White civil war generals name Table. White Movement in the Civil War

IN civil War Actual forces made against the Bolsheviks. These were Cossacks, nationalists, democrats, monarchists. All of them, despite their disagreements, served as a white case. The victim defeat, the leaders of the anti-Soviet forces either died or were able to emigrate.

Alexander Kolchak

Although the resistance to the Bolsheviks did not become fully cohesive, it was Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak (1874-1920) considered many historians the main figure of white movement. He was a professional military and served on the fleet. In peacetime, Kolchak became famous as a polar researcher and oceanographic scientist.

Like other personnel soldiers, Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak received a rich experience in the period of the Japanese campaign and the First World War. With the coming to power of the Provisional Government, he briefly emigrated to the United States. When news from the Motherland came about the Bolshevik coup, Kolchak returned to Russia.

Admiral came to Siberian Omsk, where the Social Government made him a military minister. In 1918, officers committed a coup, and Kolchak ordered the Supreme Ruler of Russia. Other white motion leaders then did not have such great forces as Alexander Vasilyevich (at his disposal was the 150,000th army).

On the territory under control of Kolchak regulated legislation Russian Empire. Moving from Siberia to the West, the army of the Supreme Ruler of Russia advanced to the Volga region. At the peak of her success, the white was already approached Kazan. Kolchak tried to delay as much as possible the Bolsheviks as possible to clear the Denikin road to Moscow.

In the second half of 1919, the Red Army began a massive offensive. White was fond of Siberia. Foreign Allies (Czechoslovak Corps) issued to the east in the train of Kolchak Esraram. Admiral shot in Irkutsk in February 1920.

Anton Denikin

If in the east of Russia at the head of the white army stood Kolchak, then Anton Ivanovich Denikin (1872-1947) was in the south of the key warlord (1872-1947). Born in Poland, he went to study in the capital and became a staff officer.

Then Denikin served on the border with Austria. He spent the first world war in Brouçylov's army, participated in the famous breakthrough and operations in Galicia. Temporary government briefly made Anton Ivanovich Commander Southwestern front. Denikin supported Cornilov's rebellion. After the failure of the coup, the lieutenant general was in conclusion (Bykhovsky sitting).

Freed in November 1917, Denikin began maintaining a white case. Together with Generals Cornilov and Alekseev, he created (and then alolvedly headed) the voluntary army, which became the bones of resistance to the Bolsheviks in the south of Russia. It was on Denikin that the country was made by the country of the Entente, who announced the war of Soviet power after her separate world with Germany.

For some time, Denikin conflicted with the Don Ataman Peter Krasnov. Under the head of the allies, he obeyed Anton Ivanovich. In January 1919, Denikin became the Commander-in-Chief of the Emerity of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. His army cleaned Kuban, Don Bolsheviks, Tsaritsyn, Donbass, Kharkov. The offensive of Denikintsev choked in Central Russia.

The German retreated to Novocherkassk. From there, Denikin moved to the Crimea, where in April 1920 under the pressure of opponents handed over his powers Peter Wrangel. Then followed from departure to Europe. In emigration, General wrote Memoirs "Essays of the Russian University", in which he tried to answer the question of why the white movement was defeated. In the Civil War, Anton Ivanovich Vinyl exclusively Bolsheviks. He refused to support Hitler and criticized collaborators. After the defeat of the Third Reich, Denikin changed the place of residence and moved to the United States, where he died in 1947.

Lavr Kornilov

The organizer of the unsuccessful coup Lavr Georgievich Kornilov (1870-1918) was born in the family of the Cossack officer, which predetermined his military career. He served as a scout in Persia, Afghanistan and India. In war, hitting the Austrians, the officer fled to his homeland.

At first, Lavr Georgievich Kornilov supported the temporary government. He considered the main enemies of Russia left. Being a supporter of a strong power, he began to prepare an anti-government speech. His trip to Petrograd fell. Cornilov, together with their supporters, was arrested.

With the onset of the October Revolution, the general was released. He became the first commander-in-chief of the volunteer army in the south of Russia. In February 1918, Kornilov organized the first Kuban to Ekaterinodar. This operation has become legendary. All the leaders of the White Movement in the future were trying to equal to pioneers. Kornilov died tragically during the artillery shelling of Ekaterinodar.

Nikolay Yudenich

General Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich (1862-1933) was one of the most successful military leaders in the war against Germany and its allies. He led the headquarters of the Caucasian Army during her fights with Ottoman Empire. Having come to power, Kerensky sent a resignation commanders.

With the onset of the October Revolution, Nikolai Nikolayevich Yudenich could no longer lived in Petrograd. In early 1919, for fake documents moved to Finland. The Russian Committee meeting held in Helsinki proclaimed him commander-in-chief.

Yudenich has established a connection with Alexander Kolchak. Coordinating their actions with Admiral, Nikolai Nikolaevich unsuccessfully tried to enlist the support of the Entente and Mannerheim. In the summer of 1919, he received a portfolio of the military minister in the so-called North-Western government formed in the roar.

In the autumn, Yudenich organized a campaign to Petrograd. Basically, the white movement in the civil war acted on the country's outskirts. The army of Yudenich, on the contrary, tried to free the capital (as a result, the Government of the Bolsheviks moved to Moscow). She took the royal village, Gatchina and came to Pulkovsky altitudes. Trotsky was able to railway To transfer to Petrograd reinforcement than the reduction of all attempts to get the city.

By the outcome of 1919, Yudenich retreated to Estonia. After a few months I emigrated. Some time, General spent in London, where Winston Churchill visited him. Shooking with the defeat, the yudenich settled in France and moved away from politics. He died in Cannes from lung tuberculosis.

Alexey Kalten

When the October Revolution was killed, Alexey Maksimovich Kalin (1861-1918) was Ataman Don Troops. He was elected to this post a few months before the events in Petrograd. In the Cossack cities, first of all in Rostov, sympathies for socialists were strong. Ataman, on the contrary, considered the Bolshevik coup criminal. Having received anxious news from Petrograd, he defeated tips in the Don Troow.

Alexey Maksimovich Kalled acted from Novocherkasska. In November there arrived there white General - Mikhail Alekseev. In the meantime, the Cossacks in their mass hesitated. Many front-line fonts who were tired of the war were visited by the Bolshevik slogans. Others belonged to the Leninsky government neutrally. Nobody experienced dislike for socialists.

Having lost hope to restore the connection with the overthrown temporary government, Kalins went to decisive steps. He announced independence in response to this raised the uprising of Rostov Bolsheviks. Ataman, having enlisted with the support of Alekseev, suppressed this performance. The first blood sheds on Don.

At the outcome of 1917, Kalin gave good to the creation of an anti-Bolshevik volunteer army. Two parallel forces appeared in Rostov. On the one hand, it was voluntary generals, on the other - local Cossacks. The latter simply sympathized with the Bolsheviks. In December, the Red Army women took Donbass and Taganrog. Cossack parts in the meantime finally decomposed. Realizing that his own subordinates do not want to deal with Soviet power, Ataman committed suicide.

Ataman Krasnov

After the death of Kaltedin, the Cossacks did not sympathize with the Bolsheviks. When yesterday's Frontoviki was installed on Don, yesterday quickly raised red. Already in May 1918, the rebellion broke out on Don.

Peter Krasnov (1869-1947) became the new Ataman of Don Cossacks (1869-1947). During the period of war with Germany and Austria, he, like many other white generals, participated in glorious to the Bolsheviks Military always treated with disgust. It was he who, by order of Kerensky, tried to repel away from Lenin's supporters Petrograd, when the October coup was just accomplished. The small detachment of Krasnova took the royal village and Gatchina, but soon the Bolsheviks were surrounded and disarmed.

After the first failure, Peter Krasnov was able to move to Don. Becoming an Ataman anti-Soviet tuned Cossacks, he refused to obey Denikin and tried to conduct an independent policy. In particular, Krasnov installed friendly relations with the Germans.

Only when in Berlin announced the surrender, the isolated Ataman obeyed Denikin. The commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army would not have suffered a dubious ally. In February 1919, the Krasnov under the pressure of Denikin went to the army of Yudenich in Estonia. From there he emigrated to Europe.

Like many white traffic leaders, the exile, the former Cossack Ataman dreamed of revenge. Hate to the Bolsheviks pushed him to support Hitler. The Germans made Krasnov the head of the Cossacks in the occupied russian territories. After the defeat of the Third Reich, the British were given Peter Nikolayevich USSR. In the Soviet Union he was tried and sentenced to the highest punishment. Krasnov was executed.

Ivan Romanovsky

The warlord Ivan Pavlovich Romanovsky (1877-1920) in the royal era was a participant in the war with Japan and Germany. In 1917, he supported the speech of Cornilov and, together with Denikin, served arrest in the city of Bykhov. After moving to the Don, Romanovsky participated in the formation of the first organized anti-Bolshevik detachments.

The general was appointed Deputy Denikin and led his headquarters. It is believed that Romanovsky provided a great influence on his boss. In the testament, Denikin even called Ivan Pavlovich with his successor in the event of an unforeseen death.

By virtue of its directness of the Romanovsky conflict with many other warlords in Dobramia, and then in the East. White movement in Russia belonged to it ambiguously. When Denikina changed Wrangel, Romanovsky left all his posts and departed in Istanbul. In the same city, he was killed by the guarantion Mstislav Harusin. The shooter, who also served in the White Army, explained his act as Vinyl Romanovsky in defeating the German in the Civil War.

Sergey Markov

In the Volunteer Army, Sergey Leonidovich Markov (1878-1918) became a cult hero. His name was called the regiment and colored military units. Markov became known for his tactical talent and his own courage, which he demonstrated in every battle with the Red Army. Participants in white movement with special trepidation treated this general.

Military biography Markov in the royal era was typical for the then officer. He participated in the Japanese campaign. In the German front, he commanded the Rifle regiment, then became the head in the headquarters of several fronts. In the summer of 1917, Markov supported the Cornilovsky rebellion and, together with other future white generals, was arrested in Bykhov.

At the beginning of the civil war, the military moved to the south of Russia. He was one of the founders of the Volunteer Army. Markov made a great contribution to the white case in the first Kuban campaign. On the night of April 16, 1918, he with a small squad of volunteers captured the Medvetka - an important railway station, where volunteers destroyed the Soviet armored train, and then escaped from the environment and left the persecution. The result of the battle was the salvation of the Denikin army, which had just committed an unsuccessful storm of the Ekaterinodar and was on the verge of defeat.

The feat of Markov made him a hero for whites and a sworn enemy for red. Two months later, the talented general took part in the second Kuban campaign. Near the town of the shabir, it came across the superior enemy forces. In the fateful minute of Markov, it turned out to be in an open place where he equipped the observation point. At the position, fire from the Krasnoarmeysky armored train was opened. Near Sergey Leonidovich, a grenade broke out, which caused him a fatal injury. A few hours later, June 26, 1918, the military died.

Peter Wrangel

(1878-1928), also known as the Black Baron, took place from the noble family and had roots associated with the Baltic Germans. Before becoming a military, he received engineering education. Tract for military service, however, prevailed, and Peter went to study at the cavalryist.

Wrangel's debut campaign was the war with Japan. During the First World War, he served in the horse guard. It distinguished himself by several exploits, for example, by capturing the German battery. Once on the south-western front, the officer took part in the famous Brusille breakthrough.

In the days of the February revolution, Peter Nikolaevich urged to introduce troops to Petrograd. For this temporary government removed him from service. The Black Baron moved to the cottage to the Crimea, where he was arrested by the Bolsheviks. The nobleman managed to escape only thanks to the thieves of his own wife.

As for the aristocrat and a supporter of the monarchy, for Wrangel, a white idea was a non-alternative position during the civil war. He joined Denikin. The warlord served in the Caucasian army, led Tsaritsyn's taking. After the lesions of the White Army during a march to Moscow, Wrangel began to criticize his chief of Denikin. The conflict led to the temporary departure of the general in Istanbul.

Soon Peter Nikolaevich returned to Russia. In the spring of 1920, he was elected commander-in-chief of the Russian army. It was the key base of Crimea. The peninsula turned out to be the last white Bastion of the Civil War. The Army of Wrangel hit several attacks of the Bolsheviks, but as a result, defeated.

In the emigration, the Black Baron lived in Belgrade. He created and headed the RUSS - the Russian Promotion Union, then conveying these powers to one of the great princes, Nikolai Nikolayevich. Shortly before death, working as an engineer, Peter Wrangel moved to Brussels. There he died suddenly from tuberculosis in 1928.

Andrei Shkuro

Andrei Grigorievich Shkuro (1887-1947) was a nee Kuban Cossack. In his youth, went to the goldenfinding expedition to Siberia. In war with Kaiser Germany, Shkuro created a partisan detachment, for delets the nicknamed "wolf hundred".

In October 1917, the Cossack was elected a deputy in Kuban regional Rada. Being on the convictions of the monarchist, he negatively reacted to the news about the arrival of the Bolsheviks. Shkuro began to fight the Red Commissars, when many white movement leaders did not have time to loudly declare themselves. In July 1918, Andrei Grigorievich, with his squad, he drove the Bolsheviks from Stavropol.

In the fall, the Cossack stood up at the head of the 1st officer Kislodsky regiment, then the Caucasian equestrian division. The head of the Schuro was Anton Ivanovich Denikin. In Ukraine, the military broke the squad of Nestor Makhno. Then he took part in a campaign to Moscow. The skull was fighting for Kharkov and Voronezh. In this city, his campaign choke.

Deepating from the army of Budenny, Lieutenant-General reached Novorossiysk. From there he sailed into the Crimea. In the Army of Wrangel, Shkuro did not take place due to the conflict with a black baron. As a result, the White commander found himself in emigration before the full victory of the Red Army.

Shkuro lived in Paris and Yugoslavia. When the Second World War began, he, like Krasnov, supported the Nazis in their fight against the Bolsheviks. The skull was the SS group and in this capacity fought with Yugoslavian partisans. After the defeat of the Third Reich, he tried to break into the territory occupied by the British. In the Austrian Linz, the British issued a skin along with many other officers. The White Warlought was tried together with Peter Krasnov and sentenced to the death penalty.

Who devoted his whole life to the army and Russia. He did not accept the October Revolution and until the end of his days struggled with the Bolsheviks by all means that he could afford the honor of the officer.
Kalylin was born in 1861 in the village of Ust-Khoperskaya, in the family of the Cossack Colonel, the participant of the heroic defense of Sevastopol. Since childhood, he was taught to love her fatherland and defend him. Therefore, the formation of the future general received, first in the Voronezh military gymnasium, and later, in the Mikhailovsky Artillery School.
Military service he started on Far East In the equestrophryeric battery of the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops. A young officer was serious and concentrated. He constantly sought to master military science And entered the Academy at the General Staff.
Further service of Kaltedina takes place in the positions of staff officers in the Warsaw Military District, and then, in the native Don. Since 1910, he only occupies commander's posts and acquires considerable experience in managing combat compounds.

Semenov Grigory Mikhailovich (09/13/1890 - 30.08.1946) - a prominent representative in the Far East.

Born in the officer Cossack family in Transbaikalia. In 1911 In the rank of Horuple, he graduated from the Military Cossack School in Orenburg, after which he received a appointment to the service on the border with Mongolia.

Well done by local languages: Buryat, Mongolian, Kalmyk, thanks to which she quickly came out with prominent Mongolian figures.

During the Department of Mongolia from China, in December 1911. He took under the protection of the Chinese resident, having delivered it to the Russian consulate, which were in Urge.

In order not to cause excitement between the Chinese and the Mongols, with a platoon of the Cossacks, the Chinese garrison of Urga personally neutralized.

Lukomsky Alexander Sergeevich was born on July 10, 1868 in Poltava region. Poltava graduated cadet corps Name, and by 1897, with honors, he completed his studies in the Nikolaev engineering school and the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff in. The career of the military began for Alexander Sergeyevich from the 11th sapper regiment, from where he was translated from an adjutant in the headquarters of the 12th Infantry Division, and since 1902 his service proceeded in the Kiev Military District, where he was appointed headquarters with senior adjutant. For the excellent performance of their official duties, Lukomsky was awarded the title of Colonel, and in 1907 he took the post of headquarters in the 42nd Infantry Division. From January 1909, Alexander Sergeevich was engaged in mobilizing issues in case of war. He participated in all changes in the charter associated with mobilization, personally supervised the bills on the set of personnel, being as the head of the Mobilization Department of the General Directorate of the General Staff.
In 1913, Lukomsky was appointed assistant to the head of the Office of the Military Ministry and, already serving the ministry, received the next military rank of Major General, and as a reward for His ribbon of St. Great Martyr and George Victorious.

Markov Sergey Leonidovich was born on July 7, 1878 in the family of an officer. With honors, graduated from the 1st Moscow Cadet Corps and the Artillery School in St. Petersburg, in the rank of a porqueturica, it was sent to pass through the 2nd Artillery Brigade. Then finished the Nikolaev Military Academy and went on, where she showed himself an excellent officer and was awarded awards: Vladimir 4th degree with swords and a bow. The further career of Sergey Leonidovich continued in the 1st Siberian Corps, where he served as an adjutant headquarters, and then at the headquarters of the Warsaw Military District and in the end, in 1908, Markov was in the service in the General Staff. Just during the service in the General Staff, Sergey Leonidovich created a happy family with Putyathy Marianna.
Markov Sergey Leonidovich was engaged in teaching work in various St. Petersburg schools. He perfectly knew the military business and tried all his knowledge of the strategy, maneuvering in full to convey to students and at the same time sought the use of non-standard thinking while conducting hostilities.
At the beginning, Sergey Leonidovich was appointed head of the headquarters of the "iron" rifle brigade, which was sent to the most complex directions of the front and very often Markov had to practice their non-template strategic moves.

Roman Fedorovich Von Ungern-Sternberg is perhaps the most extraordinary person in everything. He belonged to the ancient militant family of knights, mystics and pirates leading their pedigree since Crusades. However, family legends say that the roots of this family go far further, in the time of Nibugong and Attila.
His parents were often traveled in Europe, something constantly damned them to a historic homeland. During one of these travels, in 1885, in the city of Graz, a future irreconcilable wrestler with a revolution was born in Austria. The contradictory character of the boy did not allow him to become a good gymnasium. For countless misconduct, it was expelled from the gymnasium. Mother, desperate to achieve normal behavior from the son, gives him to the Marine Cadet Corps in. He remained only one year before the end of study when he began. Baron Von Ungern-Saterberg throws training and comes by an ordinary in the infantry regiment. However, he did not get to the current army, was forced to return to St. Petersburg and entered into the elite Pavlovian infantry school. At the end, Von Ungern-Sternber is credited in the Cossack estate and starts service officer of the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops. He again falls into the Far East. About this period of life of the desperate baron goes legends. His perseverance, cruelty and fatty surrounded his name to mystical halo. Look rider, desperate duelist, he did not have faithful comrades.

White motion figures had tragic fate. People who overround have lost their homeland, whom they swear to loyalty, their ideals, could not accept it until the end of life.
Mikhail Konstantinovich Dieterichs, an outstanding, Lieutenant-General, was born on April 5, 1874 in the family of hereditary officers. The Knight of the Peterichs from Czech Moravia settled in Russia in 1735. Due to its origin, the future general received an excellent education in the Pajse Corps, which then continued at the Academy of General Staff. In the rank of captain participated in the Russian-Japanese war, where he distinguished himself as a brave officer. For the heroism manifested in battles, the III and II degree, IV degree. He graduated from the war in the rank of lieutenant colonel. Further service was held at the headquarters of the army in Odessa, and Kiev.
The first world found Diterich as headquarters headquarters in the mobilization department, but soon he was appointed General-Starmaster. It was he who led the development of all military operations of the South-Western Front. For successful developments, bringing the Russian Army, Mikhail Konstantinovich was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav with the swords of the 1st degree.
Dietershs continues the service in the Russian expeditionary building in the Balkans, participated in the battles for the liberation of Serbia.

Romanovsky Ivan Pavlovich was born in the graduate of the Artillery Academy on April 16, 1877 in the Luhansk region. The Military way began in the ten years old, enrolling in the Cadet Corps. With brilliant results graduated from 1894. Going in the footsteps of the Father, I started learning in the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, but I ended up before Konstantinovsky for religious reasons. And after the end with honors from the next stage of the formation of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, Ivan Pavlovich was appointed commander of the Finland Regiment.
In 1903, the family acquired, taking his wife Elena Bakeev, the daughter of a landowner who born him later by three children. Ivan Pavlovich was a devoted family man, a caring father, always helped friends and relatives. But the idyll of family life violated. Romanovsky left to fulfill his debt of the Russian officer to the East Siberian Artillery Brigade.

An outstanding, active member of the White Movement, was born in 1881 in Kiev. As the son of General, Mikhail never thought about choosing a profession. Fate made this choice for him. He graduated from the Vladimir Cadet Corps, and then, Pavlovsky military school. Having received the title of a jog, started service in the Life Guard by the Volyn Regiment. After three years of service, Drozdovsky decided to enter the Nikolaev Military Academy. To sit at the desk turned out to be not able to him, began, and he went to the front. The brave officer in an unsuccessful Manchurian campaign was wounded. For the manifested courage was awarded several orders. Academy he ended after the war.
After the Academy, the Drozdovsky service took place at first at the headquarters of the Caumur Military District, and then Warsaw. Mikhail Gordeevich constantly showed interest in everything new, which appeared in the army, studied everything new in military business. He, even graduated from the Sevastopol Aviation School of Observer Pilot Courses.
And he enters the Junker School, after which, having received the title of a pitch, begins service in the 85th Vyborg Infantry Shelf.
Begins, participating in the battles, the young officer showed himself as well that he received a rare honor: he was transferred to the rank of lieutenant in the Life Guard Preobrazhensky, to serve in which it was very honorable.
When Katepov began already headquarters-captain. He participates in many battles, shows itself a brave and decisive officer. He was injured three times, awarded several orders. Especially Alexander Pavlovich was proud of 4th degrees.
1917 begins - the most tragic in the life of the thirty-five-year-old officer. Despite the young age, Kutepov is already a colonel and the commander of the second battalion of the Preobrazhensky regiment.
Petersburg, where he graduated from the gymnasium. At the end of the Nikolaev engineering school, in the rank of a pitch, he begins his military career in the 18th sapper battalion. Every two years, Marushevsky receives the next military title for excellent service. At the same years, he graduated from the Nikolaev Academy at the General Staff.
By top russian-Japanese war He is already a captain and an ober-officer for especially important assignments. He served at the headquarters of the IV Siberian Army Corps. During the fighting, Marushevsky for manifested courage quickly moves through the service.

Who devoted his whole life to the army and Russia. He did not accept the October Revolution and until the end of his days struggled with the Bolsheviks by all means that he could afford the honor of the officer.
Kalylin was born in 1861 in the village of Ust-Khoperskaya, in the family of the Cossack Colonel, the participant of the heroic defense of Sevastopol. Since childhood, he was taught to love her fatherland and defend him. Therefore, the formation of the future general received, first in the Voronezh military gymnasium, and later, in the Mikhailovsky Artillery School.
Military service he began in the Far East in the Connoarthology Battery of the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops. A young officer was serious and concentrated. He constantly sought to master military science and entered the Academy at the General Staff.
Further service of Kaltedina takes place in the positions of staff officers in the Warsaw Military District, and then, in the native Don. Since 1910, he only occupies commander's posts and acquires considerable experience in managing combat compounds.

Semenov Grigory Mikhailovich (09/13/1890 - 30.08.1946) - a prominent representative in the Far East.

Born in the officer Cossack family in Transbaikalia. In 1911 In the rank of Horuple, he graduated from the Military Cossack School in Orenburg, after which he received a appointment to the service on the border with Mongolia.

Well done by local languages: Buryat, Mongolian, Kalmyk, thanks to which she quickly came out with prominent Mongolian figures.

During the Department of Mongolia from China, in December 1911. He took under the protection of the Chinese resident, having delivered it to the Russian consulate, which were in Urge.

In order not to cause excitement between the Chinese and the Mongols, with a platoon of the Cossacks, the Chinese garrison of Urga personally neutralized.

Lukomsky Alexander Sergeevich was born on July 10, 1868 in Poltava region. In Poltava, he graduated from the Cadet Corps of the name, and by 1897, with honors, she completed his studies in the Nikolaev engineering school and the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff in. The career of the military began for Alexander Sergeyevich from the 11th sapper regiment, from where he was translated from an adjutant in the headquarters of the 12th Infantry Division, and since 1902 his service proceeded in the Kiev Military District, where he was appointed headquarters with senior adjutant. For the excellent performance of their official duties, Lukomsky was awarded the title of Colonel, and in 1907 he took the post of headquarters in the 42nd Infantry Division. From January 1909, Alexander Sergeevich was engaged in mobilizing issues in case of war. He participated in all changes in the charter associated with mobilization, personally supervised the bills on the set of personnel, being as the head of the Mobilization Department of the General Directorate of the General Staff.
In 1913, Lukomsky was appointed assistant to the head of the Office of the Military Ministry and, already serving the ministry, received the next military rank of Major General, and as a reward for His ribbon of St. Great Martyr and George Victorious.

Markov Sergey Leonidovich was born on July 7, 1878 in the family of an officer. With honors, graduated from the 1st Moscow Cadet Corps and the Artillery School in St. Petersburg, in the rank of a porqueturica, it was sent to pass through the 2nd Artillery Brigade. Then finished the Nikolaev Military Academy and went on, where she showed himself an excellent officer and was awarded awards: Vladimir 4th degree with swords and a bow. The further career of Sergey Leonidovich continued in the 1st Siberian Corps, where he served as an adjutant headquarters, and then at the headquarters of the Warsaw Military District and in the end, in 1908, Markov was in the service in the General Staff. Just during the service in the General Staff, Sergey Leonidovich created a happy family with Putyathy Marianna.
Markov Sergey Leonidovich was engaged in teaching work in various St. Petersburg schools. He perfectly knew the military business and tried all his knowledge of the strategy, maneuvering in full to convey to students and at the same time sought the use of non-standard thinking while conducting hostilities.
At the beginning, Sergey Leonidovich was appointed head of the headquarters of the "iron" rifle brigade, which was sent to the most complex directions of the front and very often Markov had to practice their non-template strategic moves.

Roman Fedorovich Von Ungern-Sternberg is perhaps the most extraordinary person in everything. He belonged to the ancient militant family of knights, mystics and pirates leading their pedigree since the times of crusades. However, family legends say that the roots of this family go far further, in the time of Nibugong and Attila.
His parents were often traveled in Europe, something constantly damned them to a historic homeland. During one of these travels, in 1885, in the city of Graz, a future irreconcilable wrestler with a revolution was born in Austria. The contradictory character of the boy did not allow him to become a good gymnasium. For countless misconduct, it was expelled from the gymnasium. Mother, desperate to achieve normal behavior from the son, gives him to the Marine Cadet Corps in. He remained only one year before the end of study when he began. Baron Von Ungern-Saterberg throws training and comes by an ordinary in the infantry regiment. However, he did not get to the current army, was forced to return to St. Petersburg and entered into the elite Pavlovian infantry school. At the end, Von Ungern-Sternber is credited in the Cossack estate and starts service officer of the Trans-Baikal Cossack troops. He again falls into the Far East. About this period of life of the desperate baron goes legends. His perseverance, cruelty and fatty surrounded his name to mystical halo. Look rider, desperate duelist, he did not have faithful comrades.

White motion figures had a tragic destiny. People who overround have lost their homeland, whom they swear to loyalty, their ideals, could not accept it until the end of life.
Mikhail Konstantinovich Dieterichs, an outstanding, Lieutenant-General, was born on April 5, 1874 in the family of hereditary officers. The Knight of the Peterichs from Czech Moravia settled in Russia in 1735. Due to its origin, the future general received an excellent education in the Pajse Corps, which then continued at the Academy of General Staff. In the rank of captain participated in the Russian-Japanese war, where he distinguished himself as a brave officer. For the heroism manifested in battles, the III and II degree, IV degree. He graduated from the war in the rank of lieutenant colonel. Further service was held at the headquarters of the army in Odessa, and Kiev.
The first world found Diterich as headquarters headquarters in the mobilization department, but soon he was appointed General-Starmaster. It was he who led the development of all military operations of the South-Western Front. For successful developments, bringing the Russian Army, Mikhail Konstantinovich was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav with the swords of the 1st degree.
Dietershs continues the service in the Russian expeditionary building in the Balkans, participated in the battles for the liberation of Serbia.

Romanovsky Ivan Pavlovich was born in the graduate of the Artillery Academy on April 16, 1877 in the Luhansk region. The Military way began in the ten years old, enrolling in the Cadet Corps. With brilliant results graduated from 1894. Going in the footsteps of the Father, I started learning in the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, but I ended up before Konstantinovsky for religious reasons. And after the end with honors from the next stage of the formation of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, Ivan Pavlovich was appointed commander of the Finland Regiment.
In 1903, the family acquired, taking his wife Elena Bakeev, the daughter of a landowner who born him later by three children. Ivan Pavlovich was a devoted family man, a caring father, always helped friends and relatives. But the idyll of family life violated. Romanovsky left to fulfill his debt of the Russian officer to the East Siberian Artillery Brigade.

An outstanding, active member of the White Movement, was born in 1881 in Kiev. As the son of General, Mikhail never thought about choosing a profession. Fate made this choice for him. He graduated from the Vladimir Cadet Corps, and then, Pavlovskaya Military School. Having received the title of a jog, started service in the Life Guard by the Volyn Regiment. After three years of service, Drozdovsky decided to enter the Nikolaev Military Academy. To sit at the desk turned out to be not able to him, began, and he went to the front. The brave officer in an unsuccessful Manchurian campaign was wounded. For the manifested courage was awarded several orders. Academy he ended after the war.
After the Academy, the Drozdovsky service took place at first at the headquarters of the Caumur Military District, and then Warsaw. Mikhail Gordeevich constantly showed interest in everything new, which appeared in the army, studied everything new in military business. He, even graduated from the Sevastopol Aviation School of Observer Pilot Courses.
And he enters the Junker School, after which, having received the title of a pitch, begins service in the 85th Vyborg Infantry Shelf.
Begins, participating in the battles, the young officer showed himself as well that he received a rare honor: he was transferred to the rank of lieutenant in the Life Guard Preobrazhensky, to serve in which it was very honorable.
When Katepov began already headquarters-captain. He participates in many battles, shows itself a brave and decisive officer. He was injured three times, awarded several orders. Especially Alexander Pavlovich was proud of 4th degrees.
1917 begins - the most tragic in the life of the thirty-five-year-old officer. Despite the young age, Kutepov is already a colonel and the commander of the second battalion of the Preobrazhensky regiment.
Petersburg, where he graduated from the gymnasium. At the end of the Nikolaev engineering school, in the rank of a pitch, he begins his military career in the 18th sapper battalion. Every two years, Marushevsky receives the next military title for excellent service. At the same years, he graduated from the Nikolaev Academy at the General Staff.
By the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, he is already a captain and an ober-officer for particularly important orders. He served at the headquarters of the IV Siberian Army Corps. During the fighting, Marushevsky for manifested courage quickly moves through the service.

Semen Mikhailovich Budnechnaya - Soviet warlord, commander of the first equestrian army of the Red Army during the Civil War, one of the first marshals of the Soviet Union.

Created a revolutionary equestrian detachment, acting against the White Guards on the Don. Together with the divisions of the 8th Army, the victory over the Cossack buildings of the Mamontov and Schuro generals. Troops under the command of Budyonny (14th Kav.Divia Gorodovikova OI) took part in disarming of the Don Corps Mironova F. K., who spoke to the front against Denikina A. I., allegedly for trying to raise the counter-revolutionary rebellion.

Post-war activities:

    Budne - member of the RVS, and then deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

    Budyan became the "shaved father" of the Chechen Autonomous Region

    Budne is appointed assistant commission of the Red Army in Cavalry and a member of the USSR RVS.

    Cavalry Inspector RKKKA.

    Ends Military Academy them. M. V. Frunze.

    Buddan commanded the troops of the Moscow Military District.

    Member of the Chief Military Council of the NGO of the USSR, Deputy Commissar.

    First Deputy Complete Defense

Blucher V.K. (1890-1938)

Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher - Soviet military, state and party leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner No. 1 and the Order of the Red Star №1.

Commanded the 30th Rifle Division in Siberia and fought against the troops A. V. Kolchak.

He was the head of the 51st Rifle Division. Blucher is appointed commander-unit of 51th SD translated into the reserve of the chief command of the Red Army. In May, he was appointed head of the West Siberian Siberian Siberian Sector. Appointed Chairman of the Military Council, Commander-in-Chief of the People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic and the Military Minister of DVR.

Post-war activities:

    He was appointed commander of the 1st Rifle Corps, then the commandant and military commissar of Petrograd Strogradon.

    In 1924 he was addressed to the USSR Revoensive

    In 1924, sent to China

    Participated in the layout of the northern hike.

    He served as an assistant commander of the Ukrainian Military District.

    In 1929, he was appointed commander of a special Far Eastern army.

    During the fighting, Lake Hassan headed the Far Eastern Front.

  • He died of beatings on a consequence in the Lefortovo prison.

Tukhachevsky M.N. (1893-1937)

Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky - Soviet military leader, military leader of the Red Army of the Civil War.

Voluntarily joined the Red Army, he worked in the military department of the WTCIK. Entered the RCP (b), appointed military commissioner of the Moscow District Defense. Appointed commander of the 1st Army of the Eastern Front created by the 1st Army. Commanded the 1st soviet army. Appointed by the assistant commander of the South Front (UF). The commander of the 8th Army of the SF, which included Inzen Rifle Division. Enters the command of the 5th Army. Appointed commander of the Caucasian Front.

Kamenev S.S. (1881-1936)

Sergey Sergeevich Kamenev is a Soviet military leader, Comandarm of the 1st Rank.

From April 1918 in the Red Army. Appointed military leader of the Nevelsky district of the western plot of seasons curtains. From June 1918 - commander of the 1st Vitebsk Infantry Division. He was appointed military leader of the western sector of the curtain and at the same time Warwok Smolensky district. The commander of the troops of the Eastern Front. He led the onset of the Red Army on the Volga and Urals. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic.

Post-war activities:

    Inspector of the Red Army.

    Head of the headquarters of the Red Army.

    Chief inspector.

    Head of the Main Directorate of the Red Army, Chief Head of the Tactic Cycle of the Military Academy. Frunze.

    At the same time a member of the USSR RVS.

    Deputy Commissar for Military and Maritime Affairs and Deputy Chairman of the USSR Revoensuit.

    Was adopted in the WCP (b).

    Was appointed Head of the PVC Department of the Red Army

  • Kamenev was awarded the title of commander of the 1st rank.

Watietis I.I. (1873-1938)

Joakim Ioakimovich Watietis - Russian, Soviet military commander. Commander of the 2nd rank.

After the October Revolution, together moved to the side of the Bolsheviks. He was the head of the operational department of the revolutionary field headquarter at the rate. Supervised the suppression of the rebellion of the Polish corps of General Typp-Musnitsky. The commander of the Latvian Rifle Division, one of the leaders of the suppression of Level Economic insurgent in Moscow in July 1918. The commander of the Eastern Front, Commander-in-Chief by all the Armed Forces of the RSFSR. At the same time commander of the army Soviet Latvia. Since 1921, in teaching work at the RKKA Military Academy, Commander of the 2nd Rank.

Post-war activities:

July 28, 1938 on charges of espionage and participation in the counter-revolutionary terrorist organization of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR was sentenced to shooting.

  • Rehabilitated March 28, 1957
  • Chapaev V.I. (1887-1919)

    Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev - putting on the Red Army, the participant of the First World and Civil War.

    Elected to the Regimental Committee, to the Council of Soldiers' Deputies. Joined the Bolsheviks Part. Appointed commander of the 138th regiment. He was a member of the Kazan Congress of Soldier Soviets. He became Commissioner of the Red Guard and the head of the garrison of Nikolaevsk.

    Chapaev suppressed a number of peasant uprisings. He fought against the Cossacks and the Czechoslovak Corps. Chapaev commanded the 25th Rifle Division. His division dismissed Ufa from Kolchak's troops. Chapaev participated in the fights on the discharge of Uralsk.

    The formation of a white army:

    It began to form on November 2, 1917 in Novocherkassk General Staff General M. V. Alekseev called "Alekseevskaya organization. Since the beginning of December 1917, the General L. G. Kornilov arrived in the creation of the army. At first, the volunteer army was completed exclusively by volunteers. Up to 50% of those who recorded in the army amounted to Ober officers and up to 15% - headquarters were also a Juncker, Cadets, students, gymnasists (more than 10%). Cossacks were about 4%, soldiers - 1%. From the end of 1918, and in 1919-1920, due to mobilization in the territories, the officer's officer's officer has lost its numerical prevalence due to the white territories; Peasants and prisoners of Red Army women at this period constituted the majority of military contingent of the Volunteer Army.

    December 25, 1917 Received the official name "Voluntary Army". This title of the army received at the insistence of Cornilov, who was in a state of conflict with Alekseev and dissatisfied with the forced compromise with the head of the former "Alekseevskaya organization": the division of the spheres of influence, as a result of which, when adopting a cornily full of military authorities, political leadership and finance remained for Alekseev. By the end of December 1917, volunteers were recorded in the army of 3 thousand people. By mid-January 1918 there were already 5 thousand, by the beginning of February - about 6 thousand. At the same time, the fighting element of Dobramia did not exceed 4½ thousand.

    The Supreme Head of the Army was the General Staff General M. V. Alekseev, Commander-in-Chief - General Staff General Lavr Kornilov.

    Uniforms of Belog Guards

    The form of White Guards, as is known, was created on the basis of the military form of the former royal army. Conditions were used as a headdress or dads. In the cold season on top of the cap, climbed Balyk - Sukon. An integral attribute of the shape of the White Guards remained a gymnaster - a free shirt with a standing collar made of x / b fabrics or thin cloth. It could be seen on it. Another important element of the shape of the White Guards - Shinel.

    Heroes of the White Army:

      Wrangel P.N.

      Denikin A.I.

      Dutov A.I.

      Kappel V.O.

      Kolchak A.V.

      Kornilov L.G.

      Krasnov P.N.

      Semenov GM

    • Yudenich N.N.

    Wrangel P.N. (1878-1928)

    Peter Nikolayevich Wrangel is a Russian commander, a member of the Russian-Japanese and First World War, one of the main leaders of the White Movement during the Civil War. Entered the voluntary army. During the 2nd Kuban campaign, he commanded the 1st equestrian division, and then the 1st equestrian case. Commanded the Caucasian Volunteer Army. He was appointed commander of the volunteer army operating in the Moscow direction. The ruler of the south of Russia and commander-in-chief of the Russian army. From November 1920 - in emigration.

    Post-war activities:

      In 1924, Wrangel created the Russian Peace Union (Ross), which united the majority of participants in the white movement in emigration.

      In September 1927, Wrangel moved with his family to Brussels. He worked as an engineer in one of the Brussels firms.

      On April 25, 1928, he died suddenly in Brussels, after sudden infection with tuberculosis. Under the assumptions of his relatives, he was poisoned by his brother of his servant, which was the Bolshevik agent.

      Denikin A.I. (1872-1947)

      Anton Ivanovich Denikin - Russian commander, political and public figure, writer, memoirist, publicist and military documentist.

      Take part in the organization and formation of a voluntary army. Appointed chief of the 1st Volunteer Division. In the 1st Kuban campaign spoke to the post of Deputy Commander of the Volunteer Army of General Kornilov. He became the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (Emergency).

      Post-war activities:
      • 1920 - moved to Belgium

        The 5th Tom "Essays of the Russian University" was completed in 1926 in Brussels.

        In 1926, Denikin moved to France and took up literary labor.

        Since 1936 he began to publish a "volunteer" newspaper.

        Dated December 9, 1945 in America Denikin acted on numerous meetings and turned with a letter to General Eisenhower with a call to stop the violent issuance of Russian prisoners of war.

      Kappel V.O. (1883-1920)

      Vladimir Oskarovich Kappel- Russian commander, participant of the First World War and Civic wars. One of the leadersWhite Movement In the east of Russia. General Staff Lieutenant General. Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Eastern Front of the Russian Army. He headed the small detachment of volunteers, who was subsequently deployed in a separate shooting brigade. Later commanded the Simbirsk GroupVolga Front People's Army. He headed the 1st Volzhsky Corpus Army Kolchak. He was appointed commander of the 3rd Army, compiled mainly from prisoners of redarmeys who did not undergo sufficient training.January 26, 1920 near the city of Nizhneudinsk , died of bilateralinflammation of lungs.

      Kolchak A.V. (1874-1920)

      Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak - Russian oceanographer, one of the largest polar researchers, a military and politician, Flotodets, Admiral, White Driving.

      Installed Military Modedictatorship In Siberia, in the Urals and the Far East, eliminated by the Red Army and partisans. Member of the Board of the Queen. He was appointed military and maritime minister of the directories. The supreme ruler of Russia was elected with the production of admirals. Kolchak was shot together with the chairman of the Council of Ministers V. N. Pepliaev at 5 am on the banks of the Ushakovka River.

    Kornilov L.G. (1870-1918)

    Laurel Georgievich Kornilov - Russian military auditor, general. Military
    scout, diplomat and traveler researcher. ParticipantCivil War, one of the organizers and commander-in-chiefVolunteer army, the leader of a white movement in the south of Russia, the first return on.

    Commander of the created volunteer army. Killed 04/13/1918 with the storming of Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar) in the 1st Kuban (Ice) campaign.

    Krasnov P.N. (1869-1947)

    Peter Nikolaevich Krasnov - General of the Russian Imperial Army, Ataman Vereveliky Donskoy troops, Military and politician, famous writer and publicist.

    Don Army Krasnova occupied the territoryAreas of troops Donsky, knocking out of the partRKKKA , and he himself was electedataman Don Cossacks. The Don Army in 1918 was on the edge of death, and the Krasnov decide to associate with the Volunteer Army under the command of A. I. Denikin. Soon the Krasnov him was forced to resign and went toNorthwest ArmyYudenich Based B.Estonia.

    Post-war activities:

      Emigrated in 1920. Lived in Germany, under Munich

      From November 1923 - in France.

      Was one of the founders "Brotherhood of Russian truth»

      Since 1936. lived in Germany.

      Since September 1943 Head Main Department cossack troops Imperial Ministry of Eastern Occupied TerritoriesGermany.

      In May 1945 surrendered to the British.

      It was stupid to Moscow, where he was kept in a Butyrsa prison.

      By sentence Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSRP. N. Krasnov is hanged in Moscow, inLefortovo prisonJanuary 16, 1947.

      Gregory Mikhailovich Semenov - Cossack ataman, White Traffic Worker in Transbaikalia and the Far East,lieutenant-generalWhite Army . Continued to form B.Transbaikal Equestrian Buryato-Mongol Cossack squad. Three new shelves were formed in Semenov's troops: the 1st Oneonsky, the 2nd Akshinsky-Mangy and 3rd Parinsky. Was createdmilitary School for Junkers . Semenov was appointed commander of the 5th Pria Amur Army Corps. Appointed commander of the 6th East Siberian Army Corps, Assistant Chief Chief of the Pria Amur Region and Assistantcommander Forces of the Amur Military District, the commander of the military of the Irkutsk, Transbaikalsky and the Amur Military Districts.

      In 1946, he was sentenced to death.

      Yudenich N.N. (1862-1933)

      Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich russian Military leader, general from infanteria.

      In June 1919, he was appointed Kolchak Commander-in-Chief of Sev.-Zap. The army formed by Russian White Guards in Estonia, and became part of the Russian White Guard North-Western Government formed in Estonia. Taken from Naz.-Zap. Army second campaign to Petrograd. The offensive was defeated under Petrograd. After the defeat of North. - Zap. The army, he was arrested by General Bulak Balakhovich, but after the intervention of the Allied Governments was released and drove abroad. Died OTtuberculosis lungs.

      Results of the Civil War

      In the fierce armed struggle, the Bolsheviks managed to keep power in their hands. All state formations arising from the collapse of the Russian Empire, with the exception of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, were eliminated.

      In the post-Soviet period, the revaluation of events and the results of the Civil War began in Russia. The attitude towards the workers of the White Motion began to change to the exact opposite - now they take pictures about them, in which those appear fearless knights without fear and reproach.

      At the same time, many people know very poorly about how the fate of the most famous leaders of the White Army has developed. Not all of them managed to preserve the honor and dignity after the defeat in the Civil War. Some was prepared incense end and unhappy shame.

      Alexander Kolchak

      On November 5, 1918, Admiral Kolchak was appointed by the military and maritime minister of the so-called Ufa directory - one of the anti-Bolshevik governments created during the civil war.

      On November 18, 1918, there was a coup, as a result of which the directory was abolished, and Kolchak himself was endowed with the title of the Supreme Ruler of Russia.

      From Autumn 1918 to the summer of 1919, Kolchak managed to successfully conduct military actions against the Bolsheviks. At the same time, on the territory that his troops controlled, the methods of terror were practiced against political opponents.

      A series of military failures in the second half of 1919 led to the loss of all previously captured territories. Repressive methods of Kolchak provoked the wave of uprisings in the rear of the White Army, and often at the head of these speeches were not the Bolsheviks, and the sieres and Mensheviks.

      Kolchak planned to get to Irkutsk, where she was going to continue resistance, but on December 27, 1919, power in the city passed to the politicalcenter, which included the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and Suns.

      On January 4, 1920, Kolchak signed his last decree - to the transfer of the supreme power General Denikin. Under the guarantees of representatives of the Entente, who promised to take the Kolchak to a safe place, the former Supreme Ruler arrived at Irkutsk on January 15 on January 15.

      Here he was issued to the politicalcenter, and placed in a local prison. From January 21, the interrogations of Kolchak the Emergency Investigation Commission began. After the final transition of power in Irkutsk in the hands of Bolsheviks, the fate of the admiral was predetermined.

      On the night of 6 on February 7, 1920, 45-year-old Kolchak was shot by the Decree of the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee of the Bolsheviks.

      General Staff General Lieutenant V.O. Cappel. Winter 1919 Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org

      Vladimir Kappel

      General Kappel got fame thanks to the film "Chapaev" popular in the USSR, where the so-called "mental attack" was captured - when Kappelevian chains moved to the enemy without a single shot.

      The "mental attack" had rather landed reasons - parts of the White Guards were seriously suffering from the deficit of ammunition, and such a tactic was a forced solution.

      In June 1918, General Kappel organized a detachment of volunteers, who was subsequently deployed in a separate rifle brigade of the People's Army to Komuk. The Committee of Members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly (Commuche) became the first Anti-Bolshevik Government of Russia, and Kappel's division is one of the most reliable in his army.

      A curious fact - the symbol of Komuk was a red banner, and "International" was used as a hymn. So the general that became one of the symbol of white movement, the civil war started under the red banner.

      After the anti-Bolshevik forces in the east of Rossie were combined under the general administration of Admiral Kolchak, General Kappel was headed by the 1st Volga Corps, subsequently called "Kappelevsky".

      Cappel remained to the end of the faithful slicer. After the arrest of the latter, the general, who received the entire sprinkling Eastern Front on the beginning, took a desperate attempt to rescue Kolchak.

      In the conditions of the strongest frost Cappel led his troops to Irkutsk. Moving along the direction of the river Kan, the general fell into a wormwood. Cappel got frostbite that developed in Gangren. After the amputation of the foot, he continued to lead the troops.

      On January 21, 1920, Kappel handed over the command of the troops General Wojtsekhovsky. The gangrene added the strongest inflammation of the lungs. Already the dying capple insisted on the continuation of the march to Irkutsk.

      36-year-old Vladimir Kappel died on January 26, 1920 on the rolling junction, near the station Tulun near the city of Nizhneudinsk. His troops were broken red on the approaches to Irkutsk.

      Laurel Kornilov in 1917. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

      Lavr Kornilov

      After the failure of his speech, Cornilov was arrested, and the period from September 1 to November 1917, the general and his associates conducted under arrest in Mogilev and Bykhov.

      The October Revolution in Petrograd led to the fact that the opponents of the Bolsheviks decided to free the previously arrested generals.

      Once at freedom, Kornilov went to Don, where he began to create a volunteer army for the war with the Bolsheviks. In fact, Kornilov became not only one of the organizers of the White Movement, but by one of them those who unleasted the civil war in Russia.

      Cornilov acted extremely rigid methods. The participants of the so-called first Kuban "Ice" hike recalled: "All the Bolsheviks who captured by us with a weapon in their hands were shot at the place: alone, dozens, hundreds. It was war "for extermination."

      Cornilovtsy used the tactics of intimidation to the civilians: in the appeal of Laurel Cornilov, residents were warned that any "hostile action" to volunteers and acting with them the Cossack detachments would be shifted and burning villages.

      The participation of Cornilov in the Civil War succeeded by a short-term - March 31, 1918, a 47-year-old General was killed during the storm of Ekaterinodar.

      General Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich. 1910th. Photo from Alexander's photo album. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

      Nikolay Yudenich

      General Yudenich, during World War I, successfully operating at the Caucasian Theater of Military Activities, in the summer of 1917 returned to Petrograd. He remained in the city and after the October Revolution, by going to an illegal position.

      Only in early 1919, he left for Helsingfors (now Helsinki), where at the end of 1918 the Russian Committee was organized - another anti-Bolshevik government.

      Yudenich was proclaimed the head of the White Movement in the North-West of Russia with dictatorial powers.

      By the summer of 1919, Yudenich, having received funding and confirmation of his authority from Kolchak, created the so-called North-Western army, which was set to the task of capturing Petrograd.

      In the fall of 1919, the North-West Army took a campaign on Petrograd. By the mid-October, Yudenich's troops came out on Pulkovsky heights, where they were stopped by the reserves of the Red Army.

      The front of whites was broken, and a rapid retreat began. The fate of the army of Yudenich was tragic - the parts pressed against the border with Estonia were forced to move into the territory of this state where were interned and placed in the camps. Thousands of military and civilians were killed in these camps.

      Yudenich himself, announcing the dissolution of the army, through Stockholm and Copenhagen went to London. Then, the general moved to France, where he settled.

      Unlike many associates, Yudenich in emigration has departed from political life.

      Living in Nice, he headed the society of jealous of Russian history.

      Denikin in Paris, 1938. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

      Anton Denikin

      General Anton Denikin, who was one of the associates of General Kornilov in an attempt to coup in 1917, was among those who were arrested, and then released to freedom after the Bolsheviks arrived.

      Together with Cornilov, he went to Don, where he became one of the creators of the Volunteer Army.

      By the time of the death of Kornilov during the storming of Ekaterinodar, Denikin was his deputy and assumed the command of the Volunteer Army.

      In January 1919, in the reorganization of the Forces of White Denikin, the commander of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia became a recognized western Allies "Two numbers" in white movement after the general of Kolchak.

      The largest successes of Denikin fell for the summer of 1919. After the winning series in July, he signed the "Moscow Directive" - \u200b\u200ba plan for the capture of the capital of Russia.

      Capturing the large territories of South and Central Russia, as well as Ukraine, Denikin's troops in October 1919 approached Tula. The Bolsheviks seriously considered plans to leave Moscow.

      However, the defeat in the Oryol-Kromsky Battle, where the Budennen belt loudly declared himself, led to such a rapid retreat of white.

      In January 1920, Denikin received right from Kolchak Supreme Ruler Russia. At the same time, things on the front went catastrophically. Started in February 1920, the offensive ended in failure, whites were discarded in the Crimea.

      Allies and generals demanded from Denikina to transfer power to the successor, which was chosen Peter Wrangel.

      On April 4, 1920, Denikin handed over all the powers of Wrangel, and on the same day in the English Ministry of Economics left Russia forever.

      In the emigration, Denikin moved away from active politics, engaged in literature. They wrote books on the history of the Russian army of pre-revolutionary times, as well as on the history of civil war.

      In the 1930s, Denikin, unlike many other white emigration leaders, advocated the need to support the Red Army against any foreign aggressor, followed by the awakening of the Russian spirit in the ranks of this army, which, according to the general, and should overthrow Bolshevism in Russia.

      Second World War Caught Denikin in France. After the attack of Germany, he received a proposal for cooperation several times on the USSR, but invariably responded with refusal. Former like-minded people who entered into an alliance with Hitler, the general called "Markobes" and "Hitler's fans".

      After the end of the war, Denikin went to the USA, fearing, which could be issued Soviet Union. However, the Government of the USSR, knowing about the position of Denikin during the war years, no requirements for his issuing allies have not fastened.

      Anton Denikin died on August 7, 1947 in the United States aged 74 years. In October 2005 on the initiative president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Denikin's remains and his wife were reburied in the Don Monastery of Moscow.

      Peter Wrangel. Photo: Public Domain

      Peter Wrangel

      Baron Peter Wrangel, known as the "Black Baron" because of the wear of the Black Cossack Circus with Gazells, became the latest leader of the White Movement in Russia during the Civil War.

      At the end of 1917, Wrangel, who left, lived in Yalta, where he was arrested by the Bolsheviks. Soon, the Baron was released, as the Bolsheviks did not find any kind of crime in his actions. After the occupation of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe German army, Wrangel went to Kiev, where he collaborated with the Government of the hetman of Scoropads. Only after that, Baron decided to join the volunteer army, which he joined in August 1918.

      Successfully commander of the White Connection, Wrangel became one of the most influential military leaders, and entered into conflict with Denikin, without having to meet him in the plans of further action.

      The conflict ended in that the Wrangel was removed from the command and dismissed, after which he went to Constantinople. But in the spring of 1920, the allies dissatisfied with the course of hostilities, achieved the resignation of Denikin and replacing it on Wrangel.

      Baron's plans were extensive. He was going to create in the Crimea "Alternative Russia", which was supposed to win the competitive struggle at the Bolsheviks. But neither in military nor in economic terms these projects were unwinable. In November 1920, along with the remnants of the broken white army, Wrangel left Russia.

      "Black Baron" hoped for the continuation of the armed struggle. In 1924, he created the Russian Promotion Union (RUSO) united most of the participants in the white movement in emigration. There are tens of thousands of members, the Ross was a serious force.

      It was not possible to carry out plans to continue the civil war in Wrangel - on April 25, 1928 in Brussels, he died suddenly from tuberculosis.

      Ataman VDD, General from Cavalry P.N. Krasnov. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

      Peter Krasnov

      After the October Revolution, Peter Krasnov, who was the commander of the 3rd equestrian corps, by order of Alexander Kerensky moved the troops not Petrograd. On the approaches to the capital, the hull was stopped, and the Krasnov himself was arrested. But then the Bolsheviks not only freed Krasnov, but also left him at the head of the corps.

      After the demobilization of the corps, he left for the Don, where he continued the anti-Bolshevik struggle, agreeing to lead the uprising of the Cossacks after the capture and retention of Novocherkasska. On May 16, 1918, Krasnov was elected an Ataman of Don Cossacks. Having entered cooperation with the Germans, the Krasnov proclaimed the elevative army of Don as an independent state.

      However, after the final defeat of Germany in the First World War, Krasnov had to urgently change the political line. Krasnov agreed to the accession of the Don Army to Volunteer, and recognized Denikin's supremacy.

      Denikin, however, retained disbelief to Krasnov, and made him resign in February 1919. After that, the Krasnov went to the yudenich, and after the latter's defeat moved to emigration.

      In the emigration of Krasnov, collaborated with Rivans, was one of the founders of the "Brotherhood of the Russian Truth" - an organization engaged in underground work in Soviet Russia.

      On June 22, 1941, Peter Krasnov spoke with the appeal, which said: "I ask to give all the Cossacks that this war is not against Russia, but against the communists, jews and their minions selling Russian blood. May the Lord will help the German weapons and hetler! Let them commit what they did for Prussia Russian and Emperor Alexander I in 1813.

      In 1943, Krasnov became the head of the Main Directorate of the Cossack troops of the Imperial Ministry of Eastern Occupied Territories of Germany.

      In May 1945, Krasnov, together with other collaborators, was captured by the British and issued to the Soviet Union.

      The military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR Peter Krasnov was sentenced to death. Together with its accomplices, the 77-year-old Hitler Fedon was hanged at the Lefortovo prison on January 16, 1947.

      Photo by A. G. Shkuro, made by the MGB of the USSR after arrest. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

      Andrei Shkuro

      At birth, General Shkuro had less favored surname - skin.

      The bad fame of the Shkuro earned, oddly enough, in the years of the First World War, when he commanded the Kuban equestrian squad. His raids were sometimes not agreed with the command, and the fighters were noticed in non-resident actions. This is what the period of Baron Wrangel recalled: "A squad of the Colonel Shkuro, headed by his boss, acting in the XVIII corps area, which consisted of both my Ussuri division, and mostly dangled in the rear, drove and robbed, until finally, at the insistence Crimean Corpus Commander, was not withdrawn from the area of \u200b\u200bthe housing. "

      During the civil war, Shkuro began with a partisan detachment in the Kislovodsk district, which rushed to a major compound that joined the 1918 year to the Denikin army.

      The habits of the skin have not changed: successfully acting in the raids, its so-called "wolf of a hundred" was also famous for the total robbery and unmotivated sprapers, before which the exploits of Makhnovtsev and Petlisters pale.

      Sunset Shkuro began in October 1919, when his cavalry was broken by Buden. There was a mustache desertion, because of what a few hundred people were left under the top of the skull.

      After coming to the power of Wrangel, the Shkuro was dismissed from the army, and in May 1920 he was in emigration.

      Abroad, the Shkuro was interrupted by random earnings, was a rider in a circus, a film in a film.

      After the German attack on the USSR, Shkuro, together with Krasnov, made a cooperation with Hitler. In 1944, the Special Decree of Himmler Schuro was appointed head of the reserve of the Cossack troops at the main headquarters of the SS troops, enrolled in the service as a group of SS, and the Lieutenant-General's Lieutenant-General with the right to wearing the German general form and obtaining the content of this rank.

      Shkuro was engaged in preparing reserves for the Cossack Corps, which carried out punitive shares against Yugoslav partisans.

      In May 1945, Schucuro, together with other Cossacks-collaborators, was arrested by the British and transferred to the Soviet Union.

      Passing in one case with Peter Krasnov, 60-year-old veteran of raids and robbery divided his fate - Andrei Shkuro was heating in Lefortovo prison on January 16, 1947.