Who commanded the Stalingrad battle. They commanded fronts, armies in the Stalingrad battle

Boris Ukim,
director of the State Museum-Panorama "Stalingrad Battle"

Stalingrad's commander ... How much mean these words in the history of Russia and in the history of the world, and how little is said about those who remained in the history and memory of people, and about those who disappeared in the eternity of non-existence. Famous and demanded, awarded and sublime, repressed and shot, who have surrounded and managed to break through their people and disgraced the disregard of the enemy, the death of their death and someone else's death, they, pressed together with their fighting comrades to the Volga, were committed, What fitted their names with gold letters in the history of mankind.

Who are they? Where did they come from the shelves and divisions to the coast of Volga?

Like all the commander's commander's commander, Stalingrad commander must be presented with three generations of military leaders. The first generation is the commander of great shocks on our land - revolutions and civil wars, national and interstate conflicts.
They fought back in the first world, had a combat experience and, having passed the relief of revolutions and Civil War, They brought all the best that they could, in the young Red Army, until not realizing that the Red Army would be a tool for the policy of leaders and generals, their experience, excellent training and the best knowledge of military professionals will be crossed by the political distrust of the leaders.
Many of the best and best of many due to repression and political struggle At the beginning of the 1930s of the 20th century, they did not live to the Great Patriotic War. Their names will forever remain in the memory of the people, their exploits are recorded in the old history textbooks, glorified in the songs and names of the streets of cities. Now it is impossible to predict, as it were, the course of the Second World War, especially its initial period, if MV Frunze and Ya. B. Gamarnik, V. K. Blucher and M.N. Tukhachevsky, F.E. Dzerzhinsky and A. I. Egorov and many other, more and less famous and famous. In the Stalingrad battle of their comrades and colleagues adequately carried a heavy commander wear.
Soldiers of the First World War - the commander of the Second World War. Many of them with their opponent met on the fields of battles of the First World War. German Unter-Officers also became generals and Feldmarshals, although individual remained by the corporators. So because of them, the generals and Field Marshals of the "Third Reich" came to the shores of Volga, and so far they led numerous armies and divisions by their will, to make us slaves, and the lands, polished later and the blood of our grandfather and great-grandfather, to use At its discretion, setting the "iron" German order on them.
And here suddenly not quite so. Did not comply with the first world German order of troops who defended Stalingrad. K. K. Rokossovsky's troops and K. P. Trubnikova, R. Ya. Malinovsky and E. I. Vasilenko and many hundreds of other commanders who knew the gas attacks of the first world and famous breakthrough Brusylov, the template of German tactics and the strategy and the unaware of their allies, coented under Stalingrad from all over Europe, to endure the burden and deprivation of this war.
After the first battles on the Western borders of the USSR, the German General Staff made a generalized conclusion: "Russians seized the tactics of the terrigard fighting, and their divisions and the army cannot be surrounded ..." And no! Russians did not master the tactics of the terrigard fighting, and "remembered" what the military academies and schools of Tsarist Russia were taught, and "remembered" the experience of the First World War. For some reason, when we are beaten, and beat very much, we quickly "remember" what we were taught, and we can apply it.
Not everything, however, possessed this experience. So, Marshal Soviet Union G. I. Kulik, who received the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union for the Finnish campaign, when the mining 45-millimeter guns, moved on horses and small sleighs, made a worthy contribution to the capture of the defensive lines of Mannerheim's line, was absolutely not ready for of modern war. After failure with the breakthrough of the 2nd shock army Vlasov, where G. I. Kulik was a representative of the bet, he was demoted to the "Major General" personally by the Supreme Commander.
But these were exceptions. Most of the commanders of the old, royal school were real commander and patriots of Russia. The failures of 1941 lie on the conscience of the political leadership of the country, which, by imposing the theory of "war of offensive", "low blood", "on someone else's territory", deprived military leaders to apply the opportunity to apply, for example, the same round tactics "tick and mechanized compounds", which German commanders took up. And the theory was developed by our military under the leadership of V. K. Triandofilova and M. N. Tukhachevsky, and the German commander studied in our schools and academies.
After the unsuccessful operation of the Soviet troops near Kharkov in May 1942, he left the environment, retaining fully weapons, the 15th Guards Rifle Division under the command of Vasilenko Emelyan Ivanovich - the first generation commander, the participant of the beginning of the century wars. It is surprising that the title of the Guards Division received on February 16, 1942, and on March 27 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner "... for the manifestation of courage and high military craftsmanship." And it was when many, including our historians write now, the whole red army retreated.
But there were dozens of such divisions and buildings. And the corps K. K. Rokossovsky, the future commander of the Don Front, completing the Stalingrad battle?! The hull, which was at the initial stage of formation, spent on western border offensive operation and restrained the tank wedges of German divisions for almost a month.
Then there was a battle for Moscow, where K. K. Rokossovsky, collecting together with G. K. Zhukov, the retreating parts, managed to stop the four armies of the Wehrmacht, two tank and two fields general number Ninety divisions. Once G. K. Zhukov was a regiment commander in the Cavalry Division, which was commanded by K. K. Rokossovsky. Then they were in the Stalingrad battle and won, defeated their experiences, their knowledge, won their love for their homeland, to the army, to their commander profession.
Such as they, after the repression of the thirties, there were few, in the percentage of the highest commanders were less than 20%, but, having occupying key positions in the most difficult moments of battles, they raised the second and third generation of commander, which then accounted for a basic composition of the body The generals are red, and then the Soviet army.
Young, devotees, but not having the experience that had the first generation commander, they quickly moved on the service staircase, received high military ranks and were doomed to military failure in a heavy 1941. The story reported to us the inability of these commander to control the troops in the most complex setting of the initial period. And how could they manage when three or four months ago the same commander Western Front D. G. Pavlov was the commander of the Tank Division, commander of the Kiev Special District, the commander of the Rifle Division, distinguished when taking the Mannerheim line in the Finnish campaign. Commanders with aviation armies were yesterday's regiments and squadrons. The main air force in the Stalingrad battle is the 8th air army. Her commander Khryukin Timofey Timofeevich was back in 1938 by the squadron commander in the Belarusian Military District in the rank of "Senior Lieutenant", in 1939 - the commander of the Air Force of the 14th Commissar Army, Colonel, and in 1942 - Commander of the 8th Air Army, General -Myor.
Also, the fate and commander of the 16th air army Rudenko Sergey Ignatievich, who in 1927 was accounting for the Kaczynsky Aviation School, and in 1934 he was already commanded the 31st mixed aviation division in the rank of colonel. A quick rise in the service staircase is admissible and harmless in peacetime, and in war it turned around a large tragedy.
The hundreds burned with hundreds, without climbing into the air, on border airfields, our pilots died in the first combat units, and the loss of one to ten in 1941 was the incredible work of everything soviet people I managed to restore only the battle on the Kursk arc, where our aviation had superiority in the air. To the second generation of the commander of Stalingrad can be attributed to the commander of the South-Western Front in the days Stalingrad battle Lieutenant General Vatutina Nikolai Fedorovich. In 1925, Nikolai Fedorovich was the commander of the company, and in July 1942 - the commander of the Voronezh Front. He was born with the talent of the commander and, skillfully relying on the experience and knowledge of the first generation of commander, managed to become on a par with them. In the regiments of the star N. F. Vatutina was one of the brightest ones. Like Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich. They represented the second generation commander, the generation, which was the main part of the commander of the Great Patriotic War.
They were young, loved by the people and leaders, they quickly studied, they hurried to live, hurried to decide without looking around ... and died ... dozens, hundreds for war. They raised the time and experience of the senior comrades - the first generation commander. Huge regretus causes their death, because with them the fate of Russia in the post-war period would certainly be different. The second generation of Stalingrad commander decided and predetermined the outcome of the most important operations of the Great Patriotic and final phase of the Second World War. These commander and solved the fate of the armed forces, and not only their country, in the post-war period.
So, for example, the head of the 62nd Army headquarters N. N. Krylov will be the first to receive the position of Glavkoma Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment and to this the highest military rank. Marshal of the Soviet Union V. I. Chuikov, commander of the 62nd Army in the Stalingrad Battle, in the future - Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Union by the Ground Forces. And such generals who fought near Stalingrad, who passed the way to Berlin, and even to the Pacific, there was a significant amount. Their combat experience, knowledge, faith in those with whom they passed the roads of war for a long time served for the benefit of the Motherland, strengthening the armed forces, constantly improving their combat sweating and technical equipment.
Approximately the end of the 60s, the USSR armed forces were insurmountable by force due to the second generation commander. Infinitely honest and dedicated military duty, they are after Great Victory continued to fight. The structure of the armed forces was defended, their provision, training, the right to the life of individual types of troops, types of weapons before leaders and generals. And very often, at least compared to military losses, they died if not physically, then morally and morally. The fate of the city of K. Zhukova and N. G. Kuznetsov, K. K. Rokossovsky, and T. Khryukina, as in mirror reflection, the fate of many commander of pre-war years was repeated. In one row with them and the Marshal of the Soviet Union S. F. Akhromeyev, who rose over death in the name of the honor of the commander.
The third generation of the commander of Stalingrad and the whole of the great domestic were nuggets with the talent from God, the names of which have always appeared on the days of troubled time and military tragedies. The Great People, the thousands of years inhabiting Eurasia, from their numerous nations and nations always put forward worthy "led shelves", and the People's Eve and the militia in different periods themselves choose who would lead them to battle. The story has kept the names of many thousands of previously unknown commanders who revealed their talent in the most difficult days of military likholety.
We include the Middle Commanders, and therefore, the main gravity and complexity of combat missions, links. The commanders of the regiments, brigades, divisions in the Stalingrad battle as a whole changed three times.
On the night of September 22nd to September 23, 1942, the 284th rifle division of Colonel N. F. Batyuk crossed onto the right bank of the Volga. Nikolai Filippovich Batyuk was in the military rank of lieutenant colonel, 38 years old from the genus, in the past worker. This division was reheated by the situation in the central part of Stalingrad, where at this point the 13th Guards and 95th rifle divisions were lost a week to 80% of personnel. But this is personnel divisions, and General A. I. Podimtsev and Colonel V. A. Horishchely were experienced commanders and were fighting in Stalingrad at the peak of their commander skill, holding back a five times superior opponent. In his memoirs, the commander of the Stalingrad Front A. I. Eremenko noted: "... These days in fierce battles, the 13th Guards, the 95th and 284th rifle divisions withstood the most violent enemy on the enemy and did not allow his exit to the Volga in The central part of the city, prevented him also in mastering Mamaev Kurgan. "
The needs for commander of the middle and senior link especially affected the summer of 1942. These are losses in border combat operations, when armies and divisions, putting forward in the areas of combat destinations, fell into German "ticks", these are battles for Ukraine, Smolensk, Crimea and, of course, the battle for Moscow. Numerous courses on the training of officers, both with all military schools, and independently, could not meet the needs of the front, and at the beginning of 1942 the need for middle commander (battalion - regiment) reached 60% of the available posts in the current army, and In brigades and divisions - up to 30% of posts. And as it could be otherwise, when the battalion commander dropped in the days of the Battle of Battle after three weeks, the regiment - after a month and a half, brigades and divisions in four months. Therefore, the loss of the third generation of commander of the Great Patriotic War was the most numerous. For 200 days and nights of the Battle of 200 days and nights, 1027 battalions commanders, 207 regiment commanders, 96 teams of the Brigades, 18 Division Commanders were killed. Those middle commander who passed Stalingrad, then commanded the compounds and were the main executive teamwork of armies and fronts in subsequent operations of the Great Patriotic and World War II.
If the reputation of the first generation collens was in the eyes of the people, abruptly reduced due to the repression of the 30s and failures in local conflicts, especially in the conflict with Finland 1939-1940, second-generation commander - due to the initial period of war, then the third generation was so respectfully and authoritatively, especially the commander of the Battle of Stalingrad, that by 1952, among the Marshals of the Soviet Union and Marshals of the birth of troops 50% They constituted those who fought in the Stalingrad battle, among Colonel-General - 38%, lieutenant-general - 21%, Major General - 18%. The experience acquired by the commander in the very heavy and bloodshed battle of the 20th century, gave them the right to be in the first rank of commander of world military history.
To assess the contribution of the commander of the Stalingrad battle in the fate of our Fatherland in both military and peacetime, it is necessary to take into account the following facts: in just the history of the Soviet Union, the highest military rank - the Marshal of the Soviet Union - and equal to him - the admiral of the Navy of the Soviet Union - was assigned to 44 commander , including L. I. Brezhnev, and L. P. Beria. For the period from September 22, 1935, when the Higher Military title "Marshal of the Soviet Union" was introduced, on April 28, 1990, when it was assigned to the last Marshal of the Soviet Union - Yazov Dmitry Timofeevich, it was assigned to 41 people and Troim - the title "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union. " Only 44 commander worn the form of the highest recognition of their commodity merit, the colonical talent. And 14 of them participated in the Stalingrad battle! If I. V. Stalin and D. F. Ustinov, who have made everything possible to win the victory in the Stalingrad battle and even more, then from 44 Marshals of the Soviet Union 16 raised their marshal rod in the trenches of Stalingrad. Let's call these commander. They are commander of various generations, but they are united by two great words - "Stalingrad" and "Communion":
Akhromev Sergey Fedorovich, The commander of the platoon of the 197th Rifle Regiment of the 28th Army;
Biryuzov Sergey Semenovich, Head of the headquarters of the 2nd Guards Army;
Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich, Head of the General Staff of the Red Army;, representative of the BGK rate;
Golikov Filipp Ivanovich, Commander of the 1st Guards Army;
Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich,
Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich, Deputy Supreme Commander;
Kosheva Peter Kirillovich, Commander of the 24th Guards Rifle Division;
Wings NIKOLAY IVANOVICH, Head of the 62nd Army headquarters;
Malinovsky Rodion Yakovlevich, Commander of the 66th and 2nd Guards Army;
Moskalenko Kirill Semenovich, Commander of the 1st Tank and 2nd Guards (first formation) by armies;
Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich, commander of the Don Front;
Tymoshenko Semen Konstantinovich, commander of the Stalingrad Front;
Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich, Commander of the 57th Army;
Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich, Commander of the 62nd Army.
Marshal titles will receive after the Stalingrad battle, some already in peacetime, after the victory, with the exception of S. K. Tymoshenko, who received it on May 7, 1940. But the marshals, and the generals they were all the great patriots of their homeland, the commander of the Great Army, in which everyone was the sons of their people. These are their shelves and divisions, hulls and army, retreating, breaking through and deceased, carried away the lives of enemies, fighting for Brest and Kiev, Minsk and Smolensk, Stalingrad and Sevastopol. They crushed the "invincible" Armades of Tank and Field Army "Millennial" Reich. Their strategy turned out to be higher, and Tactic is cunning than that of Baby Feldmarshalov and generals. This, their sergeants were able to turn home into impregnable fortresses, and the soldiers stood to death where no one would ever survive.
Real and future generations living on this earth in non-demand debt to them

After the defeat of the Hitler's troops near Moscow, the strategic initiative has completely passed to the Red Army. However, in 1942, anticipating an ambulance victory, the Soviet command issued a directive about the occurrence on all fronts. Without thorough preparation and replenishment of reserves, this led to a number of serious lesions of the Soviet Union in early 1942. Military advantage was lost. The parties were preparing for new fights. One of the decisive battles was the Stalingrad battle. Participants of the battle, who visited there, called it "hell on earth."

Strategic value of Stalingrad

Many liberal and Western historians skeptically treated the defense of this city. They believed that his defense was connected with the name of the Supreme Chief of the USSR and had ambitions of two dictators, one of whom wanted to capture locality, wearing the name of the leader of enemies, and the second threw all the strength to prevent it. But the Stalingrad battle, the memories of whose participants also refute this information, had an important strategic importance. The fact is that the military power of the armies of the Second World War did not play any role without reserves of oil fields. The only such country in Hitler was Romania. But its resources were clearly lacked. Germany attempted to seize Egypt and the oil-free Middle East. For these purposes, the Army Group "Africa" \u200b\u200bwas created, headed by the legendary Rommel. The number of her was, of course, is small, but comparable to the forces of the British troops that did not miss the Germans into these territories. Italian geologists, fortunately for our history and country, did not find oil on the territory of Libya. Perhaps the story would have a different scenario, but, as you know, it does not have the only right solution. german command It was the remaining of Moscow and the seizure of Stalingrad, who opened the way to the Caucasus with its rich oil fields. In addition, an important transport artery overlap for the Soviet Union itself. In Siberia at this time, oil was not yet mined, so the loss of the Caucasus completely disarmed our army. Therefore, it happened one of the most bloody battles In the history of mankind - Stalingrad battle. Participants in the battle very well understood the value of the bridgehead. Hence the self-sacrifice and heroism of the Soviet fighters.

On the eve of the battle

Developing a combat plan for the summer-autumn 1942, the Supreme Rate and the State Defense Committee were not united. The Marshal of the Soviet Union of Shaposhnikov insisted on strategic defense, moving in some parts of the front to counteroffensive. The main reserves needed to focus on the central direction in such a way that they could easily be transferred to the desired section of the front through the railway network. This plan was based on the transport advantage of the USSR. The railway network on the territory under the controlled territory was constantly subjected to sabotage. There was no possibility of a sharp change of the direction of strategic strike. In addition, the fascist troops did not have a second front and could focus on the eastern all available reserves.

Catastrophe 1942.

Marshal S. K. Tymoshenko pointed out the need for a proactive impact of the southwestern and southern fronts. At the meeting with Stalin, it was decided to step in the south in the Kharkov region and the Crimea.

But the attacks of the Soviet troops were not crowned with success, in addition, the German 11 Army in May moved to a counteroffensive in the Kerch direction and literally crumpled the Crimean Front. The remaining troops were evacuated from the peninsula. Not crowned with success and attack in the two largest fronts at the end of May were surrounded on the verge of complete destruction. German aviation fully dominated the air. The situation in the country was catastrophically deteriorated.

Main goal - Caucasus

It became clear that the troops of the Wehrmacht will develop success and break into the Caucasus to oil through Stalingrad. Directive No. 41 was issued, which indicated the need to rejection from the USSR of a number of economic agricultural territories of Ukraine and the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus.

In June, the remaining troops of two fronts began the retreat to prevent the threat of surroundings and complete destruction. Now both sides prepared for decisive battles in the Caucasus and in Stalingrad. At this time, the Supreme rate issued a number of decrees that are ambiguous and acutely discussed by many historians. Order No. 227 "Neither step back" and a decree on the creation of penalty battalions. In fairness it is worth noting that the latter already existed in the German army and showed themselves well in battles. So the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating does not belong to Stalin, as many Western historians speak about it.

Tactical miscalculations

The German leadership, molded by success in the southern direction, made a strategic miscalculation. The main impact grouping of the fascists threw in the Caucasus, and only one 6 army of General von Paulus was highlighted on Stalingrad. In addition, a drum tank brigade was withdrawn from the group and also thrown into the Caucasus. The Germans did not expect after successful fighting to see the considerable resistance of Russians on this site. But the calculation Supreme Bet - Focus significant reserves so that they can be quickly transferred to the desired direction, - fully justified. Staped Stalingrad battle. Participants in the battle with trepidation recalled her until the end of their lives. We will remember and we.

Participants of the Stalingrad battle. List of heroes

Given the severity and duration of this military operation, several armies, tank and air trafficities were involved in it. Of course, we will not be able to list in a short article by those who have seen our eyes a terrible spectacle called Stalingrad battle. Battle participants will never be forgotten in generations. Imagine only a few fallen heroes of this meat grinder. We will be glad if someone from the descendants will see their famous relatives:

Agarkov Pavel Demyanovich;

Vorobev Mikhail Dmitrievich;

Kolesnichenko Andrei Aleksandrovich;

Means Alexey Maksimovich.

These and other participants of the Stalingrad battle, living or dead will always remain heroes for our country.

"There is no land for the Volga for us"

On August 23, 1942, the Germans with rage wrapped bombs on the city. Beat from all guns. The powerful industrial center turned into ruins. The two-day defense of the city began. The Germans understood their miscalculation and threw on reinforcements to Paulus more and more new forces. But it was too late. Soviet command and ordinary soldiers swore, by all means to protect the city. The victory in the battle meant victory in the whole great Patriotic War. Of course, before her end there was still a lot of time lost livelihoods, loud victories and annoying lesions. But the defeat of large German forces was here that was psychologically turning throughout the military campaign. It is not by chance that American and British politicians have released even memorial medals and diplomas on this event.

Heroes will remember forever

The Stalingrad battle has become a heavy test for the entire Soviet people. We will present the names of the participants in this article. Raguzov Sergey Alexandrovich, born in 1922. In Stalingrad was the post of commander of the mortar platoon. Awarded personally signed by Stalin thanks "For personal courage and courage." His platoon stopped a powerful tank attack. The commander himself collided with one of them face to face, but not confused and threw a pair of bottles with an incendiary mixture. The tank exploded from the fire. In this attack, Raguzov destroyed 4 heavy machines, several dozen infantrymen. There are about 10 tanks. The rest after the losses received retreated.

Tulyakov Ivan Antipovich

Many heroes participating in the Stalingrad battle were feather the death of brave. The USSR, and modern Russia has never forgotten its heroes. I would like to remember Tulakova Ivan Antipovich - a military correspondent who died when crossing the Volga. In his last note, Ivan Antipovich wrote: "It is better to be a wife, mother, a child of the deceased hero than the surviving coward." And so considered all the defenders of the city.

Churandov Viktor Vasilyevich

The children participating in the Stalingrad battle remember another hero of these days - Churanova Viktor Vasilyevich. Member of the Defense of Moscow, Defense of Stalingrad, the capture of Warsaw was awarded two medals "for courage". Being a mechanic-driver of a tank, he led his car on the enemy, without regretting his life. His crew fell several German cars and near Moscow and under Stalingrad. One of the few survived these terrible days of the war from the first to the last day.

Shelywanov Vasily Andreevich

Against the battery of Vasily Andreevich, the Germans threw 18 cars. Defenders, showing heroism, met the fascists with a powerful art frester, destroying 4 cars, were shot down somewhat, but retreated. The Germans, who did not expect such a removal, retreated.

Here is an incomplete list of heroes presented in the article. Unfortunately, a lot of those who died in this terrible war. Let's not forget their names.


Municipal State Educational Institution

"Novokvasnikovskaya Secondary General School."

MKOU "NovSokvasnikovskaya SOSH"

2012 - 2013 Uch. year.

Marshals and generals of the Stalingrad battle.

Objectives: Development of students of citizenship and patriotism as the most important spiritual and moral qualities, the ability of their active manifestation in various spheres of society, upbringing high responsibility and loyalty to the debt to the homeland.


· To form students in learning knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, its defenders and their exploits.

· Promote moral and patriotic education of students, educate love and respect for their people, to the history of their country, city, school, respectful attitude towards veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

· Develop search and research work and creative skills Children.

Travel course.

(Song "Hot Snow". A. Pakhmutova)

1st. The time has its own memory - history. And therefore the world never forgets about tragedies who shake the planet in different epochs, including cruel wars.

Today we will remember the names and surnames of those who led this great battle.

It was in Stalingrad in 1942-43 the further fate of the planet was solved.

Most divisions arrived from the rate of bet has not had a combat experience. Other divisions were exhausted in previous battles. At the cost of incredible efforts to Soviet soldiers was to keep the Natisk of the enemy.

The memory of the Stalingrad battle is the memory of a great people's feat, a mental impulse, unity and courage. ( slide)

1. Remember how to fight for Tsaritsyn,

Walking for a detachment squad

The feat of the fighters repeated

In the battle for our Stalingrad.

2. For each house ... But there were no houses -

Charred, terrible remnants

For each meter - but to the Volga from the hills

With tangchi rolled tanks

And meters remained to the water and the Volga chouted from trouble.

3. Footprints of the enemy - ruins and ash

Here all the living laid down the dot.

Through smoke - no sun in the black sky

On the site of streets - stones and ash.

4. Here everything was mixed in this inclusion:

Fire and smoke, dust and lead hail.

Who meets here ... then until the death

Grozny Stalingrad will not be taken.

Stalingrad's commander ... How much mean these words in the history of Russia and in the history of the world, and how little is said about those who remained in the history and memory of people, and about those who disappeared in the eternity of non-existence. Famous and demanded, awarded and sublime, repressed and shot, who have surrounded and managed to break through their people and disgraced the disregard of the enemy, the death of their death and someone else's death, they, pressed together with their fighting comrades to the Volga, were committed, What fitted their names with gold letters in the history of mankind.

On behalf of the Supreme Command Ratecoordinatedthe fighting of our troops Generals: Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky and Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.(slide)

1. Let there be thousands of guns against us here

For each - dozens of tons of lead.

Let the mortal we let us only people

But we are true to the end to the end.

2. "Stand on death, nor step back!" -

Such was the motto from our soldiers

And their lives did not regret

The enemy is expelled from the land of the earth.

3. Let the retreat we had long

Price grief and loss

But "There is no land for us for the Volga"

Said Iron Stalingrad!

4. And here's the order "Back - Nor Step!"

Stern Stalin's order

Instilled courage in the hearts of people

What is not distinguished by the victory of the hour.

July 12, 1942 - by decision of the Supreme Commandment rate - the Stalingrad Front was created under the command of Marshal of the USSR Sergey Konstantinovich Tymoshenko, and from August - Colonel-General Andrei Ivanovich Yerömenko on July 19, 1942 - Stalingrad region declared on a siege position .. Let's call the names of the commander. They are commander of various generations, but they are united by two great words - "Stalingrad" and "Communion":

1. Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich,deputy Supreme Commander;

In years, he as a representative of the bet coordinated the actions of the fronts near Stalingrad. In the course of successfully conducted large-scale offensive operation Five enemy armies were defeated: two tank German, two Romanian and Italian.

2. Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich,head of the General Staff of the Red Army ;, Representative of the BGK rate

Under his leadership, the largest operations of the Soviet Armed Forces A. M. Vasilevsky coordinated the actions of the fronts: in the Stalingrad battle (Operations "Uranus", "Small Saturn")

3. Tymoshenko Semyon Konstantinovich, commander of the Stalingrad Front;

In July 1942, Marshal Tymoshenko was appointed commander of the Stalingrad Front, and in October - the North-Western Front.

4. Eremenko Andrei Ivanovich,commander of the Stalingrad Front;

Commander Southeast Front.

Duringoperations "Uranus" In November1942., Yeromenko's troops broke through the defensive frontier of the enemy southStalingrad and connected with general troopsN. F. Vatutin, thereby closed the ring of the environment around6th German Army GeneralFriedrich Powlyus.

5. Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich,commander of the Don Front; September 30th 1942. lieutenant-general K. K. Rokossovsky was appointed commanderDonom Front. With his participation, a plan was developedoperations "Uranus" At the surrounding and destruction of the enemy grouping, which was coming on Stalingrad. Forces of several fronts

November 19. 1942. The operation has begun,November 23 Ring around the 6th Army GeneralF. Poules It was closed.

6. Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich,commander of the 62nd Army. From september1942. Commanded62nd armywhich became famous for the heroic six-month defenseStalingrad In street fights in a fully destroyed city, fighting on isolated fields on the shore wideVolga.

Mogila V. I. Chuikova is inVolgograd, on sorrow area (Mamayev Kurgan).

The name of Chuikova is named one of the central streetsVolgograd, the one at which the advanced line of defense of the 62nd Army (1982 ).

7. Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich,commander of the South-Western Front; In October 1942, Nikolay Fedorovich was appointed commander of the South-Western Front created, he was directly involved in the development, preparation and conductStalingrad operation . Vatutination troops in cooperation with the troops of Stalingrad (commander ) and Donsky (commanderRokossovsky K.K. ) Fronts from November 19 to December 16, 1942 conducted the operation "Small Saturn" - surrounded by groupingfeldmarshal Paulus near Stalingrad. In this operation, the action of the South-Western Front led to the defeat of the 8th Italian, the remains of the 3rd Romanian armies, the German group "Hollidt".

8. Voronov Nikolai Nikolaevich,marshal artillery;

On November 19, 1942, the most powerful artillery preparation began, in many respects the predicted success of the counteroffensive, as a result of which the three hundredth anniversary group of the enemy was surrounded

9. Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich,colonel-General of the 64th Army;

64 - Army under his command almost a month held back on the distant approaches of Stalingrad 4th Tank Army

10. Herds Alexander Ilyich,major General of the 62nd Army;

13th Guards Rifle Division (Subsequently, the 13th Poltava Order of Lenin twice the Red-known Guards Rifle Division) entered the 62nd army heroically defended Stalingrad.

11. Chistyakov Ivan Mikhailovich, Colonel-General; In the period of the Stalingrad battle, he commanded the 21st Army. He showed high organizational abilities at the surroundings and defeat the 6th German Army Field Marshal Paulus.

12. Malinovsky Rodion Yakovlevich,commander of the 66th and 2nd Guards Army; In August 1942, to strengthen defense onStalingrad direction The 66th army was created, enhanced by tank and artillery parts. Her commander was appointed

13. Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich, commander of the 57th Army;In July 1942, Tolbukhin was appointed commander of the 57th Army, which, defended the southern approaches toStalingrad . For more than three months of its compounds, heavy defensive battles were conducted, without missing the Tank Army of the Wehrmacht to the city, and then participated in the dismemberment and destroying surrounded by the German group.

14. Moskalenko Kirill Semenovich,commander of the 1st Tank and 2nd Guards (first formation) by armies; FROM12th of February 1942 - commander of the 6th Cavalry Corps, from March to July1942. - Commander38th army (Valyusko-Rossoshansky defensive operation), after the transformation of the last since July 1942 he commanded1st tank armywith which he participated in the battles on distant approaches toStalingrad (July-August 1942). In August 1942, appointed commander1st Guards Armyfrom which until October 1942 participated inStalingrad battle

15. Golikov Filipp Ivanovich,commander of the 1st Guards Army; In August 1942, Golikov appointed commander

1st Guards Army on theSoutheast

andStalingradsky fronts, participated in defensive battles on the approaches toStalingrad.

From September 1942 - Deputy Commander

Stalingrad Front

16. Akhromev Sergey Fedorovich,the commander of the platoon of the 197th Rifle Regiment of the 28th Army;

Commander of the 197th Rifle Regiment of the 28th Army

17. Biryuzov Sergey Semenovich,head of the headquarters of the 2nd Guards Army;

From November 1942 to April 1943 - Head of the headquarters of the 2nd Guards ArmyStalingradsky (SubsequentSouth) Front.

18. Kosheva Peter Kirillovich,commander of the 24th Guards Rifle Division;

Since July 1942, the commander of the 24th Guards Rifle Division

19. Krylov Nikolai Ivanovich,head of the 62nd Army headquarters;

Chief of staff62nd Armywhich led multi-month street fighting in the city.

1. I see the city of Stalingrad in the 42nd year
Earth burns, water is burning.
Metal boils in hell.
Closed sky blue, and the sun does not see
Okutan city in black smoke, and breathe hard

10. Where was the ever Stalingrad,
Chimney pipes only sticking out.
Stood a thick flicker SMRR,
And the corpses were lying on the fields.
I bought in the ground, as they could.
Reliable space did not search.
"There is no land for the Volga for us,"
As an oath often repeated.

11 Summary triggered it to the emphasis.
Steel whipped darkness.
Artillerist, infantryman, sapper -
He did not go crazy.
What is the flame of Geenna, hell?
He defended Stalingrad.

12. Just soldiers, lieutenant, general
He grew up in the Strada combat.
Where metal was died in fire,
He passed alive.
One hundred exhausting days in a row
He defended Stalingrad.

Marshal titles will receive after the Stalingrad battle, some already in peacetime, after the victory, with the exception of it, who received it on May 7, 1940. But the marshals, and the generals they were all the great patriots of their homeland, the commander of the Great Army, in which everyone was the sons of their people. These are their shelves and divisions, hulls and army, retreating, breaking through and deceased, carried away the lives of enemies, fighting for Brest and Kiev, Minsk and Smolensk, Stalingrad and Sevastopol. They crushed the "invincible" Armades of Tank and Field Army "Millennial" Reich. Their strategy turned out to be higher, and Tactic is cunning than that of Baby Feldmarshalov and generals. This, their sergeants were able to turn home into impregnable fortresses, and the soldiers stood to death where no one would ever survive.

13. And finally, that day came,
Which was supposed to happen.
Gathered with the power of gigid,
And remembering the valor of age-old,
People rose as one
for the death fight for Russia holy.

14.Greated all the circle,
We went ahead our soldiers,
There, west, day after day,
So far did not break the hour of payback.

15. Our sword is severely punished
Fascists in their own berry,
And the path to the vessel showed
For those who have come down on the road.
Under Stalingrad was a deadly fight
All defended our native city
Fire burns like the memory of the Terrible Years,
We will remember all who are not today.

Stalingrad stressed because it was in him that the whole meaning of the Motherland was embodied. That is why there was no such mass heroism anywhere in the world. The whole spiritual, moral power of our people concentrated here.

The world applauded the victory of Soviet Military art, marking a fundamental fracture during World War II. On the mouth of the whole world in those days there were three words:

"Russia, Stalin, Stalingrad ...".

(Song "Let's bow down the great years.")

71 years passed since the fascist tanks, as if damn items, were on the northern outskirts of Stalingrad. And hundreds of German aircraft, meanwhile, hit the city and its inhabitants tons of deadly cargo. Radiant roar of motors and an ominous whistle bombs, explosions, moans and thousands of deaths, and a Volga, embraced by a flame. August 23 became one of the most terrible moments in the history of the city. Only 200 fiery days from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943, a great confrontation on the Volga continued. We remember the main milestones of the Stalingrad battle from the beginning to victory. Victory, which changed the course of war. Victory, which cost very expensive.

In the spring of 1942, Hitler divides the South Army Group into two parts. The first must capture the North Caucasus. The second is to move to the Volga, Stalingrad. The summer onset of the Wehrmacht was called Fall Blau.

Stalingrad, as if, the magnet attracted the German troops to him. The city that was named Stalin. The city, which opened the Nazis the path to the oil reserves of the Caucasus. The city standing in the center of the country's transport arteries.

To resist the onslaught of the Hitler's Army, on July 12, 1942, the Stalingrad Front was formed. Marshal Tymoshenko became the first commander. It includes the 21st Army and the 8th air army from the former South-Western Front. The battle introduced more than 220 thousand soldiers of the three reserve armies: 62nd, 63rd and 64th. Plus artillery, 8 armored trains and airlocks, mortar, tank, armored, engineering and other connections. The 63rd and 21st Army had to prevent the forcing by the Germans of Don. The remaining forces were thrown to protect Stalingrad.

Prepare for defense and Stalingrads, the city form parts of the national militia.

The beginning of the Stalingrad battle was rather unusual for that time. There was silence, there were tens of kilometers between opponents. The columns of the Nazis quickly moved to the east. At this time, the Red Army tied strength to the Stalingrad border, built fortifications.

The date of the beginning of the Great Battle is considered to be July 17, 1942. But, according to the statements of the military historian, Alexei Isaev, in the first battle soldiers of the 147th Rifle Division entered the evening on July 16 near the frost farm and the golden near the Morozovskaya station.

From this point on, bloody battles begin in the large radiation. In the meantime, the Stalingrad Front replenishes the forces of the 28th, 38th and 57th armies.

Day August 23, 1942 was one of the most tragic in the history of the Battle of Stalingrad. Early in the morning, the 14th Tank Corps General Vont Wittersheim came out to the Volga in the north of Stalingrad.

The enemy tanks were where the inhabitants of the city did not expect them at all - just a few kilometers from the Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

And in the evening of the same day, at 16 o'clock 18 minutes Moscow time, Stalingrad turned into hell. No longer a single city in the world withstood such an onslaught. For four days, from August 23 to August 26, six hundred enemy bombers made up to 2 thousand departures daily. Each time they carried death and destruction with them. Hundreds of thousands of incendiary, fugasic and fragmentation bombs were indispensable to Stalingrad.

The city was lying, choking on smoke, choking blood. Generously arched by oil, burned and Volga, cutting off the way to salvation.

What appeared on August 23 in Stalingrad, struck as a heavy nightmare. It is continuously there, then the fireman sultans of leguminous explosions were swept up here. Huge flame pillars rose to the sky in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oil industry. Flows of burning oil and gasoline rushed to the Volga. The river burned, steamers burned on the Stalingrad raid. Mutely Chadil asphalt streets and squares. Like matches, telegraph poles flashed. There was an unimaginable noise that had a hearing with his hellish music. The squeal of the bombs flying from the height of the bombs was mixed with the buzz of explosions, the grinding and clanging of the collapsing buildings, the cracker of the raged fire. The dying people groathed, we cried and wrapped up to help women and children, - remembered later commander of the Stalingrad Front Andrei Ivanovich Eremenko.

In a matter of hours, the city was practically erased from the face of the earth. Houses, theaters, schools - everything turned into ruins. 309 Stalingrad enterprises were destroyed. Plants "Red October", CTZ, Barricades lost most of the workshops and equipment. Destroyed transport, connection, plumbing. About 40 thousand inhabitants of Stalingrad died.

Red Army and militia hold the defense in the north of Stalingrad. The troops of the 62nd Army are heavy fighting on the Western and North-Western borders. Hitler aviation continues its barbaric bombardment. From midnight, on August 25, a siege position and a special order are introduced in the city. His violation is punished strictly, up to the execution:

Persons involved in looting, robbery to shoot at the crime scene without trial. All malicious violators of public order and security in the city to betray the court of the Military Tribunal.

A few hours before that, the Stalingrad City Defense Committee accepts another decree - on the evacuation of women and children to the left bank of the Volga. At that time, no more than 100 thousand were taken out of the city with a population of more than half a million, not as evacuated from other regions.

The remaining residents are calling for the defense of Stalingrad:

I will not give the native city to the rules of the Germans. I will stand everything as one for the defense of your beloved city, the native home, the native family. Cook all the streets of the city with impassable barricades. We will do every house, every quarter, every street with an impregnable fortress. All for the construction of barricades! Everyone who is able to wear weapons on the barricades, to protect the hometown, the native home!

And they respond. Every day, about 170 thousand people come to the construction of fortifications and barricades.

By the evening of Monday, September 14, the enemy made his way into the very heart of Stalingrad. Captured Railway Station and Mamaev Kurgan. Over the next 135 days, the height of 102.0 will be repeatedly repulsed and again lost. Defense is broken and at the stake of the 62nd and 64th armies in the area of \u200b\u200bthe European beam. Hitler's troops have received the opportunity to shoot the coast of the Volga and crossing, according to the city, reinforcement and food.

Under the squall fire of the opponent, the fighters of the Volga military flotilla and pontoon battalions are starting to transfer from Krasnoslobodsk In Stalingrad divisions of the 13th Guards Rifle Division General Major Rodimitsev.

In the city there are battles for each street, every home, every block of land. Strategic objects go to hand several times a day. The Red Army teams are trying to hold as close as possible to the enemy to avoid attacks by enemy artillery and aviation. Fierce battles continue on the approaches to the city.

The soldiers of the 62nd Army conduct battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Tractor Plant, "Barricades", "Red October". Workers at this time continue to work hardly on the battlefield. The 64th Army continues to keep the defense south of the vague village.

And at that time, the German-fascist stripped strength in the center of Stalingrad. By the evening of September 22, the Hitler's troops overlook the Volga in the area of \u200b\u200bJanuary 9 and the Central Pier. These days, the legendary history of the Defense "House Pavlova" and "House of Zabolotny" begins. Bloody battles for the city continue, the troops of the Wehrmacht still cannot achieve the main goal and seize all the banks of the Volga. However, both sides bear big losses.

Preparation of counter-offering near Stalingrad began in September 1942. The defeat plan of the German-fascist troops was called "Uranus". The operations were involved by the divisions of the Stalingrad, South-Western and Don Fronts: more than a million redarmeys, 15.5 thousand guns, almost 1.5 thousand tanks and assault guns, about 1350 aircraft. For all positions, Soviet troops exceeded the forces of the enemy.

The operation began on November 19 from the massive art crew. The army of the South-Western Front shall strike from the city and seraphimovich, during the day they are moving at 25-30 kilometers. In the direction of the Farmer Spine throws the forces of the Don Front. On November 20, the Stalingrad Front was switched to the offensive. This day fell the first snow.

On November 23, 1942, the ring closes in the Kalacha-on-Don area. The 3rd Romanian army is crushed. About 330 thousand soldiers and officers of 22 divisions and 160 separate parts of the 6th German army and part of the 4th tank army fell into the environment. From this day, our troops begin the offensive and every day, the Stalingrad boiler is completely squeezed.

In December 1942, the troops of the Don and Stalingrad fronts continue to put the surrounded German fascist troops. On December 12, the Army Group of Army Feldmarshal von Manstein attempted to get to the 6th Army. The Germans have advanced by 60 kilometers in the direction of Stalingrad, but by the end of the month the remains of the enemy's forces are discarded for hundreds of kilometers. It's time to destroy the Army of Paulus in the Stalingrad Cotelet. The operation that was placed on the fighters of the Don Front, received the code name "Ring". The troops strengthened with artillery, and from January 1, 1943, the 62nd, 64th and 57th Army of the Stalingrad Front passed into the Don Front.

January 8, 1943 on Radio to Paulus headquarters was transferred to ultimatum with a proposal for surrender. By this time, the Hitler's troops were much starved and frozley, the reserves of ammunition and fuel came to the end. Soldiers die from malnutrition and cold. But the proposal for the surrender is rejected. From the rate of Hitler comes an order to continue resistance. And on January 10, our troops go to a decisive offensive. And already 26 numbers on the Mamaev Kurgan part of the 21st Army were connected from the 62nd army. The Germans are pronounced by thousands.

On the last January day of 1943, the southern group stopped resistance. In the morning, Paulus brought the last radiogram from Hitler, in the calculation of suicide, he was assigned the next rank of General Field Marshal. So he became the first Feldmarshal of the Wehrmacht, granted.

In the basement of the Central Department Store Stalingrad, the entire headquarters of the 6th Field German Army also took. A total of 24 generals and more than 90 thousand soldiers and officers were captured. The history of world wars did not know anything like that, nor after.

It was a catastrophe, after which Hitler and Wehrmacht could have been able to wonder - the Stalingrad Boiler was dreaming to the end of the war. The collapse of the fascist army on the Volga convincingly showed that the Red Army and its leadership managed to replay the erased German strategists, - so appreciated the moment of war army General, Hero of the Soviet Union, participant of the Stalingrad battle Valentin Varennikov. - I remember well, with some unforgettable flashers, our commanders and ordinary fighters met the news of the victory on the Volga. We were incredibly proud, which broke the ridge to the most powerful German group.

On July 17, 1942, at the turn of the Chir and Tsimla rivers, the advanced 92nd and 64th armies of the Stalingrad Front met with the vanguards of the 6th German army. Interacting with aviation 8th air Army (Major General T. T. Khryukin), they had a stubborn resistance to the enemy, who was to break their resistance, had to deploy 5 divisions out of 13 and spend 5 days to combat them. In the end, the German troops knocked out advanced detachments from the occupied positions and approached the main defense strip of the troops of the Stalingrad Front. So began the Stalingrad battle.

The resistance of the Soviet troops forced the Nazi command to strengthen the 6th Army. By July 22, it already had 18 divisions, numbered 250 thousand combat composition, about 740 tanks, 7.5 thousand guns and mortars. The troops of the 6th Army supported up to 1,200 aircraft. As a result, the ratio of forces even more increased in favor of the enemy. For example, in tanks, he now had two-time superiority. The troops of the Stalingrad Front by July 22 had 16 divisions (187 thousand people, 360 tanks, 7.9 thousand guns and mortars, about 340 aircraft).

At dawn on July 23, the North had passed on the offensive, and on July 25 and the southern strike grouping of the enemy. Using the superiority of the forces and domination of aviation in the air, the Germans broke through the defense at the right flank of the 62nd Army and to the outcome of the day on July 24 came to Don in the Golubinsky district. As a result, up to three Soviet divisions were surrounded. The enemy also managed to press the troops of the right flank of the 64th Army. For the troops of the Stalingrad Front there was a critical situation. Both flank of the 62nd Army turned out to be deeply covered by the enemy, and his output to the Don created a real threat to a breakthrough of the Nazi troops to Stalingrad.

By the end of July, the Germans pushed the Soviet troops for Don. The line of defense stretches for hundreds of kilometers from north to south along Don. To break through the defense along the river, the Germans had to use in addition to their 2nd army, the army of their Italian, Hungarian and Romanian allies. The 6th Army was just a few tens of kilometers from Stalingrad, and the 4th tank, being in the south of him, turned north to help take the city. The south of the Army Group "South" (a) continued to deepen further in the Caucasus, but its offensive slowed down. The group of army "South" A was too far in the south and could not provide support to the group of army "South" b in the north.

July 28, 1942 people's Commissar Defense I. V. Stalin turned to the Red Army with Order No. 227, in which he demanded to strengthen the resistance and by all means to stop the opponent's offensive. The most rigid measures were envisaged to those who show cowardice and failing in battle. There were practical measures to strengthen the moral and combat spirit and discipline in the troops. "It's time to finish the retreat," the order was noted. - No step back!" In this slogan, the essence of the Order No. 227 was embodied. Commanders and political workers put the task of bringing the requirement of this order to the consciousness of each warrior.

The stubborn resistance of the Soviet troops forced the Nazi command on July 31, to turn the 4th Tank Army from the Caucasus direction on Stalingrad (Colonel-General G. G.). On August 2, her advanced parts approached Kotelnikovsky. In this regard, a direct threat of an enemy breakthrough to the city from the south-west was created. Fights unfolded on the southwestern approaches to it. To strengthen the defense of Stalingrad to solve the front commander at the Southern Face of the external defensive circuit, the 57th Army was deployed. The Stalingrad Front passed the 51st Army (Major General T. K. Kolomiets, from October 7 - Major General N. I. Torfanov).

Heavy was the situation in the 62nd Army strip. On August 7-9, the enemy pushed her troops behind the Don River, and four divisions surrounded by the West Kalach. Soviet warriors led the fights surrounded until August 14, and then became small groups from the environment. Three divisions of the 1st Guards Army approached from the reserve (Major General K. S. Moskalenko, from September 28 - Major General I. M. Chistyakov) were inflicted on the enemy troops Construdar and stopped their further promotion.

Thus, the Plan of the Germans - a rapid blow to break through to Stalingrad - was torn in the stubborn resistance of the Soviet troops in the large radiation of Don and their active defense on the southwestern approaches to the city. For three weeks, the opponent was able to move only 60-80 km. Based on the assessment of the situation, the Nazi command contributed substantial adjustments to its plan.

On August 19, Nazi troops resumed an offensive, causing strikes in the general direction on Stalingrad. On August 22, the 6th German army forced Don and captured on his Eastern shore, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sandbags, a bridgehead of 45 km wide, on which six divisions focused. On August 23, the 14th Tank Corps of the enemy broke through the Volga north of Stalingrad, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village market, and cut off the 62nd Army from the remaining forces of the Stalingrad Front. On the eve, the enemy aviation inflicted a massive blow to Stalingrad from the air, making about 2 thousand places of flights. As a result, the city was subjected to terrible destruction - whole quarters were turned into ruins or simply the structures from the face of the Earth.

On September 13, the enemy moved to the offensive throughout the front, trying to seize Stalingrad storm. To restrain his powerful Natisk Soviet troops failed. They were forced to retreat to the city, on the streets of which fierce battles were struggling.

In late August and September, Soviet troops conducted a series of counterdovern in the south-west direction to cut off the compounds of the 14th tank corps of the enemy, which broke into the Volga. When applying the counterdresters, Soviet troops should have closed the German breakthrough on the station of Kotluban station, Rossoshka and eliminate the so-called "land bridge". The price of huge losses Soviet troops managed to advance only a few kilometers.

Covert carons during street fighting on the outskirts of Stalingrad.

The captured camels are used by the German army in Stalingrad as a major force.

Evacuation of nursery and kindergartens from Stalingrad.

The German dive bombarder Junkers Yu-87 "Stuka" (Ju.87 Stuka) in the sky over Stalingrad.

Romanian prisoners of war, captured in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of the Unpacking under the city of Kalach.

Fighters and commanders of the 298th rifle division near Stalingrad.

Women dig trenches in the Don River area.

Commander of the 6th Army Colonel-General of Wehrmacht F. Paulus with members of his headquarters during battles near Stalingrad.

Conditioner of the 578th Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht Hans Elek on a combat position in the trench, between Don and Volga.

Command structure of the 2nd company of the 178th rifle regiment of the Troops of the NKVD of the USSR on the protection of particularly important industrial enterprises at Mamaev Kurgan.

Armored member G.S. Barenik and Ya.V. Sheptitsky with PDD-41 on combat position in the trench during the battles for Stalingrad.

The German soldier writes a letter in the basement of the house in Stalingrad.

The militant from among the workers of the Stalingrad Plant "Red October", Sniper Peter Alekseevich Goncharov (1903 - 1944), armed with the Railway SVT-40 sniper rifle on a firing position near Stalingrad. In battles for Stalingrad destroyed about 50 enemy soldiers.

Bronzector of the Volga Flotilla are fire at the positions of German troops in Stalingrad.

Bridacht armored personnel carriers in the steppe near Stalingrad.

The autocolonna of the 2nd Tank Division of the Wehrmacht is transferred over the bridge through Don.

The infantry of Wehrmacht and SAU STUG III are moving along the Soviet village shortly after the forcing Don.

Conditioner of the 578th Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht Hans Ecow on a combat position between Don and Volga.

The driver works on the engine of the ZIS-5 car under Stalingrad.

German machine gunners change their position north of Stalingrad.

German soldiers with a machine gun Mg-34 and 50mm mortar Legrw36 on position on the outskirts of Stalingrad.

The Soviet prisoners of war helps the soldiers of the 369th regiment of the Wehrmacht to disassemble a broken car in Stalingrad.

Soviet fighters in positions in the trenches near Stalingrad.

German SAU STUG III at the ruins of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

Former houses on the outskirts of the town of Serafimovich, destroyed by German troops.

Valentine Orlyankin's film operator removes a panorama of Stalingrad from the boat.

Red Army women delivered on the other side of the river, go along the banks of the Volga in Stalingrad.

Soldiers of the 578th Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht on the privala during the offensive on Stalingrad.

German officers are advised at the crossroads of roads during the offensive on Stalingrad.

German SAU Stug III with soldiers on armor moves on Kurskaya street in Stalingrad.

Soviet dot at the territory occupied by the German troops near Stalingrad.

View of the cemetery destroyed during battles in Stalingrad.

A resident of Stalingrad is drowning the oven of the destroyed house in the occupied southern part of the city.

A resident of the occupied region of Stalingrad is preparing food on the site of a destroyed house.

View from a German aircraft for fires in the destroyed Stalingrad.

German tank pz.kpfw. III, baked under Stalingrad.

Soviet sappers build a crossing through the Volga.

Red Army in battle on railway near Stalingrad.

German soldier goes past the beaten and burning soviet tank T-60, during the offensive on Stalingrad.

Red Army-artilleryrs at guns F-22-Sils on Stalingrad Street.

The column of Red Army teams takes place near the Central Stalingrad department store.

The artillery of the Guards part of the Red Army is transferred through the Volga on the A-3 landing boats.

Calculation of the German SSS SD.KFZ. 10/4 Preparing to open fire under Stalingrad.

Sculpture composition and graves of German soldiers at the building of the 7th hospital in Stalingrad.

Soviet car guns of the Stalingrad Front near the river.

Soviet fighters reflect the attacks of the German troops, moving towards Stalingrad.

Soviet mortar changes near Stalingrad.

Red Army team runs through wire barrage during battles in Stalingrad.

Soviet infantry in battle on the approaches to Stalingrad.

Group of Soviet soldiers in the steppe near Stalingrad.

The calculation of the Soviet 45-mm anti-tank gun 53-K changes the position during battles on the approaches to Stalingrad.

Soviet parts after disembarking on the bank of the Volga near Stalingrad.

Soviet fighters are fire with a glass roof shave of one of the factory workshops of Stalingrad.

Soviet automatons in battle on Stalingrad Street.

Red Army in battle at a burning house in Stalingrad.

Destroyed Soviet installation of BM-8-24 salvo fire on the T-60 tank chassis near Stalingrad.

Destroyed houses in the part of Stalingrad occupied by the German troops.

Soviet soldiers move along the ruins of the destroyed building in Stalingrad.

Woman with a knot on a ash region in Stalingrad.

The calculation of the Soviet 50mm road mortar changes the position in the working settlement near Stalingrad.

View from Soviet shelter in Stalingrad.

Fallen Soviet fighter on the banks of the Volga near Stalingrad.