Rinh passing score to the budget. Rostov State Economic University

Federal state budgetary educational institution Higher vocational education Rostov state the University of Economics (RINX)
Year of foundation

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gennadevich

The president

Zolotarev Vladimir Semenovich

Legal address

344002, Rostov-on-Don,
ul. B. Sadovaya, 69


Coordinates: 47 ° 13'23 "s. sh. 39 ° 43'05 "in. d. /  47.223056 ° C. sh. 39.718056 ° C. d. (G) (O) (I)47.223056 , 39.718056

Rostov State Economic University (RINX) - major educational and methodical and research The center in the south of Russia, which performs retraining and advanced training of personnel on economic specialties and jurisprudence.


Rostov Financial and Economic Institute (RFEI) originated on the basis of the Faculty of Economics of the North Caucasus State University (SCGA). It was on his personnel, research and educational and methodological database that the institute was developed in the pre-war decade.

Resolution of the Council People's Commissar The USSR of February 28, 1933 for the number 330 of the RFAI was included in the list of higher educational institutions Countries, March 11, 1939 by order of the All-Union Committee higher School Was approved by the article Institute.

October 13, 1964 by order of the Ministry of Higher and Middle special Education RSFSR No. 718 of the RFAI was renamed Rostov Institute national economy (Rinh).

In 1994, the Institute became academy, and 2000 - university.

Names of university

  • Rostov Financial and Economic Institute (-);
  • Rostov Institute of National Economy (-);
  • Rostov State Economic Academy (-);
  • Rostov State Economic University (RINX) (C).


Specialty and preparation directions

Rostov State Economic University is preparing for the following specialties:

  • Customs
  • Judicial examination (full-time)

Rostov State Economic University is learning in the following training areas:

  1. Economy
    • Accounting, analysis and audit
    • World economy
    • Regional economy
    • Taxes and taxation
    • Finance and credit
    • Statistics
    • Analysis and risk management
  2. Management
    • Organisation management
    • Production management
    • Financial management
    • Innovative Management
    • Small business management
  3. Trading business
    • Trade advertising
    • Commerce
    • Logistics in trade
    • Marketing in trade
    • Products and expertise goods
  4. Products
    • Products and expertise of goods in customs activities
    • Products and expertise of goods in internal and foreign trade
  5. Business Informatics
  6. Service
  7. Personnel Management
  8. Information Security (full-time only)
  9. Quality control
    • Quality management in the field of life and services
  10. Applied Informatics
  11. Applied Mathematics and Informatics (full-time only)
  12. Information systems and technologies
  13. Software engineering
  14. Jurisprudence
  15. Advertising and public relations (full-time only)
  16. Journalism
  17. Foreign regions (full-time only)
  18. Linguistics
    • Translation and translationography
  19. Organization of work with youth (full-time only)


The material base of the university is significantly strengthened. In 2001, a 7-storey building with an area of \u200b\u200b2600 m², built entirely due to extrabudgetary funds, was commissioned. In the educational process of the university, more than 500 computers are used, combined into a single network with Internet access. Related attention is paid to development educational process, introduction of interactive teaching methods for the preparation of highly professional, competitive economists for a market economy.

In the RSEU, the traditional and new forms of integration - educational, scientific, international and commercial activities were obtained in the context of the economy: with faculties, branches were opened, branches were created, a training and methodological center for the preparation of certified auditors and chief accountants, a Dovevoisse Center and vocational guidance; In the Research Institute of the University are underway scientific research both by federal and regional topics and on promising and current problems of reforming individual economic structures.

There is a doctoral student and graduate school, student research bureau. The doctoral studies are preparing highly qualified personnel in 5 specialties, in graduate school in 14 specialties. The number of graduate students and applicants over the past 10 years has increased 9 times and is 395 people on a wide range of specialties and specializations in economic, philosophical, philological and legal sciences. In 1994, a doctoral student is open. Currently, there are 28 people.

Created a stimulation system professional growth Scientific Pedagogical Workers. Every year, 5-7 university employees defend doctoral dissertations. The Publishing Activities of the University is constantly expanding. Only in -2001 published 117 monographs, more than 250 textbooks and tutorials, systematically published 4 scientific and scientific and practical journals.

The university employs 254 candidates of science, and Associate Professor, Doctor of Science, 21 academicians, 4 honored workers Russian Federation. 70% of teachers have academic degrees and titles.

Currently, about 16 thousand students are studying at RGEU and its branches, specialists are being prepared for the republics of the North Caucasus, CIS countries, as well as 12 foreign countries.

RSEU is actively involved in various regional, All-Russian and international programs. Employees of the RSEU headed by B. C. Zolotarev became part of the International Group of Experts on the TASIS program, carried out on the initiative of the office of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in South federal District International project "Financial transparency of federal transfers in the south of Russia". The work of the experts of the RSEU received a high assessment of the EU ambassador in Russia Richard Wright. At the university, an autonomous non-profit organization was created and the Center for Democratic Initiatives and Economic Technologies was created. One of the co-founders, along with the RSEU, is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rostov Region. Currently, the University is a basic university for retraining of management personnel (presidential program) and the preparation of financiers and treasury professionals (the Barents-Group program). In the development of this direction of the activities of the university at the center of democratic initiatives and economic technologies, under the patronage of the cultural department of the UK embassy in Russia, a British club, uniting graduates who have retracted by the presidential program, has been operating, non-commercial social organization "French Alliance."

The subject of special attention is the socio-economic development of RGEU. The university developed and operates a multichannel system of funding for the university and social protection of teachers, employees, university students. Systematically and purposefully assisted by pensioners, veterans of the university. For all perestrooga years, no one for one day was delayed the salary of teachers and university employees, as well as the payment of scholarships to students and graduate students. RGEU has always fully paid for utilities from extrabudgetary funds. Teachers and university staff are annually provided by tickets to the holiday homes and sanatoriums, regularly receive material assistance. Their wages taking into account all sources grew by 2-2.5 times. The recovery of the recreation center in the village of Arkhyz is actively being recovered. Practically completed design work And the construction of a sports complex begins, which is provided not only for training studies with students, but also for physical culture and sports teachers and employees. In coordination with the administration of one of the areas of the city, the construction of a residential building for those in need of housing for employees of the RGEU is organized.

Much attention is paid to the university educational work. The leadership of the university is clearly marked and are actively being introduced in the team principles and directions for the education of the personality of the future specialist.

Scientific and educational activities

Close attention in high school is paid to the training of scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel. higher Qualifications. There are four dissertation councils - D 212.209.01, d 212.209.02, DM 212.209.03, km 212.209.02 for the protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialties:

  • 08.00.05 - Economy and national economy management;
  • 08.00.10 - Finance, money circulation and credit;
  • 08.00.12 - Accounting, statistics;
  • 08.00.13 - Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics;
  • 08.00.14 - World Economy.

There is a doctoral student and graduate school, student research bureau. The doctoral studies are preparing highly qualified personnel in 5 specialties, in graduate school in 14 specialties.



  • Naugatsky V. V., Abdurakhmanova I. V., and others. History of the Rostov State Economic University (RINX). - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House RSEU, 2001. - 276 p.



  • Universities in alphabetic
  • Appeared in 1931
  • Economic universities
  • Economic Higher Educational Institutions
  • Economic educational institutions
  • Universities Rostov-on-Don

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Pavlovsky district of the Voronezh region
  • Paninsky district of the Voronezh region

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Dear Rector of the University Help. Put the question of the academy academic Council on the feasibility of the uncontrolled use of psychological methods - remote zombie, hypnosis in public places, neurolynguistic programming, the management of children's, senile and not only consciousness. I became the object of learning experiences who wanted to prove to the whole world including a scientist that the universal soldier is already a point and not a film with Jean Claude Van Dammom in one of the main roles. The society of inadequate came to the service of madmen from science I searched biomass and biometer. Torture and violence over personality were transferred to the streets of cities, hotel rooms, buses, trains, apartments, and so on. These people do not care about any laws and methods for implementing their knowledge. I ask to raise the question of people who own hypnosis did not give a pursuit - so that they do not have the effect on the part of the special. Services. To create a database of psychologists in Russia, a detailed minimum. Criteria - Full-hand profile photos Profile, fingerprints, DNA, Rainbow Eye Shell, Height, Weight, Finger Length and Next. Put a question on the scientific council of leading universities in Moscow about the need to prohibit Torture on the convention of the Red Cross on the prohibition of pressure on the personality of the methods of zombing, please invite a group of scientists and prominent public figures to my apartment with the aim of fixing the facts of torture and not only. The academic world of the country went away uncontrollably applying hypnosis, neurolinguistic teaching, remote zombie techniques, even in the car, torture systems of witnesses were installed in the science of science and did not hesitate for this. Perennial open studies with the use of civilians and all authorities. What they wanted to do first on the streets of the city and on the place of work, then they moved to Syotnaya apartments, at the place of permanent residence. Sterilized and raped all members of my family and acquaintances. They wanted to force forcibly changing the orientation of even men. These are monsters. My address for point material assistance and contacts - KCR, Cherkessk, ul. Demidenko 93 A, square. 101 bodies round communication 88782 236662. My accumulations for life were stolen with the help of hypnosis methods, the translations into my address are not allowed to recruit at the place of residence. In the mail directly quoting the content of my letters. Curly coming into the house and break furniture and household appliances. The surrounding me there is no more fun to follow this process and force me as extremely in their opinion "concerned" to spend the latest money on random women. Imagine to catch the downtown of the city of relatives and dishonest as a vile frightened frightened. The scum does not happen anything neither children neither old people help them civilians with special cynicism representing a law enforcement system of the country wake an electron mail, conducting online conferences, fetishists are published under the guise of dating site. I do not know what goals they are pursuing, but they do not differ in mind and officer honor. They arranged the All-Russian hunt behind my family hiding behind the falsely understood interests of the service, imaginary ideals and interests of the homeland, not keeping up with the time in the development of cultural enrichment, even now they read online all that I write. Send images of genital organs under the guise of girls but for some reason for men. Repeatedly threatened to kill for not understanding that these people at all want. They cut out of all negative in society. Alscat and hungry to power and money people. Absolutely not personifying neither the law nor society nor morality is right. Grass was so dense and passes so long ago that these people generally forgot what he honor, conscience, morality, ethics. The place of them began to say, all the receiving state became the work. City bodies in the presence of numerous witnesses. They raised to such an degree of an adult fellow man that they were not given to understand that they once had just switched to the line rolled to the level of Neanderthals I think that at least when there was something human. Seeing big money - all accumulations on the apartment they were crazy and thrown into relatives under hypnosis trying to take them away. What you needed this scum do not know and they themselves. Who I asked for help, these people ignore me and look through the fingers. The violence has long generated violence - the women of the local mafia leaders in conclusion, they do not touch them like their mothers as it is not necessary to raise them in the head or give genitals of their men. The fun lands with the direct connivance of the backstage campus day and night playing in the games of the city scale and All-Russian too. I tried to withdraw the family abroad but nothing happened as these people do not give us to leave and get at least some kind of money from sponsors for life they are so forced to be stupid in front of the eyes and work on a simple unskilled work. It gives them pleasure for for their opinion I have no one. That they invest in these words I do not know. I wanted to switch them to decent enemies, but there is no Slav, this is the best sacrifice of any game and not only.