Why Vilen University was closed. Jewish roots

It was a bright head in which ideas bloomed one after another. It was a man, all the fibers of the souls striving to create a new, promotion of botanical and breeding science. Like a lot of major scientists, he was with oddities, which, as they say, approached the uneducated peasant rather than academician with the All-Union name (they claimed that he "took the damage" at the village of Village Savark or on scientific conferences Calling to go on the Chinese version and exterminate all the sparrow, which allegedly spoil sowing). But we know him before the head of the All-Union scale projects.

It was this man who was the first to led the VDNH (opened entitled Vhv - the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition 76 years ago). It was he who became the helm of the grandiose work: first opened and headed the main botanical garden in Moscow, and then coordinated the creation of a network of botanical gardens throughout the Union. All this is he, Nikolai Tsycin, a native of our city, who made the first steps in breeding work here.
Warm season for obvious reasons - best Period For the work of a scientist dealing with selection, genetics, nerd, and the most significant accomplishments of Nikolai Vasilyevich are among the spring-summer: April 14 (victory in spring 1945th!) It is considered the founding of the Botanical Garden in Moscow, and on August 2, 1939 - Day Opening SVV. However, the "Top of Summer" accounts for a sad date: Exactly 35 years ago, July 17, 1980, Academician of Tsizin did not.
Recall this person, another great Nicholas of domestic genetics and breeding, closely connected with Saratov ...

Nikolai-second Russian selection
If one after another pronounce the words "Nikolai", "Genetics" and "Saratov", then the first association will, of course, Nikolai Vavilov. A brilliant scientist was not lucky: the city, where he first announced his famous law of homologous series, the city, where he was called "Mendeleev from biology," brought him unhappiness, hunger and death. Nikolai Ivanovich's chick, Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitin, probably did not have a dizzying flight of his colleague, the depth of development of the problem, from a number of extending the exception of ideas (however, this is a field for judgments and evaluations of exclusively specialists. - Auth.) But Nicholas-second from biology lucky more. Significantly more. He lived a long successful life, Stalin himself trusted him, he managed the practical embodiment of the majority of his projects, ideas, initiatives. Of course, it is happiness for a scientist.
The accomplishment of Nikolai Vavilov amazed even geography of colossal selection work: As is known, N. I. was the first European, who passed with a caravan through Mountain Cafyristan - an impregnable area of \u200b\u200bAfghanistan; Vavilov was in Sugar, in Ethiopia, in Syria, he had to drive off his hungry lions and fight the robber, right under the bullets, selecting cereals for the future collection. Having been in America, Africa, China and Japan, in the Middle East and Central Asia, on the tops of Tibet and Andes, he collected a colossal material - a precious collection of plant seeds, like no one collected.
The life and operation of Cycin, especially at an early stage, is not so bright and does not hit the variety of forms and scientific approaches. The future academician was born on December 18, 1898 in Saratov in the poor family. After the death of the father, the mother gave Nicholas to the shelter. He has become a teenager - messenger, a telegraph, a packset in the factory. The civilian rose towards the red, fought, in particular, participated in the defense of Tsaritsyn. With the end of the hostilities, N. V. returned to Saratov and took the position of the head of the Cultotel and became a member of the Sponge of Communication (organic abilities were already manifested). Having only primary education, I decided to continue my studies - first on Rabatak, and then on the agronomic faculty of the Saratov Institute agriculture and amelioration. In 1927, young agronomas was employed at the Saratov agricultural experimental station (subsequently by the Southeast). Here, there were meetings with people who changed his life, including with biologists-breeders George Meister, Alexei Shekhurdin and the future academician Peter Konstantinov.
The fate of Tsizin was solved: he finally decides to engage in scientific selection, and the socioational and organizational activities for the implementation of large-scale research projects will be added to it.

Wheat + drinking \u003d Food Security?
Another meeting that had a huge impact on Cycin is a meeting with Ivan Michurin. Nikolai Vasilyevich visited Michurin's garden, while still a student, and he said: "Cross wheat with wheat can. Now, if you find a stronger manufacturer for her, then another thing ... "
The task of obtaining unpretentious wheat varieties capable of feeding the country, then, at the end of the 20s of the 20th century, stood more than ever. It was still fresh in the memory of a terrible hunger in the Volga region, the collectivization and a new hunger - the beginning of the 30s approached inexorably. And then Tsizin, inspired by the words of Michurina, decided to crush wheat ... with dusty. It was a bold solution: Attempts in the literal sense to mix the grains with a spoil, cross the symbol of food security of the country with malicious weeds could, I apologize, it is easily equated to pest, and with the "pest" the conversation was then short. But Tsicin risked and won: having started working to obtain Pyruino-Wheat hybrids in Saratov, in 1932 he moved to Omsk, where he headed the profile laboratory (later she would become the Siberian Research Institute of Grain Economy).
... Now, from time to time, a reproach is heard from time to time: they say, he lived in the "agricultural era" of the notorious Trofim Lysenko and partly agitated with his views. Perhaps, part of these reproaches and is valid, and Nikolai Vasilyevich preferred not to oppose Lysenko and really used a certain adminressure. How else? Clouds have already been condensed over Vavilov, the cleaning of the scientific community was already preparing ... they were preparing, so to speak, separating the grains from the spurred ... And it was necessary to work. However, even up to the Great Patriotic War N. V. still quarreled with Lysenko and he ordered to smell the experimental fields of Cycin.
It is believed that the main goal that Tsitin put in front of him was the creation of many years of wheat. On this project, he advanced, in this direction of work fell on the eyes to the highest leadership of the country. Agricultural experts are extruded: if the noble wheat and malicious rays were connected to the "golden" proportion, it would be an agricultural revolution. The first full-fledged hybrid of Cycin was already received after the war, but the next generations were taken to the top of the henges of drinking, and the grain was too small, and the crops were unprofitable, wheat genes prevailed - but then the culture was sick.
And the Golden Middle to create a hardy and human life, both wheat, and a nutritious and harvest, as wheat, grace are looking for and so -na.

Main projects of life: exhibition and garden
In 1938, Nikolay Tsycin was appointed director of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow. Last year, the capital celebrated the 75th anniversary of the opening of this grand exhibition project. In Saratov, the event remained, in principle, unnoticed, although the main culprit of the celebration was a native of exactly our city.
... On August 2, 1939, over 10 thousand people came to the opening of SVV in Moscow, Marshal Voroshilov, Molotov and Anastas Mikoyan arrived. However, the one whom Tsycin was waiting for more than anyone else, did not honor. Maybe, and for the better: the leader did not witness a small confusion, when Nikolai Vasilyevich pulled a cable to raise the flag of the exhibition, but something jammed and the flag did not go away.
However, Vhv and with the fracture flag had a huge success: in the first year (in 1939 she worked only two and a half months) three and a half (!) Million people visited it. The following year - five months of work and 4.5 million Muscovites and guests of the capital met the newest achievements of agriculture, including the developments of Coline. In 1941, the exhibition was supposed to go to the format of constant work, but was closed a month after the opening of the exposure. For obvious reasons ... And Academician Tsycin, Vice President Vaschnil, went to Almaty, where he continued his stress work on the questions of the alteration of the nature of plants and in 1943 received the Stalinist Prize: "I will still be introduced into the practice of state farms and collective farms we have created new perennials in the practice of state farms and collective farms And annual types of varieties of hybrid wheat.<…> In order to strengthen the relics of the Red Army, the premiums awarded to me, 100,000 rubles, I ask to transfer to the Special Fund of the General Command, "he wrote to those who were named after N. V. Prize.
The war has not yet ended, did not get randed victory salts in Berlin, and Tsizin turns out to be at the head of the new project - the main botanical garden. According to contemporaries, Tsizin very closely belonged to the implementation of this large-scale initiative, corrected the project documentation, developed the garden layout, tried asking as much as possible for nature to enter a new object into a unique preserve Dubravu, to a special picturesque landscape of this place. I have been attended to visit the main botanical garden, now wearing the name N. V. Tsitin, the place is really striking, who was not - in favor of visiting!
An interesting fact: the basis of the GBS Orangeneie was made up of plants from the Personal Winter Garden of Reichs Marshal Gering, exported from Potsdam. And they transported not only the flora - dismantled and again collected the entire design on the place in the new garden.
As you know, Nikolai Vasilyevich remained a permanent leader and exhibition, and the botanical garden of the capital to his very death. In the same way, he did not stop huge research work, even a short description of which would not fit in this material. Being on leading posts in domestic scienceHe always was in the center of attention of the public. They talked about him a lot, willingly and in different ways: someone told about how he sent orchids Catherine Furtseva, and Yuri Gagarin - cacti, which the first, as you know, collecting all my short life. Someone with sarcasm reminded that (was it or not?), As an academician of Tsitin, for a minute, Chairman of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature, allegedly called on the Yunnov in the 50s to exterminate Sparrow, by analogy with the experience of the "great feed" Mao. The author of the anthem of Moscow "Dear My Capital" Mark Lisyansky is attributed to an echidial epigram: "Poultry's imagination, / bees are not buzzing. / Academician Tsitin / Silence is located ..." (I hope that there is still a dream of an elderly scientist). But, it seems to humorists, and envious it was clear that the person of the enormous research culture, experience and patience.
P.S. On September 10 of this year, exactly 30 years will be fulfilled since at the intersection of Rakhov streets and, of course, Vavilov was solemnly opened by Bust Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitin. Then, in September 1985, at the opening of the monument was attended by the widow of Academician Alla Andreevna, as well as the whole color of the Saratov management, industrial, scientific and agrarian elite.
Nikolay Vasilyevich always loved the color.

From the side and not always say that green oasis spread on half of the Ostankinsky district is a botanical garden. It is very far from ideal and exhaust gardens, in which the trees plant a twig to the branch, and outflowed landscape compositions create out flowers. In the GBS, everything is natural and organic: Japanese Sakura coexist with the familiar to any Russian pine, and Chinese poplars with lilac.

Many visitors are united: GBS RAS reminds, rather a forest park than the garden. And, nevertheless, this park is not simple: you will pass through the massif of the forest - and you will see the refined rosary, you will turn to the other side - and you will leave for a giant glass greenhouse. No need to make all the plants in one place - in the main botanical garden, on its three hundreds with excess hectares, is clearly there, where to roast. And what secrets in it can be found, we will tell now.

Voices of Russian history

View of the building of the laboratory corps of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Cycin and pond. Photo: shutterstok.com.

Part of the panorama at the Botanical Garden. Photo: shutterstok.com

The building of the laboratory building of the main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Cycin. Photo: Photobank Moscow-live.ru

Memorial plate. Photo: Photobank Moscow-live.ru

By itself, the main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the institution is young. Next year, he will turn out only 75 - you agree, not so much for such an impressive gardening ensemble. His official birth date is considered April 14, 1945, "Father" - Academician Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitin, who has become its first director (his garden name is still wearing). It is from this time that wonderful plants brought from different parts of the world begin to appear in the capital.

And yet it is impossible to say that in the middle of the last century, the Botanical Garden arose from nowhere. In fact, scientists and gardeners received a real gift - ninely clean forest arrays, ready to accept new "overseas" neighbors. And let some plants in the garden grow only a few decades, local forests are the oldest. The first mention of them were found in the chronicles of 1584. Walking along the quiet alleys of the garden, try to feel all the greatness of these places - by the way, once the king himself hunted, Alexey Mikhailovich himself, Father Peter I.

Gering flowers

New greenhouse. Photo: AGN "Moscow"

Exposition of the old greenhouse. Photo: shutterstock.com

Let's go away from the Dubrava to the southwest and will go to the buildings of the new and old greenhouses. The first is a kind of futuristic version of the ancient Russian "barrel" - while closed to visit. But the old stock greenhouse is still working, located in the building of the 50s. It was it that at one time became the first house for tropical and subtropical plants delivered to the USSR after the war. According to official information, the basis for the collection of steel plants acquired in German nurseries from 1945 to 1949. While the Moscow Orangery was built, they were in Potsdam San Sust, where they were carefully guarded by the Botanical Group headed by a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences P. A. Baranov. And now the semi-official detail: Most of these plants were once in the property of Herman Goring, who, by the way, was not only the chairman of the Reichstag, but also the chief merger of Germany. For the years spent in the highest echelons of the Nazi government, he managed to bust the extensive collection of the rarest plants brought from different parts of the world, including magnificent orchids, which became pride of the Botanical Garden.

Subsequently, the Stock Orangee collection was replenished by expeditions to India and the pool countries. Indian Ocean And, of course, by exchanging with others botanical gardens around the world. As a result, the largest name of the assembly in the GBS and one of the largest collections of tropical and subtropical plants in the country. The space inside the old greenhouse is divided into "geographical" exposures: the tropics of old and new light, dry subtropics and wet subtropics, which united thousands of thermal-loving plants from around the world - from the Mediterranean to Japan. Among the oldest and unusual - 150-year-old giant from Encefaltos. This group of plants grew on Earth in the Jurassic period (in the era of dinosaurs!) And "reached" to this day almost unchanged. Is it not a journey in time?

Nature from around the world

GBS RAS - a place in which literally fit the whole worldAt least Botanical. Joke Lee: In Soviet times, scientists went to the expedition every year - then at the Far East, then in India, and even on Cuba. Of course, not all, but the higher the value of foreign samples. It is not so easy to identify them in the forest is not so simple, but be sure: in the same arboretum, spreading at 75 hectares, hid many trees and shrubs from Central Asia, China, Japan, North America and Mediterranean.

However, most of the flora of the Botanical Garden is the domestic and from the countries of the former USSR. Play it exactly and, most importantly, to preserve is one of the first priorities of the institution. The visual result of this work we find in the eastern part of the garden, closer to the VDDH: Here, on the square of 30 hectares, the collection of the GBS flora department is divided into separate exposures. Five of them are geographical, with characteristic plants and, interestingly, a landscape of one or another. So, walking on one territory, you can admire the nature of the European part of Russia, Siberia, Far East, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Will be able to determine without hint, where is it?

Garden of continuous flowering

Manchurian walnut in the botanical garden. Photo: shutterstock.com

The "garden of continuous flowering" still love to call the live calendar of plants, and not by chance. Such a romantic name fully justifies itself: in the period from early spring and to the most late autumn Here - the real riot of paints. Like the magic, trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers alternately replace shades - from the spring transparent white to the autumn red-yellow. The effect of a natural brush again lies in the mastery of a person: just plants blooming in the same period are collected in groups.

You can walk in the garden infinitely, and if you enter it from the side of the stock greenhouse, then at the end you will be waiting for a decent climax - the spread and multi-speed manchurian walnut, as if coming from the pages of ancient legends.

Japanese garden

Photo: Sergey Vedochkin / AGN "Moscow"

Photo: Alexander Avilov / AGN "Moscow"

During the flowering of Sakura to the trees, the turn is built to take pictures. Photo: Sergey Vedochkin / AGN "Moscow"

In the autumn, the Japanese garden is no less beautiful. Photo: shutterstock.com

From the Manchurian nut to the northeast - and now, in front of us, perhaps the most popular exposition of the main botanical garden. Every year, the Japanese garden attracts dozens, and even hundreds of thousands of visitors - most of all, naturally, in the spring, when a huge territory in almost three hectares is painted in a gentle pink color. Yes, yes, sakura bloom.

The GBS boasts the most "northern" Japanese garden in the world. He was discovered in 1987 according to the architect K. Nakadzima and with the support of the Japanese Embassy. Works were carried out not one year, the approach is the most thorough. Building materials from the country of the rising sun, the authentic 150-year-old pagoda, which is located today in the center of the landscape composition, a variety of flora and even a separate house for a tea ceremony (alas, you can experience this experience only two days a year) - in every detail it was reflected in Eastern Philosophy and purely Japanese character. By the way, in the 80s, the first foreign minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Sintar Abe was put in the garden in the garden. In almost thirty years, a seedling grown from seeds of this tree will land his son, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The Japanese garden is working in the warm season, from April to October. The entrance to the territory is paid, excursions are held.

Reborn rosary

View of the rosary. Photo: shutterstock.com

If in the spring, everyone holds a hand on the pulse waiting for Sakura flowering, then in the summer the main object of attraction of visitors is a rosary. Magnificent (and fragrant!) Park with fountains and elegant layout is located in the south of the GBS. They broke it in 1961, and the popularity came immediately: it's hard to believe, but then for ordinary citizens, roses in Moscow were a real wonder. They say that the rosary collection was also obtained by the USSR from defeated Germany - as reparation.

However, this color oasis remained a symbol of a triumphant and comfortable country: in the 90s Rosary came to a terrible decline. Part of the colors died, another part - went to whose vases. Restore the park in his past Krasia could only in 2011 - after half a century after the first discovery. Today Rosary gathered about 600 varieties of roses in one territory different countries - From England to China. It works traditionally from May to October. Paid entrance.

You can walk in the botanical garden all year round (exception - the work of the expositions, which falls on the warm season), but, of course, the peak of the popularity of the GBS falls on the spring-summer, when the flowering of plants begins. Getting to the territory easier from the Metro Station "Vladykino" or by bus from the station Metro "VDNH". Most of the entrances to the garden are located on the side of the Botanical Street.

December 17, 1968 For big merits in the development of biological and agricultural sciences and in connection with the 70th anniversary of the birth of Cycin, Nikolay Vasilyevich was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Medal "Sickle and Hammer".

Nikolai Vasilyevich performed a delegate of the XX Congress of the CPSU, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st, 3rd and 4th convivations. In addition, Tsizin was an honorary foreign member of eight foreign academies. He was elected by the President, Chairman, a member of a number of domestic and foreign scientific organizations. He led the Soviet-Indian society of friendship and cultural ties. Posted over 700. scientific Labors, including 46 books and brochures. Has eight copyright certificates for inventions. Many works are published abroad.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from December 15, 1978 For great merits in the development of biological and agricultural sciences and in connection with the 80th anniversary of the birth, Nikolai Tsitin was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second gold medal "Sickle and the Hammer".

Outstanding scientist Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsizin died July 17, 1980in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery of the capital.

Nikolai Tsizin Awards

Double Hero of Socialist Labor (1968, 1978)

Seven Orennov Lenin (12/30/1935; 10.06.1945; 10.11.1945; 11/19/1953; 12/17/1968; 09/17/1975; 15.12.1978)

Order of the October Revolution (12/18/1973)

Order of the Red Banner of the Red Banner (11/16/1939)

Medal "For Combat Merit" (10/28/1967)

Lenin Prize (1978)

Stalinsky Degree Prize (1943)

Order of Agricultural Merit (France, 1959)

Memory of Nicolae Tsitin

In Saratov in the square on Rakhova Street installed bust

Memorial board on the house on the embankment in Moscow

Commemorative board at the main building of the Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsitin RAS in Moscow

The main Botanical Garden of the country is the name of its founder: Tsizin.


Tsitsin Nikolai Vasilyevich

Russian scientist

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Twice Hero of Socialist Labor

Nikolay Tsycin was born on December 18, 1898 in the city of Saratov. The boy grew up in a poor peasant family. Having lost his father, due to the heavy material situation, the mother gave the Son to the shelter. There, Kolya was before 1912 and received a primary education, and then to earn a living, mastered many professions.

In the years Civil War Tsycin joined the rows of the workers' and peasant Red Army and soon became the military commissioner, and since 1920 he was the head of the cultural department and a member of the provincial Committee of Communication in Saratov.

At the same time, Cycin continued his education: first he studied at the school of working youth, and then he entered the agrogenomic faculty of the Saratov Institute of Agriculture and the Melioration, which graduated in 1927. Having received a diploma, it was working to work at the Saratov agricultural experimental station at the All-Union Institute of Grain Economy. It is this work and communication with the famous breeders: George Meister, Alexei Shekhurdin and Peter Konstantinov, determined the further sphere of the activities of Nikolai Vasilyevich.

From the very beginning of a young scientist, it was interested in the problem of creating more productive varieties of the main food culture of the country: wheat from a long-term hybridization: Wheat. Studies conducted by him when crossing wild and cultivated plants allowed us to create new varieties of plants with a higher yield. Already then your fruitful scientific work Tsycin, like the whole subsequent life, successfully combined with socio-organizational and state activities.

In 1932, he led the wheat-pentium hybrids organized by him in Omsk, a reorganized later in the Siberian Research Institute of Grain Economy. In 1938, Cycin was appointed director of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow, to the creation and activities of which has invested a lot of strength.

Nikolai Vasilyevich in the 1940s headed the institution of grain farming central districts Non-Black Sea Area. He was chairman State Commission According to the variety of agricultural crops under the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR and the Vice-President of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the USSR.

Under his leadership, on April 14, 1945, the Chief Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was established, where he remained a permanent supervisor to the end of life. Thanks to the efforts of Tsitin, this botanical garden has become a methodical and focal point scientific researchheld by all other botanical gardens of our country.

In subsequent years, Nikolai Vasilyevich was also chairman of the Board of the Council of Botanical Gardens of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the President and Vice-President of the International Association of Botanical Gardens. In parallel, continued its scientific work, being a head of the laboratory of remote hybridization of the Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Laboratory of Wheat-Pyrified Hybrids of the Institute of Grain Economy of the Non-Black Energy Strip. The main works and studies of the scientist are devoted to the remote hybridization of plants and are aimed at the development of Michurin ideas in this area.

Tsycin theoretically substantiated and practically proved the possibility of obtaining many years of wheat, its wheat-pent hybrids received particularly widespread, which led to a significant increase in yield. He also contributed to the development of the scientific foundations of the acclimatization of plants and the organization of introduction work in the country. Many conclusions and scientific developments of the scientist and today breeders are widely used.

In the past century there were hunting grounds of high-ranking in the Botanical Garden. In the forests and groves, they loved to spend time representatives of the Russian tsarist dynasty. Forest arrays belonged to the princes of Cherkasy, and later switched to Count Sheremetev. With the famous Russian aristocrat of Sheremeteva, a passionate fan of art, a part of the green arrays was redone to the trendy English park with ponds and vegetable landscapes.

In Soviet times, an arboretum began to create an arboretum on the territory of the park. At the same pre-war project, the landscape of the new landscape zone were to include:

  • VDNH - exhibitions of achievements of the national economy,
  • estate "Ostankino" and the eponymous surrounding park,
  • parts of the territory of the Park Zone Leonovo.

Schemes and sketches assumed the creation of a convenient land infrastructure: tracks, paths, as well as a clear distribution of the territory in segments. The project was embodied in life, the war was prevented, returned to the creation of the arboretum already shortly before the victory, partially converted the plan of the territory. Officially, the birth of the park is referred to 1945. N.V. Cycin became the first leader of the Botanical Garden, whose name is the arboretum wears today.

A few years ago, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out in the botanical garden. The garden began to freely connect to the territory of the All-Russian State Unitary Enterprise and the Ostankino Park, the tracks were renovated, fountain systems were restored.

Collections of Botanical Garden

A few years after the official opening, Soviet architects developed a new botanical garden plan with landscapes, including about two thousand different trees and other plantations. Over the next quarter of century, all major arboretum arrangements were created, presented:

  • flora region of the USSR,
  • plants of tropics and subtropics,
  • flower decorative compositions.

Rose garden

Among the flower arrangements, the leading place is occupied by a rosary based at the beginning of the 60s. Already in the first year of the garden's existence, the Morning Morning Grade, derived by Soviet breeders, received a prize at the exhibition in West Germany. One of the most beautiful rosary of Europe occupies a territory of 2.5 hectares and is represented by a regular garden with a free layout of plants. From three sides, the flower garden surrounds the oak grove, reliably protecting gentle buds from the winds and bad weather. In Soviet times, the exposure of the rosary included more than 5 thousand plants representing several hundred different varieties.

The long history of the existence of a rosary in the botanical garden showed that in the conditions of the middle strip there are enough opportunities for the cultivation of pink shrubs. In 2009, the rosary was updated and reconstructed, the exposition was replenished with thousands of new plants from the best European nurseries. All sectors of the rosary are associated with a single lawn coating. When planting roses, special attention is paid to the location of their groups depending on the combination of colors and shades. In the Rosary of GBS RAS, the most resistant to low varietal temperatures are presented. The main task of exposure is the propaganda of the best copies suitable for reproduction under medium latitudes.

The running time of the rosary is from 10 to 19 hours all the days except Monday. The exposition of roses is open to visiting in warm season, from mid-May to mid-October.

Japanese garden

The Landscape Exposition "Japanese Garden" was opened in Arndraria in the 80s. The project is co-financed by the Japan Embassy in Moscow, the exposition plan was developed in close cooperation with leading Japanese designers. The result exceeded all expectations - the real corner of the original Japanese nature and architecture appeared in Moscow. Decorative waterfalls, stone fountains, ponds, islands, pavilions and pagodas, as well as the landscape area presented by the vegetation of Japan, transfer visitors to the country of the rising sun. Here, in different time Year bloom:

  • sakura,
  • rhododendrons,
  • apricots
  • spirea,
  • brunner,
  • irises
  • kuril tea
  • lavender,
  • forzition.

In May, Sakura blooms in the Japanese garden for a few days. At this time, the Japanese garden fills a large number of visitors and photographers, so it is very difficult to get here. To see with your own eyes the bloom of the most famous Japanese plants, we recommend buying tickets in advance.

Clean and Sakura holidays are held in the Japanese garden, an exposition of the garden of stones has been located near him for several years. The garden works on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12 to 19 hours. On weekends and holidays, the time of work is completed an hour later. Monday and Thursday - Sanitary Days. Ticket price - from 20 to 200 rubles, depending on age and social category.

Stock Orange

The Botanical Garden Stock Garden is notable for being located in a huge glass building with a 10-storey house. In the evening, the greenhouse glows the illumination as a huge alien ship. Inside there is one of their largest collections of tropical and subtropical plants in Europe. Only orchids are presented here more than a thousand species, and the total exposition has more than five thousand plants, including over two hundred and coastal and aquatic.

In the building of the Stock Orange, the passage is open as part of an organized excursion, which can be purchased on our website.

How to get to Botanical Garden

The Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences is easily accessible by the subway. From the station "Vladykino" or "VDNH" to the Botanical Garden, you can walk on foot. Also before the GBS of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it is not difficult to get there to land transport - buses and trolley buses. The opening hours of the Botanical Garden - from 10 am to 20 pm. The park is open from April 29 to October 19. The time and season of the work of individual expositions are regulated individually. Ticket price depends on the type of excursion.

Stock Orange Main Botanical Garden named after N. V. Tsizina RAS ("Moscow tropics") - a unique "museum" of living tropical and subtropical plants, where you can see and get acquainted with trees, herbs and shrubs from different continents.

Orangery exists as a scientific and educational center, on the basis of which work is deployed on the study and preservation of the biological diversity of tropical and subtropical plants. In its collections - several thousand species, including rare and disappearing derived from botanical gardens post-war Germany and as a result of exchange with other botanical gardens of different countries, as well as collected by employees of the Botanical Garden in expeditions. Despite such a long and dry name and serious tasks, in reality, the stock greenhouse looks warm and homely as a large indoor garden, and anyone can visit it.

It is especially nice to look here in the winter: regardless of the weather beyond the weather, in the greenhouse, high temperature is always supported, and it will become an excellent find for those who gloomy in the gloomy winter weekdays!


Orange Botanical Garden Russian Academy Sciences include two buildings: an old stock greenhouse and a new stock greenhouse, however, only one of them is available for visiting - an old, operating since 1954.

The space inside the greenhouse is divided into several exposure departments constructed by geographical principle. In each of them, its own temperature and humidity level is supported during the year, as close as possible to natural habitat of plants.

. Tropics of old and new light: Here you can see different kinds Fikuses and palm trees, huge bananas, cocoa trees, papaya and even the most real baobab.

. Dry subtropics presented by the plants of the Mediterranean, South Africa, Madagascar, Australia, North and South America. In this compartment, you can see various types of succulents, xerophytes and cacti, aloe, acacia and eucalyptus trees, as well as a collection of azaleas and coniferous plants.

. Wet subtropics divided into 3 separate exposure compartments. The first includes the plants of the Canary Islands, South Africa, Japan, Continental East Asia and South America: Lavra, heers and drasens, cypress and facea are available for inspection. The second demonstrates the plants of Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, and in the third one can detect a large collection of Rhododendron and Camellia varieties.

The branches do not simply demonstrate to the visitors of the plant, they exist as a similarity of full ecosystems characteristic of the declared region. Between them are laid by concrete or slidling tracks, for which you can walk with an independent visit or with an excursion, and some of the branches of exotic trees are even worth the cozy shops.

The main part of the exposition is constant, but it has temporary exhibits that change places depending on the season or bring to visitors during flowering. In addition, during the mass flowering of plants of a certain species in the greenhouse, their exhibition can be arranged: for example, blooming orchids that attract a large number of visitors annually.

It is worth noting that the exposition is replete with reference tablets with general information about the flora of the presented tropical and subtropical regions, however, the plants are mainly not signed, so visit it better with the excursion.

History of stock Orangeneie

The old stock yearhouse was opened in 1954.

According to a common legend, which does not have documentary evidence, but it looks quite reliable, the Botanical Collection of German Gering - the prominent state and military leader of the Third Reich. Goering entered the story as the chairman of the Reichstag and Reichs Minister of Aviation Germany, but in his biography there were other positions, including the imperial forestry Germany. Being a big lover of nature, Goering gathered an extensive collection of orchids and other plants, which, after the end of the Great Patriotic War, was taken to the Soviet Union.

Subsequently, the collection expanded due to exchange with other botanical gardens around the world, as well as during expeditions to tropical and subtropical regions.

Gradually, collections became closely in the old building, and in 1992 the construction of a new stock yearberry began, much greater and more technological than the former. However, due to various reasons, construction was soon frozen and resumed only in 2002. The building was completed in 2016, however, it was not discovered for the visit; When a new greenhouse becomes available to citizens - unknown.

Mode of operation and order of visiting

The exposition of tropical and subtropical plants in the old stock greenhouse is open year-round. You can visit it individually or with an excursion.

On weekends for visitors, free review excursions are arranged without a preliminary recording (subject to the purchase of a ticket to the greenhouse). It is also possible to order thematic excursions: "Plants in myths and legends", "ferns and gone", "The moststs: high, ancient, long-lived", "useful tropical and subtropical plants: food, technical, medicinal, phytoncide and decorative" other.