Valery Fedyanin was born. The name of the Combridge, a native of Kuvandyka, Colonel in

For reading 3 min. Views 42. Published on 03/10/2017

Syria, News October 3, 2017. The biography of the commander of a separate red-known Kirkenesian brigade of the marine Northern Fleet Colonel Valeria Vladimirovich Fedyanin.

September 30 in the main military clinical hospital. Academician N.N. Burdenko commander of a separate red-known Kirkensian brigade of the Northern Fleet Marine Fleet Colonel Valery Vladimirovich Fedyanin.

In 1988, a graduate of the Sverdlovsk Suvorov Military School entered the Tashkent Higher Communist Party School. After his ending in 1992, it was sent to pass the commander of the platoon of the establishment of the Marine Corps of the Pacific Fleet.

In 1995, in the position of commander of the Minister of Marines participated in hostilities to restore the constitutional legality and law enforcement in the territory of the Chechen Republic. The order of courage and medal "for courage" was awarded.

The stage of the Deputy Commander of the Battalion of Marine Certifications was held in consistently for educational work, headquarters headquarters of the battalion commander and commander of the Marine Battalion of the Tof.

After graduating from the Russian Academy of the Russian Federation. M.V. Frunze continued the service by the commander of a separate intelligence battalion, and then the head of intelligence - the head of the intelligence department of the Marine Corps division of the Pacific Fleet. In 2009, he was appointed as deputy commander of a separate brigade of the Marine Corps of the Pacific Fleet.

On the Northern Fleet Valery Vladimirovich since 2014. With the formation of a separate Arctic motorized rifle brigade, the SF was appointed deputy commander of the compound.

In May 2016, he became a commander of a separate red-known Kirkensian brigade of the Northern Fleet Marine Fleet with the assignment of the military rank of Colonel.

Since June of this year, the tasks of the grouping of Russian troops on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

On September 22, 2017, Colonel Valery Fedyanin followed in the car in order to address issues of organizing the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria to one of settlements Hama province. Along the way, a car was undermined on an explosive device, as a result of which Colonel Fedyanin of the upper and lower extremities.

After stabilizing the status of an officer by the aircraft military aircraft was taken to the chief military clinical hospital. Academician N.N. Burdenko. Within a few days, doctors did everything possible, but they could not save the life to the officer.

Colonel Valery Vladimirovich Fedyanin is buried at the Federal Military Memorial Cemetery in the city of Mytishchi of the Moscow Region. Submitted by the command to awarding the Order of the courage (posthumously). The command and the personnel of the Northern Fleet mourns about the death of a combat comrade and expresses deep condolences to relatives and relatives.

In Northern Fleet, proposals were prepared on the chief command of the Navy of Russia on the assignment of the Prisoner of the commander of the Marine Flood of the Northern Fleet of Colonel, Valery Fedyanin, who died during the fulfillment of a humanitarian mission in the Syrian Arab Republic. This initiative of colonel colonel Valery Fedyanina supported the commander of the Northern Fleet Vice Admiral Nikolay Evmenov.

Colonel Fedyanin was born in 1971 in the city of Kuvandyka Orenburg region. He graduated from Sverdlovsk Suvorovskoye military school and the Tashkent Higher Communication Command School. Then he was sent to the marine infantry of the Pacific Fleet. In 1995, participated in hostilities in Chechnya. Awarded the Order of the courage and medal "for the courage". In May 2016, Fedyanin was appointed commander of a separate red-known Kirkensian marine infantry brigade with the assignment of military rank Colonel.

On May 9, 2017, Valery Vladimirovich was chosen for the victory of Valery Vladimirovich so that he would spend the soldiers and officers to connect on a blocking of Red Square and introduced himself by the commander-in-chief of the country to Vladimir Putin.

In June 2017, Valery Fedyanin as part of the grouping russian troops It was sent to serve in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

September 22, 2017 Valery Fedyanin delivered humanitarian aid to the city of Hama, Syria. The car in which the colonel was driving was blown up terrorists using a Fugas. Fedyanin received multiple severe injured. The military in an unconscious state was taken to a military hospital at the Hmeimim airbase, then he was transported to Moscow. Valeria Vladimirovich was determined in the military hospital named after Nikolai Burdenko. Doctors by all the means affordable to them tried to reanimate the colonel, but the injuries were very serious. On September 30, Fediny left his life, and without opening his eyes after the catastrophe.

On October 3, 2017, the funeral of Valery Vladimirovich was held at the Memorial Cemetery in the city of Mytishchi.

According to the materials of the Internet sites, photos taken from open sources

Murmansk, 24 Feb - RIA Novosti. The opposing boat was named after the commander of the brigade of the Marine Fleet of the Northern Fleet Colonel Valery Fedyanina, the head of the press service of the Northern Fleet, the captain of the first rank Vadim Serg reported the head of the press service of the Northern Fleet.

Expert: It feels like our commanders in Syria goes "Hunt"The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation confirmed that the Russian Colonel Valery Fedyanin, who had wounded in Syria, died in Moscow. Military expert Alexey Leonkov on the air of Radio Sputnik expressed the opinion that terrorists in Syria change the tactics of warfare.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the commander of the 61st separate Kirkensian brigade of the SF Colonel Valery Fedyanin on September 22, 2017 was engaged in the delivery of humanitarian aid in the Syrian province of Hama, when under the car, on which he followed, the terrorists were undermined by Fugas, resulting in a Russian officer Received multiple wounds. He was taken to the chief military clinical hospital in Moscow, where he died from the wounds on October 1.

"Today in Severomorsk, a solemn ceremony of the assignment of the honorary name was a counter-diverse category of the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces in honor of the commander of the Marine Fleet Brigade of the Northern Fleet of Colonel Valery Fedyanin, who died in the performance of military debt in the Syrian Arab Republic," said Serg.

As Admiral Nikolai Evmenov commander noted, "from the beginning and before the end of his officer service, Valery Fedyanin performed combat ones to combat terrorism, for participating in operations in the North Caucasus, he was awarded the Order of Courage, the second Order of courage, already, unfortunately, Poshthimously, he was awarded for the performance of tasks in Syria. "

Anti-informational boat of the project 21980 "Grechonok" is designed to combat sabotage-terrorist forces and means in the waters of the content points and in the near approaches to them. It is able to develop speed up to 23 knots, has a range of more than 200 miles.

"The boats of this project are armed with large-caliber machine guns, anti-informative grenade launchers and portable anti-aircraft missile complexes. Radio-electronic armament allows you to search for objects that are moving under water," Surge explained.

On Saturday, the combat composition of the Northern Fleet of everything was replenished with three boats, they took place the first solemn rise of the St. Andreyevsky Flag - the main symbol of belonging to the Navy of Russia. In particular, naval flag It was raised on the two transport and landing boats of the project 02510 "Raptor".

"These modern boats, intended for activity in the near sea area, have high seaworthy qualities and are able to ensure the fulfillment of a wide range of tasks - from countering sabotage-terrorist forces and means to the withdrawal of special groups in the specified areas and search and rescue support," explained the boss Fleet press service.

Colonel Valery Fedyanin was born on May 12, 1971 in the city of Kuvandyk Orenburg region. The military service did in 1988. In 1992 he graduated from the Tashkent General Command School and was sent by the commander of the platoon to the Marine Infantry of the Pacific Fleet, where the way to deputy commander of the Brigade was held.

On the Northern Fleet Valery Fedyanin served since 2014. With the formation of a separate Arctic motorized rifle brigade was appointed deputy commander of the compound. In May 2016, he became the commander of a separate red-known Kirkenesian marine brigade of the Northern Fleet with the assignment of the military rank of the colonel.

The development of the situation is in the Special Project RIA Novosti

The tragic news came from the main military clinical hospital. Burdenko. There, the commander of the 61st separate Kirkenes brigade of the Northern Fleet, Colonel Valery Fedyanin, died from the wounds received in Syrian injuries.

When this information came to the press, some media tied it with the death of a group of Russian military advisers in Syria Lieutenant General Valery Asapov. He, we recall, died on September 23, as a result of the mortar shelling of the Syrian Army team in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Dair-Ez-Zaur, arranged by the terrorists of the ISIL prohibited in Russia. Then it was reported that other military military were injured from the fire of militants in addition to Asapov. They hurried to enroll and Fedyanin.

Valery Fedyanin fought in the North Caucasus, was awarded the Order of the courage and the medal "for courage"

All placed in their places in the Ministry of Defense of Russia. There was a correspondent of "RG" that the colonel of Marine Corps Valery Fedyanin was organized on September 22, he organized delivery by the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria to one of the settlements of Hama Province. Such help is also called humanitarian escort. Under the car, which was driving an officer, terrorists undermined the Fugas. "As a result of the explosion, Valery Fedyanin got multiple injuries, - reported in the department. - To provide emergency medical care Colonel was promptly delivered from Syria to the Chief Military Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Military doctors fought for the Life for the Life of Valery Fedyanin, but it was not possible to save him. "According to some reports, Colonel - Morpekh became the 38th Russian servicemen who died in two years of the counter-terrorist operation of our troops in Syria.

No other details about the service and death of Valery Fedyanin in the Ministry of Defense do not disclose. Unfortunately, very little managed to learn from the Internet. However, those girlfriend information that is available on the network is unambiguously talking about the great courage and high professionalism of the deceased officer. It is known for example that before the translation to the Northern Fleet, he was several years old by the Deputy Commander of the 155th Separate Brigade of the Pacific Fleet Marine. And when in the summer of 2012, under Vladivostok for the staff of the Far Eastern Federal District, they organized their studies at the "Bastion" survival courses, it was Fedyanin, as the most experienced and past "hot spots" officer, entrusted to conduct field classes with journalists.

Combat experience at the Colonel really grabbed. Suffice it to say that he fought in the North Caucasus, he was awarded the Order of the courage and the medal "for the courage." Along with excellent commander qualities, this certainly played a role when Fedyanina was transferred to the Northern Fleet. However, lead the glorified 61st separate Kirkinesian Red-known brigade Marine infantry, whose pets are proud to wear the nickname "White Bears", Fedyanin was not immediately. His movement to the north coincided with the creation in the village of Alakurtty of the Murmansk region of the 80th separate motorized rifle Arctic brigade. For some time, the officer was there the Department.

Last year, Fedyanin returned to the maritime infantry, stood at the head of the 61st Brigade. And when the leadership of the Ministry of Defense decided that on the day of Victory on May 9, 2017, for the first time, he will hold soldiers and officers of the units on a block of Red Square, the choice fell on Colonel Fedyanin. A memorial picture has been preserved on the Internet: after the solemn march in Moscow, the Combrigs in the parade form, with orders and medals, is represented by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin.

Colonel Valery Fedyanina with Military Honors will be buried this week. Where exactly: in the suburbs on a military memorial cemetery, in the village of Satellite, where he served before a business trip to Syria, or at the homeland of the officer, his relatives will decide.

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for the Land and Coastal Forces General Lieutenant Makarevich Oleg Leontievich

Makarevich Oleg Leontievich

Oleg Makarevich was born on December 30, 1962 in the city of Kuznetsk, Penza region. In 1984, the young man graduated from the Moscow Higher Officer Command School. Then, passed service in the group Soviet troops In Germany, the positions of the platoon commander. He was the commander of the company and headquarters headquarters - deputy commander of a separate union.

Subsequently, the officer received a distribution to the Far Eastern Military District, where he served in the positions of the battalion commander, headquarters, the deputy commander of the regiment and the commander of the motorized rifle regiment.

From 1998 to 2002, he served in the North Caucasus Military District as the headquarters headquarters - deputy commander of the motorized rifle division.

Later, in 2002, the warlord was appointed commander of the 42nd Guards Motor Stretch, Evparatorian Red Banner Division.

In the period from 2004 to 2006, he was trained at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian FederationAt the end of which he was appointed head of headquarters - the first deputy commander of the 22nd Guards Army of the Moscow Military District.

Since January 2008, it was replaced by the position of commander of the Second Guards Commissar Army, and in March 2013, he took the post of deputy commander of the Western Military District. Later, on October 4 of the same year, appointed headquarters headquarters of the Eastern Military District.

In the fall of 2017, Makarevich Oleg Leontievich was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Military Sea Fleet Russia for land and coastal troops.

Noted state awards and differences.

Married. Railing up daughter and son.

Head of the Department of Department of Coastal Forces of the Black Sea Fleet Colonel Welkovsky Igor Sergeevich

Head of the Coast Forces of the Pacific Fleet Colonel Sukhb Akhmedov

Head of the Baltic Coast Forces Fleet Hero of Russia lieutenant General Andrey Guschin

Hero of Russia Lieutenant-General Andrey Gushchin

From May 2013 - the head of the coastal troops, deputy commander of the Baltic fleet on the coastal troops.

Born on February 26, 1966 in the city of Vyborg Leningrad region. Russian. He graduated from high school.

In the Armed Forces since 1984. In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Officer Command School. Served in the Northern Fleet Marine Commission, commanded a platoon. In 1990, he became the commander of the company, in 1993 - Deputy Commander of the Poland-Storm battalion, from February 1994 - Head of the headquarters, and from September 1994 - the commander of the ardent-assault battalion.

In January 1995, a consolidated brigade of the marine infantry of the red-known Northern Fleet was aimed at the first Chechen war.

Captain Gushchin was injured three times and contused in these battles, but continued to command the unit. IN last timeIn addition to injured, he was littered with a collapsed wall, but the fighters themselves, without a team, found and dug off their commander ...

Andrei Gushchin was long treated in the hospital. There I found out about the assignment of the top award of the Motherland.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 1995 No. 138 for the courage and heroism, shown in the fulfillment of military debt Captain Gushchina Andrei Yurevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with a sense of the medal " Golden Star"(№ 112).

Continued serving B. Russian army. In 1998 he graduated Military Academy named after M.V.Fruunze. He was the head of the headquarters of the 390 regiment of the marine infantry of the red-known Pacific Fleet, since 2000 he commanded this regiment. In April 2003, translated into the Baltic Fleet.

In 2003-2006, the commander of the 366th Guards Separate Belostok Order of Suvorov of the 3rd degree and Alexander Nevsky Marine Circus Brigade. Since 2006, he studied at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Since 2008 served in the main department of combat training of the General Staff Armed Forces RF. From October 2009 - Head of the Coastal Forces of the Northern Fleet.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 800 of June 9, 2012 was awarded the military rank of Major General. Awarded with medals.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2016, a military rank of Lieutenant-General was assigned

Head of the coastal troops of the Northern Fleet General-Major Kra'ev Dmitry Vladimirovich

major General Kra'ev Dmitry Vladimirovich

Commander 810 separate CCF brigade guard lieutenant Colonel KENS Sergey Nikolaevich

Guard Colonel KENS Sergey Nikolaevich.

he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne School and the Officer Academy. Frunze of the Russian Armed Forces

Commander 40 Obrup (Kamchatka) Colonel Dmitry Petukhov.

colonel Dmitry Petukhov

Commander 155 OBRMP (Vladivostok) Colonel Alexander Zyuba

Graduate DWOK in 1995

Commander 61 separate brigade of the marine infantry of the Northern Fleet Guard Lieutenant Colonel Nikulin Kirill Nikolaevich

Commander 336 Separate Brigade Marine Infantry Baltic Fleet Guard Colonel Lazutkin Andrey Aleksandrovich

guard Colonel Lazutkin Andrei Aleksandrovich

Until 2007, it was held from the platoon commander to the battalion commander of 31 OTDBR (Ulyanovsk).

After the end of the Officer Academy in 2009, it was appointed CPC 108 VDP (Novorossiysk). In 2010, NSh 104 DSHP (Pskov) was appointed.

Six months ago, the SCBR 79 OMSBR (Gusev) was appointed.

Currently appointed commander 336 OBRMP.

Separate commander 117 Marine Regiment of the Caspian Flotilla Colonel Zelensky Pavel Nikolaevich

graduate Twix of 2002 and Community Academy Im.Frunze