Dear WWII: the best pages of Vologda military poetry. Vologda Regional Children's Library "Entertaining Heraldry: Emblems of the Vologda Region"

In the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the appeal to literary texts about the war, which constituted almost the main layer of Russian literature of the 20th century, is of particular interest, and the opportunity to fit the work of our fellow countrymen into this context naturally determined the course of the conversation.

The head of the Department of Literature of the Pedagogical Institute of VSU focused the attention of the audience on the periodization of military fiction, its main thematic lines, after which he dwelled in more detail on the works of Sergei Orlov, Viktor Astafyev and Vasily Belov.

Literature about the war has gone through several stages in its development. The first is directly the years of the Great Patriotic War, when works of a special nature were created - journalistic, tendentious, more simplified for the general public, representing an instant response to events. “Of course, artistically significant texts appeared during the war. There are quite a few examples: the poem “Vasily Terkin” by Alexander Tvardovsky, the story “Days and Nights” by Konstantin Simonov ... But the main task, of course, was to convince of victory, agitate, call for a fight, strengthen morale, ”says Sergey Baranov.

In the first decade after the war, Alexander Fadeev's novel The Young Guard, Vera Panova's story The Companions, Viktor Nekrasov's story In the Trenches of Stalingrad, Boris Polevoy's The Tale of a Real Man were published.

The 1950s and 1960s, connected with the events of the 20th and 22nd Congresses of the CPSU, shifted the angle of view on military literature. The writers who worked during this period went through the Great Patriotic War at a young age (17-20 years old), and their view of the events was different: “They showed the war in a narrow area, but tried to see some great human truth in this narrow area” . These are Grigory Baklanov with the story "Span of the Earth", Yuri Bondarev with the story "Battalions Ask for Fire", Vasil Bykov with the story "The Third Rocket".

In the 1960s and 70s, censorship claims against military-themed works intensified, “some dark colors were required to be muted”, but at the same time very noticeable works were created: Boris Vasilyev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, Viktor Astafyev’s story “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” , the story of Valentin Rasputin "Live and Remember", the novel by Vladimir Bogomolov "In August 44th". During the perestroika period, the search for plots that had not previously been developed will continue, and the description of those phenomena that previously military literature practically did not touch upon will begin. Georgy Vladimov's novel "The General and His Army" and Viktor Astafyev's novel "Cursed and Killed" will appear. Concluding the story about the periodization of military literature, Sergei Baranov noted that now it will be created by people who have not seen this war. Among the works recent years the philologist noted the novel by Daniil Granin "My Lieutenant", the collection "Four Steps from War", the story by Eduard Verkin "The Cloud Regiment".

Representing the main lines of military literature: hatred of the enemy, battle sketches, lyrical "human" motifs - Sergey Baranov illustrated them with well-known literary texts. So, for example, K. Simonov's poem "Kill him" published on July 18, 1942 in the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda became a kind of manifesto during the war years, reflecting the emotions and feelings that then owned the soldiers. One of best poets who wrote about the war, according to Sergei Baranov, is Sergei Orlov. It's about about the depiction of hostilities, which in the texts are most often a little exaggerated, oversaturated with details and emotions. Sergei Baranov quoted Orlov's laconic poem "In the morning, by the fiery sign...", conveying the atmosphere of an ordinary battle.

The poem "Wait for me" by Konstantin Simonov, written in January 1942, has become an example of a lyrical, personal theme in literature. "Wait for me, and I'll be back!..." They wrote on postcards from the front, quoted in hospitals when it was especially painful, performed in moments of extreme doom. “The poem“ Wait for me ”is very good, human, many will be happy with it,” Alexander Yashin wrote when he first read Simonov’s lines. Continuing the same line, he created in 1943 his "Call me a bright name ...".

Touching Creativity Sergei Orlov, Sergei Baranov spoke in detail about the film "The Lark" (1964), the script for which was written by our countryman in collaboration with his friend Mikhail Dudin. The plot tells about the escape from German captivity of one of the crews of the T-34 tank. On such "death crews" they tested new weapons. The idea to create something like a military legend determined the genre of the tape - a movie ballad.

At the end of 1960-70s. manifested a craving for symbolism, generalizations, for additional general cultural loads in fiction about war. And here, Sergei Baranov sees creativity Victor Astafiev. In this sense, the story "Stars and Christmas Trees" about the signs on the huts of those who did not return from the war is interesting. Until now, they are in the Nikolsky district.

Sergei Baranov spoke about the story "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess", which at one time caused controversy among critics. It was completed in Vologda and was published in 1971 in the journal Our Contemporary. The history of its creation is unusual: in the mid-1950s, when Astafiev worked at the Perm radio, he was sent on a business trip, and he overslept his station. He got off at some unfamiliar junction, holding in his hands only a pack of cigarettes and a thin book called Manon Lescaut. The book and the atmosphere in which it was read made a great impression on the writer. “Is there really no place for such love in the 20th century?” – having asked this question, he decided to create his own story. Astafiev's "Modern Pastoral" turns from a private episode into a tragedy of thousands of people left in the middle of Russia in a silent land.

Artworks Vasily Belova about the war are inextricably linked with the main theme of the village for him. Born in 1932, he did not go to the front, but he saw the war from the rear, and his stories captured the other side of the Great Patriotic War. He knew those villages where not a single departed soldier returned, and this bitterness accompanies most of his texts. The stories "Spring", "The Cossack Rode", "Such a War" and many others illustrate the terrible routine of the war, while focusing around one single thought: "We had to live, sow bread, breathe and walk on this difficult land, because there is no one else was to do all this…”



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We offer material about our countrymen (namely: about writers and poets) during the years of the Great Patriotic War. The digest is compiled on the basis of the literature available in the ODB funds and is intended for readers of middle and senior school age.

: Poems about the war of Vologda poets for readers of primary and secondary school age.

poems about the war of Vologda poetsFor readers of middle and high school age.

Vologda land gave more than 150 Heroes Soviet Union. The people do not forget the participants in the Civil, Soviet-Finnish, Great Patriotic, Japanese and Korean wars. Streets named after warrior-heroes appeared in Vologda: P.I. Belyaeva, M.I. Kazakova, A.F. Klubova, I.S. Koneva, S.A. Lovenetsky, B.A. Obraztsova, A.K. Pankratova, E.N. Preobrazhensky, V.N. Prokatova, N.I. Shchetinina and V.M. Yuzhakov. The combat exploits of our countrymen - those who covered the embrasures of enemy pillboxes with their bodies and caused fire on themselves, those who rammed fascist planes and rushed with a bunch of grenades towards armored "tigers" - are immortal!

In different circumstances, the Soviet people met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. But from the first days of cruel trials, they showed such courage, endurance and devotion to the Motherland, which still amaze the world ... Women also fought along with men on the front line. They were: doctors, pilots, snipers, signalmen, scouts, drivers, topographers, reporters, even tankers, artillerymen and served in the infantry. Actively participated in the underground and in the partisan movement.

The Great Patriotic War became a difficult test for our people. Victory was forged not only on the battlefields, but also in the rear. A difficult task fell to the medical staff working in hospitals and ambulance trains.

During the Great Patriotic War, the work of journalists did not stop for a minute, neither during the defense of Moscow, nor in besieged Leningrad, nor in other sectors of the front. Photo and radio reporters, writing journalists were always at the forefront, sat with the soldiers in the trenches, shared all the hardships with them, risked their lives. About 1,500 war correspondents died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.
The journalists of the oldest socio-political Vologda regional newspaper Krasny Sever did not stand aside either. Almost all of them went to fight the enemy, but few returned home. There is a memorial plaque in the lobby of the editorial office, on which the names of the dead Krasnoseverets are listed: K. Biryukov, L. Brovin, K. Zenkov, V. Klyachin, V. Kuznetsov, A. Kutuzov, D. Rasskazov, A. Khrulev, A. Shulgin.

This collection is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Contains materials about Vologda artists whose life and work were connected with the war. The names of the artists are given in alphabetical order. Intended for a wide range of readers.

The material is dedicated to our countrymen, Heroes of the Soviet Union, who received this high title for their exploits during the Great Patriotic War.

This brochure is dedicated to young Vologda residents who during the Great Patriotic War served in the regular units and formations of the Red Army, in partisan detachments, selflessly, on a par with adults, worked in the rear.
The material is intended for primary and secondary school age.

Our countrymen also made a worthy contribution to the victory over the enemy. More than 340 thousand Vologda residents fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. high rank More than 140 people were awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union, tens of thousands were awarded orders and medals.

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the military biography of Vologda poets, with the poetry of the Great Patriotic War
Lesson objectives:
- hear brief information from military biography poets - Vologda;
- read and listen to poems by Vologda poets dedicated to the Great Patriotic War;
- to determine the special place of military poetry in Russian culture;
- to acquaint students with the military poetry of S. Orlov, A. Yashin, M. Sopin, S. Vikulov, V. Bagretsova;
- to illustrate the poems of poets - Vologda residents;
- develop the ability to listen and draw conclusions, skills in working with text, analysis of poems;
- to cultivate the ability to correctly express one's thoughts orally, as well as to speak in front of an audience;
- educate patriotic feelings.
Lesson type: lesson - journey
Used techniques, methods, technologies: teacher's emotional word, watching a video and media presentation, listening to a military song, analytical conversation, quiz on the poet's biography, selective linguistic analysis poetic text, reading poems by heart
Technical equipment of the lesson: computer, multimedia projector
Equipment: exhibition of poetry collections of Vologda residents, collections of poems about the Great Patriotic War, flowers and a candlestick with candles ( on a separate table near the blackboard), epigraph ( lines from a poem by A. Akhmatova), the image of the “road of military poetry” (at the beginning of the path - devastation; along the entire length - bright large dots depicting individual names of poets; at the end of the path - a victorious salute) (On the desk), tablets with the names of poets (Sergey Orlov, Alexander Yashin, Mikhail Sopin, Sergey Vikulov, Vera Bagretsova), costumes for staging a poem, worksheets with texts of poems ( each student on the desk), media presentation "Road of the Patriotic War", audio recording of the song "Oh, roads", video "Victory".
Predicted result: during the lesson, there will be an acquaintance with the poetry of Vologda residents about the Great Patriotic War, an idea will be formed about the reflection of the theme of war on the example of bright poetic works of authors of the military and post-war period, there will be an emotional response in the hearts of students, the skills of coherent speech and work with poetic text, as well as the ability to listen, the significance of military poetry will be proven.
Organizing time
(slide 1 - screen saver; the military melody “Oh, roads” sounds)
- Hello. Sit down.
(teacher reads a poem)
War. Victory. Memory…-
Here are three holy words.
They are forever with us.
We repeat them again, again.
trenches, blood, grenades,
The whistle of bullets, the noise without end ...
Forever we lose a brother, and a husband, and a father.
War, victory, memory...
How terrible it is to die
Still to make a fuss
Joking, loving, dreaming.
I so want to see
Wife, sister, mother...
War... Victory, memory
You cannot take away.
2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson
- I wrote this poem as a kind of introduction to today's lesson. I think it becomes clear from it what will be discussed today.
- About what? (about war)
(slide 2 - Akhmatova, epigraph)
- Pay attention to the epigraph to the lesson:
We know what's on the scales now
And what is happening now.
The hour of courage has struck on our clocks,
And courage will not leave us.
It's not scary to lie down under the bullets of the dead,
It's not bitter to be homeless -
But we will keep you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
A. Akhmatova
What do you think is the meaning of the epigraph?
(in that the memory of the soldiers who died in the war will live not only in our hearts, but also in the Russian word, poetry, including the poems of Vologda poets)
So, the topic of our lesson “On the Road of the Great Patriotic War: the Best Pages of Military Poetry of the Vologda Residents”
(slide 3 road - Lesson topic)
- The word "road" in the topic is not accidental.
Indeed, today we will pass along the road of military creativity of the poets of the Vologda region. And our lesson will take the form of a journey.
- Pay attention to this road. Everything here makes sense. At the beginning of the path - devastation, dark tones, at the end - bright fireworks and light tones. Bright large dots on the road are the names of Vologda poets, whose poems you will get acquainted with today, as well as learn brief information about the military fate of these authors.
- On the tables you have worksheets with the image of the same road. As the lesson progresses, you will work with them.
Now try to figure it out for yourself. goal our lesson
(- get acquainted with the poems about the Great Patriotic War of poets - Vologda residents,
- to form an idea of ​​the reflection of the war in poetic works,
- get brief information about the military pages of the biographies of Vologda poets)
- Well done!
Song "Oh dear"
(slide 4 - the course of the war)
- Before diving into the poetry of the war years, let's recall the main pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War:
June 22, 1941 - the beginning of the war ( Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the USSR. During the first months of the war, the enemy penetrated deep into our country. The capital is under threat.
1943 - Battle of Kursk (a turning point, after which the initiative passed into the hands of the Red Army.)
On April 16, 1945, the troops entered Berlin.
May 8 - Germany surrenders.
Additional information:
About 27 million people died;
Vologda warriors - 167 thousand people
1215 writers and poets went to the front;
More than 400 of them died.
- Perhaps, never during the existence of Soviet poetry were so many lyrical poems written as during the years of the war.
- "When the cannons rumble, the muses are silent," says an old aphorism. But during the Great Patriotic War, the voices of the muses blocked the roar of cannons. So first of all, the verses of the war years sounded.
- Today we will get acquainted with some of them.
(slide 5 - Orlov Sergey Sergeevich 1921-1977)
So, the first name on the “road of military poetry of the Vologda residents” is Sergey Orlov
(Students write the name on the worksheets, the teacher places the first tablet on the board)
Orlov S.S.
S.S. Orlov was born on August 22, 1921 in the village of Megra, Belozersky district, Vologda region (now flooded) in a family of rural teachers.
After graduating from school, he entered Petrozavodsk University at the Faculty of History and Philology. The first course was completed when the war began. University students joined the fighter battalion, learned to shoot, and after 3 weeks they were already fighting the Finns advancing on Petrozavodsk. Explosions, killed, first wounded.
The military commissar, after listening to a story about the situation on that sector of the front, offered Orlov a choice of two types of troops - tanks and aircraft. S. Orlov chose the first and became tanker. Then he was sent to Chelyabinsk to a tank school, after graduating from it with the rank of lieutenant, he was the crew commander of the KV heavy tank (Klim Voroshilov) on the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts. The first battle, from which many of his comrades did not return, was Carbusel. Later, an enemy shell hit his car - and the crew, having no connection with the regiment, carried out repairs in full view of the enemy’s positions, without getting out of the car for 2 weeks. And funerals were sent home. On the front, Orlov burned twice in a tank. In the battles for Novgorod, he received 3 wounds at once: in the leg, arm, chest. The last fragment went straight to the heart, but ... the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" interfered. The Komsomol ticket was broken, the medal was mutilated, and a fragment was stuck between the tunic and chest.
The front line ended with a hospital, facial skin grafting operations, doctors' struggle for vision, and irreparable injury. right hand. Was demobilized due to injury. I met Victory Day at home, on the White Lake.
In 1946, the first book of poems about the war, Third Speed, was published, and then more than 30 collections. For example, “Witnesses alive”, “Alone with myself”, “Dawn and smoke”
The war remained for a long time the leading theme for the poet S. Orlov. S.S. Orlov - laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. A monument to the poet was erected in Belozersk, and a folk museum was created in his native school.
- Let's remember the facts from the biography, answering the quiz questions.
1) Place of birth of the poet? (Megra village, Belozersky district, Vologda region)
2) Who were his parents? (village teachers)
3) Where does Orlov go to study after graduating from high school? (to Petrozavodsk University, Faculty of History and Philology)
4) 1941 Completed 1 course. What two types of troops does the military commissar offer Orlov to choose from? (tanks and aircraft)
5) What did S. Orlov choose? (became a tanker)
6) On what fronts did you fight? (Volkhov and Leningrad)
7) Which tank crew commander was S. Orlov? ("Klim Voroshilov" - "KV")
8) In the battles for which city did he get 3 wounds at once? (Novgorod)
9) What medal saved from death ("For the liberation of Leningrad")
10) The most famous poems by S. Orlov about the Second World War (“He was buried in the globe of the earth”, “Here is a man, he is crippled”, “I will not die”, “Call me a bright name”, etc.)
- A year before the end of the war, Sergei Orlov wrote his famous poem
No. 1 "He was buried in the globe of the earth ..." Reading by heart by the student
He was buried in the globe of the earth,
And he was just a soldier
In total, friends, a simple soldier,
Without titles and awards.
He is like a mausoleum earth -
For a million centuries
And the Milky Ways are dusty
Around him from the sides.
Clouds sleep on the red slopes,
Snowstorms are sweeping,
Heavy thunder rumbles
The winds are taking off.
The fight is long over...
By the hands of all friends
The guy is put in the globe of the earth,
It's like being in a mausoleum. 1944
- On the tables you have the texts of poems. Let's work with the first #1
- What is the idea of ​​the poem?
(Lines about a soldier buried in the globe, as in a mausoleum, they will remain alive until a person on our planet is forced to carry weapons in order to defend his home, his family, homeland, freedom)
And as a memory of the great war, of great losses and great deeds, the "Oryol Lines" will live for a long time as long as Russia stands.
- Who the protagonist poems?
(In Orlov's poems, including this one, the main character is a soldier "simple, without titles and awards."
The ashes of millions of soldiers rest in the earth, the earth has become a mausoleum for them as defenders of goodness and humanity)
- How do you understand the meaning of the word "Mausoleum », Let's turn to the Ozhegov dictionary.
(The mausoleum is a large tomb memorial structure)
- What do you think, what image did Orlov draw in the text - an individual, specific or generalized image of a Russian soldier?
Generalizedmonumentalthe image of a soldier who defeated fascism)
- What artistic techniques does the poet use when he says “to him, the earth is like a mausoleum for a million centuries” (comparison and hyperbole)
- Find a way to impersonate.
(Personification (a special case of metaphor) - the transfer of signs from a living being to inanimate objects)
The clouds are sleeping
winds take a run)
- What is the name of artistic technique where the same consonant sounds or sound combinations are repeated?
- Find this trick.
Heavy thunder rumbles
The winds are taking off
- What for? For what purpose?( to intensify emotions, to enhance the fundamentality, expressiveness of artistic speech)
What rhyme is this poem written in?
a - cross
- What rhyme is used? (last syllable stressed - masculine rhyme)
- What kind of poetic rhythm is it written in? (two-foot iambic)
- Let's go to the next point on the road.
- Guys, try to remember and say which poet we will talk about.
1. He lived in war,
Worked in the war
In the words of a political worker
Journalist's pen
Poet's pen...
2. We all know his pseudonym, but real name poet - Popov.
3. During the war, he was the editor of the Red Navy newspaper "Salp of the Balts".
4. More than once I went on reconnaissance with infantry sailors in order to obtain valuable information about the enemy.
5. March 27 this year will be the 100th anniversary of
- And the next name on the "road of military poetry" - Alexander Yashin
Put it on your waybills, (teacher places a sign)
(Slide 6 Alexander Yakovlevich Yashin (1913-1968)
I invite the guys to show the staged poem "Telegram", written by A. Yashin in 1942.
(The device is a radio operator, costumes are a vest, a peakless cap; chintz dress, a scarf; a postman's bag, a tunic.)
Straight off the ship, out of the fire
Sends cute telegrams;
"Remember dot love me
spt arrival is just around the corner”
I can't make out one.
Sends an urgent other:
“Live healthy beloved wife
I hug you and kiss you."
I'm busy during the day and I won't sleep at night,
I'm scratching my head over the secret:
Tchk? .. - probably about the war.
Zpt? .. - kill me, I don’t understand.
The postman must be a scientist.
I run straight to the apartment
I say:
— Comrade postman,
I don't understand the telegram!
I give him the last
The old man read and said:
- Fu-you! ..
Nothing, young lady, I don't understand.
The telegraph must have got it wrong.
What kisses - everyone will figure it out.
Zpt, in my opinion, to the west.
Like, they moved to the west, forward ..-
I'm home, let's scratch the answer.
So the sailors survived
Turned the monster, let's go!
Even the postman's glasses
They became kind of like family to me.
On a big one on a pink sheet
I wrote a lightning like this;
"Zpt favorite pt
I look forward to a quick kiss with victory.
Thank you!
What are these poems about?
(Each family was waiting for news from the front, be it a letter, a postcard, a telegram. The news received from the ship by telegraph reported that the sailor was alive, waiting for a meeting, very bored.
And the girl did not understand the abbreviated words in the telegram, but she was not slow to give a return message that she loves and believes in a quick victory)
What form is the poem in? (in the form of a dialogue - a conversation of several people)
- What actors? (sailor, his wife, postman)
- What style does the author use? ? (colloquial)
- Prove . (Dialogue, appeals - young woman, comrade postman; colloquial expressions, words: kill me, I don’t understand, fu-you, scratch, let’s go)
- What artistic technique is used very temptingly? (alliteration - repeated sound combinations)
- What sounds are similar? zpt- west
- What does it mean to move west? (chased the enemy) 1942 so everyone wanted to Soviet troops went on the offensive)
- What is the main idea? (faith in love and faith in a quick Victory)
Individual task boys: make a cluster about his wife; girls: think over a cinquain about a sailor.
(public) Wife (private)
- believing in victory caring
- raising the spirit of a soldier with a call beloved
- inspiring word quivering
1. warrior-defender, husband
2. brave, determined, caring, loving
3. fights, beats the enemy, loves, reports about himself
4. liberation of the motherland, care for loved ones
- So, our path continues, the next name on the road of military poetry is Mikhail Sopin.
Students write down, teacher attaches a card
Slide 7 - Mikhail Nikolaevich Sopin (1931-2004)
(Turn to worksheets, write down the last name)
Brief lines from the military biography of the poet. (student report)
Mikhail Nikolaevich Sopin was born in 1931 into a military family, where a sense of patriotism and duty was highly valued. His homeland is the Kursk lands, but he wrote his main books on the Vologda land. Mikhail was 10 years old when the war began. From childhood, the boy was taught to take responsibility. It is no coincidence that in the 42nd grandmother sent an 11-year-old grandson to take him out of the Kharkov "cauldron" Soviet soldiers, although she could not help but understand what she was risking. After the liberation of Kharkov, Mikhail advanced with our troops towards the German capital. At the age of 14, I met Victory Day in Berlin. He could die, but "fate did not allow him to disappear."
I walked half the country with the war
Half of Russia went through the stage ...
After the war, for all the non-childish suffering and torment, Sopin was sent to the camp.
I was not my fault
Living target of dead arable land:
4 years in the war.
Half a century missing...
“Kid soldier, homeless man, thief. Having passed through hard labor and refugee roads, I could grumble at my homeland ... ”No, his poems are not grumbling - this is a cry from the soul.
For Mikhail Sopin, who went through the war, "the soul is like field mail, and pain comes to it from all over Russia." The poet cannot put up with the injustice of power, the loss of soldiers' lives in peacetime.
There are no such ideas on earth,
To kill their people for their sake.
Remember, your name is human.
Do not refer to the cruel age...
Sopin has always remained the protector of a man in uniform, one who dies on orders. He liked courageous people with an active life position. So was he himself.
M. Sopin's poems were published in the local newspapers "Vologda Komsomolets", "Krasny Sever". In the collection of poems "Ripe Rain" he awakened little soldier 41 years old. There is no description of early childhood in the poems; this does not mean that there are no pre-war impressions left. It's just that 1941 left such an imprint on the soul that the poet indicates a different date of his birth.
"I'm born here at 41"
- You analyzed the poem “Smoke over Autumn” (from the collection “Ripe Rain”), made questions, made illustrations for episodes. Let's listen to the poem again and talk about it.
Smoke over autumn...
Smoke over autumn
Sharp and blue.
caustic burning
October is drunk.
Smoke. And the rain
By military Russia,
Penetrating into my heart.
By the bitter soldier's smiles,
By the eyes
On a steel shaft.
The huts are burning down.
And above the field - a jug for a stake ...
Horses. Horses.
They shine like seals.
Somewhere on the right, cars are honking.
I cover my knees with my hands
Between the shoulder blades
Rain ants.
And I don't know why
But remember:
Something is heard
In a distant firing.
Wet horses think something
About my
And about our destiny.
A new era begins
Cutting back roads.
I am born here
In the forty-first
Dead peers
Looking into your eyes.
Analysis of the poem
1. Theme of the poem
(The beginning of the war - October 1941 through the eyes of a teenager)
2. What is the main idea of ​​the poem?
(The war deprived many boys and girls of their childhood. They matured before their time. Mikhail was 10 years old when the war began.
1941 - divided childhood into two halves - childhood and adulthood. The events of the beginning of the war made an indelible impression on the young man, as if everything that had happened before did not exist. The horrors of the outbreak of hostilities in 1941 and the death of peers were imprinted in my memory.)
3. How many parts do you think the poem consists of?
(from 2. 1 - the terrible autumn of 41 years is described, 2 - this autumn childhood ended, a new era began. It was in this 1941 that a person was born again, but with a different worldview, who suddenly matured, realizing that many of his peers are already dead, and they could live, dream, love).
4. What pictures does the poet describe, remembering October 41?
Smoke - burning - huts are burning down, a jug on a stake
The rain is tedious, cold, penetrating everywhere (people, horses, guns)
Horses - fled from the bombing, firing.
The boy curled up into a ball, covering his knees with his hands.
Deceased teenage peers
(Illustrations on the board)
Look at the illustrations for this poem, made by our girls
1) What episodes are depicted in the drawings?
- A burning hut, a jug on a stake, a boy - a teenager covering his knees, horses in a field where there are potholes from shells, bombings, dead children.
5. What did the author mean by using the word "rain" several times? (on the faces of the soldiers, on the guns, the horses are wet)
(“Rain in military Russia, penetrating into my heart” - There is trouble in the country, war, and rain, as a symbol, of bitter tears, sadness. Rain of doom, uncertainty, what lies ahead, what is the fate of the country, his child.
All this goes through the boy’s heart, and does not let him relax, makes him be strong and mature, not be a child at the age of 10, because grief, death, loss are everywhere.)
6. How do you understand the title of the poem "Smoke Over Autumn"?
(Trouble looms over the country, there is a war.
Both nature and the human condition are permeated with sadness, grieving, irresistible hopelessness.)
7. What is the color of this poem?
Dark tones - (Gray-black, dark blue, cloudy, gloomy, rainy, blue smoke, firebrands are black, wet horses shine from the rain, cars are gray-black-color of steel,)
Pay attention to the color of the drawings
8. What smell can you smell?
(The acrid smell of burning, the sharp smell of smoke, the smell of gun salvos from a recent firing, the smell of cold, rainy, vile autumn weather?)
9. What sounds did you hear in the poem?
(The monotonous sound of incessant rain, cars are honking somewhere, only the firing has just ended)
10. Composition (meter, rhyme)
Size - anapaest - (stress on 3 syllables),
Rhyme-cross abba
11. Artistic media expressiveness.
- words and phrases that are used not in direct, but in figurative meaning(“October is drunk”, “rain penetrating the heart”, “goosebumps of rain”)
-comparison ("horses shine like seals")
- hyperbole ("a new era begins")
- epithets (bitter smiles of soldiers, blue smoke)
Stylistic figures:
- anaphora(unity - repetition of words at the beginning of a phrase)
- on bitter soldier's smiles
- by the eyes
- along a steel shaft
- inversion(wrong word order)
Something is heard in the recent firing ...
Wet horses think something...
- Gradation (graduality)(smoke, smoke, rain throughout military Russia)
Sound means of expression
- alliteration(reception of figurative amplification by repetition of consonant sounds)
Rain, penetrating, smiles, firebrands, jug, between, goosebumps, something /sh/
Short sentences show the monotony of the rain.
Visual possibilities of vocabulary
- Phraseologism(cutting off roads back, i.e. not returning to the past)
12. My perception of this poem.
I suffer with this boy. It's scary to be in that time. War is merciless. It destroys everything created by labor in peacetime, kills all living things, spares neither adults nor children. I admire the stamina and courage of those children who were the same age as we are now. Their childhood and youth were not so happy. Therefore, we must remember this war so that it never happens again.
- The next name on the "road of military poetry" is Sergey Vikulov (1922-2006)
Slide 8 Sergey Vasilyevich Vikulov (1922-2006)
(The teacher attaches a sign on the board, students write the name on the worksheet)
In 1940 he entered military school in Sevastopol, released ahead of schedule with the rank of lieutenant at the beginning of World War II. Participated in the battles near Moscow, in the defense of Stalingrad, in the liberation of Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Austria from the Nazis. He was a platoon leader, then assistant chief of staff.
He wrote many poems about scouts, foot soldiers, sailors, about their glorious merits and exploits. But it was easier for every soldier at the front if a sincere or combative song calling forward sounded.
“A person is cold without a song,
On the land open to all winds, - wrote S. Orlov
- And in parallel, let's turn to the poems of these poets dedicated to military songs.
Poem by S. Vikulov
"With a song of battle"
Our company is all soldiers
They recognize by the battle song:
“... Coppices, rifts-
Well we're getting out!
We became friends with the song forever.
If it becomes difficult for us on a campaign, -
Let's drink - and grief - it does not matter!
Get drunk and you will immediately feel better
Boots and automatic steel.
The song straightens our shoulders,
Wings grow behind the back.
S. Orlov
The song is something like a campfire
Golden fire sister ...
She will collect on a halt
In a close circle in the meadow of soldiers
And, subject to the chanter,
Burst into the sky, harmony in harmony.
Here the soldiers go to the song,
Like a bright fire of a fire ...
No one is tight
Warmed hearts, as well as hands
And it's easy for us, and good ...
Let four years of separation
We, friends, will wait for more.
Let the fires rumble on the way
And the deaths do not subside ... Let's go!
After all, it is sung in a song for a reason
About a good meeting later ...
And not cold until the morning.
What are these verses about? ( about war song)
- Did you need songs at the front? ( necessarily)
- Why were songs needed in the war? ( to raise the spirit of the soldiers, to give confidence to their strengths, the song united people, made it possible to relax, remember home, loved ones, gave confidence in victory)
What lines prove this? ( The song straightens our shoulders, wings grow behind our backs; warm hearts)
- Now you will listen to 2 songs, determine which poem fits each of them.
(Lev Oshanin's song “Oh, dear! - 2
Mikhail Isakovsky's song "Katyusha" - 1)

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