Gia graduate program. A new procedure for conducting hya for undergraduate, specialist and graduate programs in universities has been approved

In accordance with the Rules for the preparation of FQP and KR, the masters of the State Medical University have two pre-defenses:

1.cathedral pre-defense

2.interdepartmental pre-defense, dates: April 24-25, 2019

Protection Master's theses in 2019 will take place on the following dates: May 29 and 30.

List of students with approved topics for WRC 2 course GMU.xlsx

You can make changes to the themes of the WRC no later than April 25... To do this, you must fill out and sign an application for a change in the topic with the head of the FQP and enter the changed topic in the Google table.

ATTENTION!!! The deadline for uploading the final version of the final qualifying work to the LMS system until May 19, 2019

Remember that you can upload a job to LMS only 1 time !!!

The final version of the master's thesis is submitted by the student to the educational office at the address: Myasnitskaya, 20, office. 219 (b) no later than May 22, 2019.

The training office must be provided with:

1. stitched work in printed form (2 copies), one copy. b. hard cover, the second one is spring-loaded
2.Review of the head of the FQP (original and copy)
3. a registration sheet confirming that the work has been tested in a system that identifies the percentage of borrowings, with an annotation in Russian and English(2 copies signed by the student).

Orders for GIA

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2015 N 636 "On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting State Final Certification for Educational Programs of Higher Education - Bachelor's Programs, Specialist's Programs and Master's Programs"- approves the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs and master's programs.


In accordance with p

GIA results appeal

Postgraduate leave

before the date of the GIA. Holidays are valid until August 8, 2019.

Vacation application 2019.docx

Defense of master's theses in 2017 students of the master's program "State and municipal government"took place June 7 and 8 at 10.00 at the address: Myasnitskaya, 20, according to the schedule:


FQP is checked without fail in the Antiplagiat system in accordance withIn case of revealing the fact of plagiarism during the preparation of the FQP, the Procedure for the Application of Disciplinary Actions for Violations of Academic Norms in educational work at the University being.

Conditions for obtaining a red diploma

In accordance with p 3.31.3. A diploma with honors is issued to graduates under the combination of the following conditions:
1.all the grades specified in the appendix to the diploma in disciplines (modules), practices, projects, grades for term papers(projects) are “excellent”, “good” or “passed”;
2. All grades based on the results of the GIA are “excellent”;
3. The share of “excellent” marks indicated in the diploma appendix, including marks based on the results of the SIA, is at least 75% of the total number of marks, except for the “passed” marks indicated in the diploma appendix.

GIA results appeal

(AK) for 2017

From 1 September from Secretary of the AK - Darya Igorevna Prisyazhnyuk ( E-mail:, Address: Krivokolenny lane, 3, building 3-216)

Students have the right to submit an appeal in the form of a personal written reasoned statement to the secretary of the appeal commission no later than the next working day after the announcement of the results. The basis for the appeal may be:

Violation, in the opinion of the student, of the established procedure for conducting state examination or WRC protection;
- student disagreement with the results of the state exam.

The procedure for organizing and conducting appeals based on the results of state certification tests can be found in the corresponding section.

Postgraduate leave

Students who have successfully completed the SIA are eligible for postgraduate leave. To do this, you must submit an application to the Study Office until June 07, 2017 inclusive. Holidays can be granted until August 5, 2017.

Features of the organization of the GIA for students from among the disabled

A student from among the disabled, no later than 3 months before the start of the GIA, can submit an application to the educational office about the need to create special conditions for him during the GIA, indicating individual characteristics by attaching the necessary documents.

After the defense, graduates need to go to the educational office of room. 219:

1.take a detour sheet: affix seals in the library, in the hostel, in the accounting department
2. return student and library cards
3.write an application for a diploma of first education
4. sign for the layout of the diploma, supplement and European supplement to the diploma
5.If necessary, write an application for the provision of vacations

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Faculty of Philology
Branch modern languages and literatures
Department of History foreign literature

MASTER'S SCHOOL 520300 - "Philology"

"History of Literature Western Europe and America:
classical texts, poetics, contexts "

Qualification (degree): Master
Head: prof. V.M.Tolmachev



State final attestation (GIA) for graduates of the magistracy in the direction "History of Western Europe and America Literature: Classical Texts, Poetics, Contexts" is carried out by a specially appointed State Examination Commission (hereinafter - SEC) and consists of two stages:

I. State exam

The state exam takes place orally and is taken by the State Electoral Commission.

Each of the tickets offered to the graduate contains 4 questions that cover the material of all special subjects passed by the master's student on the history of foreign literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; XVII-XVIII centuries; XIX century; XX century (according to the disciplines of the curriculum).

Of these, a graduate student answers 2 questions.

1) The first question must necessarily be related to the historical and literary era (for example, the twentieth century), on the subject of which the graduate performed the FQP.

2) The second question is chosen at the discretion of the respondent, but it should not be associated with the historical and literary era, on the subject of which the WRC was carried out.

In total, the graduate will be offered 21 tickets (84 questions).

The master student is given at least 60 minutes to prepare for the answer. State Commission, having consistently listened to all examiners, then makes a collegial decision on each (total) grade and informs the graduates.

The exam is conducted orally in Russian with the possible presentation of individual examples in a foreign language (titles of works in the original language, quotations). Having listened to the answer to each of the questions, the HEC, if necessary, asks clarifying and additional questions(within the framework of the subject of the answer and understanding of the analyzed material by the graduate). In answering questions, the graduate must demonstrate fluency and purity of speech.

The total time for the main response and additional responses is up to 45 minutes.

Criteria for evaluation

Rating "unsatisfactory"

  1. Ignorance of the content of literary texts according to the program, the date of their publication, the exact name.
  2. Lack of understanding of the questions formulated in the ticket.
  3. Lack of skills in literary analysis of classical Western literary texts (topics, problems, poetics; genre specification; belonging to the direction, style, artistic manner).
  4. Scattered or fragmentary knowledge about literary eras, the principles of their culturological, as well as historical and literary differentiation. Lack of knowledge of the main cultural background (philosophy, art history).
  5. Wrong or overly abstract answer to the ticket question, to additional questions from the members of the examination committee.

Assessment "satisfactory"

  1. In general, formalized knowledge of the artistic material, but containing serious gaps (approximate knowledge of only the subject matter, as well as basic literary techniques).
  2. Weak availability of skills of historical-typological, as well as comparative analysis (a literary text with a certain set of images, motives in the system of the era).
  3. Vague knowledge about the boundaries of literary eras, principles historical development one direction or another, style.
  4. Ignorance of special Russian and foreign scientific works on the topic of the issue.
  5. Incomplete answer to the ticket question, to additional questions from the members of the examination committee.

Rating "good"

  1. Formed skills of possession of historical and literary material, certain principles of its analysis, historical-literary and poetological understanding.
  2. Quite complete, but containing separate gaps in knowledge of general theoretical problems (limited understanding of Russian-language special works on the topic of the issue).
  3. Quite complete, but containing some shortcomings, the answer to the ticket question, to the additional questions of the members of the examination committee.

Excellent grade

  1. Deep, independent skills in the possession of historical and literary material, its analysis (the place of the classical literary text in the work of a particular writer, era, world literature; knowledge of various methods of analyzing a literary text, taking into account its historical and specific specifics).
  2. Expression of your own scientific view of the subject, taking into account the latest scientific literature.
  3. The correct, complete answer to the ticket question, to the additional questions of the members of the examination committee.


When answering a ticket, a graduate student must demonstrate the following universal and professional competencies -

Universal competences:

a) general scientific:

  • ability to analyze and evaluate literary process in the literature of Western Europe and America (from early middle ages before the beginning of XX I century);
  • the ability to critically analyze Western literary texts in the original language in the cultural system;

b) instrumental:

  • possession of the tools for analyzing a foreign literary text in the mainstream of culturological, comparative-historical, typological, formal approaches;
  • possession of skills in foreign electronic resources and computer libraries;

c) system:

  • the ability to comparatively study literary, philosophical, artistic (painting, cinema), documentary (historical; archival) texts in the context of historical poetics.

Professional competencies:

General professional competencies:

  • knowledge of interdisciplinary opportunities for studying Western literary classics;
  • possession of the categorical and terminological apparatus of modern Western literary criticism, the most important literary foreign scientific schools;
  • possession of the skills of qualified philological examination, criticism, interpretation, commentary and analysis of foreign literary texts of different eras;
  • possession of the skills of translation, scientific commenting and preparation of scientific, popular science publications of Western literary and artistic, critical, journalistic and other texts;
  • possession of skills in biobibliographic description of foreign literary texts.

These competencies cover the followinghistorical and literary, as well as cultural material:

  • Picture of fiction in the context of the culture of Western Europe and America, about the general and variable (national, individual) in the historical and cultural process from the Middle Ages to the beginning XXI in. Significance for Western literatures of the Christian tradition (biblical images), ancient heritage, dialogue / conflict between artistic eras, generations, as well as the work of individual authors, works (Bl. Augustine, Scandinavian sagas, chivalrous romance, troubadour poetry, Dante, Petrarch, Cervantes, Rabelais, Shakespeare, Milton, Cornel, Racine, Russo, Voltaire, Moliere, Defoe, Schiller, Goethe, Byron, Scott, Balzac, Stendhal, Hugo, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Dickens, Flaubert, Baudelaire, Zola, Ibsen, Hamsun, Strindler Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, Eliot, Pound, T.Mann, R.M. Rilke, Unamuno, Hemingway, Faulkner, Sartre, Camus, Beckett, Borges, Cortazar, Garcia Marquez, Eco, Ackroyd, Tournier, etc.) ... The influence of theology (Western Church Fathers, Thomas Aquinas), philosophy (humanists of the Renaissance, Montaigne, Spinoza, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Marx, Nietzsche, Bergson, Heidegger, etc.), sociology (Comte, Teng), natural science knowledge (Darwin), psychoanalysis (Freud, Jung, Reich, etc.) to Western literature. The largest historical events in the interpretation of Western writers. The war of ideologies, worldviews and its reflection in the Western literature of the twentieth century.
  • The principles of the periodization of the history of Western literature, the distinction between normative and non-normative poetics, the classical and non-classical type of creativity. Historical and literary content of the main culturological (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment, romanticism, modernism, postmodernism) and literary concepts proper, used to characterize both movement, style, individual and personal manner (mannerism, baroque, classicism, rococo, romanticism and various romanticisms, Biedermeier, realism, naturalism, symbolism, various avant-gardes and modernisms, postmodernism) and genre. Theoretical disputes about the boundaries of eras, approaches to the analysis of the text, about the productivity / unproductiveness of certain terms and concepts.
  • Development of lyrics, epic and drama from the Middle Ages to the beginning XXI in. Genre typology of the Western novel from the Renaissance to X X century (eg, parenting novel, artist novel, historical novel, psychological novel, stream of consciousness novel, German philosophical novel, existentialist novel, French new romance"). Intertextuality and Parody in Postmodernism. Formation of Western criticism and literary criticism, milestones in their history (romantic criticism, positivist literary criticism, Marxism in literary criticism, formalism, existentialism, structuralism, poststructuralism).

Full list of questions

on the history of foreign literature from the Middle Ages to early XXI in.
(the entire list of questions is known to graduate students six months before the exam)

for graduate students in 2019

  1. Interpretation of the Fall in Paradise Lost by J. Milton.
  2. The genre tradition of the "history of conversion" in the novel "Robinsone Crusoe" by D. Defoe.
  3. The problem of evil in the novel Lord of the Flies by W. Golding.
  4. Biblical allusions in the novel "History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters" by J. Barnes.
  5. The concept of the novel by E.M. Meletinsky.
  6. "Discussion about the novel" M.M. Bakhtin and K.G. Kosikova.
  7. Tyrant White is a key work in the development of the novel genre.
  8. Paradigmatic features of the novel genre in the work of Chrétien de Troyes.
  9. The specifics of novel poetics in "Troubles and torments of love" Elisienne de Crenes.
  10. Ancient imagery in Dante's "Hell".
  11. The structure and meaning of the song XXX "Purgatory" by Dante (the culmination of the "Divine Comedy").
  12. Images of fire, water and light in Dante's Divine Comedy.
  13. Three last songs kantik as an expression of their meaning ("Hell", "Purgatory", Paradise ").
  14. The principles of depicting the Lady in Petrarch. The myth of Daphne.
  15. Features of the Spanish sonnet. His relationship with Spanish poetry.
  16. W. Shakespeare's Sonnets (Tradition and Innovation).
  17. Genre originality of "Hamlet".
  18. Features of the tragic conflict in Hamlet.
  19. Genre features of Shakespeare's tragedies of the 1600s.
  20. A tragic hero in the plays of Shakespeare in the 1600s.
  21. Don Quixotic as a Type of Human Behavior and the Specificity of the “Don Quixote Situation” in Cervantes' Novel.
  22. The victorious hero in the drama of Corneille and the hero-victim of the tragedies of Racine.
  23. Varieties of "natural man" in D. Defoe's novel "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe".
  24. Voltaire's "Candide": an "ordinary person" between the extremes of optimism and pessimism.
  25. Rousseauism in its socio-political and literary-aesthetic versions ("New Eloise" by J.-J. Rousseau).
  26. Goethe's "Faust" plot as a process of Faust's realization of his own personality and Faust as a symbol of humanity.
  27. The theme of art in the novellas by L. Tieck.
  28. Romantic tradition in the work of E.T.A. Hoffman.
  29. Creativity Novalis.
  30. The main aspects of the "poetic revolution" W. Wordsworth.
  31. Shelley and Byron's work in the context of European romanticism.
  32. The cut-through motives of Keats's poetry.
  33. Victorian poetry: romantic traditions and individual innovation (A. Tennison, R. Browning,M. Arnold, J. M. Hopkins).
  34. The principle of the miraculous in the prose of Charles Dickens.
  35. A detective story in the novels of Charles Dickens.
  36. The romantic hero and his evolution in the prose of Charles Dickens.
  37. Narrative methods and characters-narrators in the works of Charles Dickens.
  38. The problem of supersensible knowledge and spiritual blindness in the novels of Charles Dickens.
  39. Napoleonic theme in the works of O. de Balzac.
  40. The clash of cultural eras in the novels of W. Scott.
  41. The main character historical novels W. Scott as a literary type.
  42. The physical world in the novels of O. de Balzac.
  43. Western literary naturalism XIX - XX centuries: unity, diversity, forms.
  44. The openness of Western literary naturalism to synthesis (romanticism, symbolism, modernism).
  45. Varieties of art naturalism in Western literature XIX century.
  46. Forms of naturalism in Western literature of the twentieth century.
  47. Renewal of individualism in the drama of H. Ibsen.
  48. Nietzsche on art and the artist.
  49. Vienna literary modern: general characteristics and main representatives.
  50. Symbolist drama and the formation of a director's theater.
  51. The genre of the novel in the works of K. Hamsun.
  52. Philosophical and symbolic dramas by A. Strindberg.
  53. The work of G. von Hoffmannsthal and the "crisis of the word".
  54. A. Schnitzler's prose: the main conflict, the effect of surprise, "Eros and Thanatos", the depiction of the life of human consciousness.
  55. The basic principles of the poetics of R.M. Rilke.
  56. Contrasting life and creativity in the works of T. Mann.
  57. The drama of the artist in the works of T. Mann.
  58. Psychoanalysis and oriental philosophy in the works of G. Hesse.
  59. The image of the artist in prose G. Hesse.
  60. Imagism in Poetry: Theory and Poetic Practice.
  61. Poetry Magazine "And" poetic revival "in the USA in the 1910s – 1920s.
  62. Poems by T.S. Eliot from "Badlands" to "Four Quartets": theme, imagery, composition.
  63. E. Pound: Poetry and Essayism from Imagism to Hugh Selwyn Moberly.
  64. E. Hemingway and W. Faulkner as part of the "modernist canon".
  65. Images of Europe in the works of E. Hemingway.
  66. The motive of violence in the works of E. Hemingway.
  67. W. Faulkner's Narrative Techniques in the Novels of the 1920s – 1930s.
  68. The origins of existentialist literature.
  69. The novelistics and theater of J.-P. Sartre as an illustration of the writer's philosophical theses.
  70. Evolution of creativity A. Camus (cycles "Absurd", "Riot", "Love").
  71. Prose poetics A. Camus 1940-1950s ("Plague", "Fall", short story).
  72. The influence of French existentialism on world literature.
  73. Magic realism and "wonderful reality".
  74. The work of H.L. Borges and philosophical fiction.
  75. J. Cortazar's work: ethics and metaphysics.
  76. Forms of dystopia in Western literature of the twentieth century. (J. Orwell, R. Bradbury, E. Junger, G. Kazak, K. Kesey).
  77. Post-war "new drama"(S. Beckett, E. Ionesco, J. Genet, G. Pinter, S. Mrozhek) and herinfluence on drama and theater of the second half of the twentieth century.
  78. "New novel": theory and practice (N. Sarrott, A. Robbe-Grillet, M. Butor, K. Simon).
  79. The concept of "counter-culture", its relationship with the poetics of late modernism and neo-avant-garde. "The Beatniks"; "Black humorists".
  80. The theme of war in the literature of Europe and America in the second half of the twentieth century. - the beginning of the XXI century.
  81. Myth, symbol and allegory in fiction of the second half of the twentieth century. Neomythologism (W. Golding, J. Updike, M. Tournier).
  82. "Latin American boom" and its main concepts ("magic realism", forms of the fantastic, social, games) in the works of G. Garcia Marquez, A. Carpentier, J. Cortazar.
  83. The main theories of postmodernism, manifestos of postmodernism (I. Hassan, F. Lyotard).
  84. Artistic works of theorists of postmodernism as "classics" of postmodernism (W. Eco, J. Barth, P. Ackroyd).

When preparing for the state exam, the graduate is recommended:

  1. fill in the gaps in knowledge of the content of literary texts that appear in the list of exam questions;
  2. to get acquainted with the lecture notes for the master's courses in the history of foreign literature;
  3. if possible, correlate the knowledge obtained in the study of the history of foreign literature with domestic scientific literature (according to the questions submitted for the exam);
  4. visit specialized scientific libraries (Fundamental Library of Moscow State University, VGBIL named after Rudomino), as well as get acquainted with materials on foreign literature posted on the Internet;
  5. get advice from the teachers of the Department of the History of Foreign Literature, who read them master's

Scientific literature

Preparing for the exam, the undergraduate gets acquainted with the scientific literature from the "Theory" section, as well as from that section ("Middle Ages and the Renaissance", "XVII-XVIII centuries", "XIX century; the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.", "XX century "), which is associated with his specialization.

I. Theory

Averintsev S.S., Andreev M.L., Gasparov M.L., Grintser P.A., Mikhailov A.V. Categories of poetics in the change of literary eras // Historical poetics. Literary eras and types of artistic consciousness / Otv. ed. P.A. Grintser. M., 1994.

Introduction to Literary Studies. Literary work: basic concepts and terms / Chernets L.V., Halizev V.E., Broitman S.N. et al. M., 1999 (or other later ed.).

Griftsov B.A. Psychology of the writer. M., 1988.

Foreign literature of the second millennium. 1000-2000 / Ed. L.G. Andreeva. M., 2001.

Companion A. Demon theory / Per. with fr. M., 2001.

Lotman Yu.M. The structure of the literary text. M., 1970.

Nabokov, Vladimir. Lectures on foreign literature / Per. from English M., 1998.

Modern literary theory / Comp. I.V. Kabanova. M., 2004.

Schaeffer J.-M. What literary genre? / Per. with fr. M., 2010.

II ... History of literature and culture

Middle Ages and Renaissance

Averintsev S.S. Rhetoric and origins of European literary tradition... M., 1996.

Andreev M.L. Culture of the Renaissance // History of world culture. The heritage of the West. M., 1998.

Batkin L.M. Italian Renaissance: Problems and People. M., 1995.

Bakhtin M.M. The work of Francois Rabelais and folk culture the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. M., 1992.

Bitsilli P.M. Place of the Renaissance in the history of culture. M., 1996.

Gorbunov A.N. John Donne and English poetry of the 16th-17th centuries. M., 1993.

Gorbunov A.N. Shakespearean contexts. M., 2006.

Gorbunov A.N. Chaucer is medieval. M., 2010.

Dobrokhotov A.L. Dante. M., 1990.

Zyumtor P. Experience of constructing medieval poetics. SPb., 2003.

Le Goff J. Civilization of the Medieval West. M., 1992.

Literary history of Italy. Volume II. Revival. Book 1. Age of humanism / Otv. ed. M.L. Andreev. M., 2007; Volume II. Revival. Book 2. Cinquecento / Resp. ed. M.L. Andreev. M., 2010.

G.K. Kosikov Middle Ages and Renaissance. Theoretical problems// Foreign literature of the second millennium. M., 2001.

Meletinsky E.M. Medieval novel. M., 1983.

Mikhailov A.D. French novel and questions of genre typology in medieval literature. M., 1976.

Piskunova S.I. "Don Quixote" by Cervantes and the genres of Spanish prose of the 16th-17th centuries. M., 1998.

The problem of the genre in the literature of the Middle Ages. M., 1994.

Fifteenth century in European literary development... M., 2001.

Silyunas V. Spanish theater of the 16th-17th centuries. M., 1995.

Heizinga J. Autumn of the Middle Ages. M., 1988.

Chekalov K.A. Mannerism in French and Italian Literature. M., 2000.

Shaitanov I.O. History of Foreign Literature: The Renaissance: In 2 volumes. M., 2001.

XVII -XVIII centuries

XVII century in the dialogues of eras and cultures. SPb., 2000.

Renaissance. Baroque. Classicism. M., 1974.

Philosophical aspects of culture and literary process in the XV II century. SPb., 1999.

Baroque and Classicism in the History of World Culture. SPb., 2001.

Pinsky L.E. Renaissance. Baroque. Education. M., 2002.

Mikhailov A.V. Baroque poetics: the end of the rhetorical era // Historical poetics / Otv. ed. P.A. Grinzer. M., 1994.

Vipper Yu.B. On the varieties of the Baroque style in Western European literatures of the 17th century // Vipper Yu.B. Creative destinies and history. M., 1990.

Pakhsaryan N.T. The 15th century as an "era of contradiction": paradoxes of literary integrity // Foreign literature of the second millennium. 1000-2000. M., 2001.

Zhirmunskaya N.A. From Baroque to Romanticism. SPb, 2001.

Oblomievsky D. French classicism. M., 1968.

Silyunas V.Yu. Lifestyle and Art Styles. SPb., 2000.

Purishev B.I. Essays on German Literature. M., 1996.

Pavlova T. Milton. M., 1997.

Culture of the Enlightenment. M., 1993.

Man of the Enlightenment. M., 1999.

Eighteenth century: Literature in the cultural system. M., 1999.

Eighteenth century: The fate of poetry in the era of prose. M., 2002.

Pakhsaryan N.T. Genesis, poetics and genre system of the French novel of the 1690–1760s. Dnepropetrovsk, 1996.

Pakhsaryan N.T. "Irony of Fate" of the Age of Enlightenment: Renewed Literature or Literature Demonstrating the "Exhaustion of the Old" // Foreign Literature of the Second Millennium. 1000-2000. M., 2001.

Pakhsaryan N.T. History of foreign literature of the XVII -XVIII centuries: Study guide. M., 2003.

Foreign literature of the 17th century. / Ed. N.T. Pakhsaryan. M., 2007.

Kagarlitsky Yu.I. Theater for the ages. Theater of the Enlightenment. M., 1987.

Sokolyansky M.G. Western European novel of the Enlightenment. Kiev, Odessa, 1983.

Razumovskaya M.V. From "Persian Letters" to "Encyclopedia". Novel and Science in France in the XVIII Century. SPb., 1994.

Zababurova N.V. French psychological novel (the Enlightenment and romanticism). Rostov-on-Don, 1992.

Shaitanov I.O. The Thinking Muse: The Discovery of Nature in the Poetry of the 15th Century. M., 1989.

Solovieva N.A. At the origins of English romanticism. M., 1988.

Zykova E.P. Pastoral in 15th century English literature. M., 1999.

Zhirmunsky V.M. Essays on the history of classical German literature. - L., 1972.

Ivanov V.I. Goethe at the turn of two centuries // Ivanov V.I. Native and universal / Comp., Prev. V.M. Tolmachev. M., 1994.

Solovieva N.A. Reason and feeling in the artistic consciousness of the 18th century. M., 2008.

XIX century; turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

Aesthetics of German Romantics / Preface. A.V. Mikhailova. M., 1982.

Gorbunov A.N. "On nature, man and society" (Wordsworth in the period of creative flowering, 1797-1807) // Wordsworth W. Prelude and other poetic works. M., 2012.

A. V. Karelsky From hero to person. Two centuries of Western European literature. M., 1990.

A. V. Karelsky The drama of German romanticism. M., 1992.

A. V. Karelsky Metamorphoses of Orpheus: Conversations on the History of Western Literatures: Issue 1-3. M., 1998-2007.

Foreign aesthetics and theory of literature of the XIX-XX centuries. Treatises, articles, essays / Ed., Foreword. G.K. Kosikov. M., 1987.

Tolmachev V.M. Where to look for the 19th century? // Foreign literature of the second millennium. 1000-2000 / Ed. L.G. Andreeva. M., 2001.

Ginzburg, Lydia. About psychological prose. L., 1971.

Ginzburg L.Ya. About romanticism // French romantic story. L., 1982.

Terteryan I.A. Romanticism as an integral phenomenon // Terteryan I.A. A person who makes myths. M., 1988.

Tolmachev V.M. Romanticism: culture, face, style // "On the Borders": Foreign Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present / Ed. L.G. Andreeva. M., 2000.

Zhirmunsky V.M. German romanticism and modern mysticism. SPb., 1996.

Berkovsky N.Ya. Romanticism in Germany. L., 1973.

Berkovsky N. Ya. Articles and lectures on foreign literature. SPb., 2002.

Chavchanidze D.L. The Phenomenon of Art in German Romantic Prose: The Medieval Model and Its Destruction. M., 1997.

Zenkin S.N. Works on French literature. Yekaterinburg, 1999.

Lukov V.A. French romantic drama. Samara, 2002.

Matsevich A. August Strindberg. Life and work (1849-1912). M., 2003.

Zhirmunsky V.M. Byron and Pushkin. L., 1978.

Dyakonova N.Ya. English romanticism. M., 1978.

Chesterton G.K. Charles Dickens. M., 1982.

Encyclopedia of Symbolism. Painting, graphics and sculpture. Literature. Music / Per. with fr. Scientific ed. per., afterword by V.M. Tolmachev. M., 1999.

Ivanov V.I. Two elements in modern symbolism // Ivanov V.I. Native and universal / Comp., Foreword. V.M. Tolmachev. M., 1994.

Oblomievsky D.D. French symbolism. M., 1973.

French symbolism. Drama and theater / Comp. V. Maksimov. SPb., 2000.

G.K. Kosikov Charles Baudelaire between the "delight of life" and the "horror of life" // Baudelaire S. Flowers of evil. Poems in prose. Diaries / Ed. G.K. Kosikova. M., 1993.

G.K. Kosikov Two paths of French post-romanticism: the Symbolists and Lautréamont // Poetry of French Symbolism. Lautreamont. Songs of Maldoror / Ed. G.K. Kosikova. M., 1993.

Foreign literature late XIX- the beginning of the twentieth century. Ed. V.M. Tolmachev / Ed. 4th, add. and revised M., 2013.

Shorske K.E. Vienna at the turn of two centuries / Per. with him. SPb., 2001.

XX century

Foreign literature of the twentieth century. Ed. V.M. Tolmachev / Ed. 2nd, add. and revised M., 2014.

English literature from XIX century to XX, from XX to XIX: The problem of interaction of literary eras / Otv. ed. A.P. Sarukhanyan, M.I.Sverdlov. M., 2009.

German, Mikhail. Modernism: Art of the first half of the twentieth century. M., 2003.

History of Austrian literature of the twentieth century: In 2 volumes / Otv. ed. V.D. Sedelnik. M., 2009.

Kruzhkov G. Yeats and Russian poets of the twentieth century // Yeats U.B. Rose and Tower. SPb., 1999.

Culturology of the twentieth century. Encyclopedia: In 2 volumes. SPb., 1998.

Self-awareness of culture and art of the twentieth century / Comp. R.A. Galtseva. M., 2000.

Artistic landmarks of foreign literature of the twentieth century / Ed. A.P. Sarukhanyan. M., 2002.

Calling a spade a spade. Keynote speeches by masters of Western European literature of the twentieth century / Ed. L.G. Andreeva. M., 1986.

Zingerman B.I. Essays on the history of the drama of the twentieth century. M., 1979.

Theater of the twentieth century. Patterns of development. M., 2003.

Chenieux-Gendron J. Surrealism / Transl. with fr. M., 2002.

Encyclopedia of Expressionism. Sculpture. Architecture. Literature. Dramaturgy. Theater. Movie. Music / Per. with fr .; after V.M. Tolmachev. M., 2003.

A.M. Zverev The Palace on the Point of a Needle: From the Artistic Experience of the Twentieth Century. M., 1989.

Surova O.Yu. Man in modernist culture // Foreign literature of the second millennium. 1000-2000. M., 2001.

Velikovsky S.I. Speculation and literature. Essays on French culture. M., SPb., 1999.

Zonina L.A. The paths of time. Notes on the quests of French novelists (60-70s). M., 1984.

Andreev L.G. Jean-Paul Sartre. Free consciousness and the twentieth century. M., 1994.

Pavlova N.S. Typology of the German novel. 1900-1945. M., 1982.

Bushmanova N.I. English Modernism: Psychological Prose. Yaroslavl, 1982.

Terteryan I.A. Tested by history. Essays on Spanish literature of the twentieth century. M., 1973.

Silunas V. Federico Garcia Lorca. The drama of the poet. M., 1989.

Tolmachev V.M. From Romanticism to Romanticism: A 1920s American Novel and the Problem of Romantic Culture. M., 1997.

Kuteishchikova V., Ospovat L. New Latin American novel. M., 1983.

Kofman A.F. Latin American artistic image of the world. M., 1997.

Ilyin I.P. Postmodernism. Glossary of terms. M., 2001.

G.K. Kosikov From structuralism to poststructuralism (problems of methodology). M., 1998.

Pieguet Gro, Natalie. Introduction to the theory of intertextuality / Per. with fr. M., 2008.

Tolmachev V.M. E. Hemingway; F.S. Fitzgerald; R. Frost; T.S. Eliot; E. Pound // History of US Literature. M., 2014.T.6. Book 1-2.

Tolmachev V.M. TS Eliot, Poet of The Waste Land // Eliot TS Eliot. Barren Land / Ed. prepared by V.M. Tolmachev, A.Yu. Zinoviev. M., 2015.

II. Requirements for the content of the FQP

  1. The FQP should be logically structured, have continuous page numbering (except for the title page, Contents included in the numbering) and contain:
    • title page indicating the higher educational institution, issuing the department, master's program, full name of the defending master's student, full name of the scientific supervisor indicating the position, academic title, exact (approved at the meeting of the department) FQP theme;
    • a Contents sheet with links to the relevant WRC pages;
    • Introduction, justifying the choice of the topic, goals and objectives of the study, determining the place of work in the circle of other studies of the same thematic field (main foreign, domestic works), the principle of selecting literary texts for analysis;
    • the main research part (2-3 chapters, each of which should have a title);
    • Conclusion summarizing the results of the study;
    • scientific Bibliography compiled in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
  1. It is necessary that the FQP include a detailed analysis of the declared topic, taking into account the latest scientific literature in Russian and foreign languages(quotes from special foreign works are given by the master's student in his own Russian translation; all foreign names of fictional and special texts are also subject to translation).
  2. The work should contain reasonable conclusions that logically follow from the previous presentation and analysis of the material.
  3. A scientific bibliography numbered continuously in Arabic numerals should consist of the following sections:

I. Texts (including all first editions in the original language, other significant editions in the original language; main translations into Russian with the indication of the translator);

II. General works (first, Russian-language research follows the name of the author or the title of a collective monograph, then foreign research);

III. Special work (on a similar principle).

  1. The total volume of the master's degree student's FQP in printed pages (with the general numbering of pages, starting from the title page) is not less than 80 pages (including approximately 8-10 pages of the Bibliography). Typeface - TIMES NEW ROMAN, size - 14. Text in footnotes: size - 10.

The procedure for submitting an FQP to the department

FQP is presented by a master's student to the department no later than 15 days before the official term of defense, in 2 bound copies, as well as on electronic media - disks, flash drives (with the corresponding name, topic). Each of the printed copies must contain on the title page the supervisor's visa: "Approved for defense" (exact number, full name, signature). One of the copies must contain a signed review of the supervisor with a conclusion on the admission / non-admission to the defense.

One of the copies of the FQP is transferred by the secretary of the HEC to the reviewer, the other is checked by the HEC within 5 calendar days for illegal borrowing.

A master student who has not submitted an FQP to the department 15 days before the official defense period, and also does not have a scientific advisor's opinion on admission to defense, is not allowed to defense.

Also, FQPs with a serious volume of incorrect borrowings officially established by the State Electricity Commission are not issued for defense.

5 days before the official term of the FQP defense, the master has the right to receive a written review from the scientific reviewer to prepare for the defense.

WRC protection procedure

The sequence of WRC defenses on the officially set date is determined by the GEC and its chairman.

The defending person within 10-12 minutes must report to the HEC on the content of the WRC and the findings.

Then the members of the SEC have the right to ask the defending master's student questions about the content of his scientific presentation, as well as about the design of the FQP.

After that, the floor is given to the scientific reviewer.

The undergraduate responds to the opinion of the scientific reviewer, especially focusing on its critical part.

Then comes the time for a scientific discussion with the participation of a master, members of the SEC, a scientific reviewer.

In conclusion, the floor is again given to the master.

After all the defenses are completed, the GEC collectively makes a decision on the results of the defense of the WRC by each of the defenders, and also officially announces the results of the defense to the undergraduates.

In case of disagreement with the results of the defense, the master student has the right to appeal.

Criteria for assessing the protection of WRC

Rating "unsatisfactory"

  1. The reviewer and members of the GEC discovered serious errors. The independent research part is poorly expressed in the SRS.
  2. The Bibliography does not contain the most important domestic and foreign scientific works on the topic of this FQP.
  3. A graduate cannot present the content of the work, formulate and argue conclusions.
  4. The work is carelessly framed, it contains spelling and grammatical violations; the bibliography was not compiled according to the rules.
  5. Wrong answers are given to the questions of the GEC members, or no answers are given at all.

Assessment "satisfactory"

  1. The declared topic is poorly disclosed, the tasks of the work are solved to a small extent.
  2. The independent research part of the work is small or performed at a low scientific level. Errors were discovered by the reviewer and members of the GEC.
  3. The list of scientific literature is incomplete.
  4. The oral report of the work does not sufficiently reflect its content.
  5. The graduate does not answer all the questions of the SEC members, or answers uncertainly and superficially.

Rating "good"

  1. The declared topic is disclosed, but some aspects of the work would be worth developing or supplementing.
  2. There are some shortcomings in the independent research part of the work.
  3. There are some notes on the Bibliography.
  4. The graduate answers some questions of the GEC members with insufficient reasoning.

Excellent grade

  1. The stated topic is fully disclosed, all scientific problems formulated in the Introduction are solved in an original way.
  2. The independent research part of the work is significant in terms of results, does not contain significant shortcomings.
  3. The work reflects a deep knowledge of the scientific literature on the topic.
  4. In the oral report on the work, its content and research results are presented fully and reasonably.
  5. The master student gives comprehensive answers to the questions of the GEC members.

Document compiler -
Head of the Master's Program,
head of department
history of foreign literature
Professor V.M. Tolmachev

The document also provides for:

  • prohibition of students and persons involved in the GIA, during its holding, to carry and use communication means;
  • a ban on charging fees from students for passing the GIA;
  • features of conducting state certification tests using e-learning, distance learning educational technologies;
  • the formation of not only state examination commissions for conducting the SIA, but also the appeal commissions for holding appeals based on the results of the SIA;
  • features of the GIA for the disabled;
  • the possibility of re-passing the GIA no earlier than one year and no later than five years after the period of the GIA, which the student did not pass;
  • the student's right to appeal based on the results of state certification tests, etc.

It is not planned to change the forms of the GIA (state examination, defense of the final qualifying work). The procedure for the implementation of these forms of conducting the GIA has been concretized. In particular, the state examination can be conducted orally or in writing in one or more disciplines or modules. educational program.

It has been clarified that the GIA is being held within the timeframe determined by the organization, but no later than June 30. In this case, the schedule of state certification tests must be approved no later than 30 calendar days before the day of the first test. The schedule must indicate the dates, time and place of state certification tests and pre-examination consultations. The break between state certification tests must be at least seven calendar days.

In turn, a list of graduation topics qualification works offered to students must be communicated to students no later than six months before the start date of the GIA. Peer review is still provided for graduate qualification works for Master's and Specialist programs.

In addition, persons mastering an educational program in the form of self-education or studying according to an educational program of higher education that does not have state accreditation will be able to pass an external GIA in an organization with state accreditation educational program.

The results of the state certification test, conducted orally, will be announced on the day of its conduct, and the results of the test, conducted in writing, will be announced the next working day after the day of its conduct.

The order also specifies the procedure for the formation and activity of the state examination commission, its composition (it must include at least four people, two of whom are leading specialists - representatives of employers or their associations in the relevant field professional activity, the rest are teachers or researchers of a university or other organizations with an academic title or academic degree).

The order will come into force on January 1, 2016. From the same date, the current order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 25, 2003 No. 1155 "" will expire.

7.1. The final stage of training in the magistracy is the final state certification. The final state certification of graduates of the magistracy includes the defense of the final qualifying work in the form of a master's thesis and a state exam established by the decision of the Academic Council of the University in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education.

7.2. The state exam program is developed by the graduating department. For an objective assessment of the graduate's competencies, the subject of examination questions and assignments should be comprehensive, correspond to sections from various educational cycles aimed at the formation of specific competencies.

7.3. Work on a master's thesis should, as a rule, be planned from the first year of master's degree.

7.4. Students who have fully fulfilled all the requirements of this program and have successfully glorified the final state exams are allowed to defend their master's thesis.

7.5. The procedure for defending a master's thesis is determined by the Regulations on the final state attestation of FSBEI HPE "SamSTU".

7.6. Persons who have fully complied with syllabus according to the corresponding master's program and successfully passed the final state attestation, the qualification (degree) "master" is awarded and a state diploma with an attachment is issued.

7.7. A master's student who has not passed the final state exam, who has not defended his final qualifying work, or who is expelled from the master's program for academic failure, is issued an academic certificate of the established form.

8. Requirements for a master's thesis

8.1. The master's thesis is carried out during the period of internship and research work and is an independent and logically completed final qualifying work, prepared for public protection and showing the level of the student's professional training.

8.2. When performing a master's thesis, undergraduates must show the ability and skill, relying on the in-depth knowledge, skills and formed general cultural and professional competencies, to independently solve at the modern level the tasks of their professional activities (research, organizational and managerial, expert, analytical, pedagogical), professionally present special information, scientifically argue and defend their point of view.

8.3. The topic of final qualifying works should be aimed at solving professional problems:

    analysis of literature on the topic of the dissertation and preparation of a literary review;

    development of a research plan and methods of its implementation;

    experimental (calculated or theoretical) work, processing and analysis of the data obtained;

    discussion of the results and development of proposals for the continuation of research;

    preparation of a progress report and publications.

8.4. The choice of topics for master's theses and their approval by students is carried out according to the schedule of the educational process of the master's program in the first semester, but no more than a month after the start of the educational process. Themes of master's theses are selected by students together with scientific advisers and approved by the Academic Councils of the faculties upon the presentation of the leaders of the master's programs. The decision of the Faculty Academic Council on the approval of the subject of master's theses for the master's programs implemented at the faculty is transferred to the Department of Master's, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies.

8.5. The topic of the dissertation must correspond to the master's program, according to which the student is trained, and the directions of research work of the graduating department.

8.6. The thesis is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-2001 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Research report. Structure and design rules "; GOST R 7.0.5-2008 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. “Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules of drawing up "; GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of drawing up ". The main requirements for the design of the dissertation text are given in Appendix 3.

8.7. According to its structure, a master's thesis should consist of sequentially arranged basic elements, which include: title page, content (table of contents), introduction, main part, conclusion, list of references. The thesis may contain annexes.

8.8. Title page is the first page of the dissertation and is drawn up according to a single sample (Appendix 4).

8.10. In the introduction to the master's thesis, the following should be formulated:

    Relevance of the research topic;

    the degree of elaboration of the topic;

    the purpose and objectives of the study;

    object and subject of research;

    research methods;

    the main features of the novelty of the dissertation research;

    practical significance of the research;

    structure of the thesis.

8.11. A necessary requirement for a master's thesis is scientific novelty. The criteria for the scientific novelty of the dissertation are the results obtained by the student in one of the indicated areas of research:

    development of a new theoretical position related to the subject of research and to the entire class of objects of research;

    improvement (modification) of existing models or methods for solving research problems related to the subject of research and / or to the entire class of research objects;

    application of already known models and methods to a new subject area, allowing you to gain new knowledge about the object under study;

    improvement of the well-known element of the control system related to the subject of research and to this object of research.

8.12. The main body of the thesis includes chapters structured into paragraphs and corresponds to the objectives set in the introduction.

In the main part, the main provisions of the work are revealed, the problem under study is formulated, its place in theory or practice is determined, points of view on the problem are analyzed and practical recommendations for its solution proposed by various authors are considered, the author's own position is formulated and substantiated. In the main part, it is necessary to reflect the results of the author's independent analysis of literary sources, statistical materials, as well as to give a creative assessment of the economic phenomenon or process being studied.

8.13. The conclusion should contain the main, most significant conclusions and results formulated by the author on the basis of the study. The conclusion includes recommendations for the application of the results obtained.

8.14 The list of references is compiled in alphabetical order with a full bibliographic description of the sources used in writing the thesis (Appendix 5). It is recommended to use sequential numbering and the following sequence of sources:


    educational literature, collections, monographs, articles (in Russian);

    educational literature, collections, monographs, articles (in foreign languages);

    other materials, incl. sources on electronic media.

8.15. Thesis appendices may include primary research material, statistics and tables, graphic material, calculations, and other supporting materials that are referenced in the thesis text. Applications should be numbered in the sequence in which their data is used in the thesis.

8.16. The text of the thesis is presented in printed form and on electronic media. The student is responsible for the compliance of the dissertation texts in printed form and on electronic media.

8.17. The dissertation approved for defense is transferred to the opponent and the reviewer, who are appointed by the State Attestation Commission. Opponents and reviewers can be specialists with higher education, whose scientific or practical work profile corresponds to the topic of the dissertation.

8.18. The response (review) assesses the relevance of the topic, its novelty and significance, the degree of independence shown by the author, the ability to use methods scientific research, the degree of reliability and validity of the conclusions, an analysis of the shortcomings of the dissertation is given.

8.19. The student has the right to submit additional reviews (reviews) from specialists of the relevant profile for defense.

In accordance with part 5 of article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; No. 6, Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, Art. 2769; No. 23, Art. 2933; No. 26, Art. 3388; No. 30, Art. 4263; 2015, No. 1, Art. 42; Art. 53; Art. 72) and subparagraph 5.2.36 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collection of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923; No. 33, Art. 4386; No. 37, Art. 4702; 2014, No. 2, Art. 126; Art. 582; No. 27, Art. 3776), I order:

1. To approve the attached Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs and master's programs.

2. To declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2003 No. 1155 "On approval of the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions Russian Federation "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 5, 2003, registration No. 4490).

The minister D.V. Lebanon

Registration number 38132


The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs and master's programs
(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2015 No. 636)

1. The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs and master's programs establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting educational activities on educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs and master's programs (hereinafter - organizations, educational programs), the state final certification of students (cadets) (hereinafter - students, graduates), completing the development of state accredited educational programs, including the forms of state final certification, requirements for the use of teaching and upbringing means, communication means during state final certification, requirements , presented to persons involved in the state final certification, the procedure for filing and considering appeals, changes and (or) cancellation of the cut certificates of state final certification, as well as the specifics of conducting state final certification for students from among persons with disabilities.

2. State final certification is carried out by state examination commissions in order to determine the compliance of the results of mastering the basic educational programs with the corresponding requirements of the federal state educational standard or educational standard * (1) (hereinafter referred to as the standard).

3. A student who does not have academic debt and who has fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum for the corresponding educational program of higher education is admitted to the state final attestation * (2).

4. Ensuring the conduct of state final certification for educational programs is carried out by organizations * (3).

5. Organizations use the necessary for the organization educational activities funds for the state final certification of students.

6. Students and persons involved in the state final certification, during its conduct, are prohibited from having and using communication means.

7. Persons mastering an educational program in the form of self-education or studying according to an educational program of higher education that does not have state accreditation, have the right to undergo an external state final certification in an organization according to a state accredited educational program, in accordance with this Procedure * (4).

8. State final certification for educational programs containing information constituting a state secret is carried out in compliance with the requirements, provided by law Of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

9. It is not allowed to collect fees from students for passing the state final certification * (5).

10. State final certification of learning organizations is carried out in the form of:

state examination;

defense of the final qualifying work (hereinafter together - state certification tests).

The specific forms of the state final certification are established by organizations, taking into account the requirements established by the standard.

11. The state exam is held in one or several disciplines and (or) modules of the educational program, the results of mastering which are of decisive importance for the professional activity of graduates. The state exam is conducted orally or in writing.

12. The final qualifying work is a work performed by a student (several students together), demonstrating the level of preparedness of a graduate for independent professional activity.

13. The type of final qualifying work, the requirements for it, the procedure for its implementation and the criteria for its assessment are established by the organization independently.

14. The volume (in credit units) of the state final certification, its structure and content are established by the organization in accordance with this Procedure.

15. State final attestation is carried out in terms determined by the organization, but no later than June 30.

16. The results of each state certification test are determined by marks "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". Grades "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" mean successful completion of the state certification test.

17. Successful passing of the state final certification is the basis for issuing a student a document on higher education and on the qualification of the sample established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation * (6).

18. By decision of the collegial management body of the organization, as well as in the cases provided for by the Federal Law of November 10, 2009 No. 259-FZ "On Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University "* (7), persons who have successfully passed the state final certification are issued documents on education and qualifications, the samples of which are independently established by organizations * (8).

19. The specifics of conducting state certification tests using e-learning, distance learning technologies are determined by local regulations of the organization. When conducting state attestation tests using e-learning, distance learning technologies, the organization provides identification of the identity of students and control over compliance with the requirements established by the specified local regulations.

20. To conduct the state final attestation and conduct appeals based on the results of the state final attestation, the organization creates state examination commissions and appeal commissions (hereinafter referred to as commissions). Commissions are valid for a calendar year.

21. Commissions are created in the organization for each specialty and area of ​​training, or for each educational program, or for a number of specialties and areas of training, or for a number of educational programs.

22. The chairman of the state examination commission is approved no later than December 31, preceding the year of the state final certification:

a) for organizations that have the right to independently establish educational standards, - an administrative act of the organization;

b) for organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies, with the exception of organizations specified in subparagraph "a" of this paragraph, - by the founders of organizations on the proposal of organizations;

c) for organizations under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal organizations and private educational organizations - by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the organizations.

23. The organization approves the composition of the commissions no later than 1 month before the start date of the state final certification.

24. The chairman of the state examination commission is approved from among persons who do not work in this organization, who have the academic degree of Doctor of Science and (or) the academic title of professor, or who are leading specialists - representatives of employers or their associations in the relevant field of professional activity.

The head of the organization is approved by the chairman of the appeal commission (the person performing his duties or the person authorized by the head of the organization - on the basis of the administrative act of the organization).

25. The chairmen of the commissions organize and control the activities of the commissions, ensure the unity of the requirements for students during the state final certification.

26. The state examination commission includes at least 4 people, of which at least 2 people are leading specialists - representatives of employers or their associations in the relevant field of professional activity (hereinafter referred to as specialists), the rest are persons belonging to the teaching staff of this organizations and (or) other organizations and (or) researchers of this organization and (or) other organizations who have an academic title and (or) an academic degree.

The composition of the appeal commission includes at least 4 people from among the persons belonging to the teaching staff of the organization and not included in the state examination commissions.

From among the persons included in the composition of the commissions, the chairmen of the commissions are appointed deputy chairmen of the commissions.

27. For the period of the state final attestation to ensure the work of the state examination commission from among the persons belonging to the teaching staff of the organization, scientists or administrative employees of the organization, the chairman of the state examination commission shall appoint its secretary. The secretary of the state examination commission is not a member. The secretary of the state examination commission keeps minutes of its meetings, submits the necessary materials to the appeal commission.

28. The main form of activity of the commissions are meetings.

The meetings of the commissions are competent if at least two thirds of the number of members of the commissions participate in them.

The meetings of the commissions are held by the chairmen of the commissions, and in their absence - by the deputy chairmen of the commissions.

The decisions of the commissions are taken by a simple majority of votes of the members of the commissions participating in the meeting. In case of an equal number of votes, the presiding officer has the right of a casting vote.

29. The decisions taken by the commissions are drawn up in minutes.

The minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission for the acceptance of the state certification test reflect the list of questions asked to the student and the characteristics of the answers to them, the opinions of the members of the state examination commission on the level of preparedness of the student to solve professional problems revealed during the state certification test, as well as on the identified shortcomings in theoretical and practical training of the student.

The minutes of the meetings of the commissions are signed by the presiding officers. The minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission are also signed by the secretary of the state examination commission.

The minutes of the meetings of the commissions are sewn into books and stored in the archives of the organization.

30. The program of state final attestation, including state examination programs and (or) requirements for final qualifying works and the procedure for their implementation, criteria for assessing the results of passing state exams and (or) defense of final qualifying works, approved by the organization, as well as the procedure for filing and considering appeals are communicated to students no later than six months before the start of the state final certification.

31. The state exam is conducted according to a program approved by the organization, which contains a list of questions to be submitted for the state exam and recommendations for students on preparing for the state exam, including a list of recommended literature for preparing for the state exam.

Before the state exam, students are consulted on the issues included in the state exam program (hereinafter - pre-examination consultation).

32. The organization approves the list of topics of graduation qualification works offered to students (hereinafter - the list of topics), and brings it to the attention of students no later than 6 months before the start date of the state final certification.

At the written request of the student (several students performing the final qualifying work together), the organization can, in the manner established by it, provide the student (students) with the opportunity to prepare and defend the final qualifying work on the topic proposed by the student (students), if it is reasonable to develop it for practical use. in the relevant field of professional activity or at a specific object of professional activity.

To prepare the final qualifying work for the student (several students performing the final qualifying work together), the executive act of the organization assigns the head of the final qualifying work from among the employees of the organization and, if necessary, a consultant (consultants).

33. Not later than 30 calendar days before the day of the first state certification test, the organization approves by an administrative act the schedule of state certification tests (hereinafter - the schedule), which indicates the dates, time and place of the state certification tests and pre-examination consultations, and brings the schedule to information of the student, members of state examination commissions and appeal commissions, secretaries of state examination commissions, managers and consultants of final qualifying works.

When forming the schedule, a break is established between state certification tests lasting at least 7 calendar days.

34. After the completion of the preparation of the final qualifying work by the student, the head of the final qualifying work submits to the organization a written review of the student's work during the preparation of the final qualifying work (hereinafter referred to as the review). In the case of completion of the final qualifying work by several students, the head of the final qualifying work submits to the organization a review of their joint work during the preparation of the final qualifying work.

35. Final qualifying works for Master's and Specialist programs are subject to peer review.

For the review of the final qualifying work, the said work is sent by the organization to one or more reviewers from among persons who are not employees of the department, or the faculty (institute), or the organization in which the final qualifying work was performed. The reviewer analyzes the final qualifying work and submits to the organization a written review of the specified work (hereinafter referred to as the review).

If the final qualifying work is interdisciplinary, it is sent by the organization to several reviewers. Otherwise, the number of reviewers is set by the organization.

36. The organization provides the student with the review and review (reviews) no later than 5 calendar days before the defense of the final qualifying work.

37. The final qualifying work, feedback and review (reviews) are submitted to the state examination commission no later than 2 calendar days before the defense of the final qualifying work.

38. The texts of the final qualifying works, with the exception of the texts of the final qualifying works, containing information constituting a state secret, are posted by the organization in the electronic library system of the organization and are checked for the amount of borrowing. The procedure for placing the texts of final qualifying works in the electronic library system of the organization, checking for the amount of borrowing, including meaningful, identifying unauthorized borrowing is established by the organization.

Access of persons to the texts of final qualifying works must be ensured in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the seizure of production, technical, economic, organizational and other information, including on the results of intellectual activity in the scientific and technical sphere, on the methods of carrying out professional activities, which have actual or potential commercial value due to their unknown to third parties, in accordance with the decision of the copyright holder.

39. The results of the state certification test, conducted orally, are announced on the day of its holding, the results of the state certification test, conducted in writing, - on the next business day after the day of its holding.

40. Students who have not passed the state final certification due to failure to appear at the state certification test good reason(temporary incapacity for work, performance of public or state duties, summons to court, transport problems(flight cancellation, lack of tickets), weather or in other cases, the list of which is established by the organization independently), has the right to pass it within 6 months after the completion of the state final certification.

The student must submit to the organization a document confirming the reason for his absence.

A student who has not passed one state certification test for a good reason is allowed to pass the next state certification test (if any).

41. Students who have not passed the state certification test due to failure to appear at the state certification test for no valid reason or in connection with receiving the grade "unsatisfactory", as well as students specified in paragraph 43 of this Procedure and have not passed the state certification test in the established for them term (due to failure to appear for the state certification test or receiving an "unsatisfactory" grade), are expelled from the organization with the issuance of a certificate of study as not fulfilling the obligations of conscientious mastering of the educational program and the implementation of the curriculum.

42. A person who has not passed the state final attestation may re-pass the state final attestation no earlier than one year and no later than five years after the term of the state final attestation, which the student did not pass.

To re-pass the state final certification, the specified person, upon his application, is reinstated in the organization for a period of time established by the organization, but not less than the period of time provided for by the calendar training schedule for the state final certification for the corresponding educational program.

When passing the state final certification again, at the request of the student, by the decision of the organization, a different topic of the final qualifying work may be established for him.

43. For students from among the disabled, the state final certification is carried out by the organization, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter - individual characteristics).

44. During the state final certification, the following general requirements are met:

conducting state final certification for disabled people in one classroom together with students who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for students when passing the state final certification;

the presence in the classroom of an assistant (s) who provides students with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (take workplace, move around, read and complete the assignment, communicate with members of the state examination commission);

using the technical means necessary for students with disabilities when passing the state final certification, taking into account their individual characteristics;

ensuring the possibility of unimpeded access for students with disabilities in the classroom, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in the specified premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, in the absence of elevators, the audience should be located on the first floor, the presence of special chairs and other devices) ...

45. All local regulations of the organization on the issues of state final certification are brought to the attention of students with disabilities in a form accessible to them.

46. ​​At the written request of a student with a disability, the duration of a student with a disability passing the state certification test may be increased in relation to the established duration of its delivery:

the duration of the written state examination - no more than 90 minutes;

the duration of the preparation of a student for the answer to the state exam conducted orally - no more than 20 minutes;

the duration of the student's speech during the defense of the final qualifying work - no more than 15 minutes.

47. Depending on the individual characteristics of students with disabilities, the organization ensures the fulfillment of the following requirements during the state certification test:

a) for the blind:

tasks and other materials for passing the state attestation test are drawn up in bold-dot Braille or in the form electronic document accessible from a computer with a dedicated software for the blind, or read by an assistant;

written assignments are performed by students on paper in bold-dot Braille or on a computer with specialized software for the blind, or dictated to an assistant;

if necessary, students are provided with a set of writing instruments and paper for writing in bold-point braille, a computer with specialized software for the blind;

b) for the visually impaired:

assignments and other materials for passing the state attestation test are drawn up in an enlarged font;

individual uniform illumination of at least 300 lux is provided;

if necessary, the students are provided with a magnifying device, it is allowed to use the magnifying devices available to the students;

c) for the deaf and hard of hearing, with severe speech impairments:

the availability of sound-amplifying equipment for collective use is ensured, if necessary, students are provided with sound-amplifying equipment for individual use;

at their request, state certification tests are carried out in writing;

d) for persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (severe impairment of motor functions of the upper limbs or the absence of upper limbs):

written assignments are performed by students on a computer with specialized software or dictated to an assistant;

at their request, state certification tests are carried out orally.

48. A disabled student, no later than 3 months before the start of the state final certification, submits a written application on the need to create special conditions for him during state certification tests, indicating the characteristics of his psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter - individual characteristics). The application is accompanied by documents confirming that the student has individual characteristics (in the absence of these documents in the organization).

In the application, the student indicates the need (no need) for the presence of the assistant at the state certification test, the need (no need) to increase the duration of the state certification test in relation to the established duration (for each state certification test).

49. Based on the results of state certification tests, the student has the right to appeal.

50. The student has the right to submit to the appeal commission a written appeal about the violation, in his opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the state attestation test and (or) disagreement with the results of the state exam.

51. The appeal is submitted by the students personally to the appeal commission no later than the next working day after the announcement of the results of the state certification test.

52. To consider the appeal, the secretary of the state examination commission sends to the appeal commission the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission, the conclusion of the chairman of the state examination commission on the observance of procedural issues during the state certification test, as well as written answers of the student (if any) (for consideration of the appeal on the conduct state examination) or the final qualifying work, feedback and review (reviews) (for consideration of the appeal for the defense of the final qualifying work).

53. The appeal is considered no later than 2 working days from the date of filing the appeal at a meeting of the appeal commission, to which the chairman of the state examination commission and the student who submitted the appeal are invited.

The decision of the appeal commission is communicated to the student who filed the appeal within 3 working days from the date of the meeting of the appeal commission. The fact of familiarization of the student who has filed the appeal with the decision of the appeal commission is certified by the student's signature.

54. When considering an appeal on a violation of the procedure for conducting a state attestation test, the appeal commission makes one of the following decisions:

on the rejection of the appeal, if the information contained in it about violations of the procedure for conducting the state final certification of the student was not confirmed and (or) did not affect the result of the state certification test;

on the satisfaction of the appeal, if the information contained in it about the violations of the procedure for conducting the state final certification of the student was confirmed and influenced the result of the state certification test.

In the case specified in paragraph three of this clause, the result of the state attestation test is subject to cancellation, in connection with which the protocol on the consideration of the appeal is transferred to the state examination commission no later than the next working day to implement the decision of the appeal commission. The student is given the opportunity to pass the state certification test within the time frame established by the educational organization.

55. When considering an appeal on disagreement with the results of the state attestation test, the appeal commission makes one of the following decisions:

on the rejection of the appeal and preservation of the result of the state certification test;

on satisfying the appeal and setting another result of the state certification test.

The decision of the appeal commission is submitted to the state examination commission no later than the next working day. The decision of the appeal commission is the basis for canceling the previously exposed result of the state attestation test and issuing a new one.

56. The decision of the appeal commission is final and not subject to revision.

57. Re-conducting the state certification test is carried out in the presence of one of the members of the appeal commission no later than July 15.

58. An appeal for re-conducting the state certification test is not accepted.


* (1) Part 4 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, art.2769; no. 23, art. 2933; no. 26, art. 3388; no. 30, art. 4263; 2015, no. 1, art. 42; art. 53, art. 72).

* (2) Part 6 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, art.2769; no. 23, art. 2933; no. 26, art. 3388; no. 30, art. 4263; 2015, no. 1, art. 42; art. 53, art. 72).

* (3) Clause 3 of part 12 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289 ; No. 22, Article 2769; No. 23, Article 2933; No. 26, Article 3388; No. 30, Article 4263; 2015, No. 1, Article 42; Article 53, Article 72).

* (4) Part 3 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, article 2769; No. 23, article 2933; No. 26, article 3388; No. 30, article 4263; 2015, No. 1, article 42; article 53, article 72).

* (5) Part 8 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, art.2769; no. 23, art. 2933; no. 26, art. 3388; no. 30, art. 4263; 2015, no. 1, art. 42; art. 53, art. 72).

* (6) Part 4 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, art.2769; no. 23, art. 2933; no. 26, art. 3388; no. 30, art. 4263; 2015, no. 1, art. 42; art. 53, art. 72).

* (7) Part 5 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of November 10, 2009 No. 259-FZ "On the Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 46, Art . 5418; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2311, No. 27, Art. 3477).

* (8) Part 5 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326 ; No. 23, Art. 2878; No. 27, Art. 3462; No. 30, Art. 4036; No. 48, Art. 6165; 2014, No. 6, Art. 562; Art. 566; No. 19, Art. 2289; No. 22, article 2769; No. 23, article 2933; No. 26, article 3388; No. 30, article 4263; 2015, No. 1, article 42; article 53, article 72).

Document overview

The procedure for conducting state final certification (GIA) for undergraduate, specialist and graduate programs has been established.

A student who has completed the curriculum (including the individual one) according to the corresponding program and has no debt is admitted to the GIA.

Certification is carried out in the form of a state examination and defense of the final qualifying work. The state examination is taken in 1 or several disciplines and (or) modules of the educational program, the results of mastering which are of decisive importance for the professional activities of graduates. It can be oral or written. The list of questions to be submitted for the exam is established by the educational organization.

The type, topics, order of implementation and criteria for evaluating final qualifying works, the requirements for them are also determined by the university. Graduation works for Master's and Specialist programs are reviewed.

Upon successful completion of the GIA, a document on higher education and qualifications is issued. Its sample is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University have the right to establish their own samples of such documents.

For the conduct of the GIA and appeals based on its results, examination and appeal commissions are created. They are valid for a calendar year. It is established how they are formed and work.

30 days before the start of certification tests, the university approves their schedule. The break between exams must be at least 7 days.

You can retake the GIA in a year, but no later than 5 years after its completion.

The features of GIA of students with disabilities have been established.

Based on the results of the GIA, the student has the right to file an appeal. The procedure is prescribed.

The previous procedure for the final state certification of graduates of Russian universities is no longer valid.