Pre-school preparation in the desired format. Pre-school training program "On the way to school

For a first-grader's kid easily accustomed to school, he retained physical and mental health during the adaptation period, high-quality pre-school preparation is necessary.

There are various types of organizations that are preparing children to school:

  • kindergarten - in the preparatory school groups;
  • school - in pre-school classes;
  • centers of children's development - in special occupations.

It would seem like a variety of forms of preparation for school should only be satisfied with the parents and teachers. But this variability has its own pitfalls. The preparation of kids to school in these institutions is different: in preschool - the "kindergarten", at school - "training" methods. Centers of children's development choose their own training models.

Kindergarten preparation for school


  • The last group of kindergarten is aimed exclusively for the preparation of a child to school;
  • Learning and education in the kindergarten is subject to programs established for many years;
  • Methods of teaching and education are approved by teachers and psychologists who are the leading country's experts in this matter.


  • Kindergarten is limited to the periodization of development, according to which the age of children attending the preparatory group should be from 6 to 7 years. In reality, many parents make a decision to start learning a child at school from 6 years. Consequently, pre-school preparation for such children begins for one academic year before, and the program preparatory group This age is not calculated.

School training


  • Aims to the requirements that the school places for the future student;
  • A year in front of the school, the child enters her life gradually, meets the teacher, the program on which he has to learn.


  • The system does not fit into the age norms of the child's development, where the main type of activity of the Senior Preschooler - Gaming Activities;
  • Schools that offer a form of preparation of pre-school classes cannot provide children to develop social and communicative communication skills with other children, which is an important part of school readiness.

New federal state standards

Solve the problem of conflict of the interests of the kindergarten and school was called up by the Federal State Educational Standard (GEF) adopted in 2013. Now the model of a child garden graduate is clearly regulated. The program of pre-school preparation, regardless of its place of implementation, in kindergarten or in school courses, should "let down" the child to the graduate standard, a stipulated educational standard.

GEF is based on the age characteristics of the child

An important final achievement of preschool age is not a set of skills, knowledge and skills, but personal indicators of children.

Game - leading activity

Innovative forms of preparing children in school suggest that the main method of teaching children in classes will be the game, as it is the natural necessity of a preschooler. Also valuable activities are motor, cognitive, research, productive and communicative.

Modern forms of interaction of the teacher with children

The FGOS pre-school training clamping structure is changed so that training activities in preschoolers are now minimal. The status is raised by the game, research and project activities, association of different types of activities in one occupation.

According to a new standard, the usual occupation or lesson is canceled. Instead, teachers organize special activities in which children actively implement themselves - interact, communicate, imperceptibly accumulate knowledge, form skills and skills.

For the organization of teachers, technological maps are used for the pre-school training class, replacing the usual abstracts of classes and lessons.

Knowledge children get through search engines, and not in the finished form - so they are absorbed better. Kids learn to establish causal relationships with the help of experiments, observations, experimentation.

The principle of psychological comfort

Work on the preparation of senior preschoolers to school on GEF is conducted with the compliance with modern, but tested didactic principles. Teachers are organized by the educational environment, which ensures the absence of stress in the subsequent educational process. Children have the opportunity to develop in an individual pace.

New pre-school standards guarantee the future first grader:

  • intellectual and personal development;
  • formation of creative thinking, cognitive interest;
  • preservation of physical and mental health.

These conditions are innovative to prepare children to school.

Adaptation of children as part of the functioning of pre-school training courses

Explanatory note

This program was developed with the aim of preparing children of preschool age for school training, their successful adaptation to new conditions, based on the contingency program (Scientific Director N.A. Fedosova) Moscow "Enlightenment" 2014. (The program is allowed by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation) I. adaptedto the conditions of short-term stay of children in OU.

Objectives:psychological adaptation of children; acquaintance with the main school regulations; Proprieties of the skills of individual, pair and collective work; learning to elementary feedback methods; development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination; Organization of the class team.

Tasks: Identification of the level of formation of the basic elements of cognitive activity; Alignment of starting capabilities; Removal psychological stress before school; The formation of training skills (the ability to negotiate, exchange opinions, to understand and evaluate oneself and others); Development of speech and shallow motility hands.

The proposed concept of the "continuity" program was developed on the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuity between pre-school, initial and primary education.
The concept of the "continuity" program is considering continuity as creating conditions for a humane (conflict and comfortable) transition from one educational steps On the other, the purpose of which is the successful adaptation to new educational conditions.
Training preparation is continuity that allows you to provide a human transition from one age group to another and implement the main tasks currently set before being.
The concept is based on the following principles :
- continuity of the development of the child;
- the overall development of the child based on its individual capabilities and abilities;
- Development creative abilities in children;
- Development of personal competences of a child as a subject of creative activity as an active subject of knowledge;
- development and strengthening of personal health;
- development of spiritual and moral beliefs of the individual;
- development of sustainable psychological adaptation to new formation conditions;
- continuity between educational students and parents.
Basins for implementation of the principle of continuitybetween pre-school and school education are:
- orientation is not on the level of knowledge, but on the potential features of the child, on his "zone of the nearest development";
- creating conditions for the inclusion of a child in new social forms of communication;
- organization and combination in a single semantic sequence of productive activities;
- preparation of the transition from gaming activities to educational;
- Ensuring a gradual transition from directity to arbitrariness.
At the heart of training for learning in the School of Program "Premiestness" personality oriented and educational technologies.
Purpose personal-oriented technologiesare the development and formation in the process of training for the training of an active creative personality.
Educational technologiesaims on the formation of a child's problem thinking, on the development of mental activity.
Developing technologies contain: developing didactic games that develop practical tasks, creative exercises, design, analytical synthetic actions.
The content proposed for training for learning "continuity" corresponds to the age-related features of children of senior preschool age and is the basis for the use of personally oriented and educational technologies.
In accordance with the logic of the development of the child, the training for school is not a training, but developing nature. When preparing for school, the program "continuity" does not allow duplication of the first class of secondary school. Preparation for school training under the program "The continuity" of the invariant. Her goal is to prepare a preschooler to any system school Education.

Concept of the "continuity" program considers pre-school and initial training in the system continuing education and suggests personal-oriented modelschool preparation systems.

As the main objectives of training for school trainingput forward:
- development of the emotional-volitional sphere;
- development of communicative skills;
- the formation and development of mental functions and the cognitive sphere of children;
- preservation of preschoolers.
The implementation of these goals allows to ensure the mental and physical development of children at the level that is necessary for their successful inclusion in educational activities and further education at school. In this way, purposepreparation of children to school is not mastering any specific elements learning activities, but creating backgroundsschool learning.
Basic principles of training for learningare:
- the unity of development, training and upbringing;
- accounting for age and individual characteristics of children;
- A complex approach;
- systematic and sequence;
- variability and variability;
- consciousness and creative activity;
- clarity;
- availability and sufficiency.
As leading the child's activities is considered game and productive activity.
Basic taskstraining preparationare:
- protection and health promotion;
- development of mental functions and personal qualities;
- ensuring continuity between training for training and school training.

Stage of training for learning acts as an independent finished block. Transitional level ensures continuity in the development and education of preschool and primary learning. Training preparation includes a rather diverse content, the purpose of which is the development of the child.
A feature of the content of the preparation for school is that the material proposed for preschool children has been developed on an integrated basis and determining the content of items conditionally.
Classes in the school of a preschooler include the following sections: "Speech development", "Development of mathematical abilities", "Green path", "Art and Culture" .

Preparation of children to school begins on October 1 and lasts until May 1 (28 weeks).
Classes are carried out with a group of children. Duration of classes 30 minutes.

Approximate number of classes per week

Section name

Number of classes

"Speech Development"

"The development of mathematical abilities"

"Green path"

"Art and Culture"

Classes are held 1 time per week with the help of a set of benefits prepared for the "continuity" program.
Main activities - game and productive activity.

Working programm at the rate "From the word to the letter"

The working program in the Russian language for preschoolers was developed on the basis of the program N. A. Fedosova "continuity. Preparation of children to school ", the author's program N.A. Fedosova" Speech Development. From the word to the letter ", approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow 2009) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard primary education.

Fedosova N.A. Pre-school training: school preparation. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

Fedosova N.A. From the word to the letter: Tutorial To prepare children to school: at 2 h. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

The program "From the Word to the letter" is aimed at versatile development of the child through various types of activities that perform the development of related speech, phondeMectic hearing, creative thinking, coordination and shallow motors of movements, muscles of the engine apparatus of the writing hand, visual and motor factors as a whole action. The course is preparing for learning to read, writing and forms elementary speech culture skills.

Creating conditions for the formation of a multilaterally developed personality of the child (intellectual, spiritual and moral, aesthetic, emotional development), creating prerequisites for the positive motivation of teaching in school;

Practical training for children for reading and writing;

Formation of elementary culture of speech, improvement at the available level of the skills of the connected oral speech of children.

A distinctive feature of this section of the program, compared with existing, is the implementation of integration of work on the preparation of children to teach reading with work on the development of their oral society and with the preparation for learning a letter.

The main tasks of the development of speech on preparatory Stage are:

Expansion, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary of children;

The formation of the grammatical system of the child's speech;

Improving the skills of oral connected speech, monologic and dialogic (answers to questions, retelling the story, fairy tales, drawing up the story, drawings and illustrations for the work, a story on personal observations and impressions, drawing up mysteries, fairy tales, stories, verbal drawing, etc. .);

Creating speech statements of various types: descriptions (human, animals, items, premises); reasoning (read your favorite poem. What do you like it? Tell your favorite fairy tale. Why do you like more than others? etc.); narration (various types of recovery, story).

The development of speech is carried out largely on the works of fiction, which contributes to the enrichment of the speech of children, expanding their vocabulary, their spiritual and moral and aesthetic development, prepares adequate perception literary works The course "Literary reading" in elementary school and the course "Literature" in the main school, stimulates the development of reader interest, brings up the reader, which is one of the urgent tasks modern school. In addition, material for classes promoting speech Development Children, are the world around the world, the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, the work of various types of art (music, painting), etc.

The purpose of preparing for reading education is to create conditions for meaningful and conscious reading, upbringing aesthetically developed and emotional reader.

In the process of reading (hearing) of works of oral folk creativity and literary works, there is an intensive multilateral development of a child: intellectual, moral, emotional, aesthetic, speech; Children has stable attention to the word in the artistic text (which is the basis of work on the study of literature in primary and primary school), the ability to perceive the word as the main element artistic work.

The urgency of successful work on reading preparation is the creation of conditions for the formation of persistent and stable interest in adhesion workers to the works of fiction. This is achieved by several paths. First of all, a carefully thought-out selection of works for reading: it must be works that are samples of children's fiction, which meet the age and psychological features of children representing different literary genres (Tales, stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings). In addition, the use of predominantly game forms of work (drawing episodes, game improvisation on the plots of literary works, various contests, etc.).

Development of sound culture of speech in order to prepare for graduation and reading (ability to listen to speech, in separate sounds, work on the correct pronouncement of sounds, training proper intonation, speech management). Work on the development of the articulation apparatus (development of correct diction, voting force, highlighting meaningful words etc.);

Reading poems of Russian and foreign poets, fairy tales, stories, proverbs, sayings, riddles;

Conversation about read on the educators (answers to questions related to the emotional perception of the work, understanding the plot, the characters of the main acting persons, to hear the ability to perceive expressive language funds - epithets, comparisons, of course, without the use of terminology);

Learning by heart and expressive reading.

When preparing for reading education, the readiness is formed to talk about certain topics, to realize elementary levelWhat we are speaking, what is her appointment and features.

Work is underway for the correction and development of phonderatic hearing, to develop a distinct and clear pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words.

When preparing for learning, a considerable time is given to work on sound analysis of words, the concepts of "voice sounds" and "consonant sounds" are introduced, which are fixed with various chips.

If the preparation for learning to read and work on improving oral speech is the auditory sensations, then technical actions prepass writing.

Preparation for learning a letter - the process is quite complex, since, in addition to developed auditory sensations, the child must be well prepared a propulsion machine, especially the small muscles of the hand; Coordination of movements, thin motor skills and processes such as perception of space, attention, imagination, memory, thinking.

When writing there is a problem of the interaction of visual and motor analyzers, as the movements of the eye and hands are performed within the contour of the perceived object at the same time.

Thus, the program "from the word to the letter" solves the task of preparing children for learning to read, writing and improve their speech.

Training is based on gaming activities and is practical. Special importance in the preparation of children to learn native language acquire speech games, design, work on the formation of fine motility and the development of coordination of movements. Speech games are developing thinking, speech, attention, imagination. This, for example, the games "Tell the Lidkonko", "Make the Word", "Guess the Word", "make a riddle", "continue the fairy tale", "continue the story", "repeat quickly and right", "tell about the toy (color, form , size) "," call sound "," pick up the words to a given sound "," Guess the word "and others.

Planned results:

Navigate in situations corresponding to various social spheres;

Know and consume polite words (the beginning and completion of communication);

Know the stable formulas of speech etiquette - greeting, farewell, gratitude, please;

Conduct that in different situations you can speak differently: loud - quietly, quickly - slowly, fun - sad, etc.;

Articulate the sounds of Russian speech, understand that the correct articulation, good diction contributes effective communication;

Contact the interlocutor when it is appropriate, respond to the appeal;

Use appropriate situations, tempo, volume;

Follow the rules of behavior adopted in society when talking:

look at the interlocutor

do not interrupt the speaking

use facial expressions and gestures that do not interfere, but helping the interlocutor to understand what has been said, etc.;

Report certain information to negotiate joint activities;

Observe the culture of the hearing: a polite listening, attentive hearing;

Correctly pronounce all sounds;

Clearly and clearly utter words;

Allocate sounds of sounds;

Find words with a certain sound;

Determine the place of sound in the word;

Follow orphoepic norms pronunciation;

Make proposals for supporting words, according to a given topic;

Make stories, fairy tales in the picture, on a series of paintings;

Retell a fairy tale, story (small content) by reference illustrations;

Comply with elementary hygienic rules;

Focus on the notebook page.

Thematic planning on the development of speech

Number of


Section name

Theme lesson

Date by plan

Date on fact

Dobinal period

Development of connected speech. Story in the picture. Autumn pages.

Autumn pages. Acquaintance with sounds.

Drawing up proposals according to the scheme. Winter pages

Syllable. Decision words on syllables. Winter pages

Summer pages.


Impact and unstressed syllables.

Letter period

The concept of letter and sound.

Vowels and consonant sounds.

Sounds [o], [a].

Sound [y]., [S]

Sound [and]., [U]

Sound [I]., [Yu]

Sound [E]., [E]

Sound [L - L ']. Sound [M - M '].

Sound [H -H "]. Sound [P -R '].

Reading syllables with studied letters

Sounds [in-in '], [F-F'].

Reading syllables with studied letters

Sounds [z, '], [C-C'].

Reading syllables with studied letters

Sounds [sh], [F].

Reading syllables with studied letters

Sounds [B-B '], [P-P'].

Reading syllables with studied letters

Sounds [DD '], [Tt-T'].

Reading syllables with studied letters

Sounds [Mr '], [K-K'].

Reading syllables with studied letters

Sounds [x-x '], [c]. The letters of the XX, CCC.

Dramatic tales "Teremok"

Sounds [sh '], [ch'], [th]. The letters, CC, YY.

Dramatic tales "Kolobok"

B and Kommersant signs. Alphabet.

Work program at the rate "Mathematical steps"

The working program for mathematics for preschoolers was developed on the basis of the program N. A. Fedosova "continuity. Preparation of children to school ", author's program S.I. Volkovka "Mathematical Steps", approved by the RF RF (Moscow 2009) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education.

The working program is designed for 28 hours a year.

To implement software content uses:

Volkova S.I. Mathematical steps: Tutorial for the preparation of children to school. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

N. A. Fedosova. The program "continuity. Preparing children to school. " - M.: Education, 2013

The logic of the presentation and content of the author's program fully complies with the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of primary education, therefore the program has not changed, while it is taken into account that educational themeswhich are not included in the mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs, are assigned to elements of an additional (optional) content.

The program "Mathematical steps" is aimed at developing the skills to conduct observations, compare, allocate the indicated and new properties of the object, its significant and insignificant characteristics; understand the relativity of properties; draw conclusions, check their truth, be able to use these conclusions for further work.

The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of material representation for mathematical training of children to the school is based on the principle of orientation as the primary importance of the overall development of the child, which includes its sensory and intellectual development, using the possibilities and features of mathematics.

Teach children during the period of preparation for school account and measurements to bring them to the concept of the number, remains one of the most important tasks.

But the task of the purposeful and systematic development of cognitive abilities, which is carried out through the development of cognitive processes in children, and, of course, is equally important and significant.

In the mathematical content of the preparatory period, three main lines are combined: arithmetic (numbers from 0 to 10, digit and number, the main properties of the numbers of the natural row, etc.), geometric (prototype of geometric shapes in the surrounding reality, shape, size, location on the plane and in The space of the simplest geometric shapes, the manufacture of their paper models, etc.) and meaningfully logical, built mainly on the mathematical material of the two first lines and ensuring conditions for the development of attention, perception, imagination, memory, thinking in children.

Basic methodical idea is being implemented in the course "Mathematical Steps" - the development of cognitive processes in children will be more active and effective if it is carried out in the process of a child, saturated with mathematical content, is sent to a special selection and structuring of tasks, the form of their presentation, affordable, interesting and exciting For children of this age.

Among the methods used during the preparation of children to school in mathematics, practical methods are proposed as the main methods, the method of didactic games, the modeling method. These methods are used in different combinations with each other, while the presenter remains the practical method, allowing children to absorb and comprehend the mathematical material, conducting experiment, observation, performing action with objects, models of geometric shapes, sketching, coloring, etc.

Much attention is paid to the formation of the skills to communicate with the educator (as a teacher), with other children, to work in one rhythm with everyone when it is necessary to work with a countable and geometric handouts, to use a notebook with the printed basis, etc.

As a result of training under the program "Mathematical steps" preparatory course The child should know:

The composition of the first ten numbers;

How to get every number of the first dozen (add or take away 1);

Figures 0-9, signs +, -, \u003d;

The name of the current month, the sequence of the week of the week;

Coins dignity 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

This section of the program is aimed at developing skills:

Call numbers in direct and reverse order within 10;

Correlate the number with the number of objects;

Use arithmetic actions;

Draw up and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;

Measure the length of the objects using the conditional measure;

Make up of several triangles (quadrangles) larger figures;

Sharing a circle, square on 2 and 4 equal parts;

Focus on the sheet of checkered paper.

Conduct observations;

Compare, allocate the indicated and new properties of the object, its significant and insignificant characteristics;

Understand the relativity of the properties of the object;

Draw conclusions based on the results of observations, check their truth;

Be able to use the resulting conclusions for further work.

Thematic planning in mathematics.

Number of


Section name

Theme lesson

Date by plan

Date on fact

Spatial and temporal views.

Signs of items (size, color, form).

Big small.

High Low.

Higher lower.

Left, right.

Long short.

Long, shorter.

More? Less?

As many?

A circle. Polygon.

Rectangle. Square.

On the right, on the left, at the top below.

Later. Earlier.

Light heavy.

Easier, harder.

Numbers and numbers.

Number and figure 1.

Number and digit 2. Couple

Number and number 3.

Number and digit 4.

Number and figure 0.

Number and number 5.



Addition and subtraction



Numbers and numbers.

Number and digit 6.

Number and figure 7.

Number and number 8.

Number and number 9.

Number and digit 10.

Solving tasks using drawings.

Work program for the course "Green path"

The working program for the environment for preschoolers has been developed on the basis of N. A. Fedosova program "continuity. Preparation of children to school ", author's program A.A. Pleshakov "Green Tropin", approved by the RF RF (Moscow 2009) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education.

The working program is designed for 28 hours a year.

To implement software content uses:

A.A. Pleshakov "Green Tropick": a tutorial for the preparation of children to school. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

N. A. Fedosova. The program "continuity. Preparing children to school. " - M.: Education, 2013

The Green Tropick program is aimed at developing children, the formation of a concerned and careful attitude towards natural surroundings. This course is the first for kids experience of systematization and scientific correction of various natural ideas accumulated in preschool age. At the same time, this and the first experience of the consistent attachment of the child to the peculiar natural science disciplines by the method of knowledge, following which you need to see as much as possible with your own eyes, make it yourself. The said determines the selection of the course content and the nature of the activities of children in classes. The content of the program is based as a synthesis of various components of natural science and environmental knowledge with the inclusion of available elementary information from the area of \u200b\u200bastronomy, physics, biology, ecology. This creates a sufficiently holistic initial picture of the world, which becomes the foundation for the deployment of the relevant training course in primary school.
The training of kids to learning is based on direct observations in nature, action with objects carried out in natural for children of this age entertaining, gaming form. This activity is complemented by drawing, coloring, cutting figures, modeling, etc. At the same time, much attention is paid to the formation of such important skills, as the ability to identify the properties of objects (form, color, dimensions), to find their general and distinctive features, fix the state of the subject and His shift (phenomenon). Thus, the accumulation of actual knowledge and the experience of cognitive activity necessary for the successful development of primary school programs is carried out.
To organize observations in nature, the sequence of consideration of certain issues of the course in the process of teaching can be changed relative to the procedure for their presentation in the program.

Our friends animals.Inhabitants of the living corner. Pets. Animals of our area.
Butterflies and beetles, their recognition in drawings and in nature, painting images.
Observation of the behavior of fish in aquarium, discussion of the conditions necessary for the lives of fish. A variety of fish, comparing them in size, body shape, color, detection of communication between the characteristics of the structure and living conditions of fish.
Observation of the behavior of the sparrow, a checkkin, raven and other birds of the nearest natural environment (features of movement, nutrition, the sounds published, relationships with other birds, etc.). A variety of birds, comparing them in size and color.
Monitoring protein and animals from a living corner. A variety of animals, comparing them in size, body shape, painting.
The modeling and painting images of fish, birds, animals, recognition of them in drawings and in nature.
Green miracle - plant.Plants of our location: recognition of them in nature. Decorative plants; Coloring images, drawing, appliqués. Lrak from plasticine of vegetables and fruits, differing in dimensions, shape, color. Growing plants from seeds.
Stars, sun and moon.Observation of the starry sky, the allocation of individual constellations (two-three). The sun and his role for life on Earth. Observation of the moon in the sky. Game "Journey to the Moon"
All year roundObservation of seasonal changes in nature. Seasons.
Planned results:
Inanimate nature:

Children should:

Have an idea of \u200b\u200bseasonal changes in nature;

Determine the weather status: sunny. Overcast, windy, rainy, snow fell;

To be able to conduct a calendar of nature with adults.


About domestic animals;

On flight and wintering birds;

On the dependence of changes in wildlife from changes in inanimate nature.

Vegetable world:

Children must have a presentation:

On the conditions necessary for plant growth;

About forest berries and mushrooms;

About vegetables and fruits;

About trees, shrubs and colors.

Children should be able to:

Discern and call trees on the crust, leaves, fruits.

Thematic planning for the world world

Number of


Section name

Theme lesson

Date by plan

Date on fact

Stars, sun and moon.

Starry sky

Sun and moon

Where did the rainbow come from?

Green miracle - plants.

How to learn the plants?

Herbatous plants.


Decorative plants.

Vegetables and fruits.

Edible and poisonous plants.

Medicinal plants.

Mossi and fern.

Your workshop.

Our friends are sophisticated.

How to learn animals?

In a live corner.


Dog breeds.

In the world of insects.

In the world of fish.

In the world of birds.

In the world of animals.

What other animals are?

All year round


Work program for the course "The Magic Beauty of the Ourry World"

Explanatory note

The working program for art and culture for preschoolers has been developed on the basis of the program N. A. Fedosova "continuity. Preparation of children to school ", author programs The "magic beauty of the surrounding world", approved by the RF RF (Moscow 2009) in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary education.

The working program is designed for 28 hours a year.

To implement software content uses:

T. Ya. Spicalova, T. S. Komarova, L. V. Orlova, L. V. Ershova, M. B. Zatsepina "Magic beauty of the surrounding world,": a tutorial for the preparation of children to school. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

N. A. Fedosova. The program "continuity. Preparing children to school. " - M.: Education, 2013

Software content section "Art and Culture"It is considered as part of the" continuity "program (part 2) and it is designed to solve the main common goal - the development of the identity of the child is 5-6 years.
When developing a content, tasks, forms and methods in this section of the program, the proximity of the children's worldview for worldview in folk art is taken into account.

To implement the leading goal of the software content of the "Art and Culture" section, it is necessary to rely on the following initial positions:
- moral foundation folk culture and art;
- Childhood in folk art (his property, which gives him a unique color of the bearer and cheerfulness, huge sincere wealth, mental generosity);
- the community of artistic and shaped content of all areas of folk art as a totality of oral, song, musical and choreographic, game, dramatic, applied, visual forms of folk art;
- Humanitarian orientation when familiarizing with the phenomena of culture, art. In the process of familiarization with cultural monuments (works of people's masters, works of painting, graphics, sculptures, music and literature), as it were, we will participate in the dialogue of the past and the present;
- The purpose of the child's development of the child in the context of the concept of humanitarianization of education.

The program content of the course "Art and Culture" is reflected in the following types of children's artistic and creative activities:

- "We draw and sculpt, create artistic things like folk masters of our native land";
- "In the world native nature»;

The game and fairy tale are treated as leading methodological techniques in organizing the creative activities of children.

Planned results:


Emotionally respond to the phenomena of the surrounding life, to see the beauty of people, their actions. Creatively turn on the observation will take the seasons of the year. Show interest in the creative success of comrades.

Must know:

1. Names of main colors;

2. Elementary rules for mixing colors;

3 The meaning of terms: watercolor, gouache, palette, stencil, origami;

4. Vertical, horizontal, diagonal direction;

Must be able to:

1. Sit down to sit at the desk, rightly keep a sheet of paper and pencil;

2. Free to work with a pencil - without voltage to carry out lines in the right directions;

3. Transmit the simplest shape in the figure, the general spatial position, the main color of the subject;

4. Properly work with watercolor paints, breed and mix, smoothly close the desired surface;

5. Perform the simplest patterns in the strip, circle from the decorative forms of the plant world;

6. Find out objects depicted in the picture or illustrations, phenomena;

7. Use the simplest methods of modeling;

8. Make marking using a template or stencil.


1. Sculpt in different ways (smearing the plasticine based on, ride flagellas, lubricate one part to another);

2. Cut from paper parts of a rectangular circuit, in the form of a circle, oval, cut symmetry;

3. Economically place details on paper;

4. Perform various ways to appliqué, mosaic;

5. Design on the sample, by plan from finished parts;

6. Comply with the rules of labor culture.

Thematic planning for visual art and technology.

Number of


Theme lesson

Date by plan

Date on fact

"Our faithful friends with a rubber band"

Image of pencil portrait and her girlfriend girlfriends.

We choose, draw an autumn bouquet.

Fruit model.

Acquaintance with magic paints

Acquaintance. What we have for drawing.

Leaf decoration (frame). Sample paint. Three main colors.

Imprette "Vegetables"

"Festive balls."

Image of oval, circles of different sizes, the use of all colors of the rainbow.

Animal modeling: hare, bear, fox, wolf.

Drawing "My Family"

Scene - thematic appliqué (bun).

Drawing "My favorite toy"

Work with paper and cardboard. Applique "Dog".

Drawing "Rainbow Arc"

Cutting mosaic "funny bunny".

Drawing butterfly

Appliqué from geometric shapes: "Elephant".

Drawing toy bear

Weave strips, bookmarks.

Drawing flowers

Working with paper. Appliqué from triangles.

Work with paper and cardboard. Applique "Ship"

Dvoris the circle to something.

Work with paper and cardboard. Applique "Flower for Mom"

Maspeake "Caterpillar"

"The hedgehog walked through the forest is neither head nor legs."

Acquaintance with a wavy line.

Improke "8 Cherish"

"Fish floats in water."

Acquaintance with the spiral line.

Work with paper and cardboard. "Matryoshka"

"Traveling around the country was depicted on hot-air balloon».

Fastening: An image of geometric shapes. Basic colors (blue, red, yellow).

"Favorite fairy tale."

Learning to breed paint, cover the necessary surfaces.

Municipal General Education

Krasnoselkupsky Secondary School "Rainbow"


Pre-school training "Sign"

Children's age: 6 - 7 years. Program implementation period: 4 months

Teacher-speech therapist: Kartashova Olga Nikolaevna

Yamalo - Nenets Autonomous District

from. Krasnoselkup, 2016

    Explanatory note .......................................... 3 - 8 pp.

    Educational and thematic plan .................................... 8 - 10 pp.

    Methodical support of the program ..................... 17 pp.

    Tracking the results of pupils.

Studying the starting level of first-graders ............ 17 - 27 pp.

    Literature for teacher and pupils .................28 p.

    Appendix No. 1 Exercises for the development of phonematics and graphic skills .. ................................................ 29 - 62 p.

    Appendix No. 2 Exercises for the General Development of the Child 63 - 67 pp.

    Appendix No. 3 Filter Gymnastics ............... 67 - 69 pp.

    Explanatory note

The transition of a child from the preschool stage to the school period is characterized by a significant change in the place in the system of his relationship with the surrounding and the whole lifestyle. In this regard, the problem of preparing the child to school is quite sharp. For a child of 6-7 years of age, the teaching is not just an activity on the learning of knowledge and concepts, not only the way to prepare yourself for the future, this is his new labor duty, his participation in everyday life surrounding people. Consequently, the issues of pre-school preparation are not only the issues of learning, but also the comprehensive intellectual, moral, aesthetic development of the child, the formation of his personality.

The readiness of the child to school is not so much in the quantitative reserve of ideas, but in the level of development of cognitive processes, the ability to generalize and differentiate objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in the relevant categories. Readiness for learning is determined by understanding the child's meaning of educational tasks, their differences from practical, awareness of the methods of performing actions, self-control skills and self-esteem, development volitional qualities, the ability to observe, listen, memorize, seek solving the tasks.

In the pre-school training program, three main lines are highlighted.

First, this is the formation of positive learning motivation, the ability to arbitrarily manage.

It is known that a child of preschool age is a bright perception, easily switchable attention, good involuntary memory. But it has not yet been learned to arbitrarily manage these processes. The child can easily remember some event for a long time, if it attracted his attention with something. But to focus for a long time on the fact that he does not cause his immediate interest, it is quite difficult for him. It is this skill, as pedagogical practice shows, it is necessary to work out on the moment of the child's arrival at school. In addition, it is necessary to develop the skill of a wider plan - not only what I want, but also what you need, although I don't really want, or even do not even want.

We are talking about raising a deep motivation, which can be a promiscuous cause of the desire of children to acquire knowledge.

Another factor that is characterized in lately Many children, this is some behavioral "licenses", the result of which is asocial behavior. Children do not know how to restrain their negative emotions, do not know how to communicate properly with peers and adults, do not speak the skills of cultural behavior. All this creates discomfort in the relationship "Student - a student" and "student - teacher" and is a hindrance of successful learning activities. That is why classes that are called upon to acquaint children with the norms of behavior are introduced into the pre-school training program, to form communicative skills.

Secondly, the development of phonderatic and graphic skills.

One of the principal provisions of many modern methods of learning, literacy lies in the fact that the initial moment in the process of forming the skill of reading and writing is the analysis and synthesis of sounding speech. In this regard, among important tasks, assisting children in mastering sounds native language. This is the allocation of the first and last sound in words, the definition of the place of the specified sound in the word, the consistent listing of all sounds in the word, recognition of soft and solid consonants in the word, collecting sounds into the word, dividing words to syllables, selection of a shock syllable.

The proposed classes are a system of didactic games that are directed to the right, conscious reading and an error-free letter, the development of the ability to hold the handle, the development of shallow motility hand.

Thirdly, this is the general development of the child.

By the time of admission to the school, the development of a child should achieve a certain level. We are talking about the development of cognitive processes.

School psychologists argue that a big role in the process of schoolchildren's educational activities primary classes Playing the level of development of cognitive processes: Attention, perception, observation, imagination, memory, thinking.

Classes are aimed at developing in children of cognitive interests, the formation of the desire of a child to think and search, which causes him a sense of confidence in his abilities in the possibilities of his intelligence. During classes, there is a formation in children of developed forms of self-consciousness and self-control, they disappear fear of erroneous steps, anxiety and unreasonable concern are reduced.

Thus, the goal of pre-school preparation is to help the child successfully adapt to learning in school life.

The above mentioned goal is implemented by the following tasks:

    formation of culture of communication and culture of behavior with others;

    formation of positive learning motivation;

    the development of the main mental functions necessary for successful education at school (attention, memory, thinking, etc.);

    development of speech, phonderatic hearing, familiarization with the foundations of the diploma;

    development of shallow motility;

    development of a creative active personality.

To compile an objective view of each child in preparation groups, subject training is conducted. In addition to occupation, every child, together with parents, can receive a consultation of the school speech therapist.

Pre-school preparation is carried out by stream:

    groups of children of one year of study (6 - 7 years);

Communication with parents is carried out throughout the period of training. Each group has a curator (manager) from school primary school teachers. In addition, during this period, general parent meetings are held, on which issues of students' training achievements are discussed, recommendations are given to parents on the preparation of children to school, speaking speakers, a psychologist, are organized.

Novelty program: This program is characterized by the lack of hours for familiarization with the world around the world, the development of mathematical ideas, i.e. the exception of classes, duplicate lessons in the first grade. It is distinguished by the introduction of classes for the development of phondermatatic and graphic skills, which contributes to the conscious learning to read and write.

Relevance of the program: Due to the earliest start of systematic learning, special attention requires the selection of such a content of children's education on the pre-school stage, which would ensure the preservation of the intrinsicness of this period of development, the refusal to duplicate the content of training in the first grade school. Education during this period should contribute to the development of cognitive abilities and the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, and as a result, the formation of a comprehensive - developed personality of a child.

Pedagogical expediency: The program of pre-school preparation is to fit the desired changes in the qualities of the personality of the student (collectivism, the ability to understand and adopt instructions, self-organization, the need for training activities, self-confidence) to the goals and tasks of learning, selected learning methods (observation, visual-shaped, auditory, practical and etc.)

Program implementation period - 4 months, addressed to children 6 - 7 years. The recruitment of groups occurs, based on the applications of parents of children who want to learn on one of the general education programs (a program of developing learning L.V. Zankova, the program "School of the XXI century", "School 2100"). For work, children must have: handles, color pencils, notebook, sheets A4, plasticine. Maximum number of students 25 people.

Organization educational process: The formation form of group, conducts a teacher is a future first class teacher. Classes are held 1 time per week on 2 lessons in a duration of 30 minutes. The program is implemented in the period from 01.02. by 31.05, which is, on average, 14 school weeks.

Expected result: the pre-school training program provides that at the end of the course, students will be able to:

    comply with the elementary rules of conduct in school, show their communication skills;

    allocate sounds in words to give them a characteristic;

    make a story on the picture out of 5 - 6 sentences;

    properly use a pencil, handle, other graphic materials;

    listen and execute instructions for learning;

Forms of summing up: After completion of training in pre-school training groups, pedagogical diagnosis is carried out, which includes the following tasks:

    copying pattern;

    orientation in the intercellular space, graphic dictation;

    task for testing phonumatic hearing;

    allocation of the main feature;

    detection of patterns.



Number of hours

Formation of positive learning motivation, ability to arbitrarily manage

Development of phonderatic and graphic skills

General development of the child

Total hours

Educational - thematic plan

Name of occupation

Number of hours

1st day

    Hello, school! Excursion to school

    Oral response form.

3rd day

    Ability to express your emotions

4th day

    School rules politeness

    Search for laws

5th day

    Feedback in the lesson

6th day

    Hearing memory training

7th day

    Ability to express your thoughts

8th day

    Outputs from controversial situations

    Training of visual memory.

9th day

    Determination of the place of the specified sound in the word. Magic pictures.

10th day

    School supplies

    Training attention

11th day

    Sequential enumeration of all sounds in the word. Determination of the place of the specified sound in the word. Magic pictures.

    I choose myself

    Development logical thinking

    "We are no longer just kids, but for school everything in response"

    Pedagogical diagnostics

    Pedagogical diagnostics


Name classes

1st day

    Hello, school! School excursion.

Conversation About school, school property, about children to school. Questioning. Acquaintance with the content of classes

    Sneven sounds. Magic pictures.

Games: "Find out musical instrument»,

"Whoever says", "the sounds of the year defined the sounds."

Magic pictures. Coloring

2nd day

    Oral response form.

Introduction Rules: "You want to answer - not Shumi, but only a hand with a raise," "That call the call again, the lesson begins."

Training a choral response. Splitting choir and individual answers. Training answer chain.

    Development of attention concentration.

The game "Standard". Comparison of pictures, determining differences.

Cross out, emphasize the given letter

    Ability to express your emotions

Introduction Rules: "Now the call rings again, and our lesson is over," "Parta is not a bed and you can not lie on it," "work is completed." Training to express mood through color.

    Speech sounds. Allocation of the first sound in the word. Magic pictures.

Magic pictures. We draw straight lines.

4th day

    School rules of courtesy.

Welcome forms.

Polite words. Games"Polite words", "please".

    Search for laws

Insert the desired figure.

Games "What is too much", "ears on the painter"

    Feedback in the lesson

Traffic Laws.

Games "Lightfor", "Chepuha - ha - ha"

    Allocation of the last sound in the word. Magic pictures.

Games "" Sound - Naughty, "Claw - Clap", "Magic Skinking", " Magic wand Parsley. "

Magic pictures.

    Contradiction "I love - I do not like"

Acquaintance with the concept of "contradiction", rules "respect the opinion of the other", "do not interrupt".

    Hearing memory training

Hearing a number of words and playback in the same order. Perform tasks based on drawings

in accordance with the installation. Nr, "Coloring large cars so that the small car is between red and blue, and the green was next to the Red"

    Ability to express your thoughts

Introduction Rules "Cleisko Express your thoughts."

Games "Guess - Ka", "What has changed." Drawing according to the instructions.

    Allocation of the first and last sounds in the word. Magic pictures.

The games "spoiled phone", the rhymes "sound lost".

Magic pictures. Draw wavy lines.

    Outputs from controversial situations

Acquaintance with various ways to solve controversial situations. Game - relay.

    Training of visual memory.

Task 1. To look into the picture. Remember and draw as accurate as possible.

Game "Lamps"

Self-esteem work.

Games "Magic transformations", "Repeat - Calm"

    Determination of the place of the specified sound in the word. Graphic dictation. Hatching

Games "Toy store", "Collect the Word", "Everyone's own place", "Catch the sound", "Behind the Corps"

    School supplies

Generalization of knowledge of school supplies, communication rules. Training sensitivity.

    Training attention

Counting. We emphasize all the letters "and", and all the letters "in" the crown. Comparison of pictures, determining differences. Games "House", "Pay attention to the details."

    "About Sidorov Pashka - a terrible marasy ..."

Acquaintance with hygienic standards. Game "Talking Portfolio", "I am a student"

    Sequential enumeration of all sounds in the word. Magic pictures.

Games "Save the animal", "Collect the Word", "Behindend", "Mine Bag".

Magic pictures. Hatching.

    I choose myself

Formation of self-esteem, ability to analyze their actions and evaluate them: "Your name" conversation,

"Represent a friend" game, "What can I choose", "Magic chair"

    Development of logical thinking.

Game "Logical Communications", "Scales". Search for laws.

    "We are now not just kids, but for school everything is responsible."

Puzzles. Rebuses. Games.

    Recognition of such phonetic units like sound and syllable. Magic pictures.

Games "Long - shorter", "What part of the word hidden behind the curtain", "Whose hat".

Magic pictures.

14th day

    Pedagogical diagnostics

Appendix No. 3.

    Pedagogical diagnostics

Appendix No. 3.

4. Methodical software.

Classes use visual material to the development of phramematic and graphic skills, on the development of cognitive processes (Appendix No. 1, No. 2), developing classes for teachers "First Days in School", Authors S.I, Gin, I.E. . Prokopenko, CD "For the first time in the first grade!", "Preparing to school", Tsor "Speech Development".

5. Establishment of the results of pupils.

Studying the starting level of future first graders.

Appointment of diagnostic techniques:

    Detect the starting capabilities of first-graders in the formation of prerequisites for productive training activities;

    Identify individual differences between children.

          "Drawing Bus"

(Methodology I. I. Arginsky)

Task assignment: identify the number of conditions that the child can keep in the process of activity in the perception of the task on the rumor; The ability to self-control.

Work organization. The task is performed on separate sheets with a curve depicting thread.

Each child should have six multicolored pencils. The work consists of two parts: 1) Perform the task (drawing Bus);

2) self-control and, if necessary, - redrawing Bus.

Instructions for the 1st part of the task:

"Each of you on a sheet of thread. On this thread you need to draw five round beads. All beads should be different color. The average bead should be blue. (The instruction is repeated twice). Start drawing. "

Instructions for the 2nd part of the task: "Now I will tell you again, what it was necessary to draw beads, and you check your drawings, whether everything was done correctly. Who will notice the error, take the right drawing below. " (The condition is repeated again).

but) Assessment of the task (The best option is estimated):

4 level - The task is done correctly, all four conditions are taken into account: the number of beads, their form, the use of different colors, fixed color of the average bead;

3 level - three conditions are taken into account;

2 level - two conditions are taken into account;

Level 1 - one condition is taken into account.

b) Self-control assessment:

4 level - a) the task immediately performs correctly, b) when the error is re-executed correctly and fully;

3 level - when re-executed, not all the mistakes allowed;

2 level - a) when repeated execution, none of the mistakes are not eliminated; B0 when re-executed one or more errors;

Level 1 - If there are errors, it is not returned to the task.

2. "Coloring figures"

(Methodology N.Ya. Chuteko)

Purpose tasks: Review the ability to classify visual material (geometric shapes) on your own foundation found.

Organization Work. Children are distributed sheets with drawn triangles. Before each lie six color pencils. Instruction. "You painted many times and painted different shapes. Now carefully consider these figures and mentally divide them into several groups so that in each group there were the same figures. The figures of each group must be painted in the same color. How much will find groups of the same figures, so much and you will need different color pencils. Choose the color yourself. " (The task is repeated twice).


4 level- Classification is made: three groups of triangles (3 of an equilibried triangle, 3 - equilateral and 3 - rectangular - triangles' names are given for a teacher);

3 level- one error is made (the non-existence of the same shapes in the direct and inverted position or the non-existence of the same figures in the direct and mirror position);

2 level- two errors are allowed (indiscriminate the same figures in direct and inverted position and in the direct and mirror position);

1 level- a) three errors are allowed (indiscriminate the same figures in the direct and inverted position, in a straight and mirror position, as well as the non-omissions of different triangles); b) meaningless chaotic coloring of figures.

3. "Settlement of the house"

(Methodology I.I. Arginian)

Purpose tasks: To identify the ability of children to consider the situation from different parties, the ability to switch from one solution found to find another.

Organization Work. A teacher draws a house in advance on the board (see Figure) and prepares three big cards with the image of the "residents" at home: points , sticks ▌, Tick 7 . Each child is given a leaflet with the image of the same house. For work, you need a pencil or handle.

The task consists of two parts: 1) learning; 2) the main one.

Instructions for the 1st part of the task: "A house is drawn on your leaves. It has six floors. On each floor there are three rooms. In this house there are such tenants on this floor: a point, wand and tick (the teacher accompanies his story with a show of cards). On all floors, these tenants live in different order. On the top floor in the first room, the point lives on the left (draws a point in the house in the window on the board), in the middle room there is a wand (draws). Tell me, who lives in the last room? (Children call a tick, and the teacher draws it in the window.) Now draw a pencil on my leaflet, in which room who lives on the sixth floor. (Children draw, the teacher checks whether they fulfill the drawing correctly, helps those who have difficulty.)

Now we will populate the fifth floor with tenants. In the first room on the left on the fifth floor also lives the point. Think how to settle the wand and tick so that they live in not in order, as on the sixth floor? " (Children: in the middle room - a tick, in the last one - a wand.) Children and teachers place residents on the fifth floor.

Instructions for the 2nd part of the task: "We learned together how residents live on two floors. There are four more floors. You set them out themselves. On each floor, set out one point, one wand and one tick so that on all six floors they lived in different order. " (If necessary, the instruction is repeated twice.)

Assessment of the task (The population of only four lower floors is taken into account).

4 level- The task is fully fulfilled: four different options for placing, not repeating the sequestment of the fifth and sixth floors;

3 level- 3-2 different variants of four possible were found;

2 level- Found 1 option from four possible;

1 level -independent solutions not found.

4. "Marking"

(Methodology N.K. Indik, N.A. Zirulik)

Purpose tasks: Diagnosis of features of visual analysis, scheduling and control abilities in practical activity.

Organization Work. Prepare for each child a sheet of white paper with a size of 12x16 cm, a thin cardboard template (6x4 cm rectangle), a simple pencil.

The work consists of two parts: 1) the main one; 2) Self-monitoring and, if necessary, is re-completed.

Instructions for the 1st part: "Guys, imagine that you need to decorate the room with flags here such a form (shows a rectangle). Today we will learn to place such flags on paper. Before you a sheet of paper. It is necessary to make it so that you get as much flags as possible. Therefore, before lifting rectangles, think how you will do it. Start work. "

Instructions for the 2nd part of the task: "Now each of you will carefully look at your markup and her

evaluate. I repeat that it was necessary to place as many flags on the leaflet as possible. When marking, we must be economical. If you see what could be done better, place more flags, make a job on the back of the leaflet. "

Evaluationtasks (The best option is estimated):

4th level -rectangles are located on a sheet rationally: they are rolled, ranging from the edge of the sheet, close to each other; on a sheet 5 tasks are true;

3 level-3-4 The following is true;

2 level

1 level -the task is not fulfilled.

5. "Dictation"

(Methods N.V. Nechava)

Purpose tasks: identify the level of development of phonetic analysis of words, as well as the ability to translate speech sounds in signs, in this case - In the circles (recoding).

Organization work. Dictation is performed on a piece of cell. The work consists of two parts: 1) learning; 2) the main one.

Instructions for the 1st part: "Despite the fact that you still do not know how to write, you can now write a few words to dictation. You will write them not letters, but circles. Next, the sample disassembled: "Correct the word" cancer "slowly, and I will write this word to your dictation to your dictation:

r-a-k \u003d 000- Check written, "Read" mugs: everything is right. "

Instructions "Now I will dictate different words, and you drew as many circles on leaves as letters in each word. First word: "Mind". (Children recorded.) Now, under this word, write down the word: "Ear". An indication of writing a new word under already written is reminded when recording each next word. For dictation, we offer six words in which the number of sounds and the number of letters differing in syllable difficulty. Words are pronounced clearly, but without separation of syllables: mind, ear, juice, paw, pine, star, captain.


4 level- Correct schemes of all seven words;

3 level- 5-6 schemes are performed correctly:

2 level- 2-4 schemes are performed correctly:

1 level- It is properly performed one or not a single scheme.

6. "Reading words schemes"

(Methods N.V. Nechava)

Purpose tasks: To identify the ability to carry out sound synthesis and relate a written code with sound (recoding, but the opposite is what makes a student at dictation).

Organization work. Each child gets a leaf with animal patterns and schemes of their names:

The work consists of two parts: 1) learning; 2) the main one.

The number of circles in the schemes corresponds to the number of letters in the word. Schemes are located in relation to the drawings. Children must establish a correspondence between the name of the animal and the diagram by connecting their line.

Instructions for the 1st part: "Today you will try to" read "words, but they are not written with letters, but circles." Next is the sample. On the board two schemes:

Next to the first scheme is attached a drawing depicting, for example, a wolf, and next to the second scheme - catfish. Teacher: "Who is drawn in this picture?" - "Wolf". "What set of circles is coming to this word? We read together the first scheme: LLC in-oh-lk. It does not fit. We read the second scheme:

wolf. It is suitable. Connect this scheme and drawing line. "

Also understands the "reading" of the word "Som".

Instructions for the 2nd part: "Now you will do the same on your leaves. Take a simple pencil. Completely say the name of the drawn animal. Find a diagram that matches this name. Connect the scheme and pattern. Do not confuse if the lines will intersect how it happened on our sample. " (The task is repeated twice.)

Quest Evaluation:

4th level -properly connected to the drawings all five schemes;

3 level -properly connected to Figures 4-3 schemes;

2 level -properly connected to Figures 1-2 schemes;

1 level -all schemes are connected to the drawings incorrectly.

7. "Organization"

(Methodology I.I. Arginian)

Purpose tasks: Identify the level of initial mathematical ideas of children about the account of the subjects and the ability to organize.

Organization work. Each child gets a sheet on which 7 laps are drawn with a different number of points: from one to seven. Circles are located in disarray. The sheet should be a place to perform a child's task.

Instruction: "Carefully consider these circles. In some circles there are few points, in others - a lot. Now the circles are located in disarray. Think and place these circles in a row in order. When you look for a particular order, do not forget that there are points in the circles. "

Quest Evaluation:

4th level -the task is fully fulfilled true: the circles are drawn in the order of descending the number of points or in order of their increase;

3 level -1-2 were admitted to the built circle sequence

2 level -3-4 errors are allowed in the circles;

1 level -more than 5 errors are admitted.

8. "Mathematical dictation"

(Methodology I.I. Arginian)

Purpose tasks: Detection of ideas about geometric shapes and account.

Organization Work. Seven different items are presented. Children are issued sheet of paper and pencil. The task consists of 5 parts. They are offered consistently.

Instruction: 1) Draw on a sheet as many circles as on the board of objects; 2) Draw squares for one more than the circles; 3) Draw triangles 2 less than circles; 4) circle six squares line; 5) Skin the fifth round.

Quest Evaluation:

4 level-5 tasks are true;

3 level3-4 The following are valid

2 level- 1-2 tasks performed correctly;

1 level -no task is fulfilled.

9. "Development of oral speech"

(Methods N.V. Nechava)

Purpose Methods: Install the external features of oral speech, its exploration and connectedness.

Instruction: Evaluation of the development of oral speech is established by the teacher on the basis of observations of the speech of students in the lessons and outside the lessons.

but) Evaluationexteriorcharacterterritories Oral speech:

4th level -normally five indicators: 1) speaks willingly; 2) a form of communication with teachers and students corresponds to the situation; 3) the speech is mostly grammatically correct;

    articulation is quite clean; 5) the volume is regulatory;

3 level -normally four indicators;

2 level -in norm2-3power;

1 level -normally one indicator.

b) Estimating interpretation of oral speech.

4 level-signs by connected proposals; can give a detailed characteristic of an object or phenomenon;

3 level -it consists of proposals or individual words replacing the proposal; The characteristic of the object or phenomenon is given in the form of little connected thoughts;

2 level -offers are almost not used in speech, pronounced mainly separate words; The student is experiencing great difficulties when characterizing an object or phenomenon;

1 level -this is mainly consisting of interjections and particles; The content of the statement is caught with difficulty.

p / P.


Results of the implementation of diagnostic tasks (in levels)


As a result of the analysis of the execution of frontal diagnostic tasks, four basic groups of students are revealed:

1st group - high level of readiness for trainingnia- dominates the 4th level with single indicators of the 3rd.

2nd group - good level of readiness for training-the 3rd level with single indicators of the 4th is dominated.

3rd group - average level Readiness for trainingnia- The 3-2th levels with single indicators or the 4th or 1st levels dominate.

4th group - low level of readiness for learning -dominates 2-1th levels.

The material obtained during the study of the child can be generalized in any form convenient for you. As a basis, you can take the table "The results of the frontal diagnostics of the starting level of first-graders" offered by us.

We advise you to repeat the diagnostic tasks, a little by changing them, in a month, then at the end of the 1st quarter and at the end of December. Comparison of the results obtained will show the dynamics of promotion of students in learning and development. If this speaker is clearly progressive, this indicates that there are quite comfortable conditions for learning and developing a child.

6. Literature

a) for the teacher:

1. Gatanova N.V., Tunin E.G. Tests for preparing the child to school. For children 6 - 8 years old. - St. Petersburg: "Publishing House" Neva "; M.: "Alma -Press", 2001 - 192 p.

2. Gin S.I., Prokopenko I.E. The first days at school: allowance for teachers of the first classes. - 3rd ed. - M.: Vita - Press, 2002. - 80 s.

3. Maksimuk N.N. Games for literacy and reading: allowance for teachers of primary klsss. _ M.: Vako, 2006. - 128 p.

4. Woline in. Learning playing. _ M.: New School, 1994 - 448 p.

5. The program of training and development of children is 5 years old "Premotchool'a" / ED. N.F. Grape. M.: Venthan - Count, 2005

6. Ruzina M. Country of finger games: Educational games for children and adults. _SPB: LLC "Publishing House" Crystal ", 1999. - 176 p.

7. Magazine for primary school teachers and methodists. Practice of education. 2005/3, p. 35 - 38.

b) for children:

1. I.V. Zhitko, M.M. Yarmolinskaya how to prepare a child for school for 20 classes: a practical manual. - UNIPRESS - 78 p.

2. Piecorova O., Nefedova E. 350 Exercises for the preparation of children to school: Games, Tasks, Basics of Letter and drawing. - M.: New School, 2001. - 126 p.

Appendix No. 1.

Exercises for the development of phonderatic and graphic skills.

a) graphic skills - magic pictures

Draw straight lines

Once duck - the path gathered on fishing. He put on a vest, Cooked, took a fishing rod and chose a comfortable iceclock. What clothes put on a duck? Who usually dress so? (Sailors).

Dorisuye picture and circle dashed lines.

It is worth the duck - a path on the iceclock, fishing and looking around: and whale saw, both octopus, and sea skate, and even a goldfish. And the waves are swinging the ice: from China a big wave, and from the fish is small. Dorisui waves.

Draw wavy lines


b) phonderatic skills

Game "Sound - Naughty"

Description of the game. W. "Recently, the sounds do not listen to me. They began to run away from words. Help to catch mischievous. With support in the pictures. This is _ (key), etc. "

Game "Learn a doll talk"

Equipment: Doll

Description of the game. W. "Our doll is completely babe and talks like small children. She calls only the beginning of the word, the first syllable. You will exercise the word. " (A child with a doll holds a picture in his hand and calls the first syllable)

The game "The Last Sound is yours"

Equipment: Side pictures, toys.

Description of the game. W. shows the picture, calls the subject, without uttering the last sound of the word - titles: STE_ (table)

The game "Spoiled Phone"

Equipment: Side pictures.

Description of the game. W. "It often happens when this or that word is unclear. Determine what sound spoiled "

Game "Collect a bouquet"

Equipment: Side pictures.

Description of the game. W. "Choose those flowers, in the names of which there is a sound (M)"

Echo game

W. calls the Word, and children are only a shock syllable as an echo.

Telegraph Errors game

W. "The telegraphist works very quickly and, it happens that it makes mistakes.

W. Shows pictures and pronounces the name of the subject: Manali (raspberry), a wardrobe (cat) "

Game "Claw - Clap"

Description of the game. W. calls words, children are determined, from what sound they start. If you hear a word that begins with sound (M), clap your hands if the sound (P) is clapped twice.

Appendix No. 2.

Exercises for the general development of the child: development of memory, attention, logical thinking

Cross out the given letter; At the end of the line, specify the number of letters you crossed out:

And AlpvrugscarReschyarPamsaplylmd A.

About OphnrasyudovoOuzesusyuyosuseschs B.

And INGNPTPJIIIIMUSHGISHIsyvyvyvyzyzypinptz I.


R RvbezvrfchyazhalbvzvrrzvbSvrvrvr B.

To ingtuzhkvzhetdl BCHKzhkzhkyarzhkhnkhlu





butobsvzayushnrulvgachitasyuaz E.





z.ezozöseosophossessaEEAZES I


sh nyzchistzchsyzhshchshchysimchlschschchch sh

m. nylmyshchyshichylyyjtmlyamy

Zherna, a - emphasized.



a and a and a and ya and

tPVSPPKDKPTV RRTTAIIAIAEEE AOTAASRRRPBSP ^ R MSRRTOPLSLT Ptuuiuzhioeoo Lushshchchchmchchzhhl Idkkooioioio

And friends have a game: who will draw items over the cells. Look how the elephant came up with a duck - path. Try and you draw this. But first practice to draw through cells.

Draw through cells

Insert the desired figure.

Insert the desired figure.

Task "Different Houses"


Teach a child to compare the drawing and drawing of the subject.


    Cards with contour images of buildings complex form (Houses with different roofs, extensions). Child offers 4 schemes.

    3 detailed pictures for each scheme. In each picture there is a slight discrepancy with the scheme: the difference in the shape of the roof of one of the attacks, in the location of the attack, in their height and width, etc. (See Blank)


An adult tells the child that one day the builders built a house according to the drawing and allowed small mistakes. And although the houses turned out beautiful, they still different from the drawing. The child is invited to consider each building and find inaccuracies. Adult shows the child the first scheme and picture to it. The child finds a mistake. Then the adult shows the next picture to the same scheme, then the third. Next, go to the second scheme and consider consistently 3 more pictures. If a child can not find the correct answer, the adult helps him. Similarly, the other drawings and drawings are also considered.

Exercise "Lamps"



Instruction: Based on only visual tracking of lines, it is required to find the lamp corresponding to each switch.

Exercise "Window"

Purpose: Development of attention and spatial thinking.


Instruction: The child is given to consider the printed form number 1, which depicts a view from the outside (from the street) of a house with a window. On the windowsill, the window are two vases with flowers and stack of books. Also on one side of the window looks out the curtain. The child is offered to mentally enter the house and look through the window to the street. After that, he is given printed blank number 2 and offer from six options to choose the correct, that is, determine how the window does not look with the outside, but from the inside of the house.

Correct answer: №2.

Prompt: In order to check the correctness of his answer, the child can turn the opposite side of the form No. 2 and compare it on clearance with Blanco No. 1.

Exercise "Scales"

Purpose: Development of logical thinking.

Material: Printed methods forms.

Instruction: In all four tasks, it is necessary to compare by weight (place on the appropriate scales) pairs of vegetables or fruits. When compared, it is necessary to take into account the specified conditions. For example, in Problem No. 1, such conditions are: 1. The apple is heavier pear. 2. Orange heavier apple. It is necessary to compare the weight of the pear and orange.

Note: To execute the proposed exercise, do not necessarily print jobs on the color printer, you can print all the forms in the black and white version.

Exercise "Logical Communications"

Purpose: Development of verbal-logical thinking in a child.

Material: Printed method of techniques.

Instruction: "Before you a sheet of paper with tasks printed on it (see the method of the methodology). Look, on the left there are two words "cow / calf". Tell me, what is the connection between these words? Calf - Cubs Cow. On the right, the words "Fox / Nora - Wolf - Hunter - Lisenok - Tail". Of the five words, standing after the word "fox", you need to choose one thing that would be related to the word "fox" in the same way as the word "calf" refers to the word "cow", that is, the word chosen by you should indicate the young fox. It will be a fox! Thus, at first, you must establish the connection between the two words on the left, and then establish the same link between the words on the right. "

Cow / calf

Fox / Nora - Wolf - Hunter - Lisenok - Tail

High Low

Smart / kind - bold - stupid - honest - good

Pooh / easy

Iron / Rusty - Heavy - Metal - Machine - Steel

Spoon / Cup

Fork / Knife - Oil - Meat - Plate - Pan

Orange / Sleam

Egg / Chicken - Chicken - Rooster - Shell - Natural

Sledge / Winter

Cart / horse - field - summer - axle - wheel

Eye / See

Nose / treat - sniff - drops - face - nostrils

Coffee / milk

Tea / samovar - saucer - jam - kettle - Welding

Frost / Svuba

Rain / Autumn - Puddle - umbrella - hail - slush

Teacher / Student

Doctor / Hospital - Medicine - Recipe - Bathrobe - Patient

Song / Sound

Picture / Artist - Brush - Exhibition - Color - Painting

Saber / Steel

Book / Novel - Writer - Paper - Binding - Page

Fly / Poutinal

Fish / River - Scales - Caviar - Network - Zhabra

Badger / Nora.

Swallow / Wing - Beak - Feathers - Nest - Egg

House / Builder

Bread / Bulk - Baton - Wheat - Combine - Baker

Jacket / Lightning

Shoe / heel - lace - sole - leather - insole

Scissors / hair

Ax / Woodcutter - Toponiste - Obuch - Firewood - Flip

Head / cap

Hand / foot - Finger - Nail - Mitten - Palm

Food / hunger

Water / Source - Spring - Thirst - River - Sea

Gas / trumpet

Current / Switch - Wire - Counter - Electrician - Iron

Train / car

Truck / dump truck - tractor - trailer - cab - chauffeur

Gold / expensive

Sand / Yellow - Wet - Dry - Cheap - Bulk

Bird / beak

Bear / Berloga - Skura - Palace - Forest - Hunting

Sunflower / Seeds

Duck / Pond - Egg - River - Grass - Spiece

Stadium / Fan.

Theater / Actor - Scene - Director - Spectator - Performance

Cook / Soup

Carpenter / Placer - Saw - Table - Nail - Hammer

Strong / weak

Brave / brave - brave - cowardly - smart - kind

Tomato / bush

Acorn / Walnut - Crying - Oak - Hat - Palm

August / Summer

December / New Year - Santa Claus - Vacation - Winter - Snow

Cry / laugh

Sleep / eat - drink - awake - lie - read

Exercise "Patterns"

Purpose:development of skills of educational activities in children of senior preschool age.

Material: Printed methods forms.

Instruction: The child is given form No. 1 of the technique, which is placed 4 separate tasks. In each of them, the child must draw a pattern by the cell, focusing on the tip in the form of the shooter sequence. The arrows show the direction of movement (one cell up (), one cell down (), one cell to the right (), one cell left ()). You need to start drawing the pattern from the point. After the child performs all 4 tasks, you can proceed to the task of Blanca No. 2. It is performed in a similar way, and as a result, the flower pattern should turn out.

Note: It is better not to give the child to fulfill all the tasks immediately, but to split them into several classes.

Exercise "Standard"

Purpose: Development of the child.

Material: Printed methods forms.

Instruction: In each of the eleven tasks, the child must be found among those offered to choose from six figures exactly the same as the standard (sample), which is located either above or under the main figures.

Exercise "House

Purpose: Development.

Material: Printed method of techniques (form No. 1).

Instruction: The child is given by the printed form of the technique, which shows the picture of the building, divided into two symmetrical halves. The right half is a mirror reflection of the left. True, some elements are lacking in the right part of the building. Task: Take them out.

In Blanc No. 2, the correct answer is given: the missing items that need to be drawn are shown in red.

Exercise "Pay attention to the details"

Purpose: Development.

Material: Printed methods of methods, simple pencil.

Instruction: In each task of this exercise, the child is invited to carefully consider 8 very similar to the pictures, after which it is possible to draw lack of details in each version. In other words, the child must do so that all eight pictures have become completely identical (the same).

Appendix No. 3.

Finger gymnastics.

Exercises with fingers are designed primarily in order to help put the right handwriting. They give a full-fledged rest. In addition, they develop their dexterity, mobility, and merry rhymes help students remove moral tension.

But this is not all the benefit, which brings a finger gymnastics. The fact is that on the fingers and on the palms there are "active points", the massage of which has a positive effect on well-being, improves the brain. Regular classes will help maintain a good tone.

1) after each exercise it is necessary to relax your fingers (shake hands);

2) fingers better load uniformly;

3) Since the finger gymnastics has a comprehensive effect, it can be used not only in the lessons of the Russian language, but also in the lessons of mathematics, reading, labor and physical education.

In the lessons of mathematics and reading, focus of attention should be transferred from the workout of the fingers and palms to their massage, i.e. it is better to choose exercises for various rubbing and static tension. Although, of course, do not neglect the rest of the exercises.

In the labor lessons, your fingers need rest and dexterity to the development of no less than in the letter lessons. As for physical education, the gymnastics for fingers may well be part of the total gymnastics.

Compressing - squeezing cams

Fingers make charging

To get less tired.

And then they are in the notebook

There will be letters to write.

Two merry frogs

Not a minute are sitting.

Deftly jump girlfriends

Only splashes are flying.

"Fingers greet" - contact the pillows of the fingers with a thumb (right hand, left, two at the same time).

"Fist - Ring" - the fingers of one hands are compressed into the fist, and the fingers of the other in turn formulate the ring, then the positions of the hands are changing.

"Fist-thong" - hands stretched forward at the chest level.

One hand is compressed in a fist, another straightened palm down, then the position of the hands is changing.


We are our thumbs split

And pulled the handles.

Well, now we are from the ground

Prowing tuchci

Fingers argue:

Who is the good one of them two?

I will not let us happen

And they will sit right there.

Tapping your fingers on the desk.

Legs together, smoothly back.

We are sitting for the piano.

We are learning the gamut.

Legs together, back straight.


Skzorter lives in a birdhouse

And loudly sings the song.

Inflation quickly ball

He becomes big.

Suddenly the ball burst,

The air came out,

He became thin and thin.

Exercises for finger gymnastics at the table

1. Free patches on the table alternately and at the same time.

Free tapping fingers on the table with both hands and alternately.

Alternate lifting and lowering fingers (hands are on the table):

a) right hand

b) left hand

c) both hands at the same time.

Imitation games on piano.

Radiating fingers apart and mix together (palms on the table).

"People run" (index and middle fingers right, then left, then both hands).

"Football" - scoring balls, chopsticks in one, two fingers.

Alternate change of the position of the hands of "Kulak - Padon -

It is performed first right, then left, then with two hands together. The order of movements is changing.

9. Pressing alternate pillows to the surface of the table. It is performed first by one, then the other, and after that with both hands at the same time.

10. Tapping alternately with the pillows of the fingers on the table one, the other hand, and then both hands at the same time.

  • Municipal educational institution
  • Temovskaya Oosh
"Pre-school education is the older pre-school stage, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other preschool institution (Organizations) or from the family) to school. But this should not turn into all the same scattering of children on the first class material. "
  • What is a pre-school education
  • "Pre-school education is an older pre-school stage, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other pre-school institution (organization) or from the family) to school. But this should not turn into all the same scattering of children on the first class material. "
  • The success of the child's life depends on the level of pre-school education.
  • Pre-school education ranks third (after the highest and primary) in the degree of importance.
  • The relevance of the problem
  • Arguments against
  • non-high motivation "Sixolets" for learning
  • decisions of child health
  • advantage of programs preschool education To preserve the health and emotional well-being of children
  • The data of the health of hygiene and the protection of children's health and adolescents: compared with the 1980s, the percentage of 6 years of age, not ready for systematic learning, increased 5 times. 18.5% of the six years are "mature", more than 49% are "mediterranean", and 32.2% - immature in terms of functional readiness for learning.
  • Arguments
  • At the age of five years, children receive "a certain development that cannot be obtained at the other age. If this development is not received, then in the future the child is unlikely to be successful in his career. "
The main goal of pre-school preparation is the leveling of the starting opportunities of future schoolchildren so that they do not have stress, complexes, feelings of humiliation that can be discouraged to learn over all of the following years.
  • What is "predischard preparation"? Goals, tasks, features.
  • The main goal of pre-school preparation is the leveling of the starting opportunities of future schoolchildren so that they do not have stress, complexes, feelings of humiliation that can be discouraged to learn over all of the following years.
  • This is a system of processes of interaction of people in society, providing, on the one hand, the development of the abilities of each individual, and on the other - the entry into this society (socialization).
  • Pre-school education
  • social goal- ensuring the possibility of a single start of six-year first-graders;
  • pedagogical goal- Development of the identity of the child of a senior preschool age, the formation of its readiness for systematic learning.
  • Objectives of predischool education
organization of the learning process, education and development of children at the stage of pre-school education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;
  • organization of the learning process, education and development of children at the stage of pre-school education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;
  • the selection of children's education at the step of pre-school education, which will ensure the preservation of the intrinsicness of this period of development, the refusal to duplicate the content of the training in the first class school;
strengthening and developing an emotional and positive attitude of a child to school, desire to learn;
  • Tasks of pre-school education
  • strengthening and developing an emotional and positive attitude of a child to school, desire to learn;
  • formation of social traits of the personality of the future schoolboy necessary for a safe adaptation to school.
The concept of "readiness for school":
  • The concept of "readiness for school":
  • training abilities;
  • new social roles student;
  • cognitive interests of the future schoolboy;
  • mental operations (comparison, classification, analysis, generalization, etc.
  • Features of pre-school education
  • Thus, the readiness of the child to school involves the development of a child's activity system (the choice of funds, ways, the ability to set a goal and seek it); expansion of its horizons and stimulating cognitive activity; formation of arbitrariness and freedom of behavior; Independence, ability to serve yourself, the ability to communicate with peers and adults.
  • A.A. Leontiev: from five to seven years, as a rule, there is a "alignment" of health reserves. The main thing is in the emergence of personal neoplasms, such as imagination, mastering their emotions, visual-shaped thinking (formed in a real full-fledged game).
  • D.B. Elkonin: "The readiness of the child to school learning is determined on the four lines of its development:
  • 1 line - the formation of arbitrary behavior;
  • 2 line - cognitive activity (mastering by means and references);
  • 3 line - the transition from egocentrism to decentration;
  • 4 Line - motivational readiness. "
  • L.S. Vygotsky: In the second half of the preschool childhood, the child is already psychologically ready, if not for school, then, in any case, to the "activities of the teaching".
  • The science of readiness for
  • preschool education
  • What and how to teach children of pre-school age.
  • Explore the psychological and psychophysiological features of children who are ready for training in school;
  • Identify the basics of organizing successful learning and education of preschoolers and younger students;
  • To highlight the qualities of the personality of the future first grader;
  • Need:
Under school maturity, the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of a child, in which the requirements of systematic learning, the load of various kinds, the new mode of living will not be excessively tedious for it.
  • Psychological and psychophysiological features of children who are ready for school training.
  • under school maturity, the level of morphological, functional and intellectual development of a child, in which the requirements of systematic learning, the load of various kinds, the new mode of living will not be excessively tedious for it.
  • Physical readiness
  • this state of health, a certain level of morpho-functional maturity of the child's body, the necessary level of development of motor skills and qualities, especially thin motor coordinations, physical and mental performance.
  • activity, initiative, independence, responsibility;
  • the ability to listen to another and coordinate their actions with him;
  • guided by the established rules, the ability to work in the group;
  • this is a certain level of arbitrary behavior, the formation of communication, self-assessment and motivation of the teachings (cognitive and social);
  • Personal readiness
  • Development of figurative thinking, imagination and creativity, the foundations of verbally logical thinking,
  • mastering the means of cognitive activity (comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, schematization, modeling); native language and basic form of speech (dialogue, monologue); Elements of educational activities within other specific children's activities (design, drawing, modeling, various games)
  • Intellectual readiness
  • Intellectual readiness
  • the emergence of decentration (accounting for the position of another person when analyzing the situation);
  • allocation of tasks from the general context of activity, awareness and generalization of solutions, planning and control; Availability in children of ideas about the world of people, things, nature.
  • Psychological portrait of a graduate Dow
Health Group
  • 1. Health and physical development
  • Health Group
  • compliance with anthropometric indicators of age norm
  • 2. Manifestation of emotional states in motion:
  • freedom,
  • ease of movements
  • the shoulders are arranged
  • straight case
  • natural gait, elastic,
  • naturalness and diversity and poses, their replaceability;
  • look forward, open, interested;
  • mimica is alive, expressive, calm.
  • 3. Development of movements:
  • shifting with two fingers of a group of small items (matches) one per box;
  • preservation of static equilibrium, standing on the drawn line (one's foot heel adjoins another);
  • running with overcoming obstacles (obstruction of snake items);
  • throwing up the ball and catching it (not pressed to the chest, at least 10-20 times);
  • long jump (length jump is at least 100 - 120 cm).
  • 4. Social development:
  • Able to communicate with familiar adults;
  • Selectively and sustainably interacts with familiar children (included in a variety of interests for interests);
  • Feels the mood of loved ones and peers.
  • May provide emotional support and assistance in cases of difficulties.
  • Regulates its behavior based on assimilated rules and norms.
  • He has an idea of \u200b\u200bitself and its capabilities.
  • 5. Development of speech and speech communication:
  • Proponently pronounces all the sounds of the native language.
  • Able to allocate sounds in the word.
  • Says simple suggestions.
  • Correctly builds complex offers.
  • This is a connected story in a storyline.
  • Supports a dialogue, ie to attract attention to your speech.
  • Speech is lexically rich (generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, comparisons).
  • 6. Cognitive development:
  • He has an idea of \u200b\u200bnature, about the man-made world, about his city, country.
  • Familiar with the culture of life;
  • Specifies questions, experiments, establishes causal relationships.
  • Emphasizes ten or more objects of the same form.
  • It can combine objects based on common concepts (clothing, shoes, dishes, transport, etc.).
  • Can remember in the situation didactic game 6-7 titles of objects.
  • 6. Cognitive development.
  • Uses an unfinished figure (incomplete image or unfinished design) as a part of the plot composition (in designing, drawing, appliqués).
  • May independently realize your own plans in the game.
  • Implements ideas in design and other productive activities.
  • Uses visual models and symbolic products (plans, schemes, colors) for the knowledge of the surrounding world.
  • Carries out activities according to the samples and by the rules.
  • It can work in a single pace and a rhythm with other children in the group.
  • 7. Aesthetic development:
  • Familiar with literary works
  • Can compose a fairy tale.
  • Creates individual artistic images with the help of expressive means (color, composition, form, rhythm, etc.) in different types of visual activities;
  • alone, creatively embodies the idea in the drawing, modeling, appliqués;
  • confidently owns technical skills and skills;
  • Emotionally perceives music
  • Competence:
  • social
  • communicative
  • intellectual
  • physical.
  • Traits:
  • emotionic
  • creativity
  • arbitration
  • initiative
  • independence
  • a responsibility
  • self-satisfaction
  • freedom of behavior
  • reflexiveness
  • Criteria for the quality of education of the personality of the forefish age
  • Ability to manage your emotions;
  • Manifestation of ability to educational actions;
  • ability to take a learning task
  • Adequate attitude to yourself.
  • crisis 7 years

Elena Viktorovna Kapustina
Pre-school preparation of children

Approved federal states Educational standards (GEF) The structure of the main educational program of pre-school education is developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". They were introduced due to the understanding of the importance of pre-school education for further successful development, learning each child, accessibility for each high-quality education.

To provide a child of that very start, which will allow him to successfully study at school, it is necessary defined way to standardize the content of preschool education, in which institution (or in the family) The child did not receive him. This is due to the introduction of GEF to the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education.

Therefore, the organization predeschool Education has become very relevant at present. The main task should be solved pre-school preparation - Formation in children Motivation for school learning, emotional readiness for it, the ability to act both independently and together with others, the development of curiosity, creative activity, susceptibility to peace, initiative, formation of versatile knowledge. Children must have the experience of systematic classes and social communication with peers and adults before school. Such experience children can receive not only in a preschool educational institution, but also in groups of short-term stay. children senior pre-school preparation for school. Such groups are relevant to create in the system of additional education, or in the system of cultural institutions, or in the pre-school system educational institutions. And, in connection with the GEF, it is very important that educational activities are not reduced to the development of educational skills and action: Letter, account, reading, did not turn into a similarity of school lessons. There should be no mechanical training, and there must be a constant, conscious creative work of the child under the guidance and with the help of an adult.

With organization pre-school training must be observed general principles Works S. preschool children: adequacy of the requirements of the child's capabilities, accounting for individual development features, gradual formation of all directions of development, creating a situation of success of emotional-so good communication with a child. Baby to school can papers and parentsbut this system of work must necessarily provide preliminary Training of parents or the ability to receive qualifier-bath systematic advice.

In structure pre-school training there are certain Criteria of Psi-Creative Readiness children to school. This is personal readiness: The child is ready for school learning if the school attracts it not by the outside, and the ability to get new knowledge; intellectual: The presence of a horizon, stock of specific knowledge, interest in the knowledge gained, the ability to understand defined links between phenomena, reproduce the sample; socio psychological: training motivation (wants to go to school, understands the importance and necessity of teaching, manifests a pronounced interest in obtaining new knowledge, the ability to communicate with peers and adults (easily comes into contact, not aggressive, knows how to find a way out of problem situations, recognizes adult authority, the ability to adopt the learning task (listen carefully, if necessary, specify tasks); Physiological readiness: Level of physiological and biological development, health status.

New model predeschool Education should provide children from different social layers equal starting conditions for primary education, save and strengthen health children And makes available high-quality training at the first stage. The attention of the teacher should be emphasized in the following approaches in working with children:

Care from toughly regulated school-type learning,

Ensuring motor activity in various forms,

The use of diverse forms of learning, including different activities,

Interaction children and adults in the presence of a partner position and partner form of communication (cooperation of adult and children, the possibility of free accommodation, movement and communication children in the process of educational activities,

Creating a developing environment that functionally simulates the content of children's activities and initiating it that ensures the development of the subjective position of the child,

Widespread use of methods and techniques that activate thinking, imagination, introduction to the training of open-type objectives having different variants solutions

The use of gaming techniques, creating significant for children situations,

Formation of the children's community, providing each child a sense of comfort and success.

Since one of the main criteria for choosing educators forms educational activities is an adequacy of age, then predeschool Learning the leading type of childhood activity and the main form of work is productive-gaming activities. Education children It should be essential for enrichment, and not to artificial acceleration of development. After all, it is in a games form that most of the content can be implemented. educational regions, It is in the game that there is a restructuring of all the evoked processes of the child, including his behavior, training motives appear. In the depths of gaming motivation originate prerequisites educational activities that have a result in the form of specific knowledge, skills and skills, development mental processes, and formation prerequisites Educational activities - one of the planned final results of the development of the program pre-school education.

Also adequate forms of working with children are experimentation, design, collecting, conversations, observations, solving problem situations and other. Work with children should be directed to individualization pre-school education, that is, the teacher must be able to work, on the one hand, with the orientation of both age and on individual characteristics children. On the other hand, to see the originality of each of their pupils, be able to individualize the pedagogical process, taking into account the data of careful and comprehensive study of senior preschoolers, to use the potential for the integration of all areas of activity to meet their educational needs and preparations for school.

Pre-school education isOn the one hand, a focused, organized socio-pedagogical process of learning and education of de-Tay pre-school agewhich also performs a function social control For the state of their physical, psychological, intellectual state before entering school. On the other hand, this process pre-putas a combination of special practices of interaction between various sub- ekTs: parents, educators, teachers and themselves children. therefore premotchool preparation Acquires special significance.

Efficiency pre-school training depends on the implementation of the following pedagogical conditions:

Adjustments pedagogues, parents I. children on the essence of pre-school training in close cooperation

Availability of installation of teachers and parents on the importance of the organization pre-school training using personal-oriented funds

Compliance with the education phase

Availability of regular effectiveness diagnostics pre-school training In accordance with its result.

Thus, significance predicted training is essentialis paramount to readiness children to school.