Further training on the topic of combating corruption. Refresher courses in the framework of "anti-corruption policy"

Institute for the Development of Continuing Professional Education

conducts training in electronic form

using remote educational technologies for the advanced training program:

"Fundamentals of fighting corruption in the Russian Federation" (72 hours)

The target audience:heads and employees of executive authorities, organizations and institutions of the state and municipal level, teachers and administration of universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, institutions of additional vocational education.

The purpose of training:

  • formation of a comprehensive understanding of the problems and prospects for the development and application of state and municipal anti-corruption strategies
  • formation of a conscious and well-grounded personal attitude to work ethics, conflict of interests and corruption
  • formation of knowledge about the causes of corruption, responsibility for corruption offenses
  • formation of a system of knowledge about methods of anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts

Planned learning outcomes:

In the course of studying the course, students should acquire the following skills:

  • have an idea of ​​corruption, its causes and the limits of possible impact on it, free from ideological clichés;
  • know the features of the manifestation of corruption in various spheres of life;
  • know and be able to counter corruption behavior;
  • master the techniques and methods of studying corruption as a social phenomenon;
  • be able to plan anti-corruption activities within a government body, institution or organization;
  • clearly present the criteria for the effectiveness of anti-corruption activities in public authorities and local self-government.

Training program:

Module 1. The concept of corruption and its general characteristics.

The problem of corruption and its definition. The causes and consequences of corruption. The history of the development of corruption in Russia. Corruption as an economic, political and cultural problem.

Module 2. Legal and organizational framework for combating corruption in Russian Federation.

Legal bases of anti-corruption policy: international legal acts and national legislation.

Module 3. Anti-corruption measures.

Anti-corruption policy concept. The content of the anti-corruption policy. Subjects of anti-corruption policy: international, national, regional and municipal. Anti-corruption policy directions. The main stages of the implementation of anti-corruption policy. Elaboration of an anti-corruption strategy. Types of anti-corruption policy strategies.

Module 4. Rights and obligations of state and municipal employees, restrictions and prohibitions imposed on them.

The rights and obligations of state and municipal employees, restrictions and prohibitions imposed on them in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ (as amended) "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation"

Module 5. Conflict of interests in state and municipal service. The procedure for its prevention and settlement.

The relationship between conflicts of interest and corrupt practices of employees. Ethical codes of conduct for state and municipal employees.

Module 6. Liability of individuals and legal entities for corruption offenses.

Types of corruption crimes: abuse of office, bribery, bribe-taking, abuse of authority, commercial bribery, abuse and appropriation of powers, misuse of budget funds, refusal to provide information to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation or the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, appropriation of the powers of an official, illegal participation in entrepreneurial activities, official forgery and negligence, etc.

Module 7. Anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and their projects.

Anti-corruption expertise of legal acts and their projects: concept, grounds and peculiarities of appointment, procedure for production and registration of results. The powers of the participants in the implementation of the anti-corruption policy for the appointment of anti-corruption expertise of legal acts. Subjects empowered to carry out anti-corruption expertise. Public anti-corruption expertise of legal acts and their drafts: concept, content, grounds for appointment, subjects entitled to production, procedure for registration and distribution.

In accordance with the statement of the program " Anti-corruption in Novosibirsk region for 2016-2017" Siberian Institute practical psychology, pedagogy and social work carries out educational activities as part of the implementation of the Federal Law "On combating corruption" dated 25.12.2008 No. 273-FZ on anti-corruption programs.

The anti-corruption policy is focused on preventing the consequences and preventing the negative impact of corruption. The consistency and consistency of measures taken to combat corruption, eliminate and minimize the consequences of corruption interference in the activities of entities is a key moment in their development.

Anti-corruption is aimed at:

  • To minimize the risks of involving employees in corruption schemes;
  • Understanding the harmful effects of corruption;
  • To prevent corruption manifestations of any forms and types;
  • Elimination of possible harm and elimination of the consequences of corrupt interference.

Employees of the organization must know and comply with anti-corruption laws.

Form of study: distance learning.

List of professional development courses:

  1. The basics of passing the state civil service and combating corruption.
  2. Anti-corruption.
  3. Professional ethics, official conduct and the settlement of conflicts of interest in the public service.
  4. Implementation of anti-corruption measures in the system of state and municipal service.
  5. Topical issues of countering bribery.
  6. State policy in the field of combating corruption.
  7. Anti-corruption in the civil service system.
  8. Current Russian anti-corruption legislation.
  9. Responsibility for corruption offenses.
  10. Anti-corruption regime of state and municipal employees.
  11. Anti-corruption regime of organizations.
  12. Anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and other measures for the prevention of corruption offenses.
  13. Main directions public policy on combating corruption. Anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts.
  14. Anti-corruption: anti-corruption technologies in professional activity state and municipal service.
  15. Anti-corruption laws and policies.
  16. Anti-corruption behavior of state and municipal employees: legal, economic, political and psychological aspects.

Type of the issued document: certificate of advanced training of the established sample!

We will bring your staff in accordance with the requirements of the qualification reference book!

Compliance. Compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation in organizations, regardless of ownership

  • Federal Law "On Combating Corruption". Guidelines to implement
  • UK Bribery Act (UK 2010), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (USA 1977), Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX USA 2002) and their practice
  • Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business and its Roadmap
  • Requirements of orders of the Federal Property Management Agency on compliance procedures in joint-stock companies with state participation
  • Creation of a compliance unit (compliance manager position). Subordination, basic rights and obligations. Interaction with organizational units
  • Creation internal documents enterprises for the prevention of corruption. Organizational and operational level documents
  • Anti-corruption requirements and restrictions imposed on former state and municipal employees when they conclude labor or civil law contracts
  • Indicative list of actions that can qualify as corruption
  • Responsibility for corruption offenses and failure to take anti-corruption measures
  • The concept of "conflict of interest" in labor relations. Creation of a list of positions, upon appointment to which employees are required to take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest
  • Methodology for analyzing a situation that falls under the concept of "conflict of interest". Application of disciplinary measures
  • Formation of the organization's anti-corruption policy. Creation of a commission. Organization of training and informing employees
  • Creation of a code of ethics and official conduct, provisions on conflict of interest, provisions on gifts and business hospitality and other local acts governing anti-corruption policy at the enterprise
  • Methods for assessing business processes from the perspective of corruption risks. Drawing up a map of corruption risks in the organization. Development and introduction of special anti-corruption procedures
  • Compliance control of company employees holding positions with corruption risks. Employee acceptance and dismissal procedures. HR security policy to minimize corruption risks
  • Minimization of corruption risks in contract work. Regulation of procedures for selecting contractors and relationships with them. Counterparty checks (Due diligence). Analysis of the reliability of counterparties and the security of commercial proposals. Calculating affiliation in transactions
  • Minimization of corruption risks in the course of tenders, tenders and requests for quotations. The main anti-corruption requirements of federal laws dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ and dated 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ in the implementation of contractual work
  • Anti-corruption expertise of draft civil contracts and local legal acts of the organization
  • Organization of the internal control and audit system as an element of the organization's anti-corruption policy. Conducting internal investigations into violations of the organization's anti-corruption policy
  • Interaction of the organization with state, socio-political and law enforcement agencies on prevention and combating corruption
  • Features of the creation and implementation of anti-corruption policy in different types business

Corporate Fraud - Anti-kickbacks and Commercial Bribery

  • Types of corporate fraud. The most common scenarios for corporate fraud on the part of employees. Corporate fraud scenarios by executives.
  • Qualifying signs of fraud. Direct and indirect signs of corporate fraud. Signs of corporate fraud identified based on the analysis of relationships with business partners in the framework of civil law relations.
  • Signs of corporate fraud identified based on the analysis of employee behavior. The concept of the symptoms of fraud as applied to the human factor. Psychological techniques used to calculate fraudulent schemes. Building relationships between security personnel and personnel to calculate and suppress corporate fraud.
  • Indirect signs of corporate fraud associated with weaknesses in internal control (lack of segregation of duties, lack of physical security, lack of independent checks, lack of appropriate authority, lack of relevant documents and records, etc.).
  • Protection of the company's economic interests from fraudulent transactions. General anti-fraud action plan (prevention, detection, investigation). Identifying positions within the company with fraudulent risks Key ways to eliminate opportunities for corporate fraud.
  • The concept of "kickback" and "commercial bribery" in the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as in the customs of business. Composition of offenses and typical schemes of kickbacks
  • Types of legal liability for actions classified as kickback and commercial bribery. Legal features of the dismissal of an employee involved in kickbacks. New in criminal legislation on articles related to commercial bribery
  • Assessment of the cost of damage (losses) for the enterprise in the presence of "kickbacks" or "commercial bribery"
  • Methodology for conducting anti-rollback audit at the enterprise. Identification of business processes and positions with rolling risks. Analysis of the work of the supply unit
  • Calculation of persons with personal benefit. Psychological calculation techniques. Use of role-playing games. Methods for detecting lies in the communication process (profiling)
  • Collection and analysis of information on workers with "rolling" risks. The use of technical means (video, audio, DLP systems) to prove interest in the transaction and informal agreements with the counterparty. Collecting compromising information on employees using information resources of the Internet. Ways to legalize "operational" information
  • Calculation of the employee's personal interest in the analysis of contractual work at the enterprise. Indirect signs of rollbacks when analyzing relationships with counterparties
  • Mystery shopping method for assessing the interest of employees and the objectivity of pricing policy when choosing a counterparty
  • Creation of a "feedback" system at the enterprise. Helplines, conversations with quitting employees, contacts with failed suppliers and other ways to get feedback
  • Legal registration of anti-rollback policy at the enterprise. Inclusion of anti-corruption clauses in labor and civil contracts. Declaring a "good organization" policy
  • Creation of a local regulatory framework to counteract and prevent kickbacks and commercial bribery
  • Organization of safe contractual work. Drawing up a competency matrix between units to counter kickbacks. Checking counterparties for affiliation with company employees
  • Introduction of elements of collegial decision-making in contract work. Organization of procedures for approval and conduct of tender procedures when choosing counterparties
  • Minimization of rollback risks in the course of tenders, tenders and requests for quotations. The peculiarity of the anti-rollback policy when conducting contractual work in accordance with the requirements of federal laws dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ and dated 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ. Creation of the Procurement Regulations
  • Features of prevention and counteraction to intangible kickbacks and personal gain in the form of providing an employee of the enterprise with opportunities, privileges or services
  • Personnel policy in relation to employees holding positions with “rolling risks”. Activities in the selection of personnel. Motivation. Team building. Rotation of personnel. Breaking powers apart

Internal inspections and investigations in labor relations

  • The concept of investigation (verification) and the cases of their conduct at the enterprise. Formation of a local regulatory framework that allows the employer to control the actions of the employee and conduct an investigation (verification)
  • Grounds for investigation (verification). Use of feedback systems (helpline, mystery shopper, etc.) to obtain information. Documenting the decision to conduct it. Drawing up a matrix of
  • Creation of a commission to conduct an investigation (verification). Qualitative and quantitative composition of the commissions. Interaction of the members of the commission with the divisions of the enterprise and trade unions. Features of conducting investigations (inspections) in foreign organizations, holding structures, as well as in geographically separate divisions
  • Compliance with the constitutional rights of employees, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation in the process of investigation (verification). Consent to the processing of personal data. Interaction with lawyers hired by employees to protect their interests
  • The use of a polygraph (lie detector) during an investigation (verification). Legal rules for its use. Application of methods of psycho-sounding. Methods for countering a polygraph;
  • Assessment of the cost of damage during the investigation (verification). Bringing an employee to financial liability
  • Use of evidence obtained from technical means of protection and security, as well as IT systems in the process of investigation (verification). Examination of the authenticity of records and documents
  • Use of external consultants in the investigation (verification) process
  • Methods for conducting an investigation (verification) for gross violations that are the basis for dismissing an employee under negative articles
  • Features of the investigation (verification) of violations of compliance procedures and the requirements of anti-corruption legislation. Analysis of situations related to conflicts of interest. Investigation of "internal entrepreneurship"
  • Methods of investigation (verification) on the facts of theft or theft of material assets by an employee
  • Corporate fraud and methods of its investigation. Legal and non-legal fraud concept
  • Methods for conducting an investigation (verification) on the facts of violation of information security of an enterprise. Investigation of situations related to the disclosure of commercial and other secrets protected by law
  • Inventory procedures. The peculiarity of conducting investigations in case of embezzlement, as well as evidence of guilty actions in case of loss of confidence in financially responsible persons
  • Documenting the results of the investigation (verification). Formation of the nomenclature of cases
  • Interaction with state law enforcement agencies in the investigation of illegal actions of employees. Arbitrage practice holding employees accountable

Organization of safe contractual work at the enterprise

  • General principles of contractual work at an enterprise based on the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legislation of the Russian Federation
  • Organization of contractual work at the enterprise. Instructions on contractual work. Delegation of authority in contractual work. Internal approval procedures. Distribution of competence and areas of responsibility between divisions of the enterprise in contractual work
  • Pre-contractual work at the enterprise. Evaluation of the reliability of the counterparty and the security of commercial proposals. Compilation of a counterparty verification matrix based on the risks of civil law relations
  • Tax risks in contractual work. Due diligence in disputes with tax authorities. Requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, according to an independent assessment, of tax risks in civil law relations
  • Corruption risks in contract work. Requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the adoption by enterprises of measures to prevent and combat corruption. Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business. Settlement of conflicts of interest
  • Risks of affiliation of the company's employees with counterparties. Information-analytical and psychological ways identifying connections. Fundamentals of Operational Psychology
  • Conducting effective and safe claim work. Monitoring of non-payments. Mediation as a way of pre-trial settlement of a dispute. Psychological, legal and image methods of influencing the debtor
  • Fraud in contract work. Fraudulent schemes used in civil law relations. Fraud in various types of business. Procedures for dealing with government regulatory and law enforcement agencies on the facts of fraud
  • Arbitration proceedings as the most effective solution to the problem of debt collection. Competence and jurisdiction of arbitration courts. Difference of arbitration courts from state arbitration courts
  • Creation of effective internal control over contractual work at the enterprise

Risk management

  • Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of corporate security and protection against economic risks
  • Types of economic risks. External and internal risks. Creation of a system for analysis and management of economic risks. Audit of economic security and the existing economic risk management system
  • Forecasting a risk situation. Determination of information sources that allow identifying the causes of the risk and its possible types. Clarification of sources of risk. Risk assessment. Determination of objects that are affected by this or that type of economic risk
  • Applied methods of economic risk management. Methods of minimization and methods of compensation for losses. Methods of anticipation and methods of avoiding risk. Localization and risk distribution methods
  • Determination of objects of protection from economic risks. Definition of security principals. Outsourcing economic security. Complex and partial outsourcing
  • Causes of corporate conflicts and the main ways to neutralize them
  • Compliance risks and their minimization. Protection against corruption risks. Building relations with the state, public associations, political parties and trade unions
  • Legal risks of the enterprise. Creation of protected constituent documents and local regulations. Tax risks. Application of the concept of "due diligence" in the activities of the enterprise. Legal and attorney's cover for the activities of the enterprise
  • Criminal and administrative risks and their minimization. Protection of the interests of the enterprise in relations with police bodies and other law enforcement and regulatory bodies
  • Reputational risks. Information and PR protection of the enterprise. Protecting an enterprise from risks associated with black PR, information confrontation and unfair competition
  • Building corporate protection. Creation of an organizationally secure business structure. Protection of key business processes. Ensuring the safety of making management decisions. Protection of assets and material assets of the enterprise. Security at the enterprise

Anti-corruption courses are designed to acquire the necessary competencies for students to form an anti-corruption compliance system in order to eliminate the causes and prevent conditions conducive to corruption in organizations or institutions.

The anti-corruption training program is an educational and methodological normative document that regulates the content, organizational and methodological forms and labor intensity of training.

Anti-corruption training has become even more convenient with the program distance education... In our center, you can study advanced training courses on combating corruption at a convenient time for you from any city in Russia and get an education in Moscow.

ICPO invites you to study the course on combating corruption remotely.

Within the framework of the training, listeners are given free electronic instructional instructions and a manual.

The student can consult with a personal manager on the subject of the course. Prompt sending of documents on education at the end of training.

The advanced training course on anti-corruption consists of theoretical lectures, interactive presentations, video lessons, tests and situational tasks, preparation of internal essays, coursework.

At the end of the training, a final online certification is carried out.

The course is intended for:

Persons responsible for combating corruption in an organization (institution), heads (deputy heads) of organizations (institutions) and their structural units, employed in all spheres of economic activity.

Advantages of the course:

1. Training lasts 2-3 weeks, you can take training at any time convenient for you and from any mobile device, on the job.

2. If you did not have time to pass all internal exams, you can extend your studies for an indefinite period for a symbolic cost.

3. You can always return to a lecture or video course to consolidate the material, use the electronic library.

Requirements for students:

1. Secondary vocational or higher education.

2. Copies of documents required for training and issuance of a certificate of advanced training:

  • A document on complete secondary education;
  • Previous specialist certificate (if any);
  • Advanced training document (if any);
  • Copy of the passport;
  • A document confirming the change of surname, if it has changed.


1. Theoretical basis anti-corruption.

1.1. The concept of corruption as a social phenomenon. An indicative list of actions that can qualify as corruption.

1.2. Legal and regulatory framework for combating corruption.

1.3. Responsibility for violation of the anti-corruption legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. International anti-corruption system. US and UK Anti-Corruption Laws.

1.5. Basic norms of the anti-corruption charter of Russian business.

2. Building an anti-corruption compliance system in the organization.

2.1. The concept of "compliance" in the anti-corruption aspect.

2.2. The principles of anti-corruption compliance in the organization.

2.3. Creation of a compliance unit (compliance manager position).

2.4. Nomenclature of cases of the anti-corruption compliance service. Organizational and operational level documents.

2.5. Development and implementation of anti-corruption policy.

2.6. Development and implementation of standards of conduct for employees of the organization.

2.7. Identification of the most risky business processes.

2.8. Organization of training and informing employees.

2.9. Compliance audit and evaluation of the results of the work performed.

2.10. Interaction of the organization with state, socio-political and law enforcement agencies on prevention and combating corruption.

3. Compliance control of the organization's employees.

3.1. The main corruption risks in the organization's personnel policy.

3.2. A strategy for resolving conflicts of interest.

3.3. Transactions with affiliated persons. Anti-corruption requirements and restrictions imposed on employees of the organization holding positions with corruption risks.

3.4. Anti-corruption requirements and restrictions imposed on former state and municipal employees when they conclude labor or civil contracts.

4. Contractual work: minimization of corruption risks.

4.1. Minimization of corruption risks in the provision of services to citizens and organizations.

4.2. Minimization of corruption risks in the organization and conduct of procurement by the organization.

4.3. Regulation of procedures for selecting contractors and relationships with them. Checking counterparties.

4.4. The procedure for the preparation of local legal acts by organizations, their legal and anti-corruption expertise, as well as the expertise of civil law contracts.


After you send an application or our manager will contact you, you will receive an invoice if you entity, either a receipt is generated for payment at any bank, or you can pay for the service yourself by putting the rate in the basket using the Robokassa service. The invoice, receipt, contract and the program of the chosen course will be sent to you by e-mail specified in the application.

Non-profit educational institution additional professional education, in accordance with Russian legislation, is not subject to state accreditation. State accreditation only the highest educational establishments... ICVE is an institution of additional professional education.

During the day, from the moment of receipt of payment, an agreement with your signature and a package of applications for the formation of a personal file. Access is provided to your personal email.

You will receive an email notification of the end of the course by e-mail. Or at the end of the course in your personal account an email notification will appear indicating that the course has been successfully completed. If nothing happens, then you need to contact your personal manager, tutor, write to the technical service - you will be promptly provided with information about the status of your training.

It all depends on the program you choose. Each program is designed for a certain number of hours. For example 288 ac. hours - calculated for 2 months. But you can complete the training faster by passing all the tests and solving situational problems and cases. If you do not have time to complete the program within the terms set by the contract, YOU can purchase unlimited access to the program. Its cost depends on the program you have chosen. For example, the purchase of unlimited access for the programs "Medical massage", "Exercise therapy", "Nursing" 288 and 504 academic hours costs 7000 thousand rubles, as part of the purchase of unlimited access, an additional agreement is concluded with you to your agreement on educational services.

If you purchase long-term certification or professional courses, You will need not only to pass practice, but also to write thesis, and pass the qualifying exam. The exam can be taken remotely as part of an online conference on the appointed day, or you can come for a full-time certification exam at the ICPE. If you are a resident of Moscow and Moscow region, we can send you to practice with our partners completely free of charge. Depending on the course, you may need a medical record to complete your internship. Check with your personal manager for details.

You will receive documents from 3 to 14 calendar days. We work with the courier service EMS (Russian Post) at the expense of the Customer, and also send documents by Russian Post for free.

If you want to receive documents faster, we can send them at your expense by the courier service you specified. Please inform your personal manager immediately about the courier service.

Yes. We have official agency offices in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and a branch that carries out educational activities for the addition of "Cosmetology" in Yekaterinburg.

Of course. Managers of the corporate department are in charge of organizing the training of the on-site cycles. Studying proccess on field cycles debugged. If necessary, a mobile simulation center is used. We consider each request of the organization individually and offer a reasonable and profitable solution to our partner.

Oh sure. Our center is accredited at all electronic sites. We are constantly involved in purchases under 44-FZ.

Our Center operates without VAT. Educational services of the non-profit organization of additional professional education "International Center Professional Education"In accordance with paragraphs. 14, paragraph 2 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to VAT (the sale in the territory of the Russian Federation of educational services provided by non-commercial educational organizations for the implementation of general education and (or) professional educational programs(main and (or) additional), programs vocational training specified in the license, or educational process, as well as additional educational services corresponding to the level and focus of educational programs specified in the license).

If you terminate the contract for the provision of educational services before the start of training, then we will refund you 100% of the amount you paid, without any deductions. To issue a refund, you need to fill out a letter on the letterhead of your organization or a personal application, indicating the payment details, the reason for the return, bank details to which you need to return the funds, and send us a scanned copy, and either bring the original to the Central Office or send by letter with notification by Russian Post, notifying your personal manager in advance. Refunds are made within 14 calendar days from the receipt of a written request from a citizen, and registration of this application by the quality manager.

There is no special student employment service at MCPE. However, we are often approached by employers and partners with a request to provide qualified personnel. We inform our listeners about such vacancies, or place advertisements in groups and social groups on the Internet.

For listeners who do not have medical education at ICVE developed special programs: “Medical massage. Complex course "," Children's massage. Complex course ". As part of these courses, students will receive as much information as possible for self-improvement, and receive a diploma of the established sample.

You can also get education in related areas, such as exercise therapy and SPA-operator, which will make you even more competitive in the labor market.

  • Requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the implementation of anti-corruption policy in organizations with state participation. International standards of anti-corruption legislation. The main provisions of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption" and the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2018/2020;
  • The main provisions of the order of the Federal Property Management Agency of 03/02/2016 N 80 "On Approval of the Methodological Recommendations for the Organization of Risk Management and Internal Control in the Field of Preventing and Combating Corruption", applied in joint-stock companies with state participation;
  • Analysis of corruption risks in organizations with state participation. Methods for assessing corruption risks. Corruption risk management process. Corruption risk mapping. Definition " critical points"And" corruption-generating factors ";
  • An indicative list of actions of officials of organizations with state participation, which can be classified as corruption under Russian and international law. Criminal and administrative responsibility for offenses related to corruption;
  • Determination of anti-corruption measures and the formation of anti-corruption policies in organizations with state participation. Creation of a commission for combating corruption and resolving conflicts of interest. Linking anti-corruption measures to real corruption schemes;
  • The concept of "conflict of interest" in anti-corruption legislation. The duty of officials to take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest;
  • Methodology for analyzing a situation that falls under the concept of "conflict of interest". Procedure for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest. Application of disciplinary measures to its participants;
  • Creation of a code of ethics and official conduct, provisions on conflicts of interest, provisions on gifts and business hospitality and other local acts governing anti-corruption policy. Organization of training and informing employees;
  • Minimization of corruption risks in the process of contractual work. Regulation of procedures for the selection of counterparties and relationships with them. Counterparty checks. Calculation of affiliation in transactions. The main anti-corruption requirements of federal laws dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ and dated 18.07.2011 No. 223-FZ in the implementation of contractual work;
  • Minimization of corruption risks in personnel work and management decision-making. Anti-corruption procedures for the employment of relatives;
  • Methodology for conducting anti-corruption expertise of local regulatory legal acts in organizations with state participation;
  • Organization of the system of internal control and audit as an element of anti-corruption policy. Conducting internal checks on the facts of violation of anti-corruption legislation;
  • Special duties of officials of organizations with state participation, provided for by anti-corruption legislation. Notification of appeals in order to induce corruption offenses;
  • Submission by individual officials of organizations with state participation of information on income (expenses), property and liabilities of a property nature. Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia on the issues of submitting this information and filling out the declaration;
  • Prohibitions and restrictions provided for by anti-corruption legislation for individual officials of organizations with state participation;
  • Anti-corruption requirements and restrictions imposed on former state and municipal employees when they conclude labor or civil law contracts with state corporations;
  • Liability measures for corruption offenses and failure to take anti-corruption measures. The procedure for bringing to responsibility the officials of organizations with state participation;
  • The procedure for control and supervision over compliance with anti-corruption legislation. Powers of the prosecutor's office to supervise the implementation of anti-corruption legislation. Activities of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in the field of methodological support for combating corruption.