White army under the command. Generally white army

Topic status: closed.

  1. Sleep, eagles combat,
    Sleep with a calm soul!
    You deserve relatives,
    Glory and eternal peace.

    Long and hard suffered
    You for your depth of my
    You have a lot of thunder,
    Many and moans in battle.

    Now, forgetting the past,
    Wounds, anxiety, works,
    You are under the grave stove
    Tightly closed the ranks.


  2. Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich

    Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak (4 (16) of November 1874, St. Petersburg Province - February 7, 1920, Irkutsk) - Russian politician, Vice Admiral of the Russian Imperial Fleet (1916) and Admiral of the Siberian Flotilla (1918). Polar researcher and academic oceanographer, participant of expeditions of 1900-1903 (awarded the Imperial Russian Geographical Society of the Big Konstantinov Medal). Member of the Russian-Japanese, First World and Civil Wars. The leader and the head of the White Movement in Siberia. Near the leaders of the White Movement and the states of the Entente was recognized as the Supreme Ruler of Russia (although there was no real power over the entire territory of the country).
    The first widespread representative of the rhodes of Kolchak was the Turkish warlord of Crimean Tatar origin Ilia Kolchak Pasha, the commandant of the Khotyn fortress, taken by Feldmarshal H. A. Minich. After the end of the war, Kolchak-Pasha settled in Poland, and in 1794 his descendants moved to Russia.
    One of the representatives of this kind was Vasily Ivanovich Kolchak (1837-1913), an officer of marine artillery, Major General for Admiralty. His first officer Chin V. I. Kolchak heard a heavy wound during the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War of 1853-1856: he was one of the seven surviving defenders of the stone tower on Malakhov Kurgan, which the French after the assault found among the corpses. After the war, he graduated from the Mountain Institute in St. Petersburg and until the resignation served as a driver of the maritime ministry in the Obukhovsky factory, having a reputation as a person direct and extremely scrupulous.
    Primary education The future admiral received at home, and then he studied in the 6th St. Petersburg classical gymnasium.
    On August 6, 1894, Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak was appointed to the cruiser of the 1st rank of Rurik as an assistant to the Watchman and on November 15, 1894 was produced in Chin Michman. On this cruiser, he left for the Far East. At the end of 1896, Kolchak was appointed to the cruiser of the 2nd grade "Cruiser" for the position of the Vachin Chief. For several years he went to the Pacific Ocean for several years, in 1899 he returned to Kronstadt. On December 6, 1898, he was produced in Lieutenants. In the campaigns, Kolchak not only performed his official duties, but also actively engaged in self-education. He also covered oceanography and hydrology. In 1899, he published an article "Observations on surface temperatures and specific seaside waters, produced on Rurik cruisers and a cruiser since May 1897 to March 1898."

    Upon arrival in Kronstadt, Kolchak went to Vice Admiral S. O. Makarov, who was ready for swimming on the icebreaker "Ermak" in the Northern Arctic Ocean. Kolchak requested him to take it into the expedition, but received a refusal of "on official circumstances". After that, for some time, entering the person's personnel of the Prince Pozharsky, Kolchak in September 1899 moved to the squadron armadapole Petropavlovsk and went to the Far East. However, during the parking lot in the Greek port of Pirae, he received an invitation from the Academy of Sciences from Baron E. V. Tolly to take part in the mentioned expedition. From Greece through Odessa in January 1900, Kolchak arrived in St. Petersburg. The head of the expedition proposed Alexander Vasilyevich to lead the hydrological work, and in addition to being the second magnetologist. All winter and spring 1900 Kolchak was preparing for the expedition.
    On July 21, 1901, the expedition on the schoon "Zarya" moved along the Baltic, Northern and Norwegian seas to the shores of the Taimyr Peninsula, where the first wintering was coming. In October 1900, Kolchak participated in Toll's trip to the fjord of Gafner, and in April-May 1901 they traveled to Taimyr together. Throughout the expedition, the future admiral kept active scientific work. In 1901, E. V. Tolve took care of A. V. Kolchak, calling him an Outdoor Expedition and Cape.
    In the spring of 1902, Toll decided to go to the north of the Novosibirsk islands along with the magnetologist F. G. Zeberg and two Cayurs. The remaining members of the expedition due to the lack of stock of the products were to go from the island of Bennett to the south, on the mainland, and in the future, return to St. Petersburg. Kolchak with his companions came to the mouth of Lena and through Yakutsk and Irkutsk arrived in the capital.
    Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Alexander Vasilyevich reported the Academy about the work done, and also reported on the enterprise Baron Tolly, from which neither the time nor later did not come. In January 1903, it was decided to organize an expedition, the purpose of which was to clarify the fate of the Toll expedition. The expedition took place from May 5 to December 7, 1903. It was 17 people on 12 nars harvested by 160 dogs. The path to the island of Benneta took three months, and was extremely heavy. On August 4, 1903, reaching the island of Bennet, the expedition found traces of tall stay and its satellites: expedition documents, collections, geodesic instruments and diary were found. It turned out that Toll arrived on the island in the summer of 1902, and headed to the south, having a supply of provisions only for 2-3 weeks. It became clear that the expedition of Toll died.
    Sophia Fedorovna Kolchak (1876 - 1956) - Kolchak's wife Alexander Vasilyevich. Sophia Fedorovna was born in 1876 in Kamenets-Podolsk of the Podolsk province of the Russian Empire (now the Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine). According to the agreement with Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, they were to get married after his first expedition. In honor of Sofia (at that time, the bride) was named a small island in the archipelago Litke and Cape on the island of Bennet. Waiting stretched for several years. They married March 5, 1904 in the Church of the Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk.
    Sophia Fedorovna gave birth to three children from Kohl. The first girl (approx. 1905) did not live and the month. The second was the son Rostislav (03/09/1910 - 28.06.1965). The last daughter of Margarita (1912-1914) was cold during the escape from the Germans from Libay and died.
    During the civil war, Sophia Fedorovna was waiting for her husband to the last in Sevastopol. From there, she managed to emigrate in 1919: Dear her husband, the Russians-the British provided money and taken out on the ship of Her Majesty from Sevastopol to Constanta. Next, she moved to Bucharest and went to Paris. Rostislava brought there.
    Despite the difficult financial situation, Sophia Fedorovna managed to give his son a good education. Rostislav Alexandrovich Kolchak finished in Paris higher school Diplomatic and commercial sciences, served in the Algerian bank. He married Ekaterina delivers - the daughter of Admiral A.V. Delivery, killed by the Bolsheviks in Petrograd.
    Sophia Fedorovna survived the German occupation of Paris, the captivity of the Son - the officer of the French army. Sophia Fedorovna died in the Hospital of Luzzymo in Italy in 1956. He was buried on the main cemetery of Russian abroad - Saint-Geneviev de Bois.
    In December 1903, the 29-year-old lieutenant Kolchak, exhausted by the Polar Expedition, went on the way back to St. Petersburg, where I was going to get married with his bride Sophia Omver. Not far from Irkutsk, he found the news about the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war. He caused his father and the bride with a telegram in Siberia and immediately after the wedding deposited in Port Arthur.
    Commander of the Pacific Escader Admiral S.O. Makarov suggested that he serve on the Petropavlovsk cornight, from January to April 1904, which was the flagship squadron. Kolchak refused and asked for appointments to the high-speed cruiser "Askold", which soon saved his life. A few days later, Petropavlovsk exploded at Mine and rapidly sank, having carried out more than 600 sailors and officers, including Makarov himself and the famous artist-Batalist V.V. Vereshchagin. Soon, after that, Kolchak made a transfer to the Montarosphere "Angry", and by the end of the siege of Port Arthur, he had to command the battery on the land front, as the hardest rheumatism - a consequence of two polar expeditions - forced him to leave the wrestling ship. The wound followed by this, the passage of Port Arthur and the Japanese captivity, in which Kolchak spent 4 months. Upon his return, he was awarded by St. George weapon - the golden saber "for courage".

    Freed from captivity, Kolchak received rank captain of the second rank. The main task of a group of marine officers and admirals, in which Kolchak entered, was the development of plans for the further development of the Russian naval fleet.
    First of all, the marine general headquarters was created, which took the direct combat training of the fleet. Then a shipbuilding program was compiled. For additional allocations, officers and admirals actively lobbied their program in the Duma. The construction of new vessels moved slowly - 6 (out of 8) battleships, about 10 cruisers and several dozen destroyers and submarines entered into operation only in 1915-1916, in the midst of the First World War, and some of the ships embarked at that time were completed In the 1930s.
    Given the significant numerical advantage of the potential opponent, the Marine General Status has developed a new plan for the protection of St. Petersburg and the Finnish Gulf - in the threat of an attack, all ships of the Baltic fleet on the agreed signal were to go out into the sea and put 8 lines of mine bar in the mouth of the Finnish bay.
    Captain Kolchak took part in the design of special icebreaking vessels "Taimyr" and "Vaigach", in the spring of 1909. In the spring of 1910, these vessels arrived in Vladivostok, then they went to the cartographic expedition to Bering Strait and Dezhnev's Cape, returning back to autumn Vladivostok. Kolchak in this expedition commanded the Vaigach icebreaker. In 1909, Kolchak published a monograph, summarizing his glaciological studies in the Arctic, - "Loda Karavsky and Siberian seas" (notes of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Ser. 8. Fiz.-Mat. Deposit. SPb., 1909. T.26, No. one.).
    In 1912, Kolchak goes to serve to the Baltic fleet to the post of flag-captain on the operational part of the fleet headquarters.
    To protect the capital from a possible attack of the German fleet, a mine division on the personal order of Essen on the night of July 18, 1914 was exposed to the mining barriers in the waters of the Finnish Bay, without waiting for the permission of the Maritime Minister and Nicholas II.
    In the fall of 1914, with the personal participation of Kolchak, an operation on the mine blockade of German naval databases was developed. In 1914-1915 The destroyers and cruisers, including the command of Kolchak, put Mina in Kiel, Danziga (Gdansk), Pillau (modern Baltiysk), Windows and even at Bornholm Island. As a result, 4 German cruisers were undergraduated on these mine fields (2 of them were sank - "Friedrich Karl" and "Bremen" (according to other data, SKE E-9), 8 destroyers and 11 transports.
    At the same time, an attempt to intercept the German convoy, who transported Ruda from Sweden, in which Kolchak was directly involved, ended in failure.

    In July 1916 by order of the Russian emperor Nicholas II, Alexander Vasilyevich was produced in Vice Admirals and was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet.
    After the February Revolution, 1917 Kolchak first on the Black Sea Fleet swore at the faithful to the temporary government. In the spring of 1917, the rate began to prepare an argument operation for the capture of Constantinople, but due to the decomposition of the army and the fleet this thought had to be left.
    In June 1917, the Sevastopol Council decided to disarm the officers suspected of counterrevolution, including to take away his St. George weapon from Kolchak - a golden saber in his port-Arthur. Admiral preferred to throw the blade overboard. Three weeks, the divers raised it from the bottom and handed the inscription to Kolchak, engraving the inscription on the blades: "Knight honor Admiral Kolchak from the Union of Army and Fleet officers." At this time, Kolchak, on a par with the General Staff, General from infanteria L. G. Kornilov, was considered as a potential candidate for military dictators. It is for this reason that in August A. F. Kerensky caused Admiral to Petrograd, where he had dismissed him, after which he was headed by the US Fleet command to advise American specialists about the experience of using Russian seafarers of mine weapons on the Baltic and Black Seas In the First World War.
    In San Francisco, Kolchak was offered to stay in the United States, promising to him the Department of Mine Business in the best naval college and a rich life in the cottage on the ocean. Kolchak answered with refusal and went back to Russia.
    Arriving in Japan, Kolchak learned about the October Revolution, the elimination of the rates of the Supreme Commander and the negotiations started with the Bolsheviks. After that, the admiral went to Tokyo. There he handed the British Ambassador of the request for admission to the English current army "at least ordinary." Ambassador, after consulting with London, handed Kolchak directions to the Mesopotama front. On the way there, in Singapore, he climbed the telegram of the Russian Messenger in China Kudasheva, who invited him to Manchuria to form the Russian military units. Kolchak went to Beijing, after which I began to organize the Russian armed forces to protect the CER.
    However, due to disagreements with Ataman Semenov and the Governor of the FC, by General Croat, Admiral Kolchak left Manchuria and left for Russia, intending to join the Volunteer Army of General Denikin. He had a wife and son in Sevastopol.
    October 13, 1918 he arrived in Omsk, where a political crisis broke out at that time. On November 4, 1918 Kolchak, as popular among officers, the figure was invited to the position of military and maritime minister to the Council of Ministers of the so-called "directory" - who was in Omsk the United Anti-Bolshevik government, where the majority were the esters. On the night of November 18, 1918, a revolution occurred in Omsk - Cossack officers arrested the four Social leaders of the directory led by its chairman N. D. Avksentiev. In the current situation, the Council of Ministers - the executive body of the directory - announced the adoption of all the completeness of the supreme power and then decided to present it to one person, giving him the title of the Supreme Ruler of the Russian state. Kolchak was elected secret ballot of members of the Council. Admiral declared his consent to election and the first to his order for the army announced the title of the Supreme Commander.
    Turning to the population, Kolchak said: "Taking the cross of this power in extremely difficult conditions of the Civil War and a complete disorder of public life, I announce that I will not go along the way of reaction, nor on the disastrous path of the party." Further, the Supreme Ruler proclaimed the goals and objectives of the new government. The first, most urgent task was to strengthen and increase the combat capability of the army. The second, inextricably with the first connected - "victory over the Bolshevism". The third challenge, the solution of which was recognized as possible only under the condition of victory, proclaimed the "revival and resurrection of the perishing state". All the activities of the new government announced aimed at the fact that the "Temporary Supreme Power of the Supreme Ruler and the Supreme Commander could convey the fate of the state in the hands of the people, providing him to arrange public administration in their will. "
    Kolchak hoped that under the banner of struggle against red, he would be able to unite the most heterogeneous political forces and create a new state power. At first, the position on the front favored these plans. In December 1918, the Siberian Army occupied Perm, which had important strategic importance and substantial reserves of military equipment.
    In March 1919, Kolchak's troops launched an offensive on Samara and Kazan, in April, took the whole of the Urals and approached the Volga. However, due to the incompetence of Kolchak in matters of organization and management of the land army (equal, as well as his assistants), the situation favorable at a war soon replaced catastrophic. Spraying and stretching forces, the absence of rear collateral and the overall inconsistency of actions led to the fact that the Red Army was able to first stop the troops of Kolchak, and then go to counteroffensive. The result was more than semi-annual waste of Kolchakov armies to the East, which ended with the fall of the Omsk regime.
    I must say that Kolchak himself perfectly realized the fact of desperate personnel hunger, which ultimately led to the tragedy of his army in 1919. In particular, in a conversation with the general, the foreigners Kolchak openly stated this sad circumstance: "You will soon make sure that we are poor people, why we have to endure even at high posts, not excluding the posts of ministers, people who are not relevant to the places occupied by them But - this is because they are replaced by some ... "
    The same opinions dominated in the current army. For example, General Schepikhin said: "The mind is incomprehensible, surprise is like, how long-suffering our passionerpiece officer and soldiers. What experiences did not produce with him, what the Kunshtyuki's passive participation did not throw out our" strategic boys ", - Kostya (Sakharov ) And Mitka (Lebedev) - and the bowl of patience still did not overflow ... "
    In May, the retreat of Kolchak's troops began, and by August they were forced to leave Ufa, Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk.
    The Bolshevik detachments after the defeat in the fall of 1918 were running in Taiga, settled there, mostly north of Krasnoyarsk and in the Minusinsk district, and, causing deserters, began to attack the Communications of the White Army. In the spring of 1919, they were surrounded and partly destroyed, part of the part of the taiga were expelled, part of China.
    The peasantry of Siberia, as well as throughout Russia, who did not want to fight either in red, nor in the white armies, avoiding mobilization, ran into the forest, organizing the "green" gangs. This picture was observed in the rear of the army of Kolchak. But until September - October 1919, these detachments were small and did not imagine a special problem.
    But when in the fall of 1919, the front collapsed - the collapse of the army and mass desertion began. Deserters in mass order began to join the activated brute squads, why their number rose to tens of thousands of people. From here, the Soviet legend about the 150th thousand partisan army, allegedly acting in the rear of the army of Kolchak, although there was no such army in the reality.
    In 1914-1917, about a third of the golden stock of Russia was sent to temporary storage in England and Canada, and about half was taken to Kazan. Part of the golden stock of the Russian Empire, stored in Kazan (more than 500 tons), was captured on August 7, 1918 by the troops of the People's Army under the command of the General Staff of Colonel V. O. Kappel and sent to Samara, where the Government of Komuk was approved. From Samara, gold was transported for some time to Ufa, and at the end of November 1918, the golden stock of the Russian Empire was moved to Omsk and entered the order of the Kolchak government. Gold was posted for storage at the local branch of Gosbank. In May 1919, it was found that only 650 million rubles were gold in Omsk (505 tons).
    Having at its disposal most of the golden stock of Russia, Kolchak did not allow his government to spend gold, even to stabilize the financial system and combating inflation (which contributed to the unrestrained emission of Kerenok and Tsarist rubles by Bolsheviks). For the purchase of weapons and uniforms for his army, Kolchak spent 68 million rubles. On the security of 128 million rubles received loans in foreign banks: the revenues from the placement were returned to Russia.
    On October 31, 1919, the golden stock under the enhanced security was immersed in 40 cars, there were also accompanying staff in 12 cars. The Trans-Siberian Highway throughout Novo-Nikolaevsk (now Novosibirsk) to Irkutsk was controlled by Czechs whose main task was its own evacuation from Russia. Only on December 27, 1919, a headquarters and a train with gold arrived at the Nizhneudinsk station, where representatives of the Entente forced Admiral Kolchak to sign an order to renunciate from the rights of the Supreme Ruler of Russia and transfer the echelon with a gold reserve under the control of the Czechoslovak Corps. On January 15, 1920, the Czech command issued Kolchak to the ECEROVSKY POLITCENTER, who had passed the admiral of the Bolsheviks after a few days. On February 7, Czechoslovaki transferred 409 million rubles to the Bolsheviks in exchange for guarantees the unimpeded evacuation of the corps from Russia. People's Commissariat. Finance of the RSFSR in June 1921 made a certificate from which it follows that for the period of the rule of the admiral of Kolchak, the gold reserve of Russia decreased by 235.6 million rubles, or 182 tons. Another 35 million rubles from the golden stock was lost after the transfer of its Bolsheviks, during transportation from Irkutsk to Kazan.
    January 4, 1920 in Nizhneudinsk Admiral A. V. Kolchak signed his last decree, which announced his intention to convey the powers of the "Supreme All-Russian power" by A. I. Denikin. In now on, before receiving the instructions from A. I. Denikin, "All the fullness of military and civil authority throughout the Russian eastern outskirts" was provided with Lieutenant-General G. M. Semenov.
    On January 5, 1920, a coup took place in Irkutsk, the city was captured by the ECERO-Menshevik political center. On January 15, A. V. Kolchak, who left Nizhneudinsk in Czechoslovak Echelon, in a car under the flags of Great Britain, France, USA, Japan and Czechoslovakia, arrived at the suburbs of Irkutsk. Czechoslovak command at the request of the Socialist Political Center, with the sanctions of the French general Jeanne, transferred to Kolkka to his representatives. On January 21, the politicalcenter passed power in Irkutsk Bolshevik Revo. From January 21 to February 6, 1920, Kolchak's interrogations of the Emergency Investigation Commission were conducted.
    On the night of March 6-7, 1920, Admiral A. V. Kolchak and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Government, V. N. Pepliaev were shot by the Ordinance of the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee. The ruling of the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee on the execution of the Supreme Ruler of Admiral Kolchak and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Pepelyeva Council was signed by Shiryamov, Chairman of the Committee and its members A. Svoskarev, M. Leenson and Otradnaya.
    According to the official version, it was done from the fear that the part of General Kappel breaking to Irkutsk are the goal of freeing the quoll. According to the most common version of the execution, it happened on the banks of the Ushakovka River near the Znamensky female monastery. According to the legend, sitting on ice in anticipation of the execution, Admiral sang Romance "Gori, Gori, My Star ..." There is a version that Kolchak himself commanded his execution. After the execution of the body of the killed were dropped into the hole.
    Recently, previously unknown documents were discovered in the Irkutsk region regarding the execution and subsequent burial of Admiral Kolchak. Documents with a vulture "Secret" were found during the work on the performance of the Irkutsk City Theater "Star Admiral" on the play of the former employee of the state security bodies of Sergei Ostrumov. According to the found documents, in the spring of 1920, near the Innokentyevskaya station (on the banks of the hangary, 20 km below Irkutsk), local residents discovered the corpse in Admiral uniform made by the bank of the Angara. Arrival representatives of the investigating authorities made an inquiry and identified the body of the shot admiral of Kolchak. Subsequently, investigators and local residents secretly buried the admiral in Christian custom. The investigators were drawn up a card on which Kolchak's grave was marked with a cross. Currently, all documents found are on the examination.
    Based on these documents, the Irkutsk historic I. I. Kozlov was established by the estimated arrangement of the grave of Kolchak. According to other data, Kolchak's grave is located in the Irkutsk Znamensky monastery.

    Silver medal in the memory of the reign of Emperor Alexander III (1896)
    - Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree (December 6, 1903)
    - Order of St. Anne 4th degree with the inscription "For courage" (October 11, 1904)
    - Golden weapon "For courage" - a saber with the inscription "For the difference in affairs against the enemy under Port Arthur" (December 12, 1905)
    - Order of St. Stanislav 2nd degree with swords (December 12, 1905)
    - Big Golden Konstantinovskaya Medal for No. 3 (January 30, 1906)
    - Silver medal in Georgievskaya and Alexandrovskaya ribbon in memory russian-Japanese war 1904-1905 (1906)
    - swords and bow to the Name Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree (March 19, 1907)
    - Order of St. Anne 2nd degree (December 6, 1910)
    - Medal in memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the house of Romanov (1913)
    - French Order of the Honorary Legion of the Officer Cross (1914)
    - Badge for defenders of the fortress of Port Arthur (1914)
    - Medal in memory of the 200-year anniversary of the Gangutsk Victory (1915)
    - Order of St. Vladimir 3rd degree with swords (February 9, 1915)
    - Order of St. George 4th degree (November 2, 1915)
    - English Order Bani (1915)
    - Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree with swords (July 4, 1916)
    - Order of St. Anne 1st degree with swords (January 1, 1917)
    - Golden weapon - Cortor Union of Army and Fleet officers (June 1917)
    - Order of St. George 3rd degree (April 15, 1919)

    Mikhail Gordeevich Drozdovsky (October 7, 1881, Kiev - January 14, 1919, Rostov-on-Don) - Russian military leader, General Staff General Major (1918). Member of the Russian-Japanese, First World and Civil Wars.
    One of the prominent organizers and heads of white traffic in the south of Russia. Drozdovsky "became the first in the history of the White Movement by the General, which was openly declared about his loyalty of the monarchy - at the time when the" democratic values \u200b\u200b"of February were still in honor."
    The only of the commanders of the Russian army, who managed to form a volunteer detachment and bring it to the organized group from the front of the First World War on the connection with the Volunteer Army - the organizer and head of the 1200-Wonder Transition of the Detroight of Volunteers from Yass to Novocherkassk in March-May (n. Art.) 1918 of the year. Commander of the 3rd Rifle Division in the Volunteer Army.

    Start of service
    From 1901 he served in the Life Guard by the Volyn Regiment in Warsaw in the rank of a podororuk. Since 1904 - Lieutenant. In 1904 he entered the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, but without starting learning, went to the front of the Russian-Japanese war.
    In 1904-1905 served in the 34th East Siberian regiment as part of the 1st Siberian Corps of the 2nd Manchurian Army. It was distinguished in battles with the Japanese from January 12 to 16, 1905 at Hayigouta and Unnamed (Semapa), for which the order of the 2nd Manchurian Army No. 87 and 91 was awarded the Order of St. Anne 4th degree with the inscription "for courage". In battle at the village, Semapa was wounded in the thigh, but from March 18 he commanded his mouth. On October 30, 1905, for participation in the war was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 3rd degree with swords and a bow, and on the basis of orders No. 41 and 139 in the military department received the right to wearing the light bronze medal with a bow "in the memory of the Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905. "

    Officer of the General Staff
    After graduating from the Academy on May 2, 1908, "for excellent successes in the sciences" was produced in headquarters. Two years passed the casual command of the Rota in the Life Guard by the Volyn Regiment. Since 1910 - Captain, Ober officer for instructions at the headquarters of the Attorney Military District in Harbin, since November 1911 - Assistant Senior Adjutant Staff of the Warsaw Military District. On December 6, 1911, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne 3rd degree. Received the right to wearing the light bronze medal "In memory of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812." Later, Mikhail Gordeevich will also receive the right to carry a light bronze medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the house of Romanov".
    With the beginning in October 1912 of the First Balkan War, Mikhail Gordeevich submits a petition for commodity to war, but receives a refusal.
    In 1913 he graduated from Sevastopol Aviation School, where he studied the air surveillance (made 12 flights every duration of at least 30 minutes; in the air there were 12 hours 32 minutes), and also met the fleet: went out into the sea on a battleship on combat shooting, And even walked into the sea on a submarine and descended under the water in a diving suit. Upon returning from the Aviation School, Drozdovsky served again at the headquarters of the Warsaw Military District.

    Participation in the First World War
    At the beginning of the First World War, he received the appointment of the executive assistant head of the general department of the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the North-Western Front. Since September 1914 - Ober officer for instructions of the headquarters of the 27th Army Corps. Applicated in practice the experience gained during your stay in a flying school during flights at airplane and in a balloon. From December 1914 - the acting position of headquarters for instructions at the headquarters of the 26th Army Corps. From March 22, 1915 - General Staff Lieutenant Colonel, approved in his position. On May 16, 1915, he was appointed executing post of headquarters of the 64th Infantry Division. Heading the headquarters, was constantly on the front line, under the fire - spring and summer 1915 for the 64th division passed in endless battles and transitions.
    On July 1, 1915, for the differences in affairs against the enemy, he was awarded the Order of St. Vince Vladimir 4th degree with swords and a bow.
    "By order of the Commander of the 10th Army on November 2, 1915, No. 1270 was awarded by Georgievsky weapon for taking direct participation in the battle on August 20, 1915 in the town of Okhana, produced a reconnaissance of crossing through the radios, managing it under real artillery and rifle fire. And then, appreciating the possibility of the seizure of the northern outskirts of the town of Okhan, personally led the attack of parts of the Perekopian regiment and the skillful choice of position contributed to the actions of our infantry, which made the coming parts of the adversary forces for five days. "
    From October 22 to November 10, 1915 - the executing position of the headquarters of the 26th Army Corps.
    Since the summer of 1916 - General Staff Colonel. Served on the southwestern front. On August 31, 1916, he led the attack on the Kapul Mountain.
    In battle on Mount Capul was injured in right hand. At the end of 1917, for courage, manifested in this battle, was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree.
    Several months were treated in the hospital, from January 1917 - the acting head of the headquarters of the 15th Infantry Division at the Romanian Front. As I wrote the nearest assistant Drozdovsky in the headquarters of the 15th division of the General Staff, Colonel E. E. Messen, who served in 1917 G.Y.D. Senior Adjutant of the General Staff in the rank of headquarters: ... not completely recovered from severe injury, he arrived at us and became the head of the headquarters of the 15th Infantry Division. It was not easy for me to serve as a senior adjutant: a demanding to himself, he was demanding and to subordinate, and to me, his nearest assistant, especially. Strict, uncommunicative, he did not cause love to himself, but respect caused: from his entire state figure, from his thoroughbred, a beautiful face was imagined by nobility, a directness and extraordinary power of will.
    This power of the Will Drozdovsky also showed, according to Colonel E. E. Messenner, who gave him the headquarters of the division and joining on April 6, 1917. To the command of the 60th Zamosc infantry regiment of the same division - the general revolutionary declaration did not prevent him from being the power commander of the regiment and In battle, and in the face of the position.
    In 1917, events occurred in Petrograd, the events of the war: the February Revolution laid the beginning of the collapse of the army and the state, as a result, leading the country to October events. The renunciation of Nicholas II produced on the Drozdovsky - a convinced monarchist - a very hard impression. Order No. 1 led to the collapse of the front - in early April 1917

    October events in Petrograd - the capture of power by the Bolsheviks and the actual termination of the war that followed soon - led to the complete collapse of the Russian army, and Drozdovsky, seeing all the inability to continue their service in the army in such conditions, began to be inclined to continue the struggle in a different form.
    At the end of November - early December 1917, in spite of his will, he was appointed head of the 14th Infantry Division, but soon there was a command of the command, engaged in the formation of volunteer anti-Soviet formations.
    After arriving in November 1917, the General Staff of the General from the infanteria of M. V. Alekseeva and the creation of the Alekseevskaya organization there (transformed later in Dobramia), a connection was established between him and the headquarters of the Romanian front. As a result, at the Romanian front, an idea arose about creating the body of Russian volunteers for subsequent sending it to Don.Organization of such a detachment and its further connection with the Volunteer Army was from now on the main goal of Drozdovsky.
    In the meantime, a serious conflict with the local committee arises in the subordinate division division; The Committee threatened the chief of division by arrest. This circumstance pushed Drozdovsky to departure to Iasi (where the headquarters of the Romanian front was located), for which the above mentioned his former colleague E. E. Messen wrote down the Drozdovsky "Linden" document - the prescription to go on a business trip to the headquarters of the Front.

    Hike from Yass to Novocherkassk
    December 11 (December 24) 1917 Drozdovsky arrives in Iasi, where the formation of a volunteer corps was preparing, which was supposed to go to the Don and join the Volunteer Army of the General Staff of the General from Infanteria L. G. Kornilov. Drozdovsky became one of the organizers of this building, while at the same time participating in the activities of the secret monarchical organization. He enjoyed continued authority thanks to his determination.
    By February 1918, however, the front command refused to create a voluntary formation project and freed from the obligations of volunteers who gave a subscription to the service in the corps.
    The reason for such a decision was the lack of communication with the Don and the change in the military-political situation in Ukraine (Ukraine announced its independence, concluded the world with central powers, declared neutrality and a special permission was required to pass the armed detachment on its territory).
    However, Colonel Drozdovsky, appointed by the commander of the 1st Brigade in the emerging case, decided to lead volunteers to Don. Speakers called:

    I go - who is with me?
    It includes about 800 people (according to other data 1050 people), most of which were young officers. The detachment consisted of a rifle shelf, an equestrian division, an equestrian battery, a light battery, a leading platoon, technical part, climbing and ships. This squad in March - May 1918 made a 1200-awake trip from Yass to Novocherkasska. Drozdovsky supported hard discipline in the detachment, prexicated and violence, destroyed the detachments of Bolsheviks and deserters.
    Harkers testified later that, despite all her apparent simplicity, Drozdovsky always knew how to remain a detachment commander, withsting the necessary distance in relation to his subordinates. At the same time, he, according to his subordinates, has become a real commander for them. So the head of artillery brigade Colonel N. D. Nevadovsky left such evidence of the feelings that the commander experienced immediately after the bloody Rostov bonds: ... Rostov battle, where we lost up to 100 people, reflected on his psychology: he stopped being a harsh boss and became the father Commander in the best sense of the word. Manifesting personally contempt for death, he regretted and Birch his people.
    Subsequently, such a deceal attitude of Drozdovsky to his fighters during the second Kuban campaign of Dobramia - when he sometimes drove with the beginning of operations, trying to prepare them as much as possible and then act certainly, avoiding unnecessary losses, and often somewhat slowed, according to the commander-in-chief, with the deployment of attacks, In order to create the most securely safe conditions for Drozdovtsev, sometimes even caused dissatisfaction with the commander-in-chief of the volunteer army of Lieutenant General A. I. Denikin.
    Having passed by a hiking order from Romania to Rostov-on-Don, the squad of May 4 took the city after a stubborn battle with the detachments of the Red Army. Coming out of Rostov, Drozdovsky's squad helped the Cossacks who rebel against Soviet power, take Novocherkassk. In the evening, on May 7, Drozdovtsy, enthusiastically welcomed by the residents of Novocherkassk and thrown in them, slim rows included in the capital of the Don Troops, actually having rid of the Donations from the prospects to receive it from the hands of German occupation troops. This ended 1200-awesome two-month "Romanian campaign" of the first separate brigade of Russian volunteers.

    Division Commander in Volunteer Army
    Soon after the end of the Romanian campaign, Drozdovsky went to the meeting at the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, located in Art. Moskian. There was a plan for further actions and decided to give rest and Dobramia - in the Drozdovskaya district, and the Drozdovsky detachment - in Novocherkassk.
    While in Novocherkassk, Drozdovsky has been involved in attracting replenishment to the detachment, as well as the problem of financial security. In various cities, they were sent to people to organize the recording of volunteers: so in Kiev they were sent by Lieutenant Colonel G. D. Leslie. The work of the recruitment bureau of Drozdovtsev was organized so effectively that 80% of the replenishment of the whole Dobrochimia first went through them. Eyewitnesses indicate and on a certain kind of costs of such a method of recruitment: at the same cities sometimes there were recruiters of several armies, including independent agents of the Drozdovsky Brigade, which led to unwanted competition. The results of the work of Drozdovsky in Novocherkassk and Rostov also include the organization of warehouses in these cities for the needs of the army; For wounded Drozdovtsev in Novocherkassk, they were organized by Lazaret, and in Rostov, with the support of his friend Professor N. I. Nakalkova, the Hospital of White Prestov, who remained until the end of the civil war, the best hospital whites. Drozdovsky lectured and spread the appeal of the tasks of the White Movement, and in Rostov, his efforts even began to publish the newspaper "Bulletin of the Volunteer Army" - the first white printed organ in the south of Russia. Most of the Don Ataman from Cavalry P. N. Krasnova Drozdovsky was a proposal to join in The composition of the formable Don Army on the Rights of the "Don Pester Guards" - the Donctions at all more than once again offered to Drozdovsky to alienate from General Denikin - however Drozdovsky, not pursuing any personal interests and alien little ambitiousness, invariably responded, stating his unbelievable decision to connect with the Volunteer Army .
    It is important to note that Drozdovsky after the completion of his detachment of the Romanian campaign and arrival at DON, was in a position when he could choose his further path: to join the Denikin volunteer army and Romanovsky, to accept the offer of Don Ataman Krasnova, or to become independent and independent force .
    June 8, 1918 - after rest in Novocherkassk - a detachment (brigade of Russian volunteers) as part of about three thousand fighters made a connection with the Volunteer Army and arrived on June 9 in the Mosotinskaya village, where, after the solemn parade, which was attended by the leadership of Dobramia - Generals Alekseev, Denikin, headquarters and parts of the Volunteer Army, Order No. 288 of May 25, 1918. The Commander-in-Chief of the General Staff of Lieutenant General A. I. Denikin Brigade of Russian Volunteers Colonel M. G. Drozdovsky was included in the Voluntary Army. The importance of the joining of the Brigade of the Drozdovsky leader of Dobramia was to overestimate could hardly - their army almost doubled in their number, and such a material part, which thrombowders brought to the army, she did not see from the moment of its organization at the end of 1917.
    The brigade (later - division) included all parts that came from the Romanian Front:
    2nd officer rifle regiment,
    2nd officer equestrian regiment,
    3rd engineering company,
    Light artillery battery,
    The platoon of leads in the composition of 10 lungs and 2 heavy guns.

    The part of the detachment of the Colonel Drozdovsky was long detained in the Moskinskaya after the parade, proceeding at its end to the apartment in the village of Egorlitskaya.
    When re-forming the Volunteer Army in June 1918, the detachment of Colonel Drozdovsky was the 3rd Infantry Division and participated in all fights of the second Kuban campaign, as a result of which Kuban and the entire North Caucasus were engaged in white troops. M. G. Drozdovsky became its boss, and one of the conditions for the entry of his detachment to the army was the guarantee of his personal incommensitability in the position of its commander.
    However, by this time, Drozdovsky was ready to fulfill its independent role - those six months, which passed since the beginning of the collapse of the Romanian front, taught him to rely only on herself, as well as on proven and reliable frames. In fact, Drozdovsky has already had a rather solid, and more importantly - a very successful experience of organizational and, by itself, combat work. I knew my worth and very highly addressed myself, for which, of course, I had a well-deserved right (recognized and highly put it by General Denikin), who was aware of his own significance and used by the full support of his subordinate monarchical spirit, for which he was still a legend. Drozdovsky had a lot of personal glance on a lot and questioned the feasibility of many orders of the Staff of Dobramia.
    The contemporaries and comrades of Drozdovsky expressed the opinion that the leadership of the Volunteer Army made sense to use the organizational abilities of Mikhail Gordeevich and entrust him to the organization of the rear, give to establish the supply of the army or appoint it to the White South Military Minister with the instructions of the organization of new regular divisions for the front. However, the leaders of the Volunteer Army, perhaps fearing competition from the young, energetic, smart colonel, preferred to take him a modest role of the chief of division.
    In July-August, Drozdovsky participated in the battles that led to the capture of Ekaterinodar, in September, he took Armavir, but under the pressure of the superior forces of the Red was forced to leave him.
    By this time, the transition of voltage in relations between the 3rd infantry division and the army headquarters in the conflict phase. During the Armavir operation of the Volunteer Army, the task was assigned to Drozdovsky Drozdovsky, not fulfilling it with its own forces and according to its head, the likelihood of the failure of the entire operation, due to the literal execution of orders of the Dobramia headquarters, overestimated the Division forces was very high. Being all the time among his troops, correctly evaluating his strength, as well as the enemy forces, Drozdovsky, guided by the words of Suvorov "Middle in his proximity is better visible," after a repeated description in its reports of the division and the possibility of achieving guaranteed success due to the transfer of a steam operation Days and strengthening of the impact group at the expense of the existing reserves, seeing intactness of these reports, on September 30, 1918 actually ignores the order of Denikin.
    In November, Drozdovsky led his division during persistent battles under the Stavropol, where, heading the counterattack of the division of the division, was on November 13, 1918, he was injured in his feet and sent to the hospital in Ekaterinodar. There his wound got angry, Gangrena began. In November 1918, he was produced in major general. On January 8, 1919, in a semi-conscious state, he was transferred to the clinic to Rostov-on-Don, where he died.
    Originally buried in Ekaterinodar in the Kuban Avto Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky. After the onset of the red troops into Kuban in 1920, the Drozdovtsov, knowing how red with the graves of the White Chiefs, broke into the already left the city and took out the remains of General Drozdovsky and Colonel Tutsevich; Their remains were transported to Sevastopol and secretly reburied on the Malakhov Kurgan. On the graves, wooden crosses were delivered with tablets and inscriptions "Colonel M. I. Gordeyev" on the cross at the grave of General Drozdovsky and "Captain Tutsev". The burial site knew only five frozunds-kindergarters. The symbolic grave of Drozdovsky exists in the Cemetery of St. Geneva-de-Bois under Paris, where a memorable sign is installed.
    After the death of General Drozdovsky, his name was named the 2nd officer regiment (one of the "colored regiments" of the Volunteer Army), expanded later in the four-dollar Drozdovskaya (Rifle General Drozdovsky) Division, Drozdovsk Artillery Brigade, Drozdovsk Engineering Road and (acting separately from the division) The 2nd officer equestrian general of the Drozdovsky regiment.

    Posthumous fate
    The solemn funeral of Drozdovsky was in Ekaterinodar. The body was buried in a crypt in the cathedral. Then next to Drozdovsky buried the dead on June 2, 1919 under the Lozova from the rupture of his own projectile Colonel Tutsevich, the commander of the first Drozdov battery.
    When the Volunteer Army retreated from Ekaterinodar in March 1920, the Drozdovtsy broke into the already left city and took the coffins from the bonds from the bodies of Drozdovsky and Tutsevich, so as not to leave them red on the crop. The bodies were immersed in Novorossiysk on the transport of Ekaterinodar and transported to Crimea. In Crimea, both coffins were secondaryly buried on the Malakhov Kurgan Sevastopol, but due to the fragility of the situation, under strange surnames on the crosses.
    During the Great Patriotic War, the graves at stubbornly defended from the Germans Kurgan were reworked by funnels from heavy shells. The exact burial place of Drozdovsky is now unknown.

    Order of St. George 4th degree
    Order of Holy Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir 4th degree with swords and a bow
    Order of St. Anne 3rd degree with swords and bow
    Order of St. Anne 4th degree with the inscription "For courage"
    Order of St. Stanislav 3rd degree with swords and bow
    Georgievskoy weapon.
    Medal "In memory of the Russian-Japanese War" (1906) with a bow
    Medal "In memory of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812"
    Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the house of Romanov"

    The name of General Drozdovsky was of great importance for the further development of the white movement. After the death of General, his name was called the 2nd officer rifle regiment created by him (later unfolded into the division), the 2nd officer equestrian regiment, artillery brigade and armored train. "Drozdovtsy" were one of the most combat-ready divisions of the Volunteer Army and later V. S. Yu. R., one of the four "color divisions" (raspberry epaulets). In 1919, "Drozdovtsy" under the command of Colonel A. V. Turkula distinguished himself, taking Kharkov, in 1920 - successful actions during the raid in Kuban, in the Crimea and on the Dnieper. In November 1920, the Division's core was evacuated to Constantinople, later based in Bulgaria.

  3. Like Denikin Chechnya dassed.
    In the spring of 1919 in Chechnya, the situation was extremely unpleasant for the White Army. Chechnya became the center of separatism and Bolshevism. To solve the problem was instructed by General Denikin. And he fulfilled his task. The situation by the spring of 1919 in Chechnya has developed extremely unpleasant situation for white. Yes, they took Grozny on January 23, but still in Chechnya, the Bolshevik propaganda was extremely strong and many Chechens together with the Red Commissars continued to resist. To suppress Chechnya, only a military force was impossible because it was restless on the fronts. Most of the white army was occupied on important sites and to replicate the divisions did not have the opportunity. To solve the situation with Chechnya, General Denikin was instructed. The task in front of him was not easy. Time worked on the red, to leave a serious source of separatism and the Bolshevism in the statement was impossible, it was necessary to extinguish him. But how? Pushkin killed in battle first tried to "defeat" Chechens General Shatilov, he spent several operations, but they were not successful, and Shatilov himself was wounded in battle. In his post he was changed by Colonel Pushkin. Colonel Pushkin was killed in battle. It was necessary to drastically change tactics. This made the Major General Daniel Drenzhenko (in the photo). Given the experience of previous operations, he understood that traditional military receptions, which are good on the front, will be incorrect to suppress the enemy. He developed his surgery for the suppression of Chechens. Tactics Dracenko Dracenko realized that in order to defeat Chechens, they need to understand them, so he first found several "experts" from among the elders, and found out of them not only the psychology of the Chechens, but also the balance of strength in the Chechen society. Dracenko also studied the system of Chechen teypov, found out that Chechen society is far from uniform. For the Chechens, this was not a civil war, and even more so no war war. It was a neighbor war. The main confrontation was between the Chechens and the Turn Cossacks. They remained their territorial and property scores. Chechen "intellectuals" were also told at the meeting that "the traffic of the Chechens cannot be considered as a phenomenon of Bolshevism, because the mountaineers, being Muslims, are hostile to atheistic communism by nature." Certain cognitive dissonance was "white", when, for example, were observed in binoculars, as the Bolshevik gathering passes, on which green Islamic flags and red Bolshevik flashes. Behind one such congress, before the start of the operation, Dracenko "White" was observed in the binoculars from the village of Yermolaevskaya. The memory was preserved: "This case is a very indicative, he characterizes Chechens not only as good Muslims, deeply reading the truth of the Quran, but also able to rally under the red flags and listen to the speech of the representative of the godless international." Denikin suppression in Chechnya is still coming. The tactic that General Dracenko was applied in battle was to challenge with the land in the literal sense several Aules standing at the Suna River, and then take the troops back to negotiate. The first became Aul Alkhan-Yurt. Chechens have resisted, but the onslaught of the Kuban Plastunsky battalion, the cavalry and artillery was so uncomplicated that Aul fell. White burned all that can be burned, spoke everything that can be twisted, the prisoners did not take, but several Chechens were released - so that they tell "how it could be." In that battle, more than 1000 Chechens were killed. Denikin clearly gave to understand that he was not joking. The next day, Drenzo attacked and burned Aul Valerik. This time the resistance was weaker. Congress On April 11, 1919, a congress was held in Grozny, on which Denikin expressed its conditions of the world. Despite the fact that some requirements were expressed very ultimatically (to give machine guns and artillery, return the looted property) Most Chechens agreed with them. An English representative Briggs was also at the Denikin rally. His role was limited by the fact that he assured the Chechens in the fact that the "abroad" on the side of the white (whatever the red propaganda says there). Some aules, however, and after the congress they continued resistance. The Tsocin-Yurt and Gudermes resisted, but Dracenko was suppressed with all the rigidity. Denikin managed to change the alignment of the strength in Chechnya, but in a year the red will come here again, and the white generals will soon emigrate. Some, as General Dracenko, after 20 with a small years will become officers of the Wehrmacht.

Civil war has become a terrible test for Russia. This page of the story, which in the past decades heroisitated was in fact shameful. Fratoebium, numerous betrayals, robbery and violence adjacent to it with the feats and self-sacrifice. The white army consisted of people of different - immigrants from all classes, representatives of various nationalities who inhabited a huge country and had a different education. The troops of the Reds were also not a homogeneous mass. Both opposing parties experienced similar difficulties in many ways. In the end, four years later the red won. Why?

When the civil war began

When it comes to the beginning of the Civil War, historians call different dates. For example, Krasnov put forward the subordinate to him for the purpose of taking control of Petrograd on October 25, 1917. Or another fact: General Alekseev arrived at Don to organize a volunteer army - it happened on November 2. And here is another Milyukov Declaration, published in the Don speech newspaper for December 27. What is not a reason to consider it by the official announcement of the war in a sense, these three versions, like many others, are true. In the past two months of 1917, it was formed (and this could not try simultaneously) Voluntary White Army. In the Civil War, it became the only serious force capable of resisting the Bolsheviks.

Personal Composition and Social Single Army

White movement bone was Russian officer. Since the 1862, its socio-class structure has undergone changes, but these processes have reached particular rapidly during the First World War. If in the middle of the XIX century belonging to the highest military leadership was the derivatives of the aristocracy, then at the beginning of the next century it became more and more likely to allow commoners. An example is the famous white army commander. Alekseev - Son of the Soldier, Kornilov's father was the Corustry Cossack troops, and Denikina is a serf peasant. Contrary to the propaganda stereotypes introduced into the massive consciousness, about some "white bone" and speech could not be. The officers of the White Army in their origin could represent the social cut of the entire Russian Empire. Infantry Schools for the period from 1916 to 1917 released 60% of immigrants from peasant families. The head of the thousands of ensigns (junior lieutenants, on the Soviet system of military ranks) were 700. In addition to them, 260 officers took place from the Meshchansk, working and merchant medium. The nobles were also - four dozen.

The white army was founded and formed by the notorious "kitchen kitchers". Only five percent of the organizers of the movement were wealthy and famous, the income of the rest to the revolution consisted only from the officer's salary.

Modest debut

The officerhood intervened in the course of political events immediately after it was an organized military force, the main advantage of which was discipline and the presence of combat skills. Political beliefs in the sense of belonging to a specific party officer, as a rule, did not have, but they had a desire to bring order in the country and avoid the collapse of the Power. As for the quantity, the entire army of white, as of January 1918 (the campaign of the Caledin General on Petrograd), consisted of seven hundreds of Cossacks. Demoralization of troops led to almost complete reluctance to fight. Not only ordinary soldiers, but the officers are extremely reluctant (about 1% of the total) obeyed the orders for mobilization.

By the beginning of full-scale hostilities, the volunteer White Army consisted of up to seven thousand soldiers and the Cossacks who were commanded by a thousand officers. She did not have any food and arms reserves as support from the population. It seemed fast collapse is inevitable.


After the capture of power in red in Tomsk, Irkutsk and other Siberian cities, underground anti-Bolshevik centers created by officers began to operate. The housing was the signal for their open speech against Soviet power in May-June 1918. The West Siberian Army was created (the commander - General A. N. Grishin-diamonds), in which volunteers began to be recorded. Soon its number exceeded 23 thousand. By August, the White Army, uniting with the troops of Esaul G. M. Semenov, was formed in two buildings (4th East Siberian and 5th Amurssuri) and controlled the huge territory from the Urals to Baikal. She numbered about 60 thousand bayonets, 114 thousand unarmed volunteers under the command of almost 11 thousand officers.


The White Army in the Civil War, in addition to Siberia and the Far East, fought on three main fronts: South, North-West and North. Each of them had its own specifics both in terms of operational situation and by contingent. At the Northern Theater of Military Activities, the most professionally trained officers who passed the German war were concentrated. In addition, they differed in excellent education, upbringing and courage. Many commanders of the White Army arrived from Ukraine and were obliged to their salvation from the Bolshevik terror by the German troops than their Germanophyms explained, others experienced traditional sympathies for Antante. This situation sometimes became the cause of conflicts. The northern army of white was relatively few.

Northwest White Army

Formed with the support of the Germanic Armed Forces as opposed to the Bolshevik Red Army. After the care of the Germans, it consisted up to 7,000 bayonets. It was the least prepared White Guard Front, which, however, was accompanied by temporary success. Sailors of the wrangular flotilla, together with the cavalry detachment of Balakhovich and Permikina, disappointed in the communist idea, decided to move to the side of the White Guards. The peasants' volunteers were joined to growing tiles, and then the high school students-gymnasists were forcibly mobilized. The northwestern army fought with varying success and became one of the examples of the curiosity of the whole war. Hoking 17 thousand fighters, it was managed by 34 generals and many colonels, among whom were those who were not fulfilled and twenty years.

South of Russia

Events on this front became decisive in the destiny of the country. The population of over 35 million, the territory equal to the area of \u200b\u200blarge European countries, equipped with a developed transport infrastructure (seaports, railways) was controlled by the white forces of Denikin. South of Russia could exist separately from the rest of the territory of the former Russian Empire: he had everything for autonomous development, including agriculture and industry. The generals of the White Army who received a beautiful military education And the multifaceted experience of hostilities with Austria-Hungary and Germany, had all the chances of winning victories over often poorly educated enemy commanders. However, the problems were all the same. People did not want to fight, the one ideological platform could not be created. Monarchists, Democrats, Liberalov united only the desire to resist Bolshevism.


And the Red and the White Army suffered from one disease: they did not want to voluntarily go representatives of the peasantry. Forced mobilization led to a decrease in total combat capability. Russian officers, regardless of traditionally made a special Casta, far from the soldiers, which caused internal contradictions. The scale of punitive measures applied to the deserters was monstrous on both sides of the front, but the Bolsheviks were practiced more often and more decisively, including showing cruelty and towards families of escaped. In addition, they were bolder in promises. As the number of forcibly designed soldiers, "blurred" combat-ready officer shelves, made it difficult to control the performance of combat missions. Reserves were practically not, the supply was deteriorating. There were other problems that led to the defeat of the army in the south, which was the last stronghold of whites.

Myths and reality

The image of the White Guard officer dressed in a flawless twentieth, certainly nobler with a sonorous surname, conducting leisure in drunkenness and having romances, far from truth. It was necessary to fight under conditions of constant shortage of weapons, ammunition, food, outfit and everything else, without which to support the army in a combat-ready state, if at all possible. Entente support provided, but this aid was missing, plus there was a moral crisis, expressed in the sense of struggle with his own people.

After the defeat in the Civil War, there was a salvation abroad Wrangel and Denikin. The Bolsheviks in 1920 was shot by Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak. The army (white) with each bloody year lost all new territories. All this led to a forced evacuation from Sevastopol in 1922 the surviving parts of the once mighty troops. A little later, the last foci of resistance on Far East.

Many of the songs of the White Army after a certain alteration of texts became Krasnogvardiy. The words "for Russia" were replaced by the phrase "for the power of the Soviets", such a fate was expected and other wonderful received new names ("according to valleys and on the rise", "Kakhovka", etc.) Today, after decades of oblivion, they are available to listeners interested The history of white movement.

Semen Mikhailovich Budnechnaya - Soviet warlord, commander of the first equestrian army of the Red Army during the Civil War, one of the first marshals of the Soviet Union.

Created a revolutionary equestrian detachment, acting against the White Guards on the Don. Together with the divisions of the 8th Army, the victory over the Cossack buildings of the Mamontov and Schuro generals. Troops under the command of Budyonny (14th Kav.Divia Gorodovikova OI) took part in disarming of the Don Corps Mironova F. K., who spoke to the front against Denikina A. I., allegedly for trying to raise the counter-revolutionary rebellion.

Post-war activities:

    Budne - member of the RVS, and then deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District.

    Budyan became the "shaved father" of the Chechen Autonomous Region

    Budne is appointed assistant commission of the Red Army in Cavalry and a member of the USSR RVS.

    Cavalry Inspector RKKKA.

    Ends the military academy to them. M. V. Frunze.

    Buddan commanded the troops of the Moscow Military District.

    Member of the Chief Military Council of the NGO of the USSR, Deputy Commissar.

    First Deputy Complete Defense

Blucher V.K. (1890-1938)

Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher - Soviet military, state and party leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner No. 1 and the Order of the Red Star №1.

Commanded the 30th Rifle Division in Siberia and fought against the troops A. V. Kolchak.

He was the head of the 51st Rifle Division. Blucher is appointed commander-unit of 51th SD translated into the reserve of the chief command of the Red Army. In May, he was appointed head of the West Siberian Siberian Siberian Sector. Appointed Chairman of the Military Council, Commander-in-Chief of the People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic and the Military Minister of DVR.

Post-war activities:

    He was appointed commander of the 1st Rifle Corps, then the commandant and military commissar of Petrograd Strogradon.

    In 1924 he was addressed to the USSR Revoensive

    In 1924, sent to China

    Participated in the layout of the northern hike.

    He served as an assistant commander of the Ukrainian Military District.

    In 1929, he was appointed commander of a special Far Eastern army.

    During the fighting, Lake Hassan headed the Far Eastern Front.

  • He died of beatings on a consequence in the Lefortovo prison.

Tukhachevsky M.N. (1893-1937)

Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky - Soviet military leader, military leader of the Red Army of the Civil War.

Voluntarily joined the Red Army, he worked in the military department of the WTCIK. Entered the RCP (b), appointed military commissioner of the Moscow District Defense. Appointed commander of the 1st Army of the Eastern Front created by the 1st Army. Commanded the 1st Soviet Army. Appointed by the assistant commander of the South Front (UF). The commander of the 8th Army of the SF, which included Inzen Rifle Division. Enters the command of the 5th Army. Appointed commander of the Caucasian Front.

Kamenev S.S. (1881-1936)

Sergey Sergeevich Kamenev is a Soviet military leader, Comandarm of the 1st Rank.

From April 1918 in the Red Army. Appointed military leader of the Nevelsky district of the western plot of seasons curtains. From June 1918 - commander of the 1st Vitebsk Infantry Division. He was appointed military leader of the western sector of the curtain and at the same time Warwok Smolensky district. The commander of the troops of the Eastern Front. He led the onset of the Red Army on the Volga and Urals. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic.

Post-war activities:

    Inspector of the Red Army.

    Head of the headquarters of the Red Army.

    Chief inspector.

    Head of the Main Directorate of the Red Army, Chief Head of the Tactic Cycle of the Military Academy. Frunze.

    At the same time a member of the USSR RVS.

    Deputy Commissar for Military and Maritime Affairs and Deputy Chairman of the USSR Revoensuit.

    Was adopted in the WCP (b).

    Was appointed Head of the PVC Department of the Red Army

  • Kamenev was awarded the title of commander of the 1st rank.

Watietis I.I. (1873-1938)

Joakim Ioakimovich Watietis - Russian, Soviet military commander. Commander of the 2nd rank.

After the October Revolution, together moved to the side of the Bolsheviks. He was the head of the operational department of the revolutionary field headquarter at the rate. Supervised the suppression of the rebellion of the Polish corps of General Typp-Musnitsky. The commander of the Latvian Rifle Division, one of the leaders of the suppression of Level Economic insurgent in Moscow in July 1918. The commander of the Eastern Front, Commander-in-Chief by all the Armed Forces of the RSFSR. At the same time commander of the army of Soviet Latvia. Since 1921, in teaching work at the RKKA Military Academy, Commander of the 2nd Rank.

Post-war activities:

July 28, 1938 on charges of espionage and participation in the counter-revolutionary terrorist organization of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR was sentenced to shooting.

  • Rehabilitated March 28, 1957
  • Chapaev V.I. (1887-1919)

    Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev - putting on the Red Army, the participant of the First World and Civil War.

    Elected to the Regimental Committee, to the Council of Soldiers' Deputies. Joined the Bolsheviks Part. Appointed commander of the 138th regiment. He was a member of the Kazan Congress of Soldier Soviets. He became Commissioner of the Red Guard and the head of the garrison of Nikolaevsk.

    Chapaev suppressed a number of peasant uprisings. He fought against the Cossacks and the Czechoslovak Corps. Chapaev commanded the 25th Rifle Division. His division dismissed Ufa from Kolchak's troops. Chapaev participated in the fights on the discharge of Uralsk.

    The formation of a white army:

    It began to form on November 2, 1917 in Novocherkassk General Staff General M. V. Alekseev called "Alekseevskaya organization. Since the beginning of December 1917, the General L. G. Kornilov arrived in the creation of the army. At first, the volunteer army was completed exclusively by volunteers. Up to 50% of those who recorded in the army amounted to Ober officers and up to 15% - headquarters were also a Juncker, Cadets, students, gymnasists (more than 10%). Cossacks were about 4%, soldiers - 1%. From the end of 1918, and in 1919-1920, due to mobilization in the territories, the officer's officer's officer has lost its numerical prevalence due to the white territories; Peasants and prisoners of Red Army women at this period constituted the majority of military contingent of the Volunteer Army.

    December 25, 1917 Received the official name "Voluntary Army". This title of the army received at the insistence of Cornilov, who was in a state of conflict with Alekseev and dissatisfied with the forced compromise with the head of the former "Alekseevskaya organization": the division of the spheres of influence, as a result of which, when adopting a cornily full of military authorities, political leadership and finance remained for Alekseev. By the end of December 1917, volunteers were recorded in the army of 3 thousand people. By mid-January 1918 there were already 5 thousand, by the beginning of February - about 6 thousand. At the same time, the fighting element of Dobramia did not exceed 4½ thousand.

    The Supreme Head of the Army was the General Staff General M. V. Alekseev, Commander-in-Chief - General Staff General Lavr Kornilov.

    Uniforms of Belog Guards

    The form of White Guards, as is known, was created on the basis of the military form of the former royal army. Conditions were used as a headdress or dads. In the cold season on top of the cap, climbed Balyk - Sukon. An integral attribute of the shape of the White Guards remained a gymnaster - a free shirt with a standing collar made of x / b fabrics or thin cloth. It could be seen on it. Another important element of the shape of the White Guards - Shinel.

    Heroes of the White Army:

      Wrangel P.N.

      Denikin A.I.

      Dutov A.I.

      Kappel V.O.

      Kolchak A.V.

      Kornilov L.G.

      Krasnov P.N.

      Semenov GM

    • Yudenich N.N.

    Wrangel P.N. (1878-1928)

    Peter Nikolayevich Wrangel is a Russian commander, a member of the Russian-Japanese and First World War, one of the main leaders of the White Movement during the Civil War. Entered the voluntary army. During the 2nd Kuban campaign, he commanded the 1st equestrian division, and then the 1st equestrian case. Commanded the Caucasian Volunteer Army. He was appointed commander of the volunteer army operating in the Moscow direction. The ruler of the south of Russia and commander-in-chief of the Russian army. From November 1920 - in emigration.

    Post-war activities:

      In 1924, Wrangel created the Russian Peace Union (Ross), which united the majority of participants in the white movement in emigration.

      In September 1927, Wrangel moved with his family to Brussels. He worked as an engineer in one of the Brussels firms.

      On April 25, 1928, he died suddenly in Brussels, after sudden infection with tuberculosis. Under the assumptions of his relatives, he was poisoned by his brother of his servant, which was the Bolshevik agent.

      Denikin A.I. (1872-1947)

      Anton Ivanovich Denikin - Russian commander, political and public figure, writer, memoirist, publicist and military documentist.

      Take part in the organization and formation of a voluntary army. Appointed chief of the 1st Volunteer Division. In the 1st Kuban campaign spoke to the post of Deputy Commander of the Volunteer Army of General Kornilov. He became the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (Emergency).

      Post-war activities:
      • 1920 - moved to Belgium

        The 5th Tom "Essays of the Russian University" was completed in 1926 in Brussels.

        In 1926, Denikin moved to France and took up literary labor.

        Since 1936 he began to publish a "volunteer" newspaper.

        Dated December 9, 1945 in America Denikin acted on numerous meetings and turned with a letter to General Eisenhower with a call to stop the violent issuance of Russian prisoners of war.

      Kappel V.O. (1883-1920)

      Vladimir Oskarovich Kappel- Russian commander, participant of the First World War and Civic wars. One of the leadersWhite Movement In the east of Russia. General Staff Lieutenant General. Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the Eastern Front of the Russian Army. He headed the small detachment of volunteers, who was subsequently deployed in a separate shooting brigade. Later commanded the Simbirsk GroupVolga Front People's Army. He headed the 1st Volzhsky Corpus Army Kolchak. He was appointed commander of the 3rd Army, compiled mainly from prisoners of redarmeys who did not undergo sufficient training.January 26, 1920 near the city of Nizhneudinsk , died of bilateralinflammation of lungs.

      Kolchak A.V. (1874-1920)

      Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak - Russian oceanographer, one of the largest polar researchers, a military and politician, Flotodets, Admiral, White Driving.

      Installed Military Modedictatorship In Siberia, in the Urals and the Far East, eliminated by the Red Army and partisans. Member of the Board of the Queen. He was appointed military and maritime minister of the directories. was elected Supreme Ruler Russia with production in full admirals. Kolchak was shot together with the chairman of the Council of Ministers V. N. Pepliaev at 5 am on the banks of the Ushakovka River.

    Kornilov L.G. (1870-1918)

    Laurel Georgievich Kornilov - Russian military auditor, general. Military
    scout, diplomat and traveler researcher. ParticipantCivil War, one of the organizers and commander-in-chiefVolunteer army, the leader of a white movement in the south of Russia, the first return on.

    Commander of the created volunteer army. Killed 04/13/1918 with the storming of Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar) in the 1st Kuban (Ice) campaign.

    Krasnov P.N. (1869-1947)

    Peter Nikolaevich Krasnov - General of the Russian Imperial Army, Ataman Vereveliky Donskoy troops, Military and politician, famous writer and publicist.

    Don Army Krasnova occupied the territoryAreas of troops Donsky, knocking out of the partRKKKA , and he himself was electedataman Don Cossacks. The Don Army in 1918 was on the edge of death, and the Krasnov decide to associate with the Volunteer Army under the command of A. I. Denikin. Soon the Krasnov him was forced to resign and went toNorthwest ArmyYudenich Based B.Estonia.

    Post-war activities:

      Emigrated in 1920. Lived in Germany, under Munich

      From November 1923 - in France.

      Was one of the founders "Brotherhood of Russian truth»

      Since 1936. lived in Germany.

      Since September 1943 Head Main Department of Cossack troops Imperial Ministry of Eastern Occupied TerritoriesGermany.

      In May 1945 surrendered to the British.

      It was stupid to Moscow, where he was kept in a Butyrsa prison.

      By sentence Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSRP. N. Krasnov is hanged in Moscow, inLefortovo prisonJanuary 16, 1947.

      Gregory Mikhailovich Semenov - Cossack ataman, White Traffic Worker in Transbaikalia and the Far East,lieutenant-generalWhite Army . Continued to form B.Transbaikal Equestrian Buryato-Mongol Cossack squad. Three new shelves were formed in Semenov's troops: the 1st Oneonsky, the 2nd Akshinsky-Mangy and 3rd Parinsky. Was createdmilitary school For Junkers . Semenov was appointed commander of the 5th Pria Amur Army Corps. Appointed commander of the 6th East Siberian Army Corps, Assistant Chief Chief of the Pria Amur Region and Assistantcommander Forces of the Amur Military District, the commander of the military of the Irkutsk, Transbaikalsky and the Amur Military Districts.

      In 1946, he was sentenced to death.

      Yudenich N.N. (1862-1933)

      Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich russian Military leader, general from infanteria.

      In June 1919, he was appointed Kolchak Commander-in-Chief of Sev.-Zap. The army formed by Russian White Guards in Estonia, and became part of the Russian White Guard North-Western Government formed in Estonia. Taken from Naz.-Zap. Army second campaign to Petrograd. The offensive was defeated under Petrograd. After the defeat of North. - Zap. The army, he was arrested by General Bulak Balakhovich, but after the intervention of the Allied Governments was released and drove abroad. Died OTtuberculosis lungs.

      Results of the Civil War

      In the fierce armed struggle, the Bolsheviks managed to keep power in their hands. All state formations arising from the collapse of the Russian Empire, with the exception of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, were eliminated.

      Yakov Alexandrovich Salazhev-Krymsky, probably the most famous white officer in the service in the Red Army, Colonel of the General Staff of the Old Army and Lieutenant General in the Russian Army of General Wrangel, one of the best commander of civil war, all their talents showing on the White Side .

      The topic of the service of former white officers in the ranks of the RKKE is poorly studied, but very interesting. To date, the most attention to this topic was given to Kavtaradze in his book "War Associa in the service of the Republic of Soviets", however, the study of this problem in his book is limited to the Civil War, meanwhile, as quite many former officers of the White Armies continued their service and later, including During the Great Patriotic War.

      Initially, the topic of the service of white officers is closely related to the growth of the Red Army during the civil war and the problem of the noncompliament of the command formulation. The shortage of qualified command personnel was characterized by the Red Army from the very first steps of its existence. Back in 1918, the everlasting lack of a sufficient number of commanders, especially the battalion level, was noted. The problems with the noncompliament of the command formulation and its quality were constantly voiced among the main problems of the Red Army in the midst of the civil war, since 1918-19. Complaints of the Komostava deficit - including qualified - and its low quality was repeatedly celebrated and later. So for example, Tukhachevsky before the start of the offensive on the Western Front, noted that the deficit of the General stakeholders in the headquarters of the Western Front and its armies was 80%.

      Soviet government tried to actively solve this problem by mobilizing former officers of the old army, as well as the organization of various short-term team courses. However, the latter closed only the needs at the lowest levels - commanders of departments, platforms, and mouth, and as for the old officers, the mobilization has exhausted themselves by 1919. At the same time, measures were launched on the inspection of the rear, administrative bodies, civil organizations, military schools and organizations of the All-Russia in order to withdraw the officers and the direction of the latter in the existing army. Thus, according to Caveradze calculations in 1918, 1920, 48 thousand former officers were mobilized, about 8 thousand came to the Red Army voluntarily in 1918. However, with the growth of the army by the 1920th year to a number of several million (first to 3, and then up to 5.5 million people), the deficit of the commanders was only more aggravated, since 50 thousand officers were far from closed the needs of the Armed Forces.

      In this situation, attention was drawn to the white officers taken captivated either of the faders. By the spring of 1920, the main white armies were built, and the number of prisoners of officers was calculated by tens of thousands (so, only under Novorossiysk in March 1920, 10,000 officers of the Denikin army were captured, and the number of former officers of the Kolchakov army was also in the list compiled in the Office of the Command Command of Charms, they were numbered 9660 people. As of August 15, 1920).

      The leadership of the Red Army highly appreciated the qualifications of his former opponents - so, Tukhachevsky in his report on the use of military specialists and nominating the Communist Community Composition, written on the instructions of Lenin on the basis of the experience of the 5th Army, wrote the following: " well prepared teamwork, familiar thoroughly with modern military science And imbued with the spirit of bold warning of war, is available among young officers. The fate of the latter is such. Its significant part, as the most active, died in the imperialist war. Most of the remaining officers remaining in living officers, the most active part, deserted after the demobilization and collapse of the royal army to Kaluedin, the only thing at the time of the counterrevolution. This explains the abundance of Denikin of good chiefs" The same moment also noted Minakov in one of its works, however, in relation to the later period: "The hidden respect for the higher professional qualities of the" white "team composition also showed" leaders of the Red Army "M. Tukhachevsky and S. Budyanny. In one of its articles of the beginning of the 20s, as if "by the way," M. Tukhachevsky expressed his, not deprived of some hidden admiration, attitude towards the white officer: " Belog Guardian assumes people of energetic, enterprising, courageous ..." Who arrived from Soviet Russia in 1922 reported about "s the revenue of Budenny, who met the Slazkov, and the rest of the White Chiefs does not scold, but considers to be equal" All this gave rise to a very strange impression from the commanders of the Red Army. " Red Army - that radish: it is red outside, and inside - white", Ironized with the hope of white Russian abroad."

      In addition to the fact of the high assessment of the former white officers, the leadership of the Red Army it is necessary to note the awareness of the fact that in 1920-22. The war on individual TVID began to acquire the national character (Soviet-Polish war, as well as combat operations in the Transcaucasia and in Central Asia, where it was about the restoration of the central government in other people's regions, and the Soviet government looked at the gathering of the old empire). In general, the sharp increase in the process of using former white officers in military service began on the eve of the Polish campaign and is largely due to the awareness of the Soviet leadership the possibility of using patriotic sentiment in the environment of former officers. On the other hand, many former white officers managed to be disappointed in the policies and prospects of the White Movement. In this situation, it was decided to allow the attraction of former white officers to serve in the Red Army, although under tight control.

      Moreover, such an experience has already been existed. As Kavtaradze writes, still " in June 1919, the "Procedure for the directions of the fuses and prisoners captured on the fronts of the civil war" was developed in coordination with the special department of the Chechc. On December 6, 1919, the headquarters of the Turkestan-Front appealed to the Office on the Command Makeup of Championship in the headquarters of the report on the headquarters, which said that former officers were credited to his reserve - former officers from Kolchak's armies, among which "there are many professionals and a construction team that could be used by their specialty" Before enrolling in the reserve, they all passed through the office work of the Special Department of the CC of the Turkestan Front, from which "on the majority of these persons" did not meet "objections to the appointment of them on command positions in the ranks of the Red Army." In this regard, the headquarters of the front expressed the wish to use these persons "in parts of his front." Command Management, fundamentally not objection against the use of these persons in the Red Army, at the same time, began to transmit them to another (for example, the South) front, which was approved by the Council of Charter. " It is worth noting that examples of the transition of former white officers and their services in the Red Army had before June 1919, however, as a rule, it was not so much about the prisoners, how many persons who deliberately transferred to the Soviet government. For example, the captain of the old army K.N. Bulminsky, who commanded the battery in the Kolchak's army, passed on the side of the Reds in October 1918, captain (according to other data lieutenant colonel) of the old army M.I.Vasilenko, who ended the accelerated course of the Academy of the General Staff, who had managed to serve as a host of the host In the spring of 1919. At the same time, he held high positions in the Red Army during the Civil War - the headquarters of the special expeditionary corps of the Southern Front, the commander of the 40th Rifle Division, the commander of the 11th, 9th, 14th armies.

      As already mentioned, the leadership of the country and the army, recognizing the fundamentally possible reception of white officers in the Red Army, sought to progress and put the process of using former white officers for tight control. This is evidenced in the first right, the direction of these officers "not on those fronts where they were captured," and secondly, their careful filtering.

      On April 8, 1920, the Revivatsove takes a decree, one of whose items concerned the attraction of former white officers to the service as part of the parts of the North Caucasian Front, more precisely about the dissemination of the operation of the instruction previously released for the 6th Army. In pursuance of this item of the decision of the RVSR " On April 22, 1920, the special department of the Central Federal District was reported to the RVSR secretariat on sending to the special departments of the fronts and armies of the telegram with an order of attitude to prisoners and dedication - officers of the White Guard armies. According to this order, these officers were divided into 5 groups: 1) Officers-Poles, 2) Generalists and officers of the General Staff, 3) Counterintelligence officers and police ranks, 4) personnel officers and officers and officers from students, teachers and clergy, as well as Juncker, 5) officers of wartime, with the exception of students, teachers and clergy. Groups 1 and 4th to send a concentration camp to those defined by order for further viewing, and the Poles were recommended to comply with "especially strictest supervision." A group of 5-y was to undergo strict filtering on the spot and then to send: "loyal" - in the work, the others - in the place of detention for the prisoners 1 and the 4th groups. The 2nd and 3rd groups were ordered to send under the convoy to Moscow to the Special Department of the Chest. The telegram was signed by the Deputy Chairman of the VET V. R. Menzhinsky, a member of the RVSR DI Kursk and the managing cases of the Special Department of the G. G. G. Berry».

      Studying the above document, it is necessary to note a few moments.

      Firstly, it is definitely an unwanted element - officers of the Poles, personnel officers and military time officers from students, teachers and clergy. As for the first, everything here is understandable here - as already mentioned above, the attraction of former white officers was intensified precisely in connection with the beginning of the Polish campaign and in order to use them in the war against Poles. Accordingly, in this situation, the isolation of police officers of Polish origin was quite logical. The last group is military time officers from students, teachers and clergy - apparently allocated as the most ideological volunteers and supporters of white movement in their composition, and the level of their military training was for obvious reasons lower than the personnel officers. With the second group, not everything is so simple - on the one hand, these personnel officers, professional military, who usually walked into a white army for ideological reasons. On the other hand, they had great skills and knowledge than military time officers, and therefore, apparently, the Soviet authorities later took advantage of their experience. In particular, when studying the collections of the "Spring" issues published in Ukraine, a large number of former white officers are striking - not the General Strategies, and not even headquarters, but simply personnel Ober-officers of the old army (in rank to Captain inclusive) who served in the Red Army since 1919-20. and held in the 20s mostly teaching positions in military schools (for example Captains Karum L.S., Komarsky B.I., Volsky A.I., Kuznetsov K.Ya., Tolmachev K.V., Kravtsov with ., Headquarten Chizhun L., Marceptionli V.I., Ponomarenko B.A., Cherkasov A.N., Karpov V.I., Dyakovsky M.M., Headquarters, HD ., Lieutenant Goldman V.R.)

      Returning to the procedure cited above - secondly, it is worth paying attention to the useful groups - the second and fifth. The latter is increasingly more or less clear - a significant part of the military-time officers of working-peasant origin was mobilized, especially the Kolchakovsky army concerned, where the team composition was much less represented by volunteers, in contrast to the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. This is the largest resistance of the Kolchakov army, as well as a greater number of Kolchakov officers in the Service in the Red Army and relative weakened regime for the latter. As for the 2nd group - generals and officers of the General Staff - then this group in connection with the acute deficit of military specialists - was of interest even taking into account their disloyalty of Soviet power. At the same time, disloyalty was leveled by the fact that the finding of these specialists in the top headquarters and the central office allowed them to keep them under a more dense control.

      « By performing the task of the field headquarters of the renovation of the republic for accounting and use of former white officers (due to mobilization calculations for the second half of 1920), as well as "in view of the most needed, it is possible to wider than using this category composition category," in managing the command formulation of everything worked The project "Temporary rules for the use of former land officers from among prisoners of war and white armies". According to them, the officers were to, first of all, to check ("filtering") into the nearest local special departments of the CC for careful establishment in each individual case of a passive or active, voluntary or coercive nature of their service in the White Army, the past of this officer, etc. after checking the officers whose loyalty to Soviet power was "sufficiently clarified" was to be transferred to the maintenance of local military registration and enlistment offices, from where they were heading for organized guvoes in Moscow and other large industrial cities 3-month political courses "Nutrition not over 100 people in one point "for familiarization with the structure of Soviet power and the organization of the Red Army; Officers, the "fragility" of which in relation to the Soviet power "on the initial material" to find out was difficult, directed "in the lags of forced work." At the end of 3-month courses, depending on the results of surveying the state of health with medical commissions, all officers recognized as suitable for service at the front were subject to direction in the spare parts of the Western Front and only in the form of an exception - the South-West (the latter was not allowed to appoint officers of the Denikinian Army and officers from the Cossacks) "to renew in the practice of military knowledge", the development "with new service conditions" and faster and proper due to the proximity of the combat situation of the unification of the "former white officers with the Red Army Mass"; At the same time, the staffing of the spare parts should not exceed 15% of the cash command. Officers recognized as unfit for service at the front were appointed in the internal military districts in accordance with the suitability of the Terminal or Non-Frosure Service, in terms of auxiliary appointment or to the relevant rear institutions in the specialty (persons with military pedagogical experience were sent to Hwuz, "Papers" and "Movementsev" - at the disposal of the central administration of military communications, various technical specialists - in the specialty), also avoiding their number more than 15% of the Cash Commostat of Part or Institutions. Finally, officers unfastened to military service were dismissed "from that". All appointments (except for the General Staff, which was engaged in the department of the General Staff Service of the Organization Department of Championship) were produced "solely on the outfits of the Office of the Command Magaze, in which the entire accounting of former white officers was concentrated." Officers who were inappropriate for their military training work, after "profiling" by the CC bodies were to be transferred to the military commissariants "for outfits into the army" in accordance with the decisions of special departments of the Chechc and local CC on the possibility of their service in the ranks of the Red Army. Before departing to the front, it was allowed to dismiss officers into short-term leave for a date with natives within the internal areas of the republic (as an exception, "personal petitioners" and with the permission of district military commissariates) with the establishment of check-in time of arrival time on vacation and departure and with circular The order of the remaining comrades "in the form of cessation of vacations the rest in the failure of the released". "Temporary rules" also contained items on the material provision of former white officers and their families during the time of captivity or transition to the side of the Red Army and before the transfer from the Special Department of the CC to maintain the District Military Commissariat for the subsequent shipment of the headquarters of the Western and South-West fronts, etc., which was conducted on the basis of the same orders of the RevoNiscover of the Republic, as for military specialists - former officers of the old army».

      As mentioned above, the active attraction of former white officers was caused to among other things and the threat of war with the Poles. So, in the protocol of the Revvin counseling meeting for the number 108 of May 17, 1920, the 4th point was the report of Glavkom S.S. Kamenev about the use of prisoners officers, according to the results of the discussion of which it was decided as follows: " In view of the extreme need to replenish the resources of the command formulation of the RVSR, considers urgent use (in compliance with all the necessary guarantees) command elements of the former White Guard armies, which, according to available data, can benefit the Red Army on the Western Front. For this reason on D. I. Kursk, it is obliged to enter the intercourse with the appropriate institutions in order to transfer suitable for the use of team memberships in the Red Army in a relatively short period would give a greater number."D. I. Kursky reported on the work done by him for 20 May, said in the RVSR as follows:" According to the agreement of Pura and the Special Department of the Chechkis for maintaining current work in the Special Department, it is sent from the mobilized communists from today to 15 people so that more experienced investigators of the Special Department immediately strengthened the work on the analysis of prisoners of the White Guard officers of the Northern and Caucasian Fronts, allocating from them for Screw at least 300 people in the first week».

      In general, the Soviet-Polish war apparently turned out to be a peak moment regarding the involvement of prisoners of white officers to the service in the Red Army - the war with a real external enemy guaranteed their increased loyalty, while the latter even applied to enroll in the current army. So, he writes the same Kavtaradze, after the publication of the appeal "to all former officers, wherever they are" signed by Brusylov and a number of other well-known royal generals, " a group of former Kolchakov officers, employees of the economic management of the Narral Military District, appealed on June 8, 1920. To the military commissioner of this department with a statement in which it was said that in response to the appeal of a special meeting and decree on June 2, 1920, they test "deep a wish to honest service "to redeem your stay in the ranks of Kolchaktsev and confirm that there will be no more" honorable service than the service of the homeland and the workers ", which they are ready to pay themselves entirely to the ministry" not only in the rear, but also at the front". Yaroslav Tynchenko in his book "Calvary Russian officers" noted that " during the Polish campaign to the Red Army, it came on some former white gestands 59 people, of them - 21 General" The figure is quite large - especially considering that the total number of general stakeholders who served Soviet power during the Civil War in Kavtaradze faith and the truth was 475 people, about the same, the number of former general strategies in the list of persons in the service in the Red Military Education, Compiled as of March 1, 1923, that is, 12.5% \u200b\u200bof them got into the Red Army during the Polish campaign and served to this various white modes.

      Kavtaradze writes that "According to the explanatory note, compiled in the Office of Command Command, on September 13, 1920, according to Gwuz," every 10 days "command composition should have" get at your disposal of 600 white officers who have passed the established courses", I.e. from August 15 to November 15, 5,400 former white officers could be sent to the Red Army. However, this number exceeded the number of red commanders, which could be allocated to the current red army after the exposure command courses are graduated. So that this provision has not reflected " in the inner state of formations, "was considered appropriate to establish in the march battalions" a well-known percentage of the former white officers - no more than 25% of the Red Commostat».

      In general, the former officers who served earlier in the White and National, fell into the Red Army with the most different ways and at the very time. So, for example, since during the years of the Civil War, there were cases of use by both parties of prisoners to replenish their parts, then often many officers who fell into captivity penetrated the Soviet parts under the guise of prisoner soldiers. So, Kavtaradze, referring to Article G. Yu. Gaaz, wrote that " among 10 thousand prisoners of war arrived at the completion of the 15th Rifle Division in June 1920, the "under the guise of soldiers" also penetrated, many prisoners officers. Significant part of them were withdrawn and sent to the rear to check, but some not occupied by responsible posts in the Denikinian Army, "were left to the ranks, about 7-8 people per regiment, and they were given posts not higher platoon commanders" The article mentions the surname of the former Esaul P. F. Korolkova, who, having served in the Red Army, the writing team of horse intelligence officers, finished it as an acting commander of the regiment and heroic died on September 5, 1920 in the battles near Kakhovka. In conclusion, the author writes that " nothing (former white officers. - A. K.) could not be so tied to part as trust"; Many officers, "n e becoming adherents of Soviet power, accustomed to its part, and some strange, inconsistent feeling of honor made them fight on our side».

      By the way, the service in the White Army hid enough often. I will give a characteristic example of the former ensign of the old army G.I. Ivanova. 2 months after release from the School (1915), he was captured to Austro-Higgraham (July 1915)., Where in 1918 he entered into a Sypriban division, which was formed in Austro-Hungarian camps from prisoners of Ukrainians, and together I returned to Ukraine. In this division, he served until March 1919, commanded a hundred, was injured and evacuated to Lutsk, where in May of the same year he got into Polish captivity. In August 1919, in the camp of the prisoners of war, Bermont-Avalova joined the Bertogo-West Army, fought against the Latvian and Lithuanian national troops and at the beginning of 1920 he was interneed in Germany, after which he went to the Crimea, where he joined the 25th infantry Smolensk regiment of the Russian Army Baron Wrangel. In the time of the evacuation of white from Crimea, he changed his red Army and secretly reached Alexandrovsk, where he filed old documents of the Austro-Hungarian Prisoner of War, with which he joined the Red Army, where from the end of 1921 he taught at various command courses, in 1925-26. He studied at the highest military pedagogical courses in Kiev, then he served as a combat at school. Kamenev. Similarly, many have started their service in the Red Army with ordinary posts - like Captain I.P. Naikovsky: War Time officer (he graduated from Kazan University and higher educationAfter calling to the army, she immediately was immediately sent to the Kazan Military School, which finished in 1915), during World War I finished even Oranienbaum machine-gun courses and served before the captain - the maximum possible career for the military time officer. In the civil war, he served in the Kolchakov army, and in December 1919, the 263rd Rifle Region was captured. In this same regiment, he was enrolled by the rank, then became an assistant to the adjutant and the adjutant of the regiment commander, and finished civil war in 1921-22. The headquarters of the Rifle Brigade headquarters - however, at the end of the war as a former Belogwardians he was fired from the army. Were by the way I. reverse examples, such as Colonel Artillery Levitsky S.K., who commanded the artillery battery and a special purpose division in the Red Army and being seriously injured, captured to white. He sent to Sevastopol was deprived of rank and after recovery enrolled by the rank spare parts. After the defeat of the Weangelevian troops, he was recorded again in the Red Army - first to the special department of the Crimean shock group, where he was engaged in the purification of the Feodosius from the residues of the White Guards, and then to the Anti-Bditigation Department in the Raisu-Slavic district, after the civil war in teaching positions.

      These biographies are taken from the collection of documents in the "Spring" published in Ukraine, where you can even meet a lot of interesting facts from the biography of former officers. For example, it concerns the service of white officers, it is possible to note very frequent cases of acceptance of officers to the service who have managed not to move the front line - that is, at least those who fled from red to white, and then again adopted on the service to red. So, for example, I found information about 12 such officers in the collection, only from among those who taught them in school. Kamenev in the 20s (I will note, it is not just white officers, but officers who have time to change the Soviet power and return to the service in the Red Army):

      • Major General General Staby M.V. Lebedev In December 1918, the volunteer joined the UNR army, where until March 1919. He was the head of the 9th Corps headquarters, then fled to Odessa. Since the spring of 1919, he is in the Red Army: the head of the organizational department of the 3rd Ukrainian Soviet army, but after the retreat of red from Odessa remained on the spot, having visited the service in White. In December 1920, he was again in the Red Army: in January - May 1921 - an employee of the Odessa State Archive, then for special instructions with the commander of the CVO troops and the Kiev Military District, since 1924 - in teaching work.
      • Colonel MK Sinkov after demobilization moved to Kiev, where he worked at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Ukrainian Republic. In 1919 he was a Soviet employee, from May 1919 - Head of the courses of the Red Commanders of the 12th Army, but soon deserted to white. From spring 1920 again in the Red Army: Head of Sumy Camp Fees, 77 Sumy Infantry Courses, in 1922-24. - Lecturer of the 5th Kiev Infantry School.
      • Batruk A.I., in the old army, Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff, served in the spring of 1919 in the Red Army: Assistant Chief of Communications Bureau and Information of the Military Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR and headquarters of the Plastunsk Brigade of the 44th Rifle Division. At the end of August 1919, he moved to the side of Belykh, in April 1920 he joined the group of officers - former military personnel of the Ukrainian army, and went to Poland to Poland - to the UR army. However, it did not stay there, and since the autumn of 1920 he switched to the front line and joined the Red Army again, where until 1924 he taught at school. Kamenev, then taught military affairs at the institute national Education.
      • Former lieutenant colonel Bakovets I.G. During the Civil War, I first served in the army of the hetman of the Scoropadsky, then - the head of the headquarters of the international brigade. In the autumn of 1919, he was captured to the Denikinian troops (according to another version, it switched himself), the rights of the ordinary was enrolled in the Kiev officer battalion. In February 1920, he was captured red and was again adopted in the Red Army and in 1921-22. He served as an assistant chief of the 5th Kiev infantry school, then a teacher of the Kamenev school.
      • Lieutenant Colonel Luganin A.A. In 1918 he served in the hetman army, from the spring of 1919 he taught in the RKKKA at the 5th Kiev infantry courses. During the offensive of the troops, General Denikin remained in place and was mobilized to the White Guard Army, with which Odessa retreated. In early 1920, he again moved to the side of the Red Army and taught first at the infantry courses, and since 1923 in the Kiev United School. Kamenev.
      • Captain K.V. Tolmachev in 1918 was mobilized into the Red Army in 1918, but he fled to Ukraine, where he joined the army of the hetman P.P.Stvoropadsky and was the junior administant of the headquarters of the 7th Kharkiv corps, and then in the UNR army, the head of the 9th Corps headquarters. In April 1919, he again moved to the Reds, who taught at Kiev infantry courses, and from 1922 - at school. Kamenev.
      • Headquarters-captain L. Chizhun, after the demobilization of the Russian army, lived in Odessa, after the arrival of the Reds joined the Red Army, was an assistant headquarters of the 5th Ukrainian Rifle Division. In August 1919, he moved to the side of Belykh, was under the investigation of the red service, as a native of the Vilen province adopted Lithuanian citizenship and thus avoided repression. In February 1920, she again joined the Red Army, he was an assistant chief and head of the inspection department of the 14th Army headquarters. From 1921 in teaching work: in the 5th Kiev infantry school, school them. Kamenev, assistant chief of Siberian repeated courses Komstava, Voirlok.
      • Lieutenant of the old army G.T. Dolgalo since the spring of 1918 in the Red Army commanded the artillery division of the 15th Inzen Rifle Division. In September 1919 he moved to the side of Denikin, served in the 3rd Cornilovsky regiment, fell ill with a typhus and captured in red. From 1921, he again in the Red Army - he taught at school them. Kamenev and Sumy Artillery School.
      • The captain of the old Army Komarnorsky B.I., who graduated in the old army, a military school and officer military-fencing school in 1919, in 1919 he taught at 1 Soviet sports courses in Kiev, and then served in the promotion of the Denikinian troops. After the civil war again in the Red Army - teacher of physical education in military units, Kiev school. Kamenev and civilian universities in Kiev.
      • Another athlete, also captain, Kuznetsov K.Ya., who graduated from the Odessa Military School and officer gymnastic fencing courses, in 1916-17. Commanded the Rota of the St. George Battalion of the Protection of the Rate in Mogilev. After demobilization, he returned to Kiev, during the antigenetman uprising commanded an officer's company of the 2nd officer squad, and from the spring-summer of 1919 he served in the RKKA - he taught at the highest courses of instructors of sports and pre-examination training. In the fall of 1919 - in the winter of 1920. - He is in the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, a teacher of machine-gun courses, since the spring of 1920 again in the Red Army: a teacher of command courses of the Commostable at the headquarters of the XII army, military-political courses, the schools them. Kamenev and Kiev School Communication. Kamenev. However, he hid his service in the White Army, for which he was arrested in 1929.
      • Also hid his White Guard past and the captain of the General Staff of the Old Army, Volsky A.I. (In the army of UNR lieutenant colonel). From spring 1918, he is in the lists of the Red Army, then in UNR, the head of the 10th personnel division headquarters. In February-April 1919 - again in the Red Army, at the disposal of the headquarters of the Ukrainian front, but then moved to the voluntary army. In April 1920 he is again in the Red Army: the head of the 10th and 15 infantry courses since October - I.O. Head of 15 courses (until January 1921), assistant chief of headquarters of the 30th Rifle Division (1921-22). In 1922, he was dismissed from the Red Army as politically unreliable (hid his Belog Guard past), but in 1925 he returned to the service in the army - he taught in the Kiev Communications School, in 1927 - in the United School. Kamenev, since 1929 - Voiruk in civil universities.
      • · In Kiev school them. Kameneva also taught the former colonel Sumbatov I.N., Georgian Prince, Member of the Russian-Japanese and First World War. Being mobilized in the Red Army in 1919, served in the Kiev spare shelf, where he was part of an underground officer organization, which, before joining the city of Denikin troops, raised the anti-Soviet uprising. White served in the Kiev officer battalion, with whom he retreated to Odessa, and then at the beginning of 1920 went to Georgia, where he commanded the Rifle regiment and was an assistant to Tiflis's commandant. After the accession of Georgia to Soviet Russia, he again joined the Red Army and at the end of 1921 returned to Kiev, where he was the head of the headquarters of the Kiev Candyer Brigade and taught them in Kiev school. Kameneva until 1927.

      Naturally, such officers were found far from only to school. Kamenev. So for example, managed to change the Soviet power, and then again enter the service in the Red Bank, Lieutenant Colonel General Staff V.I. Oburahtin. From the end of 1916, he served at the Academy of General Staff, with it in the summer of 1918 switched to the side of Belykh, held various positions in the White Army A.V. Kolchak. In 1920, he again moved to the Red Army, where almost all of the 20th and 30s, up to his arrest in 1938, taught at the Military Academy. Frunze. Having held in 1921-22. Position of the Odessa School of Heavy Artillery (and then until 1925 taught in it) Major Major General Artillery of the Old Army Argamakov N.N. Similarly: in 1919 he served in the RKKKA in the artillery administration of the Ukrainian front, but remained white in Kiev after its classes - and in 1920 he is already again in the Red Army.

      In general, the 20s. There were very ambiguous times to which black and white estimates are not applicable. So, during the Civil War in the Red Army, people were often taken to the service who - as it seems to many today, and could not get there at all. So, former headquarters-captain Averesky N.Ya., in the Red Army, the head of the chemical service regiment, served in the Hetman special services, a school teacher. Kamenev Milles, a former military official, served in Denikin in Osvag and Counterintelligence, Vladislav Goncharov referring to Minakova, mentioned the served white colonel of Dilaktormorsky, the former in 1919 by Miller (in the north) by the head of the counterintelligence in 1923. Staff-captain MM Dyakovsky, who served as a teacher from 1920 in the RKKU, before that he served as an adjutant at the headquarters of the Shkuro. Colonel Glinsky, since 1922, the head of the administration of the Kiev United School. Kamenev, even during his service in the old army, was an activist of the Ukrainian nationalist movement, and then a trustee of Hetman Scoropadsky. In the spring of 1918, he commanded an officer regiment, which became a military support of P.P.Sporopad during the organization of the state coup; Then - the foreman for orders the head of the headquarters of the hetman (October 29, 1918 r. It was raised to the title to the General Horugego). Similarly, in 1920, such an officer, as Lieutenant Colonel S.I., was credited to the service in the RKKU. Dobrovolsky. From February 1918, he serves in the Ukrainian army: Head of the movements of the Kiev district, the commandant of the Kiev Railway Knot, from January 1919 - in leadership positions in the management of military communications of the UNR Army, in May, got into Polish captivity, got out of captivity in the fall and returned to Kiev . He entered the EMER, with whom he retreated to Odessa and in February 1920 he captured RKKA. He was sent to Kharkov, but escaped on the road and got to busy Poles of Kiev, where he entered the army of UNR, but a few days later he was captured red. Since the end of 1920, in the Red Army, however, in 1921, he was fired as an unreliable element.

      Or here is another interesting biography. Major General (according to other data Colonel) V.P. Belavin, personnel border guard - served in border troops at all authorities - in 1918-19. In the army of the Ukrainian Republic commanded the Volyn border brigade (Lutsk) and was a general for instructions at the headquarters of the border corps (Kamenets-Podolsky), in December 1919, GDA was appointed to the guard battalion at the Odessa Border Department of the Denikinian Troops, from February 1920 on Service in the Red Army of the Odessa Border Battalion commander, then in cavalry positions (Assistant Inspector Cavalry of the 12th Army, Chief of Staff of the Bashkir Cavalry Division, Assistant Inspector Cavalry CVO) and again in Borderovskaya - Head of the Border Division headquarters , Senior Inspector and Deputy Head of the Troops of the Central Committee of the County, from December 1921 - Head of the Border Department of the Operational Department of the KVO headquarters.

      Studying the biographies of former white officers from applications in this collection of documents, it is noticeable that the personnel officers were usually appointed to teaching positions. The construction of the same posts were sent for the most part of the military time officers or technical experts, which confirms the picture resulting from the study of documents cited above. Examples of officers in the construction positions, for example, headquarters-captain Karpov V.I., who graduated from the ensign school in 1916, from 1918 to 1919. served by Kolchak by the head of the machine-gun team, and in the Red Army since 1920 she held the position of commander of the battalion of the 137th rifle regiment, or Lieutenant Stunky S.E., who graduated from the Artillery School in 1916 - in 1918 he led the officer's rebel detachment against the Bolsheviks, Since 1919 in the Red Army, in the 20s, the commander of the artillery regiment. However, there were personnel officers - but usually from early switched to the side of Soviet power - as headquarters Rothmistr N.D. Hocyshevsky, in 1918 as a Ukrainian liberated from German captivity and enrolled in the frames of the army of the hetman P.P. Spropad. In December 1918 - March 1919. He commanded the equestrian hundreds of the Sin-japanent regiment of the UNR Army, but was deserted from March 1919 to the Red Army: the commander of the equestrian division of the 2nd Odessa separate brigade was heavily injured. Lieutenant Colonel-artilleryman Karpinsky L.L. I managed to serve both there - he from 1917 he commanded the division of heavy Gaubitz "Kane", evacuated according to the order of Soviet power in Simbirsk, where the division and was captured by the Cappel detachment along with his commander. Karpinsky was credited to the People's Army by the commander of the battery of heavy Gaubitz, then appointed commander of ArtKlade,. At the end of 1919, he fell ill in Krasnoyarsk, he captured red and soon he was enrolled in the RKKA - the commander of the battery of heavy warmts, the commander of the heavy division and the brigade, in 1924-28. He commanded a heavy artillery regiment, then in teaching positions.

      In general, the appointment of technical specialists who served in the White armies - artilleryrs, engineers, railway workers - to the construction positions was a frequent phenomenon. Stamps-captain Cherkasy A.N., served as Kolchak and took an active part in the Izhevsk-Votkinsky uprising, served in the Red Army in the 20s by a divisional engineer. Personnel officer of engineering troops, headquarters-captain Ponomarenko BA, in 1918 he joined the Ukrainian army, was an assistant to the hetman commandant of Kharkov, then in the army of UNR assistant to the head of the Eastern Front Communication, in May 1919 he captured the Poles. In 1920, he freed himself from captivity, again fell into the army of UNR, but deserted from it, he moved the front line and joined RKKKA, where he served in the engineering battalion of the 45th Rifle Division, then the assistant commander of the 4th sapper battalion, the commander of the 8th He is a spernoy battalion, since 1925 he is the commander of the 3rd automoticlet shelf. The engineer was a former lieutenant Goldman, who served in the Hetmann forces, in the Red Army since 1919, commanded a pontoon regiment. Ensign Zhuk A.Ya., who finished the 1st year of the Petrograd Institute of Civil Engineers, the 2nd course of the Petrograd Institute of Communications and Alekseevskaya School, in the civil war fought in the Kolchakov army - the junior officer and the commander of the Sapper Room, the engineering park commander. Becoming in captivity in December 1919, he took a check in the Yekaterinburg CC, until July 1920, from September 1920 in the Red Arch Republic - in the 7th engineering battalion, a brigadier engineer of the 225th separate special purpose brigade. Headquarters Vodopyanov V.G., who lived in the White, served in the RKKKA in the railway troops, also lived in the territory of White and Lieutenant M.I. Yehov, in the Red Army since 1919, in the 1920s engineer at the railway headquarters shelf.

      Vladimir Kaminsky, exploring the construction of fortified areas in 20-30, somehow wrote about the Correspondence of the Ukrainian Military District in the RGVA (for the authorship of the head of the head of the district engineers D.M Karbyshev) with the main military engineering department in which The question of the demobilization of military engineers who served in the White Arms surfaced. The GPU demanded to remove them, while RVS and Gwiu in connection with the acute deficit of specialists allowed them to leave them.

      Separately, it is worth mentioning the white officers who worked on red intelligence. Many have heard about the Red Scout of Makarov, the Adutanta of the White General of May Maevsky, who served as the prototype of the Master Hero of the film "Adjutant His Excellency", meanwhile it was far from an individual example. In the same Crimea, other officers worked on the red, for example, Colonel Ts.A. SIMINSKY - Head of the Weangeleevian intelligence, in the summer of 1920 he left for Georgia, after which it turned out the fact of his work on exploration of the Red Army. Also through Georgia (through the Soviet military representative in Georgia) transferred information about the Wedrangelev army and two more red intelligence officers - Colonel Ts.A. Skvortsov and Captain Ts.A. Dekonsky. In this regard, by the way, it can be noted that in Georgia from 1918 to 1920, the colonel of the General Staff of Papey, A.I., Lieutenant General Soviet army (By the way, in the notes in the collection of documents on the "Spring", it is also indicated about its service in Denikin, but not specified in what period). This is, in particular, it is stated about it on the site www.grwar.ru: " He lived in Tiflis, engaged in trade (06.1918-05.1919). Assistant head of the American Charitable Society Warehouse in Tiflis (08.-09.1919). Sales Agent in the representation of the Italian company in Tiflis (10.1919-06.1920). From 07.1920 was at the disposal of the military department at the Plenipotentiary representative of the RSFSR in Georgia. Special coupon in Constantinpol (01.-07.1921). Arrested by the British 29.07.1921 and sent to his homeland. I explained my failure by the fact that "she was given colleagues - officers of the General Staff." At its disposal. II Department of Sportsprec (from 08.22.1921). Head of the Sports Sector Staff of the Republic of Redek (08/25/1921-15.07.1922). "With his position held quite. Suitable for nomination for a calm scientific work" (conclusion attestation Commission Sports dated 03/14/1922). ""Apparently, it was possible to work in the Crimea through Georgia. Officers who worked at the exploration of the Red Army were in other white armies. In particular, Colonel Ts.A. served in the Kolchakov army. Herosev-Ordinsky V.I. - He joined the RCP (b) in the spring of 1919, during the service at the headquarters of the Kolchakov governor in Vladivostok, General S.N. Rosanova. In the summer of 1921, he was arrested by white counterintelligence together with another five underground workers - they were all killed during the shoots provoked by white counterintelligence.

      Summing up the topic of the service of white officers during the civil war, you can return to the work of A.G. Kavtaradze and its estimates of their total number: "In total, 14,390 former white officers served for conscience, from which before January 1, 1921, 12 thousand people were served for conscience. Former white officers served not only in lower construction positions - as the main mass of military time officers, or in teaching and staff positions, as personnel officers and general strategies. Some have come to top command posts, such as Lieutenant Colonges Kakurin and Vasilenko, by the end of the civil war commanded armies. Kavtaradze writes about the examples of the service of former white officers "not for fear, and for conscience", and about the continuation of their service after the war:

      « After graduating from the civil war and the transition of the Red Army on the civilian situation of 1975 former white officers continued to service in the Red Army, provinging "their work and courage sincerity and dedication to the Union of Soviet republics", on the basis of which the Soviet government took off the name "Former White" and equalized in all the rights of the RKKK commander. Among them, the headquarten L. A. Govanov can be called, afterwards the Marshal of the Soviet Union, who came from the Kolchakov army with his battery towards the Red Army, as a commander of the Division participated in the civil war and for battles under Kakhovka was awarded the Order of the Red Banner; Colonel of the Orenburg Piece of the Army F. A. Bogdanova, who passed away from his brigade on the side of the Red Army on September 8, 1919. Soon he and his officers were adopted to arrive at the front of M. I. Kalinin, who clarified them the goals and objectives of the Soviet power, its policies in relation to military specialists and promised to admit prisoners of war of officers after the corresponding verification of their activities in the White Army to serve in the Red Army; Subsequently, this Cossack brigade participated in the battles against Denikintsev, Belopolds, Wranglelev and Basmacha. In 1920, M. V. Frunze appointed Bogdanov commander of the 1st separate Uzbek cavalry brigade, for the difference in battles with Basmach, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

      SUPTING TT Shapkin in 1920 moved with his division to the side of the Red Army, for the differences in the battles during the Soviet-Polish war, he was awarded two orders of the Red Banner; In the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 In the rank of lieutenant-general commanded the Cavalry Corps. Military pilot Captain Yu. I. Arvatov, who served in the "Galic Army" of the so-called "West-Ukrainian People's Republic" and transferred in 1920 to the side of the Red Army, for participation in the Civil War was awarded two orders of the Red Banner. Similar examples could be multiplied».

      Lieutenant-General of the Red Army and the Hero of the Stalingrad Battle, Cavalier of the Four Organs of the Red Banner, Timofey Timofeevich Shapkin, in the Tsarist Army served for more than 10 years in non-commissioned officers and only by the end of the first world for the merit sent to the school of ensigns, in the Armed Forces of the South of Russia He spent from call to call, from January 1918 to March 1920.

      We will be back to the Shapkin, but the above examples can indeed multiply. In particular, for battles during the civil war, the Order of the Red Banner was awarded and managed to serve in the Denikin army Captain A.Ya. Yanovsky. He received the Order of the Red Banner and was presented to the second captain of the old Army K.N. Bulminsky, battery commander in the army of Kolchak, has served in the Red Army since October 1918. Kolchak until 1920 served as the head of the UBR of the refrigerant in the early 20s, former headquarters-captain and pilot-observer S.Ya. Corf (1891-1970), also the cavalier of the Red Banner Order. In Denikin Aviation, served and Kornet Arzellov, the grandson of the artist Aivazovsky, in the future the well-known Soviet pilot test and the planer designer. In general, in Soviet aviation, the share of former white priests by the end of the civil war was very large, especially the Kolchakov Aviators had time to show themselves. So, M. Hairulin and V. Kondratyev in his work "Aviation of Civil War", recently reprinted under the name "Warlings of the deceased Empire", lead the following data: to July, in Soviet aviation, a 383 pilot and 197 years of age - or 583 people served in Soviet aviation. From the beginning of 1920, white pilots began to appear massively in Soviet airways - after the defeat of Kolchak in the Red Army, 57 pilots were transferred, and after a defeat of Denikin about 40 of about 40, that is, about a hundred. Even if we accept that the former white aviators numbered not only pilots, but also of the summer fabrics, it is even so it turns out that every sixth pillar got into the red air fleet from white aviation. The concentration of participants in the white movement among the priority vessels was so high, which was manifested and significantly later, at the end of the 30s: in the Management Report on the Command-to-Chief Field of the Red Army "On the Status of Personnel and Objectives for Training" of November 20, 1937 in the table Dedicated to the "facts of clogging of the audience of academies" was noted that from 73 listeners of the Air Academy 22 served in the White Army or were in captivity, that is, 30%. Even with the fact that the participants in the white movement and prisoners were mixed in this category, the numbers are large, especially in comparison with other academies (Academy of Frunze 4 out of 179, engineering - 6 out of 190, electrotechnical 2 of 55, transport - 11 from 243, medical - 2 of 255 and artillery - 2 out of 170).

      Returning to the Civil War, it is necessary to note and appeared closer towards the end of the war some relaxation to those officers who have established themselves in the service in the Red Army: " On September 4, 1920, the order of the Revivation Council No. 1728/326 was issued, regarding the rules of "filtration", the accounting and use of former officers and military officials of the White Armies. Compared to the above-mentioned "temporary rules" on the former white officers, questionnaires were introduced from 38 points, specified where "Courses of Political and Military Training" could be located, the number of these courses, their maximum number in one city, and also indicated On the need for reflection in the service lists of the former ownership of officers "To the composition of the White Armies" The order contained a new one, an extremely important point: after the year of service in the Red Army, a former officer or a military official of the White Armies was shot "from special accounting", and from that time they did not extend in the order "Special Rules for this person", i.e. . He fully switched to the position of the "military specialist", which is in the service in the Red Army. "

      Conducting information on the service of the "White" officers in the Red Army during the Civil War, you can note a few moments. Firstly, the most massive nature of their attraction to the service has since the end of 1919-1920, with the defeat of the main White Guard armies in Siberia, in the south and in the north of Russia, and especially with the beginning of the Soviet-Polish war. Secondly, former officers could be divided into several groups - the main mass of military time officers, often served in white mobilization - these persons for obvious reasons, most often came to construction and team positions, but as a rule, the level of platoon and mouth commanders . At the same time, for the purpose of insurance, the command of the Red Army sought to prevent the concentration of former officers in parts, and also sent them to those fronts where they were captured. In addition, various technical specialists were sent to the troops - aviators, artilleryrs, engineers, railway workers - including personnel officers. As for the personnel military and officers of the General Staff, then the situation was somewhat different. The latter - in connection with the acute deficit of such specialists, they were taken to special accounting and were used to the maximum in their specialty in the top headquarters, especially since the political control was noticeably easier there. Just personnel officers - due to their experience and knowledge that were also a valuable element, used as a rule in teaching positions. Thirdly, apparently the largest number of former officers got the Red Army from the Kolchakov army, which is explained by the following reasons. The defeat of the Kolchakov troops still occurred earlier than in the south, and the prison officer of the Kolchakov army had more chances to serve in the Red Army and participate in hostilities on her side. At the same time, in the south, it was easier to avoid captivity - either emigrating (in the Caucasus either through the Black Sea), or evacuated to the Crimea. Despite the fact that in the east of Russia to avoid captivity, it was necessary to go through a thousand kilometers in winter through the whole Siberia. In addition, the officer's corps of the Siberian armies was noticeably inferior in his quality of the officer corps of the NEW - the second went much more personnel officers, as well as ideological officers of military time - since it was much easier to flee to the South, and the concentration of the population in the south And in Central Russia was several times higher than in Siberia. Accordingly, the Siberian white armies, the name of a small number of officers in general, not to mention the personnel - were forced to more actively occupy mobilization, including violent. And in their army, it fell noticeably more as unwillingly serve, and simply opponents of the White Movement, often overwhelmed to red - so the leadership of the Red Army with a much smaller Opansky could use these officers in their own interests.

      Since the end of the civil war, RKKK faces the need for a serious reduction - from 5.5 million. Its number was gradually brought to 562 thousand people. Naturally, the number of the command-bunching composition, although to a lesser extent, from 130 thousand people to about 50 thousand were reduced. Naturally, inserting before the need to reduce the commercial, first of all, the leadership of the country and the army began to dismiss precisely the former white officers, giving priority to the same officers, but served in the Red Army initially, as well as young paints, which usually occupy lower positions - level of platoon commanders as a rule and mouth. From among the former white officers in the army, only the most valuable part of them was left - officers of the General Staff, generals, as well as specialists of technical labor of troops (aviation, artillery, engineering troops). The dismissal of white officers from the army began during the civil war, however, at the same time with the demobilization of Kraistov - from December 1920 to September 1921, 10,935 people of the command staff were fired from the army and plus 6,000 former white officers to them. In general, as a result of the movement of the army on a peaceful position of 14 thousand officers in 1923, only 1975 former white officers remained in it, while the process of their reduction continued to continue, simultaneously with the reduction of the army itself. The latter from 5 with excess millions was reduced first to 1.6 million people at 1.01.1922, then consistently up to 1.2 million people, up to 825,000, 800,000, 600,000 - naturally in parallel and the process of reducing the number of commercials, Including former white officers whose number at 1.01.1924 amounted to 837 people. Finally, in 1924, the number of armed forces was recorded at the level of 562 thousand people., Of these, 529,865 people for the army itself, and at the same time the next command of the command staff re-certification was held, during which 50 thousand commanders passed. Then 7,447 people were fired (15% to the number of proven), together with universities and the fleet, the number was dismissed reached 10 thousand people, and demobilization was held "according to three main features: 1) a politically unreliable element and former white officers, 2) technically unprepared and not representing special values \u200b\u200bfor the army, 3) passed age limit deadlines. " Accordingly, dismissed 10 thousand commanders according to these features were shared as follows: 1st sign -9%, 2nd sign - 50%, 3rd sign - 41%. Thus, for political reasons in 1924, about 900 commanders were fired from the army and fleet. Not all of them were white officers, and the part served on the fleet and in military schools, since the latter already at the beginning of 1924 there were 837 people in the army, and by 01.01.1925 there were 397 former white officers in the Red Army. I repeat, left in the army as a rule, either technically experts, or qualified pearls from among the generals and officers of the General Staff - which by the way perturbed some of the red military leaders.

      So, in a very emotional letter of the Group of Commanders of the Red Army of February 10, 1924, the following was noted: " in the lower parts, the command lineup was made, not only a hostile element, but even dubiously, consciously or unconsciously spared himself or by the service in the white armies, or in the field of white territories. Successful and threw young people, often peasant and proletarian origin - from among wartime ensigns; young people who are their stay after the white armies in the parts of our red, on the fronts against the same whites could not redeem on their mistake or a crime committed often on nonconsciousness in the past" And at the same time " incE Well-deserved, extended people from the bourgeois and aristocratic world, the former ideological leaders of the tsarist army - the generals remained in their places, and sometimes even with an increase. Counter-revolutionaries and ideological leaders of the White Guards, hanged and shot by hundreds and thousands of proletariat and the Communists during the Civil War, relying on the support of their old comrades in the Tsarist Academy or related ties with the specialists who were durable in our heads or controls, the fibers of themselves are a strong, well-booked aspen nest In the heart of the Red Army, its Central Organizational and Teaching Apparatus - Headquarters R.K.K.A., Gwuz, Gau, Gwiu, Fleet Headquarters, Academy, Wak, Shot and Editors of Our Military Scientific Thought, which in their undivided The authorities and under their integral and ideological influence. "

      Of course, the "ideological leaders of the White Guard, who having gone and shot hundreds and thousands of proletariat and the Communists during the Civil Wars," there were not so much among the top team and the teaching lineup of the Red Army (from among those on the mind, perhaps only wealth), but nevertheless The less this letter suggests that the presence of former white officers was very noticeable. Among them were both captive white officers and immigrants, as the same wealth and the colonel Milkovsky returned with him. (Inspector of the artillery of the Crimean Corps Ya.A. Slaryov, after returning to Russia consisted of special instructions of the 1st category of artillery inspection and armor of the Red Army) and Colonel of the General Staff Lazarev B.P. (In the White Army, Major General). In 1921, Lieutenant Colonel of the fence MA was returned from the emigration, he taught in the Odessa Artillery School, and Colonel Zelenin P.E., in 1921-25. Combat, and then the head of the 13th Odessa Infantry School, headed by team courses in the Red Army in the Civil War, but after the class of Odessa, the remaining left in place and with them then evacuated in Bulgaria. Former Colonel Ivanenko S.E., in the Volunteer Army since 1918, for some time he commanded the consolidated regiment of the 15th Infantry Division, returned from emigration from Poland in 1922 and until 1929 taught in Odessa Artshkol. In April 1923, Major General General Staff E.S. returned to the USSR. Gamchenko, since June 1918, served in the army of the hetman of the Sprints and UNR, and in 1922, submitted a statement in the Soviet embassy with a request to allow return to his homeland - on his return, he taught in the Irkutsk and Sumy infantry schools, as well as at school. Kamenev. Generally, with regard to emigrants in the Red Army, Minakova provides the following not essential view of the former colonel of the old army and the division commander in the Army Krasnaya V.I. Saloduukhin, who " on the question of the attitude of the KOMSOSTAB RKKA to the return of officers from emigration to Russia gave a very remarkable answer: "The new communist composition would be good, but the old officer composition is clearly hostile." He explained it by "What appreciating emigration is high in terms of mental and knowing that in the Red Army, even a former White Guardian can go well, they would have been afraid of his previously as a competitor, and in addition, ... in each passing, they would have seen a direct traitor ... "».

      Major General of the Red Army A.Ya. Yanovsky, a personnel officer of the old army, who graduated from the accelerated course of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, his service in Denikinian troops was limited to three months. However, the fact of voluntary service in the White Army in his personal case did not prevent him from making a career in the Red Army.

      Separately, it is possible to note the white officers and generals emigrated to China and returned to Russia from China in the 20s and 30s. So for example in 1933, together with her brother, Major General A.T. Sukina, left in the USSR Colonel of the General Staff of the old army Sukin Nikolai Timofeevich, in the White Army, Lieutenant-General, the participant of the Siberian ice campaign, in the summer of 1920, temporarily held the post of headquarters of the Glavkomi by all the armed forces of the Russian East outskirts, in the USSR, worked as a teacher of military disciplines in the USSR. Some of them began to work in the USSR in China, such as Colonel of the Old Army, in the Kolchakov army, Major Major Tonkaya I.V.- In 1920, in the Armed Forces of the Russian East Outskown, he held the post of headquarters of the Hiking Ataman, in 1925 he lived in Beijing. In 1927, he was an employee of the military attache of the Plenipotentiary Representative Office of the USSR in China, 04/06/1927 was arrested by the Chinese authorities during the placement of the Installation in Beijing, and probably after that he returned to the USSR. Also in China with the Red Army began to cooperate and another high-ranking officer of the White Army, also a participant in the Siberian ice campaign, Alexey Nikolaevich Shelavin. Funny, but as describes a meeting with him Kazan, who arrived at the Blucher headquarters in China as a translator: " In the reception there was a long table, covered with breakfast. At the table sat tightened by a seaming military and with an appetite ate from a full plate of oatmeal. In such a stupidity there is a hot porridge seemed to me a heroic feat. And he, not satisfied with this, took three eggs from the bowl and released them on porridge. All this he watered canned milk and hustically sprinkled with sugar. I was so hypnotized by the enviable appetite of the old military (soon I learned that it was the royal general Shalavin, which turned to the Soviet service) that Bluchber I saw only when he was already standing quite in front of me" Kazan in his memoirs did not mention that Shelavin was not just a royal, but a white general, in general in the royal army he was only a colonel of the General Staff. The participant of the Russian-Japanese and world wars, in the Kolchakov army he held the head of the headquarters of the Omsk Military District and the 1st Consolidated Siberian (subsequently 4th Siberian) corps, participated in the Siberian ice campaign, served in the Armed Forces of the Russian East outskirts and the Amur temporary Governments, then emigrated to China. Already in China, he began to cooperate with the Soviet military intelligence (under the pseudonym Rudnev), in 1925-1926 - the Military Advisor of the Henan Group, the Vampo Military Teacher; 1926-1927 - at the headquarters of the Guangzhou Group, helped the Blukhuer to evacuate from China and himself also returned to the USSR in 1927.

      Returning to the question of the large number of former white officers in teaching positions and in the central office - in the report of the Bureau of the Cells of the Military Academy of February 18, 1924, it was noted that " the number of former officers of the General Headquarters compared to their number in the army during the civil war increased significantly" Of course, it was the consequence of their growth in many respects at the expense of precisely prisoner officers. Since the General stakeholders were the most qualified and valuable part of the officer's corps of the old army, the leadership of the Red Bank sought to attract them as much as possible to the service, including from among the former White Guards. In particular, the following generals and officers with higher military education obtained in the old army were served in the Red Army at different times in the twenties, and participants of the White Movement:

      • Artamonov Nikolay Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served in the army of Kolchak;
      • Akhverdan (Ahverdyan) Ivan Vasilyevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major Major of the Old Army, from 05.1918 Military Minister of Armenia, Armenian Army Generator, 1919, served in RKKU after returning from emigration;
      • Bazarevsky Alexander Khalilevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, served at various staff posts in the ADM armies. Kolchak;
      • Bakovets Ilya Grigorievich, the accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff (2 classes), Lieutenant Colonel of the Old Army, served in the army of the hetman of the Scopadian and Denikin;
      • Baranovich Vsevolod Mikhailovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, served in the army of Kolchak;
      • Batruk Alexander Ivanovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Captain of the Old Army, in 1918 in the Hetman army and from 1919 to the East;
      • Belovsky Alexey Petrovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, served at Kolchak;
      • Boyko Andrei Mironovich, the accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff (1917), Captain (?), In 1919 he served in the Kuban army of the North;
      • Brykin (Brilkin) Alexander Dmitrievich, Military Legal Academy, Major General of the Old Army, served in the army of the hetman of the Scopadian and Voluntary Army;
      • Vasilenko Matvey Ivanovich, an accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff (1917). Staff-captain (according to other data lieutenant colonel) of the old army. Participant of white traffic.
      • Vlasenko Alexander Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, a personnel officer, apparently served in the White Arms (from June 1, 1920 he listened to repeated courses "for former whites")
      • Wolse Andrei Iosifovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Captain of the Old Army, served in the army of UNR and in the East;
      • Vysotsky Ivan Vitoldovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Captain of the Old Army, served in various white armies;
      • Gamchenko Evgeny Spiridonovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served in the army of UNR, served in the RKKK after returning from emigration;
      • Georgian Ilya Grigorievich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served in the White Forces Vost. Front;
      • Desino Nikolai Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, served in the army of the hetman of the Scarcade
      • Dyakovsky Mikhail Mikhailovich, the accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff, the captain of the old army, served in the East;
      • Zoltikov Alexander Semenovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served at Kolchak;
      • Zinesvich Bronislav Mikhailovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, at Kolchak General Major;
      • The fence Mikhail Andrianovich, the accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff, Lieutenant Colonel of the Old Army, served in the army of the hetman of the Skulpadsky and in the East;
      • Kakurin Nikolai Evgenievich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, served in the Ukrainian Galic Army;
      • Karlikov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the old army, in the army of Kolchak Lieutenant-General
      • Karum Lond Sergeevich, Aleksandrovskaya Military Law Academy, Captain of the Old Army, served in the army of the hetman of the Skoropadsky, in the East and in the Russian Army of Gene. Wrangel;
      • Kedrin Vladimir Ivanovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served as Kolchak;
      • Kohanov Nikolai Vasilyevich, Nikolaev Academy, Ordinary Professor of the Academy of General Staff and Extraordinary Professor of the Nikolaev Engineering Academy, Colonel of the Old Army, served at Kolchak;
      • Kutateadze Georgy Nikolayevich, an accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff, the captain of the old army, served for some time in Georgia served in the National Army;
      • Lazarev Boris Petrovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, in the Volunteer Army, the Major gene, returned with General Schazhov in the USSR;
      • Lebedev Mikhail Vasilyevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served in the army of UNR and in the East;
      • Leonov Gabriel Vasilyevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Lieutenant Colonel of the Old Army, Kolchak General Major;
      • Lenignu Alexander Georgievich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served in the Hetman army and Kolchak;
      • Milkovsky Alexander Stepanovich, Colonel of the Old Army, a member of the White Movement, returned to Soviet Russia with Ya.A. Weary;
      • Morozov Nikolai Apolloovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, served in the East;
      • Motor Vladimir Ivanovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Lieutenant Colonel of the Old Army, Participant of White Movement;
      • Myasikov Vasily Emelyanovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, served as Kolchak;
      • Dmitry Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, in the army of Kolchak General Major;
      • Anton Romanovich Nalvalov, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel of the Old Army, served in the Georgian army;
      • Oburyhtin Viktor Ivanovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, Captain of the Old Army, in the army of Kolkhak Colonel and Major General;
      • Pavlov Nikifor Damianovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major Major of the Old Army, served at Kolchak;
      • Plazovsky Roman Antonovich, Mikhailovskaya Artillery Academy, Colonel of the Old Army, served at Kolchak;
      • Popov Viktor Lukich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel,? The Old Army, a Participant of White Movement;
      • Popov Vladimir Vasilyevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Captain of the Old Army, in the Red Colonel;
      • De Roberti Nikolai Alexandrovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Lieutenant Colonel of the Old Army, served in the Volunteer Army and the Emergency;
      • Slazkov Yakov Alexandrovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel Old and Lieutenant-General White Army.
      • Suvorov Andrey Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, there are indirect certificates of service in the White Arms - in the Red Army served since 1920, and in 1930 he was arrested in the case of former officers;
      • Sokiro-Yakhontov Viktor Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the old army, served in the UNR army;
      • Sokolov Vasily Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Lieutenant Colonel of the Old Army, served in the army of Admiral Kolchak;
      • Stal Herman Ferdinandovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of the General Staff, the Major General of the Old Army, in 1918 served in the army of the Hetman Scoropadsky;
      • Tarchi Vladimir Stepanovich, the accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff, the captain (headquarters-captain?) The old army served in the army of the Armenian Republic;
      • Tolmachev Kasyan Vasilyevich, studied at the Academy of General Staff (the course did not finish), the captain of the old army, served in the army of the hetman of the Skoropadsky and in the East;
      • Shelavin Aleksey Nikolaevich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Colonel in the Old Army and Major General in Kolchak;
      • Schildbach Konstantin Konstantinovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Major General of the Old Army, in 1918 served in the army of Hetman Scoropads, was later registered in the Volunteer Army;
      • Enger Nikolai Vladimirovich, Nikolaev Military Academy of General Staff, Rothmistra, Kavtaradze - Captain of the Old Army, a member of white traffic.
      • Yanovsky Alexander Yakovlevich, an accelerated course of the Academy of General Staff, Captain, in the Denikinian Army from September to December 1919 (by the way, his brother, P.Yanovsky, served in the White Army);
      • A few later, the colonels of the old army Svignin Vladimir Andreevich began their service in the 1980s - he graduated from the Nikolaev engineering academy, in the army of Kolchak, Major General, and the above-mentioned Sukin N.T., graduated from the Academy of General Staff, in the army of Kolchak General -lieutenant. In addition to the above officers and generals, you can also mention and did not have the highest military education of high-ranking military commanders of the White and National Army, which served in the Red Army - such as the former Major General Secretands Alexander Stepanovich, a member of the White Movement, one of the best combat commanders of the First World General from Artillery Mehmandarov (held the post of Military Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and Lieutenant General of the Old Army Schikhlinsky (held in the Musavatist government the post of assistant military minister, was produced into generals from the artillery of the Azerbaijani Army) - In the USSR, a personal pensioner and the author of memories died in Baku in the 40s .

      As for other white officers, primarily military time officers in the 20s, in the 20s, the main mass of the stock team, it is necessary to note the loyal attitude, the lack of ideological nesting, as well as the pragmatic approach of the army leadership. The latter understood that most of the officers of the White Armies served in them often by mobilization and without much desire, and later, many people rehabilitate themselves in the Red Army. Understanding and what possessing military training and combat experience, they were of particular value as a stock committee, the leadership of the Red Army made efforts to normalize their existence in civil life: " The existing unemployment and prejudice attitude towards them from the drug addicts and other Soviet organizations suspecting them in political unreliability, which is not substantiated and in essentially incorrectly leads to failures in the service. In particular, most persons 1 category (former white) can not be considered white in the present value of this word. They all served loyally, but their further leaving in the army, especially in connection with the transition to uniquely, is simply inappropriate. According to available information, most demobilized wore a pitiful existence ..." According to Frunze, many of the dismissed who spent in the army "for several years" and having the experience of civil war were a "reserve for the case of war", in connection with which he believed that the concern for the material situation was dismissed from the army should be the subject of attention Only military, but also civil authorities. Considering that "the proper permit of this issue goes beyond the limits of the military ass and has great political importance," Frunze on behalf of the USSR RVS requested the Central Committee to give a "directive for the party line". The question was again staged by Frunze at the RVS meeting on 12/22/1924, a special commission of the USSR SCA was even established to resolve the issue.

      Leonid Sergeevich Karum, a personnel officer of the Tsarist Army and the commander of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army, between two of these photographs his life has undergone serious changes: he managed to serve in the army of the hetman of the Spearcadian, Russian army gene. Wrangel, and being a relative of the famous writer M. Bulgakov, was captured in the literature, becoming a prototype Talberg in the "White Guard" novel.

      At the same time, the leadership of the Red Army constantly followed the problems of former white officers and constantly raised this topic - in particular in the report note of the head of the GU RKKKA V.N. Levichva in the RVS of the USSR on the preparation of the stock team composition, noted: " in particular, the difficult situation [with respect to] former white officers ... It should be borne in mind that this group of former whites in different periods of the Civil War has passed on our side and participated already in the Red Army. The moral condition of this category belonging to its social situation in the past to the "differences" is aggravated by the fact that it is objectively the most affected part of the representatives of the old regime. Meanwhile, recognize yourself more guilty than that part of the bourgeois class, which "speculated" from behind the corner, was sold by Soviet power, it cannot. NEP, the development of the industry in general was placed in the service and states and private capital all the categories of intelligent labor, the same part - former officers, exitted since 1914, lost all qualifications in peaceful labor, and, of course, cannot be in demand as on "specialists" and, in the addition of everything, wears the brand of former officers" Noting insufficient attention to the problems of the assembly of the stock (largely represented by former white officers - so, as for the former White Guards, "On fitzers and officials from the number of prisoners of war and reinforcements of white armies and lived in the territory of these armies"From among those who took place on a special accounting of OGPU on September 1, 1924, 50,900 people by September 1, 1926 were removed from special accounting and listed as a stock rate), both from local party bodies and from county military registration and enlistment offices, and believed, "that the severity of the situation and the importance of the problem of the Soviet preparation of the commercial stock to war requires the intervention of the Central Committee of the Party," the GAF GU offered a number of events to solve the specified question. It was about booking posts in civilian addicts, as well as the provision of advantages of advantages of advantages in the device as teachers in civil universities, on constant control over the employment of unemployed notav and material assistance to the latter, observation of political and military preparedness, as well as removal from Accounting former white commanders who were in the ranks of the Red Army. The importance of the employment of former commanders was related to the fact that, as noted in the documents of the time, " on the soil of material insecurity, a negative attitude towards the call to the Red Army is easily created. This makes pay attention to the improvement of the material situation of our stock, otherwise, when mobilizing, he will double in the army ranks a relatively large percentage of dissatisfied" In January 1927, after the instructions for elections to the councils, most of the commercial stock, namely the former white, who did not serve in the Red Army, was devoid of participation in the elections, the Command Management of the Republic of Armenia, noting that " quantitative lack of stock forces to count on attraction, though with some prudency, and this group", And deprivation of her" election goes against this intention", Demanded" d receive the instructions for re-equipment to the advice to the indication that the election rights are deprived only by the former white, not filmed from special accounting of the OGPU, believing that the persons filmed from it and the stock included in the resources are already rather compiled and as the source of the future of the army must use all rights citizens of the Union».

      Dry excerpts from documents regarding here you can diversify bright and memorable illustrations. This is how typical representatives of the assembly of the reserve of the former whites or those who lived in the "White" territories in the article of Zephyrov, who worked as part of the Commission on the Commows Support Commission in 1925, in the journal "War and Revolution":

      « The common group of team formulation is the former. officers who did not serve either in the white nor in the Red Army, but those who lived in the White and the whole civil war worked in their peace profession as a teacher, agronoma or on railway. The appearance and psychology of individuals of this category, applying the old military terminology to them, is completely "civil". They don't like to remember about the military service, and their officer chin is sincerely consider an unpleasant accident, since they fell into a military school solely due to their general education. Now they diverted in their specialty with their heads, it's hotly interested, the military was completely forgotten to study his desire to be discovered.

      With greater brightness than the previous group, the type of the officer who served in the old and white army appears in memory. Hot temperament did not allow him to complete a fully secondary educational institution and he voluntarily went to "save" Russia from the Teutonic invasion. At the end of the military school, he was sent to the front, where, in addition to injuries, he received a beautiful order for "combat differences".

      With the risks of the Civil War, he entered the army of the White Generals, with whom they divided their inglorious fate. Vacuated Vakhanalia and speculation on his own blood "Savior of the Faith and Fatherland" disappointed him in beautiful phrases about a single and indivisible "and the transfer of the winner's mercy was the" swan song "of his Donkoyotsky dreams. The following should be a state of special accounting and a modest service. An account in the accounting department of the mine. Now he, in all likelihood, sincerely wanted to serve in the Red Army, but his past makes it carefully in his destination and he takes accounting on the last reserve queue.

      Very similar to the newly outlined group, the author refers also the former officers who served in all three armies, i.e. in the old, in white and red. The fate of these persons is largely similar to the fate of the previous ones, with the difference that they rather first realized their misconception and in battles with their recent like-minded people redeemed their guilt before the Red Army. From the Red Army, they demobilized in 21-22 and now serve in ordinary positions in Soviet institutions and enterprises».

      Returning to the former white officers who remained in the service in the Red Army and their destinies, it is difficult to pass by repressive events in their respect. Immediately at the end of the civil war, harsh repression in relation to those who served in the Red Army of the former white officers were rather a partial nature. For example, Major General General Staby Vikhiev, June 6, 1922, was arrested by GPU, under arrest was located on 03/01/1923, and was excluded from the lists of RKKK in 1924, the captain of the General Staff Gacneberg L.A. (In the Russian government, the chairman of the Military Economic Society) was invited to work in Chairman of the Military Economic Society, but in Moscow in June 1920 he was arrested and concluded to the Butyrian prison, Colonel General Staff Zineshevich B.M., In December, being the head of the Krasnoyarsk garrison, who passed the city red and The position of Assistant Inspector of Infantry in the Red Army in the Red Army, was arrested in November 1921 and the extreme troop of the representative office of Siberia on Siberia on charges of the Kolchak was sentenced to conclusion in the concentration camper before exchange with Poland, Major General Slysarev K.M. , Head of the Orenburg Cossack School since 1908, including in Kolchak, after the defeat of the troops of the latter served in the RKKA, the head of the school cadet school in Omsk, but in March 1921, during the Anti-Bolshevik Uprising in Western Siberia, was arrested and shot on charges of charges Feedback rebels, personnel border guards Belavin V.P., demobilized in July 1921 - June 21, 1924 He was arrested on charges "In the active participation in the work of the counter-revolutionary organization" Personnel Russian officers "created by Wrangel," and "As a collection of secret military information about the quartering of the Red Army, which was transferred to the Central Organization through the Polish Consulate," and on July 4, 1925 by the Military Tribunal The 14th Rifle Corps is sentenced to shooting and shot. In 1923, during the case of military topographers, General Pavlov N.D. was arrested, but soon he was released and he worked as a professor in Omsk until his death. However, the bulk of officers was simply dismissed during massive contractions in the army and enrolled in the reserve. As a rule, the past checks left or valuable specialists (general stakeholders, pilots, artillerymen and engineers), or proven their desire and devotion of Soviet power and manifested themselves in battles on the side of the Red Army, construction and staff commanders.

      Next after 1923-24. The wave of cleaning and repression took place at the turn of decades, in 1929-1932. This time was characterized by a combination of a tense foreign policy ("military alarm" of 1930) with a complication of a domestic political situation associated with the resistance of the peasant population of collectivization. In an effort to strengthen its power and neutralize domestic opponents, real and potential - according to party leadership, the latter has taken a number of repressive measures. It is at this time that the famous "Promptery" case is unchecked for civilians and the Spring Operation in relation to military personnel, as well as former officers. Naturally, the last touched by the former white officers, in particular from the above list of White General strategists, someone was dismissed in 1923-24. (such as Artamonov N.N., Pavlov N.D.), but a significant part was willing the case "Spring" and related repressions - Baskarevsky, Batruk, Vysotsky, Gamchenko, Kakurin, Kedrin, Kohanov, Lenoha, Morozov, Motor, Secret , Sokolov, Schildbach, Enhler, Sokiro Yakhontov. And if Bazarevsky, Vysotsky, Lenoha were released and restored in the army, then the fate was less favorable - Batruk, Gamchenko, Motor, Secret and Sokolov were sentenced to VMN, and Kakurin died in prison in 1936. During the "Spring" was shot and brother A.Ya. Yanovsky, P.Ya. Yanovsky - both served in the White Army.

      In general, the theme "Spring" is poorly studied today, and the scale of operation is somewhat exaggerated, although it is quite possible to name the prologue to the repression of the military end of the 30s. As for its scale, they can be approximately appreciated by the example of Ukraine - where the scale of the repressive events among the military were the largest (Ukraine on the mass of arrests, even Moscow with Leningrad inferiorly inferior. According to the prepared OGPU in July 1931, references throughout the shipyard and the TGPU's college in the Spring case passed the arrested in the Spring case 2014 people, including: 305 people's servicemen. (Of these, 71 Moirls and a teacher of military items in civil and military institutions), civilians 1706 people. Of course, not all of them managed to serve in the White and National Arms, although the former White Guards, who passed to the service in the Red Army, met both among the arrested soldiers and among the arrested civilians. Thus, among the latter there were 130 former white officers and 39 former officers of various Ukrainian national armed formations - in turn, among them were not served in the Red Army, and dismissed from it at different times in the 20s. Of course, the former white officers met and among the military personnel of the Red Army, the "spring" lean, primarily among teachers of military schools and military universities and teachers of military universities. The fact that most of the former white officers was concentrated not on teams, but in teaching positions and military schools, it is striking even with a superficial study of the available biographies - so, on 7 officers who held command posts, I found 36 persons of the teaching The composition of either military-schooling institutions.

      Crash and a large number of former white officers who taught in the 20s at school in the 20s. Kamenev, who was in his unique educational institution for the Red Army of that time. In the 20s, in front of the Red Army, along with the preparation of a new command formulation, the task of retraining and pre-preparation of the Komostava from among the paint, as a rule, became commander during the civil war. Their military education was often limited to either by the training teams of the old army or short-term courses of the Civil War and if during the war it had to close their eyes, after its end, a low level of military training became simply intolerable. First, the retraining of the paint was spontaneous and passed on a large number of diverse courses with many curriculum, different levels of training teachers, etc., etc. In an effort to streamline this procession and improve the quality of the education teams, the leadership of the Red Army focused retraining in two military schools - the United School. Kamenev and Siberian repeated courses. The first teaching staff was introduced almost at 100% officers of the old army, as a rule, highly qualified specialists (mainly personnel officers, among which the General Strategies and the Generals of the Old Army were often taught, for example, Lieutenant General General Staff, Majila General Sterroge, General Majilag, Lebedev, Sokiro Yakhontov, Gamchenko, Majo Majo-General of the Old Army, Blavdzevich, Dmitrievsky and Shepelev, not to mention the General stakeholders and personnel military in lower titles). Through the Kamenev's school in the 20s, a significant part of the repetition was held, and many of them occupied the highest commanders during the Great Patriotic War.

      At the same time, among the teaching staff of the school, as we saw, there were many white officers, even among those listed above 5 Generals, the General Staff, four passed through the White Army. By the way, the training part and the selection of the teaching staff of the school was also engaged in a personnel officer who managed to serve in the White Army, and not even one. The captain of the old army hp Karum is a man with an extraordinary destiny. My husband sisters MA Bulgakova, Barbara, he was led in the "White Guard" novel under the name Talberg, not the most pleasant character of the work: after writing the novel sister Bulgakov Varbara and her husband even quarreled with the writer. Captain Karum managed to end in the old army Aescandrovskaya Military Legal Academy, in 1918 he served in the army of the hetman of the Spropadian military lawyer (and on family legends was altogether the Adutant of Scoropads), in September 1919 - April 1920. He is a teacher of the Konstantinov Military School in the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. Then the Latvian consul in the Russian army of General Wrangel, after the evacuation of Whites remained in the Crimea, safely passed the Check of the CC (since she was covered by the Bolshevik underfielders) and switched to Soviet service. In 1922-26. He was an assistant chief, head of the educational part of the Kiev United School. Kameneva is an officer of a deserted, but apparently without solid beliefs, a careerist. This is what it was written about him in the informative reports of the OGPU of the mid 20s: "With redi teachers, felt, a lot of all the "bastards", but they are clear, they obviously know and do well ... Selection of teachers, especially the officer, most of all depends on Karuma. Karum is a fox who knows his business. But probably no ... at school a more unreliable person, like a karum. In a conversation about the plasticism and in general, with political workers, he can not even hold back a stinging smile ... He has a big tendency to careerism ... study will turn the head] of the studies [Noah] Karum, who pays a lot of time to work on the side (lectures reads in civilian Universities and lives for 7 miles from school). Very sensible, capable, but all on the speed separates" During the Spring, Karum was arrested and convicted for several years of the camps, after his release he lived in Novosibirsk, where he headed the Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the Novosibirsk Medical Institute.

      Returning to the question of the former white officers in the service in the Red Army - as already mentioned, the largest number of them hit the Red Army from Kolchakov troops, respectively, their concentration in Siberia was quite large. However, there, the cleansing of the armed forces from the former White Guards apparently happened to a softer path - by cleaning and layoffs. One of the participants of the RKKE site forum at one time laid out the following information: " In the spring of 1929, the Military Commander of Krasnoyarsk issued an order. I ordered the commanders of the red parts to report to anyone how many ex-white serves. At the same time, the plank was installed - no more than 20%, the rest to deduct ... However, most of the commanders ignored the order - in many parts of white (former) there were more than 20% ... additional orders and orders were required that the commanders reported. The military commander was even to threaten that those who would not report on the specified deadlines would devander at all of all former white. All this funny correspondence-order orders is kept in the local archive.».

      At the same time, the purification of the political machine (SIC!) The armed forces from the former white officers was carried out. Souvenirs in his book "Tragedy of the Red Army" in particular writes the following:

      « In a special earlier note, the Central Committee of the WCP (b) "On the Command and Political Composition of the Red Army" (May 1931), Ya. B. Gamarnik reported on holding a lot of work on the careful detection and cleaning of a politzavnostav from persons who served at least short time (two or three months) in the white armies. In just 1928-1930. It was fired from the army of 242 people "former white", mostly political officers, desobiba (heads of libraries), teachers. During April-May 1931, there was a dismissal (or transfer to the reserve) of the last remaining group of about 150 people, including about 50 people of senior and higher politzostava. In addition to dismissal from the army, for 1929-1931. Over 500 people who served before the White were removed from work on political alleged and translated into administrative and economic and teamwork. (Such was the specificity of the selection of political workers at the time). These events reported by the head of the RKKA political enforcement, "allowed to completely clean the politsostav in all units from the former white"».

      In general, it is not important to note the fact that the former participants of the White Motion fell into the Red Army and illegal ways - so at a meeting of the Military Council at the NGO in December 1934, the head of the special department of the RKKK M. Guy led the following examples: " For example, a former white officer who arrived illegally because of Cordon, where he was associated with the active white-emigrant centers, according to rudely faked documents, he entered the service in the Red Army and managed to get a job for responsible work on one of the most serious sites. Or another case: the former chief of Kolchakov counterintelligence, an active whitewarder, who managed to hide this fact was on a very responsible work in the central office, the active Belog Guard, who was able to hide this fact by simply and uncomplicated fraud.».

      Nevertheless, despite the repressions of the early 30s, many former white officers in the ranks of the Red Army were present in the 1930s. However, we have already seen that the same "spring" lasted several dozen white officers who served in the armed forces, despite the fact that after all the cleansing of the beginning of the 20s there were about 4 hundreds in the Red Army. In addition, many have come to the army, the scarce of their past, someone was called out of the reserve, and the above mentioned purification of the political apparatus from the former white behaves, including to transfer them to command positions. So in the 30s, former white officers in the Red Army met not so rarely. Moreover, not only in teaching positions - such as the above-mentioned Bassely, Vysotsky, Oburyhtin or Lignu - but also in the posts of staff and team. Already mentioned a large number of former white armies soldiers in the Soviet Air Force, they met in the ground forces, and at the highest commanders and staff posts. For example, the former Captain M.I. who completed the accelerated course of AGS in 1917 Vasilenko served as inspector of infantry and deputy commander of the Ural Military District, the former captain G.N. Kutateyadze - Assistant Commander of the Red Banner Caucasian Army and Commander of the 9th Rifle Corps, the former Captain A.YUN Yanovsky - Deputy Headquarters of the Red Banner Caucasian Army and Deputy Head of the Office of Staffing and Service of the Troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the former captain (in the Red Colonel) V.V. . Popov commanded Rifle divisions, held the post of headquarters of the Corps and the head of the operational department of Kiev, and then assistant head of the Military Engineering Academy. Molded earlier than T.T.Shapkin in the 20s and 30s commanded the 7th, 3rd and 20th mountain railway divisions, successfully fought with Basmachs and in the interval between the command of divisions ended up the Military Academy. Frunze. The career of the latter did not bother at all and the fact that, from accounting (as a former Belogwardians), he was removed only in the early 1930s. In 1905, the Nikolaev engineering Academy Colonel (Kolchak General-Major, from the hereditary nobles of the Kostroma province) Svignin V.A., was recorded only in 1931, and immediately appointed Deputy Head of Special Engineering Construction, and then - Deputy Head of engineers of a special red-known Far Eastern army and the head of the branch of the Research Institute of Engineering Department of the Red Army in Khabarovsk. For merits to strengthen Far Eastern borders, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. From 1932 to 1935, the head of engineers of the Minsk Hurray was also the former Kolchkovovets, P.T. Zagorulko, as well as L. Hovorov, who passed on the side of the Reds still during the civil war.

      Building positions in the 30s occupied the former petlurovtsy personnel officer-Cavalist of the old army, headquarters-Rotmist S.I. Bailen, in the Red Army Combrig and Chief of Staff of the 2nd Cavalry Corps (1932-37), Dr. Military Sciences, awarded two Orders of the Red Banner, and the Military Army officer of the old army Lieutenant Mishchuk N.I., in the 1930s commander of the 3rd Bessarabsk Cavalry Division. Kotovsky. By the way, both recent commander at the beginning of the twenties were cleaned of the army, but were restored in it by the efforts of Kotovsky.

      In the educational institutions of the White Guards, it seems to be much easier to meet, and not only at the Academy, where the General Strategies mentioned at the beginning of paragraphs were taught. An assistant assistant to the head of the Kazan Tankotechnical School I.Dubinsky, appointed in 1937, and began his activities in a new post from acquaintance with the personal affairs of teachers, in his book "Special Account" was sincerely indignant: " Almost every every "tail" stretched. One served as Kolchak, the other was attracted in the case of the Prom Paris, the third had a brother abroad. The teacher of Andreenkov frankly wrote - in 1919 he believed that only Denikin could save Russia. Under his banners, he walked from Kuban to the eagle and from the eagle to the perack. Colonel Keller - Head of the Fire Cycle. His father, in the past, the head of the Warsaw road, the companion of Tsar Alexander III. The son has kept the royal portrait with a registered inscription. Such was the top of the school. She trained! She brought up! Got an example!" And a little further about the same Andreenkov: " it was the same Andreenkov, who in 1919 he believed that only Denikin could save Russia, and rushed from the revolutionary Tula to the counter-revolutionary don to get under the White Guard banners" V.S. Milbach in his book about the repression of Komsostava Odba, wrote that Mehlis during a trip to Siberia and the Far East during the conflict on Oz. Hasan, " i found in the troops "a significant number of quagets and former whites" and sought their dismissal at NCO. Despite the complexity of the situation, when each Commander-Dal Easternist was on the account, K. E. Voroshilov supported the idea of \u200b\u200banother cleaning».

      However, it was difficult to survive 1937 to survive in 1937 and had such a past, people were difficult: in particular, from those listed above (Bassevsky, Baylo, Vasilenko, Vysotsky, Kutateladze, Lenoha, Mishchuk, Oberihtin, Popov, Shapkin, Yanovsky) It was only Shapkin and Yanovsky.

      The biography of the latter, set forth in the "Commeri" directory, by the way is very interesting and worthy of a separate mention, while the voluntaryness of his service in the White Army is quite controversial. In 1907, he began the service in the Russian Imperial Army, entered by the Junker School, after which he was produced in the suberoers and aimed to serve as a fortress artillery in Sevastopol. The right to distribution to technical parts, in particular, in artillery, received as a rule the most successful graduates of military and Junkers schools. During the service, he graduated from Kiev courses of foreign languages, 2 courses of the Kiev Commercial Institute and in July 1913, he endured the entrance exam for the geodesic department of the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff, but did not pass through the competition, and the first world war met the company commander. It was twice wounded, and in September 1916, it was subjected to a chemical attack, and after healing as a combat officer was sent to study to the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. From December 1917, he was the elected head of the headquarters of the 21st Army Corps and the temporary commander, in this position, the Red Guard detachments were formed to reflect the German attack under Pskov, and in February 1918 he joined the Red Army. He was then studying and taught at the Academy of the General Staff in Yekaterinburg, while although the Academy almost in full, led by her head, General Andogsky, passed on the side of Belykh, he himself evacuated first in Kazan, and then with the capture of the latter with a group of students and teachers managed to escape to Moscow. After that, he was headquartered by the headquarters of the 9th Rifle Division in the battles on the southern front against Krasnova and Denikin's troops, but he was seriously ill and captured. Posted in the Kursk provincial prison, from the last he was released at the request of the Lieutenant General Lieutenant General of Artillery V.F. famous in World War I Cyreya and Kursk county military chief of Colonel Sakhnovsky, apparently knewing a combat officer. In the personal case of Yanovsky there are evidence that he joined the army of Denikin voluntarily, but he seemed to sabotized the service. Substituted in Kharkov "To drain the premises under the Office of the Kursk Military Head during evacuation from Kursk," he did not return back, and after the liberation of Kursk parts of the Red Army arrived at the headquarters of the 9th Army, and actively participated in the battles at the final stage of the Civil War For which he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner in 1922. Judging by his behavior during the service at the Academy of the General Staff in 1918, when he remained faithful to Soviet power, having all the opportunities to move to the White who defeated at that time, and a far inactive service in parts of the NEW in 1919, Yanovsky referred to those 10% of The numbers of officers who served in the Red and captured to the White, who - according to Denikin - in the first battles switched back to the Bolsheviks. This active service in the Red Army also testifies in favor of this, and the fulfillment of the Red Banner received. In the interwar period, Yanovsky commands small divisions, holds the post of deputy head of the headquarters of the Red Banner Caucasian Army and the Deputy Head of the Office of Staffing and the Service of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, teaches at the Military Academy. Frunze and the Academy of the General Staff, during the war commanded the rifle buildings, twice wounded, after the war again in the teaching position.

      Returning to the main topic - despite all the repression waves, some former white officers and officers of the national armies lived to the Great Patriotic War, during which he occupied high posts in the Red Army. The most famous examples are of course marshals of the Soviet Union of Govorov and Bagramyan, and the above captains of the old army, who passed the accelerated course of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, A.Ya. Yanovsky and VS Tamghi. However, the fate of the second was very tragic - the personnel artillery officer of the old army, he was one of the oldest tank workers of the Red Army - from June 1925 he held the posts of headquarters of the individual and 3rd tank regiments, since 1928 he teaches - first on Leningrad armored armored Commostava improvement courses, then at the Faculty of Motorization and Mechanization of the Military Technical Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army, after - at the Department of Motorization and Mechanization of the RKKA Military Academy. M. V. Frunze. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he headquarters of the 22nd Mechkorpus, and with the death of the corps commander from June 24 he assumes the command of the Corps, then the head of the ABTV (Commander of BT and MV) of the South-Western Front, participated in the Battle of Stalingrad and many other operations, But on May 22, 1943, he is arrested by the NKVD, and in the 1950s dies in the conclusion.

      Along with the above-mentioned warlods in the White Army, other generals of the Red Army also managed to serve, who received officer straps in the old army. This is Major Major Major Major Maiden Alexandrovich (ensign Ts.A., in the White Army from December 1918 to February 1919), Schershuk Gabriel Ignatievich (ensign, in September 1919 was mobilized to the Denikinian Army, but fled and headed the partisan detachment) , in the Army of Georgian democratic Republic Served Majora Majora Majora General Ivanovich (In the old army, the ensign and comvorvod, in the Red Army of Comrotes since 1921) and Mikheladze Mikhail Gerasimovich (in the old army, the companion, in the Georgian army from February 1919 to March 1921, in the RKKU with 1921 for comrock positions). With the accession of the Baltic States in the Red Army, Ivan Markovich, Major General (in the old army, headquarters-captain and comrota, served in the Estonian army from 1918 to 1940 - from comrors to a compoland, in the Red Army - a compoland since 1940,) And Karreyz Vladas Antonovich, Major General (Colonel of the Lithuanian Army, in 1919, in its composition in ordinary positions, fought against the Red Army). Many representatives of the Soviet General served in the White and National Arms on Private and Unter-Officer Posts.

      However, the service of all of the above commanders in the white armies was usually episodic, as a rule, on mobilization and practically none of them took part in hostilities against the Red Army, moreover, they sought whether it was faster to move to the side of the Red Army, often with their own Parts - how, for example, the dialects or woolk. Meanwhile, white officers who spent the civil war on the white side were fought in the Red Army almost from call to a call, as a commander of the 4th Cavalry Corps Lieutenant General T.T.Shapkin. It was his corps during the Stalingrad battle of fighting the coming German troops who tried to discharge the 6th Army of Paulus, and made it possible to deploy the 2nd Guards Army, and as a result - the formation of a solid external front of the environment of the German group. Here as described T.T.Shapkin in his memoirs N.S. Khrushchev: " Then the Timofey Timofeevich Shapkin arrived to us, the old Russian warrior, a person is already in the years, medium height, with a volatile beard. He had no sons of her generals, not that colonels. He himself served in the royal army, fought in the first world war. Eremenko told me that he had four St. George Cross. In a word, a combat man. When he appeared to us, there was no Georgiev on his chest, but three or four orders of the Red Banner decorated his chest" For obvious reasons, Nikita Sergeevich did not mention that Timofey Timofeevich Shapkin served not only in the royal, but also in the White Army. Moreover, in the White Army, Shapkin served since January 1918 and to the complete defeat of the armed forces of the South of Russia in March 1920. In the royal army, TT.Shappkin served since 1906, in the 8th Don Cossack shelf, where he had served before the Wahmistra. In 1916, for combat differences, he was heading to the school of ensigns, and he finishes the first world in the rank of coin. In January 1918, he was mobilized to the Volunteer Army, in May of the same year, sent to the 6th Don Cossack Regiment to the post of commander hundreds - as part of the Volunteer Army, he fights with red under Queen, comes to Kursk and Voronezh, and after the defeat of the Denikinian troops Rejects almost to Kuban. Only after the complete defeat of the NEW, when the remnants of white troops were evacuated into the Crimea, and the prospects for continuing resistance were more than foggy, Shapkin with their hundreds, already in the rank of picked, passes on the side of red. With his squadron, he pours out the 1st equestrian army, where he heads the regiment later, then the brigade and after the death of Komdiva-14 famous Hero of the Civil War Parkhomenko his division. In the composition of the Red Army, he managed to play on Polish and Vrangelian fronts, to get 2 orders of the Red Banner for these battles, to participate in battles with Makhnovy formations. Two more orders of the Red Banner (in 1929 and 1931, including one - the Labor Red Banner of the Tajik SSR) he received for successful fights with Basmachs - So with the orders of the Red Banner Khrushchev were not mistaken - there were four of them. In the 20-30s. Shapkin, as mentioned above, commanded mining and cavalry divisions, he studied at VAC and at the Military Academy. Frunze, and in January 1941 he headed the 4th Cavalry Corps, with which he successfully fought during the Great Patriotic War. In March 1943, he is seriously ill and dies in the hospital in the liberated and with his participation Rostov-on-Don. Biography bright and extraordinary.

      There were former White Guards and not only in general posts. N. Biryukova in his diaries published under the name "Tanks - Front" there is such a record of September 21, 1944 regarding the command of the 2nd Guards Mehbrigada: "Brigade commander Colonel Kuddakov. In the housing fought. In a heavy setting, no neighbor is not going forward. All other issues work is exceptionally well. According to Smerd, he worked for white and as if he served in counterintelligence. Smerren does not yet provide official data on this issue. Deputy Commander Brigade - Colonel Muravyov. Non-party. Served in white. In the case has not yet fought. There are anti-Soviet statements. " Moreover, there were absolutely unusual careers, such as Edward Yanovich Ryuttel - Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff of the Old Army and the participant of the famous Siberian ice campaign, in 1923 he from Harbin moved to Estonia, where in the rank of the Colonel served in the Estonian army by the head of the Estonian military school. After the accession of Estonia to the USSR in 1940 was mobilized to the Red Army and in 1943 he served as a colonel in the Red Army in the Estonian spare battalion.

      Not a very famous fact - out of ten front commander at the final stage of war (see photo) Two military leaders had in their personal case mark on the service in the White and National Arms. This Marshal Govorov (in the second row in the center) and the army general, subsequently also Marshal, Bagramyan (in the second row of the extreme right).

      Summing up the topic of the service of former white officers in the Red Army - it should be noted that this topic is very ambiguous to which it is difficult to apply black and white estimates. The ratio of the leadership of the country and the army to this category, how strange it would not seem to be a modern reader, differed rather pragmaticity and the lack of any nebidity. The use of former White Guards on team positions was a fairly common phenomenon in a civil war. And although with the end of the civil war, their considerable part was dismissed from the army (also, as many as many paints or former peppers, the process was due to a large extent with a large degree of a tenfold army reduction) - nevertheless during the 20s and 30s The former "white" general or officer in the Red Army was not so different. In terms of objective reasons, they could more often meet in teaching positions (this also concerned the War Associans as a whole) - but individual representatives of this group also occupied teams and very considerable. However, the command of the Red Army did not forget the demobilized white officers, paying their fate and the situation in civil life a lot of attention. The fact that the former white officers who served in the Red Army were more common in military schools (from military schools to military academies) It is quite clear: on the one hand, it was due to doubts about the loyalty of this category, on the other - since the army was left only the most valuable Its representatives, general stakeholders and technical specialists, the most rational was their use for the training of others and the preparation of a new committee. Naturally, the repressions of the Commostabas affected the former whites, however, to a much greater extent they touched upon commanders who served in the Red Army from its foundation, especially in 1937. The higher the commander was climbed by the official Lestenka by the 1937th year (and from among the white officers in the army, by this time, the Academy of Sciences remained only truly valuable experts, who, thanks to this value, occupied high positions), the harder it was to survive this year Especially with a mark on the service in the White Army in a personal case. Nevertheless, some former White Guards - "gold rods" successfully fought in the Great Patriotic War (one of the most bright figures is Timofey Timofeevich Shapkin). Moreover, from 10 front team commander of 1945 - essentially the tops of the Soviet military elite - two had in their personal case a mark about the service in the White and National Army. The share of people who survived the time fell out heavy trials, fate set them before the need to make a difficult choice, and probably not to judge the decision that took this or that decision. However, being a military for calling, the main task they fought on the red and on the white side seen the protection of their country. As he said in response to the question of how it can work honestly in red, if the victory wishes white, the captain of the General Staff M. Alafuzo, subsequently served in the RKKU to the title of Komkore: " I do not hide, I sympathize with white, but never go to meanness. I do not want to interfere in politics. In our headquarters worked quite a bit, and I already feel that I am becoming a patriot of the army ... I am an honest officer of the Russian army and faithful to his word, and even more so - the oath ... not change. The task of the officer, as stated in our charters, to protect their homeland from enemies of external and internal. And this duty, if I entered you in service, I will fulfuge" And it is the protection of the motherland for his first and the main task that officers were seen, due to the circumstances that served and on the white and on the red side.


      Here are just a few excerpts from the documents of the collection "The Directive of the Chief Command of the Red Army (1917-1920)", Moscow, Milivdat, 1969:

      « On the South Front, we have decisive actions against the Don Cossacks. We are currently concentrated by the maximum forces to resolve the questions and the numerical superiority of the forces undoubtedly on our side, but nevertheless, the combat success is tightly and only by prolonged continuous traffic. The reason for this serves, on the one hand, the weak combat training of our troops, on the other hand, the lack of experienced team formulation. Especially a great lack of experienced battalion commanders and above. Former first posts gradually dispose of those killed, wounded and sick, their posts remain vacant for the absence of candidates or on very responsible team positions people are completely inexperienced and unprepared, with the result that the fighting cannot be correctly tied, the development of the fight It is wrong, and final actions, if they are successful for us, very often cannot be used.»From the report of GSC committee V.I. Lenin about the strategic state of the republic and the quality of reserves, January 1919, "Directive ...", p. 149, with reference to the RGVA, F. 6, op. 4, d. 49. LL. 49-57.

      "AND with the other largest shortcomings of both parts on the fronts and in the inner districts it should be noted:

      1) Inappropriate and noncompliament of the command composition. This very serious disadvantage was particularly adversely affected and reflected so far on the right organization of military units and their compounds, on training troops, on their tactical training and, as a result, on their combat activities. It is confidently to state that the combat success of parts was proportional to the combat training of their chiefs.

      2) noncomplex headquarters and controls. In the same position, as well as the team composition, there are all headquarters and controls of fronts, armies and divisions. There is a big drawback (40-80%) in the specialists of the General Staff, engineers, artilleryrs, technicians of various kinds. This deficiency is extremely seriously responding throughout the work, depriving it due to surgery and productivity ... "From the report of Glavkoma V.I. Lenin about the strategic state of the Soviet Republic and the tasks of the Red Army, No. 849 / OP, Serpukhov, February 23-25, 1919, "Directive ...", p. 166, with reference to the RGVA, F. 6, op. 4, 222, LL. 24-34.

      "In all operations against Denikin, the Communion falls on the front massaging of forces at shock directions to create by submitting the front of fresh divisions, and not by regrouping the parts acting on the front. This characteristic feature of the southern fronts was determined, on the one hand, very weak as well as quality and by the number of southern divisions, and, on the other, significantly low preparation of the command formulation, for which, in most cases, this kind of maneuvers were unbearable, and had to put up with The simplest types of maneuver, where the rectinence was the main reception" Report of the General Commission to the Chairman of the Revolutionary Council of the Republic on the acceleration of assistance to the Caucasian Front, No. 359 / OP, January 22, 1920, "Directive ...", p. 725, with reference to the RGVA, f. 33987, OP. 2, d. 89, LL. 401-403.

      « Among the foregoing, it should be noted that the combat tension of the Eastern Half of the RSFSR is weakened by the immense organization of the All-Russia, which absorbs the enormous mass of the team composition and political figures. If you compare the number of team composition (instructors) in the only one and the number of those in the spare parts of the Red Army, it turns out that in spare parts throughout the territory, the number of team composition is 5350 people, whereas there are 24,000 in all. This ratio among the command The composition is absolutely harmful for the success of the organization and formation of the army: the spare parts prepare us replenishment for the units operating at the present critical moment at the front of the units, the All-Time prepares contingents for the remote future" From the report of the Chief Command V. I. Lenin about the need for military unity of the Soviet republics, No. 1851, Serpukhov, April 23, 1919, "Directives of the Chief Command of the Red Army (1917-1920)", Moscow, Milivdat, 1969, p. 310, with reference to the RGVA, F. 5, op. 1, d. 188, LL. 27-28. Certified copy. № 286.

      Kavtaradze A.G. Military specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets, 1917-1920. M., 1988. C.166-167. As for voluntarily departed to the service of officers, Kavtaradze leads to their work several estimates - from 4 thousand to 9 thousand in Moscow alone, and himself stops on an estimate of 8 thousand people (Kavtaradze A.G. Military specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets , 1917-1920. P.166). It should be borne in mind that many came to the service "Mechanical" - moving to the service with whole headquarters, as a rule, counting to serve in parts of the veil to combat the Germans, and many of the voluntarily sent to the service soon either quit, or fled to the service for white (such as the famous white commander Kappel or the teacher and listeners escaped to Ekaterinburg Academy of the General Staff, in the summer of 1918 almost in full swing to Kolchak).

      Tukhachevsky M.N. Selected works in 2 tons - - M.: Milivdat, 1964. - T.1 (1919-1927), p. 26-29

      In particular, the colonel of the old army Krushin N.V.: "said about the Caucasian front from a similar point of view. At the beginning of the Soviet power, I did not share any sympathies for her, nor confidence in the strength of its existence. Civil War, although I took part in it, I didn't like it. I felt more advocating when the war took the character external War (Caucasian Front). I fought for the integrity and conservation of Russia, at least it was called the RSFSR" Ya.Tinchenko "Calvary Russian officers" http://www.tuad.nsk.ru/~history/author/russ/t/timchenkojaju/golgofa/index.html with reference to Hasba, FP, d. 67093, vol. 189 (251), the case of Afanasyev A. V., p. 56.

      A.G. Kavtaradze "Military specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets, 1917-1920, Moscow" Science ", 1988, p. 171

      Revivatives of the Republic. Protocols 1920-23, / Collection of documents - Moscow, Editorial Urals, 2000, p. 73, with reference to RGU, F. 33987. OP. 1, 318. L. 319-321.

      "S. Archiviv, GPU, NKVD, KGB", special issue of a scientific and documentary magazine in 2 books, publishing house "Sphere", Kiev, 2002

      A.G. Kavtaradze "Military specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets, 1917-1920, Moscow" Science ", 1988, p. 171

      Revivatives of the Republic. Protocols 1920-23, / Collection of documents - Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2000, p. 87.90, with reference to the RGVA F. 33987. OP. 1. D. 318. L. 429.

      A.G. Kavtaradze "Military specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets, 1917-1920, Moscow" Science ", 1988, p. 169

      Ya.Tinchenko "Calvary of Russian officers", http://www.tuad.nsk.ru/~history/author/russ/timchenkojaju/golgofajaju/golgofa/index.html

      A.G. Kavtaradze "Military specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets, 1917-1920, Moscow" Science ", 1988, pages .. 170-174

      S.Minakov "Stalin and a conspiracy of generals", Moscow, Exmo-Yauza, p. 228, 287. Former headquarters Captain S.Ya. Corf (1891-1970) Until January 1920 served in the army of Admiral Kolchak, and then in the Red Army reached the head of the Moscow Military District Air Force and Western Front. At the end of 1923, the korf was withdrawn to Moscow, a few years later transferred to teaching work, and then to civil aviation.

      M. Khairulin, V. Kontratyev "Warlights of the deceased Empire. Aviation in the Civil War, Moscow, Eksmo, Yauza, 2008, p. 190. According to information from this book, K.K. Armenovulov (mind. In 1980) hid the fact of his service in the White Army, but according to information provided In the martyricist of officers of the army cavalry S.V. Volkova, in the Soviet army, he received the title of Major General (S.V. Volkov, "Army Cavalry officers. Martyrolist's experience", Moscow, Russian Way, 2004, p. 53), however, I did not find confirmation of this information in other sources.

      M. Khairulin, V. Kontratyev "Warlights of the deceased Empire. Aviation in Civil War, Moscow, Eksmo, Yauza, 2008, p. 399-400

      The report of the Office for the Command-Chief of the Red Army "On the Status of Personnel and Tasks for Training" of November 20, 1937, "Military Council of the People's Commissioner of the Defense of the USSR. 1-4 June 1937: Documents and Materials », Moscow, Rosspan, 2008, p. 521

      A.G. Kavtaradze "Military specialists in the service of the Republic of Soviets, 1917-1920, Moscow" Science ", 1988, p .. 173

      The report of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kamenov and the head of the headquarters of the RKKKE P. Lebedev Chairman of the Council of Labor and Defense of the RSFSR through the Chairman of the RVSR, from September 23, 1921, the Bulletin of the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation "Red Army in the 1920s", Moscow, 2007, p. 14

      From the report on the work of the RCKA department of April 21, 1924, "Reform in the Red Army. Documents and materials. 1923-1928 ", Moscow 2006, KN.1, p. 144

      Letter of the Group of Commanders of the Red Army, on February 10, 1924, Bulletin of the Archives of the President of the Russian Federation "Red Army in the 1920s", Moscow, 2007, p. 86-92

      S. Minakov, "Stalin and His Marshal", Moscow, Yauza, Eksmo, 2004, p. 215

      Kazan M. I. "In the headquarters of Blucher" Moscow, "Science", 1966, p. 60

      Report of the Bureau of the Military Academy Caps of February 18, 1924, Bulletin of the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation "Red Army in the 1920s", Moscow, 2007, p. 92-96.

      From the notes to the table-rebellion of consolidated data on the reduction of team and administrative composition in accordance with the Circular RVS of the USSR No. 151701, "Reform in the Red Army. Documents and materials. 1923-1928 ", Moscow 2006, KN.1, p. 693

      Standard note by the head of the GU RKKKA V.N. Levichev in the RVS of the USSR on the preparation of the command composition of the stock, prepared no later than February 15, 1926. "Reform in the Red Army. Documents and materials. 1923-1928 ", Moscow 2006, KN.1, p. 506-508

      Certificate of Command Management of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the report of the Chairman of the Russian RVS of the USSR to the Government with the characteristic of the Red Army, including a dismissed Nachsostav, January 24, 1927, "Reform in the Red Army. Documents and materials. 1923-1928 ", Moscow 2006, KN.2, p. 28

      P.ZhFirov "Naming the stock as it is", the magazine "War and Revolution", 1925

      Certificate of July 1931, the composition of the persons arrested in the Spring case, the decisions on which were taken by a judicial triple under the college of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Ukrainian SSR and the OGPU College, "s ArchIV Vachuch, GPU, NKVD, KGB", special issue of a scientific and documentary magazine in 2 Books, publishing house "Sphere", Kiev, 2002, Book 2, p. 309-311 with reference to yes Sat of Ukraine. - F. 6. SPR. 8. Ark. 60-62. Invoible copy. Typescript. In the same place:

      "The following social protection measures are issued in relation to them:

      a) the servicemen: 27 people were shot, convicted to the Navy with the replacement of 10 [-th] for years of conclusion in the concentration camp of 23 people, sentenced to a concentration camp to imprisonment in local doubts of 215 people, sentenced to reference 40 people.

      b) civilians: 546 people were shot, convicted in a concentration camp to imprisonment in local doubts 842 people, admin extended 166 people, sentenced to other social measures] 76 people, 79 people were released. "

      GPU of the Ukrainian SSR, accounting and statistical department. Digital information about the persons who have passed on the decisions of the judicial triple under the college of the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR in the case of [ONTR] -R [Eurovietary] organization "Spring", there, p. 308

      For example, dismissed from the Red Army: in 1922 - Captain Nainkovsky I.P. And the lieutenant Yatimirsky N.K. (dismissed from the army and cleaned from the party as a former Belogwardian), in 1923 - Major General Brykin A.D., Captains Vishnevsky B.I. and stroyev A.P. (The first two were taught in the 13th Odessa Infantry School, Building in Poltava Infantry, Vishnevsky and Stroyev were dismissed as former White Guards), in 1924, the headquarters-captain Marcelli V.I., in 1927 - Teacher of School Kamenev Colonel Skumbat I.N., in 1928 and 1929. Teachers of Odessa Artshkol Lieutenant Colonel Zagrenny MA and Colonel Ivanenko S.E.

      Various team positions from among the former military personnel of the White and National Army occupied the headquarters of the old army Ponomarenko B.A. (in the RKKA compolat), Cherkasov A.N. (divineger), Karpov V.N. (Combat), Averessky E.N. (Hemserv's head regiment), as well as guards Goldman V.R. and stupid s..e. (both compoland in the Red Army), and nuts M.I. (Shelf headquarters engineer). At the same time, teachers from among the former white officers were much larger: these are school teachers. Kamenev General-Major M.V. Levedev, Polkovnik Semenovich A.P., Captains Tolmachev K.Pv. and Kuznetsov K.Ya., Lieutenant Dolllalo G.T., Military official Milles V.G., Kiev School of Communication - Lieutenant Colonel Snegurovsky P.I., Headquarters-Captain Dyakovsky MM, Lieutenant Dmitrievsky B.E., Kiev Artshkola - Colonel Podchekayev V.A., Captain Bulmisky K.N., Envastor Klukovsky Yu.L., Sumy Artshkol - Evaloor Zhuk A.Ya., Warwings and military universities in civilian universities Lieutenant General Kedrin V.I. Major General Argamakov N.N. and Gamchenko E.S., Polkovnikov Bernatsky V.A., Gaevsky K.K., Zelenin P.E., Levis V.E., Luganin A.A., Sinkov MK, Lieutenantkones Bakovets I.G. and Batruk A.I., Captains of Argents N.F., Volskiy A.I., Karum L.S., Kravtsov S.N., Kupriyanov A.A., Staff captains Vodopyanov V.G. And Chizhun L., headquarters-Rotmist Hocyshevsky N.D. Of these, the Three were fired from the army - Gaevsky (in 1922), Xinkov (in 1924 as a former Belogwardians), Hokeryshevsky (in 1926), eight people taught them at school. Kameneva - Bakovets, Batruk, Wolsky, Gamchenko, Karum, Kedrin, Luganin and Chizhun. Another 4 former white officers were engaged in building and administrative positions in military schools - ensigns Vochuk I.A. and Ivanov G.I. - Kombatov at the Kamenev school, ensign Drozdovsky E.D. He was the head of office work in the Kiev Artshkol, and the podoruk wheat f.t. - There's a boss of the bipient.

      Of the 670 representatives of the Higher Commistava of the Red Army, who held the posts of commander of the Communist Party Army and the Commanders of the Rifle Corps, about 250 people who were not the officers of the old army received their first "officers" titles until 1921, of which half passed in the 20s through various repeated Courses and schools, and from this half almost every fourth studied at the Kamenev school.

      So for example, at the 20s of the Soviet Union Hero, the Hero of the Soviet Union, General Army General G.I. Hetagurov, Colonel-General L.M. Sandals, Heroes of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General A.L. Bondarev, A.D. Xenophon, DP. Onuprienko, Lieutenant General A.N. Ermakov, F.S. Ivanov, G.P. Korotkov, V.D. Kryuchenkin, L.S. Skvirsky, Commanders of rifle buildings Heroes of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General I.K. Kravtsov, N.F. Lebedenko, P.V. Torn, A.D. Shemengov and Major General A.V. Lapshov, Lieutenant General I.M. Pusikov, E.V. Ryzhikov, N.L. Soldatov, G.N. Terentyev, Ya.S. Focanov, F.E. Sheverdin, Major General Z.N. Alekseev, P.D. Artyomenko, I.F. Bezness, P.N. Bibikov, M.Ya. Burman, A.A. Egorov, M.E. Erokhin, I.P. Koryazin, DP. Monakhs, I.L. Ragula, A.G. Samokhin, G.G. Szizhnev, A.N. Slykin, Colonel A.M. Ostankovich.

      "S. ARHIVIV, GPU, NKVD, KGB," special issue of a scientific and documentary magazine in 2 books, publishing house "Sphere", Kiev, 2002, KN.1, p. 116, 143

      O.F. Souvenirs, "RKKKA tragedy. 1937-1938 ", Moscow," Terra ", 1988, p. 46

      Transcript of the morning session December 12, 1934, Speech by M.I. Guy, "Military Council under the People's Commissioner of the Defense of the USSR. December 1934: Documents and Materials », Moscow, Rossman, 2007 p. 352

      Dubinsky I. V. "Special Account" Moscow, Milivdat, 1989, p. 199, 234

      V.S. Milbach "Political repression of the command-bunching composition. 1937-1938. Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army, p. 174, with reference to the RGVA. Ibid. F. 9. OP. 29. D. 375. L. 201-202.

      "The Great Patriotic War. Combors. Military Biographical Dictionary ", in 2 volumes, Moscow-Zhukovsky, Kuchkovo Field, 2006, Tom. 1, p. 656-659

      Like, for example, lieutenant-general and heroes of the Soviet Union F.A. Volkov and S.S. Martirosyan, Lieutenant-General B.I. Arushanyan, Majo-General I.O.Zemadze, A.A. Volkhin, F.S. Kolchuk.

      A.V.Saev "Stalingrad. There is no land for us for us, "p. 346, with reference to Khrushchev N.S. "Time. People. Power. (Memories)". Book I. M.: IIC "Moscow News", 1999. P.416.

      "The Great Patriotic War. Combors. Military Biographical Dictionary ", in 2 volumes, Moscow-Zhukovsky, Kuchkovo Field, 2006, Volume 2, p. 91-92

      N. Biryukov, "Tanks - Front! Notes of the Soviet General »Smolensk," Rusich ", 2005, p. 422

      S.Minkov, "Military elite 20-30s of the twentieth century", Moscow, "Russian Word", 2006, p. 172-173

      The story is written winners. We know a lot about the heroes of the Red Army, but almost nothing - about the heroes of the White Army. We replenish this gap.

      1. Anatoly Pepliaev

      Anatoly Pepeliaev became the youngest General in Siberia - in 27 years. Before that, the White Guardians under his command took Tomsk, Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk), Krasnoyarsk, Verkhneudinsk and Chita. When Pepliaev's troops occupied Perm's abandoned by the Bolsheviks, about 20,000 red-Armenians were captured in captivity, who were released at home by his order. Perm was released from red on the day of the 128th anniversary of the capture of Izmail and the soldiers began to call Pepelyeva "Siberian Suvorov."

      2. Sergey Uelany

      Sergey Uelany, the Kuban Cossack of Circassian origin, was one of the brightest cavalry commanders of the White Army. He made a serious contribution to the defeat of the Red Caucasian Front of the Red, but the particular 2nd Kuban Corps of Holochy distinguished himself during the capture of the Russian Verden - Tsaritsyn - in June 1919.

      In the history of General Uelany, he entered the commander of a special purpose group of the Russian Volunteer Army of General Wrangel, landed the landing from the Crimea to Kuban in August 1920. For the command, Buntte Wrangel elected leaning "as a popular Kuban General seems to be the only one of the known things that have not stained with robbery."

      3. Alexander Dolgorukov

      The hero of the First World War, for his exploits awarded enrollment in the retinue of his imperial majesty, Alexander Dolgorukov showed himself and civil war. September 30, 1919 his 4th Rifle division in the bayonet battle forced soviet troops retreat; Dolgoruki captured the crossing over the Plyssu River, which allowed the White Strugs soon.

      Dolgoruky fell into literature. In the novel, Mikhail Bulgakova "White Guard" he was led under the name of General Belukowa, and also mentioned in the first volume of the trilogy of Alexei Tolstoy "Walking on the flour" (the attack of the cavaliergards in battle under Kuhenne).

      4. Vladimir Kappel

      The episode from the film "Chapaev", where kapelovtsy go to the "mental attack", fanked - Chapaev with Kapplem never intersected on the battlefield. But Kappel was a legend and without cinema. When taking Kazan on August 7, 1918, he lost only 25 people. In his reports, the successful operations cappel did not mention herself, explaining the heroism of the subordinates, up to the sisters of mercy.

      During the great Siberian ice campaign, Kappel wiffore the feet of both legs - I had to do amputation without anesthesia. He continued to lead the troops and refused to place in a sanitary train. The last words of the general were: "Let the troops know that I was betrayed that I loved them and my death was proved among them."

      5. Mikhail Drozdovsky

      Mikhail Drozdovsky with a voluntary detachment of 1000 people passed from Yass to Rostov 1,700 km, freed him from Bolsheviks, then he helped the Cossacks to defend Novocherkassk. Drozdovsky detachment participated in the liberation and Kuban, and the North Caucasus. Drozdovsky was called the "crusader of a crucified homeland."

      Here is his characteristic from the book Kravchenko "Drozdovtsy from Iass to Gallipoli": "Nervous, thin, Colonel Drozdovsky was the type of warrior-asketa: he did not drink, did not smoke and did not pay attention to the good of life; Always - from Yass to the very death itself - in the same well-worn french, with a rubbed of the St. George Ribbon in the Petwee; He did not wear the order from modesty. "

      6. Alexander Kutepov

      Catching Katepov also wrote about him on the fronts of the First World War: "The name Kutpov became a nominal one. It means loyalty to debt, calm decisiveness, a stressful sacrificial impulse, cold, sometimes a cruel will and ... Clean hands - and all this brought and given to the ministry of the Motherland. "

      In January 1918, Kutepov broke the red troops twice under the command of Sivers Matveyeva Kurgan. According to Anton Denikin, "it was the first serious battle, in which the violently of unorganized and badly managed by the Bolsheviks, mostly sailors, was opposed to art and inspiration of officer detachments."

      7. Sergey Markov

      Sergey Markova, White Guardians called "White Vityaz", "The sword of General Kornilov", "God of War", and after the fight at the village of Medvedov, "the Guardian Angel". In this battle, Markov managed to save the remnants of the volunteer army retreating from Ekaterinograd, destroy and capture red armored traders, get a lot of weapons and ammunition. When Markov died, Anton Denikin wrote on his wreath: "And life, and death - for the happiness of the Motherland."

      8. Mikhail Zhorebrak-Rusanovich

      For the White Guard, Colonel Zhorebrak-Rusanovich was a cult figure. For a personal valor, his name was taken in the military folklore of the Volunteer Army. He sacredly believed that "Bolshevism will not be, and there will be only one single great indivisible Russia." It was Zebrak who brought the Andreevsky flag with his squad at the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, and soon he became a fighting banner of the Drozdovsky brigade. The heroic died, personally leading the attack of two battalions to the superior forces of the Red Army.

      9. Victor Molchanov

      Izhevsk Division, Viktor Molchanova, was awarded the special attention of Kolchak - he handed her the Georgievsky banner, the signs of a number of regiments attacked Georgievsky crosses. During the great Siberian ice hike, Molchanov commanded the Ariřard of the 3rd Army and covered the retreat of the main forces of General Kappel. After his death, he headed the avant-garde of white troops. At the head of the rebel army, Molchanov took away almost all of Primorye and Khabarovsk.

      10. Innokenty Smolin

      At the head of the partisan detachment of his name, Innokenty Smolin in the summer and in the fall of 1918 successfully acted in the rear of the red, captured two armored trains. Parisans Smolina played an important role in taking Tobolsk. Mikhail Smolin participated in the Grand Siberian Ice Hike, commanded the group of troops of the 4th Siberian Rifle Division, which was the number of more than 1,800 fighters on March 4, 1920 in the Chita. Smolin died on Tahiti. In recent years of life, he wrote memoirs.

      11. Sergey Voytsekhovsky

      General Voytsekhovsky made a lot of exploits, which would seem to be impossible to command the command of the White Army. The faithful "Kolchakovets", after the death of Admiral, he refused the assault of Irkutsk and on the ice of Baikal brought the remains of the Kolchakov army in Transbaikalia. In 1939, in emigration, being one of the highest Czechoslovak generals, Woj Motochovsky performed for the provision of resistance to the Germans and created the underground organization Obrana Národa ("People's Protection"). Sense arrested in 1945. Repressed, died in the camp near Taishet.

      12. Erast Hyacinth

      East of hyacinths in the first world became the owner of a complete set of orders available to the Ober-officer of the Russian Imperial Army. After the revolution, he was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe overthrow of the Bolsheviks and even took a number of houses around the Kremlin with friends to start resistance from there, but in time I understood the futility of such tactics and joined the White Army, becoming one of the most productive intelligence officers.

      In emigration, in anticipation and during the Second World War occupied an open anti-Nazi position and miraculously avoided sending to the concentration camp. After the war, resist the violent repatriation in the USSR "displaced persons".

      13. Mikhail Yaroslavtsev (Archimandrite Mitrofan)

      During the civil war, Mikhail Yaroslavl showed himself an energetic commander and distinguished himself with a personal valor in several battles. On the path of spiritual ministry, Yaroslavtsev got up already in emigration, after the collapse of the spouse on December 31, 1932. In May 1949, Metropolitan Seraphim (Lukyanov), Igumen Mitrofan was erected in San Archimandrite.

      The contemporaries wrote about him: "Always impeccable performed by his debt, richly gifted with excellent spiritual qualities, he was a true consolation for very many of his flock ..." He was the rector of the Resurrection Temple in Rabat and defended the unity of the Russian Orthodox community in Morocco with the Moscow Patriarchate.

      14. Mikhail Hagin

      General Khanzhin became a film meter. He is one of the characters of the 1968 art film "Thunderstorm over White". The role of General fulfilled Efim Copelian. About his fate also removed documentary "The Return of General Hangin." For a successful command Western army The Western Front Mikhail Hansin was produced by Kolchak in the rank of general from artillery - the highest difference between this kind, which was assigned by Kolchak by his supreme ruler.

      15. Pavel Shatilov

      A. V. Krivoshein, P. N. Vrangel and P. N. Shatilov. Crimea. 1920

      Pavel Shatilov is a hereditary general, the generals were his father, and his grandfather. He especially distinguished him in the spring of 1919, when in the operation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Manych River crushed the 30-thousand group of red. Peter Wrangel, the head of the headquarters of which was later Shatilov, so responded about him: "The brilliant mind, outstanding abilities, possessing a large military experience and knowledge, it was able to work with minimal time at a huge performance." In the fall of 1920, it was Shatilov who led the emigration of white from the Crimea.

      10 short facts about the White Army

      Because of the literature and cinema, we often perceive a white army in a romantic key, books and films about it are full of inaccuracies, and the facts are distorted by a preissary author's assessment.
      Support for the population

      The White Army did not have strong population support. The reverse point of view is rooted on the election results in the Constituent Assembly, when even the Bolsheviks are not visible on the fronts, and the esters. The social base of the Red Army was initially much more durable than the white army.

      The Bolsheviks could rely on the support of the workers and the peasant poor poor. These categories of the population could always be mobilized for the packs and a small monetary content. The peasants-middle peasants fought and in white, and in red, but they reluctantly went to other people's provinces and easily moved from one bed to another. After the main principle of the formation of the White Army was the mass mobilization, the qualitative composition of her troops was noticeably worsened and, in the absence of broad social support, it led to a significant reduction in combat capability.

      In addition, by the beginning of the Civil War, the Bolsheviks had already formed a terrorist network, which was involved yesterday's criminals, raiders and Blatari. They were intimidated by the regions controlled by white.


      If you see Soviet films about the Civil War, you can see that white officers are completely intelligent people, "white bone", nobles and aristocrats. They listen to romances, enclose officer disputes and indulge nostalgia in the past Russia. However, this picture, of course, is strongly embellished.

      The overwhelming majority of white officers were from the so-called differences. Not all of them were even trained in literacy, what today you can find out if you look at the documents reception Commission Academy of General Staff. The officers entering it showed "weak knowledge of history and geography", "the lack of clarity of thinking and the general undisciplinedness of the mind," made many gross mistakes.

      And these were not just officers, but the best, because not everyone could apply for admission to the Academy. Of course, we will not argue that all the white officers were illiterate, but the fact that everyone had "blue blood" did not correspond to the truth.


      When today they talk about the reasons for the defeat of the White Army, they love to talk about mass desertion from there. We will not deny that desertion took place, but various were both his causes and his scale in the opposing parties. In addition to the special cases of voluntary leaving the White Army, there were massive facts of desertion, which was caused by a number of reasons.

      First, Denikin's army, despite the fact that he controlled quite large territories, and could not significantly increase their numbers in the expense of residents. Secondly, in the rear of Whites, the gangs of "green" or "black", who fought against white, and against the red were often wounded. Deserters often turned out among them.

      However, it is still, with other things that are equal, from the Red Army, a much larger people deserted. Only in one year (1919-1920) of the Red Army voluntarily left at least 2.6 million people, which exceeded the total number of the White Army.

      Support allies

      The role of intervention in the help of the White Army is very exaggerated. The arms troops practically did not encounter a collision with the Red Army, with the exception of minor fights in the north, and in Siberia and at all cooperated with the Bolsheviks. The help of the White Army was limited to the greater account, only military supplies.

      But this help "Allies" was far from free. For weapons I had to pay the gold reserve and grain, which is why the peasants suffered first. As a result, the popularity of the movement for the restoration of the "former" Russia has steadily falling. Yes, and this help was insignificant.

      Denikin, for example, the British was given only a few dozen tanks, although they had thousands in armaled after the first world world. Despite the fact that the last military formations were displaced from the territory of the USSR (in the Far East) in 1925, in fact, the entire meaning of the intervention for the countries of the Entente was overwhelmed after the signing of the Versailles.


      The myth that white officers were very ideological and even under the fear of death refused to give up to the Bolsheviks, unfortunately, only the myth. Only under Novorossiysk in March 1920, 10,000 Denikintsev officers were captured by the Red Army, 9660 people - Kolchak officers. Most of the prisoners took in the Red Army.

      Due to the large number of former whites in the Red Army, the military leadership of the Bolsheviks even introduced the limit on the number of white officers in the Red Army - no more than 25% of the command formulation. "Excess" went to the rear, or went to teach military schools.


      On August 31, 1924, the self-ordered "guardian", Kirill Vladimirovich declared himself the emperor by the All-Russian Cyril I. Thus, the army automatically passed under his beginning, since it was formally submitted to the emperor. But the next day the army did not become - she was dissolved by the Wrangel himself, and in her place the Russian Province of the All-General Union, who was the same Wrangel and headed.

      Oddly enough, but the Ross exists, to this day, following the same principles of 1924.

      Wrangel and Blumikin

      Vrangelev formations caused serious anxiety from the Soviet command. There were even several attempts on Wrangel. One of them ended, and without starting. In the fall of 1923, Jacob Blumikin knocked on the door - the murderer of the German ambassador Mirbaha.

      Chekists gave themselves for French film operators, which Wrangel before it agreed to pose. The box imitating the box was covered with a goose with a weapon, an extra - Lewis machine gun was hidden in a cover from the tripod. But the conspirators immediately allowed a serious mistake - knocked on the door, which was completely not accepted as in Serbia, where the action took place and in France, where they had long moved to door calls.

      The guards rightly considered that only people who came from Soviet Russia, and the gate, just in case, were not discovered.

      National Politics

      The big mistake of the white army was that she lost the "national question". The Denikin concept "Unified and indivisible Russia" did not even allow the discussion of the issue of self-determination national territoriesincluded in Russia. When taking Kiev Denikin, who denied the independence of Ukraine, could not agree with the leadership of UNR and the Galician army. This led to an armed confrontation, which though ended with the victory of Denikintsev, could not take place at all. It deprived the white movement of support for national minorities, many of whom were configured against the Bolsheviks.

      General honor

      Was in the history of the White Army and his "Judas". They became French General Jeanne. He promised to ensure if it turns out possible, the safe follow of Kolchaka where he wants. Kolchak believed General for the Word, but he could not restrained him. Upon arrival in Irkutsk Kolchak was detained by Czechs and transferred to the ECERO-Meshevistian politicalcenter first, and then turned out to be in the hands of Bolsheviks and on February 7, 1920 he was shot. Janne received for his betrayal nickname "General without honor."


      As we said, white were not completely aristocrats with an impeccable sense of tact, were among them and real "lawlessers." The most famous of them can be called General Annenkova. Legends went about his cruelty. Member I world famous as a commander of the raid detachment, had award. Raised the uprising in Siberia in 1918. Brutants suppressed the rebellion of the Bolsheviks in Slavogorsk and Pavlodar counties.

      Capturing the Congress of the Peasants, cutting 87 people. He tortured a lot of people who are not involved in the uprising. Men cut down the villages, women raped and slaughtered. In the detachment of Annenkov there were many mercenaries: Afghans, Uigurov, Chinese. The victims were calculated by thousands. After the defeat of Kolchak, Annenkov moved to Semirchye, crossed the border with China. Three years spent in a Chinese prison. In 1926, he was issued to the Bolsheviks and a year later.