What are the easiest languages \u200b\u200bfor study by foreigners and Russians? What language is better learning.

Text: Daria Suharchuk

Learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bdelays And if you already know one (most likely), then probably want to learn the second, and maybe even the third or fourth. At this stage, the most serious question is - what language to choose? To competently answer this question, we decided to turn to professionals. With the help of Catherine Matveyeva, Linguist, clear Akseynova, Hebrew tutor, Ekaterina Poohova, specialists in the history of the Middle East, and Oksana Nalyvayiko, translator from Japanese, telling about nine very different languages And share advice and resources for those who would like to learn one of them.


Website with video tutorials according to the "Polyglot" method

One of the most popular foreign languages, besides very common in Africa, Asia and the Middle East - here, many still speak it better than in English. French adopted, along with English, as official in the EU, the UN, as well as a set international Corporations. This is one of Romanesque languages, which means that he is relatives to Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. So, knowledge of French will help to navigate not only in France, but also in countries where they speak close languages.

To explore French, there is a lot of opportunities, the most obvious is to sign up to one of the numerous language schools, because they teach it almost everywhere. Duolingo resources are available on the network, the TV 5 Monde partitioning section, and many video tutorials - for example, according to the Polyglot method (however, this system is only suitable for beginners).


Website of the Survantes Institute

Along with English and Chinese Spanish enters the top three most common languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Population of countries Latin America It only grows, which means that Spanish will spread further and further. If you ever gather on a journey South America Or the homeland of the language, you will have to learn at least the basic phrases. Most residents of Spain and Latin America speak only native, however, they are always ready to carefully listen to the gesticulating and knocked alien. So do not neglect the lessons - even a pair of tens of Spanish words can significantly relieve your life.

Of all Romanesque languages, Spanish is the easiest to study, it is easiest to start talking to him. The case facilitates the network opened worldwide, and the availability of the language on all major online platforms: Duolingo (there are courses in Russian), Babbel (you need to know English) and amolingua - a new paid resource built around skype lessons and chat chat rooms. The last platform came up with Russian linguistka and polyglot Ekaterina Matveyeva, who developed his own methodology and writing a book about it.


Website of the Italian Cultural Center

Many consider this language one of the most beautiful in Europe. The practical benefit from his study is not as obvious, as in the case of Spanish or French - but if you appreciate the classical opera, Italian art, or just love Italy and miss her (this fate will not be afraid of almost anyone who visited there at least once) That learn the language is a good way to get closer to local culture. In addition, Italian had a strong influence on Spanish dialects of Latin America (especially Argentina, where in the XIX and XX centuries a lot of Italians left), and therefore, with the knowledge of this language you will be easily and there.

Italian courses can be found on all large online platforms (Duolingo, Amolingua, Babbel), and in Italian cultural centersthat is in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In addition, Italy is actively involved in international volunteer programs, and local language schools open summer courses every year.


Site of the German Cultural Center

German is the most common language of the German Group: knowing it, you can navigate in Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. Despite the fact that in the countries of Northern Europe, and in German itself, many speak English fluently, the knowledge of at least several German words significantly facilitates communication with those who speak this language: externally harsh Nordic interlocutors become friendly right with you on you Eyes. And if you learn German well, you can appreciate the German and Austrian literature to appreciate: Mann, Collega and Hesse in the original much more juicy than translated.

German is known for its complexity: even the Germans themselves complain about the difficult case of the case. At the same time, it is also popular as French, and the German government spends a lot of money to promote the native language. There are several German cultural centers in Russia, in which you can find German courses - often free. In addition, German can be done remotely on large Internet platforms: Babbel, Amolingua, Duolingo. And training videos and tests can be found on the website of the German channel Deutsche Welle.


Site of the Swedish Institute

Swedish - the most accessible from the languages \u200b\u200bof Scandinavia: He is understood in Norway, and in Denmark, and in Finland, where he is actually the second state language. This language is a dream of those who love Scandinavian design and minimalistic lifestyle, Bergman films and Nordic Noir genre. If you want to meet them in the original or in the future, go to study in Sweden, seduced by free training, should look at the Swedish closer.

Study This language is worthwhile to those who want to try for themselves something fundamentally new, but not very difficult. Hebrew is the perfect compromise between European and Eastern languages, because, despite the pronunciation unusual for Russian ear, his grammar is very similar to Russian. The most difficult will be the first months when you have to not only learn a new alphabet, in which there are no vowels, but also get used to read and write to the right left. In itself, the study of Hebrew makes it possible to look at European history from a completely different angle, because Hebrew has been associated for a long time primarily with mystics and Kabbalah - hobbies through which many European intellectuals have passed. After the deepening in this language you will probably be much better understood the novels of Prague writers and Umberto Eco.

You can learn Hebrew for free in Israeli cultural centers open to everyone, as well as online on courses for repatriates (free and also open to all). Practice Hebrew is possible for watching movies and videos collected in the thematic public "In contact with". In addition, there is a good electronic dictionary of Hebrew and the site with interactive exercises. Choosing courses, pay attention to those where the stop is being done on a conversational speech: in modern Hebrew there are no hard style differences, and if you learn how to talk well, then easily learn and book option.


Arabiconline platform for studying Arabic

Under the general name "Arabic" actually hides a whole group of Arab dialects, often sharply different from each other. In addition to numerous dialects, there are two options for classic Arabic: Fuscha is a medieval language, which is written by Quran, and modern standard Arabic - large media and business contracts. Before leaving for the study of Arabic, you need to choose your option. If you want to trade on your favorite bazaar, it is worth learn a local dialect. Remember that the Lebanese and Syrian dialects closest to the standard version of Arabic, but Moroccan is the most distant, and no one except the carriers themselves. If you want to read modern literature Or understand contracts in Arabic - stop at the modern standard. If you fired into the soul of Muzzin calls or you want to read the Quran in the original - you need a fusha.

For those who scared the abundance of Arabic options, there is also good news: all these languages \u200b\u200benjoy the same writing. Arabic liking is common in the Muslim East as well as the Latin alphabet in Europe - it is used even in languages \u200b\u200bare not related to Arabic, such as Farsi (Iran) and Urdu (Pakistan). In addition to the purely practical reasons for studying Arabic, one more - the desire to touch completely different culture and aesthetics, try to understand the intricacies of calligraphic patterns. To explore Standard Arabic, there is a convenient platform Arabiconline, at the University of Leipzig's website there are exercises (however, you need to know German), interactive exercises can be found in the Salaam application, and more advanced can explore the Al Jazeera training section.

Perhaps little about which language goes the same legend, how much about Chinese: it loves to call it the most difficult, then the most ancient. At the same time, he speaks without a small one and a half a billion people, and the attractiveness of China as directions for business only grows. Of all the eastern languages, this language is next of everything from usual logic. If you are not pushing to his study, the practical necessity should take it at least in order to try to understand it. Chinese hieroglyphic writing is the most difficult part of the language you will do throughout the study. Spoken Chinese, on the contrary, very simple. Peating three or five weeks with a tone system, you quickly learn the most necessary simple phrases and sigh with relief, realizing that there are no grammatical delights in Chinese, such as many times, cases or articles. Another good news - you most likely not have to teach dialects. The whole Chinese world, with the exception of residents of Hong Kong, remote villages and long-standing immigrants, perfectly understands the standard Chinese - Putunhua ("Mandarin").

To learn the Chinese yourself is difficult: you need the help of the teacher at least in order to understand the features of the tone system and put the pronunciation. Try the language "taste" and learn the basics in the course Beijing University On Coursera, and learn - in one of the numerous, which are in all big cities, or on courses at universities.


Site of the Japanese Cultural Center

Japanese is the only language in our list, distributed only in one country and having no close "relative". It is worth to take for his study if you want to try something fundamentally new: Japanese aesthetics are also peculiar and is also very different from European, as well as Middle Eastern. It is not worth putting the sign of equality between Japan and China: they are largely close, but the differences between them as much as similarities. Even the hieroglyphs that the Japanese borrowed from the neighbors in the Middle Ages, in Japan, they retained an old drawing, and often importance, while in China they had time to change noticeably. However, not necessarily - therefore, the knowledge of the hieroglyphs of one language can, to some extent, to facilitate the existence in the country of the other.

Japanese is not as common as Chinese, but not less complicated for study - therefore, just like Chinese, you will need a teacher. Japanese courses can be found in cultural centers and universities, where there are eastern faculties: Moscow State University, Diplomatic Academy and MGIMO in Moscow, FEFU in Vladivostok, St. Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg. You can practice Japanese grammar using applications

The first is worth learning English. The second is German. Knowing English and German, you will be able to learn French without any problems, as the lexical base will already be laid. But they practically will not use you for living, say, in the UAE. And you will not be able to use them if you go to work in China or Uganda.

In China, in English, it is possible to clarify with units, and in Uganda, the knowledge of Swahili is particularly keen - English here has less than 1% of the population. We recommend evaluating not the global perspectives of the language, and its prospects for you, for your future life and work. How to do it, what languages \u200b\u200bneed to be learning and how to compare them with your own priorities? About this next.

What language to study first

English. Over rare exceptions that only confirm the rule. it official language In more than 60 countries of the world. In English they say more than 1.5 billion people at different points globe. He is more than 700 million people. Drain around - the best songs, top films scenarios, documents, instructions - all this is written in English. His knowledge significantly increases the chances of employment and your value as a qualified employee, in whatever industry you work and what would not be in your duties.

5 reasons to learn English first:

  • The ability to clarify in most countries of the world.
  • Best travel and business trips abroad.
  • The ability to watch the best Hollywood films in the original.
  • Advantage in obtaining education and when building a career.
  • The ability to fail with language barriers to everyday life.

This is the most sought-after language in the world. Moreover, it is universal and applicable in most situations.

Example: you want to go to learn abroad, say, in Italy, but do not know Italian. Knowledge of English will allow you to choose a program in which you can use the famous foreign language For learning as basic. But if you know only German or French, then the chance to get an education in Italy seeks to zero.

But there are exceptions. They conclude in the individual characteristics of each person. If the English is not given to you, if you experience to study sincere hatred, if you do not understand logic - it does not make sense to torment yourself. Of course, if it is only your feelings, and not the progress of the teacher and incorrectly built preparation.

Example: Shinga Shakira knows many languages, but the most difficult thing was given to her. Despite the close to the brilliant IQ and phenomenal abilities for training, the native of Colombia still does not speak English perfectly and prefers to sing and talk on it only in extreme cases.

Top 10 Rating Top Online Schools

International School of Foreign Languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual sessions With a tutor for preparing for the exam, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers of Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps become a programmer from scratch and start a career in the specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

Largest online school of English languagewhich makes it possible to individually learn English with a Russian-language teacher or a native speaker.

School of English by Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum spoken practice.

Online School English language new generation. The teacher communicates with the Skype student, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Remote online school. Lessons school program 1 to grade 11: video, abstracts, tests, simulators. For those who often misses school or live out of Russia.

Online University of Modern Professions (Web Design, Internet Marketing, Programming, Management, Business). After training, students can pass guaranteed internship from partners.

The largest site of online education. Allows you to get a requested online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

Interactive online service for learning and practice English in a fascinating game form. Effective workout, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

What language to learn the second, third, fourth

It is not necessary to guess here - it is important to be guided by desires, needs and challenges to you. Motivation is the basis of a quick and successful study. You must clearly understand what you need and at what level it needs to be mastering. It is recommended to formulate goals and only after that begin to consider options.

Suppose that after the completion of the institute, you want to enter one of the Czech universities on the Master's program. Then it is necessary to learn Czech. Or in your city there is a plant belonging to the Japanese - to make a successful career of the head here is desirable knowledge of Japanese. We do not know anything about your tasks. Therefore, we can only offer top 7 languages \u200b\u200b(in addition to English), which are most often choosing to explore:

  1. German.
  2. French.
  3. Spanish.
  4. Chinese.
  5. Italian.
  6. Arab.
  7. Norwegian.

Report that Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200bbelong to one of the most complex in the world. If you plan to move to Norway or Sweden, but you cannot succeed in the study of Norwegian and Swedish - consider options. It is no secret that in Sweden rather loyally refer to emigrants, not knowledgeable language. Moreover, children have the right to study in their native language: if at school there is at least one Russian-speaking child, then for him will definitely find a Russian-speaking teacher. Therefore, be sure to specify the need for learning.

Top 5 most promising languages

If you do not put the tasks to move or often ride a certain country, work at interethnic enterprises and be a requested translator, we recommend paying attention to the most promising languages \u200b\u200bin the world. They may not be the most popular and not most popular on this moment time. But if you do not know which foreign language is better to learn from the point of view of his prospects in the future - this rating is especially for you.


The most common in the world. Prospects for the imminency in the point of view of the development of the economy and industry do not cause doubts. Strong contacts with Russia, the United States and other leading economies of the world determine the emergence of the mass of interethnic enterprises, on which knowledge of Chinese is extremely welcomed. Chinese are at least 10 dialects radically different from each other. It makes sense to teach literary (it is also called Mandarin or North-Chinese) - it can be explained with the carrier of any dialect.


Ranked third in the prevalence among all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world. He is one of the easiest in the study. It is used not only in Spain, but also in a variety of countries that were once colonies. Not all of them are similar - for example, in Mexico they speak on a special dialect of Spanish, called Español Mexicano. There are significant differences, but if necessary, you can express themselves on the classic Spanish with any Mexican - you will be understood.


Germany is one of the strongest economies of the world, one of the most developed and comfortable countries. Therefore, the language does not lose its prospects not the first century. In German, they speak not only in Germany, but also in Austria, in Switzerland, in a number of other European countries. It is especially promising for employment and emigration to Europe.


It ranks 4th in the prevalence in the world. At different points of the planet, it is spoken by more than 240 million people. The complexity lies in the fact that the language has a lot of local dialects, and the study of classical Arabic does not guarantee you their understanding. However, you will be understood - you can express not only as a tourist, but also as a specialist.


Official Japanese is only in Japan, however, in varying degrees, it is in demand at least 25 Asian countries. By the way, he has a minimum of similar features with Chinese, one should not combine the study of the two languages, mistakenly assuming their identity. From the point of view of prospects, it is worth noting the development of the state economy, the scientific industry. Japan is one of the world leaders in terms of GDP.

What is a foreign language to learn for emigration

Naturally, it depends on the country in which you plan to emigrate. Our advice will be relevant only if you have not yet decided on the place of future accommodation.

We are guided by information about the most popular countries for emigration from Russians. What languages \u200b\u200bneed to be learned according to this data:

  • English - most often Russians prefer to emigrate in the United States. It is also in demand for admission to US Universities, Great Britain, Canada and a number of other countries special programs and grants covering training costs.
  • German and French is the perfect option if you want to emigrate to these countries, remaining there after completing the training. Education in these countries is almost free (with the exception of compulsory fees that make up 300-500 euros per semester).
  • Italian is obligatory for immigration to Italy. Interestingly, the level of English in this country is almost at the same level as in Russia. In general, Italians, unlike many Europeans, are poorly owned by English.

Also popular destinations for emigration are Scandinavia countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark. Russian citizens also willingly emigrate to European countries - in Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Serbia, in the Baltic countries. But in Asia, according to surveys, they plan to go less than 10% of Russians ready for emigration.

What foreign language to study the child

Here again it is important to be guided by the living conditions of the child. Do not pick up the easiest language - choose the most promising. At the same time, watch the child's enthusiasm, for his desire to learn. If you see that learning is absolutely indifferent to him - change the tutor or the place of learning. If the result remained the same - it makes sense to choose another language to study. The most sought-after - English, French, German and Spanish. The native languages \u200b\u200bof parents (or one of the parents) should not take into account.

What language is better to study as an additional? It makes sense to draw attention to options with the simplest grammar - to Italian, French.

Teachers diverge in opinion whether the child is generally trained in two languages \u200b\u200bat the same time. It is important to monitor the state of children - they should not be overloaded. Do not take childhood from them, guided by only their own ambitions and the desire to get a comprehensively developed Wunderkind. Watch the attitude of the child to learning process - His desire is extremely important.

The lightest and most difficult languages

The starting position is important here: for example, knowledge of English will significantly simplify the study of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Latin and German groups. Also important is yours native language. It is no secret that the Russians are easiest to learn Ukrainian and Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian. However, it is impossible to call them promising in the global sense. Therefore, we note the most simple to explore European:

  • English.
  • Italian.
  • Spanish.
  • French.

It is most likely to consider Spanish - it is characterized by simplicity of spelling, grammar and pronunciation. As heard - it is written, it is not necessary to be afraid to allow mistakes. Ideally, if you know English - Spanish has a very similar vocabular, and the study will take place as quickly as possible. The second and third place is Italian and French, respectively. English is more complex, but also quite affordable.

It was from him that all dialects were formed, because even when moving to the country, where net linguistic variations are not practiced, you can quickly adjust. The classic version also makes it easier to trace the logic of word formation and building proposals. Often it is clearer, more pleasant for rumor. It is almost always the literary and official to compile documents.


Learn the languages \u200b\u200byou need and interesting. Without the need, there is no motivation, and without sincere interest - desire. Both of these components are based on successful learning. It makes no sense to learn when the process causes you only tension and irritation. Training should sincerely like you. You must understand what is learning this language, what prospects it opens to you, which allows you to do in the future.

If you do not know which languages \u200b\u200bit is worth learning right now - try to look into the future. Understand where you want to live and what to do. Choose English as a base and lighten it at a decent level. If English you already own - go to others. But be careful - only some people are able to simultaneously study French and, say, German. In other cases, separate learning is required.

What a foreign language to study: the top 5 most promising

4.5 (90%) 18 votes

That Russian is good, then the German is death. However, in linguistics everything is not so simple, and in the opposite direction this law is also valid. Almost in any language for Russians there are sounds that cannot be reproduced by fly. To master some of them require months.

Traditionally it is believed that the most difficult language - Chinese. In practice, the development of pronunciation in it does not represent much difficulty for people with good hearing. From sounds that are not used to issuing our speech apparatus, in this language the sound is "P" - something average between "F" and "P". Chinese is complicated, first of all, with its tones, from 4 to 9 (in the Cantonese dialect). In vietnamese There are even more tones - about 18. If we talk about European languages, in particular, about German, then in it the most difficult for the Russian person are Ä, Ö, ü. But learning them to disappear is not difficult, because in our speech there are words, when we involuntarily publish similar sounds, for example, in the words "Muesli" or "Möh".

On a log beable Brere

It is a little more difficult to master French with its nasal consonants and sound "P". The fact that for France is the norm (elegant setting), Russian speech therapists try to correct. We have people who are not able to pronounce the solid "r", called the Mountains, and a tweak about the Greek, put her hand into the river, and about Bobrov on a log - one of the exercises designed to help in the formulation of this sound. In some german dialects, it also sounds this setting, but more rolling - it was like the famous "French Practice" Edith Piaf. The British did not pronounce the letter "P", but only indicated by sound, more similar, as in Chinese, on "F".

East is a delicate matter

Eastern culture is very different from Slavic, and the Semitic varies sharply language family. For example, it has sounds that do not have accurate analogues in Russian. These include, in particular, the gentlemen, which are not engaged in the mouth, and the throat. In Hebrew their four, as in Arabic. On the territory of modern Israel, they were practically reduced, but those of those Jews who were born in Arab countries are found. The same can be said about some Caucasian languages \u200b\u200bwith their gentle sounds, for example, Adygei, Chechen and others. You can imagine these sounds if you remember the campaign to Laura. The most "A", which he makes us say, pressing the spatula of the root of the tongue, is precisely Gundy. The sharpness of the sound of Arab speech, which seems to many Slavs are not very melodic, due to the presence of such throat sounds. Interdental sounds in which the tip of the tongue is located between the upper and lower teeth, also for Russian people in the wonder, but in some European languages \u200b\u200bthey are, for example, in English. Very difficult for pronunciation and Arabian posterior, also occurring in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Northern Peoples. The famous Baikal - Changed by Russians for the convenience of the pronunciation of the Yakut Baigal, where "g" is just posteriorized.

From the topot of the hoof dust on the field flies

Sound-resolution of the Cocan's Cocan hoofs and clicking tongue for Russian people - just entertainment. But there are nations for which such sounds are a speech rate. Those who watched the film "Probably, gods went crazy," remember, as one of the main characters and all his native tribesmen talked in a language sounding for us very strange. Coisan languages. They say only about 370,000 people in southern Africa and in Tanzania. They are distributed mainly among the inhabitants of the region surrounding the Kalahari desert. These languages \u200b\u200bgradually die out. Casting consonants are called "Clicks", and their number of sometimes reaches 83. In addition to Kosyasan's clicks as the main components of the speech, there are also a bow and Dakho. If you wish and patience, ask any language, including Koisan, the Russian man can. This is just a matter of time.

What language is easier to teach?

Many of you would definitely want to learn a new foreign language, especially if perfectly own only our native language. Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis always plus. This is not only your advantage when taking a job and great psychological comfort while traveling. Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas a positive effect on mental activity, so it's never too late to learn any language. Perhaps in 50 years, will be given a little more difficult, but you still can learn it. By the way, the world around you will also change, you will understand the origin of many words, to know from what languages \u200b\u200bthey came, you can read in the original and understand. Moreover, the more languages \u200b\u200byou know, the easier it will be given to you every next. The bunch of French-Spanish-Italian - can be said, an ideal case: the words intuitively understandable, the grammar is similar, and after each next, new Language Given much faster. Many, by the way, choose a suitable language school and there are already starting to develop foreign languages \u200b\u200bwho visited foreign languages. Foreign Language Courses in St. Petersburg in Language School Communication Club, For such students they can do much cheaper, because they have discounts for permanent students reach up to 50% (!).

The most frequently asked question :? The only answer to this question does not exist, because there are various factors that must be considered. One of them is your native language. The easiest to study is the language that is as close as possible on the phonetics to the native one. In addition, keep in mind that every language borrowed once something from each other. For example, if you are a carrier of the English language, then the most suitable for study will be: German, Spanish, French and Italian, because they are "sisters" English. The carriers of the Russian language (from European languages) is lighted, especially after English.

Another factor is your personal motivation to explore a certain language, the love of the culture of a certain country, the desire to learn there or go to permanent residence. Other things being equal, some have great abilities in some languages, and smaller in others. As an example, the French "P" is obtained without a special workout :).

- logical, relatively close to the pronunciation of Russian, and very interesting language. Most words from English are also found in Italian. Italian language - Bright, emotional and beautiful. As a second language, it can be recommended especially those who love classical music and the Italian culture itself.

Natalia Glukhova

What foreign languages \u200b\u200bare easier to learn together?

28/03 2017

Good afternoon dear friends!
Today I will tell you about what a foreign language to learn. In the 21st century, knowledge of English already surprised, most of the educated people own at least an average level.

Therefore, many employers prefer candidates with knowledge of two foreign ones. that you will never find a well-paid job now! Take a tuition. Somehow, polyglots mastered several foreign.

From this article you will learn:

Family Tree

Having leaning one language, the rest you are still easier. Moreover, you probably know that many resemble each other in structure and composition of vocabulary. You just need to understand what to teach together and where to start. In this article you will receive valuable advice on. Let's deal with.

Many scientists linguists will tell you that before learning how the language can be started with Latin, from which much happened. After that you can easily master any other. But after all, in Latin, no one has long been talking! Why spend time at this time? Indeed, Latin is considered dead, because already in any country is not recognized as official and is used only in the sciences, such as linguistics, medicine, jurisprudence.

You can still simplify the task, having mastered the closest to the one you already know. Therefore, let's look at what are more similarities. Most likely, your attention will attract an Indo-European family, it is the most common. It can be found on all continents of the Earth.

This includes one of the most popular groups: Romanesque and German groups. The Romanesque Group includes Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French.

German - German, English, Norwegian, Swedish.

If you think about learning foreign to get a good position, then you will be interested in what the most popular Indo-European, which is required by employers, English, German, French. And if you are interested in travel, the most common is Spanish.

Gemini brothers

Comparison of vocabulary on the topic "Food"

Also, the order of words they have approximately the same:

Subject - verb - object.

In both there are irregular verbs. English Drink Drank Drunk Drink TRINKT, TRANK, GetRunken. In most cases, if the verb is incorrect in one, then incorrect in the other.

However, there are some differences. In German, the words have a birth, which is absent in English. For example, a table (table) can be replaced by pronoun IT (pronoun for any inanimate word), it is important in German that the der Tisch male race.

Also in German, the words are changed by cases, there are only four of them. In the English only pronouns. Despite the fact that the alphabet at both is similar, the emphasis is relatively equally emphasis, the pronunciation is slightly different.

For example, the letter V at the beginning of the word in the first sounds like "B" (English. Van - Ven), and in the second - as "f" (the Vater -Fafer).

The easiest

And if you already know him and one Spanish is not enough for you, the closest belonging to the same group is Italian. So similar that the Spaniards and Italians can sometimes understand each other's speech. 80% of vocabulary in them is consonant.

For example, the word time is in Spanish - Tiempo, in Italian - Tempo. There are even certain patterns, knowing that you can change the word from one to another. In the Italian letter F always becomes the letter H in the other, if it stands at the beginning of the word: Humo - Fumo.

It looks sufficiently pronunciation in both. There are the same sounds that are transmitted differently on the letter. The sound "ni", as in English onion. In Italian is transmitted using the letters 'GN' - Bagno, in Spanish - the letters 'ñ' - Baño.

Grammar also has similarities. Very similar to the leaning of verbs. Compare.
In the first table Italian:

In the second table Spanish:

Look at the picture and compare what languages \u200b\u200bare more like:

Comparison of languages

Four types of student or everyone in ability

And what if I do not have any abilities? Surely, many convince themselves in this. So you just did not find your way. Study is an individual process.

What time is it necessary to study

Of course, as soon as a person puts himself a goal, he has a question "For how much can I learn?" Here everything is as strictly individually, but much depends on how regular you do. It is impossible to make a big break between the classes, and then sit down and "catch up" everything missed.

Try to give this lesson at least 15 minutes a day. If you decide to teach two at once, confusion may arise at the beginning, but this period needs to overcome and then you will only be proud of yourself. On average, the development of one level of the language requires 200 hours of operation.

The "Polyglot" course developed by Dmitry Petrov offers 16 video lessons for everyone: Italian, English, German. The intensive course will allow you to understand the structure of the studied foreign. Linguist teaches, polyglot, which owns 30 foreign.

Install applications on your phone, find friends from other countries. On the Couch Surfing website you can join groups and always know what is happening in your city and offer to the guests of the country to spend time with you.

If the monetary question is the only obstacle, then you can try to find and free courses. For example, in Russia there are a large number of German centers, most of them are free.

In local libraries sometimes teach courses. You only need to pay money for the subscription (about a hundred rubles a year).

If you do not have time or desire to go to school, you can go through skype courses. Suggested 16 languages \u200b\u200bthat can be started to teach "from scratch". Classes are held with carriers, and all the dialogues and texts are also voiced by them. You can download the lessons to your phone.

In conclusion, I want to advise you to subscribe to my blog, where you will find a lot useful informationboth training and traveling by European countries.