Low house with blue shutters. "Low house with blue shutters ...", Analysis of the poem Yesenin

Brazil - the greatest state in Latin America, which takes almost half of the mainland South America. In the east and north is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil, natural resources and conditions of which are diverse, is a country favorable for the management of the economy and residence of the population.


In the northern part of the country it is located gradually goes into surrounded by steep cliffs hilly plains of Guiang Plateau. Almost all the remaining territory of the country is engaged in Brazilian plate, rising to the northeast and the south and steeply obscure at the inntlantic lowland. To the west of the residual ridge and the inntlantic arrays spread the belt of monoclinar-reservoir and reservoir plains; In the north and the center are predominated by base plains and plans, alternating from the plateau.


The hot climate is characterized by Brazil. Natural resources Largely due to climatic conditions. The average monthly temperature varies from 16 to 29 degrees, and only on high arrays in the eastern part are freezing. However, the country is peculiar different types Climate and precipitation modes.

Inland waters

Speaking about the natural features of Brazil, it should be noted its very thick river network. The Amazon system irrigates the entire Amazon lowland, the northern part of the Brazilian and south of Guiang's plateau. The southern part of Brazilian Plateau is irrigated with systems and Uruguay, Western - Paraguay River, East - San Francisk River. Of these, only Amazon and its Western and Eastern tributaries throughout the year are full of production.

For the rivers of Brazilian plateaus are characterized by large fluctuations in water consumption and flood. The aqueous arteries of the plateau have significant reserves of hydropower, however, as a rule, shipping only in short sections.

Vegetation and soils

Forests predominate in the latice (ferry) red soils. Brazil is occupied by the first place in the world in the world of solid wood. Natural resources in the western Amazonia are presented with dense evergreen wet-equatorial forests with valuable trees (over 4 thousand species), under which there are latheitic podzolic soils.

On the hills, framing Brazilian and are common due to dry weather, leaf-evergreen forests, the process of sodes in the soils is inconsistent and expressed weaker. Similar types of vegetation and soils, taking into account the high-dimensional explanation, are characteristic of viscous, oriental and high arrays and hills of Brazilian plateaus. Western slopes are characterized mainly by wet seasonal forests. The center of the Plateau is busy savanna in latitite red soils, the most common small shrubs savannah. Along the rivers there are gallery forests where the valuable wax palm tree is growing. The Northeast of the Plateau is occupied by a semi-deserted parel, consisting of succulent and xerophytic shrubs and trees on red-brown and red-brown soils. For evenly wet south, evergreen mixed and deciduous forests from Brazilian coniferous Araucaria are characteristic. In the lowlands, grassy milder savannais on reddish-black soils are common.

Animal world

A wide variety of fauna can be explained by a variety of ecosystems and significant sizes of the territory that Brazil is occupied. Fauna reviews in different sources are different, since even taxonomists sometimes diverge in opinions regarding the classification of animals living in the country. With enviable regularity, new species are revealed, at the same time, unfortunately die out.

Of all countries, Brazil is characterized by the greatest number of primates (about 77s) and freshwater fish (more than 3 thousand). According to the number of amphibians, the country ranks second in the world, in terms of the number of bird species - the third, in terms of the number of species of reptiles - the fifth. Many animals are under threat, especially those living in ecosystems that are now destroyed largely, for example, such as the Atlantic forest.

Brazilian economy

Due to the high level of development of the production and extractive industry, agriculture, services sectors and a large number of working-age population, Brazil in terms of GDP, all other countries of Latin America will be much overtaken. Currently, it further expands the presence in world markets. The main exports are coffee, aircraft, vehicles, soy, steel, orange juice, shoes, fabrics, sugar, electrical appliances.

The economy of Brazil is very diverse and has significant variations between the regions. According to the possibilities of carrying out the entrepreneurial activity of the city, they are very different from each other. Although the state economy is rather developed, considerable development barriers are still common problems of poverty, illiteracy and corruption.

Minerals Brazil

There are more than forty types of minerals in the country. The most significant are manganese and iron ore. Thus, more than two hundred million tons of iron ore mined per year, of which approximately 80 percent goes to export. By bouxite extraction, the state occupies one of the first places in the world. Brazil's minerals are also presented with copper, zinc, nickel, whose deposits are used for the domestic market. The country is a strategic raw material supplier: niobium, tungsten, mica, zirconium. The annual need for oil, component of 75 million tons, is provided only by half, so Brazil is forced to import it. In Amazonia in the 1970s. Large gold reserves were found, now its prey is about 80 tons per year. Also found coal deposits, but these are low quality raw materials, its production is about 5 million tons.


The most developed concentrated in the south-east and south of the country. The poorest region is considered to be the north-east, however, he is now starting to attract investments. From states of Latin America, Brazil has the most developed industrial sector that is a third in GDP. The state produces various products from steel, cars and petroleum products to airplanes, computers and consumer goods.

Over a quarter in GDP occupies Brazil. The main industries are oil refining and chemical production. After the United States, the country is the largest manufacturer of bioethanol, which provides approximately 30 percent of the need for a combustible. To refuel cars in Brazil, both ethanol is in pure form and mixed with gasoline. Raw materials for its production acts from Brazilian enterprises annually produce ethanol in the amount of 16-20 billion liters.

Every year more than 1.5 million cars are produced in the country. Major manufacturers - Mercedes-Benz, "Skania", "Fiat".

The main industries industry is textile. Brazil takes 6-7 place in the world of textile products. About 80 percent of cotton are imported from abroad, which is due to the low quality of Brazilian raw materials.

Also developed shoe industry - work more than 4 thousand shoe production factories.


Among the Latin American countries, Brazil has the greatest economic potential. The natural resources of this country provide huge opportunities for growth. However, it is still characterized by a significant differentiation in income and a big difference in the level of development of Western and Eastern regions.




The purpose of this course work is to study the intra-regional differences between Brazil, its natural resource potential, the population, the features of the development and structure of the economy, as well as economic zoning and foreign economic relations.

The author of this course was carried out by the following tasks: the study of the natural resource potential of Brazil, its population and labor resources, the territorial and structural features of its farm, the characteristics of the industry, a description of the territorial specialization of agriculture, carrying out the economic zoning of the country and the characteristics of its foreign economic relations.

The object of studying this course work is Brazil.

The subject of this course work is the population of Brazil, its natural resources, economy and economics.

Theoretical I. methodological basis Studies are the following methods: literary, cartographic, analytical, comparative geographical, comparative historical, historical.

In accordance with the aim of the scientific relevance of the course work lies in the creation of a generalizing work on the intra-regional features of the social and economic development of Brazil.

This term paper consists of five chapters:

The first chapter describes the natural resource potential of Brazil. The second chapter provides the characteristics of the population and labor resources of Brazil. The third chapter examines the territorial and industry features of the development of the economy of Brazil, namely: the structure of industry and agriculture. In the fourth chapter, the economic zoning of Brazil is conducted. The fifth chapter describes the foreign economic relations of Brazil.

When writing this course work, mapping and text sources were used, which correspond to the work plan and credibility criteria.

Also, tables, cartographic and graphic materials, corresponding to the plan and tasks of this course work were compiled.

For foreign economic relations of the Republic of Belarus, the relevance of this course work is to study the prospects for economic cooperation with Brazil.

economic Zone Brazil Foreign Economic

Chapter 1. The natural resource potential of Brazil

Brazil has a huge amount of minerals. There are reserves of manganese ores, nickel, bauxite, iron and uranium ore. In Brazil, potassium, phosphates, tungsten, cassiteritis, lead, graphite, chrome are mined in Brazil. There is also gold, zirconium and rare radioactive mineral - thorium.

Brazil accounts for 90% of the world production of diamonds, Aquamarine, Topaz, Amethyst, Tourmaline and Emerald.

Brazil mineral resources diversified: oil, natural gas, stone coal, iron (one of the richest stocks in the world) and manganese ore, chromites, titanium raw materials (Ilmenite), copper, lead, bauxites (third place in the world in stock), zinc, nickel, tin, cobalt, tungsten, tantalum, zirconium, niobium (first place in the world in stock of Columba), beryllium (first place in the world in stock), uranium, thorium, gold, silver, platinum, phosphates, apatite, magnesite, barite , asbestos, graphite, mica, soda salt, soda, diamonds, emeralds, amethysts, aquamarins, topazy, crystal quartz (first place in the world in stock), marble. According to the reserves of iron, beryllium and niobium ores, rhinestone, bituminous shale, bauxite, ores of rare-earth elements Brazil occupies one of the leading places among industrialized countries of the world.

Brazil has (2001) relatively small proven oil reserves (1.1 billion tons) and natural gas (230 billion cubic meters). About 150 deposits are open. The largest - Don Juan, Agua Grande, Arakas, Carmopolis, Siriziny, Namorad, etc. The Amazonia opened a large sedimentary pool Solimens, promising for possible reserves of oil and gas.

Brazilian shelf has three main oil and gas pumps: campus, Santus and Espirita Santa. Less perspective pools Sergipi-Alagoas, Pogigar and Seara. The most in the reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials by the Brazil pool is the oceanic pool campus area of \u200b\u200babout 100 thousand km2. The proven reserves of natural gas in it were estimated at 105 billion cubic meters. The main proven oil reserves of the country are concentrated here. In each of the seven deep-water oil fields, up to 100 million tons of oil and condensate are contained. Probable reserves of oil and gas pools at the end of 1999 were estimated at 1.5 billion tons of oil. In the campus basin, there are 4 giant gas chapel fields (in brackets proven reserves, million tons.): Albacotra (about 270), Marlin (270), Barracuda (110) and Marlin-Sul and Giant Oil Field Ronkador (356).

The main oil reservoirs are associated with the turbiditis sands of the shelf genesis, which occur both in the lower and in the upper parts of the modern mainland slope, or with peripheral open sea turbidates, transported through the straits into the lower part of the mainland slope. There is a similarity of NGB on both sides of the Atlantic, especially the southern parts of the campus pools and Kwanza Cameroonsky.

All oil and gas and eastern Brazil was formed on divergent passive continental outskirts, the tectonic development of which is complicated by riftogenesis processes. Oil and gas traps, as a rule, stratigraphic type are most often confined to the suspended mountainous blocks. In the zone of modern deep and ultra-deep shelf, the phenomena of salt diapiration is developed.

In 2003, the company "Petriform" made the largest gas discovery in the country. Reserves of the new field are estimated at 70 billion cubic meters. M, which increases the total volume of gas reserves in Brazil by 30%. The field is located on the shelf of Paulo Province, at a distance of 137 km from the shore at the depths of the sea 485 m. The potential of the production of well-pioneering - 3 million cubic meters. m Gas per day. In 2002, the total volume of natural gas reserves in Brazil is estimated at 231 billion cubic meters. m.

Bituminous shale of Brazil are confined to the Perm formation of the Irati, represented by the argylite and limestone facies with the intrusions of basalt and diabase. Deposit - San Mateus do Sul, San Gabriel and Don Pedro. Stone coal reserves in Brazil are small - 2 billion tons. (25% is coking coal). Stocks iron Rud. Countries account for about 26% of the stocks of developed countries of the West. The main part of the ore is associated with the Precambrian Itabiritams of the Brazilian platform. The main industrial deposits (ponads.25 billion tons) are concentrated in the Miniss-Gerais iron ore basin, within the so-called "iron ore quadrangle".

The provision of chromium ore production by their confirmed reserves, calculated at the maximum level of production in the period 1995-1997, taking into account losses for mining and enrichment in Brazil is 33 years.

In 2000, Brazil occupied the 5th place at the explored uranium reserves (262 thousand tons, the share in the world is 7.8%). The main fields of uranium ore are concentrated in the Mountains of Serra Di-Jacobin, together with gold-bearing conglomerates (Zacobin deposit).

According to the explored reserves of tin at the end of the twentieth century, Brazil takes the 1st place in America and the 2nd in the world (after China). According to the total reserves of tin Brazil takes the 1st place in the world. For the resources of Tin Brazil takes the 1st place among the countries of the world - 12.6% of world resources (6 million tons). About 40% of total confirmed reserves have been concluded in placer deposits located in 15 rolling areas of the country. Alluvial placers prevail.

In the tin area of \u200b\u200bMapier (Amazonas) there is a ore node of piting. Ore cores and shtowers are localized in albitisy granites. Complex ores, their composition includes cassiteritis, columbit, tantalite, pyrite, cryolith, fluorite. Reserves of ores of the root tin - 1.19 million tons; sir. The metal content in ores here is 0.141%.

Ores also contain 6 million tons of cryolitis, 4 million tons of zircon (average content of 1.5%), industrial concentrations of colombit tanthalitis (average content of pentoxide Ni 0.223%, Pentoxide Ta - 0.028%), fluorite, and yttrium, mainly as part of xenotim . The main reserves are concentrated in the edgey barks and places that have arisen during their account and occupy an area of \u200b\u200babout 250 km2.

The main ones are alluvial placer a year of Malaya Madeira, Zhubuti and Keishad. The ore sands occur at a depth of about 6 m. Orese reserves in placers are 195 million tons, tin - 343 thousand tons with an average cassiterite content of 2.0 kg / cu. m, niobium pentoxide - 435 thousand tons with an average of Nb2O5 4, 3%, tantalal pentoxide - 55 thousand tons with an average of Ta2O5 0.3%, zirconium dioxide - 1.7 million tons. As a result of geological and exploration work. Niobium pentoxide reserves up to 2000 amounted to 30 million tons. ores with an average content of 4.1% (1.2 mln NB2O5).

The basis of the manganese-standard base of the country is the Deposit of Urukum (State-Gros Du-Sul, Corumba Region) with confirmed reserves of 15.8 million tons, Azul and Buritirama (Couple, district, Karazhas district) - 10 million tons, Serra do Navi (the federal territory of Amapa) - 5.8 million tons, Miguel Cong in the area of \u200b\u200bthe iron ore quadrangle and other deposits in Minas Gerais, as well as a number of smaller objects in the Precambrian metamorphic strata. The largest deposits of manganese ores are associated with the rocks of the foundation. The lenses of Marganese-containing Spezartite breeds (Gundita, carbonate Rhodonite) have a capacity of 10-30 m and a length of 200-1000 m.

According to Boxitov's reserves, Brazil takes the 1st place in Lat. America (2000 g) and 2nd place in the world (after Guinea). Prom. Boxito deposits associated with latice weathered crust. OSN. Resources are focused in the Amazon River basin in a pair (Tromobetas deposits, Paragimas and others).

Laterithic fields of glexy bauxite - aluminum raw materials are located in the states of the pair (Oriximine municipalities, Paragimas, Faro, Domingo de Kapim and Almayrim) and Minas Gerais (mainly Municipal Posses di Caldas, Preto and Kataguazes). Deposit Porto-thrombetas (total reserves of 1700 million tons, confirmed - 800 million tons) and Paragimas (total reserves of 2400 million tons, confirmed - 1600 million tons) relate to gigantic. The deposits are usually located close to the earth's surface and are operated in the open method. At the rate of mining close to modern, Brazil is provided with confirmed reserves for 340 years.

Tungsten ores represented by Sheelitamiima Skarnna - Breji deposits, Kishab, Mallad within the Borborne region. The field of nickel ores is based on a silicate type of gallowyimima ores. Ore bodies lie at a small depth, about 75% of the reserves are located in Goyas (Nickelland deposits and others). In Brazil, there are several copper support deposits, the largest of which is Karahiba (Baya). Brazil has more than 100 small polymetallic hydrothermal deposits, explored rich tin places.

Rare elements (beryllium, niobium, tantalum, zirconium and others) in Brazil are predominantly in complex pegmatite ores dedicated to the foundation.

Gold reserves were found in the second half of the twentieth century in the Amazon River basin. The forecast resources of Brazil IHP are insignificant and accounted for up to 300 tons (about 0.6% of the world).

Brazil is concentrated about 35% of world predictive beryllium resources (up to 700 thousand tons), which causes its leading (along with Russia) a place in the world.

Brazil occupies 1st place among the resources of Niobia among the countries of the world. The main deposits of Niobia Pentoxide in the country - Arash, Tapir. The deposits are mainly in the famous mining areas of Minas Gerais and Goyas. The ores are localized in the latitite barks of weathering of carbonatites and do not require intensive crushing. The power of rudonal cortex reaches 200 m, coverings - from 0.5 m to 40 m. The average content of NB2O5 in ores is 2.5%. Development is carried out in an open way.

The resources of phosphate ores are important in Brazil, which include three main industrial types: Apatite (Zhacupiranga deposit), repeated apatite (childbirth. Arash, Tapiir, Catalan) and phosphorites sedimentary deposits in the Bamboi series. Especially promising the phosphorites of the field - the Patus di Minas (stocks of 300 million tons).

Brazil are the world's largest deposits of precious and diverse stones: mountain crystal, jewelry beryl, Topaz, tourmaline, amethyst, agate; Known also prom. Field of Emerald, Diamond, noble opal. Jewelry Beryl, Topaz and Tourmalin are found in the granite pegmatites common in the states of Minas-Gerais (Diamantino Almazhone District), Baya.

The main fields of high-grade sheet mica - Musovite are associated with the exits of the Archean foundation and form the Brazilian Slyudonny district. In Brazil also give birth. Barita (Ilya Grandi, Miguel Calmon), Potash Salt (Conptiguleba), Stone Salt (Maceio), Fluorita (Salga, Katunda), Magnesit (Iguatu), Graphite (Itapacerika, San Fidelis), Asbesti (Ipanema), Bentonite (Lapsis, Bravo).

Amazon lowland lies in the field of equatorial and subequatorial climate. Temperature all year 24-28c, precipitation drops 2500 - 3500 mm per year. The Amazon River is the greatest in the world in the size of the pool (7.2 million sq. Km) and water content. It is formed by the merger of two rivers - Maranon and Watti. The length of Amazon from the source Maranyon is 6400 km, and from the source of Ukyali - more than 7,000 km. Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean, forming the largest delta in the world (over 100 thousand sq. Km) and funnel-shaped mouths - sleeves covering the huge island of Maramero.

In the lower current, the amazon width reaches 80 km, and the depth is 1335 m. Selva - Wet Equatorial Forests of the Amazon Lowland. These are over 4 thousand types of trees, which is 1/4 of all the world's existing breeds. Animals, each in their own way, adapted to their existence among dense forest, interlaced by Lianami. Monkeys - Ruong, Kapuchin, toys, fine-tailed spider-shaped monkeys of Saymyiri from the coloring face, resembling a skull, - spend a lifetime on the trees, keeping over the branches with a strong tail. Chain tails are even in wood dickery and amusted, raccoon and silent opossum. Confidently feel in the forest more often cat - Jaguars and Ocelot. Not a hindrance of forests thickets and for volatile mice. Bakers and tapir prefer swampy river floats. Capybara holds the water - the world's largest rodent. Among the amphibians and reptiles are diverse, among which poisonous snakes (bushmeters, coral aspids, rattles), beats - Boa, huge anaconds. In the rivers, caimans and flocks of bloodthirsty piral fish lie in the rivers. Painting Harpi's predatory farm, Uruba's vulture fell felling; In crowns trees fly multicolored parrots; Tukanians are sitting on the branches - owners of a huge beak. Bright motley sparks flashed in the air and hang over the flowers the smallest birds on Earth - Hummingbird.

East of Amazonia, the Green Forest Sea is gradually replaced by a stony texture - Caating. Poor soils barely cover rocks, there are almost no herbs. Everywhere spiny semi shrubs and all sorts of cacti. And over them, dubby shrubs and a tree, columnist cacti and tree-like Mochabi. At some distance from each other, like a bow, bottle trees grow. These thickets are almost deprived of foliage and do not give shelter from the burning of the rays of the sun or from shower. In the winter-spring dry period, which lasts here 8 - 9 months, precipitation falls less than 10 mm per month. At the same time, the average air temperature is 26-28 C. At this time, many plants are discharged by foliage. Life freezes to autumn rains, when over the month more than 300 mm of precipitation falls at an annual amount of 700 - 1000 mm. As a result, the level of water in the rivers quickly rises. Regularly repeated floods that destroy homes and flushing fertile layer Tillage fields.

Brazil is diverse under natural conditions. It is allocated: Amazonian lowland and Brazilian plateau, distinguished by the relief, the conditions of moisture, vegetation, etc. In general, natural conditions are favorable for the residence of the population and the management of the economy.

Brazil is extremely rich in natural resources. Among them, the main place belongs to forest resources - wet equatorial forests, which occupy 2/3 of the country's territory and are actively used at present. IN last time These forests are subjected to ruthless destruction, which leads to a change in the entire natural complex as a whole. Amazon forests call "light planets And their extermination is the problem not only Brazil, but also the whole world. The mineral resource base of Brazil is diverse. About 50 species of mineral raw materials are produced here. These are primarily iron, manganese ores, bauxites and non-ferrous metal ores. The main reserves are focused on the eastern part of the country in Brazilian plateau. In addition, Brazil has oil and potash salts.

Water resources are represented by a huge number of rivers, the main of which is Amazon (the greatest river around the world). Almost a third of this big country is occupied by the Amazon River basin, which includes the Amazon itself and more than two hundred of its tributaries. This gigantic system contains the fifth part of all the river water of the world. Landscape in Amazon Flat Pool. The rivers and its tributaries flow slowly, the rainy seasons often leave the banks and flood huge areas of rainforests. The Rivers of Brazilian Plateau have a significant hydropower potential. The largest lakes of the country - Mirim and Patos. Main rivers: Amazon, Madeira, Rio Negora, Parana, San Francisk.

Great Agroclimatic and soil resources contributing to the development of agriculture. In Brazil fertile soilwhich grows coffee, cocoa, bananas, grain, citrus fruit, sugar cane, soybeans, cotton and tobacco. Brazil takes one of the leading places in the world in the area of \u200b\u200bprocessed lands. Due to the fact that the main part of the country is in the interdropic belt with a predominance of low heights, the average temperatures exceeding the mark of 20 degrees are characteristic of Brazil. In Brazil, six climate types are represented: Equatorial, tropical, tropical alpine, tropical atlantic, semi-sore and subtropical.

In the north-oriental outskirts of Brazil, tropical forests are inferior to the deserted locations and the steppes covered with a shrub, but the wet Atlantic coasts are abundant with magnificent vegetation. Between the coastal cities of Porto - Alegri in the south of the country and the Salvador in the east stretches the narrow strip of sushi with a width of only 110 kilometers, and immediately behind it begin the central and southern plateau. The northern countries of the country are in the Equatorial zone, and Rio de Janeiro lies just north of the Tropic of Capricorn - so the climate is very warm to the majority of Brazil. In the Amazon River Basin, the temperature of the year round is contained about 27 degrees. The seasons of Brazil are distributed in this way: Spring - from September 22 to December 21, summer - from December 22 to March 21, autumn - from March 22 to June 21, Winter - from June 22 to September 21. 58.46% of Brazil relief form a plateau. The main ones are in the north - Guiangskoye, in the south - Brazilian, which occupies most of the territory and is divided into the Atlantic, central, southern and plateau Rio - Grand-Doo-Sul. The remaining 41% of the territory occupy the plains, the most important among them are Amazon, La Plata, San Francisco and Tokantins. All natural conditions and resources create very favorable prerequisites for economic development.

Chapter 2. Brazil Population and Labor Resources

Brazil ranks first among Latin American countries and the fifth - in the world in the population (207 million people in the middle of 2013). The population in the country is located uneven: it is concentrated in the North and Southeast, in the south. In the narrow zone of the Atlantic coast, approximately 1/2 of the total population is concentrated. The average density is 18 Osib / km2. The least populated (density of less than 1 individuals / km2) is Western Amazonia, the area of \u200b\u200bwet equatorial forests. More than 30% of the population lives in the atlantic coastline of up to 100 km wide, and almost half of the inhabitants thus settles the strip, which is 7% of the entire territory. The population is distributed in Brazil very inhomogeneously, with a significant concentration in coastal areas, especially in the southern east and in the coastal strip of the northeast. Another important core of the population is the southern region. The least populated areas are located in the Central West and Northern regions. The average population density in Brazil is 20 people per km2, in the south-east - more than 40, in the north - up to 1 person per km. sq.

IN last years The growth rate of the population has slightly decreased relatively with a maximum of around 1960. The reasons for reducing the growth rate of the population are associated with urbanization and industrialization, which led to a decrease in the birth rate (for example, through the use of contraceptives). Although the mortality rate decreased sharply since 1940, the birth rate decreased stronger. Now the annual population growth is approaching 1.13%.

Demographic features of Brazil. The reproduction of the country's population is characterized by high fertility rates (16.83% o) and natural growth (1.06%). In Brazil, the early marriages and large families are traditional (2.7 children per 1 woman). The main cause of a significant increase in the population was a decrease in mortality (6.15% o), before the children's (35.87%). The female population prevails over male. In Brazil, the high proportion of young people (62% under the age of 29), the elderly - 6%. Life expectancy is 67, 7 years old for men, 75.8 years - for women

Brazil is a highly tubed country where more than 85% of the population lives in cities. However, regional contrasts are large: more than 75% of the inhabitants are concentrated in the southeast, while in the northeast - only 42%, and in the south - 50%.

The largest cities of Brazil (with suburbs) is Sao Paulo (15.4 million inhabitants), Rio de Janeiro (9.8 million), Belo Horizonte (2.1 million), Salvador (2.1 million), Fortaleza (1.5 million). Latin America's largest urban agglomerations is Brazilian Megalopolis, formed by the merger of the Saglomerations of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Annual urban population growth - 1.1%. The population in the country is located uneven: it is concentrated in the North and Southeast, in the south. In the narrow zone of the Atlantic coast, approximately 1/2 of the total population is concentrated. The average density is 18 Osib / km2. The least populated (density of less than 1 individuals / km2) is Western Amazonia, the area of \u200b\u200bwet equatorial forests.

Labor resources. The population in working age is 67% of the country's residents (103.6 million people). In the dynamics of the sectoral structure of the economically active population, a tendency towards an increase in the share of the population occupied by industry (14%) is manifested. However, the share of the population engaged in the service sector is growing even faster pace - more than 66% total number Working. Traditionally, a lot of labor is occupied in agriculture - 20%. The unemployed is 7% of the economically active population.

Migration. Brazil has a significant proportion of the Black population originating from African slaves. They were tested into the country from the 16th to the 19th century. More than 3 million Africans were delivered to Brazil throughout the existence of slavery. The slave trade was canceled only in 1850. Slaves preferably got out of Angola, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, the Bank of Ivory and San Tome and Principe. The African population of Brazil was largely mixed with Portuguese, leading to mixed modern population.

Starting from the 19th century, the Brazilian government stimulated European immigration to replace the human resource of the former slaves. The first non-cultivary immigrants settled in Brazil in 1824, were the Germans. Since 1869, the first Polish immigrants arrive. However, significant European immigration in Brazil began only after 1875, when immigration from Italy, Portugal and Spain increased significantly. Between 1870 and 1953, Brazil attracted approximately 5.5 million immigrants - approximately 1.55 million Italians, 1,47 million Portuguese, 650 thousand Spaniards, 210 thousand Germans, 190 thousand Japanese, 120 thousand Poles and 650 thousand immigrants of other nationalities.

These figures can be significantly underestimated, because women and children were often not considered, many immigrants settled illegally, replacing the surnames to hide their origin, and the Brazilian accounting system was very imperfect. Brazil has become the house of the largest Italian diaspora outside Italy, having 25 million Brazilians of Italian origin. Brazil is also home to the largest Lebanese community in the world, about 8 million.

Starting from the beginning of the 20th century, Brazil received a significant number of Asian immigrants: Koreans, Chinese, Taiwan and Japanese. The Japanese is the most Asian minority in Brazil, and the Brazilians of Japanese origin constitute the entire Japanese population outside of Japan (1.5 million people).

More than 90 million people in Brazil have roots in mass waves of European immigration. The largest ethnic groups are Iberians, Italians and Germans. Smaller groups include Slavs (mostly Chekhov, Poles, Ukrainians and Russians). Among the smallest ethnic groups - Lithuanians, Armenians, Finns, French, Greeks, Hungarians, Romanians, British, Irish and Jews. In addition to Europeans, the Brazilian population includes 79 million. Africans and Mulatov, 13 million Arabs, 1.6 million Asians and 700 thousand American Indians.

Internal migrations in Brazil are directed, first, from rural areas to large cities and agglomerations (although this process is gradually losing intensity), and secondly, with well-developed areas to Amazonia, the North and West of the country.

The population of Brazil comes from representatives of the three large races of the Mongoloids (Indians), Negroids (Africans) and Coretopoids. Brazil is the only country of Latin America, where Portuguese is recognized as state. Indian tribes speak their local languages.

National and religious composition of Brazil. The country has formed ethnic groups of mulatts (55%), methives (38%) and the Negroid population (6%). The indigenous Indian population was exterminated during the period of colonization, part is assimilated. Single Indian tribes live isolated in difficult-affordable areas of Amazonia. National minorities are represented by Italians, Spaniards, Japanese, Ukrainian (50 thousand people), etc.

Most Brazilians are Catholics (80%). Catholics of African descent adhere to the cult of "Kandi-Ble" (based on religious syncretism, that is, combining beliefs in the ancient pagan gods of Black Africa ("Orisha") with honing Christian angels and saints) - by the number of Protestants (almost 3 million) Brazil settlers First place in South America.

Ethnic composition of the population. The Brazilian nation was formed as a result of the mixing of the Aboriginal Indians, African blacks delivered here as slaves, with European immigrants. The indigenous Indian population was largely exterminated. Indian tribes who survive live a greater extent in the deep areas of the Amazon basin and lead a primitive economy.

Analyzing the ethnic composition of the Brazilian population, it is necessary to distinguish between the data "self-determination" of the population, recorded by censuses, and the real ethnic composition of the population, which is very complex and is actually determined only when using the latest technologies, in particular through the study of gene markers.

Among Brazil's population, the descendants of Portuguese immigrants occupy the descendants of Portuguese immigrants, from the first colonists (starting from the 16th century) to immigrants of recent times (nineteenth and 20th century). The first Portuguese settlements in Brazil appeared after 1532, when the city of San Vincent was founded and the active process of colonization began.

Prior to the declaration of independence in 1822, the Portuguese were the only European people whose representatives were actively settled in Brazil, so Brazilian culture is largely based on the culture of Portugal. Other countries in Europe had a slight presence of the flow of the colonial period. The Dutch and French tried to colonize Brazil during the 17th century, but their control over the part of Brazil continued only a few decades. The Indian population of Brazil (3-5 million at the opening of it by Europeans) was largely exterminated or assimilated in the Portuguese population. Since the beginning of the colonization of marriages between the Portuguese and Indians were ordinary.

On the last census, "white" called 53.7% of the Brazilian population, or about 96 million people. They live throughout the country, although more concentrated in the south and south-east of Brazil. White are considered as descendants of Europeans and descendants of other peoples with white skin. There is also a Brazigway Ethnic Group - white Brazilians or their descendants living on Paraguay border with Brazil.

By 1800, only 1 million Europeans were immigrated to Brazil, almost exclusively Portuguese. The immigration boom came later, in the 19th and 20th centuries, when about 6 million Europeans arrived in Brazil.

Today, residents that determine themselves are white, constitute the most ethnically racial group of the country, which has developed over five centuries with immigrants mainly from Europe. Although in the middle of the 19th century, the white population was Portuguese, late immigration consisted of representatives different countries. Thus, Brazilian white are descendants of many different peoples, primarily natives (Portuguese, Italians, Spaniards), Germans (Germans) and Slavs (Poles, Ukrainian). In addition to Europeans, it also belongs to the descendants of Arab immigrants (Lebans and Syrians). Although most people relate to white, genetic studies have shown that "white" is also actually a mixture of races, more than 86% of the population have blacks and Indians among their ancestors.

6.2% of the Brazilian population is called "black" or blacks, or about 11 million people. Although they are also distributed throughout the country, their greatest concentration in the northeast region. Healthy the descendants of the African peoples transported to Brazil as slaves are considered to be aneg.

Slavery in Brazil existed for about 350 years, when about 3 million slaves were delivered in Brazil according to official data (smuggled transport covers approximately two million from the specified number). Recent studies show that 86% have more than 10% of genetic markers characteristic of Africans. A small number of blacks in the census (6.2%) is the result of a traditionally biased attitude towards the chairs and indians in society, so many blacks are trying to indicate themselves as "brown" or enjoy the unofficial categories of "Mulatos" or "Morain" (Morenos) which indicate a mixed origin. However, in recent years, the culture of Brazilian blacks is becoming increasingly popular and the smell self-consciousness is growing.

The term "brown" (Pardos) or "Pard" did not always have its own current meaning. He was first introduced during a census of 1872 with the sole purpose of distinguish between free blacks (both purebred and mixed, any skin color) from slaves (again of any origin and color of the skin). With the abolition of slavery, the term lost its original value, but continued to be used as a "residual" category to designate residents who did not include themselves to one of the categories proposed in census. Brown make up 38.5% of the Brazilian population, or about 70 million people, and are common throughout the country. Brown are considered both all mixed inhabitants (they independently consider themselves such) and all residents who do not belong to any of the other categories.

Although IBGE and credits all brown to the descendants of Africans, many researchers do not agree with this, convincing that up to 8% of the population are predominantly a white mixture with Indians, (known by the unofficial terms "Kabokla" and "Mamelukov"), and a small part - White With Asian (yellow). Insecurity also grows because some percentage of blacks classifies itself as brown, and brown - like white.

"Yellow" (Amarelos) make up 0.5% of the Brazilian population, or about 1 million people. They are mainly concentrated in two states of Sao Paulo and Paran. Yellow themselves consider the descendants of most immigrants from Asia. Most Brazilian Yellow are descendants of the Japanese who immigrated to Brazil between 1908 and 1960, mainly due to economic problems. Brazil now contains more Japanese population outside of Japan. Other groups include a slight number of Chinese and Koreans.

Although millions of Brazilians are descendants of the Indians, only 0.4% of the population (700 thousand people) consider themselves them. This is due to the intensive mixing of representatives of different peoples, the loss of the national identity of the Indians throughout the centuries, and through traditionally biased attitude towards the Indians and blacks, which is why many Indians are trying to indicate themselves "white" or "brown" (i.e. mixed ). Recently conducted genetic studies confirmed that millions of Brazilians are descendants of the native peoples, most of which do not recognize their Indian origin. In recent years, for the first time in five centuries, the growth of the Indian population of Brazil is observed, however, many of them live in the conditions of poverty countries and gradually lose their culture.

Regional features of the ethnic structure of Brazil's population are as follows. In the southern region of Brazil, the European element dominates - since the Portuguese colonists of the 17-18 centuries, to large waves of the immigration of Germans, Italians and Slavs throughout the 19-20 centuries. In the south-eastern region, the European element is also dominated - mainly Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and German immigrants of 19-20 centuries. Although African and Indian elements are also noticeable here, and in Sao Paulo - and Asian. In the northeast region, African and European elements are dominated (mainly Portuguese), although there is some contribution of the Indians. In the North and Central-Western regions, the Indian element dominates, although with a significant European and African contribution.

According to the 1988 Constitution of Brazil, racism is a serious crime, this law is perceived in Brazil very seriously.

Language. Portuguese is the only official language Brazil. It says almost all the population and in fact only this language is used in schools, newspapers, radio, television and for all business and administrative purposes. In addition, Brazil is the only portuguese-speaking countries in America, which makes a language part of the Brazilian national self-consciousness. Brazilian Portuguese developed independently of the European Portuguese language, and went less phonetic changesthan language spoken in Portugal. Therefore, it is often said that the speech of Kamoens, the Portuguese poet of the 16th century, phonetically reminds modern Brazilian Portuguese, but not the language spoken in Portugal now, and it should be read on the Brazilian rules. The Brazilian Portuguese also had some influence of Indian and African languages. In Brazil itself, the language is quite homogeneous, carriers of different regional dialects easily understand each other, but there are several noticeable phonological, lexical and spelling differences between them.

Many Indian languages \u200b\u200bstill exist in the native communities, primarily in Northern Brazil. Although many of them have significant contacts with portugueseToday, a stimulus to explore native languages. Some foreign languages Used by descendants of immigrants, which are usually bilingual, in small rural cities in South Brazil. The main ones are Brazilian German dialects, such as Riograndesser Gunstrukish, Pomeranian and Italian, based on the Italian Venetian dialect. In the city of São Paulo, Japanese is also common in areas of immigrants, such as Libardad.

English - Part of the official school curriculum, but very little Brazilians freely own it. Spanish is also also taught in schools (as the language of countries surrounding Brazil) and is understood to a certain extent with the carriers of the Polish language due to the large similarity between the two languages.

Religion. According to the census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the religious-confessional composition of the population is as follows:

6% of the population - Catholics (about 126 million).

4% - Protestants (about 25 million).

4% of the population consider themselves atheists or agnostics.

3% - Spiritualists.

8% - adherents of other religions. Including Mormons (900 thousand), Jehovah's Witnesses (600 thousand), Buddhists (215 thousand), seismic-no-ia (151 thousand), Judaists (230 thousand) and Muslims (27 thousand).

3% - adherents of traditional African religions, such as Kandomblel, Makuby and Umband.

Some profess the mixture of various religions, such as Catholicism, Candomble and Indian religions.

Brazil has the greatest number of Catholics in the world. However, the number of Protestants is now growing. Considering them with Catholics, Brazil ranks second in the number of Christians in the world after the United States. By 1970, most Brazilian Protestants belonged to the "traditional churches", mostly were Lutherans, Presbyterians and Baptists, but over the past decades the number of Pentecostals and representatives of other concessions were significantly increased.

Islam in Brazil was traditionally practiced by some African slaves. Today, the Muslim population in Brazil consists mainly of Arab immigrants, although there is a certain number of citizens not to Arabic origin in Islam.

There are approximately 120 thousand members of the Jewish community (0.065% of the total population), their communities are located mainly in major cities Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, smaller in the number of communities - in Brazilia, Curitiba, Porto Alegre.

Chapter 3. Territorial and sectoral features of the development of Brazil

Brazil is one of the key countries of the developing world. She is among the top ten largest countries Mira in terms of industrial production. Brazil is an industrial-agricultural country. GDP The share of the entire industry is about 30%, and agriculture and fisheries - 21%. Brazilian GDP 502 billion US dollars (1.6% of world GDP), per capita GDP - $ 2908 (2001). Unemployment 10.5%, inflation - 12.5% \u200b\u200b(2002). Sectoral Economic Structure: Services Field 56.8% GDP, Industry 33.9%, Agriculture 9.3% (2001). In the employment structure, the share of agriculture is relatively higher - 23.1%, and services and industry are lower - respectively, 53.2 and 23.7%.

In Brazil, the leading industries are: mechanical engineering, petrochemistry, ferrous metallurgy. The share of the mining industry in 2001 accounted for 2.9% of GDP, including 2.4% - for oil and gas production and 0.5% - to mining mineral raw materials. In terms of reliable reserves and oil production (respectively, 1.2 billion and 66.3 million tons in 2001) Brazil occupies 3rd place in Latin America after Venezuela and Mexico. The most productive field is the sea pool campus north of Rio de Janeiro. Although the production of crude oil is growing (5% in 2001), Brazil has not yet achieved self-sufficiency of it: the consumption of crude oil was 85.1 million tons in the same year. Import of oil and petroleum products reached $ 4.3 billion, at that time As exports - $ 1.7 billion. A.28% of imported oil comes from Nigeria, 26% from Saudi Arabia. In the size of oil refinery located on its territory (87.9 million tons), Brazil is noticeably superior to all other countries in Latin America. The exploration and development of the majority of oil and gas fields of Brazil, as well as the processing of the main volume of crude oil, is carried out by the state company Petriforms (12th place among the largest oil companies in the world). Significant natural gas reserves amounted to 0.22 trillion M3, production 38.5 million M3.58% of gas produced at offshore fields, the largest of which are campus pools and Santus. The share of natural gas in the energy balance of the country amounted to in 2001 3%, but it is planned to increase it to 12% in 2010. Brazil is one of the main countries - manufacturers of iron ore production, steel and one of the leading countries in the production of synthetic rubber. Building its own industry Brazil was able to thanks to the richest natural resources. First of all, they do not have high-quality iron ores equal in the world. Its huge reserves, divorced at the beginning of 20V. In Minas Gerais, called a surprisingly accurate poetic image to life: no wonder they say that this state "chest of iron, and a heart of gold . Main industrial enterprises are concentrated in the south-east of the country in the "Triangle Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro - Belo Horizonte. In Sao Paulo, enterprises of high-tech industries are increasingly concentrated, as well as banks. The mining industry is well developed in Brazil. Brazil occupies 4th place in the world in terms of reliable reserves and 3rd production of boxites 81% of their production provides the company MRN, in the share capital of which the state and private Brazilian capital, as well as foreign capital, presented by the largest TNK, take shares.

Gold production was in 2012 52.4 T - 12th place in the world and 2nd in Latin America. Significant gold reserves were estimated at 2 thousand tons. The manufacturing industry is the most developed and diversified in Latin America, for some positions it has reached the global level. In the total volume of its production, the manufacturer of machines, equipment and vehicles - 23.4%, oil refining and petrochemical industry - 14.6%, food industry - 14.6%; Chemical, pharmaceutical industry and production of plastics products - 12.4%, black and non-ferrous metallurgy - 10.2%.

Among the most significant production and sales of the manufacturing products in 2001, diesel fuel are presented - 33.3 million m3, automotive gasoline - 21.0 million m3, passenger cars with an engine capacity up to 1000 cm3 - 826 thousand units, sugar Sand - 17.1 million tons, cell phones - 16.1 million units, nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizers - 11.1 million tons, refined soybean oil - 2.7 million tons, household refrigerators - 4.8 million units. , Tractors for the processing of the Earth are 34.1 thousand units, as well as aircraft and other aircraft weighing St..2 t and less than 15 tons, for the production and export of which Brazil occupies one of the leading places in the world. Brazil has a diversified and effective agriculture, is among the world's leaders in the production of a number of agricultural products and trade. In 2001, 59.2% of conditionally pure agricultural products accounted for crop production and 40.8% on animal husbandry. Soy (25.1%) and sugar cane (16.7%), in animal husbandry products - beef, chicken meat and milk (51.0, 20.0, and 17.4%, and 17.4%, and 17.4%) were used.

Suitable for the production of agricultural products The land is concentrated in the hands of a small amount of the largest farms: 2.22% of farms with an area of \u200b\u200bSt.500 ha have 56.6% of the entire land. The development of crop production contributed to the achievements of genetic studies in agriculture. For the production of oranges (18.7 million tons in 2002) and sugar cane (360.6 million tons) and the export of concentrated orange juice ($ 812.5 million) Brazil takes 1st place in the world, for the production and export of soybean ( Accordingly, 41.9 million tons and $ 2725.5 million) - 2nd place in the world after the United States. In addition, Brazil is the 2nd producer of beef (7136 million tons) and chickens meat (7040 million tons), as well as exported poultry meat ($ 1395 million). Only 0.4% of GDP accounts for fishing products, but it employs about 800 thousand people. The government holds a long-term fisheries development policy, which provides for the rental of foreign fishing vessels and breeding fish in marine and continental waters. The overall production of fish and other marine and freshwater products amounted to 2,000 802 thousand tons. Mechanical engineering has reached a sufficiently high level of development. Low the proportion of engineering products in the structure of the industry - it does not exceed 20%. An important branch of mechanical engineering is the automotive industry. Brazil annually produces more than 1 million cars. All types of transport in 2013 were employed 1.3 million people. The main type of transport is automotive: 56% of freight and 96% of passenger traffic. The total length of roads is 1.7 million km, 9.3% of them have a solid coating. Railway transport accounts for approximately 21% of cargo transported. General extension railways It is 30.4 thousand km, of which 2.1 thousand km is electrified. The freight turnover of the railways amounted to 154,870 million tons \\ km. Privatization in con. 1990s. The state railway network stimulated the development of the industry. The freight turnover of air transport amounted to 1534 million m / km, and passenger turnover - 45,812 million tons \\ km. The total number of airports is 3365, in accordance with T.665 - with a running strip with a solid coating. Of these, 7 - with the length of the take-off strip of St.3047 m. The largest international airports have Brazilia, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. About 18% of all goods are transported by water transport. The length of waterways is 50 thousand km. Of the 24 main Brazilian ports, only a few belongs to individuals. The most important port is Santus (São Paulo) - 42.7 million tons of cargo, about 20% of the total port turnover of the country (1999). Tubarao, Rio Grandi, Parabarau (Rio de Janeiro), Salvador, Santus, Vila do Kondi, Ithai and Recife belong to the leading. Length of oil pipelines 2980 km (crude oil) and 4762 km (petroleum products) (1998). Length of gas pipelines - 4260 km.

215 thousand people are employed at businesses. (2001). In 2002 there were 31.6 million individual wired and 49.4 million cell phones in the country. 5.4 million people are employed at shopping enterprises., In t. 745 thousand people. in wholesale, 3.95 million people. - in retail and 0.7 million people. - in other types of trading (2000). Of the total volume of trading revenue, 38.8% accounted for wholesale and 38.3% on retail trade. From 1992 to 2001, the number of foreign tourists increased from 1.7 to 4.8 million people.

In 2001, 33.2% accounted for the country total Tourists who visited Latin America. The flow of foreign currency from the tourism business was $ 2001 $ 2001. The Central Bank conducts restrictive monetary policy. In order to deter inflation, it is in 2002 and in the beginning. 2003 has repeatedly raised an accounting rate by bringing it to 26.5% in May (24.1% in January 2003). The amount of credit operations in the financial system of Brazil (at current prices) from December 2001 to April 2003 increased by 16.7%. More than 96% of all operations fall on the private sector of the economy. The volume of mandatory reserves of financial institutions in the Central Bank increased from 63.2 billion ranges in December 2002 to 129 billion reals in April 2003. The volume of market capitalization in Brazilian stock exchanges has reached con. March 2002 193 billion US dollars. The average daily turnover of securities in 2001 on the Saou Paulo Exchange (Shares) was $ 227.3 million, on the Rio de Janeiro Exchange (Bonds) - $ 474.8 million. The revenues of the state budget amounted to 22.9%, and expenses - 23.9% of GDP, with a deficit of approximately 1% of GDP. Tax fees amounted to 2000 32.4% of GDP. Of these, 22.1% accounted for federal taxes, 8.8% - for taxes of states and 1.5% - to municipalities. Internal public debt $ 185.2 billion (42.0% of GDP), external public debt - $ 64.2 billion (14.6% of GDP) (2002).

Brazil is characterized by a large unevenness in the distribution of income of the population. At 10% of the most wealthy layers accounts for 47.9% of all income, at the same time the poorest 10% of the population is obtained only 0.8%. More than 25% has incomes less than $ 2 per day, 13% - less than $ 1 per day. In 2001, there were 8 million Internet users in the country, 1 thousand inhabitants accounted for 62.9 personal computer and 385 wired and mobile phones. The human development index amounted to in 2000 0.757 - 73rd place in the world. The Foreign Economic Sphere of Brazil is deeply integrated into the international division of labor, and the state of its foreign economic parameters due to the size of the country has a noticeable impact on the global market conditions. The significant devaluation of Real in 2002 contributed to the growth of exports, as a result of the sales balance for the first time since 1993 exceeded $ 13 billion. Exports amounted to 60.36 billion dollars, imports - $ 47.22 billion. The largest trading partners B. are the EU and the United States, from Latin American countries - Argentina and Mexico. Trade turnover from the Russian Federation rose from $ 465 million in 1995-97 to $ 884 million in 1999-2001.

In the commodity structure of exports, finished products predominate - 54.7%, while the most significant articles are aircraft - 3.9% and passenger cars - 3.3%. For commodities accounting for 28.1% of exports, including 5.0% - on iron Rud.. Major Import Articles: Raw materials and semi-finished products - 49.7%, Machines and equipment - 24.5%, Felous Materials - 13.3%, Consumer goods - 12.5%. Brazil in the 1990s. Effective measures to attract foreign capital. It was admitted to the local stock market, in previously closed sector of the economy - oil, telecommunications, mining, energy, internal transport, insurance. Conditions of access to the banking sphere have been significantly improved. The volume of accumulated foreign investments in 1990-2013 increased from 37.1 to 202.4 billion dollars.

The largest investor are USA - $ 37.4 billion, or 24.2% of the total amount of investment. This is followed by Spain - $ 23.4 billion (15.1%), the Netherlands - $ 12.0 billion (7.8%), France - $ 10.5 billion (6.8%). In the sectoral distribution of investments, the services sector and the manufacturing industry are leading - 56 and 40.6% of the value of investment inflows in 2002. Only 3.4% of investments were invested in agriculture.

The most attractive industries for investors industry and service sectors include the food industry (10% of investment inflow), trade (8.0%) and financial sphere (6.4%). In 2001, foreign banks accounted for 27% of the assets of the banking system and 44% of the assets of private banks. Thanks to targeted measures of economic policy, the foreign debt of Brazil decreased in 1998 - 2013 from 241.6 to 201.7 billion US dollars. The attitude of interest payments on debt to the export of goods and services decreased from 28.1 to 22.2%. Bilateral and multilateral debt to foreign government agencies amounted to 25.4% of the total debt. Recently, scientists are actively developing in Brazil. For the production of mini and microcomputers, she published 4-Emezo after the United States, Japan and Germany. Well developed military industry. Brazil produces approximately 55 thousand pieces. Tanks. The electric power industry is based on hydroelectric power station, and in Brazil, the world's largest TPPs are built, such as ITayPa. Analysis of export dynamics shows that 80.4% (US; 1,504 miles) revenge income from the sales of Brazilian goods abroad in 1998. We account for the export of raw materials, where the total annual result was expressed in a number of US% of 12,970 million, 10.4% less than achieved in 1997. This was a consequence, first of all, the loss of income from reducing world prices for major commodities even despite On the growth of shipped volumes of these goods. Similarly, there was a decrease in revenues from sales of leaf tobacco and chicken meat by 13.8% and 15.6%, which was also the result of a reduction in prices (8.6% and 15.6%) and export volumes (by 6% in both cases ). The main currency income from the export of raw materials comes to iron ore and beef. For these goods, sales expansion in the European market has become a decisive factor in income increase by 14.2% and 40.8%, respectively. As for semi-finished products, the decline in prices, despite the increase in exports, led to a decrease in income in this sector by 4.3%, especially from sales of unprocessed aluminum (-20%) and semi-finished iron (-10.4%). A pleasant surprise was an increase in 35.3% of revenues from the sales of crude soybean oil, which was the result of increasing prices in foreign markets by 15% due to a decrease in the supply of other vegetable oils, such as palm and rapeseed, as well as an increase in exports by 18% Thanks to the growth of internal production.

Speaking of finished products, despite a significant reduction in sales in the second half of the year, 10.2% compared with the same period of 1997, this sector brought a positive result of 0.6% compared with 1997. In 1998 Especially increased revenues from the sale of such goods as aircraft (+ 70.2%), orange juice (+ 25.8%), cars (+ 10.7%), trucks (+ 13.6%) and sugar - refined (+ 16.5%). The greatest reductions are noted in the export of shoes (-13%), soluble coffee (-29.5%), paper and cardboard (-21.1%), iron and steel pipes (-14.4%). The development of agriculture goes along the path of intensification. In its structure, the main place is given to crop production.

The best land belongs to landlords and capitalists, including foreign. In the fields and plantations, agricultural crops are grown, which are exported abroad. In agriculture, 30% of the population is occupied, rice, coffee, sugar cane, corn, soybean, wheat, cotton, cocoa, etc. in the country are breeding cattle, pine birds, pigs, horses and sheep. Fisheries developed: lobsters, shrimps, fish are carried out. Brazil is also a major wood producer, nuts, resins, rubber, oils and medicines. In dry savanna and steppe areas in the south of the country are breeding cattle and sheep. In the forests of Amazonia, juice of wild rubberos, wax, nuts, aromatic and medicinal plants are harvested. Rice production is 10 million. Tons per year, production of sugar cane 250 million tons per year. Brazil is the world's leading coffee maker, manica, papaya, oranges and sugar cane and in terms of agricultural exports, only US and France (coffee, fruit, wood, sugar, beef) are inferior. In 1997, Brazil exported coffee in the amount of $ 3 billion, while coffee beans - by 2.74 billion, instant coffee - by 348.6 million dollars. Basic buyers of Brazilian coffee beans - Germany, USA, Italy, Japan, as well as other European countries. On the territory of Latin America four large region (See Table). Latin America countries relate to developing countries and occupy a subordinate position in the international geographical separation of labor, speaking by the supplier of many types of raw materials for developed countries. The largest share of the manufacturing industry accounts for on3strants: Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. Modern enterprises are concentrated here. next industries:

In Brazil - microelectronics, aerospace industry, car, judi, aircraft;

In Mexico - electrical engineering and electronics, instrument making;

In Argentina - automotive industry. For oil production, Venezuela and Mexico, Medili, Iron Ore - Brazil are leading for oil production. All countries of the region, with the exception of Bolivia and Paraguay, have a wide access to the oceans and seas or are island. So, Brazil is one of the largest subregions of Latin America, one of the key countries of the developing world, its leaders, occupies one of the leading places in the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed lands. In recent years, environmental issues have acquired special scales in Brazil. This phenomenon is not so noticeable as "ecological wave caused by the conference of 92 years in Rio, but now it is deeper and more and more. The reform of environmental control methods in Brazil will receive acceleration, first of all, in the area of \u200b\u200bwater control, which is currently undergoing significant changes. The concept of monitoring through water pools provides for the creation of an organizational structure and a political organization (around the basin committees), very reminiscent of the management model of future sustainable society.

President Fernanda Enriki-Cardoza mobilized the government to adopt in the Congress of the so-called law on waters, i.e. New National Water Resources Policy, which is already valid and has all the necessary tools to implement the control system through water pools. The law on waters is a dilapidated legal document, democratically developed by the legislative authority, which contributes to advancement in the areas of organizations, planning and control of water resources at the state level and even at the municipal level. Currently, among government professionals, forest belongings and timber industry exists in a sense unanimity regarding the changes that should contribute to the sustainable development of Brazilian forests. These requirements lie rather in adjacent areas and do not affect the environmental and forestry and forestry directly.

However, the forms of use of forest resources for the most part still carry the printed empirical, costly and predatory approach, criminal and illegal actions. Forest natural resources are still considered mostly as "Western Warehouse and their operation is still compared with the transformation of natural capital in money . And although the forest industry introduces new species in turnover in order to diversify the choice that it is necessary for a more rational exploitation of forest wealth and to reduce production costs, waste and losses are still very high, both in the process of woodworking and in the process of forest management. To change for the better such a situation, the Brazilian Institute for Environmental Activities will activate their actions in the field of control, monitoring.

This activity has become more productive with the use of new monitoring technologies by remotely monitor the cases of deforestation and burning forests, as well as the practice of inspection and monitoring compliance with forest management plans. In recent years, environmental tourism is seen as a type of tourism with high economic and public potential and can widely submit to the environmental and cultural inheritance of the country in the domestic and foreign markets. It also acts as an important alternative to development in the event that it has a steady basis. Recognition of the fact that environmental tourism in Brazil developed unsystematicly and not organized, led to the formation of a working group, which includes specialists M.O.S. , Ministry of Companies and the Brazilian Institute for Amazonia. They developed a document entitled "The main areas of national policy in the field of environmental tourism who pay particular attention to the need to comply with environmental tourism to the requirements of environmental protection, strengthening international cooperation, effective participation in this activity of all its components, development and stimulation of human resources, support and stimulating the creation and improvement of infrastructure and the use of environmental tourism as a means of environmental Education.

Chapter 4. Economic Zoning Brazil

In Brazil, five large economic regions usually allocate. This area includes such states as: acri, Amazonas, Amapa, Couple, Rondonia, Roraim, Tokantins. The north, including the Amazon's extensive pool, occupies a 45% area of \u200b\u200bthe country, where 10% of the country's total population lived in the early 2000s. Gross domestic product for 2010 is 106.522.233. Gross domestic product per capita for 2010 is 7.247 real. The human development index for 2010 is 0.8. Despite the presence of several industrial foci, agriculture prevails, especially the cultivation of sugar cane, cotton and cocoa, as well as animal husbandry.

Northeast (18% of the area and 29% of the country's population) is a densely populated agricultural area specializing in the cultivation of sugar cane. Included in the geoeconomic region north-east. The population is 52,191,000 people (2007). Cases Area 1 558 196 km ² . Population density - 32 people. / KM. ² . Gross domestic product for 2005 is 280.504.256 real. Gross domestic product per capita for 2005 is 5,498 real. The human development index for 2005 is 0.725.

The southeast is included in the Geo Economic Region of the Center-South. Gross domestic product for 2005 is 1.213.790.703.000 Reals. Gross domestic product per capita for 2005 is 15.468.00 real. The human development index for 2000 is 0.791. This area includes such states as: Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Espirita Santa. The population is 77,857,000 people for 2007. Covers an area 924.511,292 km ² . The population density is 84.21 people. / KM. ² (11% of the area and 43% of the population) - the most developed area producing more than 80% of industrial products of Brazil; In addition, agriculture of this area supplies a mustache of coffee, soybeans, sugar and animal husbandry products.

South, an administrative statistical region in Brazil. Includes Parran, Santa Catarina and Rio-Grand Du-Du-Sul states and covers 576,300.8 km ², Being the smallest part of the country. The population is 26,729,000 people for 2007. Population density - 46.37 people. / KM. ² . Large tourist, economic and cultural pole of Brazil. It borders with Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, as well as with the Central West and Southeast Region. From the East is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the XIX century, many immigrants of non-spout people from Europe came to the region, which greatly influenced demography and culture. The main ethnic groups of South Brazil: Brazilians of Portuguese, German, Italian and Slavic origin. The largest and most economically developed city of the region is the capital of Parana Curitiba, historical cultural Center - The capital of the state of Riu Grand-do-Sul Porto Alegre. In South Brazil, separatist sentiments are strong, up to the attempts of the proclamation of the Republic of Gaucho Pampa (Republic of Gaucho Pampas) in the state of Rio-Grand Du-Sul and the Federal Republic of Pampa (Federal Republic of Pampas) in the entire region. (See) (7% of the area and 15% of the population) - an important agricultural area producing rice, wheat, soybeans, wine and meat. There are also rapidly developing industrial centers.

In the area of \u200b\u200bCentro-West (19% of the area and 7% of the population), the leading industry - Agriculture with a predominance of animal husbandry; In some areas, soy beans are cultivated, rice and other cultures. It is part of the Geo Economic Regions of the Center-South and Amazonas and has such states as: Federal District, Goyas, Matu Grosu, Matu Grosu do Sul. The population is 13,269,000 people for 2006. Covers an area 1.606.371 km ² . Population density - 8.26 people. / KM. ² . Gross domestic product for 2005 is 190.160.672 Reals. Gross domestic product per capita for 2005 is 14.604 real. The human development index for 2005 is 0.848.

Chapter 5. Foreign Economic Relations of Brazil

Brazil's economy largely depends on foreign trade. Export is 10-12% of the national income of the country. However, export revenues are usually lacking to ensure equilibrium balance of payments. In 2009, the country's foreign debt reached more than $ 230 billion. In the structure of Brazil's foreign trade, the tendency to increase the specific gravity in its export of finished products and new non-traditional raw materials and food products is clearly traced.

In imports, the proportion of machines, machines and other industrial equipment, as well as industrial raw materials and semi-finished products, has significantly increased, and the impact of Brazil's industrialization affects.

In the geography of foreign trade relations Brazil also occur notable changes. Although the United States still occupies the first place in the foreign trade turnover with Brazil, their share has decreased markedly. Serious US compete in trade with Brazil Stalonian EU and Japan.

With foreign trade, as well as with foreign economic relations, Brazil's ruling circles associate plans of political and economic expansion in Latin America and on other continents, in particular in Africa.

Brazil trades with 46 African states, while having a positive trade balance with 40 countries. The African policy of Brazil is formed taking into account the economic, political and military-strategic goals of the regime, while paramount importance is attached to the development of relations with countries in West Africa and portuguese states.

Foreign trade of Brazil

Along with Russia, India and China, the Republic of Brazil enters the group of the most promising economic potential of developing countries. Starting from 2000, the Brazilian economy has achieved high results. In the period 2000 - 2005 The average annual growth rates of Brazil GDP in real terms amounted to 2.5%. From 2005 to 2007 The growth of the economy of this South American country accelerated even more. In 2007, Brazil's GDP amounted to 1.269 trillion. Dolly, in 2008, the GDP growth has significantly decreased due to the fall in commodity prices, however, Brazil is the first of developing countries began to emerge from the crisis. Thanks to the confidence of consumers and investors, Brazil's GDP began to grow in the second quarter of 2009. However, it should be noted that the increase in the GDP per capita is significantly less: in 2007 - 3.9%, and in 2006-2005. Only 2.3% and 1.5%, respectively. At the same time, the growth of industrial production was observed.

From January to September 2010, the volume of foreign trade in Brazil amounted to $ 277.1 billion, showing an increase of 36.9% compared with the same period of 2009, when the volume of foreign trade amounted to $ 202.4 billion.

In 2009, Brazil was located on the 24th place in the world in terms of exports (153 billion US dollars), and in terms of imports - on the 26th place (134 billion US dollars).

For the first 9 months of 2010, Brazil exported goods by $ 144.9 billion, and imported - by $ 132.2 billion. Compared since 2009, the volume of Brazilian exports increased by 29.6%, and imports - by 45.8%

The active balance of Brazil's trade balance (the difference between exports and imports) at the end of September 2010 reached $ 12.8 billion, and decreased compared with the same period of 2009 by 39.7%, which is explained by a significant increase in import and decrease in exports. .

In 2009, Brazil exports exceeded imports by $ 21.2 billion.

Fig. 5.1 Commercial Balance of Brazil

In general, the foreign trade of Brazil shows the recovery after the economic crisis, but the main problem remains a very high course of Brazilian Real in relation to the US dollar (1.69-1.72 relatives per dollar), as a result of which the demand for Brazilian exports due to The overestimated price is reduced, and the country of dollars accumulates in the country, for which they do not depreciate, imported goods are bought.

Among the goods exported to Brazil in 2010, 53.2% are industrial products and 39.7% - agricultural products (semi-finished products and goods).

As for the import of Brazil, 46.3% falls on the purchase of raw materials, 22.5% - on the means of production. Imports of consumer goods are in total import of Brazil 16.9%, and fuel and fuel and lubricants - 14.3%. Compared to 2009, the most significant growth of Brazilian imports was in the category of fuel and fuel and lubricants - an increase of 61.1%, then consumer goods (51.1%), raw materials (43.3%) and production facilities (38 ,nine%).

Figure 5.2 Share of Foreign Trade in Brazil GDP

As for the markets of sales, the largest buyer of Brazilian goods was Asia (Brazilian exports to these countries grew by 31.3%), in the second position there are countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (Brazilian exports increased by 40.5%), then it goes European Union (an increase in exports by 22.7%). Here it is necessary to take into account that the comparison comes with the crisis of 2009, and in relation to the level of 2007-2008, Brazilian exports and in general the volume of foreign trade shows a significant regression.

In some sectors, Brazilian importers and exporters are required to receive certain permissions, but most imports in Brazil are not subject to licensing, while exports are generally exempted from taxes. Brazilian foreign currency instructions still play a significant role in the implementation of import-export transactions - the currency exchanges on special imports related to imports, and exports are associated with federal taxes and customs system. Penalties can be superimposed if the Brazilian importer or exporter is not able to execute such contracts at the appointed time

Trading companies in Brazil play a very important role in importing and exporting goods, as they have practical experience and knowledge in these areas. Trading companies can act as customs brokers by preparing import transactions, execute export and customs permits, as well as import products on behalf of Brazilian companies.

Figure 5.3 Basic products of Brazilian exports in%, 2010

Figure 5.4 Imports in Brazil (2000-2010, million US dollars)

The main partner countries in imports are US, China, Argentina, Germany, South Korea, Japan, France, Germany.

Figure 5.5 Main products of Brazilian imports,%, 2010

Brazil in Brik.

BRIC is the informal Union of Brazil, Russia, India and China. These countries occupy a quarter of the earth's surface, they live more than 40 percent of the world's population, they give 10 percent of global GDP. Analysts believe that no later than 2050 states of the BRIC for this indicator can overtake the "greater seven", uniting the most industrialized countries of the world.

The reason for the appearance of BRIC was the crisis, strongly slowed down everything economic processes In the world and in these four countries, the economy has occurred in Brazil and Russia. Before the crisis, GDP in them grew from 5 to 13 percent per year.

Association, even if informal, according to the creators of the BRIC, should help them in coordinating macroeconomic policies, strengthening the impact on global economic processes and developing common approaches to solving global problems.

China and Brazil within the BRIC summit concluded a package of agreements aimed at the development of bilateral partnerships of Beijing and Brazil.

The signed contracts include various trade agreements, as well as joint energy projects including, on the construction of the Chinese Metallurgical Plant in Brazil.

The Brazilian economy is characterized by large and well-developed agriculture, the mining industry, manufacturing industry and services. Brazilian economy exceeds all other economies of countries South America And expands its presence in world markets.

Stability in the Brazilian economy stems from the commodity sector, which gave a positive balance on current operations, as well as thanks to the reasonable macroeconomic policy of Brazil, which strengthened the currency reserves to historically high levels, reduced public debt, and made it possible to significantly reduce real interest rates in Brazilian banks.

Since the beginning of the global financial crisis in September 2008, the Brazil stock market - BOVESPA - lost 41% to December 30, 2008. In 2008, the growth of Brazil's GDP slowed down significantly, as the global demand and prices for commodities fell significantly. However, Brazil is the first of the developing countries began to emerge from the crisis.

If you consider the impact of the crisis on Brazil, it is clear that the country one of the latter joined the recession, stayed there a quarter, and among the first, he said goodbye to the crisis. The country helped survive the global crisis the following circumstances:

the Brazilian economy is little associated with the world (very small import) - good international liquidity made it possible to create a currency reserve, he softened a blow to the crisis - a strong state control over the banks limited the credit boom - the trade interests of Brazil are evenly distributed in all parts of the planet - standard, but competent anti-crisis measures

Brazil remains one of the largest exporters of agricultural products in the world, although the export of industrial goods has increased to an even greater extent, and exports of aircraft, steel, electronics almost occurred with agricultural products.


During this course, the following tasks were carried out: the natural resource potential of Brazil, its population and labor resources, the territorial and structural features of its farm were studied, the territorial specialization of agriculture was described, the territorial specialization of agriculture was described, the country's economic zoning was carried out, its characteristic of its foreign economic relations .

The first chapter describes the natural resource potential of Brazil. In the second chapter, the characteristic of the population and labor resources of Brazil is given. The third chapter explores the territorial and industry features of the development of the Brazil farm, namely: the structure of industry and agriculture. In the fourth chapter, the economic zoning of Brazil was conducted. The fifth chapter describes Brazil's foreign economic relations.

List of sources used

1.Socio-economic geography of the foreign world. / Ed. Volsky V.V. - M. 2005

2.Pogoretsky A.I. Economy foreign countries: Tutorial. 2nd edition. St. Petersburg: Publishing House Mikhailova V.A., 2001.492 p.

.Economic, social and political geography. Regions and countries. / Ed. Lavrova S.B. - M. 2002.

.Dabagyan E. Brazil on the World Arena // World Economy and International Relations, No. 3 2012

.Alisov N.V. Economic and social geography of the world: (Society. Review): Textbook: [For universities in geogr. Specialtles] / N.V. Alisov, B.S. Heores. - M.: Gardariki, 2001. - 703 p.

.Economic, social and political geography of the world. Regions and countries: Tutorial / Under Red.S.B. Lavrova, N.V. Kaltedina. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 927 p.

.Latin America magazine

8.Http: //www.ibge.gov. br / english / - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

. - website of the Institute of Latin America RAS


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Chapter 1. The natural resource potential of Brazil

Brazil has a huge amount of minerals. There are reserves of manganese ores, nickel, bauxite, iron and uranium ore. In Brazil, potassium, phosphates, tungsten, cassiteritis, lead, graphite, chrome are mined in Brazil. There is also gold, zirconium and rare radioactive mineral - thorium.

Brazil accounts for 90% of the world production of diamonds, Aquamarine, Topaz, Amethyst, Tourmaline and Emerald.

Brazil mineral resources diversified: oil, natural gas, stone coal, iron (one of the richest stocks in the world) and manganese ore, chromites, titanium raw materials (Ilmenite), copper, lead, bauxites (third place in the world in stock), zinc, nickel, tin, cobalt, tungsten, tantalum, zirconium, niobium (first place in the world in stock of Columba), beryllium (first place in the world in stock), uranium, thorium, gold, silver, platinum, phosphates, apatite, magnesite, barite , asbestos, graphite, mica, soda salt, soda, diamonds, emeralds, amethysts, aquamarins, topazy, crystal quartz (first place in the world in stock), marble. According to the reserves of iron, beryllium and niobium ores, rhinestone, bituminous shale, bauxite, ores of rare-earth elements Brazil occupies one of the leading places among industrialized countries of the world.

Brazil has (2001) relatively small proven oil reserves (1.1 billion tons) and natural gas (230 billion cubic meters). About 150 deposits are open. The largest - Don Juan, Agua Grande, Arakas, Carmopolis, Siriziny, Namorad, etc. The Amazonia opened a large sedimentary pool Solimens, promising for possible reserves of oil and gas.

Brazilian shelf has three main oil and gas pumps: campus, Santus and Espirita Santa. Less perspective pools Sergipi-Alagoas, Pogigar and Seara. The most in the reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials by the Brazil pool is the oceanic pool campus area of \u200b\u200babout 100 thousand km2. The proven reserves of natural gas in it were estimated at 105 billion cubic meters. The main proven oil reserves of the country are concentrated here. In each of the seven deep-water oil fields, up to 100 million tons of oil and condensate are contained. Probable reserves of oil and gas pools at the end of 1999 were estimated at 1.5 billion tons of oil. In the campus basin, there are 4 giant gas chapel fields (in brackets proven reserves, million tons.): Albacotra (about 270), Marlin (270), Barracuda (110) and Marlin-Sul and Giant Oil Field Ronkador (356).

The main oil reservoirs are associated with the turbiditis sands of the shelf genesis, which occur both in the lower and in the upper parts of the modern mainland slope, or with peripheral open sea turbidates, transported through the straits into the lower part of the mainland slope. There is a similarity of NGB on both sides of the Atlantic, especially the southern parts of the campus pools and Kwanza Cameroonsky.

All oil and gas and eastern Brazil was formed on divergent passive continental outskirts, the tectonic development of which is complicated by riftogenesis processes. Oil and gas traps, as a rule, stratigraphic type are most often confined to the suspended mountainous blocks. In the zone of modern deep and ultra-deep shelf, the phenomena of salt diapiration is developed.

In 2003, the company "Petriform" made the largest gas discovery in the country. Reserves of the new field are estimated at 70 billion cubic meters. M, which increases the total volume of gas reserves in Brazil by 30%. The field is located on the shelf of Paulo Province, at a distance of 137 km from the shore at the depths of the sea 485 m. The potential of the production of well-pioneering - 3 million cubic meters. m Gas per day. In 2002, the total volume of natural gas reserves in Brazil is estimated at 231 billion cubic meters. m.

Bituminous shale of Brazil are confined to the Perm formation of the Irati, represented by the argylite and limestone facies with the intrusions of basalt and diabase. Deposit - San Mateus do Sul, San Gabriel and Don Pedro. Stone coal reserves in Brazil are small - 2 billion tons. (25% is coking coal). The reserves of iron ores of the country account for about 26% of the stocks of developed countries of the West. The main part of the ore is associated with the Precambrian Itabiritams of the Brazilian platform. The main industrial deposits (ponads.25 billion tons) are concentrated in the Miniss-Gerais iron ore basin, within the so-called "iron ore quadrangle".

The provision of chromium ore production by their confirmed reserves, calculated at the maximum level of production in the period 1995-1997, taking into account losses for mining and enrichment in Brazil is 33 years.

In 2000, Brazil occupied the 5th place at the explored uranium reserves (262 thousand tons, the share in the world is 7.8%). The main fields of uranium ore are concentrated in the Mountains of Serra Di-Jacobin, together with gold-bearing conglomerates (Zacobin deposit).

According to the explored reserves of tin at the end of the twentieth century, Brazil takes the 1st place in America and the 2nd in the world (after China). According to the total reserves of tin Brazil takes the 1st place in the world. For the resources of Tin Brazil takes the 1st place among the countries of the world - 12.6% of world resources (6 million tons). About 40% of total confirmed reserves have been concluded in placer deposits located in 15 rolling areas of the country. Alluvial placers prevail.

In the tin area of \u200b\u200bMapier (Amazonas) there is a ore node of piting. Ore cores and shtowers are localized in albitisy granites. Complex ores, their composition includes cassiteritis, columbit, tantalite, pyrite, cryolith, fluorite. Reserves of ores of the root tin - 1.19 million tons; sir. The metal content in ores here is 0.141%.

Ores also contain 6 million tons of cryolitis, 4 million tons of zircon (average content of 1.5%), industrial concentrations of colombit tanthalitis (average content of pentoxide Ni 0.223%, Pentoxide Ta - 0.028%), fluorite, and yttrium, mainly as part of xenotim . The main reserves are concentrated in the edgey barks and places that have arisen during their account and occupy an area of \u200b\u200babout 250 km2.

The main ones are alluvial placer a year of Malaya Madeira, Zhubuti and Keishad. The ore sands occur at a depth of about 6 m. Orese reserves in placers are 195 million tons, tin - 343 thousand tons with an average cassiterite content of 2.0 kg / cu. m, niobium pentoxide - 435 thousand tons with an average of Nb2O5 4, 3%, tantalal pentoxide - 55 thousand tons with an average of Ta2O5 0.3%, zirconium dioxide - 1.7 million tons. As a result of geological and exploration work. Niobium pentoxide reserves up to 2000 amounted to 30 million tons. ores with an average content of 4.1% (1.2 mln NB2O5).

The basis of the manganese-standard base of the country is the Deposit of Urukum (State-Gros Du-Sul, Corumba Region) with confirmed reserves of 15.8 million tons, Azul and Buritirama (Couple, district, Karazhas district) - 10 million tons, Serra do Navi (the federal territory of Amapa) - 5.8 million tons, Miguel Cong in the area of \u200b\u200bthe iron ore quadrangle and other deposits in Minas Gerais, as well as a number of smaller objects in the Precambrian metamorphic strata. The largest deposits of manganese ores are associated with the rocks of the foundation. The lenses of Marganese-containing Spezartite breeds (Gundita, carbonate Rhodonite) have a capacity of 10-30 m and a length of 200-1000 m.

According to Boxitov's reserves, Brazil takes the 1st place in Lat. America (2000 g) and 2nd place in the world (after Guinea). Prom. Boxito deposits associated with latice weathered crust. OSN. Resources are focused in the Amazon River basin in a pair (Tromobetas deposits, Paragimas and others).

Laterithic fields of glexy bauxite - aluminum raw materials are located in the states of the pair (Oriximine municipalities, Paragimas, Faro, Domingo de Kapim and Almayrim) and Minas Gerais (mainly Municipal Posses di Caldas, Preto and Kataguazes). Deposit Porto-thrombetas (total reserves of 1700 million tons, confirmed - 800 million tons) and Paragimas (total reserves of 2400 million tons, confirmed - 1600 million tons) relate to gigantic. The deposits are usually located close to the earth's surface and are operated in the open method. At the rate of mining close to modern, Brazil is provided with confirmed reserves for 340 years.

Tungsten ores represented by Sheelitamiima Skarnna - Breji deposits, Kishab, Mallad within the Borborne region. The field of nickel ores is based on a silicate type of gallowyimima ores. Ore bodies lie at a small depth, about 75% of the reserves are located in Goyas (Nickelland deposits and others). In Brazil, there are several copper support deposits, the largest of which is Karahiba (Baya). Brazil has more than 100 small polymetallic hydrothermal deposits, explored rich tin places.

Rare elements (beryllium, niobium, tantalum, zirconium and others) in Brazil are predominantly in complex pegmatite ores dedicated to the foundation.

Gold reserves were found in the second half of the twentieth century in the Amazon River basin. The forecast resources of Brazil IHP are insignificant and accounted for up to 300 tons (about 0.6% of the world).

Brazil is concentrated about 35% of world predictive beryllium resources (up to 700 thousand tons), which causes its leading (along with Russia) a place in the world.

Brazil occupies 1st place among the resources of Niobia among the countries of the world. The main deposits of Niobia Pentoxide in the country - Arash, Tapir. The deposits are mainly in the famous mining areas of Minas Gerais and Goyas. The ores are localized in the latitite barks of weathering of carbonatites and do not require intensive crushing. The power of rudonal cortex reaches 200 m, coverings - from 0.5 m to 40 m. The average content of NB2O5 in ores is 2.5%. Development is carried out in an open way.

The resources of phosphate ores are important in Brazil, which include three main industrial types: Apatite (Zhacupiranga deposit), repeated apatite (childbirth. Arash, Tapiir, Catalan) and phosphorites sedimentary deposits in the Bamboi series. Especially promising the phosphorites of the field - the Patus di Minas (stocks of 300 million tons).

Brazil are the world's largest deposits of precious and diverse stones: mountain crystal, jewelry beryl, Topaz, tourmaline, amethyst, agate; Known also prom. Field of Emerald, Diamond, noble opal. Jewelry Beryl, Topaz and Tourmalin are found in the granite pegmatites common in the states of Minas-Gerais (Diamantino Almazhone District), Baya.

The main fields of high-grade sheet mica - Musovite are associated with the exits of the Archean foundation and form the Brazilian Slyudonny district. In Brazil also give birth. Barita (Ilya Grandi, Miguel Calmon), Potash Salt (Conptiguleba), Stone Salt (Maceio), Fluorita (Salga, Katunda), Magnesit (Iguatu), Graphite (Itapacerika, San Fidelis), Asbesti (Ipanema), Bentonite (Lapsis, Bravo).

Amazon lowland lies in the field of equatorial and subequatorial climate. Temperature all year 24-28c, precipitation drops 2500 - 3500 mm per year. The Amazon River is the greatest in the world in the size of the pool (7.2 million sq. Km) and water content. It is formed by the merger of two rivers - Maranon and Watti. The length of Amazon from the source Maranyon is 6400 km, and from the source of Ukyali - more than 7,000 km. Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean, forming the largest delta in the world (over 100 thousand sq. Km) and funnel-shaped mouths - sleeves covering the huge island of Maramero.

In the lower current, the amazon width reaches 80 km, and the depth is 1335 m. Selva - Wet Equatorial Forests of the Amazon Lowland. These are over 4 thousand types of trees, which is 1/4 of all the world's existing breeds. Animals, each in their own way, adapted to their existence among dense forest, interlaced by Lianami. Monkeys - Ruong, Kapuchin, toys, fine-tailed spider-shaped monkeys of Saymyiri from the coloring face, resembling a skull, - spend a lifetime on the trees, keeping over the branches with a strong tail. Chain tails are even in wood dickery and amusted, raccoon and silent opossum. Confidently feel in the forest more often cat - Jaguars and Ocelot. Not a hindrance of forests thickets and for volatile mice. Bakers and tapir prefer swampy river floats. Capybara holds the water - the world's largest rodent. Among the amphibians and reptiles are diverse, among which poisonous snakes (bushmeters, coral aspids, rattles), beats - Boa, huge anaconds. In the rivers, caimans and flocks of bloodthirsty piral fish lie in the rivers. Painting Harpi's predatory farm, Uruba's vulture fell felling; In crowns trees fly multicolored parrots; Tukanians are sitting on the branches - owners of a huge beak. Bright motley sparks flashed in the air and hang over the flowers the smallest birds on Earth - Hummingbird.

East of Amazonia, the Green Forest Sea is gradually replaced by a stony texture - Caating. Poor soils barely cover rocks, there are almost no herbs. Everywhere spiny semi shrubs and all sorts of cacti. And over them, dubby shrubs and a tree, columnist cacti and tree-like Mochabi. At some distance from each other, like a bow, bottle trees grow. These thickets are almost deprived of foliage and do not give shelter from the burning of the rays of the sun or from shower. In the winter-spring dry period, which lasts here 8 - 9 months, precipitation falls less than 10 mm per month. At the same time, the average air temperature is 26-28 C. At this time, many plants are discharged by foliage. Life freezes to autumn rains, when over the month more than 300 mm of precipitation falls at an annual amount of 700 - 1000 mm. As a result, the level of water in the rivers quickly rises. Floods that destroy houses and wash the fertile layer are regularly repeated.

Brazil is diverse under natural conditions. It is allocated: Amazonian lowland and Brazilian plateau, distinguished by the relief, the conditions of moisture, vegetation, etc. In general, natural conditions are favorable for the residence of the population and the management of the economy.

Brazil is extremely rich in natural resources. Among them, the main place belongs to forest resources - wet equatorial forests, which occupy 2/3 of the country's territory and are actively used at present. In recent times, these forests are subjected to ruthless destruction, which leads to a change in the entire natural complex as a whole. Amazon forests call "light planets", and their extermination is the problem not only Brazil, but also of the whole world. A variety of mineral resource base of Brazil is diverse. About 50 species of mineral raw materials are produced here. This is primarily iron, manganese ores, bauxites and non-ferrous ores Metals. Basic reserves are concentrated in the eastern part of the country in Brazilian plateau. In addition, Brazil has oil and potash salts.

Water resources are represented by a huge number of rivers, the main of which is Amazon (the greatest river around the world). Almost a third of this big country is occupied by the Amazon River basin, which includes the Amazon itself and more than two hundred of its tributaries. This gigantic system contains the fifth part of all the river water of the world. Landscape in Amazon Flat Pool. The rivers and its tributaries flow slowly, the rainy seasons often leave the banks and flood huge areas of rainforests. The Rivers of Brazilian Plateau have a significant hydropower potential. The largest lakes of the country - Mirim and Patos. Main rivers: Amazon, Madeira, Rio Negora, Parana, San Francisk.

Great Agroclimatic and soil resources contributing to the development of agriculture. In Brazil, fertile soil, on which coffee, cocoa, bananas, grain, citrus, sugar cane, soybeans, cotton and tobacco are growing. Brazil takes one of the leading places in the world in the area of \u200b\u200bprocessed lands. Due to the fact that the main part of the country is in the interdropic belt with a predominance of low heights, the average temperatures exceeding the mark of 20 degrees are characteristic of Brazil. In Brazil, six climate types are represented: Equatorial, tropical, tropical alpine, tropical atlantic, semi-sore and subtropical.

In the north-oriental outskirts of Brazil, tropical forests are inferior to the deserted locations and the steppes covered with a shrub, but the wet Atlantic coasts are abundant with magnificent vegetation. Between the coastal cities of Porto - Alegri in the south of the country and the Salvador in the east stretches the narrow strip of sushi with a width of only 110 kilometers, and immediately behind it begin the central and southern plateau. The northern countries of the country are in the Equatorial zone, and Rio de Janeiro lies just north of the Tropic of Capricorn - so the climate is very warm to the majority of Brazil. In the Amazon River Basin, the temperature of the year round is contained about 27 degrees. The seasons of Brazil are distributed in this way: Spring - from September 22 to December 21, summer - from December 22 to March 21, autumn - from March 22 to June 21, Winter - from June 22 to September 21. 58.46% of Brazil relief form a plateau. The main ones are in the north - Guiangskoye, in the south - Brazilian, which occupies most of the territory and is divided into the Atlantic, central, southern and plateau Rio - Grand-Doo-Sul. The remaining 41% of the territory occupy the plains, the most important among them are Amazon, La Plata, San Francisco and Tokantins. All natural conditions and resources create very favorable prerequisites for economic development.

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