1 Higher nervous activity Definition of components. Psychology and human behavior

The GNI is the activities of the High Departments of the CNS, which ensures the most perfect adaptation of animals and human environment. According to I.P. PavlovThe BBR is based on conditional and unconditional reflexes. In the process of evolution in behavior, conditional reflexes begin to dominate. Higher value nervous activity: 1. The normal interactions of the body and the outside world are ensured. 2. Regulation of the operation of the internal organs is carried out. 3. The existence of the body is ensured as a whole. In 1863, Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov Published work called "Brain Reflexes". Reflex is the effect of any cause - physiological stimulus. According to I.M. Siechenov, brain reflexes include three links: 1. This is the excitation in the senses caused by external influences. 2. Theorest excitation and braking processes flowing in the brain. 3. Three - movements and human actions, i.e. his behavior. All these links are interrelated and due to.

  1. The difference of conditional reflexes from unconditional.

Reflex - This is the response of the body to irritating the receptors carried out by the nervous system. The path in which the nerve impulse passes during the implementation of the reflex is called a reflex arc.

Unconditional: are available since birth; During life, they do not change and do not disappear; the same in all organisms of one species; adapt the body to constant conditions; The reflex arc passes through the spinal cord or the barrel of the head.

Conditional : acquired during life, they can change or disappear throughout the life, each body their own, individual

Development of conditional reflex

Conditional (indifferent) stimulus must precede the unconditional (causing unconditional reflex). For example: the lamp is lit, after 10 seconds the dog is given meat.

Brake: Conditional (Unfortunate): The lamp is lit, but the dog does not give meat. Gradually, the salivation on the lamp is turned on (the conditional reflex is fading).

Unconditional: During the action of the conditional stimulus, there is a powerful unconditional. For example, when the lamp is turned on louds the call. Salus does not stand out.

  1. The mechanism for the formation of conditional reflexes.

Under the action of conditional irritation in the cortex, the focus of excitation appears. After excitement of unconditional irritation, the appearance of 2 focus. There is a closure (temporary connection) between the foci.

Education occurs on the principle of dominant. The focus of excitement from the unconditional stimulus is always stronger than from conditional. A stronger focus of excitement from unconditional irritation attracts the excitement from the focus of conditional irritation. The degree of excitement will increase. The dominant hearth has a property of a long, sustainable existence. Consequently, conditional and unconditional excitation will interact with each other for a long time

  1. Conditional reflexes. Conditions necessary for their education.

1. The effect of the conditional stimulus should precede the impact of unconditional.

2. A repeated multiple combination of conditional and unconditional stimuli.

3. Unconditional stimuli must be strong enough.

4. Absent foreign external irritation.

5. The test of motivation.

  1. Braking of conditional reflexes: unconditional and conditional.

Unconditional braking -this is the rapid suppression of reflex activity. External - weakening or cessation of reflex samples with an outsider stimulus. Gorgeous - an extraneous signal that is repeated. Explanatory - arises under the action of conditional irritation, the testimony.

Conditional braking- It develops slowly, is to eliminate the activities not necessary at this time. Missed when re-attaching the conventional signal and securing it. Beginning - arose in the absence of fixing 2-3 minutes from the beginning of an unconditional signal. Differentiation - under the action of extrusion of irritation close to conditional and not reinforced. Conditional braking occurs when adding to the conditionally irritant to another and not reinforced.

  1. Analysis and synthesis of irritation.

Analysis It is that with the help of emerging sensations, the body distinguishes the acting stimuli (high-quality - light, sound, etc.) in the central nervous system there is a huge amount of information from the peripheral departments of analyzers, however, it is consistent with its braking mechanisms - sensory relays .

Synthesis It is the perception of the subject, the phenomenon and the formation of the response of the body. Perception is possible in two versions: when the subject or phenomenon is re-found or for the first time. Recognition (GNNOSIS) is achieved as a result of the comparison of the incoming this moment information with memory traces.

  1. I and II signal systems.

The first signal system is available in humans and animals. The activity of this system is manifested in conditional reflexes formed on any irritation. external environment (light, sound, mechanical irritation, etc.), with the exception of the word. In a person living in certain social conditionsThe first signaling system has a social color. The first signaling system in animals and humans provides the subject specific thinking. The second signal system, originated and developed as a result of human labor activities and the emergence of speech. Labor and speech contributed to the development of hands, brain and sense organs. The second signal system is manifested in speech conditional reflexes. The second signal system provides abstract thinking in the form of concepts, judgments, conclusions.

  1. Dynamic stereotype.

Dynamic stereotype- developed and fixed in a large-scale human or animal core is a steady sequence of conditional reflexes. In order to formed a dynamic stereotype, a complex of stimuli must act on the body and after certain intervals (external stereotype). A dynamic stereotype is called because it can be destroyed and has been applied again when there is a change in the conditions of existence. The restructuring of dynamic stereotype is observed in the life of each person in various age periods due to changes in living conditions: the child's arrival in school, a school change for a special educational institution, go to independent work etc. Dynamic stereotype is based on the development of various habits, skills, automatic processes in labor activity. As a result, the experienced worker performs the usual work for him faster and with less fatigue than beginner.

  1. Types of human GND.

Based on division nervous system Types of I. P. Pavlov put three properties of nerve processes: force, balance and mobility (excitation and braking).

Strong unbalanced type. It is characterized by strong unbalanced and movable nerve processes. Weak brake type. It is characterized by weak unbalanced nerve processes. Strong balanced moving type. Strong balanced inert type.

I. P. Pavlov allocated four main types, using the terminology of the hippocrat for them: melancholic, choleric, a sanguine, phlegmatic.

Choleric - strong, unbalanced type. These are very energetic people, but easy-made and hot-tempered. Melcholic is a weak type. Sanguine - strong, balanced and movable type. Phlegmatic - strong and balanced sedentary type.

Given the features of the interaction of the first and second signaling systems, I. P. Pavlov additionally allocated three true human types. Artistic type . The first signal system prevails over the second . Thinking type . The second signal system is significantly dominated over the first. Medium type.

  1. Children's nervousness.

In the nervous system of children of the first years of life, the ariser arisen is easily irradiated, leading to a general engineering concern, and long or strong irritation leads to braking. As the formation of new and new conditional connections and the complications of the highest nervous activity, the effect of excessive stimuli is increasingly affected by the child's behavior. With a weak type of higher nervous activity, the child becomes a fearful, touchy, often crying, trembling; When excitable type - undisciplined, capricious, hot-tempered, excessively movable, fussy. Such children are called nervous. Children of other two types (balanced rolling and balanced slow) can also be nervous, but they have nervousness, as a rule, manifests itself much weaker.

  1. Memory, its types. Short and long-term mechanisms.
  1. Neurophysiological foundations of mental activity (perception, attention, motivation, thinking, consciousness).

Consciousness- This is an ideal subjective reflection with the help of a real activity brain. Feeling - the form of direct reflection in the consciousness of a person, prestigious properties. Perception is one of the forms of mental activity lies in the recognition of the subject. Representation - the ideal formation of the subject, the Jav of which in this Omiment does not affect the senses. Attention is the state of active wakefulness. Motivation - prompting to action; The dynamic process of the psychophysiological plan, managing human behavior, determining its focus, organized, activity and stability; Man's ability to actively meet their needs.

  1. Sleep and wake-up mechanism, dream.

Sleep is the physiological need of the body. It takes about 1/3 of a person's life.

Sleep phases: Slow (75-80%), fast (10-25%). The need for a dream is associated with age. Newborn sleep until 20-23 hours per day; Children 2-4 years old - 16 hours; 4-8 years old - 12 hours; 8-12 years old - 10 h; 12-16 years old - 9h; Adults are sleeping 7-8 hours.

Mechanism: Slow - Dremoty - Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping deep-deep sleep. Fast: signs of rapid movement of the eyes, a strong decrease in tone, convulsive movement, an increase in blood pressure.

  1. Attention. Its physiological mechanisms and role in memorization processes.

Attention is the focus and focus of human mental activity, expressing the activity of the person at the moment and under these conditions, which includes regulation and control mental processes and being an integral part that characterizes the dynamics of the NHPROT. Types of attention.
1. The involuntary is the concentration of consciousness at the facility by virtue of the features of this object as an irritant (strong, contrasting PLI mean and causing emotional.
2. Arbitrary attention - activity; consciously aimed at monitoring its behavior and to maintain the stability of electoral activity. The leading role in its mechanisms belongs to the second signaling system. Physiological mechanisms attention. To understand the physiological basis of attention, the law of induction of nerve processes is very important, according to which the processes of excitation arising in the same region of the cerebral cortex cause braking in its other areas. At each moment of time, the cortex has a focus of increased excitability, characterized by the most favorable conditions for excitation.

  1. Emotions. Their classification and neurophysiological mechanisms.

Emotions are mental reactions reflecting the subjective attitude of the individual to objective phenomena. Emotions arise in motivation and play an important role in the formation of behavior. There are 3 types of emotional states: 1. The effects are strong, short-term emotions arising from the already existing situation. 2. Red emotions - long states reflecting the attitude of the individual to the existed or expected situation. Sadness, anxiety, joy.

3. Conduct feelings - permanent emotions related to any object (a sense of love for a particular person, to homeland, etc.).

In case of irritation of the almond kernel, a person arises fear, rage, anger. Human importance in the formation of emotions belongs to the frontal and temporal areas of the crust. For example, with damage to the frontal areas, emotional stupidity occurs. Important in the occurrence of emotions belongs to the balance of neurotransmitters. For example, if the brain increases the content of serotonin, the mood is improving, with its disadvantage, depression is observed. The same picture is observed with a lack or excess of norepinephrine. It was found that suicides are significantly reduced by the content of these neurotransmitters in the brain.

The combination of nerve processes occurring in the highest sections of the Central CNS and ensuring the implementation of human behavioral reactions form - Higher nervous activity (GNI).

It has long been noticed that mental phenomena are closely related to the work of the human brain. For the first time this was expressed by Hippocrates (5th century BC), this situation was developed and deepened.

In 1863, I.M. Schechenov published the book "Brain Reflexes", in which human behavior was explained by the reflex principle of the work of the GM. The general principles of his ideas are the following:

1. External exposures cause excitement in senses.

2. This leads to the excitation or braking of the neurons of the GM, on the basis of which mental effects arise (sensations, presentation, feelings, etc.).

3. The excitation of neurons of the GM is realized in the movements of man (Mimic, speech, gesture), which is expressed by his behavior.

4. All these phenomena are interconnected and cause each other.

The main differences between conditional and unconditional reflexes.

Unconditional reflexes

Conditional reflexes

1. Congenital and inherited.

Acquired in the course of life.

2. Universal, characteristic of all people.

Individual, are the result of their own experience.

3. Close at the level of the spinal cord and the trunk of the GM.

Close at the level of the CBP and the feeder.

4. Exercised through an anatomically pronounced reflex arc.

Are carried out through functional temporal communication.

5. Sustainable, as a rule, persist throughout life.

Changeable, constantly formed and fuse.

I.P. Pavlov developed these ideas and created the doctrine on conditional and unconditional reflexes - physiology of behavior.

In the future, other ways to acquire life experience were opened and described. . However, to today, Pavlovsk teaching remainsgenerally accepted. In the development of ideas I.P. Pavlova, contributed - V.M. Bekhterev, P.K. Zanohin, B. Skinner ( sampling and error), V. Kouler ( insight - "comprehension"),K. Lorenz ( imprint - Imprinting) and others. Scientists.

GNI (on Pavlov) is an activity that ensures normal complex relationships of a whole body with an external world, i.e. HDN \u003d human mental activity

Group of unconditional reflexes.

1. Food Reflexes- salivation, chewing, swallowing, etc.

2. Defensive (Protective) Reflexes- cough, blink, wandering hands with painful irritation.

3. Life-supporting reflexes- thermoregulation, breathing and other reflexes supporting homeostasis.

4. Approximate reflexes- figuratively speaking reflex "What is?"

5. Game Reflexes- In the process of the game, models of future life situations are created.

6. Sex and Parent Reflexes- From the implementation of sexual intercourse to the proceedings care reflections.

Unconditional reflexesprovide the adaptation of the body only to the changes in the medium with which many generations often met. Their meaning is that due to it, the integrity of the body is maintained, homeostasis and the extension of the genus is maintained.

More complicated unconditional reflex, activities are instinctsTheir biological nature remains unclear in detail. In a simplified form, instincts can be represented as a complex interrelated range of simple congenital reflexes.

Conditional reflexes .

They are relatively easily acquired, are also easily lost by the body, if the need for them disappeared.

Physiological mechanisms for the formation of conditional reflexes:

To understand these mechanisms, we consider the mechanism for the formation of a simple natural conditional reflex - amplification of salivation at the sight of lemon. In a person, never tried lemon, he causes simple curiosity ( approximate reflex).

Excitement at the form of lemon occurs in visual receptors and is supplied to the visual zone of the CBP (occipital region) - there is a focus of excitation. Following this, a person tries a lemon to taste - the focus of excitement appears in the center of salivation (this is a subcortical center). He, how stronger will "attract" excitement from the visual center. As a result, a nervous temporary connection arises between two ever-related nervous centers. After several repetitions, it is fixed and now the excitation arising, in the auditorium quickly turns to the subcortex center, causing salivation at the sight of lemon.

Thus, the following major conditions are needed to form a conditional reflex:

The presence of a conditional stimulus (in this example is the type of lemon). He must precede unconditional reinforcement and be somewhat weaker than him.

Unconditional reinforcement (taste and resulting in its influence process of salivation).

The normal functional state of the nervous system and, above all, the GM is a necessary condition for the occurrence of a temporary connection.

The conditional stimulus can be any change in the surrounding and internal environment of the body: sound, light, tactile irritation, etc.

As a reinforcement, the most suitable food and pain. With this reinforcement, the reflexing is faster than everything. In other words, powerful incentives are - promotion and punishment.

Conditional top-order reflexes .

When developing new conditional reflexes, both conditional reflexes developed earlier can be used as a reinforcement. For example, if a conditional reflex solancy is developed for table serving. If you now enter a new conditional stimulus, let's say the time signal on the radio and reinforce its table serving, then this radio signal will cause salivation. Such reflexes are called second order reflexes, there are also reflexes of the third, fourth, fifth and higher orders.

Classification of conditional reflexes.

Difficult in view of their numerous. But still distinguish:

1. According to the type of irritated receptors - exteroceptive, inter -ceptive, propricechetive conventional reflexes.

2. Natural (formed under action on the receptors of natural unconditional stimuli) and artificial (under the action of indifferent stimuli).

3. Positive - connected with motor and secretory reactions. 4.reflexes without external motor and secretory effects - negative or brakes.

5. Conditional reflexes for time are associated with regular repeating stimuli. They are also called trace reflexes.

6. Imitation reflexes. The "viewer" also forms temporary ties, first of all they are formed in children.

7. Extrapolation reflexes - consist of human ability to properly determine the direction of movement of a useful and dangerous object, i.e. Anticipate favorable and unfavorable situation.

In life, a person has to meet with many stimuli and their components. In order to choose from this endless multitude of irritants only those that are biologically and socially significant for us. It is necessary that the brain has the ability to analyze various impacts on the body, i.e. the ability to differentiate them.

For the subsequent adequate reaction, the synthesis processes are required, i.e. Brain's ability to bind and generalize, combine individual stimuli into one.

Both of these process are inextricably linked and carried out by the nervous system constantly during the GNI process.

An example of the most complex analytical synthetic processes of the CBS is education. dynamicstereotype.This is a stable system for the implementation of individual conditional reflexes. It is generated and fixed due to the occurrence of communication between trace action from the previous stimulus and subsequent excitation. It is autonomy - is carried out not only to the stimulus, but in its place in the system of influences. Plays a big role in the formation of a variety of (labor, sports, gaming, etc.) skills. In principle, the source name of the dynamic stereotype is "habit."

Braking of conditional reflexes .

If you do not reinforce the conditional irritant unconditional, then it comes to braking. This is an active nervous process, which is the result of the weakening or suppression of the process of excitation and temporal communication. Various stimuli cause the braking of some reflexes and excitement, and the formation of others. The formation of new reflexes and their braking leads to a flexible adaptation of the body in specific conditions of existence.

Types of braking of conditional reflexes:

1. External (unconditional) braking- due to braking by an unconditional stimulus, which appears simultaneously with the developed (for example, an indicative reflex). A new, not associated with this reflex arise, the focus of excitation arises in the PBC. He pulls over the excitement.

2. Internal (conditional) braking. Due to braking with not reinforcement of unconditional stimulus.

3. Security braking. Protects nervous centers from excessively strong irritation or overwork.

4. Focula. It occurs when braking the braking process.

Age features of the GNI.

The child is born with a set of unconditional reflexes, their reflex arcs begin to form on the 3rd month of prenatal development. By the time of birth, the child forms the majority of congenital reflexes that ensure its autonomic sphere. Despite the morphological and functional immaturity of the brain, simple food conditional reactions are possible for the first day - the second day is possible.

By the end of the first month of life, (some) conditional reflexes are formed - motor and temporary. They are slowly formed and easily braked, probably due to the immaturity of cortical neurons.

From the second month of life, reflexes are formed - auditory, visual and tactile. By the 5th month of development, the child is formed by all major types of conditional braking. An important place is the process of learning (i.e., the production of conditioned reflexes). The sooner it is starting, the faster there is their formation.

By the end of the first year of development, the child relatively distinguishes the taste of food, odors, shape and color of objects, distinguishes the voices and faces. Movement is greatly improved (down to the formation of walking skill). The child is trying to pronounce separate words, and conditional reflexes are formed on verbal stimuli, i.e. Completely undergoes the development of the second signal system.

In the second year, the child's development is improved by all types of conditional reflex activities, and the formation of the second signal system continues, it acquires a signal value). Significantly increases vocabulary (250 - 300 words), irritants cause verbal reactions. Communication with adults plays crucial in these processes (i.e., the surrounding social environment and training).

The second and third year of life is characterized by lively indicative and research activities. The child is no longer limited to the question "What is it?", And "What can I do with it?".

The period up to three years is also characterized by the extraordinary ease of formation of conditional reflexes on the most different stimuli.

Age from three to five years is characterized by the further development of speech and improving the nerve processes (their strength, mobility and balance increases). Dynamic stereotypes are produced easily, an approximate reflex is still longer and more intense than schoolchildren. Conditional connections and dynamic stereotypes that have arisen at this time are exceptional strength and rush through a person throughout life. Although they can constantly and not manifest, but on certain conditions are easily restored.

By five - seven years, the role of the second signal system is even more enhanced. Children can already speak freely.

Junior school age (C7 to 12 years old) - a period of relatively "quiet" development of the GNI. Emotions begin to acquire a greater connection with thinking and lose touch with reflexes.

Teenage period (from 11 to 12 to 15 - 17 years). Endocrine transformations and the formation of secondary genital signs affect the properties of the GNI. The equilibiousness of nerve processes is violated, the excitation is acquired greater force, the growth of the mobility of nerve processes is slowed down, etc. The activity of the CBP is weakened (this period, physiologists are figuratively called the "mountain gorge"). These functional changes lead to mental unbalance of adolescents and frequent conflicts.

Senior school age (15 - 18 years old) coincides with the final morphofunctional ripening of all organism systems. The role of cortical processes in the regulation of mental activity and the physiological functions of the body, leading the role in the GNI in the cortical processes and the second signal system, is significantly increased. All properties of nerve processes reach the level of an adult.

Types of higher nervous activity.

There is a complex of the main congenital and acquired individual properties of the human nervous system that determine the differences in behavior and attitude to the same effects of the external environment.

I.P.Pavlov in 1929 according to the indicators of initiation processes and brakes:

but) Power of these processes.

b) Their mutual equilibrium.

in) Mobility (the speed of their shift).

Based on, it was allocated, four types of GNI.

1. Strong unbalanced ("unrestrained")- It is characterized by a strong nervous system and the predominance of excitation over the braking (unbalanced of these processes). He's called - "Choleric".

2. Strong balanced movable (labile)- distinguished by high mobility of nervous processes, their strength and equilibrium - "Sanguine".

3. Strong balanceinert type - with a significant strength of nervous processes their low mobility - "Phlegmatic".

4. Weak fast-sighted type- characterized by low performance of neurons and, consequently, the weakness of nervous processes - "Melancholic".

It should be noted that the names of the types are taken from the classification of the temperatures of the hippocrates (5th century BC).

This classification is far from practical reality, in life, people with pronounced types are extremely rare. In modern studies, the definition of VIN types is carried out in more than 30 physiological indicators.

In addition, the person I.P. Pavlov allocated the Types of the GNI in relation to signal systems.

1. Artistic type. Minor predominance of the first signal system. For people of this type, the articulated perception of the surrounding world, operating in the process of thinking by sensual images (visual-shaped thinking).

2. Thinking type.Minor predominance of the second signal system. This type is typical of the abstraction of reality. In the process of thinking, people of this type are operated by abstract symbols, they are punished with the ability to finely analyze and synthesize the surrounding world.

3. Medium type.Characterized by the balance of signal systems. This type is owned by the bulk of people.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to state the fact that this problem still remains unresolved in physiology. Although psychology and pedagogy in this issue need the help of physiology.

Teaching on signaling systems.

The behavior of man is much more complicated than the behavior of animals. Although the patterns of formation of conditional reflexes are similar. But person has the highest form of adaptation to environmental conditions - rational activity. This is the ability to catch patterns that bind objects and environmental phenomena and use this knowledge in new conditions. As a result, the body not only adapts (as animals), but also is capable of anticipate changes in the environment and take them into account in their behavior. Considering this, I.P. Pavlov developed the doctrine of two signaling systems.

I. First signal system- analyzes the signals coming from all analyzers. Acts all animals.

II. Second signal system- This is a verbal alarm (i.e. speech). Feature of man only, in the process of ontogenesis gradually increases the margin of words, of which the child is building proposals. Words begin to lose their narrow concrete importance, they are laid a wider summary meaning - concepts arise (i.e. no longer need to receive information about the subject using the first signal system). The word begins to mean different concepts and requires clarifications, not only words meaning objects, but also our sensations, experiences, actions are subject to generalization. So there are abstract concepts, and with them and abstract thinking. Thus, thanks to the second signaling system, the brain receives information in the form of symbols (words, signs, images). The word plays a role not just a conditional stimulus, but its signal, i.e. The word is a signal signal.

For example, a man with a dog goes the road. Both of seeing the car quickly approaching them, they will be saved together (the car is a specific hazard signal, it is well understood by both). But after all, the man hearing the danger signal (the cry of another passerby "carefully, the car!") Not seeing it, it will be saved. The dog also needs to see the danger, the speech signal does not report anything about it.

The presence of a system of verbal signals denoting specific signals of reality is an important evolutionary acquisition of a person. Now the analysis and synthesis of the surrounding world is carried out not only as a result of the action on analyzers of direct stimuli and their operating, but also the resulting result in a word. It is this ability of a human brain that makes up the basis of human thinking.

This allows a person to receive knowledge and experience without direct contact with reality. For example, to find out about the requirements for the examiner, it is enough to know about him in a person who has already passed him, and not at all be sure to be there.

Physiological bases of speech .

Speech is one of the most complex functions of a person. It is associated with the stressful work of the organs of vision, hearing and peripheral speech apparatus. Complex coordination of their activities is carried out by neurons of various ZPS zones. Especially important are - center Vernika(located in the left temple share of the brain) and center Brock(lower part of the left frontal lobe of the brain). When damaged center of Brock(This is a speech engine center) A person understands everything heard, but himself is not able to pronounce a single word. When damaged center Vernika(It is also called an auditory) A person hears everything, but does not understand the speech, including his own. Written speech Related to many Departments of the CBP: regulating hands, visual, brock and Wernand others.

Thus, the rocorying device of a person is an extremely complex multicomponent functional system, managed by various zones of the KBP.

Physiological mechanisms of sleep and dreams .

Sleep is the physiological state of the brain and the body as a whole, characterized by significant immobility, almost a complete lack of reactions to external stimuli and at the same time a special organization of the activity of neurons of the GM.

A person spends 1/3 of life in a dream. When deprivation of sleep, attention is violated, memory, emotions are dulled, disability falls, there is an inadequate reaction and hallucinations. Thus, sleep is a necessity. Healthy Normal Sleep - Pledge of Man's Day Activity, high level His performance, normal functioning of its organs and systems.

Sleep phases.

An ordinary sleep consists of 4 - 5 cycles that change each other. Cycles consist of their two phases:

I. Phase slow sleep- accompanied by a rare breathing and pulse; muscle relaxation; Reducing metabolism and temperature. It comes immediately after falling asleep, lasts 1 - 1.5 hours.

II. Phase fast sleep. It activates the activities of the internal organs: pulse and breathing are rapid; The temperature rises; Different muscle groups (limbs, mimic) are reduced; Move eyes under closed eyelids (as when reading). This phase lasts 10 - 15 minutes, by morning increases to 30 minutes. Dreams in this phase are realistic and emotional (because neurons of visual shares are excited).

Sleep theory.

There are multiple sleep theories.

1.Gumoral- Sleep occurs when accumulated in the blood of specific chemicals - hypnotoxins. However, it is likely that humoral factors play a minor role.

2.The theory of sleep centers- periodic change of activity of subcortical centers of sleep and wakefulness (they are located in the hypothalamus).

3.Cortical theory of sleep- Irradiasis on the bore of the brake process, capable of descending on the feeder. Those. Sleep is a "protective braking" and protects the neurons of the CBP from excessive fatigue. In addition, it is possible to occur sleep and with a sharp limitation of the flux of nerve pulses in the CBP (for example, a sleepy state occurs when a person is placed in a dark soundproof room).

Reasons for changing sleep and wakefulness - automatic (circadian) rhythms; The fatigue of the neurons of the GM; Conditional reflexes associated with falling asleep accelerate sleep offensive.

Causes of awakening- external signals; signals from internal organs (for example, hunger or crowded bladder).


Sleep does not mean peace for um, because During sleep, the brain activity does not decrease, but rebuilding. The neurons of GM begin to work in another mode, analyzed the collected during wakefulness and draw conclusions (i.e., try as it were to "foresee" the future). Thus, the so-called "prophetic dreams" foreshadow unpleasant events based on unconscious precursors of these events. Most often dreams do not come true and quickly forgotten, (all people see dreams, but not always remember them). The probability of a coincidence of sleep with the future reality is small, but when coincidence is interpreted as a supernatural phenomenon.

External and internal stimuli are important, which are unconsciously recorded by the brain and are included in the scenery of dreams. For example, grommet rolls - a cannonade cannonade, a crowded stomach - a feeling of suffocation, etc. In addition, sometimes the brain continues creative work in a dream. For example, after a long day work on the problem of D.I. Imendeev in a dream I saw the first option periodic system Chemical elements, and G.Kekule - the formula of benzene in an allegorical form.

The highest forms of the GNI - memory, attention, motivation and emotional-volitional sphere are the subject of study of psychology. Modern physiology is still far from the complete knowledge of the biological mechanisms of these processes. Nevertheless, it is worth considering what is already known.

Physiological Memory Mechanisms.

Memory is a complex of processes occurring in the CBS providing accumulation, storage and reproduction of individual experience. Memory can be divided into three basic category elements - the process of fixing information, the storage process and the process of playback.

Memory hypothesis:

1. Neural hypothesis- Memorization and storage processes are associated with the circulation of the pulse along the closed chains of neurons. Probably, this mechanism is based on short-term memory. Good memory is characterized by the wealth of synaptic brain bonds.

2. Biochemical hypothesis- The pulses change the metabolism in neurons, which causes structural changes in RNA. It is stored until the desired moment, causing neuron excitation (long-term memory).

Most likely both mechanisms are a single whole.

Focus on attention.

The highest nervous and mental human activity is always characterized by a certain selective and orientation. For the GNI, it is important to maintain the focus of your activities on essential elements when diverting from everything unfriendly. This selectivity of processes is called - attention.

The physiological basis of attention is the processes of excitation and braking, the features of their movement and interaction in the CBS. The direction is always associated with the excitation of some of the crusts and the braking of others (according to induction). Among the excited zones of the KBP always distinguishes the dominant - according to the theory of dominants. This is how the selectivity of our activity is ensured and control over its flow.

The mechanism is based on the activation of GM, associated with the activities of the frontal shares of the CBP.

Physiology of emotions.

Emotere- shock, wave) - subjective human reactions on the effects of internal and external stimuli, manifested in the form of positive or negative manifestations.

Emotions are the active states of specialized brain structures that encourage people to loosen or strengthen these states. The nature of emotions is determined by the urgent need and forecasting the likelihood of its satisfaction. The low probability of meeting the need makes emotions negative (fear, rage, etc.); Increasing the probability of satisfaction compared with an early weed outlook gives emotions to positive coloring (pleasure, joy, etc.).

Brain structures responsible for the implementation of lower elementary emotions are located in intermediate brain(hypothalamus)and in the ancient departments of large hemispheres - fear, aggression, feeling of hunger and thirst, a sense of saturation and many others. The highest specific human (cortical) emotions are associated with the activities of the KBP zones - for example, human moral feelings.

Emotions belong to a decisive role in the learning process, in reinforcing newly emerging conditional reflexes. They change the thresholds of perception, activate the memory, serve as an additional means of communication (mimic, intonation of voice, etc.). The desire for re-experiences of positive emotions encourages a person to actively seek dissatisfied emotions and new ways to satisfy them. Negative emotions serve self-preservation, positive contribute to self-development in the process of mastering new areas of activity.

Motivation physiology.

These are active states of cerebral structures that prompted the person to act acts of behavior aimed at meeting their needs. Motivations make behavior targeted, orienting it either hereditary (unconditional reflexes), or thanks to the accumulated early convention and reflex experience.

Biochemical shifts (in case of violation of homeostasis) and external incentives are transformed into the excitation process, it activates the structures of the hypothalamus. It transmits a signal to the CBP, where the behavior program is being formed that contributes to the satisfaction of the relevant needs.


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The central nervous system is part of the vertebrate nervous system, represented by the accumulation of nerve cells forming the head and spinal cord.

The central nervous system regulates the processes occurring in the body, and serves as a control center of all systems. The basis of the operations of the central nervous system is the interaction of initiation and braking.

Higher nervous activity (GNI)

Higher nervous activity - according to I.P. Pavlov - a complex form of vital activity, providing individual behavioral adaptation of a person and higher animals to the changing conditions of the external environment.

At the heart of the highest nervous activity is the interaction of congenital unconditional and purchased in the process of ontogenesis of conditional reflexes, to which the second signal system is added in humans.

The structural base of the GNI is the bark of large hemispheres with subcortical front brain nuclei and some intermediate structures.

Higher nervous activity

Higher nervous activity (GNI) - the activities of the High Departments of the CNS, which ensures the most perfect adaptation of animals and human to the environment (behavior). The structural basis of the GNI is the border of large hemispheres with subcortical nuclei of the front and formations of the intermediate brain, but there is no rigid bond with cerebral structures. Low nervous activity is represented as a function of the central nervous system, aimed at regulating physiological processes in the very body. The most important feature The GND is a signal character that allows you to prepare in advance for one or another form of activity (food, defensive, gender, etc.)

The characteristics of the BND: variability, signaling, adaptability - provide flexibility and adaptability of reactions. The probabilistic nature of the external environment gives the relativity of any behavioral reaction and encourages the body to probabilistic forecasting. Learning ability to high degree It depends not only on the processes of excitation, but also inhibition. Conditional braking contributes to the rapid change of behavior forms, respectively, conditions and motivations.

The term Gund introduced I.P. Pavlov, who considered him equivalent to the concept of "mental activity". According to I.P. Pavlov, this is a combined reflex (conditional and unconditional reflex) function of the cortex of the hemispheres and the nearest cord cord. He also introduced the concept of "signaling systems", as a system of conditionally reflex links, highlighting the first signal system common and human and human-specific second.

The first signaling system (PSS) - direct sensations and perception, is the basis of the GNI and comes down to the aggregate of the diverse conditional and unconditional reflexes on the immediate stimuli. The PCC of the person has a greater speed of the propagation and concentration of the nerve process, its mobility, which ensures the speed of switching and formation of conditional reflexes. Animals are better distinguished by individual stimuli, people are their combinations.

The second signal system was formed in a person based on the first as a system of speech signals (pronounced, audible, visible. The words use the signals of the first signal system. The process of generalization Word is produced during the formation of conditional reflexes. The generalized reflection and abstraction is formed only in the process of communication, i.e. Determined by biological and social factors.

Receptor - (from lat. Recipere - receive), nerve formations, transforming chemical and physical effects from the external or internal environment of the body in nerve impulses; The peripheral specialized part of the analyzer, by which only a certain type of energy is transformed into the nervous excitation process. The receptors are widely varied according to the degree of complexity of the structure and in terms of fitness to its function. Depending on the energy of the corresponding irritation, the receptors are divided into mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors. Mechanoreceptors were found in the ear, vestibular apparatus, muscles, joints, in the skin and internal organs. Chemoreceptors serve an olfactory and taste sensitivity: many of them are in the brain, responding to changes chemical composition liquid medium organism. Spectative receptors are also essentially chemoreceptors. Depending on the position in the body and the receptor function being performed, they are divided into exterorceptors, interior tractors and proprioceptors. Exteror septors include distant receptors receiving information at some distance from the source of irritation (olfactory, auditory, visual, taste); Interoreceptors sign about the irritants of the inner medium, and the proproporeceptors - about the state of the organism's motor system. Separate receptors are anatomically connected with each other and form recipe fields capable of overlapping.

The highest departments of the central nervous system of animals and a person, which ensures the complex relationship of the body with the outside world. The term "GNI" was introduced by I. P. Pavlov, who considered him equivalent to the concepts of "mental activity" and "behavior". The activities of the highest department of the nervous system seemed to him in the form of two main mechanisms: the temporary connection between the phenomena of the external world and the reactions on them of the body and the mechanism of analyzers (see the sensory systems). Those. All forms of mental activity (including thinking and consciousness of a person) - elements of the GNI. The creation of the exercise on Gunds was preceded by the work of I. M. Sechenov, which developed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reflex nature of mental activity ("brain reflexes", 1863).

Based on the GNI, there are conditional and unconditional reflexes (according to I. P. Pavlov, the first signal system). Conditional reflexes are produced with the participation of the highest departments of the central nervous system (at the highest vertebrates and humans - mostly bark of large hemispheres of the brain). Unconditional (congenital) reflexes are formed by subcortical structures of the intermediate brain (thalamus and hypothalamus) and brain barrels (reticular formation). Talamus distributes nerve impulses on the bark of large hemispheres, and the hypothalamus is part of a limbic system involved in the formation of motivations directed, for example, to satisfy hunger or thirst, an expression of aggression. The flexibility and accuracy of the body to the changing environment are carried out by education, braking and extinction of various conditional reflexes. The signal nature of the brain activity allows the body for remote precursors - conditional stimuli - to adapt to the change in external conditions in advance, avoid adverse situations. Unconditional reflexes in the GNI are the basis on which all conditional reflexes are produced, and the manifestation of genetic memory (hereditably fixed the experience of preceding generations).

The value of conditional and unconditional reflexes is largely determined by the evolutionary level of development of this type of animal. Invertebrate and lower vertebrate animals, congenital forms of GNI prevail over acquired; In the process of animal evolution, the benefits of the acquired forms of nervous activity are obtained - conventional reflexes, becoming dominant. Thus, the Bind is mainly reduced to the aggregate of various conditional reflexes that constitute the first signaling system common to humans and animals. In connection with the development of social forms of labor activity, the person developed and improved the signals of this primary system in the form of words - pronounced, audible, visible (written or gestured), which led to the appearance of the second signal system.

I. P. Pavlov allocated the following basic laws, or rules, HIND:

1) the formation of conditional reflexes, or closing a temporary connection, due to the oncoming distribution of excitement from the cortical representations of combined (conditional and unconditional) stimuli;

2) the dependence of the values \u200b\u200bof the conditional reflex from the physiological force of irritation;

3) the development of internal braking in the cortex, for example, when canceling the reinforcement of the conditional reflex;

4) the development of external braking, for example, under the action of an unusual stimulus;

5) the distribution (irradiation) and the concentration of nerve processes (excitation and braking) according to the crust of large hemispheres of the brain, by virtue of which the interaction occurs between its individual parts, as well as a generalization and specialization of conditional reflexes;

6) mutual induction of nerve processes, ensuring the interaction between the cortical foci of excitation and braking.

Ultimately, the GNI provides the finest analysis and synthesis of diverse stimuli and the most advanced adaptive capabilities of the body.

The dynamic organization of brain structures (functional system according to P. K. Anokhina) is essential for GNI. Their activities are aimed at ensuring useful biological results. The nature of the specialization and localization of functions in the crust of large hemispheres plays an important role in the reliability of its activity, which, along with the force, balance and mobility of nervous processes, determines the physiological bases of the types of nervous system (VND types).

For conducting research on GNI, both traditional methods for studying conditional reflexes and instrumental methods are used. Microelectrode technique, for example, allows you to explore out- and intracellular bioelectric potentials of individual neurons in the process of forming conditional reflexes. In psycho-physiology, the methods of a lifetime study of the brain (non-invasive), including X-ray, magnetic resonance and positron tomography, will be improved mathematical methods Studies of electroencephalograms, including mapping methods, calculation of dipoles, etc. Significant success is achieved in the study of the cellular mechanisms of the GNI, whose objects are isolated mammalian brain systems obtained in the form of fistened sections, or relatively simple nervous systems of invertebrate animals (for example, mollusc neurons).

The Doctrine of the Gund marked the beginning of a new era in the development of physiology. The results obtained in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge have great importance for medicine, psychology, pedagogy, scientific organization of labor, as well as in cybernetics and in other industries practical activities man.

Lit.: Orbel L. A. Questions of higher nervous activity. M.; L., 1949; Pavlov I. P. full. Cathedral Works 2nd ed. M.; L., 1951. T. 3. KN. one; Electricencephalographic study of the highest nervous activity. M., 1962; Magun H. W. The wakeful brain. 2nd ed. M., 1965; Anokhin P. K. Biology and neurophysiology of conditional reflex. M., 1968; Sudakov K.V. Biological motivation. M., 1971; Voronin L. G. course lectures on the highest nervous activity. M., 1984; Simonov P. V. Lectures on the work of the brain. Must-informational theory of higher nervous activity. M., 2001; Schulgovsky V. V. Physiology of the highest nervous activity with the basics of neurobiology. M., 2003; Batuev A.S. Physiology of higher nervous activity and sensory systems. 3rd ed. M., 2005.

V. V. Shulgovsky.

Animals that the additional neurophysical mechanisms should exist, which determine the features of its GNI. Pavlov believed that the specifics of the Human highly arose as a result of a new way of interaction with external worldswhich became possible as a result of people's activities and who expressed himself in speech.

The basis of the highest nervous activity - conditional, arising in the course of the life of the body, and allowing it expedient to external and thereby adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions. Early developed URs can fond and disappear due to braking when the environment changes.

Irriters for the formation of conditional reflexes in humans are not only the factors of the external environment (heat, cold, light, reserve), but also words denoting one or another subject, phenomenon. The exceptional ability of a person (in contrast to animals) to perceive the meaning of the word, the properties of objects, phenomena, human experiences, to generally think, communicate with each other with speech. Outside the society, a person cannot learn to speak, perceive written and oral speech, Study, accumulated over the long years of human existence, and transfer it to descendants.

A feature of the highest nervous activity of a person is the high development of inconsion and its manifestation in the form. The level of rational activity directly depends on the level of development of the nervous system. A person has the most developed NA. A feature of the LND person is the awareness of many internal processes of his life. Consciousness is the function of the human brain.

Two signaling systems reality

The highest nervous activity of a person is significantly different from the highest nervous activity of animals. A person has a high level of development in a person in the process of his socio-work activity and reaches a high level of development.

The first signaling system of reality - This is the system of our immediate sensations, perceptions, impressions from specific subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Word (speech) is second signal system (Signal signal). It originated and developed on the basis of the first signaling system and matters only in close relationship with it.

Thanks to the second signaling system (Word), a person more quickly than in animals, temporary communication is formed, for the word carries the socially developed value of the subject. Temporary nervous connections of a person are more resistant and persisted without within many years.

The word is a means of knowledge of the surrounding reality, a generalized and indirect reflection of its essential properties. According to the word "introduced a new principle of nervous activity - a solution and, at the same time, the generalization of countless transcipation signals, which causes limitless orientation in the outside world and creating a higher adaptation of a person."

The action of the word as a conditional stimulus can have the same force as the immediate primary stimulus. Under the influence of the Word there are not only mental, but also physiological processes (this is the basis of suggestion and self-pressure).

The second signal system has two functions -omunicative (it provides communication between people) and the reflection function of objective patterns. The word not only gives the name item, but also contains a generalization.

The second signaling system includes the word audible, visible (written) and pronouncing.

I ss is the physiological basis of a specific (subject) thinking and sensations; And II SDM - the basis of abstract (distracted) thinking. The joint activity of the signaling systems in humans is the physiological basis of mental activity, the basis of the socio-historical level of reflection as the essence of the psyche and the transformation of images and signals in the presentation.

SS is the highest regulator of human behavior. SS, interacting with the I SS, serves as the physiological basis of specifically human forms of reflection of reality - conscious reflection, regulating the targeted systematic activity of a person not just as an organism, but as a subject of social and historical activities.

From the point of Human Signal Systems, there are three levels of their mechanism:

  • the first level is unconscious, it is the basis of unconditional reflexes;
  • the second level is the subconscious, its basis is the I SS;
  • the third level is conscious, its basis is the II SS.

The speech has significantly increased the human brain ability to reflect reality. It provided the highest forms of analysis and synthesis.

Signing about this or that subject, the word allocates it from the group of others. This is the analytical function of the word. At the same time, the word as an irritant has for a person and summarizing meaning. This is a manifestation of its synthetic function.

Physiological mechanism acquired complex shapes The generalizations are laid in humans in the properties of the word as a signal of signals. The word in this capacity is formed due to its participation and the formation of a large number of temporary ties. The degree of generalization cannot be considered as a constant, sustainable category, because it changes, and, which is especially important, depending on the conditions for the formation of temporary ties in students in the process. In physiological relations, the basis of generalization and distraction are two principles:

  1. the formation of systemics in;
  2. gradual reduction of the signal image.

Based on these ideas about the essence of the mechanism of the generalization process, it turns out to be more understandable and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe foundations of the formation of new concepts. In this case, the transformation of words into the integrators of various steps should be considered as the development of greater concepts from schoolchildren. Such changes lead to the construction of increasingly complex systemics and to wider development of integration. The focus of conditional connections that are included in this system narrows the volume of integration and, therefore, makes it difficult to form new concepts. It follows the conclusion that the formation of concepts in the physiological sense has a reflex nature, i.e. Its base is the formation of temporal connections on a speech-based signal with adequately reflex reinforcement.

The child is younger school age Due to the insufficient development of the second signaling system, visual thinking prevails, therefore it has predominantly visual-shaped character. However, together with the development of the second signaling system, the child originates the beginning of theoretical, distracted thinking.

The interaction of signal systems is the most important factor in the formation of a specific and abstract. In the process of establishing the relationship between signal systems, it is possible to appear interference mainly due to the most varying of the second signal system. For example, in the absence of incentives that contribute to the development of the second signal system, the mental activity of the child is delayed, and the prevailing estimated system of its relationship with environmental The first signaling system remains (figurative, specific thinking). However, the wishes of the educator as early as possible to make the abstract abilities of the child, without saying it with the child reached level mental Development, It also can lead to a violation of the manifestations of the second signal system. In this case, the first signaling system comes out of control of the second signal system, which can be easily noted on the behavioral reactions of the child: it is disturbed by the ability to think, the dispute acquires not a logical, and conflict, emotionally painted character. In such children, disruptions in behavior are developing rapidly, disappliability, federation, aggressiveness appear.

Violation of the relationship between signaling systems can be eliminated by pedagogical techniques. An example of this can be the means and methods used by A.S. Makarenko. Impacting in a word (through the second signal system) and reinforcing the action (through the first signal system), he managed to normalize the behavior even in very "difficult" children. A.S. Makarenko believed that the main thing in the development of the child was a skillful organization of its diverse active activities (cognitive, labor, game, etc.). The interaction of signaling systems contributes to the formation of such activities and, it is obvious that this is also ensured by the necessary development of moral education.

The second signal system is easier to be fatigue and braking. Therefore B. primary grades Classes should be built so that the lessons requiring the prevailing activities of the second signaling system (for example,), alternated with lessons in which the activity of the first signal system would prevail (for example, natural science).

The doctrine of signaling systems is important for pedagogy also because it provides the teacher with great opportunities to establish the necessary interaction between the verbal explanation and visibility in the learning process, to educate the learners of the ability to properly relate concrete with abstract. The "living word" of the teacher is already a means of visibility. The art of owning the word is, first of all, in the ability to cause students a bright idea, the "live image" of what the teacher tells. Without this, the teacher's story is always boring, uninteresting and poorly persist in students' memory. It is important in the practice of a teacher also a skillful combination of words with clarity. In school methodological practice, a solid belief was established in the undoubted benefits of visual learning, which relates mainly to training in primary grades. Indeed, B. educational process Subsequent clarity acts as an object of study, and as a source of knowledge assimilated by students in the learning process. The visibility of learning is a means of organizing a variety of students' activity and is used by a teacher in order for training to be the most effective, affordable and contributed to the development of children. The joint action of words and means of clarity contributes to the emergence of students' attention, supports them to the studied issue.

The combination of words with clarity takes one of the most common forms: the word acts as a conditional signal for the student's activities, for example, as a signal to start exploring them a software question, and visibility serves as a means of perception. Moreover, the essence of the phenomenon is perceived by students from a verbal explanation, and clarity only serves as a means confirming the correctness of the explanatory, and creates conviction in this. The teacher can use each method separately or both together, but it should always be remembered that in physiological terms they are not unambiguous. If, with the first way of applying visibility, students are predominant to develop the first signaling system, which is expressed in the formation of a specific presentation of the subject or phenomenon, in the second, on the contrary, the prevailing development receives the second signal system, which is expressed in the formation of an abstract presentation that plays here a big role, because Visual only confirms an abstract presentation. With the proper use of each of these methods, you can achieve the necessary relationship between the first and second signal systems, without making any of them excessively prevailing. Otherwise, the student will be more developed or the ability to perceive only concrete, and then it will be in a difficult position every time, when the need forced him to apply abstraction abilities, or maybe, on the contrary, the ability to perceive only the abstract will put a student in difficult Position every time he should refer to a specific material. Consequently, a combination of verbal explanation with clarity can serve as pedagogy and be effective only if the teacher finds the means to establish the necessary relationship between the first and second signaling systems of reality expressing the specific and abstract ideas about the environment.