Methodological materials of the head of the Moscow Orkse. Minutes of meetings of the regional methodological association of teachers of Orkse Work plan of the methodological association of teachers of Orkse

Protocol No. 1

dated... September 2014




1. Analysis of the work of the RMO for 2013-2014 academic year.

2. RMO work plan for the 2014 -2015 academic year. year. On organizing attendance at lessons and extracurricular activities (scheduling).

3. Cooperation with the local religious organization “Orthodox parish of the church in honor of the miraculous image of the Savior”

4. Organization of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in defense industry

On the first question listened to the head of the RMO. The head of the Russian Educational Institution for the ORKSE course made a report on the work done on this course at ... the school, and also summed up the work of the methodological association for the 2013-2014 academic year

On the second question listened to the head of the RMO. She brought to the attention of teachers the work plan of the RMO for the 2013-2014 academic year. The plan is based on the needs of teachers and taking into account their wishes. At all meetings, it is planned to discuss theoretical issues and exchange experience on various issues of teaching the ORKSE course. A schedule of visits to open lessons for teachers in the district was drawn up, and message topics were distributed for sharing experiences.

On the third question listened... to the minister... of the temple. He made a proposal for further cooperation between teachers teaching the military-industrial complex course and temples ... in the region.

On the fourth question listened to the head of the RMO. It was reported that the Defense Industry Olympiad is held with the aim of expanding and supporting the study of the fundamentals by the younger generation of Russians Orthodox culture, spiritual, moral and patriotic education schoolchildren, identifying and developing their interests and abilities. The organizers of the Olympiad are: school stage- educational institutions; municipal stage – local governments of municipal and city districts in the field of education; regional (final) stage - Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University. Students in grades 5-11 take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis, and since 2014, the Olympiad in 2 rounds has been held in 4 grades.


    Take note of the information on the results of the work of the RMOfor the 2013-2014 academic year.

    The RMO work plan for the 2013-2014 academic year should be approved.

    Continue cooperation with a local religious organization.

    The next meeting of the RMO will be held in accordance with the plan in November 2014.

Protocol No. 2

meetings of the district methodological unification ORKSE course teachers

dated ___November 2014




1. Extracurricular activity By ORKSE How means for the formation of spiritual and moral values

2. Public lesson“The use of parables in the training sessions of the ORKSE course.”

3. Projects in ORKSE as one of the forms of student assessment. Exchange of experience on extracurricular activities

On the first question listened...She shared her experience of extracurricular activities in the defense education course.The issue of spiritual and moral education of children is one of the key problems facing every parent, society and the state as a whole. Currently, a priority situation has developed in society regarding the issue of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.Activities held at school are one of the meansfor the formation of spiritual and moral values

2. An open lesson in the 4th grade of the Municipal Educational Institution ... Secondary School on the topic “Conscience and repentance.” The teacher... showed a lesson using the parable “The Tear of a Sinner.” The course of the lesson showed the significance of the ancient genre in today's day, since the morality and moral precepts of these works never lose their relevance. The lesson was full of various forms and methods of work.

3. On the third question listened...The head of the Russian Educational Institution presented a master class on the topic “project activities in the block of OPK lessons”, supporting schemes were proposed that become project activities for students in the cycle of lessons on OPKSE, module OPK. The lesson plan moves from one lesson to another, includes both knowledge testing and new material and contains motivation for subsequent lessons.


    Pay special attention to the spiritual and moral aspect of training and education of students in defense education classes and in extracurricular activities.

    Continue using parables in defense education lessons.

    The next meeting of the RMO will be held in accordance with the plan in January 2015 in

Head of RMO _________________

Protocol No. 3

meeting of the regional methodological association of teachers of the ORKSE course

dated ___ February 2015




1.Report “Modern forms and methods of teaching military-industrial complex”

2. Open lesson “Interactive methods of work in ORKSE lessons”

On the first question listened to the defense industry teachers... Report “Modern forms and methods of work in defense-industrial complex classes” was presented in the form of a presentation. It contains a large amount of theoretical and practical material on modern forms and methods of work in defense-industrial complex classes. The seminar participants copied the report for self-education for further development and application in their work.

2. Open lesson at MBOU...secondary school. Teacher... in During the lesson, I used modern educational technologies: technologies for productive reading, critical thinking, health-saving technologies and ICT. Students analyzed the text and demonstrated good theoretical knowledge. The guys worked actively and tried hard.


    Continue to use modern forms and methods in the “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” classes - interactive and informational, design and creative work.

    The next meeting of the RMO will be held in accordance with the plan in May 2015.

Head of RMO _________________

Protocol No. 4

meeting of the regional methodological association of teachers of the ORKSE course




1. Exchange of experience

Target methodological work RMO of ORKSE teachers: continuously improve the level of pedagogical skills of ORKSE and OLPC course teachers; in area training course and teaching methods based on the creation of a system of information-technical and organizational-activity content of methodological work on the problem "Formation of a municipal system for assessing the quality of education in the conditions of updating the content of the regional educational system and transition to new generation standards when studying the course of ORKSE and OPK"




  1. PLAN

  2. WORKS



for the 2016-2017 academic year

Head: Protsenko G.A.

Methodological topic:

"Development creative potential teachers as one of the conditions for improving the quality of education"

Topic of RMO for ORKSE teachers:

“Improving and raising the quality of teaching ORKSE in the process of modernizing education”

Subtopic for the 2016 – 2017 academic year:

"Federal State Educational Standards - as a tool for increasing educational result and formation of personality assessment"

The purpose of the methodological work of RMO teachers of ORKSE:

The main tasks of the RMO:

1. Improve existing and introduce new forms, methods and means of teaching in order to improve the quality of teaching ORKSE

2. Continue studying and disseminating teachers’ experience in using ICT. Study modern trends in teaching ORKSE

3. Study the main approaches to the conditions for achieving the quality of teaching ORKSE.

4. Organize methodological and advisory assistance to members of the methodological association.

5. Concentrate the efforts of the RMO on the formation key competencies students in ORKSE lessons.

6. Optimize work to develop motivation for learning, in particular, through the organization of project, competitive and research activities, as well as the use of modern technical teaching aids.

7. Preserve the health of students, in particular by correcting forms of control and increase prestige healthy image life in ORKSE lessons.

8.Develop a system of spiritual and moral education for schoolchildren.


District methodological association

ORKSE teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year

August 2016

Topic of the meeting:

1. Analysis of the work of the regional methodological association of teachers ORKSE for the 2015-2016 academic year.

2. Discussion of the RMO work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year.

3. Study of the main approaches to the conditions for achieving improved quality of teaching ORKSE.

4. About development work program teacher on ORKSE.

November 2016

Topic of the meeting:

Workshop on areas of innovation.

1. Training of teachers in areas of innovative activity.

2. Designing a model of educational partnership between school and family.

January 2017

Topic of the meeting: “ Formation of family values ​​in the family and school. Features of working with parents »

"Christmas Star"

3. Reflection as an integral aspect of the spiritual and moral development of a child’s personality.

4. Pedagogical workshop.

Open event based on results project activities at ORKSE lessons.

Temple theme

5. From work experience.

“The best lesson on ORKSE”

April 2017

Topic of the meeting: "Modernization of education"

Seminar for teachers on the topic “Modern approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students at school”

1. The effectiveness of the implementation of the ORKSE course. Monitoring results.

2. Education of morality of students.

3. Competition of visual and literary creativity “Easter in a Christian family”.

5. The main problems of the development of spiritual and moral culture in junior adolescence and ways to solve them.

6. Photo exhibition “Monasteries of the Oryol region”. Exhibition of creative works.

7. Day Slavic writing and cultures in the territory Russian Federation(May 24)

August 2017

Round table meeting« Performance for the year. Problems and successes of students. Tasks for the new academic year."

2. Development of a work plan for the RMO for the new academic year.

1. Checking work programs and thematic planning.

2. Mutual attendance at lessons, analysis of the training session.

3. Organization of extracurricular activities on ORKSE, self-analysis of performance.

4. Conducting the school, district and regional stages of the Olympiads.

5. Carrying out test work.

6. Monitoring of general educational skills of students in district schools.

7. Questioning of ORKSE teachers to identify real difficulties in organizing training.

Head of the Regional Educational Institution of Teachers ORKSE G.A. Protsenko






August meeting

“Ways to improve and improve the quality of teaching ORKSE”

Analysis of work for the 2015-2016 academic year.


Protsenko G.A..

Discussion and approval of the work plan of the Regional Educational Institutions of teachers of the OPK and ORKSE for the 2016–2017 academic year.

Teachers of OPK, ORKSE

On changes to the Education Law.

Protsenko G.A.

Protsenko G.A.

Types of universal educational actions and their formation in the lessons of ORKSE and OPC.

Protsenko G.A.

Formation of a data bank of teachers teaching the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, ORKSE. Questioning teachers to create a data bank.

Teachers of OPK, ORKSE

Cyclogram of competitions for the 2016-2017 academic year (IMC website)

All-Russian Olympiad “Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox faith.”

All-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity "Holy Patrons of Rus'"

International creative competition “The Beauty of God’s World”

Protsenko G.A.





1st meeting

Seminar for ORKSE teachers on the topic

“Models of spiritual and moral development and education of the younger generation”

Modern educational technologies in the lessons of the course ORKSE and OPK.


Head of RMO

Protsenko G.A.

Usage psychological games during the training sessions of the ORKSE course.

OPK teacher

Moiseeva L.N.

Interactive methods of work in ORKSE lessons.

OPK teacher

Stages of an interactive lesson (motivation, goal setting, information block, interactive exercise, lesson product, reflection)

Protsenko G.A.

Training of teachers in areas of innovative activity.

Designing a model of educational partnership between school and family.

Head of RMO

Protsenko G.A.

Participation in the International Competition artistic creativity"The Beauty of God's World"

Head of RMO

Protsenko G.A.

The role of the competitive movement of teachers and students in the development of spiritual and moral culture.

methodologist RONO

Ushakova S.V.

Participation in the All-Russian creative competition"The Holy Patrons of Rus'"

Head of RMO

Protsenko G.A.





2nd meeting

Seminar for ORKSE teachers

“Formation of family values ​​in the family and school. Features of working with parents »

Organizational issues for holding a municipal festival

"Christmas Star"



methodologist RONO

Ushakova S.V.


methodologist RONO

Ushakova S.V.,

Protsenko G.A.

Results and analysis of the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad in Defense Industry

methodologist RONO

Ushakova S.V.

Reflection as an integral aspect of the spiritual and moral development of a child’s personality.

OPK teacher

Pedagogical workshop.

Open event based on the results of project activities in ORKSE lessons

(excursion, holiday, Classroom hour, conference, project defense)

Temple theme

teacher ORKSE, OPK

From work experience.

“The best lesson on ORKSE”




Summing up the results of the municipal festival children's creativity“Christmas Star” and the competition “Bright Holiday - Christmas”.

methodologist RONO

Ushakova S.V.,

Protsenko G.A.





3rd meeting

Round table meeting

Ways to increase student motivation in the ORKSE education system.

Seminar for ORKSE teachers on the topic “Modern pedagogical technologies, the most effective for implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”

2.1. Effectiveness of implementation of the ORKSE course Monitoring of results.


Methodist RONO

Ushakova S.V.

2.2. Education of morality of students.

Protsenko G.A.

Competition of visual and literary creativity “Easter in a Christian family”.

Head of RMO

Protsenko G.A.

The main problems of the development of spiritual and moral culture in early adolescence and ways to solve them.

The specifics of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics”, its difference from traditional training courses.

Open lesson ORKSE,OPK.

Photo exhibition “Monasteries of the Oryol region”. Exhibition of creative works.


Protsenko G.A.





4th meeting

Round table meeting

“Work performance for the year. Problems and successes of students. Tasks for the new academic year"

Analysis of the results of the All-Russian Olympiad in the defense industry.


Methodist RONO

Ushakova S.V.

Day of Slavic Literature.


teachers of the defense industry, ORKSE,

hands RMO Protsenko G.A.

All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with children school age and youth under 20 years old for the award “For the moral deed of a teacher.”

hands RMO

Protsenko G.A.

Organization of excursions for defense industry teachers

During a year

Ushakova S.V.

Protsenko G.A.

Pedagogical workshop.

An open event based on the results of project activities in ORKSE lessons for the 2nd half of the year.

(holiday, class hour, conference, defense of projects - optional).

Exhibition of creative works.

OPK teacher, ORKSE

Protsenko G.A.

From work experience.

Features of the event extracurricular activities according to the course ORKSE, OPK.

OPK teacher, ORKSE

Seminar “Train of Creative Ideas”

hands RMO

Protsenko G.A.

1. Analysis of the work of the RMO for the 2016-2017 academic year.

2. Development of a work plan for the RMO for the new 2017-2018 academic year.

3. Report on self-education work.

hands RMO

Protsenko G.A.

2014-2015 academic year

05/12/2015 at MBOU Gymnasium No. 4 a meeting of the RMO of teachers of the ORKSE course was held on the topic “Formation of competence junior schoolchildren in designing activities during the lessons of the complex educational course ORKSE". An open lesson on the OPK module was conducted by a teacher primary classes Petrikeeva Elena Germanovna. Primary school teachers of Gymnasium No. 4 Elena Petrovna Mashakina and Elena Rufimovna Makarova introduced teachers to the experience of forming planning actions in younger schoolchildren and using problem-based teaching methods in the lessons of the ORKSE course.

01/27/2015 took place on the basis of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Bolshoye Mokroyemeeting of the RMO of teachers teaching the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” on the topic “Formation semantic reading in the process of getting acquainted with texts of various contents in the ORKSE course.” Open training session on the module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" on the topic " Golden Rule ethics" was conducted by the teacher of the ORKSE course, directorMBOU secondary school in the village of Bolshoye Mokroe Lyazaev V.A.

10/15/2014 in MBOU secondary school with. Near Borisovo took placejoint meeting of the RMO of ORKSE course teachers and a creative group of primary school teachers working on the problem of a communicative-activity approach to speech development younger schoolchildren. Subject “Formation of conscious construction of speech utterances among junior schoolchildren during the lessons of the ORKSE course through the use of visual and illustrative material”.

2013-2014 academic year

12/20/2013 took place at MBOU Secondary School No. 6meeting of the RMO of ORKSE course teachers on the topic "Traditional values ​​as the basis for spiritual and moral education of the younger generation". An open training session of the OPK module “Mercy and Compassion” was presented by the teacher of the ORKSE course N.V. Permyakova. DDirector of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of B. Mokroe, teacher of the ORKSE course, saidabout the role of Orthodox holidays in the life of a family and a child. Pedagogue additional education MBOU DOD DDYUT Tarankova G.D. conducted a master class on making New Year's toys "Winter Chime".

October 29, 2013 at the IMC a joint meeting of the RMO of ORKSE teachers and a PG session for primary school teachers on the implementation of the program of spiritual and moral education and development of junior schoolchildren took place on this topic “The main problems of the development of spiritual and moral culture in early adolescence and ways to solve them”. Were invited to the meetingArchpriest Evgeny Khudin, head of the education department of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese and Voskresenskaya V.V., educational psychologist, education curator of the Kstovo deanery. Evgeniy Khudin spoke about the difficulties associated with teaching the OPK module of the complex educational course of ORKSE, about the need for self-education and about the possibility of continuing the course in extracurricular and club activities. Voskresenskaya V.V. introduced me to the book “Education of Virtue”, analyzed the comments to the article “The Taming of the Shrew”. Head of the Regional Educational Institution for teachers of the ORKSE course Masyagina E.V. presented materials and recommendations for studying the most complex topics in the OPK module: “The Beatitudes”, “Orthodoxy about God’s Judgment”, “Commandments”.

2012-2013 academic year

02/14/2013, MBOU secondary school No. 2 named after. I.A. Suhana. Subject “Use of active teaching methods and techniques in the ORKSE course”.

November 20, 2012, MBOU Secondary School No. 5. Subject “Forms and types of organization educational activities at ORKSE lessons". Teachers of MBOU Secondary School No. 5 Sukhova O.N. And Krasilnikova I.A. showed open training sessions on the course modules: “Fundamentals of secular ethics” (“Justice and mercy”) and “Fundamentals of Orthodox culture” (“Conscience and repentance”). Primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 5 Lvova I.V. spoke about the formation of UUD within the framework of the ORKSE course. During the round table, teachers of the district educational institution: Razheva I.N. (MBOU Lyceum No. 7), Smirnova I.V. (MBOU Secondary School No. 3), Vershinina L.A. (MBOU Secondary School No. 5) shared their experience in using various forms and types of learning activities in the classroom



for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Methodological topic:“Improving the quality of education by improving the professional competence of teachers in the context of the implementation of federal government educational standards»

Head of GMO: Olga Mikhailovna Anisimova, primary school teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6

Purpose of GMO: providing teachers with theoretical and practical assistance in mastering modern approaches to teaching in general educational institutions the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE).

Objectives of GMOs :

    Create conditions for the development of professional competence and methodological literacy of teachers in the field of the taught curriculum.

    Work out a mechanism for interaction between the municipality, educational institutions with religious organizations in the field of spiritual and moral education and enlightenment.

    To develop an optimal and effective scheme for working with parents in the implementation of the ORKSE training course.

    Implement in pedagogical activity heuristic and other interactive methods, the latest educational technologies to increase the effectiveness of lessons on the ORKSE course.

Main activities of GMO:

    Organization of work on the study and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

    Organization of conferences, pedagogical readings, round tables.

    Study and get acquainted with new products methodological literature and scientific publications.

    Organization of accumulation teaching materials and developments.

    Participation in competitions at the municipal, regional and federal levels.

Agreed and approved

at the meeting of GMO teachers

teaching ORKSE, 08/26/2017

Head of GMO _____ O.M. Anisimova



for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Analysis of the work of GMO ORKSE for the 2016-2017 academic year. year. Discussion and approval of the GMO work plan for the 2017 - 2018 academic year.

    Approval of work programs for the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” for the modules studied: OSE and OPK in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Homework (forms, frequency...) as a stimulus to increase students' interest in the subject of ORKSE.

    Development of assessment criteria for grade-free training in the ORKSE course.

    Conducting a survey among RMO members in order to create a unified database.


Problem seminar :

    Technologies, methods, techniques of work in the lessons of ORKSE and ODNKNR.

2. Expanding the teacher’s information and educational space through the use of:

Internet sites and portals;

New methodological literature, teaching materials;


3. Expanding the information and educational space of students through participation in various events, competitions, olympiads and other forms of work with students

    Methods of working with illustrative material in ORKSE lessons

    Typical problems and difficulties encountered by teachers teaching ORKSE and ODNKNR.


Round table: “Spiritual and moral development and education of students in class and extracurricular activities using the ORKSE course.”

    Integration of ORKSE lessons and extracurricular activities.

    Experience of introducing children to the values ​​of Russian culture through the ORKSE course.

    Contemporary Orthodox Literature as a Formative Tool life values students within the framework of the OPK module.

    Development of value and moral guidelines of students through the use of interdisciplinary connections of courses " The world" and ORKSE.

    Fostering a tolerant attitude and respect for the cultural and religious traditions of the multinational people of Russia through the ORKSE course.


Scientific and practical conference teachers of a comprehensive training course on the subject of ORKSE “The local history component in the process of teaching ORKSE to foster a caring attitude towards religious and cultural heritage small homeland."

    Workshops, master classes, creative workshops, round tables

Who conducts

For which category


Seminar:“Formation of information competence of participants educational process through studying the course ORKSE and ODNKR"

ORKSE course teachers


Round table:“Spiritual and moral development and education of students in class and extracurricular activities using the ORKSE course.”

ORKSE course teachers, heads of school class teachers

3. Collaboration with departments and GMOs of other cycles

Who conducts



Educational potential of ORKSE in extracurricular activities

GMO teachers ORKSE, class teachers

4.Work of creative groups

September 2017G.

1 . Meeting of the creative development group plan for the event dedicated to the Day national unity within the framework of the subject “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE)

October 2017 G.

November 2017G.

Meeting of creative groups Bypreparation projects and competitions within the framework of the subject “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE)

Creating a methodological piggy bank at the rate“Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE)

Members of the creative team

May 2018G.

Planning of GMO work for the 2017 – 2018 school year. year.

Members of the creative team

5. Educational activities

September 2017 G.

Formation of a data bank on completing course training for teachers “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE)

During a year

Supervision of course preparation teachers of “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE).

Work plan of the district methodological association

teachers of the complex course ORKSE

for the 2017-2018 academic year

Methodological topic:“Improving the level of pedagogical skills of the ORKSE teacher, his competence in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard»

Target: increasing the professional competence of course teachers: organizing methodological support for increasing professional competence, creative growth and self-realization of teachers of the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (FRCSE)

Tasks :

    Increasing the professional competence of teachers of the ORKSE course through the broadcast and dissemination of experience in successful teaching activities.

    Ensuring prompt informing of teachers about new content of education, innovative educational and educational technologies, teaching methods;

    Stimulating and developing a creative research approach to the educational process, ensuring the constant growth of professional skills through collective and individual activities.

Questions for discussions





Subject:“Tradition and innovation: a comprehensive training course of ORKSE as a condition for the implementation of a program of spiritual and moral education in primary school».

1. Discussion and approval of the RME plan for the 2017/2018 academic year.

2. Methodological support for teaching the ORKSE course as a component of the spiritual and moral education of students.

3. Collection of data for the formation of a “Data Bank on personnel composition and the main areas of work of teachers of the RMO.

4. About the work programs of the ORKSE course (by modules) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO (individual conversations).

Practical part

On the topic "Mercy and Compassion."

2. Master class on the topic “Alexander Nevsky - Holy Prince-Warrior”.

Vinichenko L.N.

Chernova T.A.

Vinichenko L.N.

Vinichenko L.N.

Mikosyanchik T.M.

Popova G. A.

MBOU-secondary school No. 5 Zelenolugsky

Module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”


Topic “Features and possibilities for implementing the ORKSE course in the context of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”

1. Evaluation criteria for ungraded training in the ORKSE course.

2. Homework as a stimulus to increase students’ interest in the subject of ORKSE.

Practical part

1. Open lesson ORKSE 4th grade.

2. Master – classes: (topics not yet determined)

Selivanova A.V.

Budyanskaya O.V.

Logutyonok S.V.

Dyachenko S.I.

Dvodnenko O.A.

MBOU-OOSH No. 14 x. Ilyinov

Module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”


Subject " Actual problems teaching a comprehensive training course ORKSE: innovative practices »

1. Innovative technologies in the ORKSE course

2. Work with the parable as part of the ORKSE course.

Practical part

1. Open lesson ORKSE in 4th grade (topic not yet determined).

2. Round table: “Innovative practices”. Experience exchange. Creation of a regional collection of ORKSE lessons. (presentations, developments, video tutorials)

Chernyavskaya T.Yu.

Yakovleva G.A.

Lyakhovich L.S.

Vinichenko L.N.

MBOU-secondary school No. 22 h. Krivoy Liman

Module “Fundamentals of World Religions”


Subject: Final meeting of the RMO “Analysis of the work done and planning for the next academic year.”

1. “Analysis of the work done and planning for the next academic year.”

2. Participation of teachers and students in competitions for the ORSKSE course

3. Methods of working with illustrative material in ORKSE lessons.

Practical part

1. Open lesson ORKSE in 4th grade (topic not yet determined).

2.Round table: “Exchange of experience. Replenishment of the regional collection of ORKSE lessons. (presentations, developments, video tutorials)

Vinichenko L. N.

Yagupova L.N.

Rybtsova R.V.

Shevchuk T.V.

Molchanova E.A.

Muradova L.D.

MBOU-secondary school No. 8, Krutoberezhny village

Module “Secular Ethics”

Head of teachers' educational organization

complex course ORKSE Vinichenko L.N.