The concept of speech exposure. Speech impact as an object of study

The theory of speech exposure, in our opinion, includes the following main problems: the concept of communication, the concept of speech impact, the concept of effective speech impact, methods of speech impact.

These ways are:

Proving. Prove - this is to give arguments confirming the correctness of any thesis. When proofing the arguments are given in the system, thoughtfully, in accordance with the laws of logic. Proving is a logical path of speech impact, appeal to the logic of human thinking. We prove so: "First, secondly, in the third ...". Proving is well valid for a person with logical thinkingBut logic acts effectively not at all (not all thinks logically) and not always (we already know that in some conditions the emotion fully suppresses logic).

Conviction. To convince is to unail in the interlocutor confidence that the truth is proved that the thesis is installed. In conviction, logic is also used, and necessarily - emotion, emotional pressure. We convince about this way: "First .... Secondly ... Believe it, so it is! This is true! And others think so. I know for sure! Well, why don't you believe it? Believe me, it's really so ... ", etc. Unsulted, we try to actually impose our point of view to the interlocutor.

Correction. To persuade is predominantly emotionally encouraged the interlocutor to refuse his point of view and accept our - just like that, because we really want this. Cutting is always carried out very emotionally, intensively, uses personal motives and is usually based on repeated requests or suggestions: "Well, please ... well, do it for me ... Well, what you have ... I will be very grateful to you ... I will also make such a favor if you ask you someday ... Well, what you have ... Well, please ... well, I really ask ... ". Corrects the child mom: "Well, buy ... well, buy ... well, buy ... Well, please ... well, buy ...."

Cutting effectively in the situation of emotional excitement, when the interlocutor equally can fulfill the request, and may not fulfill. In serious matters, persuasion usually does not help.

Suggestion. It is impressed - it is to encourage the interlocutor just to believe you, to take on faith what you say to him - without thinking, without critical understanding.

The suggestion is based on a strong psychological, emotional pressure, often on the authority of the interlocutor. Strong, volitional, authoritative personalities, "Charismatic types" (like Stalin) could instill people with almost anything. Children in relation to adults are very inspired, young girls, women in relation to rude and decisive men are often inspired.

Compulsion. Forced - it means to make a person do something against his will.

Coercion is usually based on a rude nage or directly on the demo force, threats: "Wallet or Life".

What of these methods of speech exposure are civilized? The first four. Speech impact As the science of effective and civilized communication teaches us to do without coercion.

Speech impact is a science on the choice of a suitable, adequate way of speech impact on a person in a particular communicative situation, about the ability to properly combine various ways of speech impact depending on the interlocutor and the situation of communication to achieve the greatest effect.

There are two main aspects of speech exposure - verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal (from Latin Verbum, word) Speech impact is an impact with the help of words. At verbal exposure, it matters in what speech form you express your idea in which words, in what sequence, how loudly, with what intonation is that when someone say.

Non-verbalthe impact is the impact with the help of non-hinders that accompany our speech (gestures, facial expressions, behavior during speech, the appearance of the speaker, distance to the interlocutor, etc.).

Properly built verbal and non-verbal impact provide us with the effectiveness of communication.

Communicative position of the speaker is another important theoretical concept of science of speech impact.

Under the communicative position of the speaker means the degree of communicative influence, the authority of the speaker in relation to his interlocutor. This is the relative effectiveness of its potential speech impact on the interlocutor. The communicative position of a person may vary in different situations of communication, as well as in the course of communication in the same communicative situation.

The communicative position of the speaker can be strong (the head against the subordinate, senior against the child, etc.) and weak (a child against an adult, subordinate against the chief, etc.). The communicative position of the person in the process of communication can be strengthened by applying the rules of speech impact, it is possible to protect it, and you can also weaken the communicative position of the interlocutor (also applying voice effects and carrying out various actions against the interlocutor).

The science of speech exposure is the science of strengthening the communicative position of the individual in the process of communication, the personality of its communicative position and the receptions of the weakening of the communicative position of the interlocutor.

The concepts of social and communicative roles are also included in the theoretical arsenal of science on speech impact. Social role is understood as the real social function of a person, and the communicative role adopted for a particular social role is a regulatory behavior. Communicative roles may not meet the social role of the speaker - their repertoire is much wider than the set social roles, and their choice, shift, the ability to play (the petitioner, helpless, small person, cool, expert, decisive and mn.) make up one of the parties to the art of speech exposure to a separate personality. Cf. Such masters are fulfilling various communicative roles as chikchiki, Khlestakov, Ostap Bender.

There is also such a concept - communicative failure.

Communicative failure - This is a negative result of communication, such an end to communication when the purpose of communication is not achieved.

Communicative failures comprehend us when we incorrectly build our speech impact: we do not choose the methods of speech impact, we do not consider with whom we are talking, we do not withstand the rules of conflictful communication, etc.

Specialists in speech exposure also use such an expression as communicative suicide.

Communicative suicide - This is a rough mistake made in communication, which immediately makes further communication obviously ineffective. For example, if the speaker begins his performance like this: "Sorry, what time you have time ... I don't delete you for a long time ..." is a typical communicative suicide, since a person himself immediately reports that he understands: his information is not Need, she will call irritation from the listeners, its appearance in front of the audience is undesirable, etc. This speaker, of course, will not listen.

A combination of typical verbal or non-verbal, and sometimes those and other signals affecting the effectiveness of communication, is defined as a factor of communication. Within the framework of factors, the rules of communication are allocated - the submission and recommendations for communication are allocated in this lingvocultural community. The rules are divided into regulatory (as it should? How is it right?, That is, the rules of speech etiquette) and the rules of speech exposure (as best? How efficient?).

The rules of communication and speech exposure are submission and recommendations for communication in the society. Examples of regulatory rules: a friend must be welcomed, for the service to thank. Examples of speech exposure rules: more often contact the interlocutor, enlarge it.

Culture of speech behavior, speech etiquette.There are two types of social use rules in communication:

· Prohibiting inherent in closed systems;

To prevent disrespectful attitude towards someone, the prohibition system operates. Their goal is to help participants to avoid confrontation, confrontation, create a favorable psychological climate.

· bans on the tone (offensive, contemptuous, dismissive, angry);

· bans for words and expressions (coarse, insult, mocking);

· bans on gestures, facial expressions (frightening, offensive, ugly);

Speech etiquette - System of sustainable communication formulas that are prescribed to society to establish a speech contact of the interlocutors, maintaining communication in chosen tonality, respectively, their social roles and role-playing positions relative to each other, mutual relations in the official and informal setting.

In a broad sense, speech etiquette carries out a regulatory role in choosing a particular communication register, for example "you" - or "you" - forms of circulation by name or with the help of a different nomination of the communication method adopted in a rustic use or urban environment, among the older generation or youth, etc.

In the narrow sense, speech etiquette is a functional-semantic field of units of benevolent, polite communication in many communicative situations: appeals and attracting attention, dating, greetings, farewell, apologies, gratitude, congratulations, wishes, requests, invitations, advice, suggestions, consent, refusal , approval, compliments, sympathy, condolences, etc.

Speech etiquette meets the principle of cooperation and the principle of politeness. For speech etiquette, the principle of politeness is leading. Politeness in the speech etiquette appears as:

1) the ethical category is the moral quality of a person who complies with the external communication standards (the factual of the relationship, the less familiar communications, the more politeness is needed) and manifest personal benevolence;

2) manifestation of sincerity.

From a sociolinguistic point of view, the units of speech etiquette reflect the constant social signs of participants in communication, their age, degree of education, educational, place of birth, residence, as well as variable social roles (comrade, patient, client, policeman, etc.). For example, Good healthy - greeting of older inhabitants of ancient; I offer your deep apologies - in speech of medium and older intellectuals; Hello! Firework - greeting of young people;

The cultural aspect of speech etiquette is associated with the fact that speech etiquette is an integral element of the culture of the people, an important part of the culture of behavior and communication, this is a product. cultural activity man and tool such activities. In the speech etiquette, not only the national specificity of the culture, but also the historical experience of the people (for example, the units of speech etiquette of the XIX century were reflected: Your humble servant; Najai I bow; Bew Man).

Speech etiquette as a whole phraseological, there are many other phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, for example: welcome; with light steam et al.

Verbal and non-verbal speech impact.

There are two basic ways of exposure: verbal (with the help of words) and non-verbal.

For verbal Impact matters what we say, what words we use, in which sequence we submit information which arguments are given, etc.

There are the following verbal ways to affect the identity:

1. Proving. Prove - to give arguments confirming the correctness of any thesis. When proofing, the arguments lead in the system, thoughtful, in accordance with the laws of logic. Proving is well valid for a person with logical thinking.

2. Belief. To convince is to unite confidence in the interlocutor that the truth is proved, the thesis is installed. In conviction, logic is used, and necessarily emotions. ("Believe it, so it is! It really is so! And others think so. I know it for sure!")

3. Cooking. To persuade is predominantly emotionally encouraging the interlocutor to refuse his point of view and take the point of view by persuading. Cutting is always carried out very emotionally, intensively. ("Well, please ... well, do it for me ... well, you cost it").

4. Klyanchy. To poke - it is emotionally asking using a simple multiple repetition of a request.

5. suggestion. It is impressed - it is to encourage the interlocutor just to believe you, take it on faith what you are telling him. The suggestion is based on a strong psychological, emotional pressure, often on the authority of the interlocutor. Children in relation to adults, girls in relation to decisive men are very inspired.

6. Please. Asking is to encourage the interlocutor to do something in the interests of the speaker, guided by a positive attitude towards the speaker.

7. Order. Order is to encourage a person to fulfill anything because of its dependent position without any explanation or motivation. Applied to subordinate, younger.

8. Forced. Forced - it means to make a person do something against his will. Coercion is based on rude nage, verbal aggression, threats.

For effective verbal impact, it is necessary to consider:

Communicative standardsimplying compliance with the norms of speech etiquette and the norms of culture of speech. Cultural, etiquette causes confidence in its content.

Contact establishment factor with interlocutor those. the ability to make a pleasant impression, to speak less; individualize the interlocutor; I wonder the problems of the interlocutor.

Language decoration factorit implies the use of a variety of nominative means, figurative words. It is necessary to speak easier, do not abuse book expressions; Normal is considered the pace of 120 words per minute.

Communication style factorcombines the formation of a positive image of the speaker. This demonstrates sociability, friendliness, friendliness, sincerity, moderate emotion, the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Information location factorinvolves taking into account the type of interlocutor or the audience, since with different people It is necessary to talk and convince in different ways.

Address factor It assumes that it is necessary to consider the type of interlocutor or the audience and contact them, taking into account the peculiarities of their perception, level of knowledge, interests. "Speech must be sewn by the measure of a listener, like a dress on the measure of the customer" (A. Mikhalskaya).

The effectiveness of communication is determined not only by the degree of understanding of the words of the interlocutor, but also the ability to correctly assess the behavior of participants in communication, their facial expressions, gestures, movements, pose, the focus of the view, that is, understand the language non-verbal communication. This language allows the speaking to fully express its feelings, shows how much the participants in the dialogue own themselves, as they actually belong to each other. Non-verbal signals give out the interlocutor, sometimes put in doubt that what was said.

Mimica. The main indicator of the senses of the speaker is the expression of the face. For everyone who participates in the conversation, on the one hand, it is important to be able to "decipher", "understand" the facial college. On the other hand, it is necessary to know to what extent he himself owns facial expressions as far as it is expressive. So, raised eyebrows, widely opened eyes, lowered down the tips of the lips, ajar mouth testify to surprise; Lowned down eyebrows, curved wrinkle on the forehead, squeezed eyes, closed lips, compressed teeth express anger. Mimica can be serious or cheerful, but it should always be friendly. In general, the behavior during the pronouncement of speech increases its expressiveness and establishes contact with the listeners.

Signs. A person uses a lot of varied gestures when communicating. The language is taught since childhood, and gestures are absorbed by the natural way, and although no one pre-explains, does not decipher their meaning.

Gestalkulation should be moderate, only then it is effective. There are no template triggering figures. The lively gesture is more likely to emphasize their words. With the help of fingers, you can explain the nuances.

With the gestures of the speaker, you need to be careful and try so that they do not get into the eyes, and were congruent verbal semantic volume of speech . Depending on the purpose of the gestures are divided into rhythmic, emotional, index, visual, symbolic, rhetorical, gaming, magical. Consider some of them.

Indexing gestures. Is it possible to perform orders: "Open the window", "this book do not take, take the wrong one, if they are pronounced without a gesture? In such situations, an index gesture is required. They says to them allocate some kind of object from a number of homogeneous, shows the place - near, at the top, above us, there, emphasizes the order of following - in turn, through one. You can point out a look, nickname head, hand, turning the body. An indicative gesture is recommended to use in very rare cases when there is an object (or visual allowance) to which you can specify.

Symbolic gestures. Symbolic gestures are connected in the consciousness of the native speakers with a certain emotional state of the speaker, with an expression of relationship to the situation of speech. Powers of actors, singers - a symbol of gratitude for a warm welcome, for applause, the actor spreads his hands wide on the part, as if concluding in his arms sitting in the hall.

Some symbolic gestures have a very definite value. For example, crossed hands indicate a protective reaction. Hands, headed for his head, express excellence. Hands in Boki - a symbol of inconsistency. Cook your head - a sign of trouble or trouble. The symbolic gesture is often characteristic of a number of typical situations. The statements may not be accompanied by one, but several gestures.

Gestles should indicate the movement of the thought and feelings of the speaker, to be a physical expression of his creative efforts. Unjustified gesture, gesture gesture does not decorate speech. The best gesture is the one who is not noticed, which is organically merged with the word and enhances its impact on the listeners.

When speech exposure, it seems very important communicative position Each of the participants in communication. It is determined by the degree of authority of the individual participant in communication, the influence of his speech in a particular situation. Communicative position may be initially strong or weak (the boss - the subordinate, the parent is a child, a teacher - a student). Communicative position of each participant may change in the process of communication: there are special rules for the protection or strengthening of the communicative position:

· Repeat treatment (law of the name);

· Increased emotionality of speech;

· Approach to the interlocutor;

· Physical contact with the interlocutor (touch);

· Open gestures;

· Enlarging the interlocutor (when we praise it, we allocate from others);

· Demonstration of benevolence with facial expressions and gestures;

· Appearance attractiveness.

Protecting your communicative position, we do not allow the interlocutor to put pressure on us. You can protect your position:

· By increasing the distance between us and the interlocutor;

· Embossed for an obstacle (table, bouquet of flowers, etc.);

· Locking back when conversation;

· Taking closed poses (crossing hands on breasts, etc.)

It is necessary to distinguish between the speech effect (the impact on a person in order to convince him to consciously take our point of view, consciously decide on any action, information transfer) and manipulation (impact in order to encourage him to do something unconsciously or contrary to his own desire, initial intent). When the regulatory and speech rules are violated when communicating, it is not possible to avoid communicative failures, i.e. This completion of communication when its goal is not achieved. Speech impact experts also use the expression "Communicative Suicide", in cases where a rough mistake was allowed, which makes further communication ineffective (for example, the speaker starts speech from the phrase "Sorry, which take time to you" or "I do not delay you for a long time ... ").

Communication efficiency is associated with the ability to achieve the goal. Communication goals may be different:

1) informational - convey information to the interlocutor, receiving confirmation that it is obtained;

2) the subject - to get something, find out, change in the behavior of the interlocutor;

3) Communicative - to form certain relationships with the interlocutor.

The impact is considered effective if all three goals have been achieved. Communication is considered effective if the subject goal is reached. Speech impact can be considered effective if the subject goal is not achieved on objective reasons.

Topic 3. Basics of business communication. The concept of official-business style.

Business conversation - This is a complex multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the service sphere. Its participants act in official status and are focused on achieving the goal, specific tasks. The specific feature of the named process is the regulation, that is, the subordination of the established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles. The accepted procedure and form of passage in the service is called business etiquette. Its main function is the formation of rules that contribute to mutual understanding of people. The second value is the feature of convenience, i.e. feasibility and practicality. Modern domestic service etiquette has international signs. Business etiquette includes two groups of rules: - norms operating in the field of communication between equal in status, members of one team (horizontal); - norms that determine the nature of the contact of the head and subordinate (vertical). A general requirement is considered friendly and preventive attitude to all colleagues for work, partners, regardless of personal sympathies and antipathies. Types of business communication . According to the method of exchanging information, the oral and written business communication is distinguished. Oral types of business communication, in turn, are divided into monologic and dialogic. TO monologic Views include: Welcome speech; trade speech (advertising); information speech; Report (at a meeting, meeting). Dialogic Views: Business conversation, business conversation, negotiations, interviews, discussion, meeting, press conference; Telephone (distant) conversation. The ability to behave with people is properly one of the most important factors determining the chances of achieving success in business relations. Dale Carnegie back in the 30s noticed that the successes of one or another person in his financial affairs even in the technical sphere or engineering business of fifteen depends on his professional knowledge And percent of eighty-five - from his ability to communicate with people. In this context, it is easily explained by the attempts of many researchers to formulate and substantiate the basic principles of ethics of business communication or, as they are often called in the West, the commandments of Personal Public Relation. You can highlight six basic principles of business etiquette :1. Punctuality (Do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who makes everything in time is regulatory. Cancellations prevent work and are a sign that it is impossible to rely on a person. Experts studying the organization and distribution of working time are recommended to add extra 25 percent to that time, which, in your opinion, is required to fulfill the commissioned work.2. Confidentiality (Do not talk too much). Secrets of the institution must be stored as carefully as personal secrets. There is also no need to retell someone heard from the colleague, the head or subordinate of their official activity or personal life. Courtesy, goodwill and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with colleagues politely, friendly and friendly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty. Attention to others (Think of others, not just about yourself). Respect the opinion of others, try to understand why they had a one or another point of view. Always listen to criticism and advice of colleagues, bosses and subordinates. When someone poses doubt on the quality of your work, show that appreciate the considerations and experience of other people. Confidence should not interfere with you to be modest. Exterior appearance (Dress up, as it should be). The main approach is to fit into your environment, and within this environment - in the contingent of employees of your level. Literacy (Speak and write good language). Internal documents Or letters sent beyond the institution must be set forth with a good language, and all names are their own transferred without errors. The most important principles of communication by phone : 1. If there, where you call, you do not know, appropriate from the secretary to ask you to introduce yourself and find out how you call you. Call yourself and briefly set out the cause of the call. Violation of the rules of business etiquette is considered to be issued for a friend to whom you are calling, only to connect you rather than with it. Gross violation - Do not call back when your call is waiting. It is necessary to call back at the first opportunity. If you call a person who asked you to call, and it was not in place or he could not approach, ask to convey that you called. Then you need to call again, or say when and where you can easily find.5. When the conversation is long, assign it to such a time when you can be sure that your interlocutor has enough time on the conversation. Never speak with your mouth stuffed, do not chew and do not drink during the conversation.

Features of official-business style.Official-business style serves the scope of administrative and legal activities. The functions of this style are informational, prescribing, stateing. The main form of formal business style is written. The following formal-business style varieties are distinguished:

· Actually official-business style (the so-called stationery);

· Legal style (style of laws and decrees);

· Diplomatic style (implemented in the field of international communication).

For vocabulary official speech is characteristic:

1) widespread use of special words and terms (legal, diplomatic, accounting, etc.);

2) a large number of abbreviations: Ministry of Emergency Situations, Air Force, CIS, PE, Ministry of Financeand etc.

3) consumption of words and expressions not taken in other styles: the above, the following, proper, is prohibited, preventive measure. These include sustainable phrases: cassation complaint, act of disobedience, subscription of the unseen and etc.

Regular use of such words and expressions that do not have synonyms contributes to the accuracy of speech.

Morphological traits official-business speech is determined by her name Character: Absolute dominance of names with minor use of verbs. In terms of speech revolutions, a chain of the forms of the genitive case of a noun arises:

Clarification of the crime conditions;

This gives the phrase heavywealth.

Adjectives and communities in business speech are often used in the meaning of nouns: the patient, resting, the following.

Productive brief forms of adjectives: must is obliged, obligatory, it is necessary, accountable, the normaton is responsible.The appeal to them is dictated by the prescribed nature of the business speech.

Indicatively selection of pronoun in business speech: personal pronouns are not used (due to the complete absence of individualization of speech, concreteness, accuracy of statements), instead of index pronouns ( this one, such et al.) The words are used: this, present, corresponding, known, specified, the above, the following and etc.

For the characteristics of the verbs in official speech, its name is important: it determines the high frequency of verbs ligaments: it becomes carried out.Inteinatives are consumed in the value of the imperative ignition: take note, remove etc.

Syntaxofficial business style reflects the impersonal nature of speech: complaints are served by the prosecutor, the carriage of goods is produced.Syntax structures in official speech are rich in sustainable turnover with inflammatory pretexts: for purposes, in connection, on the basis of et al. for example: in order to improve the structure, based on the decision etc.

The use of such syntactic designs is necessary to express typical situations. They make it easier and simplify the remaining of typical texts. In official-business speech, complex proposals are dominated by the causes, goals, consequences, condition.

Varieties from paddy documents. In Russian word document entered the Petrovsk era: documentbegan to call business papers that had legal significance. To date, there are about 60 types of managerial documents. Service documents are divided into several large groups in their functional meaning: personal, administrative (decree, order, order); administrative and organizational (contract, plan, charter); information and reference (certificate, memorandum note); Service and commercial letters (business letter, cover letter, letter invitation, warranty letter, initiative letter, letter request); Financial and accounting documents [Culture 1997: 105]. Each document has a defined text form. There are five types of writing texts: linear recording (autobiography, statement, power of attorney, etc.), stencil (certificates, contracts), table (financial statements), questionnaire (personalized personnel accounting), textbooks (orders, solutions). Personal documents . Personal documents include a statement, power of attorney, questionnaire, autobiography, explanatory note, resume. The very late occurrence is a summary. This genre variety is used for self-tasks to interest the employer. International Standard prescribes to dial the text of the resume on the computer. Typical summaryincludes: 1. Personal data of the applicant (surname, name, patronymic, date, place of birth, marital status, citizenship) .2. Addresses and applicant phone numbers with time to contact.3. The name of the vacancy, which is claimed by the author of Summary. The list of jobs and studies in chronological order, indicating the full official name of organizations, the time of staying in them, the name of the position held (in case of study, the name of the educational specialty) .5. Additional information (experience of freelance work, social activities, professional retraining) .6. Other information (accompanying knowledge and skills, including computer ownership, car driving, knowledge foreign languages, overseas trips, etc.). 7 Interests, inclined related to the estimated professional activity applicant. Recommendations (information on recommendations) .9. Date. 10. Signature. Let us competently compile personal documents characterizes the level of competence of the linguistic personality. Samples of documents, their composition and design are enshrined in the State Standard "Organizational and administrative documentation. Basic provisions. " - M.: Glavalagiv, 1975. Speech impact, in a broad sense, the impact on individual and / or collective consciousness and behavior, carried out by a variety of voice resources, in other words - with the help of reports in natural language. Sometimes, the use of messages constructed by the means of so-called paralynguistic (ie "olollingvistical") of semiotic systems, to which include, first of all, gestures, mimic and postures (the so-called kineyk, forming the core of paralyingvistics in a traditional understanding last); Aesthetic codes of verbal creativity (for example, stylistic codes and an intertextual reference system); as well as in the case of written communication, the means of graphic design of the text (metaigrafemic). see also Semiotics; Grass Communication.

In a narrow sense, which in practice is occurring much more often, under speech exposure understand the use of the features of the device and the functioning of the listed iconic systems, and above all natural languageIn order to build messages with an increased ability to influence the consciousness and behavior of the destination or address addresses.

The nature of speech exposure To clarify the ratio of widespread and narrow understanding of speech impact, it should be noted that the need for language communication between people arises if they should continue to interact with each other in the future. For example, one of the interlocutors will have to execute the order or request of the other; or answer his question; or succumb to his exhortation; or, let's say, the interlocutors will have to meet somewhere, and they exchange the promises on this occasion to be at the agreed time in an agreed place; Or one of the interlocutors reports something else and expects the fact that the other will continue to act in accordance with the knowledge he received; etc. In the world, in which no one needs anything from anyone, no need for communication, or in the transfer of information does not arise; Accordingly, it is not needed in it and language. Ultimately, the language acts as a tool for coordinating the activities of people. Any speech act, thereby turns out to be a special form of impact on its addressee, - the impact carried out by transfer to the latter of some information, essential so that he will continue to take some place in the activity of the speaker.

Such a wide understanding of speech exposure, however, turns out to be low. To justify a narrow understanding, it is necessary to indicate that the listening has some of its interests and is not always ready to take the place that is prepared by him in the plans of the speaker. Few people do not think ready to execute the order to jump from the fifteenth floor; Not every person is guaranteed to respond to a call for the "Block Zhirinovsky" or agree to consider OMSA tights the best from Moscow and to the find; And even just listen to the release of news or remember well and to further distinguish the name of some firm not everyone is inclined. A person usually surrounds his consciousness with a certain protective barrier, able to resist someone else's exposure and, if possible, to ensure that the coordination of activities, and not just the inclusion of oneself in other people's plans; And the person himself is the clocks guarding this protective barrier and controlling the passage through it. Effective overcoming the protective barrier is what is understood as a speech exposure in a narrow sense and what is studied by a special discipline, called the theory of speech impact.

Developing a "protective barrier" metaphor, it can be said that the result of the interaction of communicants, as elsewhere depends on the reliability of this barrier and the resistance of the hour, on the one hand, and on the effectiveness of the tool acting on the protective barrier, on the other. Based on considerations common senseIt is easy to imagine several basic ways to overcome protection. First, the barrier can be borrowing, using a gross force, and if necessary, if necessary, in some way to deal with this - at least intimating or "disabling" it. Secondly, in the barrier you can find some vulnerable places, take advantage of the clockwork, etc. Thirdly, through the barrier and past the clock you can imperceptibly "leaving". Fourthly, you can penetrate through the barrier openly and at the same time non-violently - say, saying the password, presenting a pass by convincing the watch that the barrier is not worth protecting at all, or catching "yours." Finally, fifth, the hour can be bribed, offering him some compensation for non-fulfillment of debt.

All these major cases are easily interpreted in relation to the situation of speech exposure and set the most common approach to the approaches describing its mechanisms. In particular, the first case describes the use of massive repetition and emotional pressure practiced in propaganda, as well as within the framework of particularly intensive advertising campaigns. All kinds of psychological techniques on people, suggestive techniques, logical traps, etc. are directed to finding vulnerable places. Official overcoming is the subject of rhetoric research and the theory of argumentation. The bribery within the framework of the metaphor under consideration is, first of all, the investment in an attractive packaging: aesthetic pleasure is compensation for the willingness to agree with the proposed views, estimates, interpretations, etc. As for the "seeping", it is precisely it traditionally represents the main interest for the theory of speech exposure, although, of course, the boundaries between the listed approaches and the corresponding disciplines are very relative. In particular, the so-called "people management techniques" listed in numerous practical allowances commonly written by psychologists connect different principles to effectively overcome protective barriers of consciousness.

The fact that the subject of the theory of speech exposure is primarily the situations in which the object of impact is not aware of what is such, led to a great popularity of such a category as language manipulation. In general, it describes exactly such a situation, and the definition of "linguistic" is not available in this term, clearly indicating a narrow understanding, but the term "manipulation" has one unpleasant property: he is manipulating himself. The prototypical situation of manipulation assumes that the manipulated is not simply not aware of the impact, but besides, it acts to harm himself (and the manipulator pursues predominantly unlapping goals). Such a development of value is understandable and justified: if I do not know what you do, I can use me for purposes, not at all corresponding to my own. However, if the term "manipulation" begins to be used as a generic, the implicit evaluation imposed by them leads to a deliberately negative interpretation of such situations that, perhaps, do not require or do not deserve it. Calling someone skillful manipulator, you not only make an approval about the effectiveness of the speech impact carried out by these face, but also negatively and at the same time implicitly assess it: the usual consumption, nothing better than the textbook examples of semantic pairs of type

spy / Scout or fallen / delay , the main difference between which is estimated.

Just as the protective barrier of consciousness has a strength limit and all sorts of weak points, speech and, wider tools, semiotic impacts may have greater or less efficiency. The outcome of the impact is determined by the possibility of more accurate knowledge, firstly, about the device "defensive frontiers", limiting the possibilities of affecting the personality, and secondly - the knowledge of semiotic means to overcome the protective barriers and the ability to use them. In the case of speech exposure, semiotic funds are detailed as features of the device and the functioning of the language.

Main spheres of speech exposure There are some areas of life in which speech impact, and often genuine language manipulation practiced especially often and play a very important role.

First of all, two extensive spheres should be called, which always attracted and attracting increased public attention and are best studied with the point of view that interests us. This, on the one hand, political, and on the other - promotional communication. By the way, they are very close, and in some of their forms they almost coincide (in the case of political advertising, which is largely built in the image and similarity of commercial; there is also such a specific sphere as social advertising).

Elements of speech impact, of course, are present in training and education - which is sharply experienced by the chases of unusted development human personality. It is not clear, however, whether it is possible here in principle to do without influencing and even manipulation, - very much its definition coincides with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe formation and socialization of the child.

The following two spheres, in which the role of both speech impact and applied analysis of language forms used in communication are developed in modern Western societies. This is, firstly, the procedural and judicial practice of competitive type. Stregnated in the literature and especially in the movie the sample is a proceeding in the United States with his carefully developed language and attention to "Everyone of your word, which [from some point] can be used against you," but this attention naturally arises in any judicial systembased on similar principles. At the turn of 19 and 20 centuries. Russian courts were arranged in part in a similar way - and it is not surprising that in 1910 in Russia there was a twice reprinted and in Soviet times the book P.S. Porokhovshchikova (P.Sergeich)

Speech art on court , many of which the examples given in which can be considered as pearls of linguistic manipulation - say, the designation of robbers in judicial speech aspersons who violate barriers and constipation, for koim citizens seek to protect their property (Such a designation of unseemly reality is innocent words called euphemism), wounds asviolations of bodily immunity or the promotion of morals as the provisions of cases in whichfist provided freedom of breaking physiognomy . Another sphere of intensive speech exposure using the characteristics of language forms is psychotherapy, as well as its kind as neurolynguistic programming (see a special article.). Along with medical psychotherapy, there are various elevated her shapes. On the one hand, they refers to communication with the confessor. On the other hand, if not coming down to psychotherapy, then in any case it is closely closed with her extensive world of folk psychotherapy - all kinds of magic, conspiracies, creek, etc. In all forms of psychotherapy, there is quite a lot in common, which is reflected in an attempt to construct some common theory to describe all these forms, the name (however, far from generally accepted) suggestive linguistics.

It is also obvious that the impact on consciousness increased by efficiency by selecting language forms is carried out by all types of verbal arts, literature primarily. All of them use the most diverse methods of speech exposure, but possess their own specific capabilities.

Finally - and this is very important - elements of manipulation are inherent and our daily communication.

Further consideration is carried out mainly on examples related to political and advertising spheres.

Speech exposure background The following objects are obviously as follows:Psychological. Human consciousness is largely vulnerable to external influences: weak places in a protective barrier have a lot. Consciousness inertia, and therefore you can save the expectations of the interlocutor or inform him of the most famous something that he could and cannot disagree if it separated this new from the famous. Consciousness is prone to simplifications and does not like contradictions, and therefore willingly succumb to a slim and beautiful deception. It is inclined to exaggerate the role of human intentions and actions and underestimate objective factors and chance, especially when evaluating those figures that a person opposes himself (the attitude towards themselves is subject to distortion - this is known from the social psychology "Fundamental Error of Attribution"), etc.Cognitive. A person has a certain model of the world (cm . Language picture of the world), the features of the device of which can be used by a manipulator. For example, advertising campaigns can be built on the operation of the image of goods, services, etc. or on his consciously broken; In any case, the image is taken into account. Example here can serve advertising companies tours to Spain (Bravo, ESPA a. ) And to Turkey ( Rhythm of life Feel in Turkey ) respectively. Brain teaser . Understanding language statements is associated with the implementation of logical conclusions that can be specifically sent to the erroneous direction. For example, many prophecies of the Delphian Oracle are well known, pushing, according to legend, to erroneous conclusions. For example, in poem K. KavafisNero's term It is described how the oracle advised the 30-year-old nervous "fear of seventy-three years." Running Nero continued his madness, and at the time of the outskirts of the Empire, in Spain, 73-year-old Galba collected the army in a deep secret, just after a few months forced Nero to escape from Rome and commit suicide. Sociological. According to some reports, about 85% of people are a conformist (and this figure is a constant of the social universe, which determines the stability of human communities; Over 15% of conflict individuals are able to blow up society, and at least they are stagnant, which makes it vulnerable to external threats) and in The power of this is simply inclined to be manipulating.Communication and semiotic. For communication takes place enough smoothly and did not turn into a fight and dispute about the ways of describing reality, these differences are in the event that they are irrelevant for the purposes of communication - it is necessary to close the eyes, as was ready to make Captain Lunner from the story A.Nekrasov, When his yacht "Bed" in the song was called Corvette. (That's just about Corvete, he, of course, was somewhat exaggerated. What is Corvette there !.. And however, this is a kind of decoration of speech. In the song it is allowed. In the report, in the flight report, in a cargo act, of course, such inaccessibility is inappropriate, and in the song - why ? Although the dreadnote is called, only it will be solid. ) The differences between the language forms are meaningful when it is important for the participants of the dialogue, and insignificant (variations), when the participants in the dialogue are prone to these differences to neglect. Virtually any formal difference available in the language can be made significant - and at the same time, under certain conditions, it may be ignored (to be considered as options for describing the same reality) even very significant differences, let's say between the values \u200b\u200bof nounsyacht and dreadnought . Structural and semiotic. Any semiotic system is not just true - it interprets it, suggests some kind of its specific vision, and the same situation of reality can be interpreted in different ways, and the speaker always, not even wanting it to some extent imposes listening to some of her interpretation. To the extent that the semiotic system used is natural, the structural-semiotic prerequisites of speech exposure are transformed into linguistic.See also Linguistic relativity of the hypothesis.

In the remainder part of the article, it is linguistic prerequisites - in accordance with the practice that established in the theory of speech impact.

Tools of speech exposure Let us now turn to the question of which particular characteristics of the structure of the language can be used to effectively overcome the protective barriers of consciousness during speech exposure. In other words, what language tools are used for speech exposure purposes?

The answer looks partly paradoxical. On the one hand, for the purposes of speech exposure, almost any part of the language structure can be disposed of. On the other hand, there is only one tool to be the use of significant variation of language structures, in which the differences between them, sometimes very thin, and sometimes very significant, are ignored by the address of the communication in the framework of the Communicative Compromise, and as a result, One of several possible interpretations of the surrounding reality is imposed. Ideally, from the point of view of the goals of speech exposure - pleasing speaker.

So, consider the main cases of significant selection of language tools and characterize the consequences of such a selection, noting that all linguistic instruments listed below can take not only the "skill", but also "Number". First of all, it concerns the use of emotionally loaded vocabulary, jargon, "ergative-shaped" syntactic structures, some rhetorical techniques, metaphor (

cm . Content analysis). Selection / Design of the formal shell text. From the practice of poetry well known potential separate sounds Human speech is the so-called phonosemantics, formed by the associative component of sounds and transmitting their letters. These direct links between sound and meaning are very vague, with difficulty clarifying and may be refuted by many examples, but they are felt, transmitted and at least partially possess the general capacity - such are sound-proceeding associations ("Rocky R", "smoothness and cracker l", " tsp H "," prairiness and "," gloomy y ", etc.). Poets (A. Ravbo, V.Hlebnikov, P. Neudoye) attempts to reveal other associations of sounds. Until recently, the relevant issues were considered only in the poetics, but at present, negative heuristics, discrediting research in this area, was lifted in linguistics.

If you get distracted from still a very controversial area of \u200b\u200bphonosemantics, you can confidently state a quasi-lubricant impact of repeating letters (on a letter) and sound complexes used in elegant literature (there is called alliteration; Wed at Mayakovsky:

Shadow leaning the spring day. - Government newsletter was mastered or its same Where he is bronze ringing or granite face ; or well-known joking formula of the Gothic novelMurders and horrors in the sullen estate ), in commercial advertising (slogansVella - you are great ; Clean - purely secret; Repeating sound complexes are highlighted), as well as in folk psychotherapy (conspiracies, etc.). In addition to quasi-virus exposure, the use of this kind of funds can find a aesthetic response.

Fundamentally affected allitatee use of rhythmized and rhymed texts (rhyme and rhythm - the phenomena of one-order, and these terms themselves rise to the same Greek word). Their exposure mechanism is approximately the same as in the case of alliteration, but rhythm (especially poetic size and especially in a silhlor-tonic poems, characteristic of Russian poetry) perceived much more consciously than alliteration, and not to realize the presence of rhyme is generally difficult, As evidenced by experiments on the presentation of the rhymed and written text with the poetic size of the text in recording without dividing on rows and stanza (after a few lines, it begins to read as a poetic). Rhythmized and rhymed texts are actively used in all types of advertising, including political (

So that trouble has come, vote yes - yes - no - yes etc.). see also Sound organization of text.

Phonosemantic, allyteration and rhythmic features of the sound form are quite adequately transmitted to written speech. There are, however, the factors of phonetic effects that are reserved solely for speech oral. This is, firstly, the promotional means of language: intonation, the voice register (the voice of a low and ultra-low register is perceived as specially impressive and authoritative), the so-called lamp (intricate, strenuous "ringing lamp", a relaxed voice) and articulation poses, speech pace and Pause. Secondly, a peculiar means of exposure can be an individual voice taken in its entirety its characteristics and well recognizable (as well as parody). A well-identified middle person an individual voice can serve " business card»Politics - It is enough to mention the voice of V.V. Zhirinovsky in advertising applies and parody of an individual voice. A series of witty advertising clips, pronounced by V.I. Lenin's voice and with the prepared quotes from it, at one time sounded on Radio 101. A similar technique with paroding of Votes A.I. Bedy, B.N. Heltsin, the same Zhirinovsky, M.S. Gorbachev was used in advertising casino "Cosmos", and the screensaver with the imitation of V.V. Mamakovsky's voice (

Your comrade, different opinions. - will be listened and happened already ) Serves calls for interactive surveys "Ricoch" on the radio "Echo of Moscow".

His specific means of exposure are also in writing. This is the so-called metaigrafemic, in particular, its funds such as the supragrafemic (selection of font set, font selection tools - italics, underscore, discharge, the use of capital letters, varying saturation and font size) and topographic (methods for placing printed text on the plane). For example, a number of font sets have distinct historical associations. The so-called bars fonts, Italian and Egyptian, who were popular at the beginning of the 20th century, used in the then posters and preserved in leading logos soviet newspapers ("True", "Izvestia") are strongly associated with the circle of "People's Revolutionary" representations. The Headset "Elizavetinskaya" is associated with the pre-revolutionary past of Russia and especially from the 18th century, Caroling Mounts are perceived as a reference to Western European Middle Ages, etc. Other fonts may have emotional associations - grace and frivolity or, on the contrary, solidity and thoroughness, etc. Saturated inscription and large bowls iconically (that is, based on the non-random association with the transmitted idea) indicate the importance and / or volume, and italic in Russian written has a very complex complex of use, including associations based on associations.

The diagonal layout of the text on the plane (technically able to have a form of an inclined line or the "ladder") has several different associations: in the case of a diagonal location from the left lower angle to the right top is the ideas of movement and rapidness; or negligence and arbitrariness; or determination ("Diagonal of Resolution"); In the case of placing the text diagonally from the upper left corner, the right lower right is traced and is often implemented by the idea of \u200b\u200bchoice ("" menu diagonal ").

Selection / Designing of Words and Expressions. The most common and best mastered language instrument, which is used for the purposes of speech exposure, of course, is the choice of words and the combinations equivalent to them, in particular phraseological units. Due to diversity lexical semantics The choice of words is a universal tool, with the help of which various types of exposure are carried out.

In the meaning of many words, there is an emotional component, and through the choice of such words, a strong emotional impact can be replenished (especially if it is complemented by other means). For example, having wrapped on the reader a continuous flow of references to

betrayal, looting, ideological manure , destructive wave expendables fall sub rule ideas nightmare intervention scary invasions flasky theories non-natives exercises barbaric invasions stinky Omte. etc. (Examples from a small editorial fragmentPolicy betrayal , Soviet Russia on August 19, 1995), a person is quite possible to excite, turn into, intimidate and thus modify his behavior. This kind of appeal to emotions, of course, is not the prerogative of the left-fined divisional discourse - Wed, for example, the passage from the speech of G.A. Evening at the VII Congress of Apple:Envy and hatred , meanness and violence who became the norm of morality, cultivated as the foundations of the communist totalitarian authority, power stretching merzavtsev , presented and hate own people . It is clear that fundamentally similar linguistic means, only with the "built-in" positive emotional component, can be activated, supported and operated and positive emotions. Many phraseologisms are also emotionally painted.

Stylistically neutral words may have an estimated component and various kinds of connotations and associations, which contributes to, and fail - prevents the goals of speech exposure. So, after one and a half decades of intensive discussion of the negative sides of the revolutionary public development word

the revolution In relation to whatever parties to social development, at least the positive evaluation connotation and positive associations have lost. There are words in which the estimated component flaps in everyday use of their importance - this is actually a cursing, which includes such expressions as, say,fascist or extremist . In almost every word, a certain fragment of the model of the world is fixed, and the models can be very diverse. Words can fix in their content different points of view (victory and defeat - these are the descriptions of the same situation considered from different positions, and the same event can be calledvictory « Spartak "I. lesion « Lokomotiva "), Asymmetry in the positions of participants in the situation (reports Head subordinate, andconsults For some question, more competent in this matter is less competent, etc.), various logical status of content elements (blame , attribute some misconduct, which is assumed to be represented, andcondemned On the contrary, they suggest some act perfect and declare his prevention - an example of Y.D.Apresian), various comparative significance of semantic components (in the wordmanager The first plan comes out of the management process, and in the wordbusinessman - about the object of management and its results; Hence the difference in their compatibility -strong businessman , but ?? strong managers - And although weakly pronounced, but the difference in the estimated semantics:good businessman It sounds preferable thangood managers ). Often, emotional impact is jointly with the impact on social representations with the help of words in which the relationship of "His / Alien" is recorded (and through them and evaluation):aggression - "Supporthostile to us side ", ( iNTERNATIONAL ) help - "Supportfriendly to us side "; atrochatses - "Implementedimi murder ", retribution, stripping – " we carry out killings "; stability corresponding to our interests ", unstable - "Political and economic conditions,not corresponding to our interests "; flexibility – " my compromise", unprincipled – " his Compromise ", etc.

An important role in establishing the relationship of "his / alien" with the audience plays the use of Zhargon, as well as the exact choice of appeal (someone is pleasant to be considered the gentlemen, someone - comrades, and someone - fellow countrymen, colleagues, compatriots, lads, men and etc.) and proper use of pronoun

we. In particular, using one or another jargon (for example, speaking ofcathedral , world backstage , temporary occupation mode , domestic producer , nomenclature revenge , believers or promising water terrorists in the sort ), saying indicates itself as belonging to the same group as other carriers of this jargon; or shows some specific respect for this group, its values, methods, and so on; Or at least reports its awareness of the presence of such a group.

The obvious tool of instructions is the choice of familiar and understandable (or, on the contrary, unusual and incomprehensible - if the text is intended for a narrow circle of dedicated) words. An example of the latter can serve any kind of sophisticated vocabulary - a wonderful term, which illustrates itself,

sophisticated means "wisdom."

With the help of the word selection, the impact and on the image of reality. Most often you have to meet with the already mentioned euphemisms - words representing reality in a more favorable light than it could be represented. By the way, this means that euphemisms often have a positive emotional color, thereby providing an emotional impact. Language mechanisms behind euphemisms are different. For example, calling a civil war

events , speaking uses an unnecessarily abstract description of a situation in which much (really the most important thing) turns out to be unspoken, however, and calling itlarge-scale clashes of armed groups in the struggle for power , He also manipulates reality, because such a description (the dictionary definition of the civil war) destroys the unified image of the situation - in other words, the forest disappears behind the trees. Calling somethingtragedy , but not crime , talking Mosts makes an inappropriate talk about responsibility, for the crime is the culprit, and there is no tragedy.

Eufemistry is often offset estimated scale. For example, in the practice of a refereeing on dog exhibitions, the rating "good" really means "badly" (its receipt is described by a jargonal expression

watch ferret , the emotional-estimated color of which is obvious), "very good" means "satisfactory", and "excellent" means "good"; Higher appreciation is the award of the dog of the prize place (conclusion in the arrangement ) and special titles likeCAC, CACIB , LPP, etc.

For influence on the structure of values, phrases can be used, providing the modification of the usual categories - so at one time in Russian Soviet periods appeared

abstract humanism In contrastproletarian , proletarian Same internationalism , real socialism , international help And other similar expressions. Similar examples for the political language of the United States of the 1990s -unlocked aggression "Aggression against the countries supported by the United States", current risk "The risk that cannot be calculated",democratic resistance "Resistance to the modes, disagreeable United States" (definitions belong to E.Herman). Nouns in such expressions indicates the undeterposed value, which is desirable for all, but everyone is understood in different ways, and with the help of the definition some special understanding is fixed, often sharply opposed to the standard and not derived from the definition value standard rules. The definition in such expressions is usually emotionally painted and refers to another value.

Another type of modifications of the usual categories is the choice of non-standard designation used to describe the actions of the party to which the author is trying to cause antipathy - so appear expressions like

adherents of such a course ; those who lead all this etc.

Another reserve of speech impact through a lexical choice is to create (sometimes borrowing) new words and expressions. In Russian, there are considerable opportunities - cf. Already mentioned above

white Appliances , constructing terms of terms of typeyeltsinocyat , world backstage , mondialyism or liquidascular . An additional opportunity existing in Russian is the abundance of emotionally painted suffixes (they are far from all languages).see also CONNOTATION.Selection of syntactic structures. A fairly wide selection of speech effects is provided by syntax. The selection of the syntactic design is capable, in particular, to change the point of view, include or not to include in the focus of attention of certain participants in the situation and thereby reach the same eufmistry effect - or, on the contrary, avoid it.

Well known and described reception of speech impact is the use of a passive pledge instead of active and so-called nominalization, i.e. Transfer of phrase with the verb to the exclusive noun (

seized hostages , Capture hostages ): When using a passive collateral, information about the real action manufacturer may not be mentioned without the feeling of the incompleteness of the said; The event itself comes to the fore, and no one is responsible for him.

The special complication of the syntax can be a means of a conscious narrowing of the number of addressees, to which the text is addressed, i.e. serve as a means of separation on "their" and "strangers".

For the purposes of speech exposure can be used

ordering elements in structures with writing unions. The procedure for their following is usually non-random, and, by placing some element in the first place, speaking capable, among other things, establish the relationship "His / Alien" (for example,match between « Spartak » and « Locomotive "The Spartak fan will say and invite listening to solidarity with him and with Spartak, and aboutfrench-Russian meeting at the highest level - Obviously, only French), as well as to establish hierarchical relations in the form of reality (impact on the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bwith such means is hardly promising).Choice of macrostructures. Macrotructures (relatively new, but rapidly becoming commonly used by the term of the Netherlands Linguist Dequean) is such a means of organizing language texts that go beyond the offer. There are macrostructures that have clearly pronounced conformity in the surface form of the text, and such macrostructures that organize its meaningful side despite the fact that the form of their expression can be very diverse. First, dialogical macrostructures include some of the "speech figures" traditionally studied in rhetoric, for example, parallelism, as well as some other macrostructures - such as lists. The second is the so-called narrative structures, in accordance with which stories are being built about any events (exposure - launching / emergence of the problem - finding ways to solve the problem, etc.); Various emotional structures that are strategies for building text in accordance with models that fix emotionally significant sequences of states or events (success, failure, perseverance, etc.); rhetorical structures of the type used in the argument; Cause (causal) and a number of other structures. All of them possess the potential of speech exposure. For example, in the speech G.A. Evensky on the VII Congress of "Apple" there is an use of such well-known emotional macrostructures as "poisoned victory" (with its help, the history of the Soviet period is described), "Replacing the Dragon Burgomistrome" (as in the fairy tale E. Shvar ; Used to describe the post-Soviet history) and "hidden bliss" (presentation of hope for the revival of Russia). Common receptions in political texts are the dialogue and use of question-response structures; Declaration of intentions are almost inevitably drawn up in the form of lists and so on.Cognitive operations. Composite parts of the model of the world are metaphors, examples and analogies. All of them are involved in the implementation of cognitive operations involving the correlation of various conceptual areas and various worlds. The speech impact initiates these cognitive operations, and they are often considered (not entirely correctly) as the belonging of the text, not the model of the world, and as a means of speech exposure. More precisely, it is necessary to talk about speech tools for the launch of cognitive operations of metaphorical transfer, analogue and constructing an analogy. In addition to metaphor, examples and analogies based on some "stock", an important role in communication is also played by the operations of a somewhat different type - metonimical transfer (using type expressionsGrozny To designate the Chechen regime of the 1990s and the conceptual operations related to such use) and the establishment of relations between the text and some other texts (intertextual relations; being envisaged, they fulfill the role of a kind of hypertext links, mobilizing for the impact on the addressee affecting the potential sometimes other texts, films, musical works, etc.;cm . Intertextuality). Logic operations: ambiguity and implicit information. The expressions of the natural language are very often ambiguous, and the reasons for this are diverse - the presence of many values, ambiguity of syntactic structures (classic example - three values \u200b\u200bof the design with a genitive casestatue of Fidia : "FINDY owned by fid", "logged in fid" or "depicting fidiy"), the ambiguity of what the words or pronoun belong to ("Harrier. » So closely flew to the Argentine plane, that only the courage and cold-blooded pilot [Which of two?]prevented catastrophe ), the ability to extract different and sometimes incompatible logic conclusions (cm . Ambiguity). All these sources of ambiguity can be used for the "invitation" of the listening to a well-defined, advantageous for the speaker understanding, the responsibility for which saying in the case of which can deny.

The logical conclusion management can be carried out due to such a mentioned admission, as the choice of words and expressions, forcing the listening to carry out any semantic operations or, on the contrary, prevent some unwanted conclusions for the speaker. For example, asking

do you not know the question that the riots in X-e already stopped ? saying in implicit form informs the listening (a) that the unrest ceased (this is the so-called supposition, or presumption, verbknow : They know what is true, whereas, for example, it is possible to believe something and erroneously), (b) that they had a place (this is the supposition of verbstop ), as well as (c) that talking until he received evidence of the opposite, was sure that the listening party knows about the termination of the riots (this is part of the word meaningnot ).

The above list does not exhaust all the actual linguistic means of speech exposure, it includes only the most common and more frequently referred to the researchers.

Pavel Parshin

LITERATURE Levin Yu.I. About semiotics distortion of truth . - information issues of semiotics, linguistics and automatic translation, vol. 4. M., 1974
Kiseleva L.A. Questions of the theory of speech exposure . L., 1978.
Baranov A.N., P.B. ParshinLanguage mechanisms of variational interpretation of reality as a means of exposure to consciousness . - In the book: The role of language in the media. M., 1986.
Blakar R.M. Language as a tool of social power
Balinger D. Truth - Linguistic problem . - In the book: language and modeling of social interaction. M., 1987.
Lakoff J., Johnson M.Metaphors that we live . - In the book: language and modeling of social interaction. M., 1987.
Zhuravlev A.P. Sound and meaning . M., 1988.
Nikolaev T.M. " Linguistic demagogia " - In the book: Pragmatics and Intensional Problems. M., 1988.
Baranov A.N., P.B. ParshinThe impact potential of variation in the scope of the metagalog . - In the book: Problems of Speech Communication Effectiveness. M., 1989.
Baranov A.N., P.B. ParshinVariants and invariants of text macrostructures (to the formation of cognitive theory of discourse ). - In the book: Problems of language variation. M., 1990.
Tsymbursky V.L. Macrostructure of the narration and mechanisms of its social impact . - In the book: Cognitive studies abroad. Ideas and methods of artificial intelligence in the study of political thinking. M., 1990.
Baranov A.N., Karaululov Yu.N.Dictionary of Russian political metaphors . M., 1994.
Cherepanova I. House witch. Suggestive linguistics. St. Petersburg, 1996.
Dotsenko E.L. Psychology manipulation . M., 1997.
Morozova I. Slogging Slogany . M., 199 8
Speech implicit . M., 1999.
Populatts G.G. Communicative technologies of the twentieth century . M., 1999.
Tsuladze A. Political manipulations, or conquering crowd . M., 1999.
Chaldini R. Psychology of influence . 3rd international edition. M. - SPb, 1999
Baranov A.N. Introduction to Applied Linguistics . M., 2000.
Pirogova Yu.K. and etc.Advertising text: Semiotics and linguistics. M., 2000.

The main aspects of speech impact 1. Verbal speech impact is an impact with words. The affecting means is the selection of words, intonation, the content of the thought expressed to them. 2. Non-verbal - Impact with the help of incomplete funds that accompany our speech (gestures. Mimic, behavior during speech, the appearance of the speaker, distance to the interlocutor)

Speech exposure factors 1. Factor appearance. 2. Factor compliance with the communicative norm. 3. Contact establishment factor with interlocutor. 4. View factor. 5. Factor of physical behavior during speech. 6. Factor manners (friendliness, sincerity, emotionality, non-monotonicity, inspiration). 7. Placement factor in space. 8. Content factor. 9. Language factor. 10. Factor of the message volume. 11 Facts of the location of facts and arguments, ideas. 12. Time factor. 13. Factor number of participants. 14. Addressee factor.

Methods of speech impact. 1. Proving - the arguments confirming the correctness of any thesis are given. Proving is the logical path of speech exposure. 2. The belief is to unail in the interlocutor confidence that the truth is proved. Logic and emotion are used here. (Believe it, it is!; I know it for sure!) Convinceful, we try to actually impose our point of view to the interlocutor.

Methods of speech impact. 3. Cooking. Contact - this is emotionally encouraged the interlocutor to refuse his point of view. Cutting is always emotionally, personal motives are used. ("Well, please do it for me .., Well, what you stand ... I will be very grateful to you .." In serious matters, persuasion does not usually help.

Example: sign + and - achieving and accrediting target 1). - Please give salt! Information + - please subject + communicative + 2).) .- Pass, please salt! Information + subject - - sorry, there is no salt. Communicative +

Federal state budgetary educational institution Higher professional education

"Tambovsky state University named city Derzhavina

Medical Institute

Public Health and Health Department

on the topic: "Speech impact"

1. Basic conditions for the effectiveness of speech impact

2. Objectives of communication

Methods of speech impact

4. Practical training to speech exposure



1. Basic conditions for the effectiveness of speech impact

The characteristic adoption of the modern development of humanitarian knowledge is currently the intensive formation of a new science - science on speech exposure.

Speech impact is formed as a science that unites, integrating the efforts of representatives of psycholinguistics, the theory of communication, pragmalinguistics, traditional linguistics, conversion linguistics, rhetoric, logic, speech psychology, social psychology and psychology of personality, advertising, management, sociology, public relations, ethnography, conflictology .

The speech effect is formed at the end of the twentieth century as a science of effective communication. The term "speech impact" for the science of effective communication was proposed by us in 1990 in the work "Play of Seminars and methodical instructions According to the courses "Culture of political communication", "Oratoric skills and culture of speech", "Speech impact" (Voronezh, 1990) and are developed in a number of subsequent works of 1993-2002. Basic sciences for the formation of a new scientific discipline - speech science - are psycholinguistics and rhetoric. The formation of speech exposure as science is at the end of the twentieth century due to a number of reasons.

Causes of socio-political nature: The development of freedom, democracy, the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bindividual freedom, equality of people demanded a science that would show how to convince equal equal. It is not by chance that in ancient democracies, the speech impact played a prominent role, but there was no one in the Middle Ages, when the totalitarian and religious and dogmatic forms of the Board dominated. Currently, people "below" received certain rights. They stopped tremble before the bosses, since the laws began to defend them; Trade unions, political parties, various societies began to defend people; Human rights become gradually the most important side of the public life of developed states. People began to "negotiate" - the twentieth century became the "age of objections." In the current conditions of people, it became necessary to convince, and all (even children!). At the same time it became necessary to convince a wide range of persons unequal by each other in terms of education, culture, etc., but requiring an equal relationship. To convince became necessary in democratic states in the elections, in the face of pluralism of opinions and political life, in the face of political struggle - politicians it became necessary to learn to convince people in their right. The reasons psychological character: Since the end of the nineteenth century, the concept of a person in society is changing. If it was previously thought that a person is primitive, lazy, he needs a whip and gingerbread, and this can provide his adequate "functioning" in society, now the idea of \u200b\u200ba person changes. The development of culture, literature and art, the emergence of scientific psychology - all of this led to a change in the concept of man. The person turned out to be difficult, versatile psychologically, requiring a differentiated approach - in a word, personality. With this person, as it turned out, is every person, and not only the representatives of the elite, the enlightened part of society, representatives of the dominant classes. In addition, the twentieth century is the person's personification age, that is, the growth of individual uniqueness of the personality, increasingly dissolve each individual person on others (Parygin 1971, 1978). Increasing dislike of people on each other leads to difficulties in communication between them, which necessitates the need for communication science, in teaching communication. There are purely communicative causes of the development of science on speech impact in the twentieth century, that is, the causes associated with the development of human communication itself.

For our time, it is characterized by a sharp expansion of people's communication areas, an increase in the number of situations in which it is necessary to communicate and convince each other - not only in court and on noble collections. The value itself is expanding oral speechShe begins to perform more and more diverse functions, plays an increasingly significant role in society, which leads to the need to look for special techniques in communication, pay more attention to spoken speech.

There are economic reasons that contributed to the development of speech impact: competition, overproduction crises spawned the need for advertising science, "imposing" goods, "conquest" of buyers. It was the commitives that were the first to realize the need for science to convince. In addition, the twentieth century has brought changes in relation to work - people begin to appreciate the interesting ra6ness more, which requires managers and managers to skillfully organize the motivation of subordinates to work: it is necessary to stimulate them, motivate, convince. In modern Western management, the opinion is dominant that the improvement of technology ceases to give the expected economic effect, the greater effect gives the improvement of production management (this is called the "quiet managerial revolution"). All said and led to the occurrence of speech impact as science in modern world. Modern speech exposure science includes rhetoric as a science on effective public speech, business communication as an effective communication science to achieve a subject purpose, advertising as a science on the effective promotion of the goods in the market (in its text, language component).

Modern rhetoric continues certain traditions of classical rhetoric, but the conviction in modern rhetoric is carried out mainly not logical ways, but emotional psychological, taking into account the characteristics of the interlocutor and the audience; At the same time, the task is not so much to form knowledge as to form an opinion. Practical rhetoric (the term proposed in our manual "Practical rhetoric", Voronezh, 1993) is the most important component of speech impact, the most currently developed component of the science of speech impact. Business communication - in the broad sense of the word - this is a type of communication between people, when they are as intended to achieve a subject purpose - to get something or learn.

Business communication is opposed to the fatic (secular), that is, the conversation on common topicsFor time), entertainment, game communication, which do not put objectives, but only suggest communication goals - establishment, renewal, maintenance, development, maintenance of contact. The main purpose of business communication is to achieve an objective goal: to convince the partner to accept your specific proposals, encourage it to take concrete actions in your interests, give you the necessary information, take into account your interests in your actions, etc.

Business communication before the beginning of the twentieth century was practically absent both as science, and as practice. Currently, the science of effective business communication is actively formed, determines its categories, structure, descriptions of descriptions and training.

Business communication is an actively developing component of speech exposure as science. Advertising, undoubtedly, is mainly in the sphere of science on speech exposure - in its aspect that is associated with the text, but advertising includes the technical side - graphics, design, visual agents, etc., has a "economic" component, etc. Advertising before the beginning of the twentieth century was mainly practice, but at the beginning of the century it becomes both science, processing a number of modern sciences - psychology of perception, theory of text, sociology, linguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.

Advertising is also a very actively developing component of speech impact, making major steps forward, especially in recent years. From the history of the development of science on speech impact, the science of speech impact originated, like most modern humanitarian sciences in Ancient Greece and Rome. During the flourishing period of these states, rhetoric flourished, which taught effective public speech, the ability to keep a dispute and win the victory in the dispute. The rhetoric was necessary in ancient democracies as a means of communication equal to equal. The ancient rhetoric was founded mainly on the logic, the rules of logical reasoning and belief, and also contained recommendations on the technique of speech speech. In the Middle Ages, the logical rhetoric began to be considered scholastic science and practically died. She was revived in the twentieth century already on a new one, psychological basis - A modern person is already important not only and not so much logic as psychological, emotional techniques of beliefs.

The first caught, practically developed this trend and put it on the methodological basis American D. Carnegie at the beginning of the twentieth century. Dale Carnegie for the first time systematically described some of the most important rules and techniques for effective communication and began to train these techniques in public speech and business communication. Modern science on speech exposure actually arose on the basis of his ideas, although it was then developed by representatives of the whole conglomerate of sciences. Great practitioner and a spontaneous theorist, Dale Carnegie opened his first school, where he taught communication, in 1912 his contribution to the development of science on speech impact and in the practice of learning effective communication due to the popular nature of his famous books is not sufficiently evaluated by theorists, and modern stage Development, when the science of speech exposure has already actually stood on his feet, many linguists and psychologists have become fashionable to disappear from the ideas of D. Karknegi and expose it by destroying criticism - as a primitive researcher. This is clearly unfair and also unscientific. D. Karknegi is not as simple as his critics would like - just he wrote popularly, for a wide range of readers. D. Carnegie was primarily a practitioner, which is also visited by its main merit, although a number of important and right theoretical ideas can be found in his work. The contribution of D. Carnegie (1888-1955) to the formation of modern science on speech exposure can be generalized to the following:

He showed that people and laws apply in communication.

It showed that some rules, if to follow them, make communication more efficient.

Substantified the principle of tolerance in communication.

Proved that an adult in the process of learning and reflections over his own communication can increase the effectiveness of its communication.

Developed a method for teaching adult speech influences: to tell indicative cases from life and output the rules for effective communication.

It is necessary, however, to keep in mind that not all recommendations are D. Karknegi can be applied in the conditions of other countries - he took into account the psychology and life conditions of Americans and wrote their books for them. But most of the laws and rules allocated to them applies both in our practice. The most important meaning of books D. Karknegi is that he teaches people to think about his communication, improve its communication and shows that the improvement of communication skills and techniques with people in adulthood on the basis of the principle of tolerance and interest in the interlocutor is not only possible, but also leads To success in cases and improving relationships with others.

Further development of speech impact is associated in the second half of the twentieth century with the intensive development of communicative linguistics, the formation of anthropocentric paradigms in linguistics, intensive development of psycholinguistics, linguistic pragmatics, psychology of communication, learning needs to be effective business communication in the conditions of market relations, advertising needs. The formation of science on speech exposure is the bright sign of the modern development of humanitarian scientific knowledge-oriented by the practical needs of society. This science requires effort both theorists and practitioners. The theory of speech exposure to an important theoretical disturbance in the science of speech exposure is to distinguish between speech exposure and manipulation. Speech impact is an impact on a person with speech to encourage him to consciously take our point of view, consciously make a decision on any action, information transfer, etc. Manipulation is an impact on a person in order to encourage information to report information, make an act, change your behavior, etc. Unconsciously or contrary to his own opinion, intention. Science of speech exposure should include both the study of the means of speech impact and means of manipulation. A modern person must have all the skills, because in various communication situations, in various audiences, when communicating with various types, the interlocutor there is a need for both speech exposure and manipulation.

Manipulative impact as a type of speech exposure is not a crucial word or a morally condemned way of exposure to people. What is the subject of science on speech exposure? Speech impact is formed as a science on effective communication. What communication can be considered effective? Apparently, such that leads to the achievement of the target. But here a number of reservations are needed.

Firstly, the effectiveness of communication is determined in relation to each specific participant of communication or all together? It seems that effectiveness should be determined for each communicant separately. At the same time, in the dialogue, communication can only be for one of the participants or for both. At multilateral negotiations, communication may be effective for part of the participants. With regard to speaker speech in front of the audience, the effectiveness of the speech speech and the effectiveness of communicating with him will be different.

Secondly, the very concept of effectiveness will seem to be due to the achievement of the goals that the participant of communication in this communicative situation. Effective speech impact is such that allows the speaking to achieve the goal. However, the goals in communication may be different.

2. Objectives of communication

1. Information. This is a goal - to convey your information to the interlocutor and get confirmation that it is received.

Subject. This is a goal - to know anything, get, change in the behavior of the interlocutor.


This is a goal - to form certain relationships with the interlocutor. You can select such varieties of communicative purposes: install contact, develop contact, maintain contact, resume contact, complete contact. Communicative goals pursue such speech formulas as greeting, congratulations, sympathy, farewell, compliment, etc. Effective speech impact is that which allows the speaker to achieve the goal (or goals) and maintain the balance of relations with the interlocutor (communicative equilibrium), that is, to stay with him in normal relations, do not quarrel. Thus, an effective and efficient speech impact is different things. In other cases, the disadvantage of the subject purpose indicates the ineffectiveness of speech impact: it means that we didn't do something wrong - they were not so asked, not those techniques used, did not take into account some laws of communication, etc. If the interlocutors set themselves purely communicative goals - to support relations and at the same time comply with the canons of secular communication, then such communication (in the absence of violations) is always effective, since in this case the subject goal coincides with the communicative (support relationship).

Thus, communication is effective when we achieved the result and kept or improved relations with the interlocutor; At least - did not worse.

Communicative equilibrium there are two types - horizontal and vertical. Horizontal communicative equilibrium is the implementation in accordance with the rules of the role of equal in society, according to the degree of acquaintance, by age, on official position, by social status, etc. This means to justify role-playing expectations of equal to you, talking with them within the framework of adopted in society Rules of courtesy and respect. Vertical communicative equilibrium is associated with compliance with the norms of communication adopted for persons who are in unequal vertical relations: the head - the subordinate, the eldest is the younger, which occupies a higher official position - occupying a lower official position standing above in a social hierarchy - standing below in social hierarchy. And when horizontal, and with vertical communicative equilibrium, it is important that role-playing norms adopted in society. If equal does not command equal to him, the boss does not humiliate, the son has listened to parents, subordinate respectful, etc., then the communicative equilibrium is observed.

Finally, we can talk about the existence of a number of conditions, which are necessary to achieve the effectiveness of speech impact:

Real achievability of the subject purpose.

Compliance with conflict communication rules

Use of rules and techniques of speech impact.

3. Methods of speech exposure

1. Proving. Prove - this is the arguments confirming the correctness of any thesis. When proofing the arguments are given in the system, thoughtfully, in accordance with the laws of logic. Proving is the logical path of speech impact, appeal to the logic of human thinking

Conviction. To convince is to unail in the interlocutor confidence that the truth is proved that the thesis is installed. In conviction, logic is also used, and necessarily - emotion, emotional pressure.

Correction. To persuade is predominantly emotionally encouraged the interlocutor to refuse his point of view and accept our - just like that, because we really want this. Correction is always carried out very emotionally, intensively, uses personal motives and is usually based on repeated request or suggestions. Cutting effectively in the situation of emotional excitement, when the interlocutor equally can fulfill the request, and may not fulfill. In serious matters, persuasion usually does not help.

Klyanchiy. This is an attempt to achieve the result from the results source by multiple emotional repetition of request

Suggestion. It is impressed - it is to encourage the interlocutor just to believe you, to take on faith what you say to him - without thinking, without critical understanding. The suggestion is based on a strong psychological, emotional pressure, often on the authority of the interlocutor. Strong, volitional, authoritative personalities, "Charismatic types" (like Stalin) could instill people with almost anything.

Forced - it means to make a person do something against his will. Coercion is usually based on a rude nage or directly on the demo force, threats: "Wallet or Life". What of these methods of speech exposure are civilized? The first five. Speech impact as a science of effective and civilized communication teaches to do without coercion.

Thus, the speech impact is the science of choosing a suitable, adequate way of speech impact on a person in a particular communicative situation, about the ability to properly combine various methods of speech impact depending on the interlocutor and the situation of communication to achieve the greatest effect.

Two aspects of speech exposure are distinguished - verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal speech exposure is an impact with words. At verbal exposure, it matters in which speech form we express our idea in which words, in what sequence, how loudly, with what intonation is that when someone say. A non-verbal impact is an impact with the help of incomplete funds that accompany the speech (gestures, facial expressions, behavior during speech, the appearance of the speaker, distance to the interlocutor, etc.). Properly built verbal and non-verbal impact provide us with the effectiveness of communication. The communicative position of the speaker is another important theoretical concept of science on speech impact. Under the communicative position of the speaker means the degree of communicative influence, the authority of the speaker in relation to his interlocutor. This is the relative effectiveness of its potential speech impact on the interlocutor. The communicative position of a person may vary in different situations of communication, as well as in the course of communication in the same communicative situation. The communicative position of the speaker can be strong (the head against the subordinate, senior against the child, etc.) and weak (a child against an adult, subordinate against the chief, etc.).

The communicative position of a person in the process of communication can be strengthened by applying the rules of speech impact, it is possible to protect it, and you can also weaken the communicative position of the interlocutor (also applying speech intake and taking various actions against the interlocutor).

The science of speech exposure is the science of strengthening the communicative position of the individual in the process of communication, the personality of its communicative position and the receptions of the weakening of the communicative position of the interlocutor. The concepts of social and communicative roles are also included in the theoretical arsenal of science on speech impact. Social role is understood as the real social function of a person, and the communicative role adopted for a particular social role is a regulatory behavior. Communicative roles may not correspond to the social role of the speaking - their repertoire is much wider than a set of social roles, and their choice, shift, the ability to play (the staff, helpless, small person, cool, expert, decisive and mn. Dr.) make up one of Parties to the art of speech exposure to a separate personality. Cf. Such masters are fulfilling various communicative roles as chikchiki, Khlestakov, Ostap Bender. Communicative failure is a negative result of communication, such an end to communication when the purpose of communication is not achieved. Communicative failures comprehend us when we incorrectly build our speech impact: we do not choose the methods of speech impact, we do not consider with whom we are talking, we do not withstand the rules of conflictful communication, etc.

Specialists in speech exposure also use such an expression as communicative suicide. Communicative suicide is a rough mistake made in communication, which immediately makes further communication obviously ineffective.

A combination of typical verbal or non-verbal, and sometimes those and other signals affecting the effectiveness of communication, is defined as a factor of communication.

The main factors of speech impact seems to be:

Factor appearance Factor compliance with communicative standards

Contact factor with interlocutor

View factor Factor of physical behavior during speech (movement, gestures, postures)

Factor manners (friendliness, sincerity, emotionality, non-monotonicity, inspiration) factor accommodation in space

Language factor

Message factor

Time factor

Factor number of participants

Address factor

factor of the genre (taking into account the rules for the effectiveness of a certain genre of speech - rally speech, criticism, dispute, comment, order, request, etc.), however, apparently, the factor of the genre is a competent use of all the factors of the speech exposure of factors in a specific communication situation .

Within the framework of factors, the rules of communication are allocated - the submission and recommendations for communication are allocated in this lingvocultural community. Many of them are reflected in proverbs, sayings, aphorisms.

Communication rules reflect the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presentation in society about how to communicate in a particular communicative situation, as best to communicate. The rules of communication are developed by society and are supported by the socio-cultural tradition of this society. Communication rules are learned by people by observing and imitating others, as well as by targeted learning. The rules that are well and long have been learned by people are implemented by them in communication almost automatically, without monitoring consciousness. After studying certain rules, you can use those or other of them consciously to achieve a certain goal in communication, and this gives a great advantage in dealing with the one who knows these rules. speech communication conviction suggestion

There are regulatory rules for communicating and speech impact rules. Regulatory rules of communication are responsible for the question "How it is necessary?", "How accepted?" And describe the norms adopted in society and rules of polite, cultural communication, that is, the rules of speech etiquette. Regulatory rules are largely recognized by people, although they usually pay attention only when a certain rule is broken - the interlocutor did not apologize, did not say hello, did not thank it, etc. An adult language carrier can verbally formulate and explain many of the regulatory rules, may indicate the violations allowed. At the same time, the practical application of people of regulatory communication rules in everyday communication in our country is clearly lagging behind the requirements of a civilized society. Rules of speech impact describe ways of impact on the interlocutor and answer the question "How best? How efficient?" (How best to convince? How effective to ask?, etc.). They characterize ways of effective impact on the interlocutor in various communicative situations. Rules of speech exposure to a slight degree are recognized by people, although they are intuitively applied by many. Learning such rules enables students to realize and systematize the rules of effective speech impact, makes their communication noticeably more efficient.

There are also receptions of speech exposure - specific speech recommendations for the implementation of a communicative rule.

Communication laws (communicative laws) describe the communication process, they answer the question "What is happening in the process of communication?". Communicative laws are implemented in communication, regardless of who says, what, for what purpose, in what situation, etc.

Naturally, in relation to communication about the laws, it is possible to speak very conditionally, but it seems impossible to do without a word, since this term easily finds its place in the paradigm. The law is a rule.

Communication laws (communicative laws) are not such laws as laws of physics, chemistry or mathematics. The main differences are as follows.

First, most of the laws of communication are non-fastened, probabilistic. And if, for example, the law of the World Activity cannot be performed on Earth - it will not be possible, it will always show himself, then there is no case regarding the laws of communication, it is often possible to give examples when one or another law due to certain circumstances performed.

Secondly, communicative laws are not transferred to a person at birth, they do not "go inheritance" - they are absorbed by a person in communication, from experience, from communicative practices.

Thirdly, the laws of communication can change over time.

Fourth, the laws of communication partially differ from of different nations. Have a specific national color, although in many respects are universal in nature.

The main communicative laws are as follows. The law of mirroring of communication This law is easily observed in communication. Its essence can be formulated as follows: the interlocutor in the process of communication imitates the style of communication of his interlocutor. This is done by a person automatic, virtually no control of consciousness. The law of the dependences of communication from the volume of communicative efforts this law may be formulated as: the more communicative efforts expended, the higher the effectiveness of communication. If the industry has increased efficiency by reducing costs per unit of production, then in communication - on the contrary.

The law of progressive impatience of listeners This law is formulated as: the longer says the speaker, the greater the listeners show and impatience. The law of incidence of an audience intelligence with an increase in its size this law means: the more people listen to you, the lower the average intelligence of the audience. Sometimes this phenomenon is called the effect of the crowd: when there are a lot of listeners, they begin to "figure out" worse, although personal intelligence of each individual person, of course, is preserved.

The law of primary rejection of the new idea to formulate the law can be as follows: a new, unusual idea reported by the interlocutor, at the first moment they are rejected. In other words, if a person suddenly receives information that contradicts his prevailing this moment Opinion or representation, then the first thought that comes to him in the head - that this information is wrong, who reported it is wrong, this idea is harmful, it is not necessary to take it. The law rhythm of communication This law reflects the ratio of speaking and silence in human communication. He says: the ratio of speaking and silence in the speech of each person is a permanent value. This means that every person needs per day a certain time Speak and certain time to be silent. The law of speech samography

The law says: the verbal expression of the idea or emotion forms this idea or emotion from the speaker. From the practice it has long been known that a verbal expression of some thought allows a person to strengthen in this thoughts, finally understand it for himself. If a person explains the person in his own words, he very much understands the essence of the told.

The law of rejection of public criticism The wording of the law: a person rejects public criticism in his address. Anyone has a high internal self-esteem. We are all internally consider ourselves very smart, knowledgeable and correctly incoming. That is why any receipt, criticism or non-critical advice in the process of communication is perceived by us at least wary - as an attempt on our independence, a demonstrative doubt in our competence and the ability to take independent solutions. In conditions when criticism is carried out in the presence of other people, it is rejected almost 100% of cases. CR trust law simple words The essence of this law, which can still be called the law of communicative simplicity, as follows: the simplest your thoughts and words, the better you understand and believe more.

Easy content and shapes in communication - the key to communicative success. People perceive simple truths better, because these truths are more understandable they are familiar. Many of the simple truths are eternal, and therefore the appeal to them guarantees the interest of the interlocutors and their attention. Interest in the eternal and simple truths in humans is constant. Appeal to simple truths is the basis of populism in politics.

The law of attraction of criticism The wording of the law is: the more you stand out from others, the more you are gloomy and the more people criticize your actions. The distinguished person always becomes an increasing attention and "attracts" to himself criticism. A. Schopenhauer wrote: "The higher you get up over the crowd, the more attention you attract, the more you will be gloomy."

The law of communication comments The wording of the law: if the interlocutor violates some communicative standards in communication, another interlocutor has a desire to make a remark to him, correct it, make it change its communicative behavior.

The law of accelerated dissemination of negative information The essence of this law is well transmitted by the Russian proverb "bad leaders are not lying on the spot." Negative, frightening, able to entail changes in people status information tends to more rapid distribution in groups of communication, rather than positive information. This is due to the increased attention of people to negative facts - due to the fact that the positive quickly accepted by people for the norm and ceases to be discussed.

The law of distortion of information during its transfer ("law of a spoiled phone") The formulation of the law is such: any transmitted information is distorted in the process of its transfer to a degree, directly proportional to the number of persons transmitting it. This means that, than through a larger number of people, one or another information is transmitted, the greater the likelihood of distorting this information.

The law of a detailed discussion of the little things to know this law is especially important when we discuss something collectively. Formulation of the Law: People are more willing focusing on the discussion of minor issues and are ready to pay more time than the discussion of important problems.

The law of speech enhancement of emotions The wording of the Law: Emotional cries of a person strengthen the emotion experienced by them. If a person screams from fear or joy, then the emotion really experienced by him increases. The same thing - when addressing emotional shouts in the face of a partner. The law of speech absorption of emotion The wording of the Law: With a coherent story about the emotion experienced, it is absorbed by speech and disappears. If a person tells the attentive listener about that. That his emotionally agitated and the story is connected, and the listener is attentive to the speaker, then the emotion is "absorbed" by the text of confession and weakens ("cry in a vest").

The law of emotional suppression of logic Emotionally excited man is incoherent, illogical, with speech mistakes, speaks and does not understand the address facing it, paying attention only to separate words The interlocutor is usually the most loudly uttered or concluding a replica.

Mixing messages are also distinguished. Reception is a specific recommendation on language or behavioral implementation of a communicative rule. For example, the rule "approximation to the interlocutor increases the effectiveness of speech impact on it" is implemented in the practice of communication in the form of the following techniques: "Come closer!", "Invarnize the personal space of the interlocutor!", "Touch the interlocutor!"

Conditions of effective speech impact

Knowledge of general laws of communication and following them.

Compliance with the rules of conflictal communication.

Use of rules and techniques of speech impact.

Real achievability of the subject purpose.

Practical learning to speech exposure

Practical training to speech exposure at the present stage in our country is relevant not less, and maybe even more than the development theoretical problems speech exposure. In Russia, there are no traditions of learning effective communication - such, for example, which are in the USA, the UK. At the same time, the relevance of such training is obvious. We have no concept Communicative literacy, which should be as relevant as medical, technical, political literacy. Communicative literacy is human literacy in the field of communication.

Effective communication, culture of communication should be studied as the basics of diplomas, as the ability to read and write. We all admit daily many gross mistakes that make our lives, and no more difficult, even more difficult. We all make comments unfamiliar, give advice to those who do not ask us, criticize people with witnesses and make a lot more such that it is categorically impossible to do according to the rules of communication in a civilized society. All this prevents us from achieving an effective result at work, prevents us from living normally in the family, communicate with children, close and not very close people, leads to increased conflict of communication.

It has been established that our business contacts will be successful in 7 cases out of 10 if we own the rules of business communication. Communicative literacy of a person manifests itself in:

Knows the norms and traditions of communication;

Knows the laws of communication;

Knows the rules and techniques of effective communication;

Adequately applies its communicative knowledge in specific situations of communication.

The latter is extremely important: even if a person knows how to communicate in a matter of or another, he studied the techniques and rules for effective communication, it can still not have the necessary communicative literacy if it does not apply his knowledge in practice or applies ineptly. For example, everyone knows that it should not interrupt the interlocutor, but few people can say about themselves that he never interrupts others.


The rules and techniques of communication should not only know, but also apply.

Communicative literacy for modern man - The necessary condition for its effective activity in a wide variety of spheres. Thus, the formative science of speech impact has the following main features:

It is intergovernmental and uses data and, which is especially important, methods of different sciences.

The basic belonging of speech exposure is psycholinguistics and rhetoric.

It is clearly divided into the theory and practical part, which equally require research.

Speech impact has its own, not yet studied by any other science. effective communicationWhat currently gives all the grounds to consider and develop a speech impact as an independent science, which seems to be an urgent modern scientific task.


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