Which of the Russian Mason Politicians. Russian Masons: Where are they? Mystery becomes apparent

Right holder illustration Image Caption.

On June 24, 1717, the first official Masonic Lodge, the Mysterious Society of Film Mason, who have their secret rites and symbols began their work in England.

After a few decades, the Freemasonry came to Russia. Masons included such well-known Russian historical individuals as Pushkin, Kutuzov, Suvorov, Chaadaev and others.

The Russian BBC service talked to modern Russian masons and researchers of these societies to find out what is modern Freemasonry in Russia.

Russian Freemasonry - what is it?

According to legend, Masonry in Russia brought Peter I, who became a massone during his foreign trips. The first Russian emperor, according to legend, became the first major master of the first Russian lodge. However, there is no documentary confirmation.

The first official grand master in Russia - the head of the Supreme Masonic Lodge - became in 1731 English General John Philips. At that time, most masons in Russia were foreigners who worked or engaged in business in Russian Empire.

Ivan Elagin became the first Russian grand master, who organized cultural evenings at the courtyard of Catherine II. In 1770, he created the first great lodge of Russia, into which 17 other Masonic lies then entered.

The current great master of the Great Lodge of Russia Andrei Bogdanov calls Freemasonry "one of the oldest public organizations in the world."

Modern Freemasonry in Russia appeared in 1995, when the Great Lodge of France created four Masonic lodges in Russia, and on their basis the Great Lodge arose.

"Someone calls Freemasonry a male club, someone calls the educational club or a club in interest. For me, it is all taken," says Bogdanov.

Three topics

Bogdanov himself is a famous Russian political station, one of the founders of the Democratic Party of Russia and the presidential candidate of Russia in the 2008 elections. However, as he says, the masons are forbidden to discuss politics - for it can even be excluded from the lodges.

"Freemasonry never sought to politically influence and did not have it. The political influence had separate members of society, but they were engaged in politics as individuals," said the Russian service BBG Bogdanov. According to him, forbidden in Freemasonry are "three topics that are preserved" - politics, religion and women.

Like many rules of work of the Masonic Lodge, a ban for women to join the Masonic society is due to the order of life of medieval England, where in 1717 the first bed of free bricklayers began its work.

"Masons are accepted by believers in a single god of a man of free and good morals," the organization's charter says.

The "free" in England of the XVIII century was called people who did not have debts and could provide themselves financially. Women at that time practically did not have their own wealth, so they could not be considered "free", and, it means that they could not join the Masonic lodges. So until now, the "traditional Freemasonry" does not take women.

But there is also a "unconventional" - there you can come to women, and discuss politics, but the "classic" masons such societies do not recognize.

"Just, let's say, 10 people gathered and decided that they would be masons, there will be women to accept, and the policy was discussing. They took off (special Masonic aprons). The Mason is the one who passed the rite of initiation. Mason is only the one who else in others Masonic beds are considered to be masons, "explains Bogdanov.

Right holder illustration Eric FEFERBERG / GETTY Image Caption. Secret symbols of Freemasonry - tools of medieval builders and architects, which created the first lodges of free bricklayers

Navalny will not become Mason

The modern rite of initiation in the Masons is little different from what it was 300 years ago. Foreign (not Mason) is knocking (asking) in the lie. Next, the masters of this lodge are held with him. The corpusal must receive two recommendation letters from the operating masons so that his candidacy is aimed at consideration.

After Profan has collected recommendations, he will have to pass "interrogation under the bandage." The person leads to the lie in the blindfolded eyes and ask questions about his life: "What is freedom?", "What is fraternity?", "What did you do bad in life, why are you ashamed? And what is good?" "Usually ask questions that a person himself does not ask himself and not responding to them," says Bogdanov.

After that, the members of the lodge vote for the adoption of a new "brother". The minimum number of lodges is seven people. If three Mason Brothers spoke against, then the profane refuses the reception. If there are three ways against, then a person will not be a massone, regardless of whether seven members in the bed or a thousand.

At the same time, the wishing to become a massone should not be problems with the law and it should not be judged. "We will not accept Alexei Navalny, he was convicted," Bogdanov notes.

Having passed the rite of initiation, the corporal becomes a student - this is the first degree (level) of Freemasonry. Next, he needs to become an apprentice, and then the master. Having reached the third degree, the person becomes a freeman.

According to Bogdanova, in order to get a degree you need to write some kind of architecture, the topic of which chooses the bed. Works are written on the themes of Masonic rituals, perception and understanding of secret esoteric signs.

Mason must attend the work of his lodge once a month and attend the Assembly (Congress) of the Great Lodge of his country once a year. Also, the Mason may optionally receive additional degrees by choosing the so-called Charter: Scottish, York, French or many others.

Now in Russia and the CIS countries, 38 so-called honorable lies in 17 cities of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia are functioning. All of them are united by the Great False of Russia, which is headed by Bogdanov.

According to him, about a thousand people are knocking annually into Masons, but they take less than one hundred new members annually: "People who do not know what Masonry is. They say:" We know that you have half a government here, And we also want. "

"We never call anyone to themselves, they always knock for us. At the same time, we are not a secret organization, we are an organization with a secret. One of the main secrets of Freemasonry - who is Mason," says Great Master Bogdanov.

He refused to answer the questions of the BBC on how many Masons occupies a place in the State Duma and the government or who from celebrities - Mason: "If I hadn't opened my name my name, then none of the brothers would give me me."

The tradition of hiding its belonging to the society of free bricklayers is also coming from England, where there were persecution of non-participants in secret societies. Also, Masons remember the Second World War, in which many free bricklayers died due to the ban on Freemasonry in the Third Reich.

Right holder illustration PA Image Caption. In England, in 1717, the first bed of free bricklayers began its work

Modern Freemasonry in Russia

According to Bogdanov, about 1.2 thousand people are now in the Great Lodge of Russia. People from business, strength and political structures, people of art and educated middle class come to Masons.

The Great Lodge of Russia has been 22 years old, and the average age of its members is 35 years old. The average age in Western Lodges, according to Bogdanov, is 65 years old. In Moscow, 12 Masonic lies are currently operating, and in St. Petersburg and other large Russian cities - 2-3 lodges.

"Freemasonry is the knowledge of yourself in this world. We do not discuss religion, but discuss spiritual life and philosophy," Bogdanov answers the question of what free bricklayers are engaged. Assistant Master Vyacheslav Smirnov (also participating in the formation of the Democratic Party of Russia) says that the Freemasonry helps to establish business communications and find new friends.

Modern masons in Russia and other countries pay great attention to charity. Most often, the Masons are walking for children's homes or hospitals. Donations are paid from the "widow mugs" (the bag in which everyone can put any amount of money after the end of the work of the lodge).

At the same time, according to Bogdanov, Russian Freemasonry is not at all rich - in the free bricklayers in Russia still does not have its own building in Moscow. To work, the lies of the Masons rent halls in hotels.

Each Mason pays two contributions: the first is an annual one, and the second is the introductory, which is paying the corpusal, knocking on a lie, or the Mason, turning into a new degree. The size of the contributions ranges from 6 to 18 thousand rubles. In Russia and the CIS countries, Masonic lodges are registered as NPO.

Right holder illustration GRAND LODGE OF RUSSIA / Facebook Image Caption. The first Assembly of the Great Lodge of Kazakhstan

The Great Lodge of Russia is also engaged in the introduction of light (the discovery of new lies) to other countries and cities. In 2015, the Great Lodge of Georgia was created, and in 2016 the Great Lodge of Kazakhstan. This year, Masones want to discover the great false Belarus on the basis of existing three lies.

Masons can exclude. Most often excluded for deception, non-payment of contributions and unscrupulous behavior, for example, when the Mason throws his family. Some free bricklayers themselves are disappointed in Freemasonry and leave the lies.

In Russia, 2-3 people remain in the lodges of five years in five years, says Vyacheslav Smirnov.

Secret Masonic Conspiracy

Myths around Masonry, according to Bogdanov, are associated with the features of "Soviet education, when young people were told about the global domination of liquidasons."

"I used to think that Masons are not very imputed people. They were not visible anywhere, and it was an impression. Masonry belongs to reprehensively, because he knows little," says Smirnov.

Many still become members of the Masonic Lodges in order to join the "World Building". "Someone comes and says:" Where are your ministers at a meeting? But did you come there? Maybe this bed is not for ministers, because you yourself are also a minister, "says Smirnov.

Researcher of Russian Freemasonry Sergei Arzhanukhin believes that rumors about the conspiracy of Masons in the XVIII-XIX centuries there was a state itself due to countering secret societies.

"Russian Freemasonry arose in the process of formation of secular culture, this is one of the first civil society institutions in Russia. It is clear that the accusations of conspiracy went from the state. Because the state and civil society always have a conflict. But there is no document that confirmed the conspiratorial. The nature of this organization, "he says.

Decree of Emperor Alexander I in 1821, Masonry was prohibited in Russia as a secret society.

According to Bogdanova, Masons are law-abiding citizens, and cannot organize their activities where it is prohibited by the authorities. Even among the Decembrists, according to him, the Masons were almost no - free bricklayers supported the king.

According to Arzhanukhin, nor in the royal times, nor in modern Russia, the masons do not have political influence. Another researcher of free bricklayers Andrei Serkov speaks about it. According to him, there are some former members of the State Duma in Masons, but there are no masons in the authorities of Russia.

At the same time, the Serkov draws attention to the identity of the great master Andrei Bogdanova, who was actively engaged in politics in zero years.

"Build a" Democratic Party ", renew the CPSU and head by Freemasonry ... This is his next project," says the historian.

According to him, Bogdanova was elected to the post of the Supreme Master at the time when he ran into the presidents in 2008.

"It was prestigious. But there was no influence in modern Russia in modern Russia," he believes.

Dedicated to the memory of Metropolitan St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev), who blessing my work on the study of the subversive anti-Russian activities of Masonic organizations.


To understand modern Freemasonry, firstly, it is imperative to understand that today's forms of activity of this criminal community are very different from traditional ideas about him. Today's Mason rarely goes into its mantle. An ordinary Masonic ritual in our time is moving into the background. Most of the "Masonic work" is not already carried out in traditional Masonic beds, but in various closed organizations of the Masonic type - clubs "Rotary", "Pen", "Magiserium", "humanitarian" orders of an eagle or Konstantin of the Great, etc. Masonic ritual , We served as a camouflage of political intrigue of free bricklayers, in the second half of the 20th century, a large extent lost its value. Under conditions, people who no longer shy to recognize their membership in Masonic organizations have come in all countries of the Western world to power, the need for a Masonic ritual disappeared. Freemasonry turns into a secret political trade union, a kind of international, uniting in its ranks of unclean politicians, financial jacks, the passing of all the texts that makes excellence and infinite power over people. The head of this secret invention is the Jewish leaders. Like the CPSU in the USSR, Freemasonry in the West is a ridge of the political system. All the most important political decisions are prepared and accepted in the quiet of closed organizations. On the "democratic elections", the public is allowed to choose from several candidates presented by Masonic backstage. It is these candidates that information support television and newspapers are ensured, which are almost all controlled by the same backstage. The people in this political system are simply a statist in the hands of political intrigursors. It is this system of the formation of power that has been introduced in our country since the late 80s.

The second, which is important to note to understand the modern Masonic power is that the Jewish-Masonic structures today are not monolith today, but consist of a number of clans who are entrusing between themselves for power and money. Even in the so-called World Government - the Council on International Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Club - there is an incessant struggle of Jewish-Masonic clans, orders of various rituals and regional authorities. This struggle is brightly illustrated by today's events in Russia, where supporters of the Maltese Order and American Freemasonry (Yeltsin, Berezovsky, Abramovich), BNAY BRIT and Jewish Masonry (Gusinsky, Friedman, Khodorkovsky, Yavlinsky), the Great East of France, clung to the fierce fight European Freemasonry (Luzhkov, Primakov, Yakovlev). All of these three branches of the Jewish-Masonic authorities carry our people to the mountain and destruction, all of them are focused on the dismemberment of Russia and the genocide of its people.

Today's Russia has more than 500 Masonic lips and organizations of the Masonic type (not including the occult organizations and separation of the Satan Church). Their activity is strictly secret, closed. Most of them are not registered in the authorities, observing conspiracy and the Masonic mystery. Actually, Masonic lodges that perform traditional rituals of free bricklayers are no more than a third of the above mentioned.

The Solid Scottish Ritual lodges are considered the most "solid" part of Russian Freemasonry, most of them are organized by the masters of the Great Lodge of France. The activities of these lies are carried out according to the old documents, respecting the complete continuity of the Masonic establishment of the XVIII-XX centuries. By 1998, such old Russian lodges of the Scottish Ritual, as "Astrey", "Hermes", "Northern Lights", and others, organized new lodges - "Pushkin", "Novikov", etc. They use ritual documents " Scottish Rita "Lodge" Astreya "of XVIII and the Emigrant Lodge" Astreya "20-30s of the 20th century.

The Great East of France resumed in Russia the activities of Masonic lies-oriented towards militant Russophobia and worm, and above all, the "Free Russia" lodges, uniting, according to our information, in particular, several deputies of the State Duma, the officers of the General Staff and the FSB.

In the system of the National German Freemasonry, the Russian Masonic Lodge "The Great Light of the North" is recreated, working according to the ritual documents of the Emigrant Masonic Lodge of the same name.

According to some information, in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are several lies of American Freemasonry (York ritual). Attempts by rooting in the Russian land of the Schreiner Order.

In addition to the rituals recognized in the Masonic world of rituals, such "self-made" Masonic lodges (like "Russian national lodges") are created, who are not recognized by real free bricklayers.

In general, according to our approximate calculations, the number of members of all Masonic lies in Russia is at least two thousand people.

A much larger number of members (at least 10 thousand) is listed in the so-called white Freemasonry - organizations of the Masonic type that do not use traditional rituals of free bricklayers, but taking Masonic principles of life and headed, as a rule, real masons. The first place here are members of Rotary clubs (in Russia there are several dozen). Very characteristic of the "White Freemasonry" are organizations such as the Order of Eagle, the clubs "Magiserium", "Reform", "Interaction", "International Russian Club", Soros Foundation. The figures of "White Freemasonry" consider themselves as a "chosen people" (elite), which has special rights to dominate other people. The subruptive anti-Christian, anti-Russian work of these organizations is strictly closed, secret.

Agents of influence

The first step of world Masonic backstage to recreating on the territory of the USSR of the Masonic Network was the operation related to the search in our country of persons who can become agents of influence. In terms of intelligence services "Agent of Influence" - a citizen of one state, which operates in the interests of another state, using its high official position in the upper echelons of the authorities - the leadership of the country, political party, parliament, the media, as well as science, art and culture. In our work we will touch only the part of these persons who worked in favor of the United States and were prepared by the CIA.

Specialists involved in this problem note a number of characteristic features inherent in agents of influence working in favor of the United States [1].

This is, firstly, the ability to influence the public consciousness, to the whole society as a whole or individual official and regional groups (which, inherent inherent in all agents of influence).

Secondly, indispensable inclusion in a specific network. The influence agent is always only a screw in the hardest car "Delaiming Policy", which is managed by the programs created by the CIA in the sixties-seventies.

Thirdly, an objective promotion to achieve the goals set by the "master", in this case, the CIA as a body of world snacks. On the a certain stage These goals can even be issued for the corresponding interests of our country, but they are in fact only an intermediate point on the way to achieve the objectives of the host.

Fourth, mandatory training, which is conducted by group or individual methods. Forms of learning multifaceted and diverse: from ordinary lectures to intimate conversations in a relaxed atmosphere. There are special instructions on this.

Fifth, belonging to the number of "Back Plan" functionaries. The stronger the agent, the deeper it is subject to it. These are "shape" from politics, "Gray Cardinals". They do not rule, but send, prompted the necessary for the "host" and harmful to the country a solution to this or that question.

Sixth, commitment, most often the skin, some "universal values" and the achievements of world civilization, followed by which, as a rule, is hidden at best, the absence of Russian national consciousness (national ignorance), and at worst - ordinary Russophobia and hatred of historical values Russia.

The first five characteristics may be of the agents of influence with the most diverse, but the last is surprisingly the same for both agents of influence, educated the CIA in the sixties, and for the restructuring of the second half of the eighties.

The program of activity of agents of influence in the USSR was developed personally by Mason A. Dulles, the future director of the CIA. Becoming a massone while at the time of study in Princeton, Dulles already in the mid-20s reaches 33 degrees and other Masonic regalia. In 1927, he becomes one of the directors of the International Mason Coordinating Center, the Mondialist Organization - Council on International Relations, in 1933 he received a key post of secretary, and from 1946 President of this organization. At one of the secret meetings of this Council, in early 1945, in the presence of the heads of American Freemasonry Vice-President of the United States, the city of Truman, the Minister of Finance, Morgentau and B. Baruha A. Dulles, said the following: "The war will finish, somehow everything will fall, get settled . And we will throw everything that we have, all gold, all material assistance or resources for fooling and fooling people.

Human brain, consciousness of people are capable of changing. Saving chaos there, we are imperceptibly replaced by their values \u200b\u200bfor fake and make them believe in these fake values. How? We will find our like-minded people, their assistants and allies in Russia itself (allocated by me. - O. P.).

The episode behind the episode will be played by a grandiose tragedy of the death of the most immune on earth of the people, the final, irreversible extinction of his self-consciousness. From literature and art, we, for example, gradually cut them social essence, I will travel by artists, we will have a hunt from their hunt to the image, research, or those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theater, cinema - everyone will portray and glorify the lowest human feelings. We will fully support and raise the so-called artists who will raise and climb into the human consciousness of the cult of sex, violence, sadism, dissidentism, in a word, all immorality. In government management, we will create chaos and confusion ...

Honesty and decency will be loosened and will not become needed by anyone, turns into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deception, drunkenness, drug addiction, animal fear of each other in front of each other and disappointment, dissident, nationalism and contrast of peoples - all this we will attract and imperceptibly ...

We will stroke the generation in the generation ... We will be taken for people from children's, youthful years, we always make the main bet on youth, we will decompose, corrupt, dismiss it. We will make from them agents of our influence, cosmopolitans of the free world. That's how we will do this "[2].

At this meeting, the main directions of the fight against the Russian people were identified, which were further incarnation in the official documents of the US government, and above all in the Directives of the US National Security Council and the laws of this country.

The US National Security Council Directive, approved by the US President of the city of Truman on August 18, 1948, proclaimed: "To conduct fundamental changes in the theory and practice of foreign policy, which the government is held in power in Russia ... We are talking before In total, to make and keep the Soviet Union weak in a political, military and psychological relationship compared to the external forces located outside its control. "

The SNB-68 Directive, signed by the President of Truman on April 7, 1950, prescribed: "We need to lead an open psychological war in order to cause a mass betrayal ... to sow seeds of destruction ... Strengthen positive and timely measures and operations with secret funds in the field of economic, political and the psychological war in order to cause and support the excitement ... We must lead the construction of the political and economic system of the free world. But besides the approval of our values, our policies and actions should be as follows to cause fundamental changes in the nature of the Soviet system ... quite obviously It will cost cheaper, but more efficiently, if these changes are maximized the result of the internal forces of Soviet society. "

In the Circular State Secretary of State J. F. Dulles American embassies and missions abroad dated March 6, 1953, immediately after Stalin's death, emphasized: "Our main goal remains to sow doubts, confusion, uncertainty about the new regime not only among the ruling circles and folk masses in the USSR and satellite countries, but also among the communist parties outside the Soviet Union. "

Finally, in the law on enslaved peoples, adopted by the NOA Congress in August 1959, the question of the dismemberment of Russia on 22 states and inciting hatred to the Russian people was opened.

Since 1947, under the pretext of combating communism, the US government allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to the exercise programs of combating Russia and the Russian people annually.

One of the main points of these programs was the preparation of "like-minded people, allies and assistants" in Russia.

Apparently, one of the first such experiments of the preparation of like-minded people was the attempt of American special services to recruit some of those from the group of Soviet interns, which were at the end of the fifties - the beginning of the sixties in Columbia University, among whom were, in particular, the future "prohibitors" A. Yakovlev And O. Kalugin. As the former chairman of the KGB of the USSR V. Crochekov: "Yakovlev perfectly understood that he was under the closer observation of the Americans, felt that his new American friends were clone, but I didn't do the right conclusions for myself. He went to unauthorized contact with the Americans And when it became known to us, I portrayed the case in such a way that it did it in the desire to get the materials you need for the Soviet side from the closed library ... "[3]. Other His companion, but internship, O. Kalugin (future general of the KGB) to get away from responsibility, to his comrade, who had a major trouble after that. From those times, a photo of another fifties was preserved, published in the Emigrant Newspaper "Russian Voice", on which A. Yakovlev and O. Kalugin are captured at the company of the CIA staff [4].

However, the competent Soviet authorities did not succeed then to find out whether the recruitment was made or the CIA case did not go on the establishment of familiarization contacts and establish links to the future.

Nevertheless, the behavior of Yakovlev in the second half of the sixties - the beginning of the seventies in many terms complied with the requirements of A. Dulles influence agents. This, in particular, manifested itself in the article Yakovleva in the "Literary Gazeta", where he sharply expressed against another robust sprouts of the Russian National Renaissance, allowing gross anti-Russian attacks. In essence, Yakovlev called for an administrative massacre with his carriers, and she immediately occurred.

At the beginning of the seventies, Yakovlev receives an appointment with ambassador to Canada, where he actively supports communication with a wide range of persons, among which he had a particularly trusting relationship with his prime minister, a prominent Mason of P. Trudo. Apparently, it was at that time "the brother" of this figure with world Masonic backstage occurs.

In the 1960s-70s, a group of influence agents arises in the 60s of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in particular F. M. Bultsky (until 1964), Mr. X. Shahnazarov, G. I. Gerasimov, G . A. Arbatov, A. E. Bovin. Masking its anti-state activities of the usual Marxist phraseology, these party advisers gradually pushed the country's political leadership for decision-making, which became the first steps towards the destruction of the USSR. A striking example of such an adviser - Agent of influence was the director of the US Institute and Canada G. A. Arbatov, who also occupied the pro-American position. In the preface to the memoirs of this agent, the influence published in the United States, the Deputy Secretary of State Talbot frankly recognizes that Mr. Arbatov became a friend of America since the 70s.

Since the late 60s, A. D. Sakharov and E. Bonnere became an important element of the CIIIA influence agent. Their unrestrained praise of the Western political system and the tendency criticism of the Soviet regime with the help of propaganda funded by the CIA played a big role in the "Cold War" of West against Russia. A former physicist's scientist who broke with science, and his wife, the daughter of the debris of the Jewish Communists, took a leading place among other Jewish-Soviet public figures and dissidents of an anti-Russian sense, becoming a kind of symbol of opposition to the historical values \u200b\u200bof Russia, the struggle for its dismemberment and humiliation.

The aggravation of the activity of agents of influence in our country is associated with the projects of world scores conducted within the framework of the Masonic Coordinating Centers - the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission. Back in the late fifties and sixties, concerns were expressed in the secret materials of these centers by the nature of the processes occurring in the USSR. The danger of the revival of Russia at the national-patriotic basis was emphasized, even greater strengthening the influence of our country in the world community, sharply increased as a result of World War II. The feeling of fear of world backstage arranged even the theoretical possibility of consolidating Russia, reviving at the national principles, with the "Third World" countries, because only such consolidation could stop predatory use by the West of natural resources belonging to all mankind.

The Masonic futurological organization "Roman Club", which, in particular, is included by E. M. Primakov, develops a report "Growth limits" (1972), which has been widely known worldwide. The data of this report showed that the resources reduction with catastrophic speed and that Western countries are facing the threat of reduction in their consumption.

The new US strategic doctrine regarding the USSR NS DD-75, prepared for US President R. Reagan by Harvard historian Richard Pipes, offered to strengthen hostile actions against Russia. "The directive clearly formulated," Peter Schweser writes, writes Peter Schweser, - that our next goal is no longer coexistence with the USSR, but a change in the Soviet system. The basis of the directive was the conviction that the change in the Soviet system with the help of external pressure is quite in our forces. "

Another American doctrine - "Liberation" and the concept of "Information War", developed for the Presidential Administration J. Bush, openly proclaimed the main goal of the Western World "Demonstration of the USSR" and "Dismemberment of Russia", prescribed American legal and illegal structures to monitor the state, initiate and manage anti-Russian sentiments and processes in the republics of Russia and establish a fund in billion dollars. a year to assist the "resistance movement".

In the seventies-eighties, the American program for the preparation of agents of influence in the USSR acquires a complete and destructive nature. It cannot be said that this program was not known to the Soviet leadership. Facts say that was. But those people whom we can intentionally closed their eyes with full responsibility to agents of influence.

In the KGB of the USSR, on this occasion, a special document was prepared, which was called "On the CIA plans for the acquisition of an impact agent among Soviet citizens."

"According to reliable data received by the State Security Committee, the US CIA on the basis of the analysis and forecasts of its specialists about the further ways of development of the USSR is developing plans to enhance hostile activities aimed at the decomposition of Soviet society and the disorganization of the socialist economy. For this purpose, American intelligence puts. The task of recruitment of the Agents of the influence of Soviet citizens is to conduct their training and further promote the policy of policies, economics and science of the Soviet Union into the scope. The CIA has developed a program of individual training agents of influence, providing for the acquisition of spyware skills, as well as their concentrated political and ideological processing. In addition, one of the most important aspects Preparation of such an agent is the teaching of management methods in the governing link of the national economy. The management of American intelligence plans purposefully and persistently, not believing with the cost, to search for persons capable of their personal and business qualities in the future to occupy administrative positions in the management apparatus and perform the task formulated by the opponent. At the same time, the CIA proceeds from the fact that the activities of certain, not related agents of the influence of the influence of sabotage policies in the national economy and the curvature of the guidelines will be coordinated and sent from the Unified Center established in the framework of American intelligence. According to the CIA, the targeted activities of the influence agent will contribute to the creation of certain difficulties of a domestic nature in the Soviet Union, it will delay the development of our economy, to conduct scientific research in the Soviet Union on dead end destinations. When developing these plans, American intelligence proceeds from the fact that the increasing contacts of the Soviet Union with the West create favorable prerequisites for their implementation in modern conditions. According to American intelligence officers designed directly to work with such a Soviet citizen agent, currently implemented by American special services, the program will contribute to qualitative changes in various spheres of life of our society, and above all in the economy. And will ultimately lead to the adoption by the Soviet Union of many Western ideals. The KGB takes into account the information received to organize an event on the opening and curb of American intelligence plans "[5].

Programs for the preparation of agents of influence were carried out in parallel with the development of programs for the dismemberment of Russia and the preparation of the genocide of the Russian people.

Pay attention to the term - he speaks of a thoughtful, calculated on a long-term policies, the rod of which is genocide "[6].

Today, with complete certainty we can talk about the implementation of many plans developed by world score in relation to the USSR. In any case, by the beginning of the eighties, American intelligence had dozens of assistants and like-minded people in the highest echelons of power. The role of some of them is still not clear enough, but the results of their activities are obvious and data on their cooperation with foreign special services cannot be refuted.

According to the data reported by the Foreign Minister of Latvia, from 1985 to 1992, the West (primarily US) invested "in the process of democratization of the USSR" (that is, Russia's destruction) 90 billion dollars "[7]. This money purchased the services of the right people, prepared And the agents of influence were paid, special equipment, instructors, literature, etc. were sent.

Formation of the "fifth column"

What kind of Srebrenika and in what size were paid with agents of the impact of the hosts of world backstage, we do not know 2, but it is known that it is in the middle of the eighties that these agents are sharply activated. In particular, in Moscow, at the initiative of Arbatov (director of the US Institute), closely related to Western circles, and with direct support of Gorbachev, A. N. Yakovlev returned, immediately occupied the key position in the conduct of anti-Russian processes. It is around him after some time a number of odious personalities are grouped, playing a tragic role in the history of our country: V. Korotich, Yu. Afanasyev, E. Yakovlev, Popov, E. Primakov, Arbatov.

The circle of these revolutionaries was at first very narrow, but firm support Gorbachev did them with confident.

The CIA sharply expands the scope of its operations [8]. Preparation of agents of influence is put on the flow. The tasks of the American residency in the USSR are simplified by the fact that the contingent of traitors (mainly from the party apparatus, science and culture), with whom she has to work, acquires a sense of impunity, inspired by their high support. Moreover, ordinary traitors and traitors in the new light of perestroika are represented as fighters for the idea.

Billions of dollars to pay traitors through various intermediary structures (Public Committee of Russian Reforms, the American Association "National Contribution to Democracy", Institute of Crimping, Different Funds and Commissions) come to our country.

For example, the Institute of Crybla (the head of which, according to his own words, decided to "devote his energy to the collapse of the Soviet Empire" [9]), created a whole network of its representative offices in the republics of the former USSR. With the help of these missions from November 1989 to March 1992, about fifty "Training conferences" were held at various points of the USSR: Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Kiev, Minsk, Lviv, Odessa, Yerevan, Nizhny Novgorod , Irkutsk, Tomsk. Only in Moscow, six instructive conferences were held [10].

About character instructive work Representatives of the institute of Crybla says an example of the party propagandist G. Burbulis, until 1988 firmly repeated theses about the leadership role of the CPSU and emphasized the "consolidating role of the party in a perestroika process." After passing the briefing "from Crybla", he began to constantly firmly that "the Empire (i.e. the USSR) must be destroyed."

Another CIA brainchild - Association "National Deposit to Democracy" (Head of A. Weinstein) - financed the activities of a number of institutions in the USSR:

1984 - Institute A. Sakharov in Moscow, the study of opportunities to create at the Center for Human Rights Center and the problems of the world.

1986 - Institute A. Sakharov, the creation of a "free university" for students rejecting soviet system higher education.

1990 - US Congress Foundation, initiative financing of the Interregional Deputy Group of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR [11].

Through a network of representative offices of the Institute of Crybla and such institutions, hundreds of people who have made personnel bones of the USSR destroyers and the future regime of Yeltsin, including: Popov, G. Starovoitova, M. Poltoohranin, A. Murashov, S. Stankevich , E. Gaidar, M. Bocharov, Yavlinsky, Yu. Boldyrev, V. Lukin, A. Chubais, A. Nuyakin, A. Shabad, V. Boxer, many "Shadieviki" from the environment of Yeltsin, in particular the head of his elected Campaigns in Yekaterinburg A. Urmanov, as well as I. Virtutin, M. Reznikov, N. Andrievskaya, A. Nazarov, prominent journalists and television workers [12]. Thus, in the USSR, the "fifth column" of the Motherland, which existed in the Interregional Deputy Group and Democratic Russia was formed.

It is reliably known that M. Gorbachev from the summaries of the KGB of the USSR knew about the existence of special institutions for the preparation of agents of influence, the lists of their "graduates" were known. However, he did nothing to stop the activities of the traitors.

Having received a dossier from the KGB leadership containing information about the branched network of attackers against the state, Gorbachev prohibits the KGB to take any measures to curb criminal encroachments. Moreover, he covers with all its forces and burns out the "godfather" of the agents of influence in the USSR A. N. Yakovlev despite the fact that the nature of the information about him who received from the entertainers did not allow to doubt the true attack of his activities.

This is what the former KGB Hook Chairman: "In 1990, the State Security Committee on Intelligence and Counterintelligence received from several different (more than reliable) sources of extremely alarming information towards A. N. Yakovlev. The meaning of the reports was reduced to the fact that According to Western special services, Yakovlev occupies profitable for the West position, reliably opposes the "conservative" forces in the Soviet Union and that it can be firmly counting on it in any situation. But, apparently, in the West, it was believed that Yakovlev could also show more perseverance and Activity, and therefore, one to the American representative was entrusted with a relevant conversation with Yakovlev, directly stating him that he was waiting for more "[13].

Not only Ragash, but other leaders of the Masonic lies frankly told (already after establishing the Yeltsin regime), as the training of personnel was carried out to introduce into formerly social, and above all to Russia. "It was easy to guess, listening to these stories," the eyewitnesses of these revelations writes, - that Masons have been engaged in the secret recruitment of Cocratian citizens who were in long-term international leadership in Western Europe, and above all in Paris. And, of course, returning to their homeland, they They did not sit back, probably carried out the instructions of their neighborly brothers and recruited supporters. In almost every bed, there were their branches for working with these spiritual reprimands "[20].

Since 1989, Masons exercise wide and even in a sense, an open campaign to promote subversive Masonic ideas and recruitment of new members in Russia. The so-called "EXTERNALIZATION" campaign is carried out, within the framework of which masons are lectures, reports in large halls, in print, on radio and television.

In March 1991, the Radio Freedom-funded Radio "Freedom" calls on the residents of the USSR to establish contact for joining Masonic lodges. The leading transfer of F. Salkakanova reported the address in which Soviet citizens could sign up to the Masonic lodge in Paris. This bed was not simple, but created specifically to "promote the spread of Masonry in Russia" and recreate the "Masonic structure" there. To make this lie attractive, Masonic falsifiers called it "Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin" (although someone, and they are well known that the great Russian poet was not a waist). Speaking in the transfer of "brothers" from this lodge called for a moral and spiritual improvement of society, considering the US sample, which "from the very beginning the Masonic principles were laid" [21].

Calls to join Freemasonry on Radio "Freedom" caused extensive mail. Letters from Vilnius, Baku, Kiev began to come to the French lodges. And then with candidates, individual work was carried out. After the selection and verification of the candidate "initiated", that is, devoted to the masons.

France's Masons are striving to "put their stone in the construction of democracy in Eastern and Central Europe." In September 1991, he stated in Paris in September 1991, speaking to journalists, the Grand Master of the Mason Great East of France J. R. Ragash. According to him, members of the Great Easternamer for this purpose increase the necessary material and financial efforts [22]. After some time, the Grand Master arrives in Moscow, and later St. Petersburg visits the organization there the right Masonic work. In parallel, the Great National Lodge of France is also valid. In April 1991, she devoted two citizens of Russia into its ranks, which became the organizers of the Russian Lodge "Northern Star" [23].

The day before the beginning of the August state coup in 1991, a member of Pushkin's lodges already mentioned to me from Paris, a certain Jew, emigrated from Odessa in 1922 (his name was held in secret). With him, another 8 members of this lodge came to Moscow. Despite the alarming events, this Masonic emissary opens on August 30, 1991 a new news of Novikov. The Masonic "Journal of the Scottish Ritual" welcomed this event "under the auspices of the Great National Lodge of France." "This means," wrote a Masonic magazine, "a step forward in the gradual restoration of blue lies and the highest tips of the Scottish ritual among the peoples of the Eastern Block" [24].

As a result of the Anti-Russian state coup in August-December 1991, global backpack plans were achieved. However, institutions for the preparation and briefing agents of influence not only are not dismantled, but also transformed into an important part of the power structure of the Yeltsin regime, developing a kind of guidance program of activity and the advisers supplying it. In the United States, the legal public center of this structure called "Russian House", which was headed by the Agent of Influence of E. Lausan, although, of course, all responsible decisions were taken in the CIA walls and the leadership of world snubs.

Confident in the final victory, Yeltsin no longer hid his direct connection with subversive anti-Russian organizations such as the American "national contribution to democracy", in the name of whose leaders he sent a message, where, in particular, it was said: "We know and highly appreciate the fact that You contributed to this victory "(fax of August 23, 1991) [25].

The world backstage has been rejugated, each representative is in its own way, but they all celebrated the key role of the CIA. US President Mason Bush Immediately after August 1991 coups with full knowledge Cases and as a former director of the CIA publicly stated that the coming to power of the Yeltsin regime - "Our victory is the victory of the CIA." The then director of the CIA Mason R. Gates in Moscow, on Red Square, conducts his own "Victory Parade" in front of the BBC Cameras, saying: "Here, on Red Square, near the Kremlin and Mausoleum, I do a single parade of the victory of my" . Between the CIA and representatives of the Yeltsin regime, it is quite natural to establish the relationship of Mr. and Vassal. For example, in October 1992, R. Gates in the midst of complete secrecy is found with Yeltsin. Moreover, the latter does not even give the opportunity to use the services of your translator, which is exposed to the door, and the entire translation is carried out by the Translator of the CIA Director [26].

World backstage rewards Yeltsin by the title, which is almost every member of the World Masonic Government - Knight-Commander of the Maltese Order. He receives it on November 16, 1991. No longer embarrassed, Yeltsin poses in front of correspondents in the complete closure of the knight-commercial [27].

In August 1992, Yeltsin signs Decree No. 827 "On the restoration of official relations with the Maltese Order." The content of this decree has been maintained in full secrecy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia was prescribed to sign the Protocol on the restoration of official relations between the Russian Federation and the Maltese Order.

Life planting in Russia

Relying on high support, Masonic lodges grow in Russia as mushrooms. Foreign Masonic functions of different senses, no longer hiding, come to the country, travel around the cities, organizing their lodges and events there. On September 8, 1992, the Lodge "Harmony of 48698" opens with a large solemnity in Moscow, a subsidiary towards the Great National French Lodge. The great secretary "Brother" Yves Greoturnel and the Honorary Brother Misel Garder, Lieutenant and the Grand Commander of the Supreme Masonic Council of France, took part in the ritual. Load headed G. B. Dergachev. On the same day, 12 Russian opponents were devoted [28]. In the same 1992, an atheistic lodge "Free Russia" (28 "brothers" at the time of discovery) arise (28 "brothers" at the time of discovery), as well as the Masonic Order of the Great East of Russia.

In 1994, the Moscow News newspaper (No. 9) announces registration in Moscow the Great National Masonic Lodge, which has arisen with the assistance of the Great National Lodge of France. In the Moscow Library of Foreign Literature, the fleet of the Masonic Order of Rosenkrayers, who organized propaganda lectures on its walls and the selection of candidates for the lies in its walls.

Reregnating Russian Freemasonry perceived all the modern features of the formation and development of free bricklayers. Many politicians, entrepreneurs, faces of free professions taking Masonic principles of life, nevertheless feel closely as part of traditional Masonic lies with their special rituals. For this numerous category, art leaders create broader, dynamic and non-ritual ritual rites of the organization (referred to as "White Freemasonry"), pursuing the same goals and protruding most often in the form of clubs, commissions, committees.

Some Masonic organizations exist under the guise of various clubs "spiritual culture", such as the club "Citadel", whose supervisor O. Kandaurov is the leading program "Oasis" on the 4th channel TV "Russian Universities".

Since the planting of the Freemasonry went from the West, then, of course, the Masonic Club "Rotary International", the first such organization in Russia, was widely distributed in Western countries, whose opening report was received on June 6, 1990, in the report of the TV program. His departments quickly spread throughout Russia, and even two open in St. Petersburg. The heads of the administrations of Moscow and St. Petersburg Luzhkov and Sobchak, Banker Gusinsky, famous democratic functionaries M. Bocharov, famous democratic functionaries M. Bocharov, A. Ananyev, Yu. Nagibin, E. Sagalaev, and a few more dozen large and small democrats, most Of which the "School" of the Institute of Crybla and him like anti-Russian institutions were held.

By becoming "Rotary" and the so-called international Russian club (IRC), established in 1992. It was headed by this club already known to us on the activities of the Moscow Club "Rotary" M. Bocharov and the former press secretary of Yeltsin P. Harphranov. It included a number of famous persons, such as the Minister of Justice I. Fedorov (again known for the club "Rotary"), Deputy International E. Ambartsums, Member of the Masonic Commission "Bolshaya Europe" entrepreneur Svyatoslav Fedorov, Cinema Stanislav Govorukhin, former head of state Security V. Ivanhenko, General K. Kobets, Member of the Presidential Council A. Migranyan, as well as a group of others, as they wrote, "no less well-known persons who did not want to disclose their incognito." According to the Charter, the club consists of Sorokselovka, and no more than a third can be added every year, and each joining must enlist the three recommendations. The IRC holds closed meetings and guarantees its members "strict confidentiality received in connection with the activities of the club ... information. Draws attention to what people are dominated by people who are in due time were Surrounded by Yeltsin.

"The organizers see the club not a party, but just a place where the" real policy "is made and where is informally, it can easily see each other, but the authentic rulers of the country, discussed the hospital, to turn the fate of the Fatherland" [29].

According to one of the main organizations of world scores - the Bilderberg Club - in 1992 its Russian analogue is created - the Magiserium Club, at first united about 60 "brothers" in spirit. The key figure in this Masonic underground was already mentioned by J. Soros, which mounted in the first issue of the secret bulletin of this club article "The big money makes history." The cynical aphorism of this financial speculator discloses both the life credo and the main method of action of world snubs. A significant role of the Magiserium club emphasizes the participation of President B. Clinton's adviser on economic issues - R. Raika, representing a trilateral commission at the club. The key figures of the club are the patriarchs of the Masonic movement in the former USSR A. Yakovlev and E. Shevardnadze. In Magiserium, such well-known Russophobes, as E. Evtushenko, E. Unknown, A. Sobchak, V. V. Ivanov, I. Brodsky, S. Shatalin and others [30].

Like "Magiserium", a number of funds and clubs are created by the rank of Ring, but also playing an important role in shadow political structures - the role of anti-Russian coordinators. The most characteristic example of such an organization is the Reform Club "Interaction", which unites entrepreneurs, heads of banking, exchange institutions, large government officials, soldered into one wish to form a policy of Russia on the principle "big money make history." This club is headed by one of the leading actorsantius movement, E. T. Gaidar, as well as a number of similar odious personalities - A. B. Chubais, K. N. Borovov, L. I. Abalkin, E. G. Yasin, A. P . Pochinok, E. F. Saburov, O. R. Lazis, etc. Among the members of the club B. G. Fedorov, S. N. Krasavchenko, N. P. Shmelev, S. S. Shatalin.

Close to the Club "Interaction" is the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms, headed by S. S. Shatalin. Among the major functionaries of the Foundation should be noted L. I. Abalkin and V. V. Bakatin.

Created was created in Russia and analogue widespread in the West forms of Masonic control over the literary environment - "Pen-Club" organization. They became the so-called "Russian Pen-Center", immediately turned into the place of collecting anti-Russian forces and united in their ranks of Yarn-cosmopolitans and yarn antipatrots. It is very characteristic that it was the members of this "Pen-Center" made up the kernel of the "signed" shameful criminal-inflammatory letter-donos Nama B. Yeltsin with the requirements of the brutal violence against the defenders of the House of Soviets in early October 1993 [31]. The letter compiled in extremist tones called Yeltsin immediately to end with all the devivelors, to ban all Russian parties, to close all Russian printing bodies, to spend a quick court by the type of military tribunal over all the participants in resistance to the regime. The corpses of one and a half thousand Russian people are not removed from the streets of Moscow, and instigators signed from the "Russian Pen-Center" (among them - B. Akhmadulin, Baklanov, T. Beck, D. Granin, Yu. Davydov, D. Danin, Al. Ivanov, S. Kalled, D. Likhachev, B. Okudzhava, V. Okoscian, A. Predashin, L. Overclocking, R. Christmas) Call on again to apply strength, stating: "It is not time to demonstrate to our young But already, as we again with joyful surprise were convinced (after the murder of 1,500 people. - O. P.), quite hardened democracy? " Is it an atypical reaction of the Masonic cosmopolitan worldview, which is constantly experiencing a panic fear of the elements of the Russian people?

The most decisive supporters of the shot of a white house to suppress the resistance of the Russian people were such heads of Masonic structures as Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Luzhkov and Yavlinsky. The first three personally led punitive operations against Russian people. "No negotiations! - Oracle in a microphone one of the managers of the world snubs of Chernomyrdin. - You need to kill this gang!" [32] Another representative of the International Masonic Movement of Yavlinsky insisted that "the president showed the maximum cruelty and hardness in the suppression" [33]. Commander of the Maltese Order B. Berezovsky allocated significant amounts for the payment of mercenaries who participated in the suppression of the uprising. Member of the Order "BNAY-BRIT" and Rotary Club V. Gusinsky not only allocated money for punitive operations, but also financed the detachments of Jewish bandforms "Beitar".

In 1993, another organization of the Masonic type is being created - the Order of the Eagle. According to the charter, it unites "on the basis of the overall interest" "best people," is developing a system of elite relations for the implementation of political and economic purposes.

Blooming the name of the award organization (claiming the coordination of all state award activities), the Order of the Eagle aims to take control of all influential political and economic forces. Eagle-encompassing Eagle pays membership fees, and a premium organization promises to create certain benefits, privileges, payments.

As Master of this Order says R. BEGISHEV, the Order of Eagle "can be viewed as a financial institution with formalized, elite and specially designed business communications (or connections). This is a serious capital. The source of this capital is the" household "relations of members of the organization. Designs Of these links are objectively the goods. The price of such a product is usually determined by the amount of paid services provided through the system of constructed relations "[34]. The Order of the Eagle produces a closed (secret) telephone directory "The Best People of Russia", considering it as a way to give members of the Order "The opportunity to practically use personally to feel the benefit of specially designed communications."

Members of the Orel Order have special order plastic credit cards, with the help of the accrual of benefits, broofithiums, mutual settlements. They are a symbol of involvement in the Order and the "attribute of the elite accessories".

The Order of the Order is carried out by the Board (Chapter) and the Executive Committee (Magistrate). Membership in the Order Collective and Individual.

Among the main founders of the Order of the Eagle were the well-known financial fissors, the head of the Bank "Metropolitan", previously convicted in criminal Article A. Smolensky, his colleague banker P. Yakhmanovich [35], Agent of influence of world backstage P. Bunich, Novorussky entrepreneur V. Neverov, One of the leaders of the International Masonic Movement M. Shakkum, as well as such anti-Russian figures, like chess player Kasparov, S. Soloviev, Sculptor 3. Tsereteli, chief editor of the "Economics and Life", a member of the Masonic Club "Interaction" Y. Yakutia.

From the very first "success" of the widespread revival of Masonry in Russia, Russian "brothers" begin to prepare a gift to their foreign bosses - return to the West of the Masonic Archives collected by Hitler during the occupation of Europe and exported soviet troops As a trophy. With the support of Yakovleva and Shevardnadze, the director of the institution where the Masonic archives were kept, Prokopenko, a big fan of Freemasonry, conducts all the preparatory work to transfer them to the West. In deep secret A. Kozyrev concludes a secret agreement with stakeholders about the transfer of legal trophy of the Russian people for which he paid his blood.

As one of the leading executives of world backstage, a member of the three-sided commission, the Council on International Relations, the Bilderberg Club, the head of the Jewish Order "BNAY-Brit", closely associated with the CIA Kissinger: "I would prefer Chaos and Civil War Reunification Trends Its in a single, strong, centralized state. " And his colleague on the Masonic Order "BNAY-BRIT" 3. Brzezinsky stated hard: "Russia will be fragmented and under guardianship." Masonic conspirants are developing a variety of plans to weaken and dismember Russia. Among these plans - destruction russian economy And turning it into the appendage of economic systems of Western countries. It was for this purpose that the so-called privatization of state property and liberalization of prices were carried out on the recommendations of Western advisors, which raised the country's economy for several decades ago, which caused the death and suffering from many millions of people.

The very close attention of the world Masonic backstage draws to the selection of frames of Russian leaders and politics, and in the economy. The current democratic leaders of Russia either themselves belong to the Masonic structures, or unconditionally take all their conditions (exceptions are extremely rare). But today the world backstage is concerned about no more than the current, and the future leaders of Russia. In search of loyal and capable servants, she creates not many clubs, funds and commissions, but also political parties and associations, ready to fulfill the goals.

At the end of 1993, two political associations are being created, seeking to achieve Masonic purposes. These are the electoral blocks "Choice of Russia" (it is more correct to say - the main selection of world snacks) and "Yavlinsky - Boldrev - Lukin" ("Apple" - a spare selection of world backstage). "Choice of Russia", for example, was founded by leaders and members of such influential Masonic and anti-Russian formations, as the Magiserium Club (A. N. Yakovlev), the Club "Interaction" (E. T. Gaidar, P. Filippov), Commission " Big Europe "(E. Burbulis, Yakunin, A. Chubais). Its activists became the old staff of the influence of A. Shabad, L. Ponomarev, S. Kovalev, and others associated with the Mondialist centers abroad, this organization received comprehensive support from their part. Again, the story make big money. " Only in the December 1993 campaign "Choice of Russia" received about 2 billion rubles, a significant part of which was provided by world backstage (through different intermediary commercial structures). To voice Anti-Russian plans of Gaidar, Burbulis, Chubais, Kozyreva, a privatelyst and others like them and give them a decent view, "worked" hundreds of American specialists who shot special films and clips. Western body of the media and the special services have made every effort to support the global government, but they still failed.

On the backup option of the choice of world snubs "Yavlinsky - Boldrev - Lukin" was spent less, but still the lion's share of all the costs of "apple" was funded from abroad [36]. Only Lukin personally brought 10 million rubles for these purposes from the US.

The failure of the "Choice of Russia" made the new favorite of the World Government Block Yavlinsky. Since 1996, the same western, as well as Russian democratic body of the media, especially the TV program "Results" of the NTV channel (sponsor of which is the Vice-President of the Rotary Club Banker Gusinsky [37]), obedient wandes of an invisible conductor, reoriented with "choice Russia "on the Union of Yavlinsky and the obsessive processing of the minds and the creation of the winning image of Yavlinsky. Western companies have removed a film about the life of this political cheeler, which is true to Gorbachev, and Yeltsin.

Of course, the tasks that the world backstage before the current and future leaders of Russia are colossal. The agenda is the program for the dismemberment of Russia and the transfer of a number of Russian territories to foreign countries:

The Kaliningrad region is Germany, part of the Leningrad region and Karelia - Finland, parts of the Pskov region - Estonia, a number of Far Eastern territories - Japan, most of Siberia - USA.

It is even definitely worked out by the question of the possible occupation of Russia under the pretext of the control of the "world community" (more correctly to say the world government) above its nuclear arsenals.

As a first step towards the implementation of these extreme and dangerous plans, the Masonic developments of the ideas of the so-called Europe without borders, or a big Europe became the implementation of these extreme and dangerous plans. In June 1992, under the "roof" of the Council of Europe and under the patronage of his Secretary General, Catherine Lalamière was held by Colloquium "Social Rights of the European Citizen", which was actually a purely Masonic event that was asked for the combination of Masonry under the motto of Europe without borders. As the program, the organizers of the event were the Great East of France, the Great Lodge of France, the Great Lodge of Turkey, the Great Symbolic Lodge of Spain, the Great Symbolic Lodge of Memphis and Myceraim, the Great Lodge of Italy and a number of other Masonic organizations. Russian masons were also presented at Colloquium. Among the invited from Russia according to the program, A. Sobchak, a former Assistant M. Gorbachev and a former responsible worker of the CPSS Central Committee. Grachev, member of the editorial board "Moscow news" A. Gelman, Advisor Yeltsin Vladimir Kolosov [38].

A year later, a new international Masonic meeting was convened in almost the same composition. Its meetings produced a document that establishes the European Masonic Conference and its working committee, which presents the leaders of all participating facilities, including the Great East of Russia. Thus, there is a single coordinating body of the main Masonic lodges of the West and the East of Europe, who has given its goal of creating "Europe without borders." As part of this movement, the Commission "Bolshaya Europe" was established, which included many prominent European Masons: the mayor of Paris J. Shirak, Chairman of the Liberal International Count O. Lambsdorf, his deputy W. Shottley, the former Prime Minister Belgian W. Martens, Former Minister of Defense of Great Britain D. Patty, etc. From Russia, such prominent functionaries were presented in the Commission, such as A. Chubais, E. Ambartsums, Sidorova (Counselor of Kozyreva), Burbulis, K. Borovov, A. Sobchak, in . Tretyakov (chief editor of the "independent newspaper"), Yakunin (former priest, deputy of the State Duma). As a result of the work of the Commission on December 21, 1993, the Charter "Large Europe" was adopted [39], which is a typical example of Masonic creativity. Attentive reading of this unique document allows you to see for familiar Masonic arguments about freedom, democracy and the world real objectives pursued by Masonic backstage against Russia.

First of all, it is aimed at depriving it with the national identity by drawing into the sphere of "commitment to the European principles of freedom and democracy", the main of which is proclaimed absolutely alien to Russia principality. "There is a general one," Masonic wise men say, "which gives this a variety of features, characteristic of Europe: the desire for individualism and pluralism, the struggle for these values, which, with a favorable coincidence, led to success." The Western principles offered by the Russian people as a sample are in fact the expression of spiritual degradation and in its inner content is immeasurably qualitatively below the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Orthodoxy and the Cathedral collectivity that are written by our Millennium. Moreover, they contradict them and therefore under no circumstances can be accepted.

Of course, Masonic ideologues understand this perfectly and include the thought of the need to combat all the devive - "aggressive nationalism" (implying here all disagreeable with the idea of \u200b\u200b"big Europe") and religious fundamentalism (including in it both Muslim and Orthodoxy, disagreeable To put up with the hydro of pluralism).

It is assumed to develop some great Charter as the Constitution of the "Big Europe", which should provide for the creation of sustained superstructures, a kind of pan-European government, observing compliance with laws and controlling power, which will mean the full loss of independence for Russia.

The same loss of independence of the Charter "Large Europe" plans in the field of economic. As initial items, to implement the idea of \u200b\u200ba large European market, it is proposed, firstly, "to create a common energy community" of the Big Europe ". Western Europe, as you know, energy resources are very small, which means it is a question of the supply of cheap energy resources in Russia Europe. Secondly, Charter calls for the faster trade liberalization. In the current conditions of the unequal ratio of the ruble and Western currencies, as well as due to the lack of effective control over product quality in Russia, it will lead

on the one hand, to the pumping of all valuable, which is in our country, to the West, and on the other, it will overlap it with a discharge of a second-rate, poor-quality and even harmful products for the health of non-sales in the West. Thirdly, Charter requires providing state guarantees of the farm in Russia of Western capital.

Finally, it is extremely unquestless to the role that world backstage assigns Russia in geopolitics, offering to make it a kind of bastion against Asia, opposing the entire Asian world. This is a military pact of joint security (including other Europe, USA and Canada). And supposed to "Protection of common European (read, Western. - O. P.) security interests, including not only a military threat, but also a set of calls of a civilizational nature. "Given the geographical location of Russia, this means that the West not only seeks to turn Russia into a tool of military deterrence in Asia, but also to draw our country to fighting others, By the way, closest to us in our spirituality, civilizations. To implement the project "Big Europe", the world backstage will need to produce tectonic changes in the consciousness of the Russian person. Therefore, at its basis, its project is drowned. But it means that it will refuse him, believing Just that "big money make history"?

Masons and CIA

Masonic conspiracy has become a prototype of the activities of many modern Western intelligence, and above all the CIA and Mossad. The "enveloping power" of the network of its employees and agents of influence, the use of blackmail, bribing, intimidation and disposal of their opponents has entered the arsenal of these related organizations to the general objectives of the establishment of a "new" Jewish-Masonic world order. The splicing of the leadership of Masonic Life, Mondialist organizations and Western special services has become the rules of the life of these communities. In the post-war period, I do not know a single example when the head of the Western intelligence agencies would not at the same time as a number of Masonic lies and mondialist organizations. The classic example of this is the ideological enemy of the Russian people, the founder and many years of the head of the CIA A. Dulles. Becoming the head of the CIA, Dulles until the end of his life remained director of the Council on International Relations and Active Mason. The CRU activity formulated by Dulles was determined as 10 percent. normal intelligence (on the collection and transmission of information) and 90 percent. subversive work [40]. It is this principle of the activities of the CIA Masonic and Mondialist organizations most often used against Russia. The famous performance of A. Dulles in the Council on international relations with a monstrous program of subversive work against Russia and the plant of its youth is quite natural in the framework of this principle. Of the 29, 1 billion dollars allocated by the American government in 1999 on the activities of the CIA, according to experts, about 9 billion dollars, that is, almost a third is spent on subversive operations in Russia and the former republics of the USSR. Some of these funds through submersible organizations are sent to supporting gangs in Chechnya and other areas of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

In 1997, during my trips to Latin American countries, I met a former CIA officer, Russians by origin, named Him R. At one time R. specialized in the secret subversive operations of the American government against Russian Orthodoxy [41]. Sincere repentable man told me a lot of interesting things about some methods known to him by the CIA.

American intelligence agencies in many cases consider Masons reliable support in their secret work. According to the "fraternal communication", the establishment of relations with the necessary persons. All other things being equal in the selection of agents, preference is given to free bricklayers and their families. Masonic lodges serve not only by the personnel reservoir, but also a kind of guarantor of the reliability of a particular employee.

In the countries of Eastern Europe, especially in Poland and the Czech Republic, R. told me, the organization of the Masonic lips served as the first step in the creation of the CIA agent network. Masons - employees of this organization - pinch the lodges, look at their new brothers, gradually pulling them into their subversive work. The future president of the Czech Republic V. Gavel (33О), for example, formed a series of Masonic lies mostly from journalists, writers, teachers of universities, some of which was subsequently recruited by American intelligence. Such techniques, said R., were used in the USSR. In 1987-1988, Masons from the CIA create the Commonwealth of Russian Masons in Paris, combining about 50 free bricklayers in their ranks of the mainly Scottish ritual. The organ of the CIA - Radio "Freedom" - begins to regularly transfer calls for citizens of the USSR to join the Masonic lodges. One of the main reference points of the CIA on the recruitment, according to R., becomes the lodge "A. S. Pushkin" [42]).

It is this bed that arose on its basis the Association "A. S. Pushkin" became the initiators of the creation of a number of other lies, and in particular the newly mentioned lodges "Novikov" (Moscow), as well as the "Sphinx" (Petersburg), "Geometry" ( Kharkov). Based on the solid financial support of the CIA, the Volga Bricklayers of the Scottish Ritual extended their tentacles and in the province. Today it is aware of the existence of Lies of the Scottish Ritual in Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, Tula, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don and even in Novocherkassk. In 1992-1996, several days of the Scottish ritual were formed in the army and in the internal troops (reliably aware of the existence of two). They consist mainly from the middle and senior officers. According to some data, the Masonic Lodge is functioning from the mid-90s, closely associated with the Association "A. S. Pushkin", consisting of officers of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

Although predominantly Masons of the Scottish Ritual, who worked under the roof of the Great Lodge of the Scottish Ritual, who worked under the roof of the Great Lodge of the Scottish Ritual, was launched, who was not less than the Western intelligence community attached to the development of France's Great East. No wonder the organizer of this Order in Russia became known for his connections with American intelligence "america" \u200b\u200bA. Komb. Together with his companion J. Orel, he prepared several dozen masons to work in the depths of Russia. A kind of training center for training for Russia has become the Lodge of "Grigory Ceubes" in Paris. The leadership of this lodge regularly gives an advertisement in newspapers and on the radio about the willingness to accept new candidates for Masons. Following the Loggers "Northern Star" (Moscow, 1991) and "Free Russia" (Moscow, 1992) The Great East of France takes the recreation of lies of this Order in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and a number of other cities. The work is carried out secretly, new brothers undertake to keep the Masonic mystery not only from others, but even even from family members.

In June 1996, the Lodge of Aurora was registered in Moscow, designed specifically for foreigners living in Russia. Her representative of V. Novikov said that the bed would strive to influence the social life of Russia in the Masonic spirit. Modern Russian masons, said V. Novikov, "These are mostly intelligents: teachers, journalists, officers" [43].

According to the former employee of the CIA R., the "Rotary" clubs are also played with a function similar to the Freemasonry. Combining in their ranks of specialists, managers of the enterprise, state and public institutions, "Rotary" are an ideal place to collect intelligence information, as they act in the environment of people who speak it. R. has numerous examples when through Rotary clubs operating in 156 countries of the world and uniting 1, 2 million people, American intelligence received the information they need. Most often this is carried out in the framework of the so-called ministry to the world community. Under this "ministry" at Rotarians means "international activities providing the opportunity to collaborate with one or more foreign clubs and share information, experience, equipment, specialists, cash funds for the implementation of significant joint projects" [44].

In 1996, about 30 Rotary clubs existed in Russia [45]. In the 90s, in addition to the clubs already mentioned by me in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Rotarian organizations arose in Irkutsk, Kiev, Dubna, Yakutsk, Magadan [46], Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul, Kemerovo, Yekaterinburg, Angarsk. Rotary motion is controlled from the USA. His headquarters is located in Evston (Illinois). The indispensable members of Rotary are American presidents (starting with the Taffeta) and the heads of the CIA (starting with A. Dulles).

The establishment of official relations of the Yeltsin regime with the Maltese Order and the entry into it personally Yeltsin and many figures from his environment, in particular S. Filatov, B. Berezovsky, V. Yumashev, V. Kostikova, R. Abramovich, and others, opened the doors of her numerous Emissarians. In the stationurbew, the branch of Maltese Catholics. It was founded by V. Feklist, "The Commissioner of the World Parliament of the Knights Maltese Order" [47].

In addition to the Catholic Maltese Order, the Orthodox Maltese Order operates in St. Petersburg, founded by Archbishop Makarios. The Order of London is managed and enjoys financial support for the rich Mason Greeks in the United States. According to the press, his Petersburg branch includes intellectuals from Pushkin House and University; The residence is located in the old village. At the same time, "Orthodox Maltese" claimed even a Zelentian monastery under Volkhov [48].

A mansion from other Masonic lips and associations in modern Russia is Islamic Freemasonry. It is known about him a bit. Most of all disparate information about the bed "Young Turkey" was created on the basis of Masonic formations that existed in Turkey from the end of the XIX - early XX century. Genetically, these associations are associated with the Great East of France. It is also known about visiting these associations by Russian masons of the early XX century (A. Guccov, M. Margulies, etc.). After the Second World War, apparently, not without the participation of the US Securities and NATO, the activities of these associations, and above all the "young Turkey", reoriented with internal problems for the implementation of the ideas of the Great Turan - the creation of a global mystical Turkish state in the Masonic basis, attraction to Turkey lands owned by Russia-USSR, including the Muslim territories of the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Dagestan), Central Asia and the Volga region. Before the collapse of the USSR, the main goal of the "Young Turkey" moster, and such organizations there were "bridges" with the national intelligentsia of these regions with the "prospect of further involvement in Masonic work". Having big financial resources, "Young Turkey" reached notable success in promoting the delusional idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great Turan. In particular, the Pitom of this Masonic organization became the city of Jemal, afterwards the Chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia. In the early 1990s, the heads of the Chechen gangs of D. Dudaev (and later and Maskhadov), the presidents of Tatarstan and Ingushetia M. Shaimiev and R. Aushev. Supports connections with this false (without being its member) and the President of Azerbaijan, Aliyev. The presence of such a number of high-ranking persons is rather due to the Masonic meaning of this lodge, but the political weight of the forces that initiate its activities and finance the anti-Russian projects of its members.

In Russia, the 90s, the most powerful mechanism of destabilization and destruction in the hands of world backstage was the Soros Foundation, headed by one of the leaders of the World Government, a member of the Council on International Relations and the Bilderberg Club J. Soros [49]. Under the guise of "philanthropic" activities, which I have already told, this influential Mason and Mondialist created an extensive subversive organization, closely collaborating with the CIA and MOS-Garden and has become the legal roof for many employees of these explorations [50]. The Soros Foundation coordinates its activities with other subversive, anti-Russian organizations of the West. According to another representative of the World Government, a member of the Council on International Relations and Tripartite Commission, US Deputy Secretary of State S. Talbott, "Soros's policy is not identical to the one who holds the American government, but it comes with it. We are trying to synchronize our efforts in Former communist countries with Germany, France, Great Britain and George Soros "[51].

Financial and Economic Scams Masons

J. Soros was a brain center and the initiator of almost all the largest financial and economic scams committed in Russia in the first half of the 90s. It is he who is in collaboration with Sh. Eisenberg (BNAY-BRIT), D. Ruben (English Lodge), M. Rich (Lodge of the York Ritual in New York) stood behind Chubais, Gaidar, Burbulis and a number of other new Russian Masonic The functionaries during the so-called privatization, as a result of which the overwhelming part of the property belonging to the Russian people, passed into the hands of international financial jacks. According to the Chairman of the State Property Committee V. P. Polevanova, "500 largest privatized enterprises in Russia with a real value of at least 200 billion dollars. We were sold for a scentual (about 7, 2 billion dollars. USA) and found themselves in the hands of foreign companies II Fali structures "[52].

In the mid-1990s, the Soros Foundation carried out a number of operations to undermine the Russian economy. According to the newspaper Wall Street Journal (1994. 10. 11.), American financier experts consider the collapse of the ruble in Russia in the so-called black Tuesday on October 11, 1994 by the result of a group of funds headed by Soros. Attention is drawn to the fact that by the beginning of the summer of 1994, the Soros Foundation acquired shares of Russian enterprises in the amount of 10 million dollars. At the end of August - early September, Soros, waiting for the growth of the campaign, sold them. According to experts, on this operation he received a profit equivalent to 400 million dollars. At the end of September, the Soros Foundation began buying dollars for rubles, which, according to American experts, caused a rapid growth of the US dollar and rapidly falling ruble, the collapse of the financial system and the rapid ruin of many Russian enterprises.

An even more destructive operation of SOROS against the Russian economy began manipulating PCS papers. In 1992-1993, as a permanent consultant of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, J. Soros initiated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Pyramid of the GKO. The payment of high (but not secured by the real income) of the HCB paper holders were provided by the compulsory imposition of their purchase by Russian enterprises and financial institutions. Operations with GCO were held with the decisive role of such members of the Government of Chernomyrdin and consultants of the Mondialist organizations, like A. Chubais, Burbulis, A. Shokhin, B. Fedorov, A. Livshits.

As the organizations and institutions are exhausted, which could be imposed by GKO, approached and the collapse of this financial adventure. Soros, which invested considerable capital in GKO, previously determined the moment of the onset of this collapse. In the spring and summer of 1998, he and the associated delints and higher government officials through fake persons gradually get rid of GKOs, thereby provoking them even greater depreciation. The main speculative source of income of the Russian government collapses. According to data published by Western investigators and experts, more than 700 largest Russian leaders, including state leaders, participated in the Afer with GKO. On the day of default on August 17, many senior government managers sold their GKOs along the ultra-engrant course for the money of the International Monetary Fund, thus enrolling, thus billions of dollars on their personal accounts in the West, leaving anything worthless PCPs in the state treasury. On August 17, the Government refuses to pay the PC. For banks and enterprises that concentrated in their hands a significant amount of GKOs, an real financial catastrophe occurs, which caused the devaluation of the ruble three times, the rapid increase in prices and the ruin of enterprises.

Pets of world backstage

Since the PCB paper due to their high yields bought foreign investors, and banks, they were injured. And without the low financial prestige of Russia fell to zero. According to the Institute for Economic Analysis, thanks to the GKO-OFZ market in the federal budget, it was possible to attract about 18, 6 billion dollars in five years. USA. At the end of May 1998, the amount of accumulated debt reached 71, 9 billion dollars. Thus, for each dollar attracted to the state budget, Russia was supposed to pay four dollars [53]. Most of the funds for payments were assigned by members of the criminal Masonic clan and his environment. Using official information, members of the Masonic organizations on this bowl focused tremendous states. So, A. Chubais only in 1996 earned 2 billion rubles at GKo. [54]. I didn't lag behind him and G. Burbulis - the Bank "Strategy" led by them literally grew up on government securities. The head of the state-owner of the mining, despite his official post, did not even hide that his huge revenues were obtained as a result of speculation in the GOSBUMAG market [55].

Business Burbulis is closely associated with the business of other financial jacks - Masona A. Smolensky and Urinson brothers [56]. The latter have close ties with the Bank of New York, through which, as involved, illegal transactions are carried out along the Rosvooruchiya line. In this business, Burbulis cooperates with "one of the largest criminals of the world", which is wanted by Interpol, a major drug dealership, the Mossad agent already mentioned by me aboveM. Rich [57]; as well as the Russian criminal businessman A. Tarasov. Burbulis received export licenses for Rich from Yeltsin to supply huge revenues for Rich.

Chubais's business is directly connected with the Machinations of J. Soros, whose interests are B. Jordan, the actual controlling a group of Oneximbank-IFC, behind which the Anglo-American Jewish capital is. Chubais had a joint business with Bond Nielsen, a large masons, the owner of a shipbuilding company, which was evident in fraud and was criminally liable [58]. It is known about the cooperation of Chubais (Documents supporting criminal business with Far Eastern mafia structures dealing with the Far Eastern Mafiology structures dealing with the Far Eastern Mafiology structures dealing with the Far Eastern mafia structures engaged in smuggling [59]. Wide resonance received financial frauds of Chubais with compensations of the National Sport Fund (S. Tarpishchev), who received from state budget Almost 33 non-delimited trillion. rub. [60].

"Having left the rough stone of Russia," almost all the large Russian masons known to me made huge personal states on the troubles of our homeland. In addition to the above-listed bricklayers special success At this field, according to periodic press, they reached: Commander of the Maltese Order B. Berezovsky (personal condition of more than 1 billion dollars), a member of BNAY-Brit and Rotary Club V. Gusinsky (at least 800 million dollars. ), Consultants of the Tripartite Commission and Council on International Relations V. Chernomyrdin and R. Vyakhirev (about 1 billion dollars. Each), member of the Rotary Club Y. Luzhkov (300-400 million dollars).

According to data published in Swiss, Italian and American newspapers in August-September 1999, most of the loans of the International Monetary Fund are at least 15 billion dollars. - B. Yeltsin, his daughter and their closest surroundings (A. Chubais, A. Livshitz, O. Soskovac, V. Potanin, were unfolded by the commandandor of the Maltese Order of B. Yeltsin, his daughter and their nearest environment (A. Chubais, V. Potanin) [61].

These money pumped through offshore zones created by the famous Masonic Motion Worker, the former IMF leader from Russia Kagalovsky in Cyprus, in Gibraltar and Zurich. Among the main transshipment points in the implementation of this international scam was one of the largest American banks - the Bank of New York, four of whose main leaders - T. Reni, D. Beckot, R. Gomery and M. Muz - consisted of an international relations Council. Thus, the operation was carried out by the National Assembly of the world backstage. The operational leadership of the transfer of funds abroad was carried out by the wife of Kalhalovsky, working as one of the executive directors in the Bank of New York. A significant part of the stolen money was placed in the securities of American corporations. In the holding of a scam, apparently, participated the closest associate and friend Kagalovsky Chairman of the Joint Management Board of Yukos and the head of the bank "Menatep" M. Khodorkovsky. In 1993, at a meeting of world scores, the World Economic Forum in Davos, M. Khodorkovsky was included in the list of 200 representatives, whose activities will have an impact on the development of peace in the third millennium. Mired in financial resources and direct theft, international and Russian Masonic leaders are confident in the superiority of Jewish-Masonic civilization. The Union of all believers in the Mamon for them is the key to the general victory of the "new world order". In its worship for the money of the forces of world Freemasonry and Mondialism, blind and utopian, but this makes them capable of any crime and evil. Pet is nothing more dangerous for humanity than utopia with a backstage power and big money and always seeking more and more and absolute power. The most vivid example of this is the current events in Russia.

New Favorites Socks

World snubs with special perseverance is carried out with the current ruling regime of Russia, seeking to protect yourself from the "accidents of the power change" and "to ensure the continuity of the leaders of democratic reforms", that is, pleasing the west of politicians. A series of bankrupt and fully discredited in Russia of politicians like Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chernomyrdin, Chubais, Nemtsov, Kiriyenko replaces the new echelon of the Favorites of world backstage. Among them, in addition to those mentioned by me, the city of Yavlinsky special place in the late 80s occupies L. Lebed, in the image of which the elite of world snubs sees the modified analog of Yeltsin. Not very competent, limited, unprincipled and unintelligible general implies the West with its readiness to go for any concessions and agreements in return for political support.

In 1995, during my trip to the United States from sources close to government circles of this country, I received information that among influential American politicians there is an opinion about the need to elevate the new President of Russia not Yeltsin, but a swan. Even the amount of money was called that this group of politicians was going to "invest" in Swan - about 1 billion dollars. Then I did not believe this information - I seemed too insignificant and frivolous to me a swan person. However, further events showed that I was wrong.

In October 1996, A. Lebed arrived in New York at the invitation to take part in the meeting of one of the main bodies of world scores - Council on international relations. The meeting was preceded by a friendly meeting of the Swan with the "architects of the destruction of the USSR", the leaders of the title of the Council, the former US President J. Bush, the former US Secretary of State D. Baker and General B. Scherfet. These well-known Russophobes acquainted the swan with the agenda and identified the main directions of discussion at the upcoming meeting.

On November 18, the Swan was adopted on the Council on International Relations. The meeting with him lasted about 5 hours. The general presented D. Rockefeller in the discussion to the present in the discussion, 3. Brzezinsky, former American ambassador to Moscow, personnel intelligence officer D. Matlock, D. SIMS. The leaders of world backstage evaluated the identity of the general as a challenger for the presidency of Russia. In his speech on the advice, the World Government assured the "global government", which considers it necessary to continue the reforms started by Yeltsin, approves the Western Center foreign Policy The current government and "cooperation with NATO without hysterics", stands for the final destruction of the "imperial and anti-Semitic traditions" of Russia. In response to the question, it is ready to specifically fight anti-Semitism in Russia, the general replied "sharply affirmatively". Responding to questions about the Caucasian territory of Russia, the general declared that he was ready to agree to her departure from the North Caucasus and the transition of the Caucasus region under the control of the West. Swan also agreed with the possibility of NATO guardianship over nuclear facilities in Russia.

The next day, General Lebed visited the meeting of the World Jewish Organization, at which once again assured the Jewish leaders in his willingness to deal with the "imperial and anti-Semitic traditions" of Russia and called on participants to support him as a candidate for the presidency of Russia. At all meetings and meetings of the Swan with the American elite, the issue of monetary help the future contender of Russian presidents was discussed. According to the Orthodox newspaper, in 1999, the Swan visited the largest French Masonic Lyuza "The Great East". With his participation, an ancient ritual was held, after which he was awarded honorary Masonic signs [62].

A. Swan is not the only political figure used by world backstage to influence the Russian patriotic movement. According to information that I received from the above-mentioned CIA employee, in the second half of the 80s - early 90s, this subversive organization highlighted hundreds of millions of dollars to carry out special operations in Russian patriotic movement, including the recruitment of agents and the introduction of their people In patriotic organizations, and above all in the environment of prominent patriotic leaders. According to my informant, deception, bribing, the blackmail of the CIA managed to conclude a bunch of traitors who play a certain role in patriotic organizations, as well as in some magazines and patriotic orientation newspapers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk. As I managed to understand my informant, which was present at various meetings and colloquiums CIA, a significant part of these renegades [63] was selected from the former emigrants of the third wave associated with the organizations of the NTS type, the radio "freedom" of the already previously cooperating with the CIA. The so-called Orthodox Masons, which continue their activities in the United States in the Orthodox Church of the American jurisdiction, had a prominent assistance in the implementation of the implementation of patriotic organizations. And not always the CIA made a recruitment directly [64]. Most often, this was done through the CIA-financed public organizations and funds.

The main goals of the CIA in relation to the Russian patriotic movement was:

    making instability, contradictions, wiring leaders;

    the spread of discrediting rumors about authoritative Russian patriots;

  • the implementation of actions contributing to the split and fragmentation of patriotic organizations, discrediting the leaders of the movement with the ability to unite considerable patriotic forces around them;
  • the creation of false organizations to split the patriotic movement in their tasks, to make troubles into it, replace its true goals.

In this regard, it is appropriate to bring an example of events that developed in the Moscow Society for the protection of monuments (Ipekik) in the second half of the 80s. During this period, the Moscow society was one of the spiritual centers of the Russian national revival, concentrating the significant powerful patriots around him. Around 1984, a well-organized antipatriotic group arises here, promoting a liberal-masonic ideology. This group sets its goal during the regular re-election of the Board of the Moscow Society to shift his leadership and change the patriotic direction of its activities. To achieve this goal, the group failed. All of her members were almost unanimously expelled from society and began to write denunciations on patriots, accusing them in anti-Semitism, extremism, ignorance and even Orthodox clerics. In the interest of all the final of this story: in a few years, the most active members of the Anti-Russian, the anti-glood group became, unfortunately, private guests of the transfers of patriotic radio stations, such as Radonezh and People's Radio, and one even settled to teach to the Moscow Theological Academy. The names of these werewolves will be named at one time.

Much of what was planned in the CIA against "National Patriots", it was not possible to implement, although some of their operations in the Russian patriotic movement of the CIA considered successful. For example, the special operations of 1991-1992 on the introduction of the authoritative leaders of the patriotic movement of their agents acting most often "under the roof" of entrepreneurs and financiers, who proposed these leaders money and giving them advice, as a result of the implementation of which the patriotic movement went into a dead end.

Conducting active subversive activities against the Russian national movement, seeking to split it and destroy, the United States at the same time strive to strengthen anti-Russian national Movements In the former republics of the USSR and in the national regions of Russia itself. For these purposes, the CIA spends at least 1 billion dollars. in year. Special attention is paid to the development of the anti-Russian movement in Malorus. The budget of the Ukrainian nationalist organizations of the Ruh, Una-Unso is almost three-quarters of the CIA, and most of the top of these organizations consists in the American government service since the "proper-cutting" time. The frank words 3. Brzezinsky at a closed meeting of the US-Ukrainian Executive Committee on the occasion of assigning him the title "Honorary Citizen Lviv": "The building of our US-Ukrainian Accommodation Committee is a promising planning of the US Treasury-Ukraine. My role as the leader of this committee comes down to In order to even deeper the affairs of the future development of Ukraine in the name of the interests of America. It is important that Ukraine constantly and consistently went to the West, for if it will neglect it and cannot be determined as the Middle Eastern State, it will be involved in the sphere of Russia's influence.

"New World Order" under the hegemony of the United States is created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the fragments of Russia.

Ukraine for us is the outpost of the west against the restoration of the Soviet Union "[65].

purpose - destruction of Russia

In the second half of the 90s, the Jewish-Masonic leaders of the Mondialist organizations - the Council on International Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club, the World Forum and other criminal communities that carry the idea of \u200b\u200bworld domination over humanity, began to loudly declare the approach of establishing the "New World Procedure ". Operating the "magic number" of 2000, the Mondialists believe that by this time the "global government" will not only control, but also to lead all the spheres of the life of society, including religious. For example, one of the ideologues of Mondialyism J. Attali in the horizon line program book announced that the creation of "planetary political power" and "New World Order" will be reality by 2000 [66]. The plans of the world backstage of Russia are given the role of the "Raving and Energy Resources". The future "World Government" does not bother the fate of people living in our country at all. In the calculations of the leaders of the Jewish-Masonic world, it is considered as a "strategic territory" (3. Brzezinsky) or "a place where the lion's share of useful reserves of the planet is concentrated" (D. Rockefeller). According to 3. The Brzezinsky, expressed by him at the meeting of the US National Security Council, "The smaller the population will be on this territory, the more successful will be the development of the West."

In 1992, a study was made public "American forecasts for the development of the geostrategic situation in the world at the end of XX and early XXI Century, "in which the considerations in favor of dividing Russia for 6 independent state entities: Western Russia, the Urals, Western Siberia, East Siberia, the Far East and the Northern Territories.

In October 1997 3. Brzezinsky proposed to divide Russia into three parts: European Russia, Siberian Republic and the Far Eastern Republic. "Decentralized Russia, - said Brzezinsky, is a real and desirable opportunity" [67].

At a meeting of the Bilderberg Club on May 14-17, 1998, the UK focused on the dismemberment of Russia. To this end, it was proposed to divide our country into several zones of control. According to the considered scheme, the center and Siberia should move away to the United States, the North-West to Germany, the south of the Jewel - to Turkey, the Far East to Japan.

According to information, which comes from sources close to the US government, the main strategic line of this country in relation to Russia are maintaining it in a state of constant destabilization, provoking the processes of destruction and disintegration, promoting destructive elements in economics, politics and national relations.

US Secretary of State, one of the heads of the Council on International Relations M. Albright, in his speech at a meeting of the Russian-American Business Cooperation Council (Chicago, October 2, 1998) stated that, based on US National Interests, their main task is to "manage The consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Empire ", which must be provided" to the support of Russia until it moves in the right direction of decay "[68].

In the book 3. The Brzezinsky "Great Chess Board" and in a number of its latest speeches and reports is formulated a long-term geopolitical strategy of world backstage, the core of which is the establishment of the United States. According to this strategy, the future provides for the complete destruction of Russia at its historical European territory to Ural Mountains, the lining of Russians (including Maloros and Belarusians) in the hard-to-reach places of Siberia as a labor force for the extraction of natural resources intended for the Western Industry.

If we translate the sly expressions and the wording 3. Brzezinsky from the Jewish-Masonic to a normal human language, the main thought of his last speeches is to destroy Russia as a country that is not amenable to alteration in the "Democracy of the Western Type", which is not able to integrate into the inner spiritual and moral device Jewish-Masonic civilization. Russia for Brzezinsky and other ideologues of world backstage - "black hole", hostile to the Western world. Fairly criticizing and obviously despised the criminal, sales, mired in theft and corruption regime of Yeltsin, Brzezinsky does not believe in his ability to control the development of Russia in the direction, pleasedly, also skeptical of Brzezinsky looks at possible successors of Yeltsin, not less than he mocked theft and corruption, Chernomyrdin, Kiriyenko, Nemtsova, Luzhkov, Primakova, Stepashina ... Like many other lords of world backstage, Brzezinsky does not like that the money allocated by them through the IMF line to the "reorganization" of Russia in the Western sample, brazenly plundered and They are transferred to the accounts of the relatives of Yeltsin, his duty prime ministers and the nearest environment [69]. But the raven clown eye is not flicking. Mason Brzezinsky does not propose to bring to the criminal court of the Commander of the Maltese Order of Yeltsin and his Masonic team, and considers their theft and sales of the innate property of Russia. Therefore, it is offered once and for all to end with Russia as a geographical, political and spiritual concept, dismembering it into several subjects of the Western of puppet states and at the same time transferring part of its territories to States of the European Union, Turkey, Japan and even China.

One of the main tasks of world snubs is the destruction of national governments and establishing the Jewish-Masonic ruling regimes in their place. Over the past 150 years, all Western European countries have lost their national governments and are managed by cosmopolitan and Jewish-Masonic elites, far from the national interests of the overwhelming majority of the French, Germans, British, Belgians and other Western European peoples. The comedy of the election of two or three in essence of the same parties a fig leaf is covered by the most common dictatorship of the secret global government and international Jewish capital, steadily defending the line of a bunch of Jewish leaders to the world domination of the "chosen" people.

Yugoslavia and plans for the dismemberment of Russia

Plans of the barbaric armed aggression of the West against Yugoslavia were developed at the meetings of the Council on International Relations and Trilateral Commission. It was these bodies that took the political decision to "punish" the Orthodox Serbian people for violation of the "Rules of the game" of world backstage. The main guilt of the Serbs, the stroke of the world backstage, is their hardness in defending the national interests of their people, the main of which is the preservation of Orthodoxy and territorial integrity. In the eyes of the heads of world snubs, the Serbian people are the greatest heretic, since the only among European peoples managed to preserve the National Government, who found the strength and courage to withstand the dictates of world backstage.

The Armed Agriculture of the United States and their Satellites on the NATO block in Yugoslavia in April-June was a punitive operation of world backstage, one of the stages of establishing a "new world order". As a result of this operation, millions of people were injured, tens of thousands were killed during bombing (including using the weapons prohibited by international conventions), most of the economy of Yugoslavia destroyed. World backstage trampled the adopted norms of international law and UN conventions, actually officially proclaiming the power of the main instrument of international relations.

Entering a large part of the territory of Yugoslavia NATO troops is the actual occupation of this country aimed at gradual destruction with the transfer of territory to neighboring states.

One of the leaders of the "New World Order" by J. Soros in the article "Undermining the Borders" [70] A month after the end of NATO bombing, he stated that "Balkans cannot be reconstructed on the basis of national states." In his opinion, to end the national statehood of the countries of South-Eastern Europe, you need to take them to the European Union protectorate, which "must deploy his umbrella over the whole region." New borders are supposed to be established for all Balkan countries, including Yugoslavia (without Kosovo), Albania, Romania and Bulgaria. In all these countries, it is assumed to eliminate customs, cancel the state regulation of the economy, destroy national currencies and introduce the euro or a German brand.

Similar ideas are carried out in the documents of the Council on International Relations. The program "Reconstruction of the Balkans", developed on behalf of the Council by a member of this Council, President of the Carnegie Foundation M. Abramovich, is absent on the map of Europe. According to this program, the "Reconstruction" of the Balkans will be carried out under the conditions of the "powerful military presence of NATO on its long-term bases in Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo. As a result of the reconstruction on the map, the Balkans will be left the following states: Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro. " Operation on the redistribution and destruction of national states in the Balkans in the Council on international relations and other organizations of world backstage is considered as a testing ground for the dismemberment of Russia and the destruction of its statehood. The secret support of anti-Russian bandforms in Chechnya, Dagestan and in other Caucasian territories, carried out by the American government through the regimes of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and the Taliban Athhhan Money movement is aimed at rejecting the territory of the territory rich Oil, prepare this region to the role of Russian Kosovo.


1999 brought a new alignment in the Jewish-Masonic elite ruling in Russia. The disrespect of the Russians to this elite can align only with hatred for it. Under these conditions, a shift is shifted within the ruling elite from the criminal-cosmopolitan clan Yeltsin-Chernomyrdin-Chubais-Berezovsky to a new, no less criminal clan of the Luzhkov-Primakov-Gusinsky-Yavlinsky clan. This new clan is designed to unite all the anti-Russian forces within the country, which is enriched on the mountain and suffering from our compatriots. Unlike the old clan, which came to power mainly on cosmopolitan slogans "Democracy" and "Freedom", the new clan is going to use the patriotic map, play on the fair hatred of ordinary people to the Yeltsin regime.

At the end of 1998, a new electoral block was created under the fake name "Fatherland - All Russia" ("OVR"), which in the fall of 1999 he headed three well-known anti-Russian workers - Moscow Mayor Y. Luzhkov (Club "Rotary"), former Prime Minister E . Primakov (Maltese Order) and Tatar Nationalist M. I. Shaimiev (Lodge "Young Turkey"), as well as another young currency R. Aushev. All these people somehow took the participation of the state coup of September and October 1993. The main financial and informational support of the electoral bloc was carried out by one of the leaders of International Zionism, the Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress, head of the Jewish community, a member of BNAY-Brit and Rotary Club V. A. Gusinsky, who owns the newspaper "Today", " Moscow Komsomolets "," Moscow Pravda "," Literary Gazeta ", magazine" Results ", television company" NTV "and radio station" Echo of Moscow ". The nearest comrades of the Gusinsky - M. Friedman, B. Khait, V. Malkin, A. Smolensky, M. Khodorkovsky participated in the financing of the electoral block "OSR".

It is important to note that, unlike the old clan of the ruling elite, focused mainly in the United States and the Jewish capital of this country, the new clan, headed by Luzhkov, is focused on Western Europe and Israel. The latter testifies to the fact that the new clan supports the entire governing top of the Jewish, Zionist organizations, many of which "BNAY-BRIT" watched.

In the days when NATO Aviation began to bomb Yugoslavia, Yu. M. Luzhkov led negotiations with European representatives of world snacks in Paris. According to our Paris informants, Luzhkov has repeatedly met with the leaders of the European Rotary Club Network, as well as, which is especially important, with the highest officials of the Great East of France. As a result of Luzhkov's contacts with French brothers, they decided to support the new clan "as the most promising circle of people in modern Russia." It was decided to appeal to all brothers in different countries, and above all in Russia, with a request to contribute to people who united around Luzhkov. The Great East of France was sent to the rescue in the election company Luzhkova of his high-ranking brother (33O) Jacques Segela, who is considered one of the leading specialists in modern electoral technologies.

The preliminary arrangements of the leaders of the Anti-Russian Block "Fatherland" with the Masonic structures of the Great East were clarified and confirmed at the negotiations of E. Primakov with the President of France Zh. Shirac in November 1999.

In contrast to the grouping of Jewish-European Freemasonry, American and Maltese Masonic clans create a selective unit called "Unity", which was intended to unite all the anti-Russian forces under the leadership of Yeltsin and its criminal-cosmopolitan environment. The organizational structure and personnel composition of the block leaders were defined by B. A. Berezovsky, R. A. Abramovich, A. S. Voloshin, V. B. Yumashev. Puppet leaders who voiced teams from B. A. Berezovsky became the nominal leader of the block. All the forces of the state apparatus were thrown for servicing clan interests. The first and second channels of public television, as well as TV-6 worked completely to the promotion of this anti-Russian bloc. To discredit its political opponents, the dirtiest and shameless methods were used, which were particularly different from the Berezovsky teleparopagandists - S. Dorenko, N. Svanidze, M. Leontyev. However, they were little inferior and the owner of V. Gusinsky E. Kiselev.

Friends of the Great East

Young Turks and Wahhabites - Agents of the Great Turan

The fighting of two Masonic clans in the election-99 showed infinite meanness, lowness and cynicism of the Masonic policy. In dust struggle Commodes Both sides divided Donaga, showing all its full poverty, infinite greed and moral insignificance. Already after the election, summing up their results, two famous Russian masons G. O. Pavlovsky and S. Govorukhin, represented by both Masonic clan, recognized that they looked at these elections as a special performance. According to Govorukhin, the victory in the elections depended on whether the backward director of this performance was more successful [72].

Freemasonry - Criminal Community

Freemasonry in all its manifestations is a secret criminal community, a pursuit of achieving world domination on the basis of the Judist teaching about the chosen people.

The Russian Orthodox Church always condemned Freemasonry, rightly considering him by the manifestation of Satanism. Millions of Orthodox Christians annually betray anathema of all persons in Masonian lodges or related organizations. In 1932, the decision of the Russian Orthodox Church was decided on the meeting that participation in the Masonic Lodges "is incompatible with the title of Christian - a member of the Christ Church, which should or resolutely abandon Freemasonry and the Ukrainian Society with him, or with further unrecognizance will be excommunicable from Holy Church. "

Freemasonry was always the worst enemy of humanity, especially in dangerous that he tried to cover his secret criminal activity to cover the curtain of false arguments about self-improvement and charity. However, terrible, sinister crimes that it committed, put it out of law. In almost all countries, Freemasonry constantly prohibited as a criminal organization. Here are some facts:

1725 - Prohibition of Freemasonry in France. 1737 - French police prohibit meetings of Masons.

1738 - Prohibition of Freemasonry in Holland (originated in 1734) and Sweden (originated in 1735th).

1740 - King of Spain Philip V makes a decree against Masonry (originated in 1728th).

1740 - Freemasonry on Malta Island is prohibited.

1745 - The Government of the Republic of Bern prohibits Masonry with a special decree.

1748 - Ottoman port prohibits Masonry in Turkey.

1749 - Lord Dervenwoter, the first great master of the Masonic Order in France, executed on the scaffold for crimes.

1751 - Ferdinand IV Spanish forbids Masonry in his states.

1801 - Emperor Francis II prohibits Masonry in Austria.

1823 - Freemasonry is prohibited in Portugal.

Nevertheless, despite the prohibitions, the Masonic ideology gradually spread in public consciousness, poisoning his Christian content. To cause confidence in the uninitiated in the criminal activities of the Masonic Order, the free bricklayers masked under the guise of philanthropic organizations, stated their love for humanity, piety and integrity. In fact, the Jewish ideology of the "Chosen People" was reproduced in the activities of Masons, allegedly had special rights to dominate all the rest of humanity. Regarding all non-zonons, free bricklayers were allowed to lie, slander, kill, burst into people with each other, class with class, people with the people. Masonic influence was one of the main factors in all wars, revolutions and great shocks of the XVIII-XX centuries.

TO eND XIX. The eyelid of Masons began to have an extremely indirect, but direct impact on the policy of Western countries. By the middle of the 20th century, Masonic lodges and the associated organizations of a Masonic type in these countries have become a dominant state force, carrying out a key role in the formation of governments and parliaments. Masons came to power and got the opportunity without any restrictions to conduct their Masonic principles into life. As a result, evil, violence and injustice in the world has become more than before.

The stronghold of today's Western world order is the United States of America, which free bricklayers of the whole world are considered the "Masonic state", "the Great Masonic Supervision". The President and the US government consist of high-ranking members of the Masonic Lodge. Today's President of the United States B. Clinton is a well-known world "a broken type, unclean in hand," a member of the elite Masonic lodge "Skull and bone". His predecessor J. Bush is a member of several days of Scottish and York rituals. One of the most respected American masons (33O) President of Truman stated that "builds its state activities on the principles of Masonry" and wishes that these principles "spread to the whole world."

Guided by his Masonic principles, President of Truman in 1945 gives a monstrous order for atomic bombing of two peaceful Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which resulted in 200 thousand inhabitants.

Relying on Masonic principles, American presidents, Masons only after World War II committed so many war crimes against humanity that their acts deserve a military tribunal:

1948-1953 - participation in punitive actions against the Philippine people. The death of many thousands of Philipps.

1950-1953 - Armed invasion of Korea about a million American soldiers. The death of hundreds of thousands of Koreans.

1964-1973 - Participation of 50 thousand American soldiers in punitive operations against the Republic of Laos. Again thousands of victims.

1964 - Bloody suppression of the Panaman national forces, demanding the return of Panama rights in the zone of the Panama Canal.

1965-1973 - Military aggression against Vietnam. Destruction over half a million Vietnamese. With the example of Hitler, peaceful villages were completely destroyed, with Napalm, whole areas were burned together with all the inhabitants. Mass killings of women and children.

1970 - aggression against Cambodia. By the United States - 32 thousand soldiers. Numerous victims among civilians.

1982-1983. - The terrorist act of 800 American marines against Lebanon. Again numerous sacrifices.

1983 - Military intervention to the Grenada about 2 thousand offshore infantrymen. Eliminated hundreds of lives.

1986 - a treacherous attack on Libya. Bombing Tripoli and Benghazi. Numerous sacrifices.

1989 - Armed Intervention in Panama. Thousands of Panamans died.

1991 - a large-scale military action against Iraq, 450 thousand soldiers and many thousands of units of modern equipment are involved. Not less than 150 thousand civilians were killed. Bombing of peaceful objects in order to intimidate the population of Iraq.

1992-1993 - occupation of Somalia. Armed violence over the civilian population, killing civilians.

1999 - aggression against Yugoslavia, thousands of victims of civilians, hundreds of thousands of refugees.

But these are only open aggression. And how many decades the United States led an undeclared war against Salvador, Guatemalas, Cuba, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iran, putting huge tools for maintaining puppet pro-money

canine regimes or america inspired by America who opposed legitimate governments who did not recognize the American domination in this region. Honduras was transformed into a military bridgehead against Salvador and Nicaragua.

The total result of the victims of the criminal orders of American presidents of the Masons only for 1948-1999 is more than a million people, not counting the wounded and disadvantaged.

Humanity has the right to present the "Masonic superpower" account and judge the American Masonic administration and the Masonic administrations of its satellites but NATO as war criminals at the new Nuremberg process. Like the ideology of fascism, the Masonic ideology should be announced outside the law, and its carriers are subject to severe criminal prosecution. Masonic lodges and the organizations close to them, like Rotary clubs or Pen-clubs, must be fairly equated with fascist organizations and are prohibited.

In Russia, the Masonic lodges were prohibited three times with special imperial decrees - under Catherine II, Pavel I and Alexander I. The last ban existed until February 1917.

Nevertheless, despite the ban, Masonic lodges continued to "work" secretly. Criminal traces of their activities are traced in the XIX, and in the XX centuries (and even soviet power). The new "flourishing" of the Masonic lodges occurred during the so-called restructuring. Special decisions of M. S. Gorbachev, and a little later, B. N. Yeltsin, Masonry was again legalized and strongly expanded the sphere of its activities at the expense of Masonic clubs and other organizations created to achieve Masonic purposes. In an existing form, the Freemasonry represents the vocationaluga to the Russian society. Today, Russia, as at the beginning of the century, is the task of complete destruction and prohibition of Masonic organizations.

Various topics for discussion. Create a topic and communicate together!

  • May 22, 2012 (15:18, Tuesday)
  • Vladimir Sokolov

Dear RB-colleagues, a biathlon offseason has come. By tradition at this time we raise the most various themes. This time the famous RB Site Grigory Rufovich Kochesh from Novosibirsk (in the RB-Mire - just Grisha, but a man older than me and when discussing such an important topic, it is inconvenient to contact him about the child name) literally imposed me the topic of Freemasonry in Russia and world. The topic is extensive and does not fully fit into the framework of RB-subjects, but to be patient or close this page - I will understand you ...

I still avoided to delve into the Masonic theme, I didn't want to, you know, once again disappointed not only in the Russian authorities, but in humanity as a whole, but since Grigory Rufovich demands, I try to match ... .. Sorry I am ironic and funny tone But otherwise I can not ...

Allow?! Then we went ...

According to some versions of us (humanity as a whole and our country, in particular), the World Masonic Lodge rules (and, in turn, is probably controlled by alien civilization or representatives of the parallel world?!).

It is this particularly powerful (nomenclature, expressing our language) an organization imposes political leaders and takes us - Russians - a very unenviable place on the world hierarchical staircase, striving to render us to the level of Latin American and even African countries.

Is it so?! - I can neither prove nor refute these considerations ... The masons themselves are inclined to represent themselves by the Ambartes of God, and the organization itself almost angelic, designed to improve the human breed and promote the development of peoples.

So what is the "good intention" of this lodge (secret and explicit), promoting Freemasonry - as "moral and ethical teaching given in allegories and illustrated by symbols"?! What was the movement of "free bricklayers" to date? Let's try to open The veil of mystery and look into the Internet, which "knows everything", as is known. But since it is impossible to argue the immense - let's see how the Freemasonry relates to our Russian leaders. This topic is very relevant in our social and political scenery .... We indulge together ....

So, the live magazine and to him like significant abbreviations ...
at first

"We must understand who are such masons. Almost no one today does not know this, even the modern members of the secret societies have ceased to understand the essence of their rites. These secret orders go their roots in the third millennium to our era ...

The merger of the peoples of the planet into a single ethnos is a Masonic project designed in the late XVIII century ... and has become one of the most important components of the doctrine of the globalization of the world. Globalization is, first of all, a well-thought-out policies in the field of management of the modern world and the peoples of its population ...

Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin are nonely ignorant in the economy. And this is the reason for such large losses from the global financial crisis. They are not aware of the larger and least about the realities of the history of civilization, and the evolution of ethnic groups and nations. This may cause the death of the Russian ethnic volume, and as a result, degradation on the planet Earth of the civilization of people. The fact is that Russia has a mission, without which the other peripheral worlds are degraded after a while - the report of history can go in the opposite direction.
In today's doctrines of the Freemasonry of Russia, the place is initially assigned a place in the "Pregnant", and its random rulers - in the "human". Such, alas, the prose of real reality. But this is a very dangerous misconception of Masons.
Meanwhile, the restoration of the real movement of the evolution of human civilization opens up completely different prospects for Russia. And all other nations gives the possibility of transition to another evolutionary level of the psyche of people ...
Today, the doctrines of the evolution of world civilization are formulated. In them, the main role plays not an ethnos, not a nation, but a place on earth. The use of new models in strategic planning leads to a new life, humanity, and not to death, as in the case of the use of archaic Masonic models. Unfortunately, Dmitry Medvedev seems to be a junior briefing of the Masonic Master, which in the modern world is trying to build pyramids, using five thousandth reduction technologies.
This is a shame, because the will of the case he became the king of Russian civilization, and should correspond to this post. Moreover, the surname "Med-Veda" has the Aryan root "Lead". That is, know ...... .. "

This excursion makes the Internet blogger with his own subitual conclusions regarding the former Russian president and the Masonic subsection of Dmitry Medvedev. From myself while you will not add anything ...

Masonic games Putin. (Part 1, zhurnal.lib.ru)

"The question of Masonry Putin Press is bypass. And the left, and the right, and even ultra-patriotic. Who is closer to the Kremlin and the Budget Cordushka, he tries to follow the general line, for each bend. Who is the pool, that occasionally recalls the Gebean President of the Russian Federation, but does not particularly persist. There are the most descent, write about Putin's connection with the Jewish lobby .. But on the subject of Masonry GDP seems to be "taboo"! ...

No wonder. Masons can keep their secrets. And Gebezniki - the secrets of their profession. Otherwise they would have completely different organizations. It is difficult to noticize by the way that even the links of the KGB-FSB with world wizard in the press somehow does not say. On the connections of the KGB and the secret Masonic orders - only the grains of scattered information. Of which the picture is not diverted immediately.
However. The strength of these two organizations can easily turn into their weak link. Too much similar between the KGB-FSB and Masonry. This applies to the principles of the organization, and methods of activity, and - the main thing! - goals.
The goals and those and others as any Tataritarian organization are complete dominance in society, imposing its own ideological doctrine, its own worldview. Through ideological dominance, political and economic power is achieved, financial and material benefits are obtained, and simply, the obedic existence of the highest links, leadership ...
V. Putin's exit to the political arena in the Russian Federation for everyone while in mind: Nobody famous for the KGB lieutenant colonel, which went as if even to the reserve (is unknown for what reason) receives work at the University of St. Petersburg. Then unexpectedly, on the development of a democratic scenario of the beginning of the 90s, suddenly turns out to be surrounded by A. Sobchak, the then leader of St. Petersburg democracy. Unnoticed For third-party Eyes, Putin becomes a Sobchak assistant, plays an important role in the city hall " northern capital"Binds the economy of St. Petersburg with Germany (which plays a major role of Dresdner Bank)
After the failure of A. Sobchak in the 1996 elections, Putin with the help of A. Chubais and P. Borodin moves to Moscow, where he is held by the Deputy Guidelines for the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the head of the control department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. Then as if magic wand Rights quickly before the head of the KGB-FSB in 1998. As if never went into any margin, but only Ros, Ros and grew on the service staircase. From this armchair soon moves to the chair of the Prime Minister of the country. Finally, Yeltsin - bypassing its own constitution! - appoints it successor and transmits all power.
Putin's resettlement itself from the FSB director in the Prime Minister raises embarrassment. There is no manual experience as one of the ministries, there is no management experience in any economic industry, there are no accustomed political ties. And - in the Prime Minister. Or maybe there are political connections, only they are invisible, hidden?
The next four years of Putin's Board showed that this is an extremely mediocre leader. Analysts and political scientists repeat one idea: Putin does not do what it is expected and does not do what is expected. It would be nice if the results of this "unpredictability" were visible to improve the lives of Russians and the effectiveness of public administration.
No, the real results of Putin's government are extremely low. The corruption of all state structures of the Russian Federation as it was practically one hundred percent under Yeltsin and remains on the same 100% and in 2004. Crime is growing. Material revenue stratification becomes catastrophic in the Russian Federation. Twenty percent of the entire population is already chronically live outside the poverty, without any hope, to get out at least to the level of poverty. Poverty level is another 40% of the population. But the official level of poverty in the Russian Federation is the level of poverty in Sudan, where extensive areas are covered by hunger.
Neither the advertised industrial, nor trade growth reflects the real economic fall in the country. The middle class of entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation did not appear. There are large thieves and machinators, there are a million-square army of the State Bureaucrats of the Bureaucrats, and these two categories of the population are interconnecting vessels, which they themselves declare with arrogance. The so-called Yeltsin "reforms" at Putin only deepen the crisis and instill in the absolute majority of citizens of the Russian Federation one hopelessness. Artificially contained inflation again gains strength. Other and did not foresee, once the country's economy is incurably sick.
All this makes it implies that Putin's "unpredictability" itself indicates some third-party power behind it. Someone sickly suggests, and if necessary, he dictates that he should be done - not in the interests of the population of the Russian Federation, but in his own interests.
However, the socio-political processes under Putin clarify. Freedom of the press and other types of media turned out to be completely subordinated to the state vehicles. Russian society increasingly takes the form generally generalistic, which does not prevent the Kremlin to lead the war in the Caucasus, periodically accepting the form of genocide.
In idea-sacral relationship generalognomility is introduced: all people are brothers, and God for everyone, however, Putin himself believes not in God, but "in man." The Russian Federation is increasingly beginning to resemble Latin American regimes: medium-underdeveloped economically, extremely stable politically with full disdesecration and as if the "zombie" of population. In other words, someone as if determined at what place and the level should be the Russian Federation in the world community, and Putin agreed.
There are vague hints on a "brainstorm" in KGB-FSB, and it seems closer to the truth, but not the truth itself. The Wall Street Journal edition, speaking of "CEEBIST mode in Moscow", claims that "almost 50% of high posts in Russian government structures occupy former Putin's colleagues in the KGB" and recalls his words of five years ago that "there is no former officers KGB. "
However, it is impossible to get rid of the feeling that someone is more powerful and no less mysterious than N. Patrushev's service determines the main canvas of development, plans plans. The superstructure remains only to take to execute. This is also engaged in the entire administrative pyramid, including the KGB-FSB service, ministries, management, military-political research institutes, political quasi-party and quasi-associations, a completely inhabited State Duma, an even more jelly council of federation and local administrations.
Only the last degenerate will not understand that the fate of elections is not solved by the electors and not even money, but those who command in this super secret society (and societies associated with it into a single Masonic-elite superstructure).
Putin's connections and its environments with Masonic tagging the press costs, they are silent, ignored. But this does not mean that these ties are not.

For example, everyone amazes unprofitability A. Chubais. The man who is most hatred in the Russian Federation is calmly experiencing "waste from affairs" of his cartridge B. Yeltsin. It turns out that in 1998 A. Chubais was invited to a meeting of the Bilderberg Club. No, he is not a valid member, he was called, listened, he was given instructions that they expect from him. After that, Chubais is satisfied with the steering post in RAO UES, and Putin begins the rapid takeoff. Coincidence? Does not look like. In politics, random coincidences are so rare that you should not hope for them.

It takes several years. The course of events gives us new surprises. For example, V. Putin can resign the entire Cabinet of Ministers along with his leader M. Kasyanov. But A. Chubais can not resign. Or does not want. Why would it? Not from this, that a person whom only once was invited to a meeting of the Bilderberg Group, covers an invisible, but impermeable "roof". And Putin knows perfectly about this "roof."

At one time, the whole country laughed over the presents of the speech of some Victor Chernomyrdin, with Yeltsin who served as the Prime Minister. Remember: I wanted it better, but it turned out as always.

Despite the extreme illiteracy and Personal Skudomia, V. Chernomyrdin suddenly turned out to be one of the richest people of the planet, taking the "Gazprom", the multimillireder, with whom Al Mountain wanted to be friends.
In print, openly declares that he is a Mason! To which our famous speaker and multimilliar, associated with mountains and hemmers, responds: "And I am not strong in Freemasonry, I don't know, it's good to treat him or bad." But when he says, do not forget about the resolution of Masonic: you can lie if you are asked about Freemasonry.
It is well known that A. Sobchak himself was a member of many Masonic lodges and organizations (Masonic Club "Rotary", Mason Lodge "Magiserium" and Masonic Union-Lodge "Big Europe"). Freemasonry is not subject to any doubt. And the story of his "fall" in 1996, followed by departure to Paris, and then return and sudden death very much resembles Masonic disassembly ...

Putin with its colleague, a personnel officer KGB-FSB V. Cherkisov, Valit V. Yakovlev. For a shift in 2003, Valentina Matvienko goes. Is V. Yakovlev sent to resign? Push up in the bear corner? Is the criminal case discovered against him? Oh no. The incentive of Masons in St. Petersburg becomes ... Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government on Housing and Commellents, Construction and Transportation. Putin, as it were, confirms the status of his colleague - Mason-Mason will be the main builder of the Russian Federation.
Who was the successor of Sobchak-Yakovlev at the post of governor "North Palmyra"? It is known that in May 2002, V. Matvienko, then the Government's Vice-Premier, was given a solemn reception to the Yaroslavl "Rotary Club", in which, by the way, the mayor of Yaroslavl, the governor, the Federal Inspector of the Yaroslavl Region and the Speaker of the Ovoldum. Matvienko's husband is one of the leading executives of the pharmaceutical business of St. Petersburg, the son of their - Vice-President of the Financial Group "St. Petersburg Banking House", which has close connections with Deutsche Bank and Dresznner Bank. Putin has a special relationship To the last - "Dresrinner Bank" entered the Russian market (region of St. Petersburg) during his help ...

External economic contacts that ensured complete control of the West over processes in the Russian Federation should be provided by people whom the Western Elite knows. And Fradkov, and Primakov, and Putin are such figures. All three directly intersected the professionally. By the way, in its political and economic views all three - supporters of state capitalism. That is, such capitalism, in which the state controls the market, the power invents its laws, the government is boiled juices from the people.
Like Avenue, E. Primakov - famous in all circles of the Mason. The track record of it is not only impressive, but also reveals the internal relations of KP-GB-Masonry. Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Party Propagandist, Head of Foreign Intelligence Service, Russian Foreign Minister (1996), Prime Minister (1998), Council Consultant for International Relations and Trilateral Commission, Member of the Maltese Order, Member of the Roman Club ...

A man in the street, not familiar with the Masonic arms, with such an abundance of lies, groups, associations, clubs, associations, and even when they say such high-profile names, it can simply go into trance. Is it all this - a web of Freemasonry? Does Putin affect this web? Is there any system in this weaving?
Of course, there is ... "

Who will be interested in, you can watch the secret continuation about two parts here: SX888.LiveJournal.com
Masonic games Putin (part 2),
Masonic games Putin (part 3).

Thus, we learn a lot of "new" about modern Russian elites, the Russian Freemasonry and the Supreme Ruler of the country V. V. Putin. Make conclusions yourself ...

If you considered that the above is very "harsh" in relation to the selected (?) Once again time to the president of the country, then read the small sample presented below, the fact that I considered it possible to bring. The Internet is a terrible force (with an adjective stress) ...

"Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich does not exist (Via-midgard.info)

Putin's receiver Dmitry Medvedev - Galachic Jew, his mother Yulia Veniaminovna, 100% Jewish, was a Teacher of Literature at the Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen, Svetlana's wife in Maiden's Linnik is also a Jewish. As for the Jews, the nationality of children is determined by the mother, so that we are 100% Jew Medvedev.
As also as it became known from the information edition of Stringer, earlier the biography of Medvedev was different from today, namely:

(The position of President of the Russian Federation is the key to the riches of Russia and the "roof" for Jewish theft)
Present Name "Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich" - Menachem (David) Aaronovich Mendel, according to a passport - Russian. JEW.
Born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad in the "simple" family, according to the passport.
- Father, Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev, Professor, Russian passport. Present his name - Mendel Aaron Abramovich, in passport - Russian (Jew) ...

The horror is that the danger is that the Jews adopting our language, our literary forms, externally catching up with Russians, trying to externally, all the same Jews remain in the Russian forms, the Jewish content, their spirit, displaces our spiritual Values, our psychology, our morality, our Russian ideals. "
Israeli journalists are completely open about the Jewry "Medvedev".
Jew, Mendel, in all Russian media who died to the hands of the Jews seemed to be a Russian Medvedev ... "

That's how it is like ... I do not share these "pearls", but ... you will not hide - do not hide, and the Internet will get you. It is difficult to be visible to the leaders and leaders of modernity ...

The last online exposure is already the issue of Masonry and Jewry and how combined these concepts in the inflamed brains of anti-Semites of all the masters. There is also something to talk about ... But, I repeat, I do not cover the immense. Let me leave this topic to other researchers ...

Conclusions do yourself, RB-colleagues. I am not going to Gregory Rufovich, put ready-made recipes in your bright heads for all occasions and give our completed opinion about the device of our such imperfect world. This world is always in dynamics, he has its own dialectic development ...

And finally, I can not deny yourself the pleasure of "Padeligan" -ponize and want to go out with ...

An open appeal to the world (alien?) Masonic league:

Dear and Almighty Lodge,

Take me into your ranks, at least in your Russian nomenclature branch.

In the case of a positive decision, I will bearing "honestly" to cut down and roll back, withdraw money to the offshore, place them in foreign banks, buy real estate abroad, teach children and grandchildren in the same place, keep a great Masonian mystery.

As a more appropriate option, I suggest you replace your (ours) 16-bit Mason GDP and 32-bit ladies on new more successful 4 and 8 discharge masons - managers in Russia (nothing that I moved to the binary system The discharge of Official Masons? ...). In this, more preferably, I undertake to bring the benefit of Russia, to deal with corruption, not to flow by brains, keep money in a savings office, restore the destroyed economy of the country with compatriots ..., and certainly unless to keep loyalty to your Masonic organization, designed to do the world better, cleaner and smarter ...

And the last sentence, because I write to you from a biathlon site, then take a reward for E-strengthening the lodges of our biathlon president with his environment. It is very rich and full of innovative ideas, so it may be to you - the masons are primitively useful. And we will prevent and try to solve our biathlon problems without a oligarch without a oligarch ...
I remain

not a member of any party, not an official, not bribemer, not a nationalist, not an anti-Semit, but a humble Russian (Russian) scientist learning the device of the microworld .... There's everything in order - with atoms, nuclei, elementary particles and quarks ...

But the macromir in danger ...

Sokolov V. E.

With respect to all RB colleagues. Thanks for attention. Sorry for long ...



Hi Oleg!
I am glad that you have shown interest in the raised topic. I often hear you lately. Still always glad to communicate with you. I hope that you are fine.
Thanks for the videos. And Chubais, they are in Africa Chubais - Persay, "Zhuchili", Masons ... Shnovers, in general ... I apologize for the expression. But it is the most correct in essence ... In the personal life of this combinator not climb, but also heard about his new marriage ...

Elders are honored in the Bilderberg club (about 370 people) ... who are they ...?! -
From Russia - invited ... who? ... yes, yes ... he is the most ... Chubais ...!

Not Prokhorov, not Kuchenko, it is - he, the "most red" in Russia, the newlyweds ...! website

And at the end of the topic - to its origins ... Illuminati and US dollars ...

Do you have a weak with orientation by sections? Examine the site map and destination partitions, and then start thinking before writing.

Actually, this is the biathlon site. Enough to doll pages. Slit sexwork on mail ...

instead of words \u003d video, like an illustration of what is said ...

A thousanddimed rally was held in Moscow against the policy of V. Putin. His roots should be sought in September last year, when Putin and Medvedev announced that they change places. And when implementing this idea on the December elections in the Duma and all the following, there were many questions about the purity of the elections. As a result, the active part of the population came to rallies. Last year released from the bottle in September last year, did not manage to drive back. Even Dragon repressions were not frightened for the so-called violations on rallies, searches and arrests among their organizers and participants. Asks - why V. Putin such problems?
What, actually, are the main requirements of "dissenters of citizens"? Honest elections at first did not even mention. Over the past ten years, vague discontent was viewed with regard to different kinds of reforms of the type of military or educational and permanent increase in prices for everything without exception. In the absence of prospects to find a good work hundreds of thousands of young people and competent specialists just left much away. They say, for example, in American firms associated with aviation and missile engine, up to 30% of engineering and design personnel - refugees from Russia.
Another reason for the vague discontent was also the lack of any justice in the distribution of national wealth expressed in the citizens understandable to all the money income. It is said that only five hundred Russian families belong almost 80% of all national wealth. The level of income of the richest exceeds the revenues of the poorest 16 times. And wealth is, as a rule, it was not hired by honest labor, but a banal theft of budget money or proximity to the large boss. First of all - to Putin itself. His former colleagues, neighbors in the country and training in the sports club were heads of state-owned companies, dollar billionaires and owners of oil, insurance, financial, construction and many more business. Their children often occupy senior positions in large state banks.
But - it seems - God with them. In the end, state resources and enterprises whose owners have become overnight, belong to Russian citizens. In contrast, let's say, from the former countries of the People's Democracy. There is a local industry, land, banks for pennies (but in fairly) gave the Germans, Americans and other new senior brothers. Putin prevailed another principle - better than his Rothenberg than the American Rothschild. In addition, their own can always take everything back to the state, like Khodorkovsky. At the same time, "strangers" to represent the enemies that arrange the goats around our homeland.
But more and more often the events began to happen and negative trends began to normally explain that the goats of external enemies were already impossible. You can list at least those mentioned in "An". It is a targeted killing of aircraft, machine-tooling, military medicine, primitating primary and secondary education, the actual cancellation of free health and higher education. In the queue "Monetization" of public services.
Therefore, the coming elections in the State Duma and the presidential elections were waiting for more than ever. The active part of the population wanted to change. At the same time, almost everyone understood that it was Putin, easier than others, can become president. He became him. But "Augiyev's stables" remained the same. Monsters like Manturova and Serdyukov remained in the government. Or deputies to other monsters, which from ministerial chairs moved to the Kremlin, and their deputies took their place. A pair of new people like Abyzov is nothing but perplexation cannot be called. What can be expected from this Deputy Prime Minister, who, being Deputy Chubais in RAO "UES", became on his wreckage dollar billionaire? For such power - just one of the form of business. There will be no disinterested ministry to Fatherland.
Therefore, the growth of the protest movement, the main leitmotif of which was the slogan of "Down of Zhulikov and Thief!", Putin himself could easily be reduced to no, radically updating the government. It was enough to entrust the formation of the Cabinet authoritative person, at least from the governor's corps, to call for professionals in the ministers according to the relevant industries and do not think at the same time that he throws his. They would die in quietly by foreign slugs to spend the "outlined labor acquired" in the government, and prayed God, so that no one remember them.
But while our president does not notice the obvious: like a white ribbon - a symbol of protest - slowly excavates its authority vertical to an anachronismwww.argumenti.ru


Here is another evidence of the conscious collapse of his country - Russia:

"I can not understand the principle of the selection of people in the government of the country"

Academician of Heinrich Novozhilov: "Our industry leaders are not experts in the field that they smoke"

"... we have remained only on paper a whole plan for the development of wide-body aircraft, developed back in 1991, did not have enough money, no, alas, already and design thought. The case, in our opinion, the right country, stood. And there she looked like a sentence to all our efforts, then another Minister of Industry Viktor Borisovich Khristenko, that "we are not needed broadly extinguished airplanes"! Rational, because before the passenger wide-body aircraft built only the United States, United Europe and We, Ilyushinians.
- But is it of Khristenko a big specialist in this matter?!
- The tragedy of our aviation (and not only it) is that the leaders of our industry in their most are not experts in the area that is supervised. This, by the way, concerns all industries. I just can not understand the principle of selection of people in the government of the country. Ministerial posts occupy people - whatever talented, are far from many features and nuances of the industries that they head. They are far from understanding the specifics and technology.
For example, no one can formulate what the army reform is. I am not a military man, although once he was part of the Defense and State Security Committee of the last Supreme Soviet of the USSR. With the structure of our army, the so-called hearings were constantly visited, which arranged General Headquarters for designers. There, we are intelligible, with cards, I brought information about the entire structure Soviet army. And now I think that she was excellent. You can rearrange the brigades and divisions, but why, while breaking the foundation? And such a foundation always had military universities who were preparing a qualified team composition, today they are eliminated. Destroyed the Military Engineering Academy named after Zhukovsky! She was transferred to Voronezh, but all professors and teachers who were thrown from there remained in Moscow. Just refuse to understand it! This academy was indeed national proud and the country's property, unique techniques were developed there, there was an excellent laboratory base. And all this overnight ceased to exist!

Assignments in the furnace
- Do you have any recipes for exiting the economic and industrial crisis?
- I carefully read the articles of Vladimir Putin. Not going to express critical comments, but, for example, they are talking about that by 2020 25 million jobs will be created. Forgive me, but to create such a number of jobs, it is necessary to make a real plan of industrialization of Russia. It should be scheduled where the enterprises that they will do, build. And here it is impossible to hide for reasoning about innovation. Innovation Innovation Returns. In electronics, for example, they can very quickly give the result and serve both the development of science and technology and ensuring human needs. It is necessary to collect scientists, until they finally fledged, - let the specific plans are offered. When we did a plane or a space object, built a submarine, generally created something new, they did not think at all about the so-called innovation! Previously, this was not called "the introduction of new achievements of science and technology." There was a huge amount of inventions in the process of birth of the most complicated technical units. Designer, worker, engineer production - only they can be implemented to life developed by applied science.
But, if this will not be a plan of new industrialization of the country, what 25 million jobs can we talk about?! It is necessary to first understand what people will deal with what they will produce. I'm trying to understand our politicians who promise Mann Heaven. At one time I had to seriously engage in the party work, so I can confirm with the full basis on my experience: politics, indeed, closely related to the economy. For example, I know that aviation gasoline, so necessary for piston aircraft, today in Russia practically does not produce. They argue that he is bought in Finland - for a hundred rubles per liter. But after all, Mendeleev noticed that burning oil in the firebox - it's like to heat the oven the oven. Or, here: is it right that we are in a gigantic scale supply the raw forest in China, Finland? Why not direct the creation of woodworking enterprises at least some kind of money that we get from there? To sell no longer raw wood, and the product would help, by the way, create the very workplaces.
It is time to think about what we should live not only on oil and gas, but also on the products of their processing. Another side of the question: It is impossible to go to the international market, not satisfying the needs of its own country, without having appropriate industries. When sometimes I swim according to the Volga, I see, once worked plants in the horrific state. Is it not a naughty attitude towards your own wealth?

- How do you assess the condition of domestic small aviation?
- She is in the hardest crisis. Article 123 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that "everyone who is located on the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to move freely." Alas, this right is not provided with the opportunity. In one of his speeches, Dmitry Medvedev recalled that there were 28 thousand settlements in the country, which can only be reached by plane or helicopter. So what? Small aviation today is completely killed, she degraded and collapsed. Speaking about what facilities need to revive small aviation, Medvedev said about the following: "I think that it does not need to be shifted. All means are good. There are samples that can be put in the series - let's put. And produce at our aviation enterprises. If there are no such samples, it means that you need to buy foreign, to take foreign technique into leasing. In one year I will not decide, but for ten, I think we can fully close the problem. " By the way, from January 1 of this year, subsidizing from the federal budget of funds for the purchase of aircraft for regional companies began: on this, according to the Deputy Minister of Transport, Valery Okulov, are going to allocate 1.1 billion rubles. When I read it, I became sad: when, in the end, remember the fate of people practically deprived of the opportunity to get to the central regions of the country? I wanted to even write an article "Why in Uzbekistan fly on new" flashes ", and in Russia fighting on old" Anah "... that's all to the fact that when they talk about purchases of foreign aircraft in the Kremlin, I have only one question: and How did the IL-114 made us? ..

Rally cooking
- ... in his life I saw several revolutions. The first is back in 1960 in Cuba. I remember how I had to attend the rally when we were taken there from New York Fidel Castro. When I saw a crowded area named after José Marty in Havana, although goosebumps were ran up. It is not enough that the crowd is huge, chant "ENSERSOSOS!", "Patria about Muerth!", So also the bomb was rushed there. ...




Yeremeich, well, their nafig, these masons and fighters appropriate. Tell me better about the reactor - where, what, and why? It is possible in a personal.


Gambit. "Do not pay attention to Goev Jewish." Here it dumbled!

So what, the Jews? Normal people. Prokhorov won even president of SBR. Pihler German Jew, Kushchenko - Ukrainian, Pak - Korean. Fine. Tie already))

Sokolov Vladimir Yeremeevich,
Yes, it's fine all the falcons, the blog turned out good. Do not pay attention to Goev Jewish.))
The information here accumulated thinking about a lot forces, as well as a lot of things becomes clear what the Jews-Masons from Russia want ...

i answer your last unfair personal replica in my address.
People and nicknames are changing, black lists, but it seems I don't confuse anything ... it was you who answered that if you feed your personal hostility to me, it's hardly our dialogue and better break into different directions .. . And it was when discussing the very letter and the consequences of this, when I showed the "cowardice" and put the first of my name (notice, not nickname) under this letter to power in the "hat" of that blog (waiting for the "delight" to the Republic of Belarus ).

As for my departure ...
I posted this blog last Tuesday and for three days had the honor to discuss this topic with RB-colleagues, I did not notice you there ... And on vacation after three sleepless nights in the reactor (and this is pure truth ...) I deserved right ( And even warned the RB-audience of the departure). You can congratulate me. The victims were not in vain. Night experiments succeeded ...

However, prove something in this situation is quite ridiculous. Be healthy and more friendly. Well, "courage" you do not borrow how I see ...
And in my "discussions" with Grisha hardly you can fulfill the role of an independent arbitrator ...

A kebab from pork is just super, in vain I did not try. Your yahweh does not see anyway.))

Sokolov Vladimir Yeremeevich,

That's for sure. Provocation was completely successful. More precisely, no provocation, but the usual, inherent in your personally, the cowardice. There is not enough courage to say what you think, so it is better to throw a bad smelling temko, but there will be enough poorly to develop. Well, they themselves at the cottage ... Potatoes, pork kebabs and conversations about the destinies of the country. Ugh! Grisha is more honest.

Wonderful RB colleagues,
my holidays and freedom from the Internet were delayed until the morning of Tuesday. I am happy in the evening of the same day to find my RB friends and enemies, like-minded people and opponents on a well-known and open place, without you, I will no longer think your virtual life.
Sorry if you started you on the reefs. I did not want anything wrong. Easy to communicate on non-spiker topics (how they are tired of ...). The head should work, and not stupid from infinite transfusion from empty to empty.
250 comments in my blog - good static. Everybody is alive. A small passage is already the norm for the Republic of Belarus. I apologize to everyone who was offended here - because it is partly in my fault.
About Freemasonry You now know a lot more than before. Now you will have a fairly long-term rejection to themes, but over time it will pass ... All participants in the discussion have tried.
In order to avoid misunderstandings and reproes, I inform me that I did not delete a single word from the comments, no longer about them. Believe me for the word.
And I repeat that I have a neutral and weathered position in relation to the sign nation. I have never used the branch words and incorrent epithets into either their address or anyone else. Only to the world "stripped" fierce disputes ...
And if it was incorrect to someone from you understand and is destroyed - not mine in that wine, and your fantasy ...
With respect and tolerance to opinions and speeches, my interlocutors. Many thanks to all participants. Suggest your discussion topics on our website - ahead of a long summer without our favorite biathlon.

PS. For whatever they write personal responsibility on the Internet. The task like everyone did not put it, yes it is impossible ...


"Governing bodies of rivers - the Presidium, the Board of Directors and the Public Council. Vladimir Resin, Mikhail Friedman, Alexander Beard, Evgenia Albats, Alexander Beard, Evgenia Albats, Julius Gusman, Berl Lazar, Henry Reznik, Vladimir Solovyov, Gennady Khazanov, Mikhail Members, Mikhail Berger, Matvey Ganapolsky, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, etc. " 1996-2001 Vladimir Gusinsky 2001-2003 Leonid Nevzlin 2003-2004 Evgeny Satanovsky 2004-2005 Vladimir Slucker 2005-2009 Vyacheslav Kantor from May 14, 2009 - Yuri Kanner
"With the election of Leonid Borisovich Nevzlin, the President of Keroore Relations with the authorities became more business and constructive. Nevzlin helped us improve relations with the authorities, and his election itself helped to raise the Moral Spirit Keroor. Now no one is decided to impede our activities, in any case in the open. "

1. Enlarge the number of rabbiani cities! In the Russian Federation 47.2016
2. Construction of synagogue and community centers 45.2016
3. Creating youth clubs 120! .2011 g!.
4. Creating a military! Rabbinate of the Russian Federation! 1.2007
5. Creating the Board of Trustees in local communities 50.2007
6. Creation of Board of Trustees in local communities 50.2008
7. Creating Board of Trustees with local communities 50.2009
8. Creating the Board of Trustees in local communities 50.2010
9. Creation of new general education schools 25.2016
10. Creation of new Sunday schools 50.2011.
11. Creation of new human rights offices 5.2007.
12. Creation of new human rights offices 5.2008.
13. Creation of new human rights offices 5.2009
14. Creation of new human rights offices 5.2010
15. Creation of new human rights offices 5.2011
16. Creation of the permanent Lecturer Group on Judaism 1.2007.
17. Opening of new regional lecturers 25.2011.
18. Creating an online store of Jewish literature at Feor 1.2008
19. Completion of the census of the Jewish population of the country.2011
20. Implementation of the program of distribution of Jewish traditional literature and attributes in Jewish families ("Torah and Mesuza - to each Jewish family") 2008-2011.
21. Opening of new clubs (family, female, for the interests of T Ave.) 150 2007 - 2016.
22. Opening of the Central Jewish Museum in Moscow 1 2010
23. Creating a permanent Jewish (interfaith) program on CT and radio. 2008
24. Opening of new kosher shops and restaurants in cities with a Jewish population from 5,000 people. 20 2016
25. Transition in the relationship "Central Office - Regional Communities" on a new financing system. 2007-2011

Head of the Board of Trustees FEOR - Roman Abramovich;


According to the census of Russian Federation, Jews are only 230 thousand ...

Well, the Jews have the same servants of Shabes-goow. Zverev Sergey Aleksandrovich and Svetlana Vasilyevna Mironushuk, they worked for the Jews.
Also in the internet there are these saccasses-goals. And there are also the Jews and Jews themselves, they so hate all Russian that even the Russian names are kaverkat. They in the internet directly cannot pass by, where they say the truth, showing the worse side of the Jews. And so we try to translate this topic in every way, and if you do not succeed, then just turn into jokes.

jewry for the mother will give up, and it does not matter who the Father is.
so rather Abramovich crossed the deer with males.))



Well, if only Abramovich's predecessor baptized deer))

In mint! :-)) So we now have all the chuck solid Jews?

I remind you that in those days it was Gusinsky, introduced into practice the weekly sawing of the blood of Christian babies., Most significant bridge employees. So, if not genes, the traditions were certainly transmitted.

and Zverev worked for Gusinsky :)) I will say more, initially the Zverev from Gusinsky and worked, and Svetlana was his secretary :))
In addition to Sergey and Svetlana, the Gusinsky worked another 5 thousand people, and considering the "bridge-media", "Most-Bank" and "Bridge-Development" - and more :)) At Berezovsky, I think the total number of employees was no less :)) And how many employees work in companies of other oligarchs of Jewish nationality! :)) Do you think that the nationality of cartridges have passed all mythically?: - D

Vlad, of course the best about the world Massonian mafia is written on its official website!

Guys, you are not tired of overflow from empty to empty?
To your note, read the official website of the Massonian lodge of Russia, maybe then will understand that the combined Great Lodge of Russia does not share its members by nationality and religion, because Membership this is faith in the great builder.

Read about membership, charter and goals, about 12 principles of regularity.

The kings and dynasties remained, but the right to choose religion for their people were taken away. Who took away? Vatican. Not Jews, but Catholics. This, you understand, it turns out the Zagogulin with the origins of Western democracy :) The truth did not cost and without side effects in the form of a split of the Western Church, the appearance of Protestants, and, appropriate, religious massage in Europe, which questioned the possibility of the possibility of further existence of Western European civilization. Well, and then, the "father" of Western liberalism and an apologist of Christianity of the Locke appeared, which advanced the idea of \u200b\u200btolerance in the masses. True warned its future followers in advance: do not spread tolerance on atheists. For anyone, but not on the atheists. However, the descendants did not obey him, and as a result of the final celebration of tolerance in the current Protestant churches, even representatives of sex were crowned. Well, these are their problems, and not ours :) And as for our problems, at the moment there are two real threats to the existence of Russian society and the state. And this is not Masons at all, or someone else but something else:

a) demography
b) corruption.

Vm, I prefer not to choose the devil. And they will remove them at all. And I will live without them.))
As for the rest, so the state of the Byzantine ideology was put at the head of the general, regardless of religions and nationality. This is at the Roman-German ideology to chapter or religion (crusades of Pope) or nationality (Hitler and Mussolini fascism).
By the way, the kings are just in Europe and some of the part of Asia and remained. It is in the territory of the Byzantine ideology (internationalism) Russia, China, India, and Brazil is not.

Gambit: ".. And it doesn't seem to you that it is easier to really remove someone .."

No, it does not seem.
Why should someone clean someone? To take the other place for his vacation place - an unfamiliar player?

P. C. Of the two features, choose who you know better :)

And further. It seems to me that you underestimate the influence of religious organizations on the processes that happened in Rome and Byzantium. The Vatican had his own project, let's say, the development of the spiritual space :) aimed against the power of kings, who assign themselves the right to "choose religion for his people." And this project was successfully completed. From those kings of Europe, there are already no bones left :)

In general, it is interesting, because the basis of many sciences and exercises was just an ancient Rome and especially literature and art. The Roman Empire was divided into Byzantine (which was friendly and oriented to all peoples and to the whole world) and West Germanic - consider (which was more oriented to the West, only to Europe). And then someone shedding these great civilizations to each other. And as a result, both self-satisfied. And the attempt to restore Greece is completely destroyed by the Byzantine part. Russia helped in Nicolae to restore independence and the state Greece (the Byzantine ideology of the Roman Empire). But for this, Nikolai paid, as we know from history.
And this someone lives to this day on the place where everything went crusades. And now still we are equipped and come again. And again Russia faces the protection of the interests of the Byzantine part of the ideology.
Everything is repeated in history.
And what is interesting now fighting against the main Byzantine ideas of democracy, under the slogan alleged democracy. How did everyone distinguish between anyone? Non-Jews?)) Sarkozy.

But in 41 and 45, it was again considered the war of the ideologies of the two branches of the Roman Empire - in the form of fascism (Roman-German) and our internationalism (Byzantine).
And again there was not without people, from the other side with jewish roots. With ours I had the mind of the Anglo-American side. Although we, after the revolution, they still left those who then Stalin after 45 and took up.
And again, as if all the Jews were destroyed there, and again, for some reason they became more.
VM, but it doesn't seem to you that it is easier to really remove someone who all the time sticks all the world inserts. The challenge and opposing the Byzantine international and western mononational ideology and culture?

Gambit: "Maybe therefore, so the attitude of the Jews to Russia? Can not forget Rome. That's interesting here. "

You know, that's all as they say: Lyrics :) So I would be happy to read the explanations of the specialists on Byzantium such a curious historical fact, as the transfer of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bByzantia, Judaian Khazaria, in exchange for the construction of defensive fortifications (fortresses) in the territory of the Khazar Kaganata. In the sense of explanation, and why it is Khazara, it took the construction of about two dozen fortresses in the north of their state, and? Well, the construction of Sarkela in the southeastern borders is understandable. Khazar was strained in relations with Arabs, but in the north, why?

And then such an interesting detail pops up, i.e. Mention of a certain Russian kaganate existed during the domination of Byzantium in world politics, parallel with Khazar Kaganat. In general, the farther in the forest (story) the more lyrics :)



There is nothing strange here. As already told the world, the world rules the big game, where the goals of one player who currently holds the bank and tricks the deck, come into conflict with the goal of all the other playing in this big game. So the Jews will not give the abyss, do not worry :) However, how they will not give an abyss and the Germans, as it was already after the conclusion of the Versailles world and the sharp activation of the Vatican in the plan of indirect support of the fascists.

Not everything is so simple, in our simplified imagination, around the world :) and so that the world ruled from one center, it does not happen. The navel will unleash, any "ruler" :)

Svetlana Mironyuk worked from Gusinsky.
Sergey Zverev worked at Berezovsky. (I hope you remember who engaged in the elections of Yeltsin in 96 the most falted elections in the history of Russia, when Zyuganov defeated)
Gusinsky and Berezovsky, of course, have nothing to do with the Jews?
"In March 1996, Berezovsky died during the Economic Forum in Davos with Gusinsky, attracted Anatoly Chubais and agreed with influential entrepreneurs to combine efforts to re-election of President Yeltsin"

It is only strange that after all the supposedly "extermination" of the Jews, their quantity increased.
What is it like? If they were so drove and killed in antiquity, they would almost be left. How are the same Greeks.

And then another question about Rome. Russia, as it were, is considered to be the third Rome, the Byzantine symbol has passed a lot to our culture. .
Maybe therefore, so the attitude of the Jews to Russia? Can not forget Rome?
That's interesting here.

rosinka: "An interesting thought. Somehow earlier did not think about it :-)

And the more you will dig in this direction, it will be more interesting :) in this scheme. Cleopatra, brilliant warrior and Koreh Herod in one person, - Mark Anthony and many others, but this is all lyrics :) But the concrete:

"The scope of construction in Jerusalem with Herod is a grandiose. The Roman historian Pliny senior writes that with Herod Jerusalem was the most famous and most brilliant of the capitals of the East. Herod expanded and rebuilt the second temple, increasing its height twice. The temple was consecrated for the second time. Although the temple was almost completely rebuilt, he did not call it the third, and still he was called the name of the second temple. Herod double increased the area of \u200b\u200bthe temple mountain, for which there was a need to revive the retaining walls. One of them, the Western Wall, has been preserved to the present day - as a wall of crying. I really wanted Irod so that the Jews see their own. By the way, Herod himself did not have the right to enter the temple - not a Jew. Nevertheless, the Jews hated Herod as a conductor of the Roman power. The finished proglik, Herod, tried to connect two worlds - Rome and Judea. "

Question Where does the money come from, Zin? :) In the sense of where the people from the people, the territory of which is occupied by foreign troops, money to finance a grand scale of construction during Herod? :)

i can quite accurately say that neither Sergey Zverev, nor Svetlana Mironyuk not Jews :))


VM, thank you. Interesting idea. Somehow earlier did not think about it :-)

BIERN: "Jesus Christ is too deep, a complex, multi-level topic."

Nevertheless: any crime leaves his financial trail. If you are interested in the theme of a multi-level relationship between the Jews and the Romans or representatives of local authorities and Roman governors, you should pay particularly close attention to the complex monetary system acting in Judea of \u200b\u200bthe time, as well as one very curious historical fact mentioned in the Bible, small letters On the last page called "Monetary units in the New Testament":

"By weight (!) And the values \u200b\u200bof Dinariya was equated to the Greek drachma or 1/4 of the Sycl, but during the Savior's Earth's Day, he had a smaller value. On the front side of the coin depicted the reigning emperor. The Dinarium was a daily fee of Roman warrior, like drachma - daily fee of Athenian soldiers. He also constituted the usual fee working fee. The dinaria was equal to the magnitude to file, which the Jews were obliged to pay the Romans. "

And there would be nothing special in this situation if not another historical fact. The chip is that Judea was the only Roman province, which the Romans allowed to minimize their money. Imagine the prospects for the Jewish counterparts, changing two of the same silver coins with an understated course in relation to the other? :)

No, scrolls such focuses by the Jews themselves without the participation of governors and Roman military workers (in the divisions of which were the Greeks who receive their drachmas for the service) - not forces. Here, a joint Jew-Roman enterprise on "Caesar's exercise" was clearly established :) Apparently, therefore, Pontius Pilate spoke about Jesus: if he resurrect, then I will forbel to focus my image on the coins (which is the way Pontius and did).

Well, numerous sectarian-humanities, the fact that they do that one suck out of the finger "evidence of the perversion of the teachings of Christ", they say Rome destroyed Paul ... Yeah .. There's someone to Paul, there was someone to tear the walls of the "eternal city" :)

There really is a lot of muddy.
well, there are no facts, for example, at least one about the so-called priests. And then they really like fictional.
Here about the Jews and Masons facts at least somehow are described in history.
Yes, and something there very much Jews are unloaded from all the deeds. Suspiciously.

And more about Moscow news.
"The newspaper is produced by the publishing house" Time "in cooperation with RIA Novosti and using the Agency's technological and information base."
RIA News. Svetlana Vasilyevna Mironyuk. Head-owned RIA Novosti.
"From 1992 to 2000, he worked at the Media-Bridge CJSC Deputy Head of the Office for Information Analytical Support and Public Relations." "Media-Bridge - MediaGroup Vladimir Gusinsky, existed in 1993-2001"
- Sergey Alexandrovich Male Male Svetlana Mironyuk.
"Decree of Boris Yeltsin on the appointment of Sergey Zverev, the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration for Relations with the State Duma, political parties, public associations and religious organizations, elevated a reputable Parashka in the rank of public politicians. Before that, Zverev was known in a narrow circle as a promoter of the group "Bridge", OAO Gazprom "and the shadow activist of the 1996 presidential election campaign."
Strange is RIA Novosti. Which Russian newspaper Reprinted. On a link which Nicholas gave ..
Who is a thread in the know, what kind of man Zverev Sergey Aleksandrovich?

Norther, the volume is big ... I missed the theater ... Education is important ...

BIERN, if it is "Games of the Gods" (12 serial film), then there is too much fiction. Masset only 2 series about theater.

Byryn, found.

Gambit, Movie Games Games

thank you.
By the way, I never got into this material. Where is he from?
Throw off the site.

"Mason in Russia is more than the Mason." He first of all the "sun of Russian poetry", an invincible commander, the classic of Russian literature, the creator of the "Story of the Russian State", the head of the Provisional Government, and in the second, and sometimes the third is a free bricklayer.

On January 7, 1761, Suvorov was produced in the Scottish masters of the Masonic lodge "To three crowns". The first Lodge of Masonov was founded in London on June 24, 1717. From the UK, Freemasonry spread to other countries, including Russia, where the masons were used in the XVIII - the first third of the XIX century great influence. Among the Russian Masons there were a legend that the first Masonic bed in Russia was established by Peter Great. Many people are lack of social inequality between the brothers, the protection of the interests of the brothers by all members of the lodge seemed an attractive idea. At its meetings, the lodges discussed various theoretical and practical issues, the role of simultaneously political clubs and philosophical societies. Masons had traditions, symbols, and masons came up with a new story, ascending from the construction of Solomon's temple. Russian Freemasonry set itself the task of "knowledge of the mystery of being" through Christian tolerance and the "Combability of the Cathedral", which included self-improvement, spiritual creativity, enlightenment. We decided to tell about the most famous Russian masons.


Suvorov was adopted in the Masonic Order in 1761. At that time, Freemasonry had not yet gained wide sympathy, so Suvorov entered the brotherhood not on the wave of fashion, but in deep spiritual necessity, and was one of the first Russian free bricklayers. At the same time, he did not just joined the brotherhood, but passed several steps: Suvorov was dedicated and was made to the third degree of Masters in St. Petersburg. And although only a few documents are spoken to his belonging to the Order - in particular, in the list of Königsberg Lodges of March 16, 1761, a newly discovered in the archive of the Great National Lodge of three globes in Berlin, for the number 6 Number of Ober Lieutenant Alexander Von Suvorov - famous circumstances His life: religiosity, asceticism, struggle with passions, especially characteristic of the free period of the period, testify to this.


In 1779, the commander of Kutuzov joined the lie "to three keys" in Regensburg. He came to look for in the brotherhood of "Forces to fight passions and keys to secrets of the world." Traveling in Europe, he also entered the Frankfurt and Berlin lodges, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Among the historians there is a version that Kutuzov's brothers recommended that Suvorov, who became not only a military, but also a spiritual mentor for him. Kutuzov reached high degrees and was one of the most influential members of the Brotherhood, tied his name with false more than 30 years. When dedicated to the 7th degree of Swedish Freemasonry, Kutuzov received the Oden name - a green laurel, and the motto - "victories to glorify", which became prophetic. Some historians of Freemasonry believe that it was Masonic society that contributed to the appointment of Kutuzov by the leader of the Forces in the fight against Napoleon, which seemed to Masons early XIX. Centuries by the embodiment of evil, power and violence. To withstand this evil, Masonov was considered their duty.


In his diary, Pushkin in 1821 recorded a record: "On May 4, I was adopted in the Masons." Dedication he received in the bed "Ovid" in Chisinau, she was never recognized as official, and in November of the same year was forced to stop work. In addition, on August 1, 1822, Alexander I signed a decree on the prohibition of Masonic lodges and all secret societies at all. Thus, the dedication of Pushkin into the Freemasonry was as if unofficial, although he passed with all the subtleties of the ritual. Nevertheless, most historians are confident that Pushkin simply could not not be a massone: the environment from which the poet came out was impregnated by Masonic ideas. In the fraternity, his father Sergei Lvovich and Uncle Vasily Lvovich, the magazines of Masons N. Novikova and I. Lopukhin, edition A. Labzin and P. Beketov were constantly read in the house. Many pupils of the Tsarskoye Lyceum, where Pushkin studied, the nearest environment of the poet, the people with whom he or often saw, or, later, was in correspondence, became the brothers of the Petersburg Longs. Senched to the south, Pushkin met with many masons: Raevsky, Pestel, S. Volkonsky and others. Maybe not participating formally in the work of any of the lies, he was constantly in the society of Masons, participated in their conversations, so the symbolism of the lodge and the Masonic ritual was also clear to him as others. Researchers of his creativity more than once found the symbolism of masonry in his verses and the audience. In addition, in the Poet Coffin before the funeral, Prince Vyazemsky invested the glove as a sign of recognition by his brother on the bed.


Chaadaev was one of the brightest characters among Masons. Few people could compare with him according to the readiness, on brilliant erudition, in excellent memory and intelligent level. Pushkin called it small person Russia and recognized him with his teacher. On the formation of the philosophical worldview of Chaadayev, the works of his relative of Prince M. M. Shcherbatova, who at one time was a very famous Frankmason, was given. Chaadaev himself was adopted in the Masonic Life in 1814 in Krakow and reached one of the highest degrees of initiations in the Order - the eighth degree of "secret white brothers Lodzh John" from nine possible. However, being a man of very independent judgments, who does not recognize any doctrines, in 1821 Chaadaev in Freemasonry disappointed and left a lie. The reasons that prompted to move away from Freemasonry, Chaadaev outlined in the letter. It seemed to him that the rituals of Mason were empty, and the brothers prefer conversations about intentions instead of actions.


Alexander Kerensky is considered one of the most prominent representatives of the Masonry of the XX century. At the end of 1912, he was admitted to the Masonic Lodge "The Great East of Peoples of Russia", which was not recognized by others as a Masonic organization, since the priority for himself put political activity. The organization had strong radicals who spent the republican device of the state. Among the three hundred members of this Masonic lodge were representatives of almost all political parties and deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Empire, which could successfully influence Russian policies of that time. Four years later, in 1916, Kerensky was chosen by the General Secretary of the Masonic Lodge. Historians believe that the rapid political career of Kerensky, which began in 1917, is related to its influence and authority in the Masonic organization. After the February Revolution, Kerensky turns out to be simultaneously in two opposing authorities: in the first composition of the Provisional Government as Minister of Justice, and in the first composition of Petrosovet as the Deputy Chairman. Then there was the position of military and maritime minister of the Provisional Government, which was the peak of Kerensky's political career. After joining the Bolsheviks Kerensky emigrated from Russia.

The diplomat and writer Alexander Sergeyevich Griboedov was not enough to consist in the most numerous Masonic bed of St. Petersburg "United Friends". He wanted to improve her, his letters and notes were preserved about this. To be called, according to the Griboedov project, this bed was supposed to be "good." Instead of official French, the language of all her cases should have become Russian, despite the fact that there were many foreigners in it. And this goal is the purpose of the Enlightenment of Russia, the spread of Russian diplomas - the members of the lodges were to see the first to be their task. Griboedov was convinced that the forces were wicked on the pomp and gloomy solemnity of assembly, on the rituit, could be used with a great mind. Griboedov projects show the seriousness of his relationship to membership in the Masonic organization and, of course, his ambitiousness and some idealism. By the way, he was not the only world diplomat, and there was a lot of communication among Masons a lot of diplomatic career. Unlike Karamzin or Chaadayev, Griboedov never left the Masonic lodge - at least with papers and manifesto.

Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev - a member of the "Poets shop", an aqmeist, which in itself is already associated with the ideas and symbols of Masonry, because in the word "acme" the image of a stone, as well as "CADM" - reference to Adam, "First Mason". "The shop of poets" was conceived as a "poetic bed", headed by the "perfect master" Gumilev. A lot of works of Gumileva (Akteon Piece, a collection of Kolchan, "Gondla", the cycle "To the blue star" and, especially, the "Fiery Pillars") contains Masonic motifs. It is assumed that Gumileva in 1917 or 1918 received in the "mystical lodge of the English free bricklayers", but it is not known for certain. Although in one of the poet poems we encounter: "Do you remember whether the temple stuffing in the darkness, / above the gloomy altars / burned fiery signs / solemn, granite-covered / he guarded our city sleepy, and sang in it Molots and saws, / in the night Masons worked ... ".

The history of Russian Freemasonry is replete with takeoff and drops of views and influence on the power structures of various conspirators. Tsarism gave good food to spread the ideology of Masons. It was not bad for them after the October Revolution, given the number of Jews at the helm of power.
The post-war long period reduced their number by repression and emigration. But the immigrants from Russia / USSR replenished the composition of the Masonic lies in Europe.

Briefly about the impact of world world

European scientists simulated by means of mathematical analysis The face and essence of transnational corporations. They give only the fifth share of world revenue. But with groups of affiliates with them, partners own most companies of the real sector of the world economy.

Their richest owners (families of Morganov, Rothschilds, Rockefellers) are the creators of Freemasonry, as well as almost a dozen structures, the so-called world lords. At whose "donations" in practice there are conspiracies against disadvantageous governments.

Ivan Pontifelich Elagin - Founder of the First Masonic Lodge in Russia

Masons in the Russian government (surnames)

The second life in the Russian Federation of this conspiratorial community originated in the early 90s of the last century. World Freemasonry took advantage of the political and economic sickening of an independent country. He was easy for his secret and veiled to help the means to create lodges, mugs, teach new Russian politicians in their systems, economists.

The latter became agents of the influence of the West, decomposing the country from the inside. Russian masons of the middle of the last century - Bernstein, Niedermiller, Lebedev, Grünberg - not at the notes were not suitable for the new replenishment of Russian Freemasonry. Namely to politicians Sobchak, Chubais, Yavlinsky, Gorbachev (President of the USSR, although not long), Yeltsin (President of the Russian Federation), Academician Abalkin. And also hundreds of other Russian masons who were preparing in part and in absentia in Western structures, often under the wing of the special services.

They defeated the program of activity of agents of the influence of the CIA and the methods of fading the masses in the right direction. And in each particular case, the European Lodges and the World Government were determined. Promoted through prominent masons. The so-called privatization of state-owned enterprises in the Russian Federation is only one example of this. Its conductors - Chubais, Yavlinsky, Gaidar reached the target: Bible billionaires and sweat more than a hundred million citizens of the country appeared.

Like the Bilderberg Mason Club, a Russian copy is created - the Magiserium Club. It was in the secret ballot of the club that an article of a dangerous global philanthropy J. Soros about crazy dollars, creating history appeared about the crazy dollars. Such a fund "Interaction" contained major state officials E. Gaidar, K. Borova, E. Yasin, A. Pochinok, V. Bakatin and other agents of influence in the Russian government.