The most comfortable city in Europe. How not to be mistaken when choosing a place of residence in Russia

Long-term and deep research tasks are faced by sociologists every year in identifying the best city to live in Russia. Naturally, the ten most comfortable cities for their residents include those settlements, whose development dynamics are demonstrating indicative results. The general well-being of the city is directly proportional to the level of infrastructure development, opportunities for the development of small businesses, and the availability of high-quality medical and educational institutions. Let's take a look at the ranking of the best Russian cities in 2019 - which cities have managed to improve their development dynamics, and where has the situation remained unchanged?

Evaluation criteria

What criteria were taken as the basis for the analysis of the well-being and comfort of the best Russian cities? Opinion polls among citizens of 38 largest cities in Russia were conducted in the context of assessing the following baseline parameters:

    demographic indicator and mortality rate among the population;

    the factor of the safety of citizens' residence;

    the level of education among the population;

    the level of financial well-being of the population;

    availability of jobs and employment of citizens;

    the state of the healthcare sector;

    transport infrastructure indicator;

    the state of the city's housing stock, the development of new buildings;

    the level of corruption in the domestic sphere of circulation;

    quality educational services in the region.

Surveys on these positions were conducted in the context of residents' satisfaction with key household spheres, recognition of the difficulties of starting a business and its development. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of the migration factor - the number of new residents who moved to the city, as well as those who left it.

Top 10 best cities to live in the Russian Federation in 2019

1. Tyumen

For the second year in a row, Tyumen has won the palm and the status of the best Russian city in terms of the sum of all the listed criteria for evaluating its residents. 86% of the city dwellers are satisfied with life in the city, while Tyumen managed to become the first in the ranking by far from all the excellent estimates of the above parameters. Residents value the city most of all for the healthcare system, accessibility and quality of education, excellent transport infrastructure and road conditions. The income level of the population in Tyumen is the highest among other cities, while here there is something to do for citizens of all ages.


Indicators of citizens' satisfaction with the level of development of spheres everyday life in Moscow secured it in the second place in the ranking of the best Russian cities in 2019. 70% of Muscovites are satisfied with their life here: high income levels, an excellent social package, infrastructure and a wide range of leisure and entertainment - all this makes the capital one of the most comfortable and prestigious Russian cities. Traditionally, the desire of citizens to live in a prestigious metropolis also adds points to Moscow.

3. Kazan

96% of residents satisfied with their lives allowed Kazan to be on the "bronze" place in the rating of the best cities in Russia. Many state programs for the development of business and urban infrastructure have been implemented here, high-quality roads have been built. Kazan is considered the center of educational life in the region - one of the oldest universities is located here. Outstanding sights and developed cultural life make Kazan one of the most attractive cities.

4. Krasnodar

The largest industrial center in the south of Russia in recent years has attracted an increasing number of citizens who want to move here. This is facilitated by the favorable mild climate, as well as the proximity to the sea. In this regard, the city is experiencing an active development of the housing stock and communications. Krasnodar is one of the few Russian cities with one of the lowest unemployment rates. Experts say this city is favorable for starting and doing business.

5. St. Petersburg

In 2019 northern capital closes the five most favorable cities for the life of citizens. The legendary cultural and tourist center of a country with a rich historical heritage, St. Petersburg annually attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists, while local residents (their total number- more than 5 million) note a high level of household amenities in many areas: medicine, education, urban infrastructure, the quality of modern roads built.

6. Chelyabinsk

The million-plus city in the South Urals shows a good dynamics of attractiveness in organizing the everyday life of citizens: a large industrial center is well developed in transport infrastructure, education, and the medical industry. In Chelyabinsk, much attention is paid to scientific and technical developments, innovations to improve the environmental situation.

7. Yekaterinburg

The seventh in the top ten best cities to live in Russia was Yekaterinburg - the largest junction connecting all four sides of the directions - South and North, West and East. The industrial city is attractive for the start and development of small businesses, there are many programs for young people. Yekaterinburg is also among the leading "educational" cities, attracting tens of thousands of students from different regions every year.

8. Krasnoyarsk

Another city with the status of a millionaire is showing positive dynamics in strengthening the indicators of the quality of urban life: well-developed heavy and light industries, hydropower, mechanical engineering make it possible to create new jobs, thus reducing the unemployment rate. Krasnoyarsk has good roads, well-developed medicine, concentrated large educational institutions of various degrees of training and directions.

9. Novosibirsk

The third most populous city in Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg - Novosibirsk in 2019 dropped to the ninth line of the rating. The center of industrial life in the region, Novosibirsk demonstrates a fairly high standard of living of citizens, while their unemployment rate remains low. In turn, Novosibirsk is inferior to many cities in the development of the medical sector, the state of the road facilities.

10. Orenburg

Orenburg closes the top 10 best cities of the Russian Federation in 2019. The high-quality level of development of the housing stock and its service allowed the city with a population of 550 thousand to rise so high. Residents of Orenburg also note the high level of local medicine and organization of the safety of life in the city. High-quality roads and good transport interchanges have been built here. At the same time, the city is significantly inferior in the development of education and the organization of leisure for citizens.

(the average: 4,33 out of 5)

Economist Intelligence Unit, a reputable analytical company, has published a rating best cities in the world to live for 2011. Two Russian cities were also included in the rating: St. Petersburg took 68th place, and Moscow - 70th.

Quality of life in 140 cities different countries the company's experts assessed by 30 parameters, including safety, health care, social stability, education, infrastructure development, availability of goods and services, condition environment and a variety of cultural life.

By tradition, let's start from the last, 10th place. So…

10th place. Auckland, New Zealand, 95.7 points

In 10th place is Auckland... it largest city in New Zealand with a population of about 1.3 million people, which is a quarter of the total population of the country.

Today Auckland is economic and cultural center New Zealand. The city is not rich in historical sights, but Auckland strikes many hearts of those who come here for the first time with its picturesque beauty.

high-rise Sky Tower(Sky Tower) 328 meters high - tallest structure in the southern hemisphere:

Auckland is surrounded by three sea bays, there are 48 extinct volcanoes within this city.

Night Auckland:

Auckland panorama from the Sky Tower (clickable 2500 x 651 px):

9th place. Adelaide, Australia, 95.9 points

9th place belongs to the capital and largest city of the state of South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country with a population of over 1.1 million - to the city Adelaide.

It is named after the Queen, the wife of the King of Great Britain and Hanover, William IV, who sat on the throne from 1830 to 1837.

The city is located on the ocean. The central part of Adelaide is multi-storey, with several modern skyscrapers is small, while the rest of the city is one or two storey. Perfect cleanliness, neatness and impeccable decoration of buildings are the hallmark of Adelaide.

Victoria Fountain:

Here, in Adelaide, tourists are attracted by the third largest Kangaroo island in Australia - a nature reserve wildlife with a colony of sea lions and a beautiful coastline for fishing.

Kangaroo Island:

The average income per worker in Adelaide does not differ from that of the country, however, the standard of living and the cost of real estate here is significantly lower than in other major cities in Australia.

8th place. Perth, Australia, 95.9 points

Perth is the largest city and capital of the state of Western Australia with a population of about 1 200 000 people, located on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The city is considered one of the main economic centers of Australia. Gold, diamonds and nickel are mined here. It is here that the world's largest discovered deposits of gold and nickel are located in the Kalgoorlie region, as well as the world's largest diamondiferous region, Kimberley, which is the main competitor for South African and Yakut diamond deposits.

Modern skyscrapers are a characteristic feature of the Perth cityscape:

Perth is called "The pearl of Australia"... Old buildings, a convenient pedestrian zone in the center of Perth, beautiful views of the river make Perth very attractive for tourists.

(clickable 1575 x 656 px):

One of the attractions - wolfe creek meteorite crater:

Many are attracted by Perth's mild and even Mediterranean climate, magnificent beaches, restaurants, bars and nightclubs.

7th place. Sydney, Australia, 96.1 points

Largest city in Australia on the southeast coast - Sydney. It is twice the area of ​​another giant city - New York, and the main problem for all travelers is how to see as much as possible.

The number of parks and green oases makes Sydney different from other main cities of the planet: next to skyscrapers in the City - 34 hectares of territory Royal Botanic Gardens:

In the summer, all life in Sydney shifts from the City to the beaches, with over 20 city beaches and a dozen harbors. The most famous Bondi Beach is a favorite spot for surfers in Sydney.

(clickable 2000 x 792 px):

In the evening, Sydney is incredibly beautiful: on the embankment, the lights of skyscrapers pierce the water of the harbor. One of the most recognizable buildings in Sydney - Sydney Opera House:

Another main attraction of Sydney is the Harbor Bridge. It is the largest bridge in the city and one of the largest steel arch bridges in the world. (clickable 2500 х 911 px):

Aerial view of Sydney, Harbor Bridge and Sydney Opera House:

6th place. Helsinki, Finland, 96.2 points

Helsinki is the capital and largest city of Finland with a population of 578 thousand people.

The streets of the city bend around the bays, bridges connect the islands, and ferries connect to remote islands. Helsinki is saturated with the smell of the sea, and in the ports there is a constant noise from incoming and outgoing ships.

Helsinki is the center of business, education, culture and science in Finland. There are 8 universities and 6 technology parks in Greater Helsinki.

View of the city center. One of the attractions of Helsinki is the Cathedral:

70% of foreign companies operating in Finland are located in this city.

Built on the peninsulas and islands of the Baltic coastline, Helsinki is a maritime city.

5th place. Calgary, Canada, 96.6 points

Calgary is the largest city in the province of Alberta in Canada, in the foothills and prairies, about 80 km east of the Canadian Rockies watershed.

The city is one of the sunniest in Canada- the sun shines there on average 2400 hours a year.

Calgary is located in the transition zone between the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and the Canadian Prairies, so its relief is quite hilly. The height of the center of Calgary above sea level is approximately 1048 m.

Life in Calgary, one way or another, revolves around oil production. Its deposits were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite this, this city is considered by many organizations one of the cleanest in the world.

Olympic Plaza. In the distance, you can see the famous landmark - Calgary Tower, 91 m high.It is designed in such a way that, while slightly swaying in the wind, even with very strong gusts, it remains stable:

Business part of Calgary, 2010 (clickable 2000 x 561 px):

4th place. Toronto, Canada, 97.2 points

Toronto is Canada's largest city and the capital of the province of Ontario. The city received its current name in 1834.

Toronto is Canada's most cosmopolitan city, with about 49% of its residents immigrants. View of the city from a helicopter, November 2010:

Toronto also has the longest street in the world- Young Street, entered in the Guinness Book of Records and having a length of 1896 km. Here is located the largest zoo in the world... The area of ​​the zoo is 283 hectares. Here, in conditions close to the natural habitat, there are about 5,000 different animals.

View from a height of Toronto from the other side:

"CN tower" - the tallest TV tower in the world, built back in 1976. Its height with a spire is 553 meters, and a closed observation deck is located at a height of 446 meters.

It is difficult to find a point here where the TV tower is not visible:

The Toronto Islands are a great place for relaxation and picnics. Locals and tourists like to get out here. View of the city from the island:

The main attraction of the Toronto neighborhood is Niagara Falls... It is located between Lakes Ontario and Erie on the border with the United States, 140 km from Toronto:

And this is what Toronto looks like in the near future. (clickable, 1700 x 802):

3rd place. Melbourne, Australia, 97.5 points

Melbourne is Australia's second largest city with a population of about 3.8 million and the capital of the state of Victoria. The city is considered one of the main commercial, industrial and cultural centers in Australia. It is also often referred to as the country's sports and cultural capital.

Melbourne is considered the most picturesque city in Australia. It has exquisite Victorian architecture and wonderful nature.

Connoisseurs of Victorian architecture should take a stroll along Swanston Street. It is the main street of the city:

Anyone who wants to see the whole of Melbourne at once should go up to the observation deck of the Rialto Tower. This is a skyscraper with a height of 253 meters.

View from the Rialto tower (clickable, 2000 x 548 px):

One of the attractions is the Victoria Art Center:

Yarra River, Melbourne:

2nd place. Vienna, Austria, 97.9 points

Vienna - the capital of Austria located in the eastern part of the country. The population of Vienna together with its suburbs is about 2.3 million.

It is one of the most charming cities in Europe, stretching along the banks of the Danube.

Vienna is a world-renowned center of music, thanks to a long line of famous musicians who have lived and worked in this city: Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert.

There are luxurious palaces, majestic squares, picturesque streets and numerous squares. One of the most recognizable buildings in the city is the Town Hall:

The Hofburg is the winter residence of the Austrian Habsburgs and the main seat of the imperial court in Vienna. Currently - the official residence of the President of Austria. There are 2,600 halls and rooms in it:

Not far from the capital is located Vienna woods- a mountain range in Austria. This is a wonderful natural recreation area - a whole forest area with its own towns and hotels, resorts and thermal springs:

1st place. Vancouver, Canada, 98.0 points

So, we got to the 1st place. According to the analytical company Economist Intelligence Unit, the best city on earth to live in is Vancouver.

Vancouver is located on the western coast of Canada, on the shores of a picturesque bay, at the foot of the Pacific coastline of the North American Cordilleras.

It is the 3rd largest city in Canada with a population of 2,433,000 and the largest city in the province of British Columbia.

Vancouver from a height of 500 meters:

Night Vancouver:

One of the most picturesque cities in the country is surrounded by dense coniferous forest, snowy mountains and fjords.

Through the numerous rivers of the city, 20 bridges have been laid, 3 of which are drawbridges.

It is one of the most beautiful ocean cities in the world. There are spacious beaches, lush parks, and magnificent architecture of the buildings. Tourists from all over the world are attracted here by comfortable hotels, many museums, shops, restaurants and sports facilities.

Vancouver has a mild climate, being part of a unique ecosystem - temperate rainforest, so summers are mild and not hot, and in winter it rarely snows.

Science Center:

Where is it good to live in Russia? When determining for you the best cities in Mother Russia, we, first of all, took into account the opinions of residents of various settlements of the country, living conditions, quality of medical care, and the ecological situation. The education system, convenient transport infrastructure, social protection of the population and the criminal environment are also of great importance in the choice of cities.

The rating of the best cities in Russia consists of completely different places, in which you not only want to visit, but also stay to live forever. Each of the cities is unique, has its own characteristics, even the climate is different everywhere. The beauty of Russia is that you can choose a city not only based on the standard of living of the population, but also on your climatic preferences.

The best cities in Russia to live - rating 2018


  • Population - 12 506 468
  • Average salary - 70 thousand rubles.

Let's start the rating of cities in 2018, the best cities in Russia cannot do without the capital. Here are the highest wages and the most the best place in terms of education. More opportunities, which means more benefits for young people. Moscow is the largest financial, tourist and business center. Half of all banks in the country are located in the capital. A well-developed transport network, including river crossings.

In recent years, the mayor has been improving the infrastructure of the city, and also decides ecological problems... V this moment it is still difficult to get to important destinations, many complain about traffic jams and poor ecology. The cleanest areas of the city are located in the west and north of the capital. As for the criminal situation, in recent years the situation has improved by 10-15%, the number of robberies and robberies, as well as drug-related operations, has decreased.

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg

  • Population 5 351 935
  • Wed the salary - 53 thousand rubles

St. Petersburg is the best city in Russia in 2018, a large metropolis with developed medicine (more than 90 clinics), culture and education system. Let's begin with that St. Petersburg is a beautiful city with white nights and beautiful canals. It attracts tourists, students and permanent residents. The city has places for mass recreation, as well as secluded corners where you can take leisurely walks. Life here is quite expensive, but wages are on average 53 thousand rubles a month. Which city in Russia is better to move to work and permanent residence? If you love culture and you are not embarrassed by the lack of sun 6 months a year, undoubtedly in St. Petersburg.

Traffic jams serve as payment for a good rest, educational sphere for tourists and residents, because the city is boiling during the day. Naturally, the ecology also suffers from exhaust gases, since your car is considered the fastest and most prestigious means of transportation here.


  • Population 740 000
  • Wed the salary - 51 thousand rubles

The next step is a rather cool town, it is very cold there in winter. If we discard this minus, we can safely recommend it for living. It features a well-thought-out transport system. It is very easy and quick to get to any object of the city without traffic jams and unnecessary expectations. There are many universities, schools and colleges in the city. More than 120 specialties for every taste are available to students. 19 medical institutions of the state type. In addition, there are 155 private clinics where you can be examined and improve your health.

The cultural life of the population is flourishing. Theaters, cinemas, museums operate here. Children will love going to the zoo and water park.

The main mining enterprises of the city are engaged in oil and gas production. This contributes to the expansion of the structure of research centers. The city is becoming the leader in the best road transport system, educational level and public services.


  • Population - 1243,500
  • Wed the salary - 37 thousand rubles

What is the best city in Russia in the opinion of the indigenous people? 96% of the people surveyed from this city are satisfied with life in the most ancient center of Russia - the capital of Tatarstan. Tourists tend to visit the historical center after Moscow and St. Petersburg and of course enjoy the evening lights of Kazan, it is in the evening that it changes its colors and becomes completely different, the same unknown. Best city Russia for living in 2018 has a pleasant climate, the average temperature in summer is 20 degrees.

Kazan is a city of red buses and not only. There is a subway, a railway station, an international airport, a river port and a railway station in the area. Educational institutions cities are mainly universities. Many research centers, including the Republican Academy of Sciences, Institute organic chemistry and physics.

The health care system is characterized by a total of 400 clinics (public and private). The clinic specializing in the treatment of cardiovascular and neurological diseases is famous, as well as the children's hospital, built in 2014. The cultural life of the city is in full swing, there are parks and squares, museums and theaters. There is a place to hold concerts, festivals and children's competitions. To the question, "What is the best city in Russia to live in?" can be answered unequivocally - in Kazan.



  • Population - 604 901
  • Wed the salary - 35 thousand rubles.

So, before you are the best cities to live in Russia. A cozy town is located on Far East Russia (on the peninsula). It is a port city and cultural center. But first of all, it is an industrial center, where everyone can find work. The economy is very well developed, since it is through the city that transport supplies pass. Consulates of 23 countries are located in the city. It can be called the most friendly - friendship agreements were concluded with 10 cities different countries... Transport shipbuilding is developed, food industry, energy, chemical and medical production, agriculture.

The ecology of the city is bad, pollution is promoted by exhaust gases, pollution of rivers and industrial enterprises. The climate in Vladivostok is quite cool, in summer it is maximum 20 degrees Celsius, monsoon winds often blow, and winters are quite humid. But these two problems prevent the settlers from deleting this city from their plans. On the territory there are many parks and squares, green spaces, including Pokrovsky Park.



  • Population - 1 612 833
  • Wed the salary - 30 thousand rubles.

So, the topic “the best cities to live in Russia 2018” continues. Snowy Novosibirsk, the "capital of Siberia", takes its place of honor in the rating. It is the third most populous city in the country. The climate here is continental, that is, frosts and snows can suddenly be replaced by thaws. Novosibirsk is a cultural center and multinational city. Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Germans, Armenians, Uzbeks and other nationalities live here. In recent years, the city has been undergoing migration, and the birth rate has increased by several percent.

Great prospects are provided to students, there are many public universities, including medical, pedagogical, technical, agricultural ... Trade and transport system are well developed.



  • Population - 899 541
  • Wed the salary - 31 thousand rubles

So, we continue to list the 10 best cities in Russia. Krasnodar is the largest economic center with industrial enterprises and light industry factories. Over the past year, population growth from other regions of Russia has increased significantly. People actively come to Krasnodar to stay there for permanent residence. What is the reason for this strategy?

The capital of the Krasnodar Territory is included in the list of "the best cities in Russia for moving and permanent residence." The city beckons with its prospects, there are almost no unemployed here, in addition to jobs, there are opportunities for their own business. In the city you can get a good education... There are places for leisure and a pleasant climate - warm winters and hot summers.

The town is famous for its warm climate, here in summer the thermometer can rise up to 41 degrees! Just 120 kilometers away and you are by the sea. You can improve your peace of mind by the sea and breathe in the moist air.

Krasnodar attracts with its new buildings. The cost of apartments has dropped significantly, as the supply began to outstrip the demand for housing. No wonder he got into the top of the best cities in Russia. The city has good health care, eye and heart surgeries are performed free of charge and successfully. The education system is also well-established, there are many schools, kindergartens and higher educational institutions, agricultural universities are popular.


  • Population - 424 281
  • Wed the salary - 33 thousand rubles.

The rating continues to be the best city in Russia. It is very sunny and marine. And it is also incredibly magical and diverse, getting into it, you move into a fairy tale, where palm trees grow along with tulips, and ski resorts are located next to beach areas. The only place in the country where you can just see on the street how palm trees grow, magnolias bloom, and on the branches of the trees kings and feijoa flaunt. To the question, "What is the best city in Russia?" many answer - Sochi.

Sochi is famous for its landscape - mountainous terrain combined with a beach and a mixed subtropical climate. The coolness comes only from the sea, and the Caucasus Mountains protect the peaceful town from possible winds. It is a multinational city where Russians, Adyghes, Belarusians, Armenians, Ukrainians and others get along miraculously. Tourists dream of visiting the expensive resort "Krasnaya Polyana", to merge with nature, and the most fortunate find work here. And of course they strive to stay in the city forever.

Rumor has it that the work here is not very good. But nature favors new ideas and purification of health. It is definitely worth coming here for these reasons. In case of serious health problems (for example, surgery, complications of the disease), you will have to go to Krasnodar (4-5 hours), there is specialized honey. centers.

There are very good schools in Sochi, among them there are language schools with different biases (physics, mathematics). But with higher education will have to go far beyond Sochi. There is only a university for tourism and several branches of Russian universities.



  • Population - 475 056
  • Wed the salary - 35 thousand rubles.

We continue to describe the best cities in Russia for living. The next in line is the most beautiful city according to RBC and the best for business, according to Forbes magazine. According to Rosstat, population migration in 2018 exceeded the figures for 2017. A better life for Kaliningraders contributes to mass relocation. Those who come are not emigrants from the CIS countries, they are mainly a category of Russians from other regions of the country. There are many manufacturing enterprises where you can get a job. This is the industrial center of Russia. Television is well developed.

For leisure, there are a lot of options - a zoo, Botanical Garden, museums, parks, art gallery, theaters. It has been a historical center since 2010. From the old buildings you can visit the Cathedral. Of the sights, seven bridges of Kaliningrad can be noted.


  • Population - 297 137
  • Wed the salary - 20 thousand rubles

The rating is continued by the small best city in Russia to live in, located in the north of the Caucasus and the south of Russia. Its area is only 300 sq. km., but at the same time very densely populated. Despite the difficult past and sad history, there is much to go and see in the city. It is really free and easy to breathe here. The main thing for people is the safety of the area where they live. And Grozny at the moment can provide this security for children, adults and the elderly.

Now the capital of the Chechen Republic is being massively built up with new houses. Grozny is famous for its good repaired roads. Housing and communal services are also praised - this is at the highest level. On the territory there are 25 honey. clinics and three "towers". The population is attracted by the safety of living, the quality of roads, the convenience of the transport system, and a mild climate.

So, we have listed the best cities for living, working and moving in Russia. Which one should you choose? This is a personal question for everyone. In which city of Russia is it better to move to live? If for culture, then to St. Petersburg, for money - to Moscow, for good air and warmth - in Sochi, for an inexpensive and comfortable life - in Kazan or Krasnodar. In which city is it better to work? In Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are high wages, it is easy to find housing, there are few unemployed people.

The Economist Intelligence Unit, a reputable analytical research company, has presented its 2011 ranking of the world's best cities to live in. It is noteworthy that the ranking also includes two Russian cities: St. Petersburg is in 68th place, and Moscow is in 70th ...
The criterion for assessing the standard of living in 140 cities of different countries for the company's experts were 30 parameters. These include safety, health care, stability in social sphere, education, level of infrastructure development, availability of goods and services, ecology and diversity of cultural life.

1.10 place. Auckland, New Zealand, with a score of 95.7 points
The 10th place in the ranking is occupied by the largest city in New Zealand, Auckland. Its population is 1.3 million, which is a quarter of the total population of the country.
Today the economic and cultural life of New Zealand is concentrated in Auckland. Alas, there are not many historical sights in the city, but the hearts of everyone who come here for the first time will surely conquer its picturesqueness and beauty.

2. Auckland has the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere: the Sky Tower, which is 328 meters high.

3. Auckland at night.
Auckland is washed by three sea bays. 48 extinct volcanoes are located within the city.

4. Panorama of Auckland from the Sky Tower.

5. 9th place. Adelaide, Australia, with a score of 95.9 points
The 9th place is occupied by the capital and the most Big city South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country - Adelaide. Its population is more than 1.1 million people

10. The city got its name in honor of the Queen - the wife of the King of Great Britain and Hanover, William IV, who occupied the throne from 1830 to 1837.
The city is located on the ocean. The small central part of Adelaide is built up mainly with multi-storey buildings, there are also several modern skyscrapers. In general, the city has one or two floors. The three essential ingredients of Adelaide are the perfect cleanliness, neatness and flawless finish of buildings.

11. Victoria Fountain.

12. Kangaroo Island.
In Adelaide, tourists are also attracted by the third largest island in Australia called Kangaroo. This is a wildlife sanctuary with a sea lion colony and the coastline is ideal for fishing.
Average level income per worker in Adelaide is the same as in the country as a whole. However, the standard of living and property values ​​are much lower here than in the rest of Australia's major cities.

13.8th place. Perth, Australia, with a score of 95.9 points.
Perth is the largest city and capital of the state of Western Australia. Its population is about 1,200,000. It is located on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

14. The city is one of the main economic centers in Australia. Here gold, diamonds and nickel are mined. Moreover, it is in this region that the world's largest gold and nickel deposits are located (in the Kalgoorlie region), and the world's largest diamondiferous region, Kimberley, is the main competitor for diamond deposits in South Africa and Yakutia.

15. The cityscape of Perth is unthinkable without modern skyscrapers.

16. Perth is often referred to as the "pearl of Australia". Ancient architecture, convenient pedestrian zone in the center, beautiful views of the river - Perth is a real Mecca for tourists.

17 One of Perth's landmarks is the Wolf Creek meteorite crater.

18. Perth's mild Mediterranean climate, wonderful beaches, restaurants, bars and nightlife attract many tourists.

19. 7th place. Sydney, Australia, with a score of 96.1 points.
Sydney is the largest city on the southeast coast of Australia. Its area is twice the size of another giant city - New York. Thus, all travelers here face the same problem - how to have time to see everything.

20. A huge number of parks and green areas is the main difference between Sydney and other major cities of the planet: 34 hectares of the Royal Botanic Gardens peacefully coexist with skyscrapers in the City.

21. In the summer, active life in Sydney leaves the City and moves to the beaches. Sydney has over 20 city beaches and a dozen harbors. The most famous beach is Bondi. This is the best surfing spot in Sydney.

22. Evening Sydney is indescribably beautiful: on the embankment, the lights of skyscrapers are reflected in the water of the harbor. The building of the Sydney Opera House is a kind of visiting card of Sydney.

23. Another of the main attractions of Sydney is the Harbor Bridge, the largest bridge in the city. In addition, it is one of the largest steel arch bridges in the world.

24. Sydney, Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera: aerial view.

25.6th place. Helsinki, Finland, 96.2 points
Helsinki is the capital and largest city in Finland. The population is 578 thousand people.

26. The streets of the city are washed by bays, bridges have been thrown between the nearby islands, and ferries are connected with the outlying islands. Helsinki is shrouded in the smell of the sea, and in the ports here there is an incessant noise from ships arriving and departing.
Helsinki is the concentration of business, education, culture and science in Finland. There are 8 universities and 6 technology parks in Greater Helsinki.

27. View of the city center. The Cathedral is one of the landmarks of Helsinki.

28. 70% of all foreign companies operating in Finland are located in this city.

29. Helsinki is a sea city. It is located on the peninsulas and islands of the Baltic coastline.

30.5th place. Calgary, Canada, with a score of 96.6 points
Calgary is the largest city in Alberta, Canada. It is an area of ​​foothills and prairies about 80 km east of the Canadian Rockies watershed.

31. The sun shines here 2400 hours a year on average, making the city one of the sunniest in Canada.

32. Calgary is located in the transition zone between the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and the Canadian Prairies. It is to this factor that it owes its rather hilly relief. Calgary city center is located at an altitude of approximately 1048 meters above sea level.

33. The center of life in Calgary is oil production. Oil fields were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Paradoxically, at the same time, this city is considered by many organizations to be one of the cleanest in the world.

34. Olympic Plaza. Another famous landmark is visible in the distance --–––– Calgary Tower, whose height is 91 m. It is famous for its design - it sways slightly in the wind, the tower remains stable even in very strong gusts.

35. Business part of Calgary, photo taken in 2010.

36.4th place. Toronto, Canada, with a score of 97.2.
Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the capital of the province of Ontario. The city received its present name in 1834.

37. Toronto is considered the most cosmopolitan city in Canada. Immigrants make up about 49% of its inhabitants. View of the city from a helicopter, November 2010.

38. It is in Toronto that the longest street in the world is located - Young Street, entered in the Guinness Book of Records due to its length of 1896 km. In addition, Toronto is home to the largest zoo in the world. Its area is 283 hectares. About 5,000 animals are kept here in conditions close to their natural habitat.
A view from a height of Toronto from the other side.

39. The tallest TV tower in the world - "CN tower", was built back in 1976. Its height, together with the spire, reaches 553 meters, and at a height of 446 meters there is a closed observation deck

40. The TV Tower is visible from anywhere in Toronto.

41. The Toronto Islands are a great place to relax and have picnics. Both locals and tourists are often chosen here. View of the city from the island.

42. Without a doubt, the main attraction in the vicinity of Toronto is Niagara Falls. It is located 140 km from Toronto between Lakes Ontario and Erie on the border with the United States.

43. And this is how Toronto of the near future looks like

44.3 place. Melbourne, Australia, with a score of 97.5 points.
Melbourne is Australia's second largest city and the capital of Victoria. Its population is about 3.8 million people. Melbourne is one of the main commercial, industrial and cultural centers of the country. In addition, it is often referred to as the sports and cultural capital of Australia.

45. Melbourne rightfully bears the title of the most picturesque city in Australia. Refined Victorian architecture is combined with wonderful natural surroundings.

46. ​​Connoisseurs of Victorian architecture should take a walk along the main street of the city. It's called Swanston.

47. If you want to see all of Melbourne at once, go up to the observation deck of the Rialto Tower. This is a skyscraper with a height of 253 meters.
View of Melbourne from the Rialto Tower.

48. One of the city's landmarks is the Victoria Art Center.

49. Yarra River, Melbourne.


51.2 place. Vienna, Austria, with a score of 97.9 points.
Vienna is the capital of Austria. The city is located in the eastern part of the country. The population of Vienna together with the suburbs is about 2.3 million.

52. Vienna is the world capital of music, thanks to a galaxy of famous musicians who lived and worked in this city. Among them are Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert.

53. Vienna, stretching along the banks of the Danube, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

54. Vienna has everything: luxurious palaces, squares, cozy streets and numerous squares. One of the most recognizable buildings in the city, its “visiting card” is the Town Hall.

55. The Hofburg was the main residence of the imperial court in Vienna and the favorite seat of the Austrian Habsburgs in winter. Currently, the Hofburg, consisting of 2,600 halls and rooms, is the official residence of the President of Austria.

56. Not far from the capital is the Viennese forest - the Austrian mountain range. This is a wonderful forested area with its own towns and hotels, resorts and thermal springs - a wonderful recreation area.

57.1 place. Vancouver, Canada, 98.0 points
So, here we come to the first place. The Economist Intelligence Unit believes that the best city on earth to live in is the Canadian city of Vancouver.

58. Vancouver is located at the foot of the Pacific coastline of the North American Cordilleras on the west coast of Canada, on the shores of a picturesque bay.

59. Vancouver is the third largest city in Canada. Its population is 2,433,000. It is also the largest city in British Columbia.
This is what Vancouver looks like from a height of 500 meters.

60. Vancouver at night.

61. Vancouver is one of the most picturesque cities in the country. It is surrounded by a dense coniferous forest, snow-capped mountains and fjords.

62. There are many rivers in Vancouver. Their banks are connected by 20 bridges, 3 of which are drawbridges.

63. This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, located by the ocean. Spacious beaches, picturesque parks, majestic architecture of buildings - distinctive features Vancouver. High-class hotels, an abundance of museums, shops, restaurants and sports centers attract many tourists from all over the world.
Vancouver has a mild climate. The fact is that it is part of a unique ecosystem - a temperate rainforest. Summer is not hot here, and it rarely snows in winter.

64. Science Center.

65. On the hill of Little Mountain is the famous Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver

Various factors always influence the standard of living of the population. This can be economic stability, comfortable living conditions, educational level, places for recreation and much more. When choosing the best cities to live in the world, you should study the rankings as carefully as possible. They are made up of many analytical companies, of which the Economist Intelligence Unit is the most reputable.

When compiling ratings, experts take into account the political environment, economic stability, climate, salaries, education, infrastructure and much more. The best city should be as safe as possible, so the crime rate is taken into account.


Oddly enough, but the capital of world fashion does not lead in such ratings. Although the capital of France attracts a huge number of tourists, living here is quite expensive. Romantics and artists come here to try their hand at fashion or art. The main drawback of Parisian life is the large number of foreigners. This makes it difficult to see the real France.


She might not be included in this rating, although she is a city in Spain with a fairly high standard of living. The capital of Spain, Madrid, was not even included in the top 50. Barcelona has excellent universities, so it is more suitable for students. There are not many foreigners here, and in itself this city of Spain is quite calm and cozy.

13 milan

There are many beautiful places in Italy, but it was Milan that overtook the capital in the ranking. But local ratings believe that Trento is the best. This city is the safest and most comfortable one. But Milan with a higher standard of living allows its residents to self-actualize in almost any kind of activity. The disadvantage of this place in Italy is the high cost of living.


The ranking of the best cities to live in also includes Düsseldorf. Among other German cities, it is known for its developed fashion industry, as well as museums, galleries, parks. A suitable place in Germany for those who value not only economic but also cultural development.

11 Auckland

As the largest city in New Zealand, Auckland provides its residents not only with employment, but also with a high standard of living. In recent years, the city has concentrated all the cultural and economic life of the country. That is why more than 1 million people live here, which is a quarter of all New Zealand citizens.

Auckland does not have many historical attractions, but it has amazing nature and mild climate.


Zest of the city - 48 extinct volcanoes, the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere and three sea bays.

10 Sydney

It is not the only city in Australia to be included in this ranking. It can be called a major cultural center of the country, as well as one of the most prosperous places to live. Sydney is twice the size of New York City. In addition to a large number of beaches, there is the Royal Botanic Gardens, which covers 34 hectares.


Finland is a country with a high standard of living. Therefore, Helsinki, as the capital, is included in many world rankings. Even though its population is small, Helsinki is the cultural and economic center of Finland. There are 8 higher educational institutions and 70% of all foreign companies operating in the country.

8 Calgary

This is one of the sunniest places in Canada. The sun shines here almost all year round. The main occupation of local residents is oil production. But the place is one of the most environmentally friendly. Calgary is located near the Canadian Rockies, which makes the city's landscape unique.

7 berlin

The capital of Germany rightfully occupies a corresponding place in this ranking. Among other European countries, Berlin is considered one of the strongest political and economic centers. Because of this, the standard of living here is one of the highest. Berlin is the best place on earth for those who value scientific excellence and practicality.


Of all European countries, Switzerland has long been a leader in terms of a high standard of living and safety. In addition to the quality of life, this place boasts amazing nature, as well as a large number of cultural and entertainment attractions. Therefore, for many, the best place on earth is Zurich. Another undoubted advantage of living here is high salaries.

5. Copenhagen

For those who initially value stability and security, there is no better country than Denmark. Accommodation prices are the highest of all European countries. But the salaries are appropriate here. Copenhagen is suitable for lovers of old towns with beautiful streets and magnificent architecture. All this did not prevent the Danes from developing an excellent infrastructure, reducing the crime rate, and also making the city convenient for all residents without exception.

4 Melbourne

Almost all ratings recent years describing the best cities include Melbourne. Indeed, this settlement is not just among the best cities in France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Germany. It is home to about 4 million people. As for the standard of living of the townspeople, we can say that it is quite high.

All significant sports and cultural events of the country are held here, and the number of tourists visiting Melbourne annually is comparable to the number of tourists who come to the most famous tourist destinations in the world. Local attractions include Swanston Street, Rialto Tower, Victoria Art Center and more.


German cities do not give up their positions and are included in almost all existing ratings. Munich is no exception. Business card this place has an excellent health and education system. This is why thousands of foreigners and Germans from other cities come here every year, who do not want to stay in the noisy capital. The average income of a local resident is 3 thousand euros (after taxes).


Munich is known for tourists thanks to the Oktoberfest Festival, as well as the German football company Bayern Munich.

2. Vancouver

For those looking for the best places to live in the world in Canada, Vancouver is the perfect destination. It is no coincidence that he is the second in the 2018 ranking. And just a few years ago, Vancouver ranked first as the best place on earth. Now the industry is developing at a rapid pace, as well as the film industry. It is very easy to get a job in programming here.

It is the center of science and culture in Canada. This is confirmed by many scientific institutions, museums and exhibitions. Vancouver is located, perhaps, in one of the most beautiful places. It is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, a coniferous forest, and a huge number of rivers are connected by 20 bridges. Thanks to the unique ecosystem, it is not hot in the city in summer, and snow falls extremely rarely in winter.

Even here science Center looks fine:


Only Vienna can be better than Vancouver. This time, according to world analytical agencies, it is the capital of Austria that takes the first position in the rating. The ancient city can offer its residents a well-developed infrastructure, security, jobs, high salaries, high-quality medicine. That is, economic stability. All this, together with a large number of attractions, attracts thousands of people every year.

The main part of the comments of tourists who have visited Vienna concerns not only the luxurious architecture, but also the magnificent nature. The city is located on the Danube River, and around it is surrounded by mountain peaks and the Viennese coniferous forest. The mass of entertainment complexes with thermal springs is a paradise for both tourists and residents of Vienna.

If we talk about the economic situation, then a Vienna resident with an average income can easily visit resorts several times a year, own a car with a minimum cost of 50 thousand euros. Many people prefer to buy a ready-made business, as there are a huge number of such offers. Ecology in itself high level- here you can drink tap water. And the average life expectancy is 80 years.


There are a lot of world rankings defining the best settlements for life. Best cities for better life life in the world rarely changes dramatically. Usually presented Largest cities Europe, Canada, Australia. Russia is also often included in such lists. For example, Moscow ranked 167th in 2018.