The uprising of the "watchdog". Communist revolution Captain Sablin (15 photos)

On the events of November 8-9, 1975, very little is known on the large anti-sidelum vehicle (BOD). Brezhnev's power cowardly hid political performance from the people on a warship. The decomposing Soviet nomenclators did not need heroes and revolutionaries. They needed Holi and system screws. The Soviet Army and the Navy of those years were presented and asked to the top of these. Sharkuny-generals, careerists officers and hypocrites-depoluts traveled the beautiful image of the Soviet warrior. It is not by chance that 16 years later our valiant defenders of the Motherland were swallowed Soviet Union And allowed the governments and debris "democrats of the first wave" to pull themselves in shit and actually destroy our army as such. However, there was also an honest and courageous man among them, who already, in the mid-70s, understood that the marasmatic CPSU leads the country to the abyss. Captain III rank, depicting the BOD "Watchtheye" Valery Sablin at the cost of his life tried to open his eyes to compatriots on rotting and the nobility of the Brezhnev regime.

Shortly before midnight from 8 to 9 November, a driver officer of a submarine, duty on the raid on the Daugawa River at Riga, where the ships of the maritime parade were standing in honor of the celebration of the October Revolution, noticed a man on an anchor barrel waving his hands. He was removed and brought aboard submarines. He told the commander of the boat captain II rank Svetlovsky that he, senior lieutenant of fours, escaped with Watchman "Watchtown" to report a rebellion that raised the ship's depution captain III rank Sablin. According to the fugitive, he arrested the commander and is going to catch the ship.

Svetlovsky did not believe this trembling either from the cold, or from fear, or with a hangover man. He knew Sablin. Although he hits, but a great sailor, not an attractive, not a careerist, all the steps of the marine military service passed, could also become a commander of the ship, but I preferred to go to the Commissioner. Sablin was a depolit for vocation: he believed that the revolutionary thoughts were chicted - they are dirty, distorted, make the bastards with insignificant to the revolution. He entered the Military Political Academy, breaking his commander career, only to better know the revolutionary theory. Perhaps he regretted this step, but not because of the destroyed career: neither one of the ships where he had a chance to serve, Sablin did not meet such a sample of adaptable adaptors, as in the audiences of the Polytakademia. But Sablin did not deteriorate in their environment. Stubbornly continuing to outline the classics of Marxism, he recorded a quote from Berdyaev in the fields: "A person can and often sacrifice his life, but not a person."

While the boat commander thought, a report was followed by a record officer: "Watchdog" is removed from the anchor!

Upon learning of Firsov's escape, Sablin did not change decisions. The surprise was lost, but it was late to retreat, the bridges were burned. With an anchor, the BPK unexpectedly left the front line of the ships, miraculously turned around in a narrow river and, gaining speed, moved to the Riga Bay. Radiograms went off the ship on the air and the Soviet bodies in which political requirements contained. Sablin declared that he was taking a course on Leningrad, goes to the Neva to the "Aurora" parking lot and demands to give one of the team members to perform in central television and radio to inform the people that he promoted him to this performance and what the crew of the watchdog was achieved.

The command of the Baltic Fleet fell into a state of stupor. Admirals are desperately undercut and did not solve any action. However, the rebellion on a warship was hidden was impossible, besides, knowing Sablin, they were sure that he would act until the end.
Captain III rank Valery Sablin has long hatched his idea. The plan invented by him was adventurous and did not provide for thorough preparation. Heads, the idiot of the 1st Russian Revolution Schmidt served as a cumier, calculated for the power of his word and the revolutionary gust of the sailors. On the evening of November 8, when the crew watched the film "Barny Potemkin" (then the consequence will not be able to establish, whether it was a random coincidence, or Sablin was on the ship, unbearable accomplices), the captain reported to the commander of the ship to the captain of the captain, which in the hydroacoustics radio drunk. The commander, red from anger, rushed there, but as soon as he was in the radio, she slammed himself and shouted the door behind him. The stunned spent discovered the letter of Sablin on the table, addressed to him, in which the Commissioner explained the reasons for his act.

After that, Captain III rank entered the cab campaign and spoke with a speech in front of the officers and Michmans "Watchdow". There were 29 people (15 officers and 14 Michmanov) against one Sablin. The deputies announced that he accepted the command to the ship and intends to lead him to Leningrad, so that from there to turn to the people with the appeal: "Fatherland in danger, the authorities were mired in lies, dirt and corruption, we need democracy, freedom of speech, cleansing." Sablin quoted Lenin, Marx and Democratic Revolutionaries and said that the Soviet state had no right to dismiss the spirit and principles of the October Revolution. (Later, on the investigation, one of the fluttered officers on the investigation will show that Captain III rank chose the quotes of trendy.) Present were silent, only a few officers and Michemans stated that they were divided into a lot of Sablin's beliefs. However, no one wished to help him lead the ship to Leningrad. Then Valery offered everyone who disagrees with him, spend some time under the castle. All 29 people cowardly frightened in the bag, so that, leaving there, and continue to write in their questionnaires "was not, did not, did not participate."

Then Sablin appealed to the sailors (165 people). He spoke about corruption in the tops, that the authorities of the transit of the national riches of Russia, ruin the country and its people - it is necessary to perform on television, tell the truth and ensure that the country is led by honest people, and not the priests of family political dynasties. As a result, the Soyne's Sumina showed a sailor: "After his speech, a universal inspiration began. What we were interpreted among themselves in Smokyki, suddenly sounded in all. It was like a holiday. The feeling of dignity awakened in each. We felt like people." Of all only Shein went for Sablin, consciously realizing the consequences. For the rest, it was a minute impulse, hope for the implementation of a dream, warmed up by the film about the uprising on the battleship. Subsequently, almost all of them will be renounced by their "yes" (who voluntarily, who under pressure) and coordinate the depolit. Only 18 sailors will remain on his side.

"Watchdog" came out to the Riga Bay. However, it was not possible to leave a fugitive. At the dawn behind him, the pursuit was sent: airlock (in full force), ships of the Baltic fleet, border ships KGB and boats. In the actions of the pursuing side there were a lot of strangers. For a long time I could not determine the location of the "watchdog". The command assumed that Sablin would break into the Swedish territorial water. Therefore, the BOD was waiting for the Gotland's Swedish Island area. The pilots were mistaken several times, taking the "watchman" prosecution ships. In one case, the pilot began to throw bombs at the rate of the border guard ship, which he answered with fierce fire of anti-aircraft gunners. Fortunately, past the goal, which is not surprising: the border guards first led fire on a combat aircraft, besides perfectly managed.

At about 9 am on November 9, the BOD was found in the Irbensky Strait. The ship's shipment did not answer. Storozhevikov opened fire on superstructures. After receiving damage, BOD, nevertheless, did not answer. He went further and tried to escape from the strait in the open sea. Sablin did not want bloodshed. Su-24 dropped the bomb at the "Agricultural" course, the anti-aircraft machines of the BOD, which could carry 6 aircraft from 9 for one occasion, were silent. The best pilot of the air strike of Potovikov (then received a reward for this) put the bomb for the stern. As a result, the screw and steering wheel were damaged: "Watchdog" lost control and moved to helpless circulation. Sablin realized that his idea fell, cold, lead Irbensky Strait became the last point of his path. The boats approached the board of the ship closely and landed the landing. The liberated Commander of the BOD extinguished swelling at the bridge and flew off the deputy on the deck, wounded in his foot from the gun. So the riot on the "watchdog" was depressed.
Sablin was waiting for a consequence on which he led himself courageously and strongly rejected the speculation that his goal was the hijacking of the ship in Sweden. Six months later he was shot by the sentence of the military board of the court. So ended life Path Valery Sablin, an idealist-revolutionary, born in not his time.

The cassette with the fragments of the deployment of a deposit to the people: "Hello, comrades! I appeal to those who feel the revolutionary past of our country, who is critical, but does not skeptically evaluate the present and who honestly thinks about the future of our people. Says a big anti-submarine ship" Watchman says ". We turned through the fleet commander to the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government demanding one of the members of our crew to speak on central radio and television with clarification. soviet people goals and objectives of our political speech. We are not traitors of the homeland and not adventurers seeking fame by any means. There was an extreme necessity to open a number of questions about political, social and economic Development Our country, about the future of our people requiring a collective, precisely nationwide discussion without the pressure of state and party bodies. We decided on this presentation with a clear understanding of responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, with a sense of a hot desire to achieve communist relations in our society. "

After the execution of Sablin, 29 years passed. Our army and fleet were practically destroyed, over the military were sacrificed with all imaginable and unthinkable ways, pulled out in the mud and thrown out as waste material. However, Captain III rank Valery Sablin with BPK "Watchtown" still (!!!) remains the only officer who decides on an open speech for the benefit of the Motherland and in the name of the justice of our society.

On November 8, 1975, the captain of the third rank Valery Sablin raised the rebellion on the ship "Watchtown"

On the eve of the evening, on November 7, 1975, Captain 3 rank Sablin went to the cabin of the commander of the captain of the captain 2 rank of the spent and reported that terrible riots were creating in the premises of the main team. They went together on the GKP. As soon as the commander descended along the last room, Sablin closed the bulkhead on the castle. Immediately there was a librarian, he was a part-time film mechanic senior sailor Shein. Sablin handed him a gun and ordered no one to let the commander.

In the cut, where it was locked, the hut found a note: "I'm sorry, I could not otherwise. We will come to the destination, you will have the right to decide your destiny yourself. "

Bottled in the acoustic compartment of the commander of the ship of the captain of the 2nd rank Anatoly Pulling, Sablin captured the control of "Watchhew".

Soon, a team was followed shortly on the ship broadcast: "Officer and Michmansky composition to gather in the cabin company."

The first thing asked by officers from Sablin is asked: - Where is the commander? - He's in the cabin, thinks out our suggestions. Next, Sablin said: - I gathered you to report that the ship today will go to the Kronstadt raid. There, at the request of the crew, we must perform on television with a statement.

The text of the application was reduced to about the following:

"The leadership of the party and the Soviet government changed the principles of the revolution. There is no freedom and justice. The only way out is a new communist revolution. Revolution is a powerful movement public thoughtThis is a colossal surge of oscillations of the ionosphere, which inevitably causes the activities of the masses and is embodied in the material change in the entire socio-economic formation. What class will be a hegemon of the communist revolution? It will be the class of labor worker-peasant intelligentsia. The rod question of revolution is the question of power. It is assumed that the current state apparatus will be cleared, and on some nodes is divided and thrown into a dump of history. Will these issues be solved through the dictatorship of the lead class? Be sure! Only through the greatest nationwide vigilance - the path to the Society of Happiness! "

1. To declare the territory of the ship by watchdog free and independent of state and party bodies during the year.
2. Provide one of the crew members the opportunity to perform daily on radio and television from 21:30 to 22:00.
3. Provide ship by all types of contentment.
4. Allow witching radio broadcasts in the beacon radio network.
5. When going to the shore of the crew members, consider them inviolable personalities.

"For two hours, we are waiting for a positive decision to our requirements. In case of refusal, all responsibility will fall on the Soviet government and the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. "

"For" three lieutenants and several Michemans spoke. All those who did not agree and spoke "against", under the threat of weapons, Sablin and Shein were closed in the trum.

After that, during dinner, a personal composition was assembled. Sablin said: "We will go to Kronstadt today to speak on central television with a statement about the need for revolutionary transformations. We must hear the whole country. Our requirements are set forth in circulation "All, Everybody!" and in the telegram members of the Politburo. Each officer and Michman must express his opinion.

While this meeting was going, on the submarine standing nearby moved to report on PE on the ship, foreman and the sailor. Sablin in a rush began to film with anchor. "Watchthod" took the course to exit from the Gulf of Riga. The fleet command was afraid, and it is not difficult that in fact the ship will go to Sweden (following the example of Jonas Pleshis, who made it in 1961). A large-scale operation was launched upon his interception. The last coast guard and the Baltic Fleet ships were thrown in. For about three nights, on November 9, the 668th bombarding regiment was raised by a combat alarm, based on Tukums aerodrome in two tens of kilometers from Jurmala.

In the morning I came a report from the Castors of the Irbensky Lighthouse: "BPK" Watchthewor "- a course of 210 degrees, speed - 18 knots." We note that the recommended course on Kronstadt is 337 degrees. From this point to the territorial waters of Sweden remained 43 miles, 2.5 hours of stroke, and to Kronstadt - 330 miles, 18 hours of stroke. The situation showed that Sablin can lead the ship is not in Kronstadt, but in the territorial waters of Sweden. The team was received - cut off the departure in Sweden.

The aircraft lay on a combat course. At this time, the head of the Operational Department Counter-Admiral Yakovlev, the head of the Operational Department of the Fleet, was shouted and literally shouted: - BPK "Watchthod" stopped, Comrade Commander. It must be stopped to fill it! As it turned out later, the sailors on the ship took an attempt to free the commander and officers. They penetrated the arsenal, took weapons. The commander burst into the chassis bridge, shot on the legs of Sablin and mastered the situation on the ship. At 10 35 minutes, a telegram from the captain 2 rank spent came to the telegram of the fleet: "The ship stopped. Male atmosphere. " During this episode, one of the bombers mistakenly attacked and damaged the Soviet cargo ship, which was walking from Ventspils to Finland. The departure of Yak-28 bombers was unsuccessful, for which almost the entire governing staff of the air traffic police and the air strike film received a warning of incomplete service compliance on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

Effects. Trial

Sablin was accused of betraying his homeland and on August 3, 1976 shot. Most active participation in the uprising 23-year-old sailor Alexander Shein (performed the responsibilities of the designer's ship artist and helped Sablins to probed the moods in the crew) was sentenced to 8 years in prison. For another 6 officers and 11 Michmanov, criminal cases were initiated, but they were justified, although many of them were subjected to recovery on the service and party line. The crew of the "watchdog" was disbanded. Many ship officers were dismissed.

In 1994, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation revised the case of Sablina "taking into account new circumstances" and retracted him with the "treason of the Motherland" on articles about military crimes (excess of power, disobedience and resistance to superiors), for the aggregate of which changed the sentence for 10 years in prison . At the same time, it was stated that Sablin's complete rehabilitation and his associate sailor Alexander Shein are not subject to.

IN This day in 1975, Captain Valery Sablin raised the uprising on the ship "Watchtown".
The uprising on the ship "Watchman" was the purpose of the change of the party-state apparatus of the USSR. What happened in the Baltic in the fall of the 75th?

For a long time, information about this in the USSR was classified. In the West, these events are quite detailed and quite reliably covered. Although even the intelligence services of the West for a long time believed the distributed KGB version, as if Sablin wanted to lead the ship to Sweden. It was greatly exaggerated by the number of sentenced to shoot (82 except Sablin himself) ...

In 1981 In the United States, Roman T.Kantsley "Hunt for" Red October "came out. According to the author, the idea of \u200b\u200bRoman suggested heard somewhere the story about how the Soviet officer Sablin captured a warship. In the novel, the ship turned into a submarine.
Only by the end of the "restructuring" of the curtain of the mystery was opened. February 27, 1990 newspaper "Izvestia" first of soviet newspapers Posted by the sobcore article from New York "Was the Riot on the Soviet destroyer?".

Valery Mikhailovich Sablin was born in 1939 in the family of the hereditary military seaman. In 1960 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Naval School named after Frunze, and in 1973 - the Military Political Academy named after Lenin.

In August of the same year, I was appointed a deputy roller on a large anti-submarine ship (BOD) "Watchthod".

The armament of the vessel included four PU rockettric anti-raccital complex "Blizzard" (range up to 19km.), Two anti-aircraft missile systems "OSA" (4 PU, 40 rockets), two 76 mm two-year-old automatic artillery installations AK-726, two four-pipe 533 -mm of torpedo apparatus, two twelve-hearted reactive bombing settings 12 of the RBU -6000 (range up to 6 km). The crew was 196 people.

In-depth study at the Academy of Labor "Classics of Marxism-Leninism" approved Sablin in the thoughts that the authorities lead the people are not the way. The marine officer has developed a detailed program of reorganization of society. He advocated multiparty, freedom of speech and discussions, a change in the order of elections in the party and the country.

To announce your program, pointing through the blatant errors and the decomposition of the Soviet leadership, the officer decided from the "Tribune" "Watchthod".

On November 8, 1975, Valery Sablin, with the support of most of the crew of the ship raised the uprising. He liftedly removed the ship from the raid in Riga and led to Leningrad.

The reports of PE on the "Storozhev" immediately been sent to the Ministry of Defense and the Kremlin. From Moscow, they called on to figure out, and if you need, "Skill".

In the Irbensky Bay for stopping and intimidation, bombs from the SU-24 bombers were broken next to the rebellious vessel. Then the boarding group was planted on the deck, which arrested the wounded instigator of the uprising.

All the blame for what happened Sablin immediately took over, without calling anyone as accomplices.

Next, I will give an excerpt from a completely secret report of the Commission, appointed by the order of the USSR Minister of Defense Grechko "to investigate the case of disobedience, which took place on November 8-9, 1975. On a large anti-palmary ship "Watchtown" 128th brigade of missile ships of the Baltic Fleet. " "About 19.00 on November 8, Sablin V.M. Taught by fascinated by the commander of the captain of the 2nd rank of the Sunny A.V. In the hydroacoustic post, slammed the hatch and closed on the castle, which was isolated by the commander from personnel.
In the future, the entrance to the room, where the commander was insulated, was under the protection of the nearest accomplice of Sablina - Sailor Soyne A.N.

In the photo Sablin family and Sablin's performance in front of the officers of the ship.

... After the isolation of the commander of the ship, Sablin gathered 13 officers and 13 Michmans in the Michman's cabin company, outlined from 1963. Thoughts about the existing, in his opinion, violations of legality and justice in the Soviet society.
At the same time, he demagogically used well-known shortcomings, which are reported in the Soviet press (individual facts of abuses in trade, the lack of some goods, violations of the reception rules in universities, cases of changing and advertising, bureaucracy and the use of official position for personal purposes, etc.). Sablin presented all this as a manifestation of the departure of the party and the government from Leninist provisions in the construction of socialism ... Sablin proposed to commit a fleet of the ship to Kronstadt, declare it with an independent territory, on behalf of the crew to require the leadership of the party and the country to provide him with the possibility of speeches on central television. Views. To the question of how these views are linked to His Party, he replied that he left the party and does not consider himself connected with her. When he was asked where the ship commander, he stated that the commander was in the cabin and ponders his sentences ... "

After the end of the film at 21.40 at the "Big Collection" signal, the sailors and elders lined up on the lower artillery deck, in the stern of the ship. Sablin turned to them with a brief speech. According to the testimony of the sailor Maksimenko, he spoke about corruption in the tops, that the authorities of the transit of the national wealth of Russia, ruin the country and the people, about the need to change the leadership. Sailor Shein recalled later:

"After his speech, universal inspiration began. What we were interpreted among themselves in smoking, suddenly sounded in all. It was like a holiday. The feeling of dignity awakened in each. We felt like people. "

Main accomplice Sablin Matros A. Shane. It hesitated and threatened the shooting faithful oath of sailors.

Sablin called on the team to oppose unfair orders in the state and brought the plan of action to the sailors - the "watchman" goes to Leningrad in order to call for the correction of the mistakes in the television address.

The speech of the "watchman", according to his plans, was to be supported on the Leningrad Naval Base, simple Leningraders, and then the whole country. In conclusion, Sablin emphasized the voluntary of the participation of crew members in the campaign: "Those who do not want to take part in them can go ashore on the shipboat." According to A.Seshain's testimony, belonging to 1998. There were no such among sailors and foreman, only one abstained, the rest supported their deputy rolling (Shein also argued that the majority of Michmanov voted "for").

Later, almost everyone will renounce their words and coordinate Sablin. The USSR Supreme Court Military College accused Sablin in the most shame for an officer of the crime - to betraying his homeland - and sentenced to shooting.

Charges in betraying the Motherland and attempt to sobat a combat ship abroad Sablin categorically rejected. In August 1976, the captain of the 3rd rank of Valery Sablin and a few more people involved in the rebellion were devoid of titles and awards, and he himself was shot.

Figure V.M. Sablin in Lefortovo prison. He portrayed himself in the image of noble and half-herded Don Quixote

In 1994, Valery Sablin was revised by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. He was replaced by a "focusing" article about treason on the articles on the excess of power, disobedience and resistance to the boss.

On August 3, 1976, Valery Sablin was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In posthumous rehabilitation, he was denied ...

Shot of a bumely

documentary story

"... We sing madness brave! .."

Almost 23 years ago, on the night of November 8-19, 1975, in Riga on a large anti-sidelum ship "Watchtown", which was part of the Baltic Fleet of the Soviet Union, there was a pre-prepared performance of military sailors. It was quickly suppressed, and his organizer and leader, a marine officer in the third generation, captain of 3 rank (in the fleet of the shrong - "Cap three") Valery Sablin is shot.

Although this event is unprecedented in the history of the USSR and his military fleet, the event is quite comparable to the performances of the Baltic and Black Sea seafarers in Tsarist Russia in 1905, which took place in Kronstadt, on the battleship "Potemkin", and then in Sevastopol under the guidance of the fleet lieutenant P. P. Schmidt According to the regime that existed then, it is, as in previous years, it is unlikely to be marked in our country ... and they know that in reality then happened in Riga and continued in Moscow, while very few. After all, about the Soviet warship with the decision of the party and state top, led by Brezhnev, who rebuilt on the festive age, led by Brezhnev, should not know anything: neither immediately after these events, never in five years - never ... and this is an indication diligently performed by the relevant Soviet bodies, who were vestiously guarded in the direct and figurative sense, the peace of the authorities of the pre-war and the state system existing at that time.

Around everything that was somehow connected with the events on the "watchdog", the Committers created a dense wall of secrecy, which allowed the authorities for a long time to hide the truth from their people. Including the irrefutable fact that, then, with the aim of preventing the rebellion on the ship against his crew, consisting of Soviet citizens in the Fleet Bushlats and Sinsels, with red stars on Chatters and caps, on direct orders from the very "top" battle were used Defeats ... And direct performers of the action were awarded by combat orders.

The author of these lines was happening in November 1975 in Riga at his father, from the first postwar years of living and worked there. In the evening, on November 10, his friends and acquaintances from circles close to the then leadership of the city and Latvia, knowing that the Son is an NMF officer confidently informed the Father about the events that took place on the eve. Naturally, in a fairly general plan: The crew of a warship, who participated in the sea parade on November 7 in Riga, was out of obedience to the fleet and when trying to enter the sea was the forces of aviation and the fleet stopped and detained. In the following days, the information has been replenished with new details: the damaged ship is towed to Riga and put in the plant for repairs. His rebeling team, at the head of which stood the ship's deputies, was arrested and sent to Moscow; In the naval units of the Riga garrison, the KGB organs are searching for accomplices ... For a month and a half, what I had to stay at the father in Riga, through his comrades - the fleet officers and other persons managed to learn quite a lot of what happened 8-9 November on the "watchman" and around him. After all, it was impossible to hide the fully fact of the happening PE in Riga, for hundreds of people became involuntary witnesses of those or other related events. Especially after the ship rose at the fruit wall to eliminate the damaged damage. Fishermen were not silent, randomly turned out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sea, where the "watchdog" was detention.

The information that reached me was gradually accumulated, but still remained insufficient to get an answer to the main question: what was the goal of the speech of sailors? According to the cunning version, which after a while still spread in the naval sidelines, the traitor depitted raised the crew to the riot with the aim of capturing the warship and hijacking it in Sweden - by analogy with another, there was a lot of noise in the USSR Navy scandalous history. At the end of the fifties, at a parking lot in one of the Polish ports, the commander of the Baltic destroyer Artamonov escaped on his commander boat with her mistress-polol in Sweden, crushing from the southern shores of the Baltic Sea to one of her islands. There he asked political asylum. Then, having moved to the United States, issued all military secrets that he knew. Subsequently, Artamonov taught in the American Military Academy and at the same time worked as a military commentator on one of the "votes". At the same time, the ears of his boat did not follow the example of his commander, and demanded from the Swedish authorities to return to his homeland.

In a strongly supported by the authorities, and therefore, which became the famous version with the "trainer of the Deputy", having kicked the crew of a large rocket-bearing ship on an attempt to fly to Sweden, was adopted for reliable, Sablin was convicted in a military environment. Moreover, the depolutions and other political workers never used, let's say, great authority and love of personnel ... Well, the default wall created by the authorities around the case has not missed any other information about him into civil part of society. In the "Perestroikatnaya" time and she learned some facts and circumstances of the speech of the crew "Watchdow", initially mainly from materials published abroad and contain many speculations and non-pieces. And those that appeared in our press mainly reflected all the same "party" assessment, justifying the actions of the then authorities.

That's what I managed to find out in a private order from participants in the events on the "watchman" and other persons, in one degree or another involved in them, as well as from some of the now open documents.

"White crow"

On the eve of the celebration of the 58th anniversary of the October Revolution in the widespread mouth of a full-flower Daugava, along the shores of which the old and modern quarters of Riga spread out, entered martial vehicles The Red Baltic Fleet, which had to take part in the naval parade.

Among the ships of various classes placed on the front-mooring barrels from the pontoon bridge and to the traverse of the Riga Maritime Trading port, highlighted its impressive sizes and powerful armament with a surface ship with the side number "500". It is remembered that he was the second, after the head submarine, in the parade.

It was one of the new major multipurpose ships, only two years as built in Baltiysk and intended mainly to fight submarines of the likely opponent. According to our classification and terminology, a large anti-submarine ship, or abbreviated BPK "Watchtown". And on NATovskaya - a light cruiser like "Petrel". Its displacement accounted for up to 4000 tons, the length of the housing was 123.5 m, the width is 14 m, the precipitate is 7 m.

BPK "Watchtown" arrived in Riga to participate in the sea parade from Baltiysk, where before it arrived from the Northern Fleet. After the holidays, the ship was supposed to get up in Doka in Liepaj, and therefore the entire regular ammunition for powerful armament (with the exception of small arms for the crew) was commissioned for temporary storage in coastal warehouses.

For two years, the WMF of the USSR "Watchthod" was in swimsters, including in tropical latitudes, the warm water of which contributes to the accelerated rate of the bottom of the ship's corps by sea shells, which leads to a decrease in the speed of the course. "Watchthe" was able to carry combat service in the Mediterranean, and in the Atlantic Ocean. Having been in two months in Cuba, he made a transition to Severomorsk. There, he "excellent" fulfilled the educational rocket shooting, having deserved the gratitude to the commander of the Northern Fleet.

Soul of the crew of the BPK "Watchtown" was the deputy commander of the ship in the political part, a terrain officer, captain of 3 rank Valery Sablin. On other ships, depudents, as a rule, served personnel polymat workers, rarely respected on a fleet for weak naval training: few of them could independently manage the ship, carry the chassis, to use complex ship armaments and equipment. Their main advantage was the presence of partbillets, the obligations of the mood and behavior of others in the political leaders. They were a kind of "gray cardinal" on ships and in parts, without the participation of which not a single decision was taken. Sablin was in their environment "White Voronene".

Valery Sablin was born on January 1, 1939 in Leningrad. In 1956, he graduated from a decade in Gorky, and in the 1960s - the oldest Leningrad Terminal Higher Naval School named after Frunze, former marine Corps in pre-revolutionary Russia. There he got a common higher education Both the specialty of a ship artilleryman, after which nine years old, from Lieutenant, served in the projects on the surface ships of the Northern and Black Sea Fleets. During the service, Sablin has repeatedly visited long campaigns, which gave a rich practical experience in the naval and authority among the personnel. And externally Sablin, as they say, God did not hurt - it is worth only to look at his photo ... He went to the academy in 1969, being captain-lieutenant, assistant commander of the watchdog. In his then certification recorded: "... Correct and accurate, a bit to the family and native. Responsive for someone else's trouble. "

His decision to enter the Military Political Academy became the result of many years of thinking about the situation in the country. Good words, pronounced by the heads on congresses and meetings, were not supported by the same affairs. Corruption and familyhood flourished among the power of the property. The Communist Party, the member of which he became in 1960, has not yet been an officer, in a sincere desire to actively participate in building a community of freedom, equality and happiness for everyone, really provided opportunities only by the narrow circle of "chosen" from among the party and government officials and their relatives . All this outraged him and caused the desire to seek answers to numerous questions in the works of the classics of the Marxist-Leninist teaching and other philosophers. In the Military Political Academy, he intended to personally understand the labyrinths of philosophical treatises in order to compare real affairs in the country with their postulates and find its place in the struggle against injustices due to its conviction, incompetence, conjunctural and ideological "storm" of the then leadership THE USSR.

Over the years, in the course of studying at the academy and life in Moscow, he came to the final conclusion about the viciousness of the existing system of power. Knowing that such sentiments are covered not only by many of his colleagues and sailors of those ships on which he walked earlier and during academic practice, held on different fleets, but also a considerable part of people "on a citizen", Sablin accepted a firm solution: to take with suitable Chatting concrete steps against the ruling regime.

His thoughts and intentions were reflected in the Program developed by the Company, which consisted of almost thirty points. Sablin was going to speak to the public and the leadership of the Soviet Union.

"Not everything here is the truth"

Sablin did not oppose the Soviet power, and against the visible party and state top, which ensured at the expense of the people and his loved ones, as well as those who served their structures "Life for the needs". He was against the incompetence and irresponsibility of persons who host state decisions, and gross miscalculations of the government, against corruption in the echelons of power. Against undeserved awards of Brezhnev and other leaders of the country who received the titles of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and Socytrud to various sorts of anniversaries, which caused the ropot and irritation of the majority of the people, especially military and front-line. At the same time, Sablin was for multiparty, freedom of speech and discussion, a change in the order of elections in the party and the country, for other democratic transformations in society. He was disturbed by the loss among the military of such a thing as an officer honor, as well as exorbitant kindness ... In a word, the Nautical officer Sablin opposed everything that most of our fellow citizens were a dumb witness for many years and, unfortunately, continues to take place in the present Our life.

In 1973, Captain 3 rank Sablin ends with honors from the Military Political Academy, where his last name is knocked out with gold letters on a marble chalkboard among the best graduates, and it receives a deposit of a depolit for the new Watchtail BPK. There he will soon (in the full opposite of the ship commander of the ship, the captain of 2 rank with a hunted, nicknamed among the seafarers in the graph) conquers continuous authority from the crew. He is respected for simplicity and accessibility, for knowledge of the sea, for constant decent attention to the needs of sailors, for the care of life and leisure. Conducting partpolitracy, Sablin found new, understandable and comfortable forms. Even the "visual agitation" was not formal in his carriage - in Lenkaunt "Watchdog" hung a poster: "... everyone should feel their independence so that he can argue the start of justice and freedom, without being forced treacherously adapt them to the circumstances of his Provisions and to the delusions of other people ... "(from" reasoning about the political justice of Godwin's year). At the time of suppressing the rebellion of the Bunlet, the crucible from the crew "Watchhed" realized this poster to remove and hide so that he was not a "stagnation", and later sent him to his native Sablin.

In the course of the execution of their duties and mastering the ship, during the carrying of military service and in distant campaigns, Valery Sablin gradually introduces some crew members with his views and plans to reorganize society in the USSR and finds among them like-minded people. The service of the newly minted zepolitis is successful - one of the first in the Navy in April 1975 he was awarded to the prestigious Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree. It is assumed enviable for many nomination of the deputy roller of one of the largest Soviet surface ships - a heavy air cruiser ...

By this time, Sablin arises the idea to use the latest technical capabilities of radio communications of radio communications as a tribune, and the ship itself as a free, which does not depend on any authorities from which one could apply to the beginning of changes in the country. The fact that this signal will pick up, naive Sablin and his accomplices have no doubted.

Shortly after the arrival of the "watchdog" from Severomorsk to the Baltiysk, the ship, passing all his guests before he needs to be sent to warehouses, receives a task to take part in the sea parade on November 7 in Riga. It is based on the fact that the fact of lack of ammunition on the ship will clearly indicate the purely peaceful intentions of the crew and will not cause countering the forces of the fleet, Sablin decides to use this favorable, in his opinion, the moment to start practical actions. And together with their accomplices, he appoints the time of performances against the regime - November 8, as in 1905 in Kronstadt and in 1917 in Petrograd ...

Course on Leningrad ...

The first day of the festive events in Riga passed the way local authorities planned: a land parade of coastal parts and sea parade of warships, degraded with flags of coloring during the day and lights of illumination at night.

Coming evening on November 8. At 21.40, the "Large Collection" signal was announced on the "Watchtime" on the Inta-Stocked Communication, the officers gathered in the Michmantic cabin company, the commander of the "watchman" swell was isolated from the crew, Sablin left a letter to him, where he explained the motives of sailors' speeches: "... We are not traitors of the Motherland, and our speech is purely political. We must wake the people from political hibernation! .. "To the sailors and foreman who lined up on the lower artillery deck in the stern of the ship, Sablin turned with a brief speech (a more detailed performance was recorded on tape recorders and several times overnight passed on intra-fermented broadcast. Before Records have repeatedly listened to him by the crew members close to him). Here are fragments of them, subsequently presented at the trial: "... Thin and long time thinking about further actions, made a decision: to finish with theory and become a practitioner. I realized that I need some tribune with which it would be possible to start expressing your free thoughts about the need to change the existing state of affairs. Better shipI think you will not find such a tribune. And the seas are best - the Baltic, as it is located in the center of Europe ... No one in the Soviet Union has and cannot have such an opportunity as we, - to demand permission from the government to perform on television with criticism of the internal situation in the country ... "

... "All! All! All! Comrades, listen to the text of the speech with which we intend to perform on radio and television. Our goal is to raise the voice of truth ... Our people have already suffered significantly and suffers because of their political cure ...

Only a narrow circle of experts know how much harm brought and brings voluntarist interventions of state and party bodies to the development of the armed forces and the country's economy, national issues And the upbringing of young people ... It is assumed that, firstly, the current state apparatus will be thoroughly cleared, and according to some nodes - is divided and elevated to the dump of history, since deeply infected with family, bribery, careerism, arrivals in relation to the people. Secondly, the election system must be thrown into the landfill, which turns people into a faceless mass. Thirdly, all conditions that generate the issues and the uncontrolcity of the State and Parthaption on the part of the masses should be eliminated ... "

"... We firmly believe that the need to present their views on the inner position in the country, and a purely critical plan in relation to the policy of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government, there are many honest people in the Soviet Union ..."

Sablin brought to the sailors and action plan: "Watchtown" goes to Kronstadt, and then in Leningrad - the city of three revolutions, in order to start there a new, fourth revolution on the correction of many mistakes admitted to the country's leadership. The speech of the "Watchthod" should find support for military sailors in Kronstadt and the Leningrad military-marine database, as well as the working people of Leningrad plants and enterprises, in front of Sablin, having achieved the right to speak on television, intend to present their views.

In conclusion, Sablin stressed his speech, Sablin stressed the strict voluntary of the crew members of the "watchdog". Those who do not want to take part in these actions can go ashore on the shipboat. But there were no such among the sailors and elders of the ship - all unanimously supported his call.

Approximately with the same appeal, Sablin turned to superiorists and officers of the ship. Among them were not supported by everything: almost half of those present refused to take part in the action. They were correctly offered to move into one of the lower, isolated spaces of the ship, which soon began to prepare for the exit in the sea. One of the mechanics officers who was an abnormal secretary of the Committee of the VLKSM Ship Committee, - Firsov managed to secretly move to the next flagship submarine and communicate her commander about the Bunte on the BOD. This made it possible to quickly inform the local and naval higher military authorities and take urgent measures to curb the uprising.

Over the midnight, November 9, "Watchtown", managed by Sablian, began movement at the exit of Daugava's mouth. Following him, watchtown border ships moved with unchanged tools and machine guns, which were already informed about PE. The crew of the "watchdog", despite the absence of a number of key officers and foreman, was clearly and cooled, providing the ship in a difficult maneuvering in the dark river. At the request of the border guards, transmitted by the pilogram (Raleer), about the goal of the ship's exit to the sea, the answer was received: "We are not traitors, we go to Kronstadt." Soon "watchdogged", accompanied by border boats, was held by the mouth of Daugava and went to the Riga Bay, taking a course to the north, to the Irbensky Strait.

Subsequently, the court, practicing - at the direction of the top-version of the treason, the dilettank accused Sablin in the fact that since he conducted a "watchman" to exit from the Gulf of Riga through the Irbensky Strait (i.e. north-west), then, he was held The course for Sweden ... Indeed, theoretically, the shortest direction for Kronstadt is strictly east, through the Moedezund Strait. But almost this course is very dangerous for such a large ship, which was "watchman", because of the bottlenecks, chalks and cans from hundreds of the islands of the Moondzund archipelago. Besides, there was no navigator on the ship. His duties, like the absent Starripom, performed Sablin. There was no "watchdog" and necessary for the passage of the Moedezund Strait of special navigation documents. In addition, Sablin knew that his ship while swimming on this route could be fired by the coastal artillery, as well as coastal rocket plants. Yes, and stop the ship in narrow places, overloading him the way with other ships, easy ...

Therefore, for the "watchman" course from the Riga Bay on Kronstadt lay only on the Economic-West through the Irbensky Strait - to the open sea, according to the fairway recommended for such ships.

Bomb and sink!

In the meantime, the staggering news of the Bunte on the BPK "Watchtown" came to Kaliningrad, where he was commanded by the Baltic Fleet, and to Moscow. Yes, and Sablin, withdrawing the ship in the sea, sent the Gorshkov's coded radio to the USSR to the USSR top-in-chief, where it was said: "Watchtown" did not change the flag of the Motherland, nor her own, followed by Leningrad in order to achieve the opportunity to perform on television with the appeal to the workers of Leningrad Both countries and also invites to the free territory of the ship members of the government and the Commissariat of the Commissal Party to present a specific program with the requirements of a fair social reorganization of society. " At the same time, the radio station of the rebel ship handed over for many frequencies the non-corrected text: "Everybody! All! All! On the BOD "Watchtown" raised the banner of the upcoming communist revolution! " Following the first radiogram from the side of the "watchdog" on the air, others, including those - in the open text, went on the ether.

According to teams from Moscow and Kaliningrad, a large group of military ships of different classes was sent to the "Watchhew" from the Liepāja naval base for a combatar, from submarines to the torpedo boats. Including ships with marine paratroopers. The message about the uprising on the "watchdog" was obtained on the night of November 9 and the leadership of the country, which ordered: "Stop the rebeling ship. When continuing the swimming fire or bomb and sink! " First, this disposal received border ships, accompanying the "watchdog". The requirement was transferred to the BOD: "Stop movement! Otherwise, the ship will be fired and destroyed ... "The radio program was obtained by the Radiogram of the Baltic Fleet:" You will not be released from Irben. When unsulking - we will destroy! .. "Sablin explained their intentions to seafarers on the outer loudspeakers. After listening to him, they did not apply weapons against the unarmed ship ... On the morning of November 9, our aviation applied it. In combat alarm, aviation regiments in Tukums and Rumbul near Riga were raised in the Baltic Military District. A squadron of 12 bomber fighters flew into the air with full ammunition bombs, suspended missiles and shells to aviation guns. The remaining squadrons were in full combat readiness.

The pilots of the Tukumsky air strike (the truth, under the strong pressure of the command), accurately fulfilled the received order, making several combat sites - each other - links of three aircraft. Bombs and shells lay down the course in front of the nose of the rebellious ship and along the stern from a height of only 300-400 meters. Sablin all this time was on the move bridge and tried to bring the ship from under bomb and shelling with aviation guns by maneuvering. But soon the explosions damaged the steering device and part of the sheaturing of the "watchdog" body. The ship slowed down, smoking, turned off the course and began to circulate on the spot (for the successful performance of the task and jewelry bombing, the pilots later received the Order ...). By this time, Sablin was injured in the foot by the ship's commander, freed from the arrest with a group of assured and who managed to armed the seafarers. Arresting the wounded, pulled by the command and stroke.

Goodbye guys!

To the stopped "watchdog" came up with both sides of ships with marine paratroopers from the capture group. A frighteningly shooting into the air from the machines, the paratroopers armed to the teeth landed on the deck and began to clean the indoor premises, pulling up the crew. Other pursued ships came up, taking the "watchdog" in a dense ring. Soon on the deck in handcuffs brought the arrested Sablin, pale from the loss of blood, nervous tension and sleepless night climbing. Two sailors surrounded by paratroopers carefully, supporting under his arms, told him to the ladder. On the stopped ship after the screen of shots and explosions, the hedge of the aircraft and the noise of cars reigned the sobral silence, which as it were to emphasize the terrible solemnity of what happened. The sailors of the Buntar crew brought and built on the guard on the upper deck. Someone from the paratroopers muttered something to Sablin. One of the sailors who helped to go to her wounded commander turned out and loudly, distinctly, so that everyone said, "Remember this person for life! This is a real commander, a real officer of the Soviet Fleet! .. "

Before launching on the ladder, the Sablin standing at the boat, contacting the sailors of the "watchdog", said: "Forgive, guys! Do not remember lich! .. "

The rest of the sailors of the "watchdog" by parties on the ships were taken to Riga and placed in coastal barracks, officers separately. KGB workers, incl. Arrived from Moscow, immediately started interrogation ...

The next day, the Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov, the head of the Main Political Department of the Soviet Union Gorshkov, who arrived in Riga Gorshkov, who arrived in Riga, the head of the USSR, the head of the Navy, accompanied by their head of the Navy Admiral Grishanov (with one of the sons of which Sablin was held at the FRUNSE Son ...). All butchers from the "watchdog" in handcuffs were sent by airplanes to Moscow. Sablin was accompanied by two "individuals". At the same time, he was without handcuffs and relied on the crutch ...

Soon "watchdogged" was raised for repairs in Liepaja, where he was renovated, and then transferred to another class of ships. He was changed, tactical and on-board number, as well as most of the team and overtake the Pacific Fleet. From all ships who participated in the preventation of the Bunta, "individuals" were collected by road journals. A week later, they were returned, but without sheets, on which any information about what happened on November 8-9, 1975 ... Neither orders nor the directives were published. Full silence everywhere and everywhere. And the surname Sablin quickly erased from the board of excellent students of the Military Political Academy named after Lenin.

In Moscow, in Lefortov, in conditions of strictest secrecy, a consequence began and clarifying all the circumstances of PE. Sablin immediately took all the blame on himself, not calling anyone with his accomplices. And those most likely were not only in the "watchman" (including and absent for various reasons at the time of the speech), but also on other ships. In particular, in Kronstadt, in the conjunction of the construction and repaired ships. In order to conspict their name, Sablin did not even reveal even his comrades on the performance ...

Investigators of the KGB in all ways tried to knock out the compromising they need from the sailors. And often reached their own. After all, before all, the most terrible article was hung in the first two months - treason, at which the outcome is clear ... Then the article changed to "group disobedience" for the majority, "revealing" only one active accomplice of Sablin - Sailor A. N. Shein. He was attracted to the court and received 8 years in prison. The rest gradually released free, taking a subscription to the non-disclosure of what happened on the "watchdog". Many foreman and officers were demolished, part - fired. Demobilized and many sailors.

Sentence to court

The investigation into the case of Bunte on the "Storozhev" lasted for several months, but from the very beginning Sablin was charged with a betrayal of the Motherland (an attempt to hie up a combat ship abroad), which he categorically rejected.

Their absurdity seemed to him obvious: why was it necessary to wait for the arrival of the "watchman" in Riga, so that from there to catch the ship without ammunition, if it could be easier and with a much bigger effect (the transition to the United States of the newest rocket shoe with all the crew and full ammunition on board !) Implement when parking in Cuba?

Here are the excerpts from the document, long-time kept in the famous "special folder" of the CPSU Central Committee and recently declassified:

"Top secret". CPSU Central Committee: State Committee. Safety Ends the investigation of the criminal case on charges of Captain 3 rank V. M. Sablin and other servicemen - participants in the criminal campaign on 8-9 November 1975 on a large anti-sidelum ship "Watchtown" (only 14 people. - O. B.). It was established that the organizer of this crime of Sablin, hitting the influence of the revisionist ideology, has hatched hostile views on Soviet reality over the years. In April 1975, he formulated them in writing, recorded on a tape ribbon, and during the events on the "Storozhev" made an anti-Soviet speech before the personnel. The political "platform" of Sablin included a set of borrowed from the bourgeois propaganda of slanderous statements about the "outdars" of the Marxist-Leninist teaching and "bureaucratic rebirth" of the state and party apparatus in the USSR and calls for the removal of the CPSU from the management of the Company, to the creation of a new "more progressive" party. In the spring of 1975, he developed a detailed plan for the capture of a warship, which intended to use as a "political tribune" to nominate the requirements for the change in the state system in the USSR and the fight against the Soviet government. He organized and carried out a self-free hijacking of a large anti-pettal ship outside of Soviet territorial waters. These of his actions are qualified (like this - even before the court! - O. B.) as a betrayal of the Motherland ... "under the document there are signatures of the Chairman of the KGB Andropov, the Prosecutor General of Rudenko, the Minister of Defense of Grechko and the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR SMIRNOVA.

And on its fields, the painting of Brezhnev, Souslov, Pelsh and other members of the then Higher Party Guide of the USSR on the results of the name of the death sentence of Sablin are clearly visible. All "For". Exactly as it happened at Stalin in the thirties ...

But finally, his fate still was formally decided on the court. And the Supreme Court of the USSR obediently decided: the military board in the chairman of the Major General of Justice G. I. Bushuev, Major General Assessers engineering troops B. V. Kozlov and Lieutenant General I. S. Tsygankova (seafarers in the court did not include) under the secretaries of Colonel A / s M. V. Afanasyev and employee Ca V. S. Kuznetsov, with the participation of the state prosecutor of the senior assistant The prosecutor of the Major General of Justice V. S. Shanturov and defenders of lawyers L. V. Aksenova and L. M. Popova at its final closed meeting on July 13, 1976 accurately performed all the formalities.

Shortly before that, Sablin was allowed the first and last five-minute dating with his wife and young son. They barely recognized him, loose, with knocked front teeth, with the sweat, pushed, but still blue eyes. Exhausted, but not broken. Having relieved justice. Magnifying them. Even to say goodbye to him as he did not give: a short, essentially, a suicide, a date ended without hugs, with farewell kisses through a wide prison table, under which Sablin hid his hands in handcuffs.

Embedded teeth and damaged fingers (the handwriting in letters from Lefortova has changed strange - apparently, it became difficult to write with the right hand) convincingly testify those measures of impact that were applied to Sablin during the investigation ... knowing that his fate was predetermined, investigators did not ceremony , Trying by anything to knock out the names of the accomplishers, especially from other ships, which remained unknown. But the version of the "lonely bunter" was convenient for the KGB. Unprecedented permission for a date (farewell!) With my wife and son, made, apparently, at the direction of the "top" with the aim of "cleaning conscience", was a complete surprise for jailers, but he had to do it ...

In the last letters of Sablin, the relatives were a few of his drawings, depicting Don Quixote, fighting with windmills ... On one of them - the words of the knight of the sad image: "My intentions are always aimed to a good goal: it is - to do all the good and not to do evil to anyone ! .. "


At court in the last word Sablin, in particular, said: "I love life. I have a family, the son who needs a father. All .... "The verdict of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR said: Captain 3 rank Valery Mikhailovich Sablin, born in 1939, was convicted of Article 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (treason) and sentenced to death (execution). With the deprivation of military rank, orders and medals (usually this article also provided a confiscation of property. But his family of senior maritime officer Sablin, except the most necessary for life, was not ... This was evidenced by the search protocol). The sentence was final and appealing in cassation was not subject to.

As those who were in court told, the tough car was unexpected for Sablin. Immediately after the announcement of the sentence, not allowing to come to his senses, a few guards jumped to him, they launched their hands back, they put the handcuffs, put the mouth with a black plaster and walked to the door from the meeting room. He broke out, rested, washed through the sticker, apparently, trying to say something important for him and unwanted for judges and those present ... in the air smelled the medicine. He was drawn to the door and dragged into the corridor. I heard the deaf blows, burning. Then everything subsided.

Sablin is only in the most last moment I realized that I got on the fishing rod of the investigation using the old reception of the OGPU - NKVD and insolently assumed him: the judges will try to take into account as softening circumstances, the original recognition on a number of episodes of the indictment. The fact that Sablin hoped for the preservation of life, testifies that he asked to send him warm things.

According to information, after making a death sentence, Sablin was proposed to abandon their views, recognize them erroneous - in exchange for the preservation of life and a long term of imprisonment. But Sablin refused ...

His request for pardoning the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR rejected. Let us give this document completely:

"Having considered the petition for the pardon of V. M. Sablin, convicted to death, suggestions in connection with this Prosecutor's Office of the USSR and the Supreme Court of the USSR, due to the exceptional severity of the crime committed by him, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides:

reject a petition for pardon V. M. Sablin of the birth of 1939, a native of the mountains. Leningrad.

N. Podgorny - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

M. Georgadze - Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which was then part of the order of 20 members, including 16 Chairmen of the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics (in addition to the RSFSR - in their capitals outside of Moscow), "considered" the request of Sablin about the pardon for a record deadline - For 19 days. Usually, for consideration of such requests, many months are required, sometimes years ...

The "exceptional severity" of the crime committed by the Sablion nevertheless did not lead to human victims or the disclosure of military secrets, nor any other, except for political consequences. It is quite clear that the fate was decisive in determining the fact that the party "tops" before death were muttered by speeches of seafarers who called on changes in the USSR. Brezhnev and his surroundings could not but understand that such as Sablin, with their actions not only encroach on their personal well-being, but also approach the collapse of the system, whose disconnect part of the Soviet society is infected with discontent. Only units dared to declare this, especially the way Sablin did, - openly, powerfully and desperately.

The day after the rejection of the request for pardon, August 3, 1976, Valery Mikhailovich Sablin was shot.

His relatives, whom Sablin, informed about his intentions, writing to them the farewell letters only on the eve of the speeches, painfully experienced what happened. They found out about the execution only in February 1977, having received the official, carelessly decorated death certificate. But the Father Captain 1 Resigning Mikhail Pavlovich Sablin, who fought during the Great Patriotic War On the northern fleet, even earlier, somehow learned about the execution of the Son, and this brought him at the end of January 1977 in the grave - the heart could not stand ... The bridal news of the first struck the grandmother Sablin - the widow of the sailor from the deceased to the revolution of the Pallada cruiser , I was warmly loved by my middle grandson, having highlighting it among others (she was told that he was killed in a distant campaign ...). Sablin's mother, Anna Vasilyevna, died soon. Nina Mikhailovna's wife and son, as well as the Sablin brothers - Boris and Nikolai completely bumbled everything that had fallen out from the time of Stalin, the share of the native "Motherland" ...


In the Sablin's home library after a search, a few books belonging to the uprising in 1905 in Sevastopol soldiers and the crews of the Black Sea Fleet warships are preserved. The head of the rebellion of P. P. Schmidt was clearly an example for Valery Mikhailovich. On one of the books, the mark was preserved, made by his hand: "If the proclaimed political rights began to take away from the people, the natural wave of life allocated me, an ordinary person from the crowd, and scream broke out of my chest. I am happy that this cry broke out of my chest! .. "

And on the pages of another book, Sablina emphasized the excerpts from Schmidt's speech on the court on February 14, 1906: "... years will be held, our names will discuss, but that combat force, which joined the" Ochakov "and thereby remained the faithful people and the oath, names These 10 vessels of the fleet will not forget, and they will forever remain in the chronicles of the people ... At that time of state chaos, when everything in the country was so descended that the Russian authorities went to Russia, it is impossible to be guided by the articles of the law, you need to look for other common, all people Recognized definitions of criminal and irreparable. At such a time to remain legitimate, it is necessary to change the oath, you have to violate the laws. I am not crime, since my desires are divided by all the people and do not contradict the oath, but, on the contrary, rely on it. I am not criminal, since the entire 100 million people Russian people do not see the crime in my acts ... But I'm judged me, and I threaten the death penalty. Where is treason? Who is the state criminal? Today, in their eyes, I crimes crimes, like the whole people Russian, who, awkward, dared to become on the road of their fighter cutting. But tomorrow they will be announced in the eyes of the coming court, they will be announced ... Where is the soil on which the Russian man can be established to not be a traitor to the people and remain legal? There is no such soil. In the days of the hard struggle of the people for the right to life that today in the eyes of the government is criminal, tomorrow is accepted as merit in front of the homeland. These days there are one law - the law of loyalty to his people. It remains these days or die in the struggle, or impose hands on yourself, as it remains indifferent - it is over the forces of human ... "

Something similar, apparently, wanted to say in court and Sablin after making him a death sentence. But he was not given and the mouth is revealed ... and it is unlikely that any arguments could have affected the decision already made by the top ...

Military College of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation as part of Major General Justice L. Zakharova, Yu. Parhomchuk and V. Yaskin in April 1994 after the appeal of Sablin, Commission on Human Rights, Commission for the rehabilitation of victims of political repression and others, revising The case of Sablin in the light of new circumstances, recognized the "focusing" article for granting the birthplace of the mistake. And by its definition, partially changed the verdict of 1976, retrained him to articles about military crimes: excess of power, disobedience and resistance to the boss who took place during the speech organized by him on the Watchtower BPK. The executed Sablin "Dali" 10 years of imprisonment, and helped him a sailor sheine - for the complicity - 5 years instead of fully departed by him 8. In determining the military board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 12.04.94, it is indicated that neither Sablin nor Shein is subject to Rehabilitation ...

In August 1976 The fleet's officer brought a completely secret order, which reported: "July 6-13, 1976. The USSR Supreme Court of the USSR reviewed the criminal case on the Motherland of the Motherland of Sablina V.M., Self-Canying, 9 November 1975. From the Riga port towards Sweden a large anti-submarine ship (BOD) "Watchthod", and his active accomplice of Shein A.N. During the trial, the defendants fully recognized themselves guilty and gave detailed declarations of a committed crime ... The military board, taking into account the severity of the crime committed by Sablion, sentenced him to an exceptional punishment - the death penalty (execution). Shein sentenced to 8 years in prison with the departure of the first two years in prison. " What happened on the Baltic in the fall of 1975? For a long time, information about this in the USSR was classified. In the West, these events are quite detailed and quite reliably covered. Although even the intelligence services of the West for a long time believed that the KGB vessels spread, as if Sablin wanted to lead the ship to Sweden. It was greatly exaggerated by the number of sentenced to shoot (82 except Sablin himself). In 1981 In the United States, Roman T.Kantsley "Hunt for" Red October "came out. According to the author, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel suggested heard where the story about how the Soviet officer Sablin seized a warship. In the novel, the ship turned into a submarine. It's a shame when we learn about your story from foreign sources. Only by the end of the "restructuring" of the curtain of the mystery was opened. February 27, 1990 The newspaper Izvestia is the first of Soviet newspapers published an article of Sobkov from New York "Was the Bunth on the Soviet destroyer?". Based on various sources (often favorable), let's try to restore the course of events. In October 1975 The crew of the BOD "Watchthe" returned to Baltiysk after the multi-sieven combat service in the Mediterranean. The BPD of the project 1135 (later renamed in the CCR - Watching ships rocket) to which the "watchman" was also set in 1973 had a length of 123m. Width - 14m. The sediment is 4.5m. displacement
3200t. Engine power 45000 - 63000l.s. Speed \u200b\u200b- 32 nodes. The composition of arms included four PU rockettric anti-herdtop complex "Blizzard" (range up to 50km.), Two anti-aircraft missile systems "OSA" (4 PU, 40 missiles), two 76 mm two-building automatic artillery installations AK-726 , Two four-pipe 533 mm torpedo apparatus, two twelve-tissue reactive bombing settings 12 of the RBU -6000 (range up to 6 km). The crew was 196 people. On November 7, a naval parade was held in Riga in honor of the next anniversary of the October Revolution, and since there was no modern ships in the capital of Latvia - "Watchtown" went there on November 5. After the parade, the ship was supposed to go to the duty in Liepay. In this regard, the entire regular ammunition (with the exception of small arms for the crew) was commissioned for temporary storage in coastal warehouses. Next, we present an excerpt from a completely secret report of the Commission, appointed by order of the USSR Defense Minister Grechko "To investigate the case of disobedience, which took place on November 8-9, 1975. On a large anti-palmary ship "Watchtown" 128th brigade of missile ships of the Baltic Fleet. " "About 19.00 on November 8, Sablin V.M. Taught by fascinated by the commander of the captain of the 2nd rank of the Sunny A.V. In the hydroacoustic post, slammed the hatch and closed on the castle, which was isolated by the commander from personnel. In the future, the entrance to the room, where the commander was insulated, was under the protection of the nearest accomplice of Sablina - Sailor Soyne A.N. ... After the isolation of the commander of the ship, Sablin gathered 13 officers and 13 Michmans in the Michman's cabin company, outlined from 1963. Thoughts about the existing, in his opinion, violations of legality and justice in the Soviet society. At the same time, he demagogically used well-known shortcomings, which are reported in the Soviet press (individual facts of abuses in trade, the lack of some goods, violations of the reception rules in universities, cases of changing and advertising, bureaucracy and the use of official position for personal purposes, etc.). Sablin presented all this as a manifestation of the departure of the party and the government from Leninist provisions in the construction of socialism ... Sablin proposed to make a fleet of the ship to Kronstadt, declare it with an independent territory, on behalf of the crew to demand the party and the country and the country to provide him with the possibility of speeches on TST with presentation His views. To the question of how these views are linked to His Party, he replied that he left the party and does not consider himself connected with her. When he was asked where the ship commander, he stated that the commander was in the cabin and ponders his sentences ... ". As can be seen about the flight in Sweden, there is no speech.

Based on the memoirs of the participants, let's try to set out the events in more detail. On November 8, on the occasion of the holiday, part of officers and Michemans BOD "Watchtown" (including Starpom) went ashore. In the evening, the sailors watched the film "Darknioles" Potem "(it is obvious that Sablin chose this tape not by chance). During the demonstration of the film, Sablin went to the commander of the "watchman" captain of the 2nd rank of the hut and said that the hydroacoustics started a drunken in the cut. The commander immediately rushed to the post of hydroacoustics, located in the nasal dressing, below Waterlin, hurried Sablin behind him. When the sweating squeezed in the post, Sablin slammed the steel door behind him. Watching the sweetened deputies left his assistant - the ship librarian and part-time the film mechanic of the senior sailor sailor, arming him with a pistol.

In the room, the sweating found a letter left by Sablin, where the motives of the speeches of the sailors were explained. Then the departments collected officers and Michmanov in the cabin company and announced that he accepted the command of the ship and intends to lead him to Peter, so that from there to turn to the whole country with the appeal: Fatherland in danger, the authorities were mired in treasures and lies, cleaning, democracy, social justice. Further events, as applied from the same report, developed. Sablin offered to Michmans and officers with the help of black and white checkers vote about his considerations, and some of the command staff had supported him. 10 officers and 5 Michmanov, who did not divide the views of the depolit, were "isolated in two separate rooms." After the end of the film at 21.40 at the "Big Collection" signal, the sailors and elders lined up on the lower artillery deck, in the stern of the ship. Sablin turned to them with a brief speech.

According to the testimony of the sailor Maksimenko, he spoke about corruption in the tops, that the authorities of the transit of the national wealth of Russia, ruin the country and the people, about the need to change the leadership. Sailor Shein recalled later: "After his speech, a universal inspiration began. What we were interpreted among themselves in smoking, suddenly sounded in all. It was like a holiday. The feeling of dignity awakened in each. We felt like people. " Sablin called on the team to oppose unfair orders in the state and brought the plan of action to the sailors - the "watchman" goes to Leningrad in order to call for the correction of the mistakes in the television address. The speech of the "watchman", according to his plans, was to be supported on the Leningrad Naval Base, simple Leningraders, and then the whole country. In conclusion, Sablin emphasized the voluntary of the participation of crew members in the campaign: "Those who do not want to take part in them can go ashore on the shipboat." According to A.Seshain's testimony, belonging to 1998. There were no such among the sailors and foreman, only one has heard, the rest supported their deputy rolling (Shein also argued that the majority of Michmanov voted "for"). Later, almost everyone will renounce their words and coordinate Sablin.

The Commission's report provides another version: "Not all the personnel of the ship subsided for Sablin's agitation as evidenced by attempts by individual sailors, foreman and officers to release the commander and capture Sablin even at the beginning of events. But these attempts were prevented by supporters of Sablin. " A more detailed appeal of Sablin was recorded on the tape tape and several times overnight passed on intra-fermented broadcast (the record was preserved and was subsequently presented at the trial).

Here is her fragment "intensely and long thinking about further actions, made a decision: to end with the theory and become a practitioner. I realized that I need some tribune with which it would be possible to start expressing your free thoughts about the need to change the existing state of affairs. Better ship, I think, you will not find such a rostrum. And the seas are best - the Baltic, as it is located in the center of Europe. Nobody in the Soviet Union and cannot have such an opportunity as we - to demand the permit from the government to perform on television with criticism of the internal situation in the country ... Our goal is to raise the voice of truth ... Our people have already suffered significantly and suffers from For his political cureness ... Only a narrow circle of specialists is known how much harm brought and brings voluntaristic interventions of state and party bodies to the development of the armed forces and the country's economy, in solving national issues and the upbringing of young people ... It is assumed that First, the current state apparatus will be thoroughly cleaned, and according to some nodes - is divided and elevated to the dump of history, since deeply infected with family, bribery, careerism, arrivals in relation to the people. Secondly, the election system must be thrown into the landfill, which turns people into a faceless mass. Thirdly, all conditions that generate the issues and the uncontrolcity of the State and Parthaption on the part of the masses should be eliminated ... We firmly believe that the need to present their views on the inner position in the country, and the purely critical plan to relate to politics Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government, there are many honest people in the Soviet Union ... "

Shortly before midnight from 8 to 9 November, the Watch Officer of the Underwater Boat "B-49", duty on the raid on the Daugava River at Riga, where the ships of the sea parade stood, noticed a man on an anchor barrel waving his hands. He was removed, and he told the commander of the submarine, the captain of the 2nd rank Svetlovsky, which, he, Art. Lieutenant of Firsov (Komsorge), ran away from the BPK "Watchtown" to report a rebellion that raised the ship's depution captain of the 3rd rank Sablin, arresting the commander and gathering sobbing the ship. Svetlovsky did not immediately believe it, he knew Sablin as an excellent sailor, who had passed all the steps of the marine service before becoming a commissar. While caused the bosses until it got, and then disassembled, the report of the Watch officer was received: "Watchtow" is removed from the anchor. But even the vehicle's self-class outlet, did not make it believed in stunning news. They decided that the ship by mistake, confusing the time, goes on scheduled repairs in Liepaja.

The commander of the fleet Vice-Admiral Kosov at the beginning of the fourth night tried to communicate with the BOD, but he did not answer the challenges. Sablin, having learned about Firsov's escape, I realized that it was impossible to slowly - suddenness was lost. With an anchor, the BOD was out of order of ships, miraculously unfolded in a narrow river and 2 hours 50 minutes. (accompanied by border boats) entered the Riga Bay, taking a course to the Irbensky Strait (located between the Latvian coast of the mainland and the southern tip of O.Saarea, connecting the Riga Bay with the Baltic Sea.)
Leningrad is located in 300km to the northeast of Riga, and to get there, the ship was supposed to go through the Irbensky Strait (moving towards the Swedish Gotland Island) from the Gulf of Riga to the Baltic Sea. After which he could, encroaching the island of Saarem and Hiyumaa, turn east to The Gulf of Finland on Leningrad. To go through the shortest direction to Kronstat, followed first to the north through the Moonzun Strait, it is possible, but is dangerous for such a large ship as "watchdog" because of narrowness, chalk and cans in the Mongonian archipelago area. In addition, there was no navigator on the ship and the necessary navigation documents. (Moonzund The German name of the Svynames Strait between the Estonian mainland shore and the Moonzund Archipelago in which about 500 islands are the largest - Saaremaa, Hiyumaa, Muhu). So at the first stage it was difficult to understand where the ship towards Leningrad or Sweden moves. When the ship passed the Irbensky Lighthouse (Irben's Floating Lighthouse, was a special construction vessel built in Finland that annually from 1963 to 1986. put it in the Baltic Sea on the approach to the Irbensky Strait) It was 290 degrees. "This is a course for Sweden. The recommended course on Kronstadt from this point 337Grad. This was the reason for the accusation in an attempt of the hijacking of the ship in Psub. From the Irbensky lighthouse to the territorial waters of Sweden remained forty-three miles, and to Kronstadt - 330 miles. It is possible if the ship was in free swimming, then such a conclusion would be legitimate, but the "watchman" at the exit from the Irbensky Strait was subjected to attacks of bombers and his course could be somewhat different from the recommended. But about this later.

At about 4 o'clock in the morning, the rebellious deputies passed the head committee of the Navy Gorshkov Telegram: "I ask you to urgently report the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government that the flag of the coming communist revolution is raised on the Watchtail BPK. We demand: the first is to declare the territory of the ship "Watchtown" free and independent of state and party bodies during the year. The second is to provide an opportunity for one of the crew members to perform on central radio and television for 30 minutes ... Our speech is purely political in nature and has nothing to do with the betrayal of the Motherland. Motherland will betray those who will be against us. Within two hours, starting with the time announced by us, we are waiting for a positive response to our requirements. In case of silence or refusal to fulfill the above requirements or attempts to apply strength against us, all responsibility for the consequences will fall on the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and the Soviet Government. "

At the same time, the ship's radio station handed over the text to the appeal "to everyone! Everyone! .. "For other sources, the radio lane sailor of vinogradov passed it only on the closed channel. During the investigation, he explained that there were no open negotiations and broadcasts on the air, although he was deposited by the order to transfer the text "to all, everyone!" He did not fulfill this command. To the question, why answered: "It would be a direct violation of the instructions. Not allowed". The appeal recorded on the tape ribbon is preserved: "To all, everyone! Says a large anti-submarine ship "Watchtown". Our performance is not a betrayal of the Motherland, but a purely political, progressive performance. And the traitors of the Motherland will be those who are trying to prevent us. If the government will be applied to us to eliminate us, then you will learn about it in the absence of another transmission on radio and television. And in this case, only your political activity, the universal performance will save the revolution, started by us. Support us, comrades! ".

At 7.39, a telegram went to the ship's TCP on the ship: "Your Telegram GK Navy is obtained. GK ordered to return and become anchored Raid P. Suriga. " The answer to it did not follow.

The maritime operation of the "rebels" was deployed as follows. On the night of November 9, the commander of the Liepaja Naval Base received the order of the commander of Baltflot, the vice-admiral of Kosovo to overtake himself out of Riga, and the next to Sweden of the BOD "Watchtown" and "... With the release of visual contact, apply artillery weapons to stop the ship. The first volley give ahead in the course, follow-up by screws. " At 8.45 captain of the 1st rank L.S. Zassukovoy (commander of the brigade of the destroyers of the Liepal VBM); He came out in the sea on the Lithuanian Komsomolets Watchman, together with him, the subordinate division of small rocket ships was published under the command of the captain of the 2nd rank of Bardakov. In total, the group of persecution ships on available information consisted of one CRR, two rocket and three small anti-submarine ships, one submarine, as well as a ship with marine paratroopers on board. According to available sources, it is impossible to unambiguously say whether the listed ships of the border guards are among the listed ships (they are called the missile boats by the watchdogs) that accompanied the "watchman" from the Riga port. The commander of the brigade of border guard ships, the captain of the 1st Range Naipett received the order of the commander of the Baltic Border Country District of the KGB of the USSR, Lieutenant-General Secretaryev, "immediately open fire on defeat and destroy the ship", 8.55 semaphore was received from the BPK "Watchtown" on the border ship: " Friend! We are not traitors of the Motherland. " From the use of weapons, border guards abstained, the rebellious ship was simply accompanied, without any active actions at its stop or destruction.

A week later, Naipet was removed from the command of the Brigade and dismissed from the Navy. At 9.05, Semaphore Commander of the BF was transferred to the Watchtail BPK: "Commander and a depicure. I must immediately fulfill the order of Glavkom to return to Riga. In the case of return, the safety of the entire crew is guaranteed. " This was the answer that the semaphore received the commander of the branch of the Sugar Signalists. To the question "Where do you follow?" answered: "I do not know, Sablin commands the ship."

The ships of the Liepāja VBM overtake "Watchthod" at the time of the bombing of his aviation. This is how it tells about these events of the broths. "On behalf of the fleet commander, I was transferred to me an order to overtake the" watchdog ", and if he crosses the meridian 20 degrees. Beyond which the way right to Sweden, then the ship was prescribed to drown ... When leaving the Irbensky Strait, we overtake the "watchdog" ... and suddenly I see how a huge water pillar pulled out on the site of the ship, thought that he exploded. Then the mass of the water of the village, and the "watchdog" moves as if nothing had happened. This aviation has already started warning bombing. " There were two bombarding airlock in Tukums and Rumbul (not far from Riga) on the alarm. According to available information, the flyers of the regiment located in Rumbul weapons were applied to apply (Swedish radio stations recorded "stormy" radio beggar with crew). Actions of another shelf in August 2004. In detail described the direct participant of the events of A. Tsymbalov, at that time, the deputy head of the headquarters of the 668th bombardment air strike (132nd Airciff Division 15th air Army). "The 668th BAP, based on Tukums aerodrome in two tens of kilometers from Jurmala, was raised by battle alarm about 3 hours of night on November 9, 1975. It was one of the most prepared regiments of front-line bombing aircraft Air Force. Having an arms outdated front-line bombers Yak-28, it was prepared for the application of aviation strikes with all the composition of the regiment at night in complex meteorological conditions. Reporting on the CP divisions about the resulting signal and our

As always, when checking the combat readiness, encryption from the headquarters of the air army with a legend describing the operational-tactical situation, and the task of the shelf. This time, a foreign destroyer URO invaded the territorial waters of the Soviet Union (managed missile weapon), having two zenith rocket plants like "OSA". The geographical coordinates of the point of his stay in the Gulf of Riga were given and the task was to be in readiness to apply the aviation strike for its destruction. For action for such a goal, fugasal bombs caliber 500kg were needed. (They were stored in stock in the third ammunition). The alarm was suspended by the first ammunition of the first ammunition - OFAB-250Sh (fragantic fugasal aviation assault, caliber 250kg.), Stored in aircraft parking. But since the blow to the ship was going to perform conditionally, then the bombs did not exist. At about 7 in the morning, from the headquarters of the air army by phone clarified the location of the ship - at the exit of the strait towards Gotland Island (Sweden). Closer to dawn and. The commander of the 15th Major Major Commander demanded that two crews for warning bombing at the rate of ship movement from among the runtime. But the ammunition generator has banned. 5-6 minutes after the rise of the intelligence aircraft, two crews took off (the crew of the deputy commander of flight training and the crew of the head of the fire and tactical training of the regiment, the navigator is the secretary of the Regiment party committee) with a task: for the purpose of the scout, carry out warning bombings at the rate of the ship. The reconnaissance aircraft at the specified point of the ship did not find and started his visual search. The meteorological conditions for the conduct of air visual intelligence were small: the morning twilight, torn cloud of 5-6 points with the lower edge at an altitude of 600-700m. Horizontal visibility no more than 3-4 km. In such conditions, the intelligence aircraft has not fulfilled its task - the ship did not find it. The crews of bombers were forced to divide and look for a goal on their own. The crew of the Deputy Commander for Flight Training almost immediately found a large overseas target and went on it at a given height of 500m. I identified it visually in the haze as a combat vehicle of the scene of the destroyer and produced a bombing with an absorption at the rate of the ship, seeking to put a series of bombs closer to the ship. But the bomb series fell not in front of the course of the ship, but with a larger along the line passing through his body. The assault bombs exploded above the surface of the water, and the sheaf of the fragments of SriCotatil right into the board of the ship, which turned out to be a Soviet cargo ship, released just a few hours ago from the port of Ventspils. The vessel began to supply a distress signal, accompanying it with the open text: "Gangster attack in the territorial waters of the USSR." Fortunately, there were no killed and wounded on board (the repair of damage was to the Ministry of Defense in the alcohol tank truck and a 5-ton oil paint truck).

The second crew, finding several groups of surface targets, remembering the failure of his comrade decreased to a height of 200m. (By that time, the haze slightly dissipated and the visibility was 5-6km). In the absolute majority it was fishing vessels. Time went, and the ship could not detect. Two crews of the first squadron were preparing for shifts.

At this time, the "watchman" approached the border of the territorial waters of the Soviet Union. Obviously, the final decision was made on his destruction by any forces, Major Major Gvozdikov ordered to raise the entire regiment as soon as possible to strike the ship although its exact location was still unknown. In a hurry, miraculously managed to avoid the collision of the aircraft in the runway. The commander of the third squadron, having received an order to take off as a squadron at an output option from under the impact, in accordance with the pre-developed plan in as soon as possible He pulled out on the runway, and immediately began to take off at the same time, two aircraft of the first squadron prepared on the other side of the WFP. The disaster managed to avoid thanks to the decisive actions of the flight manager, but the previously designed combat order of the regiment was already impossible to build in the air, and the aircraft went to the area of \u200b\u200bblowing ahead of two echelons with a minute interval on each. It was an ideal target for two shipping complexes Zur with a 40-second shooting cycle. FROM high degree The probability can be argued that if the ship really reflected this aviation strike, then all 18 aircraft of this "combat order" would be shot down. In the meantime, the second aircraft (head of fire and tactical training) was finally discovered a group of ships, two of which looked larger on the screen were larger at a distance of 5-6km. Friend from each other. Having broken all the prohibitions of the crew passed between two martial ships at an altitude of 50m, and clearly saw the desired number on board one of them.

At the KP, the regiment immediately went on a report on the azimuth and removing the ship from the Tukums airfield, as well as a request for confirmation on his attack. Having obtained the crew resolution performed the maneuver and attacked the ship from a height of 200m. in front of the corner of 20-25 degrees. From his axis. Sablin, driving a ship, competently threw an attack, vigorously smulving in the direction of an attacker aircraft to a cocorate angle of 0 degrees. The bomber was forced to stop the attack (to get into a bombing from the horizon to a narrow goal was unlikely) and with a decrease to 50m. (The crew has remembered the "OSA" type two SPM) slipped over the ship. And they attacked again from the back at the same angle so that the ship to reset the bombs did not have to turn to the course angle of 180. The first bomb of the series got straight in the middle of the deck on the yut of the ship, destroyed the deck coating during the explosion and jammed the steering wheel. Other bombs of the series lay down with a flight at a small angle from the axis of the ship and no damage to the ship was caused. The ship began to describe a wide circulation and stroke the move.

Interrupting the retelling of the memories of Cimbalov, I would like to bring the words of the Major General Justice of Boriskin, the head of the management of the main military prosecutor's office according to which "... bombing was not on the ship, but ahead of him, at the rate of movement. And, of course, not a single hit, no damage on the deck, nor on the add-ins. "

The crew, having completed an attack, began to dramatically gain a height, holding a ship in sight and trying to determine the result of the strike. At this time, the first crew of the column of the regiment jumped one of the shutdown ships and his gather attacked him, accepted for a rebellious ship. The attacked ship from falling bombs was evaconed, but he answered fire from all his zenith automatic guns. Ship shot a lot, but by. At this time, the command, in time, asked himself the question of what will happen when the other 17 bombers go to the attack, it decided that it was time to stop the "teachings" and the open text "the control teachings of the fleet forces and aviation" was transferred. For hours by 10 am On November 9, all the regiment aircraft made a landing at their airfield.

Comda gathered a leadership and flight composition on the "parsing". The essence of what was said down to the following: the regiment was fulfilled, at the same time, without losing a single aircraft and not killing a single innocent person on attacked ships. Yes, the costs were, but not for your fault. Anticipating the coming trial, Comda advised nothing to hide anything, only the truth, whatever it was non-chain senior officials.

"Fugitives" were stopped in 21 miles outside the Soviet state border and at a distance of 50 miles from the territorial waters of Sweden. In the already mentioned report, subsequent events are described as follows: "Obtaining telegrams with orders of the Minister of Defense, Commander-in-law Navy and the Baltic Fleet Commander to return to the raid and warning about the use of weapons in the event of disobedience that have become known to the crew through radioists and encrypters, as well as the support of the ship by aircraft, The ships and boats led to the fact that a significant part of the personal composition was caught and began to understand the crime of Sablin's plan, take measures to conclude weapons and parts of the technical means, became energetically to act on the liberation of the commander and officers. " Further says that at about 10.20 (we recall that by the memories of Tsimbalov by 10.00 all the aircraft have already returned to the base, perhaps this discrepancy is due to the use of the time of various time zones), even before the bombs of the aircraft, the group of sailors from 25 - 30 people were liberated officers and commander Ship. On the orders of the ship's commander, arsenal was opened, part of the sailors, foreman and officers were armed. The commander personally arrested Sablin wounding him at the time.

This is how the commander of the "Watchman" says about it: "I tried to get out of the compartment, where Sablin lured me. I found some kind of glare, broke constipation from Luke, got into the next compartment - also locked. When this castle broke and sailor Shein blocked the hatch with a sliding emergency emphasis. Everything yourself does not get out. But then the sailors began to guess what was happening. Starin 1 Articles of Kopylov with sailors (Stankevichus, Lykov, Borisov, Nabiyev) pushed Shein, stopped stopped and freed me. I took a pistol, the rest were armed with automata and two groups - one from the side of the tank, and I am on the inner transition - began to climb the bridge. Seeing Sablin, the first urge was immediately shooting it, but then thought flashed: "He is still useful to justice!" I fired him in my leg. He fell. We rose to the bridge, and I announced on the radio that the order on the ship was restored. " At 10.32, the captain of the 2nd rank of Sweet reported that he took the command to his hands. Supporters of Sablin (in some sources talking about 11 servants among which there were two young officers - the commander of the starting battery of the Minno-torpedo part lieutenant Doodebel and the assistant commander of the ship for supplying Lieutenant Wavalkin), were also arrested. With the arrival of the ship on the base, the entire crew was stated in the barracks, taken under protection. Sablin was demolished, deprived the awards and sent to Moscow. And from Moscow on the same day, the government commission headed by the Commander of the Navy Gorshkov Admiral, the head of the Soviet Union Gorshkov, in its composition - the head of the Glavpier, General Army, Epishev, head of the Navy Admiral Grushanov, Employees of the CPSU Central Committee, KGB, military counterintelligence.

The crew was disbanded, many officers were fired to the reserve. Sailors and foreman demobilized. Many High Fleet Chiefs were removed from posts or scalked disciplinary recovery, some were excluded from the party. It was also used to pilots - almost the entire governing staff of the division and 885 regiment, on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, a warning of non-full official accordance with the commander of 15 major General Carnation aviation was quietly dismissed to a retirement for years. In addition, emergency measures were taken to exclude the leakage of information, which, in fact, surrounded this story with a variete of the most incredible rumors. The ship was also sent to the "link". On the night of November 9, the Commander of the BOD "Friendly" Kamchatka Flotilla (the same type "watchdog") standing in those days in the Baltic, the captain of the 3rd rank of A. Petersburg and the Deputy Captain Lieutenant L. Bescaravayn caused to themselves the head of the main political management of the army and the fleet Marshal Epishev and the commander of the Navy Admiral Gorshkov. Sailors received an order immediately together with their crew "Perera" on the "watchman". In early 1976 They led the "watchman" on the Pacific Ocean where he got up at the head of the Kamchatka brigade of anti-submarine ships. About the past resembled only metal patch pipes on the pipes, covered the traces of the November bombing. In November 2002 The ship was led from the combat composition of the fleet and sold to India on scrap metal. The consequence of this case led counterintelligence it was short-lived and simple. The deputies did not deny anything, all guilty took on himself and asked only to sailors

Sablin was charged that he was for a long time (from spring 1973), he put out ideas aimed at violent change in the state and social system of the USSR, and then, violating the oath, began their practical implementation and brought the ship from commanding the command.

Sablin's wines in perfect crime was completely proved by the testimony of many eyewitness witnesses, numerous material evidence, as well as full recognition of their guilt. In the investigative case, the letter seized during the search of the letter of Sablina parents dated November 8, 1975. "Dear, favorite, good my daddy and mommy! It was very difficult to start writing this letter, since it, belieping, will cause you alarm, pain, and maybe even outrage and anger into my address ... My actions lead only one desire - to do that in my power to people Our, good, mighty people are our homeland, wake up from political hibernation, for it affects the destructive on all sides of the life of our society ... "

For a long time in the famous "special folder" of the Central Committee of the CPSU was kept by the Soviet document. After the collapse of the USSR, he (like the whole folder) was declassified. Here is an excerpt from him: "... the Committee of State. Safety Ends the investigation into the criminal case on charges of the Captain of the 3rd rank of Sablin and other military personnel - participants in the criminal action 8-9 November 1975. on the BOD "Watchtown". It was established that the organizer of this crime of Sablin, hitting the influence of the revisionist ideology, has hatched hostile views on Soviet reality over the years. In April 1975 He formulated them in writing, recorded on the tape recorder, and during the events in the "Storozhev" made an anti-Soviet speech before the personnel. The political "platform" of Sablin included a set of borrowed from the bourgeois propaganda of slanderous approvals about the "outdars" of the Marxist-Leninist teaching and "bureaucratic rebirth" of the state and party apparatus in the USSR and calls for the removal of the CPSU from the management of society, to the creation of a new "more progressive" party. In the spring of 1975 He developed a detailed plan for capturing a warship, which intended to use as a "political stand" to nominate the requirements for the change in the state system in the USSR and the fight against the Soviet government. He organized and carried out a self-free hijacking of a large anti-pettal ship outside of Soviet territorial waters. These of his actions are qualified as a betrayal of the Motherland ... "under the document stands for signatures of the Chairman of the KGB Andropov, the Prosecutor General of Rudenko, the Minister of Defense of Grechko and the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR of Smirnov, in its fields are painting Brezhnev, Souslova, Peliche and other members of the then Higher Party Guides to the USSR. So the sentence of Sablin was made on the very summit Even before the trial, as accuracy as it happened under Stalin in the thirties.

But still formally the fate of Sablin was to decide on the court. The Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court as part of the chairman of Major General Justice Bushuev, People's Major General of Kozlov's Major General Troops, Lieutenant General Tsyganov, Under Secretary Colonel-General Afanasyev and employee SA Kuznetsov, with the participation of the State Prosecutor of the Senior Assistant Chief Military Prosecutor General Justice Chanturov And defenders of lawyers Aksenova and Popov at its final closed meeting on July 13, 1976. accurately performed all the formalities. V. Sablin was found guilty of article 84 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (treason) and sentenced to the death penalty. The request of the officer about pardon in the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR rejected.

Before execution, Sablin was allowed to write a letter to her son: "Believe that the story honestly will repay everyone by their merit, and then you will never doubt what your father did. Never be among people who are criticized without acting. These hypocrites, weak nothing of themselves, people are not able to combine their faith, with their affairs. I want you to be brave. Be sure that life is wonderful. Believe that the revolution always wins. "

The sentence is carried out on August 3, 1976. Sablin buried in a nameless grave, the location of which is unknown. His right hand of Soyne's sailor was sentenced to 8 years in prison. For the first 2 years he served in the chamber, then he was transferred to the so-called worker in the same Lefortovo, where the convict was still 3.5 years. For the past 2.5 years, Shein spent in the Kirov region - in the strict regime camp.

In the case of criminal responsibility for the assistance of Sablin in the seizure of the ship and withdrawing it beyond the state border of the USSR, another 6 officers and 11 Michmanov were attracted, but cases regarding them were soon discontinued.

Immediately after the collapse of the USSR, Sablin and Sheine were talking about both the victims of the totalitarian regime. In 1992 In Russia, a meeting of a public court was held for the first time chaired by the famous lawyer Alekseeva. It discussed the events of November 8, 1975. Verdict of that Court: "Making a high-road act, sacrificing himself, he served the Fatherland and the people." Law enforcement agencies were taken three times for the revision of the case, and only in 1994. The Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation revised the case of Sablin "taking into account new circumstances" and retracted him with the "treason of the Motherland" on articles about military crimes (the excess of power, disobedience and resistance to the authorities), for the aggregate of which changed the sentence for 10 years in prison, and helped He is a sailor to Sheina a punishment reduced to 5 years. At the same time, it was stated that Sablin's complete rehabilitation and his associate Shein are not subject to.

So who Valery Sablin is the hero go a traitor?

Here is its autobiographical data from the same secret report: "... Captain 3rd Rang Sablin V.M., 1939 Russian, in the CPSU consisted of 1959. He graduated from VVM. Frunze in 1960. until 1969 He served in the institutions and the assistant commander of the guard ship of the Northern Fleet entered the WPP. Lenin, which he graduated in 1973. According to the post certified mainly positively. Married. He has a son 1962. birth. Father - captain of the 1st rank of stock. Father - Mikhail Sablin all wagon served on the Northern Fleet, appreciated him highly and respected Admiral Golovko's fleet. Grandfather was also a military sailor. From early childhood, Valery Drezili Sea and in 1956. Entered the Higher Naval School. Frunze in Leningrad, where he became an exemplary cadet. While studying at school, comrades in a joke called him "Consideration of the class". One of his classmates recalled: "We all brought up on socialist and communist ethics. We all believed in her, but Valery was so honest that he wanted to live on these ideals. " Another testimony belongs to Lyalina - Sabin Sabin Slabina: "Valeria we called the conscience of the course. Do not think that he was a borough from the breed of the punishment excellent students. No, he was very alive, cheerful - and at the same time very solid in principles. Did not win, did not tackle. The bosses appreciated him. He quickly became a commander of the department, one of the first in our stream joined the party - on the fourth year. We chose it by the secretary of the faculty committee of the Komsomol ... "As Boris Sablin recalls, one of his brothers:" He did not know how to lie. " He hated hypocrisy in all his manifestations and could not be calmly and indifferently looking at injustice. In this soil, he often argued with his father, proving that the country could not live. Lieutenant Sablin began the officer service in 1960. In Sevastopol, on a squadded destroyer "fierce". Commed by a group of artillery fire management, then a fire division. He served what is called, not for fear, and for conscience. There are numerous thanks to the command. However, the first increase in the rank was detained for almost a year. The reason was that Lieutenant Sablin wrote a letter to Khrushchev in which outlined his thoughts about the purity of the party ranks. Posted as a communist, theoretically entitled to contact any party instance. In practice, everything turned out with a tough suggestion, the meaning of which is not difficult to solve: do not supervise! It seems that Sablin understood the lesson and went to the service with his head. He was referred to the commanders of the ship, but he again surprised everyone - after the first 10 years of service, the report was requested to study at the Military Political Academy. And there, in Moscow, also compiled social sciences "for conscience", and not as a typical careerist-zubrila. In 1973 After graduating from the Academy Sablin was appointed a deputy roller on the Watchtail BPK. From this point on, long and painstaking preparation for the uprising begins. The depth decides to use in its work the deep motive of the revolutionary speeches of sailors in the Russian fleet is a sharpened sense of justice. Every sailor goes on vacation received a task after returning in detail to describe life in his hometown or village. At the same time, the depot draws attention to numerous examples of all kinds of injustices and violations of legality. Soon he, and not the commander of the ship Captain of the 2nd rank Excusted became informal leader crew. For two years he managed to create some crew members with his views and plans to reorganize society in the Soviet Union. It is difficult to assume that all this passed by the attention of individuals, but Sablin did not touch, perhaps because he studied with the son of the chief of political management of the Navy Admiral Grishanov and often had in their family.

In his farewell letter, Sablin writes: "I was Liberal for a long time, confident that a little bit of something to correct in our society, write one- two accusatory articles, something or somehow change. So it was up to 1971. Studying at the Academy finally convinced me in the fact that the steel state-party car is so steel that any blows in the forehead will turn into empty sounds ... from 1971. I began to dream of the free propaganda territory of the ship. Unfortunately, the situation was evolving so that only in November 75th there was a real opportunity to speak. What pushed me on it? Love of life. I do not mean the life of the rebel, and the life is light, honest, who causes sincere joy ... I am convinced that in our people, like 58 years ago, the revolutionary consciousness will break, and he will achieve communist relations in the country ... "

Until now, there is no in society (yes, it is innocuous and cannot be) a single opinion about what Sablin has done or a crime. In the thirtieth anniversary of the uprising on the "Storozhev", Vice President public organization "Generals and Admirals for Humanism and Democracy" Dudnik from the Izvestia pages called to completely rehabilitate Sablin. A political scientist and publicist objected him, the former deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia Kannadze. Pravoy Sablin as " good man, honest, sincere and fair "The author nevertheless spoke out against his justification:" ... Wishing his homeland of good, Valery Sablin committed a grievous crime - raised the rebellion on a military ship ... "But the opinion of the captain of the 1st rank O. Bar-Biryukova: "Sablin act is akin to the feat of Lieutenant Schmidt. His honest name is completely undeservedly committed by oblivion, and the family is opal. It's time to put this end! Justice should triumph - as it happened in relation to most repressed participants in the bloody Kronstadt rebellion 1921. " Vice-Admiral A. Kornienenko (in 1975 he served as Deputy Head of the Pollipulation of BF) spoke like this: "For the sake of achieving the dubious goal of Sablin, threatened the life of the entire crew ... Now some want to heroize Sablin now. Seen in his adventure almost a call for restructuring. Others say it was a bold act ... Yes, to a certain extent, bold. But what he is different from the actions of terrorists - they, too, for the achievement of the goal go to death risk. But at the same time, hundreds of other lives are pounce. " "The deadly risk" is the only thing that can be found in common in the actions of Sablin and terrorists. The ship was unarmed and practically could not imagine a threat (if not to use it as a ram). The generally accepted legal definition of the concept of terrorism does not exist. In the Russian law, terrorism is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, to decision-making by state authorities, organs local governments or international organizations associated with the conversion of the population and / or other forms of unlawful violent actions. In the right of the United States, as a premisting, politically motivated violence against civilians or objects with subnational groups or underfielding agents, usually in order to influence the mood of society. Let us leave this comparison on the conscience of Almiral. But the comparison of Sablina with Lieutenant Schmidt is also not entirely correct. Schmidt was freed by the resignation of the oath and first refused to lead the uprising, considering it premature and destructive. But, obeying the circumstances, was forced to agree to the requirements of revolutionary sailors. Sablin remained under the oath and except for his own risked the lives of the crew members (hardly the majority supported by Sablin really assessed the situation). Part of the crew which did not support him at all turned out to be hostage. For Sablin, Schamidt was obviously an example for imitation - among the books of his home library, a clipping of the Schmidt "Deputy of the Revolution" was preserved, where Sablin's hand is emphasized: "... when the proclaimed political rights began to take away from the people, the natural wave of life allocated I, ordinary man, from the crowd, and from my chest a cry was broken. I am happy that this cry broke out of my chest! ... "

Sablin's performance is rather akin to the "rebellion" of the Decembrists. Judge for yourself. In the first decades of the XIX century. A part of the representatives of the Russian nobility understands the depletion of autocracy and serfdom for the further development of the country. In their environment there is a viewing system, the implementation of which should change the foundations of Russian life, but their ideas and worldview were not uniform. In December 1925 The St. Petersburg Group (Northern Society) decided to prevent the troops and Senate to bring the oath of the new king (Nicholas I). They intended to enter the Senate and demand to publish a nationwide manifesto, in which it would be announced by the abolition of serfdom and the 25-year period of the soldier service, on the introduction of mandatory military service for all classes, about the freedom of speech and assembly, on the introduction of the jury. All government officials had to give way to elected persons. The rebel troops were supposed to take the Winter Palace and Petropavlovsk Fortress, tsarist seven should have been arrested. The first significant difference from the "uprising" of Sablin is that the Decembrists were armed and assumed the use of force until the king of the king. For the leadership, the dictator was elected - Prince Sergei Trubetskaya. By 11 o'clock in the morning on December 14, 1825. on the Senate Square 30 officers-Decembrists brought about 3020 people: the soldiers of the Moscow and Grenadier regiment and sailors of the Guards Sea crew. By this time, the senators had already brought the oath of Nicholas and proclaimed him by the emperor. Prince Trubetskoy on the square did not appear and the rebel shelves continued to stand in the square, without taking active actions until the conspirators tried to come to a consensus about the new leader. The truth was twice the attack of Connogvardeans and the Governor of St. Petersburg, Miloradovich, who was trying to convince the soldiers to return to the barracks (second difference) deadly. The troops already swear to the new emperor surrounded the rebels. According to them, it was made first a volley by idle charges that did not produce effect. After that, artillery struck the rebelled card, their ranks were crumbled. After that, a few more shots on the crowd were made for the most expensive man in the crowd as a result, 1271 people were killed, of which: "39 - in fractions and sequins, 9-female sex, 19-juvenile and 903-worms" (so the consequences The uprisings also differ significantly).

However soviet system She made the Decembrists an example of serving the Fatherland, and Sablin condemned as a traitor. It is clear that no state will be complacent of the officer who comes into political confrontation with him. But the fact is that in the mid-70s soviet authority He was a totalitarian one-party dictatorship, which ruthlessly trampled human rights. The struggle with such power is not only the right, but also a duty of a citizen who is above the requirements of military service. One of the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says: "... It is necessary that human rights are guarded by the authorities of the law in order to ensure that the person is not forced to resort, as the last tool, to the uprising against tyranny and oppression." In the Declaration of Independence of the United States, it is said: "When a long series of abuse and violence, invariably subordinate to the same goal, testifies to the insidious intention to force people to humiliate with unlimited despotism, the overthrow of such a government ... becomes the right and responsibility of the people."