Russian writers in the XX century. Organically absorbing huge layers of domestic and world culture, Zabolotsky inherited and developed the achievements of Russian poetry, in particular, in particular, philosophical lyrics - from classicism and realism to modernism. He connected in his work the best traditions of the literature and art of the past with the most bold innovation, characteristic of our century, rightfully taking place in a number of his classic poets.

L-ra: Russian literature. - 1997. - № 2. - P. 38-46.

Keywords: Nikolay Zabolotsky, Criticism for the work of Nicholas Zabolotsky, Criticism on the poems of Nicholas Zabolotsky, Analysis of the creativity of Nicholas Zabolotsky, download criticism, download analysis, download free, Russian literature 20th century

Didactic material

T. M. Pakhnova

"All the words are good, and almost all of them are suitable for the poet ..."

(Exercises on the material of the texts of N. A. Zabolotsky and about Zabolotka)

I. Record the excerpt from the article by Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky "Thought - Image - Music" (1957), emphasize the grammatical foundations of the proposals. Specify keywords.

The poet works with all his being at the same time: a mind, heart, soul, muscles ... and the more agreed by this work, the higher its quality will be. To triumphant the thought, the poet embodies it in the images. To work the language, he removes all the musical power from it.

Thought - image - music - here is the ideal triple, to which the poet seeks.

1. What funds provide a link between suggestions?

2. Write out the words used in a comparative degree from the second sentence, specify part of speech.

3. Clear the phrases: musical power, works at the same time, embodies into images.

4. Make the schemes of complex proposals.

5. What spelling, punctuation rules can be confirmed by examples from the text?

6. Formulate yourself on the material of this text several tasks of a test nature and invite them to perform someone who sits next to you at the desk (work in pairs). Check whether tasks are performed correctly (mutualization, self-esteem).

7. Prepare for expressive text reading.

Pakhnova Tatyana Mikhailovna, Candidate Ped. Science, Professor MPGU. E-mail: [Email Protected]

Make a memo "How to prepare for expressive reading." This reminder will bring you great benefit especially when reading poetic works. Giving advice, you can take advantage of partial citation of the words of Zabolotsky. After all, with expressive reading, the person works "with all his being at the same time: mind, heart, soul, muscles. It is necessary to read so that "the thought triumphant" should strive to convey to the listeners "all the musical power" of poetic text. Therefore, it is necessary to be very attentive to what is behind the words-concepts: voice, intonation, pauses, logical stress.

Turn the memo to the materials (slides) for the presentation!

2. Read the passage from the Poet article by Evgeny Vinokurova "Poetry Zabolotsky". Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text. Prepare for presentation and writing.

There is a higher courage for the poet - to be quiet. What a muster need is to go to the reader without a butaforia, without pipes, without "pyrotechnic" effects, with smart and slightly dry speech. To be modest and restrained, not be afraid to be unnoticed, do not try to be like anything, take care only about one thing: find and express the truth. The courage to sacrifice the sake of truth, neglect immediate success, to abandon the external "above-ground" structures - I do not know more poetic courage.

It is this poet Nikolai Zabolotsky. In one of his poems, he writes, bearing in mind a cracked and catchy poetry: a burn and rogue rocket, swell the lights of the beach. Always shine only the heart of the poet in the chaste the abyss of the verse.

Nothing external, who beats, only deep, human values \u200b\u200battract him to themselves. It seems that sometimes Zabolotsky mumbles something under his nose - so he is immersed in his meditation, so he is captured by his huge thought, he once and think about what he impresses the surrounding ... You listen to what he He says, and you will also take care of all the external, you will be captured and will lead it thin and so vital you need.

Zabolotsky values \u200b\u200bthought, he believes in the "Full Mind of Russian."

1. What is the role in the text of the lexical repeat, one-textic vocabulary, words-synonyms?

2. Explain the meaning of the word effect, butaforia, pyrotechnic.

3. Watch the use of various citation techniques in the text. What is the role of citing in this text?

4. This passage is the beginning of the article. Analyze, what are the features of the population (beginning) of the text.

5. Write the presentation (detailed or compressed).

6. Prepare for expressive text reading.

7. Write an essay by one of themes: "The poet who believes in the" Complete Russian language "", "these deep human values \u200b\u200battract me", "What is the highest courage for the poet."

3. Read the excerpt from the essay of N. Zabolotsky "Early years". Make up text plan.

My father had a library - a bookcase filled with books. Since 1900, his father discharged "Niva", and gradually from the applications to this magazine he was made up by the concern of the Russian classics, which he diligently bought. This paternal wardrobe from early childhood has become my favorite mentor and the educator. For the glass door pasted on the cardboard, the instruction, carved by the father from the calendar, was visible. I read it hundreds of times, and now, forty-five years later, I literally remember his nomudinal content. The instruction read: "Cute friend! Love and respect the books. Books - the fruit of man's mind. Take care of them, do not RVI and do not pack. Write a book is not easy. For many books, it's like bread. "

Children's soul perceived calendar wisdom with all the rupture and the immediacy of childhood. In addition, every book, read by me, convinced me to

wildness of this instruction. Here, near the bookcase with his calendar panacea, I have chosen my profession forever and became a writer, I myself have not fully understood the meaning of this big event for me.

1. What approval does not match the text content?

A) The library of my father consisted of applications to the magazine "Niva".

B) From the calendar, the father cut out and pasted on the cardboard a wise instruction that I learned by heart.

B) the meaning of this instruction in childhood I could not understand.

D) The desire to become a writer appeared already in childhood.

2. Explain the meaning of the word Panacea, instruction.

3. Pick the synonyms for diligently, mentor, to read.

4. From the text of the instruction, write the verbs used by the form of imperative ignition. Try to write the instruction for anyone who uses the library.

5. To the phrase, the glass door select the management synonymous with communication.

6. How many grammatical foundations in the second sentence? (Answer: Three.)

7. What a combination of words is not grammatical foundation offers?

A) which bang

B) the instruction read

B) Soul perceived

D) I became a writer

(About TV E T: A.)

8. Specify the means of language expressiveness used in the text:

A) Epitts

B) comparison

B) metaphor

D) gradation

D) Citation

(Answer: A-B, D.)

9. Explain the spells and grams.

10. Prepare for expressive reading.

11. Select Option creative task: a) Write a compressed statement; b) Write text-instruction on the topic "How to learn to write a compressed statement"; c) write an essay-reasoning on one of the topics "How to treat the book and what she teaches", "I have chosen my profession forever ...", "Why

books can be educators and mentors "," Home Library ".

4. Visual dictation.

He who lives a real life

Who is accustomed to poetry from childhood

Eternally believes in the life-giving,

Full Rough Russian.

(N. Zabolotsky. "Reading poems", 1948).

5. Read the excerpt from the autobiographical prose of the poet N. Zabolotsky. Specify keywords. Make up text plan. Write the words that are included in thematic groups "Winter", "Road, Travel".

Wonderful winter roads are one of my best baby memories. Father traveled a pair of government horses in the indoor wagon or sleigh. He was in Tulup over the serve, in huge boots - a real bogatyr-beard. Appropriately dressed me and me. Sitting in the wagon, we covered the legs with a fur blanket and could not drive a hand or a foot under the weight of the clothes. The jamper climbed into the goat, disassembled the entrance, shuddered the bell on the arc from the root, and we were drove. There was a whole day of the journey at 20-25 degrees.

And the winter, huge, spacious, unbearably shining on the snow deserts, deployed his wonderful paintings in front of me. The fields were impossible, and only far on the horizon darkened the strip of the forest. Snow creaked, sang and squeezed under the clamns; Ranked the bell; Waving their gray-haired, covered with the horses, and snorkened a horse, and broken a rummer, similar to Christmas grandfather with ice icicles in a frozen beard ... We drove the forest, and it was a fabulous sleep state, mysterious and fixed. And only having traces in the snow yes lightweight of some winter birds, instantly felt from the Christmas tree and dropped into a snowdrift a whole snack snack, said that not everything was dead here and still that life continues, quiet, secretive, silent, but Never dying to the end.

I. What approval does not correspond to the content of the text?

A) One of the best children's memories is associated with winter roads.

B) The Way of the Winter Frosty Forest continued at all long.

B) The bar was similar to Christmas grandfather with ice icicles in a frozen beard.

D) Winter forest is a fabulous state, mysterious and immobile.

2. Explain the meaning of the words Tulup, the rod, the wagon.

3. Specify the means of language expressiveness used in the text:

A) epithets b) comparisons

B) metaphor

D) rows of homogeneous members of D) AnaFora (answer: A-g.)

4. What word is not communion?

A) Singing b) dropping

B) Shine d) covered (answer: A.)

5. In what phrase, the connection is different than coordination?

A) wonderful paintings b) unbearable shine

B) Winter bird

D) Real Bogatyr (answer: B.)

6. How many grammatical foundations in the last sentence? (Answer: 3.)

7. What combinations of words are not a grammatical basis of the sentence?

A) shuddered the bell b) life continues

B) Fields were irrelevant d) traces in the snow (Answer: G.)

8. Replace the phrase of hare traces synonymous with communication management.

9. Prepare for expressive reading.

10. What spelling rules can be illustrated by examples: Ice, infinite, shine, dying, silent?

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  • T. M. PA A C N O V A. Russian language: Intensive preparation for the exam in the process of working with text
  • We read verses

    Zlobin TA - 2013

Subject: ON THE. Zabolotsky.Lyrics.The philosophical character of the poet lyrics. The theme of harmony with nature, love and death.

Objective: to introduce students with the work of N.A. Zabolotsky, teach thoughtful reading poetic texts, Create an analysis skills, interpretation and comprehension of poetic works, repeat and consolidate the ability to find fine-expressive and stylistic agents, disclose the philosophical interpretation by the poet of the relationship between nature and man, learning the perception of beauty, the harmony of the sound of the poetic work of Zabolotsky, cause an emotional response to the poems of a wonderful poet.

There is no more beautiful in the world.

Silent gloom graves - thinning empty

I lived my life, I did not see peace.

There is no rest in the world. Everywhere life and me.

N. Zabolotsky

During the classes

1. The organizational moment

2. introduction

"The black marble block matches his grave. On the stone. Figure: Pernaya creature falling into the waves. Loars of cickens, wings, neck. This is the leader of the flock from his poem "cranes." The celestial creation tilted into the abyss, not lost in the last moment of his "wonderful greatness". "

Today we will talk about the work of the poet, which for a long time remained unacceptable and unlimited - this

Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky (07.05.1903 – 14.10.1958)

Quote: "Throughout the life of N. Zabolotsky, he used the authority of a person's sense and extremely rational, in the 50s, in a mature age, he had an appearance of an official of the middle hand, impenetrable and arrogant for unfamiliar people. But the works created by him indicate how the thin-going and responsive heart he possessed, as he knew how to love and how she suffered how demanding to himself and what the greatest storms of passions and thoughts were consolation in his ability to create beautiful - the world of poetry, "writes a . Avdeeva (43,156).

He almost took him for the poet, even familiar said that he was more like an accountant, and the main thing or even on the auditor.

N. Zabolotsky was absolutely sure that a person would only be a person when he was without tired to fight himself, with his weaknesses and vices. The epigraph to the lessons on the lyrics N. Zabolotsky can be the words from the poem published in the "New World" (1958, No. 12) almost immediately after the death of the poet:

Two worlds have a person:
One who worked us
Another we from century
We create as our forces ... "at sunset," ("New World" (1958, No. 12)

    What kind of world did N. Zabolotsky worked in his soul?

    What is his "image of the Mirozdanya"?

The poet was convinced that the greatest value for a person is that he is a man. This gave him the strength to live. In the article of Zabolotsky "Why I am not a pessimist" read: "What you're used to see daily, then what you slide with indifferent and familiar eyes, - in fact, not everyday, but fully inexplicable charms, large internal content, and in this The sense is mysterious. Here I take off the film with your eyes: look at the world, work in it and rejoice that you are a man! That's why I am not a pessimist. "

(1. Recording in the Scheme: I am a man).

Why does Zabolotsky consider that it is impossible to change himself? How do you understand that? (The poet believes that a person is the one who constantly forces her soul to work, who in Ladu with his conscience, who will never change himself and faithful to high moral values).

(2. Recording in the scheme: loyalty to itself).

Changed to Zabolotsky? We will find out about this by becoming acquainted with his life, with the stages of his creative biography.

The childhood of the poet was held in the village of Srneur of the Urzhum district of the Vyatka province, the father of the boy worked there by scientist agronomist. Here were the first impressions of communication with nature.

Studying in the Urzham Gymnasium, at Moscow University (1920) and in the Petrograd Pedagogical Institute. A. Herzen (1921)

Creating a literary group Obseri. Features of Obseri Poetry: the search for a new poetic language, humanize nature, rejection of the atcendic bourgeois world. You can read fragments from the poem "Evening Bar", in which the positions of the aesthetics of the obtorites are detected - "the poet of naked concrete figures, which are close to the viewer's eyes." The result of the Obseri period of creativity - Column "Columns" (1929)

To identify the characteristic features of the obtoria lyrics, you can analyze the poem "Movement" (1926):

Sits the cab driver, like on the throne,
From the wool made armor,
And beard, as on the icon,
Lies, ringing coins.

And the poor horse waves,
It will deteriorate, as Nalim,
Then again eight legs sparkle
In his brilliant stomach.

    What is the difference in the image of the phenomena in the first and in the second stanza?

    Describe the main images of the poem?

    What subject realities emphasize that the cab driver is static?

    What details show that the horse is dynamic, is moving? What is the allegorical meaning of this image?

Why there are rhymes in the first stanza, and there is no second? What does this give to understand the text?

(3. Recording in the scheme: rejection of the Meshchansky World)

In the 30s, in the lyrics of N. Zabolotsky, his favorite topic is born, the topic of nature. He refers to her with awe believes in her great power, convinced that a person is part of nature, her son, not the owner. Therefore, it should not act on it by force. Naturophilosophical poems appear in his lyrics (you can read the poem "Metamorphosis" or "Yesterday, about death, reflecting ..."), where the poet argues about life, about the relationship between man and nature, about death and immortality. He believes that the nature of Majestic and strong, but unbridled and sometimes unfair, and the man is the mind and the thought of her. During the years of collectivization, Zabolotsky writes poems and poems, where it claims that animals and plants can "think" in their own way and, like people, must be liberated, are liberated, and confirms their convictions by a quotation from Berlemir Khlebnikov:

I see konsky freedom

And equality cows ...

For this, he is subject to attacks of critics who accused him almost in the undermining collectivization. In 1937, his new collection of poems "the second book" was published, where the poetry of thought triumphs.

(4. Recording in the Scheme: Nature. Man - Mind and Thought Her)

In 1938, on false accusation N. Zabolotsky was repressed. His friends were arrested. In prison, he was subjected to endless and humiliating interrogation and tried to break him spiritually. The sentence is 5 years of correctional work. From 1938 to 1944 - Camps: Far East, Magadan, Altai, Kazakhstan, forestry, construction of railways, explosive work. Only activity as a drawer in the design bureau where he was miracle, saved him life. In the years of prisons and references, he wrote only 2 poems of nature: "Nightingale" and "Forest Lake". In the post-war time, when the period of the camps ended, he was anewly born. Poems appear, full delight and joy of life, happiness of free poetic creativity. This is the poem "Thunderstorm" (1946).

Shuddering from the flour, ran over the world,
The shadow from the cloud lay down, and merged, and mixed with grass.
It's harder to breathe in the sky cloud Val. moves
Lowly a bird flies, flying over my head.

I love this dusk delight, this brief night inspiration
Human rustling of grass, prophetic cold on a dark hand,
This zipper thoughts and a slight appearance
First long thunder-first words on native language.

So from dark water appears in the world of light-wing maid,
And flows through the body, having silent in delight, water,
Herbs faint and right run and left
Seeing herd sky.

And she over the water, over the expanses of the circle of the earth,
Surprised, looks in the wondrous brilliance of its nudity.
And, playing thunder, in a white cloud, the word rolls
And the shining rain on the happy robbing flowers.

    What is this poem? What mood it causes?

    What is the allegorical meaning of the thunderstorm?

    Find artistic images, Integrating humans and nature? What is their artistic role and how do you understand these metaphorical expressions?

    What is the composition of the poem? How many parts are in it?

    How many verbs in the first stanza? And in the second? What is the point of what is manifested?

    What mythological image appears in the second part of the text? What does he symbolize?

    What is the color of the first part? And second? What does this give to understand the text?

    Resect spatial relations in the poem. Determine the direction of movement in space in the first and in the second part. What is it in the last verse?

    Why is such a long string in the poem? What does it give? Why is the twelfth verse shorter than everyone else?

    What other rhythmic, phonologic, lexical, syntactic features of the text you noticed?

    What gives such an analysis to understand the poetic meaning of the poem?

(5. Recording in the Scheme Creativity. The word is the highest strength of nature.)

But the joy of the poet is premature. He is the former "enemy of the people." His poems do not print. He lives translations. Among his numerous translations of the "Word about Igor's regiment", "Vityaz in the tiger skull" Shota Rustaveli, verses of Georgian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Hungarian, German, Italian poets. Writes autobiographical prose "Early years". In the Almana "Day of Poetry" for 1956, only one poem N. Zabolotsky "Farewell to friends" was published:

    What mood causes this poem?

    Which genre can be attributed to it?

    What is the composition of the poem? How many parts are in it? What poetic sense gets his annular composition?

    What is the title world depict? Why is it miniature, fragmented, crank? Is he harmonious?

    What is the movement in the poetic space of the text? What symbolize from the Zabolotsky concept "top" and "bottom"?

    What is the point of acquirement in the poem of his lexical and syntactic features?

    Why do you need to forget the human language in the afterlife?

    Why lyrical hero believes that "he is not yet a place in those edges"?

    What is this poem?

The author is sure that chaos of non-existence is overcome by human memory. Death is the disintegration of the smallest particles of the substance, on its atoms, when the matter becomes elementary, loses the structure. And a sign of a living organism is a word, language. Zabolotsky is convinced that a person does not die at all, but disintegrates on the smallest particles, which can then connect in the new organism, and a person in his new birth can become a flower, tree, sunlight, water in the river. You can read and discuss the Pooh "Testament" (1948), which is now proposed for studying in grade 9. It confirms the philosophical beliefs of the poet about human immortality:

I will not die, my friend. Breathing flowers
I find yourself in this world.
Centuries-old oak my live soul
The roots will drive, segregated and harsh.
In his large sheets, I will give the mind
With the help of the branches my thoughts,
So that they are from the darkness of the forests hung
And you were involved in a conscious of my ...

(6. Recording on a friendship scheme. Chaos of non-existence is overcome by human memory.)

But, despite the death of loved ones, the poet was always extremely attentive to people, he loves people with big and clear souls, he appreciates them for the inner, mental beauty. This is talking about this in the poems "blind", "Old Actress", "Death of a doctor", "ugly girl", "On the beauty of human persons."

(7. Recording in the Scheme People. These are those who did not lose the "soul of their natural").

IN last years The life of Zabolotsky was a lot of sick, for a long time he lived in Tarusa on the Oka. In 1957, he writes the poem "thunderstorm goes", where in an allegorical form a life is challenged. In verses of these years, the topic of last love sounded with special piercing. The vertex of the lyrical cycle "Last Love" was a poem "Juniper bush". (It is possible to offer students to try themselves to make questions to discuss this poem or offer tasks drawn up by the teacher:

    What mood causes this poem? Is it changing in the course of the text?

    How many parts in this poem? Which one is the most dynamic? Most fixed? What is the point of this sense?

    What paints, sounds, smells did you notice? What images are created with their help?

    Analyze the verb vocabulary. What is the meaning emphasized by the absence of verbs in the third stubborn?

    What is the movement in the poetic space of the text? What does it give for his understanding?

(8. Recording on the Love Scheme. "And love, and songs to the end").

The identity of the poet distinguished him from like-minded people - Obaniutov.

The first book of his poems "Columns"Received approving reviews.

In the 1930s, after the publication of the poem "Creativity of agriculture", N. Zabolotsky for a fabricated charge was counted for the enemies of the people and arrested. His creativity betrayed oblivion. But deprivation and burden did not break the poet, and the poet after liberation (it was the post-war time) returns to poetry, deals with translations. After the publication of the "word about Igor's regiment", a single word about the work of the poet does not appear in the press. Scold prevented the explicit advantages of translation, and they were not solpided. So was N.A. Zabolotsky for many years half-indulgered poet.

The truly Zabolotsky came to the reader only in the 1980s.At this time, his poem was reprinted several times. As a rule, publications were accompanied by a portrait of the author, entrance articles. The first works of literary criticians dedicated to the work of Zabolotsky appeared.

In the poems of the 1940-50s it is almost impossible to guess the intonation of the former, young Zabolotsky, who as if deliberately confused the reader, did not allow to understand the plot, leaving one on another heavy blocks of low-touch words. Now his texts have become, on the contrary, a sample of clarity. Details and accurate as magnificent photos, its landscapes, are understandable and consistent arguments.

"Cranes" - reading, analyzing and filling the table

Painted plan

Movement of feelings

Artistic means

1-2 stanza. "Lead the leader his ... people"

The joy of return, admiration for the beauty of birds.

Epithet " otech", Metaphor" drown in heaven", Epithet" silver", Wings are light, like silver, durable like metal.

3. "Black gaping blow ..."

Anxiety, fear, tension.

Antiteza: Lake, transparent through - black gaping blow; The role of the epithet. Syans - be opened, revealing depth, failure. Suggest guessing a word from the example intelligent dictionary: gaping ... (abyss).

4. "Fire ray hit ..."

Anger, pain, despair.

Metaphor "Ray Fire". Why not used word "shots"? "Wrapped". What is the peculiarity of this verb?

5. "Cranes rushed ..."

Fright, grief.

Metaphor and comparison, sounding: two wings, like two huge grief ... hugged a cold wave (oh-oh-y).

6. "They returned nature again ..." (this is no longer a picture).

Resistance, courage, pride.

Metaphor ("Nature Returned", "Death took")

7-8 "The leader ... plunged ..."

Sadness, pride.


And the dawn for him formed

Golden glow stain.

"Ugly girl" "recognition" "Swan in the zoo" "On the beauty of human persons"

The poem "Thunderstorm goes."

"We must conquer life! It must be struggling for yourself. How many failures are still ahead, how many disappointments, doubt! But if at such moments a person shakes his song Spet. Faith and perseverance. Labor and honesty ... "(N. Zabolotsky.)

The poet is very diverse looking at people. Here, for example, in poem "On the beauty of human persons" We have a whole gallery of portraits. In a different work - "ugly girl" - The poet approves his understanding of true, spiritual beauty. (Reading by heart and independent analysis of students)

Poems N.Zabolotsky are very lyric and musical, and some of them became songs, such as, for example, "Confession". (Listening to the Romance "Recognition" - "Charming, Okoldova ...")

At the outcome of the 50s, N. Zabolotsky is in the flourishing of creative forces. The writer Slutsky recalls the last months of the poet's life: "Once he told me that he was in a state of a special lift, when everything started completes and when new great ideas are overstated from all sides." And, as if revealed by the secret of this amazing creative lift, N. Zabolotsky wrote a poem, which appeared in the press shortly after his death and sounded by confession and the will of the artist - "Do not let the soul of lazy." (Reading by heart)

The poem "Thunderstorm goes"

Thunderstorm is one of the most impressive natural phenomena. She has long been interested in many poets and artists. Artists also appealed to this topic, poets wrote about her: Tyutchev, Fet, Nekrasov. Zabolotsky also has poems about this formidable phenomenon: "Thunderstorm", "drought". And one of them is called "thunderstorm goes." We read it:

The frowning cloud is moving,

By postponing Fullba in the distance,

Moving, huge and cray

With a lantern in a raised hand.

How many times she caught me

How many times with silver,

Broken lightning beat

Stone rolled out thunder!

How many times, see it in the field,

I slow down timid steps

And stood, merging unwillingly

With white glitter volt arc!

Here he is a cedar with our balcony.

Twisted thunder,

He stands, and the dead crown

He supports the dark sky.

Through the live heart of the wood

Runs wound from fire,

Needles blackened from the top

Shoot with stars me.

Sing me a song, a tree sorrow!

I, like you, burst into height,

But I was only a zipper

And the fire was burned on the fly.

Why, in a single split,

I, as you, did not die at the porch,

And in the shower all the same hunger,

And love, and songs to the end!

What feelings did you experience when read and listened to this poem?

The most dispensable: sadness, bitterness, anxiety, fear, pity - at the beginning. And at the end - hope, pride, admiration.

Why is the poem called "thunderstorm goes"?

First, he already has a storm poem. Secondly, apparently, the action is important for the poet, and not just a description.

What is the topic of poem?

Description of thunderstorms and human condition.

What images do we allocate in the work?

Thunderstorm, cedar and "I" is a lyrical hero.

To this lesson you drew pictures to the poem. Tell us what exactly you are depicted and what feelings you experienced when they painted them.

In the poem, I see two worlds: the world of earth and the world of heaven. What will we take to the Heavenly World?
Sky, cloud, zipper ..

What is this world? (Write)

Surov: "Front cloud", "huge and drig", "Bila", "Stone Thunder".

What or who connects the heavenly world and the world of earth?

Cedar - a tree, kept rooted behind the earth and escape "crown" into the sky.

What is cedar? Drinking phrases:

"Own thunder is cleaved", "He stands, and the dead crown supports the dark chaise", etc.

What is he punished for? For daring to climb so high that he wanted to be
maybe to reach the sky .. Although it is "crown" (now "dead"), and the needles are compared with the stars, but it belongs to the Earth, like a person.

And man is the earthly world. How is a person described? What feelings is he experiencing? (Write down the phrase)

He is also afraid of thunderstorms. "I slowed down timid steps." It seems to him that the cloud pursues him "with a lantern in a raised hand," catches it, hits "broken lightning."

What does he suffer? What is he punished for? For the fact that both cedar, "burst into height," and he wanted to know the unacceptable, rise, climb to the sky.

How did he meet there? "... His only zippers met and burned fire on the fly."

How did the person come out of this test, unlike the "Tree of Sobble"?

Unlike the "Peace Tree", the person did not die, and in his soul did not go out this desire to climb himself to heaven, and his love did not disappear, and the songs he was going to sing to the end!

So and the person: no matter how the blows of fate, no matter how outwardly it seems that he is broken, destroyed, but his soul, his heart does not burn lightning, not to intimidate thunder.

So we learned what the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem. How can this work be associated with the poet's biography? When could it be written?
After the camps. Nothing broke N. Zabolotsky, he is still ready to fight against the blows of fate.
- Let's talk about the language and stroke of the poem. As handsome and sounded, how metaphoric and expressive his tongue! Which fine-expressive means uses Zabolotsky when describing, for example, clouds, cedar?
Wanted : Cloud "Naughty", "With a lantern in a raised hand" ...
Metaphor : "Tree of sadness", "Live heart of wood" ...
Epitts : "Huge and drig" (cloud), "stone" (thunder) ...

What stylistic means is the author?

Anaphor : "How many times ..." - we feel how the horror grows at the hero in front of a terrible thunderstorm.

Antithesis: "White Glitter" - "Dark Sky", "Living -" Died "," Heme Blackened "-" shivered with stars. "

Philosophical meditation was transferred through the rhythm of the poem. We write the first line:

The frowning cloud is moving ...

(_ _) (_ _) (_ _) (_ _) (_ _)

Determine the size.
Jarea with pyricals.

In the first storm in each line, only three shock syllables - 3 shock stops, 2 - unstressed. We write down the 1st line of the second stanza:

How many times did she catch me ...

(_ _) (_ _) (_ _) (_ _) (_ _)

The poet was not whatever chosen the alternation of speard and ragged stop. In the first stanza - slow motion, in the second - accelerated. As a human heartbeat - then fast, slow. This, by the way, also says the alternation of the male and female rhyme:

The frowning cloud is moving, (female)

Observing Fullba in the distance. (Men's)

This gives a poem solemnity. It is expressed and through rhetorical appeals and punctuation signs. We can say that the poem of Zabolotsky is philosophical and solemnly.

Conclusions: Whatever the cataclysms occur in life, real man Find the strength to resist them. A person should not lose confidence in the future, should believe in his talent. He must preserve "in the shower all the same hunger, and love, and songs to the end!"

Zabolotsky is one of the few poets whose words did not disperse with the case. And he is right, saying: "We must conquer life! It must be struggling for yourself. How many failures are still ahead, how many disappointments, doubt! But if at such moments a person shakes his song Spet. Faith and perseverance. Labor and honesty. " Take and you these words, make the motto of your future life, your life credo.

Stages of life and creativity.

1.Ran childhood. Kazan. 1903 - 1910.

2.Serurskaya primary School, Urzhum district. 1910 - 1914.

3.Whuman real school. 1914 - 1921.

4.Petrograd Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen. 1921 - 1925.

5.1927 year. "Association of Real Art" (Oborry).

6.1929 year. Collection of poems "Columns".

7.Arest and camp. 1938 - 1946.

8. The corporate rise in 1946 - 1948.

9.The long period in life. 1949 - 1952.

10.Recevet of creative forces. 1953 - 1958.

Report of the student "Biography N. Zabolotsky"

Born on April 24 (May 7, N.S.) under Kazan in the family of agronomist. Children's years have passed in the village of Srneur Vyatka province, not far from the city of Urzhum. At the end of the real school in Urzhum in 1920, it goes to Moscow to continue education.

Enters Moscow University immediately into two faculties - philological and medical. The literary and theatrical life of Moscow captured Zabolotsky: performances of Mayakovsky, Yesenin, futurists, IMAZHINISTS. Having started writing poetry at school, now became interested in the imitation of the block, then Yesenin.

In 1921 he moved to Leningrad and entered the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen, joined the literary circle classes, but I didn't find my own voice. " In 1925 he graduated from the institute.

In these years, he gets closer to the group of young poets, called themselves "OBEERUTIS" ("Association of Real Art"). They were rare and little printed, but they often performed with reading their poems. Participation in this group helped the poet to find their way. In 1926 - 1927 served in the army. At the end of the service, he received a place in the Children's Book of Ogiz, actively collaborated in children's literature, in journals for children "hedgehog" and "chiz." His children's books are published in verses and prose "Snake Milk", "Rubber Heads" and others. In 1929, a collection of poems "columns" was released, in 1937 - "The Second Book."

In 1938, it was illegally repressed and sentenced to 5 years of camp, then from 1944 to 1946 he served a link, working as a builder in the Far East, in the Altai Territory and Karaganda. In 1946 returned to Moscow. In 1930, the 40s were written: "Metamorphosis", "Forest Lake", "Morning", "I am not looking for harmony in nature" and others.

The last decade worked a lot on the translations of the Georgian classic poets and contemporaries, visited Georgia.

In the 1950s, such poems of Zabolotsky as the "ugly girl", the "old actress", "opposition to Mars" and others, made his name to a well-known reader. For the last two years of life, he spent in Tarusa on the Oka. He was seriously ill, suffered a heart attack. Many lyrical poems were written here, the poem "Rubruk in Mongolia". In 1957 he visited Italy.

A unique ability to talk about great in simple words. N.A. Zabolotsky. The relationship between humans and nature, internal and external beauty, love is only a small list of topics that reveals the poet in their works. I am the most interesting poems dedicated to creativity, talking about how masterpieces are born. The poet seems to let readers in their workshop.

The poet-master and reader at the same time appear in the poem "reading poems". ON THE. Zabolotsky has unique

The ability to put in place of another: a child, an old actress, blind. He is a reincarnation master, and everywhere sincerely and convincing "verse, almost not like verse ...".

"Curious, funny and subtle" starts N.A. Zabolotsky disclose the topic of creativity. This is how the prelude to the conversation about the big and important, and gradually the portrait of a real master arises, who understands the "muttering of cricket and child", can embody in the word "dream of human men" and

Eternally believes in the life-giving,

Full Rough Russian.

His hero helps to understand the appointment of real, genuine art. ON THE. Zabolotsky

It clearly shares the true poetry and "nonsense of crumpled speech." Recognizing the last "sophistication known", the author asks rhetorical questions:

But perhaps the dreams of human

Sacrificing this fun to bring?

And is it possible to Russian

Turn into twitter squirrel

To make sense to live

Could not sound through it?

Answers are clear, and yet the poet of the next stanza once again emphasizes that "poetry puts obstacles ..." it is intended

Not for those who play in charaks

Putting a sorcerer cap.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe significance of the Russian word is very important, for it is a "live base" of creativity. The poet draws attention to the person's responsibility for the above and written, it is especially necessary for those who made the Word of their profession. Valuable when it becomes not just a material, but a real poetry. In the last stanza is elevated

Full Rough Russian.

Only a person who lives the real life is capable of comprehending the "mind of the language".

The word "real" seems to me the main thing in this poem, although it sounds just once. But it is replaced by contextual synonyms: perfection, "live base". Poetry is also the present, if reflecting the "dreams of human", and not fun.

Of great importance in this poem are metaphors that create images of wildlife ("muttering cricket and child"), a creative process ("nonsense of speech", "Mind of the Language"). Thanks to the personification in the work, the poetry comes to life: "puts the obstacles to our inventions," recognizes true connoisseurs and putting on the "Koldun Cap."

Pretty interesting syntactic poem. The presence of rhetorical issues, as well as an exclamation word-proposal, indicates a change in emotional background: from a calm narration to thinking and, finally, a sensual explosion. Interestingly, being a denial, "no" in this case approves the thought that sounded in rhetorical issues.

ON THE. Zabolotsky does not experiment with the form: classic katren with an alternating rhyme method, three-sided anapest - all this makes a poem to read and perception.

The theme of creativity is not Nova in the literature: and the great A.S. Pushkin, and contradictory V.V. Mayakovsky affected it more than once. ON THE. Zabolotsky is no exception, he gave this topic a new sound, making exclusive, characteristic of the motives only. The poet connected the classics and modernity, no wonder the poem, written in 1948, partly consonant with the lyrical miniature "Russian" I.S. Turgenev, created at the end of the nineteenth century. A sense of pride arises after reading such works.