10 development of phonemic hearing in children. How to develop phonemic hearing and why is it needed? Games for the development of phonemic hearing

Development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers

1. The concept of "phonemic hearing"

Phonemic hearing- this is the ability to auditory perception of sound speech, phonemes, the ability to distinguish the sounds of speech in their sequence in words and the ability to distinguish phonemes that are similar in sound.

Speech sounds- these are special complex formations inherent only in humans. They are produced in a baby for several years after birth. This process includes complex brain systems and peripheries (speech apparatus), which are controlled by the central nervous system... A long way of mastering the pronunciation system by a child is due to the complexity of the material itself - the sounds of speech, which he must learn to perceive and reproduce.

In preschool children, the formation of phonemic hearing occurs when the oral speech of others is perceived and, at the same time, with their own words, words were spoken in accordance with the perceived patterns, with the help of which various signs of phonemes are distinguished and generalized.

Speech hearing is entirely a lifetime formation, it is formed in a certain speech environment and is formed according to the laws of this environment. The hypotheses expressed by some authors about the existence of innate prototypes of the language, which after birth develop under the influence of speech influences, have not received experimental confirmation.

Phonemic hearing is formed in a child in the process of learning to understand oral speech as the primary form speech activity... Mastering the phonemic structure of the language precedes other forms of speech activity - speaking, writing, reading, therefore phonemic hearing is the basis of the entire complex speech system and hearing loss in children leads to the underdevelopment of the entire speech system (deaf-mute).

Speech, or systematized hearing is a very complex formation. There are two levels of perception of the sound composition of speech. One of them is characterized as a level of imitation of sounds, which does not require their assignment to certain letters, i.e. speech qualification of these sounds.

When the task is not just to reproduce sounds, but to attribute them to certain sounds of speech (letters or categories), then in this case the perception of sounds is carried out at the phonemic level, at the level of sound qualification.

When perceiving speech, the child is faced with a variety of sounds in its stream: phonemes in the stream of speech are changeable. He hears many variants of sounds, which, merging into syllable sequences, form continuous components. He needs to extract the phoneme from them, while distracting himself from all the variants of the sound of the same phoneme and identifying it by those constant (invariant) distinctive features, according to which one phoneme (as a unit of language) is opposed to another. If the child does not learn to do this, he will not be able to distinguish one word from another and will not be able to recognize it as identical.

In the process of speech development, the child develops phonemic hearing, since without it, according to L.E. Zhurova, speech generation is impossible. Phonemic hearing carries out the operations of distinguishing and recognizing the phonemes that make up the sound shell of the word. It is formed in the child in the first place in the process of speech development. Phonetic hearing also develops, which carries out "tracking a continuous stream of syllables." Since phonemes are realized in pronunciation variants - sounds (allophones), it is important that these sounds are pronounced, normalized, i.e. in generally accepted, familiar realizations, otherwise it is difficult for the listener to recognize them. Unusual pronunciation for a given language is assessed by phonetic ear as incorrect. Phonemic and phonetic hearing (they together make up a speech hearing) carry out not only the reception and assessment of someone else's speech, but also control over their own speech. Speech hearing is the most important stimulus for the formation of a normalized pronunciation.

Thus, phonemic hearing is the main component of the perception of human speech, which helps to distinguish and recognize the phonemes that make up the sound shell of the word.

2. Stages of development of phonemic hearing

Phonemic hearing in a child begins to form very early. From birth, a baby's hearing is not adapted to the subtle distinction of speech sounds. In the second week of life, the child, having heard the sound of a human voice, stops sucking on the mother's breast, stops crying when they start talking to him. By the end of the first month of life, the baby can be reassured with a lullaby. By the end of the third month of life, he turns his head towards the speaker and follows him with his eyes. A child's hearing quickly adjusts to sounds native language... But the rapid development of speech hearing can inhibit all other types of auditory sensitivity. It is known, for example, that pitch (musical) hearing develops much more slowly than phonemic one. This is because adults are much more likely to talk to a child than to listen to music or sing.

During the period of babbling, the child repeats the apparent articulation of the lips of an adult, tries to imitate. Repeated repetition of the kinesthetic sensation from a certain movement leads to the consolidation of the motor skill of articulation.

From 6 months, the child, through imitation, pronounces individual phonemes, syllables, adopts the tone, tempo, rhythm, melody and intonation of speech. The beginning of the second year is the beginning of active manipulation of speech sounds: babbling acquires completely understandable human intonation and expressiveness. Almost everyone at this age has their own favorite "words", which he constantly sings, repeats and modifies.

This manipulation of sounds brings great pleasure to the baby. It is worth hearing a new, interesting-sounding word, as he immediately and repeatedly repeats it in every way, modifying and distorting, as if playing with it. Such games with words are a kind of orientation in the sound side of speech, they train the articulatory apparatus and develop verbal hearing. The baby correlates the movements of his larynx with the sounds that are obtained from this, and thus learns to control his articulation.

Many children at this age already have several words by which they call certain objects, but still it is still too early to talk about active speech up to one and a half years, although it is now that everything is being laid.

At the age of one and a half to two years, an extraordinary event occurs - the child begins to speak, this is the brightest and most rapid period of speech development. If before he said only single words, now he knows from 200 to 500 words and combines them into simple phrases.

During this period, children begin to distinguish all the subtleties of their native speech, understand and react to words that differ in only one phoneme (bear - bowl). This is how phonemic hearing is formed - the ability to perceive the sounds of human speech. From 3 to 7 years old, a child develops more and more the skill of auditory control over his pronunciation, the ability to correct it in some cases.

By the age of 3-4, the child's phonemic perception improves so much that he begins to differentiate first vowel and consonant sounds, then soft and hard, sonorous, hissing and sibilant sounds.

By the age of 4, the child should normally differentiate all sounds, i.e. he must have a phonemic perception. By this time, the child ends up forming the correct sound pronunciation.

A child of the fifth year of life shows significant success in mental and speech development... He begins to identify and name the most essential features and qualities of objects, establish the simplest connections and accurately reflect them in speech. His speech becomes more varied, more accurate and richer in content. The stability of attention to the speech of others increases, he is able to listen to the answers of adults to the end.

An increase in the active vocabulary (from 2500 to 3000 words by the end of the year) creates an opportunity for the child to build his statements more fully, to express thoughts more accurately. Five-year-olds use adjectives more often than four-year-olds. They use adjectives to denote the signs and qualities of objects, reflecting temporal and spatial relations: to determine the color, in addition to the main ones, they call additional (blue, dark, orange), begin to appear possessive adjectives(fox tail, hare hut). Increasingly, the child uses adverbs, personal pronouns in the role of subjects, complex prepositions (from under, about, and others). Collective nouns appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, vegetables, fruits), but the child still uses them very rarely.

At this age, children begin to master monologue speech. For the first time, sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear in their speech. They learn and correctly coordinate adjectives with other parts of speech in indirect cases.

Children have a sharp increase in interest in the sound design of words. Listening to the words spoken by an adult, the child tries to establish properties in their sound and often quite successfully selects pairs of words himself: "Masha is porridge, Misha is Grisha."

At this age, children gravitate towards rhyme. Playing with words, some rhyme them, creating their own small two-, four-verses, sometimes depriving them of all meaning. This desire is natural, it contributes to the development of a child's speech hearing, forms the ability to select words that are similar in sound.

As a result of special work on familiarization with the word, the child begins to form an idea that the word has a semantic and sound side. It always denotes some object, phenomenon, quality and consists of sounds, sounds.

Children begin to quite correctly understand the meanings of the terms "word", "sound" and use them, more consciously listen to words, find similar and different sounds, and highlight certain sounds in them.
In the fifth year of life, sufficient mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus enables the child to carry out more accurate movements with the tongue, lips, clear and correct movement and position of them is necessary for the pronunciation of complex sounds.

At this age, the pronunciation of children significantly improves: the softened pronunciation of consonants completely disappears, and the skipping of sounds and syllables is rarely observed. By the age of five, most children learn and correctly pronounce hissing sounds, the sounds [l], [pb], [p] clearly pronounce polysyllabic words, precisely preserving the syllable structure in them. They often use stress in words correctly, observe the norms of literary pronunciation of words. Some children still have unstable pronunciation of hissing ones - in some words the sound is pronounced correctly, in others it is incorrect, the pronunciation of individual words, especially polysyllabic and unfamiliar ones, is indistinct. Sometimes they have difficulty in pronouncing sounds, especially in those words that are saturated with certain consonants, for example, sibilant and sibilant at the same time, sounds [l] and [p]: old woman, laboratory. This is due to the fact that children do not have some knowledge fixed or they do not clearly differentiate them by ear and in their own pronunciation. Under the influence of training, such imperfection of sound pronunciation disappears over time.

Pronunciation is characteristic of this age. Children pronounce the sounds sometimes correctly, sometimes incorrectly, even in this and the same word (now "and a minute later the same word sounds" seitsas "or" zuzzit beetle "," golden comb cockerel "). In one sound combination the child already owns the sound, in the other he does not yet: "maltsik" - right there the child says "clock".

An interesting phenomenon is noted in some children in the second half of preschool age, when they switch to the correct pronunciation of the sounds [w, z] and the sound [p]. The child begins to use these sounds excessively often in necessary and unnecessary cases: "goruba" (blue), "shad" (garden), "ramp" (lamp), "zhontik" (umbrella), "shobaka" (dog). Usually this replacement is not accidental. The child, almost as a rule, replaces with a new sound those sounds that themselves used to be substitutes for the missing sound in the child. if instead of p he pronounced l, then now he makes a reverse substitution, not immediately focusing on where it is needed and where it is inappropriate ("goruboy", "roshad").

There is a dramatic improvement by the age of five pronunciation side speech of children, for most of them the process of mastering sound ends. Speech as a whole becomes clearer, clearer. Permutations and uses of sounds and syllables are encountered to a lesser extent, and abbreviations of words almost disappear. Age-related speech activity of children, they more and more often ask adults questions. They begin to master monologue speech.

By the end of the fifth year of life, many children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, however, some of them still incorrectly pronounce hissing sounds, the sound [p]. Some have a distorted pronunciation of the sounds [s], [h] (with the tip of the tongue sticking out between the teeth), the sound [p] (not due to the vibration of the tip of the tooth, but as a result of trembling of the soft palate or uvula). Such children need special help, which in severe cases is provided by a speech therapist.

Thus, phonemic hearing is formed in children very early, starting from the moment the child is born and throughout the entire preschool age. From this we can conclude that the more adults communicate and deal with the child during this period, the less problems he will have later with the development of phonemic hearing and perception, i.e. there will be no problems in further teaching the child to read and write.

3. Games for the development of phonemic hearing

When teaching the Russian language, the task arises to write a word perceived by ear in letters. For this, it is necessary that preschoolers be able to master the methods of analyzing the sound structure of a word, which make it possible to establish the number, sequence of sounds in a word and their phonemic characteristics, and the ability to reflect the sound structure of a word in a graphic model.

To solve this problem, you need to teach children to perceive the phonemic qualities of a sound (for example, the hardness-softness of a consonant) and its position in a word.

At the first encounter with the spelling of a word containing phonemes in weak positions, the insufficiency of the previously established methods of spelling action is revealed, since in this case the same letter turns out to be a sign of different sounds (compare the sound meanings of the letter O in the words (table) and (steel)).

To begin with, it is also necessary to explain to the child that sound and letter are not the same thing. It is not necessary to tell how and why it happened, it is important to say that people among themselves have agreed to write the same words in the same way, so that it is easy for them to understand each other.

So, it is already clear to the child why one needs to be able to read, write and count, but it is not yet clear how to learn this. You can start with exercises to develop phonemic hearing.

Let's try to imagine how we adults are studying foreign language- the most difficult thing is the understanding of unusual sounds in the pronunciation of different people. It is the same with children - they cannot always understand what is constant in words and what is brought in by the peculiarities of the pronunciation of each person. Therefore, it is very important to teach the child to analyze what he hears and to represent it in letters.

At preschool age, the child is quite ready to master the grammatical series of the language, to learn to recognize sounds both at the beginning and at the end and, most difficult of all, in the middle of a word. Some difficulties arise only in children with speech therapy disabilities, in which they may confuse different sounds.

Most often, in preschool age, children replace ringing sounds deaf (instead of "house" - "tom"), the sound "r" - to "l" and vice versa (instead of "three" - "aphids", instead of "cow" - "kolova") the sound "m" to "n" and vice versa (instead of "fly" - "nuha"), hissing whistling (instead of "cool" - "zhorovo", instead of "here" = "wait"), etc.

In this case, it is important to focus on special exercises for sound discrimination, some of which are given in this work.

In kindergarten, for the formation of phonemic hearing in children, it is best to use techniques based on play techniques.

For example, one of the games.

It is called "Dispatch the Word."

An adult tells a child a fairy tale about an evil wizard who bewitches words in his castle. Enchanted words cannot leave the castle until someone frees them.

To disenchant a word, you need to guess its sound composition from no more than three attempts, that is, name the sounds that make up it in order. This can only be done when the wizard is not in the castle. If the wizard finds the savior of words in his castle, he will enchant him too.

After a fabulous introduction, the child is explained what a sound is and how it differs from a letter (this game is played with children who already know the names of the letters and their spelling). To do this, he is told that all words sound, and we hear them, because they consist of sounds.

For example, the word "mom" consists of the sounds "m-a-m-a" (the word is pronounced for the child in a chant, so that each sound is heard very clearly). When pronouncing the sound "m", an adult should pay attention to the fact that it is the sound "m" (which is exactly the phoneme) that is pronounced, and not the letter "em".

When playing this game, adults need to remember that the names of consonants do not coincide with how these letters sound in words, that is, with their phonemes. For example, the letter "es" in words sounds like the sound "s", and the letter "bе" in words sounds like the sound "b", etc.

The difficulty of the words proposed for "disenchanting" should increase gradually. Should be offered at first simple words type: "sex", "cat", "whale", "porridge", etc. All sounds of the word should be pronounced by adults very clearly, and the vowels should even stretch.

Also, games can be used to develop auditory attention, and for the correct perception of speech in children 5-6 years old. At this age, children can already pronounce almost all sounds, because their articulatory apparatus is already ready to pronounce even the most difficult sounds. But the problem of the development of phonemic hearing remains relevant. Games introduce and teach children to listen to sounds the surrounding nature, to the sounds of "house", "street", listen to the sound of words, establish the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, differentiate sounds, pronounce one-, two-, three- and four-syllable words, answer questions. The purpose of these games and exercises is to develop auditory attention and phonemic perception.

1. "Ears - hearing"

Target: consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds, develop auditory attention.
An adult shows wooden, metal spoons, crystal glasses. Children call these items. The teacher invites you to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, it reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

2. "Who said" Meow? "
Target: improve the ability to distinguish by ear the voices of pets.
Material: tape recorder, audio recording with sounds of voices of pets.
An adult includes an audio recording with the sounds of pet voices. Children should hear and name which of the pets the voice belongs to.
The game "Who gives a voice" is carried out in a similar way. An audio recording with sounds of forest birds is included.

3. "Who is standing at the traffic light?"
Target: develop auditory attention, recognize and name modes of transport.
Material: tape recorder and audio recording with street noises.
An adult includes an audio recording with street sounds. Children listen to sounds and name vehicles that stop at a traffic light (car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, cart, tram).

4. "Where is the ringing?"
Target: develop auditory attention, the ability to navigate in space with closed eyes.
Children stand with their eyes closed. An adult with a bell moves silently around the group and rings. Children, without opening their eyes, point their hand in the direction of the sound source.

5. Finger game "Thunderstorm"
Target: coordinate the movement with the text, taking into account changes in dynamics and tempo of sound.
An adult reads the words of the game, and children perform movements according to the text.
Drops dripped (knock on the table with two index fingers).
It is raining (they knock softly with four fingers of both hands).
It pours as if from a bucket (loudly knocking with four fingers).
The hail has gone (knocking with the bones of the fingers, knocking out the fraction).
Thunder rumbles (banging on the table with fists).
Lightning flashes (we draw lightning in the air with our fingers, we make a sound w).
Everyone quickly runs home (clap their hands, hide their hands behind their backs).
In the morning the sun shines brightly (describe a large circle with both hands).

6. Listen and name the right word.
Target: improve phonemic hearing, learn to name words with a certain sound in the text.
An adult reads a poem or story filled with a certain sound, children should name words that have a given sound.
A beetle hums in an iron can -
The beetle doesn't want to live in a tin.
The life of a beetle in captivity is bitter.
Sorry for the poor beetle.
Hare, hare,
What are you doing?
I gnaw it open.
And what are you, hare happy?
I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.

7. Minute jokes
Target: Improve the ability to distinguish by ear words that sound wrong. Develop phonemic hearing. Develop a sense of humor
An adult reads lines from verses to children, replacing letters in words. Children find a mistake and correct it.
Ponytail with patterns
Boots with curtains.
The cat floats on the ocean
A whale eats sour cream from a saucer.
God's box, fly to heaven
Bring us some bread.

8. Quiet - speak loudly.
Target: development of the vocal apparatus and phonemic hearing. Practice pronouncing words and phrases at different speeds and volumes.

Children memorize a pure phrase (taking into account the practiced sound).
For example, when practicing the sound l, you can use the following phrase: "Mila swam in a boat, drank Coca-Cola."
Offer to pronounce a clean phrase, first in a whisper, then in a quiet voice and then loudly.

By the age of seven, children in the speech therapy group should have almost normal speech development. But in some children, there may still be an underdevelopment of phonemic hearing and sound pronunciation. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that children clearly and correctly pronounce words in isolation, then in phrases and sentences.

Here are some games and exercises that help develop phonemic perception, teach children to do sound analysis: determine the presence of a given sound in words, highlight the first and last sound in words.

1. Name the same sound in words.
Target: develop phonemic hearing, hear and name words with the same sound.
An adult pronounces three or four words, with a given sound: sled, bone, nose - children must name the same sound (s) that is in these words.

2. What is the first sound in the word?
Target: develop phonemic hearing, learn to determine the place of sound in a word.
An adult shows a toy, for example a dog, and asks to determine with what sound this word begins. Then he shows toys to other pets and asks: "Name the first sound in the word." To draw the attention of children to the fact that the sounds must be pronounced clearly.
(The game "Name the last sound in a word" is carried out in a similar way.)

3. Answer - take your time.
Target: improve phonemic hearing, name words with a certain sound, determine the place of sound in a word, select words in a sentence with the same sound.
Offer several tasks on quick wits, check how the children learned to hear and highlight certain sounds in words.

Come up with a word that begins with the last sound of the word palace.
Remember the name of pets, in which there would be the last sound of the word nose (dog, pig ...)
Choose a word so that the first sound is m, and the last sound is a (Masha, car, fly ...)
What word will you get if you add one sound to the syllable ro? (Mouth, rum, horn ...)
Make a sentence in which all words begin with the sound p (Petya gave Pavlik a pyramid.)
Find objects in the group that have the sound k in their names (pencils, book, pen, cubes ...)

4. Correct Dunno mistakes.
Target: develop phonemic hearing, distinguish by ear words pronounced incorrectly, determine the place of sound in a word, divide words into syllables, come up with simple and complex sentences.
Dunno was visiting his grandmother in the village and that's what he saw there. Listen carefully and correct mistakes.
The scythe jumped over the fence.
Kolova gives delicious milk.
The horse chews on the succulent grass.
The bump catches the mouse.
The dog is guarding the house.
And now we will find out if you are ready to go to school? We answer the questions:
What is the first (last) sound in the word dog?
Name a pet that has the SH sound in its name, where is this sound?
How many syllables are in the word cat (cow)?
Come up with a 2, 3, 4 word sentence about pets.

5. Spider.
Target: to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, to develop phonemic hearing.
An adult reads a poem, and children answer questions.
On an invisible path
Oh, look, cobwebs.
This is a sly spider
He hung up his hammock.
And called our spider
All friends on a hammock
Came to the spider
Moths, grasshoppers,
Bees and bumblebees
Flies and beetles.
Played enough, laughed,
And then they all fled.
, 2, 3, 4, 5 - I invite everyone again.
Let's check how you can divide words into syllables.
Moth, how many syllables, which is the first, which is the last?
Beetle, how many syllables (one), which syllable is the first, which is the last?
What is the same syllable in the words of a bee and a bumblebee (KI)?
Name the insects with 1, 2, 3 syllables in their names.

6. Catch the word.
Adult: all the words crumbled into sounds. I will name the sounds, and you make a word out of them: K-O-M-A-R - mosquito, Z-U-K - beetle, O-S-A - wasp, M-U-H-A - fly, B -A-B-O-Ch-K-A - butterfly ...

7. Scatter the word.
Target: develop the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.
An adult invites the children to divide words themselves into sounds: porridge - K-A-Sh-A, house - D-O-M, paper - B-U-M-A-G-A ...
These games are combined with traditional methods and teaching methods, increase the efficiency of work on the formation of phonemic hearing. They contribute to the complex solution of correctional problems: they develop communication skills, auditory attention and memory, coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, allow one to freely navigate in space, independently change the strength of the voice, pronounce words quietly - loudly, form a sense of rhythm and timbre hearing, cause positive emotions.


An analysis of the works of domestic and foreign specialists devoted to the problem of the development of phonemic hearing in children showed that at present the problem of the development of phonemic hearing attracts the attention of many specialists.

For preschoolers, play activity retains its significance and role as a necessary condition for the all-round development of their personality and intellect.

However, the disadvantages of sound pronunciation, insufficiently clear perception of the sound image of words - all this, to varying degrees, affects the play activity of children. The value of play as a leading, comprehensively developing type of activity for preschoolers makes it possible to widely use play techniques in the work of an educator. It also brings play to the fore among a variety of methods in teaching preschoolers. Through the use of various games and individual game actions, it is possible to overcome a number of difficulties that arise in working with children on the formation and development of phonemic hearing.

The work of an educator requires the use of play techniques and individual play actions to a greater extent than in ordinary educational activities. Games are one of the most important means of developing independent speech activity.

At the same time, as the analysis of studies shows, some aspects of this problem require additional study; Many works of leading experts are devoted to the problem of using games in the formation of phonemic hearing. They have developed and proposed a lot of games and game techniques for use. After all, the inclusion different types games and game techniques, game situations in the learning process contributes to the successful work on the development of phonemic hearing in older preschool children. The use of the proposed series of games and exercises in work can give effective results in the formation of phonemic hearing in middle preschoolers.

We believe that the information from this work on the development of phonemic hearing in preschool children will help both parents and kindergarten teachers.


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The formation of speech in a child depends on how clearly and correctly he hears it from others. The development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers is an important element in the upbringing of a person's personal qualities.

Why is it necessary to develop hearing from early childhood?

In young children, speech development occurs very rapidly: vocabulary becomes larger, the sound design of words is significantly improved, and sentences sound more competent. From birth, the baby is surrounded by an abundance of sounds: non-speech (sounds of nature: chirping birds, water flow, etc.) and speech (words with which he exchanges information with adults, acquires norms of behavior, etc.). Hearing the words, the child tries to repeat them.

As a rule, children demonstrate a good level of speech by the age of 3. But this is not always the case. It is often possible to notice that at the same age one child clearly and correctly constructs sentences, and the second does not correctly pronounce individual words, and the construction of his sentences leaves much to be desired. Such a problem is often faced by parents who do not devote time to the development of phonemic hearing in preschool children, letting everything go on its own.

Often the following speech errors can be noticed in babies:

  1. Skipping sounds in the word ("wrote" instead of "came").
  2. Permutation of syllables or individual sounds ("corvik" instead of "rug", or "gamazin" instead of "shop").
  3. Reduction of words, loss of syllables ("hypam" instead of "hippopotamus").
  4. Wrong stress in words ("wind" instead of "wind").

By the age of 3-4, children already notice the speech errors of their peers, despite the fact that they themselves still speak far from perfect. A critical assessment of his speech develops by the age of 5, that is, at this age he understands that he is speaking incorrectly and is even ashamed of it. This leads to a psychological barrier that prevents the normal formation of the personality. In this case, the baby begins to talk less, and the sentences become monosyllabic and short. Psychologists say that harsh criticism of speech errors can cause aggression in a child.

Where to start the development of phonemic hearing?

The formation of phonemic hearing in preschoolers is the basis for understanding the meaning of speech. If speech sound discrimination is not formed, then the child will perceive (repeat, memorize, write) not what was said, but what he heard. Auditory defects are especially clearly visible at school in the process of learning to read and write. Without these basic skills, it will be difficult to master the curriculum.

The development of phonemic processes in preschoolers is an important and not always easy process, but neglecting it is dangerous for the child's health.

Non-verbal hearing

Why even conscientious parents who follow all the instructions and recommendations of a speech therapist do not get the desired result? One of the main reasons for this problem is the omission of the first stage - the formation of non-verbal hearing.

Initially, hearing develops on the basis of non-speech sounds: the noise of water, wind, music. Thanks to elementary mental processes, more complex ones are formed. Non-speech sounds are the basis for speech sounds. The sense of rhythm should be developed against the background of the formation of non-verbal hearing. Exercises with closed eyes are considered very useful, when the child recognizes sounds without relying on sight.

The development of phonemic perception in preschool children begins with a simple distinction between "fast - slow", "quiet - loud". To do this, you should select musical compositions that are contrasting and emotional in their structure. It is great when children sing along, conduct and dance in the process of learning.

Games for the development of non-verbal hearing

Auditory development exercises should be fun, because children are more effective at absorbing information in a playful way. We develop kids:

  1. "Who's there?". You need a bell to play. When the doorbell rings, the teacher asks the children if they heard something? After answering, the bell sounds again. The teacher asks who it might be. After that, the teacher invites the children to ask who is there. The kids ask, and a man’s voice is heard outside the door. Such simplest game develops attention, interest in children, and the teacher's task is to show that sounds are very important, and it is always worth listening to them.
  2. "Ears are rumors." For the game, you will need metal and wooden spoons, as well as crystal glasses. Initially, children are asked to name these objects, after which they listen to how each of them sounds. Having installed the screen, the teacher alternately reproduces the sound of all the listed objects. The task of children is to differentiate the proposed sounds. Such a game has a great effect on the development of phonemic hearing and helps to improve memory.
  3. "Who said meow?" By listening to audio recordings of animal sounds, children need to recognize who owns a particular voice. This simple game improves the ability to distinguish between the voices of animals and birds.

Speech hearing

As already mentioned, non-verbal hearing is the basis for verbal hearing. If this stage is not missed, then the formation of speech hearing will proceed much faster and better. Practice shows that the development of speech hearing is influenced by the sensations that arise during the movement of the articulatory apparatus. During the education of phonemic hearing, the child perceives all the subtleties of the sound of speech:

  • correct pronunciation;
  • definition;
  • raising and lowering the voice;
  • intonation;
  • rhythm;
  • pace (acceleration or deceleration);
  • emotional color;
  • timbre (decree, request).

If the phonemic perception in preschoolers is not developed at the proper level, then the development of their speech will be extremely difficult.

Games for the development of speech hearing

To make the formation of phonemic hearing fun and interesting, you need to use games for the development of speech hearing:

  1. "Who is the most attentive?" Children sit around the presenter, who asks them to perform some movement, for example, raise their hand up, and then, in a barely audible whisper, announces the name or surname of the person who should do it. If the child missed his name, then call the next one. The most considerate player is the winner.
  2. "Find out." They close their eyes to the driver, and everyone around, changing their voice, utters a phrase. Assignment: guess the person by the changed voice.
  3. Hot and cold. Sitting in a circle, the children roll the ball to each other. If one child says "cold", then the second can touch the ball, and if "hot", then it is impossible. If someone makes a mistake, he is awarded a penalty point (the punishment can be thought up at the discretion of the leader).
  4. "Remember". The presenter names about 6 words, the task for the players: repeat them in the same sequence. If the child missed words or rearranged them, then this is considered a loss. With each round, you can complicate words and increase their number.

Is it necessary to develop phonemic hearing in children?

Medical diagnostics shows that phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment in preschoolers negatively affects their formation as a personality. It is important to take all exercises with complete seriousness, because the future of your child depends on it. At the same time, do not forget that all classes should be attractive for the baby, only then the training will proceed faster and more efficiently, and the results will not be long in coming.

Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers help to recognize sounds, distinguish one word from another and understand what sounds the heard word consists of. But the most important thing: having good phonemic hearing, the child will easily master written and oral speech and will be successful in school.

Natalia Belskikh
Methodical development "Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children"

« Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children»

« phonemic hearing»

2. Age features of the development of phonemic hearing in preschool children

3.in modern conditions, preschool educational institutions

4. References

1. Essence and content of the concept « phonemic hearing»

In this paragraph, we set a goal - to reveal the essence of the concept « phonemic hearing» and related categories from the linguistic and psychological-pedagogical points of view.

The linguistic view of the problem we are considering is as follows. Concept « phoneme» discovered in the language at the end of the 19th century. Professor I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay. Later teaching about phoneme developed by L... V. Shcherba is the founder of the Leningrad phonological school, whose ideas were also adopted by the Moscow phonological school.

Phoneme in the language performs two function: distinctive and identifying.

Let's compare words: ladies, house, smoke, dum. These words are similar in sound structure: consist of 3 sounds, have one syllable and the same consonant sounds, however, are perceived by our consciousness as different, having different lexical meaning due to the fact that they differ in vowel sounds. Hence the vowels phonemes in these words they perform a distinctive function.

Let's give another example: water, dropsy, water. The roots in these words are pronounced differently: [water], [vd], [vd]. However, we understand that the root in the words is the same - vod-. Despite the difference in sound, the same vowel appears in these roots phoneme & lt; o>. The sound [a] is pronounced, but in our linguistic consciousness we translate this sound into "O", in place, b we realize phoneme & lt; o>, since we understand that these related words have the same root. We identify different sounds in one phoneme and thus we identify the differently pronounced roots.

Hence, to find out which phoneme hides behind the spoken sounds, it is necessary to put her in a strong position. The sound presented in this position detects phoneme.

Phoneme not really pronounced. This is a unit of language that is stored in our linguistic consciousness, in sounding speech phoneme is realized(presented, expressed) in sounds, different depending on the position phonemes and phonetic laws of language [Shcherba 1988].

In Russian, vowels phonemes are all vowel sounds (a, y, and, e, o, the main feature of which is stress or non-stress; the duration or pitch of vowel sounds are insignificant.

For consonants, the semantic distinctive features are voicedness-deafness, hardness-softness. Thus, the change of vowels or their stress (drink-sing, mka-flour) and the change of consonants according to their deafness-voicedness (stick-beam) or hardness-softness (dust-dust) change the meaning of the Russian word. The ability to distinguish between these sound signs is called speech, or phonemic hearing.

parts of speech phonemes, which is a necessary basis for understanding the meaning of what was said [Bardysheva 2013].

Distinguish between speech and non-speech hearing... Non-speech hearing Is the ability to navigate in non-speech sounds (for example, in musical tones and noises)... Speech hearing Is the ability to hear and analyze the sounds of speech in a native or other language.

The sounds of speech are inherent only in humans, they are produced in a child for several years after birth. This process includes complex brain systems and speech apparatus, which are controlled by the central nervous system. A long way of mastering the pronunciation system of the language by a child is due to the complexity of speech sounds, which he must learn to perceive and reproduce [Novikovskaya 2010].

When perceiving speech, a child is faced with a variety of sounds, since phonemes in the flow of speech are changeable, are reduced in weak positions. He hears many variants of sounds, which, merging into syllables, form words. The child needs to learn from them phoneme, while distracting from all the options for the sound of the same phonemes and to identify her by those constant distinctive features by which one phoneme opposed by the other. If a child does not learn how to do this, he will not be able to distinguish one word from another and to recognize words of the same root [Semenovich 2008].

In the process of speech development the child first of all develops phonemic hearing, since without it, in the words of the linguopsychologist N.I. Zhinkin, speech generation is impossible. Phonetic hearing also develops, which monitors a continuous stream of syllables. Because phonemes are realized in pronunciation variants - sound allophones, it is important that these sounds are pronounced in a normalized manner, that is, generally accepted, habitually, otherwise it is difficult for the listener to recognize them. Unusual pronunciation for a given language is assessed phonetic hearing as wrong. Phonemic and phonetic hearing constituting speech hearing, carry out not only the reception and assessment of someone else's speech, but also control over their own speech. Speech hearing is the most important stimulus for the formation of a normalized pronunciation [Zhinkin 1958].

Let us present a psychological and pedagogical view of the category « phoneme» ... Until about the 30s of the XX century phonetics relied on the physiological nature of speech, on articulation. Development speech was seen as motor development, articulatory movements. Development children's speech occurred through the accumulation phonemes rather than by the accumulation of individual sounds.

Domestic psychologist L. S. Vygotsky drew attention to the perception phonemes and set that “any phoneme perceived and reproduced as phoneme on the background of phonemes i.e. perception phonemes happens only on background of human speech»[Vygotsky 2005]. The basic law of perception phonemes, formulated by L. S. Vygotsky, is the law of perception of the sounding side of speech.

The term was introduced by the scientist phonemic hearing which includes 3 speech operations:

the ability to hear whether there is a given sound in a word or not;

the ability to distinguish between words that include the same phonemes located in a different sequence;

the ability to distinguish between closely sounding, but different in meaning words [Vygotsky 2005].

Somewhat later, the teacher D. B. Elkonin introduced the term phonemic perception... The researcher was looking for the most effective methods of teaching children to read and write... He drew attention to the fact that one is not enough to master these skills. phonemic hearing, children needs to be specially trained phonemic perception... D. B. Elkonin singled out from phonemic perception phonemic analysis and proved that before teaching the child written speech, you need to teach him the skills phonemic analysis [Elkonin 2006].

Thus, the analysis linguo-methodical and psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to formulate the following conclusions. Under phonetic by the side of speech, they understand the pronunciation of sounds as a result of the coordinated work of all departments of the speech motor apparatus.

Under phonemic native language phonemes. Phonemic the side of speech is provided by work speech-auditory analyzer [Fomicheva 1989].

2. Age features of development

v preschool age

In his development he is ahead of the child's speech.

Normal development speech without disturbances can be represented in several aspects. The first aspect is the formation of pronunciation skills native language phonemes... The second aspect is mastering vocabulary and syntax rules, as well as the semantic side of speech. Active mastering of the lexical and grammatical laws of the language begins in a child at 2-3 years old and ends by the age of 7 by the time he enters school. In the school age the acquired speech skills are improved on the basis of written speech [Chirkina 2002].

The first conditioned reflexes to sound stimuli are formed in a child at the beginning of the second month. life: he begins to determine the direction of sound, turns his head towards the sound source. At 2-3 months, the baby has humming.

At 3-4 months of life, the child begins to distinguish qualitatively different sounds (e.g. piano sound and bell ringing) and homogeneous sounds of different heights, babbling appears for the first time.

V age from 3 to 6 months, the main semantic load is carried by intonation, in a baby is developing the ability to express their experiences using shades of voice.

By the age of 6 months, clear sounds appear in the baby's babbling, but they are not yet stable enough, they are pronounced in short sound combinations. Among the vowels, the sound [a] sounds clearly, among the consonants [n], [b], [m], [k], [t]. From six months age, phonemic hearing is also formed which is checked at the word level. By the age of one, the child should understand where the toy is "bear" and where is the toy "Mouse"... Fine phonemic hearing formed from 6 months to 1 year and 7 months.

During the first year of life, the baby recognizes words by their rhythm, the general sound shell. The sounds included in the composition of words are still perceived diffusely and therefore can be replaced by others, similar in sound. In that age the child still responds not to the objective meaning of the word, but to its intonation side. This is the so called period pre-phonemic speech development.

In the second year of life, the child begins to more accurately distinguish the sounds of speech, the sound composition of words. The word begins to serve as an instrument of communication, the child begins to react to the objective meaning of the word, to pronounce the sounds [e], [s], [and], but his hard consonants sound like soft - [t`], [d`], [z `]. For the first time, words of simple structure appear in a child's speech [Leontiev 2009].

In the third year of life, the mobility of the articulatory apparatus increases, more and more improves, but the pronunciation does not yet correspond to the norm. In that age children try to bring their pronunciation closer to the generally accepted, however, sounds that are difficult in articulation are replaced with simple ones. For example, [ts] = [t`] or [ts] = [s`]; [l] = [l`]; [p] = [l`]. Children almost do not mix words that are similar in sound; they try to preserve the syllable structure of words [Novotvotseva 1995].

In the fourth year of life, the articulatory apparatus is further strengthened, muscle movements become more coordinated, solid consonants, hissing sounds appear in speech, words are pronounced correctly with a confluence of several consonants.

In the fifth year of life, the majority children sibilant sounds and sonorous [l], [p], [p`] are pronounced correctly, some of them still have unstable pronunciation of sibilant and sibilant sounds, they are interchanged. Children recognize the sound in the stream of speech, can pick up a word for a given sound, distinguish between an increase or decrease in the volume of speech, a slowdown or acceleration of the tempo.

developed phonemic hearing phonemes... The skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis are formed based on phonemic perception, which in the process of ontogenesis goes through certain stages of its development... So, R.E. Levina distinguishes the following stages development of phonemic perception.

The first stage is the complete absence of differentiation of speech sounds, while the child has no understanding of speech. This stage is called « pre-phonemic» .

At the second stage, it becomes possible to distinguish between acoustically distant phonemes similar in sound phonemes are not differentiated, correct and not correct pronunciation do not differ.

In the third stage, the child begins to hear sounds in accordance with their constant phonemic features, he recognizes mispronounced words.

At the fourth stage, active speech reaches almost complete correctness, but phonemic differentiation is still unstable, which manifests itself when perceiving and pronouncing unfamiliar words.

At the fifth stage, the process is completed. phonemic development when both the perception and the expressive speech of the child are correct. The most essential sign of the transition to this stage is that the child clearly distinguishes between correct and incorrect pronunciation [Levina 1958].

The child goes through the first three stages in early childhood up to 3 years old, in preschool age he goes through the last two stages.

Formation indicator phonemic perception is the child's ability to exercise phonemic analysis, development which is carried out gradually. Simple shapes phonemic analysis(sound recognition on background . Complex shapes(determination of the quantitative and sequential sound composition of the word) are formed only in the process of special training, in the course of training children literacy.

The pronunciation side of the speech of a 7 year old child is as close as possible to the speech of adults and practically corresponds to the norms of literary pronunciation. Phonemic hearing becomes a controlling mechanism of one's own pronunciation and contributes to mastering the initial skills of reading and writing [Varentsova 2012].

Thus, we can conclude that the sensitive (favorable age) development of phonemic hearing is of paramount importance to development the entire speech function of the child.

3. Development of phonemic hearing in preschool children in modern conditions of a preschool educational institution

Speech development the child occurs in the process of active knowledge of the world around him, due to the inclusion of as many analyzers as possible (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.)... Effective speech development possible only under the guidance of adults in a family or preschool educational institution in the process of joint activities of all participants in the pedagogical process.

In the domestic development methodology phonemic hearing in children were presented in the works of many teachers (F. A. Sokhin, G. A. Tumakov, M. M. Alekseev, V. I. Yashin, A. I. Maksakov, L. A. Venger, etc.). Let us briefly describe the essence of the concepts of speech preschool development listed authors.

Considering age and psychological characteristics preschool children, F. A. Sokhin outlined the following tasks in the work on the sound side speeches:

educate speech hearing in children mainly in gaming activities;

develop articulation apparatus preschoolers through articulatory gymnastics allowing develop language mobility, lips, etc .;

develop speech breathing in preschool children using special play exercises (for example, exercises "Candle", "Ships", "Dandelion" and etc.);

educate preschoolers the ability to adjust the volume and strength of the voice in accordance with the conditions of communication;

educate children intonational expressiveness of speech;

form the correct pronunciation of all sounds (orthoepic side of speech)[Sokhin 2004].

In the studies of G.A. Tumakova, the content, methods and methods of work of a teacher on development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers 3-7 years old, the formation of the ability to navigate in the sound side of the word.

When children will master the term "word", the author proposes to move on to playing exercises for their sound. These are tasks for remembering, reproducing, comparing words that are similar and different in sound (poppy - cancer - tank - varnish, selection of rhymes, listening to the sound of words that children give sound specifications: rustling, voiced, loud, quiet, etc. With such an organization of training preschoolers begin to experiment on their own, play with words and sounds, development of phonemic hearing is more productive [Tumakova 2011].

The studies of M.M. Alekseeva and V.I. Yashina describe a system of work on acquaintance preschoolers with the sound structure of words, teaching the correct sound pronunciation. Authors methodology offer special classes in development motor skills of the speech motor apparatus, auditory perception, speech hearing and speech breathing, clarification and consolidation of the articulation of sounds [Alekseeva 2000].

In the works of A.I. Maksakov, the system of work on development the sound side of speech, phonetic perception is also given great attention. The researcher proposes to start this type of speech activity already in the younger preschool age.

To teach preschoolers to pronounce sounds correctly, pronounce words clearly, change the volume, tempo of speech, use intonation means of expressiveness, A.I.Maksakov suggests, firstly, to teach them to hear and listen to the speech of others, i.e. develop auditory perception... As preparatory exercises, the researcher offers tasks in which the same sounds or sound combinations must be pronounced at different volumes. The ability to correctly use intonation means of expressiveness of speech AI Maksakov suggests practicing when children memorize nursery rhymes, retelling fairy tales [Maksakov 2006].

L.A. Wenger's literacy program in the middle group of kindergarten involves a reorientation children from the semantic side of speech to sound, when the sounds of speech become subject special study. The author offers to introduce children:

with a sounding word and a variety of words;

with the fact that words sound different and similar;

with length of words (long and short words);

with sound, a variety of sounds of the surrounding world;

methods of intonational highlighting of sound in a word;

distinguish on hearing hard and soft consonants.

The program of L.A. Wenger is based on the technique of modeling, that is, the designation of sounds with chips. The work on the sound side of speech takes place in several stages and begins from the moment of parsing three-sound words. Children are given gray tokens without distinguishing between vowels and consonants.

The second stage is the introduction of vowel sounds. Sound model mutates: vowel sounds are indicated by red tokens on gray background.

The third stage is further complication of the sound model by introducing consonants and differentiating them into hard and soft consonants, which in the model children designate with blue and green counters. At the same time, words of various sound structures are introduced (moon, spider, stork, elephant, mouse, plum, etc.) and an accent mark.

L.A. Wenger's program is implemented in an accessible and interesting preschoolers uniform: in didactic games, plot game situations, in exercises using visual material and toys [Wenger 2004].

V methodical literature on speech:

1) the presence of a high level of sound (pronunciation) culture of speech of adults ;

2) the use of didactic games and exercises;

3) accounting individual characteristics child;

4) taking into account the educational environment, etc.

High sound level (pronunciation) adult speech culture has great importance v phonemic training of children... So, MM Alekseeva notes that, imitating adults, children adopt "not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, phrase construction, but also those imperfections and mistakes that occur in their speech" [Alekseeva 2007 : 17]. That is why to the pronunciation culture of the teacher's speech preschool educational institution high demands are being made today.

An important psychological and pedagogical condition phonemic development of preschoolers is the use of didactic games and exercises. The main place in the game is given to work with sound, letter. Experience shows that it is necessary to devote enough time to the sound perception of the word, forming phonetic and speech hearing child in a playful way. Many children there are pronunciation defects. The presence of even mild defects in phonemic development creates serious obstacles for the child's successful assimilation of program material on reading and writing, since practical generalizations about the sound composition of the word turn out to be insufficiently formed [Sokhina 2009].

The next condition required for phonemic training of children, - taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. When working with children, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities phonemic perception of each child. If a child has difficulties in perceiving new information, then games and exercises should be carried out on material that will only be included in direct educational activities. Such work will prepare the child for the assimilation of new knowledge about sounds and letters, will help to feel more confident and will gradually lead preschooler to new forms of work on the sound side of speech [Chirkina 2003].

A prerequisite development of phonemic hearing in preschool children is also taking into account the environment of education. One of the main tasks of the preschool educational institution is considered to be the enrichment of the environment with such elements that would stimulate cognitive activity and speech. children... To accomplish this task, a cognitive-speech corner should be formed in the group, in which a variety of practical material is accumulated and systematized for the organization of speech games and direct educational activities: manuals for carrying out articulatory gymnastics, complexes of finger games, speech physical minutes, didactic games, manuals that promote children's speech development, materials for storytelling, fiction, a variety of board games, games for development fine motor skills of hands, etc. [Tikheeva 2001].

Based on the above, we will do the following conclusions:

1. Phonemic hearing is discrimination, i.e. analysis and synthesis of sounds and parts of speech phonemes, which is a necessary basis for understanding the meaning of what was said.

In other words, under phonemic side of speech understand the ability to distinguish native language phonemes: the ability to hear whether there is a given sound in a word or not; the ability to distinguish between words that include the same phonemes located in a different sequence; the ability to distinguish closely sounding, but different in meaning words.

2. Phonemic hearing begins to develop very early in children., in its development he is ahead of the child's speech.

By the age of 6, children are able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language and words of various syllabic structures. Good developed phonemic hearing allows you to distinguish similar sound phonemes, skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis are formed based on phonemic perception, the indicator of the formation of which is the child's ability to carry out phonemic analysis.

Simple shapes phonemic analysis(sound recognition on background words and the isolation of the first and last sound from the word) arise spontaneously, in the process speech development in preschool age... Complex forms (determination of the quantitative and sequential sound composition of a word) are formed in the process of special training, in the course of training children literacy.

3. In the domestic development methodology speech tasks and methods of work on the formation phonemic hearing in children were presented in the writings of many educators: F. A. Sokhin, G. A. Tumakova, M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina, A. I. Maksakov, L. A. Venger, etc.

V methodical literature on speech development of preschool children the following psychological and pedagogical conditions of successful phonemic training of preschoolers: the presence of a high sound level (pronunciation) culture of speech of adults (caregivers, parents, etc.); the use of didactic games and exercises; taking into account the individual characteristics of the child; taking into account the educational environment, etc.

4. References

Vygotsky L. S. Pedagogical psychology.

Levina R. E. Education correct speech at children.

Maksakov A.I. Sound culture speeches

Tumakova G.A. preschooler with sounding word: A guide for the educator children. garden

Zhinkin N.I. Mechanisms of speech.

Gerbova V.V.Learning to speak

Reader on theory and methodology for the development of speech in preschool children / comp... M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina.

Vdovenko Elena
Consultation for teachers "How to develop phonemic hearing in a preschooler"

Speech is one of the most important mental functions that influences the formation mental processes the child and its general development... Speech is at the core of literacy and all other disciplines. It is the main means of communication between people.

Speech plays an important role in the regulation of the behavior and activities of the child at all stages of his development... The speech of others regulates the behavior of the child, broadens his horizons. Among other factors, it develops the child's auditory attention, forms phonemic hearing, correct sound pronunciation, gives samples of grammatically formed phrases, etc. Imitating the speech of others, the child learns the accuracy of expressing his thoughts, feelings, the ability to control the voice, breathing, all intonation means of the language, correct speech behavior.

Anyone who communicates with children knows that even a one-year-old child understands a much larger number of words than he can pronounce. However, it would be wrong to assume that by the time the child has enough developed phonemic hearing and pronunciation, the process of formation of speech, to some extent, turns out to be complete. This process is intense is developing throughout preschool and school age.

Auditory the sphere is leading in the sense that thanks to the early development of phonemic hearing a child for the first time by ear learns to distinguish between different phonemic elements, their exact auditory representations, and becomes a regulator of them in his own pronunciation. But for their appearance in the speech of the child himself, except auditory representations, articulatory skills are also required. These skills are developed later, and with their development the sound elements enter into the child's own speech.

Development speech function is an extremely complex process, in its formation participates: auditory and speech motor analyzers.

The ability to focus on sound is very important feature person. Without it, you cannot learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate on hearing phonemes(the sounds that make up our speech)... This skill is called phonemic hearing. Phonemic hearing is the basis for the emergence, formation and improvement of the child's speech. The better formed phonemic hearing, the more perfect the child's speech.

So, phonemic hearing(Phonemics) - distinction (analysis and synthesis) sounds (phonemes) parts of speech, which is a necessary basis for understanding the meaning of what is said. When speech recognition is not formed, a person (child) perceives (remembers, repeats, writes) not what he was told, but what he heard. Without full phonemic hearing the child will not master pure sound pronunciation.

Thus, in speech development of preschool children age, great importance is attached to the formation phonemic hearing.

Today we will talk about development of phonemic hearing... How to determine the level of formation baby hearing?

If the child hears the door creak cautiously, distinguishes the approaching drone of a helicopter from the drone of an airplane, then everything is in order with his physiological hearing

And now the child has a maracas or a tambourine in his hands, and if he does not break the rhythmic pattern of the Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field." hearing.

Here's a six year old preschooler arranges pictures in two without errors stacks: in one - with the first sound [S], in the other - with sound, - the child has a formed phonemic hearing.

As we accompany the child to school, we hope that he / she will learn successfully. From children entering the first grade, not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is required, but also the ability to act mentally, to analyze, synthesize and generalize. The main condition for the successful mastering of the Russian language at school is formation phonemic hearing.

The core of most of the difficulties of students in writing is the insufficient formation of the FS. This manifests itself in specific writing errors.

Primary phonemic hearing enough for everyday communication. But to master the skill of reading and writing, it is necessary for children to be able to dismember the flow of speech into words, words into their constituent sounds, to establish the order of sounds in a word, that is, to analyze the sound side of a word, which most children cannot.

Children of this category have full interaction with the outside world violated: speech is formed with a delay, there are deficiencies in sound pronunciation, deviations in the state of the lexical and grammatical language subsystems.

At the heart of these disorders is a violation phonemic hearing... This leads to a limited vocabulary, insufficient understanding of semantic meanings, grammatical categories.

Developed phonemic hearing child is a sine qua non for successful literacy learning. Therefore, early diagnosis of the formation phonemic processes is necessary for the timely overcoming of it underdevelopment.

Output: Phonemic perception is discrimination on hearing sounds of speech. Phonemic hearing is the basis for understanding the meaning of what was said. Indeed, replacing even one sound in a word, we can get a completely different sound. meaning: "Goat-braid", "House-tom", "Barrel-kidney"... And now they are mowing the meadow with a goat, the scythe nibbles the grass, and Mishin's car turns into a mouse on the car.

Parents often complain - my child has "Porridge in the mouth", he skips or replaces sounds and syllables in words - the culprit for such violations may be undeveloped phonemic hearing.

Formed phonemic perception is the key to a clear pronunciation of sounds, the correct syllable structure of words (even without the ability to pronounce all the sounds, the child retains the structure of the word "painting" - "Ti-ti-ta", the basis for the ease of mastering the grammatical structure of the language, successful mastering of writing and reading

There are a variety of games and exercises


Development of phonemic hearing divided into six levels.

The first level is the recognition of non-speech sounds.

Differentiation on hearing non-speech sounds is the foundation and basis development of phonemic hearing.

What are we playing with? (music)

The game will require a set of items that can publish different the sounds: bell, tambourine, metronome, rattle, whistle, wooden and metal spoons, etc.

From among the players, a driver is chosen, who turns his back to the players at a distance of 2-3 meters. Multiple players (3-4) at the signal of the presenter, they approach him closer and with words "What are we playing with?" begin to make sounds. The driver must determine which objects are making sounds.

Step - run - stop! (physical Culture)

Before the start of the game, the lead adult playing the musical instrument, - and the children agree on the nature of the movements that they will perform under music: under the march - walk briskly, under the dance - run on tiptoes, a pause in the music requires a stop of movement and complete immobility.

Count the beats (music, mathematics)

The presenter invites the children to close their eyes and count (to themselves, how many beats of the tambourine they will hear. Having opened their eyes, it is necessary to find and show a card with the corresponding number (or place as many chips on the table as the number of beats heard) .

Hammers (music)

The presenter invites the children to take turns tapping "Hammer" (in pencil) one or another rhythmic pattern. For each correctly repeated rhythm, the player can receive an incentive chip. The winner is the one who copes with the game task better than the others, gaining the most chips

Rhythmic drawings (music, mathematics, literacy training)

Before the start of the game, the presenter explains to the children how it is possible to write down a particular rhythmic pattern with the help of signs. For example, long and short vertical sticks can indicate the volume and number of sound signals (claps, beats of a tambourine, etc.), and horizontal sticks - pauses between a series of signals.

Game task - listen to the rhythmic patterns offered to adults and sketch them.

The reverse task is to reproduce (slap, tap) rhythmic pattern according to the pattern.

The second level is the differentiation of speech sounds by timbre, strength and pitch.

Fast slow (physical education, music)

Under loud, rare blows to the tambourine, children walk, imitating a bear, - slowly, on the outside of the foot; under quiet, frequent blows - they run on tiptoe, like mice.

Quiet - loud (physical Culture)

While the presenter quietly claps his hands, the children walk calmly around the room, when loud claps are heard - they stand, frozen, in place.

Who said the compliment (regime moments)

6-8 children take part in this game. A driver is selected from them, who turns his back to the players and closes his eyes. Mixed game participants (in turn) give him compliments for example: "Sasha, you are very smart", "You are the tidiest", "You have beautiful hair" and so on. The driver must find out by his voice who said it. In the second round of the game, the rule changes - now everyone who says a compliment must change his voice at least slightly.

The third level - we distinguish words that are close in sound

True False.

An adult shows the child a picture and names the object, replacing the first letter (forota, short, morota, gate, porota, khorota)... The child's task is to clap his hands when he hears the correct pronunciation.

Say a word.

An adult reads a rhyme, and a child finishes the last word, which fits the meaning and rhyme:

Not a bird on a branch -

Small animal

The fur is warm like a heating pad.

His name is. (squirrel).

Don't be afraid - it's a goose

I myself am him. (afraid).

I always get dirty

Helps out. (water).

The ox is afraid to enter the house:

It will bend under me. (floor).

Siskin whistled:

Whew, whew, whew!

I have dewdrops in the morning. (drink)

Jokes are fables.

Exercise: the presenter reads a poem, deliberately making mistakes in words. Name the words correctly.

1. Dropping the doll from the hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There are green onions crawling

With a long mustache (bug).

2. The hunter screamed: "Ouch!

The doors are chasing me! " (beasts).

3. Hey, don't get too close.

I'm a tiger cub, not a bowl (pussy).

4. Mom went with the barrels

On the road along the village (daughters).

5. In front of the kids

The rat is painted by painters (roof).

6. To have lunch, Alyoshka took

In the right hand, left leg (spoon).

7. The schoolboy finished the line

And put the barrel (point).

8. I sit by the stove with a fishing rod

I don't take my eyes off the fish (rivers).

9. Russian beauty

Famous for its goat (oblique).

10. The mustachioed whale sits on the stove,

Choosing a warm place (cat).

By the fourth stage, the child is already prepared to learn to distinguish between syllables.

The fourth level is syllable discrimination.

Let's clap.

The adult explains to the child that there are short and long words. Pronounces them, intonationally separating syllables. Together with the child, pronounces the words (pa-pa, lo-pa-ta, ba-le-ri-na, slapping off the syllables. A more difficult option is to invite the child to independently slap the number of syllables in the word. put your hand to the chin)

What is superfluous ?.

An adult pronounces rows of syllables "Pa-pa-pa-ba-pa", "Fa-fa-wa-fa-fa"... The child should clap when he hears the extra (another) syllable.

Pure phrases.

The adult begins, and the baby finishes the last syllable.

Ba-bo-ba - there are two tables by the road. (bah).

For-for-for-go home, to. (per).

Ti-di-tee - to the moon le. (ty).

De-de-te - let's sit in the dark. (those).

Liu-lu-liu - green onion I'm on. (liu).

Fe-ve-fe - I'll sit on the co. (fe).

Gradually during this period, the child must master the ability to distinguish between all the sounds: sibilant and sibilant, voiced and dull, hard and soft.

The fifth level is the discrimination of sounds.

At this stage, the child learns to distinguish phonemes(sounds of the native language)... It is imperative to start with the distinction of vowel sounds.


1. The baby has pictures with the image of a wolf, baby, bird. Adult explains: "Wolf howls: ooh ooh "," Baby crying: ah-ah "," Bird sings: and-and-and ". We ask the kid to raise the picture corresponding to the sound pronounced by an adult.

2. Explain to the child that words are made of sounds. Play sounds. Komarik says - zzzz, the wind blows - ssss, the beetle buzzes - zzhzhzh, the tiger growls - rrrr ...

An adult makes a sound, and a child guesses who (what) it publishes and vice versa.

The sound got lost.

Read a rhyme to your child in which the last word is rhymed, but does not correspond to the general meaning. The kid should correct it and end the sentence with a more appropriate word, determining which letter was missing.

It's dark for us. We ask dad

We turn it on brighter. poo (lamp).

We entered the arena. games (tigers,

We were all quiet from fear.

The old K. from (mole,

He lives under the ground.

The sixth level is mastering the skills of analysis and synthesis.

At the final stage in the system development of phonemic hearing we teach the child to divide words into syllables, to determine the number of syllables in a word, to be able to “slap off”, “tap out” the rhythmic pattern of two- and three-syllable words. Then we proceed to the analysis of consonants. We start by learning to highlight the last consonant sound in a word,

Not a river, but they live here

Various fish.

The house is glass.

Light. Cosiness.

And there is food - crumbs. (Aquarium)

He sighs very heavily.

So the poor thing got fat

What a green vest

He put it on with difficulty. (Watermelon)

We will find cities, seas,

Mountains, parts of the world.

Fits on it

The whole planet. (Globe)

Children, moms, dads

They only wear hats. (Mushrooms)

Frightened - runs

It stops - it trembles.


It grows in the ground

Known throughout the world.

Often on the table

Flaunts in a uniform. (potatoes)

He doesn't like the light of day

Lives underground

Digs the earth, digs, digs

He builds the metro every day. (Mole)

Sharp and black

A grain is thrown into the ground.

And now over this place

There are a circle of suns and two hundred grains. (Sunflower)

What a cloud is a trap:

The whole village was hidden in it. (Fog)

It looks tiny, but strong,

Too mischievous

As soon as he was born, immediately he

Domishko broke his own. (Chick)

What can I say about her? Coward.

He tries to live quietly.

Bone secure lid

She hides since childhood. (Turtle)

Guess the word. (literacy training)

(- cloth, - golka, - rbuz, - cameo, autobu -, - aduga, - araban)... Clearly, keeping stress, pronounce combinations of sounds. Children raise the appropriate symbols (red or blue) and pronounce each word in its entirety, naming the first sound and the corresponding letter.

How many points - so many sounds (mathematics, literacy training)

The game requires a cube with a different number of dots on the edges (two, three, four, five, six, zero)... Children take turns throwing a dice and name words, the number of sounds in which is equal to the number of dots on the top edge of the dice. In the event that a zero falls out, the player skips the move and passes the cube to the next player. For each wrong answer, the player pays forfeit.

Silent (mathematics, literacy training, familiarization with others)

Cards with numbers 1, 2, 3 for each child. Before the start of the game, an assistant presenter is selected from among the participants - "observer"... Then the teacher calls the word, and children raise a card with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in a given word. (The choice of words can be either arbitrary or thematic.)

Flower shop (mathematics, familiarization with others, literacy training)

Game material - postcards depicting flowers, which are displayed on a typesetting canvas. it "flower shop", and colored chips in the hands of children are "money". The educator explains that everyone can buy flowers for themselves, only it is necessary to pay correctly with the seller (his role is played by teacher or one of the children, i.e. give as many chips for each flower "Coins" how many syllables are in the word - the name of the flower. You need to buy flowers in turn.

The one who succeeds wins "buy" the largest number of colors.

Shop (familiarization with others, literacy training)

Highlighting games on background word.

Exercise: Dunno went to the store for fruit, came to the store, but forgot the name of the fruit. Help Dunno to buy fruits with the sound [l '] in their names. On the typesetting canvas, subject Pictures: apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, lemons, grapes. Children select pictures that have the sound [л '] in their names.

Everyone has their place

Each player has a set of object pictures and three cards, divided into three squares. On the first card, the first square is filled, on the second - the second, on the third - the third.

Educator offers players to sort pictures by placing them under one or another card depending on the place of the given sound in the word (at the beginning, middle or end)... The winner is the one who is the first to correctly arrange all the pictures.

Output: This six-step system development of speech hearing the child has a kind of foundation for good diction. Build this foundation together with your children, learn to listen and hear - then it will become easy and pleasant to speak!

Paying attention development of phonemic hearing you will make it easier for your child to master the correct pronunciation of sounds, and in the future reading and writing. A simple system of games will allow you to independently and productively help your child to master their native language, avoid possible difficulties and prevent the occurrence of speech disorders. If there is already a violation, then development of phonemic hearing will be the first step towards overcoming it.

Didactic games for preschoolers for the development of phonemic hearing play an important role in preparing children for school. The tasks and exercises presented in the article are suitable for the piggy bank of educators, speech therapists, and parents. Before you give practical advice about games for the development of auditory speech perception, let's talk about what a phoneme is, and how phonemically hearing is related to the level of learning of children.


From ancient Greek the word “phoneme” is translated as “sound”. This is the minimum unit of any language that does not have a lexical, grammatical meaning; it is used in speech to distinguish the significant units of the language.

For example, the word DOM has three phonemes<Д>, <О>, <М>... Do not confuse phonemic units with sound, they are not the same thing. You can understand why this is happening with a simple example: in the word BERRY there are 5 phonemes<Я>, <Г>, <О>, <Д>, <А>, but 6 sounds [Y], [A], [G], [A], [D], [A].

One letter or sound can be expressed by different phonemes, for example, in the north, G is pronounced as explosive, and in the south, fricatively with the sound of X, but both variants of articulation are presented as a phoneme<Г>.

Many teachers believe that there is no practical benefit from this knowledge for school and kindergarten children, but this point of view cannot be called unequivocally correct. In the first grade, children are required to distinguish between sound and letter when performing phonetic analysis. The foundations of this skill are laid at an early age, when children distinguish by ear the words mother - Masha, winter - Sima, etc. To analyze the speech heard, you need to be able to differentiate, distinguish between phonemes, that is, use phonemic hearing.

On a note! Parents play games for the development of phonemic hearing with their children from birth, without realizing it. Conversations, songs, fairy tales, noisy toys prepare the baby for his own speech, the perception of other people's statements and the analysis of individual sounds and syllables.

Phonemic hearing

The ability to distinguish phonemes without visualizing letters, the definition of the sound composition of a word is called. This skill underlies teaching children to read and write.

If this skill is not formed, children are delayed in speech development, because they do not hear their own articulatory errors:

  • confuses paired consonants for deafness-voiced, deaf-voiced;
  • makes numerous grammatical mistakes in speech;
  • skips syllables in words;
  • does not use prepositions or confuses similar pairs (over-na, in-in);
  • cannot correctly express a thought, incorrectly using consonant words (bow-hatch, tom-house).

As a result, the number of problems increases by school age. Children with undeveloped phonemic perception have the following learning problems:

  • low speed of reading, writing.
  • errors in finding the same root words, phonetic analysis, check forms for the last consonant.

To avoid difficulties at school age, it is important to notice in a timely manner, provide speech therapy assistance to a preschooler or schoolchild. The main place in corrective work with children for the development of speech hearing is played by games. There are a great many of them. They can be conducted not only by speech therapists, defectologists, kindergarten teachers, but also by parents.

On a note! Games for the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers are more effective at the age of 5-6 years. This period, according to psychologists and teachers, is the most favorable for the correction of auditory speech perception.


Simple and interesting games for the development of phonemic hearing do not bother children. Use any of the listed exercise games daily. Within a month, the results of the work will be noticeable to parents and others.

On a note! As a control of the effectiveness of classes on the formation of phonemic hearing in a child after a month of training, conduct the following test with a preschooler: say some words known to him incorrectly. With a poorly developed speech hearing, the child will not pay attention to your mistake. If he corrects your statement, makes a remark, you can give him and the teacher a “5” for quality work.

Simple didactic game on the development of phonemic hearing trains the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds. Children sit in a room or on the street, close their eyes and listen to silence for 1-2 minutes. You cannot talk while playing. If the lesson is carried out on a walk, it is difficult to organize the complete absence of sounds, therefore, silence means all rustles, car signals, and birdsong.

When the teacher allows, preschoolers open their eyes and describe their impressions of the game, tell in detail what they were able to hear in silence.

The game is aimed at developing phonemic hearing, attention. Can be carried out with children from 6 to 7 years old.

The child sits opposite the speech therapist and listens attentively to what sounds the teacher pronounces. The preschooler is given the task of clapping his hands and catching only a certain sound before the start of the game.

The teacher should slowly pronounce different sounds, and between them the correct one. If the baby clapped his palms at the wrong time, that is, he caught the wrong sound, you need to point him to the mistake. During the game, it is advisable to ask the children to pronounce all the phonemes they have heard aloud.

Clap stomp

The exercise is aimed at switchability. The child stomps and claps to the sound set by the teacher. It is necessary to negotiate the conditions of the game in advance. For example, a preschooler stomps on, but claps his hands on.

The speech therapist pronounces a number of similar sounds: [w], [w], [h], [w], [s], [w], [x], [w], etc. The preschooler should not react to unmarked sounds with body movements.

Catch the syllable

Game for the development of phonemic hearing, attention switch in children 5-6 years old. It is carried out identically to the previous one, but the child does not catch sounds, but syllables. The conditions are negotiated as follows: catch the syllable CHU. The teacher pronounces a number of syllables, trying to confuse the pupil: CHA, SHU, CHU, SHU, and so on. The child should only catch the CHU syllable.

Take the word

Exercise shapes high level attention, develops the ability to distinguish between syllables and sounds in isolation, surrounded by other phonemes.

The teacher tells the child what word to catch, for example, pike. Pronounces a number of words similar in sound and indicated: joke, pike, fur coat, teeth, pike, and so on. When the preschooler hears the right word, he claps his hands.

This phonemic hearing game can be done with several middle-aged children. DOW groups... First, tell the pupils what an echo is, how it “works”. Practice together, repeating words, sounds, syllables one after another. Then determine which of the children will echo and which will be a traveler in the mountains.

Once the roles have been assigned, leave the children to play on their own, without your prompting. The traveler speaks simple words, syllables, and the “echo” repeats what he has heard exactly, several times.

Catch a song

The game is suitable for children with underdevelopment of attention, with a weak skill to hear sounds in the composition of a syllable, words. The teacher sets a problematic sound for the pupil, most often it is sibilant, hissing, sonorous.

Take, for example, the phoneme B. The teacher must name a series of words with and without a given sound: a can, a fur coat, a nipple, a folder, a drum, a bulka, a bulka, and so on. The child's task is to clap your hands if you hear the sound you want.

Loud quiet

The lesson is conducted with musical accompaniment. Children stand in a circle, begin to move with a step to the composition. When the music is loud, you need to stand on your toes, if the sound becomes quiet, sit down and walk like a goose step.

On a note! Differentiated movements and musical composition are recommended to be changed at each lesson.


The exercise is identical to the previous one. When low tones are heard, such as a drum or trombone, children squat. On loud sounds - they move on tiptoes.

Tell me how I am

The game task is aimed at developing the ability to distinguish between loud and quiet sounds, children learn to adjust to the timbre of the interlocutor's voice. The teacher pronounces words, small phrases at different volumes, children listen and repeat.

On a note! For the exercise "Say how I am!" choose words and sounds that children have the most difficulty pronouncing.

Lay out correctly

Prepare cards with paired and unpaired sounds: З-С, Ж-Ш, Ч-Ц, Щ, В -Ф, X, R, B-P. And in addition to this card index, print out a picture of objects that have these phonemes in their names. The child must correlate them. For example, attach a card with the letter Z to the image of an umbrella, and C to an elephant. As a result, you get several piles of cards.

After 2-3 lessons with cards, invite the children to lay out pictures according to other principles:

  • find the names of objects with the desired sound at the end, beginning, middle of the word;
  • classify words by the number of syllables;
  • to come up with words for a given letter, for example, to verbally expand the names of all objects that are in the room.

Sound Lotto

The game is played in a group (at least 2 people and a presenter). Suitable for children who are already familiar with letters, or can be combined with classes in the study of the alphabet.
For the game you need to prepare:

  • Lotto with pictures (animals, birds, objects).
  • Blank cards.

Swipe first preparatory work... Find out which letters are familiar to preschoolers, explain that consonants can be soft-hard, dull-voiced, show how to pronounce them correctly. Then give the children 4-6 pictures and the same number of blank cards.

Name any sound by stretching and singing it: zzz. Ask if the koga has such a sound in the names of the painted objects. Children raise their hands and repeat: “I have z-z-zebra!”. And they cover the correct picture with a blank card. The winner is the one who fills in the field faster.

Important! Watch how the children pronounce words, separate sounds. Combine play with articulation training and pronunciation correction.

Syllabus train

The task for the development of the ability to divide words into syllables. Prepare cards with drawn wagons, each has 1 syllable written on it. The task of the children is to place the syllables in the carriages. For preschoolers 5-6 years old, take words from 2-3 syllables, for schoolchildren 6-7 years old - from 3-4.

Children with a phonemic hearing impairment in speech confuse sounds, the game of confusion will help to cope with this deficiency. First, tell the children what can happen if you put the wrong letter in a word, how its meaning and the meaning of the statement as a whole will change.

Give simple, but preferably funny, examples of funny situations. For example, Bear loves to eat cheese. I must say mouse, but bears do not eat cheese. Then invite the children to correct mistakes in words and sentences that the meaning of the statement was correct:

We came to skate on Big Cork.
There are many slippery Lobs in the swamp.
Ivan has built a new Tom.

If possible, accompany classes with intricate words with pictures, plot illustrations.

Broken phone

You need to play in a company, gather groups of 5-8 children. The first participant thinks of a word, first of 2-3 syllables, and indistinctly pronounces it in the ear of a neighbor. The next one tries to understand what he heard and passes the word on to the one sitting next to him. And so along the chain. The last child speaks out loud understood. Children compare the initial and final results, sorting out what has changed in it.

Say a syllable or word

Exercise suitable for older preschool children and pupils primary school... In kindergarten, use simple tasks, where you need to substitute 1 syllable for the word:

We continued playing ... (ru).
The house stands on th ... (re).
Our samov is boiling ... (ar).
I have ved ... (ro).

For junior schoolchildren choose tasks harder. Ask to add 2 syllables to the started word and a whole word in meaning:

I got into the brilliant green - poor blood crying ... (codil).
Mishenka played football and scored for the guys ... (goal).

The game "Agree ..." develops auditory attention, intelligence, expands vocabulary.

The most important thing is not to turn the game into a lesson with strict rules. Choose exercises that will bring the child the joy of communicating with you, peers and at the same time will develop in a complex not only phonemic hearing, but also memory, attention, thinking, beautiful and correct speech.

Anna Rovenskaya

Russian language and literature teacher, employee Educational Center early development.